I had a cousin in Jamaica that was born intersex. The doctor told her mother that she should wait and see which gender the child took on before surgery. That was in Jamaica forty years ago. I would expect America to know better
My child was born intersex or ambiguous genitalia in 2000. I was only 19 years old and something told me to not listen to the doctors or my family pushing me to "fix" the situation. I waited and let Alex make the decision. She is 18 now and doing so well. I am so proud of her.
Hi Jennifer, if you don't mind me asking a personal question at what age was it obvious she was a girl and how old was she when she had surgery to correct it (if she ever did)?
Lisa G well if it is a an intersex kid, that’s a girl, you should remove that thing, right? Or am I wrong cause I don’t understand why this is so bad, I’m sorry.
Again an Army member its genital mutilation and it can cause pain during sex, problems during childbirth, and inability to experience orgasms. Also you just are making a choice for them that can never be undone
Bri Cheesy and that is your choice. It’s not medically necessary. Men uncut are not unclean. You can clean it. They need to be taught. If you only go by ‘tradition’ and not look at what is in the best interest of the child medically. Here are some points of interests, insurance companies don’t pay for it now, and it’s considered only cosmetic. It also is a surgery that the newborn does not get any pain relief before the procedure. So the child goes threw this surgery without anesthesia..... have you ever gone threw major surgery without anesthesia? Have you had a tooth out, a nose job, or a toe cut off without pain meds before? These are also major surgeries. It’s a trama to the body that is medically unnecessary. All being said, I still understand if your belief is to blindly follow tradition. I don’t discount your belief is your opinion. That is your choice for your children. Women, also have been circumcised in Africa as well, because of belief.... I also think that’s mutilation... and yes, without anesthesia as well.... the child does not have a choice. The parents choose... just some facts.... you can google these facts and find these facts....
LauraLee Foley there’s actually no trauma* to the body. They’re too young to remember it. But you may think it’s unnecessary but to some people it is necessary because of their beliefs
It broke my heart to see that doctor say he liked playing God and laughed right after. Never ever surrender your power to another human. Seek knowledge first. Always.
That's because he's a quack he didn't care how he run that guy's life a sad so many sorry people out there just don't care the only thing they care about is making money off of him now he'll never be able to have babies of his own
I would just let my kid grow up. If they choose to have surgery when they are older it's not my decision. If they don't ever get surgery that's fine too.
dude the older they get into the hard for the surgery. I think about 5 months or so then you can see if the kids are a make a or female as appearances then decide it.
Implying that growing up with dysphoria isn't hell, or that kids won't bully someone with a bit of "gynecomastia". I grew up treated as a broken male and what's more I still had some femme internals so the way they treated me medically really caused both a lot of physical(imagine 10x the typical pain of periods, completely unable to stand up) and psychological pain.
HazelHaz no "hunny" they are not the same. If you learned to read you would see that I said intersex people have different hormones, genitals, and chromosome. They are not just one sex and choose to be the other. They feel disconnected because in a way they are both. Trans people are one sex who for some reason believe they can switch to the other even tho it is scientifically impossible
HazelHaz oh my god no. They aren't born with both sex organs are you really that stupid? They aren't the same as trans people and never will be. Quit using intersex as a gotcha.
HazelHaz are you really this dense? Do you know what intersex is? For example: Woman with it can have a vagina with an enlarged clitoris (clitoromegaly) that would be genitalia different to the common type. Do some fucking research before talking out of your ass
HazelHaz god you're annoying. No I clicked the video and never watched it. Do you hear yourself? Intersex people are not born with both sex organs. They are not people with a penis and vulva. They are people with a medical condition that gives them an extra x chromosome usually with causes difference in secondary sex characteristics, reproductive organs, and genitalia. If you really do experience this first hand I'm sorry you don't know what's going on in your own body
Alli Roma+ You are totally right. Men Women and Hermaphrodites (No I’m am not changing the words I use every couple of years just because people want to cry about it.) do have different chromosomes, GENITALIA, and hormones. This video is intentionlay set to make you think that they are the same though. Why do you think they said 1 in 2000 not .0005%
I worked in pediatric urology and asked the doctor why not wait til the kid is old enough to choose. He said some parents don't wanna wait. But that isn't fair, its irreversible. I hope things change for these individuals.
there is no excuse for genital surgery on a child if there are no actual health concerns. end of story. we don't chop off babies arms because they probably won't want it when they're grown up. societal pressures scare parents into giving into these doctors insisting on making their child "normal". just the fact that they often choose whichever sex would be "easiest" to turn the child into should be show enough that they don't have the child's wellbeing at heart.
Chris Relhard Agreed. Also a good argument against sexual reassignment surgery for children. When it all comes down to it, it's just some creepy doctor chopping at a child's body parts.
Pink Pepper i mean, my main issue with srs on children is reversibility. same reason that i think children with significant gender identity problems should go on hormone blockers. both surgeries and puberty are changes that you cannot reverse without extensive surgeries and hormones afterwards, and even then, you'll never get back to the original state. also, a lot of children that have dysphoria about their genitalia may be able to come to terms with it without surgery whether they're trans or not. again, any chance to limit medical intervention is good. no point cutting off healthy parts unless the patient has had psych help and comes to that conclusion on their own.
nanobot27 again, wait till the kid is at least in their mid-teens. as long as it isn't a health concern, there's no reason to put a child through surgery. they should be allowed to make the decision for themselves. and that's a pretty ableist view you've got there. clothing, houses, utilities, etc. aren't made for tall people, does that mean they should get extensive surgery to shorten their bones? what about children who are born conjoined? do they need to be medically separated even if they function perfectly and are happy together? just because they need modified clothing and equipment? what about people whose disabilities can't be solved by surgery or who have other reasons they can't have surgery? are they just a burden to society?
Same reason we don't teach a lot of things in school, because fundamentalist Christians would flip the fuck out. We can't have any pesky facts that might contradict the sacred gender binary.
Well because it would be quote on quote "INAPPROPRIATE" because I always get in trouble at school for talking about INAPPROPRIATE things such as prostate,trans,gays you know stuff like that so if they were to tell us children about it everyone would be a questioning why they came to school today, and when I get in trouble at school it is always the fucking girls that always fucking snitch like little bitches and it pisses the fuck out of me
When I was 6 my closest friend told me she was a hermaphrodite. When she was born she had both and her parents were told to pick a gender. They raised her as a girl but without the operation. They decided she could make up her own mind when she was older. I thought she was the luckiest person alive! That might sound weird but look at it from an innocent 6 year old's point of view. She could choose whereas the rest of us were just normal regular human beings. She was extra special, magical even and I considered myself lucky to get to be her friend. She ended up choosing to stay a girl, got married and had kids of her own. The problem with people in general is that they feel threatened by anything different. Anything different has to be fixed, has to be made 'normal'. If each generation raised their children in acceptance, teach them to see the magic, etc., then no-one would feel the need to take the choice away from these special, unique children.
@@shivapriyasaraswati7171 sometimes it can be especially when it comes to sensitive stuff like gender. How can society accept your difference? It is not easy, literally so many things are affected by femininity and masculinity. Having a "third gender" will affect so many things negatively And I swear they can't live in my society for example, not because of hate but because they don't fit anywhere. And almost all of them wouldn't object to the genital surgery that they had done as babies, at least in my society
@@shivapriyasaraswati7171 it is a deformity neither and both is an accident of something going wrong as an embryo as neither system works fully as male or female in the aspect of sexial functionality and creating new life internally as well as externally but neutral isn't a gender is it?
The only person I blame, is the mother. Thirteen is old enough to sit with your child, have a conversation and ask. If this happened to me, I would let me child decide when the time is right.
Waitl!! that conversation is not for a 13 year old. When the child becomes 18 and able to make that kind of decision then yes. Don't blame the mom because you want someone to be mad at.
Most intersex infants are healthy and do NOT require surgery. Therefore, most surgeries performed on them are for cosmetic reasons. This rush to surgery is usually the decision of the surgeon (urologist) who has a uninformed idea that left as they are, they will suffer “psychological problems” (the average urologist knows very little about psychology) or the parents who are embarrassed that their child in ‘different’. In fact Intersex children are more damaged by these unnecessary surgeries. By the age of 24 to 36 months a child of average intelligence will start to express their gender identity and this will allow the parents to send their child to school as either a boy or girl, Any surgeries MUST be the child’s choice when they are old enough to decide.
Donna Joshi - Donna, I was a NICU nurse at major, University hospital in tne early 80s and saw this a number of times, babies with ambiguous genitalia and male DNA. . As nurses, we were all horrified that doctor's were surgically creating female genita!ia and sending them off w female hormones. Even as preemeis, the cute, impish, little boy faces on these babies were so obvious! The doctor in this video refers to a learning curve, but they only needed to stand back and look. We nurses cringed w sadness when well-intentioned parents (guided by these doctors) would bring their babies back to visit - with what was obviously a little boy , overdressed in frilly pink and ruffles. We just couldn't believe this was happening. Poor kids, who are now all adults. Thank God doctors have come to their senses about this!
The doctor in this video speaks of a learning curve, yet this practice of surgical 'corrective' surgeries started in the 1960's as a result of Dr. John Money's 'genitals+upbringing=gender' theory. A theory he 'supported' with the John/Joan case. A case in which he FALSIFIED the information he made public and was revealed to have done so in the 1980's; 30 years since the theory was proven false! The first infants to be surgically altered were born in the 1960's. They grew up and started speaking about their experiences in the 1980's, coinciding with Money's theory being proven false, and supporting that Money's theory was incorrect with their own testimonials. Learning curve my arse. We've HAD the information for a long time already, even at the time of the older patient's birth. If this doctor, and others like him, had truly done their homework on the issue, they'd have KNOWN that it is best to allow the child to grow up to be mature enough to understand their body and their state of ebing, and to decide for themselves. The state, likewise, should know this by now. Yet doctors are STILL performing these horrible surgeries on babies that have no say in what is being done to their bodies. The state government's are STILL ordering these surgeries to be performed on orphaned children, likewise, when these people are mere babies, with no control over what happens to them. It is beyond sad. It is barbaric.
they don’t need to choose, some people don’t care, some intersex people identify as non binary, some choose one or the other because they experience distress or gender/sex dysphoria and strongly identify with one gender. this person was given estrogen, and surgery, when he always felt more male, and wanted to have masculine hormones and development. but that’s their choice to make, individually, if you would choose to want to confuse people that’s ok too
I was born Intersex and Mom chose boy, but I grew up always feeling like a girl. I tried and tried to be a Man for 46 years before I transitioned to female. I love my new life as a woman and only wish that I had transitioned sooner.
I feel like this is different from transgender. For example, someone who is transgender already has a sex, someone intersex is meant to be male or female and the doctor is basically playing God in choosing.
I think I would give my kid the surgery and if they are older and doesn’t want to be that gender then I would be ok with them changing since I was the one that chose it but i think of i wanted my kid as a girl and chose as girl and she was ok with it then good thing I did it early on and if not it would be the same thing like the kid choosing
Karla De La Pena why wouldn’t you just wait and let them choose when their older? So basically you’re being selfish because you want a girl and would make that child a girl for your own selfish reasons. Meanwhile your child is depressed because they feel like their the wrong gender. Congratulations you just made your kids life growing up a living hell.
If I was adopting a child and I found out they were intersex and had not had surgery yet I would NOT pick their sex for them. It’s not my place to tell them who they are. If they came to me later on and said which gender they were, then I would do everything I could to help them be the binary/non binary person they are. Same goes for any transgender child. I know all too well what it’s like to be born male inside a female body and not know how to express that feeling like something is terribly wrong.
@@ashleymitts the chromosome doesn't necessarily reveal the gender the individual grows to be throughout development. Many intersex with "xy" are born with a vaginal opening and in the place of an uterus, ovaries, fallopian tubes, they have undeveloped gonads in the abdomen. Basically in utero the cells in the embryo started to develop into a male but it stopped. Its called androgen insensitivity syndrome. Genetically speaking XY, is male, nonethess this goes to show sex is complex and can be non binary. In fact the majority of them grow up to be your normal average looking female with breasts with all the other exterior feminine features as well as the mental attributes.
@larshildebrandt3835 So you want boys and girls to be using the bathroom at the same times? do you not know schools, there are multiple tolits there in the bathroom. Both girls and male cant go in there buddy LOL rethink bozo
Unless they choose to go one way or the other and not stay the same. But that should be a decision that should be for them to make once they're older, not for the parents.
dan tan i was thinking that too. technically i still think it should be the childs decision after all. But i have the same mindset, if they have male genitals then wouldnt they already have the testosterone and the male mindset?
i would think it would be easier to be a slightly feminine male as opposed to a masculine woman as well. women are expected to be small, cute, and hairless. thats harder to achieve if youre actually male.
MyFictional: all people tend to have both types of hormones, male and female. It's the ratio, not the presence, that makes some difference. Women have testosterone, too, and men have estrogen. Just not as much.
dan tan that's what is so stupid. The family is playing dumb. That family knew what was happening. Every surgery is a risk. Now the family isn't happy with their choice. Don't blame the doctor. He's just paid to do his job. They didn't have to opt for surgery either. What BS. Looking for money!!!
This is a subject that is not being addressed by the non medical group in congress. Their rulings are myopic, insensitive and ignorant. Those who are born with both genitalia deserve every consideration.
What is really horrifying is that as recently as 2004-2006 (I can't remember the year exactly.) They were charging parents who refused the surgery with "Medical Neglect", taking kids from their parents, and performing surgery on them, as "Medically Necessary". And Even If the parents got the kids back, it was done, and nothing they could do about it. Truly Fucked Up.
I believe that if a child is born intersex... then they should be able to decide which one they want to be. I mean they are the ones who have to live with it. They should be able to decide when the time is right for them.
What if the intersex condition creates severe pain or other medical issues that requires immediate surgery? What if it is impossible to separate the ambiguous genitalia? What then doctor Abby? These are COMMON conditions in intersex births. Sometimes decisions must be made quickly based on the best available information at the time. No one can know what gender identity the child will have in adulthood, so stop acting like you know what your talking about. You DON'T.
I don't agree with doctors performing surgery without the patient's consent, but I highly doubt that intersex children are born "perfectly as they are". This is cleary a birth defect.
AdderBittea You seem to not understand what perfection is. True perfection is imperfect in mental and physical ways.. Someone you may consider beautiful may not be so beautiful to someone else
I hope I never have a kid who is born like this. If I do though I would probably leave my kid's genitals alone until they were old enough to decide themselves. Maybe it is not necessary to wait until the kid is age 18 before letting the kid decide, but at least not until the kid has reached the age of reason and has spoken with a trained psychologist before letting the inter-sex kid make any choice (with the parent's consent of course) on surgery.
