"You say you want women to stand up for themselves AND for women to stop blaming men for all their problems!" The reporter says, completely bewildered, as if these are mutually exclusive.
Mustbe, I think you've completely misunderstood the criticism. Camille's point was straightforward to anyone not trained to screen everything through a feminist coloured lens. Camille was talking about women taking full responsibility for themselves.... just as men are expected to!.... and also to stop blaming men anytime something in their lives doesn't go the way they would have preferred. The fact that Wendy Mesley couldn't wrap her mind around the notion that women could be expected to do these two things simultaneously is just bizarre. And telling! But then again... Wendy next interpreted Camille to be advocating that women 'go back' to the days where men and women occupied separate realms.
Praglia couldn't be more clear on her points and yet the interviewer is about as confused as someone can be. Paglia "I want women to be free to make their own decisions but to be strong enough to take responsibility for those decisions."....Interviewer "what?"
Yep, I too was amazed at how someone could be confused by what CP said. I agree, it is the filter of PC, feminist interpretation (by the interviewer) and ALSO an intellectual disability to comprehend that two paradoxical concepts can both be present and true at the same time. Ideology demands "If THIS is true therefore THAT must be untrue". It's infantile thinking.
Shouldn't an interviewer sometimes ask common, naïve questions so they can be addressed for an audience who might be totally naïve? It's not really the job of an interviewer to agree with the interviewee or to only ask "correct" questions.
On the contrary. It seemed to me that the interviewer was being contrary specifically to get Paglia to expound on her ideas and clarify her statements.
Paul Scott she is not interested in Paglia’s expanision of ideas. The interviewer is interested in falsely characterizing Paglia in an attempt for click bait garbage that the third wave feminists can eat up. We can see CBC try this with the title of this very video. Explain to me what is “controversial” in this interview if you disagree.
JG Alegria we need a new word or a proper definition. I’m not Muslim. I may or may not like Islam. If I detest the ideology, then I may express disgust, annoyance, disappointment and hatred. However, the weaponised use of the word ‘hate’ is problematic in that the MSM uses it to silence my objection by labelling it ‘hateful’ = full of hate/preaching hate. Hate as a criminal offence.
Well people don't realize they can't change anyone else just themselves. If you are tired of being victimized by men avoid men. If you have bad experiences with them why expect anything else?
The only thing controversial about what she is saying is the premise that feminism could be reformed to be truly egalitarian. I very seriously doubt it can. It's too far gone.
Why do feminists want to be treated as victims in need of rescue? What is this dysfunctional, pathological need to blame and bash men? It's absolutely baffling.
Because, in the eyes of the public, if you label yourself a victim, you are immediately right. To question this is seen as attacking someone who is already placed at a disadvantage and vulnerable. It happens with race all the time.
It's called vulnerable narcissism, it's easier to beat a stronger opponent if you feint weakness.. even the most ruthless fighter's will not strike a shaking quivering opponent.. if they truly feared men they wouldn't provoke them.. it's all a smoke screen and people are oblivious and it work's
Paglia: Upper middle class career women want to redefine men according to what operates smoothly in their own affluent career system. Reporter: So women are too focused on careers? How did she make that jump? She's saying that these upper class women are trying to MANIPULATE the system to redefine men and manhood in a way that makes them less competitive so that those women can place themselves on top. The women are trying to define BOTH what it is to be a woman AND what it means to be a man. With that kind of control, they can give themselves both protections AND advantages while also working to undermine and disadvantage men. "Too focused on careers" - No, perhaps not focused enough on their CAREERS. Too focused on manipulation and knocking the men down to get higher in the ranks rather than work and merit.
V Love-Williams Yap...that's how it is... Also...this is a movement orchested by a group we don't see. Human beings manipulated once again. Fighting each other.
I’m a fan of Paglia. As the mother of four young men, I loath the male bashing and blaming of men for things that are not their fault. It’s not man’s fault that when we got what we asked for, namely equality, some women want to be cared for. I also have grave concerns where women set themselves as a hyper sexual creature. That’s good but there are very real risks in this behavior and girls need to be educated about it.
@Katallylos if you care so much about long lasting relationships, why do you only attack women who are promiscuous? Throughout history you have examples of promiscuous men. Giving women an education is obviously not a bad thing, people who make such ridiculous arguments are simply guys who cannot stand the fact that both genders have freedom of choice. Women have proven capable of doing top jobs, just like men have proven capable of child bearing or domestic housework. Give people freedom of choice and stop being backward.
"I'm saying that many transgendered people who believe their sense of alienation is coming simply from the gender issue may be mistaken. They may be dissidents in many other ways." - That's an absolutely fascinating thought, and very close to the truth I believe. Camille Paglia blows my mind.
Yes, drag-queens who choose to dress like Cher are somewhat more likely to be treated like an "outsider" than drag-maids who dress like their mum. When 'Cher' struts into the men's room, there's tension in the air, but when 'mum' pops into the ladies', nobody even notices.
I believe this too. As a highly artistic and theatrical person I hate this phenomenon and other overly identity-sensitive, identity-fragile, hyper-left phenomena akin to it because the groupthink that births from this has infiltrated the performance arts (specifically theatre, which is my background) first and foremost and, together with other socialist-leftist doctrine, dictates the general agreed upon social perspective and opinions in that world and of the world within that world a priori. In general the world of contemporary art has become terribly politicized by snobby leftists who see it as the normal and righteous state of affairs for every artist to be of their general political affiliations and social beliefs... and then it shamelessly dares to be presumptuously moralizing in its indoctrinating leftist belief-systems to add insult to injury!
@@googsey101 haha! It makes for a great imaginary farce though! 😆😝 Now that is some old-school, visceral, populus-connected theatre I'd love to see on a local stage again!
CBC tends to leave comment sections on when the topic is conservatives, in hopes that the comment section will bash them. While inhibiting comment section for liberals [topics] in order to protect the narrative.
Interviewer keeps trying to mischaracterize what Camille Paglia is saying, but Paglia manages to make her ideas clear anyway! Good job by Camille Paglia, interviewer ... not so much. I like how Camille called the interviewer on her tactics at 6:45
Candice B. It's better than the way feminist debates and argues all they do is call people names mostly words that describe themselves like bigots fashionist and sexist
Candice B. Exactly, the interviewer is not confused. She simply doesn't like what she's hearing. There's nothing confusing or controversial about what Paglia says.
