whoa, didn't expect this one! I'm the author of beware the sixth house and i'm happy to be featured. I actually considered what you suggested at the end, which is either some kind of boss rush, or dagoth summoning the remaining vampires to him for the final fight. I think I would need to change the final interior cell a little to make it a little harder to juke him, too. Maybe a tunnel that bottlenecks you past him/the vampires or something? I'll revisit it some day. thanks for playing!
Thanks for making this mod. Morrowind's greatest flaw is it gives you crazy powers but no worthy opponents. It was quite cool to see fights actually need a deliberate approach.
when you avoid the main quest because you imagine dagoth ur is incredibly hard and do the dlcs first, just to realize that wolves in bloodmoon are harder than the whole of the main quest
@DarkMark-cf1ec More Deadly Morrowind Denizens gives many encounters more useful spells and enchantments so that you have to think about how to fight them. It's modular and fully compatible with Beware the Sixth House, Tribunal Rebalance and Bloodmoon Rebalance.
The "coming up with a name" struggle is so identifiable to me. (a little bit of googling seems to indicate that at least some geologists would consider lava brought from the surface back underground would again be considered magma, technically)
Geologists agree that, if you're capable of seeing it, it's lava. Magma is definitionally molten rock under the pressure of the crust, and lava is molten rock that has come up through the crust from the mantle (formerly magma). Humans have never been even been below the crust (the earth's crust can be up to 40km thick in some places, and the deepest known hole into the crust is only 12km deep, so not even halfway through), so magma is something no living human has ever directly interacted with. Both are molten rock, but magma participates in geologic processes, while lava is a result of those geologic processes. Also of note is that flowing lava from volcanic vents is insanely hot, so it's difficult to even approach, much less carry in a bucket. Even with heat suits, people have died from just being near freshly erupted lava for a few minutes. Without heat suits, getting close for more than a few seconds can cause heat stroke and fainting, which no one wants. Edited for formatting.
@@Atomy111 Well, you know how us super nerds are about our particular topics and being hyper-specific...Geologists made the rules about lava vs magma, but I think it's because they personally like the fuss! =P
30:09 this is super cool and kinda the reverse of the skyrim mod "cult of the world eater". Every dragon priest you dont kill appears to aid Alduin and grants him a unique buff based off their mask
I think its because "submerged" simply means "in some kind of liquid" and so "in the water clarifies that it isnt in, i dunno, coca-cola or something. Kind of like saying "slept in my bed" because technically you could've slept anywhere.
Agreed. A chest can be submerged and not be under water. Saying `submerged underwater` is taking out that unspoken mental question of what is doing the submerging. Nowadays we want to be fancy and use abstract things to get submersed in.
I recently played Morrowind for the first time and used a mod preset, which included beware the sixth house, and I ALSO did not know about mark and recall spells until I had already killed Dagoth Ur. The fight was the gamer issue of "I might need it later" actually coming in handy with an entire game's worth of scrolls, potions and rare summons all being used to bring him down.
Finally, some actual respect for my Dagoth boi. I was bitterly disappointed by how easy the fight went in the game. I mean, he's the best antagonist the entire franchise has to offer...
Shivering Isles is the best expansion ever released for a game, let alone Elder Scrolls. Jyggalag is an interesting antagonist because he posed a threat to all other Daedric Princes, which caused them to band together and curse him. Sheogorath is his polar opposite and prevents him from expanding into other domains as he had done in the past because he doesn't get enough time
A big thing i miss from the Morrowind game, fompared to the new games, is, the ability to wear a robe with the pauldrons of your armor show up on the outside of the robe. Basically, the modularity of the armor was nice. Atleast visually
While I also loved it, it was impossible to maintain it while improving graphics and trying to include more NPCs at one time, Of course one can debate if the games ever used those advantages for anything worth the cost given how low opinions are on things like the battle of bruma and the Skyrim civil war
"But the key also unlocks this submerged chest" starts with a subordinating conjunction and ends with a prepositional phrase. Dependent clauses that start with those sorts of conjunctions need a independent clause to be a complete sentence. Remove the "but," and the clause is no longer dependent. Also, Verick Gemain's shop contains a guaranteed spawn of a Ring of Aversion. The 10 seconds of invisibility granted by it makes dangerous item runs quite a bit more safe. I like to use it for the Bittercup & the Wizard Staff located in the daedric ruin south-east of Ald'ruhn
"But" is a coordinating conjunction. There are no prepositions in that sentence, either. Grammatically, "But the key also unlocks this submerged chest." is a complete sentence. Stylistically, some don't like the idea of starting a sentence with a coordinating conjunction. I say: Be free! Do whatever you feel is right.
