You're one of the only reactors I've seen that caught the fact that the imaginary comrade calling him "Ainz" rather than "Momonga" is what tripped Hekkeran.
In case If your wondering about the two sisters they were sold off as slaves by their parents, because they couldn't pay back their debts.. where they eventually died from overwork. And it is not hard to imagine in what kind of "work" 2 young girls were used for..😢😢
Maruyama retconned that explanation on purpose. Being sold into slavery was their fate in the webnovel, but Maruyama removed that explanation on purpose to leave it open-ended. Because he knows that it's worse to give no explanation and leave our imagination run wild than to provide an explanation, no matter how horrible.
Just FYI, if Ainz tells any inhabitant of Nazarick to cover their ears, of course they can actually hear them (covering ears doesnt do much) but any inhabitant of Nazarick will disregard anything he says. They will literally force themselves to not pay attention and forget anything that was said. That is the loyalty of Nazarick.
Aura has a right to be afraid of the 'Large Hole'. Gashokukochuuou is one of the Five Worst (the 5 most disgusting NPCs in Nazarick). The group isn't given much prominence in the anime due to largely being background characters that only passing mentions or short stories, until they have a relevant scene of importance. The group cocnists of: 1. Gashokukochuuou - The Worst Appearance: Gashokukochuuou is considered one of the Five Worst NPCs in Nazarick. This living colony of parasitic insectoids possesses a repulsive appearance, and It is speculated that they may share a hive mind. They reside In the "Large Hole/Cave" area, which is located on the 6th Floor (which is overseen by Aura & Mare; the Amphitheater, the night sky ceiling, and large forest are located here too). Gashokukochuuou plans to keep Hekkeran and Imina alive as living nests for their colony, serving as a breeding ground and a potential source of nourishment. 2. Neuronist Painkill - Worst Occupation: Neuronist Painkill is an overweight, hideous monster with a giant octopus head. She adorns herself with excessive makeup and dresses provocatively like a dominatrix. Believing herself to be more beautiful than Shalltear and Albedo, she has the title of Chief Torturer. Neuronist Painkill takes pleasure in inflicting extreme pain and conducts sadistic experiments on her victims. As we saw in the previous episode, she just tested her latest torture device, which simulates the repeated agony of passing a kidney stone. 3. Kyouhukou - Worst Residence: Kyouhukou is a giant cockroach wearing a regal cape and crown. As an area Guardian of the "Black Capsule" on the 2nd Floor of Nazarick overseen by Shalltear, he commands millions of cannibalistic cockroach offspring. Unfortunate individuals teleported into his room are subjected to being eaten from the inside out, repeatedly healing and then being consumed again, in an unending cycle-which was the fact of Gringham (the short knight guy) and his party Heavy Smasher. Kyouhukou gained the reputation as the worst neighbor due to the fear of cockroaches shared by many of the 41 Supreme Beings. 4. Unknown - Worst Ero: An NPC described as a tentacle monster, this character has not been officially introduced in the series. Therefore, not much is known about their specific abilities or role within Nazarick. 5. Chacmool - Worst Personality: Although briefly mentioned in a canon drama CD and featured in other media, Chacmool has yet to be formally introduced in the light novel. As the Worst Personality among the Five Worst NPCs, their specific traits and characteristics remain unknown.
Trivia: in the first version of the story, when the author published chapters online, he got pressured by fans to save arche, so she became shalltear's sex toy, then she taught ainz to dance for a noble party and eventually the sisters were saved and brought into nazarick... Then when he re-wrote for the books he reverted to his original plan of killing her. Note: the original web-novel was quite different, for example albedo and mare didn't exist and the adventurer momon was narberal alone
For anyone wondering those chain collars they all seem to be wearing are an item that supposed to help you gain more EXP while wearing them that’s why the Lizardman all wore it since killing high lvl opponents would give them more exp. Ains wore it because he wanted to test if the 100 lvl cap still apply to the new world by monitoring his EXP after the battle
Fun fact: In the scene where it appears that Ainz is teleporting behind the Foresight members. he is actually utilizing a different technique. He casts a time stop spell, causing time to freeze, and calmly walks up to them. Then, for dramatic effect, he releases the spell and went in to strike Imina with strikes touch of undeath. This sequence is clearly depicted in the Light Novel version but was omitted in the anime adaptation. The rest of the scene largely plays out the same. After defeating them, Ainz explains his actions to the priest (which the audience already had described to them in as it happened), revealing that he had stopped time and nonchalantly discusses it. The priest Robertdyke begins to freak out even more, as he's shocked to discover someone who possesses the ability to stop time and surprised by Ainz's blase attitude about the whole thing. Following this, t h Ainz informs the priest that he will manipulate his memories and beliefs to test the impact on the priest's holy magic. And the rest of this scene plays out the same.