I would, too. I'd name them something gender-neutral and dress them in gender-neutral clothing until their behavior or words gave me an idea of a gender they'd prefer to dress as. As far as surgery, not until they ask for it and they'd get whatever they asked for.
+DeliciousPoison I agree with you although what we're still missing is a gender neutral pronoun. I think children should ALL have gender neutral pronouns and that this option could be continued into adulthood. I think this would also be beneficial to the whole of society being that we are still batttling between the sexes xx
Luna Quattrocchi I would leave my kid's genitals alone, but I would probably pick one sex (male or female) to put on my kid's official legal documents. That is until they expressed they wanted to be identified as a different sex. It is just so much simpler to have one gender in our gender based society. It is not easy to fix bad decisions made in regard to surgery (if they can be fixed at all). By comparison, it is relatively easy to have legal documents (such as transsexual individuals also do) altered to accommodate your child in the event you made the wrong initial prediction of their mental sex.
FinalLugiaGuardian agreed. Unfortunately the paradigm shift is taking longer than we would like and in the best interest of the child a certain level of privacy is also a basic right. It makes me so happy to see when forms have an option to tick female/male/other. It doesn't happen often but at least it is beginning to happen. And I'm even seeing more and more gender neutral bathrooms particularly in yoga studios x
if a newborn has ambiguous gender or is intersex (has both), just do a DNA test to see if it is XX or XY, then start making decisions from there before rushing into surgery.
He doesn’t have any regrets because they didn’t know better at the time, and ultimately, at the time, it was the parents’ decision. He said he would do things differently now, and that the treatment of intersex babies and children has changed over time. I’m sure he prefers handing the surgery decision over to committees now.
I realize that in, for example , the 50s, people weren’t an informed as today. I’d definitely wait for my child to decide. It’s so sad. I couldn’t imagine feeling like I was in the wrong body.
Tieia Middleton A chromosome test would help. They didn’t have that test in the 1950’s. Chromosomes are the final determination of your sex. I do however think that an intersex child should be able to chose for themselves.
Destiny Price 420 Bitch, you have female privilege. All women do is complain but they get treated things on silver platters. Lol who's out to get you? No one.
Destiny Price 420 There's your first problem, you believe there's actually a wage gap. It doesn't exist, look it up. Men just work more hours than females.
Im currently have an intersex partner and the decision was made for him to be a girl. He suffered so much especially with his spirituality. He has a full beard face like a man but body parts of a female. I love him cause im bisexual and i believe he was made just for me. He lived as a girl but suffered alot so he lived his life as a stud just to avoid some of the pain of explaining. He has female parts but also have the sperm to get a woman pregnant. I just love him because he is human. He wanted to get surgery to get male parts but decided that he was just happy being who he is. I believe leave it until the dominated person inside decides. Most ppl just want it to make sense not understanding God doesnt make mistakes. My baby went thru life thinking he was a mistake and told he came from hell😭 ppl are cruel
I’m intersex too. I haven’t gotten anyone pregnant, but I have given birth once. My whole life I was called an IT, or the spawn of satan. You and your partner are so special, and truly made for each other. I love your story, I want to find someone who loves me like you love your partner. Thank you for your encouraging words.
The infant was born with an anomaly requiring surgery. Without intercession, the infant would grow to experience confusion, rejection, self-disrespect, and perhaps even worse. In the vernacular, that's a child with a broken future.
It's not Intersex but the case of David Reimer always upsets me, he was forced to become a girl when he was a boy and because his choice was taken away it ended up effecting him so badly that he killed himself. Intersex children should always be left until they know for definite that they are a boy or girl, no offence to Transgender people but they are allowed to chose yet these kids aren't and have that choice taken away? It's disgusting.
SalemGrimm Intersex individuals can also 'chose' to identify contrary to what people recognize them as. It's not like trans people have it easy. The same avenues that are open to trans people are also open to Intersex individuals who were forced into the binary. As a matter of fact, it might be easier for them due to them being born intersex and all.
Astronomical, that's not necessarily the case. Whereas transgender people can have their healthcare covered by insurance, because I am intersex it is considered mutually exclusive. So my insurance will pay for testosterone but not estrogen(I don't produce sex hormones), nevermind that testosterone isn't even a valid option given my gender and the state of my liver(plus it made my internal sex organs very angry). Also, I was getting that bullshit long before I started talking about that with my boss talking shit about me, extreme difficulty job hunting due to my androgyny, etc. For others, such as people with AIS, testosterone might not even work.
Isn't that the guy that was castrated as a baby bc they screwed up his circumcision and didn't know how to fix it so they just gave him a sex change as an infant?
Stop the nonsense! Let an intersex baby grow up to decide for him/herself, which sex they are!. I knew of a case of a friend's sibling. Glad they waited and allowed HER to decide! The child was being raised as a boy, but was a girl at heart.
7:02 CLERGY!!!! Should NEVER be involved in this conversation. Only medical professionals. If it has no adverse effects to the babies health leave the child alone. Their social experiences are not a reason to perform permanent surgery it’s more so an indictment of us being ignorant or bigoted about this matter. Do away with this gender binary. It’s nonsense when intersex people exist and are living healthy happy lives. Change the society, not the intersex babies.
Leave these children alone -.- let them decide for themselves. Hell there may people out there who are perfectly happy living as they are and don't want a gender specific surgery And he really wants to say there's no regrets? That's kinda heartless
Not pushing these children to be the sex the parents want them to be, is not right. There are currently some homosexual couples who are pushing children they adopt, or have, toward the sex *they* want them to be. That too, is not right.
+ladykiri42 The only people who should be making decisions about non-reversible genital surgery are the patients themselves. I highly recommend you do some research. Read things posted by the Intersex Society of North America, aka INSA an educational website run by people who are intersex themselves. You can find their faq here: www.isna.org/faq/what_is_intersex MOST intersex people who were altered at birth will tell you (regardless of whether their mental gender matches the sex they were surgically assigned) that they wish they had never received the surgery; or at least not have had it performed on them when they were a non-consenting child.
I was born intersex and the discrimination against me is horrible. Recently, my second day at work, A Team Leader In The Work Place approached me and she said "people keep coming to me asking if u are a boy or girl" I said to her that I'm used to the criticism, so she responded "well with all a** u got I thought you was a woman. I went home in despair feeling like I don't belong here on Earth.🥀😭 Being 1 out of 2000 isnt easy
You were born the way you were for a reason. Don’t care about what anyone says, it makes them worse than what they really are by offending you and trying to make you feel bad, don’t let them!
I'm sorry for those unpleasant experiences you had to endure. I hope you were or will soon be able to move to a job where these kinds of comments don't take place. Tf do people care.
I feel you. I use to feel that way, that I was cursed. My abuse was so brutal. Especially because I’m both male and female equally. I look both male and female equally. I just started loving myself very recently. Don’t mind that idiot that came up trying to play silly mind games, and rent space in your head. Be courteous to, and respectful to everyone, but only socialize with people who understand and got your best interest at heart period. You are so truly amazing, and you should be so very proud of yourself! Every single inch of you from head to toe is simply perfect. Love, love,and enjoy life! You deserve it.
I think its interesting how the reporter tries to pin the whole thing on the doctor asking him if he have any remorse as if the parents had nothing to do with the decision to go through with his surgery when he was 13 AND keep him in the dark over the years. At that age, the parents should have asked the child what he wanted to do and such. The doctor followed the protocol they thought was correct at the time, though it was ultimately proven to be imperfect, at the end of the day it was the parents who gave consent to mutilate their child. The reporter should be asking his parents if they had any remorse instead. Also, this is a very one sided story. While I generally agree with leaving it until the child grows up to make his/her own decision, I'd like to hear if there are any consequences, whether physical or mental, to leaving it until adulthood. But that was not addressed at all in this report. It's a very one sided argument leaving the viewer with insufficient information to truly understand the situation.
My cousin was born this way and had always felt played and talked like a girl .At 21 she had test to confirm biological what gender she was and the test came back medical confirmation that she was she was biologically a female born with parasitic genitalia part of what was supposed to be her twin but the egg did not separate properly. Sorry for all the children whose choice was taken from them .
They didn’t have s gender test most likely and probably just changed all to girls because the penises are probably micro penises and it’s easier to remove
When a child is born intersex the question is, which sex can become a parent. A classmate of mine had the external look of a male, but internally was a female. Thankfully when he started to penetrate (first time the family even knew about his internal organs) they did the right thing for her. They moved away from.the area, and got surgery for her. She is now a great Mom who is thankful that her hub and does not care 1 iota that for 12 years she was 'male'. She too was what is medically called a chymora, a surviving twin that absorbed a twin that did not survive. Many times when a hermaphrodite is born that is the true case.
Considering that roughly 4 million babies are born every year in the United States alone, that’s a pretty large amount of people that are born intersex (1 in 2,000). I’ve been a very social person working in the medical field as a CNA for over 20 years. I worked both at a hospital and multiple nursing homes giving direct patient care (my job was to dress, bathe, and assist in daily activities) and during that entire time I only came across one intersex individual. She was primarily a female (she married a man and had a child) but she also had a penis (it was very small and I assume it didn’t work properly but I didn’t ask of course). Other than that lady, I’ve never even met one person that openly identified or admitted to being intersex. I think it goes to show how hard it must be for them to open up. I actually have Crohn’s disease and have a hard time talking about that openly, I couldn’t imagine how hard it would be to be intersex. I admire those who have the courage to open up about it and bring light and attention to this issue. The more people become familiar with a disorder, the less discrimination these people will feel about themselves. It’s incredibly sad to be put down and made fun of over a condition you were born with and never wanted in the first place and can’t do anything about.
I have a cousin who was born intersex, her mother was 15 at the time of her birth and was pressured in making a decision and they decided as surgically making my cousin a girl and she grew up as the emotions and mentality of a boy. She's accepted it and is more in touch with her masculine side but I've always felt she was robbed of her decision.
peepslostsheep I agree but it would certainly give at least something to go from in an intersex child, as more people are cis-gendered than trans in the population.
peepslostsheep oh i just realized that i was talking to an idiot. but hey, good job spelling the word chromosomes. jk you copied it from me. good luck, common moron...
MrTiredmatt "common moron..." From the person who cannot capitalize, or more importantly, state what about my post is inaccurate or 'idiotic'. People resort to insults when they know they've lost. I'll take this as your aggressive resignation from the topic.
It seems to me, that if 1 in every 2,000 babies are intersex, (and I've heard 1 in 1,000 before) we need to consider, that either, A.) ambiguous genitalia is normal, or B.) figure out what we're doing, or being exposed to, that causes it.
t maria you hit it right on, I too believe something is happening that is causing this.... I've been woke on a lot of things going on in Hollywood, something is not right & there is a hidden agenda with being both sexes... You may not be familiar with what I'm saying, I have done a lot of research & know something is not right🤔
Satan is ruling the earth right now & wants to go against God so everything is not what it seems.... So much deception here on earth, we have free will to choose but with intersex going on something is off.....
Every person's external genetalia begins as male. At some point it does not fully develop one way or the other. I believe that it is the same as any other birth "defect". One that has an unknown cause. In my opinion it's no different than a limb that never fully developed or a spine that never closed completely. I had a coworker who was told that she was having a girl. However when her baby was born they had ambiguous genetalia. The baby was not able to urinate properly due to the severity of the defect and surgery had to be performed. Genetic testing was performed first and it was determined that the baby was a boy based on his chromosomes. I never saw what his genetalia looked like but she said that it appeared to be a penis but his urethra was not where it should have been
My God. They are playing with children's lives. Creating literal confusion.. this is the beast creating this.. Jesus please help the children.. Please pray for those people...
We are angels in human form there's nothing wrong with us but when we are altered it harms us, this is one of the main reasons we end up losing, there's more to the picture than you can see, and your right it is Lucifer doing this to us, if you look now seats to what those in power are promoting you might see how we are still victims and abominations are being made, Lucifer uses humans to bring about his plan and will their just unknowing or uncaring of this fact humans will never be God nor will Lucifer.
@@Invisbleflame1 You're smoking meth or something... You need to lay off the drugs. There is no such thing as Lucifer or god... And even at that, If there was, If you really knew what you was talking about, Lucifer wasn't really even considered evil.. He might be the king of Hell but his job is to punish the bad & only that, Its not to create evil. Fuck man, I don't even believe that bs or read the bible & even I know that.. Angel of truth huh? More like imbecile of false truths..
@@luniz3429 I hope and pray you do realize there's a God I k ow alot of people get annoy by it but it's true.. Watch christforgiveness ministry atheism exposed... I can choose not to believe but God already gave me evidence that he exists ❤️ God bless you dude I really do hope you believe just take the time to listen even though it sounds crazy in Jesus name or watch 'living waters' on youtube as well
Circumcision is bad, but this is easily 50x worse. We're talking about people having *all* of the sensitive parts of their genitalia removed for 'normalizing'. Also, intersex medicalization goes way beyond genitals and into sterilization and hormone treatment. What doctors did to me nearly brought me to suicide.
PhantomQueenOne If they had both sex organs when they hit puberty then all hell would break lose. Your reproductive system would over clock itself with all the hormones. They could possible get themselves pregnant. Im sorry but if they are just born its the parents decision whether the choose a male or a female, as the child cant think for itself at that age or decide what gender it wants :/ THERE ARE TWO GENDERS!!! BE FUCKING HAPPY YOU GET TO LIVE WITH ONE OF THEM, WHEN CHILDREN OUT THERE DONT EVEN SURVIVE BIRTH YOU DESPICABLE RUNTS! (Now don't start shit w the, “i can sexually identify as anything i choose”, BITCH NO, biologically there are only two and there will only be two. Our purpose is to survive. Reproduction is done by two parts, the fertilisation and the pregnancy. Two parts-Two genders. A third wouldnt be needed ;-; thus resulting in our species and all other species having only two genders. Like i don't see a rabbit identifying as an Apache attack helicopter.
Attack helicopter? How original! Seriously, you don't know shit about this issue, and most surgeries on intersex people sterilize them and prevent them from going through natural puberty without hormone supplements. Seriously, you have no idea how bad the dysphoria caused by this sort of thing is. Also, a good deal of your 'basic biology' stuff is just wrong.