I've only recently discovered Camille Paglia and yet just watched enough of her videos to feel like she's speaking my language. Perhaps I had to grow up emotionally in order to grasp what she's putting down, because my 20-something self might have struggled to accept some of her controversial feminism. I'm reminded of one so-called feminist activist in Seattle, who believed that women shouldn't have to learn martial arts and self defense in order for men to stop being sexual predators. It seems that Camille might echo my own sentiment about how women still need to develop their toughest selves in order to adapt to a world which isn't going to become non-hostile to us overnight. I also can't help but now find Madonna to be a pretty damned sad example of what a feminist icon could have been. If she rose to stardom being such a sexually and spiritually empowered woman, she ended up as an ageist parody of feminine youth. Madonna might have held my respect if she hadn't clearly surrendered her natural aging beauty for some delusional fairy tale of 60-year-old women looking forever like they're in their 20s.
The following observation that she made was even worse, about the elder care taking, child, kitchen and laundry "so you want women to go back to that" why the hell did she came up with that? That doesn't make sense at all.
Due for another round. There's almost no legitimate criticism of either of them online, so I'd love to see their critiques of one another (being that they're both sporting, truthful and formidable) The last conversation wasn't that great as they'd just met and were each too verbose to express themselves well. Now that they're familiar with one another they'd fair better for the audience.
God love this sensible woman. Actually couldn't believe that she is trans. That's a good example how everything should be: sensible, staunch and self-responsible.
5:38 Shouldn't men be afraid of the consequences of not getting consent? Men should be afraid of the consequences of getting consent and then the woman changing her mind the next morning.
Morning? How about five years later? This is one reason that the entire concept of consent doesn't belong in a courtroom. We should focus on exactly one thing: harm. Was someone harmed? Then let's send someone to prison. Otherwise, dismissed.
Interesting that this shrill interviewer framed the issue that way. Apparently her solution for infantilized, fearful women is infantilized, fearful men.
derpderpderpPSN he should be afraid of both. She should still be careful and direct in what she consents too. Like this narrow narrative. Many things can be true. But at least Paglia's saying take care of yourself. I was in college in 2004. Saw none of this but probably woulda seen a bit. But nineties raised kids of gen exers have failed their kids miserably.
Nasty Wymynx, Yep, this is why I am against feminism. Someone has to do it, LOL, otherwise the whole world would turn into a feminist, and people will suffer. (Seriously, feminism actually downplays women in certain ways, but it is not talked about very much. Because, you know, they're too distracted on the negative aspects of men.)
Glad to see CBC covering this and allowing comments. Nice job on covering Dr. Peterson fairly in a recent segment as well. Could it be that the CBC is starting to recognize that people do not trust media that tells only one side of the story. A long way to go yet, but having Paglia on is a good sign. Christina Hoff Summers next please.
Did you see how overmatched and foolish Mesley looked here? I'll give them credit for even having her on. Why not go look at the segment they did on Peterson? It was only a week or so ago. These are steps in the right direction, and I am for them. I'll leave the moralizing about every single statement or opinion to the left.
My daughter was assaulted by a teachers assistant while she was a student at UCF. After she screamed and kicked to get away from him, my daughter went to the legal aid on campus asking for assistance. They refused to help calling it a conflict of interest because he was educational staff . My 5'3" daughter took it to the presidents office, more than once. The TA confessed that he had assaulted her. When the consequences for this man we're minimal, my daughter posted the incident on Facebook. After hearing from multiple other female students who had had the same experience with this man, my daughter invited them to go with her to the orange county police department. They said they did not want to go through what my daughter had been through. She pursued it alone, with great courage, straight through to the end. The emotional and physical consequences of that fight affected my daughter for three years. She is now brave and strong and whole.
I'm sorry to hear about what happened. I think this sense of taking action and standing up for yourself is also exactly what Camille is advocating for.
Love Camille. Remember free speech? Remember independent thought? Remember creativity? Remember reason and argument? Of course not, this is the CBC! But it did exist, elsewhere, for a time. And it's coming back.
@readeallison8784 JUST because a news show invites a controversial person (Glenn Beck, Jordan Peterson, and Camille) does not mean it’s a good thing. Often the goal is to create a debate & make the person look like a fool. Or use soundbites to twist their point. Look how many times Camille or Peterson have to say “No that’s not what I said” It’s a classic propaganda technique as old as 1930s Germany. .
Gender neutral bathrooms on planes are are one-person, completely different than regular bathrooms in stores with stalls. Women and children deserve their safety and privacy from biological men in such situations. Period.
Yes, I agree with Paglia. As a left-wing, non-binary feminist, I tire of coercive, vindictive and myopic behaviour from the naive and weak-minded quarters of feminism and the left. We must be liberated; developing responsibility and critical reflection instincts. Many of these youngsters profess to reflect or tolerate or empathise, yet in reality they tolerate and empathise only those within their tribe - something which defeats the purpose of those virtues. I love and relate to many of these people, but their arrogance and ignorance make them just as dangerous as the arrogance and ignorance of any other tribalist/supremacist movement.
Hey slow down. That's far too much responsibility! Let's see if she can care for 3 cats for a few years. She might was well start now anyway since that is where she is headed.
She makes good points but underestimates sexual assault cases. I have been sexually assaulted in a car during the day by an old man, sexually assaulted on a crowded bus and by a relative I was told by my parents to go and look at his new car with him. Should women and girls never be alone anywhere near men even in broad daylight?
Paglia is a very interesting lady for sure. I think that people like her, and the thoughts that she brings to the table will serve to advance the gender issues in society. I was always impressed with her thoughts on women empowering themselves without bashing men about it. If you are a woman with respect and confidence in yourself and careful about what situations you put yourself in, you can avoid a lot of problems. As a man I do the same kind of thing when I go somewhere, I judge the situation and if I find it to be unsafe for myself or others with me I leave and take responsibility for myself. Example: Out for drinks with friends at a pub and it looks like a drunken brawl is brewing a table or two over, move towards paying your bill and leaving and not hanging around for the bedlam to start and putting yourself there.
It's the way the internet used to be, before governments and corporations colluded to dumb it down. People are working on "Web 3.0" projects, which will replace Twitter and RUclips and whatnot, with decentralized systems that cannot be shut down. The best of these will also be encrypted and anonymous so governments and their corporate buddies cannot retaliate against people for producing or hosting content they disagree with. What we're learning in the internet age is that it doesn't matter what the law is. If something is technically possible, your governments ARE using it against you already. That will always be there, but "Web 3.0" is a way to at least preserve speech, our most fundamental right.
