Do I Have True or False Assurance? - Ask Pastor Tim
- Опубликовано: 9 фев 2025
- What is the difference between faith and assurance? Can a person have one without the other? This is one topic that multitudes struggle with and are plagued by. This is also one of the weightiest subjects in the whole Bible. How can we know if we have a true or false assurance?
→ Read transcript on I'll Be Honest:
Looking for more resources on assurance? Hear Paul Washer's 5 part series on assurance:
To whoever is struggling with this: Ask God to open your mind to understand Romans chapter 6 through 10.
It is not by your effort or desire, it is by his mercy. The word is near. And whoever calls on him will not be left ashamed
Am so blessed by your sermons that I started remembering you in my prayers.
These studies are so edifying to me. Thank you for having them!
It's the perfect life that christ lived that saves believers not our imperfect lives that we live.
Thanks Pastor we need to be careful not to give false assurance to unbelievers seeking assurance as well as giving assurance through the promises of God who love the truth and are in Christ
Thank you for this very thorough explanation! I believe,or hope, that the enemy is the one trying to convince me I'm not saved because I tend to get more fearful right after I get closer to God. I found this video very scary but truthful. And it did give me some confirmation that I am likely on the right track. When you talked about 1 John's letter, I paused the video and read the letter myself. Then I resumed the video and got to the part where you said many people don't want to read the actual scriptures but are searching for the next person who would tell them what they want to hear. So that gave me some confirmation that I had gone first to the Lord and not to a hope of potentially false assurance from somebody. Thank you for not shying away from the truth. But I feel so so sad that many people would not be genuinely saved.
Thank You Tim!
“Faith without works is dead.” -> “Not everyone who says to me Lord Lord shall enter but he who does the will of my Father who is in heaven.” -> “They will say Lord Lord did we not prophecy in thy name, did we not cast out many demons in thy name did we not do many mighty works in thy name.” -> “Then will I say depart from me you who practice lawlessness.” YEEEEEHAWWWWW. ❤️❤️❤️
The reason Jesus calls them Lawless is because of their answer. They are saying what THEY did, not what Jesus done FOR THEM! So if a person goes into eternity with the idea of getting into heaven due to THEIR works, they are doomed!
@@rangoon03 amen Martin
Thank you very much. This nage and Many of yours has helped me and my family as well as others a lot. Thank you very much for not preaching water downed way
Thank you Ps Tim.
I have committed blasphemy of the Holy spirit, yet I have had a tangible feeling of the Holy spirit in my body, and I thought about the blood he shed for me and how he wouldn't leave me, then I wanted to repent, but I couldn't , then I go back to the way I felt before and nothings changed.
Friend, let me mention two things. 1. No matter how you "felt", the sinner must come to Christ by FAITH not FEELINGS; so turn from your feelings. 2. You say, "I wanted to repent, but I couldn't" but the Bible does not teach that you can't repent, and don't go to Esau to try to prove that, for he could not undo the birthright being given away, it was said and done, but you CAN repent of your sin and follow Christ. Man's issue is they REFUSE to repent, as Jesus says in John 5:40 - You refuse to come to me that you might have life. -- Yet people don't want to own up to this reality, instead they want to put the blame elsewhere and say they 'can't come and they would if they could'... this then makes it appear like God is in the wrong when it is truly they who are in the wrong. So I call you: Come to Christ!
@@illbehonestin this context, what do you mean by "repent"? Does it mean to stop trying to earn our salvation and just trust in Jesus? I need a more clarified definition of repentance. I know it means to change one's mind, but in this context, for instance, what would it be to repent?
@jamesvan2201 I struggled with "repentance" for 10 years. I watched countless videos and only got it after asking God to open my mind to understand the scriptures. Especially Romans 6 through 10. Repentance is simply giving up "your way" of seeking salvation, by your understanding, your prayer, your effort... repent is to call on God and say "jesus is lord" which means jesus IS the only way.. not my way. It's admitting and accepting that if you've been "trying".
Dear commentator, your struggle is understood. And i have deep compassion for you. Ask God to open your mind to understand Romans chapter 6 through 10.
It is not by your effort or desire, it is by his mercy. The word is near. And whoever calls on him will not be shamed
"Good works" is the result of being saved, the result of the Holy Spirit in you. That "good works" being performed through the Holy Spirit is through "our obedience". So it is obedience first as Jesus says, only he who does the will of my Father" - It is our obedience. I've never heard Pastor Tim say that we're saved by works. That doctrine belongs to all other religions of the earth, not the Gospel.
Is there anything good in you? i mean in your flesh? So if Jesus is YOUR LIFE, then the reason for your good works is due to being united with HIM,... so you can't brag about obedience! We are ONE with Him, if indeed we are saved. So the reason i can say i am obedient is BECAUSE HE IS! I'm united with Him in love! He is OUR reward. What is the WILL OF THE Father? That you believe in His Son Jesus 1 john 3:23.
@@rangoon03 what about baptism ? Can you explain it to me please
How do i know if it is the Holy Spirit convicting me that im not saved and nit the devil lying to me to make me give up?? How do i know?? It feels like i have grieved Him, empty and no connection, been like this since 2017. But i dont know anything anymore. Could/would God reject me if i want to belong to Him?
