Just Transition in Asia towards the Climate Crisis I Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung I Animation I MSS

  • Опубликовано: 30 июн 2023
  • The video talks about Just transition which makes it possible to ensure immediate climate action. It reduces inequality, provides decent work and access to clean energy to all. It is possible by ensuring that the benefits and consequents of a green economy transition is shared equally and responsibly among all of the stakeholders. Like marginalized workers, employers, government, businesses, financial bodies, trade unions and other civil society groups. Just transition can cater to the marginalized workers and communities by ensuring they would receive the support, social protection and investments they require to thrive in a zero-carbon world. It is about closing polluting powerplants while at the same time establishing solar and wind farms while providing marginalized workers with skills to become ready for the change. Just transition method builds a ecosystem of decent work and quality work because there is no climate justice without social justice and no social justice without climate justice.
    Production by Magic Spangle Studios
    Email: rajneesh@magicspangle.in
    Phone: +91 9315138620
    Website: www.magicspangle.in
  • КиноКино

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