I really like how Maul is introduced as a sort of dark parallel to Yoda. A strange old alien that the young protagonist has no idea how powerful he was/is
I never really thought of Maul as Yoda. But I did think about Palpatine/Anakin a lot given how Maul spends a lot of his arc on this show determined to lure Ezra to the Dark Side.
I remember that, and I still resent it. Imagine experiencing it like these guys did! On the flip side, OG viewers didn’t know there was a series called Ahsoka…
I wouldn’t be surprised if they did that on purpose in order to attract older fans, the same goes for Ashoka and Thrawn, as a lot of people probably wouldn’t have watched the show otherwise.
Back in 2016 nobody knew if Ahsoka lived or died. We didn't have Mando or the Ahsoka show (the Ahsoka show is basically Rebels season 5 in live action) so everyone was speculating about her. I love how Filoni put in her reaction to Maul and Maul's comment on her "Running away again, Lady Tano" even though Clone Wars season 7 was not out at that point and everyone thought the Clone Wars show was over. It just shows that the Siege of Mandalore was always canon for Dave Filoni.
This was a wild way to end the second season! The return of Maul, the deaths of the Inquisitors, the amazing reunion between Ahsoka and Anakin/Vader, Kanan losing his eyes, and now Ezra is starting to be tempted towards the Dark Side. Season 3 awaits, and it's gonna be quite a ride!
The “Legend” they are referring to about Malachoir is actually the events in the video games Knights of the Old Republic 1 & 2 where Darth Revan caused the Destruction on the planet using Dark Side force powers and technologies.
He created a Void in the Force that expands outwards connected to that planet basically the Anti-Matter too the Forces Matter . It also kills anything that's force sensitive
@@ThoraxetheImpaile100Neither does fiery explosions and sound occurring in space but people are able to suspend their disbelief on that. My point is that, if one doesn't like the saber copters because they look goofy, that's valid, but trying to bring real life physics into a science fantasy franchise is ridiculous. And yes I said science fantasy and not science fiction because the Force is basically space magic.
I loved the "Zelda" puzzles in the temple. Practically all Sith are trained to be ambitious backstabbers, so the best way to defend the temple was to make sure the only way to reach the holocron was to have two Sith who could trust each other.
Season 2 finale of rebels is still my favorite moment in starwars, the emotions of it all, and to watch it as it aired, not knowing Ahsokas fate at the end. truly a special moment in time.
@jacksonyon5276 Bad. Dont get me wrong, i love filloni for his animated stuff, but his live action stuff is bad. I'm not sure why, Ashoka really turned me against him, i really wanted it to be good. Mando has a good FEEL to it, but the writing is key jangly and formulaic. BOBF is BOBF. Kenobi was clearly meant to be just a film, and had really stupid momments The only well written modern star wars has been Andor. And thats only because disney didn't care what the guy did. So he made a good story first, then added the star wars feel to it.
Myself and some other fans of The Normies helped Suraj write the script and figure out what the props should be. I was the one who came up with making fun of the copter sabers and using red umbrellas for them because it was too perfect to not do it and because I know how much Eric from Blindwave loves to make fun of them 😂. I also had the idea to have Rana in a fake orange Chopper box outfit and also reference how Maul literally has been cut in half for so long and probably doesn't have a dick anymore XD
Ahsoka's line about there being "a bit of truth in legends" is actually a meta reference to Star Wars canon as a whole. When Disney took over, they took every piece of canon material (originally called the EU) that wasn't the core movies and currently-running shows and retconned them out of existence. Those EU stories were then labelled as Legends, which is what Ahsoka is referring to; Disney is taking bits and pieces from the Legends stories that worked and incorporated them into the new canon. Notable examples include Thrawn, Darth Bane, and the name Starkiller being repurposed for the sequel movies. Even Kanan being blind is a callback to Rahm Kota, one of the original blind Jedi. And speaking of Starkiller, there were some theories as the series ran guessing that one of the Inquisitors was actually going to be a new Starkiller (it even bled into the Ahsoka series). That didn't pan out obviously, but his face model/VA Sam Witwer is still voicing Maul so that's still neat.