Archer two sisters get sold into slavery by the parents because without archer's money they couldn't afford their lifestyle and the sisters died in slavery as children without knowing their older sister fate and why she didn't safe them also this is not a spolior for the anime as their never mentioned again in anime or the manga or light novel so it just extra information that to that they in fact had not got a good ending compared to other people in overlord.
1:35 : No, they would never have been allowed to leave after stealing any of his gold. He even put the banner of his guild. You don't plant your flag in your front yard for people to steal, even if it's made of valuable fabric. The moment they steal even one piece of gold that doesn't belong to them, they've proven to have come for their worthless greed and he just explained how is not kind enough to let maggots leave. Just like Parpatra's group was killed even though they didn't enter the tomb proper. I'm not certain why he left the gold outside. It could be to test them. After all, they were hired by a marquis in a mission to explore, not plunder. They told Momon about their greed, but it's not like he questioned all of them individually, so it's worth testing to be sure. It could also be as bait to incite them further into the tomb. What it can't be is a gift for thieves to abscond with Nazarick's money and banner. How would that benefit Nazarick? Done out of mercy? The only mercy in Nazarick is a quick and painless death. 4:46 : Those are bashing arrows. Skeletons are resistant to piercing damage, but weak to bashing, so she uses special arrows to deal bashing damage. Nabe did something similar against the Skeletal Dragons in season 1n she left her sword in its sheath to beat them to death.
For those that didn't notice/couldn't tell (like me when I first watched it), the voice that Entoma uses and then proceeds to, fairly graphically, describe what happened to the rest of the corpse is Arches' voice.
9:17 they all know they're dead. And she does too. But they lie to make sure she can't just say "No guys, I can't abandon you", because it's not abandoning if you're just sent ahead of everyone.
Fun fact: at 5:47, Ains is actually wearing a necklace that increases experience gain, but reduces his overall power by 70%. The aura you're seeing is what 30% of his power looks like.
let me tell you the fate of the team since anime doesn't elf and her lover are used for worm farm and the religius guy is being experimented by having a brainwash (the result is he belives a rock is his god)
Technically Hekkeran died in just few weeks, I guess males make for bad "seed beds". Sadly Imina wasnt so lucky, the half-elf while all but an empty husk will give birth to maggots from every orifice every single waking moment likely for the rest of her long lifespan.
about the cockroaches, the people being eaten are healed to full health with magic and then eaten again to the bone only to be healed to full health, rinse and repeat for all eternity
Man I just love the little tidbits that get lost in translation. When Ainz takes off the ring and the girl is talking about his power, she basically says "The scale of his power is different" as if its so ridiculous that even the way you would even start to measure it is different than the way they would do it for anyone else.
just saying but if you are referring to the official english release of the light novel the translation it is notoriously bad. the most notorious one being the "nation of darkness".
@theprettypetard2524 just referring to the subtitles "His power is on a different level" in this episode not conveying what she's actually saying. I read the fan translation of the Ln so idk how bad the official is, but I'm not surprised. Most translations of things focus a bit too heavily on either speed or localization, and a lot of the nice wordplay from jp gets lost.
There was an Overlord review that explained how a fantasy world would react to someone playing by MMO game rules. It went something along the lines of, you run towards a building on fire and the NPC outside says "save my child" so you run in, save the kid and then move on to the next quest, without giving a second thought to all the other kids and people that are burning live waiting on the next adventurer to walk past. Ainz is looking at this world through the lens of a game and not the real world that it is. The NPC's that his guild mates created are family in his eyes, but everyone else is an expendable NPC.
Something that isn't explained or well shown, when our boy starts using magic and walks towards the warrior and appears behind the archer, what was used was not teleportation, it was time skip magic, we were seeing what the group saw, to them he vanished from one location and appeared in the other, for Ainz it was a matter of walking within stopped time like he did to Gazef. This can be seen by the fact that when he vanished there was no blue/green particles that indicated the usual teleportation spell and its explicitly stated in the LN.