I was lied to my entire life. I didn't know I was born intersexed until I was 32 years old. I was turned into a female. I hadbeen married for 6 years and didn't know anything was wrong or different than other women until my husband began askingme questions I couldn't answer. I paid a lot of money to get original records from 1964 and took them to my primary carephysician. The first thing I felt was shock. Now, the questions my husband was asking made sense. I confronted my Mom and Dad about all it the next day and niether would even speak with me about it. My parents committed suicide 6 months later. Just 2 months after my parent's suicide; my husband divorced me. That's all been over 20 years ago now. I live everyday afraid to have any feelings of affection for anyone other than my baby brother. I love him like he was my own child. We are 7 years apart and even he didn't know about my gender re-assignment surgery. My grandparents knew and all my aunts and uncles knew. No one ever even gave me so much as an inkling of an idea. From the time I was young (5 or 6 yrs. old) I was scared of being a lesbian. I knew I was a girl and I preferred female over male. I should have had the chance to be raised as a boy. That's what I was meant to be. I remember a surgery I had when I was about 10 or 11 years old "to repair hernias" was what I was told. But,the truth of it was; they were removing my testicles and finishing what was started when I was only about 9 months old. I sill live as a woman because I don't have a choice to do otherwise. Homosexuality is not an option and has never been throughout my life due to strong religious belief. But what if all this time I have believed wrong? I still can't ever see a future as a "wife" ever again because I'm too afraid of "being found out" after my husband divorced me. Life can be strange.
Karen your story is touching, religion has made us live life as if we are in prison cells, locked up and never free, your loss could have been avoided by just your Parents accepting who you were and be free! I pray that you get peace one day and enjoy freedom and have life in fullness.
Forget religion. God is an internal reaction in your brain rather than a physical entity. God isn't going to punish you, because god is completely internal and consciousness ceases in the end. You're a good person, try not to let the bible blackmail you into doing something that doesn't work for you. My advice is to just find a reliable friend, punch some sense into your ex and sue the crap out of your family if they're still alive. None of this is your fault and you deserve so much better.
You are so amazing! What a testimony. I thought my life was hard. I stand up and applaud you for your strength and your courage! I’m intersex too, I’m 50, and lived much of my life with abuse or feelings of shame and guilt, and inner turmoil. At 50, I just started loving myself and life. I had to tell myself that no more pain and suffering, it’s time to finally live., and love, and live out loud in color! Enjoy life! Only be around those that love me, and care and want my happiness and best interest. You’ll find love again or for real this time, because it will be somebody that has been through what you have as well. Someone who understands exactly what you are going through and have been through, someone who only wants to see you happy, and protected and cared for, and loved and cherished. Who knows exactly who you are, and respects you more for it. You should be so proud of yourself, for what you have endured and what tomorrow holds. You should smile, because your future looks amazing from here. Love you my friend. I’m rooting for you! Seek those that are like you, no more hiding.
@@morrisgoss1858 Thank you for your kind words. You and I are both part of a special kind of people and I appreciate your heart felt message. It brought a tear to my eyes and a lot of joy and acceptance to my heart. Be blessed my friend and thank you again.
+Lorelei Lets Live Together they got well paid too and they get to see virgin dicks n pussies all the time. look at the docs eyes. it's red, yo get that when you see too much genitals
I sure as hell would! I'm a girl and I love being a girl, and I'd rather be a girl with a dick than a girl forced to live a lie for the benefit of my parents.
Many times the brain and the body do not match gender identity, even though genitalia male or female are present. Survival may cause the brain to make an alternative decision regardless of societal dictates. I was born a boy. My mother wanted a girl. As a child she treated me like a girl, let my hair grow long, down to my legs. My brothers and sister treated me like a girl for the first few years of my life. Genetically, mentally I was a boy. My older brother was circumcised, I was not. I grew up thinking I was a girl boy because I had a foreskin. I had boy toys, and girl toys, and played with both. At school I played boys games with boys and girls games with girls. I grew up male bisexual. In puberty I danced with girls, but was not aroused by then. At age 3 I was introduced to sex by a older male. I then had sex with several boys closer to my age, I liked it. I then had sex with a girl my age (3 years) I didn’t like it. I prefers boys. I was attracted to boys. I had girl friend and boyfriends at the same time in the same bed, and sexual with both. I got married and still had sex with both sexes at the same time. I identify as male, I’m not feminine. I have children and grandchildren. I’ve been married to two different women, and one man. I have had girlfriends for years, and boyfriends, and still do. I have no problem dating even now. Attraction is in the brain, as is sexual identity. So stop chopping off body parts, and trying to force idealistic sexual identity on other people. People will choose for themselves what they like or don’t like regardless of outside interference. Have a good life and be yourselves, forever.
That Guy You Know people can have different levels of testosterone and estrogen which lead to different gender identities. If someone has equal amounts of testosterone and estrogen they can feel like they are neither and don't fit into the binary. So yes there are ore than two genders.
Liam Trumbore It's funny when people like you make up all this crap and still aren't capable of understanding it. I said biological sex, not gender. Last time I checked, special snowflakes said that gender is a social construct or was gender is a spectrum.
+SN - Old channel Exactly right, and they may feel IS not either male or female..they are born that way so its up to them to decide what they want to be. If they want to be IS that should be ok too..seeing as 1 in 2000 births are IS there should be a third option on birth certificates for IS.
He's a conceited old bullying dinosaur who can't admit he's wrong and should have lost his license years ago. He's practicing mutilation of healthy babies.
The way he responded to the man who made it clear the procedure he performed on him was the wrong one proves otherwise. Admitting he enjoyed playing god and laughing after doing so proves otherwise. Did you even watch the video?
There are more definitions of intersex than having both male and female genitalia. Some people are born female and have XY chromosomes, some people are born male with XX chromosomes, some people are born with XXY chromosomes, the list goes on. It's more complex than genitalia.
* Thank you. DNA and chromosomes do not define anatomy. I never had mine tested because knowing the karyotype is totally irrelevant to the sex as I present myself. *
DNA isn't always XY for males and XX for females. Some people who appear biologically male actually have at least one extra X chromosome. This is called de la Chappelle Syndrome. There's also Klinefelter Syndrome. Likewise, some people who appear biologically female actually have at least one Y chromosome and this is called Swyer Syndrome.
SharonAnne N actually they do define genitalia, where did you get that dumbass information from? Someone who isn't the normal xx and xy is mutated dude, get your head out of your ass it's not a hat
One of my cousins was born this way back in the late 1940's. He was raised & named as a boy and my aunt & uncle were embarrassed by him because it was obvious he was more feminine than masculine (beautiful and had black hair & green eyes like his sisters). When he was old enough he made the transition through Stanford University to become the woman he was born to be and eventually married.
Thank you for raising awareness on this very important issue. It is imperative that society becomes more aware that sex and gender are not just black and white, not binary, that they exist on a spectrum, so that these damaging surgeries can be given more thought and so we no longer feel the need to force people into society's ideal of boy or girl. We need to learn to love and accept our children as they are and not try to force them to conform to some false beliefs of what they should be.
@@Herowebcomics No, because of mutations. These are natural biological variations, not deformities. Blonde hair, green eyes and white skin are all also mutations. Do you consider them deformities too?
@@shivapriyasaraswati7171 Nope! I consider penises with the hole in the wrong place or a vulva with a hole in the wrong place deformities! And that is what most of these things are!😡
I'm born Intersex, i fight for our rights since my childhood, the right to not be a victim of the surgery, the right to decide by our self. We are humans, not cats, not dogs……….. An intersex from my family was the victim of surgery. At the age of 5, her mother decided to have her daughter operated, the male parts were removed without her being informed of the real nature of the surgery, she thought she was being removed from the appendix. . While growing up, she became male despite surgery and attracted to women, but she could never recover what was stolen from her or be a father. My mother and her second husband, they also tried to have me operate to remove the female parts, but my mother's mother and the surgeon they saw protected me. Surgery is not necessary, it is not without a victim, the destruction of part of the genitals creates serious medical complications, the body has a certain balance, most of the victims are never informed and do not have the necessary medical treatments after this surgery.
Honestly, imagine how much worse it must be for cats and dogs that are born with the same condition. They will never be able to consent to the surgery no matter how old they are, because of the species language barrier; they should be used as a model for what it's like for these children rather than a direct comparison on their species.
This is why the option to select X as the gender of your newborn is becoming legal and more and more States. These children, these human beings deserve the chance to live as who they are. If you are a parent who made the choice to have children which should include loving them unconditionally. And your child was born with both genders it would be a no-brainer to choose gender X until your child find themselves and what gender they feel they are.
Kira Robertson That's awesome! You're right, America is way behind on many things. I know first hand, the disease I have is disabling. Twice as many people have it then people with MS.Yet, it's underfunded, understudied, and ignored even though it's as severe as a person within weeks of dying from AIDS.
Froggy77100 This world is fucked because of that. Even intersex children have a male or female brain and XX or XY chromosomes. Your chromosomes and genetical makeup determines your gender, and leaving a child to decide for itself could be detrimental to its mental health. Doctors perform a blood test, see if there are XX or XY chromosomes, and do the surgery accordingly.
I’m both male and female. I am both. I look like both. I’m 50. Even though I’ve given birth to a child, and have never gotten anyone pregnant. I guess I identify more with female with my clothes on. I’m proud, well I am now. Most of entire life was shame, guilt, disgrace, pain, abuse. I’m glad to be born and it, and stayed that way. I’m proud now to be who am!
Being intersex is actually quite common! I remember reading it's nearly as common as being redheaded. It seems rarer because the most known cases are the outward examples: the visible genitalia. But sometimes it doesn't effect the genitals, sometimes it's the internal gonads or even just your chromosomes or hormones. Some people go their entire lives without knowing. Not only is gender a spectrum, but so is sex. Nature works in amazing ways, and it'd be foolish to think it can work within a strict set of guidelines that WE, one simple species, made up. People who are "different" would be less "confused" if the world was just a little more open-minded to how intricate and expansive our makings are. Why should they have to agonize over their identities because we think nature conforms to our ideals? It never has and it never will.
@@isabellemyzer1807 I'm not sure, but some people argue PCOS is a form of intersex, or maybe the two just seem to overlap a lot. Both are pretty new fields of research. What matters most is what applies to you and what you're comfortable identifying with. This could be something you discuss with your doctor/whoever helped you diagnose your PCOS
@@taylorh7993 oh I fully identify as female. Like its more the physical/chemical aspect that I'm worried about. Ive always had over active fight or flight mode and serious issues with mood as a result. I've also always been noticeably stronger than my peers(even a few of the guys). I gained a lot of muscle during puberty, I've also gained muscle and maintained strength with little to no effort since then. I'm in my 20's now and I get so many weird looks and questions from people at the gym. "Like you're tiny, how are you doing 190lbs on the tricep press?!" Yeah idk🤦♀️🤦♀️🤦♀️🤦♀️ I'd definitely like to see more research done on this topic.
I didn't even pierce my daughters' ears (a reversible cosmetic procedure) until they were old enough to understand that it would hurt & still decided they wanted to do it. My girls aren't allowed to donate blood until they are of legal age to decide for themselves & be able to sign for themselves. I've always looked at it that my husband & I would only do what is medically necessary until they are of legal age to understand the ramifications & to consent themselves to any elective medical procedure that was unnecessary for survival or quality of life. We felt it was part of our job to get them to adulthood physically (& emotionally). I absolutely would NEVER make a decision like this for one of my children without their full understanding & consent. You can't ever take this back. Ugh it's forever devastating to the kids who just weren't given the correct assignment. Nope, no way. I could not. It goes against my very core & my strong values concerning bodily autonomy, patient's rights & informed consent that I have.
I had my ears pierced when I was a baby never caused any damage to me if anything I am thankful I had them pierced young because I can honestly say having my ears pierced again when I was older hurt
Getting your ears pierced don't hurt as bad as you think from what I can feel in my ear lives they've been pierced twice once when I was a toddler and once when I was in my early 20s
Just leave us be, it's society and it's standards that needs to change not us, see I had a choice before I came to earth of which gender I chose to be, I'm an angel in human form it's humans that decided to take away one of my genders to be accepted by society neither gender is better than the other nor more superior there is no race that is superior either we are all equals. I was raised as male but gotta be honest haven't always felt fully male, I've been told by many I'm androgynous, plus I lack muscle tone I've never been able to get ripped like other males I'm just toned but I'm quite strong despite how I look I've suprised alot of people with my strength, that aside I'm more into females but those who adopted and raised me made it seem as if it's wrong for me to be me, and yes I am more religious than most that think they are religious. I actually remember being born, I even saw my grandparents looking at me through the baby window at the hospital I just didn't know for sure until a few years ago I was going through some old pics and saw my grandparents when they were younger. I guess there is kinda an upside if you look at this from my point of view no matter what humans try to add or cut off on the outside we are still both genders on the inside, still there's a bigger agenda that those in power are trying to do, by altering us many like myself realize the full truth about ourselves when we get older it's why you see more transgender people when they are older, technically they were always transgender people just didn't know that, those in power are trying to promote their own agenda which is to legalize gays and lesbians and the ability to change ones gender from their natural form. For example a person born fully male can be changed into female or a full female altered to be a boy so they use people like us to promote their own agendas it's really an abomination being created it's Lucifer mocking God, could you imagine creating something unique a master piece flawless in your eyes and made perfect and then someone comes along and destroys your vision by taking away something or adding to it, I can imagine you wouldn't like it very much if might perhaps even anger you. This is what lucifer the fallen one is doing to God, I see everything yeah I know it might sound crazy but if you truly think about it, you might begin to see that I'm right and this here that I've written and explained is not even the tip of the ice hurt so to speak.
"A wrenching dilemma"? "Fix the child?" This is ridiculous! The only thing that needs to be fixed is society! Why can't people except that there are more than two genders?
Animal101 "Because their ARE only two genders. " No, they're are definitely more than two. "This is just an accident that occurs in the womb." Some of it. Some of it is simply a genetic trait that gets passed down.
I honestly pity the doctor. What he did was because at that time it was normal. You can't justify his decisions back then with the norms of now. You can't expect him to feel regret on something that was the norm back then. The only thing that should be done is that the law and procedures change according to trends and time. It's ridiculous to sue a hospital for something that they had done which was the norm back then. Just forgive and understand each other and move on.
Cassandra Tan that mother knew. And so did that boy. They are lying. They weren't happy with their choice, and now they will blame their wrong decision on that innocent doctor. Shame on them!
These Gender Committees needs to be outlawed and if doctors are still doing these operations and parents are still allowing it they should be sued/held accountable for forever ruining someones life. Technically, it's the parents fault for even considering such a drastic procedure. What would happen if doctors started sterilizing men and woman without their consent/knowledge? . Kudos to the Crawford's for suing the hospital and the State.