there are slight differences between magma and lava because of pressure and off-gassing. when magma hits the surface it goes through a relatively slow chemical process that changes it. this is why magma and lava cooled from the same source can form different igneous rocks. magma forms more crystalline rocks both because of a slower cooling time and holding onto different elements. but the effects widely vary based on the type of magma(there are 6 main types with one being a wide category of Non-silicate magma which is rare and has unique processes.) and the Magmatic gas composition(mostly determined by where the volcano forms and in what materials. in an ocean more water in your magma, in a more porous rock more water and whatever the water can leach out of the rock. yes, magma and lava have water in them it's how we get stuff like basalt. they end up trapped as gasses and bobble out when not under pressure.)
Should check out the 6th house mod, whole thing where you don't cure Corprus and join the 6th house after Dagoth Gares. Can even do some trickery with Moon-and-Star and Wraithguard to Dagoth Ur to get a dialogue victory with high enough intelligence.
Honestly, I think thematically Dagoth Ur wasn't ever supposed to be overwhelmingly strong, because he wasn't necessarily trying to kill you. More just subdue and convince you. He was delusional to the end, thinking he could convert his former best friend's reincarnated avatar to his cult to rebuild the Numidium. The whole entire fight, he's not hostile in the same sense of "I want you dead" it's more "I want Keening and Sunder, old friend. And I want you by my side."
IIRC he was supposed to be weakened by the player killing all the Ash Vampires, but they klutz'd it up and the effect didn't actually work cuz it only works if he's loaded into the cell, and he's not close enough to be loaded in. Which implies either they didn't figure that out, couldn't get it to work, and so made him weaker to compensate - or they didn't notice, and he's actually supposed to be even WEAKER when you fight him. At least, that's what I recall. It may have been a myth. If it isn't, it implies they did want him strong - strong enough to incentivize the player going to all the ash vampire fights in order to weaken him.
@@hypotheticalaxolotl OpenMW makes this effect work form what I've heard, but IIRC it also works if you walk into his room in Dagoth Ur before killing any of the Ash vampires
No offense, but your take is delusional. You are just trying to excuse a poor aspect of gameplay with headcanon gobbledygook. The game makes it very clear trough dialogue and gameplay that Dagoth Ur wants you dead, that he considered recruiting you but this point has long past and that he will not take any chances and simply murder you to be safe. The truth of the matter is that Morrowind is a great RPG, one of the best in game history, but it has flaws, and the final battle with Dagoth Ur is one of those flaws. The boss battle is ass and Bethesda doesnt know how to make final bosses. It aint deep.
Steal the key from Cellus Gravus, once you make the character, right before you exit the Census and Excise office to Seyda Neen. Behind Celus, on a shelf, is a key. Take it and you can unlock the Census ans Excise warehouse across the road, right as you exit to the town. There, in crates, you will find a lot of gear and skooma/moon sugar which is pretty expensive if you can sell it.
Runs with mods! I can dig it! If you want another fun one to do involving the Sixth House, try looking for the Great House Dagoth mod if you can find it. Also Kogoruhn is the ancestral fortress of the Sixth House. Don't ask me how I know, I'm not a Sixth House member or anything, it's purely from...uhhh... *academic interests,* yes...that's it.
My understanding is that “submerged” doesn’t tell you what it is in, under the water tells you that its water, so I would say the chest submerged in water rather than submerged under the water although realistically I also say under the water and am redundant myself
When i was 5-6 i was playing morrowind on the OG xbox. Being a kid, i didn't reallt grasp much of the concepts and directions very well, howeve i do remember almost always killing the light house npc in sedya neen stealing everything, spending the beginning cash, to go to vivec and basically spending all my time in vivec. We were going around rhe cantons and killing everyone in their houses that way the crime stat goes away and because we had no grasp at skill leveliny, thus every fight was difficult, and basically i was taking every item in the house to sell to make money. We also found a badass enchanted shiny robe in the arena in a random barrel.