13:18 In the manga shalltear didnt immediately kill her she was turned into shalltears erm sexual slave and was only killed after shalltear got bored of her
Ains in the arena was actually pandoras actor the real lord ains was sitting next to albedo ready to take the throne room incase someone real showed up that was on that level he even says it the last time we saw him as raven black momon
Ainz already gave them a chance to change their decision to decline their client's request...he even gave them a portion of wealth at the entrance for them to turn back but instead they getting greedy ..
oh by the way, the fate of hekkeran and imina was to be eaten over and over again in a neverending cycle as a renewable food source for what are basically parasitic insects and the worst part is that both the sisters were sold into slavery and died from overwork
They showed the twin sisters at the end to twist the dagger a little more. It's especially bad since the author confirmed that their parents sold them, and they were worked to death. How they were worked, I leave to your imagination.
I might be mistaken or not completely right, about the empire soldiers, ainz talked about their streng and compared them to the way they do things in the kingdom. In the kingdom they keep a minimunt amount of permanent soldiers to use as city guards and emergency dispatch (like at the start of s1 when gazeef was sent with a group of soldiers to save the villages that were being destroyed) thus reducing the expenses in military (that also means that, knights and similar aside, their equipment is quite bad), and during wartime the kingdom conscripts villagers in huge numbers to make up the lack of training and good equipment. On the other hand we have a profesional military in the empire where, as you can see, every ''basic'' soldier (not gonna talk abot those in golden armor, gryphon knights or the emperor personal guards) has an equipment more similar to what a knight on the kingdom would wear (they might be differences in the material they are made of as we only know climb's armor is made of mythril) we can surmise that they also recieve a relative good and constant training and there are probably quite a lot of veteran soldiers, it was said in a past episode by the emperor that because of demiurge attack on the capital of the kingdom there was no need to wage their anual war against it (as the kingdom conscripts most of their army and does so in huge numbers the empire attacks them just when the harvesting season starts. By doing so they ensure there is not enough people to harvest, keeping the kingdom's power in check, meanwhile the empire, by having a permanent profesional army and sending a part of it to fight the war they ensure that the farmers can focus on harvesting, instead of being conscripted, and a byproduct of the training and equipment of the soldiers it's on one side that it's easier for them to survive and get battle experience and on the other hand that the kingdom has to send 4 or 5 times more people than what the empire sends in order to not be defeated
I think in the original source material (the web novel) Arche actually lives because the fans wanted her to and she becomes one of Shalltear's sex slaves
I feel bad for the 2 little girls and their sister that Ainz murdered. People can say "duh, Ainz is evil" but it doesn't matter. Apparently in the manga I hear the two little girls were sold by the parents into slavery to pay some of their debts. My guess is that they showed them at the end like that because in a later season, maybe they will become extremely powerful adventurers that hunt Ainz.
@@NEONBLACK787 Your half correct Maruyama did intend for that but he's retconned that reveal and is now saying its more horrifying just leaving it up to our imagination so there fate is now up to us what we can imagine :)
No, there not. Their parents sell them as xxx slaves. The two kids get raped a few times and get insane. Finally they die homeless in the streets. Let's say pretty similar as sebas new girlfriend but without happy end.
this little arc has the worst outcome for all the humans involved with the invasion. the 2 little sisters get sold into slavery by their parents for cash. the team leader and his elfe girlfirend become living hosts for maggots where they are eaten alive and healed feel all the pain but cant moove and have to watch each other suffer. the monk/priest got his momorie manipulated to see if it matters who the god is he worships to use holy magic or if it could be anything so they manipulated his brain so many times for fun that he is forever lost. the last girl became a sexslave for the vampire girl and turned into one of her "brides"
All correct except the last one. She survives only in the Web Novel(basically, Overlord's prototype) where she actually had it the best, since they even save her sisters in change of her teaching Ainz how to dance. In the Light Novel she dies, 100% dead
ains weakness is his friends. just mentioning them makes ains emotional than logical. what hekkeran's mistake during his bluff was referring to him as Ains. cuz Ains isnt really his name, its Momonga. it was Arche's body they divided up and Entoma got her voice. the rest of Foresight is still alive but thats not really a good thing for them its not really all that bad in Nazarick. the three elves lives a happy life serving the Dark Elf twins. Hamsuke became warrior Hamsuke. Tuare working comfortably as maid tho she has no friends cuz most NPCs hate humans. and the Lizardpeople live in prosperity, never worried about food shortage anymore
Those arrows she was using against ainz are made to grab not pierce, she wanted to peg ainz weaker bones and tear them away from the body. There's no reason to use normal arrows like razor tips or piercing arrows on him as almost every shot would be a glancing blow. Her job in this fight was to take smaller bones and throw the main body off. I mean theoretically he has tendons of somekind too, these arrows would grab and tear them. She actually played her roll right Unfourtenetly they don't have a high lvled team, The dps is dualwielding so he's in slashing not crushing which is what you need here, healer/support should have more debuffs specific for undead aswell as a crushing club or mace. There mage is again just out of her league, but the others should be focusing on getting her a shot off as soon as they realized they were not equipped for this fight. Not that it would matter the lvl is just to different.