I don't think my tax money pays for RUclips. But they regularly take questions from Twitter and Facebook. Also, they take comments on their news site. (I just don't understand why RUclips is such a big deal to comment on.)
Helpful Edits A commenter doesn't have to stay within the confines of a political ideology on Twitter or Facebook. So people either call you out or ignore you, so what? You're still getting your comment out to be seen by CBC, which is what you want, so what's the problem? Concern that a particular comment won't be taken seriously? That's one of the risks of having an opinion.
Yes their actions, but not others. Women can dress provocatively should not be expected to tolerate groping or vulgarity’s. But glancing? Come on! I do not agree with her. That woman cannot withdraw Consent though.
"I'm saying that there should be protection for all dissident behavior and speech. Dissidence of every kind, that's where the law should go". Well said!
Why is it so hard for women to say No. "Do you want to go upstairs with me" just say no if you don't want to. Parents need to teach their kids to say No. The sexual assault victims say they are afraid to say no I think a lot if the times their parents never taught them the importance of no. I always said NO and if the person did not like it, too bad, not my problem.
----well,,,,maybe not quite so clueless-----maybe ,also, an obedient trainee of the Soros School of Leftist-Fascism, too..........They follow the fascist agenda, using dis-ingenuousness to push their lies.
Camille Paglia - I ran into her an hour ago. I don't dare say I agree with her or anything - I've only superficially read her views so far. But she exudes pure, immediate energy and ... I think I've gone mad, but something that could be described as "genuine goodness". For many people... and this may be my bias, but especially on the far left, I see a lot of "nice words" but underneath it all is a certain hidden resentment, insincerity and a hidden desire to gain something at the expense of another group. I don't see any of that in Camille... I just see honesty. It's refreshing in a way.
I think the real problem is that women have moved ahead very quickly with the establishment of their own sexual identity and equanimity of standing in sexual relationships but have failed to simultaneously develop their ability/willingness to take responsibility for their own actions in that regard. Not to sound like a comic book here but - With great power comes great responsibility! Women have eagerly taken up all the the reins of power but they continue to fail to act responsibly in the exercise of that power. When push comes to shove, many women will continue to fall back on finger pointing to escape having to take responsibility for their actions when those actions lead to undesirable outcomes. They know full well that when they point the finger at a man, society will rush in to destroy that man on their behalf. This is because society continues to considers women to be "powerless" (even though they are not) and affords them a protected status in that regard. As long a society continues to ignore the role of women in bringing about an undesirable outcome, we will have turmoil between the sexes.
Your statement implies women are children ..... cause the only class of people I can think of which are free without the burden of responsibility are children. Seems spot on. Their parents would be the big daddy governments and NGO/women's organizations I suppose? I hope that truly is not the case in the west. Else you have a big problem on your hands, dealing with a whole bunch of grown up "kids" who do not have a sense of responsibility and only the privileged access to their rights. If that is the case, what has your society done to itself??? Dreadful .....
I love Camille Paglia and always have. She takes no prisoners and refuses to tone down her message. And she's so right on. A sane, smart, refreshing, and much-needed voice in these insane times. I liked the interviewer as well. Although clearly somewhat confused, she did her best and brought warmth to the interview.
The interviewers can't win.... She was perfectly kind and professional.. Tbh it's this woman being interviewed and her logic and "ethics" that frightened me
You are frightened of egalitarianism, logic and personal responsibility? What really scared you the most? Was it the bit about expecting women to be adults with agency? Or was it the frightening prospect of women no longer being able to blame men for all their own poor decisions?
There needs to be some kind of qualification system for journalism. I'm unfamiliar with this reporter's work, so perhaps it just wasn't her area, but I've seen too many reporters that attempt to obscure rather than elucidate their subject.
Finally an intelligent individual saying out loud what I have been thinking for the last 20 years. Women need to step up and take responsibility for their own actions and decisions and stop playing the victim.
everyone talking about how the interviewer didn't understand anything Camille was talking about... what exactly should she have done? Say I completely agree after every sentence? and then what? It's called an interview not a conference: her role is precisely to get Camille to talk about any controversial points and guide her through an explanation for a possibly hostile public. She never attacked her (see Cathy Newman) never misinterpreted her words (see Cathy Newman) never interrupted (see... oh well you got it)
She is telling the truth . I see women in my place of work constantly Bashing men and constantly complaining but always avoiding hard work outside of the office . Women take more sick leave and work shorter hours ......So where is the equality ?
I love the bit at the beginning when Camille was imitating a "typical" feminist lol. Was pissing myself laughing! I don't know what Madonna was talking about though, as Camille has praised Madonna's sexiness of the 1980s and 1990s.
Paglia has criticized Madonna for continuing to sexualize herself at her age. That's what Madonna was referring to. Paglia thinks Madonna isn't handling aging gracefully.
+Dzzy123 Madonna didn't look particularly old in that part of the video, so I'm not sure what era that was in. It's difficult to say, as Madonna may have had cosmetic surgery.
That clip was from just last year (and yes, Madonna has gotten some things done). While Paglia remains a fan of Madonna's older work ('82-92), she believes that at her age Madonna would do better to restrain her want to be overly sexual. Paglia thinks Madonna would be wise to age with (conventional) grace, akin to some of the 50's divas that Madonna herself has been inspired by.
Yes. Camille was not criticizing Madonna's looks (she looks amazing) but the fact that Madonna simply stopped evolving as an artist some time ago, and that she's simply too old for certain costumes now. It's like watching her morph into Cher and trying to play the victim b/c some one criticized her is even worse.
I’ve always wondered (and marvelled) at French film actresses who generally appear to accept their age and evolve their repertoire accordingly. No crash dieting for a role or squadrons of personal trainers. You won’t see many of them go under the knife either, and if they do, it’s done very subtly. It does give one pause. I mean, we ridicule middle aged men who try too hard to stay young (cars too fast for their reflexes to handle, dating girls young enough to be their daughters...). Perhaps rightly so. There is something appealing about the idea of aging gracefully. Part of it will involve letting go of your past and evolving. But isn’t that a reasonable philosophy for achieving balanced happiness in the end?
Ha ha, no, but I'm the type of guy who likes all kinds of people, unless they try to tell me what to do or think or take away my rights. Within reason.
Rs 225, I'm the same kind of person. I only appreciate those who can appreciate me. That reciprocity is what forms tight bonds between people, in my opinion.
