From "I lost millions on crypto games" to "I've never been more confident that the blockchain can make gaming more fun!" in under 10 minutes, incredible. Man am I ever glad I don't find loosing millions to ponzi schemes fun.
@@iloveanothermanswives4278 isn't it a definition of insanity? Doing the same thing over and over thinking you get a different result this time? Their delusion makes me question if they shouldn't attend a mass therapy for addicted gamblers/straight up be locked in a mental asylum
People like him believe if they can get into the scheme early enough that they can just exit with profits. Forgetting the fact only the core people in the scam ever get profits. Outsiders will always lose.
I have never met this man and I want to get a running start to tackle him- Im sure he is a lovely man, if a bit of a buffoon. But MY LORD MAN STOP TALKING
The fact that he leads into it by calling video games as a whole an "unfulfilling pastime" already tells you everything you need to know about his qualification to make any sort of judgment about the quality of a game. It's the perfect example of a crypto bro who doesn't give a shit about gaming, doesn't know what he's talking about and only cares about lines going up.
pretty sure before that he was talking about web3 games, kira forgot about that after he finished talking and didnt quite go back far enough to hear it.
If we're being honest a lot of people who play video games are unfulfilled in their personal life. Video games are no different than other drugs. So yes this dude is a shill, but playing video games all day is a sign of bigger issues in your life....
@@OrbObserver Sure, just like doing meth is a hobby for some people. Most gamers I know are 1) kinda losers, 2) very anti social, 3) are easily manipulated, and 4) very unhappy outside of the question is why do gamers all seem to have the same type of baggage? Gaming is a drag on a well functioning like you depressed, unproductive, and not's not looking good for gamers!
absolutely love the part where he says "promoting those ponzi scheme games was a mistake" and not 2 minutes later proceeds to say "now that the economy is in the gutter it's a perfect time to invest in crypto games"
NFT bros are on this bizarre cope that the crash is culling off all the scams and low quality projects, and now the good projects are going to take over.
The idea that videogames are only fulfilling if they "retain value" and make you a net profit is like suggesting that you should make a net profit off of "investing" in a movie ticket and going to the movies. Imagine making your money back if you watch the same 3 hour long movie a dozen times in a sitting. Is it worth it?
Imagine having to toil on some virtual plantation on your own free time. Days, month for the benefit of the one owning the plantation NFT until you earn enough to purchase a NFT key pass for the world where you can make your own plantation and enslave other new players?
We really need to differentiate games from crypto/NFT games. I just don't see them as equal. One is fun (hopefully) and the other is a scheme of some kind. Different delivery, different goals, different expectations. I haven't seen a successful working model of an NFT game so it's mostly speculation on my part.
“Talking to my brother made me take a step back” I feel like when all his sponsors went bankrupt they stopped sponsoring him and THATS when he decided “I should tell my audience I’ve been scamming them for years because they might think I’m one of the good ones and keep listening to me” scumbag literally tells his audience “I’ve been lying to you about nft games for years, they aren’t even fun”
This.. is perfect. Your video covering this guy way back when when he was opining that GTA 6 would pay-to-earn web 3 game is one of my favorites. The sheer arrogance of the man, his unflinching belief that Web3 games were the future, and that anyone with two brain cells could see that. His firm knowledge that Steam "unfortunately wasn't going to make it" as the "we transition to the web3 future". The slick presentation of Gala as the future of gaming. I even went to Gala Games, just out of morbid curiosity to see if there was anything you could actually play on it. I think there was only one game, a small, empty second life clone, where I visited their most popular destination to find it completely devoid of life. And everything else on Gala Games was just promises and roadmaps. And yet, this was supposed to be the steam killer? Ahh it warms the cockles of my heart. Feel better Kira.
Hell, even if gala had actual games. They'd exist until Steam decides to revert their crypto ban because out of nowhere, crypto succeeded. Gala would be obliterated instantly as every crypto bro rushes for steam. Like valve can just decide that. Literally whenever they want to. Do crypto bros not realize how little it takes to adopt web 3 if the company's saw any value in it.
i mean, to be fair, im certain that anyone with ONLY 2 brain cells will belive web3 is the future. he just didnt have at least a third one to explain to him, why it wasnt.
The fact that he represents himself and his team with a clip from Wolf of Wallstreet is so poetic and he doesn't even realize it. It says more about him and his channel than his entire speech.
@@j_kickass Ya and he has an audience how can anyone think hes for real? Im takin crazy pills. I dunno 8 Billion fuckers on this planet if u scream enuff i guess youll get an audience. Man the internet was a mistake.
To say these games are 20 years behind is honestly a massive understatement: games like Super Mario 64, Ocarina of Time, SC Brood Wars, SSB Melee, etc are over 20 years old at this point
The main reason a lot of those techbros were bootlicking with "thanks for the transparency" is because of the cult mentality, if you become invested in web3 or other techbro bullshit, you are not allowed an ounce of doubt or negativity, it's all hype, "we're all gonna make it, we lost money now, but we'll be rich later, be positive!" and anything short of pure love and praise is scorned at. The biggest reason I don't think I'll ever bother touching anything from web3, crypto or whatever, is because even in this same video, that sleazy techbro keeps circling back to the main selling point for all this garbage tech: Money, "empower gamers!" by making money off stupid skins, "create sustainable economies!", but not a single mention of fun, content, or anything that involves actually playing the game. That entire culture I can't stand, it's always hype for trash that doesn't exist, it's always about the future but never about anything actually existing that can be played or properly judge, and if it exists, then you have to wait for it to get good.
I think it's also trying to protect their own investments. If they invest in a shitcoin, they have a weird vested fincancial interest In telling everyone its the greatest thing in the entire universe, so you'll never see them doubt their investments. They're goofy as hell.
> "create sustainable economies!", but not a single mention of fun, content, or anything that involves actually playing the game. Yeah, that's what always gets me. It's always economy first, and the game second, if at all, probably mostly never, It's like all these crappy Chinese MMOs where only the cash shop works as intended
The first time I heard "FUD" I thought it was a joke. Nope, not at all. It's literally a cult if any sort of doubt is forbidden. Most of crypto is a scam, this idea of web3 is flawed from the beginning because hosting anything on a blockchain is expensive which is why they all host their websites on servers like everyone else. They're not working on anything revolutionary, it's all marketing, hype and buzzwords
I love how at the end he is like "Trust me bro, I won't talk well about a game unless I really think it's good, even if they are sponsoring the video. Also, I need to take sponsors or my company will go bankrupt." Like, that's exactly the reason why we can't trust you!!
"Someone must spend, for someone else to earn." THERE is the problem. All of these supposed plans are set up to make all that come in will earn. That's practically impossible.
It blows my mind that these guys had that kind of money to burn through in the first place. I've worked all my life and am now retired, but I have to watch my money! This kind of wild abandon with money is just alien to me.
Not to burn. These cryptobros invested their money in these "play to earn" crypto mining games. They planned to get rich, planned to get back the investment fund and most of the time, they were scammed.
It's because they never actually had it. They had *assets* worth a million but he never actually had any of that money, and it's very likely he would have only seen a fraction of it had he cashed out his crypto assets This is a entire culture of flexing, of seeming like you are super rich and wealthy. If you notice none of the normal kind of crypto guys have those things to flex. The ones who DO are the ones who made it their entire being and even then I'd bet money they rent the things they flex with. Has a crypto bro with a dozen lambos ever shown any kind of proof of ownership? No they havent. The amount of those guys who actually played their cards right and got rich are minuscule and almost always some dude in another country where the US dollar absolutely shits on whatever the local currency is.
I always wonder where they got the money they can so easily piss away. And how they went from being able to earn money and save it to spunking it on junk.
Its amazing that the people who push these scams, only have an epiphany about them when they are affected, but have no problem leading other people to ruin...
Agreed. But he's not really having an epiphany. He's faking his realization, as a springboard to just keep on shilling. It's a deliberate attempt to remain relatable and empathetic to those who have been led to ruin, even those he himself has led to ruin. Classic grifter tactics.
@@lautaroka5847 You are saying that you'd rather be the one committing the crime? Because that's what scams are : crimes. The proper choice, of course, is to refuse to be either. And, one day when you are older -- I have to assume you are young and inexperienced -- and there are people close to you that you care about, you will have more empathy for the victims of these sorts of crimes. There are plenty of times when people are too trusting, have unrealistic hopes, or are deluding themselves, but no one willingly hands over their money to these schemes "choosing" to lose their money. Possibly, one day you yourself will be a victim of a scam. So have a heart, and don't aspire to be a criminal.