I am a little ticked that Ainz says that they "invited thieves into Nazarik" during his brief monologue. 🤦♂️ None of the workers seems to notice that. 🤷🏻♂️
This and the previous episode have been my favourite mostly cause of the hopeless you see in them when they realise they cant do anything. Also, still waiting on the ZZZ character demos.
Depending how you want to see this, in the light novel the mage survived as a slave to Shalltear and eventually was able to bring her sisters to the tomb...unfort when the manga came out they were given a worst fate...
I’ll Here I go. This is from the web novel. First the author ran a pull and they decided to let her live but she became Shalltear slave (there is a doujinshi about it in the n) Much later Ainz was visiting the empire and some idiots wanted to sacrifice the twins to him in order to gain eternal life but Ainz refused the sacrifice but did take the twins back to nazarick where they’re reunited with their sister.
I'm watching this series for the second time and I'm still confused about the main character. On the one hand in the real world, he seemed like he would be a nice guy, even at the beginning of the game where he was rescued from being killed by a character in the game he seemed pretty cool. However, as the series progressed he became more brutal to his enemies. Is this truly the real him brought to life in the game or is he merely trying to meet the expectations of the character as designed to be played in the game?
Some truly awful things happened to Arche in the web novel of this. But the web novel was not PG enough for mainstream mange/anime and is more of a rough draft so it's not canon.
You're one of the only reactors I've seen that caught the fact that the imaginary comrade calling him "Ainz" rather than "Momonga" is what tripped Hekkeran.
I made my accounts 4 years ago with Ains instead of Ainz because of the subtitles still haunts me till this day
@@overlordainsx7908 You can change your usename
Yep, since his comrade aka. guild mates never call him as Ainz, he only changed his name to Ainz after reincarnating to the NW
Just about any of us here could've come up with something better that didn't rely on lying
In case If your wondering about the two sisters they were sold off as slaves by their parents, because they couldn't pay back their debts.. where they eventually died from overwork. And it is not hard to imagine in what kind of "work" 2 young girls were used for..😢😢
chocolate factory right?
@@Eru- mining actually.
Shein and Temu probably lmao
@@kiorilimining factory is more relatable💀
Maruyama retconned that explanation on purpose. Being sold into slavery was their fate in the webnovel, but Maruyama removed that explanation on purpose to leave it open-ended. Because he knows that it's worse to give no explanation and leave our imagination run wild than to provide an explanation, no matter how horrible.
Just FYI, if Ainz tells any inhabitant of Nazarick to cover their ears, of course they can actually hear them (covering ears doesnt do much) but any inhabitant of Nazarick will disregard anything he says. They will literally force themselves to not pay attention and forget anything that was said. That is the loyalty of Nazarick.
Aura has a right to be afraid of the 'Large Hole'. Gashokukochuuou is one of the Five Worst (the 5 most disgusting NPCs in Nazarick). The group isn't given much prominence in the anime due to largely being background characters that only passing mentions or short stories, until they have a relevant scene of importance. The group cocnists of:
1. Gashokukochuuou - The Worst Appearance: Gashokukochuuou is considered one of the Five Worst NPCs in Nazarick. This living colony of parasitic insectoids possesses a repulsive appearance, and It is speculated that they may share a hive mind. They reside In the "Large Hole/Cave" area, which is located on the 6th Floor (which is overseen by Aura & Mare; the Amphitheater, the night sky ceiling, and large forest are located here too). Gashokukochuuou plans to keep Hekkeran and Imina alive as living nests for their colony, serving as a breeding ground and a potential source of nourishment.