The fact that you are still seeking God would lead me to believe that God has not rejected you and you not feeling God's presence maybe His way of drawing you closer to Him, to seek Him and believe in His promises even when the emotional aspect of His presence is not there. Examine yourself to see if there is anything in your life that might be grieving the Holy Spirit, any grudge or unresolved conflict with someone, any lie, any other sin. Try fasting and praying more, fasting and reading the word more.
Ask God to open your mind to understand Romans chapter 6 through 10.
It is not by your effort or desire, it is by his mercy. The word is near. And whoever calls on him will not be shamed
Two witnesses: Holy Spirit and Satan
Do you grieve(or “quench”) the Holy Spirit, so that He has become silent-allowing the enemy to whisper lies in your ear to believe them?
The true assurance that we are saved can only come directly from the Holy Spirit when He enters and resides in us like Jesus said just before He was taken up out of their view into the clouds!!! He never said at any time before He departed said we will have to have faith, believe and trust the scriptures to have the assurance we are saved. Over centuries upon centuries of wolves unknowingly entering flocks of disciples until today at the imminent End of the Church Age, many have deceived themselves and believed in vain that they are saved according to man's scripture teachings, apostate churches pastors, preachers and teachers!!! That's exactly why Jesus said many are called but few are chosen! Also, no one can blame anyone else, including false preacher, pastors or teachers of the scriptures if you are not chosen to be saved. The scriptures says we all have each of us no excuse when we end up not being saved. Our spirit's inside our flesh body have our true heart and feelings in our mind where it's the only place the Holy Spirit can enter and reside in us! So, the question is, who gave you the assurance that you are saved, been converted, redeemed and born again from above in the Spiritual where the true Church members lives? Of course the flesh body still have life in it until it dies, but we are no longer of this world. Anyway! Just a dire warning just before the very soon imminent End of the Church Age when Christ returns for His Bride!!! Of course I'm not saying none of you will be saved, because there will be at least some of you will be saved after the Church is taken up, but I don't wish that for any of you when the worst testing and tribulation in this world start right after the Church is taken up!!!
So whats the takaway mesage for somone who is a believer, but may not have enough works as evidence.
O MY GOOD GOD ! The more I'm listening to this sermon the more I'm confused ! I don't understand.
I need so much help !
Hello. I will Thank you so much.
It is very helpful, when my Christian brother and sisters and I are in contact. I believe that God is using his people to speak with us. That's just one of his ways.
May God always Bless you .
🙏 🌞 🌺
Me too. I'm very confused now. I don't know where to put my head!
How are you now ?
If you are IN CHRIST, your old life has been crucified. You don't need to help with that! Don't be worried, just believe in what your wonderful
King Jesus has done for you! He becomes your life. Do you believe that Jesus is your life? You are utterly forgiven for ALL your sins,... PAST, PRESENT,....... & wait for it,...... FUTURE SINS! That is how much He loves you Susan! Your salvation is not about YOUR obedience,... it is about HIS obedience! He is your treasure & your delight! The more you see this the more worthy He becomes in YOUR HEART,... then if you do cry, you'll be crying tears of joy!
Same. This sermon is causing me to feel confused and not getting the message. It’s scattered and back and forth messages.
I became a Christian at 7 at VBS - I'm 64 now- and now I'm scared to death! Now I'm not sure. I have no assurance!
Read 1 John. The basic tests are do you rely on Christ to get you into heaven(faith), Do you love Christ, do u confess your sins(i.e. recognize when sin comes in your life and also have a sort of sense of how wretched u r), do u love your brothers in Christ(this is manifested by sacrificing things for them), and do you strive to obey God. Read the whole book it will reveal the truth to you. Hope this helps
Were you delivered from sins since you believed in Christ’s death and resurrection?
@@michaelfranchetti7471 Well that helped me. I work out my salvation indeed with fear and trembling. I tell myself, but the Word of God cannot lie, otherwise nothing is true. I have been a Christian for over 20 years and I literally see how my life has changed and see the miracles in my life, and yet still I fight a war. Deep in my spirit I know because God is EVERYTHING TO ME. But aah the intellect loves to do battle. I love logic and that's why I love God's Word. I've never encountered a more logical Truth that would keep creation turning, but the God of creation. To enter His presence one day will be oh so glorious. I weep with tears of joy at that thought. So this love for Him and awe in His Word gives me assurance because unsaved people do not show or seem to experience this love for Jesus.
@@redskyalice2529 Amen
How is it now ?
Jesus Loves You All
you also need to repent
@@MG-hg1sq have you repented of all your sins? All the ones in your mind? What happens if accidentally commit one right before you die? Or are you living perfect and sinless? If you are thinking that then you clearly do not see the beam that is in your eye. Have you sold all your things ? If you have more than you need while others are in need it is a sin.
@@MG-hg1sq and repent yes change your mind make the DECISION to start trusting in what Christ has done and BELIEVE he has done everything needed to save you and that he will. Change your mind from the old works religion and trust in Christ that is what Jesus was saying to the people in the 4 Gospels.
@@Muddybagclean I also know that repeanting is Importamt, i can be Happy For the will, IT IS clear For me , that i cant hold in ein, also sexual thoughts, IT IS Dangerous to follow Them, also Destroyed the laser in my Mouse, so i could Not Game Shooter Games, what i die before some days, i build Off my PC, i don't want to get Back to playing Games,. I am Not Born again yet, i released IT around a month ago, i See that i need to dorsale my Passions, abitionons,. I have a cold Heart For Christ and Sisters, i releases IT, i am in darkness and Not Born again.
