Kim Iversen: Latest Pfizer VAX DATA DUMP Shows Natural Immunity WORKS. ADE, Fertility Unknown

  • Опубликовано: 15 сен 2024
  • "Kim Iversen reviews newly released documents related to Pfizer's Covid-19 vaccine research.
    According to the CDC people who were unvaccinated and did not have prior COVID-19 infection remain at the highest risk of infection and hospitalization. Those who were previously infected, both with or without prior vaccination, had the greatest protection.
    Additionally, a study by The Cleveland Clinic found that both previous infection and vaccination provide substantial protection against COVID-19. Vaccination of previously infected individuals does not provide additional protection against COVID-19 for several months, but after that provides significant protection at least against symptomatic COVID-19.
    More than 559 million doses of COVID-19 vaccine had been given in the United States from December 14, 2020, through March 28, 2022. According to Pfizer and the CDC, potential side effects from the vaccine include pain, redness, or swelling at the injection site. Other side effects could include tiredness, headache, muscle pain, fever, chills, and nausea. In rare cases, people have experienced serious health events after the COVID-19 vaccination. Any health problem that happens after vaccination is considered an adverse event. An adverse event can be caused by the vaccine or can be caused by a coincidental event not related to the vaccine.
    According to the CDC: Although the overall risks are low, if you are pregnant or were recently pregnant, you are more likely to get very sick from COVID-19 compared to people who are not pregnant. Evidence continues to build showing that COVID-19 vaccination before and during pregnancy is safe and effective. It suggests that the benefits of receiving a COVID-19 vaccine outweigh any known or potential risks of vaccination during pregnancy.
    COVID-19 vaccines cannot cause COVID-19 infection in anyone, including the mother or the baby. None of the COVID-19 vaccines contain live virus. Vaccines are effective at preventing COVID-19 in people who are breastfeeding. Recent reports have shown that breastfeeding people who have received mRNA COVID-19 vaccines have antibodies in their breastmilk, which could help protect their babies. More data are needed to determine what level of protection these antibodies may provide to the baby.
    There is currently no evidence that any vaccines, including COVID-19 vaccines, cause fertility problems (problems trying to get pregnant) in women or men.
    There is limited research on COVID-19 vaccination and the menstrual cycle. However, research to date has found no meaningful change in menstrual cycle length associated with COVID-19 vaccination.
    Currently, no evidence shows that any vaccines, including COVID-19 vaccines, cause male fertility problems. A recent small study of 45 healthy men who received an mRNA COVID-19 vaccine looked at sperm characteristics, like quantity and movement, before and after vaccination. Researchers found no significant changes in these sperm characteristics after vaccination. However, one study found that COVID-19 infection may be associated with a decline in fertility for men for up to 60 days after infection.
    The National Library of Medicine defines ADE as the enhancement of virus entry and replication. ADE not only promotes the virus to be recognized by the target cell and enters the target cell, but also affects the signal transmission in the target cell. Studies show that immunity to SARS-CoV-2 RBD or inactivated SARS-CoV-2 vaccine can cause a strong neutralizing antibody response in rodents, and antiserum does not mediate ADE."

Комментарии • 7 тыс.

  • @anjijack5392
    @anjijack5392 2 года назад +4307

    Everyone remember, a lie has speed; truth has endurance. Stay the course, Kim. We appreciate you!

    • @salhhy
      @salhhy 2 года назад +43

      Excellent comment! Very positive! Keep it up! Completely agree!

    • @mtsoko8712
      @mtsoko8712 2 года назад +73

      A lie can travel halfway around the world before the truth puts its shoes on.

    • @dustinbaker8272
      @dustinbaker8272 2 года назад

      Natural immunity is a strawman. Of course natural immunity works, but you have to become infected in order to get it, and you being infected puts others at risk.

    • @lmlmlmlm7627
      @lmlmlmlm7627 2 года назад +24

      That’s an awesome saying.

    • @datruth4766
      @datruth4766 2 года назад +26


  • @nicarlos73
    @nicarlos73 2 года назад +1213

    Dr Malone deserves an apology across the board.. that man is a hero.

  • @thesuperdingos
    @thesuperdingos 2 года назад +484

    It was amazing how suddenly, basic biology changed in 2020.

    • @zeriel9148
      @zeriel9148 2 года назад +25

      "It is difficult to get a man to understand something, when his salary depends on his not understanding it.”

    • @BHGMediaGroup
      @BHGMediaGroup 2 года назад +1

      Yes, it was confusing to me, i took a college pre Human Biology class in high school, and was able to understand that what they were doing, treating COVID like something that could be eradicated, made no sense, it was basic virology. It's what happens when it gets politicized, and made as "Scary" as possible, with flu you have strains, with Covid you have "Variants...ooooooh spooky, and with flu, it's the flu, there's how many strains but it's just called "the flu" but with Covid, you have to go with naming the variants and Delta ok maybe not that bad, but Omicron, that can sound scary to a lot of people even though it's the weakest strain, excuse me, variant. Thank god for alternative media and doctors that weren't taking money from the establishment to push the narrative, those were the only sources to get proper information. Anybody or organization that had a hand in Covid money could not be trusted and it's sad that's where we are these days.

    • @robertt2092
      @robertt2092 2 года назад

      Wikipedia has change the definition of Vaccine three times in the last four years! Tells us all something doesn't it??

    • @343Films
      @343Films 2 года назад +17

      In more ways than one... "What is a woman?"

    • @TheBfair21
      @TheBfair21 2 года назад +12

      People just dont understand that the scientists who may be good people who love science and helping man kind, they cant do their job without expensive equipment supplied by the people in charge. The people in charge tell them what to study, and what to report. If you study something that your boss tells u not to, you are fired and cant do science anymore. Report something your boss doesn't want to hear and you are blacklisted from the scientific community and your way of life is stripped from you.

  • @lignow9762
    @lignow9762 2 года назад +199

    “If you have to be persuaded, reminded, pressured, lied to, incentivized, coerced, bullied, socially shamed, guilt-tripped, threatened, punished and criminalized... If all of this is considered necessary to gain your compliance -- you can be absolutely certain that what is being promoted is not in your best interest.” - Ian Watson

    • @markwong9032
      @markwong9032 2 года назад +7

      Totally agree😡👍

    • @wrdyke
      @wrdyke 2 года назад +5

      I love that quote!

    • @playfair9401
      @playfair9401 2 года назад +11

      That’s what got me, the way it was pushed with no mention of health advice or specific vitamins ect. The more it was pushed on me the more uncomfortable i got. Doctors even tried pushing on my healthy pregnant daughter and she held strong too 💜

    • @jacquecastle3233
      @jacquecastle3233 Год назад +1 your comment

    • @frisa6222
      @frisa6222 Год назад +2

      Exactly!! Well said!!

  • @wisdomwalking8897
    @wisdomwalking8897 2 года назад +1881

    Now, can all the people that were fired for not taking the jab need their jobs reinstated and compensated

    • @DCoak
      @DCoak 2 года назад +55

      Word 👍

    • @bullmoose2700
      @bullmoose2700 2 года назад +111

      I hope so. I refused to reveal my status and was fired.

    • @treomobiel
      @treomobiel 2 года назад +105

      And please jail the Media editors..

    • @mfa8086
      @mfa8086 2 года назад +31

      Loyalty Test

    • @erichuber7827
      @erichuber7827 2 года назад +44

      @@bullmoose2700 I'm praying for you. Maybe you should seek legal counsel and sue them...?

  • @sneakypeteog9968
    @sneakypeteog9968 2 года назад +2485

    My pregnant wife was fired for refusing the shot cause no one could say how it may effect the pregnancy .......this should be ground to have her job back and back pay far as I'm concerned....

    • @OrdinaryAmerican
      @OrdinaryAmerican 2 года назад +192

      Should have sued from the start, my man. No one has a right to mandate individual health choices.

    • @30verity
      @30verity 2 года назад +94

      @@OrdinaryAmerican court cases have been thrown out in Australia. I lost my job, and here you need 2 jabs just to clean. I was a midwife working in victoria

    • @jaykay415
      @jaykay415 2 года назад +16

      @@30verity so you're comfortable working with pregnant women and newborns without being vaccinated?

    • @30verity
      @30verity 2 года назад +140

      Yes, vaccinated people get it too, my son had it , and he is double jabbed

    • @jaykay415
      @jaykay415 2 года назад

      @@30verity they don't get it as intensely. Surely you've heard that 90-some percent of people hospitalized with it are unvaccinated. As an unvaccinated person, you are more vulnerable to viral load, and can transmit more viral load: to pregnant women and newborns, of all people!!! [Btw, I'm talking about you spreading virus to THEM. It's not clear in your reply that you understand this. You think I'm worried about you getting it . You are a healthcare practitioner, and have a responsibility to keep your patients safe to the extent you can. But you're too stubborn? )

  • @FairyFrequency
    @FairyFrequency 2 года назад +1144

    Imagine a world where corrupt officials are held accountable for their crimes against humanity.

    • @barne3668
      @barne3668 2 года назад +56

      Imagine a world where we also hold the media/social media accountable for extreme misinformation to the detriment of the health of an entire planet!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    • @janetm1777
      @janetm1777 2 года назад +30

      Imagine a world where people will be judged for their crimes against humanity. It will be the day Jesus comes back. All those who have trusted Him as Saviour will have eternal life. All those who have not bowed their knee to the Lord will be judged and separated from Jesus forever.
      This Easter, I am praying that many people (including you) come to Jesus as their Saviour. "For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only son, that whoever believes in him will not perish but have eternal life." John 3:16.
      I am not going to heaven because I am good, but because He is good. (I know I am a sinner and have sinned against the Lord; I have asked Him to forgive me). He paid for my sins by dying on the cross. He was buried then rose again on the third day according to the scriptures.
      Humbly submitted. 🙂

    • @grimbleahoy
      @grimbleahoy 2 года назад +18

      The mass is only beginning to get a handle on what's happened; when the pricked know as much as us, the sh*t will hit the fan for sure. wouldn't want to be in those shoes then. + nobody escapes karma.

    • @listentothis4961
      @listentothis4961 2 года назад +1

      Well it won't happen in America, as Trump is not in jail yet .

    • @KManwarren
      @KManwarren 2 года назад +12

      That place is called Heaven...those (unrepentant) corrupt officials don't get to go in.

  • @RealJayPace
    @RealJayPace 2 года назад +78

    News update: Turns out our immune systems actually work!

    • @art40odd
      @art40odd Год назад +2

      Now except for those all jabbed up lol.

    • @marthastrayton
      @marthastrayton Год назад +1

      Surprise surprise!?

    • @asmrjeweler9237
      @asmrjeweler9237 Год назад

      Yes, getting sick with covid is just as helpful as getting the vaccine. Why didn't we just mandate that all the elderly get the real virus instead of the vaccine?