I'd love to see you play through Rise of The House Telvanni. It's a story mod that greatly enhances Telvanni questline. The main takeaway is that thanks to its events, Telvanni areas expand to cover a third of Vvardenfell. My friend always replays that and Sotha Sil Expanded, gushing over how great they both are. But i'd love to see you tackle either one, if not both. Your narrated gameplay would fit great with them, I assume
Recently, JBN has really become one of my favorite youtubers. It's not just that I the content is consistently entertaining with spots of being outright funny, something about the speech-melody I just find so pleasant. It really is the perfect background for things like world quests in wow.
Great House Dagoth ("that" 6th house mod) was totally awesome, modified campagin to JOIN daddy dagoth, ascend through the ranks (proboscis ftw) and actually kill the tribu.. false gods. Truly awesome and should be canon
Hey JBN I am absolutely loving the surge in Morrowind content in my feed and honestly anything else you do man, keep up the awesome playthroughs dude I'll be here watching and rewatching them 🙏
I can never get enough of this man's content, every time a new video pops up it's like Christmas~! Keep up the hard work, man. Can't wait to see you hit 100k, and then 1 Mil in no time flat! Been here since at least the first few thousand, and will be here for every milestone ahead~!
As long as there is an ongoing Chipmonk run in some Elder Scrolls game, then the Colovian Fur Helm is technically being worn somewhere and some time. Just like how it's 5 o'clock somewhere.
My first Morrowind character was an Orc, and the only thing I remember is picking up scrolls from a guy that fell from the sky. I remember his funny yellow hat. And what happened when I used the scroll.
15:00 The way you said that felt that you are either angry for not getting the difference or angry that anyone would dare to even suggest there is a difference. Both funny.
Morrowind books could also be written on recycled clothing. It was common before wood pulp paper became standard in the 1800s. Can you try "Can you beat Morrowind with only quest objectives and quest rewards?" Would force several quests you normally don't ever touch to get basic equipment (there are a few misc quests you can use to get a weapon without combat) and block a lot of exploits. Mark and Recall can be obtained by an early Televanni quest. edit: The finding money feels like XP thing is actually intended. It’s strongly implied in the dialog for the Blades Trainers quest you’re supposed to be dumping your liquid money into training (after you’ve got basic gear) and the lack of higher level equipment is intended. It's a shame MW's economy is busted even in casual play, because it had a lot of interesting ideas.
I have some bug in my browser, and sometimes when a video starts, spotify also starts. This time this video started with Evening in Paris by Zoot Sims and I thought it was part of the video, fits perfectly (or I'm crazy) :D
This is the first time I'm hearing someone say Mamaea out loud and I'm only just now realizing that my brain substituted "mamma-mia" the first time I've read it and has stuck to that story for 20 years.
Random tip for all us Morrowind on PC fanatics: if you open a container, select an item, and exit the container, the item appears in your inventory. Saves me millions of clicks.
Funny thing about the idea at the end, the ash vampires are actually scripted to reduce Dagoth Ur's stats when you kill them, but since the game can't run scripts on entities that aren't loaded yet, killing them doesn't affect dagoth ur unless you've already visited him. The script for this was also removed outright in openMW
Oh yes, Bethesda games 🤝 Underwhelming final battles. I'm still salty, that Skyrim's main quest didn't end at the Throat of the World, where you could fight Alduin to the death one on one, while more and more dragons begin to circle around the mountain, chanting the main theme
@@rRadixerus All I can picture in my mind is someone getting the three heroes, going to face Alduin the final time, and instead of Dragonrend, they shout "I JUST FORGED 20,000 NAILS FOR ALL THREE OF MY HOUSES, AND IT WAS A MORE FULFILLING EXPERIENCE THAN THIS ENTIRE FINAL QUEST!"
