This Is It Folks: Trump Can Wage War With No Understanding Of The Consequences

  • Опубликовано: 27 сен 2024

Комментарии • 9 тыс.

  • @kaivickers166
    @kaivickers166 4 года назад +856

    So, I am finding that my desire to remain well informed is in direct conflict with my desire to remain sane.

    • @slcRN1971
      @slcRN1971 4 года назад +39

      Kai Vickers : sad that this is true. Almost afraid to watch the news here now. Some days, I just have to take a break from all this insanity.

    • @ValerieJNorse
      @ValerieJNorse 4 года назад +24

      @@slcRN1971 -- That's a wise thing to do. You get too focused on the crazy and it's easy to lose track of what's good about your own life. Breaks help me a lot.

    • @denyze2263
      @denyze2263 4 года назад +8

      Kai Vickers ... You are funny.
      I feel the same.

    • @ev4742
      @ev4742 4 года назад +34

      The most important thing is to remain POLITICALLY ACTIVE this year. It's not enough just to vote - we have to protest, register people to vote, knock on doors,'s all hands on deck or we are totally and permanently fucked.

    • @rufust.firefly288
      @rufust.firefly288 4 года назад +9

      If you lose your sanity, it'll be that much easier to deal with the information!

  • @BDfarsi
    @BDfarsi 4 года назад +184

    As a young Iranian student, I'm really tired of this situation. this is no joke. hope it never ends in War! Love from Iran

    • @lilaclizard4504
      @lilaclizard4504 4 года назад +34

      Iran/Persian culture is beautiful too, you shouldn't have to even entertain the types of things being discussed right now! It's just insane! My thoughts are with you & wishing you the best! I really hope this madman is dealt with!

    • @shivgrib
      @shivgrib 4 года назад +26

      I had the pleasure of visiting Iran 15 years ago. I marvelled at the amazing arquitecture, persepolis and the kind people so my blood boils to think that this bufoon and his cronnies could damage this world heritage and potentially cause the death of thousands (of any nationality) . He thinks this is all a game he´s watching on a TV screen.

    • @patricialopez-wd1xe
      @patricialopez-wd1xe 4 года назад +4

      Can you blame him (Trump). He has so much time to twitter, definitely he thinks killing people is a game after all.

    • @seanm7539
      @seanm7539 4 года назад +2

      Shiv Grib pretty much. And Iran does have have some really interesting Architecture

    • @Pazuzu4All
      @Pazuzu4All 4 года назад +6

      Most Americans are against this bullshit. This is the result of an idiot elected by a broken system sucking up to his overzealous followers so he'll be perceived as "tough." Regardless of our two countries' differences, I don't hold anything against the Iranian people and am sorry things turned out this way.

  • @chrissycatwitch2
    @chrissycatwitch2 4 года назад +671

    New Years 2020: Remaining hopeful
    January 1st: Australia is on fire
    January 2nd: World War 3
    That escalated quickly.

    • @kearstinnekenerson6676
      @kearstinnekenerson6676 4 года назад +12

      I know right

    • @tq7821
      @tq7821 4 года назад +22

      My personal life 2020 is following pretty much the same path! Shit.

    • @mannycampos6885
      @mannycampos6885 4 года назад +5

      January 3: memes about a pluage

    • @is0lat0r86
      @is0lat0r86 4 года назад +25

      Australia has actually been on fire since late October last year. It just didn't get major recognition until now.

    • @iamthepotato4312
      @iamthepotato4312 4 года назад +5

      There is no world war though and there won't be any time soon, nothing but scare mongering from snowflakes.

  • @josipkau8851
    @josipkau8851 4 года назад +607

    Not surprised a lot of Americans talking about war like its some kind of a game or normal thing,they never lived in war conditions.I can tell you i wish no human being something like that,ever.

    • @Soulcolector7
      @Soulcolector7 4 года назад +15

      That's because The US is a better country than yours even with the craziness, better morals, better economy, better president than most etc.. Truth hurts I know. I'm an immigrant myself who also lived in war conditions and had to fight communist. But now a proud US citizen also US Army Vet , and with this great economy and thanks to God, I was able to get a house with 1.6 acres and a landscape business which I'm running myself. I'm a living proof of the American dream. Is easy to talk shait about the US when that's the only thing you can do.

    • @SC-xi9to
      @SC-xi9to 4 года назад +46

      @@Soulcolector7 People aren't talking shit about the USA. But are very concerned about it's current leader...

    • @mariog1490
      @mariog1490 4 года назад +2

      Oh ur such a good person, let’s just cancel everyone steal money so everything will be ok. I agree Americans, the people who abolished slavery and pay for everyone’s military, they only like war. God I mean, imagine freedom, there fuckin stupid.

    • @dianaagutu6501
      @dianaagutu6501 4 года назад +32

      @@Soulcolector7 bruh, he wasn't talking shit. He's really concerned , you could try it sometimes.

    • @NE_Patriots50
      @NE_Patriots50 4 года назад +4

      USA the best we never mind our own business we go into other countries and do whatever we want.

  • @Aotearas
    @Aotearas 4 года назад +646

    Remember when Trump accuses Obama he'd start a war in the Middle East to get re-elected?

    • @mattjohnston2
      @mattjohnston2 4 года назад +22

      Yeah, most of us watched Seth play those clips too.

    • @kandr21400
      @kandr21400 4 года назад +43

      Retaliation?????....where was the "retaliation" for the service member, and 2 contractors, killed in a terror attack, in Kenya, 2 days ago? Further proof that Agent Orange Adolf Twittler didn't order that attack on the Iranian General because of some embassy attack.

    • @RedZeshinX
      @RedZeshinX 4 года назад +41

      @901bluefox Oh god, are you serious? The "embassy was attacked"? That's a funny way of describing an angry protesting rioting mob. List the name of even ONE person who died in this "attack" of yours, I'll be waiting right here. When you're done listing out all the people who died (hint hint, it was ZERO), then explain to me how killing the head of another country's army is the appropriate and proportional response.

    • @Aotearas
      @Aotearas 4 года назад +31

      First of all, you should be aware that not everyone on the internet is from the US, so you can keep your narrow-minded binary rhetoric to yourself. You won't be able to catalogue my political or ethical baseline in your preciously simple dems vs reps black and white narrative.
      Secondly, the civilized part of the world flips our shit because Trump is a senile egomaniac and a pathological liar that doesn't even understand the limitations of his powers as the POTUS and sidestepping the constitutional checks and his own intelligence apparatus.
      Thirdly, a POTUS is openly and repeatedly threatening with actions that constitute warcrimes, yet the "leftists" are rabid. Sure honey, whatever gets you hard.
      I can only assume you're going to be standing as rigidly at attention when the roll call comes in to send fresh bodies to yet another decades worth of "peace-keeping" operations in the Middle East that the US can't even afford to finance.

    • @hazelmccloy1136
      @hazelmccloy1136 4 года назад +13

      @901bluefox and they attacked the embassy because the US bombed various sites in Syria.

  • @bionicbezerker1304
    @bionicbezerker1304 4 года назад +781

    It hasn’t even been a week and already the world is falling apart.

    • @harrisonofcolorado8886
      @harrisonofcolorado8886 4 года назад +21

      I don't think I'll know a day of peace all of 2020

    • @RIXRADvidz
      @RIXRADvidz 4 года назад +14

      you don't need calendars and New Years for that, it's an ongoing process

    • @iamthepotato4312
      @iamthepotato4312 4 года назад +6

      Haha shut up, nothing has fell apart

    • @liamhunt1373
      @liamhunt1373 4 года назад +51

      @@iamthepotato4312 australia is on fire, flint still does not have clean water, the president is trying to start a pointless war, authoritarianism is on the rise, the climate is going downhill, the president is going back on many of his promises, the president attempted to interfere in the election, modern medicine is being increasingly questioned. What exacly is going right in your mind?

    • @nunyabizness9594
      @nunyabizness9594 4 года назад +34

      @@liamhunt1373 Don't bother! Idiots like him refuse to care or act until shit directly affects them.

