Top 3 Science Civs in Civilization VI!

  • Опубликовано: 12 сен 2024

Комментарии • 96

  • @ashokamaurya4478
    @ashokamaurya4478 3 года назад +62

    Also, if you Theocracy with Arabia, the holy buildings cost no faith

  • @totalcoward
    @totalcoward 3 года назад +15

    I recently played an Arabia culture game where I literally didn’t build a single campus and still ended up with over 500 science per turn, with the science per suzerainty card giving another 150

  • @thememehead
    @thememehead 3 года назад +64

    Remake the rest of these!

  • @AnAngelineer
    @AnAngelineer 3 года назад +45

    You don't talk about the madrasa as if it wasn't that good, but Arabia getting its university at Theology is an INSANE science bonus. I would even argue it's the most significant one!
    Think about it : You can get universities (the most important science building) in the classical era, instead of the late medieval era! That's like 40-50 extra turns in which your universities can churn science for you, aka 250 science per Madrasa, which is crazy good that early in the game.
    I guess you get points for saying people are sleeping on Arabia as a science civ, but even you kinda slept on how good the madrasa actually is in your analysis. There is a reason the Arabia deity AI is (like Korea) impossible to beat in the early game, and that's pretty much the Madrasa. As the AI does a very poor job with optimizing its religion.

    • @danielcroft4316
      @danielcroft4316 3 года назад +5

      The problem with this, is science isn't the only thing that you need to win science victories.
      Holy site - campus - commercial (standard for Arabia) - you aren't rich, and don't have culture. Which means industrials come very late so hitting industrialisation is going to peak alot slower than say Germany.
      (Campus commercials industrials)
      Yes, you can have higher quality campuses and stuff, but you can't outright buy them with cash then have the production to shoot something to space.
      You have no money or culture to hit those timings.
      Monuments and a few theatres might get you there, but it's even harder to get to communism.
      If you get tithe + choral maybe, but everything comes at a sacrifice.
      He's good, but not S tier imo.
      Like free sim, he's worse than alot of civs at it. Non free sim, he has to use his limited funds on unit upgrades, I don't know where the production comes from or gpt to afford the infrastructure to support it.

    • @maheeraymaan305
      @maheeraymaan305 3 года назад +4

      @@danielcroft4316 I'm not sure where you get the "holy site-campus-commercial" standard build order for Arabia. For one thing, you always go for the campus first when you're playing Arabia, cause the 10% boost is only useful if you're already producing a decent amount of science in the city.
      My standard build order is always campus-holy site-theater square/industrial zone (alternating), industrial-campus-holy site if the city just needs a source of production, and harbor-campus-holy site for coastal cities. I only put hubs in cities that have hit 10 population, or if I'm strapped for cash.

  • @ottovonbismarckboi9112
    @ottovonbismarckboi9112 3 года назад +21

    I would say Germany still deserved a spot amongst the 3 top ones but that just might be me. Their crazy production and ability to build AN EXTRA DISTRICT OF THE F’ING BAT.
    This combination allows you spread like wildfire and just build a hansa, commercial hub and campus. Repeat. Idk, for me they are the best, I have hit the 3000 science per turn by turn more than a few times.

    • @saketdhodapkar
      @saketdhodapkar 3 года назад +2

      Fellow Germany fan here .. looking to jump into deity from immortal. I don't manage to get over 900 .. could you give some tips please ..

    • @ottovonbismarckboi9112
      @ottovonbismarckboi9112 3 года назад +1

      @@saketdhodapkar build way more settlers than you think you will need. Build or buy a builder in each city first, maximize early production and then build up science. You will lag behind at the start but in the end you will have insane yields and the ability to get into space fast.
      I also use the city state ability to its fullest, faith and some military city states aren’t usually worth keeping around.