  • @gemgal711
    @gemgal711 2 года назад +1758

    Can they stop labeling us as conspiracy theorists now. Yeeesh

    • @rowstone3019
      @rowstone3019 2 года назад +25


    • @christianmarmol3230
      @christianmarmol3230 2 года назад +51

      nah they will become they always going to find a reason for their bs

    • @amigocarlos5111
      @amigocarlos5111 2 года назад

      They won't bc that's one of the only things they can use against us.

    • @ElusivEnigma
      @ElusivEnigma 2 года назад

      The vaccinated will STILL find a way to call us crazy...

    • @akmo7766
      @akmo7766 2 года назад

      Or Anti Vaxers

  • @devilzadvocate7735
    @devilzadvocate7735 2 года назад +397

    I remember when Ryan didn't want to hear any of this info and called it conspiracy theory.

    • @interstellaroverdrive3658
      @interstellaroverdrive3658 2 года назад +1

      Ryan is a corporate shill and has no guiding principles. He goes whichever way the wind blows.

    • @bobcaldwell2020
      @bobcaldwell2020 2 года назад

      Typical progressive

    • @alexandereckert5939
      @alexandereckert5939 2 года назад

      he is a leftist dolt so yeah that’s exactly right

    • @damienoquias1502
      @damienoquias1502 2 года назад

      News slow plays everything. Even these trash people. Just another "oops sorry." We as peasants will never win. Brace yourselves for what you're all about to see...

    • @bullmoose2700
      @bullmoose2700 2 года назад +21


  • @ccl005jn
    @ccl005jn 2 года назад +1752

    And still people treat me like a terrible human being for not getting vaccinated when common sense told me I didn't need it since I had covid.

    • @dawnt6791
      @dawnt6791 2 года назад +61

      I hear you. My MIL has been relentless, demanding my husband and I get vaccinated. We both had the bug, and my hubby even had to prove he had antibodies for his job (to avoid being vaccinated). That wasn't enough for her. She STILL harps on him about it, and all it does it tick him off and make him not want to even talk to her.

    • @mauimixer6040
      @mauimixer6040 2 года назад +1

      @@dawnt6791 why poison yourself as a way to protect yourself against something that may.nevér happen? Science is Not God! Even though they are trying no matter how many my die.
      Don't ever drive a car or be 8n one, you Might get hurt.
      Hope that helps. Blessings 🙏

    • @mauimixer6040
      @mauimixer6040 2 года назад +64

      Common sense isn't so common. Good for you. We Still don't know what happens down the road. As they admit, it's Experimental!!! Trust in God and Yourself 🙏

    • @magdebates2697
      @magdebates2697 2 года назад +32

      i know how u feel mate same here.good on u for being so strong.

    • @kimdecell5096
      @kimdecell5096 2 года назад

      This is what happens when medical criminals make a fake vaccine.
      It's all about control.

  • @Eric-bh7jy
    @Eric-bh7jy 2 года назад +139

    As a medical provider, this is all stuff we have known the whole time. Hopefully now that they cannot hide it anymore, this whole vaccine mandate BS can be eliminated

    • @alos18
      @alos18 2 года назад +10

      I hope you were advocating for your patients and didn’t stay silent.

    • @drag0nchampi0n
      @drag0nchampi0n 2 года назад

      What's scary though is like majority of Healthcare providers were telling people that the vaccine was safe and effective, yet everyone I know who got the shots is still getting covid. People already didn't trust doctors and now they trust them even less...

    • @nospamnc2075
      @nospamnc2075 2 года назад

      Remember ! Covid kills and vaccine protect

    • @johndemore6402
      @johndemore6402 Год назад +3

      so you admit complicity
      to this plandemic

    • @nospamnc2075
      @nospamnc2075 Год назад

      @@johndemore6402 The Covid is natural, there is no plan in it. Understood ?

  • @evelynblose9791
    @evelynblose9791 2 года назад +1946

    The CEO's of the pharma companies should be prosecuted for crimes against humanity!

    • @ItsTheLittleThingsInLife1111
      @ItsTheLittleThingsInLife1111 2 года назад

      This is not the worst big pharma has gotten by with. There are horror stories out there. An anti nausea pill women had taken when they were pregnant caused serious deformities in their babies. I think only one woman was able to sue the maker, but there are thousands of adults are are suffering with disabilities and deformities that get no compensation. And you know what’s even more insane, the medication is still out and being prescribed for something else so the company ( German owned) is making billions as we speak.

    • @53RJ0
      @53RJ0 2 года назад +120

      FDA should be trialed as they knew all this data before they gave EUA

    • @dankfrank8708
      @dankfrank8708 2 года назад +39

      Can’t sue big pharma companies in the US.

    • @williamhartzelljr.9080
      @williamhartzelljr.9080 2 года назад +53

      And politicians

    • @JMJ457
      @JMJ457 2 года назад +44

      That’s including our government

  • @DavidCodyPeppers.
    @DavidCodyPeppers. 2 года назад +482

    IMO the fact that these documents were to be hidden for 75 years is the smoking gun.

    • @sonsoftexas
      @sonsoftexas 2 года назад +23

      Can’t agree more. It’s insane to the nth degree…

    • @OceanFrontVilla3
      @OceanFrontVilla3 2 года назад +1

      It was just a stall tactic in order to scoop up more profits before the hammer comes down. They knew this would come out. They also know it will still take a long time for the MSM to report on this and for the public to finally not accept any more vax.
      Here in Ontario we have public health officials openly calling on government to mandate third shots. And the Canadian Federal government still has the vax pass in place for travel and for government employees even though most if not all provinces have recinded them. Ontario dropped the vax pass BUT allows and encourages employers to maintain these requirements.

    • @d.r.4453
      @d.r.4453 2 года назад +22

      And this is only the second drop of documents with more to come. What else is yet to be revealed?

    • @lmlmlmlm7627
      @lmlmlmlm7627 2 года назад +18

      Yes. Just trust the science that they want to keep hidden. I find it so ironic, how many people who claim to be intellectually superior to religious people, fell for this massive joke.

    • @ArtisChronicles
      @ArtisChronicles 2 года назад +9

      @@d.r.4453 a lot more bad news pretty much. meanwhile I'll continually hear it's safe and effective. it'll protect my family etc.

  • @uhoh7541
    @uhoh7541 2 года назад +709

    I remember Kim's segment where she said the deliberate misinformation during covid had reached the point of being a crime against humanity.
    That argument strengthens as the truth slowly comes to light. Keep doing what you're doing Kim!

    • @snakeslayer831
      @snakeslayer831 2 года назад

      So why is no one sueing Pfizer for crimes against humanity? Maybe because the height of stupidity reached during the pandemic is just too dazzling

    • @Friendlyfirefish
      @Friendlyfirefish 2 года назад

      Aside from me only seeing the first 3.30min of this and everything she has states was misinformation. Lol
      No one has questioned natural immunity, it's just you risk getting infected with a disease that is overloading the hospital system to get it whoch is what the vaccine is for.
      The analysis is from the first phase data so is that ok to use now? Because you lot have always gone on about how decisions where made on something not fully tested. Oh the irony.
      And the third point she made she conveniently switched from severity to survivability. Now an unintelligent person might not have picked up on that. But I sure did, and let me tell ya. Those 2 things are not the same. Tell a cancer survivor their case wasn't severe.

    • @uhoh7541
      @uhoh7541 2 года назад +7

      @@Friendlyfirefish I'm afraid you're incorrect in regards to natural immunity being ignored. If natural immunity was being considered- antibody tests would be administered before any shot to give a patient more information on if the potential side effects of said shot are worth it to them. However that could lead to less shots and less profit for pharmaceutical companies- so we can't even discuss if this idea makes sense.
      I'm a bit confused on why you commented. If you so strongly disagree with this information and opinion- why listen and take the time to write a long comment? I disagree with most of what CNN reports, but i ignore it and move on.
      You implied having a previous cancer diagnosis. I think all the wasted time and money on an ineffective vaccine that could have been used on better cancer treatments would upset you. As someone who works in a field to diagnose and better treat cancer- it sure upsets me. However, we're all entitled to our own opinions and feelings. I wish you the best with your general health moving forward.

    • @rosalindr4975
      @rosalindr4975 2 года назад

      Clearly. Fauxchi is worse than Mengele
      Bill gates too.

    • @nospamnc2075
      @nospamnc2075 2 года назад

      But as there have been no misinformation.

  • @revrup
    @revrup 2 года назад +33

    Kim, thank you. You’ve been on top of this from the beginning and one of the few voices crying out in the wilderness of deception and greed.

  • @Nonplayablecharacter9
    @Nonplayablecharacter9 2 года назад +658

    I remember a time when the two men there would get so angry and borderline attack Kim when she said what is now being released. Thank you Kim for always telling the truth even when it was unfashionable to do so.

    • @Tenrou2
      @Tenrou2 2 года назад +62

      Yep, Kim knew she was right and stood her ground. The other two gentlemen should apologize, especially about dismissing the lab leak theory as tin foil hat

    • @zelleel
      @zelleel 2 года назад +1

      Yeah the younger blond haired guy especially. He was the one so for the vax and tried to discredit her for the opinions she said, which is now being released as the truth now.
      Kim is great for standing her ground with what she believes.

    • @michaels4255
      @michaels4255 2 года назад +29

      I don't know why they even have those two guys there. They never seem to add anything of value.

    • @themelaninnurseinc821
      @themelaninnurseinc821 2 года назад +14

      I remember too lol …funny how they have a different tune.

    • @learningtogrowinChrist
      @learningtogrowinChrist 2 года назад

      @@michaels4255 to pander to the leftists in hopes to bring them to middle ground... that's my theory

  • @LB-jt9wn
    @LB-jt9wn 2 года назад +772

    I’ve been disabled for a year now from an adverse reaction to the covid vaccine, myocarditis. All of us who had our lives ruined by this have just been left out to die with no support of any kind. It means a lot to have Kim continually report on this topic and bring up the very real risks.

    • @Chelsea-fq5cj
      @Chelsea-fq5cj 2 года назад +35

      Sending lots of love and prayers your way ❤️🙏

    • @stephaniepanis8669
      @stephaniepanis8669 2 года назад +37

      I am so sorry for you, l believe l had covid in Nov 2019 - l thought l had a really bad flu, it was hard to breathe. I remembered l had sovereign silver with me, l took that and l got better - however I still have days l am tired years later - l am over 60 and did not get vaxxed!

    • @paulinefinn451
      @paulinefinn451 2 года назад +35

      I am so sorry for what has happened to you. 💜
      I have been thinking on this a lot with what's happened to the injured and the deaths, this cannot be hidden that's what they are trying to do now, its disgusting.

    • @ckvp-bp6nd
      @ckvp-bp6nd 2 года назад

      @@wiggly103 no u cant sue anyone if u took the jab cuz pfizer made sure every country that wanted to bring their vaccine in had to sign an nda and give pfizer immunity to any wrong doings any deaths or side effects they cant be sued so basically they have protection from anything resulting with this vaccine...that was one of the reasons the government of india did not bring pfizer in their country because they dont think its right that they wouldnt be responsible for any wrongdoings

    • @LB-jt9wn
      @LB-jt9wn 2 года назад

      @@wiggly103 unfortunately we can’t sue. CICP hasn’t paid a dime even then the amount is laughable compared to the amount in medical bills and lost wages. The cov vax isn’t a part of VICP either. Much like long Covid patients we’re thrown under the rug.