Yeah, they already tried that in the 20th century. Of course, it was a disaster. What you're referring to is called "Eugenics." The U.S. pioneered the the entire thing. That's where Hitler got his ideas! He just took it lightyears too far. Things will change. One day we'll look back on these intersex surgeries and other forms of genital mutilation as another dark piece of history.
children have rights and nobody have right to decide what sex will be,, that need to be ilegaly and get to jail, not matter who is, parents, and doctors have no rights to violate the rights for a baby, NO ONE !!!!
I wish that was true but children tend to be the most oppressed in terms of rights. They basically start from the premise of not being 'persons' and need to have their rights granted to them rather than already being persons like everybody else with a set of rights that would require justification to violate them. It's okay to violate people's rights as long as you can provide a proper justification for it such as necessity.
The Christian Right-Wing directly condemns transgender surgeries on minor, which I also condemn, but when intersex infant surgeries are concerned the Christian Right-Wing is hypocritical--actually encouraging such infant surgeries.
I hear ya.....But I think they may have involved Clergy because they can provide a perspective of how a decision can affect a person on a spiritual level. It appears that they are creating a Committee with a Wide range of perspectives to get a more holistic view of the impact a decision may have on the kid. Just my thoughts :-). God Bless!!!
Many times the brain and the body do not match gender identity, even though genitalia male or female are present. Survival may cause the brain to make an alternative decision regardless of societal dictates. I was born a boy. My mother wanted a girl. As a child she treated me like a girl, let my hair grow long, down to my legs. My brothers and sister treated me like a girl for the first few years of my life. Genetically, mentally I was a boy. My older brother was circumcised, I was not. I grew up thinking I was a girl boy because I had a foreskin. I had boy toys, and girl toys, and played with both. At school I played boys games with boys and girls games with girls. I grew up male bisexual. In puberty I danced with girls, but was not aroused by then. At age 3 I was introduced to sex by a older male. I then had sex with several boys closer to my age, I liked it. I then had sex with a girl my age (3 years) I didn’t like it. I prefers boys. I was attracted to boys. I had girl friend and boyfriends at the same time in the same bed, and sexual with both. I got married and still had sex with both sexes at the same time. I identify as male, I’m not feminine. I have children and grandchildren. I’ve been married to two different women, and one man. I have had girlfriends for years, and boyfriends, and still do. I have no problem dating even now. Attraction is in the brain, as is sexual identity. So stop chopping off body parts, and trying to force idealistic sexual identity on other people. People will choose for themselves what they like or don’t like regardless of outside interference. Have a good life and be yourselves, forever.
1. Shower baby with love and support and togetherness. 2. DNA test at birth and every so often. 3. Name the little person Pat, Sandy, or Mikal so there's no name changing needed. 4. Be open with family and friends. Invite them in to be you and your child's advocates! 5. Wait until the little person grows and shows interests to decide on pronouns; call child by name or endearing terms like honey, baby, etc. 6. Wait for the bigger person to have questions about why they have a penis when they act like a girl and have confirmed XX. 7. Begin using female pronouns. 8. Then wait for the minor female to turn 18 to give her consent to cut the penis off. Now Mikal has made her own decision and can look only to Mikal for any parts removed. 9. Shower her with love and support and togetherness. 10. See 1 & 9.
Nneka Excellent points! God is the giver of our sex because He wrote it in our genes! I think these "doctors" are performing social experiments under the guise of "making the best decision."
If Jamaica knew better, then the U.S. certainly knew better. These butchers masquerading as doctors, I believe, are performing social experiments in an attempt to discredit what God has already declared.
Maxine McFarlane tell people about it and tell kids that hey it's life and it can happen also they can get acting like bullies from there parents, so we just have to Stop that at the door steps before it enters our schools and other places too
I think the child should have the right to choose when they grow old enough. People need to stop forcing everything to be the way they think should be. 🤔
this makes me so sad I literally started tearing up. I think there needs to be a law in place for something like this. all the intersex stories you hear about they always say they were assigned the wrong gender. I can't even imagine dealing with that.
Well, i’m neither on both side. The kid has their right to decide what gender they feel they belong to. The doctors are doing their job and gives information based on what they learned, discussed, and agreed with their community and also of course with the kid’s parents. So basically, if the parents said no, then doctors won’t do it. They must have signed an agreement or something beforehand. So we can’t blame the doctor entirely. It’s their job to do what they think is best for the patient. And medical field is continuously being researched and is improving. So the best will come. Just my view though.
ana heart if the Doctors were doing their job they would leave them alone. Just because they are doctors they don't have the right to decide what is "abnormal" or interfere in someone's life.
According to them they can still pick what gender they want to be because gender is in the brain not the genitalia so what does it matter what they have.....
How can the doctor feel regret? Why would it be the doctor’s fault if the parents wanted the doctor to choose a gender and they told him to decide what the gender of their child would be. He’s just doing his job. The only apology that would’ve made sense would be to apologize for saifa feeling so miserable being a girl. It was the doctor’s choice after all. But he shouldn’t regret this. He’s not emotionally tied to this job. He’s just doing what paper and ink tells him to do at the end of the day. The doctor wasn’t there to nurture him or to watch him grow up... there was no way for him to know if choosing a girl or boy would be a better choice for saifa. It just happens to be that saifa hated the choice. And that was it. Sure, saifa feels miserable because he felt like he has no control towards what people do to HIS body. But at that age, it was your parents that decide your fate. It sucks what happened to saifa. The takeaway message would be that they shouldn’t decide on gender so young and they shouldn’t have gone through the procedure when they’re so young. But you just can’t blame it on someone who’s doing what their job tells them to do.
BringCarmie TheHorizon a DOCTOR should know the ramifications of such a drastic procedure. He should have advised against it. And may I say strongly advise. This man doesn't have a heart or a conscience as I see it
I noticed when the doctor was talking to Saifa he was stuttering. He said he had no regrets but he seemed very uncomfortable. I feel bad for Saifa but he seems to be very confident.
aGwEENapple. But he also said he did the best he could based on what he knew. That’s why he doesn’t regret. He would do it differently now. He’d take it to the panel now.
Catinthecloud yeah but Saifa's feelings should've been considered a lot more. He was 13. Why make such a drastic decision for such a young body? Also, he makes it seem it was clear he knew who he was. That is really sad.
aGwEENapple And then his ‘ignorant’ mother was convinced that she was doing the right thing. Cos unfortunately a lot of older black people don’t really think for themselves and tend to think that doctors are gods. They follow whatever they say and swallow whatever pills they give.
But listen to what the doctor said He said the parents thank him (the doctor) for giving them THEIR boy or girl. That's not his (the doctor) or their (the parents) decision to make. That's up to the child when it's old enough, if they even feel like they want surgery at that point. Because many intersex folks don't feel like they need to be fixed.
I had a cousin in Jamaica that was born intersex. The doctor told her mother that she should wait and see which gender the child took on before surgery. That was in Jamaica forty years ago. I would expect America to know better
Chantel Jathan cool. So which did she/he choose? Looks like they're quick to get rid of male parts here though.
purple00k she chose to be a girl.
Chantel Jathan
Does she have the internal reproductive organs to have kids?
Chantel Jathan. Just curious what is her name? Did her parents choose a gender neutral name?
My child was born intersex or ambiguous genitalia in 2000. I was only 19 years old and something told me to not listen to the doctors or my family pushing me to "fix" the situation. I waited and let Alex make the decision. She is 18 now and doing so well. I am so proud of her.
Way to go 🙋. If someone genuinely likes Alex they wouldn't care what her genitals look like anyway
I think you took the right decision :-)
Hi Jennifer, if you don't mind me asking a personal question at what age was it obvious she was a girl and how old was she when she had surgery to correct it (if she ever did)?
Aww well done you😁
Bridgee Bridge god didnt help people who committed suicide tho, he saved that one person. How lucky
Don't cut any parts off babies unless for life threatening neccessary health reasons. Leave their little bodies alone!
Lisa G well if it is a an intersex kid, that’s a girl, you should remove that thing, right? Or am I wrong cause I don’t understand why this is so bad, I’m sorry.
Again an Army member its genital mutilation and it can cause pain during sex, problems during childbirth, and inability to experience orgasms. Also you just are making a choice for them that can never be undone
Wait till they get older
Wish doctors would hear this before taking my foreskin
I think it should be the child’s choice when they get older. The parents shouldn’t do anything.
Elizabeth Mora
And they might choose to stay intersex too. It's their choice
Its their child so I think they should get to choose
That's cruel
@@noon6064 how it is their child they should be able to do a whatever they want until their child turns 18
Unless there is a medical issue, leave children’s genitalia alone! Including unnecessary circumcisions
Kitty Pop i totally agree with you
That would piss of muslims and jews
I’m all for the don’t mutilate or choose their gender but don’t say unnecessary because my religion, it’s told to be given the child a circumcision.
Bri Cheesy and that is your choice. It’s not medically necessary. Men uncut are not unclean. You can clean it. They need to be taught. If you only go by ‘tradition’ and not look at what is in the best interest of the child medically. Here are some points of interests, insurance companies don’t pay for it now, and it’s considered only cosmetic. It also is a surgery that the newborn does not get any pain relief before the procedure. So the child goes threw this surgery without anesthesia..... have you ever gone threw major surgery without anesthesia? Have you had a tooth out, a nose job, or a toe cut off without pain meds before? These are also major surgeries. It’s a trama to the body that is medically unnecessary. All being said, I still understand if your belief is to blindly follow tradition. I don’t discount your belief is your opinion. That is your choice for your children. Women, also have been circumcised in Africa as well, because of belief.... I also think that’s mutilation... and yes, without anesthesia as well.... the child does not have a choice. The parents choose... just some facts.... you can google these facts and find these facts....
LauraLee Foley there’s actually no trauma* to the body. They’re too young to remember it. But you may think it’s unnecessary but to some people it is necessary because of their beliefs
"-have their child *fixed* ." That statement alone is disgusting.
Soooo then what?
Reece C. I agree. how about they wait till there 18 to decide what gender they are.
And disgraceful
@@cooliipie >:( how are u so insensitive
I bet you say the same about transgender people
It broke my heart to see that doctor say he liked playing God and laughed right after. Never ever surrender your power to another human. Seek knowledge first. Always.
Agreed not god
Sounds like this boy’s decision was made before his adoption though. So sad.
Canada ran me down with a truck wirh my Christian group ans put me on the street with epilepsy and told me.they are god
That's because he's a quack he didn't care how he run that guy's life a sad so many sorry people out there just don't care the only thing they care about is making money off of him now he'll never be able to have babies of his own
Creepy-also saying he has no regrets. 😡
I’m pregnant and if my child was born this way I’d let the child decide. I’d encourage the child to wait until they were through puberty.
Ivana Fagulova. Mustn’t. Completely their choice.
You'll be an awesome mama ❤ 💕
@Ivana Sonns some inter-sex people are not cis.
We need special schools for these kids
@@dontwastetimeyouarelosingr8172 no we don’t
Should be the patients choice, not the parents or the doctors in their care.
kiaora224 actually it should be the child's choice.
New borns can't talk -_-
they can when they get older
Exactly Castle309D
+CASTLE309D im pretty sure that with patient he meant the child, the one undergoing surgery
I would just let my kid grow up. If they choose to have surgery when they are older it's not my decision. If they don't ever get surgery that's fine too.
that's going to make it hell on the kid as they approach puberty.
Yes. This is the only sane attitude.
The world needs more people like you 💜
dude the older they get into the hard for the surgery. I think about 5 months or so then you can see if the kids are a make a or female as appearances then decide it.
Implying that growing up with dysphoria isn't hell, or that kids won't bully someone with a bit of "gynecomastia". I grew up treated as a broken male and what's more I still had some femme internals so the way they treated me medically really caused both a lot of physical(imagine 10x the typical pain of periods, completely unable to stand up) and psychological pain.
This is not the same as transgender. They have different chromosome, genitals, and hormones. 100% not the same
HazelHaz no "hunny" they are not the same. If you learned to read you would see that I said intersex people have different hormones, genitals, and chromosome. They are not just one sex and choose to be the other. They feel disconnected because in a way they are both. Trans people are one sex who for some reason believe they can switch to the other even tho it is scientifically impossible
HazelHaz oh my god no. They aren't born with both sex organs are you really that stupid? They aren't the same as trans people and never will be. Quit using intersex as a gotcha.
HazelHaz are you really this dense? Do you know what intersex is? For example: Woman with it can have a vagina with an enlarged clitoris (clitoromegaly) that would be genitalia different to the common type. Do some fucking research before talking out of your ass
HazelHaz god you're annoying. No I clicked the video and never watched it. Do you hear yourself? Intersex people are not born with both sex organs. They are not people with a penis and vulva. They are people with a medical condition that gives them an extra x chromosome usually with causes difference in secondary sex characteristics, reproductive organs, and genitalia. If you really do experience this first hand I'm sorry you don't know what's going on in your own body
Alli Roma+ You are totally right. Men Women and Hermaphrodites (No I’m am not changing the words I use every couple of years just because people want to cry about it.) do have different chromosomes, GENITALIA, and hormones. This video is intentionlay set to make you think that they are the same though. Why do you think they said 1 in 2000 not .0005%
I worked in pediatric urology and asked the doctor why not wait til the kid is old enough to choose. He said some parents don't wanna wait. But that isn't fair, its irreversible. I hope things change for these individuals.
there is no excuse for genital surgery on a child if there are no actual health concerns. end of story. we don't chop off babies arms because they probably won't want it when they're grown up. societal pressures scare parents into giving into these doctors insisting on making their child "normal". just the fact that they often choose whichever sex would be "easiest" to turn the child into should be show enough that they don't have the child's wellbeing at heart.
Chris Relhard Agreed. Also a good argument against sexual reassignment surgery for children. When it all comes down to it, it's just some creepy doctor chopping at a child's body parts.
@Andre Woods he's saying to not chop off a healthy part of your body.
"no actual health concerns"
like the testicles producing hormones
a manly voice
facial hair
chemical imbalances in the brain
periods infertility
Pink Pepper i mean, my main issue with srs on children is reversibility. same reason that i think children with significant gender identity problems should go on hormone blockers. both surgeries and puberty are changes that you cannot reverse without extensive surgeries and hormones afterwards, and even then, you'll never get back to the original state. also, a lot of children that have dysphoria about their genitalia may be able to come to terms with it without surgery whether they're trans or not. again, any chance to limit medical intervention is good. no point cutting off healthy parts unless the patient has had psych help and comes to that conclusion on their own.
nanobot27 again, wait till the kid is at least in their mid-teens. as long as it isn't a health concern, there's no reason to put a child through surgery. they should be allowed to make the decision for themselves. and that's a pretty ableist view you've got there. clothing, houses, utilities, etc. aren't made for tall people, does that mean they should get extensive surgery to shorten their bones? what about children who are born conjoined? do they need to be medically separated even if they function perfectly and are happy together? just because they need modified clothing and equipment? what about people whose disabilities can't be solved by surgery or who have other reasons they can't have surgery? are they just a burden to society?