Skit written by: youthfuleagle, cameron236, PeculiarMahz, jameswokey02, Tim Bruce, JonMercano, Dante and Suraj. Season 3 of Rebels is on Patreon NOW!!! THRAWN IS COMING!!! www.patreon.com/thenormies
Malachor dates back to the Knights of the old republic game. The fifth put it in the system was the last battle between the old republic, and the Mandalorians, under the rule of Mandalore The Ultimate, who himself was influenced by Darth vitiate. This planet suffered a very similar fate. Both sides were wiped out and the planet nearly destroyed. The weapon is called the mass shadow generator. They converted all living matter into base carbon and it coated the entire planet. The bodies, your seat or referenced to the Pompeii explosion. I. Other than the origin belonging to KOTOR, this is the only time it’s mentioned in Canon. So I ask you guys again please play the game came out back in 2003 and it’s freaking amazing.
We don’t know what the temple Guardian is. A popular fan theory is that she’s Darth Trya a character from KOTOR II. Oh, and yes, that is a Ventress’ voice actress.
To answer Micky's question no Malachor is not the origin world of the Sith. That would be Korriban (later known as Moraband). Yoda actually went there in CW when he saw Darth Bane's spirit & faced his inner dark side self.
Basically the first conversation Ahsoka and Rex ever had was: Ahsoka: If I'm a Jedi, then technically I outrank you, right? Rex: In my book, experience outranks everything. Ahsoka: Then I better start getting some.
Maul was not just hanging out on Malachor since the end of CW. We know he was basically a crime lord from the end of Solo. I just assume has been doing research to find Malachor. Palpatine had his as a high value target being hunted like any rogue force user but Vader and the Inquisitorius. He just had so much wealth and influence in the underworld that he could remain free. His whole bit with Ezra is straight up Darth Bane "Rule of Two" Palpatine was always cultivating a new apprentice. He used Maul until he was no longer useful, then he brought Dooku off the bench. Dooku got uppity trying to make Ventress his apprentice to take down Palp, so Palp cultivated Anakin into his ultimate apprentice. When he killed Savage and spanked Maul it was primarily to stop anyone that might rival him or mess up his plans. Palp is smart in that he gives his people enough power to make then useful but not enough that they can be a real threat. If they came close to being an issue he took then down. Pre-Disney Malachor V was a thing from the KOTOR games, I wonder if Mickey played that and was getting echoes of that memory. Filoni was straight mining EU/Legends content particularly the KOTOR games in this. I almost jumped out of seat when Maul started echoing parts of the Sith Code from the game at Ezra. Still mad that company beefed it before they could even get started making the KOTOR remaster. That old game is great but i find it hard to go back to, would have been nice to have an updated version. This was good from the start but for it just gets better from here, which is wild. The Ahsoka show is nothing without these 2 seasons of Rebels and all of the good arcs from CW.
Interesting you guys saw the Kenobi finale before seeing this to realize that show totally rips off Ahsoka’s duel with Vader and that epic moment his mask is cut open, both great moments but this Rebels moment still stands as my favorite 10-15 minutes of all of Star Wars
Fun fact: this is the first time (in terms of release order) that Maul brandished a double-bladed lightsaber in animation and on-screen in general since Episode I: The Phantom Menace, back in 1999. Because in the Clone Wars, he only ever fought single blade with the severed half of his original double-bladed saber or dual-wield with it and the Darksaber.
The voice in the Sith Holacron is the Exile (Meetra Surik) from KOTOR 2…She used the weapon in the temple to end the LAST Jedi civil war (the one Revan & Maalik was waging pre KOTOR…Surik was the #3 in the Republic Army
Also because the Power to Drain Life is the Force Drain perfected by Darth Nihilus who sucked entire planets of their Force Energy to expand his own Power like Cell from DBZ
9:35 "What race is he." The Eighth Brother is a Terrelian Jango Jumper. 19:00 Maul realized that he was only a tool by the CW episode "The Lawless" when Sidious killed his brother and tortured him. Sidious rejected his attempt to come back, but was happy to find "other uses" for him. 24:10 Rana says... "this is awesome." Yes Rana, it is. :) Glad you finally got to experience some of the absolute best Star Wars out there. But... there's more to come!
Inquisitor, light sabers have repulser lifts inside the hilts.. giving them flight if they need it. Obviously we haven't seen that in live action yet but it would be fun.😂😂 also darth sidious and maul have been at this same sith temple , trying to get the same holocron in the past, but they didn't work well anof together so they couldn't get it...
