Thank you Aziz! Is it possible to edit the release timing of this type of cue stack once it is created? So far, I have only been able to delete the last cue and re-record it with new timing.
This could be possible, but you would need a USB-MIDI host to allow you to connect the launchpad to the MQ50 as the MQ50 does not support USB-MIDI directly. e.g. something like the kenton usb midi host.
Why do you use Pos palette instead Int palette to record dimmer value?
Thank you Aziz! Is it possible to edit the release timing of this type of cue stack once it is created? So far, I have only been able to delete the last cue and re-record it with new timing.
of course it should be like before. you have to do it in view cue - view times window. check my complex timing video. done it long time ago.
I wonder if its possible to link a launchpad up to a magicq 50 with its midi functionality and use it to play the lights like an instrument :o
This could be possible, but you would need a USB-MIDI host to allow you to connect the launchpad to the MQ50 as the MQ50 does not support USB-MIDI directly. e.g. something like the kenton usb midi host.
#bleedblue #alphaAziz