Saying JazakAllahu kharan "kaseerah" or Jazakhallah isn't from the sunnah. The sunnah is to say جزاك اللّٰه خيرا only. Tirmizi 2738 and Bukhari 247 denotes that we shouldn't add words of our own to such phrases.
i love how informative this video was. and also how the comments arent corny. people on the internet go around saying- like this for allah or stuff like that. but the people here are different, that is why i love this channel. thank you, may allah bless you!
💡 One tip for mac users to not use abbreviations is to do this: 1) Go to System Preferences 2) Go to "Keyboard" 3) Go to "Text" or "Text Replacements" (depends on Mac version) 4) You can set any substitutions you like now in the menu. Click the + button to add a text substitution/replacement. For example, you can set "sall" or "saw" to "ﷺ". It's very easy.
JazakAllahu khairan. Maybe you can make a video on the differences of in shaa Allah and bi ithnillah if you haven't already. I remember learning this but don't remember if I learnt it from you?
بارك الله فيكم وجزاكم خيرا ونفع بكم. أنا أحب قناتكم جدا وأستفيد منها فهي غاية في الجمااااال . لي تعليق بسيط : النقطة الأولى : كنت أرجو أن تذكر الجملة كاملة كما وردت في القرآن( ما شاء الله لا قوة إلا بالله ) والنقطة الثانية : كنت أرجو أن تقول ( بارك الله فيك أو عليك أو لك ) ولكن حضرتك قولت اللهم بارك فيك أو عليك أو لك ... وكلمة اللهم تعني يا الله للدعاء ومخاطبة الله ممكن نستخدمها ( اللهم بارك له أو عليه أو فيه ) لكن لو خاطبنا شخص نقول له ( بارك الله فيك أو عليك....) بارك الله فيكم وجزاكم خيرا ونفع بكم وزادكم علما وفضلا
I was always in doubt about those 2 words. Thanks for the clarification. Mashallah if you are impressed or like something you own. Allahahuma barik if you like anything else about someone else.
The purpose of sending a text message is to convey a message. So, when someone uses one of the common abbreviations he wants to deliver the same message as when he had written it out. Plus, since the latin alphabet cannot express the same pronunciation as the arabic one even if you write the words instead of the abbreviations it's actually not the same word as in arabic. So regarding common abbreviations it doesn't make a difference if you use them or the written version, because in both cases you convey the same message.
Assalamualaikum 'Arabic 101' Your videos are very important for learning about the Quran. But there is one problem, those who do not know English have to face problems. We Bengalis do not know much about the Quran. So, I have a special request to you, please provide the videos in Bengali as well.
Brother it might be difficult for him to teach it in each and every language, so he might go with a language most of us can comprehend. So I suggest if would be better if you (Bengalis) were to learn English and then come here and learn Quran. I'm having no intention to demotivate you, rather than I'm asking you to learning something that is beneficial for you.
Akhi please make your video on so called contradictions in qira'ah, you had said that you will make a detailed video on differences between the qira'ah in one of your previous videos.
I’m not Muslim but I am writing a historical story and a character retrieves her Qur’an after it was confiscated by her father (a crusader). The thing is, it was not originally her Qur’an, she found it after her father k1lled a Muslim man many years ago, and she “saved” the Qur’an to safekeep it so it wouldn’t be desecrated. So when she finally gets it back, I made her say “Allahumma barik” and not “MashAllah”. Would this be correct, or is the Qur’an technically hers now and she would say MashAllah? (She is Muslim too, a revert).
السلام عليكم ورحمة الله وبركاته أخي الحبيب، هل يمكنك أن تشارك مصدراً لهذه المعلومة؟ أعني: من قال هذا من أهل العلم. لأني كنت دائماً أتساءل عن الفرق بين العبارتين. أحسن الله اليك. وجزاك الله خيرا
What about people, not stuff someone possesses? For example when i talk with a friend and he tell me that his brother learned how to pray. Should i say mashAllah or should i say allahumubarak?
Regarding shortening the phrases, just a question, could shortening or abbreviation be legitimate, as for example when in Arabic the words are written without harekes(which for non Arabic speakers may also look like a shortening)?