Myself and some other fans of The Normies helped Suraj write the script and figure out what the props should be. I was the one who came up with making fun of the copter sabers and using red umbrellas for them because it was too perfect to not do it and because I know how much Eric from Blindwave loves to make fun of them 😂. I also had the idea to have Rana in a fake orange Chopper box outfit and also reference how Maul literally has been cut in half for so long and probably doesn't have a dick anymore XD
It's definitely up there. My vote would go to the Vader Down comic when Vader is surrounded by Rebel troopers and says "All I am surrounded by is fear. And dead men."
Myself and some other fans of The Normies helped Suraj write the script and figure out what the props should be. I was the one who came up with making fun of the copter sabers and using red umbrellas for them because it was too perfect to not do it and because I know how much Eric from Blindwave loves to make fun of them 😂. I also had the idea to have Rana in a fake orange Chopper box outfit and also reference how Maul literally has been cut in half for so long and probably doesn't have a dick anymore XD
Some things related to this episode. First, Maul at this point is no longer a Sith, as you already know. And there is the background like the murder of Savage and the torture he suffered by Sidious, on Mandalore. That the Sith have the famous rule of 2, where there can only be one master and one apprentice; and that after all, Maul stopped being "sith", since his defeat against Obi-Wan, in the phantom menace, because Palpatine, had already taken or was seducing Dooku. So Maul would be more of a dark side user. Second, Ahsoka, did not have many chances to defeat Vader, of course at first she gave him the fight, but Vader is a tank, every attack he gives with his lightsaber, he does it with violence and a lot of force, you can see how Ahsoka, struggles to withstand some attacks that Vader makes in the temple. And finally, the damage to the helmet that Ahsoka did to Vader, and the same with Obi-Wan in his series, each one destroys a different side of the helmet, and it is only Luke who can completely unmask Vader, because he is his son and has the power to do it, I imagine that you have already read it or have been told before.
Back when this episode aired, Clone Wars had yet to showcase its final season. As such, the revelation that Ahsoka and Maul had met before was mindblowing and I spent the next few years speculating about what could have been. Needless to say, Phantom Apprentice more than lived up to the hype.
What do you think Ahsoka was thinking throughout the whole process of them being on Malachor? She had to know Maul couldn't be trusted and that Ezra was naive for letting Maul guide them deeper into and keep them longer on Malachor. I'm surprised she didn't suggest leaving Malachor sooner. I know she probably wanted to face Vader once and for all and finally and fully uncover the mystery of the dark lord, but I still think most reason suggests she, being the wisest among the three of them, should have spoken up.
You can tell in that brief moment that Anakin wanted Ahsoka to just go. What more tragic is that Vader is trying to kill her because (as far as he knows) she is the last remnant of his past… of being Anakin Skywalker. This is also a theory I believe, but I think the voice coming out of the Sith Holocron is the spectre of Darth Traya (the omnicidel Sith Lord).
To tell you guys how strong Ezra’s telekinetic abilities are. Those doors weigh around 2,500-5,000 pounds each!! In the Ashoka series it’s more like 10,000 pounds
Well actually I think the physics of those spinning lightsabers as helicopters is actually kind of possible, as we all know heat can actually provide lift and lightsabers are basically sticks of pure heat, and if those lightsabers are spinning around fast enough with all that heat and if they're using the force to make themselves lighter they can definitely fly with those lightsabers.
The way the Inquisitors fly, is there is tiny repluser (an anti-grav unit, making the Inquisitor weight essentially nothing, but only powerful enough to lift one person) and saber blades heat shielding comes down to allow the heat of blades to act as propulsion. I also always felt that in that moment when Ashoka said she wouldn't live him again. Anakin remerged for just a second (when Vader looks down for a moment) and then Vader realizing this pushed Anakin down again, determined to kill Ashoka. What I like most about this, is it plays into Return of the Jedi. Luke said that he felt the good in Vader aka Anakin and that there was conflict with in Vader between the Darkness and the Light.
If there's anyone who can beat Darth Vader, it's his master, Darth Sidious. Emperor Palpatine has wrecked Vader so utterly and easily so many times in canon lore that it's actually insane. When it comes to power in Star Wars, you can count on Darth Sidious to be comfortably on the very top of that list.
43:09 Marketa is close... Obi Wan, Yoda, Palpatine, and MAY BE Ahsoka are the only ones who can beat Vader at this point in the Galaxy's history... until the time of Luke (and Leia). Ahsoka stood up to Darth Vader (IN HIS PRIME) and survived. No one else, except Luke, can say that. From the intro... 5BBY ≈ 5 years before Rogue One era, not Andor. Also, Starkiller's real name is Galen Marrek... Modeled after and voiced by Sam Witwer from Smallville (Doomsgday) and Supergirl (S02 badguy) fame
I really like how Maul is introduced as a sort of dark parallel to Yoda. A strange old alien that the young protagonist has no idea how powerful he was/is
I actually never saw it like that but that’s a great comparison 😊
And some of the same words
I never really thought of Maul as Yoda. But I did think about Palpatine/Anakin a lot given how Maul spends a lot of his arc on this show determined to lure Ezra to the Dark Side.