I remember getting my only 3 wisdom teeth pulled before my deployment. And I remember being explained and told horror stories about it. Preventing dry socket was the only thing I had ever taking serious up until that point in my life. I had a soldier under me that got dry socket. Ex-amateur boxer, state champ rugby and lacrosse players. Turned into a big ol' baby over night and all I could is momma bird the guy through it. Bring him food and making sure he was following dental care to get through it. He respected me as a leader alot more. Even without a car, Sgt Lew was bring his soldier soup and bottled water.
@@DirtCheapFU isn't it quite easy to prevent? my place told me just don't make any suction in your mouth or swish water over the area for a week and you're good. sometimes it was hard to not create suction but it was a very simple rule.
@@reidleblanc3140 It was easy for myself. Just followed my recommendations. I ate soup. Nothing sweet. If I drank, choose water or straight whiskey(I was stationed in Augusta, GA at the time lol). And prescription oral rinse. Did that a day or so after my stitch fell out(or magically disappeared). [I was so legally doped up that day, I was drooling and foaming blood when I talked. Because i wouldnt stop yelling for whaever reason]
Any day crypto bros lose is a good day. Hope you feel better, dry socket is the worst. Crypto gaming I actually hope never gets normalized by any company or corporation. The day gaming becomes a actual way to make money will be the death of "fun" in the gaming sphere. You will no longer feel any joy going against someone, only tension and dread. Losing will have actual real life consequences and if anyone thinks it wont be hacker city they are deluded.
The good news is, it looks like Crypto gaming is NOT the future. Rest easy bro. Our hobby is safe. If for some reason it does take off, there's GOG and playing older games. Fuck DRMs and Crypto.
@@antondovydaitis2261 That means nothing. If any devs choose to use these tools they'll loose customers. The vast majority of gamers don't care about it and will actively avoid it at any costs.
When you get your wisdom teeth out, you aren't supposed to eat solid food for a day or two. I'm an idiot, so I immediately ate a bunch of Chinese food and got a grain of rice stuck EXACTLY into one of the openings. Fortunately, you don't need wisdom teeth pulled TWICE, so my inability to learn from stupid mistakes probably won't get me THIS time.
What amazes me is that 'on chain gaming' said their mission statement was now to "empower gamers by accelerating the adoption of healthy digital economies" yet 24hrs after they made this video that Kira is reacting to they made a video called 'Best Crypto games 2023' and guess what, it's sponsored by Gala games and the list is full of games that are sold by Gala games (No conflict of interest here move along). Then to add to the cringe he says he couldn't fit all the games he wanted to into the list so had 3 honorable mentions and one of them was Star Atlas. A game he said was down 97% only 24 hours earlier and then in the video, he says the reason it isn't a top 10 game is that they lost half their funds in the FTX collapse? why is it even close to being on their list? The presenter says he's even unsure of the game's future, so why tell his 129k subs about it? surely advertising a project that lost half the backer's funds in a poor investment isn't a healthy project let alone a healthy economy.
I never even understood how chain gaming got any traction at all. The only thing that would happen if CSGO made their skins nft's is people would steal them via hacking, dishonest trades, whatever really and Valve couldn't do anything about it. Crypto's currencies have the same problem, if somebody steals your wallet it's gone and there's nothing you can about it. Sure if you invest via a 3rd party you're safer but when the entire point of a thing is to be untraceable except to the current owner then it's always going to be volatile. For games the ONLY things nft's are good for is a company to make a ton of money selling things that are floated on a market to generate a bunch of money for themselves. Any good gaming company just makes a decent to good game to being with and sells that, or skins in that, or whatever in that. That leaves the only people making them as outright scammers or studios that can't even put together unity asset flips properly. Wonder why they all fail.
@pulleyfm8585 chain gaming got traction because the people making, selling and buying chain gaming are there for the NFTs/cryptocurrency. Not the game. I have not heard a single fucking thing about crypto gaming from any primarily video game channel I follow. I don't think even Critikal or Mutahar has touched on it, and they've talked about crypto shit. So no one in the actual gaming sphere knows or cares or is going to support this.
I remember back in the day Total Biscuit (RIP) had the brilliant philosophy of never reviewing games he's been even remotely partnered or related with even if it's removed by some distance, he was so strict with himself you knew you could trust him. Watching this guy just blag at the end about his sponsors being awesome and it's totally cool and we should actually all be happy he's getting them just makes me sad about how far down we've come.
I really miss his hardline advocacy for the actual consumer buying video games. I wish there was a way to get him back… I wonder how many cryptobros it would take to bring back a good person? What’s the exchange rate on a damaged soul?😅
Hardline to point of depriving himself of content oftentimes, yes. I remember he never reviewed or did a video on Witcher 3 simply because he had sponsors from GoG, which is owned in part by CDProjektRed. It’s was a mild conflict I’m sure most fans wouldn’t have cared about but he stuck to his guns anyway. This guy on the other hand basically admits at the end that his channel is solely funded and more or less owned wholesale by sponsors of the games he’s promoting.
My favorite part was him unironically using Wolf of Wall Street footage of Jordan Belfort to describe meeting with his team. It's ALMOST like they understand they're in the wrong.
5:00 Kira took that personally... and I *felt* that. That was like watching a child get told they can never visit the moon, they're not good enough. Look at Kira's eyes! On Chain's a monster!
He comes so close to a genuine personal revelation in this video, and you can see him bounce off it in real time as he chooses to double down on the imagined reality where he hasn't been wrong. There is no more vital life skill than developing the ability to realise you have been wrong and walk away instead of wasting more of your life hoping you can still be right somehow.
Sunk-cost fallacy is the engine powering crypto-"gaming". People who are unwilling or unable to see that they've been taken are the very source of revenue.
"My team and I sat down to discuss what got us interested and excited about crypto gaming in the first place" Translation; "My team and I sat down to talk about what we hoped crypto gaming would be, and affirmed to ourselves that those dreams are still viable despite the evidence to the contrary."
Every time someone loses the networth of a third world nations city on the dumbest scam imaginable like "magic make money mmo big booba play now" I am baffled for hours trying to figure out how those people got that money in the first place.
@@willywonka9785the people who supported the projects mentioned in this video haven't gotten rich at all have they? You're basically saying "99% of gambling addicts quit before making it big", you realize that right? Being willing to risk it all over and over again for a possible chance at "making it big" is not an asset, it's a gambling addicts mentality and you're far more likely to lose everything then to gain anything. ColdFusion has several documentaries on people in the fiat finance world in high positions who continued on with this mindset and not only ruined themselves, but their entire business, and in one case the oldest bank in the UK. Most of those cases, when broken down, were not the result of one bad bet but a chain of idiotic decisions that made things worse because they couldn't stop themselves, or were plain asking for disaster. If you need crypto examples, there are plenty, but Luna is the closest to what I'm specifically talking about. Also yes plenty of people make it rich playing safe and clean. It's called having a career and making good investment decisions. Will you become a millionaire? Maybe, maybe not. But you can absolutely make a good living off of doing that.
I had a wisdom tooth out and my work at the time wouldn’t let me take any time off and I ended up with a massive infection with what looked like a baseball coming out of my jaw from infection. My surgeons were furious and called them up and forced them to approve my time off.
Yes, because when I look to video games to escape the late-stage capitalistic hellscape in which I find myself for one or two hours a day what I'm really looking for is those games to become simulated late-stage capitalistic hellscapes. Thanks, crypto-bros, you really seem like you have your fingers on the beating pulse of what gamers really want out of their games!
Absolutely Like,its just like politics or the "right" side of the discourse I don't mind having themes; id rather escape our world through my entertainment though
@@BlackCoffeePlanet and it's not like you CAN'T have political games that are good - hello Papers Please and Disco Elysium - but in that case the politics are front and centre. The game is built around them to reinforce the themes and make them land well. With crypto games, I don't think the devs even realize that they're injecting their politics into the games. They're so deep in the weeds that they just go "of course people want every square inch of their lives commodified and grindable, why wouldn't they?" They're incapable of stepping outside that mindset for even a second - "the liberal mind prison", as I've heard left-wing RUclips refer to it on occasion.
People trying to turn their favorite past times into their side hustle is a hell of a drug. I don't respect it purely because it takes the fun out of everything.
I don't even understand why these in game economies have to be on the block chain. You can just create a normal in game economy that includes real money without block chain tech.
"My team and I sat down and had to evaluate our impact on the world. And we discussed it and decided we are MORE than ok with screwing people over and taking their money"
Me: *getting slightly nervous about my wisdom tooth extraction at 8 am tomorrow Also me: Let's watch the new Kira video, that will help me relax. Kira: Ever heard of a dry socket?
I haven't finished the video, but I bet there's a plot twist at the end where he goes "... so now, with them crashing by almost 100% there hasn't been any better time to buy! H U D D L E" So I was wrong! He just kept shilling the same thing, no lessons learned. While his video was pointless, you and your content is always great Kira, keep up the great work!