2. Neuronist Painkill - Worst Occupation: Neuronist Painkill is an overweight, hideous monster with a giant octopus head. She adorns herself with excessive makeup and dresses provocatively like a dominatrix. Believing herself to be more beautiful than Shalltear and Albedo, she has the title of Chief Torturer. Neuronist Painkill takes pleasure in inflicting extreme pain and conducts sadistic experiments on her victims. As we saw in the previous episode, she just tested her latest torture device, which simulates the repeated agony of passing a kidney stone.
3. Kyouhukou - Worst Residence: Kyouhukou is a giant cockroach wearing a regal cape and crown. As an area Guardian of the "Black Capsule" on the 2nd Floor of Nazarick overseen by Shalltear, he commands millions of cannibalistic cockroach offspring. Unfortunate individuals teleported into his room are subjected to being eaten from the inside out, repeatedly healing and then being consumed again, in an unending cycle-which was the fact of Gringham (the short knight guy) and his party Heavy Smasher. Kyouhukou gained the reputation as the worst neighbor due to the fear of cockroaches shared by many of the 41 Supreme Beings.
4. Unknown - Worst Ero: An NPC described as a tentacle monster, this character has not been officially introduced in the series. Therefore, not much is known about their specific abilities or role within Nazarick.
5. Chacmool - Worst Personality: Although briefly mentioned in a canon drama CD and featured in other media, Chacmool has yet to be formally introduced in the light novel. As the Worst Personality among the Five Worst NPCs, their specific traits and characteristics remain unknown.
Trivia: in the first version of the story, when the author published chapters online, he got pressured by fans to save arche, so she became shalltear's sex toy, then she taught ainz to dance for a noble party and eventually the sisters were saved and brought into nazarick...
Then when he re-wrote for the books he reverted to his original plan of killing her.
Note: the original web-novel was quite different, for example albedo and mare didn't exist and the adventurer momon was narberal alone
All glory to Jet-sama!
This is the "we're the bad guys" episode, for sure.
For anyone wondering those chain collars they all seem to be wearing are an item that supposed to help you gain more EXP while wearing them that’s why the Lizardman all wore it since killing high lvl opponents would give them more exp. Ains wore it because he wanted to test if the 100 lvl cap still apply to the new world by monitoring his EXP after the battle
Fun fact: In the scene where it appears that Ainz is teleporting behind the Foresight members. he is actually utilizing a different technique. He casts a time stop spell, causing time to freeze, and calmly walks up to them. Then, for dramatic effect, he releases the spell and went in to strike Imina with strikes touch of undeath. This sequence is clearly depicted in the Light Novel version but was omitted in the anime adaptation. The rest of the scene largely plays out the same.
After defeating them, Ainz explains his actions to the priest (which the audience already had described to them in as it happened), revealing that he had stopped time and nonchalantly discusses it. The priest Robertdyke begins to freak out even more, as he's shocked to discover someone who possesses the ability to stop time and surprised by Ainz's blase attitude about the whole thing. Following this, t h Ainz informs the priest that he will manipulate his memories and beliefs to test the impact on the priest's holy magic. And the rest of this scene plays out the same.
Not sure if they will explore it but... The sisters... well... They... yeah... aaaanyway, moving on.
Archer two sisters get sold into slavery by the parents because without archer's money they couldn't afford their lifestyle and the sisters died in slavery as children without knowing their older sister fate and why she didn't safe them also this is not a spolior for the anime as their never mentioned again in anime or the manga or light novel so it just extra information that to that they in fact had not got a good ending compared to other people in overlord.
Aura and Mare threatened to level the emperor's country if he didnt stop fucking arround and come out quick and appologise.
1:35 : No, they would never have been allowed to leave after stealing any of his gold. He even put the banner of his guild. You don't plant your flag in your front yard for people to steal, even if it's made of valuable fabric.
The moment they steal even one piece of gold that doesn't belong to them, they've proven to have come for their worthless greed and he just explained how is not kind enough to let maggots leave. Just like Parpatra's group was killed even though they didn't enter the tomb proper.