@@miquelcanosasanteularia1678 Away put your weapon… I mean you no harm… I am wondering… why are you here?
What's crazy is that they actually revealed Maul in the trailer for the mid-season. They revealed alot in their trailers.
and that’s why i don’t watch trailers anymore 😭
I remember that, and I still resent it. Imagine experiencing it like these guys did!
On the flip side, OG viewers didn’t know there was a series called Ahsoka…
I wouldn’t be surprised if they did that on purpose in order to attract older fans, the same goes for Ashoka and Thrawn, as a lot of people probably wouldn’t have watched the show otherwise.
@@EricTheKartoonKingwe only had clone wars seasons 1-6, so it was pretty hype. This episode was our Cleganebowl
I watched that trailer and I do not remember that at all. I remember being surprised.
*"Then you will die braver than most."* First coldest line from Darth Vader I heard before reading the comic Vader Down.
Back in 2016 nobody knew if Ahsoka lived or died. We didn't have Mando or the Ahsoka show (the Ahsoka show is basically Rebels season 5 in live action) so everyone was speculating about her. I love how Filoni put in her reaction to Maul and Maul's comment on her "Running away again, Lady Tano" even though Clone Wars season 7 was not out at that point and everyone thought the Clone Wars show was over. It just shows that the Siege of Mandalore was always canon for Dave Filoni.
Ahsoka was shown walking out..
@@ARandomInternetUser08 when (in canon) please?
@@DominationDom at the end of Rebels S2. It's clear as day.
"Are they f**king with me?" Eric Whiteley
I wish he was in this reaction 😂
You guys now know Erics pain of the flying spinning sabers
I feel a disturbance, eric cringing across time and space
What pain? It's glorious!!
@@fedwyn Eric from blind wave hates the spinning sabers
@@grassyhill5830 I know, it's still glorious
Ezra: Maul tricked us!
Ahsoka & Kanan: US?!?
Man, Seventh Sister really got ahead of herself. And Fifth Brother couldn't stomach any of it.
The the Eighth Brother flew too close to the sun.
@spencersholden Dang I was struggling thinking of one for him lol.
Kanan didn't see any of that coming
Unfortunately, Ahsoka ran out of time.
@@spencersholden *close
All I picture in my head is the disappointment and dread Erik had when the spiny sabers kept showing up lmao.
His absolute hate for those lightsabers are beautiful.
This was a wild way to end the second season!
The return of Maul, the deaths of the Inquisitors, the amazing reunion between Ahsoka and Anakin/Vader, Kanan losing his eyes, and now Ezra is starting to be tempted towards the Dark Side.
Season 3 awaits, and it's gonna be quite a ride!
The “Legend” they are referring to about Malachoir is actually the events in the video games Knights of the Old Republic 1 & 2 where Darth Revan caused the Destruction on the planet using Dark Side force powers and technologies.
its also a meta commentary on Filonis approach towards the Star Wars canon "There is always some truth in Legends"
That's also with (Spoilers just in case any of the normies read this)
The Mortis gods and their connection to Abeloth.
He created a Void in the Force that expands outwards connected to that planet basically the Anti-Matter too the Forces Matter .
It also kills anything that's force sensitive
kanan actually blocked mauls swing if you watch it again.. it kicked back his own light saber and hit him on the bridge of the nose , blinding him
Looks like Chris and Eric have another thing in common, they both can't stand the saber copters in these episodes XD
Those things do not obey the laws of physics at all.
I don't think anyone liked the saber copters, hence why we have not seen them since.
@@ThoraxetheImpaile100Neither does fiery explosions and sound occurring in space but people are able to suspend their disbelief on that. My point is that, if one doesn't like the saber copters because they look goofy, that's valid, but trying to bring real life physics into a science fantasy franchise is ridiculous. And yes I said science fantasy and not science fiction because the Force is basically space magic.
@@ThoraxetheImpaile100 I see what you did there XD
I loved the "Zelda" puzzles in the temple. Practically all Sith are trained to be ambitious backstabbers, so the best way to defend the temple was to make sure the only way to reach the holocron was to have two Sith who could trust each other.