@@MG-hg1sq BELIEVE in Jesus Christ right now as your savior my friend and YOU will be saved call upon the Lord Out loud if need be and he will wash you clean forever just make the DECISION to TRUST in Jesus as your savior and he will save you right now not later and forever
He say faith is one thing and assurance is another thing. The bible defines faith as assurance
What bible verse says this?
So basically you can’t have assurance if you sin after making the good confession and having faith in the Gospel? How many sins are too many sins? How many times are you able to ask for forgiveness? I’m happy for people that don’t struggle with sin as it seems like Tim doesn’t but in the real world full of struggling sinners it’s just not fact. Christian life is a daily struggle with the flesh we still have on us. I have never been more confused by a message in my life. Basically it was you can’t be assured if you don’t have assurance but if you think you have assurance you may be deceiving yourself but if you deceive yourself you may be right and should have assurance.
Proverbs 3:5-6
Assurance is not based on sinlessness but on faith in Christ and the evidence of His work in us. A true believer can struggle with sin and even go through seasons of doubt, but that does not mean they are lost. However, if a person lives in ongoing, unrepentant sin, they have reason to examine themselves (2 Corinthians 13:5).
“How many sins are too many?” The Bible doesn’t give a number because the issue is not about counting sins-it’s about the heart. A Christian may fall many times but will not stay in sin without conviction and repentance (Proverbs 24:16, Hebrews 12:6). God is patient, and we can always come to Him for forgiveness (1 John 1:9), but a pattern of unrepentant sin is a warning sign (1 John 3:6-9).
The Christian life is a battle (1 Peter 2:11). Assurance comes when we see the Spirit’s work in us-convicting, disciplining, and drawing us to Christ. If you are fighting sin and clinging to Christ, that is evidence of true faith.
Pastor Tim Conway.
Please help me understand.
I'm confused. what kind of works should I do? I got saved in March of 2016 then after a little while that feeling left me.
That Beautiful, lifting, overwhelming, Love feeling in the heart. You know, the Overflowing rivers of waters in the heart, the holy Spirit. I'm so heartbroken for a long time I'm crying everyday I miss my true love.
Does that feeling go away for a while and then it comes back again ?
Oh please help me. Would you be willing to disciple me ?
The works of the believer are works of obedience to Christ's commands motivated by love for God. Tim spent some time on this in the video, but things like this I need to listen through a few times to get it all.
Feelings of all kinds come and go, and feelings of love for God are no exception. John Piper has a lot of resources at dealing with nurturing love for God and desire for him. For example, this recent video:видео.html
Hi Susan. I am not pastor Tim nor am I affiliated at all with his church, but I want to encourage you to continue fighting the good fight that you may lay hold of salvation. My understanding is that salvation is not a feeling. Feelings can certainly help strengthen our faith, but they can also discourage us. Jesus did not seem to be a happy, joyful man when being led to His crucifixion. Moses begged that God would kill him at times, Jeremiah is known as the weeping prophet (who also happened to pen more words of the Bible than anyone), Paul at times wished that he would die in order to be with Christ, but also recognized that God had more work for him to do. You would have a difficult time finding any person of note in the Bible that always felt present and comforted by God. The Christian walk is a long and difficult one. I am proud to walk it with people like yourself that yearn for God and desire Him above all things. Keep fighting the good fight, Susan, and I'll look forward to seeing you on THAT day!
Hello Spencer.
Thank you so much for replying to me.
Wow. I cried as I read. It's very true I am fighting the good fight. My faith is being tested. Jesus also thought that God had forsakend him, when God the Fother was only testing
him also.
Thank you dearly. May God the Fother bless you always in Jesus name.
Hello, Thank you dearly for replying to me. I appreciate all the help I can get. All that you said is true. It's nice to know that there are Christians friends out there.
Check out relentless heart on Google and take the John 7:17 it will bless you.
Romans 8:15-17
You make it seem impossible to know. Now, I am completely confused!
Tell me some about you day as christ, you relation to jesus christ
To "know" is to be God. If you could "know" it wouldn't be faith.
I understand what repentance means - to turn, to change ones mind. But it can be different in different contexts. In the context of this video, the questioner is asking why they dont feel saved, or if it might have been false. So is repentance on "feeling" salvation, stop trying to feel and just believe in jesus and what he did?
Me for instance. When i first "became christian" i didnt understand repentance. I thought that i had to accept jesus and stop sinning and keep from sin to keep saved, but then years later, i learned that we simply trust jesus and we are saved based on just the belief and faith. I had struggled with porn since i was young. My cousin introduced me to it. But i then wanted to become a christian and for years, thought i had. I'd been baptized and all. I still struggled with porn. Now just recently ive gotten out of the porn. I still feel an urge here and there but i try my best not to give in and get my mind off of it. I am trying to just have faith in christ, and when i do, i feel relief. But sometimes i wake up feeling anxious like im condemned. I am trying to hold on to my faith in christ, but the anxiety is bad, early morning. I dont know if
1. The holy spirit is trying to tell me theres still something wrong (i.e. i still am not putting all my trust in jesus etc.)