Why isn’t this being taught in schools? This is important!
Same reason we don't teach a lot of things in school, because fundamentalist Christians would flip the fuck out. We can't have any pesky facts that might contradict the sacred gender binary.
Yes then people would understand about what people think about gays
Well because it would be quote on quote "INAPPROPRIATE" because I always get in trouble at school for talking about INAPPROPRIATE things such as prostate,trans,gays you know stuff like that so if they were to tell us children about it everyone would be a questioning why they came to school today, and when I get in trouble at school it is always the fucking girls that always fucking snitch like little bitches and it pisses the fuck out of me
It has nothing to do with school??? That's a family issue!!!
@@janiceelliott4007 its nobody's business. WE all have FREE will to choose our sin
"What do you tell mommy that is?"
A baby. You tell the parents they have a healthy intersex baby.
Kaiden Daland Yes agreed
Exactly! I'm trying to figure out where did that illogical thinking come from?
Oh wait he was too busy playing god for a while remember?
Wait so they do the surgery without consent?
When I was 6 my closest friend told me she was a hermaphrodite. When she was born she had both and her parents were told to pick a gender. They raised her as a girl but without the operation. They decided she could make up her own mind when she was older.
I thought she was the luckiest person alive! That might sound weird but look at it from an innocent 6 year old's point of view. She could choose whereas the rest of us were just normal regular human beings. She was extra special, magical even and I considered myself lucky to get to be her friend.
She ended up choosing to stay a girl, got married and had kids of her own.
The problem with people in general is that they feel threatened by anything different. Anything different has to be fixed, has to be made 'normal'.
If each generation raised their children in acceptance, teach them to see the magic, etc., then no-one would feel the need to take the choice away from these special, unique children.
I think it's magical too.
It is taboo and wierd and wrong, but as long as it is legal I have no say
@@nufailanoonHow is the form in which a person is born wrong or taboo?
@@shivapriyasaraswati7171 sometimes it can be especially when it comes to sensitive stuff like gender. How can society accept your difference? It is not easy, literally so many things are affected by femininity and masculinity. Having a "third gender" will affect so many things negatively
And I swear they can't live in my society for example, not because of hate but because they don't fit anywhere. And almost all of them wouldn't object to the genital surgery that they had done as babies, at least in my society
@@shivapriyasaraswati7171 it is a deformity neither and both is an accident of something going wrong as an embryo as neither system works fully as male or female in the aspect of sexial functionality and creating new life internally as well as externally but neutral isn't a gender is it?
The only person I blame, is the mother. Thirteen is old enough to sit with your child, have a conversation and ask. If this happened to me, I would let me child decide when the time is right.
Super good point.
Exactly! So, Cephas was not aware as to what surgery they were having, At 13?! This seems 🐟 to me!
Actually no, a child's brain isnt fully developed until it is 18. Children cant make tough decisions
Waitl!! that conversation is not for a 13 year old. When the child becomes 18 and able to make that kind of decision then yes. Don't blame the mom because you want someone to be mad at.
Most intersex infants are healthy and do NOT require surgery. Therefore, most surgeries performed on them are for cosmetic reasons. This rush to surgery is usually the decision of the surgeon (urologist) who has a uninformed idea that left as they are, they will suffer “psychological problems” (the average urologist knows very little about psychology) or the parents who are embarrassed that their child in ‘different’. In fact Intersex children are more damaged by these unnecessary surgeries. By the age of 24 to 36 months a child of average intelligence will start to express their gender identity and this will allow the parents to send their child to school as either a boy or girl, Any surgeries MUST be the child’s choice when they are old enough to decide.
+dehericy9 No, it's usually the decision of the parents, not the doctors. Doctors can't do procedures willy-nilly.
not quite. if the baby has both functioning ovaries AND testes, it will cause a lot of problems.
+watchgoose so the kids grown up can do both with their partners.
mm thats quite nazi of you noah.
as the doctor says, it's done for the parents' anxieties. which is a completely unethical excuse to do non-medically necessary surgery on a baby.
I would never have the surgery done for my child. I would wait and let the child decide when ready.
Donna Joshi - Donna, I was a NICU nurse at major, University hospital in tne early 80s and saw this a number of times, babies with ambiguous genitalia and male DNA. . As nurses, we were all horrified that doctor's were surgically creating female genita!ia and sending them off w female hormones. Even as preemeis, the cute, impish, little boy faces on these babies were so obvious! The doctor in this video refers to a learning curve, but they only needed to stand back and look. We nurses cringed w sadness when well-intentioned parents (guided by these doctors) would bring their babies back to visit - with what was obviously a little boy , overdressed in frilly pink and ruffles. We just couldn't believe this was happening. Poor kids, who are now all adults. Thank God doctors have come to their senses about this!
The doctor in this video speaks of a learning curve, yet this practice of surgical 'corrective' surgeries started in the 1960's as a result of Dr. John Money's 'genitals+upbringing=gender' theory. A theory he 'supported' with the John/Joan case. A case in which he FALSIFIED the information he made public and was revealed to have done so in the 1980's; 30 years since the theory was proven false! The first infants to be surgically altered were born in the 1960's. They grew up and started speaking about their experiences in the 1980's, coinciding with Money's theory being proven false, and supporting that Money's theory was incorrect with their own testimonials. Learning curve my arse.
We've HAD the information for a long time already, even at the time of the older patient's birth. If this doctor, and others like him, had truly done their homework on the issue, they'd have KNOWN that it is best to allow the child to grow up to be mature enough to understand their body and their state of ebing, and to decide for themselves. The state, likewise, should know this by now. Yet doctors are STILL performing these horrible surgeries on babies that have no say in what is being done to their bodies. The state government's are STILL ordering these surgeries to be performed on orphaned children, likewise, when these people are mere babies, with no control over what happens to them. It is beyond sad. It is barbaric.
That's right, only the child would know it's real gender when he or she becomes older.
Me to
Yeah. I wonder why they don’t just wait to let the child choose!!!!
Why does an intersex individual need to choose a sex at all? I would walk around confusing people and looking like both genders at once.
they don’t need to choose, some people don’t care, some intersex people identify as non binary, some choose one or the other because they experience distress or gender/sex dysphoria and strongly identify with one gender. this person was given estrogen, and surgery, when he always felt more male, and wanted to have masculine hormones and development. but that’s their choice to make, individually, if you would choose to want to confuse people that’s ok too
sometimes I feel like a nut, sometimes I dont 🤣
😂 😂 😂 Me to
I was born Intersex and Mom chose boy, but I grew up always feeling like a girl. I tried and tried to be a Man for 46 years before I transitioned to female. I love my new life as a woman and only wish that I had transitioned sooner.
proud of you
Proud of you ❤️❤️❤️
I’m intersex too. I mainly live life as a woman too, but I have both genitalia. You are so beautiful! Keep loving life!
@@morrisgoss1858 thank you.
would you help my friend@@morrisgoss1858
I feel like this is different from transgender. For example, someone who is transgender already has a sex, someone intersex is meant to be male or female and the doctor is basically playing God in choosing.
I think I would give my kid the surgery and if they are older and doesn’t want to be that gender then I would be ok with them changing since I was the one that chose it but i think of i wanted my kid as a girl and chose as girl and she was ok with it then good thing I did it early on and if not it would be the same thing like the kid choosing
Karla De La Pena why wouldn’t you just wait and let them choose when their older? So basically you’re being selfish because you want a girl and would make that child a girl for your own selfish reasons. Meanwhile your child is depressed because they feel like their the wrong gender. Congratulations you just made your kids life growing up a living hell.
Justice 31 , gender is NOT right or left but a continuum
Katie Kane I’m not going to even bother to debate you on that.
Katie Kane Do you mean a spectrum?
If I was adopting a child and I found out they were intersex and had not had surgery yet I would NOT pick their sex for them. It’s not my place to tell them who they are. If they came to me later on and said which gender they were, then I would do everything I could to help them be the binary/non binary person they are. Same goes for any transgender child. I know all too well what it’s like to be born male inside a female body and not know how to express that feeling like something is terribly wrong.
Emmett Daniel Roden theydidnt pick the sex. The state gave him the operation while he was in the care of the state
What I would do is have the drs.do a chromosome test and the do th3 surgery based on that
@@ashleymitts the chromosome doesn't necessarily reveal the gender the individual grows to be throughout development. Many intersex with "xy" are born with a vaginal opening and in the place of an uterus, ovaries, fallopian tubes, they have undeveloped gonads in the abdomen. Basically in utero the cells in the embryo started to develop into a male but it stopped. Its called androgen insensitivity syndrome. Genetically speaking XY, is male, nonethess this goes to show sex is complex and can be non binary. In fact the majority of them grow up to be your normal average looking female with breasts with all the other exterior feminine features as well as the mental attributes.
What bathroom should they use at school
@larshildebrandt3835 So you want boys and girls to be using the bathroom at the same times? do you not know schools, there are multiple tolits there in the bathroom. Both girls and male cant go in there buddy LOL rethink bozo
"I used to, and I really liked it"
Damn that is open and insightful
We need to leave them alone. We need to let them have all of their intersex parts. If there is no medical urgency leave them alone.
Pamela Molina I agree completely!!!
Except for the fact that the baby is extremely confused. And its hormones are conflicting and crashing.
Agreed, My daughter is intersexed and a perfectly healthy 30 year old. It ain't broke. Don't fix it.
Unless they choose to go one way or the other and not stay the same. But that should be a decision that should be for them to make once they're older, not for the parents.
True true
What's wrong with waiting and let them decide it's there body
Their not there.
I agree on letting the child pick at puberty. The reasoning why I think the parents chose at birth is to save the child from bullying in school.
Their not there
It could be even harder to do the surgery when they are older, but idk everything
@@tiffkungpoify that is the only good reason to choose their gender.
i find it odd that they remove male genitelia when technically once you have a y chromosome you are male. he was 13. why not ask him.
dan tan i was thinking that too. technically i still think it should be the childs decision after all. But i have the same mindset, if they have male genitals then wouldnt they already have the testosterone and the male mindset?
i would think it would be easier to be a slightly feminine male as opposed to a masculine woman as well. women are expected to be small, cute, and hairless. thats harder to achieve if youre actually male.
MyFictional: all people tend to have both types of hormones, male and female. It's the ratio, not the presence, that makes some difference. Women have testosterone, too, and men have estrogen. Just not as much.
dan tan that's what is so stupid. The family is playing dumb. That family knew what was happening. Every surgery is a risk. Now the family isn't happy with their choice. Don't blame the doctor. He's just paid to do his job. They didn't have to opt for surgery either. What BS. Looking for money!!!
This is a subject that is not being addressed by the non medical group in congress. Their rulings are myopic, insensitive and ignorant. Those who are born with both genitalia deserve every consideration.
What is really horrifying is that as recently as 2004-2006 (I can't remember the year exactly.) They were charging parents who refused the surgery with "Medical Neglect", taking kids from their parents, and performing surgery on them, as "Medically Necessary". And Even If the parents got the kids back, it was done, and nothing they could do about it. Truly Fucked Up.
This is so sad. Why is DNA testing and time not considered? Sounds like quack unscientific doctor.
And they would ALL be running for the rest of their lives.
Angel V. Campbell
Omg. That's horrible!
That's just beyond disgusting
I believe that if a child is born intersex... then they should be able to decide which one they want to be. I mean they are the ones who have to live with it. They should be able to decide when the time is right for them.
Abby Nowlan and you don't think that will cause problems for an adolescent
Abby Nowlan That the dumbest idea I’ve heard. There has never been case where if a person was born with both geniality worked normally.
Molly Yeah sure thing kid. I’m so “scared” of them. You do sound like you’re brainwashed idiot who actually believes there “three” sexes.
To allow an intersex child be bullied by others as well as yourself? Is that fair?
What if the intersex condition creates severe pain or other medical issues that requires immediate surgery? What if it is impossible to separate the ambiguous genitalia? What then doctor Abby? These are COMMON conditions in intersex births. Sometimes decisions must be made quickly based on the best available information at the time. No one can know what gender identity the child will have in adulthood, so stop acting like you know what your talking about. You DON'T.
What the HELL is a "gender committee", and why does a clergy member get to be part of it?!
I think that's for religious families
Amanda Rioux, Because Someone Needs To Hear From The LORD In Making A Decision Like This!
@@lashunabranch6900 lol
Because it looks at all angles, philosophers and anthropologists are usually there too. Gender's complex
They want committees for everything....🤪
The Doctor looks evil by the eyes
I agree.
He looks nice. He was just doing his job
@@scomo7yearsago958 that's true
@@scomo7yearsago958 He literally said he liked playing god. He had moral issues while being a doctor. He knew he wasn't right XD
He laughed about it 🤦🏻♀️
Doctors are not god! Let a child decided when they know!
Leave those kids alone. There is nothing 'wrong' with them. They're perfect the way they are.
Exactly. If I were to have an intersex child, I would raise them the way they are and let them decide if they want to change anything.
I don't agree with doctors performing surgery without the patient's consent, but I highly doubt that intersex children are born "perfectly as they are". This is cleary a birth defect.
AdderBittea You seem to not understand what perfection is. True perfection is imperfect in mental and physical ways.. Someone you may consider beautiful may not be so beautiful to someone else
The doctor should have his ASS sued!
This is clearly a fucking birth defect.
I hope I never have a kid who is born like this. If I do though I would probably leave my kid's genitals alone until they were old enough to decide themselves. Maybe it is not necessary to wait until the kid is age 18 before letting the kid decide, but at least not until the kid has reached the age of reason and has spoken with a trained psychologist before letting the inter-sex kid make any choice (with the parent's consent of course) on surgery.
I would, too. I'd name them something gender-neutral and dress them in gender-neutral clothing until their behavior or words gave me an idea of a gender they'd prefer to dress as. As far as surgery, not until they ask for it and they'd get whatever they asked for.