I find it funny how Steam can come up with a trading system way before NFTs and one that has its own market were you can buy items for real money.. But NFT bros be like, "oooh NFT, block chain, so revolutionary. Never done before. You can own your items now and resell them." When will these people realize companies aren't going to make game specifically to make the players money. A game company isn't going to spend millions of dollars making an amazing game just so some greedy players can make money off their hard work.
Steam Workshop and Steam Market is how it should be. But nooo, crypto bros think they can con gamers into becoming NFT-farmers and sell us jpgs of digital swampland they stole. Only con-men treat the potential customer as if they're stupid.
NFT bros don't know how bad RMT ruin MMORPG, RMT make people used cheat to get fast profit, and NFT games are full RMT which is magnet for cheater to make easy money
@@cheesecake7159 That's still putting the cart before the horse. MMOs need servers to run and scaling up a blockchain to serve an entire MMO economy means the whole game will be unprofitable from the beginning. They could decentralize the computing by relying on players to process game data, but any MMO that sends server-side code to players will be exploited.
This bro has the entire MLM creator gimmick down perfectly 😂😂. The timing and speech to suck you into believing the product. If you know the HunBots of RUclips you know exactly what I’m talking about 🤦♂️. Another well done video on these scammers!!
I got two unique experiences with my wisdom teeth being removed. First I had 5 wisdom teeth instead of the usual no more than 4 that most people get. The second unique experience was that my recovery complication wasn't dry socket or really anything that is directly related to the surgery. I had been prescribed Percocet as my pain killer after the surgery but come day 3. We discovered that my slow recovery wasn't due to dry socket or anything like that, but instead I was actually allergic to Percocet so instead of easing the pain it did practically nothing besides dehydrate through loss of water retention and vomiting that by the time I got taken to the hospital in the middle of day three I literally had the skin complexion of your run of the mill porcelain skinned vampire because I was so dehydrated. I had to have 3 saline bags iv fed into me as fast as gravity would push it into my veins. They didn't use the pump that IVs usually have because that actually slows down the drip feed of the IV bag so you don't get oversaturated or overdose on a medication.
Wanted to add a note about the sponsor: im a long time ffxiv player and former EVE Online player. Recently got a friend to give albion a try as he is a runescape junkie and I thought it had good overlap for both of us. We are greatly enjoying the game so far and its sandbox style. The F2P model is surprisingly complete and the combat has been a blast. It deserves the attention. Dont be intimidated by the full loot pvp aspect of it, its no where near as unforgiving as that may make it seem (it also makes the floor to get into activities lower due to people not wanting to risk really expensive gear). I haven't been this excited to log into an MMO in a long time. Was really happy to see it sponsored here, I have high hopes its going in a good direction (unlike EVE)
I like that he stated he made mistakes, but never actually apologized or said he was sorry. lol He's just admitting he thinks his past choices weren't economically sustainable. For him. 😄
I had a tooth extracted last week as well and it's been getting worse and worse. Had to take the whole week off from work as I couldn't talk, drink, sneeze, spit, or eat proper without it being torture.
I'm very sorry to hear about the dry socket. I've had to deal with it about half a dozen times due to my doctor and dentist not thinking my oral pain could been a nerve issues so instead they kept thinking it was this tooth or that tooth and I had to have multiple extractions. Almost everytime I got dry socket. Can confirm it was among the higher end of physical pain I've experienced. Edit: Can also confirm how awesome Albion is. I bought the top founder pack thing on a whim and have not once regretted it.
Ultimately what they keep ignoring about the word Economy is the aspect of WORK. You take a thing, make it more useful with work, and exchange it for something you want. Or you serve other people to make their time more useful, in exchange for something you want. Whether you're assembling engines or waiting tables, you're doing one of those things. They actually improve people's lives. Crypto has become a scheme to make money without working. Getting paid to improve nobody's life but your own. EVERY TIME you see someone peddling money without work, run far far far away, it's a scam. People who actually do make a living on the stock market work their asses off in reality, it's not easy money. Easy money is a trap.
Thanks for the video Kira. Your descriptive inagry cracks me up; as in this video where you tell us how to experience the future of blockchain gaming, or when you described Peter Molineaux as "living in a hyperbaric time chamber of his own farts".
"Me and my team had an in person meeting to discuss our strategy", -> understand "i sat on my couch with a beer and my cat and repeatedly cried to him we're f*cked man, we're f*cked! 😭"
SO much sympathy to you for having your wisdom teeth out Kira... I didn't have drysocket with mine but I had all four out under local instead of general and it was so horrific and the aftermath so exhausting as it healed... I ate SO much soup I was totally sick of soup for a long long time afterwards. I hope it gets better quickly! Also wow your video reacting to this guy is one of the first I ever saw from you it's... quite a transformation he's gone through (and yet not at all lol). Also, the contradiction between "videogames are an unfulfilling pastime" and calling himself "us gamers" is quite a cognitive dissonance.
"Games are unfulfilling." I'm so sorry that I play videogames, and read books, and watch films, and listen to music because experiencing creativity someone else has put out for me to enjoy is an engaging free time thing for me to do that doesn't earn me passive income. :(
That guy had zero remorse whatsoever, he read completely off a script and did so with a peppy tone, not once was there a hint of him feeling sorry for screwing over Lord knows how many people. It boggles my mind people ever listened to this guy and that there are those who still do, as he's clearly one of the most blatant snake oil salesmen I've seen in years.
Did this guy say that video games are an unfulfilling hobby? This is a guy PROMOTING gaming lol, he's a grifter that just sees video games as an investment opportunity and not something that people do to have fun...
Oh my god, and he shows a clip from Wolf of Wall Street when he says "Me and my team sat down". My guy, THEY WERE FRAUDSTERS WHO SCAMMED PEOPLE AND YOU USED THEM AS A COMPARISON TO YOUR TEAM?!?!
i had a wisdom tooth out last week and also got dry socket. i physically recoiled when you said that cos i feel your pain man. luckily i only had one out but nothing couldve prepared me for how painful it was. it even still hurts now its just nowhere near as bad. the way you explained it is exactly what happened to me. hope youre doing better now man, shit sucks so bad
Sorry about the dry socket - totally understandable that you'd need some time off. But at least some sweet schadenfreude will help distract from the pain! Watching this cryptobro try and save the last shreds of "reputation" he's still clinging onto is hilarious.
If it's a good, fun actual game, I think I could live with NFTs somehow being part of it. Alas, or possibly luckily, the focus of on-chain games seems to be "crypto first, game a distant third".
It was really nice seeing how you truly believe in your sponsor. I know it is not always possible to do that and make a living on youtube, but it brings a smile to my face to se it happen.
"Sorry I gave you catastrophically bad investment tips. I've decided that from now on, I'll only give good investment tips." That's so dumb that I'll bet it worked.
I had hope for a solid second, I thought the scammer had grown a conscience... Then realized the "epic, emotional" background track, and realized: nope yet another scam, business as usual.
You know... throughout all of this, I genuinely can't tell if these cryptobros are genuinely and hopelessly delusional, or actively deceptive. I suppose it doesn't really matter if the results are the same every time. Seems sorta like they start of optimistic and delusional then turn deceptive and desperate.
There’s a revolutionary idea in gaming I have stumbled upon. You pay a monthly subscription, and the game’s devs give you regular content updates. No crypto BS, no loot boxes… the developer can focus on delivering a good game instead of worrying how to monetize. Like a streaming video service! A monthly fee for your entertainment. I know this is a new idea, but I think it has potential. There’s a couple of small indie games that seem to be doing well with this model. World of Warcraft and Final Fantasy 14, if you want to check one or both of them out. ((And for the terminally clueless, yes, this is sarcasm))
@Corvus The game brought as an example by him are MMOs, a one time purchase is not enough to maintain the constant addition of content an MMO is supposed to deliver, MMOs with no subscribtion or an optional one ends up releasing expansions of a scope way diminished compared to games that assure for themselves a constant flow of revenue from player subscribtions like FF14 does
Thanks for this comedy gold. I made the error of going to his channel to see what other great opinions he’s held. I think I would rather have my wisdom teeth removed than look at his desperate, gurning face one more time….
Those aren't "opinions", they're "Sales Pitches". If a guy selling speakers from a van tells you they're the best speakers in the world, that's not really his opinion.