  • @TheCrispAlien
    @TheCrispAlien 4 года назад +252

    "It's worth remembering that Hitler was actually an incompetent, lazy egomaniac and his government was an absolute clown show.
    In fact, this may even have helped his rise to power, as he was consistently underestimated by the German elite. Before he became chancellor, many of his opponents had dismissed him as a joke for his crude speeches and tacky rallies. Even after elections had made the Nazis the largest party in the Reichstag, people still kept thinking that Hitler was an easy mark, a blustering idiot who could easily be controlled by smart people.
    Why did the elites of Germany so consistently underestimate Hitler? Possibly because they weren't actually wrong in their assessment of his competency-they just failed to realise that this wasn't enough to stand in the way of his ambition. As it would turn out, Hitler was really bad at running a government. As his own press chief Otto Dietrich later wrote in his memoir The Hitler I Knew, "In the twelve years of his rule in Germany Hitler produced the biggest confusion in government that has ever existed in a civilized state."
    His government was constantly in chaos, with officials having no idea what he wanted them to do, and nobody was entirely clear who was actually in charge of what. He procrastinated wildly when asked to make difficult decisions, and would often end up relying on gut feeling, leaving even close allies in the dark about his plans. His "unreliability had those who worked with him pulling out their hair," as his confidant Ernst Hanfstaengl later wrote in his memoir Zwischen Weißem und Braunem Haus. This meant that rather than carrying out the duties of state, they spent most of their time in-fighting and back-stabbing each other in an attempt to either win his approval or avoid his attention altogether, depending on what mood he was in that day.
    There's a bit of an argument among historians about whether this was a deliberate ploy on Hitler's part to get his own way, or whether he was just really, really bad at being in charge of stuff. Dietrich himself came down on the side of it being a cunning tactic to sow division and chaos-and it's undeniable that he was very effective at that. But when you look at Hitler's personal habits, it's hard to shake the feeling that it was just a natural result of putting a workshy narcissist in charge of a country.
    Hitler was incredibly lazy. According to his aide Fritz Wiedemann, even when he was in Berlin he wouldn't get out of bed until after 11 a.m., and wouldn't do much before lunch other than read what the newspapers had to say about him, the press cuttings being dutifully delivered to him by Dietrich.
    He was obsessed with the media and celebrity, and often seems to have viewed himself through that lens. He once described himself as "the greatest actor in Europe," and wrote to a friend, "I believe my life is the greatest novel in world history." In many of his personal habits he came across as strange or even childish-he would have regular naps during the day, he would bite his fingernails at the dinner table, and he had a remarkably sweet tooth that led him to eat "prodigious amounts of cake" and "put so many lumps of sugar in his cup that there was hardly any room for the tea."
    He was deeply insecure about his own lack of knowledge, preferring to either ignore information that contradicted his preconceptions, or to lash out at the expertise of others. He hated being laughed at, but enjoyed it when other people were the butt of the joke (he would perform mocking impressions of people he disliked). But he also craved the approval of those he disdained, and his mood would quickly improve if a newspaper wrote something complimentary about him.
    Little of this was especially secret or unknown at the time. It's why so many people failed to take Hitler seriously until it was too late, dismissing him as merely a "half-mad rascal" or a "man with a beery vocal organ." In a sense, they weren't wrong. In another, much more important sense, they were as wrong as it's possible to get.
    Hitler's personal failings didn't stop him having an uncanny instinct for political rhetoric that would gain mass appeal, and it turns out you don't actually need to have a particularly competent or functional government to do terrible things.
    We tend to assume that when something awful happens there must have been some great controlling intelligence behind it. It's understandable: how could things have gone so wrong, we think, if there wasn't an evil genius pulling the strings? The downside of this is that we tend to assume that if we can't immediately spot an evil genius, then we can all chill out a bit because everything will be fine.
    But history suggests that's a mistake, and it's one that we make over and over again. Many of the worst man-made events that ever occurred were not the product of evil geniuses. Instead they were the product of a parade of idiots and lunatics, incoherently flailing their way through events, helped along the way by overconfident people who thought they could control them."
    From HUMANS: A Brief History of How We F*cked It All Up by Tom Phillips

    • @mvictoria888
      @mvictoria888 4 года назад +45

      I encourage you to submit this as opinion to publications where it can be more widely read. Really nice summary of an important and misunderstood aspect of this situation. Thank you.

    • @spykefal5266
      @spykefal5266 4 года назад +51

      I can't believe that Americans are not able to see the similarity..... but i suppose that's the outcome of a school system that is raising historical and geographical morons......

    • @laurawhitaker1797
      @laurawhitaker1797 4 года назад +28

      Thank you for sharing this-a sobering reminder that as we continue to laugh, Trump and the GOP continue to destroy our democracy and the rest of the world along with it. Who is the real buffoon here?

    • @Ottts22
      @Ottts22 4 года назад +20

      thank you, really interesting, I didn´t know that and I am German, and it is really really frightening, as you can put in Mr. Trump at any of this passages without difficulty.... is this real information about Mr Hitler or a little Propaganda to open up the eyes of the Trump supporters?

    • @lesliewolfe7643
      @lesliewolfe7643 4 года назад +12

      Ok that scared the shit out of me...that is Trump to a T.

  • @TheHebrewidow
    @TheHebrewidow 4 года назад +88

    Ppl that never in life had to face consequences, more than likely, think that consequences do not apply to them.

    • @coreypurvis3084
      @coreypurvis3084 4 года назад +5

      The Hebrew Widow so true.

    • @burnellbrowne4303
      @burnellbrowne4303 4 года назад +1

      thats trump* just don't care anything too deflect from trump* IMPEACHMENT.

    • @kevingarrett8403
      @kevingarrett8403 4 года назад +1

      The Hebrew Widow Yes. That’s The Clintons in a nutshell. Good observation.

  • @Dogboy1092
    @Dogboy1092 4 года назад +243

    As an Aussie I love our US friends. Without you coming when we needed you we couldn't survived WWII. However, we followed the USA into Vietnam which was a disaster. We then followed into Afghanistan and that also turned into a long quagmire. And we were also one of the few nations to follow into Iraq to get rid of Saddam, which also just created disaster after disaster. If President Trump creates another unnecessary Middle-Eastern war for his own ego... I hope our leaders pull back from the US alliance until a more stable person becomes president of the USA once more.

    • @jimbobeire
      @jimbobeire 4 года назад +2

      @Adam Brady Rupert Murdoch wouldn't be happy if Canberra didn't jump when he said jump.

    • @BulletTheEnforcer
      @BulletTheEnforcer 4 года назад +13

      Don’t you realize that going to war with and bombing the crap out of Iran is the only way to fight the horrific fires ravaging your country? I mean what do you have, common sense?
      If you can’t tell, I’m being sarcastic. I am in no way trying to make light of the issues that are happening in Australia at this time.
      A Shaken American

    • @Dogboy1092
      @Dogboy1092 4 года назад +5

      BulletTheEnforcer Hahaha, that is a good one! I actually do appreciate a bit of clever sarcasm :) Thanks for your sentiments regarding our fires. I’m thinking of you all as well. I know you have bigger state/national issues you’d rather fix, than wondering if your president is going to get you involved in another war.

    • @ofdrumsandchords
      @ofdrumsandchords 4 года назад +6

      NATO members certainly won't go in a war decided by Trump alone on Twitter. I don't know for Australia, but we are not there yet. For the time being, the international community is trying to cool things down, and Trump won't have congress approval. And Soleimani fought Daesh so I have a hard time understanding Trump's logic. His asked his counsellors : Can we go at war without releasing too much CO2 ? Yes, mr president, if we use nuclear weapons, absolutly !

    • @chaoticlife311
      @chaoticlife311 4 года назад +2

      aw.. you really poor thing... dont you realise...
      There is no stable person is USA.

  • @Lopezzz619
    @Lopezzz619 4 года назад +321

    I’m so happy Colbert is back! We’ve missed you!!

  • @PerovNigma
    @PerovNigma 4 года назад +173

    What a rough year this week has been...

    • @phniedwn
      @phniedwn 4 года назад +17

      This so sums up this week perfectly.

    • @beberivera7011
      @beberivera7011 4 года назад +2


    • @phniedwn
      @phniedwn 4 года назад +2

      @Cliff Moore True, the top1% are living their best lives.

    • @commonsense9755
      @commonsense9755 4 года назад

      @Cliff Moore that is not true. If you are listening

    • @commonsense9755
      @commonsense9755 4 года назад

      @@phniedwn not that is not true at all.

  • @Anonymous-th2rr
    @Anonymous-th2rr 4 года назад +83

    I was born at 2003 in Iraq and I don't want to live the events that happened then and sure don't want the older ones to RElive those events

    • @voodoodummie
      @voodoodummie 4 года назад +2

      I mean, this do seem to be the days to release a whole bunch of remakes of older works

    • @josejose-sw6uf
      @josejose-sw6uf 4 года назад +1

      Anonymous 1
      America free you from sadam. you better thank GOD JESUS for America

    • @Anonymous-th2rr
      @Anonymous-th2rr 4 года назад +7

      @@josejose-sw6uf blah blah blah ... BULLSHIT.
      Maybe saved us from Sadam but they didn't do it to "save" us, they did it for the oil in the area and they gave us to Iran which is worse than Sadam.
      So it's bullshit

    • @Anonymous-th2rr
      @Anonymous-th2rr 4 года назад

      @@mclovin9165 not really.
      If you live in Iraq you'll know that even if you tried to build a house, a home, you'll get threatened AND killed and no one can protect you.

  • @HayTatsuko
    @HayTatsuko 4 года назад +227

    I love how one of the Trump camp's arguments back in 2016 was that *_Hillary Clinton_* would spark a Middle-Eastern war....
    yet again, Trump transferred his own misbehavior and flaws onto someone else.

    • @ryanbrown4053
      @ryanbrown4053 4 года назад +3

      Perhaps, but let's not pretend that it wouldn't have happened anyway.

    • @HayTatsuko
      @HayTatsuko 4 года назад +21

      @@ryanbrown4053 I've no doubt some sort of conflict was coming -- but I doubt any other leader, of any party, would have been quite so abrasive and horrible about it as Trump has been. Who the hell threatens to destroy cultural sites? That's some ISIS-level behavior, right there. See: Palmyra, Mosul, and many, many other sites of Muslim and Christian import. ( )

    • @openyourmind3763
      @openyourmind3763 4 года назад +14

      Highly recommend watching Trevor Noah's 7 min clip about the assassination. At 6;15 is a 2011 clip of Trump predicting his own actions. It's unbelievable!видео.html

    • @ryanbrown4053
      @ryanbrown4053 4 года назад +2

      @@HayTatsuko why are you linking me proof of ISIS being terrible as if anyone is on the other side of that issue

    • @ol-si4lx
      @ol-si4lx 4 года назад +2

      @Adam Brady i really dont care about your political views i just hate how you said lol twice in a sentance

  • @Broducts
    @Broducts 4 года назад +364

    If this becomes a war can we just give Trump to them and say "no need to return it"

    • @otsonoma
      @otsonoma 4 года назад +31

      Great plan. Where is the petition?