    • @ottovonbismarckboi9112
      @ottovonbismarckboi9112 3 года назад +1

      @@saketdhodapkar also try to build a few theater squares as culture is your usual bottleneck. (Or find some other way around that problem, the city state Kumasi usually solves such problems)

    • @saketdhodapkar
      @saketdhodapkar 3 года назад

      @@ottovonbismarckboi9112 thanks mate.. i do follow these things so i guess its just trying to get more efficient at it now. will be on hte look out for it.
      Do you have any checkpoints in your game . Just curious ...
      For eg: I like to be around 100 science and 50 culture by turn 100 and i target 12 cities by turn 125 and then its about growing and snowballing ..

    • @darryljones3009
      @darryljones3009 3 года назад

      The Aztecs can build a whole new district in 5 turns if they have enough builders.

  • @banana-vd7jm
    @banana-vd7jm 3 года назад +13

    I wouldn't have put/thought about arabia in the top 3, but I do see your point and I agree that arabia is good and verry under rated.

  • @shinydavidhowell
    @shinydavidhowell 3 года назад +3

    Australia's appeal adjacency bonus *is* great, but for me what really takes it to the next level is if you can use that as the basis for an Arabia-style religion-to-science game. Specifically, this involves getting an early religion with a Holy Site in a mountainous spot - next to two mountains is +5 if there's breathtaking appeal, and such spots usually have that - and then adding the Work Ethic belief to convert those massive bonuses into production. Throw in Hildegard and one of these god tier (ahem) Holy Site bonuses can be added to science too!
    The early production bonus can be used to great effect for wonder-building - Mausoleum at Halicarnassus is especially good with the Great Engineer charges, and if you get the Apadana early then add a bunch of other wonders in that city you have an envoy machine that can be game-changing if paired with Kilwa Kisiwani. Plus, going hard on wonders raise the bar for opponents' cultural victories, and if anyone invades you they're only making your science victory even quicker.

  • @WombleWarlord
    @WombleWarlord 3 года назад +5

    Great vid! Agree with all 3, but Scotland would be close too.
    You said the madrasa just gives 1 faith, but it actually gives that campus’ adjacency bonus as faith (and yours was +1). A +3 campus would give 3 faith, which can be good with policy cards, void singer bonuses etc…Minor tweak but still really sound explanations (Y)

  • @martindevries8335
    @martindevries8335 3 года назад +8

    Didn't even think of Arabia but gonna give Hojo a shot, more my play style. Thanks!

    • @aracoonwithalaptop6183
      @aracoonwithalaptop6183 2 года назад

      Japan is incredibly fun when you're good at it. You can get +8 campuses with only 1 mountain

  • @ulrichlehmann2584
    @ulrichlehmann2584 3 года назад +5

    What about Portugal? There university replacement is so good on a nice coastline and the tradeboosts are super to geht production…
    The Gold from Trade is nice to upgrade and buy some units/buildings for some boosts…

    • @ninjashot37
      @ninjashot37 3 года назад +3

      They are too situational, they require a coastal start for not just themselves but also other civs.

  • @flipneleanor7370
    @flipneleanor7370 3 года назад +19

    I would argue that Scotland is the best in the game, he feels utterly broken. High science and production while actually able to get scientific great persons.

    • @gamer1X12
      @gamer1X12 2 года назад +6

      i beg to disagree... his kit has a lot of weaknesses and amenities aren't really readily available/easily attainable until the late game unless you play with VERY few cities. scotland feels like a vanilla civ until at least the renaissance... there's a lot of other characters in the roster that can outclass Scotland in many ways. The Scots are very solid when done right and can demolish the Great Person competition but I think calling them utterly broken is a bit of a stretch.

  • @ElLudicoloLoco
    @ElLudicoloLoco 3 года назад

    No lie, I was just saying to myself last night on how I wish you remade some of these videos. I just started playing again since I took a break from civ v. Your videos have been really helpful, keep up the good work!