The interviewer is confused ... because she is a prime example of what Paglia is writing and talking about. Her "questions" are faux questions. She is trying in a very ham-handed, targeting of Paglia.
Glad the interviewer didn't get offended. She may have different views from paglia but she was very respectful and allowed her to speak freely. Good interview all in all
I did Love when I did find Camille Paglia, actually a woman that stand up for everyone -both men and woman, not just females, like most left femiinist that most of the time hate on men.. I do feel so much like both in gender identity as trans androgynes and on her ideas The interviewer is so biased and gives so absurd questions..
"You say you want women to stand up for themselves AND for women to stop blaming men for all their problems!" The reporter says, completely bewildered, as if these are mutually exclusive.
Because everyone knows that blaming everyone else for your problems is the same as being strong and responcaible!
It's only wrong when Trump does it.
Joseph... I literally just said they exact sentence out loud as I watched that section of the interview.
Mustbe, I think you've completely misunderstood the criticism. Camille's point was straightforward to anyone not trained to screen everything through a feminist coloured lens.
Camille was talking about women taking full responsibility for themselves.... just as men are expected to!.... and also to stop blaming men anytime something in their lives doesn't go the way they would have preferred.
The fact that Wendy Mesley couldn't wrap her mind around the notion that women could be expected to do these two things simultaneously is just bizarre. And telling!
But then again... Wendy next interpreted Camille to be advocating that women 'go back' to the days where men and women occupied separate realms.
if anything it's the opposite, they're mutually dependent
Camille: "I want women to stop blaming men."
Interviewer: "I'm confused..."
perfect comment! lol
Darth Vader: "All too easy"
Hilarious !
Great comment, Sean!
I stg i was like Woooowww
Praglia couldn't be more clear on her points and yet the interviewer is about as confused as someone can be. Paglia "I want women to be free to make their own decisions but to be strong enough to take responsibility for those decisions."....Interviewer "what?"
It's a manufactured confusion. She's not trying to understand.
Because the interviewer is nothing more that a brainless liberal media shill.
@@TheWitchOvAgnesi ...like a brainless conservative shill.
Yep, I too was amazed at how someone could be confused by what CP said. I agree, it is the filter of PC, feminist interpretation (by the interviewer) and ALSO an intellectual disability to comprehend that two paradoxical concepts can both be present and true at the same time. Ideology demands "If THIS is true therefore THAT must be untrue". It's infantile thinking.
Shouldn't an interviewer sometimes ask common, naïve questions so they can be addressed for an audience who might be totally naïve? It's not really the job of an interviewer to agree with the interviewee or to only ask "correct" questions.
The interviewer was not confused, she simply did not like that she was saying
Her facial expressions definitely support this. Its scary.
Michael Holmes you can see her trying to find a winning angle, unfortunately man-hating doesn’t have one.
Yep, should not let a ahole be an interviewer
On the contrary. It seemed to me that the interviewer was being contrary specifically to get Paglia to expound on her ideas and clarify her statements.
Paul Scott she is not interested in Paglia’s expanision of ideas. The interviewer is interested in falsely characterizing Paglia in an attempt for click bait garbage that the third wave feminists can eat up. We can see CBC try this with the title of this very video. Explain to me what is “controversial” in this interview if you disagree.
"I want this idea of hate speech to be dropped".
BRAVO Camille, you are truly necessary in these times of assault on free speech.
@@kayehenry3737 even if it were true one punch in 3 years is no reason to restrict free speech.
@felixoscar It did happen, you lying shithead. You're a liar, like your orange president.
JG Alegria we need a new word or a proper definition. I’m not Muslim. I may or may not like Islam. If I detest the ideology, then I may express disgust, annoyance, disappointment and hatred. However, the weaponised use of the word ‘hate’ is problematic in that the MSM uses it to silence my objection by labelling it ‘hateful’ = full of hate/preaching hate. Hate as a criminal offence.
@norcofreerider604 Very, very well said.
Karl Lieck Oh wow.
Blaming men for your problems is actually the opposite of being strong!!!
"I'm confused..."
Well people don't realize they can't change anyone else just themselves. If you are tired of being victimized by men avoid men. If you have bad experiences with them why expect anything else?
Men don't want us to be strong...🤦
Blaming anyone for your problems is a sign of weakness. Blaming one's parents is a common theme, yet it's also a sign of weakness
Stop being confused and listen
And believe.
It's not a reporter's job to listen; their job is to obscure the subject and purvey the corporate narrative
She can't. She's part of the liberal-agenda-promoting MSM.
Does p a l i a know she's talking to the central planners through the very mediasource they own?
hahahaha. The interviewer knows exactly what she is doing okay. She is part of the mouth and throats for the globalist elites
Literally nothing about Camilla Paglia's feminism is "controversial."
The only thing controversial about what she is saying is the premise that feminism could be reformed to be truly egalitarian. I very seriously doubt it can. It's too far gone.
She’s pro- pedophilia and child pornography, how about that?
@@GMT395 I thought this was a joke, but no, she’s even worse than I thought: en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Camille_Paglia#Child_sexuality
Laurence She’s a total degenerate and she’s tricking people into thinking she’s a spokesperson against modern decline.
Laurence ruclips.net/video/Ty3iP8-YooY/видео.html
Controversial feminism, really? More like common sense. It's ridiculous that this should have to be on the fringe nowadays. We live in strange times.
John Doe we live in a society
I agree, it is common sense. And using common sense is an act of self respect.
We are in the beginning of a new dark age.
Lol is this considered controversial feminism? i thought this was what feminism was all about...
2021 even weirder
Why do feminists want to be treated as victims in need of rescue? What is this dysfunctional, pathological need to blame and bash men? It's absolutely baffling.
Borderline Personality Disorder
Because, in the eyes of the public, if you label yourself a victim, you are immediately right. To question this is seen as attacking someone who is already placed at a disadvantage and vulnerable. It happens with race all the time.
Stop spreading lies
because it absolves u of any accountability and gets u sympathy.
It's called vulnerable narcissism, it's easier to beat a stronger opponent if you feint weakness.. even the most ruthless fighter's will not strike a shaking quivering opponent.. if they truly feared men they wouldn't provoke them.. it's all a smoke screen and people are oblivious and it work's
Paglia: Upper middle class career women want to redefine men according to what operates smoothly in their own affluent career system.
Reporter: So women are too focused on careers?