2. There still is an addiction i have. Im trying to stop. I was given an out about a year ago and took it. But a few weeks later, i was tempted and went back to it and now im praying for another out but havent recieved it....yet(?) Or
3.could it simply be the enemy trying to deter me?
I feel its 1 of those 3 things or maybe 2, but i know it cant be all 3 things. I try to have faith in what jesus did. To some point, this does give me some relief, however, i feel like my faith and trust in him ALONE is not 100%. But i am trying to depend solely on him. I want to change for him. I love him. I know i dont love him like he deserves, but i do want to trust in him fully. Its just really hard. Somedays are harder than others.
Ive been thinking that its probably best if i consider myself like i was never saved all those years ago because i didnt have faith in christ alone (Nobody ever explained that to me or what it meant) and act like i am a coming to jesus (for real) this time. The definition of repentance is what seems to have me stuck at the moment. Sometimes i feel like i can just trust in christ and be saved, but then the next day i get anxious again. Is there anyway or any advice that if thats all it takes, is for me to let go of my feelings and just trust that jesus has saved me, how can i just let those things go and come to the realization that all i must do is believe and have faith in what jesus did for me?
Hey James, I really resonate with what you shared. Thanks for the comment.
How are you doing now? Were there any clarification to the questions you were wrestling with? I hope the Lord has met you and gave you the answers you needed. Love to hear any updates.
1 John 3:20 Hebrews 11:6
If you know you have bondage to a sin, beg God for a repentant and broken heart. Psalm 34:18, psalm 51, psalm 119.
The reason you lack assurance is because bad interpretation of the scriptures causes us to doubt the simple promise God has made about salvation. It is by grace through faith in Christ it is a gift not of works, in John 3:16 it says that whosoever believes in Him shall not perish. Any Bible scripture that you think says otherwise, is because of a misunderstanding of the text. I suggest when you read the Bible, particularly the new testament letters, that you read the whole letter from beginning to end in one sitting. This helps tremendously to gain understanding of the context so that when you come to a verse that you think is saying one thing that contradicts the promise you will see that it in fact it is not but rather making analogies and parallels to particular nuances within application or comparisons. God does not lie just remember that when you come to a verse that you think contradicts clear and obvious statements of promise. Guys like Tim Conway have a lot of bad interpretations of texts and they teach a works based salvation. They backload works onto faith and claim that you have to have some level of goodness or sinlessness to a certain level, but of course they can never know just where the tipping point is. All they do is create doubt and confusion. We are to have peace and rest in our salvation, even Jesus says that He will give us rest and to cast our heavy burdens on Him.
Am I the only one who feels EVEN LESS assured when he mentions Christians being only 1% to the 99 that claim to be? That makes it seem like NO one could be saved :/
I loved your comment Donna, thank you.
Me too! Now I'm completely unassurred and terrified!
@@virginiagreene3610 Worry not friend. Read what Donna said and also know that sticking to the word will bring comfort and assurance. I've learned that I trust the words of men such as Tim as truth more than I should at times. And even though He's right on a lot, I feel the Word of God is the ultimate truth when it comes to this. God will give you comfort friend! ♥
If you haven't repented, your belief may be incomplete. Repenting is part of that belief - that you were so sinful that Christ Himself, the very Son of the Living God had to die for your sins. That should horrify you enough to turn from it. I was nominally Christian for many years, "believing in Christ" as well, but as worldly as they come. But one day, I was shown my true spiritual state in a dream -- i.e. circling the gates of hell -- and then I was led to repent of sins like pornography through believing in Christ's power to break the dominion of sin. I once could not go 2 weeks without filth, now I have gone almost a year and four months. I was then led to repent and overcome more and more sins and that is how I know I am growing in love with Christ and being conformed to His image. It is a REALITY that sin should have no more dominion over you. It cannot be a bland profession. Repentance is a gift from God, it is granted not a work of the flesh (see 2 Tim 2:25). I did not know all this before my dream and so I know that all this was taught of God and not of man.
I suggest reading 1 John 5:11-13. Your assurance is in Christ alone.
So then how do i get saved?
guitars32 _ believe that Jesus was tortured and crucified for your sins against God and rose again. Trust that that will save you
guitars32 _
Haven’t listened to the video yet but your question is a very good question and there is a simple answer. You first must believe that Jesus Christ is Lord. you must repent of sin. Now you must be born again and receive the Holy Spirit. There is no exact formula but this is a basic outline and the Holy Spirit convicts us individually differently.
By faith alone we receive grace. Put your trust in Jesus ALONE for your salvation. 1 John 5:11-13. No works besides the death and resurrection of Jesus Christ can save you. Put your trust in Christ and you have assurance you will be saved.
@@lyssalouise2705 Works alone will not save you. But saving faith without works is dead.
Wait...around the 48 minute mark did i hear you correct when you said the holy spirit will cause anxiety and issues in people who cant be saved? What would be the point? I think this caused me worse issues than the reason i came here to listen.....