Dagoth Odros is a very forgetful individual, and always loses his keys. It kept happening, over and over, so he had an easier lock applied to his door. Plus Keening kills whoever touches it. It is the Morrowind equivalent of using "password123" on a Suicide Booth
Watched this entire video on my alt account but you’re probably my favorite RUclipsr at this point so I’m gonna have to just watch it again with no complaints :)
Everytime I hear dagoth line I can't think of anything else but the dagothwave music
Yung Scrolls moment
Its a great song
Come to me through fire and war. Oh, oh
@@morosepapaya come on Nerevarr
Come look upon the heart
Upon the heart, uh, uh, uh
That or Dagoth ur fanfiction
Scrib are for emotional emergencies, not potion making efficiency!
Scrib are for hugs, not for chugs.
Scribs have roughly the same shape and size as a certain toy - I would say Scribs are even for fugs.
Nooo don't fk the scrib 😭😭😭@@centralintelligenceagency9003
Scribs clearly exist to filter out the casual newbie that believes they can win a fight with the first bug they encounter.
@@centralintelligenceagency9003 do NOT fug the bug
@@heartbeat4atinman You vill fug ze bug and you vill like it
whoa, didn't expect this one! I'm the author of beware the sixth house and i'm happy to be featured. I actually considered what you suggested at the end, which is either some kind of boss rush, or dagoth summoning the remaining vampires to him for the final fight.
I think I would need to change the final interior cell a little to make it a little harder to juke him, too. Maybe a tunnel that bottlenecks you past him/the vampires or something? I'll revisit it some day.
thanks for playing!
Thanks for the mod! Much respect to anyone still working on a classic game.
Thank you for working on this mod. It was a much needed addition!
Careful to not go too far taking away tools for the player, that said, those are great ideas!
Thanks for making this mod. Morrowind's greatest flaw is it gives you crazy powers but no worthy opponents. It was quite cool to see fights actually need a deliberate approach.
Goated mods sir
This run honors the Sixth House and the Tribe Unmourned
when you avoid the main quest because you imagine dagoth ur is incredibly hard and do the dlcs first, just to realize that wolves in bloodmoon are harder than the whole of the main quest
Those werewolves were so brutal dude...
@@ironichoneybadger5066 Especially when fighting them with standard imperial equipment.
@DarkMark-cf1ec I don’t know any really, sorry :/
Fortunately there are mods such as Tribunal Rebalance and Bloodmoon Rebalance that fixes the scaling of DLC enemies :)
@DarkMark-cf1ec More Deadly Morrowind Denizens gives many encounters more useful spells and enchantments so that you have to think about how to fight them. It's modular and fully compatible with Beware the Sixth House, Tribunal Rebalance and Bloodmoon Rebalance.
I love the fact that the bramble plinths make a recurring comeback
What was the video where he explained why he calls them that, again?
Naughty bramble!
@@storrentMC I believe it's the "all attributes are level one", he explained it when he arrived at Tel Aruhn, if not Tel Mora
@@ahmadabiyoso5050 Thank you!
The "coming up with a name" struggle is so identifiable to me. (a little bit of googling seems to indicate that at least some geologists would consider lava brought from the surface back underground would again be considered magma, technically)
Geologists agree that, if you're capable of seeing it, it's lava. Magma is definitionally molten rock under the pressure of the crust, and lava is molten rock that has come up through the crust from the mantle (formerly magma).
Humans have never been even been below the crust (the earth's crust can be up to 40km thick in some places, and the deepest known hole into the crust is only 12km deep, so not even halfway through), so magma is something no living human has ever directly interacted with. Both are molten rock, but magma participates in geologic processes, while lava is a result of those geologic processes.
Also of note is that flowing lava from volcanic vents is insanely hot, so it's difficult to even approach, much less carry in a bucket. Even with heat suits, people have died from just being near freshly erupted lava for a few minutes. Without heat suits, getting close for more than a few seconds can cause heat stroke and fainting, which no one wants.
Edited for formatting.
Magma balls lol. Alright that's all from me. Let me know guys. Take care
wdym we all know lava is a liquid you put in a bucket and magma is a block you can mine
melted rocks innit what's the fuss
@@Atomy111 Well, you know how us super nerds are about our particular topics and being hyper-specific...Geologists made the rules about lava vs magma, but I think it's because they personally like the fuss! =P
16:05 they picked Kogoruhn because of sentimental value. It's their old capital.