How did she make that jump? She's saying that these upper class women are trying to MANIPULATE the system to redefine men and manhood in a way that makes them less competitive so that those women can place themselves on top. The women are trying to define BOTH what it is to be a woman AND what it means to be a man. With that kind of control, they can give themselves both protections AND advantages while also working to undermine and disadvantage men. "Too focused on careers" - No, perhaps not focused enough on their CAREERS. Too focused on manipulation and knocking the men down to get higher in the ranks rather than work and merit.
"Work and merit"? Do you seriously think that men got their high-power positions through work and merit alone??? Hahahaha YOU ARE DELUSIONAL!!!
V Love-Williams
Yap...that's how it is...
Also...this is a movement orchested by a group we don't see.
Human beings manipulated once again. Fighting each other.
Exactly well said.
Subject: Light travels at 186,000 miles per second
CBC: So we should all close our eyes?
Very well said!
I'm gonna say the interviewer is part of the problem.
well said !
That intro tried to unfairly demonize her, especially with the Madonna quote. Anyone who knows about Paglia's history regarding Madonna can see that.
I thought it was pretty cool that she got a shoutout from Madge. And the first clip *mwah* delicious
@@calohtar except Madge mistook her for that cia playboy bunny; as I understand it, Paglia worships Madonna.
cbc did the same thing to peterson
I was surprised by that clip from Madonna, given that Paglia was such a big proponent of Madonna's earlier work.
Good point
"So now I'm confused"....yeah you are CBC talking head. Paglia is a genius.
The Left. Over yeah she is.
The interviewer thinks standing up for yourself is blaming other people.
I’m a fan of Paglia. As the mother of four young men, I loath the male bashing and blaming of men for things that are not their fault. It’s not man’s fault that when we got what we asked for, namely equality, some women want to be cared for. I also have grave concerns where women set themselves as a hyper sexual creature. That’s good but there are very real risks in this behavior and girls need to be educated about it.
You dotn have daughters...they are out of touch with reality. Keep in kind she identifies as a man and always has.
I say they as in camilla
I am confused on how you are defining hyper sexual such that there are risks more than STDs or pregnancy. What risks?
@Katallylos Sure but I also wonder who set them prior to it.
What about long lasting relationships?
@Katallylos if you care so much about long lasting relationships, why do you only attack women who are promiscuous? Throughout history you have examples of promiscuous men. Giving women an education is obviously not a bad thing, people who make such ridiculous arguments are simply guys who cannot stand the fact that both genders have freedom of choice. Women have proven capable of doing top jobs, just like men have proven capable of child bearing or domestic housework. Give people freedom of choice and stop being backward.
Camille: “1+1=2”
Interviewer: “I’m confused”
Yet here we are looking at the left with their 2+2=5. 🥜🌰
so you are saying 1 + 1 doesn't equal 27000?
"I'm saying that many transgendered people who believe their sense of alienation is coming simply from the gender issue may be mistaken. They may be dissidents in many other ways." - That's an absolutely fascinating thought, and very close to the truth I believe. Camille Paglia blows my mind.
Yes, drag-queens who choose to dress like Cher are somewhat more likely to be treated like an "outsider" than drag-maids who dress like their mum.
When 'Cher' struts into the men's room, there's tension in the air, but when 'mum' pops into the ladies', nobody even notices.
I believe this too. As a highly artistic and theatrical person I hate this phenomenon and other overly identity-sensitive, identity-fragile, hyper-left phenomena akin to it because the groupthink that births from this has infiltrated the performance arts (specifically theatre, which is my background) first and foremost and, together with other socialist-leftist doctrine, dictates the general agreed upon social perspective and opinions in that world and of the world within that world a priori. In general the world of contemporary art has become terribly politicized by snobby leftists who see it as the normal and righteous state of affairs for every artist to be of their general political affiliations and social beliefs... and then it shamelessly dares to be presumptuously moralizing in its indoctrinating leftist belief-systems to add insult to injury!
@@googsey101 haha! It makes for a great imaginary farce though! 😆😝 Now that is some old-school, visceral, populus-connected theatre I'd love to see on a local stage again!
Imaginary 🫥 victimhood
Camille is such a badass!
Wow comments and ratings have been left on. Someone slipped up at the CBC.
Weekend employee didn't get the memo that all comments on The National must be disallowed. It'll be "fixed" Monday I'm sure.
We must reward this slip up somehow.
I don't thumbs up many videos, but I made sure to do so here.
CBC tends to leave comment sections on when the topic is conservatives, in hopes that the comment section will bash them. While inhibiting comment section for liberals [topics] in order to protect the narrative.
Frontal Lobe I'll need to pay closer attention to that
This interviewer can’t even comprehend not blaming men for everything.
But it has become so easy
Victimhood is a slippery slope.
Willfully misunderstanding is the most ridiculous way to argue. Come off it and simply say I disagree.
Interviewer keeps trying to mischaracterize what Camille Paglia is saying, but Paglia manages to make her ideas clear anyway! Good job by Camille Paglia, interviewer ... not so much. I like how Camille called the interviewer on her tactics at 6:45
Candice B. It's better than the way feminist debates and argues all they do is call people names mostly words that describe themselves like bigots fashionist and sexist
It reminds me of the infamous Jordan Peterson interview with that silly leftist Channel 4 journalist Cathy Newman.
Candice B. Exactly, the interviewer is not confused. She simply doesn't like what she's hearing. There's nothing confusing or controversial about what Paglia says.
Shes not an anti-feminist she's what an ACTUAL feminist is. I dislike news media's that gives false titles...
She is absolutely right! Take personal responsibility for yourself. Stop blaming and grow up people!
Susan Bickersteth celebrity feminists, do you get it?
Men today are wimpy.😮
I've only recently discovered Camille Paglia and yet just watched enough of her videos to feel like she's speaking my language. Perhaps I had to grow up emotionally in order to grasp what she's putting down, because my 20-something self might have struggled to accept some of her controversial feminism. I'm reminded of one so-called feminist activist in Seattle, who believed that women shouldn't have to learn martial arts and self defense in order for men to stop being sexual predators. It seems that Camille might echo my own sentiment about how women still need to develop their toughest selves in order to adapt to a world which isn't going to become non-hostile to us overnight.
I also can't help but now find Madonna to be a pretty damned sad example of what a feminist icon could have been. If she rose to stardom being such a sexually and spiritually empowered woman, she ended up as an ageist parody of feminine youth. Madonna might have held my respect if she hadn't clearly surrendered her natural aging beauty for some delusional fairy tale of 60-year-old women looking forever like they're in their 20s.
