The White Rose Hans and Sophie Scholl

  • Опубликовано: 29 сен 2024
  • This film bears witness to the courage of two young Germans, Hans and Sophie Scholl,
    who because of their faith in Jesus Christ and at the cost of their lives, decided to resist
    and denounce the totalitarian Nazi regime in Germany in the 1940's. So it was that
    in the spring of 1942, together with their friend Alexander Schmorell, they set up "The White Rose" resistance group. Today, they are a symbol of German Resistance during the Second World War.
    After some time as members of the Hitler Youth, they realised the impact that the Nazi regime was making on young people. Disgusted by Hitler's dictatorship and by the suffering caused by war, Hans and Sophie began to actively resist the Nazi regime. They came from a family of Protestant intellectuals and were avid readers of such authors as Aristotle, St. Augustine
    and Goethe. They had the support of their father and were greatly encouraged by their philosophy teacher, Kurt Huber.
    Thanks also to Karl Muth, a theology teacher, first Hans and then Sophie found a living faith in God and set out on a campaign of non-violent resistance. Despite the threat of retaliation from Hitler's forces, they produced leaflets for students and put up posters with slogans.
    Hans, who was a medical student, was sent to the Eastern front as a nurse and this experience simply strengthened his resolve to combat the policy of the Third Reich. On his return,
    "The White Rose" linked up with a national resistance network and the scope of their action widened as a thousand documents were clandestinely distributed from Munich to Vienna, Stuttgart and Frankfurt.
    They were arrested in January 1943 while distributing leaflets at the Munich University.
    During their trial, Sophie's courage was unshakeable. She declared: "We have only said
    and written what many people are thinking. But they don't dare express themselves".
    Hans Scholl also resisted to the end and said: "In a little while, you will be standing where
    we are standing today."
    Hans and Sophie, and their friend Christopher Probst, were all three sentenced to death four days later.
    Driven by the Spirit of Truth, which prevailed above all else in the face of violence and hate, Hans and Sophie remained faithful to their deepest convictions, and fought for human dignity in the name of Jesus Christ.
    Ce film est réalisé par la Communauté du Chemin Neuf via le réseau international de prière « Net for God ».
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    Instagram: @net_for_god
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Комментарии • 92

  • @jantaljaard835
    @jantaljaard835 3 года назад +25

    Sophie Scholl was voted the greatest German Woman of the Twentieth Century.

  • @chrisredditch
    @chrisredditch 3 года назад +49

    Hans, Sophie Scholl and all their colleagues, generally forgotten in the plethora of WW II media but they all stand tall in my heart. Such brave people for ones so young!

  • @Itsabeautifuldayalways
    @Itsabeautifuldayalways 3 года назад +7

    These young people are an inspiration for taking a stand, having faith, hope and love, thank you for telling their stories.
    I have a thought of people today, what happened to people's faith, why did they walk away from Gods truth. Communism-socialism is raising its head around the world again, hatred for the Jewish and Christain people. Yet where are those of righteousness proclaiming God's true word, the Holy Bible. I hear pastors talk about their families, television programs or situations to make a point, dancing and smoke machines on the stage, lights off and spotlights on centre stage, they point to self instead of Jesus Christ. I am heartbroken for what I see happening around the world, calling good, evil and evil, good. rejection of our Lord Savior Jesus Christ, all he stood for and died for in our place, to take our sins if we but follow him. For surely the great tribulation God foretold will soon be upon the world because people aren't standing for truth, love and faith in God's Son. I hope your video can change some hearts..

    • @jantaljaard835
      @jantaljaard835 3 года назад +2

      It is because most clergymen is like the Scribes and Pharisees in the Bible.

    • @miskay5526
      @miskay5526 2 года назад

      the nazis were christians and Sophie was a leftist

  • @inesflores4948
    @inesflores4948 3 года назад +14

    If you see anything that is wrong say something, that’s what they did. Rest In Peace ☮️. My respect ✊ to all.

    • @sueandpatrick
      @sueandpatrick Год назад +1

      Like now, February 2023 - SAY SOMETHING as our country is being destroyed by fascists!