John 16:8-11
I’m in 30 min and still don’t know the steps to know assurance. Does anyone have the minutes laid out. I’m just getting confused and overwhelmed
Read first John to find out.видео.htmlsi=hWRjotEN0_Yuh1Ms
An extremely intricate issue that I believe you tackled very well. I greatly enjoy your videos. I disagree with some, believe some present an incomplete picture of the subject at hand and completely agree with others. I enjoy your videos, even when I disagree, because I believe you are sincerely attempting to exegete Scripture, which unfortunately is rare. This is the first video I've seen where you openly deal with apparent conflict within Scripture. I'm wondering if you still believe that those who reject the Trinity are unsaved. Is that a video that encompasses what you still believe? If so, do you believe it based purely on Scripture or is it based partly or wholly on the writings of honest, Holy Spirit filled men who dedicated their lives to Christ and the Gospel?
Tim delivered a message responding to a question regarding the salvation of those who reject the Trinity. As I understand him, Tim agrees with the mainstream idea that has pretty much dominated the "Orthodox" Christian church since the council of Nicea, which is to say that those who reject the Trinity do not have salvation. This is not to say that Tim believes that anyone who questions or does not fully understand the Trinity is unsaved, but rather that those who "reject" the idea that God is Triune (3 Persons making up the single being of God) are unsaved. This was my understanding of his position and it is a position that I respectfully disagree with. My personal feeling is based purely on my understanding of Scripture and is wildly unpopular. I see the necessities for salvation laid out throughout the New Testament and I do mean "throughout." Jesus is Christ and Lord. I see this as nonnegotiable in Scripture. I do not see acceptance of any other doctrine as necessary for salvation. Tim, alongside other great modern and ancient scholars, believes you must accept the Trinity for Jesus' blood to cover your sins.
@@swentworth You say that we must believe Jesus is the Christ which is of course true . Christ referring to anointed one. To believe Jesus is the anointed one is to say that you identify Jesus as the person the scriptures spoke of in the old testament . The son of man , son of david , son of God are all terms we see in the old testament speaking of the coming King. If you believe Jesus is the Christ then you will believe about Jesus everything that the old testament affirms. Of course , as you said I'm not saying every believer will fully understand and know the truths about the Christ in the old testament . However , once the believer sees these truths they will wholeheartedly embrace them. Psalm 110 "The Lord said unto my Lord , Sit thou at my right hand, until I make thine enemies thy footstool ". Here we learn that the Christ is called Lord by David .Also he is placed in an exalted position equal to God himself. Whoever the Christ is we know he is Lord of David and is at the right hand of power. We know the Christ is Jesus of Nazareth. All I'm pointing out is what you yourself said . You said that we must believe Jesus is the Christ. If someone's denies the Deity of Jesus then they state that he is not the Messiah spoken of in Psalm 110. Any characterization of Jesus that deviates from the old testament is the equivalent of rejecting Jesus as the Christ. The OT makes clear that the Christ will come and bare the sins of many (Isaiah 53). The OT never says explicitly Jesus is him. We must believe that Jesus is the Godman spoken of in the OT. How can someone affirm Jesus is the Christ when they deny Psalm 110? If you dont think Jesus is Lord then you simply dont think he is the Christ.
Josh S. According to the Masoretic Text, "The Lord said to my Lord..." the first "Lord" in Hebrew being Adonai meaning God; the second "Lord" in Hebrew being Adoni meaning master, which is never reserved for deity. if you believe the Masoretic Text to be in error here, you must go and find an earlier text which says differently. This does not mean Jesus is not God, but rather that Psalm 110 does not in any way say so. "Lord" therefore does not mean Christ. Elsewhere Jesus is said to be God, both with theos and Yahweh, but nowhere is this understanding said to be necessary for salvation, whereas Jesus being Lord and Christ consistently is. Both Genesis and Deuteronomy say that Jacob went to dwell in Egypt with 70 people. Stephen in Acts chapter 7 says 75... Is Stephen going to hell for being wrong? As it turns out the Bible says you only have to have one fact right to be saved. You simply cannot use Scripture to defend the position that a proper understanding of Jesus' ontological nature is necessary for salvation.
Excuse me: Exodus and Deuteronomy...
@@swentworth Two points . 1) Where did we find out that the Christ would save his people from their sin? Isaiah 53? Jesus comes and proclaims that he is here for sinners. We must chose to believe Jesus is the Christ. If we say that he isn't here to take away the sins then we are saying he isn't the Messiah or the Christ. I'm not sure how salvation is any different than other doctrines of the Christ ? I guess it's fine to disconnect Jesus from all messianic texts except salvation texts in order to be saved ? If you say that Jesus lacks any trait of the Messiah then you reject that he is indeed the Messiah. Or is it that the only thing you have to believe that Jesus is similar to the messiah is that he brought salvation . But the rest of the texts are fine to disconnect him from.
2) I dont really want to debate messianic meanings. I will address that point but I want to stay on track . The ascension of the Christ is seen in psalm 110 . An ascension to a throne at the right hand of God. I doubt you will disagree with that . Daniel 7:13 . Makes clear that the son of man came with the clouds of heaven . He came to the ancient of days. The Christ will ascend to heaven is an indisputable fact . Jesus comes and claims in Matthew 26:64 that they will see him sitting at the right hand of power and coming in the clouds of heaven. We either believe he is the Christ and that he will ascend or he is not . To say that he isn't going to ascend is to make him a liar and automatically say he isn't the Messiah. If a person says I believe jesus is the Messiah in only that he bare our sins but he isn't the messiah in that he ascended to the throne they do not believe Jesus is the Christ . The Christ will fulfill all of the OT.