4:07 what if we spell it differently as in "jazakum Allahu khairan" --> "jazakAllahu khair" "Ma shaa Allah" --> “MashaAllah" "Asalamo Alaikom" --> "Assalamu Alaikum, Assalamu Alaikom, salam alaikum" Does it change the meaning or is it just a difference in region
I am confused why you can't say Mashallah towards somebody else? After all they only got their bounty of this life through Allah s.w.t, so in essence it is a correct statement or am I missing something here? And towards what I have, can I not say ELHAMDULILLAH? After all if I am impressed and want to say my thankfulness towards my creator, isn't he the one who enabled me such bliss not belonging of all Praise? The reason for my question is it feels like such a pedantic thing in retrospect, when being shown like in this video. I was under the impression it was such a huge difference in meaning but in the end. Even if you say "you can't use them interchangeable" you have not provided a case for the why you shouldn't use them in these situations. You provided a case for why you should use them in their specific cases but that's it. So a reply by somebody here would be great....
yes, and even more than that the niyyah is anyway behind the duaa / zhikr (allahouma barik)(masha'Allah) I mean, it seems like here there is some "restrictions" / "rules" that are put without any REAL evidence (I mean, saying "masha'Allah la quwwata illah billah", as told in the surah, to invoke blessing on something you have AS SAID in the hadith, it would then just mean that the sentence ""masha'Allah la quwwata illah billah" is in fact correct to use in all three situations of the hadith, since it is used in the surah for one of them... i'm not sure if i'm clear) anyways, I understand what is the logic behind what the speaker is saying, but it just seems like complicating everything, when it have been made simple alhamdulillah and astaghfirullah, i don't wanna mislead anyone, i'm just sharing my opinion since this video is made out of assumption (at least it is what it seems like to be honest) TLDR : I would understand it more like : if in the Qur'an, "masha'Allah la quwwata illah billah"" is used to invoke blessing upon what the dude has (his wealth, gardens...), then it should be correct to use it for something someone else has (because the hadith talks about "your brother, YOURSELF or wealth" all together)
This channel is very intelligent, but it couldn't answer my simple question. Why is the letter "h" in English not written at the end of the Arabic transliteration? "Fatha" instead of "Fathah", "Kasra" instead of "Kasrah", and "Aisha" instead of "Aishah"?
I have a question akhi. You pronounce the second a from "ma sha allah" like an e. I heard this a lot from turkish people because they don't have an a, rather they pronounce it like an e. For example they don't have Matin, they have Metin. Are you turkish? Or is it the right way? I would pronounce the first and second a in ma sha allah like an german a. And the last a from Allah like a mix between a and o. Like mishary rashid
I also heard that you should be saying Maa shaa 'Allahu laa quwata illa billah instead of simply maa shaa 'Allah as the verse you recited mentions it, can you, if Allah wills, enlight me on this ? barakAllahu fik 👍🏻
He hasn’t fulfilled your right in terms of returning the salaam, but the angles have. if he doesn’t want to greet you back properly, then that’s on his own.
If you have an iPhone, you can go to settings>General>Keyboard>text replacement. Find a shortcut for these phrases, like jzk to mean جزاك الله خيرًا. So whenever you wanna type it out when texting, you just type your shortcut and the phone will fill it out for you.
Just a few notes to add. To bless your things by saying mashallah is to attribute this to Allah because he gives and takes. To bless someone or something he or she has by saying Allahumma barik or barakallah...etc. is also done to block envy (hasad) . Thanks for reading.
السلام عليكم ورحمة الله وبركاته Can you please explain how and why verse 3 and 5 of Surah Al kafiroon are translated differently even though the Arabic text looks identical. Ayah 3 and 5 both say: (وَلَآ أَنتُمۡ عَٰبِدُونَ مَآ أَعۡبُدُ) But ayah 3 is translated as: "Nor are you worshippers of what I worship." And ayah 5 is translated as: "Nor will you be worshippers of what I worship." جزاك لله خيرا