Season 2 finale of rebels is still my favorite moment in starwars, the emotions of it all, and to watch it as it aired, not knowing Ahsokas fate at the end. truly a special moment in time.
The music they use in the final moments of the episode is really nice too
The green clashes with the sabers are actually from the original trilogy. Or at least New Hope. I’m pretty sure they appeared in the show before
Appreciate Rana getting the emotional moment behind the vader and ahsoka fight
Ezra: I want justice
“Justice is merely a construct of the current power”
The music from this finale still chokes me up. It's so damn good.
His master removed one half of the mask.
His apprentice removed the other.
Only his son could remove the mask of vader completely.
I haven’t been too high on most of what Disney has done but they absolutely cooked with that storyline
@jacksonyon5276 Polish a turd it's still a turd. Disney has had good momments but the writing fails it. Plus Andor was dope.
@@rowdeemunkee wait so are you saying most of what Disney has done is good or bad
@jacksonyon5276 Bad. Dont get me wrong, i love filloni for his animated stuff, but his live action stuff is bad. I'm not sure why, Ashoka really turned me against him, i really wanted it to be good. Mando has a good FEEL to it, but the writing is key jangly and formulaic. BOBF is BOBF. Kenobi was clearly meant to be just a film, and had really stupid momments
The only well written modern star wars has been Andor. And thats only because disney didn't care what the guy did. So he made a good story first, then added the star wars feel to it.
@@rowdeemunkee fair take tbh. Animation has been my favorite stuff as well
- I don't fear you!
- Then you will die braver than most.
This is our Empire Strikes Back moment. These are the best episodes in the show.
Glad that both episodes are together
I wasn't ready to laugh so hard 17 seconds into the video 😂
"Yeah, and I haven't had a dick in like 30 years. You don't see me complaining."
Myself and some other fans of The Normies helped Suraj write the script and figure out what the props should be. I was the one who came up with making fun of the copter sabers and using red umbrellas for them because it was too perfect to not do it and because I know how much Eric from Blindwave loves to make fun of them 😂. I also had the idea to have Rana in a fake orange Chopper box outfit and also reference how Maul literally has been cut in half for so long and probably doesn't have a dick anymore XD
I'm really glad they added Maul in Rebels, and the fight Ahsoka vs Darth Vader is one of greatest and most emotional fights in all of Star Wars
Ahsoka's line about there being "a bit of truth in legends" is actually a meta reference to Star Wars canon as a whole. When Disney took over, they took every piece of canon material (originally called the EU) that wasn't the core movies and currently-running shows and retconned them out of existence. Those EU stories were then labelled as Legends, which is what Ahsoka is referring to; Disney is taking bits and pieces from the Legends stories that worked and incorporated them into the new canon. Notable examples include Thrawn, Darth Bane, and the name Starkiller being repurposed for the sequel movies. Even Kanan being blind is a callback to Rahm Kota, one of the original blind Jedi.
And speaking of Starkiller, there were some theories as the series ran guessing that one of the Inquisitors was actually going to be a new Starkiller (it even bled into the Ahsoka series). That didn't pan out obviously, but his face model/VA Sam Witwer is still voicing Maul so that's still neat.
Skit written by: youthfuleagle, cameron236, PeculiarMahz, jameswokey02, Tim Bruce, JonMercano, Dante and Suraj. Season 3 of Rebels is on Patreon NOW!!! THRAWN IS COMING!!! www.patreon.com/thenormies
Can not wait for thrawn
I contributed Big Booty Yaddle! 😃
No, the Sith species originated on Korriban until the Jedi and Republic committed genocide during The Great Hyperspace War
Malachor dates back to the Knights of the old republic game. The fifth put it in the system was the last battle between the old republic, and the Mandalorians, under the rule of Mandalore The Ultimate, who himself was influenced by Darth vitiate.
This planet suffered a very similar fate. Both sides were wiped out and the planet nearly destroyed. The weapon is called the mass shadow generator. They converted all living matter into base carbon and it coated the entire planet.
The bodies, your seat or referenced to the Pompeii explosion. I. Other than the origin belonging to KOTOR, this is the only time it’s mentioned in Canon. So I ask you guys again please play the game came out back in 2003 and it’s freaking amazing.
We don’t know what the temple Guardian is. A popular fan theory is that she’s Darth Trya a character from KOTOR II. Oh, and yes, that is a Ventress’ voice actress.