I'm not certain why he left the gold outside. It could be to test them. After all, they were hired by a marquis in a mission to explore, not plunder. They told Momon about their greed, but it's not like he questioned all of them individually, so it's worth testing to be sure. It could also be as bait to incite them further into the tomb. What it can't be is a gift for thieves to abscond with Nazarick's money and banner. How would that benefit Nazarick? Done out of mercy? The only mercy in Nazarick is a quick and painless death.
4:46 : Those are bashing arrows. Skeletons are resistant to piercing damage, but weak to bashing, so she uses special arrows to deal bashing damage. Nabe did something similar against the Skeletal Dragons in season 1n she left her sword in its sheath to beat them to death.
For those that didn't notice/couldn't tell (like me when I first watched it), the voice that Entoma uses and then proceeds to, fairly graphically, describe what happened to the rest of the corpse is Arches' voice.
Yeah its also revealed if you pay attention to the Credits since after this the Credited VA for Entoma is the VA of Arche
9:17 they all know they're dead. And she does too. But they lie to make sure she can't just say "No guys, I can't abandon you", because it's not abandoning if you're just sent ahead of everyone.
Fun fact: at 5:47, Ains is actually wearing a necklace that increases experience gain, but reduces his overall power by 70%. The aura you're seeing is what 30% of his power looks like.
let me tell you the fate of the team since anime doesn't
elf and her lover are used for worm farm
and the religius guy is being experimented by having a brainwash (the result is he belives a rock is his god)
Technically Hekkeran died in just few weeks, I guess males make for bad "seed beds". Sadly Imina wasnt so lucky, the half-elf while all but an empty husk will give birth to maggots from every orifice every single waking moment likely for the rest of her long lifespan.
@@Shinekage those are details which i didn't provide
about the cockroaches, the people being eaten are healed to full health with magic and then eaten again to the bone only to be healed to full health, rinse and repeat for all eternity
If they showed the second dude that they were talking about they would have to make the show PG23
Man I just love the little tidbits that get lost in translation. When Ainz takes off the ring and the girl is talking about his power, she basically says "The scale of his power is different" as if its so ridiculous that even the way you would even start to measure it is different than the way they would do it for anyone else.
just saying but if you are referring to the official english release of the light novel the translation it is notoriously bad. the most notorious one being the "nation of darkness".
@theprettypetard2524 just referring to the subtitles "His power is on a different level" in this episode not conveying what she's actually saying. I read the fan translation of the Ln so idk how bad the official is, but I'm not surprised. Most translations of things focus a bit too heavily on either speed or localization, and a lot of the nice wordplay from jp gets lost.
There was an Overlord review that explained how a fantasy world would react to someone playing by MMO game rules. It went something along the lines of, you run towards a building on fire and the NPC outside says "save my child" so you run in, save the kid and then move on to the next quest, without giving a second thought to all the other kids and people that are burning live waiting on the next adventurer to walk past. Ainz is looking at this world through the lens of a game and not the real world that it is. The NPC's that his guild mates created are family in his eyes, but everyone else is an expendable NPC.
Something that isn't explained or well shown, when our boy starts using magic and walks towards the warrior and appears behind the archer, what was used was not teleportation, it was time skip magic, we were seeing what the group saw, to them he vanished from one location and appeared in the other, for Ainz it was a matter of walking within stopped time like he did to Gazef. This can be seen by the fact that when he vanished there was no blue/green particles that indicated the usual teleportation spell and its explicitly stated in the LN.
13:18 In the manga shalltear didnt immediately kill her she was turned into shalltears erm sexual slave and was only killed after shalltear got bored of her
Ains in the arena was actually pandoras actor the real lord ains was sitting next to albedo ready to take the throne room incase someone real showed up that was on that level he even says it the last time we saw him as raven black momon
Ainz already gave them a chance to change their decision to decline their client's request...he even gave them a portion of wealth at the entrance for them to turn back but instead they getting greedy ..
Nah, no resurrection for that blond girl, just despair. Welcome to Overlord bud 😂😂
This reaction is so funny, Neel is the best reactor!!
Neel just wanted to let you know that the Overlord Movie is out in theaters,i hope you finish watching the last 4th season too
oh by the way, the fate of hekkeran and imina was to be eaten over and over again in a neverending cycle as a renewable food source for what are basically parasitic insects
and the worst part is that both the sisters were sold into slavery and died from overwork
That last scene always break me now matter how many times I watch it.