"So, women are too fixated on careers?"....How in the hell did the interviewer get that from Paglia's answer??
Its baffling.
The interviewer is not very bright.
Trying to discredit her by making her sound like she wants to go back to where women can't choose to work outside the home.
I think a committee wrote out the interviewer responses before the interview took place. ( only slightly joking)
The following observation that she made was even worse, about the elder care taking, child, kitchen and laundry "so you want women to go back to that" why the hell did she came up with that? That doesn't make sense at all.
The interviewer seems to think assigning blame makes you a strong person.
Camille Paglia and Jordan Peterson are my heroes.
can't wait for a conversation between the two
There is one on You tube. I don't agree everything but they are very interesting to listen to
Of course they back up your cognitive dissonance which gives you an excuse not to be objective and use critical analysis and fact. 😂😂👌👏
Due for another round. There's almost no legitimate criticism of either of them online, so I'd love to see their critiques of one another (being that they're both sporting, truthful and formidable)
The last conversation wasn't that great as they'd just met and were each too verbose to express themselves well. Now that they're familiar with one another they'd fair better for the audience.
@Daniel Navarro careful what you wish for; I think she's the knuckle-sandwich type
God love this sensible woman. Actually couldn't believe that she is trans. That's a good example how everything should be: sensible, staunch and self-responsible.
Women, take the path to self actualisation and personal agency? Are you insane?
@@parrotshootist3004 lol
@@parrotshootist3004 angry man whh angry 🤣🤣
@@yarajoan841 lol, perceive as you wish.
If more young transgender people found Camille's work I think we could see a significant decrease in the trans suicide rate. She is so brilliant.
Agreed, as someone trans identify myself, Camille saved me from thinking surgery and hormones were the solution. Instead I'm just a feminine male
@corbielentertainment I’M a feminine male too. But with no intention to remove my ___ because I happen to like being a man
5:38 Shouldn't men be afraid of the consequences of not getting consent?
Men should be afraid of the consequences of getting consent and then the woman changing her mind the next morning.
Morning? How about five years later?
This is one reason that the entire concept of consent doesn't belong in a courtroom. We should focus on exactly one thing: harm. Was someone harmed? Then let's send someone to prison. Otherwise, dismissed.
Interesting that this shrill interviewer framed the issue that way. Apparently her solution for infantilized, fearful women is infantilized, fearful men.
derpderpderpPSN he should be afraid of both. She should still be careful and direct in what she consents too. Like this narrow narrative. Many things can be true. But at least Paglia's saying take care of yourself. I was in college in 2004. Saw none of this but probably woulda seen a bit. But nineties raised kids of gen exers have failed their kids miserably.
True but that is not what she is talking about as that rarely happens.
@@rg0057 How are you defining harm? Sexual assault is normally causes physical and mental trauma which means there is harm.
Perfect example of a reporter hell bent on injecting her personal biases at every step in the interaction, instead of practicing objective journalism.
when the reporter says she is confused by very simple premise i remembered that the media bought into male bashing feminism whole sale.
Nasty Wymynx,
Yep, this is why I am against feminism. Someone has to do it, LOL, otherwise the whole world would turn into a feminist, and people will suffer. (Seriously, feminism actually downplays women in certain ways, but it is not talked about very much. Because, you know, they're too distracted on the negative aspects of men.)
So refreshing to listen to sane women. I so tired of bitter feminists slamming men for everything
Glad to see CBC covering this and allowing comments. Nice job on covering Dr. Peterson fairly in a recent segment as well. Could it be that the CBC is starting to recognize that people do not trust media that tells only one side of the story. A long way to go yet, but having Paglia on is a good sign. Christina Hoff Summers next please.
Did you see how overmatched and foolish Mesley looked here? I'll give them credit for even having her on. Why not go look at the segment they did on Peterson? It was only a week or so ago. These are steps in the right direction, and I am for them. I'll leave the moralizing about every single statement or opinion to the left.
They've apparently had her on before.
My daughter was assaulted by a teachers assistant while she was a student at UCF. After she screamed and kicked to get away from him, my daughter went to the legal aid on campus asking for assistance. They refused to help calling it a conflict of interest because he was educational staff . My 5'3" daughter took it to the presidents office, more than once. The TA confessed that he had assaulted her. When the consequences for this man we're minimal, my daughter posted the incident on Facebook. After hearing from multiple other female students who had had the same experience with this man, my daughter invited them to go with her to the orange county police department. They said they did not want to go through what my daughter had been through. She pursued it alone, with great courage, straight through to the end. The emotional and physical consequences of that fight affected my daughter for three years. She is now brave and strong and whole.
I'm sorry to hear about what happened. I think this sense of taking action and standing up for yourself is also exactly what Camille is advocating for.
Love Camille. Remember free speech? Remember independent thought? Remember creativity? Remember reason and argument?
Of course not, this is the CBC!
But it did exist, elsewhere, for a time. And it's coming back.
They are the state run media, of course they choose not to remember it.
I appreciate the irony of this comment on a segment allowing Camille her platform
@readeallison8784 JUST because a news show invites a controversial person (Glenn Beck, Jordan Peterson, and Camille) does not mean it’s a good thing. Often the goal is to create a debate & make the person look like a fool. Or use soundbites to twist their point. Look how many times Camille or Peterson have to say “No that’s not what I said”
It’s a classic propaganda technique as old as 1930s Germany.
Gender neutral bathrooms on planes are are one-person, completely
different than regular bathrooms in stores with stalls. Women and children deserve their safety and privacy from biological men in such situations. Period.
Yes, I agree with Paglia. As a left-wing, non-binary feminist, I tire of coercive, vindictive and myopic behaviour from the naive and weak-minded quarters of feminism and the left. We must be liberated; developing responsibility and critical reflection instincts. Many of these youngsters profess to reflect or tolerate or empathise, yet in reality they tolerate and empathise only those within their tribe - something which defeats the purpose of those virtues. I love and relate to many of these people, but their arrogance and ignorance make them just as dangerous as the arrogance and ignorance of any other tribalist/supremacist movement.
@hardwired hey that wasn't cool. She is saying the truth.
This woman is sharp as a tack. If only people would listen and process what she is critical to bringing people together.
She’s my kind of feminist
She was the precursor of things to come
For me too
So you’re male.
Interviewer is out of her Depth. She should stick to something easier, school children perhaps.
Hey slow down. That's far too much responsibility! Let's see if she can care for 3 cats for a few years. She might was well start now anyway since that is where she is headed.