30:09 this is super cool and kinda the reverse of the skyrim mod "cult of the world eater". Every dragon priest you dont kill appears to aid Alduin and grants him a unique buff based off their mask
"unhinged nords beats up the sixth house more at 11" fantastic video, and interesting mod. will def check it out
Just when I needed something to watch on lunchtime, the nerevar was there
That's why youtubers always seem to upload around 2pm! It's the magic time, also most of Europe is still awake too
Bro, laying on the couch, sick as fuck. Low key vibing. Then boom new video came out right fucking now. Let's go
Couch went from like lvl 20 comfort to near 99
Couch went from the most comfy the devs ever thought it could be, to game-breaking, frankly ludicrous levels of snuggle.
is it corprus?
@@Giantcrabz If it is, OP has probably maxed out strength and endurance by now.
"Why do you spend hours researching Elder Scrolls lore?"
Me: "So I won't be stuck at character creation trying to come up with a name"
I think its because "submerged" simply means "in some kind of liquid" and so "in the water clarifies that it isnt in, i dunno, coca-cola or something. Kind of like saying "slept in my bed" because technically you could've slept anywhere.
Me when Grice's maxim of quantity
I worked in a sewage plant for years so yes, it's important to be exact.
A chest can be submerged and not be under water. Saying `submerged underwater` is taking out that unspoken mental question of what is doing the submerging. Nowadays we want to be fancy and use abstract things to get submersed in.
The half a second of Benny Hill made me laugh much harder than it should have 😂
I recently played Morrowind for the first time and used a mod preset, which included beware the sixth house, and I ALSO did not know about mark and recall spells until I had already killed Dagoth Ur. The fight was the gamer issue of "I might need it later" actually coming in handy with an entire game's worth of scrolls, potions and rare summons all being used to bring him down.
Finally, some actual respect for my Dagoth boi. I was bitterly disappointed by how easy the fight went in the game. I mean, he's the best antagonist the entire franchise has to offer...
fighting Vivec was also underwhelming. I mean screw Vivec, but still
Personally, I prefer Jyggalag from the Shimmering Isles, but I won't diss Dagoth Ur.
Shivering Isles is the best expansion ever released for a game, let alone Elder Scrolls. Jyggalag is an interesting antagonist because he posed a threat to all other Daedric Princes, which caused them to band together and curse him. Sheogorath is his polar opposite and prevents him from expanding into other domains as he had done in the past because he doesn't get enough time
how is he a good antagonist? he sits there and does nothing.
@@TheNejD but he is charming while he is doing so
A big thing i miss from the Morrowind game, fompared to the new games, is, the ability to wear a robe with the pauldrons of your armor show up on the outside of the robe.
Basically, the modularity of the armor was nice. Atleast visually
While I also loved it, it was impossible to maintain it while improving graphics and trying to include more NPCs at one time,
Of course one can debate if the games ever used those advantages for anything worth the cost given how low opinions are on things like the battle of bruma and the Skyrim civil war
... I'm ashamed to say I never realized Ash Vampires had a third eye. Stendarr be damned, that's cool.
Are you dumb? Why would you damn stendarr??
"But the key also unlocks this submerged chest" starts with a subordinating conjunction and ends with a prepositional phrase. Dependent clauses that start with those sorts of conjunctions need a independent clause to be a complete sentence. Remove the "but," and the clause is no longer dependent.
Also, Verick Gemain's shop contains a guaranteed spawn of a Ring of Aversion. The 10 seconds of invisibility granted by it makes dangerous item runs quite a bit more safe. I like to use it for the Bittercup & the Wizard Staff located in the daedric ruin south-east of Ald'ruhn
"But" is a coordinating conjunction. There are no prepositions in that sentence, either.
Grammatically, "But the key also unlocks this submerged chest." is a complete sentence. Stylistically, some don't like the idea of starting a sentence with a coordinating conjunction. I say: Be free! Do whatever you feel is right.
@@jimwu4579 I think it's just that it feels good to have a prepositional phrase give more context to the demonstra- I mean daedrastrative.
That's so true!
I just finished my first full playthrough of Morrowind, because of your videos. And I DID know about mark and recall.
Sixth house representing! We be jamming to Dagoth Wave while praising the sixth house unmourned!
"Why was the 6th house afraid of the Nerevarine?"
uh because 7, 8, 9?