+DeliciousPoison I agree with you although what we're still missing is a gender neutral pronoun. I think children should ALL have gender neutral pronouns and that this option could be continued into adulthood. I think this would also be beneficial to the whole of society being that we are still batttling between the sexes xx
Luna Quattrocchi I would leave my kid's genitals alone, but I would probably pick one sex (male or female) to put on my kid's official legal documents. That is until they expressed they wanted to be identified as a different sex.
It is just so much simpler to have one gender in our gender based society. It is not easy to fix bad decisions made in regard to surgery (if they can be fixed at all). By comparison, it is relatively easy to have legal documents (such as transsexual individuals also do) altered to accommodate your child in the event you made the wrong initial prediction of their mental sex.
FinalLugiaGuardian agreed. Unfortunately the paradigm shift is taking longer than we would like and in the best interest of the child a certain level of privacy is also a basic right. It makes me so happy to see when forms have an option to tick female/male/other. It doesn't happen often but at least it is beginning to happen. And I'm even seeing more and more gender neutral bathrooms particularly in yoga studios x
if a newborn has ambiguous gender or is intersex (has both), just do a DNA test to see if it is XX or XY, then start making decisions from there before rushing into surgery.
The damn doctor doesn’t have any regrets because HE didn’t have to live with the consequences! That’s the long and short of it!😡
Yeah well, he wasn’t the one castrated 💔
He doesn’t have any regrets because they didn’t know better at the time, and ultimately, at the time, it was the parents’ decision. He said he would do things differently now, and that the treatment of intersex babies and children has changed over time. I’m sure he prefers handing the surgery decision over to committees now.
Sad.... this is why being intersex needs more awareness...
Yup, instead media's attention has been too focused on transgender, while completely ignoring intergender people.
So I could be intersex and not even know about it?! What a messed up world we live in.
***** an FYI, Often Intersex Infants are surgically assigned a gender even without the knowledge/consent of the parents.
Youd know.
Im intersexed and have xxy klienfelters.
I realize that in, for example , the 50s, people weren’t an informed as today. I’d definitely wait for my child to decide. It’s so sad. I couldn’t imagine feeling like I was in the wrong body.
Tieia Middleton same, I'd wait unill my kid was old enough to pick one and id still love them which ever gender they picked.
Tieia Middleton A chromosome test would help. They didn’t have that test in the 1950’s. Chromosomes are the final determination of your sex. I do however think that an intersex child should be able to chose for themselves.
Tieia Middleton Bitch shut the fuck up lmao
Destiny Price 420 Bitch, you have female privilege. All women do is complain but they get treated things on silver platters. Lol who's out to get you? No one.
Destiny Price 420 There's your first problem, you believe there's actually a wage gap. It doesn't exist, look it up. Men just work more hours than females.
Im currently have an intersex partner and the decision was made for him to be a girl. He suffered so much especially with his spirituality. He has a full beard face like a man but body parts of a female. I love him cause im bisexual and i believe he was made just for me. He lived as a girl but suffered alot so he lived his life as a stud just to avoid some of the pain of explaining. He has female parts but also have the sperm to get a woman pregnant. I just love him because he is human. He wanted to get surgery to get male parts but decided that he was just happy being who he is. I believe leave it until the dominated person inside decides. Most ppl just want it to make sense not understanding God doesnt make mistakes. My baby went thru life thinking he was a mistake and told he came from hell😭 ppl are cruel
I’m intersex too. I haven’t gotten anyone pregnant, but I have given birth once. My whole life I was called an IT, or the spawn of satan. You and your partner are so special, and truly made for each other. I love your story, I want to find someone who loves me like you love your partner. Thank you for your encouraging words.
"Fixed"? they are not broken
they have a birth defect.fix is a pretty accurate word
The infant was born with an anomaly requiring surgery. Without intercession, the infant would grow to experience confusion, rejection, self-disrespect, and perhaps even worse. In the vernacular, that's a child with a broken future.
P D YES they were lmfao
It's not Intersex but the case of David Reimer always upsets me, he was forced to become a girl when he was a boy and because his choice was taken away it ended up effecting him so badly that he killed himself.
Intersex children should always be left until they know for definite that they are a boy or girl, no offence to Transgender people but they are allowed to chose yet these kids aren't and have that choice taken away? It's disgusting.
SalemGrimm Intersex individuals can also 'chose' to identify contrary to what people recognize them as. It's not like trans people have it easy. The same avenues that are open to trans people are also open to Intersex individuals who were forced into the binary. As a matter of fact, it might be easier for them due to them being born intersex and all.
Astronomical, that's not necessarily the case. Whereas transgender people can have their healthcare covered by insurance, because I am intersex it is considered mutually exclusive. So my insurance will pay for testosterone but not estrogen(I don't produce sex hormones), nevermind that testosterone isn't even a valid option given my gender and the state of my liver(plus it made my internal sex organs very angry). Also, I was getting that bullshit long before I started talking about that with my boss talking shit about me, extreme difficulty job hunting due to my androgyny, etc.
For others, such as people with AIS, testosterone might not even work.
Isn't that the guy that was castrated as a baby bc they screwed up his circumcision and didn't know how to fix it so they just gave him a sex change as an infant?
Yup, that's Reimer. Doctors go 'oops' and play god to cover up their egregious malpractice all the time.
SalemGrimm Thank you so many people only see the first years if this study not the tragic ending
Stop the nonsense! Let an intersex baby grow up to decide for him/herself, which sex they are!. I knew of a case of a friend's sibling. Glad they waited and allowed HER to decide! The child was being raised as a boy, but was a girl at heart.
it was what is done in Australia we actually recognize a third gender.
Oh I really hope they don't.
@@robertsonkira69 really? i’m moving
7:02 CLERGY!!!! Should NEVER be involved in this conversation. Only medical professionals. If it has no adverse effects to the babies health leave the child alone. Their social experiences are not a reason to perform permanent surgery it’s more so an indictment of us being ignorant or bigoted about this matter. Do away with this gender binary. It’s nonsense when intersex people exist and are living healthy happy lives. Change the society, not the intersex babies.
Leave these children alone -.- let them decide for themselves. Hell there may people out there who are perfectly happy living as they are and don't want a gender specific surgery
And he really wants to say there's no regrets? That's kinda heartless
Doesnt Matter
Not pushing these children to be the sex the parents want them to be, is not right. There are currently some homosexual couples who are pushing children they adopt, or have, toward the sex *they* want them to be. That too, is not right.
+SAAM I am Yes, it DOES matter. People's lives are forever changed, and often ruined, due to these barbaric surgeries.
+ladykiri42 The only people who should be making decisions about non-reversible genital surgery are the patients themselves. I highly recommend you do some research. Read things posted by the Intersex Society of North America, aka INSA an educational website run by people who are intersex themselves. You can find their faq here: www.isna.org/faq/what_is_intersex
MOST intersex people who were altered at birth will tell you (regardless of whether their mental gender matches the sex they were surgically assigned) that they wish they had never received the surgery; or at least not have had it performed on them when they were a non-consenting child.
Doesnt Matter the gender is in the DNA..
I am wondering how many transgendered people were really intersex at birth but never really told.
+TheDtfamu89 That's true.
+TheDtfamu89 That is a very good point. Though it's far more likely to be the case with FTM individuals than with MTF individuals.
+TheDtfamu89 And imagine how many cisgender people don't know about their sex!
+PoIsOnDiVx there is no cisgender that is a word they just made up recently to confuse young kids and teenagers...
gravegirl Cisgender is the opposite of transgender.
I hate when people say "We need to pick their gender" but it's not their gender, it's their sex
Fr tho people don’t realise how intricate gender identity is, gender is a social construct
That's the same
I was born intersex and the discrimination against me is horrible. Recently, my second day at work, A Team Leader In The Work Place approached me and she said "people keep coming to me asking if u are a boy or girl" I said to her that I'm used to the criticism, so she responded "well with all a** u got I thought you was a woman. I went home in despair feeling like I don't belong here on Earth.🥀😭 Being 1 out of 2000 isnt easy
God bless you you ar amazing and he made you uniquely ♥️🙏🏽
Rock on pal. Hope ur doing better rn.
You were born the way you were for a reason. Don’t care about what anyone says, it makes them worse than what they really are by offending you and trying to make you feel bad, don’t let them!
I'm sorry for those unpleasant experiences you had to endure. I hope you were or will soon be able to move to a job where these kinds of comments don't take place. Tf do people care.
I feel you. I use to feel that way, that I was cursed. My abuse was so brutal. Especially because I’m both male and female equally. I look both male and female equally. I just started loving myself very recently. Don’t mind that idiot that came up trying to play silly mind games, and rent space in your head. Be courteous to, and respectful to everyone, but only socialize with people who understand and got your best interest at heart period. You are so truly amazing, and you should be so very proud of yourself! Every single inch of you from head to toe is simply perfect. Love, love,and enjoy life! You deserve it.
I think its interesting how the reporter tries to pin the whole thing on the doctor asking him if he have any remorse as if the parents had nothing to do with the decision to go through with his surgery when he was 13 AND keep him in the dark over the years. At that age, the parents should have asked the child what he wanted to do and such. The doctor followed the protocol they thought was correct at the time, though it was ultimately proven to be imperfect, at the end of the day it was the parents who gave consent to mutilate their child. The reporter should be asking his parents if they had any remorse instead.
Also, this is a very one sided story. While I generally agree with leaving it until the child grows up to make his/her own decision, I'd like to hear if there are any consequences, whether physical or mental, to leaving it until adulthood. But that was not addressed at all in this report. It's a very one sided argument leaving the viewer with insufficient information to truly understand the situation.
My cousin was born this way and had always felt played and talked like a girl .At 21 she had test to confirm biological what gender she was and the test came back medical confirmation that she was she was biologically a female born with parasitic genitalia part of what was supposed to be her twin but the egg did not separate properly. Sorry for all the children whose choice was taken from them .
Lisa Martinez hi. Why wasn’t the test done at birth?
They didn’t have s gender test most likely and probably just changed all to girls because the penises are probably micro penises and it’s easier to remove
When a child is born intersex the question is, which sex can become a parent. A classmate of mine had the external look of a male, but internally was a female. Thankfully when he started to penetrate (first time the family even knew about his internal organs) they did the right thing for her. They moved away from.the area, and got surgery for her. She is now a great Mom who is thankful that her hub and does not care 1 iota that for 12 years she was 'male'. She too was what is medically called a chymora, a surviving twin that absorbed a twin that did not survive. Many times when a hermaphrodite is born that is the true case.
Why not DNA immediately if born with both sexes..and what if they have a uterus and ovaries which produce estrogen..
This breaks my heart. I would like to meet Saifa, such a kind gentle person..understanding and forgiving
💜 💜 💜
Me too
What a nice guy
Considering that roughly 4 million babies are born every year in the United States alone, that’s a pretty large amount of people that are born intersex (1 in 2,000). I’ve been a very social person working in the medical field as a CNA for over 20 years. I worked both at a hospital and multiple nursing homes giving direct patient care (my job was to dress, bathe, and assist in daily activities) and during that entire time I only came across one intersex individual. She was primarily a female (she married a man and had a child) but she also had a penis (it was very small and I assume it didn’t work properly but I didn’t ask of course).
Other than that lady, I’ve never even met one person that openly identified or admitted to being intersex. I think it goes to show how hard it must be for them to open up.
I actually have Crohn’s disease and have a hard time talking about that openly, I couldn’t imagine how hard it would be to be intersex. I admire those who have the courage to open up about it and bring light and attention to this issue. The more people become familiar with a disorder, the less discrimination these people will feel about themselves. It’s incredibly sad to be put down and made fun of over a condition you were born with and never wanted in the first place and can’t do anything about.
if I had a child like this I would still love them and give them the choice . my baby is precious regardless
I have a cousin who was born intersex, her mother was 15 at the time of her birth and was pressured in making a decision and they decided as surgically making my cousin a girl and she grew up as the emotions and mentality of a boy. She's accepted it and is more in touch with her masculine side but I've always felt she was robbed of her decision.
I think its important for the child as a teen have photographs of the genitalia so they understand why it was so difficult to determine
They castrated a boy with a small penis. This is completely insane.
Yes let the child decide. It is their body.
This is just wrong, let the child decide when their older.
why aren't we checking chromosomes before we do the chop chop chopping?
MrTiredmatt Chromosomes will not always tell you the gender of the child. It'll tell you the sex, but not necessarily the gender.
peepslostsheep I agree but it would certainly give at least something to go from in an intersex child, as more people are cis-gendered than trans in the population.
peepslostsheep oh i just realized that i was talking to an idiot. but hey, good job spelling the word chromosomes. jk you copied it from me. good luck, common moron...
MrTiredmatt Why a moron?!
MrTiredmatt "common moron..."
From the person who cannot capitalize, or more importantly, state what about my post is inaccurate or 'idiotic'.
People resort to insults when they know they've lost. I'll take this as your aggressive resignation from the topic.
It seems to me, that if 1 in every 2,000 babies are intersex, (and I've heard 1 in 1,000 before) we need to consider, that either, A.) ambiguous genitalia is normal, or B.) figure out what we're doing, or being exposed to, that causes it.
In the beginning GOD created them male and female. I guess we are becoming more like we were at first.
Intersex babies were named hermaphrodites in Ancient Greece.
t maria you hit it right on, I too believe something is happening that is causing this.... I've been woke on a lot of things going on in Hollywood, something is not right & there is a hidden agenda with being both sexes... You may not be familiar with what I'm saying, I have done a lot of research & know something is not right🤔
Satan is ruling the earth right now & wants to go against God so everything is not what it seems.... So much deception here on earth, we have free will to choose but with intersex going on something is off.....
Every person's external genetalia begins as male. At some point it does not fully develop one way or the other. I believe that it is the same as any other birth "defect". One that has an unknown cause. In my opinion it's no different than a limb that never fully developed or a spine that never closed completely. I had a coworker who was told that she was having a girl. However when her baby was born they had ambiguous genetalia. The baby was not able to urinate properly due to the severity of the defect and surgery had to be performed. Genetic testing was performed first and it was determined that the baby was a boy based on his chromosomes. I never saw what his genetalia looked like but she said that it appeared to be a penis but his urethra was not where it should have been
Intersex ,i knew a homosexual man who had both. He was such an awesome person but so confused 😔 i miss him so much,he was killed by a drunk driver..
Samantha Speaks So Sorry for your loss 😢
I’m sorry 😔God bless his soul, he was not ready for this world 🌎
Why are people so selfish? Drinking before driving and texting during! 😢
Just saw a 8 year old who went brain died from DWI
Samantha Speaks OMG! That's awful. So sad. DUI is another thing we need to eradicate.