  • @grainofsand7841
    @grainofsand7841 2 года назад +544

    This right here is enough for me to say end mandates, and absolutely absolve the pharma's zero liability protection. They're done playing with Guinea pigs, now it's time to hold them accountable. Thank you for being amazing.

    • @primalaero
      @primalaero 2 года назад +39

      They aren't done until people refuse to be manipulated. As long as we have people wearing masks, by themselves, in a car, this will never end.

    • @bo_arrow
      @bo_arrow 2 года назад +9

      What we've failed to realize (real-eyes) is a man/date isn't federal law. smh.

    • @bo_arrow
      @bo_arrow 2 года назад +4

      @@primalaero 😂 i be like for whyyyy are u wearing a mask in your car....make it make sense

    • @evelyntorres7369
      @evelyntorres7369 2 года назад

      I agree 100% I believe they need to also look into neurological effects of the Vax. This is big pharma putting people’s lives at risk.

    • @evelyntorres7369
      @evelyntorres7369 2 года назад +11

      This gives evidence that big pharma needs to be regulated! They need to be held accountable and responsible!

  • @sharonmacintyrebarrett8572
    @sharonmacintyrebarrett8572 2 года назад +37

    Natural Immunity does work, I had Covid 19 in end of Nov 2019 and have never been sick since, I didn't get any of the other covid related strains. At my age of 70 years old should have gotten them all.

    • @Ajm833
      @Ajm833 2 года назад +3

      My mum is a diabetic and heart patient who got Covid twice. She’s your age and didn’t have trouble breathing, or a cough. She had pain and aches when she had Covid. But she’s recovered and well. The second time she got it was 3 day sore throat. No vaxxed.

    • @jess4466
      @jess4466 2 года назад +2

      Same! I feel vindicated completely for relying on natural immunity.

    • @ch-xl3xm
      @ch-xl3xm 2 года назад +5

      Your God given immune system kicked in.

  • @Lionforaday
    @Lionforaday 2 года назад +464

    This is only what they've released so far. Governments' unwillingness to acknowledge natural immunity was unconscionable.

    • @jason_m_schmidt622
      @jason_m_schmidt622 2 года назад +26

      Unwillingness? Lol no it was all about the big pharma campaign contributions

    • @barryschwarz
      @barryschwarz 2 года назад +6

      What unwillingness? This kind of information has been public for months and months.

    • @federalreservebrown2507
      @federalreservebrown2507 2 года назад +6

      wtc7 is unconscionable

    • @MrDiaxus
      @MrDiaxus 2 года назад

      @@barryschwarz Sure, but only by "conspiracy theorists." All official channels have continued to lie. I was today years old when I learned of actual evidence of the lie.
      Just look at Fauci's latest interview.

    • @jdgreen214
      @jdgreen214 2 года назад +27

      They have months to go. Expect the information to get worse and worse every information drop. I feel that employers should also be held accountable for forcing employees to lose their means of providing for themselves for an experimental drug.

  • @neckarsulme
    @neckarsulme 2 года назад +1456

    so when are all the people who knowingly kept all this information from the public going to be arrested and charged?

    • @philsipad
      @philsipad 2 года назад +61

      We just need to vote out the politicians who enable this culture of misinformation presented as fact while facts are dismissed as conspiracies.

    • @jacksonpierre5871
      @jacksonpierre5871 2 года назад +19

      Lol that's a good laugh.Those same people have moved on to the show already and the majority just follow along

    • @alexandereckert5939
      @alexandereckert5939 2 года назад +3


    • @alexandereckert5939
      @alexandereckert5939 2 года назад +5

      @@philsipad good luck

    • @OceanFrontVilla3
      @OceanFrontVilla3 2 года назад +24

      The next bunch will do the same, they're all at the trough, that's what politics is about ;)

  • @fattyheadness
    @fattyheadness 2 года назад +581

    Doesn’t matter how old people are, you just don’t force people to put stuff in their bodies if they don’t want it.

    • @deadreckoning6288
      @deadreckoning6288 2 года назад +32

      Right? Its a basic human right and no outside authority has any business having control over one's body. Informed consent & body autonomy are basic human laws that should never be broken under any circumstance.

    • @abundantlove2425
      @abundantlove2425 2 года назад +10


    • @HopeSpringsEternal24
      @HopeSpringsEternal24 2 года назад +10

      I so agree @Chip Rutherford

    • @denisomahoney5464
      @denisomahoney5464 2 года назад +10

      Amen to that Brother 🙏

    • @DespaceMan
      @DespaceMan 2 года назад +18

      It's actually against Human Rights act of medical treatment, you can't be force experimental drugs without consent or forced by employment dismissal as a threat if this is force by your local government they actually breached international law.

  • @jamesgreen2346
    @jamesgreen2346 2 года назад +8

    I am in the British military, firstly got laughed at for refusing the jab, then as time progressed ĺ have now had official warnings about losing my glad I stuck by my guns.

  • @waw4428
    @waw4428 2 года назад +1535

    The blame goes to all people who blindly trust "experts". If you never question anything (especially when it affects vital things like your health), then sooner or later you'll run into trouble.

    • @akmo7766
      @akmo7766 2 года назад +19


    • @suzzyrivercrossing5542
      @suzzyrivercrossing5542 2 года назад +51

      Unfortunately, the elderly have a different mindset towards doctors and often do not know how to access pertinent info. online.

    • @imiivestreamer
      @imiivestreamer 2 года назад +46

      @@suzzyrivercrossing5542 children and elder and disabled are not to blame. Only the ignorant and foolish people who did not think twice.

    • @douchebag0073
      @douchebag0073 2 года назад

      No, the blame goes to the Federal government for mandating the vaccinations, and dividing the American population, they should be sued for all hardships and damage they created.

    • @danielmarcantuno
      @danielmarcantuno 2 года назад +113

      I’m ok with people that are sheep and believe everything the government tells them. My problem is with the sheep that attack people that think differently.

  • @shenvega6688
    @shenvega6688 2 года назад +592

    As a young, healthy male, I am super glad that i did not get vaccinated. They lost me with that whole "do what's best for the community" argument. The community put me in a cage for 12 months because of my choice to use cannabis. After that, i only do what is best for myself.

    • @jl3646
      @jl3646 2 года назад +101

      🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣"do what's best for the community "
      Question: "what will the community do for me if I suffer from the adverse or fatal effects?

    • @joeanthony7759
      @joeanthony7759 2 года назад +3

      Don’t be so melodramatic. A cage? You don’t know what real oppression is

    • @Chelsea-fq5cj
      @Chelsea-fq5cj 2 года назад +1

      ‘Do what’s best for the community’ while they let little children starve and vets sleep on the streets.

    • @jl3646
      @jl3646 2 года назад +2

      @@Chelsea-fq5cj EXCELLENT POINTS..

    • @lw1zfog
      @lw1zfog 2 года назад +1

      @@jl3646 sweet F.A.

  • @clearviewinvestigations72
    @clearviewinvestigations72 2 года назад +760

    I see Kim, I click. There's a good chance of real journalism

    • @AlaiaJ
      @AlaiaJ 2 года назад +18


    • @BimStar13
      @BimStar13 2 года назад +18

      🤣Its a Scientific Fact

    • @shanecallaghan3200
      @shanecallaghan3200 2 года назад +7


    • @5JasonKidd2
      @5JasonKidd2 2 года назад +2

      Right on bro 😎

    • @independentfreethinkeroutl2176
      @independentfreethinkeroutl2176 2 года назад

      Yep look at the two fkn clowns next to her ... problem is theres 3 billionaires that own hill kim needs to start her own business

  • @perrylc8812
    @perrylc8812 2 года назад +21

    The standards for calling something a "pandemic " were NEVER met.

  • @robertckent11
    @robertckent11 2 года назад +1796

    Don't look so disappointed Ryan, this is good news for those of us not obsessed with the vax

    • @VincenzoCrawford
      @VincenzoCrawford 2 года назад +44

      Hahaha he seem worried now hahahaha

    • @kristaylor7119
      @kristaylor7119 2 года назад +2

      Who is obsessed?

    • @fukofffukoff8944
      @fukofffukoff8944 2 года назад +16

      Hahaha this guy gets paid for what not to say not what we want to hear they get paid to not say things about million airs and company's thats who pays this punks

    • @adamb3918
      @adamb3918 2 года назад

      No one ever denied that natural immunity works. The whole idea behind a vaccine is to spark your natural immunity. But as referenced in the under note of this very video.
      "Additionally, a study by The Cleveland Clinic found that both previous infection and vaccination provide substantial protection against COVID-19. Vaccination of previously infected individuals does not provide additional protection against COVID-19 for several months, but after that provides significant protection at least against symptomatic COVID-19."
      Meaning vaccinations WORK, and provide longer protection then 'natural' immunity'.

    • @robertckent11
      @robertckent11 2 года назад +15

      @@kristaylor7119 Ryan

  • @PtrOBrn
    @PtrOBrn 2 года назад +338

    What's more troubling that they lied is that they tried to cover it up for 75 years!!!

    • @nospamnc2075
      @nospamnc2075 2 года назад

      @Peter O'Brien As they did not lied, they did not tried to cover up anything

    • @marahbrooke
      @marahbrooke 2 года назад

      @@nospamnc2075 No, they just made an intentionally misleading statement about natural immunity vs. Vaccination for self profit. They then tried to suppress the actual data (aka truth) for 75 years to avoid public backlash. Isn't that essentially a lie or, at the very least, just as harmful?

    • @nospamnc2075
      @nospamnc2075 2 года назад

      @@marahbrooke No fertility issue from these vaccine.
      - ADE come from vaccine made of inactivated virus, not from Pfizer, Moderna, Zeneca or Valneva vaccines.
      - Immunity is always natural : it is your own immune system that creates the antibodies.

    • @thumbprint9
      @thumbprint9 2 года назад

      @@nospamnc2075 Then why the effort to prevent this information from being exposed for 75 years? The talking points for ALL of the news shows were to take the shot, this will protect you from the coronavirus. Senator Ron Johnson convened a hearing so that people who go the shots could share their experiences. They claimed that people were not listening to them, namely physicians. Mr. O'Brien is correct. The lie was perpetuated so that more people would take the shot.

    • @MyerShift7
      @MyerShift7 2 года назад +10

      @@nospamnc2075 yes they did. They literally said they couldn't release the data for 75 years

  • @LoveIsWhoWeAre
    @LoveIsWhoWeAre 2 года назад +484

    You are risking your free speech by speaking truth and sounding the alarm and exposing corruption. God bless!! Thank you.