The Sevenerine
there are slight differences between magma and lava because of pressure and off-gassing. when magma hits the surface it goes through a relatively slow chemical process that changes it. this is why magma and lava cooled from the same source can form different igneous rocks. magma forms more crystalline rocks both because of a slower cooling time and holding onto different elements. but the effects widely vary based on the type of magma(there are 6 main types with one being a wide category of Non-silicate magma which is rare and has unique processes.) and the Magmatic gas composition(mostly determined by where the volcano forms and in what materials. in an ocean more water in your magma, in a more porous rock more water and whatever the water can leach out of the rock. yes, magma and lava have water in them it's how we get stuff like basalt. they end up trapped as gasses and bobble out when not under pressure.)
found the geologist
@@Seegtease And we are glad of it.
@@Seegtease im actually an artist and just learn a lot of material science because I like knowing things like making pigments.
Should check out the 6th house mod, whole thing where you don't cure Corprus and join the 6th house after Dagoth Gares. Can even do some trickery with Moon-and-Star and Wraithguard to Dagoth Ur to get a dialogue victory with high enough intelligence.
Honestly, I think thematically Dagoth Ur wasn't ever supposed to be overwhelmingly strong, because he wasn't necessarily trying to kill you. More just subdue and convince you. He was delusional to the end, thinking he could convert his former best friend's reincarnated avatar to his cult to rebuild the Numidium. The whole entire fight, he's not hostile in the same sense of "I want you dead" it's more "I want Keening and Sunder, old friend. And I want you by my side."
IIRC he was supposed to be weakened by the player killing all the Ash Vampires, but they klutz'd it up and the effect didn't actually work cuz it only works if he's loaded into the cell, and he's not close enough to be loaded in. Which implies either they didn't figure that out, couldn't get it to work, and so made him weaker to compensate - or they didn't notice, and he's actually supposed to be even WEAKER when you fight him.
At least, that's what I recall. It may have been a myth. If it isn't, it implies they did want him strong - strong enough to incentivize the player going to all the ash vampire fights in order to weaken him.
@@hypotheticalaxolotl OpenMW makes this effect work form what I've heard, but IIRC it also works if you walk into his room in Dagoth Ur before killing any of the Ash vampires
I mean the dialog straight up says that it's been too late for amends and mind changes. Dagoth says this quite blatantly
No offense, but your take is delusional. You are just trying to excuse a poor aspect of gameplay with headcanon gobbledygook. The game makes it very clear trough dialogue and gameplay that Dagoth Ur wants you dead, that he considered recruiting you but this point has long past and that he will not take any chances and simply murder you to be safe. The truth of the matter is that Morrowind is a great RPG, one of the best in game history, but it has flaws, and the final battle with Dagoth Ur is one of those flaws. The boss battle is ass and Bethesda doesnt know how to make final bosses. It aint deep.
@@chrissant6277 but he also tries to reason and pleads until the end
.. bitter bitter end.
Steal the key from Cellus Gravus, once you make the character, right before you exit the Census and Excise office to Seyda Neen. Behind Celus, on a shelf, is a key. Take it and you can unlock the Census ans Excise warehouse across the road, right as you exit to the town. There, in crates, you will find a lot of gear and skooma/moon sugar which is pretty expensive if you can sell it.
Runs with mods! I can dig it! If you want another fun one to do involving the Sixth House, try looking for the Great House Dagoth mod if you can find it.
Also Kogoruhn is the ancestral fortress of the Sixth House. Don't ask me how I know, I'm not a Sixth House member or anything, it's purely from...uhhh... *academic interests,* yes...that's it.
My understanding is that “submerged” doesn’t tell you what it is in, under the water tells you that its water, so I would say the chest submerged in water rather than submerged under the water although realistically I also say under the water and am redundant myself
Alright second note, the difference is that all lava/magma is not the same it’s what it is made up of but yes they’re basically the same thing
This has to be the realest intro of all time “I get faced with the hardest question first thing” and it’s your name
Watching the intro, I thought you'd join the Sixth House, but this is fine too!
When i was 5-6 i was playing morrowind on the OG xbox.