3) If you believe Jesus is the Christ then it is a whole package. If in any point you say Jesus did not ascend or fulfill any OT text then you state that he is not the Christ. I mean think about what your saying? If someone came to me and said I believe Jesus bare my sins but he didn't rise according to the OT, he wasn't David's master, the government wasn't put upon his shoulders (psalm 2), his clothes weren't gambled away , then I would tell that person then you dont believe in the true Jesus . The true Jesus I know is the Christ . You are looking for a proof text that says you have to believe all things about Jesus that the OT said about the Christ to be saved . Your own position contradicts that. You think that the only necessary beliefs about jesus is that he bare the sins of us to be saved. There is no proof text that says the only important OT messianic text to be saved is that Jesus bore our sin. So please be consistent even to your own belief . I believe he is either the Christ or he is not. The Christ did a whole lot more than just forgave people.
5) psalm 7 issue .I read the same arguments and wasn't aware of the language being used so you got me there . Even if I missed the verse the truth I got out of it saved me ha ha .
Honest question. If a prayer is in a video, what happens 3 years later?
@vladdragos501 I think he's asking if someone such as Tim Conway, says a prayer and the guy that posted this comment listens to the prayer 3 years after the video was posted, does it still have power for someone, 3 years later.
@@jamesvan2201 It does, a prayer from a honest heart cant loose power
@jamesvan2201 yes it has power just like the bible which was written thousands of years ago still has power today because the name of Jesus is invoked through it by the power of The Holy Spirit.
How do i stop toughs I’m dying i need help i probably quenched the spiritual i’ve been desperate idk what to do my toughs hate God i don’t understand im dying help im crying my self to sleep im desperate
How are you now?
Psalm 34:18, psalm 51, psalm 119, 1 John 3:20, proverbs 3:5-6, John 3:17.
I have a couple of questions 1 hiw do we tell the difference between grieving the spirit and the spirit trying to convict us when wrestling with assurance and 2 when Tim mentions seeing the glory of Christ does this seem like someone who has someone who saw a film called Jesus of Nazareth and while watching identified themselves as a sinner against God and saw what Jesus had done for them which lead to repentence and acceptence for the first time ever really ? Thats me but I fell back into porn so im wondering is the Spirit silent because if that or is He trying to convict me ? Im trying to stay away from the porn and asking for help its vert hard but deep down I want Him not that I dont want sin period but I fall a lot so im not sure if im grieving the Spirit or if He is trying to get me attention
If you are living with sin in your life, you are grieving the Holy Spirit.
Jesus says if your eyes causes you to sin then pluck it out. If your hand causes you to sin cut it off as it is better to enter heaven with one hand than to enter hell with 2. I think what Pastor Tim is preaching is if we are in Christ we should detest our sin so much we will go to any lengths to stop it. If your house was on fire and you were inside watching porn, would you stop watching and run outside to safety? Absolutely. Sin should be so sickening that it feels like death and we want to flee.
This messages being taught is you can loose your salvation and you must repent of sin to keep or earn salvation and that is totally false simply truly Believe in Jesus Christ as your savior in your heart and you will saved FOREVER. Now isn’t that good news? unlike all the fear and doubt I hear with this message and many others like it.
Muddybagclean Pastor Tim is only saying if you are continuing in sin as a believer then you cannot claim your assurance of salvation is valid. No one is denying the notion of the perseverance of the saints. The question is you yourself know this experientially.
BelieveOnlyJesus I’ve seen enough of this guys videos to know where he stands he teaches or has teached that you can loose your salvation in one of his videos he told his congregation some of them won’t make it as in some of them won’t make it to heaven assuming they are all believers that is fear and doubt teaching trying to scare people into working for their salvation in total fear and anxiety everyday. I pray people that are caught up in these teachings come out of them and not be confused anymore if you are sin conscious meaning you know and understand just how corrupt your flesh is you will understand that you can’t be Holy enough to get into heaven and you need a Savior that has already done it all AND THANK GOD WE HAVE SUCH A SAVIOR IN JESUS CHRIST!!! therefore beware of teachings like this on RUclips and everywhere else that can lead to doubt and confusion I don’t know if all Tim’s videos are the same message and I am not trying to attack him but I have seen plenty of his videos and they lead me into a dark place I hope he Proclaims the Gospel as it should be although his past videos did not and they are still on RUclips as far as I know
@Paul those who truly Believe not necessarily repent, repenting doesn’t save you BELIEVE in the Gospel that Jesus Christ is your perfect finished work imputed to your account is what saves you of course people who truly believe will overtime grow to be a better Christian but that doesn’t mean they will live perfect or totally stop sinning new or old sin this is where Tim Conway gets confusing in one sermon he tells his audience “some of you won’t make it” this is to imply that although they may believe some will work harder than the others will get in while the others that didn’t won’t this is advocating for works salvation and preachers like this although they may preach truth from time to time must be approached with caution and their sermons carefully observed
@Paul The book of James is talking about showing your faith through works in front of MAN not God
God sees Jesus righteousness imputed to you if you believe in him as your savior alone from your sins. Now as for the demons believe of course they believe there is a God they have seen him when they were angels in heaven HOWEVER they are not BELIEVING in Jesus Christ as their SAVIOR that’s the key they do not have a savior because God sent a Savior Jesus Christ for US mankind his children who he told the angels to bow down too cause they(we) were his greatest creation and his children no different than Jesus who he sent to be a sacrifice for us( those that believe) like Abraham seeing the Lamb instead of his son that story wasn’t cause God just wanted to see if Abraham would do it no it was to show Abraham that he(God) would provide the perfect sacrifice for our sins for those that Believe in him as savior to save them from their sins that’s the key we are sinners we need a savior God offered one and we just need to simply believe in him to take care of our souls God did not give the demons a savior but he gave you and I one (He Himself in flesh Jesus) for all mankind if you have anymore questions feel free to ask I’ve been where you are and you are not alone
Check out this link and this preacher he touches on a lot of good questions
@Paul it wasn’t me alone God helped you through me as he did the same for me through other people. take care
All you do is make people doubt.