    • @bradleyd.thornton5963
      @bradleyd.thornton5963 2 года назад +5

      Yes, and she needs to make her primary platforms Odysee and PeerTube and others instead of RUclips, which should be relegated to the alternative rather than the primary

    • @hutch13133
      @hutch13133 2 года назад +5

      Kim is on Rumble her main platform because she is able to talk about things without the fear of the ban hammer.

    • @TheNewMediaoftheDawn
      @TheNewMediaoftheDawn 2 года назад +1

      Joan of Arc…

    • @wilberwhateley7569
      @wilberwhateley7569 2 года назад

      If reporting the news “risks free speech” then you don’t actually have free speech - that’s an all or nothing situation: you can either speak freely or you can’t.

    • @douglascarlson9006
      @douglascarlson9006 2 года назад

      "... There is limited research on COVID-19 vaccination and the menstrual cycle ...
      However, research to date has found no meaningful change in menstrual cycle length associated with COVID-19 vaccination" ...
      That's not true and they know it! ... they should not draw conclusions based on only limited research!
      I strongly suspect that in this case, "limited research" means only token research ...
      this sounds like something Krystal and Saagar would say ...

  • @alturcot4793
    @alturcot4793 2 года назад +90

    Lost my job over my refusal to take the MRNA jab. Seventeen years down the drain. I have to look at it from a health perspective: I may have lost my job but saved my life/health.

    • @jl3646
      @jl3646 2 года назад +10

      Wise to think like that.

    • @michaelmeara6776
      @michaelmeara6776 2 года назад +10

      Good on you I used religious exemption to get around it in my school dealt with the sideways looks from the nurses and administrators because I knew this day would come

    • @coriebarnes8680
      @coriebarnes8680 2 года назад +6

      You have nothing to regret in your case! YOU were the wise one in that situation. 🦉 I'm so encouraged to see people standing strong and making their own health decisions, not bowing down to mandates forced by our corrupt government! 💯 🙌🏾 An even better job is waiting for you. 🙏🏾😇

    • @jdfodio
      @jdfodio 2 года назад +1

      ...and soul.

    • @alturcot4793
      @alturcot4793 2 года назад +1

      @@michaelmeara6776 I asked for a religious exemption as well. My employer declined, and claimed that coercing me into taking the jab was not a violation of my human rights, according to their lawyers. I was extremely angry. I keep sending friends the link to the Pfizer documents in order to wake people up. We are living in very evil times here in Canada.

  • @pickerflipper8633
    @pickerflipper8633 2 года назад +332

    I remember when the President of the US was leading the banter on vilifying the non vaccinated. Along with companies. It’s shameful.

    • @hugh-jasole
      @hugh-jasole 2 года назад +21

      thats just politicians doing what they do . im more upset about the average American folks who literally sided with the establishment pharma racket and went against their fellow citizens. i only wish we had a list of those names.

    • @sharky7665
      @sharky7665 2 года назад

      He’s not really our President by due process. Dominion voting machines had a lot to do with it.

    • @mishaanton5436
      @mishaanton5436 2 года назад

      I'm going to say 45 isn't a scientist. He listened to the Fauxchi, et. al. "the experts".
      We have to ignore WHO, they are pushing to have all power in all nations over pandemics and fauxzzines.

    • @sharky7665
      @sharky7665 2 года назад

      @@mishaanton5436 45 was surrounded by liars and criminals. The CDC, FBI, CIA, JUSTICE DEPT, all of the democrats and half of the republicans feeding him information. What if he had guessed the other and was wrong. I guess you’ve never been dooped by bad information by experts.

    • @nospamnc2075
      @nospamnc2075 2 года назад

      What is shameful it to trying to discourage from being vaccinated

  • @oscardriver
    @oscardriver 2 года назад +138

    Who’s going to pay my 20 months of 90% loss on my business ? Who’s going to pay for my savings used to save me and my family just because they hypnotized the 80% ? No one.

    • @rowstone3019
      @rowstone3019 2 года назад +1

      The vaccines should be pulled fr the market and end all mandates.

    • @GT-mn3bx
      @GT-mn3bx 2 года назад +12


    • @joshuarosenblatt
      @joshuarosenblatt 2 года назад +6

      I’m in same boat- though live events were shot regardless of the polarized insanity of the society at large.

    • @curtbalch2321
      @curtbalch2321 2 года назад +14

      You WILL have nothing, and you WILL be happy. Or else...

    • @Kebekwoodcraft7375
      @Kebekwoodcraft7375 2 года назад +7

      Maybe someone will start a massive lawsuit against pharmaceutical companies !

  • @andreaandrea6716
    @andreaandrea6716 2 года назад +32

    In 2021, there was a 40% increase in 'ALL CAUSE DEATHS'. The numbers were flagged by the insurance companies (and 3 military doctors). Myocardial Infarction was up by 270%. Bells Palsy and certain Neurological complaints: Up by 300% ... and Pulmonary Embolisms: Up by 470%.

    • @vincentadika8562
      @vincentadika8562 2 года назад +3

      When enough people have suffered enough, then the cat will be out of the bag.

    • @andreaandrea6716
      @andreaandrea6716 2 года назад +2

      @@vincentadika8562 One would think! But a 40% increase in 'all cause deaths' SHOULD be the equivalent of fire alarms going off.... and yet... !
      I wonder... just HOW BAD does it have to get?

    • @andreaandrea6716
      @andreaandrea6716 Год назад

      @@MrBilld75 Your source of information?

    • @MrBilld75
      @MrBilld75 Год назад

      @@andreaandrea6716 Studies and it's not hard for you to find them. Literally just look up the numbers and phrases I used like "17 times more myocarditis in the unvaccinated" and "10 times more blood clots in the unvaccinated" and "unvaccinated children 5-11 hospitalized from Omicron twice as much/often". I don't waste time and effort posting links on RUclips, it has a notorious habit of deleting any comment with links, as it sees all links as spam, even legit ones. So go find it yourself, super easy.

    • @andreaandrea6716
      @andreaandrea6716 Год назад +1

      ​@@MrBilld75 If the studies are funded by the pharmaceutical industry, then they are 'tainted'. That is why I asked for your sources. (The industry NEVER admits fault).

  • @nightowl1on1
    @nightowl1on1 2 года назад +757

    Sounds the tobacco company knew “smoking was bad for you” flashback.

    • @neecy9810
      @neecy9810 2 года назад +30

      And said it wasn't addictive. Lies

    • @wayne975
      @wayne975 2 года назад +1

      I smoke a bit and think nicotine a good poison for bugs like covid.

    • @benc2972
      @benc2972 2 года назад +11

      And the gas companies. It’s a common problem with huge unregulated businesses.

    • @Millipede666
      @Millipede666 2 года назад

      Except vaccines aren't bad for you. Other than that... totally the same.

    • @briancasey4917
      @briancasey4917 2 года назад +8

      With this information, won't be long before the ambulance chasers start cashing in with class action lawsuits.

  • @Tinesha7
    @Tinesha7 2 года назад +1467

    What we all knew. Appreciate the updates, as most of the MSM aren’t reporting it.

    • @Joseph1NJ
      @Joseph1NJ 2 года назад +5

      No, we didn't. Just because skeptics mistrust everything, doesn't make them right.

    • @im2tweaked
      @im2tweaked 2 года назад

      @@Joseph1NJ yet "skeptics" of the experiment were right in regards to the jab........ hmmm 🤔

    • @sallybags9090
      @sallybags9090 2 года назад +57

      @@Joseph1NJ You didn't know natural immunity works better?

    • @akmo7766
      @akmo7766 2 года назад +47

      @@Joseph1NJ It was common sense. Also, if you paid attention to what the manufacturers said, you knew! Do you feel duped???

    • @joseribeiro9564
      @joseribeiro9564 2 года назад +20

      we the numb skulls knew from the beginning before any clinical trial!😅😅😅

  • @jojogurl83021
    @jojogurl83021 2 года назад +459

    This was all so obvious!!! I'm so glad I didn't fall for any of it!

    • @alexandereckert5939
      @alexandereckert5939 2 года назад +23

      you and me both

    • @alexandereckert5939
      @alexandereckert5939 2 года назад +12

      @@jimmoses6617 We made it fam

    • @Dormition
      @Dormition 2 года назад

      Same here, and congratulations for surviving the winter of severe illness and death!

    • @lisaa8437
      @lisaa8437 2 года назад +11


    • @nosuchthing8
      @nosuchthing8 2 года назад +1

      @@jimmoses6617 it changes nothing. Vaccination is the best way to avoid a bad outcomr.

  • @jasminebebe3455
    @jasminebebe3455 2 года назад +22

    Any sane and rational person knew this all intuitively long ago. Now we have generations of GMO humans that will suffer generationally

    • @andrewyeager9786
      @andrewyeager9786 6 месяцев назад

      Pxne Nxddle Txnture could be the cure...X=I, E, I

  • @AlmostVeganTV
    @AlmostVeganTV 2 года назад +1082


    • @hutch13133
      @hutch13133 2 года назад +14

      She has been saying all these things for a long while on Rumble because she was aloud to talk about it on RUclips

    • @thomashovgaard3134
      @thomashovgaard3134 2 года назад +7

      This info has been available for a year

    • @zaccoop6727
      @zaccoop6727 2 года назад

      She said nothing new, only that the company has documents about it... she has been the conspiracy follower this entire time, and doesn't trust the vaccine. She also, probably doesn't read your comments, so doesn't care that you want to lick her boots because she obviously used Ctrl+f to look at these documents looking for dirt.

    • @jakelong6473
      @jakelong6473 2 года назад +3

      All? Nah, just kim

    • @adamb3918
      @adamb3918 2 года назад

      CDC has been putting out this stuff for awhile, basically since data began arriving from the vaccine. Its a work in progress obviously, but her spin that it was claimed 'natural immunity' doesn't work is just false. Vaccines by definition spark a natural immune response. It just primes your body to fight the infection should it encounter the real thing. We learn this in grade school for god sake.
      Further this video states:No one ever denied that natural immunity works. The whole idea behind a vaccine is to spark your natural immunity. But as referenced in the under note of this very video.
      "Additionally, a study by The Cleveland Clinic found that both previous infection and vaccination provide substantial protection against COVID-19. Vaccination of previously infected individuals does not provide additional protection against COVID-19 for several months, but after that provides significant protection at least against symptomatic COVID-19."
      Meaning vaccinations WORK, and provide longer protection then 'natural' immunity'.

  • @tylerbetthauser7647
    @tylerbetthauser7647 2 года назад +577

    Gosh, Kim is such a breath of fresh air.

    • @PeachesCourage
      @PeachesCourage 2 года назад


    • @derekroberts1693
      @derekroberts1693 2 года назад +12

      Also gorgeous.

    • @douchebag0073
      @douchebag0073 2 года назад +16

      She is the only reason why I watch Rising, the other two are just corporate sellouts. She is the sole reason why rising did not implode after Krystal and Saagar left the show.