13:30 The problem is that it is drastically worse, there's a VERY good reason that actual game developers don't use blockchains, and that is because the developer doesn't have full control over the block chain. Without full control over things you can't keep the in-game economy fair and healthy, you can't restore items lost to bugs, you can't recover items given away if a player's account is hacked, and you can't easily fix broken or unbalanced items. As a developer you can't help anyone who encounters any of these problems because it is on the block chain, it is out of your control, and those unfortunate players are going to be very upset and very vocal about being upset, leading to a lot of negative sentiment of the game that you can't do anything about making it very difficult to maintain a healthy player base long term. The only time it makes sense for a game developer to use a block chain for in-game items is if they know the game really sucks and they want to make a quick buck of gullible idiots who think they could ever make back their "investment", or if... actually I can't think of any other reason, it would only happen to scam customers. Oh also using the block chain is also a LOT more expensive and those costs will definitely make the game more expensive to play, it can also add some delays that could be very problematic imagine needing to wait for your loot to be minted every time you kill a monster in Diablo. Worse still is that it probably isn't going to be able to scale up enough for many games, if loot in Diablo were NFTs your game would be generating hundreds of millions of NFTs per hour with a Diablo sized player base and good luck finding a block chain that can deal with that kind of load economically.
Games are not a fulfilling passtime? I've never felt more fulfilled doing anything else in life as I do playing (certain) games. Like WoW in its golden age in 2005-2010. I don't care how sad it may sound but those were genuinely some of the best years of my life. When I'm on my deathbed I'm going to be smiling thinking back to those times. I've been on adventures in real life too but none of them were quite as fun or as fulfilling as my first full clear of Blackrock Depths.
Kira, you just don't know that Beanie Babies will eventually go back up. We've learned from our mistakes, so please buy the Beanie Baby dip (that happened 20 years ago)!
"nft skins give you ownership of the item" no it doesnt. That item is wholely dependant on the continual function of the game. Just like normal skins. whether you own an item as an nft or a steam marketplace item, youre dependent on a platform for the item to have value. It has no independent value
Have you considered that it all works as designed? People invest in crypto or put money into a crypto game and the game devs then want try to make money by investing it in other crypto. Eventually the value of both the crypto and the shoddy made games collapse. Yet, the money is still somewhere and I would like to read who is really on top of all these pyramid schemes, funneling money into their pockets and when the inevitable collapse comes, the next big thing is already lined up.
Him coping with making ALL video games apparently “unfulfilling pastimes” because he knows that only NFT games are that just makes this beautiful. I can name a bunch of people who love to play video games… but non that love to play NFT games.
Anytime you give people the opportunity to make money doing something they will try to figure out how to squeeze the most out of it. Crypto games are not about fun and enjoyment they're about money and exploitation.
I have played fun crypto games. Splinterlands, Blankos, Townstar and Spidertanks. Now I'm not saying you will make a bunch of money playing these, just that they are fun to me. Also a fun fact about a crypto game that serves a purpose is a company made it so cards drawn in a poker game can be verified and proved to be random by everyone in the world in real time .
Had my wisdom teeth out and also had dry socket because I smoked cigarettes at the time. Wondering if you smoke or vape? They should have given you a syringe with a claw shaped spout to spray warm salt water into the holes to keep them from drying out. If not you might want to consider picking one up :)
Having suffered dry socket myself, I feel your pain. There was a point I was convinced it would be less painful if I just smacked my face in to a wall repeatedly. Glad web3 will always cheer you up
Blockchain bros act as though nobody was able to make money playing video games before they attached NFTs to them, which is not remotely true. I could have made money farming gold in WoW or selling LoL accounts, but I didn't want to do that because that would turn the thing that I like doing in my freetime into another job, and that's not fun!! What a wild idea, that people don't want to spend every waking moment earning rent money! Also, earning money while playing games is not even a new idea. It's called gambling. The only difference between gambling and crypto games is that everyone acknowledged from the get go that gambling was inherently risky.
Holy crap! “We don’t take sponsorships from games we don’t believe in” Like those two games I mentioned earlier that were, in my own words, pyramid schemes. If he has ANY audience left after this video, he could sell them sand while they died of dehydration in a desert
Sadly this kind of thing is extremely common in the content creation sphere. Shady sponsorships the uploader doesn't believe in are extremely common occurances and most of the general viewing public is super parasocial so there's plenty of people saying "Hey, get that bag, man! I've been a viewer for 14 years and here's to more man get that bag! Things cost money we get it man!"
One of the main reasons that this entire industry is inherently self defeating is this: people who have a real passion/love of games will never touch crypto gaming with a 1000 ft pole for all of the obvious reasons. The devs who make the games and the other group of people who play them, don't give a shit about games, are only there for the quick buck and couldn't care less about the actual product. So you have 2 audiences, gamers and non gamers. Neither of them could give 6 fucks about on chain gaming as a product, as an experience, as a hobby or passion. So it will always leave the games devoid of anything real and will always exist as just another rug pull or ponzi scheme devoid of any actual fans. Th crypto gaming industry effectively destroys all possible audiences just by existing.
Mate, I lost sensitivity for years because of this, it messes with the nerve running across the jaw line. Dentists should be made to disclose the risks. Hope you get better soon.
He went from almost being self aware to shilling for crypto games even harder lmao
From "I lost millions on crypto games" to "I've never been more confident that the blockchain can make gaming more fun!" in under 10 minutes, incredible.
Man am I ever glad I don't find loosing millions to ponzi schemes fun.
That's just you average cryptobro. They are desperate to get rich, they will try again and again after 100+ scams
@@iloveanothermanswives4278 isn't it a definition of insanity? Doing the same thing over and over thinking you get a different result this time?
Their delusion makes me question if they shouldn't attend a mass therapy for addicted gamblers/straight up be locked in a mental asylum
People like him believe if they can get into the scheme early enough that they can just exit with profits. Forgetting the fact only the core people in the scam ever get profits. Outsiders will always lose.
Using scenes from wolf of wall street to represent him and his bros having enthusiastic discussions about their business 🤣🤣🙄
God, the performative way he delivers every line is melting my brain.
I have never met this man and I want to get a running start to tackle him-
Im sure he is a lovely man, if a bit of a buffoon. But MY LORD MAN STOP TALKING
Yeah, it's absolutely awful.
His face told me to punch him. Then he started to talk and proved my first impression right. This dude needs a punch in the face.
That was exactly what I was thinking... but you said it more eloquently, lol. It kinda sounds like he's shout-talking to kindergartners
As bad as dry socket was, I'd rather have it again then have my entire career revolve around shilling crypto games by Gala Games
A jauwn in the wild discovered
Amen and twice on Sunday
Make new video !!!!!!!
The fact that he leads into it by calling video games as a whole an "unfulfilling pastime" already tells you everything you need to know about his qualification to make any sort of judgment about the quality of a game. It's the perfect example of a crypto bro who doesn't give a shit about gaming, doesn't know what he's talking about and only cares about lines going up.
It's a sad comment on his psyche that he equates fulfilment to profit.
pretty sure before that he was talking about web3 games, kira forgot about that after he finished talking and didnt quite go back far enough to hear it.
If we're being honest a lot of people who play video games are unfulfilled in their personal life. Video games are no different than other drugs. So yes this dude is a shill, but playing video games all day is a sign of bigger issues in your life....
@@freeffree4133 It's just a hobby, dude. Whatever nonsense you project onto it is your own baggage.
@@OrbObserver Sure, just like doing meth is a hobby for some people. Most gamers I know are 1) kinda losers, 2) very anti social, 3) are easily manipulated, and 4) very unhappy outside of the question is why do gamers all seem to have the same type of baggage? Gaming is a drag on a well functioning like you depressed, unproductive, and not's not looking good for gamers!
absolutely love the part where he says "promoting those ponzi scheme games was a mistake" and not 2 minutes later proceeds to say "now that the economy is in the gutter it's a perfect time to invest in crypto games"
NFT bros are on this bizarre cope that the crash is culling off all the scams and low quality projects, and now the good projects are going to take over.
@@Colddirector the famous mystical never seen before "good projects"
@@kevintheroxor9390 No trust me bro, good NFT games are right around the corner you just gotta buy in or you're ngmi
The idea that videogames are only fulfilling if they "retain value" and make you a net profit is like suggesting that you should make a net profit off of "investing" in a movie ticket and going to the movies.
Imagine making your money back if you watch the same 3 hour long movie a dozen times in a sitting. Is it worth it?
I mean, that is basically a job.
So if you make at least minimum wage probably for a lot of people
@@RusticRonnie Except OP said "making your money back", as in the cost of ticket; no profit.
Imagine having to toil on some virtual plantation on your own free time. Days, month for the benefit of the one owning the plantation NFT until you earn enough to purchase a NFT key pass for the world where you can make your own plantation and enslave other new players?
That's what you call a job
We really need to differentiate games from crypto/NFT games. I just don't see them as equal. One is fun (hopefully) and the other is a scheme of some kind. Different delivery, different goals, different expectations. I haven't seen a successful working model of an NFT game so it's mostly speculation on my part.