Romans 4:5 NKJV
[5] But to him who does not work but believes on Him who justifies the ungodly, his faith is accounted for righteousness,
James is not talking about salvation, he is talking about faith that does works. James gives an analogy of a needy man and a person who says he has faith but doesnt help the needy man. That kind of faith cant save the needy man and he will die because he doesnt have what he needs to live. Just read the whole context.
I appreciate your concern for clarity on this important topic. The goal is never to make people doubt but to encourage genuine self-examination. Paul and James are not at odds-Paul emphasizes that we are justified by faith alone, while James shows that true faith is never alone but is demonstrated by works. This isn’t about earning salvation, but about the evidence of a transformed life. Encouraging believers to reflect on their faith isn’t meant to unsettle but to strengthen assurance in Christ.
@illbehonest James is comparing faith that isn't doing works with faith that is doing works. A needy man can't be saved by someone just saying "be well" and does not receive help. The analogy gives clarification to "faith without works is dead" because it isnt doing good works. Saved by Faith alone and " "true" faith is only if it has works" is a contradiction, it's just back loading works to the necessity of being "saving faith". I understand I probably won't convince you because everyone has strong beliefs, including me, but I have changed my mind on beliefs throughout my Christian walk as I have tried to consider differing perspectives to try to harmonize understanding throughout scripture. For example, I used to listen to John MacArthur and voddie bauchum and many other calvinist's not realizing exactly what the end of the logic leads to as far as determinism and used to accept the belief system of TULIP. But I don't think that way anymore as I have been convinced through studying and by evaluating many interpretations to passages that they don't harmonize scripture. I have found it very helpful to read the letters in the new testament from start to finish in one reading to gain clarity on context. I think it is and has been a huge deterrent to understand the context when only reading portions at a time. Going back to the original discussion about faith, these passages among others seem to strongly imply that faith of just simply trusting in Christ's sacrifice is enough to save and does not need works.
Romans 4:5-8, 20-25 NKJV
[5] But to him who does not work but believes on Him who justifies the ungodly, his faith is accounted for righteousness, [6] just as David also describes the blessedness of the man to whom God imputes righteousness apart from works: [7] “Blessed are those whose lawless deeds are forgiven, And whose sins are covered; [8] Blessed is the man to whom the Lord shall not impute sin.”
[20] He did not waver at the promise of God through unbelief, but was strengthened in faith, giving glory to God, [21] and being fully convinced that what He had promised He was also able to perform. [22] And therefore “it was accounted to him for righteousness.” [23] Now it was not written for his sake alone that it was imputed to him, [24] but also for us. It shall be imputed to us who believe in Him who raised up Jesus our Lord from the dead, [25] who was delivered up because of our offenses, and was raised because of our justification.
I Corinthians 3:15 NKJV
[15] If anyone’s work is burned, he will suffer loss; but he himself will be saved, yet so as through fire.
I think heaven will be filled with believers who had very little to no works to believers that will have an incredible amount of works. I believe the grace of God is grace in its most meaningful way that it is truly a gift without any merit. Just like the parable of the wedding feast says both the good and bad will be there:
Matthew 22:8-10 NKJV
[8] Then he said to his servants, ‘The wedding is ready, but those who were invited were not worthy. [9] Therefore go into the highways, and as many as you find, invite to the wedding.’ [10] So those servants went out into the highways and gathered together all whom they found, both bad and good. And the wedding hall was filled with guests.
The lord lord poeples asurance was based on thier own works or efforts.
Why do you quote John MacArthur? He claims that people can take the mark of the beast and still be saved. That is false teaching.
Donna Daly maybe he is unaware of this
Have you ever told a lie, Donna? whether you knew it or not.... that's like me asking why should I believe anything you're saying because of that lie you once told and never knew it was a lie.
Even if John MacArthur teaches a "you can be saved while having the mark of the beast" doctrine, I personally have never heard it, and it honestly doesn't matter in my walk right now, that conviction does not exist for me at this moment in my faith.... I DO know that John MacArthur has a lot of sermons that are VERY biblical... If John MacArthur read John 3:16 and told you what it meant (and it was the truth), would John 3:16 then become false because of what your saying John MacArthur teaches about other verses? you know? Teaching doesn't work that way.... we're ALL fallible. We ask the Lord to help us separate the lies, not smite the teachers. The Devil literally uses those very tactics and counts on us to throw away truths because we know they're being perverted.... "throwing out the baby with the bathwater"
Conway covers this in numerous ways throughout the teaching on this video (maybe you were too distracted by the quoting of John MacArthur to notice?
