Got there! Finished the 8 weeks Blood Sugar Diet

  • Опубликовано: 18 сен 2024
  • At the end of my life changing 8 week journey on the Blood Sugar Diet. On to the next stage!

Комментарии • 36

  • @swans0ng759
    @swans0ng759 7 лет назад +1

    So glad I found this video. Been T2D for 5 years now and your admission that you were happy that you were managing your diabetes merely by taking the medication struck home with me as that is my attitude exactly much as it shames me to admit it. Struggling at the moment to get my bloods down into single figure mmol/l (struggling to get under the teens mark if I'm honest) so definitely need to change something. Just started reading the Blood Sugar Diet book so looking for that to be my first step to taking control of this hideous condition and seeing your video definitely helps. Good on you.

    • @carboholicun-anonymous1143
      @carboholicun-anonymous1143  7 лет назад

      Good luck. The first step of making the decision to take control is the hardest a only you can make that decision but the most important. We all have slip ups on the way but its important to pick yourself up & keep moving forward & know it can be done. Good luck :-)

    • @swans0ng759
      @swans0ng759 7 лет назад +3

      Ok 1 week in and although I haven't been following the plan as I should (too much red wine and not much exercise) I've dropped 9 1/2 lbs from my starting weight of 14st 1l
      b and I got a fasting reading of 7.2 yesterday (19.1 last week). I am gobsmacked.

  • @carboholicun-anonymous1143
    @carboholicun-anonymous1143  8 лет назад +2

    Thanks Barnaby. Hope you are well :-)

  • @CharlesBenninghoff
    @CharlesBenninghoff 8 лет назад

    Thanks for sharing your experiences. I've had T2D since the early 70s after coming back from being exposed to high levels of dioxins. This is a horrible disease and - like you - I continue to be a work in progress.

  • @cathycederquist7683
    @cathycederquist7683 7 лет назад +1

    i did my best with the 8 weeks but felt so awful halfway through...I am on Synthroid so maybe the synthetic thyroid isn't just the same... looking at this as a detour of sorts. now encouraged to try the 5:2 plan... focussing on health and fitness, not just the pounds lost as all too soonI will be shovelling awful masses of snow. cheers!

  • @lynnepearce6389
    @lynnepearce6389 4 года назад

    Real inspiration . Just staring post lockdown . Hope you are still well .

  • @TheSimwhi
    @TheSimwhi 7 лет назад +2

    Thanks for the video. I'm just about to start my 8-week blood sugar diet.

  • @hterrin
    @hterrin 7 лет назад

    I know this was uploaded some time ago, but well done you are an inspiration certainly you have inspired me. Well done!

  • @faysherrard5863
    @faysherrard5863 6 лет назад +1

    So inspiring! I’m a rare case as i became type 2 at age 15. Life changed completely and all I want is to reverse it. I’m on metformin and insulin everyday. Just hit the year mark and lost 2 and a half stone but I’m aiming to lose another 3. This has been a very difficult year for me and I hope I can continue to lose weight. I would love to receive any feedback and help from anyone as all I want is to continue my life as a normal teenager.

    • @sgarcata
      @sgarcata 6 лет назад

      Good luck to you... if you fall off, no worries... just get back to it.

  • @BarnabyHarris
    @BarnabyHarris 8 лет назад

    Brilliant message Vince- well done

  • @mexico53ify
    @mexico53ify 5 лет назад

    Good man!! Well Done!! Thanks for sharing!!

  • @thehiltongirl
    @thehiltongirl 7 лет назад +1

    Well done, I'm currently on diet doctor which Im sure is the something similar. Its my 4th day, looking forward to weighing myself tomorrow.

  • @kateoconnor9280
    @kateoconnor9280 7 лет назад +3

    You've convinced me! I found this video just at the right time so thank you! I'm heading towards T2D and need to stop it fast. Really piled the pounds or more accurately the stones on following a failed spinal op which has left me unable to exercise. I'm about to start the milk diet to get my liver in check and then I'll definitely give this a go. Did you find the vlogging helped you? I'm tempted but I feel a bit nervous of it. xx

    • @carboholicun-anonymous1143
      @carboholicun-anonymous1143  7 лет назад

      Definitely worth a try. The new recipe book for the diet has loads more lovely recipes. The original book has some nice ones too. Exercise was the key but I probably over did it a bit. The vlogging did help as a record of my progress & to make sure I didn't go back. Get use to talking to the camera after a while. Good Luck!