  • @judgeroybean6930
    @judgeroybean6930 3 года назад +4

    Every time this brother and sister involved themselves along with many other 'volunteers' who believed they had a duty to bring down the evil that was Nazism and the megalomaniac Hitler, they knew that they were puting their lives on the line at any and every given moment yet they persisted in order to save the lives of hundreds of thousands of people. They were true Christians and the KJB John 15:13 surely applies. Think of them, the circumstances and their actions and the final result while reading this.

  • @fadilarbiansyah1181
    @fadilarbiansyah1181 3 года назад

    Selamat hari raya kartini

  • @horsthornung2424
    @horsthornung2424 3 года назад +1

    What a waste of young life. All for nothing.

  • @Kleermaker1000
    @Kleermaker1000 5 лет назад +51

    They were the very best Germany had to offer until today.

  • @pennylane9730
    @pennylane9730 2 года назад +8

    Sophie and Hans
    And other members of the white rose.
    The bravest of the brave..
    Rest in peace..

  • @ekaterini2957
    @ekaterini2957 4 года назад +44

    Funny how as an American I never heard of these God-sent young people until recently. Over 40 years of life and the manner in which history is taught here in the US would have us think that Germans at the time of the war were all bad. Not the case. God continues to hold them at His bosom, I am sure.

    • @kayvan671
      @kayvan671 3 года назад +4

      So you have never heard about Claus von Staufenberg before?

    • @Mrbrbusby
      @Mrbrbusby 2 года назад +2

      Had you lived through the very early 1980’s Ekaterina you would have very certainly been indoctrinated too about the “evil empire” which was in fact never evil and substantially more in line with the conservative Christianity that Hans and Sophie practiced than the essentially amoral and nihilistic culture in which we Americans then lived and currently still do.

    • @juliemerritt5144
      @juliemerritt5144 Год назад

      @@Mrbrbusby The Nazi's were evil. The white rose Hans and Sophie were Christian's and did what Christ wanted. They were courageous. Shame on you for supporting the evil Nazi's.

  • @jeffwestcott5811
    @jeffwestcott5811 3 года назад +22

    many of us are complacent, non-involved, and fearful.....wanting to preserve our lives and KEEP OUR HEADS......when these 2 heroes literally LOST THEIRS......let the bravery of these 2 students inspire us all to get off our butts and stand up for what is right, true and GODLY.........

  • @juliesteimle3867
    @juliesteimle3867 3 года назад +11

    The few brave souls willing to die for truth. I knew the story of Helmuth Hubner, but I did not know theirs. Thanks for posting this.

  • @Crashed131963
    @Crashed131963 4 года назад +18

    Can believe I waited so long to see the movie Sophie Scholl.
    Brave people.

  • @afieds6845
    @afieds6845 3 года назад +5

    Time for a revival of the white rose

  • @neo_varna
    @neo_varna 3 года назад +9

    happy birthday Sophie :) inspiring future generations
    like the quote goes:
    "He/she who dies for freedom does not really die"

    • @gvjudd1289
      @gvjudd1289 3 года назад +1

      there were others too who died in this fight young men Hans and his other male freinds

  • @Hunmbre
    @Hunmbre 3 года назад +15

    Legends should never be forgotten

  • @michelleayres5608
    @michelleayres5608 3 года назад +5

    I once saw a brief story about a Mormon boy in Germany during World War II. He started distributing anti-nazi leaflets. But he got caught with his friends. He was beheaded. He was only 16. One of his friends got 10 years but was alive to be interviewed after the war. I can't find that story again. I wonder if anybody knows that brave young man's name. I would love to share it with my Mormon friends.

  • @brahim119
    @brahim119 2 года назад +3

    May God Almighty have mercy on their beautiful souls.

  • @SagesseNoir
    @SagesseNoir 4 года назад +12

    Very inspiring.The spirit of freedom, and of resistance to oppression seeems imperishable, at least in some people. Sophie and Hans Scholl and their White Rose Movement represents the best in humanity. And as an Afro-American I am also touched by the fact that this documentary opens with one of our oldest spirituals. Let Freedom ring!!!