    • @dr.gregorious9336
      @dr.gregorious9336 4 года назад +14

      Broduts Wtf are your videos man? ...🤮👍

    • @jojijoestar7950
      @jojijoestar7950 4 года назад +15

      Lets just tell trump that its an award ceremony

    • @turtl3648
      @turtl3648 4 года назад +9

      @@dr.gregorious9336 looks like some old school youtube? 😃 Kinda cheers me up actually

    • @otsonoma
      @otsonoma 4 года назад +2

      @@jojijoestar7950 yeah or kfc

  • @aria_chatt
    @aria_chatt 4 года назад +530

    I love old, out of harm’s way men, sending millions of young men with lives ahead of them to die on foreign soil, seemingly just because.

    • @KCohere33
      @KCohere33 4 года назад +16

      Men and women

    • @azuman7
      @azuman7 4 года назад +6

      That's what I keep thinking. The people pushing for this don't have to die for this. Other faceless people will. This is where "Ok Boomer" come from.

    • @TeamLegacyFTW
      @TeamLegacyFTW 4 года назад +5

      The fact that wars have "rules" and weapons deemed illegal to use, is proof that it's like a game of chess to them, and we are the pawns.

    • @TeamLegacyFTW
      @TeamLegacyFTW 4 года назад +17

      Put them in a room with a knife and let them 1v1. Save millions of lives, money, and time👍

    • @MrAapasuo
      @MrAapasuo 4 года назад +3

      Those rules in war were an attempt to lower the casualties in war, generally.
      But like so many other things they got twisted and turned in time

  • @VivekAnandJ
    @VivekAnandJ 4 года назад +85

    I'm always surprised by how glibly Americans dismiss lives of ppl of other countries! 😱😭

    • @EmB61491
      @EmB61491 4 года назад +8

      Not all of us!

    • @sambeam2404
      @sambeam2404 4 года назад +9

      @Greg_Delta Idiot

    • @dulcieparker7425
      @dulcieparker7425 4 года назад +1

      Vivek...they are doing it now,with the Corona virus.Morons! And I'm surrounded by them. It couldn't be any clearer to me now.How crass. How arrogant yet super stupid. The worst kind of arrogance!Any one who sez people are over reacting either don't watch the news, believe any news or are plain simpletons. Their noncompliance or shrugging of the shoulders could cost lives.. the ones of their loved ones. Hey, but as long as they "seem" smart coming up with a hoax gracious to even include the president as the instigator,as a "he can't b that crazy..he musta planned it all!"Much ezier to do that sittin on the couch, then to stand up n take action!! 3, now 6 feet distance?..Yeah..I wanna distance myself allright.

    • @peforster6725
      @peforster6725 3 года назад

      November 9, 2020. Look how Americans care about each other.

  • @Cypresssina
    @Cypresssina 4 года назад +70

    Australia: Please send help, shit's getting real! We're desperate!
    Trump: What does this big red button do?

    • @xen0g3n
      @xen0g3n 4 года назад +10

      Living here in Australia at the moment, it certainly looks and feels like he's already pressed it.

    • @Cypresssina
      @Cypresssina 4 года назад +5

      @@xen0g3n My hopes are with you. We get fires here but what you're experiencing is like something out of a nightmare. I can't even imagine. You guys are the first prayer I've made in over a year.

    • @philipclayberg4928
      @philipclayberg4928 4 года назад +3

      xenOg3n: "Living here in Australia at the moment, it certainly looks and feels like he's already pressed it."
      Maybe Trump wants to make sure that "On the Beach" isn't fiction anymore.

    • @kazumauno
      @kazumauno 4 года назад +1

      Omg you killed me with that one. No pun intended.

    • @hotterone1127
      @hotterone1127 4 года назад +1

      @@philipclayberg4928 "World doesn't end with a bang, but with a whimper". Terrifyingly with what's happening in Australia, with the loss of human and animal life, it's beginning to look like that was a prescient prophecy! Have to hope that it's not so.

  • @pexfmezccle
    @pexfmezccle 4 года назад +477

    The White House is like a nuthouse being run by it’s most deranged patient

    • @philipclayberg4928
      @philipclayberg4928 4 года назад +5

      Maybe it should be re-named "Arkham Insane Asylum".

    • @gabrieltinajero8388
      @gabrieltinajero8388 4 года назад +6

      or like a Circus run by a Clown

    • @jcspider7259
      @jcspider7259 4 года назад +2


    • @jjokinen8420
      @jjokinen8420 4 года назад +3

      @@philipclayberg4928 Run by Cletus Cassidy

    • @randomboris
      @randomboris 4 года назад +2

      Deranged is a good adjective to describe the clown in chief.

  • @Lambda_Ovine
    @Lambda_Ovine 4 года назад +39

    Never mind that until very recently, Soleimani was literally our ally in the fight against ISIS and that's why he was so beloved by his people, and when he was killed, he was on a peace mission to reduce tensions between Iran and Saudi-Arabia. Also, the same intelligence agencies that claimed that Soleimani was allegedly planning an attack on the US, are the agencies that lied to us at every step of the way during the war in Afghanistan, as we learned on that report by the New York Times a few weeks ago, and no evidence to of the such claims have never been presented to anybody.

    • @Areanyusernamesleft
      @Areanyusernamesleft 4 года назад +3

      To be honest neither Soliemoni nor Iran were ever US allies, they just happen to have a shared enemy whom they hate at least as much as the USA. Basically Iran and the USA stayed out of each-other's way while fighting ISIS, there wasn't any coordination or formal cooperation beyond that.

    • @celinamilian
      @celinamilian 4 года назад

      You better male go sit down, u must resent you mama

    • @kev3d
      @kev3d 4 года назад +2

      A peace mission?

    • @fifty9forty3
      @fifty9forty3 4 года назад +1

      We fought with Russia against the Nazis and the long cold war followed including a very tense Cuban Missile Crises in 1962. We fought and destroyed the Germans and Japanese in WW2 and they are our allies today. What point are you making that hasn't been made before?

  • @DocProctor
    @DocProctor 4 года назад +548

    I bet that those "imminent threats" were just as "real" as Iraq's WMDs.

    • @actontreadway1168
      @actontreadway1168 4 года назад +2

      me too. unless you consider that they just attacked our embassy in another country so it wouldn't be so hard to imagine that there might be more to come.

    • @silentmuffin5804
      @silentmuffin5804 4 года назад +8

      @@actontreadway1168 imagine if the roles were in reverse how do you think Trump supoters and the country would react

    • @silentmuffin5804
      @silentmuffin5804 4 года назад +7

      @Crom they admire the guy over there and Trump gave the order to kill. if people are shocked that Trump did it this way why wouldn't he he's probably not gonna be in office for another term hopefully

    • @silentmuffin5804
      @silentmuffin5804 4 года назад +17

      The president should be able to read off the teleprompter as a requirement for the job and able to formulate a full coherent sentence not just repeat the same thing over and over also have the basics human emotion such as empathy and honestly just be a complete opposite of Trump

    • @vidpic8311
      @vidpic8311 4 года назад

      Another fool blinded by Trump HATE, Trump does not want WAR. . .

  • @edmbkn5258
    @edmbkn5258 4 года назад +1105

    I feel pity for American soldiers, and equally for their targets.

    • @mghazi5197
      @mghazi5197 4 года назад +101

      ya, pure unjustified death just because of some crazy polticians who have no respect for human life

    • @waladoopa2667
      @waladoopa2667 4 года назад +27

      can troops not go on a strike?

    • @Comradenby
      @Comradenby 4 года назад +14

      @@waladoopa2667 there are laws that force them to I think.. if those are the orders.

    •  4 года назад +33

      Nathaniel Miller you’re an idiot

    • @tastytherrien5106
      @tastytherrien5106 4 года назад +8

      @@nathanielmiller907 can you elaborate on the "alot" going into this?

  • @nunogomes5705
    @nunogomes5705 4 года назад +552

    They got money for wars, but can't feed the poor
    2Pac ✌🏾♥️

    • @nightmaresandterrorstheate5185
      @nightmaresandterrorstheate5185 4 года назад +4

      Ca house and feed illegal immigrants. Free medical too. You can't see the libtard agenda?

    • @zackattack6371
      @zackattack6371 4 года назад +38

      Tim Stanton ah, it’s almost like they are people and aren’t just seen as “illegal immigrants”. It’s almost like they believe in help thy neighbor as thyself. You are such a sheep to trump it’s stupid

    • @superdiver.
      @superdiver. 4 года назад +4

      Don’t worry tax payers have everyone covered including illegals and their US citizen children.

    • @HEATER_
      @HEATER_ 4 года назад +3

      After Obama gave them the money we bombed their banks.

    • @priyamd4759
      @priyamd4759 4 года назад +1

      That would be against Capitalism, right?

  • @genelomas332
    @genelomas332 4 года назад +27

    Oh Stephen, we've missed you these last 3 weeks or so..
    Merry Christmas, Happy new year, and thank you for all that you do.

  • @tyrant-den884
    @tyrant-den884 4 года назад +632

    Hear me out: we arrest him, and then give him to Iran.

    • @Nabs-xd2qr
      @Nabs-xd2qr 4 года назад +58

      Throw in his entire cabinet and you've got yourself a deal.

    • @butternuggets868
      @butternuggets868 4 года назад +11

      But would they want him?

    • @thor-hr9ji
      @thor-hr9ji 4 года назад +11

      Hear me out: we should never arrest a sitting president and ship him of to hostile countries to be executed because we don’t agree with them politically

    • @pringers3831
      @pringers3831 4 года назад +21

      Butternuggets There’s an $80m bounty for him by Iran, they definitely do want him.