    • @johna8973
      @johna8973 2 года назад +5

      @Live A Little ok , then show us what You got

    • @jeffthompson1869
      @jeffthompson1869 2 года назад

      That people develop natural immunity after being infected by ANY virus is something of a "Duh" moment. Without ANY doubt is that - it is significantly better to be immunized by a vaccine than take a chance of catching COVID and getting severely ill and potentially dying. You find that people who die from Covid weren't vaccinated. It is a hard fact that anybody can look up. AND the 1% where that is not true - had already been immuno-compromised from some other illness. That even Fox News is backing away from anti-vaxx news should tell you something. The largest sector in the United States that died from COVID voted Republican. And that is bad for the brand.

  • @adamforte7297
    @adamforte7297 2 года назад +318

    Anybody paying attention already knew this. Thanks for reporting Kim. I’m doubtful it will get the national attention it deserves.

    • @javiermedina5313
      @javiermedina5313 2 года назад +5

      I knew it since 2006

    • @GRP2003
      @GRP2003 2 года назад +14

      Natural immunity doesn’t create profit....

    • @kdub3288
      @kdub3288 2 года назад +1

      Nah it won’t be reported on mainstream news channels unless it gets too big (lawsuits) to be ignored. But even still they will continue to try to spin the narrative to save face.

    • @barryschwarz
      @barryschwarz 2 года назад +2

      "Anybody paying attention already knew this." - Anybody could google this information from government websites for the past year and more. There is little new here. CDC and FDA havee both published many months ago that natural immunity is as effective as vaccines. Side effects have been published on gov websites since the vaccines came out. There are eveen portals at gov websites to report side effects. But here these things are presented as revelations? Looks more like propaganda than news to me.

  • @jortalportal2834
    @jortalportal2834 2 года назад +5

    This is why it is important to send Kim Iverson - some financial support. This news is really blockbuster - and I really thank God for this channel. Carry on Kim!

  • @brookeking8559
    @brookeking8559 2 года назад +288

    The long-term side effect of myocarditis is scarring of heart tissue and consequent impaired heart function. This is disastrous for a young person who should have had their full, healthy lives ahead of them.

    • @lingdar5362
      @lingdar5362 2 года назад +20

      That’s what I said all along . I’d rather have my kids take the chance with COVID with 99.993 % survival rate than deal with long term effect of va$$ on their body specially in their hearts . In 5-10 years , our healthcare insurance will skyrocket due to these illnesses. Mark my word .

    • @stanthompson9379
      @stanthompson9379 2 года назад

      That’s me. I’m 31 years old. Until I got the vaccine I was perfectly healthy I’ve always been extremely athletic and there is absolutely no history of heart disease in my family. I got severe myocarditis after the moderna vaccine my c reactive protein which never went above 0.7 in the past went to 8.3 after the vaccine I’ve had chest pains ever since I still have chest pains daily almost 8 months later. But it didn’t just stop at myocarditis it progressed to give me permanent heart damage. I was finally able to get a cardiac MRI several weeks ago and those results were so concerning that my cardiologist referred me to the cardiomyopathy team at John Hopkins university of Maryland. I literally have doubts about getting married to my fiancé now and especially about having children with her because I’m terrified of dying from my heart I have had to spend so much money on all the medical bills and everything else to deal with my heart problem all the money I had saved to get married. Moderna should at the very least pay for my medical bills but of course those bloodsucking parasites protected themselves. The vaccine literally ruined my life.

    • @brookeking8559
      @brookeking8559 2 года назад +4

      @@lingdar5362 if not sooner. And life insurance might add a question to see if people have been vaxxed.

    • @sdalt001
      @sdalt001 2 года назад +10

      That time when the FDA labeled permanent heart tissue scarring as minor...

    • @Madasin_Paine
      @Madasin_Paine 2 года назад +4

      Anyone getting adverse effects and especially side effects following injection, especially if the symptoms reappeared after repeat injection.
      The list of these effects are long. If for example you are disabled or having pain suffering loss of income or added costs, keep a journal and get confirmation as you may from your doctor and pharmacist.
      A fee is collected from the price of the inoculation specifically for "vaccines".
      The fund has paid out billions but each case has a cap of about $250k or less I think.
      This payout is actually not sufficient likely if not certainly and its worth doing research of how this scheme is played and pays and doesn't pay.

  • @NycShee
    @NycShee 2 года назад +283

    Whatever happened to INFORMED CONSENT?! This is all deplorable, even for those of us who always knew the truth. 🤑🤢🤮

    • @puppiesponiespatriots3175
      @puppiesponiespatriots3175 2 года назад +8

      Medical professionals cannot provide the data required for their patients to give informed consent. The pharma companies are withholding the research until they get a court order; even then it is incomplete and substandard. This is the first red flag that all should have noticed before allowing the procedure on themselves, family, coworkers, etc.

    • @jameslloyd5683
      @jameslloyd5683 2 года назад +7

      I was talking to DrUncle last year who told me that most patients he sees aren't capable of understanding it, so he glosses over it to get the an okay. He told me he's asked more than one patient about having had breakfast to hear "no...just a couple bowls of cereal" and then RESCHED a case for the next day. He retires next year.
      I believe those physicians on TV advocating for vaccination are ethically compromised or ignorant or worse. Those doctors recommended treatment without knowing the person to get treatment-no individual history, no physical condition, nothing.
      "Hey doc! Having a problem getting going in the morning."
      "Let me write you a script for some amphetamines. Stop by the office and pick it up. What's your name?"

    • @midnull6009
      @midnull6009 2 года назад +3

      what about Patient Bill of Rights?

    • @zaccoop6727
      @zaccoop6727 2 года назад

      They had a vaccine after 1/2 a million people died, they had to do something, and that something probably saved a few million lives... should they have tested it for 3 years and let a million die while we all waited?

    • @kimlaurinda261
      @kimlaurinda261 2 года назад

      @@midnull6009 exactly.

  • @BlackPegasusRaps
    @BlackPegasusRaps 2 года назад +148

    SO the frontline doctors have been RIGHT on all FRONTS!! THESE PEOPLE MUST BE HELD accountable !!!!!

    • @jason_m_schmidt622
      @jason_m_schmidt622 2 года назад

      Accountable? The should be put up against the wall

    • @BlackPegasusRaps
      @BlackPegasusRaps 2 года назад +1

      @@jason_m_schmidt622 exactly

    • @ltaml7390
      @ltaml7390 2 года назад

      The front line doctors are still Pushing the "perfect vaccine theory to this day". Nothing negative is getting out. Even with this printed in front of their noses. Have had severe spine pain since day of Moderna booster, Nov 2021. After waiting 3 months for appointment with neurologist, she refused to do even 1 test. Said I have no neurologic pain. I just need to go to a pain clinic and take some meds.......

    • @jason_m_schmidt622
      @jason_m_schmidt622 2 года назад

      @@ltaml7390 Ironically they themselves warned us by saying from the very beginning “normally vaccines take 5 to 8 years of proper testing and clinical trials”. Throwing caution and proper scientific procedure to the wind for “warp speed”, funding a billion dollar media campaign to guilt people into taking it, and giving the pharmaceutical companies immunity from civil liability is criminal.

  • @thelovertunisia
    @thelovertunisia 2 года назад +7

    I'm surprised to see that they did not tell you all these things in the US this is really awkward because here in Tunisia we knew all these possible side effects before vaccination started from official and semi-official channels and we are a developing country!
    Just like the war in Ukraine: when I phone my relatives in Germany I discover they are served a very very edited form of the news.

  • @jennifer.martin.48
    @jennifer.martin.48 2 года назад +675

    I’m almost 33 weeks pregnant, got COVID just like everyone else did late January/early February. I had symptoms for about 3 days and felt much better after. I still had people advising me to get the vaccine after getting the infection. It’s hard to “follow the science” when it is constantly changing. I have no intention of getting it at all now. My symptoms from COVID would probably be less than getting the vaccine.

    • @petercrane2560
      @petercrane2560 2 года назад +75


    • @jaimefish173
      @jaimefish173 2 года назад +91

      Congrats you may have just saved your childs life.

    • @stephanied4863
      @stephanied4863 2 года назад +19

      @@jaimefish173 exactly

    • @nozadz212
      @nozadz212 2 года назад +30

      May God always bless and protect you and your precious little Angel.👍👍👍👍

    • @DanielleDeFreeze
      @DanielleDeFreeze 2 года назад +60

      GOOD FOR YOU FOR HAVING COMMON SENSE AND NOT GIVING IN TO PEOPLE”S SHAMING AND PRESSURE TO COMPLY. I feel like so many people pressured and shamed others to make THEMSELVES feel safer about getting it.

  • @Nobody-uj9ir
    @Nobody-uj9ir 2 года назад +187

    Never stop questioning everything and don’t trust your body to pharmacy companies that make billions dollars of it.

    • @donnysath9084
      @donnysath9084 2 года назад

      ATM cash cows for Pharma. Got Vaccines? Need more cash --- ye must take our ATM bovine to produce US more profits.

    • @bo_arrow
      @bo_arrow 2 года назад +3

      they create customers

  • @sekur2844
    @sekur2844 2 года назад +526

    Thanks Kim for staying on this, we can't let these people off the hook for what they put us through.

    • @kekwayblaze3176
      @kekwayblaze3176 2 года назад

      Kim won't even acknowledge the recent peer study on the use of Ivermectin on COVID-19 patients which proved once and for all Ivermectin was useless on treating COVID-19 and for that reason alone Kim Iverson who was one of the biggest Ivermectin cheerleaders is being dragged by those who said all along that the science doesn't support these claims by conservatives that Ivermectin was going to be some kind of wonder cure for treating COVID-19.

    • @villanelle6973
      @villanelle6973 2 года назад +9

      Sekur........Put us through and CONTINUE to put us through. Now they've DREAMED up ANOTHER strain. Gotta KEEP the masses in fear.

    • @sarapanzarella97
      @sarapanzarella97 2 года назад +7

      There are still a ton of small groups trying to mandate for participation - they are still putting us thru it.

    • @joeanthony7759
      @joeanthony7759 2 года назад +5

      They never were on the hook, that’s the problem

    • @kekwayblaze3176
      @kekwayblaze3176 2 года назад

      @@villanelle6973 Dreamed up another strain?
      How does one do that exactly?
      Had any of you conservatives actually taken any science courses in High School you would know that viruses replicate through mutation. THIS is basic High School science level knowledge.
      So new "strains" are in fact mutations as viruses replicate through mutation exclusively.
      But of course conservatives don't get taught facts and science in the schools in red states which explains why there are so many conservatives like you without basic high school level science knowledge.

  • @toniaforneapeters
    @toniaforneapeters 2 года назад +5

    Great honest reporting! Thanks Kim!

  • @healthsciencewithkev6928
    @healthsciencewithkev6928 2 года назад +409

    This feels like one of the rare moments where both Ryan and Robbie are agreeing with Kim. The fact that there wasn’t push back really says a lot.