  • @nikinireti959
    @nikinireti959 2 года назад +2

    Why is their friend Christoph Probst not given as much thought too afterall he was also executed for his involvement?

  • @clarkewi
    @clarkewi 3 года назад +3


  • @adielstephenson2929
    @adielstephenson2929 3 года назад +8

    I love these people.

  • @michaelk969
    @michaelk969 3 года назад +6

    We need to understand the power of propaganda to form our view of the world and our opinions. It is true that the majority of the German people at the time either were totally committed to Nazism or were tolerant of it. Very few were willing to resist in any way. This is why the actions of these young Germans was so exemplary. They were well formed, religiously indoctrinated in Christianity, followed their conscience and tried to live it. How few of us would have the courage! Most would just keep quite and do nothing. Fear has a way of controlling people. It is the way of Satan and the way of death and destruction. The creeping totalitarianism that we are currently witnessing regarding the COVID health dictatorship and the fear that i attempts to inculcate into society is all too familiar.
    Their courage came from their relationship with God. In our times we need to prepare ourselves for future resistance to totalitarianism.

    • @ljj3x3
      @ljj3x3 3 года назад +2

      the future is now

    • @janetlynch5804
      @janetlynch5804 2 года назад

      Well, you had me there, until you mentioned how the results of Covid 19 with its propaganda were Totalitarianism. Wow, that's crazy.
      Totalitarianism is the most horrific way to have to live under, and there can be no comparison of Totalitarianism to the Covid-19 conspiracies. Believe me, that you, nor I would want to live in a world like that...where you and everyone around you, and everything is Controlled under the cloud of Totalitarianism. And the longer Totalitarianism exists the people and the generation who still remember things, as they once were...when truth was truth, history, rights, and freedoms existed,and that they can no longer talk about die off from one generstion to another leaving the following generations to not know, or understand how wrong the situation in which they're living is, or as being any different from their own past. As truth, and history become absent from their becomes a dystopian nightmare..
      Btw. Sophie and Hans believed religiously in the the true principles of Jesus and Christianity, that gave them the hope, strength, and courage to rally on... despite the threats of the adversity posed by Naziism.
      They were "Lutheran's" who believed in the principals of Jesus's teachings.

  • @jajanesaddictions
    @jajanesaddictions 2 года назад +2

    They are the definition of HERO.

  • @Mgtowfreedom
    @Mgtowfreedom 2 года назад +1

    Let us pray 🙏 for the current fight the white rose is involved with

  • @francoisedandre1799
    @francoisedandre1799 4 года назад +6

    C'est touchant. Perdre sa vie en voulant aider !

  • @kenttyler1243
    @kenttyler1243 3 года назад +1

    They were very brave young people in a terrible situation and I guess they did all they could, but really, they were a bit naive to think that NAZIs could be taken down by non-violent means. They will always be remembered for their righteousness and bravery.

  • @ndmath
    @ndmath 2 года назад

    “One man who stopped lying could bring down a tyranny.” ― Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn, The Gulag Archipelago
    'Every one is really responsible to all men for all men and for everything.' - Fyodor Dostoyevsky

  • @mobilechief
    @mobilechief 5 лет назад +10

    Look up what happened to the Judge, its poetic justice

    • @kayvan671
      @kayvan671 3 года назад

      Died by a bombing attack.

  • @moldovandorin6187
    @moldovandorin6187 3 года назад +1

    Interesting how people under certain bitter conditions can become good creatures and fight evil. You can absolutely feel the good in them which is undeniable in this case. On the other hand, overcoming those bitter conditions people change and foster some other tendencies which start to revolve around greed, fussiness and pure selfishness....not to mention that human prosperity means a lot of meat on the table leading to the massacre of around 60 billion creatures yearly. Their greed bites off a lot of nature's treasure and most of them are so ignorant that they find it humorous to deal with climate change and make fun of everything concerning ecology. Those people fought a kind of tyranny, the tyranny against people, now some of us fight another tyranny, the tyranny of man. How much should I still believe in human dignity, in freedom? Do people know what to do with freedom? I doubt it

  • @sean9448
    @sean9448 2 года назад +1

    Courage > fear. The Creator > evil.