    • @thor-hr9ji
      @thor-hr9ji 4 года назад +3

      markmac Trump has been harder on Russia than are past president

  • @IAmSuzyQ
    @IAmSuzyQ 4 года назад +96

    Back on 8-31-13 Trump made this prediction: "Be prepared, there's a chance that our horrendous leadership could unknowingly lead us into WWIII." Looks like Nostradumbass might have been right...🤷🏼‍♀️

  • @enverhoxha2698
    @enverhoxha2698 4 года назад +62

    People were joking about him declaring war via tweet, so he actually did it

    • @enverhoxha2698
      @enverhoxha2698 4 года назад +4

      @Random RUclips Idiot it wasn't a deescalation, Iran already responded. You're delusional if you think this was a deescalation

    • @oldmoney1022
      @oldmoney1022 4 года назад +1

      @Random RUclips Idiot Your name suits you well. Iran is not finished yet. By killing that general Trump opened up Pandora's box. Russia and China and Iran are now doing joint navy drills. Ask yourself why that is.
      Let's see how Trump responds when in the next attacks from Iran, Americans are killed. I doubt he will respond with "all is well" when that happens. More likely it's gonna be more "fire and fury" where it will actually happen this time...

    • @brianglenn1838
      @brianglenn1838 4 года назад +2

      So you guys really think there will be another war? Too much drama from the Dems, the News and this kind of talkshow that only knows how to make fun of the situation.

    • @HolgerDanske
      @HolgerDanske 4 года назад

      He declared war? When? In what tweet did he say it?

    • @Itaxok
      @Itaxok 4 года назад +1

      @@oldmoney1022 Russia's navy? You mean the one with only one aircraft carrier that happens to be broken?

  • @mannycampos6885
    @mannycampos6885 4 года назад +86

    Damn in the first week the decade Trump did something stupid already.

    • @lemonielala3080
      @lemonielala3080 4 года назад +11

      Well to be fair I don't think there has been a week he hasn't done something insane so I guess it was to be expected. The scale of the stupidity surprised me this time though. 🙄

    • @MrManifolder
      @MrManifolder 4 года назад

      *Bernie 2020! The original anti-war candidate!*
      This is how a real president sounds.видео.htmlвидео.html

    • @Dan_Ben_Michael
      @Dan_Ben_Michael 4 года назад +1

      Why should any other decade of his life be any different?

    • @ultimatemanny
      @ultimatemanny 4 года назад

      So true wth smh

  • @scottrowe533
    @scottrowe533 4 года назад +70

    "It's like that old vaudeville routine:
    'Who's on first?'
    'Kill him.'
    'Kill who?'
    'Yes.' "

    • @stylis666
      @stylis666 4 года назад +2

      @TheDarkerKnight And you actually say such a word with a name like yours. I guess it takes one to know one in this case. You ever heard of the word _irony?_

  • @nonna_sof5889
    @nonna_sof5889 3 года назад +3

    "Hope 2020 in off to a great start." Oh you poor bastard, if only you knew.

  • @Kurzula5150
    @Kurzula5150 4 года назад +88

    President Theodore Roosevelt: Speak softly and carry a big stick.
    President Donald J Trump: Shout loudly and pretend you have a bone spur.

    • @allenluce4070
      @allenluce4070 4 года назад +4

      Trump pretends to have a big stick but it's obvious he doesn't. Just look at his tiny hands.

    • @Stephen2153
      @Stephen2153 4 года назад

      That big stick is going in the democrats on November.

    • @karlwilker579
      @karlwilker579 4 года назад +3

      If Teddy saw what his party had become, he would speak very loudly and use a big stick on a certain person.

  • @hendrysimione831
    @hendrysimione831 4 года назад +187

    Ever get that feeling that this is all a smokescreen to make us look the other way from what's really happening....🤔

    • @alecnolastname4362
      @alecnolastname4362 4 года назад +9

      What, you mean that Jeffrey Epstein is back on his private island?
      Or that Extraterrestrials are real?
      Orrr that the wealthiest people In the world run everything and we cant know that?

    • @philipclayberg4928
      @philipclayberg4928 4 года назад +5

      Didn't that used to be called "bait and switch"? Or "smoke and mirrors"? Or both, maybe?

    • @lasoniahunter5448
      @lasoniahunter5448 4 года назад +4


    • @hibaahmad1887
      @hibaahmad1887 4 года назад +2

      @@alecnolastname4362 I can't find any news about Epstein. Do you have an article I can read?

    • @jnjaganon8226
      @jnjaganon8226 4 года назад +3


  • @Kelz_X
    @Kelz_X 4 года назад +69

    So glad you’re back Colbert. I haven’t laughed since 2019. You’ve been missed

  • @Starrgazed
    @Starrgazed 4 года назад +58


  • @prognosis8768
    @prognosis8768 4 года назад +286

    He left out the part about the Iraqi Prime Minister mentioning that the Iranian General was there for talks aimed at reducing tensions....

    • @Victorblud
      @Victorblud 4 года назад +19

      Only so much bad news at once.

    • @Palestine4Ever169
      @Palestine4Ever169 4 года назад +12

      Prog Nosis
      You left the part that his Iranian puppet
      And we kicked him out
      That general is will known terrorist here
      Am iraqi

    • @revealingserendipity9840
      @revealingserendipity9840 4 года назад +2

      That's like baiting a deer stand with corn so you can sit there and wait for the deer to come eat and you can watch them chew while you shoot them. The will just stand there and look in your eyes while you pull the trigger.

    • @Noises
      @Noises 4 года назад +3

      @@revealingserendipity9840 That's like taking your AR-15 to walmart and culling diabetic americans because the only good yank is a corpse.

    • @deborahfreedman333
      @deborahfreedman333 4 года назад +5

      Sure, right after giving more funding to Hamas and Hezbollah.

  • @Awkwardtunity
    @Awkwardtunity 4 года назад +26

    How the hell can drump threaten war with a country and not get banned from Twitter?!?!?

    • @pamelacass9642
      @pamelacass9642 4 года назад +1

      Look how many years it took to get rid of Alex Jones after his vile words about Sandy Hook. And who's to say Alex isnt back on Twitter, just under another name?
      Twitter claims that the President's tweets are "newsworthy". Are they? He's certainly running the country with them. He's getting very little other work done if he has to go to the potty everytime to announce new sh#t all the time.

    • @celinamilian
      @celinamilian 4 года назад +1

      You officially have no common sense

    • @reesetorwad8346
      @reesetorwad8346 4 года назад +1

      Because Twitter is a major part of the problem. From the beginning.

    • @celinamilian
      @celinamilian 4 года назад

      @@pamelacass9642 Itvmames you feel bad but it doesn't change your outcomes

    • @hectorheck1353
      @hectorheck1353 4 года назад

      @@pamelacass9642 Because the anti-Trump noise in the media is so loud, Trump smartly uses Twitter to get his messages out. You have something against free speech?

  • @tommyt1971
    @tommyt1971 4 года назад +247

    “They’re allowed to torture and maim our people.” I guess Our Beloved Fooey conveniently forgot about Guantanamo Bay and Abu Ghraib...

    • @ThunderGawdFX
      @ThunderGawdFX 4 года назад +14

      Pretty sure he doesn't know what either of those are

    • @thomashumphries7859
      @thomashumphries7859 4 года назад +1

      We elected Dirty Harry, I'm proud of him. 🇺🇸

    • @leahsander5490
      @leahsander5490 4 года назад +18

      ​@@thomashumphries7859 And yet somehow I don't think you'd appreciate it if your family was brutally abducted, tortured and murdered for no reason at all. I somehow don't think you'd like it if your loved ones were put through Abu Graibh or a CIA black site. Here's to hoping you never get to experience the same blood crazed lunacy you support.

    • @thomashumphries7859
      @thomashumphries7859 4 года назад +2

      @@leahsander5490 I support peace, and if someone messes with our peace we should f*ck 'em up so we can have some damn peace

    • @mongoose1618
      @mongoose1618 4 года назад +3

      And the whole Iraq war . Again for internal political brownie points.

  • @consciousgaming5991
    @consciousgaming5991 4 года назад +153

    Memes and jokes aside I’m actually pretty scared of what might happen in the weeks to come. We have to pray for our troops and hope for the best, because this president might doom us all.

    • @mortyj376
      @mortyj376 4 года назад +19

      You think god will protect your mass murder troops? The ones that bring war to the whole world? Why would he do that?

    • @bnap3221
      @bnap3221 4 года назад

      Concious Gaming How would trump doom you all exactly?

    • @bnap3221
      @bnap3221 4 года назад +4

      Seems like you’re very uninformed about the situation in Iran

    • @user-lu4fn9pe4y
      @user-lu4fn9pe4y 4 года назад

      what do u mean ''weeks'', it's days, maybe hours...

    • @azarinevil
      @azarinevil 4 года назад +6

      @@bnap3221 America can't afford a war with Iran and Iran has been preparing for that war since they liberated themselves from American-backed authoritarianism and adopted democracy. America can't win a war with Iran without nukes, America can't fire a nuke without some nuclear enemy retaliating.. even if just as an excuse to drop a nuke on the US. This has been watched as the lynchpin of WW3 for very good reason, America is Iran's abusive ex who never stops trying to hurt them and Iran would rather die than live like that.

  • @kateleblanc604
    @kateleblanc604 4 года назад +369

    trump's war" Weapons of Mass Deflection from Impeachment, and a boost for Reelection"

    • @nightmaresandterrorstheate5185
      @nightmaresandterrorstheate5185 4 года назад +5

      Cause that collusion with Russia worked out lol.

