Out with the old and in with the new. There's nothing sadder than seeing an airfield once alive with the sound of fighter jets, fall silent forever. If you don't like noise you perhaps would disagree but to those of us that grew up living on RAF bases the constant buzz of activity that rural stations like Binbrook effused are an inescapably familiar memory that you simply can't erase.
The B17 crash happened on the 25th July, so pesumbaly still there. The film was released on 25/9/90. www.baaa-acro.com/crash/crash-boeing-b-17g-ve-flying-fortress-raf-binbrook
Out with the old and in with the new. There's nothing sadder than seeing an airfield once alive with the sound of fighter jets, fall silent forever. If you don't like noise you perhaps would disagree but to those of us that grew up living on RAF bases the constant buzz of activity that rural stations like Binbrook effused are an inescapably familiar memory that you simply can't erase.
Quite a sad sequence at Binbrook, thank’s for posting though.
So nothing flies then?
I assume that was after the film crews left from Memphis Belle
The B17 crash happened on the 25th July, so pesumbaly still there.
The film was released on 25/9/90.