I cannot wait till y'all hear "Kenobi.... KENOOOOBIIIIIIIIIII"
To answer Micky's question no Malachor is not the origin world of the Sith. That would be Korriban (later known as Moraband). Yoda actually went there in CW when he saw Darth Bane's spirit & faced his inner dark side self.
The holocron voice sounded like both Ventress and Mother Talzin. The person who voiced "The Presence" also voiced Ventress.
Guys...Maul wasn't pretending to be old and frail. Being around Ezra and his negative emotions, gained his strength back.
Maul is no longer a Sith. He renounced his title and their core fundamentals. He's just a Darkside Weilder.
Filoni knew what he was doing with Maul. I'd become his apprentice so fast!
Watching this episodes i was like maul. "What a fun, what a fun!"
But i am still waiting for "jedi night"
And "Twin Suns."
Oh man, not again... 😭💔💔💔💔🖤
Basically the first conversation Ahsoka and Rex ever had was:
Ahsoka: If I'm a Jedi, then technically I outrank you, right?
Rex: In my book, experience outranks everything.
Ahsoka: Then I better start getting some.
Maul was not just hanging out on Malachor since the end of CW. We know he was basically a crime lord from the end of Solo. I just assume has been doing research to find Malachor. Palpatine had his as a high value target being hunted like any rogue force user but Vader and the Inquisitorius. He just had so much wealth and influence in the underworld that he could remain free. His whole bit with Ezra is straight up Darth Bane "Rule of Two" Palpatine was always cultivating a new apprentice. He used Maul until he was no longer useful, then he brought Dooku off the bench. Dooku got uppity trying to make Ventress his apprentice to take down Palp, so Palp cultivated Anakin into his ultimate apprentice. When he killed Savage and spanked Maul it was primarily to stop anyone that might rival him or mess up his plans. Palp is smart in that he gives his people enough power to make then useful but not enough that they can be a real threat. If they came close to being an issue he took then down.
Pre-Disney Malachor V was a thing from the KOTOR games, I wonder if Mickey played that and was getting echoes of that memory. Filoni was straight mining EU/Legends content particularly the KOTOR games in this. I almost jumped out of seat when Maul started echoing parts of the Sith Code from the game at Ezra. Still mad that company beefed it before they could even get started making the KOTOR remaster. That old game is great but i find it hard to go back to, would have been nice to have an updated version.
This was good from the start but for it just gets better from here, which is wild. The Ahsoka show is nothing without these 2 seasons of Rebels and all of the good arcs from CW.
I have been waiting a LONG time for this reaction. All of you had my same reactions.
This show does family and emotions like nothing else in Star Wars, love seeing Rana shed a tear ❤
33:30 This was the most emotional battle I have ever seen in Star Wars! Both incredible and devastating 😔🙏🏽
National Roast Suckling Pig Day
You don't have to wait until Christmas to pig out on a decadent feast.
Eric should’ve been here!😂 The helicopter sabers!
This one of my favorite season finale's in all of Star Wars television.
The green flashes are a call-back to A New Hope.
Micky constantly questioning everything while watching a show about space wizards with laser swords never gets old
One of the best finales ever!! It’s so good!! “I am no Jedi” still hits hard!
"I don't fear you!"
Such a great season finale, my favorite of the entire show. Seeing Ashoka confront Vader was surreal.
Your costume designs are impressive, especially Ahsoka😂😂😂❤❤❤
Maul is something else tho 😂🤣🤣👌
Fun fact, the new Inquisitor, the 8th brother is voiced by Robbie Daymond
Nice, another member of the Critical Role family.
Interesting you guys saw the Kenobi finale before seeing this to realize that show totally rips off Ahsoka’s duel with Vader and that epic moment his mask is cut open, both great moments but this Rebels moment still stands as my favorite 10-15 minutes of all of Star Wars
Fun fact: this is the first time (in terms of release order) that Maul brandished a double-bladed lightsaber in animation and on-screen in general since Episode I: The Phantom Menace, back in 1999.
Because in the Clone Wars, he only ever fought single blade with the severed half of his original double-bladed saber or dual-wield with it and the Darksaber.