    • @marcorock7031
      @marcorock7031 4 года назад +8

      @@nightmaresandterrorstheate5185 Oh look another one

    • @tking1170
      @tking1170 4 года назад +4

      He doesn't need a deflection from impeachment. He will not be removed and it was a strictly partisan vote anyway. (not legitimate)

    • @youmeandeveryone5893
      @youmeandeveryone5893 4 года назад +4

      Reelection is not in the menu

    • @tking1170
      @tking1170 4 года назад +1

      @@youmeandeveryone5893 Yeah, in 2024!

  • @raptor1-238
    @raptor1-238 4 года назад +113

    I can see trump closing his eyes and picking an option by saying inee miney moe

    • @amandeepv
      @amandeepv 4 года назад

      raptor 1-2 don’t talk rubbish this doesn’t even compare

    • @YukiPyro
      @YukiPyro 4 года назад +3

      Same thing Obama did when He invaded Libya and Syria?? Are you Democrats only in favor of war when its your side pulling thr trigger?

    • @kathleenmckeon9926
      @kathleenmckeon9926 4 года назад +2

      Where have you been, that was already done for 16 years. Bushy and Obama blew up the middle east. There will be no war with this administration.

    • @jeffreybeaumont5499
      @jeffreybeaumont5499 4 года назад

      You see what you've been conditioned to see. It's you who have your eyes closed. You don't even pick an option. Your options are decided for you.

    • @iamthebeatmaster
      @iamthebeatmaster 4 года назад +1

      TDS much?

  • @ThyDevilsGhost
    @ThyDevilsGhost 4 года назад +349

    "This is going to be the greatest war of all wars. Nobody has ever seen a war this great. People tell me all the time this will be the war to end all wars."

    • @albert8203
      @albert8203 4 года назад +1

      Yes Amen your right

    • @BrianGay57
      @BrianGay57 4 года назад +18

      Please tell me this is sarcasm!

    • @voxelpixel5761
      @voxelpixel5761 4 года назад +14

      Just wait few days and he (the impeachment guy) will pronounce these words. Lol. Hope someone will use common sense to stop him.

    • @channonj5780
      @channonj5780 4 года назад +3

      You signed up ready to go ? Key board killer.

    • @MrChipBryant
      @MrChipBryant 4 года назад +2

      They said the exact same thing about the Great War if you know anything about history??

  • @YusufGinnah
    @YusufGinnah 4 года назад +238

    I missed that:
    'Dot, dot, dot, dot, dot... "

    • @AngelOfMusic20
      @AngelOfMusic20 4 года назад +2

      I literally say this out loud now

    • @alfanydiaz8095
      @alfanydiaz8095 4 года назад

      Hang on, dot dot dot dot 😂😂😂

    • @yackama504
      @yackama504 4 года назад

      I can't help laughing, every time he says it! Missed you Stephen and all!!!

    • @robertcartier5088
      @robertcartier5088 4 года назад

      I love how you put dots at the end! lol

    • @igorschmidlapp6987
      @igorschmidlapp6987 4 года назад +1

      That's my "new text message" tone on my phone... ;-)

  • @Relmyna
    @Relmyna 4 года назад +71

    My entire life we have been at war in the middle east.

    • @Heybuditsme
      @Heybuditsme 4 года назад +5

      The Republicans started the wars, the Democrats bit their tongues and supported them. When you can vote, vote socialist.

    • @nicp7454
      @nicp7454 4 года назад +2

      J Baron because socialism is a great thing to replicate... Igmo

    • @nicp7454
      @nicp7454 4 года назад

      We will always be at war. Always have since the beginning of time nothing new

    • @Gattobuono
      @Gattobuono 4 года назад +3

      @@Heybuditsme The rich and powerful starts the wars, irrespective of political affiliation. That's the way it's always been.

    • @St-hj1ux
      @St-hj1ux 4 года назад

      @@nicp7454 We are all going to die, whats the point of living.

  • @aminchelihi5354
    @aminchelihi5354 4 года назад +2

    Colbert killed this one. Bravo!!

  • @ricocottrell3017
    @ricocottrell3017 4 года назад +96

    "Against the assault of laughter nothing can stand."
    -- Mark Twain

    • @taytayswiftie13-o1d
      @taytayswiftie13-o1d 4 года назад +4

      Except a big orange shameless pumpkin who is a laughing stock of the whole world

    • @adrianthompson6380
      @adrianthompson6380 4 года назад +1

      Just the opposite. Daily Show-style humor makes people feel like they’re doing something meaningful, while still passively accepting government policies.

    • @ittakesallkinds809
      @ittakesallkinds809 4 года назад

      Too bad there is no longer anything funny about trump.

    • @ohmyblindman
      @ohmyblindman 4 года назад

      Yes, in theory.

    • @SpectatorAlius
      @SpectatorAlius 4 года назад

      @Rico Cottrell It is tempting to believe. But look at how Trump and McConnell get away with murder now matter how much of a laughingstock Trump makes of himself!

  • @andrewfoster9635
    @andrewfoster9635 4 года назад +88

    Somewhere someone is now changing the nuclear codes 😂

    • @MC_AU
      @MC_AU 4 года назад +7

      Please let that be true.

    • @seriesjunkie0074
      @seriesjunkie0074 4 года назад +4

      We can only hope!

    • @sapid77
      @sapid77 4 года назад

      One can only hope🙏🏽🙏🏽

    • @lilaclizard4504
      @lilaclizard4504 4 года назад +1

      fun fact, the US nuclear codes were 0000 for over 20 years during the cold war - they didn't want confusion or a lack of communications during a nuclear attack to stop them being able to launch them
      & another fun fact, Bill Clinton lost them & took him weeks to even notice he had - unlike trump, he really wasn't interested in pressing the red button. They were finally found, were in a suit pocket or something I think, I've forgotten the details now, should come up on a search if anyone wants to follow up :)

  • @DKT1970
    @DKT1970 4 года назад +252

    OPtions on the menu, Trump: "I was elected to lead, not to read"

    • @stylis666
      @stylis666 4 года назад +6

      And based on his diet, he could evidently only remember a few words from having heard them in a "restaurant" somewhere.

    • @sanyang66
      @sanyang66 4 года назад +10

      Simpsons did it.

    • @sansocie
      @sansocie 4 года назад

      This wins.

  • @destinycircle8192
    @destinycircle8192 4 года назад +83

    Note to Generals: never put the option you don't want him to pick on the list of options to pick.

    • @homersimpson9352
      @homersimpson9352 4 года назад +4

      @Snork Town That's the most brain dead way of looking at it. We can have stupid culture and law. At the end of day you want to make the RIGHT decision. Was it a good idea to have given him the option?. Of course fucking not.

    • @couragekarnga8735
      @couragekarnga8735 4 года назад

      To understand Trump, just do what you know he would hate.

    • @destinycircle8192
      @destinycircle8192 4 года назад +1

      @Snork Town no, it would not be treason. "Treason" is working for the enemy. Not killing someone because it would cause way worse problems than it would solve is not working for the enemy, it's being smart. Giving Israeli intelligence to Russia is way closer to treason.

    • @DemocracyUS
      @DemocracyUS 4 года назад

      Those generals that worked with him need to be held accountable by Congress. None of this makes sense and they are required to make sense!

    • @DemocracyUS
      @DemocracyUS 4 года назад

      @Evil Rev That's a pretty evil comment, Evil. They don't hate pre-US 15th century "America" but they are dedicated to the post "American" RIGHTS and LAWS as instituted by the founding fathers just like every other true patriot. The senate circumvents this as does the president. If you are in the US,. you need to get onboard.

  • @charlie5115
    @charlie5115 4 года назад +23

    Colbert is pretty much the only thing keeping me sane right now

    • @paulcunnane4
      @paulcunnane4 4 года назад +1

      Wow you really ate pathetic.

    • @charlie5115
      @charlie5115 4 года назад +1

      Paul Cunnane and Jozef Zadel: At least I can f*cking spell😉

  • @dborg56
    @dborg56 4 года назад +284

    Hmmmm! I wonder how many of his friends at Mar-a-Lago called their stock brokers after he told them of his intention to retaliate against Iran.

    • @suzescoo
      @suzescoo 4 года назад


    • @r.fernandes9526
      @r.fernandes9526 4 года назад +8

      ALL OF THEM!!!!

    • @mikeg9b
      @mikeg9b 4 года назад +3

    • @sereanaduwai8313
      @sereanaduwai8313 4 года назад +1

      uuuummmm good thinking there dborg56!

    • @scottybee33
      @scottybee33 4 года назад +4

      I'm firmly convinced he's done this many times before...

  • @thesheikhnoor
    @thesheikhnoor 4 года назад +2

    Missed you so much Mr. Colbert. Hope you had a great holiday season. Thanks for getting back to our lives...

  • @nafisa.t13
    @nafisa.t13 4 года назад +145

    I can't even bring myself to laugh at this.

    • @WeedWhacker2010
      @WeedWhacker2010 4 года назад +15

      @Twoofer Derper "Twoofer": You're as stupid as your screen-name sounds.

    • @whatsthe411withdruskiwilli6
      @whatsthe411withdruskiwilli6 4 года назад +6

      Man the line about a break up and a threesome choice was kinda funny.. but I feel you

    • @alexpaynter5176
      @alexpaynter5176 4 года назад

      Nafisa Tabassum I hear ya. I remember when Colbert was funny

    • @LordKnightcon
      @LordKnightcon 4 года назад +4

      @@alexpaynter5176 I remember when we looked at comedians for laughs and elected officials for the truth instead of the other way around.