  • @Abesstu
    @Abesstu 3 года назад +8

    Game has way more civs now, you should make at least top 5. 🤔

  • @CptTachyon
    @CptTachyon 3 года назад +15

    Scotland can really accelerate in the late game. Sources of amenities get easier with stadiums/aquatics centre/Estadio, which not only gives them a science and production boost, but also more great scientist/engineer points, which can really help them nab the ones that give direct bonuses to space projects. I have had a couple of notable "from behind" wins on deity with Scotland.

  • @iammaxhailme
    @iammaxhailme 3 года назад +2

    Honestly I think either Spain or Portugal deserve to be up here. Spain may be a surprise, but their absolutely nuts amount of income and gold from trading, esecially early to get the snowball rolling, is really formidable

  • @bradstates3697
    @bradstates3697 3 года назад

    Love to see these breakdown videos! Im not even playing civ ATM, but happy to show my support

  • @kermitenthusiast485
    @kermitenthusiast485 3 года назад +3

    I got Saladin from a random pool on my second ever game, the first of which I never finished. Went for domination victory because "haha slightly better knights go brr"

  • @remlapwastaken8857
    @remlapwastaken8857 3 года назад +1

    No Scotland? Scotland is THE science civ. On lower difficulty settings, you can generate 12 great scientist points per turn in the classical era with Oracle, Pingala, and happiness. That's a classical era great scientist every 5 turns! I remember that I passed on Hildegard of Bingen because I didn't found a religion and had no holy sites, and by the time that someone was able to claim her, I grabbed 4 renaissance era great scientists from overflow. I also had Hermetic Order active, and by the time I took the Magus promotion, my ley lines were generating 10 science and five production right off the bat. By the time that I finished the game, they were generating twenty science.
    I also think they're super interesting because they're the only science civ that you go Digital Democracy on versus Synthetic Technocracy or Corporate Libertarianism.

  • @jesters1gamble201
    @jesters1gamble201 3 года назад

    Love your videos man. They are helping me learn the game better after getting my butt handed to me in my first 3 games. I now am running Montezuma and said screw this play nice crap with the AI I went to early war and eliminated 3 ai and one city state. The city state would have been fine if it did not attack me because of Zulu so I locked down a lot of land with lots of luxuries

  • @MouseDestruction
    @MouseDestruction 3 года назад

    Civ developers said they wouldn't like science specialty districts as a leaders ability because would be too powerful. Hence the early science civs were like arabia or spain or japan, and also one reason why civ ability districts take a district slot now. Also same with merchant district, you can see these civs have things that limit them though to make up for it.

    @PATK7III 3 года назад +1

    Would love to see a spotlight review series! 😍

  • @dach829
    @dach829 3 года назад +1

    I keep trying to get into civ 6 but never finish games cause I struggle finding a win condition that suits my start. Any advice. I'm also the kinda person that doesn't finish many games, likely due to same reasons

  • @Blangadanger
    @Blangadanger 3 года назад +1

    Brazil is also quite easy to get great adjacency for science due to their spawn and civ abilities. Just hope you don't spawn near volcanoes.

  • @bonefat21
    @bonefat21 3 года назад +2

    The important thing is that Babylon isn’t on the list. Yeah, they can beeline super hard, but when it comes to the techs you actually need to win the game, you have to go out of your way to boost the prerequisites, and then hard research them through a 50% penalty. Plus, if you’re like me, you probably haven’t bothered building a particularly good scientific economy, so that research is absolutely grueling.

    • @rodh1404
      @rodh1404 3 года назад +2

      Yeah, Babylon is more of a Domination civ, and you need to leverage those bonus techs well to make them work. That said, if you know how to do that, Babylon is really strong at domination.

    • @darryljones3009
      @darryljones3009 3 года назад

      That's not true. Just get a bunch of spies and then piggyback off your biggest rival by having them do the the steal tech boost mission. Then once you have the tech to get into space, start using them to disable their spaceports and industrial zones and you'll beat them.