“Talking to my brother made me take a step back”
I feel like when all his sponsors went bankrupt they stopped sponsoring him and THATS when he decided “I should tell my audience I’ve been scamming them for years because they might think I’m one of the good ones and keep listening to me”
scumbag literally tells his audience “I’ve been lying to you about nft games for years, they aren’t even fun”
So much this.
Agree op. Sad thing is his followers probably really appreciate the transparency lol
This.. is perfect. Your video covering this guy way back when when he was opining that GTA 6 would pay-to-earn web 3 game is one of my favorites. The sheer arrogance of the man, his unflinching belief that Web3 games were the future, and that anyone with two brain cells could see that. His firm knowledge that Steam "unfortunately wasn't going to make it" as the "we transition to the web3 future". The slick presentation of Gala as the future of gaming.
I even went to Gala Games, just out of morbid curiosity to see if there was anything you could actually play on it. I think there was only one game, a small, empty second life clone, where I visited their most popular destination to find it completely devoid of life. And everything else on Gala Games was just promises and roadmaps. And yet, this was supposed to be the steam killer?
Ahh it warms the cockles of my heart.
Feel better Kira.
Hell, even if gala had actual games. They'd exist until Steam decides to revert their crypto ban because out of nowhere, crypto succeeded. Gala would be obliterated instantly as every crypto bro rushes for steam.
Like valve can just decide that. Literally whenever they want to. Do crypto bros not realize how little it takes to adopt web 3 if the company's saw any value in it.
Couldn't agree more with y'all
i mean, to be fair, im certain that anyone with ONLY 2 brain cells will belive web3 is the future. he just didnt have at least a third one to explain to him, why it wasnt.
Imagine Gabe Newell watching his video when he says that about Steam XD
It is like the Zucc who thought everyone would replace VR Chat with his crappy Metaverse that doesn't even render legs.
Hear that? The world's tiniest violin. These people aren't investors, they are gambling addicts
Exactly. His bit on the cycle of bull and bear economies screamed sunk cost fallacy.
They don't even know what is a bear or bull market, they only know what shill they've been told as fact.
The fact that he represents himself and his team with a clip from Wolf of Wallstreet is so poetic and he doesn't even realize it. It says more about him and his channel than his entire speech.
I love this guy's gamer bro accent. It's a combination morning zoo radio host and circus clown. Love your work, Kira!
I hate it
I'm watching this vid on my phone. I heard his voice, and just started punching my phone😂
@@j_kickass Ya and he has an audience how can anyone think hes for real? Im takin crazy pills.
I dunno 8 Billion fuckers on this planet if u scream enuff i guess youll get an audience. Man the internet was a mistake.
To say these games are 20 years behind is honestly a massive understatement: games like Super Mario 64, Ocarina of Time, SC Brood Wars, SSB Melee, etc are over 20 years old at this point
Final Fantasy X-2 just turned 20 years old.
Goldeneye will be 26 this year.
Let's be fair here, there are Atari 2600 games more fun, well designed, and engaging than anything Web3 has ever produced and it was released in 1977.
Are they better than E.T.? I would say that even E.T. is way better than any crypto "game"
Is an insult to old games to compare them to this web3 bullshit.
The main reason a lot of those techbros were bootlicking with "thanks for the transparency" is because of the cult mentality, if you become invested in web3 or other techbro bullshit, you are not allowed an ounce of doubt or negativity, it's all hype, "we're all gonna make it, we lost money now, but we'll be rich later, be positive!" and anything short of pure love and praise is scorned at.
The biggest reason I don't think I'll ever bother touching anything from web3, crypto or whatever, is because even in this same video, that sleazy techbro keeps circling back to the main selling point for all this garbage tech: Money, "empower gamers!" by making money off stupid skins, "create sustainable economies!", but not a single mention of fun, content, or anything that involves actually playing the game.
That entire culture I can't stand, it's always hype for trash that doesn't exist, it's always about the future but never about anything actually existing that can be played or properly judge, and if it exists, then you have to wait for it to get good.
I think it's also trying to protect their own investments. If they invest in a shitcoin, they have a weird vested fincancial interest In telling everyone its the greatest thing in the entire universe, so you'll never see them doubt their investments. They're goofy as hell.
> "create sustainable economies!", but not a single mention of fun, content, or anything that involves actually playing the game.
Yeah, that's what always gets me. It's always economy first, and the game second, if at all, probably mostly never, It's like all these crappy Chinese MMOs where only the cash shop works as intended
The first time I heard "FUD" I thought it was a joke. Nope, not at all. It's literally a cult if any sort of doubt is forbidden. Most of crypto is a scam, this idea of web3 is flawed from the beginning because hosting anything on a blockchain is expensive which is why they all host their websites on servers like everyone else. They're not working on anything revolutionary, it's all marketing, hype and buzzwords
I love how at the end he is like "Trust me bro, I won't talk well about a game unless I really think it's good, even if they are sponsoring the video. Also, I need to take sponsors or my company will go bankrupt." Like, that's exactly the reason why we can't trust you!!
A lawyer spoke to them. This is them laying the groundwork for a non malicious defense for giving legal advice
"Someone must spend, for someone else to earn."
THERE is the problem. All of these supposed plans are set up to make all that come in will earn. That's practically impossible.
Almost pyramid shaped.
Perhaps he heard the term 'zero-sum game' from economics, and thinks it describes all actual games
It blows my mind that these guys had that kind of money to burn through in the first place. I've worked all my life and am now retired, but I have to watch my money! This kind of wild abandon with money is just alien to me.
Right! It's insane. If I had millions in crypto, I would cash out and literally no one would hear from me again lmao
Not to burn. These cryptobros invested their money in these "play to earn" crypto mining games. They planned to get rich, planned to get back the investment fund and most of the time, they were scammed.
It's because they never actually had it. They had *assets* worth a million but he never actually had any of that money, and it's very likely he would have only seen a fraction of it had he cashed out his crypto assets
This is a entire culture of flexing, of seeming like you are super rich and wealthy. If you notice none of the normal kind of crypto guys have those things to flex. The ones who DO are the ones who made it their entire being and even then I'd bet money they rent the things they flex with.
Has a crypto bro with a dozen lambos ever shown any kind of proof of ownership? No they havent. The amount of those guys who actually played their cards right and got rich are minuscule and almost always some dude in another country where the US dollar absolutely shits on whatever the local currency is.
@@sinjin8576 the dollar can't shit on another currency, that's not how money works.
I always wonder where they got the money they can so easily piss away. And how they went from being able to earn money and save it to spunking it on junk.
Its amazing that the people who push these scams, only have an epiphany about them when they are affected, but have no problem leading other people to ruin...
Agreed. But he's not really having an epiphany. He's faking his realization, as a springboard to just keep on shilling. It's a deliberate attempt to remain relatable and empathetic to those who have been led to ruin, even those he himself has led to ruin. Classic grifter tactics.
People choose to be scammed. Rather be me the one who collects the money.
@@lautaroka5847 You are saying that you'd rather be the one committing the crime? Because that's what scams are : crimes. The proper choice, of course, is to refuse to be either. And, one day when you are older -- I have to assume you are young and inexperienced -- and there are people close to you that you care about, you will have more empathy for the victims of these sorts of crimes. There are plenty of times when people are too trusting, have unrealistic hopes, or are deluding themselves, but no one willingly hands over their money to these schemes "choosing" to lose their money. Possibly, one day you yourself will be a victim of a scam. So have a heart, and don't aspire to be a criminal.
@@lautaroka5847 You can say that when you actually make money.
@@SvarogAristaeusAllen Give me a week or two. I'm coding an airdrop. I reverse engineered one of those gas scams.
As soon as you said dry socket.... oh man... I feel for you. One of the worst things ever, up there with kidney stones.
I remember getting my only 3 wisdom teeth pulled before my deployment. And I remember being explained and told horror stories about it. Preventing dry socket was the only thing I had ever taking serious up until that point in my life. I had a soldier under me that got dry socket. Ex-amateur boxer, state champ rugby and lacrosse players. Turned into a big ol' baby over night and all I could is momma bird the guy through it. Bring him food and making sure he was following dental care to get through it. He respected me as a leader alot more. Even without a car, Sgt Lew was bring his soldier soup and bottled water.
@@DirtCheapFU isn't it quite easy to prevent? my place told me just don't make any suction in your mouth or swish water over the area for a week and you're good. sometimes it was hard to not create suction but it was a very simple rule.
@@reidleblanc3140 It was easy for myself. Just followed my recommendations. I ate soup. Nothing sweet. If I drank, choose water or straight whiskey(I was stationed in Augusta, GA at the time lol). And prescription oral rinse. Did that a day or so after my stitch fell out(or magically disappeared). [I was so legally doped up that day, I was drooling and foaming blood when I talked. Because i wouldnt stop yelling for whaever reason]
I love how this guy leads with a sort-of apology for recommending crypto gaming, and then later says now is a great time to get into crypto gaming.