  • @thevalueexchangefellowship
    @thevalueexchangefellowship 9 месяцев назад

    Thank you for this. 1 Corinthians 13:13 my favorite verse in the bible. ❤️🙏🏿

  • @wendyboothman3262
    @wendyboothman3262 4 года назад +13

    This group and the hubener group are the best young people we need today

    • @CheminNeufNetforGod
      @CheminNeufNetforGod  4 года назад +2

      a true testimony of life that helps us to advance in our mission for the unity of the church, of the person, of the countries...

    • @brahim119
      @brahim119 4 года назад +1

      *@Wendy Boothman.* Also the Edelweiss Pirates.

    • @Crashed131963
      @Crashed131963 4 года назад

      Today we have Antifa with molotov cocktail and bricks while wearing masks.

    • @Mrbrbusby
      @Mrbrbusby 4 года назад

      John Smith It is inarguable that Sophie Magdalena would have agreed with the election of Brandt, a Lutheran, in 1969 to the chancellorship. At that time a cultural flowering occurred in Deutschland, in which thinkers with whom Frau Scholl would have disagreed, e.g. Horst Mahler, were widely published. This is not an American chat room. The EU in general and Germany in particular does not stand for the disgusting human rights abuses your American regime is persecuting the world with. Let me quote from Sophie herself “The people you now sit and judge will one day be your judge.” In my lifetime, I will see your President, Bannon, Chad Wolfe, Kristjen Nielsen and Stephen Miller in the Dock at The Hague. Es Lebe Hieleges Deutschland. 🇩🇪🇩🇪🇩🇪

    • @miskay5526
      @miskay5526 2 года назад +1

      ​@@Mrbrbusby these dumbasses don't understand that anyone who resisted nazis (like Sophie and those of the White Rose) WERE leftists. And if this had occurred today, liberals and the right would be opposed to those like Sophie. Hypocrites.

  • @aniya8759
    @aniya8759 8 месяцев назад

    I seriously doubt she was thinking about Jesus; her last thoughts were on the sunshine. But christians gotta christ-wash everything.

  • @christopherschulz2936
    @christopherschulz2936 Год назад

    Then it was leaflets today it's tweets, when will the gubbermint begin rounding up the dissenters, we shall see!

  • @jonathannixon8652
    @jonathannixon8652 2 года назад

    "For the first shall be last & the last shall be first"-JESUS- 1rst CE.

  • @larry1824
    @larry1824 Год назад

    If kids could be this brave where were the alleged adults?

  • @maewest336
    @maewest336 3 года назад +1


  • @orajoubert1242
    @orajoubert1242 6 месяцев назад

    A mere drop in the gemanic ocean

  • @henkverhaeren3759
    @henkverhaeren3759 Год назад


  • @paulsteinph.d.8869
    @paulsteinph.d.8869 5 лет назад +6

    Excellent documentation !!

    • @CheminNeufNetforGod
      @CheminNeufNetforGod  4 года назад

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  • @larciabella
    @larciabella 6 лет назад +2

    Wow,Franz Josef Muller is still living?Or when was he videotaped?

  • @mth469
    @mth469 3 года назад +1

    They should have taken more precaution when distributing the leaflets.

  • @heyhandersen5802
    @heyhandersen5802 4 года назад +3

    Trump admires Hitler and reads his public statements. Hitler destroyed Germany. Sophie and the White Rose have more to do with modern Germany then the Nazis.

    • @Crashed131963
      @Crashed131963 4 года назад

      Sophie was not Muslim or North African?

    • @jhn146A
      @jhn146A 4 года назад +7

      Total nonsense. You disparage the memory of Sophie and Hans and what they fought for by looping in the President with Hitler and the Nazis. Grow up already.

    • @allpoints-tv
      @allpoints-tv 4 года назад +4

      Where did Trump ever state that he admired Hitler ?

    • @mjrotondi5086
      @mjrotondi5086 4 года назад +4

      To understand one must read books written by communists, socialists. He never saw Hitler as a good man.