    • @shinydavidhowell
      @shinydavidhowell 3 года назад +1

      That's definitely possible, but I do think their approach is best served to domination - getting to space isn't nearly as easy as getting into comically lopsided fights. Having Crossbowmen in the Ancient Era is flat-out ridiculous, especially when that same tech unlocks Kilwa Kisiwani with its OP yield potential.

  • @umage1
    @umage1 3 года назад +1

    You just inspired me to play Arabia. Thanks.

  • @n.d.1011
    @n.d.1011 3 года назад +1

    as Korea I got *FIVE THOUSAND SCIENCE PER TURN* (correction now WELL in excess of 5,000)

  • @전에녹
    @전에녹 3 года назад +1

    I'm surprised you mentioned arabia but not etheopia in honorable mentions. They have science from 15% generated faith when city settled on hills.
    anyway, being faith focused is overpowered in civ 6. faith focused civ like arabia and etheopia with the secret society voidsingers (science and gold of 20% faith) with religion bonus (1 science with every 4 followers) and faith/production generating pantheon will generate a lot of science even though you might only focus on faith

    • @AdrianParsons
      @AdrianParsons 3 года назад

      I just played a game with a friend where I had Ethiopia with Voidsingers & he had Korea with ley-lines. I had a single Campus & we were in the Modern Era before he caught up to my science per turn & I had more culture than I did Science. It was crazy.

  • @ausnik
    @ausnik 3 года назад

    Yeah, I can't see how you cannot have Australia on this list. Everything you said about Korea is even better when using Australia. It's insanely easy to get a +4 campus with them consistently and often times you can get +7 / +8 campuses with very little trouble. On top of that, they get better housing, the Holy Site Work Ethic bonus (which really pumps up with the Breathtaking appeal boost) and they are a fantastic defensive and late-game space race Civ with their double production boosts. For science victories, they're easily a top 3 Civ.

  • @Haterswillhateme4er
    @Haterswillhateme4er 3 года назад

    Awesome! Thank you for the new update!

  • @NoNonymous_
    @NoNonymous_ 3 года назад

    I read all comments but nobody mentioned the dutch i feel like you can easily get +8 Industrial zones everywhere an a good Campus too

  • @biborkiraly394
    @biborkiraly394 3 года назад +2

    I'm really curious how Netherlands, a civ that gets a guaranteed +3 campus (river, city center, any other zone), +5 industial zone (river, city center, aqueduct) and +5 theatre square (river, ent. complex/aquatics, city center) didn't get at least a honorable mention. When was the last time you played Wilhelmina, Saxy? :) Culture is as important for a science win as science and production, at least if you want to get over 1.2 - 2k science per turn.

    • @Sporrik
      @Sporrik 3 года назад

      Production is also more important than raw Science output, so I would've had Germany instead of Arabia in the top 3. Many eurekas require specific buildings or units to be produced, which can result in a significant amount of extra science.. Germany is still uncontested for the best production output, and the extra district in every single city really helps with development. My personal list would probably be Germany, Japan, and Korea.

  • @novapokerplayer207
    @novapokerplayer207 3 года назад +3

    Stunning that Babylon doesn't make the top 3!

    • @TheSaxyGamer
      @TheSaxyGamer  3 года назад +5

      Don't worry, Babylon will be top 3 in a different category haha

    • @novapokerplayer207
      @novapokerplayer207 3 года назад +4

      ​@@TheSaxyGamer I'm going to go way out on a limb and guess that it's probably domination. 😂

    • @maartenpauwels8970
      @maartenpauwels8970 3 года назад

      @@novapokerplayer207 probably next to Gaul 😂

    • @remlapwastaken8857
      @remlapwastaken8857 3 года назад

      Babylon's pretty crap for science compared to the others because late game you're not going to be able to trigger the spaceship parts eurekas (because you need spies and the tech already researched.) Their power comes from timed pushes and getting super advanced techs early, and using massively upgraded units to roflstomp nearby civs.