    • @arthurjeremypearson
      @arthurjeremypearson 4 года назад

      I have been stunned in abject horror, unable to enjoy late night talk shows, ever since 2016. This entire administration isn't just a disaster, it's an affront to a human being's sanity.

  • @indominuswrex9465
    @indominuswrex9465 4 года назад +26

    But the Saudis can dismember a journalist with a bone saw, and nothing happens.

  • @fazhluddinshaik7334
    @fazhluddinshaik7334 4 года назад +220

    How many wars do you want?
    USA: Yes

    • @deborahfreedman333
      @deborahfreedman333 4 года назад +2

      Right, because the US is funding the terrorist organizations Hamas, Hezbollah, and Boko Haram to cause wars. Wait, no, that is Iran.

    • @thagrammarnazi
      @thagrammarnazi 4 года назад +2

      Deborah Freedman And weapons of mass destruction, and something something always a reason.

    • @bobby3291
      @bobby3291 4 года назад +5

      This isn't the will of the American people. No one wants this.

    • @suzannereilman4516
      @suzannereilman4516 4 года назад, not ‘Americans’, just dumbazzed Donnie getting bored.....

    • @torin647
      @torin647 4 года назад +1

      Deborah Freedman woman that guy that trump killed helped stop that shit from getting to Iran. Now ISIs and all that other crap might have the ability to try and recruit in Iran: hate feeds hate! :( Trump isn’t just stuffing up the States no more - this is a global mess cause of him.

  • @willowhouston6912
    @willowhouston6912 4 года назад +147

    Nothing like asking for peace while killing 😥.

    • @denyze2263
      @denyze2263 4 года назад +1

      WILLOW HOUSTON ... Yes. Strange that.

    • @fayetoliver562
      @fayetoliver562 4 года назад

      I Thessalonian 5:3

    • @robertb7230
      @robertb7230 4 года назад +4

      Weird you didn't care about how the Iranians always did that until now, good to see more Americans now paying attention to how Iran constantly spoke of peace while blowing us to shit in the desert.

    • @Marymackthequeenofwack
      @Marymackthequeenofwack 4 года назад +3

      @@robertb7230 Amen! Apparently the majority of Americans are either ignorant or willfully ignorant as to the enormous role Iran and Iranians served in OIF. They were the ones who were planting IEDS from the jump and shared that knowledge with the Iraqis.

    • @MSB-sn1md
      @MSB-sn1md 4 года назад +2

      Mary Mack the Queen Of Whack ah man it’s almost as if nations don’t like it when you put troops in their borders and blow up their towns and people from half way across the globe...

  • @TahtahmesDiary
    @TahtahmesDiary 4 года назад +58

    "Kill who?"

  • @petepetersen5418
    @petepetersen5418 4 года назад +5

    This is when US citizens need to make proper use of their 2nd amendment and get rid of their tyrannical government... But nah.

    • @RWald8888
      @RWald8888 4 года назад

      Agreed! That's what the 2nd ammendment is for, over throw government if need be, right now it need be.

    • @hectorheck1353
      @hectorheck1353 4 года назад

      What? Why?

  • @maori94
    @maori94 4 года назад +32

    could you just put him in prison already... >.

  • @whatiwasgoingtosay
    @whatiwasgoingtosay 4 года назад +325

    “I’m pretty sure that means he comes with sour cream.” Phrasing.

    • @mischarowe
      @mischarowe 4 года назад +6

      Where was your mind..? ;P

    • @telectronix1368
      @telectronix1368 4 года назад +12

      Are we still doing that?

    • @mrspacley4001
      @mrspacley4001 4 года назад +10

      I'm glad phrasing is back in rotation

      @GOODNOIGHT 4 года назад

      whatiwasgoingtosay UH PHRASING BOOM!!

    • @Beginstheman
      @Beginstheman 4 года назад +1

      Wow, that sounds naughty all of a sudden.

  • @tvftw1
    @tvftw1 4 года назад +66

    "Hu's on first. Kill him"
    "Kill who?"
    Timeless comedy

  • @jthompson6189
    @jthompson6189 4 года назад +286

    The moment when you realize were the bad guys.

    • @chasecharland1160
      @chasecharland1160 4 года назад +16

      🙄 right, Iran's perfect human rights record and mutually beneficial and fair political trade relations make them a shining beacon of human rightousness
      Shame on you America, as a Canadian im just appalled that you all would bully harass and destroy such an innocent and compassionate ppl, government and religion.

    • @velvetlensfilms3290
      @velvetlensfilms3290 4 года назад +63

      Chase Charland it’s not about them being good. Iran is not like al quieda or isis. Iran is a nation good or bad you can’t bomb them or kill their generals. If that happened to Canada or any country it’s a declaration of war. I’m sure your friends and family know you’re not the sharpest tool in the shed.

    • @Dpol85
      @Dpol85 4 года назад +2

      @@velvetlensfilms3290 there should be a 3 strike rule for green lighting attacks on our nations embassies which is considered US soil. And if that were the case this guy would have struck out 3 times or more. I still think 3 times is too many. Especially when innocent lives are lost.

    • @matt9060
      @matt9060 4 года назад +19

      @@chasecharland1160 Good thing you only speak for the uneducated Canadians.
      No one claimed anything of the sort of crap you're spouting about.

    • @johncarruthers5552
      @johncarruthers5552 4 года назад +8

      What took you so long to work that out ?

  • @reesetorwad8346
    @reesetorwad8346 4 года назад +36

    "Very" "stable" "genius."

    • @anitagorr2106
      @anitagorr2106 4 года назад

      Your in denial., or just as stupid as Trump if you associate those words with Trump because he lacks all.

    • @cummingonyourface
      @cummingonyourface 4 года назад

      @@anitagorr2106 16 missiles from Iran - 0 casualties, seems Iran wanted to maintain their powerful imagine without provoking the mighty States because everyone in the world knows they'd be deleted from existence. Iran warned the US and the word was given to evacuate all buildings targeted. Trump's not as dumb as you think, the media makes him out to be a moron

    • @stasiaspade1169
      @stasiaspade1169 4 года назад

      The stable is where they keep the horses ass.

  • @krisfrederick5001
    @krisfrederick5001 4 года назад +122

    Remember when he said he would never announce any military plans because the enemy would know about it?

    • @kennyb6541
      @kennyb6541 4 года назад +2

      Yes. Mission accomplished. How much crap would we have got otherwise? Apologizing is not the answer. They were under the impression they could keep grinding without being checked. Wrong administration, sorry your insiders couldn't stop it.

    • @camronyearout1158
      @camronyearout1158 4 года назад +9

      Kenny B.
      Was that supposed to be coherent?

    • @kennyb6541
      @kennyb6541 4 года назад +1

      @@camronyearout1158 You understood just fine. Your victim mentality said run and hide. You know the one. Pump up the kicks.

    • @Acidfunkish
      @Acidfunkish 4 года назад +5

      @@kennyb6541 You're so dumb it hurts. Good gosh.

    • @connorquartz6701
      @connorquartz6701 4 года назад +3

      Kenny B Yes, lets just bomb all the terrorists. What’re they gonna do, blow us up? HAHA.. oh right..

  • @oursavior9339
    @oursavior9339 4 года назад +88

    They tried reverse psychology on this man....why

    • @censusgary
      @censusgary 4 года назад +5

      lIMZEY Psychology only works on functioning brains.

    • @oursavior9339
      @oursavior9339 4 года назад +1

      If your brain work then it can function period.

  • @shukria485
    @shukria485 4 года назад +2

    Trump: All is well...
    US troop:brain injuries😂

  • @AnneWilkynson
    @AnneWilkynson 4 года назад +41

    Someone tackle the lunatic down! He's so freaking proud of himself, anyone else would be devastated to make that call, and it wasn't even necessary!

  • @myrahj1482
    @myrahj1482 4 года назад +50

    There is zero standard for this pres & admins! When did it become okay to discuss strategies outside of the WH or the situation room. A decision like this is not to be taken lightly. He consistently puts our country, lives, etc in harms way. He is unfit to protect the US, our soliders, kids, parents, schools, churches, etc... he's a dangerous imbecile and we are not ready for the can of worms he opened... not for a man that ducked when a bird flew by him smh 🤬

    • @deborahfreedman333
      @deborahfreedman333 4 года назад

      When you so woefully misspell imbecile, it really weakens your argument.

    • @crazywolf3317
      @crazywolf3317 4 года назад +4

      @@deborahfreedman333 that doesnt mean he's not right!

    • @myrahj1482
      @myrahj1482 4 года назад +9

      @@deborahfreedman333 @Deborah Freedman Thanks! Only difference is I'm cool with being corrected from a spellcheck mistake and actually making the correction, it shows growth unlike the imbecile who tweets incorrectly spelled words weekly.

    • @lifeisamazingoutthere2446
      @lifeisamazingoutthere2446 4 года назад +4

      Deborah Freedman ...and when you correct someone to show how smart you think you are it really weakens your argument as well😡

    • @ChiefJayBinns
      @ChiefJayBinns 4 года назад

      @@deborahfreedman333 and when trumps uneducated supporters point out a misspelling, it only showcases their lack of brain cells to formulate a formidable argument.
      Hope you and yours are signed up for the war--we won't miss you

  • @MrStarSparkz
    @MrStarSparkz 4 года назад +110

    "Kill who?" "YES" , Stephen such a Memelord

  • @amandaschmidt9528
    @amandaschmidt9528 4 года назад +1

    The Ted Bundy comparison is soooo accurate 😂😂😂

  • @rosehill9537
    @rosehill9537 4 года назад +164

    Generals "he wont do this... its too extreme"
    Trump hold my cofefe.