In the web novel instead of her dying she became shalteer's pet and her sisters were living with her in the tomb
They showed the twin sisters at the end to twist the dagger a little more. It's especially bad since the author confirmed that their parents sold them, and they were worked to death. How they were worked, I leave to your imagination.
I believe those are called Fowling arrows that are commonly used for hunting birds.
I might be mistaken or not completely right, about the empire soldiers, ainz talked about their streng and compared them to the way they do things in the kingdom.
In the kingdom they keep a minimunt amount of permanent soldiers to use as city guards and emergency dispatch (like at the start of s1 when gazeef was sent with a group of soldiers to save the villages that were being destroyed) thus reducing the expenses in military (that also means that, knights and similar aside, their equipment is quite bad), and during wartime the kingdom conscripts villagers in huge numbers to make up the lack of training and good equipment.
On the other hand we have a profesional military in the empire where, as you can see, every ''basic'' soldier (not gonna talk abot those in golden armor, gryphon knights or the emperor personal guards) has an equipment more similar to what a knight on the kingdom would wear (they might be differences in the material they are made of as we only know climb's armor is made of mythril) we can surmise that they also recieve a relative good and constant training and there are probably quite a lot of veteran soldiers, it was said in a past episode by the emperor that because of demiurge attack on the capital of the kingdom there was no need to wage their anual war against it (as the kingdom conscripts most of their army and does so in huge numbers the empire attacks them just when the harvesting season starts. By doing so they ensure there is not enough people to harvest, keeping the kingdom's power in check, meanwhile the empire, by having a permanent profesional army and sending a part of it to fight the war they ensure that the farmers can focus on harvesting, instead of being conscripted, and a byproduct of the training and equipment of the soldiers it's on one side that it's easier for them to survive and get battle experience and on the other hand that the kingdom has to send 4 or 5 times more people than what the empire sends in order to not be defeated
4:17 Shaltear is love 😚
11:22 Of course 😌
I think in the original source material (the web novel) Arche actually lives because the fans wanted her to and she becomes one of Shalltear's sex slaves
I feel bad for the 2 little girls and their sister that Ainz murdered. People can say "duh, Ainz is evil" but it doesn't matter. Apparently in the manga I hear the two little girls were sold by the parents into slavery to pay some of their debts. My guess is that they showed them at the end like that because in a later season, maybe they will become extremely powerful adventurers that hunt Ainz.
no they die to overwork in the manga after being old maybe the anime is different but i doubt it
@@NEONBLACK787 Your half correct Maruyama did intend for that but he's retconned that reveal and is now saying its more horrifying just leaving it up to our imagination so there fate is now up to us what we can imagine :)
@@lillia_eden3351 oh I was just saying there probaly not gonna come back and fight ains because they didn't in the Manga
The end of the episode with the sisters is really cruel for the viewers T__T
"I want to see what Gashokukochuuō looks like."
No. No, you do not. You most definitely do not. I promise. *waves hand like a Jedi*
When I see the two little sister waiting for their sister it feels like watching NTR😂
Ainz + Mare and Aura is so great.
"well at least the empror isn't a bitch"... see you in season 4 neel 😂
fire reaction gang . the next several episodes are heaters u can bet that
15:20 yeah nahh :D I'd say, they have it worse then 99% out there.
No, there not. Their parents sell them as xxx slaves. The two kids get raped a few times and get insane. Finally they die homeless in the streets. Let's say pretty similar as sebas new girlfriend but without happy end.
Yeah because soon those 2 sisters will also get a tragic life
In the original novel arche became shalltears sex slave, so did brain. This is before overlord was serialized.
this little arc has the worst outcome for all the humans involved with the invasion. the 2 little sisters get sold into slavery by their parents for cash. the team leader and his elfe girlfirend become living hosts for maggots where they are eaten alive and healed feel all the pain but cant moove and have to watch each other suffer. the monk/priest got his momorie manipulated to see if it matters who the god is he worships to use holy magic or if it could be anything so they manipulated his brain so many times for fun that he is forever lost. the last girl became a sexslave for the vampire girl and turned into one of her "brides"
All correct except the last one. She survives only in the Web Novel(basically, Overlord's prototype) where she actually had it the best, since they even save her sisters in change of her teaching Ainz how to dance. In the Light Novel she dies, 100% dead
The two lil sisters were eventually sold off as slave to the markets after the parents lost everything 💔 damn arche deserved better
Those four have worst punishment than other workers
ains weakness is his friends. just mentioning them makes ains emotional than logical. what hekkeran's mistake during his bluff was referring to him as Ains. cuz Ains isnt really his name, its Momonga.