  • @phil3999
    @phil3999 2 года назад

    More of these please

  • @denniswaters1230
    @denniswaters1230 3 года назад

    he's back baby!

    • @TheSaxyGamer
      @TheSaxyGamer  3 года назад

      Slow to upload but still here haha

  • @donk3618
    @donk3618 3 года назад

    I have never understood why people think hojo is a good leader. I think he's one of the more lackluster civs in the game.
    Let's assume we get 12 cities, all with industrial zones and campuses, and somehow we get all twelve of these districts surrounded by 6 districts, that's only 36 extra science and production. By endgame, you should probably have well upwards of 300 science, and 100 production in your spaceport city. On top of that, that production is spread across your empire, not focuses in a spaceport city, meaning that the bonus only really gives 3 production to help build a 1800 production district. This maybe saves a turn, but it's pretty rare that the game comes down to only a few turns. Sure, we could also include getting extra gold, culture, etc. from this bonus, but even then, with six surrounding districts, the bonus yeilds make up a fraction of what you should get. Getting extra envoys for city-state bonuses is going to be more impactful.

    • @GabrielSoares-ju9yq
      @GabrielSoares-ju9yq 2 года назад

      It's incredibly easy to get adjency bonuses with him.
      I have played at least 2 times in a TSL map with him and japan has almost no land. Still, i was able to get crazy science/culture with him. (won both times)

  • @alexsamurai1230
    @alexsamurai1230 2 года назад +3

    Feel like a small moral victory - I always thought Japan were a slightly better version of Germany, but Germany always seemed to get all the love!

  • @Max-hl1zt
    @Max-hl1zt 2 года назад

    Hey Sax, really appreciate your videos they’ve greatly helped me out on Civ 6. Quick question for you. I’ve noticed that you tend to base your videos on Gathering Storm, why is that? I have it but never got away from standard mode.

  • @Nico-hh1kj
    @Nico-hh1kj 3 года назад +2

    I personally prefer Germany and the Mayans

    • @franckjurietti8436
      @franckjurietti8436 3 года назад +4

      Mayans are a real pain to play. They are sooo spawn dependant. You need to get space around you, plantations and even then you might struggle to get good campus adjacency. It's such a coinflip everytime you start a game whereas a lot of other civs are way more consistent and still get better results than Mayans with a good start.

    • @Nico-hh1kj
      @Nico-hh1kj 2 года назад

      @@franckjurietti8436 Maybe everything you said is true (I will never deny that xd), but once you get off to a good start with the Mayans, and once you start planning where each district is going to go (which I love about this game) the result with the Mayans is simply satisfactory, it is the same reason why I love Germany

  • @saketdhodapkar
    @saketdhodapkar 3 года назад +1

    Japan is op if planned well

  • @YiddishDancingClown
    @YiddishDancingClown 3 года назад

    "Industrial zone, 26 production" I've been playing this game wrong

  • @andrewwappner5968
    @andrewwappner5968 3 года назад +2

    I don't even think I would have Korea in my top 5. Russia, Australia, Japan, Arabia, and Etheopia are all definitely better in my opinion, probably Pericles as well. Germany, Babylon, China, and Scotland all then give Korea a run for it's money next. Babylon might be in the top group too, you may need some rather unorthodox play though to speed run them through the end of the tech tree utilizing pillages on your own cities. Korea is an easy science civ for new players though.

  • @bstress
    @bstress 3 года назад

    Did Germany get nerfed? What got changed?

    • @Sporrik
      @Sporrik 3 года назад +5

      Germany has stayed the same: still a powerhouse. What changed is that Aqueducts and Dams both give +2 adjacency to Industrial Zones now, which wasn't the case in the base game. This allows other civs to close the gap slightly, but Germany is still very strong.