This young man has so much grace. Amazing. The surgeon has “no regrets”. Lord.
I expected him to say he had "no regerts" considering how stupid he is.
My God. They are playing with children's lives. Creating literal confusion.. this is the beast creating this.. Jesus please help the children.. Please pray for those people...
We are angels in human form there's nothing wrong with us but when we are altered it harms us, this is one of the main reasons we end up losing, there's more to the picture than you can see, and your right it is Lucifer doing this to us, if you look now seats to what those in power are promoting you might see how we are still victims and abominations are being made, Lucifer uses humans to bring about his plan and will their just unknowing or uncaring of this fact humans will never be God nor will Lucifer.
No dr can or ever will be God..only God can create ..He knew them before they conceive..these dr r doing this ONLY FOR MONEY
@@Invisbleflame1 You're smoking meth or something... You need to lay off the drugs.
There is no such thing as Lucifer or god...
And even at that, If there was, If you really knew what you was talking about, Lucifer wasn't really even considered evil..
He might be the king of Hell but his job is to punish the bad & only that, Its not to create evil.
Fuck man, I don't even believe that bs or read the bible & even I know that..
Angel of truth huh? More like imbecile of false truths..
@@luniz3429 I hope and pray you do realize there's a God I k ow alot of people get annoy by it but it's true.. Watch christforgiveness ministry atheism exposed... I can choose not to believe but God already gave me evidence that he exists ❤️ God bless you dude I really do hope you believe just take the time to listen even though it sounds crazy in Jesus name or watch 'living waters' on youtube as well
@@jazzv611 Yet your jesus has people dying, getting tortured, abused and soo much more
How dare they mutilate children! It should be up to the kids when they get old enough to decide on their own.
People don't get mad about circumcision but this is an outrage. Ridiculous.
Circumcision is bad, but this is easily 50x worse. We're talking about people having *all* of the sensitive parts of their genitalia removed for 'normalizing'. Also, intersex medicalization goes way beyond genitals and into sterilization and hormone treatment. What doctors did to me nearly brought me to suicide.
PhantomQueenOne What about puberty
PhantomQueenOne If they had both sex organs when they hit puberty then all hell would break lose. Your reproductive system would over clock itself with all the hormones. They could possible get themselves pregnant. Im sorry but if they are just born its the parents decision whether the choose a male or a female, as the child cant think for itself at that age or decide what gender it wants :/ THERE ARE TWO GENDERS!!! BE FUCKING HAPPY YOU GET TO LIVE WITH ONE OF THEM, WHEN CHILDREN OUT THERE DONT EVEN SURVIVE BIRTH YOU DESPICABLE RUNTS!
(Now don't start shit w the, “i can sexually identify as anything i choose”, BITCH NO, biologically there are only two and there will only be two. Our purpose is to survive. Reproduction is done by two parts, the fertilisation and the pregnancy. Two parts-Two genders. A third wouldnt be needed ;-; thus resulting in our species and all other species having only two genders. Like i don't see a rabbit identifying as an Apache attack helicopter.
Attack helicopter? How original! Seriously, you don't know shit about this issue, and most surgeries on intersex people sterilize them and prevent them from going through natural puberty without hormone supplements. Seriously, you have no idea how bad the dysphoria caused by this sort of thing is.
Also, a good deal of your 'basic biology' stuff is just wrong.
I was lied to my entire life. I didn't know I was born intersexed until I was 32 years old. I was turned into a female. I hadbeen married for 6 years and didn't know anything was wrong or different than other women until my husband began askingme questions I couldn't answer. I paid a lot of money to get original records from 1964 and took them to my primary carephysician. The first thing I felt was shock. Now, the questions my husband was asking made sense. I confronted my Mom and Dad about all it the next day and niether would even speak with me about it. My parents committed suicide 6 months later. Just 2 months after my parent's suicide; my husband divorced me. That's all been over 20 years ago now. I live everyday afraid to have any feelings of affection for anyone other than my baby brother. I love him like he was my own child. We are 7 years apart and even he didn't know about my gender re-assignment surgery. My grandparents knew and all my aunts and uncles knew. No one ever even gave me so much as an inkling of an idea. From the time I was young (5 or 6 yrs. old) I was scared of being a lesbian. I knew I was a girl and I preferred female over male. I should have had the chance to be raised as a boy. That's what I was meant to be. I remember a surgery I had when I was about 10 or 11 years old "to repair hernias" was what I was told. But,the truth of it was; they were removing my testicles and finishing what was started when I was only about 9 months old. I sill live as a woman because I don't have a choice to do otherwise. Homosexuality is not an option and has never been throughout my life due to strong religious belief. But what if all this time I have believed wrong? I still can't ever see a future as a "wife" ever again because I'm too afraid of "being found out" after my husband divorced me. Life can be strange.
God bless you God loves you and made you uniquely ♥️🙏🏽🥰
Karen your story is touching, religion has made us live life as if we are in prison cells, locked up and never free, your loss could have been avoided by just your Parents accepting who you were and be free! I pray that you get peace one day and enjoy freedom and have life in fullness.
Forget religion. God is an internal reaction in your brain rather than a physical entity. God isn't going to punish you, because god is completely internal and consciousness ceases in the end. You're a good person, try not to let the bible blackmail you into doing something that doesn't work for you. My advice is to just find a reliable friend, punch some sense into your ex and sue the crap out of your family if they're still alive. None of this is your fault and you deserve so much better.
You are so amazing! What a testimony. I thought my life was hard. I stand up and applaud you for your strength and your courage! I’m intersex too, I’m 50, and lived much of my life with abuse or feelings of shame and guilt, and inner turmoil. At 50, I just started loving myself and life. I had to tell myself that no more pain and suffering, it’s time to finally live., and love, and live out loud in color! Enjoy life! Only be around those that love me, and care and want my happiness and best interest. You’ll find love again or for real this time, because it will be somebody that has been through what you have as well. Someone who understands exactly what you are going through and have been through, someone who only wants to see you happy, and protected and cared for, and loved and cherished. Who knows exactly who you are, and respects you more for it. You should be so proud of yourself, for what you have endured and what tomorrow holds. You should smile, because your future looks amazing from here. Love you my friend. I’m rooting for you! Seek those that are like you, no more hiding.
@@morrisgoss1858 Thank you for your kind words. You and I are both part of a special kind of people and I appreciate your heart felt message. It brought a tear to my eyes and a lot of joy and acceptance to my heart. Be blessed my friend and thank you again.
Man some doctors sometimes are just too excited to cut/open/stitch something up.
enemay Haha lmao. U just made my day xD
They get paid to do it
+Lorelei Lets Live Together they got well paid too and they get to see virgin dicks n pussies all the time. look at the docs eyes. it's red, yo get that when you see too much genitals
sabisch truepain Definitely, he made so much money violating these children and he doesn't even regret it.
Wouldn't anyone rather have two functional sets of genitals until age 18 than take a 50/50 chance of having the genitals they want cut off?
Actually, one of the genitalia wouldn't function.
I sure as hell would! I'm a girl and I love being a girl, and I'd rather be a girl with a dick than a girl forced to live a lie for the benefit of my parents.
Not fully functional. Almost all intersex people are infertile
princesstab33501 They said functional, not fully functional -3-. Total semantics
Many times the brain and the body do not match gender identity, even though genitalia male or female are present. Survival may cause the brain to make an alternative decision regardless of societal dictates. I was born a boy. My mother wanted a girl. As a child she treated me like a girl, let my hair grow long, down to my legs. My brothers and sister treated me like a girl for the first few years of my life. Genetically, mentally I was a boy. My older brother was circumcised, I was not. I grew up thinking I was a girl boy because I had a foreskin. I had boy toys, and girl toys, and played with both. At school I played boys games with boys and girls games with girls. I grew up male bisexual. In puberty I danced with girls, but was not aroused by then. At age 3 I was introduced to sex by a older male. I then had sex with several boys closer to my age, I liked it. I then had sex with a girl my age (3 years) I didn’t like it. I prefers boys. I was attracted to boys.
I had girl friend and boyfriends at the same time in the same bed, and sexual with both. I got married and still had sex with both sexes at the same time.
I identify as male, I’m not feminine. I have children and grandchildren.
I’ve been married to two different women, and one man. I have had girlfriends for years, and boyfriends, and still do. I have no problem dating even now.
Attraction is in the brain, as is sexual identity.
So stop chopping off body parts, and trying to force idealistic sexual identity on other people. People will choose for themselves what they like or don’t like regardless of outside interference. Have a good life and be yourselves, forever.
That's why people should let intersex children tell the parents their gender identity
+Liam Trumbore ..There's only two biological sexes......
That Guy You Know people can have different levels of testosterone and estrogen which lead to different gender identities. If someone has equal amounts of testosterone and estrogen they can feel like they are neither and don't fit into the binary. So yes there are ore than two genders.
Liam Trumbore It's funny when people like you make up all this crap and still aren't capable of understanding it. I said biological sex, not gender. Last time I checked, special snowflakes said that gender is a social construct or was gender is a spectrum.
We have male, female and intersex. Intersex is a biological physical thing, not a mental one.
+SN - Old channel Exactly right, and they may feel IS not either male or female..they are born that way so its up to them to decide what they want to be. If they want to be IS that should be ok too..seeing as 1 in 2000 births are IS there should be a third option on birth certificates for IS.
I think that doctor explained that perfectly and can tell he has compassion for individuals and practicing up to date medicine.
He's a conceited old bullying dinosaur who can't admit he's wrong and should have lost his license years ago. He's practicing mutilation of healthy babies.
The way he responded to the man who made it clear the procedure he performed on him was the wrong one proves otherwise. Admitting he enjoyed playing god and laughing after doing so proves otherwise. Did you even watch the video?
There are more definitions of intersex than having both male and female genitalia. Some people are born female and have XY chromosomes, some people are born male with XX chromosomes, some people are born with XXY chromosomes, the list goes on. It's more complex than genitalia.
Thank you. DNA and chromosomes do not define anatomy. I never had mine tested because knowing the karyotype is totally irrelevant to the sex as I present myself.
Females are XX males are XY
DNA isn't always XY for males and XX for females. Some people who appear biologically male actually have at least one extra X chromosome. This is called de la Chappelle Syndrome. There's also Klinefelter Syndrome. Likewise, some people who appear biologically female actually have at least one Y chromosome and this is called Swyer Syndrome.
SharonAnne N actually they do define genitalia, where did you get that dumbass information from? Someone who isn't the normal xx and xy is mutated dude, get your head out of your ass it's not a hat
Good examples. There's also androgen insensitivity syndrome.
One of my cousins was born this way back in the late 1940's. He was raised & named as a boy and my aunt & uncle were embarrassed by him because it was obvious he was more feminine than masculine (beautiful and had black hair & green eyes like his sisters). When he was old enough he made the transition through Stanford University to become the woman he was born to be and eventually married.
Thank you for raising awareness on this very important issue. It is imperative that society becomes more aware that sex and gender are not just black and white, not binary, that they exist on a spectrum, so that these damaging surgeries can be given more thought and so we no longer feel the need to force people into society's ideal of boy or girl. We need to learn to love and accept our children as they are and not try to force them to conform to some false beliefs of what they should be.
Gender is not black at who,but sex is.😡
@@HerowebcomicsNo, it is not.
@@shivapriyasaraswati7171 ... Because of the deformities.
@@Herowebcomics No, because of mutations. These are natural biological variations, not deformities. Blonde hair, green eyes and white skin are all also mutations. Do you consider them deformities too?
@@shivapriyasaraswati7171 Nope!
I consider penises with the hole in the wrong place or a vulva with a hole in the wrong place deformities!
And that is what most of these things are!😡
I'm born Intersex, i fight for our rights since my childhood, the right to not be a victim of the surgery, the right to decide by our self.
We are humans, not cats, not dogs………..
An intersex from my family was the victim of surgery. At the age of 5, her mother decided to have her daughter operated, the male parts were removed without her being informed of the real nature of the surgery, she thought she was being removed from the appendix. .
While growing up, she became male despite surgery and attracted to women, but she could never recover what was stolen from her or be a father.
My mother and her second husband, they also tried to have me operate to remove the female parts, but my mother's mother and the surgeon they saw protected me.
Surgery is not necessary, it is not without a victim, the destruction of part of the genitals creates serious medical complications, the body has a certain balance, most of the victims are never informed and do not have the necessary medical treatments after this surgery.
Honestly, imagine how much worse it must be for cats and dogs that are born with the same condition. They will never be able to consent to the surgery no matter how old they are, because of the species language barrier; they should be used as a model for what it's like for these children rather than a direct comparison on their species.
Wow! It's so sad. They need to leave the babies alone. They ruin people's lives.
5:34 the doctors response chilled me to the bone
surfitlive hence why a lot of medical records for intersexed individuals go "Missing" conveniently.
Sometimes they are Intentionally made to "Disappear" over fears of potential lawsuits.
Possible in my case, but I just don't know with any certanty.
+surfitlive Exactly. Which is why he said what he did at the beginning of the interview.
MrTiredmatt I think The Dr. Has different responses from different people. It was a different time.
He is disgusting
This is why the option to select X as the gender of your newborn is becoming legal and more and more States. These children, these human beings deserve the chance to live as who they are. If you are a parent who made the choice to have children which should include loving them unconditionally. And your child was born with both genders it would be a no-brainer to choose gender X until your child find themselves and what gender they feel they are.
the whole country of Australia has gender X for years... America really needs to learn science.
Kira Robertson
That's awesome! You're right, America is way behind on many things. I know first hand, the disease I have is disabling. Twice as many people have it then people with MS.Yet, it's underfunded, understudied, and ignored even though it's as severe as a person within weeks of dying from AIDS.
Froggy77100 This world is fucked because of that. Even intersex children have a male or female brain and XX or XY chromosomes. Your chromosomes and genetical makeup determines your gender, and leaving a child to decide for itself could be detrimental to its mental health. Doctors perform a blood test, see if there are XX or XY chromosomes, and do the surgery accordingly.
I’m both male and female. I am both. I look like both. I’m 50. Even though I’ve given birth to a child, and have never gotten anyone pregnant. I guess I identify more with female with my clothes on. I’m proud, well I am now. Most of entire life was shame, guilt, disgrace, pain, abuse. I’m glad to be born and it, and stayed that way. I’m proud now to be who am!
as a nurse of 35 yrs i believe you wait to see if the child acts male or female.
That must be very difficult.
Being intersex is actually quite common! I remember reading it's nearly as common as being redheaded. It seems rarer because the most known cases are the outward examples: the visible genitalia. But sometimes it doesn't effect the genitals, sometimes it's the internal gonads or even just your chromosomes or hormones. Some people go their entire lives without knowing.