    • @anandocross6616
      @anandocross6616 2 года назад +16

      I thought I was the only one who noticed that.. how long can they really fire back at the truth?

    • @kapillantigua1504
      @kapillantigua1504 2 года назад +4

      I noticed too

    • @standtall7646
      @standtall7646 2 года назад +17

      They didn't have a choice. The FACTS are right there!

    • @elxero2189
      @elxero2189 2 года назад +3

      you can't push when you have no ammo.. easier to fool people than to show them they were fooled

    • @BigDirtDawg
      @BigDirtDawg 2 года назад +7

      what can they say at this point?? the cat is out the bag

  • @rrafaelpaz
    @rrafaelpaz 2 года назад +95

    I knew about it for a couple of years already! As a foreign unvaxxed in Australia, I had to avoid applying for my residence (which was a dream for many years) to be able to leave the country (unvaxxed residents and citzens couldn't leave). I gave up my job and my life in Australia as living there was unbearable! I couldn't enter shops, bars or even hang out with friends for a pick nick!
    Now, I have started my life again in my home country and happy for having my freedom back! Going to the gym, hanging out with friends etc is priceless and having politicians stealing that away from you is just disgusting!

    • @jarenvarmer3774
      @jarenvarmer3774 2 года назад +7

      Good for sticking to your guns

    • @protorhinocerator142
      @protorhinocerator142 2 года назад +1

      Good on you.
      Nothing is worth you handing over your life to crooked politicians.

    • @Khayran
      @Khayran 2 года назад +2

      You're better off leaving, trust me

    • @chrisshonga
      @chrisshonga 2 года назад +2


  • @davidboston4136
    @davidboston4136 2 года назад +358

    As long as they refuse to acknowledge Natural immunity, this is about something other than public safety !

    • @miss_pearl
      @miss_pearl 2 года назад +20

      Profits all the way.

    • @idlewild073
      @idlewild073 2 года назад

      Agenda 21-30 the great reset the fourth industrial revolution, UN sustainable development all need a reduction in the world's population.

    • @vanessawalker2656
      @vanessawalker2656 2 года назад +24

      NWO agenda

    • @dreaded8987
      @dreaded8987 2 года назад +14

      Control of a "Free" society...

    • @BADD1ONE
      @BADD1ONE 2 года назад +10

      Yes. Getting "something" into your body

  • @pliniobutten6614
    @pliniobutten6614 2 года назад +2

    Kim Iversen is a jewel. Glad to subscribed to her channel.

  • @jloop_2008
    @jloop_2008 2 года назад +110

    Just shows you that half the country would literally jump off a cliff if the government told them they had to.

  • @carriecollinsmusic2894
    @carriecollinsmusic2894 2 года назад +178

    Ryan and Robby’s faces though after Kim’s monologue. 😂😂

    • @davidgoodnow269
      @davidgoodnow269 2 года назад +13

      They're afraid RUclips is going to block new posts for another week.

    • @lorremach5759
      @lorremach5759 2 года назад +5

      Robby's face though, if that is not a RBF, idk what is🤣🤣🤣

  • @stoiclady
    @stoiclady 2 года назад +594

    Please speak up for and defend the children!!! They’re still trying to push this poison on 5-11 year olds. 😭

    • @rockjockchick
      @rockjockchick 2 года назад +20

      Well now you have proof from the shot makers themselves it’s not good for the younger people. Spread the info far and wide.

    • @msmgarbage
      @msmgarbage 2 года назад +15

      Australia is looking to approve 0 to 4 year olds. I believe we're the only country to look at doing so. edited my source was incorrect.

    • @sonofamountie
      @sonofamountie 2 года назад

      Where did you here that mate? I live in Melbourne and I can’t find any information backing up your claim. Care to share your sources?

    • @melissawalz6581
      @melissawalz6581 2 года назад

      Moderna is pushing for their vaccine for 5 and younger currently in the U.S.

    • @paulinefinn451
      @paulinefinn451 2 года назад +17

      My Grandson just got the letter yesterday, hes 10. My daughter called them and went right through them. The lady on the other end was trying to convince her she was in the wrong not getting her son vaccinated, unbelievable.
      Stay strong people, love from Scotland 💜

  • @keepitmoving5440
    @keepitmoving5440 2 года назад +3

    Haven't been I'll for over 5 years now since I quite smoking, each year before I use to get chest infections , took on healthy lifestyle and yet they still want you to trash you're health for the sake of an unfit adult. Crazy

  • @theresewalters1696
    @theresewalters1696 2 года назад +506

    I am 63. Had the virus. Natural immunity.
    Lost my job. They rejected my Drs exemption due to allergies.
    Would not take it anyway. No one should be forced.
    Thanks Kim for staying true to the facts.
    Too many people sold out easily.

    • @susanrolls2211
      @susanrolls2211 2 года назад +20

      Sorry Theresa! I am 61, had covid, was fired also for refusing Vax. Also have a medical reason not to, but doctors afraid to write exemptions. It's sad, and may our Lord comfort you.

    • @andynonimuss6298
      @andynonimuss6298 2 года назад +15

      You did the right thing standing up for your personal right to make your own choices for your own health! You didn't need the company that let you go if their stance was "stupidity" over "common sense". You did the right thing and they did the wrong thing. Good riddance to them!

    • @japanstation1
      @japanstation1 2 года назад

      You were right, and you know you were! Vaccinated individuals can still get covid, and they can still spread covid. The CDC says that asymptomatic individuals can still spread covid. If what they say is true - this would mean that vaccinated asymptomatic individuals can therefore spread covid too (simple logic). The only reason for vaccination is to reduce severity of infection, and therefore hospital visits are reduced. The purpose then for trying to force mass vaccination in the US is simply to protect the health services. That's all. Given that COVID is now plateauing, and newer variants result in fewer severe cases, the health services (hospitals) should be fine. The problem is, they have lost lots of doctors and nurses who, like you, were fired for not taking the vaccine. I would not be surprised if in a few years a lot of people sue - because what the US did with mandates was (if I understand correctly) illegal, and given that the mRNA vaccines are experimental (as in, they have not been put through the CDC's Gold Standard of Vaccine vetting) - forcing people to take an experimental vaccine is also illegal. As I understand it, at this time, these are facts - they are not FUD, or conspiracy - no, they are plain and simple facts.

    • @beaubjarnason4759
      @beaubjarnason4759 2 года назад +7

      Yup lost my job of 18 years as well.

    • @susanrolls2211
      @susanrolls2211 2 года назад +8

      @@beaubjarnason4759 Sorry this tragedy hit you too. It's so evil.

  • @Embustama
    @Embustama 2 года назад +519

    Love it. Lies don't last forever. Everything is going to be known.

    • @WhoFarted69
      @WhoFarted69 2 года назад +9

      …and these power crooks are going to start panicking.

    • @aliensarerealttsa6198
      @aliensarerealttsa6198 2 года назад

      Everyone knows natural immunity "works".
      Rightwing dummies think people were saying it doesn't because they listen to propaganda.
      Still, you're 100x more likely to die from covid if you don't get vaxed... which is just a way to prepare your natural immunity.
      Most people in the hospitals are unvaccinated. They have more adverse reactions.

    • @nosuchthing8
      @nosuchthing8 2 года назад +1

      Yes.. Get vaccinated.

    • @bb-lq6dm
      @bb-lq6dm 2 года назад +12

      @@nosuchthing8 or don't

    • @kummamako
      @kummamako 2 года назад


  • @mikemaresca4999
    @mikemaresca4999 2 года назад +93

    Ryan's face and demeanor are priceless when he asks Kim what's on her radar...
    Kim, you don't have to say anything about "hindsight"... this isn't "hindsight", people were bringing up these same ideas as mere questions, and were silenced and vilified for their trouble.

  • @aweeks6649
    @aweeks6649 2 года назад +4

    Thank you for breaking this down for us and reporting it!

  • @martingauthier7377
    @martingauthier7377 2 года назад +276

    Translation: 2 years of madness and hysteria across the World for nothing.

    • @petercrane2560
      @petercrane2560 2 года назад +6


    • @mishmashmosh6305
      @mishmashmosh6305 2 года назад +11

      Not for nothing?? For profit for the few! Hellloooo!

    • @martingauthier7377
      @martingauthier7377 2 года назад +2

      @@mishmashmosh6305 That's the point!

    • @nosuchthing8
      @nosuchthing8 2 года назад

      One million dead Americans knucklehead

    • @Jo-zw7fw
      @Jo-zw7fw 2 года назад +1

      @@mishmashmosh6305 And brain washing for the next generation. They'll be even easier to control next time and Gates has said there will be a next time.

  • @frankbui01
    @frankbui01 2 года назад +106

    Biggest lie: "it is safe and effective"

    • @grassfireu
      @grassfireu 2 года назад +10

      .... and without warrant, it was repeated ad nauseum. All who repeated the line are partly responsible.
      Then again, given the "state of the art" of these mRNA injections, anyone still capable of thinking outside of the political box knew there was no way that claim could have been made.

    • @elizagoodytwoshoes9140
      @elizagoodytwoshoes9140 2 года назад

      Tool of fraud PCR testing based on insilico genomic sequencing, variant after variant.

    • @aarteestmj4958
      @aarteestmj4958 2 года назад +1

      And don't forget "You can't get or give "C" if you've been "Vd".
      And "masks work".

    • @janeteddddd
      @janeteddddd 2 года назад

      No vvaaxx is safe and effective.. none ! That's why you cant sue them because they are not safe...

  • @OceanFrontVilla3
    @OceanFrontVilla3 2 года назад +419

    Let's hope that colleges/universities and employers now realize they must stop mandates

    • @AnthonyGonzalez-cy2zd
      @AnthonyGonzalez-cy2zd 2 года назад +24

      File lawsuits

    • @eugenearchibald7375
      @eugenearchibald7375 2 года назад

      Mandates never go away, don't waive your rights with your flag. "Never forget 911" our rights changed privacy was lost, now Covid, do you think they're going to let up after the virus stole billions from them by mutation into the cure?? Control, thats why the wars televised now. Let alone bring prices back after a recession with all time margins being made off the back of the workers. Remember if they're calling you a hero you'll never hear it cause you're already 6 feet underneath the ground.

    • @thatfunnykekguy6377
      @thatfunnykekguy6377 2 года назад +12

      Only now? When the damage is done?

    • @integrityshines561
      @integrityshines561 2 года назад +2

      It’s long overdue

    • @spfein
      @spfein 2 года назад +6

      Or don't go to them thus bankrupting them

  • @dekota011
    @dekota011 2 года назад +2

    Kim I love your energy and passion for the truth. greetings from Australia

  • @Vanessa-ej2fo
    @Vanessa-ej2fo 2 года назад +78

    I hope that this goes to show that we should always question tyrannical mandates from our government. We have a right to say No; that is why informed consent is so important

  • @shanecallaghan3200
    @shanecallaghan3200 2 года назад +263

    Poor Robbie Tiptoeing around the fact he can't accept everything he was told was a lie so he is trying to convince himself there is hope. Im sorry Mate, you were lied to now accept it so you can finally start reporting correct information to your viewers.