The voice in the Sith Holacron is the Exile (Meetra Surik) from KOTOR 2…She used the weapon in the temple to end the LAST Jedi civil war (the one Revan & Maalik was waging pre KOTOR…Surik was the #3 in the Republic Army
Also because the Power to Drain Life is the Force Drain perfected by Darth Nihilus who sucked entire planets of their Force Energy to expand his own Power like Cell from DBZ
Don't worry, not even Eric from Blindwave likes the damn helicopter sabers, and he likes almost everything Star Wars.
maul: do you not trust me??
everyone: NOOOOOO
Years' worth of Clone Wars and Rebels reactions have all built up to this point. What a journey it's been.
6:46 Chris channeling Eric from Blind Wave lmao, he hates the Inquisitors flying as well 😂
It's also poignant that Ahsoka couldn't save Anakin, but it took his son to see the good still in him to save him.
Does the audio sound weird for anyone else?
yes for me to
It is pulsing for me
probably for copyright
not just you
9:35 "What race is he." The Eighth Brother is a Terrelian Jango Jumper. 19:00 Maul realized that he was only a tool by the CW episode "The Lawless" when Sidious killed his brother and tortured him. Sidious rejected his attempt to come back, but was happy to find "other uses" for him. 24:10 Rana says... "this is awesome." Yes Rana, it is. :) Glad you finally got to experience some of the absolute best Star Wars out there. But... there's more to come!
Inquisitor, light sabers have repulser lifts inside the hilts.. giving them flight if they need it. Obviously we haven't seen that in live action yet but it would be fun.😂😂 also darth sidious and maul have been at this same sith temple , trying to get the same holocron in the past, but they didn't work well anof together so they couldn't get it...
8:02 “ I know I used to work for that MF, he owes me $50, you ain’t no Jabba”
FINALLY they're starting season 3 and they're gonna meet the best SW character! Cannot wait for their reaction to HIM... 👀💙
That’s the place from Ahsoka live action Series. But everything is shown during the day, instead of it being shown during the night.
Y’all are crazy in the best way. These skits are nuts. Make me laugh every time
"maybe one's supposed ti stab the other in the back while they're not looking"
Not an inaccurate description of the rule of two
One of your best opening skits! 😂
Myself and some other fans of The Normies helped Suraj write the script and figure out what the props should be. I was the one who came up with making fun of the copter sabers and using red umbrellas for them because it was too perfect to not do it and because I know how much Eric from Blindwave loves to make fun of them 😂. I also had the idea to have Rana in a fake orange Chopper box outfit and also reference how Maul literally has been cut in half for so long and probably doesn't have a dick anymore XD
The Chopper outfit didn't quite work out how we wanted it to but we made it work with a tiny trash can lol.
@32:42 I still cannot get over the fact that the absolute HARDEST line in all of Star Wars is from this cartoon too few people watched. Just ... damn.
It's definitely up there. My vote would go to the Vader Down comic when Vader is surrounded by Rebel troopers and says "All I am surrounded by is fear. And dead men."
i remember when this first came out, we went literal years without knowing if ahsoka survived this
Twilight of the Apprentice still holds up one of THE BEST episodes of Star Wars content of all time 🏆
Season 2 finale is one of the best Star Wars media there is.
Not Matt Lanter's voice of Anakin saying "then you will die". 😭😭
I can't stand seeing Rex sad 😭😭. Hopefully him and Ahsoka met up again.
I love the skit, it’s so funny
Myself and some other fans of The Normies helped Suraj write the script and figure out what the props should be. I was the one who came up with making fun of the copter sabers and using red umbrellas for them because it was too perfect to not do it and because I know how much Eric from Blindwave loves to make fun of them 😂. I also had the idea to have Rana in a fake orange Chopper box outfit and also reference how Maul literally has been cut in half for so long and probably doesn't have a dick anymore XD
Some things related to this episode.
First, Maul at this point is no longer a Sith, as you already know. And there is the background like the murder of Savage and the torture he suffered by Sidious, on Mandalore. That the Sith have the famous rule of 2, where there can only be one master and one apprentice; and that after all, Maul stopped being "sith", since his defeat against Obi-Wan, in the phantom menace, because Palpatine, had already taken or was seducing Dooku. So Maul would be more of a dark side user. Second, Ahsoka, did not have many chances to defeat Vader, of course at first she gave him the fight, but Vader is a tank, every attack he gives with his lightsaber, he does it with violence and a lot of force, you can see how Ahsoka, struggles to withstand some attacks that Vader makes in the temple. And finally, the damage to the helmet that Ahsoka did to Vader, and the same with Obi-Wan in his series, each one destroys a different side of the helmet, and it is only Luke who can completely unmask Vader, because he is his son and has the power to do it, I imagine that you have already read it or have been told before.