it was Arche's body they divided up and Entoma got her voice. the rest of Foresight is still alive but thats not really a good thing for them
its not really all that bad in Nazarick. the three elves lives a happy life serving the Dark Elf twins. Hamsuke became warrior Hamsuke. Tuare working comfortably as maid tho she has no friends cuz most NPCs hate humans. and the Lizardpeople live in prosperity, never worried about food shortage anymore
Those arrows she was using against ainz are made to grab not pierce, she wanted to peg ainz weaker bones and tear them away from the body. There's no reason to use normal arrows like razor tips or piercing arrows on him as almost every shot would be a glancing blow.
Her job in this fight was to take smaller bones and throw the main body off. I mean theoretically he has tendons of somekind too, these arrows would grab and tear them. She actually played her roll right
Unfourtenetly they don't have a high lvled team, The dps is dualwielding so he's in slashing not crushing which is what you need here, healer/support should have more debuffs specific for undead aswell as a crushing club or mace.
There mage is again just out of her league, but the others should be focusing on getting her a shot off as soon as they realized they were not equipped for this fight.
Not that it would matter the lvl is just to different.
6:55 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂
The sisters get sold into slavery by their parents, and die from overwork.
Unfun fact
The twin sisters get sold by their dad because he needs money
Then they die for overworked as slaves
Finally Overlord
I am a little ticked that Ainz says that they "invited thieves into Nazarik" during his brief monologue. 🤦♂️
None of the workers seems to notice that. 🤷🏻♂️
The old man is Dwargo :O
Those two twins were sold after their sisters death
Can someone tell me when the Overlord Holy Kingdom movie will be released globally?
This and the previous episode have been my favourite mostly cause of the hopeless you see in them when they realise they cant do anything.
Also, still waiting on the ZZZ character demos.
Are we the baddies? Yes, we are and he loves it.
Depending how you want to see this, in the light novel the mage survived as a slave to Shalltear and eventually was able to bring her sisters to the tomb...unfort when the manga came out they were given a worst fate...
Not in the light novel but that happend in the web novel i think.
What happen? Spoil me a little please?
that's the WN not the LN
@@avandoputraevandra8507 parents sold them as slaves and does some adulting stuffs until they die from overworking
I’ll Here I go.
This is from the web novel.
First the author ran a pull and they decided to let her live but she became Shalltear slave (there is a doujinshi about it in the n)
Much later Ainz was visiting the empire and some idiots wanted to sacrifice the twins to him in order to gain eternal life but Ainz refused the sacrifice but did take the twins back to nazarick where they’re reunited with their sister.
the 3rd day of asking Neel to react to Katekyo hitman Reborn
I love yr reaction❤
I'm watching this series for the second time and I'm still confused about the main character. On the one hand in the real world, he seemed like he would be a nice guy, even at the beginning of the game where he was rescued from being killed by a character in the game he seemed pretty cool. However, as the series progressed he became more brutal to his enemies. Is this truly the real him brought to life in the game or is he merely trying to meet the expectations of the character as designed to be played in the game?
Gasho is worse than the cockroach the great hole is the home of those fcking worms 😂 hell nah I'll go with the cockroach
Sasuga Ainz Sama !!
Try to react "Jigokuraku" To 😂
Kinda like the fate of arche more in the web novel.
ironically enough your prediction was off, most of them survived, only Arch died. also, just a reminder, Nazaric are the bad guys
Next Ragna Crimson please
React on wistoria
Some truly awful things happened to Arche in the web novel of this. But the web novel was not PG enough for mainstream mange/anime and is more of a rough draft so it's not canon.
whos gonna tell her
Part 9 Asking Neel to watch Link Click
please upload overload and no game no life faster, i wait for them
Be patient man he is a reacter right? So he have so many anime to watch and react ok?
Also he has a life, he has things to do outside of reacting.
Foresight, the poorest adventurer in the whole series so far.
Are we the bad guys?
yup Ainz is the main character but he is the villain of this anime
Please watch Gurren Lagann
wheres re zero