    • @macjr2001
      @macjr2001 2 года назад +27

      It’s like he’s having a brain malfunction trying to explain his way around all the stuff he has been saying these past few months.

    • @shanecallaghan3200
      @shanecallaghan3200 2 года назад +10

      @@macjr2001 Clown Mate.

    • @rcv8099
      @rcv8099 2 года назад +18

      I thought the same thing! Why is she with these two guys who seem less intellectually agile and curious than she?

    • @shanecallaghan3200
      @shanecallaghan3200 2 года назад +1

      @@rcv8099 💯

    • @pederjohansen2029
      @pederjohansen2029 2 года назад +1

      @@rcv8099 💯💯💯👍🎯

  • @terryshepherd8595
    @terryshepherd8595 Год назад +12

    The government should absolutely pay for the hospital bills for the people that have / had side effects

    • @andrewyeager9786
      @andrewyeager9786 6 месяцев назад

      Pxne Nxddle Txnture could be the cure. X=I, E, I

  • @steve0ne11
    @steve0ne11 2 года назад +354

    Only Kim speaking facts on this show.

    • @healer81
      @healer81 2 года назад +4


    • @musclesmouse
      @musclesmouse 2 года назад

      Grimm really making excuses for big Pharma

    • @DoctorEnigma01
      @DoctorEnigma01 2 года назад +10

      And then you have the exact opposite ryan grimm

    • @YogGroove
      @YogGroove 2 года назад +14

      I don't think they'd even cover this topic without Kim.

    • @fraserbailey6347
      @fraserbailey6347 2 года назад +4

      The others would not have covered it, or even looked at the new information. They would probably have done something about Trump.

  • @SCWgreg
    @SCWgreg 2 года назад +3

    Kim is a Saint. Thank you for honestly and bravely calling it out. Your colleagues are weak, even pathetic in their efforts and response to the continuing (real) facts that come out.

  • @murrayclarke2171
    @murrayclarke2171 2 года назад +263

    I literally just saw Fauci state that “everyone can enjoy the holiday season- especially those vaccinated” as though that doesn’t fuel polarization in any way. Amazing.

    • @21142534b
      @21142534b 2 года назад

      That fraudci is evil personified

    • @brentbel1348
      @brentbel1348 2 года назад +1

      The last reply was deleted!

    • @RadhaVanIsa
      @RadhaVanIsa 2 года назад +1

      @@brentbel1348 😯

    • @rumls4drinkin
      @rumls4drinkin 2 года назад +1

      I saw him say that and I was looking at the numbers and was like, literally everyone is going to get covid if we don't cancel Christmas this year..... >Entire family got covid at Christmas.

    • @murrayclarke2171
      @murrayclarke2171 2 года назад +1

      @@rumls4drinkin but everyone was fine?

  • @nvaranavage
    @nvaranavage 2 года назад +116

    My family still gets angry with me for not getting my teenaged boys boosted or getting my 10 year old daughter the vaccine at all. Sorry, the science that i always thought didn't add up from the beginning, well, now it is showing i had a reason to question it.

    • @briang.7206
      @briang.7206 2 года назад +5

      I knew several months ago about natural immunity.. My chiropractor who has done the research told me yet everyone here poked fun at me. Like they laughed me out of here. Tough luck to those that wouldn't listen to her because she's not an MD.

    • @MargueriteFairProductions
      @MargueriteFairProductions 2 года назад +7

      You have saved their health. Getting those shots shortens lifespans.

    • @MyerShift7
      @MyerShift7 2 года назад +1

      Exactly. If it's actually science it will actually work. If it's not working, you can't call it science and insist on telling people to believe in it. Science requires no belief it either works or it does not.

    • @stevej.6674
      @stevej.6674 2 года назад +6

      So you endangered the lives of your children by .006% of death?!!! How dare you!
      Nah seriously, GOOD ON YOU - STAY STRONG AGAINST STUPIDITY!!! Sheep always are led to the slaughter sooner or later.

    • @brynleytalbot778
      @brynleytalbot778 2 года назад

      The science did add up. Then pharmaceutical profitability and popular politicians pushed the narrative to support their agenda. At that point the results were a narrative of support that promised a fast solution, meeting the demands of a public whipped up into thinking emotionally, a political class focused on popularity from them, and pharmaceuticals focused on the biggest profit making opportunity they’d ever seen. Look at GAVI limiting access to vaccines through its policies and how Gates has always favoured philanthropic profit potential in his exploits to further his control of them.
      We were constantly manipulated. And, to apportion equality of blame, the conspiracy theorists did little better than the “cabal” they blamed in spreading more misinformation which validated the very people they so despised. Sound thinkers rejected the policy of mass vaccination based on good research that avoided as much bias as possible, independent research, not that depending on vast grants from vested interests. Big science defended itself fearful of unravelling its deceit and toppling its biggest funder, environmentalism, Climate Change.
      Though it’s a heavy read the principles of Thomas Sowell’s “The Vision of the Anointed” shows the steps in creating a crisis and the bastardisation of statistics to support their agendas supporting them branding dissenters as heretics. That, and a classic text on the madness of crowds in economic market bubbles, illustrates how people lose rational thinking when emotions define their acts. As the Pfizer report is gradually released small bubbles burst, rather than one bubble exploding. I guess big science has defused their ticking bomb, for now.

  • @kerritranberg6254
    @kerritranberg6254 2 года назад +157

    In Canada we cannot travel..our PM, has a federal mandate in Canada, without the vax., cannot leave canada or travel through canada.... this must stop Now!!!

    • @puffthemagicdragon9534
      @puffthemagicdragon9534 2 года назад +13

      Trudeau must go. I’m sure there’s a place for him in Davos.

    • @l.w.paradis2108
      @l.w.paradis2108 2 года назад +12

      Anyone starting lawsuits? Sounds like only that might free you.

    • @d.r.4453
      @d.r.4453 2 года назад +10

      Same here. I cannot visit family and friends up in Canada because I don't have a vaxx pass and they can't come down here because they don't have one either. Its pathetic and ridiculous at this stage. Sadly I don't see it ending anytime soon or at all...

    • @simonwhittaker5675
      @simonwhittaker5675 2 года назад +13

      im in the Philippines and its illegal for a unjabbed to go outside, not stopped me yet haha

      @ADAPTATION7 2 года назад +5

      Now now, we all know that vaccination is the way out of this pandemic. Those are unacceptable views (he said it all too often during parliamentary debates).🤣

  • @jonathanmagic5633
    @jonathanmagic5633 2 года назад +4

    If Hospital staff and Paramedics the world over were allowed to talk freely about the not insignificant numbers of 'mysterious' illnesses inflicting individuals in the days and weeks post vaccination it would be a total embarrassment for the politicians spruiking about how perfectly safe these vaccines are as they've done in Australia and other parts of the world, and it's an absolute disgrace the way so many thousands of good people have been sacked from professions they love.

  • @rickrod181
    @rickrod181 2 года назад +161

    The amount of shame felt by robby and Ryan is palpable...being forced to 180 turn on vax support is simply fascinating to watch

    • @trickiwoo3573
      @trickiwoo3573 2 года назад +7

      I applaud them. Everyone can be wrong.

    • @MargueriteFairProductions
      @MargueriteFairProductions 2 года назад

      Especially since they are sheep and probably took vaccines and boosters. They have no idea what's going on in their bodies at this point in time.

    • @hermittmog8697
      @hermittmog8697 Год назад +1

      At least they seem somewhat capable of it. Most simply ignore or spin.

  • @JtsTubes
    @JtsTubes 2 года назад +287

    Ryan, public health should not be treated with more importance during a pandemic. It’s important “all” the time and transparency should not be an option, it should be mandated.

    • @Seasniffer69
      @Seasniffer69 2 года назад +44

      If public health was so important then the FDA and doctors should be prescribing fruits/vegetables and 1 mile runs instead of blood pressure medications and insulin to combat the +50% American obesity among all children/adults/elderly.

    • @TheAnianite
      @TheAnianite 2 года назад +6

      And since the social determinants of health, they poor/disadvantaged and vulnerable should be helped to become autonomous and empowered. But alas the opposite is happening...

    • @chocolatesugar4434
      @chocolatesugar4434 2 года назад +2


    • @falliblewonder
      @falliblewonder 2 года назад

      Public health means water free from lead and forever chemicals first. . . Then when people wash covid from their hands they also can be sure they aren't being poisoned by heavy metals.

    • @abraxaseyes87
      @abraxaseyes87 2 года назад +5

      @@Seasniffer69 wouldn't want to cut in on McDonald's and Amazon's margins

  • @jimeagle1155
    @jimeagle1155 2 года назад +191

    Remember that there is no order in which they have to release this documentation so if you're getting this kind of information now imagine what's still to come, they're going to save what they don't want you to know to be the last thing released

    • @lmlmlmlm7627
      @lmlmlmlm7627 2 года назад +4

      Thanks for sharing. I didn’t know this, and it’s quite chilling. Any idea why they aren’t just releasing it all at once?

    • @katie7748
      @katie7748 2 года назад +3


    • @jimeagle1155
      @jimeagle1155 2 года назад +11

      @@lmlmlmlm7627 because they said they need time to go go through and review the documents before releasing them, which is why they said they would do it at I believe it was fifty Pages a month which would have taken 75 years. Judge ordered them to release them all by the end of the year and set increments of so many at certain times so that they could go through and review them first

    • @lmlmlmlm7627
      @lmlmlmlm7627 2 года назад +1

      @@jimeagle1155 thank you for sharing. So sickening.

    • @Eyes0penNoFear
      @Eyes0penNoFear 2 года назад +1

      @@jimeagle1155 the fact they wanted to wait to release data until most of us are dead tells us everything we need to know about what's going on.

  • @madedigital
    @madedigital 2 года назад +4

    SHE stood strong among two weak men good on you kim for holding on to common sense and facts

  • @JustAnotherHappyGuy
    @JustAnotherHappyGuy 2 года назад +188

    I'm glad Kim still cares about the truth and our well-being by following and reporting out on this issue. Too many seem to not care anymore and fail to understand the consequences of this indifference.

    • @joep9617
      @joep9617 2 года назад +3

      Agreed! We know the topic is 'boring' and it's time to move on, but real consequences were being threatened and handed out to many employees that didn't just 'go along' with the talking heads in power. In so many cases around the world - State, county, city, school leadership, biased reporters, and police were enforcing / coercing (take the shot & win this prize, or get fired, ostracized publicly, denied services) simply because government officials said so.
      I think many government officials need replacing and phama needs lawsuits for deliberately trying to hide the FULL truth about their product while asking for legal immunity.

    • @bigraviolees
      @bigraviolees 2 года назад

      Kim is a pis hack

    • @liljes34
      @liljes34 2 года назад +3

      @@joep9617 boring? That is not the word for the horror this whole thing has been.

