Looking at the website very interesting in replacing a factory tikka barrel in a factory synthetic stock. I've measured my barrel and none of the shorter contours fit perfectly but I don't mind doing minor inletting. However there is a "lite" contour listed on the website with no specifications. Does this contour perhaps fit the factory contour of a tikka t3x lite?
I can't find the torque setting specification for your prefit shouldered barrels anywhere on your website, just very generic instructions. What is the recommended torque setting?
Love what you guys are doing.
Didn’t know wds is with you guys! Plan on rebarreling my 243 tikka in 308 after this years deer season
I will give it a try the next barrel I put on. Thanks. J.
We need a carbon fiber option from you guys
I have a .30cal Broughton blank, could I send that to you guys and get it "prefit" with a fixed shoulder for a Tikka T3x?
May have to go with you guys for my howa 222 mini action
This is a great video. What barrel contour did you use on that video?
Nice, should make for easy exchange of barrels on the tika...
I want a carbon fiber 336 marlin replacement barrel and feed tube to make the gun even lighter. They could be shorter to save money and weight.
Do you make it in .25-06?
Is there a moa guarantee? I have a t3x tac a1 in 6.5
Looking at the website very interesting in replacing a factory tikka barrel in a factory synthetic stock. I've measured my barrel and none of the shorter contours fit perfectly but I don't mind doing minor inletting. However there is a "lite" contour listed on the website with no specifications. Does this contour perhaps fit the factory contour of a tikka t3x lite?
Yes! It is a direct replacement for the Tikka factory Lite barrel.
Do you know whether a Tikka prefit will work on a Sako 85?
Do you also have reciver for tikkas when buying new barrel?
Nope only barrels or blanks no actions nor receivers
How tight should the fixed barrel be
For a Tikka action we would recommend 60 FT LBS
@@preferredbarrels thanks
I can't find the torque setting specification for your prefit shouldered barrels anywhere on your website, just very generic instructions. What is the recommended torque setting?
For a Tikka we would recommend 60 FT LBS
@@preferredbarrels Thank you. Is it different per action manufacturer? Say, BigHorn, American Rifle, Defiance. Are they all recommended at 60 ft lbs?
What the price of a no go gage? For a 308 or 6.5 cm
I’m seeing 35.00-45.00$
Brownells or midway would be good places to buy from