I also loved how he dropped a "trust me!" in towards the end.
Any day crypto bros lose is a good day.
Hope you feel better, dry socket is the worst.
Crypto gaming I actually hope never gets normalized by any company or corporation. The day gaming becomes a actual way to make money will be the death of "fun" in the gaming sphere.
You will no longer feel any joy going against someone, only tension and dread. Losing will have actual real life consequences and if anyone thinks it wont be hacker city they are deluded.
The good news is, it looks like Crypto gaming is NOT the future. Rest easy bro. Our hobby is safe.
If for some reason it does take off, there's GOG and playing older games. Fuck DRMs and Crypto.
Unfortunately, Unity just added tools for crypto gaming integration. So yeah.
On Chain claims that he bought shares of Unity on this news.
Square Enix said to launch their nft game this year, so some companies try to normalize nft games. I pray they fail though
@@antondovydaitis2261 That means nothing. If any devs choose to use these tools they'll loose customers. The vast majority of gamers don't care about it and will actively avoid it at any costs.
When you get your wisdom teeth out, you aren't supposed to eat solid food for a day or two. I'm an idiot, so I immediately ate a bunch of Chinese food and got a grain of rice stuck EXACTLY into one of the openings. Fortunately, you don't need wisdom teeth pulled TWICE, so my inability to learn from stupid mistakes probably won't get me THIS time.
What amazes me is that 'on chain gaming' said their mission statement was now to "empower gamers by accelerating the adoption of healthy digital economies" yet 24hrs after they made this video that Kira is reacting to they made a video called 'Best Crypto games 2023' and guess what, it's sponsored by Gala games and the list is full of games that are sold by Gala games (No conflict of interest here move along). Then to add to the cringe he says he couldn't fit all the games he wanted to into the list so had 3 honorable mentions and one of them was Star Atlas. A game he said was down 97% only 24 hours earlier and then in the video, he says the reason it isn't a top 10 game is that they lost half their funds in the FTX collapse? why is it even close to being on their list? The presenter says he's even unsure of the game's future, so why tell his 129k subs about it? surely advertising a project that lost half the backer's funds in a poor investment isn't a healthy project let alone a healthy economy.
The self-delusion, internal contradiction, and hypocrisy of this guy is stunning.
I never even understood how chain gaming got any traction at all. The only thing that would happen if CSGO made their skins nft's is people would steal them via hacking, dishonest trades, whatever really and Valve couldn't do anything about it. Crypto's currencies have the same problem, if somebody steals your wallet it's gone and there's nothing you can about it. Sure if you invest via a 3rd party you're safer but when the entire point of a thing is to be untraceable except to the current owner then it's always going to be volatile.
For games the ONLY things nft's are good for is a company to make a ton of money selling things that are floated on a market to generate a bunch of money for themselves. Any good gaming company just makes a decent to good game to being with and sells that, or skins in that, or whatever in that. That leaves the only people making them as outright scammers or studios that can't even put together unity asset flips properly. Wonder why they all fail.
@pulleyfm8585 chain gaming got traction because the people making, selling and buying chain gaming are there for the NFTs/cryptocurrency. Not the game. I have not heard a single fucking thing about crypto gaming from any primarily video game channel I follow. I don't think even Critikal or Mutahar has touched on it, and they've talked about crypto shit. So no one in the actual gaming sphere knows or cares or is going to support this.
I remember back in the day Total Biscuit (RIP) had the brilliant philosophy of never reviewing games he's been even remotely partnered or related with even if it's removed by some distance, he was so strict with himself you knew you could trust him. Watching this guy just blag at the end about his sponsors being awesome and it's totally cool and we should actually all be happy he's getting them just makes me sad about how far down we've come.
I really miss his hardline advocacy for the actual consumer buying video games. I wish there was a way to get him back…
I wonder how many cryptobros it would take to bring back a good person? What’s the exchange rate on a damaged soul?😅
Hardline to point of depriving himself of content oftentimes, yes. I remember he never reviewed or did a video on Witcher 3 simply because he had sponsors from GoG, which is owned in part by CDProjektRed. It’s was a mild conflict I’m sure most fans wouldn’t have cared about but he stuck to his guns anyway. This guy on the other hand basically admits at the end that his channel is solely funded and more or less owned wholesale by sponsors of the games he’s promoting.
Part of me is glad TB isn't here to see this. Imagine the fucking aneurysm he'd have.
God, I miss Total Biscuit. His takes on Crypto games would be like a hammer on a stone pebble.
My favorite part was him unironically using Wolf of Wall Street footage of Jordan Belfort to describe meeting with his team. It's ALMOST like they understand they're in the wrong.
5:00 Kira took that personally... and I *felt* that.
That was like watching a child get told they can never visit the moon, they're not good enough. Look at Kira's eyes! On Chain's a monster!
He comes so close to a genuine personal revelation in this video, and you can see him bounce off it in real time as he chooses to double down on the imagined reality where he hasn't been wrong. There is no more vital life skill than developing the ability to realise you have been wrong and walk away instead of wasting more of your life hoping you can still be right somehow.
Sunk-cost fallacy is the engine powering crypto-"gaming". People who are unwilling or unable to see that they've been taken are the very source of revenue.
"My team and I sat down to discuss what got us interested and excited about crypto gaming in the first place"
Translation; "My team and I sat down to talk about what we hoped crypto gaming would be, and affirmed to ourselves that those dreams are still viable despite the evidence to the contrary."
Every time someone loses the networth of a third world nations city on the dumbest scam imaginable like "magic make money mmo big booba play now" I am baffled for hours trying to figure out how those people got that money in the first place.
Well to win u have to be ready to lose. Makes sense to me really, no one gets rich from playing it safe and clean.
@@willywonka9785the people who supported the projects mentioned in this video haven't gotten rich at all have they?
You're basically saying "99% of gambling addicts quit before making it big", you realize that right? Being willing to risk it all over and over again for a possible chance at "making it big" is not an asset, it's a gambling addicts mentality and you're far more likely to lose everything then to gain anything. ColdFusion has several documentaries on people in the fiat finance world in high positions who continued on with this mindset and not only ruined themselves, but their entire business, and in one case the oldest bank in the UK. Most of those cases, when broken down, were not the result of one bad bet but a chain of idiotic decisions that made things worse because they couldn't stop themselves, or were plain asking for disaster.
If you need crypto examples, there are plenty, but Luna is the closest to what I'm specifically talking about.
Also yes plenty of people make it rich playing safe and clean. It's called having a career and making good investment decisions. Will you become a millionaire? Maybe, maybe not. But you can absolutely make a good living off of doing that.
I had a wisdom tooth out and my work at the time wouldn’t let me take any time off and I ended up with a massive infection with what looked like a baseball coming out of my jaw from infection. My surgeons were furious and called them up and forced them to approve my time off.
That last bit regarding the "taste" of upcoming NFT games was PRICELESS
Yes, because when I look to video games to escape the late-stage capitalistic hellscape in which I find myself for one or two hours a day what I'm really looking for is those games to become simulated late-stage capitalistic hellscapes. Thanks, crypto-bros, you really seem like you have your fingers on the beating pulse of what gamers really want out of their games!
Like,its just like politics or the "right" side of the discourse
I don't mind having themes; id rather escape our world through my entertainment though
@@BlackCoffeePlanet and it's not like you CAN'T have political games that are good - hello Papers Please and Disco Elysium - but in that case the politics are front and centre. The game is built around them to reinforce the themes and make them land well. With crypto games, I don't think the devs even realize that they're injecting their politics into the games. They're so deep in the weeds that they just go "of course people want every square inch of their lives commodified and grindable, why wouldn't they?" They're incapable of stepping outside that mindset for even a second - "the liberal mind prison", as I've heard left-wing RUclips refer to it on occasion.
These cryptobros think it's their way out of the ratrace
People trying to turn their favorite past times into their side hustle is a hell of a drug.
I don't respect it purely because it takes the fun out of everything.
"Depression simulator" is the best description i've heard so far. Got to remember that one.
I don't even understand why these in game economies have to be on the block chain. You can just create a normal in game economy that includes real money without block chain tech.
"it always returns to a better market eventually" see i knew holding onto my blockbuster stock was smart. ANY DAY NOW.
"My team and I sat down and had to evaluate our impact on the world. And we discussed it and decided we are MORE than ok with screwing people over and taking their money"
The chipmunk energy combined with potential financial ruin...Just wow...Really paints a Paul Verhoeven esque dystopia.
