Your explanation about the difference between job and work was very clear and specific. It was much better than any dictionaries. Now, I can tell one from the other. Thank you so much, Arther.
Another important usage of job that Arthur used without thinking about is the talk surrounding GETTING or LOSING a career job. "I went to a job interview." "I was accepted for the job I applied to!" "I lost my job..." "If I keep making these mistakes, I might lose my job..." Once you get the job, it sort of becomes your work. "I got accepted for that job and today's my first day, so I'm going to work now." These videos are so interesting to watch as a native English speaker and I love trying to help out where I think I can fill in information. 一緒に世界と繋がりましょう! Always found that a fun catchphrase. Motto? Something like that.
"job" is "the regular work that a person does to earn money" or "a particular piece of work" であるとCambridgeに載っていました。He spent the afternoon doing jobs around the house.という例文もありました。アーサーさんの説明どおりです。Arthur's video is very useful.
Well, a big difference is that job is a countable noun whereas work is not. The plural form of work means something else, as in works of art. Unlike work, task is a countable noun. Interestingly, being unemployed can be expressed by using either job or work, as in jobless and out of work. 大きな違いはjobは数えられる名詞で、workは数えられないってことですね。workの複数形はworks of art芸術作品など違った意味。workと異なり、taskは数えらえる名詞。面白いことに、失業中であることは、jobでもworkでも表現できる。jobless、out of workなど。
Sorry but my question is not related to this video. I want to use English in Japan but I live in the countryside and there are few opportunities. How can I improve my speaking skill in this situation??
there are aps like "hellotalk" that can get you in contact with English speakers so that you can practice your skills in both speaking and writing with text, voice and video options, there are also language exchange websites where you can connect with people wanting to learn Japanese and are willing to teach English in return :)
Thank you so much!!
job ≒ 仕事(小さい単位「やること」)、
work ≒ 働き、働く(結果を生む)、
occupation ≒ 従事していること(日本語では名詞では使わない)
occupation = 職業ですかね。 似てるのに profession というのがありますが、専門職 など、専門知識やライセンスが必要な職業ですね。
では、のこぎりで材木を切ったり、げんのうで釘を打ったり、ペンキで壁や屋根を塗るのは、" Good job! " で、完成した犬小屋を見たら " Nice work! " になるのかな。
富士之守城 これはとても分かりやすい
言葉のイメージは、大事ですね。以前、日本語の助詞をイメージ化してくれた先生がいて、この方も優秀だったんだなーと思いました。Thanks so much!
Your explanation about the difference between job and work was very clear and specific. It was much better than any dictionaries. Now, I can tell one from the other. Thank you so much, Arther.
Another important usage of job that Arthur used without thinking about is the talk surrounding GETTING or LOSING a career job. "I went to a job interview." "I was accepted for the job I applied to!" "I lost my job..." "If I keep making these mistakes, I might lose my job..." Once you get the job, it sort of becomes your work. "I got accepted for that job and today's my first day, so I'm going to work now."
These videos are so interesting to watch as a native English speaker and I love trying to help out where I think I can fill in information.
Always found that a fun catchphrase. Motto? Something like that.
"job" is "the regular work that a person does to earn money" or "a particular piece of work" であるとCambridgeに載っていました。He spent the afternoon doing jobs around the house.という例文もありました。アーサーさんの説明どおりです。Arthur's video is very useful.
What is "vocation" categorized?
Well, a big difference is that job is a countable noun whereas work is not. The plural form of work means something else, as in works of art. Unlike work, task is a countable noun. Interestingly, being unemployed can be expressed by using either job or work, as in jobless and out of work.
大きな違いはjobは数えられる名詞で、workは数えられないってことですね。workの複数形はworks of art芸術作品など違った意味。workと異なり、taskは数えらえる名詞。面白いことに、失業中であることは、jobでもworkでも表現できる。jobless、out of workなど。
アーサー先生‼️質問おねがいします。もし私が、Will you be my Valentine?って誰かに言ったら、相手はどういう意味に感じますか?🤔
job って書いてる求人広告はSkipしようっと
Occupation GI Blues/
Then, what is the difference between job and task?
A task is just 作業. job has a broader meaning
Sorry but my question is not related to this video. I want to use English in Japan but I live in the countryside and there are few opportunities. How can I improve my speaking skill in this situation??
there are aps like "hellotalk" that can get you in contact with English speakers
so that you can practice your skills in both speaking and writing with text, voice and video options,
there are also language exchange websites where you can connect with people wanting to learn Japanese and are willing to teach English in return :)
Job は給与もらうは,work は給与もらわないの場合ある。
Job でも給与もらわないときもある。例えば友達のための修理とか、家の家事とか
I always wondered why people say "Good Work" in things like sports where it's really play, right? English is so funny!!!
job は 動詞でも使えると思います。
I job.
私は 仕事をしている。
I job stocks.
私は 株の売買をしている。
I job stock options. Actually. MY jobs a stock option dealer. 動詞じゃなく主語になると違和感がないと思います。
@@reitachibana1142 さん
アーサー先生が「 job は動詞では使えない 」と言っています。
それに疑問を感じて 質問してみました。
動画の中で動詞として使えるとこもあるとは言ったんですけど、説明が長くなるので詳しく教えなかったです。To jobとは他の人に仕事を任せる、やらせること
@@iuconnecttokyo さん
回答 ありがとう ございます。
゛Job ゛is only a noun.
So , you can't use it as an action.
この解説で 混乱してしまいました。
@@Yoshi489 thank you. please watch the whole video before you make a comment
job interviewとは言いますが、work interviewとは言いませんよね?
i'm on vacation everysingle day
cause I love my ocupation~♪♪
Good job !ってあまりいい褒め言葉じゃなさそうだな。
i go to school.