Not only is gender a spectrum, but so is sex. Nature works in amazing ways, and it'd be foolish to think it can work within a strict set of guidelines that WE, one simple species, made up. People who are "different" would be less "confused" if the world was just a little more open-minded to how intricate and expansive our makings are. Why should they have to agonize over their identities because we think nature conforms to our ideals? It never has and it never will.
I agree sm!
"Why do we think nature conforms to our ideals?" Beautifully put
Well I have PCOS, does that mean anything?! I mean I have all the female "parts" its just that my hormones are wack.
@@isabellemyzer1807 I'm not sure, but some people argue PCOS is a form of intersex, or maybe the two just seem to overlap a lot. Both are pretty new fields of research. What matters most is what applies to you and what you're comfortable identifying with. This could be something you discuss with your doctor/whoever helped you diagnose your PCOS
@@taylorh7993 oh I fully identify as female. Like its more the physical/chemical aspect that I'm worried about. Ive always had over active fight or flight mode and serious issues with mood as a result.
I've also always been noticeably stronger than my peers(even a few of the guys). I gained a lot of muscle during puberty, I've also gained muscle and maintained strength with little to no effort since then. I'm in my 20's now and I get so many weird looks and questions from people at the gym. "Like you're tiny, how are you doing 190lbs on the tricep press?!" Yeah idk🤦♀️🤦♀️🤦♀️🤦♀️
I'd definitely like to see more research done on this topic.
I'm waiting for the day when people stop fucking up the kids and just let them grow
Only the child knows who they want to be. Let them decide.
I didn't even pierce my daughters' ears (a reversible cosmetic procedure) until they were old enough to understand that it would hurt & still decided they wanted to do it. My girls aren't allowed to donate blood until they are of legal age to decide for themselves & be able to sign for themselves.
I've always looked at it that my husband & I would only do what is medically necessary until they are of legal age to understand the ramifications & to consent themselves to any elective medical procedure that was unnecessary for survival or quality of life. We felt it was part of our job to get them to adulthood physically (& emotionally).
I absolutely would NEVER make a decision like this for one of my children without their full understanding & consent.
You can't ever take this back. Ugh it's forever devastating to the kids who just weren't given the correct assignment.
Nope, no way. I could not. It goes against my very core & my strong values concerning bodily autonomy, patient's rights & informed consent that I have.
I had my ears pierced when I was a baby never caused any damage to me if anything I am thankful I had them pierced young because I can honestly say having my ears pierced again when I was older hurt
I reckon until the person is old enough to consent to sex they shouldn't be old enough to consent to genital surgery!
Getting your ears pierced don't hurt as bad as you think from what I can feel in my ear lives they've been pierced twice once when I was a toddler and once when I was in my early 20s
Just leave us be, it's society and it's standards that needs to change not us, see I had a choice before I came to earth of which gender I chose to be, I'm an angel in human form it's humans that decided to take away one of my genders to be accepted by society neither gender is better than the other nor more superior there is no race that is superior either we are all equals. I was raised as male but gotta be honest haven't always felt fully male, I've been told by many I'm androgynous, plus I lack muscle tone I've never been able to get ripped like other males I'm just toned but I'm quite strong despite how I look I've suprised alot of people with my strength, that aside I'm more into females but those who adopted and raised me made it seem as if it's wrong for me to be me, and yes I am more religious than most that think they are religious. I actually remember being born, I even saw my grandparents looking at me through the baby window at the hospital I just didn't know for sure until a few years ago I was going through some old pics and saw my grandparents when they were younger. I guess there is kinda an upside if you look at this from my point of view no matter what humans try to add or cut off on the outside we are still both genders on the inside, still there's a bigger agenda that those in power are trying to do, by altering us many like myself realize the full truth about ourselves when we get older it's why you see more transgender people when they are older, technically they were always transgender people just didn't know that, those in power are trying to promote their own agenda which is to legalize gays and lesbians and the ability to change ones gender from their natural form. For example a person born fully male can be changed into female or a full female altered to be a boy so they use people like us to promote their own agendas it's really an abomination being created it's Lucifer mocking God, could you imagine creating something unique a master piece flawless in your eyes and made perfect and then someone comes along and destroys your vision by taking away something or adding to it, I can imagine you wouldn't like it very much if might perhaps even anger you. This is what lucifer the fallen one is doing to God, I see everything yeah I know it might sound crazy but if you truly think about it, you might begin to see that I'm right and this here that I've written and explained is not even the tip of the ice hurt so to speak.
"A wrenching dilemma"? "Fix the child?" This is ridiculous! The only thing that needs to be fixed is society! Why can't people except that there are more than two genders?
Because their ARE only two genders. This is just an accident that occurs in the womb.
Animal101 "Because their ARE only two genders. "
No, they're are definitely more than two.
"This is just an accident that occurs in the womb."
Some of it. Some of it is simply a genetic trait that gets passed down.
peepslostsheep I don't think that is actually true but if it is it still wouldn't be a gender it would be a terrible gene.
Animal101 It is true, and you are right, it is not a gender. It is a *sex*.
gender and sex are the same thing. I have a feeling you disagree. Intersex is no different from down syndrome.(not trying to be offensive)
I honestly pity the doctor. What he did was because at that time it was normal. You can't justify his decisions back then with the norms of now. You can't expect him to feel regret on something that was the norm back then. The only thing that should be done is that the law and procedures change according to trends and time. It's ridiculous to sue a hospital for something that they had done which was the norm back then. Just forgive and understand each other and move on.
Cassandra Tan Agreed!
Nope. What's "normal" isn't always what's okay. stop being a apologist
Cassandra Tan that mother knew. And so did that boy. They are lying. They weren't happy with their choice, and now they will blame their wrong decision on that innocent doctor. Shame on them!
Sharon Smith Shame on that doctor. You all are so used to making excuses for white men in power it's ridiculous
That's so unfair. If they have both sexual organs they have to let the child grow up and decide. This is not the choice of doctors or parents.
These Gender Committees needs to be outlawed and if doctors are still doing these operations and parents are still allowing it they should be sued/held accountable for forever ruining someones life. Technically, it's the parents fault for even considering such a drastic procedure. What would happen if doctors started sterilizing men and woman without their consent/knowledge? . Kudos to the Crawford's for suing the hospital and the State.
Yeah, they already tried that in the 20th century. Of course, it was a disaster. What you're referring to is called "Eugenics." The U.S. pioneered the the entire thing. That's where Hitler got his ideas! He just took it lightyears too far. Things will change. One day we'll look back on these intersex surgeries and other forms of genital mutilation as another dark piece of history.
Avoid operating. Don't do it to your child.
@Hello there, how are you doing this blessed day?
children have rights and nobody have right to decide what sex will be,, that need to be ilegaly and get to jail, not matter who is, parents, and doctors have no rights to violate the rights for a baby,
NO ONE !!!!
You are the type of people that drive me nuts
I wish that was true but children tend to be the most oppressed in terms of rights. They basically start from the premise of not being 'persons' and need to have their rights granted to them rather than already being persons like everybody else with a set of rights that would require justification to violate them.
It's okay to violate people's rights as long as you can provide a proper justification for it such as necessity.
The Christian Right-Wing directly condemns transgender surgeries on minor, which I also condemn, but when intersex infant surgeries are concerned the Christian Right-Wing is hypocritical--actually encouraging such infant surgeries.
Ok wait. Why is a clergy involved?
I know! Not only are we deciding babies' gender, we're deciding their religion now??
I hear ya.....But I think they may have involved Clergy because they can provide a perspective of how a decision can affect a person on a spiritual level. It appears that they are creating a Committee with a Wide range of perspectives to get a more holistic view of the impact a decision may have on the kid. Just my thoughts :-). God Bless!!!
Maybe because its important to the parents.
Rofl right I went wtf?
Because they are master of psychology and phylosophy.at least fro. A Catholic perspective
babies born intersex should be allowed to CHOSE NOT THE DOCTOR, STATE, OR PARENT!
kunoichi lise but are babies choosing to be aborted or live? Thats what gets me. The only rights seem to come after babies are born not in the womb.
Abigail B very valid point. Fetuses don't decide to be killed. A potential human being gets killed before it gets born.
@@abigailb2201intersex is a gender ambiguity not a fetus abortion issue, these are totally separate
I was born the same way! It wasn’t until my family learned about my personality that I was a girl. I’m now a girl and I never talk about this much
Many times the brain and the body do not match gender identity, even though genitalia male or female are present. Survival may cause the brain to make an alternative decision regardless of societal dictates. I was born a boy. My mother wanted a girl. As a child she treated me like a girl, let my hair grow long, down to my legs. My brothers and sister treated me like a girl for the first few years of my life. Genetically, mentally I was a boy. My older brother was circumcised, I was not. I grew up thinking I was a girl boy because I had a foreskin. I had boy toys, and girl toys, and played with both. At school I played boys games with boys and girls games with girls. I grew up male bisexual. In puberty I danced with girls, but was not aroused by then. At age 3 I was introduced to sex by a older male. I then had sex with several boys closer to my age, I liked it. I then had sex with a girl my age (3 years) I didn’t like it. I prefers boys. I was attracted to boys.
I had girl friend and boyfriends at the same time in the same bed, and sexual with both. I got married and still had sex with both sexes at the same time.
I identify as male, I’m not feminine. I have children and grandchildren.
I’ve been married to two different women, and one man. I have had girlfriends for years, and boyfriends, and still do. I have no problem dating even now.
Attraction is in the brain, as is sexual identity.
So stop chopping off body parts, and trying to force idealistic sexual identity on other people. People will choose for themselves what they like or don’t like regardless of outside interference. Have a good life and be yourselves, forever.
Infants can't give consent to circumcision or cutting parts off. Clit reduction makes it nonfunctional. Leave the kids alone!
1. Shower baby with love and support and togetherness.
2. DNA test at birth and every so often.
3. Name the little person Pat, Sandy, or Mikal so there's no name changing needed.
4. Be open with family and friends. Invite them in to be you and your child's advocates!
5. Wait until the little person grows and shows interests to decide on pronouns; call child by name or endearing terms like honey, baby, etc.
6. Wait for the bigger person to have questions about why they have a penis when they act like a girl and have confirmed XX.
7. Begin using female pronouns.
8. Then wait for the minor female to turn 18 to give her consent to cut the penis off. Now Mikal has made her own decision and can look only to Mikal for any parts removed.
9. Shower her with love and support and togetherness.
10. See 1 & 9.
Nneka Excellent points! God is the giver of our sex because He wrote it in our genes! I think these "doctors" are performing social experiments under the guise of "making the best decision."
If Jamaica knew better, then the U.S. certainly knew better. These butchers masquerading as doctors, I believe, are performing social experiments in an attempt to discredit what God has already declared.
Being open about it could lead to being bullied though
Maxine McFarlane It could, but that support would cancel that bullying. Thoughts?
Maxine McFarlane tell people about it and tell kids that hey it's life and it can happen also they can get acting like bullies from there parents, so we just have to Stop that at the door steps before it enters our schools and other places too
I think the child should have the right to choose when they grow old enough.
People need to stop forcing everything to be the way they think should be. 🤔
this makes me so sad I literally started tearing up. I think there needs to be a law in place for something like this. all the intersex stories you hear about they always say they were assigned the wrong gender. I can't even imagine dealing with that.
No one has the right to remove any body parts for these baby’s. Let them have what God gave them. They can decide as an adult.
Well, i’m neither on both side. The kid has their right to decide what gender they feel they belong to. The doctors are doing their job and gives information based on what they learned, discussed, and agreed with their community and also of course with the kid’s parents. So basically, if the parents said no, then doctors won’t do it. They must have signed an agreement or something beforehand. So we can’t blame the doctor entirely. It’s their job to do what they think is best for the patient. And medical field is continuously being researched and is improving. So the best will come. Just my view though.
ana heart if the Doctors were doing their job they would leave them alone. Just because they are doctors they don't have the right to decide what is "abnormal" or interfere in someone's life.
ana heart I totally agree. We don't know if doctors are pressured to make these decisions. So yea blaming the doctors doesn't seem right.
Same thing with circumcision
According to them they can still pick what gender they want to be because gender is in the brain not the genitalia so what does it matter what they have.....
How can the doctor feel regret? Why would it be the doctor’s fault if the parents wanted the doctor to choose a gender and they told him to decide what the gender of their child would be. He’s just doing his job. The only apology that would’ve made sense would be to apologize for saifa feeling so miserable being a girl. It was the doctor’s choice after all. But he shouldn’t regret this. He’s not emotionally tied to this job. He’s just doing what paper and ink tells him to do at the end of the day. The doctor wasn’t there to nurture him or to watch him grow up... there was no way for him to know if choosing a girl or boy would be a better choice for saifa. It just happens to be that saifa hated the choice. And that was it. Sure, saifa feels miserable because he felt like he has no control towards what people do to HIS body. But at that age, it was your parents that decide your fate. It sucks what happened to saifa. The takeaway message would be that they shouldn’t decide on gender so young and they shouldn’t have gone through the procedure when they’re so young. But you just can’t blame it on someone who’s doing what their job tells them to do.
The adoptive parents did not choose or want this.
BringCarmie TheHorizon a DOCTOR should know the ramifications of such a drastic procedure. He should have advised against it. And may I say strongly advise. This man doesn't have a heart or a conscience as I see it
I noticed when the doctor was talking to Saifa he was stuttering. He said he had no regrets but he seemed very uncomfortable. I feel bad for Saifa but he seems to be very confident.
aGwEENapple. But he also said he did the best he could based on what he knew. That’s why he doesn’t regret. He would do it differently now. He’d take it to the panel now.
Catinthecloud yeah but Saifa's feelings should've been considered a lot more. He was 13. Why make such a drastic decision for such a young body? Also, he makes it seem it was clear he knew who he was. That is really sad.
Catinthecloud it's not his own body that's why he "doesn't" regret it
aGwEENapple True. That doc has to have that mindset too in order to live with himself and the choices he made.
aGwEENapple And then his ‘ignorant’ mother was convinced that she was doing the right thing. Cos unfortunately a lot of older black people don’t really think for themselves and tend to think that doctors are gods. They follow whatever they say and swallow whatever pills they give.
But listen to what the doctor said
He said the parents thank him (the doctor) for giving them THEIR boy or girl.
That's not his (the doctor) or their (the parents) decision to make. That's up to the child when it's old enough, if they even feel like they want surgery at that point.
Because many intersex folks don't feel like they need to be fixed.