Pretty sure the weapon here is supposed to be the mass shadow generator so they retconned alot of Old Republic lore if this is true.
They have no idea what lies ahead and I’m here for it
Ok. Does anyone else think that Suraj looks a lot like Eman Estafani in his role as our favourite Jedi?
28:50 I need Maul's voice for my google maps navigation; he's so good at directing
Legitimately spits out drink at Spidey wearing the Maul mask, LMAO!!!! 🤣
Back when this episode aired, Clone Wars had yet to showcase its final season. As such, the revelation that Ahsoka and Maul had met before was mindblowing and I spent the next few years speculating about what could have been. Needless to say, Phantom Apprentice more than lived up to the hype.
No one involved is Sith. Maul is doing his own thing for revenge and Inquisitors aren't Sith either.
@@valathor95 lol yeah. Was at the point where he hadn't arrived
What do you think Ahsoka was thinking throughout the whole process of them being on Malachor? She had to know Maul couldn't be trusted and that Ezra was naive for letting Maul guide them deeper into and keep them longer on Malachor. I'm surprised she didn't suggest leaving Malachor sooner. I know she probably wanted to face Vader once and for all and finally and fully uncover the mystery of the dark lord, but I still think most reason suggests she, being the wisest among the three of them, should have spoken up.
"your passions give you strength
And through strength you gain power"
He is literally quoting the sith Creed
Normies! This episode is where the FUN begins.
the season 2 finale was insane when it came out. i remember just sitting there and processing it all once it finished.
42:00 Ahsoka’s hit parallels Kenobi’s in Obi Wan since she hit the right side of Vader’s face
Marketa, I'm going to quote Han Solo here, "That's not how the force works!"
You can tell in that brief moment that Anakin wanted Ahsoka to just go.
What more tragic is that Vader is trying to kill her because (as far as he knows) she is the last remnant of his past… of being Anakin Skywalker.
This is also a theory I believe, but I think the voice coming out of the Sith Holocron is the spectre of Darth Traya (the omnicidel Sith Lord).
To tell you guys how strong Ezra’s telekinetic abilities are. Those doors weigh around 2,500-5,000 pounds each!! In the Ashoka series it’s more like 10,000 pounds
Well actually I think the physics of those spinning lightsabers as helicopters is actually kind of possible, as we all know heat can actually provide lift and lightsabers are basically sticks of pure heat, and if those lightsabers are spinning around fast enough with all that heat and if they're using the force to make themselves lighter they can definitely fly with those lightsabers.
The way the Inquisitors fly, is there is tiny repluser (an anti-grav unit, making the Inquisitor weight essentially nothing, but only powerful enough to lift one person) and saber blades heat shielding comes down to allow the heat of blades to act as propulsion. I also always felt that in that moment when Ashoka said she wouldn't live him again. Anakin remerged for just a second (when Vader looks down for a moment) and then Vader realizing this pushed Anakin down again, determined to kill Ashoka. What I like most about this, is it plays into Return of the Jedi. Luke said that he felt the good in Vader aka Anakin and that there was conflict with in Vader between the Darkness and the Light.
"Then you will die braver than most"
Top 5 Vader line right there
Maul is many things, but a liar is NOT one of them.
20:45 no try again, key word "Twilight"
I love when Maul shows up and the Jedi and Inquisitors all turn to face him
If there's anyone who can beat Darth Vader, it's his master, Darth Sidious. Emperor Palpatine has wrecked Vader so utterly and easily so many times in canon lore that it's actually insane. When it comes to power in Star Wars, you can count on Darth Sidious to be comfortably on the very top of that list.
"Could be a memory show".......Ahsoka literally in Mandalorian season 2 😂
43:09 Marketa is close... Obi Wan, Yoda, Palpatine, and MAY BE Ahsoka are the only ones who can beat Vader at this point in the Galaxy's history... until the time of Luke (and Leia). Ahsoka stood up to Darth Vader (IN HIS PRIME) and survived. No one else, except Luke, can say that.
From the intro... 5BBY ≈ 5 years before Rogue One era, not Andor.
Also, Starkiller's real name is Galen Marrek... Modeled after and voiced by Sam Witwer from Smallville (Doomsgday) and Supergirl (S02 badguy) fame
This was peak Star Wars.
23:45 im fairly sure there are small thrusters o the hilts, they are just showing off
This was… a moment for Star Wars and pop culture history. 😢😢