Camille Paglia is incredible.
Literally so. She's not credible.
@@RedXlV intelligent
@@RedXlV she's far more intelligent , experience, elloquent and well read than you amigo
She makes good points but underestimates sexual assault cases. I have been sexually assaulted in a car during the day by an old man, sexually assaulted on a crowded bus and by a relative I was told by my parents to go and look at his new car with him. Should women and girls never be alone anywhere near men even in broad daylight?
Paglia--the real Wonder Woman
Wow! We need her more clearly at the center of the debates in society right now. She needs the spotlight.
Paglia is a very interesting lady for sure. I think that people like her, and the thoughts that she brings to the table will serve to advance the gender issues in society. I was always impressed with her thoughts on women empowering themselves without bashing men about it. If you are a woman with respect and confidence in yourself and careful about what situations you put yourself in, you can avoid a lot of problems. As a man I do the same kind of thing when I go somewhere, I judge the situation and if I find it to be unsafe for myself or others with me I leave and take responsibility for myself. Example: Out for drinks with friends at a pub and it looks like a drunken brawl is brewing a table or two over, move towards paying your bill and leaving and not hanging around for the bedlam to start and putting yourself there.
You can’t want a woman to cover up and shame her for being confident with her own body and say you’re a feminist. It just doesn’t work that way.
That's not what she is doing.
Bloated Madonna didn't even know: 1. How to pronounce Prof. Paglia's last name. 2. That Paglia was her very first passionate supporter in academe.
This reporter did a good job. She was asking questions so that Camille can explain herself more deeply. I dont get all the hate tbh.
Finally someone who agrees with me
very smart woman, great points.
"Camille Paglia's Feminism" is simply called wisdom. ..it's refreshing.
We're actually allowed to comment on the news our tax dollars pay for? Have I left Canadastan? This is amazing.
It's the way the internet used to be, before governments and corporations colluded to dumb it down.
People are working on "Web 3.0" projects, which will replace Twitter and RUclips and whatnot, with decentralized systems that cannot be shut down.
The best of these will also be encrypted and anonymous so governments and their corporate buddies cannot retaliate against people for producing or hosting content they disagree with.
What we're learning in the internet age is that it doesn't matter what the law is. If something is technically possible, your governments ARE using it against you already. That will always be there, but "Web 3.0" is a way to at least preserve speech, our most fundamental right.
I don't think my tax money pays for RUclips. But they regularly take questions from Twitter and Facebook. Also, they take comments on their news site.
(I just don't understand why RUclips is such a big deal to comment on.)
Helpful Edits A commenter doesn't have to stay within the confines of a political ideology on Twitter or Facebook. So people either call you out or ignore you, so what? You're still getting your comment out to be seen by CBC, which is what you want, so what's the problem? Concern that a particular comment won't be taken seriously? That's one of the risks of having an opinion.
luv it!!!!
or canaweden
It blows my mind how women think they shouldnt be responsible for their actions in any way.
Yes their actions, but not others. Women can dress provocatively should not be expected to tolerate groping or vulgarity’s. But glancing? Come on! I do not agree with her. That woman cannot withdraw Consent though.
Because men are toxic today... Sad😮
feminists and self-accountability? bahahaha now that's a pipe dream
luv it
I wish I could like this comment twice.
you didn';t get that from anything that she said; you obviously don't understand her. I'm not a feminist, but I get her
I lived my 20's in the 90's. Camile's version of feminism was at its peak then. Sadly, it was short-lived.
"I'm saying that there should be protection for all dissident behavior and speech. Dissidence of every kind, that's where the law should go". Well said!
Why is it so hard for women to say No. "Do you want to go upstairs with me" just say no if you don't want to. Parents need to teach their kids to say No. The sexual assault victims say they are afraid to say no I think a lot if the times their parents never taught them the importance of no. I always said NO and if the person did not like it, too bad, not my problem.
I'm a feminist like Camille is a feminist. Always have been, even before I knew about her.
This interviewer is insufferable.
She's the only Democrat I've heard, that makes any sense.
Maybe there is hope.
only if the dems/feminists listen to her
Paglia for President
She's a Democrat?
@@jbak87 Registered D., voted Jill Stein 2016, as I recall.
@@fellowcitizen ok
So good to hear sensible feminist option, second wave feminism has lost the path
She supports pedophilia. She thinks the age of consent should be lowered to 14. Shes sick and i dont know why u people support her
She has great points and that interviewer is CLUELESS
----well,,,,maybe not quite so clueless-----maybe ,also, an obedient trainee of the Soros School of Leftist-Fascism, too..........They follow the fascist agenda, using dis-ingenuousness to push their lies.
She has great points, but for anyone who hasn’t seen her before can’t really understand what she is defending, and she asks her to elaborate.
"Take personal responsibility and stop blaming everyone for the shortcomings I signed up for?
I'm confused."
Stop being a victim
This woman is one of the most intelligent democraps I have ever seen.
She voted for the Green Party in the last two elections...
@@RochesFan She is a registered Democrat, though.
Camille Paglia - I ran into her an hour ago. I don't dare say I agree with her or anything - I've only superficially read her views so far. But she exudes pure, immediate energy and ... I think I've gone mad, but something that could be described as "genuine goodness".
For many people... and this may be my bias, but especially on the far left, I see a lot of "nice words" but underneath it all is a certain hidden resentment, insincerity and a hidden desire to gain something at the expense of another group.
I don't see any of that in Camille... I just see honesty. It's refreshing in a way.
"But now I'm confused...how is telling women to not blame men the same as telling women to be strong?"
c'mon, at least try!
I think the real problem is that women have moved ahead very quickly with the establishment of their own sexual identity and equanimity of standing in sexual relationships but have failed to simultaneously develop their ability/willingness to take responsibility for their own actions in that regard. Not to sound like a comic book here but - With great power comes great responsibility! Women have eagerly taken up all the the reins of power but they continue to fail to act responsibly in the exercise of that power.
When push comes to shove, many women will continue to fall back on finger pointing to escape having to take responsibility for their actions when those actions lead to undesirable outcomes. They know full well that when they point the finger at a man, society will rush in to destroy that man on their behalf. This is because society continues to considers women to be "powerless" (even though they are not) and affords them a protected status in that regard. As long a society continues to ignore the role of women in bringing about an undesirable outcome, we will have turmoil between the sexes.