Being a kid, i didn't reallt grasp much of the concepts and directions very well, howeve i do remember almost always killing the light house npc in sedya neen stealing everything, spending the beginning cash, to go to vivec and basically spending all my time in vivec. We were going around rhe cantons and killing everyone in their houses that way the crime stat goes away and because we had no grasp at skill leveliny, thus every fight was difficult, and basically i was taking every item in the house to sell to make money. We also found a badass enchanted shiny robe in the arena in a random barrel.
I'd love to see you play through Rise of The House Telvanni. It's a story mod that greatly enhances Telvanni questline. The main takeaway is that thanks to its events, Telvanni areas expand to cover a third of Vvardenfell.
My friend always replays that and Sotha Sil Expanded, gushing over how great they both are. But i'd love to see you tackle either one, if not both. Your narrated gameplay would fit great with them, I assume
Recently, JBN has really become one of my favorite youtubers. It's not just that I the content is consistently entertaining with spots of being outright funny, something about the speech-melody I just find so pleasant. It really is the perfect background for things like world quests in wow.
Great House Dagoth ("that" 6th house mod) was totally awesome, modified campagin to JOIN daddy dagoth, ascend through the ranks (proboscis ftw) and actually kill the tribu.. false gods. Truly awesome and should be canon
the greatest and the most intoxicating innocence was the time Nerevarine believed it wasn't too late for Dagoth Ur's mercy
Damn, I thought that was going to be a sick Death Grips mix.
"I am the God I worship"
Babe wake up, JustBackgroundNoise posted again
I mean, Chimer having fire resistance makes sense, given that they're SUN elves
So excited can't wait to put this on and watch 15 minutes before I fall asleep and then again tomorrow night
I was hoping for a revolutionary Dagoth Everywhere System
Loved the Jakety Sax bit :D
Dunno whats so immensely funny about things you know that are cut short.
19:12 I was NOT prepared for that jump scare
Thank you for showing up in my recommended, you appeared at the exact time I needed you. I've been subscribed ever since and you've helped me a lot.
naming your character something that just happens to be on your mind is the only way to name one
I cannot listen to any Dagoth Ur dialogue without immediately thinking of Dagothwave
Welcome moon and star, come to me thru fire and war, Ouuu Ouuuu 🎶
Hey JBN I am absolutely loving the surge in Morrowind content in my feed and honestly anything else you do man, keep up the awesome playthroughs dude I'll be here watching and rewatching them 🙏
Big morrowind fan since 02 and caught your videos a couple weeks ago, and they’re really good man I love your content!
The microscopic "little bit" of the Benny Hill theme killed me
24:02 genuinely made me laugh. Great video as yours always are. Thanks a lot for your content and look forward to watching more!
A jbn video
What a grand and intoxicating experience
I can never get enough of this man's content, every time a new video pops up it's like Christmas~!
Keep up the hard work, man. Can't wait to see you hit 100k, and then 1 Mil in no time flat! Been here since at least the first few thousand, and will be here for every milestone ahead~!
As long as there is an ongoing Chipmonk run in some Elder Scrolls game, then the Colovian Fur Helm is technically being worn somewhere and some time.
Just like how it's 5 o'clock somewhere.
has all the personality, no worries.
"How can you kill a god?" *Chugs potions* "Puny god".
My first Morrowind character was an Orc, and the only thing I remember is picking up scrolls from a guy that fell from the sky. I remember his funny yellow hat. And what happened when I used the scroll.
32:42 this is the end, the bitter end
Dude literally made google sheet with all mods, description and step by step instructions.
My dumb ass thought this was gonna be a whole ‘Dagoth Ur sings Death Grips’ video.
I just discovered your content a few days ago and I’ve been binging like crazy! Thanks for the dope content
"How can you kill a god?"
~ click dagoth ur, sethealth 1
15:00 The way you said that felt that you are either angry for not getting the difference or angry that anyone would dare to even suggest there is a difference. Both funny.
Man, cant wait to see what sorta runs and vids you cook up with mods!
Morrowind books could also be written on recycled clothing. It was common before wood pulp paper became standard in the 1800s.