@billyjaco652 i love john MacArthurs teachings but yes, its on you tube, john MacArthur on mark of the beast. I was somewhat floored myself.
Church Watkins IV I totally agree with your statement. Perfect analogy about the apostle Peter.
I don’t agree with everything John MacArthur teaches and yet he’s still one of my favorite teachers! The perfect teacher hasn’t been born yet except Jesus Christ.
The acid test for me is, if I spit too much bone and all that’s left is tiny specks of meat, then I’ll pass on that teacher/preacher whatever.
Another test, if after listening to a preacher and he edifies and encourages me to keep my eyes on Jesus rather than on myself for strength and assurance then he passed the mustard.
And best of all, nobody gets anything good from above unless God gives it to you.
John 3:27 (KJV)
27 John answered and said, A man can receive nothing, except it be given him from heaven.
That’s why nobody should be looking to men to validate their salvation. Only the Holy Spirit can give that. God Bless.
John McArthur did no such thing.
Pastor Conway,
What kind of good works can I do?
I thought I was saved.
How then can I get saved ?
I'm confused. Please explain, please help me understand.
We are not saved by works. Works naturally flow from God's saving grace. We are saved by Christ's blood being shed for our sins and by accepting Him as Lord (Master). Works will naturally follow. That being said, we all have different starting places. To a man like me, people who use perverse talk and swear constantly don't seem to be far along, but this is a great fault of mine. If a person hooked on heroine who struggles with constant anger and is a sex addict has, through the power of Christ and the Holy Spirit, overcome these things still curses, we would be greatly mistaken to believe he or she is unsaved because that said a curse word. Both in Timothy and Jeremiah we are said to be like clay in His hands. We are a work in progress. Our desire for good works does not save us, it comes from our being saved.
Works are a product of faith. If you truly have trust in Jesus Christ sins will leave your life, and there will be many works you do for God not for man. Works are a product of faith.
Hello Spencer. Thank you so much for replying to. I read your other reply also. You're right about all that you said. I'm just so glad there are christian friends out here. I can get some good advice from.
🙂 thank you.
My God Keep on Blessing you. 🙏
Hello, Mark .
Thanks for replying back to me. 🙂
I do trust in my Jesus Christ, and you are right what you are saying. You and others that also reported to me is very helpful I do understand things differently now for the better. 🙂
Thank you dearly.
It’s by faith alone that we receive grace. There are no works but Jesus’s works that can save you. Put your trust in Jesus ALONE for your salvation. 1 John 5:11-13. Works are a RESULT of our faith. But don’t think even the result is what saves you. Put your assurance in Christ alone.
Works is from the Old Testament. All that died when Jesus died on the cross. We do not live under the law of works anymore.
Sir We do Jesus gave us commandment’s
@@LitoLochoss yes He did but doesn’t mean that we live under the Old Testament laws and Jesus died on the cross for nothing. You missed the point.
@@robertteague6342 No you missed we do need works Jesus gave us things to do sir. We are just not under the old testament law for believers in Christ we can’t save our self by works but by works our faith is Justified ever read James ?
@@LitoLochoss I know all that. You’re not telling me something I don’t know.
@@LitoLochoss but as far as being saved once your saved you’re always saved. Works mean nothing. You can’t save yourself by doing any works.
16:04 - You gotta be kidding. That anyone would say such a thing as _that,_ is _crazy!_
@pkcostello5348if Paul was a false apostle, 1. Why would Peter speak for him and
2. Why would his letters be in the bible?
Why do I always get this impression that Tim Conway himself doesn’t have insurance of his own salvation? I hope he’s not projecting this fear unto his audience. Could be the reason why he has so many emails from confused and scared listeners....
This messages being taught is you can loose your salvation and you must repent of sin to keep or earn salvation and that is totally false simply truly Believe in Jesus Christ as your savior in your heart and you will saved FOREVER. Now isn’t that good news? unlike all the fear and doubt I hear with this message and many others like it.
@@Muddybagclean This is true but the point is that if you loose your salvation you didn't have it. If you don't feel fear of the Lord from this then it isn't saving faith.
Regrettably I don't know if I have fear of the Lord at the moment. I want to want it. Would appreciate prayer from anyone reading that I would develop fear of the Lord and genuine saving faith.
@@cariboogospel rest my friend if you believe in Jesus Christ as your savior then you are saved and you need not to worry about having fear and by believing I mean trusting absolutely that Jesus’s work was good enough alone and that God’s sacrifice of his son and his blood is the only thing that can wash away your sins I will pray for you my friend
@@Muddybagclean Hi. Unfortunately I did not know (although I was intentionally avoiding) the scripture on falling away from the faith.
I've been with the Spirit for 1.5 years and have lost His presence. I was committing the sin of unbelief and justifying it with false assumptions about God and myself. I confused assumption with belief.
I realized before it was too late that I didn't truly believe in Christ or commit myself to Him. I am experiencing holy terror and feel as though I am definitely going to hell as I don't know how to repent.
Please pray for me to have my eyes opened and my heart softened.
@@cariboogospel my friend God is not counting how many times you repent for your Salvation once you believe that Jesus Christ will save you and he is your savior you are saved. Just have faith and trust that he will save you and to your point of loosing salvation, how can you loose something you never had? If you believe in Christ as your savior then you are saved forever.