    • @arthurjeremypearson
      @arthurjeremypearson 4 года назад +3

      Why don't you feel sick? This isn't funny. None of this is funny.

    • @tuluksvui747
      @tuluksvui747 4 года назад +9

      It’s Covfefe... get your facts straight mate

    • @IronFreee
      @IronFreee 4 года назад +1

      Generals "he wont do this... its too stupid"
      Trump hold my cofe.

    • @SpltPersonaltyOF
      @SpltPersonaltyOF 4 года назад +8

      @@arthurjeremypearson laughter is the best medicine. No one is saying this event was not catastrophic. Also, this is the RUclips's comment section on a comedic late show. What were you expecting?

    • @jaydavids6485
      @jaydavids6485 4 года назад


  • @laurachristine8266
    @laurachristine8266 4 года назад +92

    This seems like a "ok i can't be president for a second term, I'm gonna leave a mess and then blame the next president for my decisions, hum" kind of tantrum

    • @titanguy7316
      @titanguy7316 4 года назад +2

      Except he KNOWS presidents who start a war usually stay in office because folks don’t want to “rock the boat” when they’re “at war.” It’s bad for us, but a brilliant move for him to get re-elected.

    • @mikhailnekrasov6644
      @mikhailnekrasov6644 4 года назад

      Well, unless someone manages to win that 80 million pool

    • @DDyer526
      @DDyer526 4 года назад +1

      He is doing what is right.

    • @alexpaynter5176
      @alexpaynter5176 4 года назад +4

      Laura Christine he’s definitely going to be president for a second term lol. Wake up and smell reality. The economy is amazing after just 3 years. People in the middle who don’t live on twitter pay attention to that kind of stuff.
      You guys are silly.

    • @DDyer526
      @DDyer526 4 года назад +2

      Alex Paynter people only try and wrong the guy instead of backing ANYTHING he does

  • @N0tTh3Pr0
    @N0tTh3Pr0 4 года назад +8

    Just imagine..... the numbers at 3:10, were the exact launch codes.... Just imagine.😂😂😂😂

  • @joebroadbeef332
    @joebroadbeef332 4 года назад +65

    "And so it begins......"

    • @inkchip7351
      @inkchip7351 4 года назад


    • @inkchip7351
      @inkchip7351 4 года назад

      No one wants to go to war with an idiot...I hope dear good Goddess I hope...

    • @bengal4047
      @bengal4047 4 года назад

      "The world ends not with a bang, but with a loud WHAT THE ACTUAL FUCK?! resounding from all corners of the earth."

  • @helenwheels9260
    @helenwheels9260 4 года назад +155

    Stephen is back, Baby: and he's on FIRE.

    • @sabre0461
      @sabre0461 4 года назад +1

      Actually Australia's on fire, but that's no joke.

    • @stormchaser9753
      @stormchaser9753 4 года назад +1

      Where was the outrage after each of obamas drone strikes that took out terrorists?

    • @randybuchert3283
      @randybuchert3283 4 года назад


    • @randybuchert3283
      @randybuchert3283 4 года назад +2

      I don't know why everybody is in a uproar past presidents killed terrorists to,rose mcgowan is siding with Iran saying Iran forgive us 52% of the people are on your side and the rest have disrespected your country,your flag your people and we humbly apologize.I guess Trump's wrong we should let the terrorists keep on killing our soldiers &contractors it's been going on for years and everybody in this comments section is right so I'm so sorry please forgive me I guess you guys have all the answers I guess Trump should have never did the airstrike on salami man. And that way he can kill more of our people and their own people. Iranians that live here are very happy about this, because they know how it is over there. Remember folks past presidents killed Osama bin laden. Why when Trump does this everybody's is in a uproar why

    • @adeleyeomotayo2680
      @adeleyeomotayo2680 4 года назад

      Randy Buchert Punctuate you scatterbrained lunatic! Lord, what is the matter with some of you? You just spew without thought, like your messiah.

  • @zaroffhound
    @zaroffhound 4 года назад +62

    Warning: _Posturing balloon animal may pop when ego punctured._

    • @regu5987
      @regu5987 4 года назад +3

      As I spit my coffee at the monitor.

    • @ejs2019
      @ejs2019 4 года назад +1

      This is my favorite comment on this video because it's true.

  • @cydoman8014
    @cydoman8014 4 года назад +4

    Use of the phrases "imminent attack" and "caught him in the act" would need to be substantiated by at least two sources if used in press reports of reputable newspapers. Trump should have a lot more than that as an explanation to escape a charge of murder if he has done the act to avoid impeachment.

  • @marilynholt2389
    @marilynholt2389 4 года назад +45

    We've been laughing for 4 years. Maybe we need to stop laughing. Can't believe America can't come up with a strong vibrant sensible knowledgeable candidate to defeat Trump.

    • @IDFWU650
      @IDFWU650 4 года назад +3

      Marilyn Holt that’s how bad the Left and their agenda is.

    • @mookiestewart3776
      @mookiestewart3776 4 года назад +5

      Bernie just watch .......

    • @justintimeleave1360
      @justintimeleave1360 4 года назад +3

      yang 2020

    • @RWald8888
      @RWald8888 4 года назад +2

      Sounds just like Buttigieg 2020!

    • @marilynholt2389
      @marilynholt2389 4 года назад

      @@RWald8888 329 million and these ate the best and the brightest???

  • @traviscutler9912
    @traviscutler9912 4 года назад +47

    Wag the Dog 2: this time, it's still BS.

  • @hamedhosseini4938
    @hamedhosseini4938 4 года назад +52

    Confirmed: Irans missle landed US bases. Unclear how many casualties or damages yet but soon to find out. Hope conflicts get resolved ASAP and stuff de escalate. We don't want war!!!!

    • @anthonytobias5459
      @anthonytobias5459 4 года назад +11

      Hamed Hosseini Agreed it’s sad that people actually want war. I have a lot friends in the military. I don’t want to see anything happen to them.

    • @jimbobeire
      @jimbobeire 4 года назад +18

      It must suck to be one of the troops on the base where the drone was launched from. In Iraq, surrounded by Iraqis whose govt has asked for you to leave, and a president sitting safe thousands of miles away, letting his ego make decisions that could get you killed. I bet the hangars for the drones are more resistant to incoming fire than the barracks for the troops.

    • @DudeSolid
      @DudeSolid 4 года назад


    • @elainekilgore1352
      @elainekilgore1352 4 года назад +2

      Hamed Hosseini , no American casualties reported. Other casualties, I don’t know yet.

    • @ajthegoat75
      @ajthegoat75 4 года назад +5

      Elaine Kilgore No casualties have been reported military or civilian as of 0900 this morning. #prouddisabledwomanveteran

  • @marlaleemouse
    @marlaleemouse 4 года назад +13

    We've also gone back to the McCarthy era. The similarities are uncanny except for one dangerously important thing. McCarthy was a Senator.
    Trump is the President.

  • @ameliajijo
    @ameliajijo 4 года назад +24

    It always gets me when Colbert says (......)
    Too hilarious

  • @eclipse1117
    @eclipse1117 4 года назад +32

    I wonder if Trump realises that the bounty on his head will follow him even after he leaves office. I hope he likes his travel conditions and restrictions in the future and as for his children they are now on the board for the Iranians

    • @stephanies2239
      @stephanies2239 4 года назад

      he already knows his head is marked. he doesn't trust the secret service enough and has his own private security team

  • @grantaum9677
    @grantaum9677 4 года назад +4

    The guy we killed rose to prominence due to our operation in Afghanistan, wait why does that sound familiar?
    He has his current position due to waging war against Isis, wait why is that against our interest?
    No wonder we deny a visa to their diplomat. Wouldn't want them raising that with the UN

  • @codymunholland4178
    @codymunholland4178 4 года назад +37

    Days later(as in at this very moment), Iran started bombing Iraq bases containing US troops and allies. Consequences have rarely been so swift and transparent.

    • @stephanies2239
      @stephanies2239 4 года назад

      they knew it was coming so they got the hell out of there

    • @tirthshah1580
      @tirthshah1580 4 года назад +2

      Who's side are you on anyway?

    • @tirthshah1580
      @tirthshah1580 4 года назад +1

      @@stephanies2239 You seriously sound like you regret none of our troops died.

    • @dcon9995
      @dcon9995 4 года назад +9

      @@tirthshah1580 You sound like a Trumptard who's frothing at the mouth telling people to be blindly loyal. Lmao, yeah keep on harping that little "Support the Troops" BS while not really doing shit for them when they come back. Keep using them for mere politics. Such morality from Conservatards lmao.

    • @AlexAnder-rv1gu
      @AlexAnder-rv1gu 4 года назад +7

      @@dcon9995 that's... exactly why the U.S. is such a scary place. It's not that they have an inept senile leader with less education or general knowledge than most 18 year olds, it's that they have so many tens of millions of people who support that leader and are also as ignorant and narrow minded as he..

  • @mariegutscher1183
    @mariegutscher1183 4 года назад +72

    'He comes with sour cream' 😂 - needed that laugh.

    • @ryankibler7973
      @ryankibler7973 4 года назад +2

      That's a 25 year old Conan bit. "In the year 2000 it will be revealed that the supreme court is just regular court with sour cream and tomatoes"

    • @Orangeflava
      @Orangeflava 4 года назад +1

      @@ryankibler7973 its older than that. not too hard of a joke to make, but its funny. Man I miss in the year 2000! Coco rules!!