Me: *getting slightly nervous about my wisdom tooth extraction at 8 am tomorrow
Also me: Let's watch the new Kira video, that will help me relax.
Kira: Ever heard of a dry socket?
Lmao sorry man. Less than 5% of people get it. Don't worry about it. You'll be fine.
@@kirareacts Mind you, I burst out laughing from the irony, so your video did actually help.
I haven't finished the video, but I bet there's a plot twist at the end where he goes "... so now, with them crashing by almost 100% there hasn't been any better time to buy! H U D D L E"
So I was wrong! He just kept shilling the same thing, no lessons learned. While his video was pointless, you and your content is always great Kira, keep up the great work!
I find it funny how Steam can come up with a trading system way before NFTs and one that has its own market were you can buy items for real money..
But NFT bros be like, "oooh NFT, block chain, so revolutionary. Never done before. You can own your items now and resell them."
When will these people realize companies aren't going to make game specifically to make the players money.
A game company isn't going to spend millions of dollars making an amazing game just so some greedy players can make money off their hard work.
Steam Workshop and Steam Market is how it should be. But nooo, crypto bros think they can con gamers into becoming NFT-farmers and sell us jpgs of digital swampland they stole.
Only con-men treat the potential customer as if they're stupid.
NFT bros don't know how bad RMT ruin MMORPG, RMT make people used cheat to get fast profit, and NFT games are full RMT which is magnet for cheater to make easy money
@@cheesecake7159 That's still putting the cart before the horse. MMOs need servers to run and scaling up a blockchain to serve an entire MMO economy means the whole game will be unprofitable from the beginning.
They could decentralize the computing by relying on players to process game data, but any MMO that sends server-side code to players will be exploited.
One of the few channels I will purposefully watch the ads for
Nice work man
This bro has the entire MLM creator gimmick down perfectly 😂😂. The timing and speech to suck you into believing the product. If you know the HunBots of RUclips you know exactly what I’m talking about 🤦♂️. Another well done video on these scammers!!
How did he manage to start out apologizing and end up doubling down?! 🤣😅🤣😅🤣😅🤣😂😂😂😂😂
The only winners in a web3 crypto nft game are the devs who are laughing their way to the bank.
well unless the project gets hacked and then the hacker walks away with all the money.
Until the bank collapses
Or the hackers that were incentive to take it all and drive the price into the ground after.
Bank? We don't use banks. Only an idiot would put black money into tge systen. You cashout barrani.
I got two unique experiences with my wisdom teeth being removed. First I had 5 wisdom teeth instead of the usual no more than 4 that most people get. The second unique experience was that my recovery complication wasn't dry socket or really anything that is directly related to the surgery. I had been prescribed Percocet as my pain killer after the surgery but come day 3. We discovered that my slow recovery wasn't due to dry socket or anything like that, but instead I was actually allergic to Percocet so instead of easing the pain it did practically nothing besides dehydrate through loss of water retention and vomiting that by the time I got taken to the hospital in the middle of day three I literally had the skin complexion of your run of the mill porcelain skinned vampire because I was so dehydrated. I had to have 3 saline bags iv fed into me as fast as gravity would push it into my veins. They didn't use the pump that IVs usually have because that actually slows down the drip feed of the IV bag so you don't get oversaturated or overdose on a medication.
Cryptobro self awareness levels- "I lost millions, but imma keep shilling"
Ultimate sunken cost
Ah yes, crypto "must go back up", just like tulip bulbs and beanie babies.
At least beanie babies have inherent value
I love his statement about sponsors boiling down to "trust me, bro."
I like that he ends the video with "projects being built."
If only he had at least one he could say already exists and functions as intended :)
Wanted to add a note about the sponsor: im a long time ffxiv player and former EVE Online player. Recently got a friend to give albion a try as he is a runescape junkie and I thought it had good overlap for both of us. We are greatly enjoying the game so far and its sandbox style. The F2P model is surprisingly complete and the combat has been a blast. It deserves the attention. Dont be intimidated by the full loot pvp aspect of it, its no where near as unforgiving as that may make it seem (it also makes the floor to get into activities lower due to people not wanting to risk really expensive gear). I haven't been this excited to log into an MMO in a long time.
Was really happy to see it sponsored here, I have high hopes its going in a good direction (unlike EVE)
I like that he stated he made mistakes, but never actually apologized or said he was sorry. lol He's just admitting he thinks his past choices weren't economically sustainable. For him. 😄
I had a tooth extracted last week as well and it's been getting worse and worse. Had to take the whole week off from work as I couldn't talk, drink, sneeze, spit, or eat proper without it being torture.
I'm very sorry to hear about the dry socket. I've had to deal with it about half a dozen times due to my doctor and dentist not thinking my oral pain could been a nerve issues so instead they kept thinking it was this tooth or that tooth and I had to have multiple extractions. Almost everytime I got dry socket.
Can confirm it was among the higher end of physical pain I've experienced.
Edit: Can also confirm how awesome Albion is. I bought the top founder pack thing on a whim and have not once regretted it.
Ultimately what they keep ignoring about the word Economy is the aspect of WORK. You take a thing, make it more useful with work, and exchange it for something you want. Or you serve other people to make their time more useful, in exchange for something you want. Whether you're assembling engines or waiting tables, you're doing one of those things. They actually improve people's lives. Crypto has become a scheme to make money without working. Getting paid to improve nobody's life but your own. EVERY TIME you see someone peddling money without work, run far far far away, it's a scam. People who actually do make a living on the stock market work their asses off in reality, it's not easy money. Easy money is a trap.
He hits it on the nail that in any play to earn scheme your profits are someone else's loses, but immediately pivots to shilling the schemes anyway.
Thanks for the video Kira. Your descriptive inagry cracks me up; as in this video where you tell us how to experience the future of blockchain gaming, or when you described Peter Molineaux as "living in a hyperbaric time chamber of his own farts".
"Me and my team had an in person meeting to discuss our strategy", -> understand "i sat on my couch with a beer and my cat and repeatedly cried to him we're f*cked man, we're f*cked! 😭"
SO much sympathy to you for having your wisdom teeth out Kira... I didn't have drysocket with mine but I had all four out under local instead of general and it was so horrific and the aftermath so exhausting as it healed... I ate SO much soup I was totally sick of soup for a long long time afterwards. I hope it gets better quickly! Also wow your video reacting to this guy is one of the first I ever saw from you it's... quite a transformation he's gone through (and yet not at all lol).
Also, the contradiction between "videogames are an unfulfilling pastime" and calling himself "us gamers" is quite a cognitive dissonance.
"Games are unfulfilling." I'm so sorry that I play videogames, and read books, and watch films, and listen to music because experiencing creativity someone else has put out for me to enjoy is an engaging free time thing for me to do that doesn't earn me passive income. :(
That guy had zero remorse whatsoever, he read completely off a script and did so with a peppy tone, not once was there a hint of him feeling sorry for screwing over Lord knows how many people. It boggles my mind people ever listened to this guy and that there are those who still do, as he's clearly one of the most blatant snake oil salesmen I've seen in years.
Exactly if he truly lost that much money, then his tone and presentation would be completely different.
I love how he got a taste of how bad NFT games and crypto can be, but he's like nah man, this time, will be different, I think he might need help.
Did this guy say that video games are an unfulfilling hobby? This is a guy PROMOTING gaming lol, he's a grifter that just sees video games as an investment opportunity and not something that people do to have fun...
Oh my god, and he shows a clip from Wolf of Wall Street when he says "Me and my team sat down". My guy, THEY WERE FRAUDSTERS WHO SCAMMED PEOPLE AND YOU USED THEM AS A COMPARISON TO YOUR TEAM?!?!
@@pastiewhitelightning Tell me you're an amoral scammer, without telling me you're an amoral scammer.
F F S 🤦♂
i had a wisdom tooth out last week and also got dry socket. i physically recoiled when you said that cos i feel your pain man. luckily i only had one out but nothing couldve prepared me for how painful it was. it even still hurts now its just nowhere near as bad. the way you explained it is exactly what happened to me. hope youre doing better now man, shit sucks so bad
Sorry about the dry socket - totally understandable that you'd need some time off. But at least some sweet schadenfreude will help distract from the pain! Watching this cryptobro try and save the last shreds of "reputation" he's still clinging onto is hilarious.
Blockchain gaming is like body slamming a cactus. VERY PAINFUL!
I swear when he said "to empower gamers", I almost choked on my cereal....
I had dry socket, it was horrible. Very painful. Sorry you are dealing with that, I hope you feel better soon!
If it's a good, fun actual game, I think I could live with NFTs somehow being part of it. Alas, or possibly luckily, the focus of on-chain games seems to be "crypto first, game a distant third".