    • @kateoconnor9280
      @kateoconnor9280 7 лет назад +1

      Thanks for replying! I'm really excited about it now. Doing my 'before' pics and measurements later and going to build up courage to vlog it. What is your diet like now? Is the weight loss sustainable? x

    • @mexico53ify
      @mexico53ify 5 лет назад +1

      @@kateoconnor9280 Are you able to answer your own questions now? I'm "pre diabetic" and have gone the 800 cal route...I'm only 5 days in. How did you go?

  • @sgarcata
    @sgarcata 6 лет назад

    I'm chomping at the bit waiting for the 800 cal diet book... anxious to get going.

  • @aaronlaird5136
    @aaronlaird5136 8 лет назад

    Many thanks for this.

  • @malliaher7071
    @malliaher7071 8 лет назад


  • @catherinefitzgerald7512
    @catherinefitzgerald7512 6 лет назад

    Well done great video x

  • @saharnouri8110
    @saharnouri8110 5 лет назад

    What was or is your lifestyle after the 8 weeks. Can you eat more carbs ? What are your food choices?

  • @johnwillan
    @johnwillan 6 лет назад +1

    Well done, however I strongly advise you read “The Obesity Code” and join IDM, they really appear to understand the science behind this issue and achieve amazing results = good luck!

  • @tsunarun
    @tsunarun 4 года назад

    what kind of liquid of 200 cal did you drink what is the brand ? thanks

  • @cathycederquist7683
    @cathycederquist7683 7 лет назад +2

    Hi! How have you been managing your blood sugar since the BSD?

    • @carboholicun-anonymous1143
      @carboholicun-anonymous1143  7 лет назад +1

      Eating a balanced Mediterranean Style Diet and keeping up the exercise. Occasionally go into 5:2 Fasting mode.

    • @carboholicun-anonymous1143
      @carboholicun-anonymous1143  7 лет назад

      Eating a balanced Mediterranean Style Diet and keeping up the exercise. Occasionally go into 5:2 Fasting mode.

  • @johnnono1748
    @johnnono1748 7 лет назад +1

    Dear carboholic, im starting to do this diet in 2 days.. I like your videos and they are honest and motivating.. The only info i miss is... What was your fasting bloodsugar when you began and how much were you able to reduce it? And do you have any follow ups? Im very curious..

    • @carboholicun-anonymous1143
      @carboholicun-anonymous1143  7 лет назад +2

      My Fasting Bloods which are taken in the morning before the diet were high. Well in excess of 7.0 mmol/l. Quite quickly during the diet (within a couple of weeks) these dropped to below 5.5 mmol/l. My HBA1C levels before the diet were really high in excess of 111mmol/mol reducing to 51mmol/mol. So massive reductions. The weigh loss was just over 2stone and has pretty much stayed off as I eat a healthier diet & exercise. Have the occasional blip such as Christmas when I was poorly, wasn't able to exercise & ate badly. My sugars went all over the place but was able to quickly bring it back in to normal ranges once I got back into my exercise & ate better. Doc took me off my meds 4 weeks into the diet & I haven't gone back on them. They still keep an eye on me especially my eyes where I get regular scans to keep check on the damage done when I had full swing diabetes. They are getting better. The diet is tough especially in the first few weeks but worth persevering with. Adding exercise into the mix was good for me although I probably over did it considering I was on getting 800kcals. MY taste buds have changed. Don't crave the sweet stuff as much and can actually taste the flavours in veg & greens. Good luck with the diet. :-) Vince

    • @johnnono1748
      @johnnono1748 7 лет назад +1

      youre a great inspiration :)

    • @carboholicun-anonymous1143
      @carboholicun-anonymous1143  7 лет назад

      I wasn't in great shape to start either & I wasn't really a runner (still not) Bad for the joints. But in the first 2 weeks of the diet I lost over 1st so it got easier to move quicker. Now I don't run so much but mix the exercise up. You shout try some HiiT training on the bike. High impact short bursts have more impact on the Blood Sugars that a 5k walk/run. TO start of with do 1min med pace on bike, then go hell for leather (all out) for 20-30seconds) then 1 min slow pace. Repeat 3-4 times. DO that 2-3 time a week. It would be goos to get off the metformin. It's a horrible drug. Hunger pangs lessen over time as do the cravings. Good Luck :-)

    • @johnnono1748
      @johnnono1748 7 лет назад +2

      Hi Vince.. Just done my first week and i started with 8.1mmol on average.. Just after 1 week i got no readings above 6 anymore.. i woke up with a 5.1 this morning.. I find it esy and i just keep walking cause it suits me more.. Also the 8 week bloodsugar group on fb is amazing and full of helpfull people. I lost 2,5 kilo too :)

    • @carboholicun-anonymous1143
      @carboholicun-anonymous1143  7 лет назад +1

      Great work. Keep going :-)