    • @jessicaw9011
      @jessicaw9011 4 года назад

      I could not. That was just. . . no.

    • @vkhandavalli
      @vkhandavalli 4 года назад

      Is it a Taco Bell joke?

  • @sasproductions701
    @sasproductions701 4 года назад +14

    he did sound like trump, good acting there.

  • @iSmartMan1
    @iSmartMan1 4 года назад +130

    Let's be honest, he just wanted his own "We got Bin Laden" moment

    • @jonesfactor9
      @jonesfactor9 4 года назад +2

      iSmartMan1 this isn’t it. Lol

    • @nicp7454
      @nicp7454 4 года назад

      He got baghdadi which was more of bid deal because he was still active unlike bin laden. News just didn’t put it out there and this is bigger than both of them

    • @vishan3388
      @vishan3388 4 года назад

      He got bakar dude already

    • @chrisgeraldbyrd1794
      @chrisgeraldbyrd1794 4 года назад


    • @Frydekilde
      @Frydekilde 4 года назад

      Like when Obama killed Gaddafi in Cold blood you mean ?
      Man the hypocrisy of the left is strong within you.

  • @ixiahj
    @ixiahj 4 года назад +15

    This is truely a cursed time line. I'm now curious if Trump picked the most extreme option out of stupidity.

    • @notlikely4468
      @notlikely4468 4 года назад +5

      Well....the man is not famous for his impulse control...

    • @gerryc3112
      @gerryc3112 4 года назад +6

      "Stupidity"? The Orange Lump has nowhere else to pick from!

    • @coreypurvis3084
      @coreypurvis3084 4 года назад

      ixiahj you’re just now curious about his stupidity. Example. “Just grab them by the pu$$y”

  • @andrewlong7516
    @andrewlong7516 4 года назад +20

    Welcome back we needed you!!!!

  • @raulpena5397
    @raulpena5397 4 года назад +38

    I'm so glad Stephen's back! We need him so.

  • @ikelove6784
    @ikelove6784 4 года назад +23

    Trump, sounds like he learned to read as an adult

    • @300beatz
      @300beatz 4 года назад +1

      Somebody needs to tell him that those hooked on phonics tapes have a side "b"...🤔😂😂😂

    • @mrsuckitup
      @mrsuckitup 4 года назад +1

      He stopped learning age 8

  • @trnharris
    @trnharris 4 года назад +22

    4:25 'Enter Secretary of State and vitamin-D deficient Shrek'😂😂😂
    This really should've gotten more love😊

    • @noahmo1480
      @noahmo1480 4 года назад

      trnharris yeah
      it is okay to bully trump people
      but when it is some lefty woman
      It is not okay and it is body shaming

  • @akmalhafiz8763
    @akmalhafiz8763 4 года назад +99

    2019: Year of Protest
    2020: Apocalypse

    • @jacobhauenstein
      @jacobhauenstein 4 года назад +1

      2020: trump gets more support because you idiots said it would be an apocalypse and as usual; Nothing. Happens. the world keeps spinning and you are the only ones crying

    • @akmalhafiz8763
      @akmalhafiz8763 4 года назад +2

      @@jacobhauenstein I believe you are Trump supporter. Well, congratulations for support someone that Azazel like so much. It's not fun when you the only one doing evil stuff. You gonna need a partner for it.

    • @jacobhauenstein
      @jacobhauenstein 4 года назад +2

      Akmal Hafiz im not a supporter, dont like his policies on environment, detest his ignorant demeanor, pathetic background, dislike the way he speaks of women. I did not vote for him and won’t vote for him, and it’s a shame the country chose the embodiment of a rich white privileged silver spoon draft dodger for the highest office. But you all did, so I’m going to be critical and call him on what he did screw up, not when he did something that makes complete sense against of of the biggest terrorists in the world, someone responsible for the death of children and the furtherment of a patriarchal society

    • @akmalhafiz8763
      @akmalhafiz8763 4 года назад +1

      @@jacobhauenstein jokes on you. I cannot even vote for him for I'm not even American.

    • @akmalhafiz8763
      @akmalhafiz8763 4 года назад

      @@jacobhauenstein and by the way, you should expect someone to do something like that ever since the fall of Saddam Hussien by the US government. So yeah, you should have seen this kind of thing coming.

  • @gemmaz1207
    @gemmaz1207 4 года назад +1

    it's so cute and hilarious when Stephen just can't help laughing LOL

  • @simonfrederiksen104
    @simonfrederiksen104 4 года назад +60

    Makes sense, 17 years - a new generation is ready to test weapons, prosthetics and body bags, gotta stay on the ball!

    • @Ramiro.salcido
      @Ramiro.salcido 4 года назад +1

      you get the golden star for brightness**
      cant wait to see all the new tech from the boys

    • @simonfrederiksen104
      @simonfrederiksen104 4 года назад +3

      @@Ramiro.salcido They'll be handing those out too - bronze stars, purple hearts, crosses, - the whole kit.

    • @Ramiro.salcido
      @Ramiro.salcido 4 года назад +3

      @@simonfrederiksen104 coffins👀dont forget get that 🇺🇸

    • @RobertSeviour1
      @RobertSeviour1 4 года назад

      @@Ramiro.salcido Forget gold, buy coffins.

    • @iz2333
      @iz2333 4 года назад

      Can't wait for another century of war, destruction and terrorism yea

  • @aisadal2521
    @aisadal2521 4 года назад +56

    I really hope WW3 doesn't happen 😞

    • @GeordiLaForge1974
      @GeordiLaForge1974 4 года назад +2

      Twisting Dervole This is the beginning of the end.

    • @guynorth3277
      @guynorth3277 4 года назад +5

      You and most of the rest of the World, its only those sick trump fools that think he is right.

    • @michaelr.7633
      @michaelr.7633 4 года назад +1

      North Guy so you think we should let our embassy get attacked?

    • @williamhutt2588
      @williamhutt2588 4 года назад +3

      @@michaelr.7633 that was after a US airstrike and lead by Iraqis in retaliation

    • @Lundarigirl
      @Lundarigirl 4 года назад +1

      Michael R. I don’t, but there had to have been a better way to protect our Embassy in Iran than killing another country’s general.

  • @freyaa2694
    @freyaa2694 4 года назад +1

    'And vitamin D deficient Shrek' YO I CHOKED ON MY APPLE

  • @kimclarke9745
    @kimclarke9745 4 года назад +16

    Love when he played with his tie. What do you mean on the menu of options? You mean in three years they haven’t figured out that the guy in the White House is bat shit crazy.

  • @fazhluddinshaik7334
    @fazhluddinshaik7334 4 года назад +96

    World: Happy new year
    USA Govt: Happy new war

    • @pearlsrevealed
      @pearlsrevealed 4 года назад

      Dude, you are killing me. You got good jokes. 😆🤣🤣😮🙁😟😨😰😢😭😭😭. Elohim help us all. I knew he would start a damn war for oil. I knew it.

    • @babybirdhome
      @babybirdhome 4 года назад +1

      pearlsrevealed oh no, he's too stupid and arrogant to start a war for oil. He started this one to hide from being impeached for being a corrupt piece of shit.

    • @fazhluddinshaik7334
      @fazhluddinshaik7334 4 года назад

      pearlsrevealed Amen

  • @Haloprogamer1996
    @Haloprogamer1996 4 года назад +10

    Isnt an attack on a soverign nation or its personnel (which a soldier, Soleimani was) a warcrime in itself due to being a military attack without declaration of war ?

    • @jimbobeire
      @jimbobeire 4 года назад +2

      Trump doesn't care about the law, and to be blunt, to the Iraqis, the illegality of it isn't even the main point either. Hospitality is a big thing there, and Soleimani (whether we like him or not) was respected, and had previously helped negotiate truces between different militias and the Iraqi army. The Prime Minister of Iraq said he'd invited Soleimani to Iraq to try calm things once more. For the US, then to kill the guy, who was a guest, at the request of the country's leader is a huge blunder, and will be taken as a huge insult to Iraqi sovereignty. The parliament voting to ask US troops to leave is not that big a surprise in that context. Trouble is, a lot of news outlets in the US won't mention that context.

    • @stasiaspade1169
      @stasiaspade1169 4 года назад +2

      @@jimbobeire We basically dishonored Iraq,who was hosting him under diplomatic passport to talk peace with Iran and Saudi Arabia!

    • @debbie541
      @debbie541 4 года назад +1

      a war crime in itself due to being a military attack without declaration of war will need to be added to the impeachment proceedings

    • @couragekarnga8735
      @couragekarnga8735 4 года назад

      Sounds about right. But since when does Trump listen to what is right?

    • @coreypurvis3084
      @coreypurvis3084 4 года назад

      Haloprogamer1996 They don’t care about rules man.

  • @IvanHuntDrum
    @IvanHuntDrum 4 года назад +33

    As much as I love Christmas now that I'm a father, my god I've missed you Mr Colbert!!!!

    • @ValerieJNorse
      @ValerieJNorse 4 года назад +2

      Congratulations on Christmas with the little one!

    • @lewispullon7776
      @lewispullon7776 4 года назад

      I wouldn’t miss him and I don’t, because I never watch these late night freaks. That’s when dirty business is done folks, at NIGHT. What goes on at night? Drinking, drugging, prostitution, and evil. Did you expect this to be any different? That’s what the Bible says, and I wonder if he reads Gods word late night? No, and he never will. Well, since he judges everybody late night I guess I’ll judge him early in the morning. It’s a little past 6:30am, get it AM.