It was really nice seeing how you truly believe in your sponsor. I know it is not always possible to do that and make a living on youtube, but it brings a smile to my face to se it happen.
Well these outcomes certainly were not OFF the chain.
9:10 what's up with this music? It sounds super manipulative.
"Sorry I gave you catastrophically bad investment tips. I've decided that from now on, I'll only give good investment tips."
That's so dumb that I'll bet it worked.
I had hope for a solid second, I thought the scammer had grown a conscience...
Then realized the "epic, emotional" background track, and realized: nope yet another scam, business as usual.
I feel like Square Enix is going to make this same speech when they fully release their NFT thing.
Hope your feeling better dude. Always enjoy your videos and perspective
You know... throughout all of this, I genuinely can't tell if these cryptobros are genuinely and hopelessly delusional, or actively deceptive. I suppose it doesn't really matter if the results are the same every time. Seems sorta like they start of optimistic and delusional then turn deceptive and desperate.
There’s a revolutionary idea in gaming I have stumbled upon. You pay a monthly subscription, and the game’s devs give you regular content updates. No crypto BS, no loot boxes… the developer can focus on delivering a good game instead of worrying how to monetize. Like a streaming video service! A monthly fee for your entertainment.
I know this is a new idea, but I think it has potential. There’s a couple of small indie games that seem to be doing well with this model. World of Warcraft and Final Fantasy 14, if you want to check one or both of them out.
((And for the terminally clueless, yes, this is sarcasm))
@Corvus The game brought as an example by him are MMOs, a one time purchase is not enough to maintain the constant addition of content an MMO is supposed to deliver, MMOs with no subscribtion or an optional one ends up releasing expansions of a scope way diminished compared to games that assure for themselves a constant flow of revenue from player subscribtions like FF14 does
Man hearing this guy just for 20 min was excruciating and hearing him more often would be just torture....
13:09 but why do i need blockchain for that even if it is just cosmetics
Love your content, keep it up!
New Kira video, Fuck yea.
Dry socket is a rough time, Glad you are back!!!
Thanks for this comedy gold. I made the error of going to his channel to see what other great opinions he’s held. I think I would rather have my wisdom teeth removed than look at his desperate, gurning face one more time….
But would you get your wisdom teeth removed and get dry socket...?
Those aren't "opinions", they're "Sales Pitches".
If a guy selling speakers from a van tells you they're the best speakers in the world, that's not really his opinion.
13:30 The problem is that it is drastically worse, there's a VERY good reason that actual game developers don't use blockchains, and that is because the developer doesn't have full control over the block chain. Without full control over things you can't keep the in-game economy fair and healthy, you can't restore items lost to bugs, you can't recover items given away if a player's account is hacked, and you can't easily fix broken or unbalanced items. As a developer you can't help anyone who encounters any of these problems because it is on the block chain, it is out of your control, and those unfortunate players are going to be very upset and very vocal about being upset, leading to a lot of negative sentiment of the game that you can't do anything about making it very difficult to maintain a healthy player base long term. The only time it makes sense for a game developer to use a block chain for in-game items is if they know the game really sucks and they want to make a quick buck of gullible idiots who think they could ever make back their "investment", or if... actually I can't think of any other reason, it would only happen to scam customers.
Oh also using the block chain is also a LOT more expensive and those costs will definitely make the game more expensive to play, it can also add some delays that could be very problematic imagine needing to wait for your loot to be minted every time you kill a monster in Diablo. Worse still is that it probably isn't going to be able to scale up enough for many games, if loot in Diablo were NFTs your game would be generating hundreds of millions of NFTs per hour with a Diablo sized player base and good luck finding a block chain that can deal with that kind of load economically.
Games are not a fulfilling passtime? I've never felt more fulfilled doing anything else in life as I do playing (certain) games. Like WoW in its golden age in 2005-2010. I don't care how sad it may sound but those were genuinely some of the best years of my life. When I'm on my deathbed I'm going to be smiling thinking back to those times. I've been on adventures in real life too but none of them were quite as fun or as fulfilling as my first full clear of Blackrock Depths.
Kira, you just don't know that Beanie Babies will eventually go back up. We've learned from our mistakes, so please buy the Beanie Baby dip (that happened 20 years ago)!
The resurgence of Beanie Baby madness is Funko Pop madness.
These trends DO repeat, but not in a way that helps the suckers.
The grift continues. The grift never ends. The grift is always bullish
"nft skins give you ownership of the item" no it doesnt. That item is wholely dependant on the continual function of the game. Just like normal skins. whether you own an item as an nft or a steam marketplace item, youre dependent on a platform for the item to have value. It has no independent value
Have you considered that it all works as designed? People invest in crypto or put money into a crypto game and the game devs then want try to make money by investing it in other crypto. Eventually the value of both the crypto and the shoddy made games collapse. Yet, the money is still somewhere and I would like to read who is really on top of all these pyramid schemes, funneling money into their pockets and when the inevitable collapse comes, the next big thing is already lined up.
Him coping with making ALL video games apparently “unfulfilling pastimes” because he knows that only NFT games are that just makes this beautiful. I can name a bunch of people who love to play video games… but non that love to play NFT games.
Anytime you give people the opportunity to make money doing something they will try to figure out how to squeeze the most out of it.
Crypto games are not about fun and enjoyment they're about money and exploitation.
I have played fun crypto games. Splinterlands, Blankos, Townstar and Spidertanks. Now I'm not saying you will make a bunch of money playing these, just that they are fun to me. Also a fun fact about a crypto game that serves a purpose is a company made it so cards drawn in a poker game can be verified and proved to be random by everyone in the world in real time
apparently gala games ended their sponsorship agreement LMAO
Had my wisdom teeth out and also had dry socket because I smoked cigarettes at the time. Wondering if you smoke or vape? They should have given you a syringe with a claw shaped spout to spray warm salt water into the holes to keep them from drying out. If not you might want to consider picking one up :)
No smoking or vaping, no. Just unlucky I guess
Same thing man. Smoker and didn’t have it awful, but bad enough.
@@kirareacts have you tried sucking on something?
Considering sucking makes the blood clot fall out in the first place which leads to dry socket? No.b
Having suffered dry socket myself, I feel your pain.
There was a point I was convinced it would be less painful if I just smacked my face in to a wall repeatedly.
Glad web3 will always cheer you up
I'll just wait for Web9, thanks.
I'll wait for the dip back to Web1. My Netscape Navigator is ready.
Blockchain bros act as though nobody was able to make money playing video games before they attached NFTs to them, which is not remotely true. I could have made money farming gold in WoW or selling LoL accounts, but I didn't want to do that because that would turn the thing that I like doing in my freetime into another job, and that's not fun!! What a wild idea, that people don't want to spend every waking moment earning rent money! Also, earning money while playing games is not even a new idea. It's called gambling. The only difference between gambling and crypto games is that everyone acknowledged from the get go that gambling was inherently risky.
"Tell me you're a snake oil salesmen without telling me you're a snake oil salesmen." Is the vibes I'm getting from this crypto loser.
I had dry socket too and they just shoved aloe leaves into the sockets and had me come back and repeat that for three weeks, terrible experience
Holy crap!
“We don’t take sponsorships from games we don’t believe in”
Like those two games I mentioned earlier that were, in my own words, pyramid schemes.
If he has ANY audience left after this video, he could sell them sand while they died of dehydration in a desert
Sadly this kind of thing is extremely common in the content creation sphere. Shady sponsorships the uploader doesn't believe in are extremely common occurances and most of the general viewing public is super parasocial so there's plenty of people saying "Hey, get that bag, man! I've been a viewer for 14 years and here's to more man get that bag! Things cost money we get it man!"
One of the main reasons that this entire industry is inherently self defeating is this: people who have a real passion/love of games will never touch crypto gaming with a 1000 ft pole for all of the obvious reasons. The devs who make the games and the other group of people who play them, don't give a shit about games, are only there for the quick buck and couldn't care less about the actual product. So you have 2 audiences, gamers and non gamers. Neither of them could give 6 fucks about on chain gaming as a product, as an experience, as a hobby or passion. So it will always leave the games devoid of anything real and will always exist as just another rug pull or ponzi scheme devoid of any actual fans. Th crypto gaming industry effectively destroys all possible audiences just by existing.
So, utilizing his brother and others for insider trading loss millions of dollars and he feel bad about it. Good.
for a moment, I thought he was a parody of a cryptobro.... then it dawned on me he was not.....
Mate, I lost sensitivity for years because of this, it messes with the nerve running across the jaw line. Dentists should be made to disclose the risks. Hope you get better soon.
Did you get the sensitivity back ?
@@agnelodearaujo7413 not completely, but it got much better after 3 years. It affects your tongue as well. As if you are still sedated or numbed.
@@mostly_obtuse Thank you for the update !