Your statement implies women are children ..... cause the only class of people I can think of which are free without the burden of responsibility are children. Seems spot on. Their parents would be the big daddy governments and NGO/women's organizations I suppose? I hope that truly is not the case in the west. Else you have a big problem on your hands, dealing with a whole bunch of grown up "kids" who do not have a sense of responsibility and only the privileged access to their rights. If that is the case, what has your society done to itself??? Dreadful .....
Where has this woman been all my life! So refreshing to see a feminist with heart and soul and balance.
"Upper middle class career women want to define men in a way it operates smoothly in their own quite affluent career system"
It's absolutely true
That interviewer had no idea what she was in for. Camille saw the direction the interviewer was going and did not budge an inch.
The interviewer can't have an abstract thought to save her life.
She's always had men to do that for her.
I love Camille Paglia and always have. She takes no prisoners and refuses to tone down her message. And she's so right on. A sane, smart, refreshing, and much-needed voice in these insane times. I liked the interviewer as well. Although clearly somewhat confused, she did her best and brought warmth to the interview.
Camille is voice of reason.
This woman should be declared a National Treasure!
They should have chose a more intellectual interviewer cuz everything is going over this lady's head.
MsZeldasaga Mainstream media have so few, perhaps none.
I seems anything above ground is over this woman's head.
interviewer is doing her best Cathy Newman impression
I love this comment 😂😂😂
Camille schooled her really well. Kudos.
The interviewers can't win.... She was perfectly kind and professional.. Tbh it's this woman being interviewed and her logic and "ethics" that frightened me
You are frightened of egalitarianism, logic and personal responsibility?
What really scared you the most?
Was it the bit about expecting women to be adults with agency?
Or was it the frightening prospect of women no longer being able to blame men for all their own poor decisions?
There needs to be some kind of qualification system for journalism.
I'm unfamiliar with this reporter's work, so perhaps it just wasn't her area, but I've seen too many reporters that attempt to obscure rather than elucidate their subject.
Well....they often do it intentionally---they are not so innocent. What such "interviewers" do is what is known as "weaponizing" !
I can understand why this reporter would be confused, she is talking to a strong and very intelligent wonan. 😊
Justin Trudeau should debate her, maybe she can knock some sense into him
Finally an intelligent individual saying out loud what I have been thinking for the last 20 years. Women need to step up and take responsibility for their own actions and decisions and stop playing the victim.
Camille Paglia's books, ok, would be twice as long, ok, if she wrote, ok, like she talks, ok
yeah, that part bugs me to listen to
Perhaps a master-strategy to encourage you to read her extensive portfolio
@G Power you mean: oral punctuation for the less-gifted speaker?
Mr Garisson
She says OK so often that she sounds like a female version of Ben Shapiro.
everyone talking about how the interviewer didn't understand anything Camille was talking about... what exactly should she have done? Say I completely agree after every sentence? and then what? It's called an interview not a conference: her role is precisely to get Camille to talk about any controversial points and guide her through an explanation for a possibly hostile public. She never attacked her (see Cathy Newman) never misinterpreted her words (see Cathy Newman) never interrupted (see... oh well you got it)
>Cites examples of female community through activities
Interviewer: "you want women to do the laundry?"
Bravo, employment selection committee.
You’re out of her league and hence confused. Just let her talk.
She supports pedophilia
love this cammile this is a real woman and feminist...
“A real woman”.
Only weak minded people interpret a disagreement as an attack on them personally.
Paglia is 100% right. reporter seems very confused.
She is telling the truth . I see women in my place of work constantly Bashing men and constantly complaining but always avoiding hard work outside of the office . Women take more sick leave and work shorter hours ......So where is the equality ?
Excellent video! Camille is spot on. Women need to start and take control of their lives and stop "outward" blaming.
Nobody knows Feminism better than a high ranking Feminist defector!
The Enemy of my Enemy IS my Friend!
I love the bit at the beginning when Camille was imitating a "typical" feminist lol. Was pissing myself laughing! I don't know what Madonna was talking about though, as Camille has praised Madonna's sexiness of the 1980s and 1990s.
Paglia has criticized Madonna for continuing to sexualize herself at her age. That's what Madonna was referring to. Paglia thinks Madonna isn't handling aging gracefully.
Madonna didn't look particularly old in that part of the video, so I'm not sure what era that was in. It's difficult to say, as Madonna may have had cosmetic surgery.
That clip was from just last year (and yes, Madonna has gotten some things done). While Paglia remains a fan of Madonna's older work ('82-92), she believes that at her age Madonna would do better to restrain her want to be overly sexual. Paglia thinks Madonna would be wise to age with (conventional) grace, akin to some of the 50's divas that Madonna herself has been inspired by.
Yes. Camille was not criticizing Madonna's looks (she looks amazing) but the fact that Madonna simply stopped evolving as an artist some time ago, and that she's simply too old for certain costumes now. It's like watching her morph into Cher and trying to play the victim b/c some one criticized her is even worse.
I’ve always wondered (and marvelled) at French film actresses who generally appear to accept their age and evolve their repertoire accordingly. No crash dieting for a role or squadrons of personal trainers. You won’t see many of them go under the knife either, and if they do, it’s done very subtly. It does give one pause. I mean, we ridicule middle aged men who try too hard to stay young (cars too fast for their reflexes to handle, dating girls young enough to be their daughters...). Perhaps rightly so. There is something appealing about the idea of aging gracefully. Part of it will involve letting go of your past and evolving. But isn’t that a reasonable philosophy for achieving balanced happiness in the end?
Woman actually making sense = "Controversial feminism"
She's my kind of transgender.
Ha ha, no, but I'm the type of guy who likes all kinds of people, unless they try to tell me what to do or think or take away my rights. Within reason.
Rs 225,
I'm the same kind of person. I only appreciate those who can appreciate me. That reciprocity is what forms tight bonds between people, in my opinion.
She's authentic.
She's not transgender.
She's saying she's transgender now.
The interviewer is confused ... because she is a prime example of what Paglia is writing and talking about. Her "questions" are faux questions. She is trying in a very ham-handed, targeting of Paglia.
Camille-Large Intellect
Anchor- Extremely small intellect
Glad the interviewer didn't get offended. She may have different views from paglia but she was very respectful and allowed her to speak freely.
Good interview all in all
I did Love when I did find Camille Paglia, actually a woman that stand up for everyone -both men and woman, not just females, like most left femiinist that most of the time hate on men.. I do feel so much like both in gender identity as trans androgynes and on her ideas
The interviewer is so biased and gives so absurd questions..