  • @tboncz
    @tboncz 3 года назад +2

    Why isn’t Georgia on this list?
    Love your content❤️

  • @deadded5793
    @deadded5793 2 года назад

    What about Babylon?

  • @peterknutsen3070
    @peterknutsen3070 3 года назад

    What are the best Production civs/leaders, especially in the early game into the mid game?

    • @fredericsalmen4228
      @fredericsalmen4228 3 года назад

      I'd personally say: Gaul for the early game - You get a half-priced industrial zone with Iron Working, and once you build it, you unlock Apprenticeship, giving your mines +1 production. Your mines also generate culture! Of course, Germany for the mid/late game - Once you get to apprenticeship, you get their half-priced industrial zones with many adjacency bonuses meaning you can easily get industrial zones with 10+ production.

    • @darryljones3009
      @darryljones3009 3 года назад

      In general terms, Gaul is the best in the early game, England in the mid-game, Germany in the late game.

  • @davioliva7088
    @davioliva7088 3 года назад

    You should have mentioned work ethic

  • @joekearney1707
    @joekearney1707 3 года назад

    I really expected to see Babylon on this list... the ONLY diety victory Ive ever had in CIV6 was a Babylon science victory and it felt so easy like I was playing on chieftan!

  • @brianculham1180
    @brianculham1180 3 года назад

    Who holds the most annoying telemarketers? India? Is there a code to cancel that?

  • @Hugo-kz9bi
    @Hugo-kz9bi 2 года назад

    ngl i feel like Gaul is better than germany, it's germany 2.0

  • @daniellaureanno6403
    @daniellaureanno6403 3 года назад

    Wow, Inca didn't even earn an honorable mention, guess I've been really messing up on playing them for a science win

    • @boomgarden1343
      @boomgarden1343 3 года назад

      What makes them so strong in your opinion?

  • @N1mr
    @N1mr 3 года назад

    Hi Saxy I love your channel , but I respectfully disagree . The fastest science and everything else win is Vikings.
    The raid bonus is ridiculously OP and no one can beat Harald. Objectively you make good points but you have to look at the overall science points for each raid. Own the water and you own the map.

    • @manorid
      @manorid 3 года назад +1

      unless you're playing Pangea :) Another very strong contender is Germany.

    • @danielcroft4316
      @danielcroft4316 3 года назад +1

      Norway is good, but he's good at hitting nukes and killing people, coastal bias monumentaility civs. He's going to have a hard time having the production to send something to space and/or getting the great scientists / engineers aside from faith buying.
      Holy site- harbour - campus
      Monumentaility - monumentaility - free inquiry. Monuments + choral And raid/pillaging for science/culture. You still have a hard time hitting communism or getting the production to build things that aren't boats.
      I got nukes up researched, planes Etc in multiplayer on around turn 100 (coulda been way faster but had 0 alliances- online speed) . With shipyards and venetian etc yeah you can pew pew people down. Because fast boat production means 2 turn armada's, but Captial was like 120 production or whatever, standard cities at like 60-80 But not being able to contest hypatia, Newton and the space project engineers, or having a natural push for rhurur valley/industrialisation. I definately wouldn't put him at number 1.
      I would be pillaging about 6x per turn in the midgame and caught me back up on tech, When Korea was already at 300 natural science with infinately more great scientists. Pillaging gets you tech, but doesn't get you those 700 science numbers that overflows into very hard to boost techs like "advanced flight, build 2 bi-planes"

  • @lesleyblackvelvet5802
    @lesleyblackvelvet5802 3 года назад

    Can u do a "What your CIV main says about you?"

  • @oliverboii7034
    @oliverboii7034 2 года назад

    i don't think that someone who had just gotten the game would have rise and fall lmao. a bit of an oversight

  • @maelstrumyes3595
    @maelstrumyes3595 3 года назад

    any experienced player will pick Germany over Japan any day as their ability is far far stronger

  • @suweno16
    @suweno16 3 года назад +2

    You're strong. But christ is even stronger.