Can you try "Can you beat Morrowind with only quest objectives and quest rewards?" Would force several quests you normally don't ever touch to get basic equipment (there are a few misc quests you can use to get a weapon without combat) and block a lot of exploits. Mark and Recall can be obtained by an early Televanni quest.
edit: The finding money feels like XP thing is actually intended. It’s strongly implied in the dialog for the Blades Trainers quest you’re supposed to be dumping your liquid money into training (after you’ve got basic gear) and the lack of higher level equipment is intended. It's a shame MW's economy is busted even in casual play, because it had a lot of interesting ideas.
Chuffed to have found this channel, this is the morrowind content I need
your content just gets better and better its so beautiful to see
Man how do you not have 100k yet you have such a good editing style!
All right, just background noise. I’m finally subscribing because I really do just use you for background noise to go to sleep sometimes.
I have some bug in my browser, and sometimes when a video starts, spotify also starts. This time this video started with Evening in Paris by Zoot Sims and I thought it was part of the video, fits perfectly (or I'm crazy) :D
I can't get enough of your Morrowind content
Oh yeah an upload! I’ll be sleeping good tonight
HAHAHAHAHA the start.. I just can't stop hearing Dagothwave. OOH OOH
The bramble plinth is the most prestigious of terms for the weight of things
11:40 Right before you said Ryan Gosling that was exactly what I was thinking!😆
This is the first time I'm hearing someone say Mamaea out loud and I'm only just now realizing that my brain substituted "mamma-mia" the first time I've read it and has stuck to that story for 20 years.
come and look upon the heart, upon the heart, ooh, ooh
you have become legitimately my favorite mw lets player. I wait for your vids constantly.
Even though I have played this game over many years you have taught me something new. Respect.
Random tip for all us Morrowind on PC fanatics: if you open a container, select an item, and exit the container, the item appears in your inventory. Saves me millions of clicks.
When i played morrowind multiplayer we had a hell of a time killing Karstaag, but i dont even remember our dagoth ur fight
Come Nerevar, come.
Is this how you honor the 6th house and the tribe unmourned?
Is it time to honor the sixth house unmourned?
great content with good vibes as usual. you keep posting and ill keep watching!
Just sat down, waiting for the kid to fall asleep. Perfect time for an upload
Scrolls are in fact made with paper, since if you enchant a piece of paper it turns into a scroll
Although default paper doesn't have enough enchant value to hold any worthwhile spell. There are several mods that correct that oversight though.
~I'm a God, how can you kill a God~
is this how you honor the sixth house and the tribe unmourned ?
This is my favorite bed time channel. Always a nice day when I see a new upload.
29:50 Thats the case in BOTW, if you don't calm the Divine Beasts and just beeline it for Ganon, you have to fight all of those bosses.
I love that there exists a youtube channel dedicated to absolutely breaking one game that I really love.
Funny thing about the idea at the end, the ash vampires are actually scripted to reduce Dagoth Ur's stats when you kill them, but since the game can't run scripts on entities that aren't loaded yet, killing them doesn't affect dagoth ur unless you've already visited him. The script for this was also removed outright in openMW
Oh yes, Bethesda games 🤝 Underwhelming final battles. I'm still salty, that Skyrim's main quest didn't end at the Throat of the World, where you could fight Alduin to the death one on one, while more and more dragons begin to circle around the mountain, chanting the main theme
I beat the game the other day after doing all the dlcs and side quests first and... It's just so underwhelming. Embarrassingly underwhelming.
@@rRadixerus All I can picture in my mind is someone getting the three heroes, going to face Alduin the final time, and instead of Dragonrend, they shout "I JUST FORGED 20,000 NAILS FOR ALL THREE OF MY HOUSES, AND IT WAS A MORE FULFILLING EXPERIENCE THAN THIS ENTIRE FINAL QUEST!"
You just carried my dinner entertainment. Thanks, I love your videos
Dagoth Odros is a very forgetful individual, and always loses his keys. It kept happening, over and over, so he had an easier lock applied to his door. Plus Keening kills whoever touches it. It is the Morrowind equivalent of using "password123" on a Suicide Booth
I appreciate you always thinking up a clever name instead of just giving yourself the channel’s name.
Watched this entire video on my alt account but you’re probably my favorite RUclipsr at this point so I’m gonna have to just watch it again with no complaints :)
Only sometimes. Some of his scrolls pull from the random scroll table, and this run, he happened to pull windform _and_ ekash's locksplitter.
Top 5 villains? Emet-Selch would like a word!