  • @sabbymac
    @sabbymac 2 года назад +54

    According to this report, it should be an individual’s choice. If someone looks at this data and still wants it, let that person take it and those who want to rely on their natural immunity from recovery, leave them alone.

  • @EbluestarE
    @EbluestarE 2 года назад +183

    Kim really emphasized the word DUMP

  • @franchescagrimm7835
    @franchescagrimm7835 2 года назад +13

    There needs to be an outlet for everyone of us who has lost something for having chosen not to get that shot. YT comments are not enough for me. Everytime i read a story about someone who has lost a job over the mandates it saddens me to a level I didn't even know I had. They lied to us about so many things and so many people allowed it. It's time we get the mainstream to open their eyes.

    • @hosmashumake4172
      @hosmashumake4172 Год назад

      Don't hold breath you won't survive, mainstream quacks & waddles as directed by their master's .

    • @wh0kn0ws1tc0uldbe
      @wh0kn0ws1tc0uldbe Год назад +1

      Yep I also lost my care job becuase of all of this nonsense

  • @bradleyriles3889
    @bradleyriles3889 2 года назад +69

    Just a reminder that after the guy with the little mustache it was declared a crime against humanity to coerce people to take a medicine without informed consent.
    For the slower ones. Informed means to have access to all information and coerce means to be threatened with consequences if failing to comply.

    • @puppiesponiespatriots3175
      @puppiesponiespatriots3175 2 года назад

      Is it "medicine" or "substance" or some other term in the original untranslated convention documents? Serious question.
      Will they squiggle by legally with "Well, it isn't "medicine" by definition or design. It is poison. We can subject anyone to poison without any disclosure."
      I wonder because that's exactly what has been the product of all the so-called protective regulatory agencies since the end of the first Great period of torment.

    • @arlenegojocco7518
      @arlenegojocco7518 2 года назад +5

      Thanks for defining the difference between informed and consent!!! I felt like I was the only one who could see it and everybody else not getting it!

    • @cliffordbuttle4529
      @cliffordbuttle4529 2 года назад

      @@arlenegojocco7518 it’s all down to cash

  • @grantv8390
    @grantv8390 2 года назад +92

    They ditched that whole informed consent thing. Now it’s a informed well after the fact after you can’t do anything about it thing. Criminal.

    • @protorhinocerator142
      @protorhinocerator142 2 года назад +3

      First, do no harm.
      This has been replaced by: First, cause no legal liability.

    • @MargueriteFairProductions
      @MargueriteFairProductions 2 года назад +1

      I am grateful that I am an intelligent woman who knows how the immune system works and exactly what was happening from the day I heard the world Covid and Pandemic.

  • @JohnSmith-zo6ir
    @JohnSmith-zo6ir 2 года назад +192

    The only difference between a conspiracy theory and the truth is time.

  • @darkwinterprepper8495
    @darkwinterprepper8495 2 года назад +8

    Thank you Kim for staying on this topic! We need to get the truth out there before the next “wave” comes back around this fall

  • @godofthunder9010
    @godofthunder9010 2 года назад +77

    Just waiting for the "actually they knew that Ivermectin worked extremely well" shoe to drop.

  • @user-rm5du1yo9p
    @user-rm5du1yo9p 2 года назад +200

    After 2 years of Coercion Governments around world/CDC/FDA: "well nobody made you get it"

    • @DanielleDeFreeze
      @DanielleDeFreeze 2 года назад +13

      I swear people literally lost their jobs.. People in New York couldn’t renew their driver’s licenses without it. I guess they’ll be like, oh well, you could move out of NY if you don’t want it..

    • @Eyes0penNoFear
      @Eyes0penNoFear 2 года назад +12

      @@DanielleDeFreeze that's the first I've heard of driver licenses not being renewed in New York.
      Land of the -free- jabbed, home of the -brave- sheep?

    • @cupidok2768
      @cupidok2768 2 года назад +2

      Hhaha told u so

    • @dv270
      @dv270 2 года назад +1

      @@Eyes0penNoFear the NOT Greatest Generation

    • @feraforestno88o57
      @feraforestno88o57 2 года назад

      Exactly! Now people will start to sue their eployers (rightfully so) and the corrupt politicians will walk free yet again.

  • @YogGroove
    @YogGroove 2 года назад +123

    My question: would this show even cover these bombshells if Kim wasn't involved?
    Seems to me, without Kim, Rising is no different than MSM uni-narative nonsense.

    • @hutch13133
      @hutch13133 2 года назад +6

      Check out Kim's channel on Rumble where she posts things she can't on RUclips

    • @annieholbis2430
      @annieholbis2430 2 года назад +1

      @@hutch13133 will do. If she's this amazing here, I'll be watching!

  • @iglooproductions
    @iglooproductions 2 года назад +6

    I had the OG sniffles in 2020 and recovered just fine. I used to get one or two colds every year, Since I had the scamdemic sniffles I have had no colds at all since then!! My immunity is off the charts strong and I never took any poke juice. I am actually happy that I got it. Yes seriously happy.

  • @mariaguiad.5448
    @mariaguiad.5448 2 года назад +206

    Am not a medicallly schooled person, but I had a hunch right from the very start that the vax was not for me. Thank you Kim for this valuable information! God bless you.

    • @MargueriteFairProductions
      @MargueriteFairProductions 2 года назад +6

      I knew better because I know how the immune system works, and how to support it. Taking those shots actually weakens the immune system.

    • @andreaandrea6716
      @andreaandrea6716 2 года назад +2

      SAME HERE!

    • @michaelwillcutt2619
      @michaelwillcutt2619 2 года назад

      If anyone has a immune deficiency im one seventeen surgeries in last twenty years last surgery open heart Dec, 2019 after two months of being very sick nobody has said why or what made me that sick to be hospitalized but weeks later my heart failed

    • @andreaandrea6716
      @andreaandrea6716 2 года назад

      @@michaelwillcutt2619 I'm very sorry to hear how much suffering and stress you have had. It is frightening to be ill!

    • @slimmy696jim7
      @slimmy696jim7 2 года назад +2

      Well your HUNCH or intuition most certainly saved your life . The feeling you had was your higher self or guardian angel sending you the message . Govt and big pharma killed more people than we will ever know

  • @Ben-ii5oy
    @Ben-ii5oy 2 года назад +94

    Well done Kim as always. I'm shakeable, held strong, proved correct. Owed an apology like many of the rest of us

    • @hutch13133
      @hutch13133 2 года назад +4

      Check out Kim's channel on Rumble where she posts things RUclips won't let her

    • @Ben-ii5oy
      @Ben-ii5oy 2 года назад +1

      @@hutch13133 cheers bud I'm on rumble too, haven't spotted her yet I'll take a look

    • @GRP2003
      @GRP2003 2 года назад +1

      We better sit down while we wait... the “educated” ones in the family were the first ones to shame us and kept trying to convince us...they didn’t believe in science either.... I’m glad we stayed strong!
      We survived COVID July 2020 and still have antibodies plus b and T cells should also have the memory for a lifetime.... science and our amazing wonderfully crated bodies
      are divinely made by the almighty God upstairs 🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻

    • @barne3668
      @barne3668 2 года назад

      They killed alot of people and stole 2 yeas from everyone on the planet..meanwhile getting absolutely filthy fuc*ing insanely 'gates like rich

  • 2 года назад +75

    I was terminated from a remote job at 5 months pregnant for not taking this thing🤦🏽‍♀️

    • @Aj-uu5is
      @Aj-uu5is 2 года назад +8

      You need to sue them. They have no right to coerce you - it's your body.

    • @ohsweetmystery
      @ohsweetmystery 2 года назад +16

      Your child is lucky to have you as a mother.

    • @zingo_man
      @zingo_man 2 года назад +3

      That's awful...

    • @ChrisB_Channel
      @ChrisB_Channel 2 года назад +5

      Your child will thank you everyday of their life.

    • @jdfodio
      @jdfodio 2 года назад +3

      You're blessed. Ask God to provide for you. Matthew 6.

  • @maria-jul19
    @maria-jul19 2 года назад +7

    Just wondering.... with the boosters, would these imply that the immunity of the vaxxed is indeed compromised..???

    • @ch-xl3xm
      @ch-xl3xm 2 года назад

      I think so because it lowers your white blood cells that fight infection.

    • @alos18
      @alos18 2 года назад


  • @bfaith40
    @bfaith40 2 года назад +120

    I love that Robbie and Ryan now have to treat Kim with greater deference on her covid reporting.
    It's been a long time coming, as we've all had to watch them treat her reporting with disdain .

    • @Jo-zw7fw
      @Jo-zw7fw 2 года назад +3

      Robbie is still saying to get it!!!

    • @hutch13133
      @hutch13133 2 года назад +4

      If you were to check out Kim's channel on Rumble you'd hear a lot more of these kinds of facts

    • @deadreckoning6288
      @deadreckoning6288 2 года назад +7

      @@Jo-zw7fw Painful to watch him stumble over his words still trying to justify it all.

    • @connilady57
      @connilady57 2 года назад +5

      Their facial expressions show disdain but the facts erase it...

    • @rosem5041
      @rosem5041 2 года назад

      Thats because fear and guilt were used to control the masses into submission.

  • @moizabdulqadir8932
    @moizabdulqadir8932 2 года назад +180

    It’s almost like, only Kim Eversen who brings out these humanitarian points among the media.
    Many thanks and may almighty God’s blessings and supports to her

    • @zaccoop6727
      @zaccoop6727 2 года назад +1

      she is an opinion journalist, and she leans conservative when it comes to conspiracies... but is partially liberal in a few of her stances...

    • @raiders10003
      @raiders10003 2 года назад +1

      @@zaccoop6727 what conspiracies?

    • @lishayost144
      @lishayost144 2 года назад +1

      @@zaccoop6727 did you mean to say "theories?" Rather than "conspiracies"

    • @zaccoop6727
      @zaccoop6727 2 года назад

      @@raiders10003 all of her segments... they are her opinion or they follow someone's theories of ruining democracy by twitter not allowing unproven facts said dozens of times so that right wing people hear something a couple of times and call it proof

  • @tanitatt
    @tanitatt 2 года назад +104

    If this doesn’t call into question the entire fact checking industry …. We’re hosed.

    • @buttercup3ish
      @buttercup3ish 2 года назад +1

      perfectly said tanitatt !!

    • @flagmichael
      @flagmichael 2 года назад

      You prefer misinformation? There is a lot of it out there.

    • @tanitatt
      @tanitatt 2 года назад

      @@flagmichael who defines “misinformation”? It was once considered “misinformation” to support natural immunity and lab leak.

    • @Tentin.Quarantino
      @Tentin.Quarantino 2 года назад

      @@flagmichael misinformation which usually comes in the form of a ‘fact check’. Those things are always biased.

  • @jasminebebe3455
    @jasminebebe3455 2 года назад +2

    All those freaking out about Roe v Wade ruling that screech my body my choice were singing another tune when I said no to vaccination….. the hypocrisy knows no bounds