Allahhumabarek!! the A.I. must've realized i use mashallah incorrectly and sent me this message. ❤ the people who taught me did not understand English enough maybe.. because they taught me exactly the opposite.. 😅😢
أحْنْا اخْوْاتْكْ تْمْرْ ايْامْنْا وْلْيْالْيْنْا وْاحْنْا لْانْمْلْكْ شْيْ ايْنْ الْقْلْوْبْ الْرْاحْمْهّْ ضْااااقْ حْالْنْا وْضْااااااقْ بْنْا الْحْالْ وْالْلْهّْ مْا كْتْبْتْ هّْذْا الْكْلْامْ الْا مْنْ الْضْيْقْ وْقْسْوْتْ الْضْرْوْفْ انْيْ طْالْبْهّْ مْنْ الْلْهّْ ثْمْ مْنْكْ لْاتْرْدْنْيْ خْايْبْهّْ يْا اخْيْ احْنْا نْسْاء مْا نْقْدْرْ نْخْرْجْ نْشْتْغلْ مْثْلْ الْرْجْالْ رْبْيْ اكْرْمْكْمْ انْكْمْ رْجْالْ احْنْا نْسْاء مْا بْنْقْدْرْ نْخْرْجْ وْلْا نْشْتْغلْ مْثْلْكْمْ اخْيْ وْيْنْ الْانْسْانْيْهّْ ايْنْ الْاخْوْهّْ الْايْمْانْيْهّْ فْيْ قْلْوْبْكْمْ''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''' انا داخله على الله ثم عليكم يااهل الخير تقفوا معنا يا عالم حسوا فينا يا اهل الخير وين النخوة وين الاخوة وين الرحمه الى اوصى عليه النبي محمد بجاه النبي محمد تحسوا فينا انا بطلب منكم لو تساعدونى لو بثمن اكل مش طالبه شي غير انه نسد جوعنا ارجوكم من غير تجريح وكلام بكسر الخاطر انا يا خوان العيشة والله ما . عيشة فيكم تتاكدو يا اهل الخير انا توسل لكم ابوس على ايدكم تساعدونى ارجوكم امانه عليكم انا اعتبرونى اختكم عرضكم ساعدونى والله لول الضيق والفقر ما مديت ايدي اشحد من الناس استرونى يستر عرضكم وربنا يفرحكم في اطفالكم واهلكم ويبعد عنكم الضيق والحزن وربنا يجعل هذا المساعده في ميزان حسناتكم ساعدونى لو بثمن الاكل او بثمن اجار البيت ارجوكم يا اخواني يا اصحاب الضمير الحي يا اهل الخنوة واهل الكرم ارجوكم ساعدوني لو بشي قليل امانه عليكم والي حاب يساهم معي ربي يجزيه كل خير هذا رقمي 𝟵𝟲𝟳،712414748+ الوتساب اللي يستطيع يساعدنا يتوصل واتساب معنا نعطيه الاسم الكامل العنوان ويحول لنا بما يستطيع وانا وسرتي نسالك بالله لولك مقدره على مساعدتنا لاتتاخر علينا و جزاك الله خير الجزاπ~π÷π🎉....😥😥..،.،.،.،.،.😢😢😢😢😢😢😢😢😢@@😢@😢@😢@\\~♡♡♡-♡♤♤
Just a few notes to add. To bless your things by saying mashallah is to attribute this to Allah because he gives and takes. To bless someone or something he or she has by saying Allahumma barik or barakallah...etc. is also done to block envy (hasad) . Thanks for reading.
Just a few notes to add. To bless your things by saying mashallah is to attribute this to Allah because he gives and takes. To bless someone or something he or she has by saying Allahumma barik or barakallah...etc. is also done to block envy (hasad) . Thanks for reading.
Just a few notes to add. To bless your things by saying mashallah is to attribute this to Allah because he gives and takes. To bless someone or something he or she has by saying Allahumma barik or barakallah...etc. is also done to block envy (hasad) . Thanks for reading.
Im glad someone finally adressed this. Thank you very much. Everytime i hear someone mixing them up it gets under my skin😅😅
LOL me too!
Why would it get under your skin? Relax man.
@@dopeschoolIt's an idiom..
It's not that deep bro.
Dropped at the very Right Time.
جزاک الله خیرا کثیرا
Saying JazakAllahu kharan "kaseerah" or Jazakhallah isn't from the sunnah. The sunnah is to say جزاك اللّٰه خيرا only. Tirmizi 2738 and Bukhari 247 denotes that we shouldn't add words of our own to such phrases.
@@SyedShaheerBinHussain JazakAllahu Khairan.
1:34 instruction wasn't to say mashallah but rather the full phrase ماشاء الله لا ولا قوة إلا بالله
i love how informative this video was. and also how the comments arent corny. people on the internet go around saying- like this for allah or stuff like that. but the people here are different, that is why i love this channel. thank you, may allah bless you!
JazakAllahu khair ya akhi!
جزاکم الله خير 🎉
💡 One tip for mac users to not use abbreviations is to do this:
1) Go to System Preferences
2) Go to "Keyboard"
3) Go to "Text" or "Text Replacements" (depends on Mac version)
4) You can set any substitutions you like now in the menu. Click the + button to add a text substitution/replacement. For example, you can set "sall" or "saw" to "ﷺ". It's very easy.
اللهم بارك. جزاك الله خيرا
JazakAllahu khairan. Maybe you can make a video on the differences of in shaa Allah and bi ithnillah if you haven't already. I remember learning this but don't remember if I learnt it from you?
جزاك الله خير
It's جزاك اللّٰه خيرا
This also protects you from giving someone hassad/evil eye
Thank you so much for sharing some useful information and helpful content
بارك الله فيكم وجزاكم خيرا ونفع بكم.
أنا أحب قناتكم جدا وأستفيد منها فهي غاية في الجمااااال .
لي تعليق بسيط :
النقطة الأولى :
كنت أرجو أن تذكر الجملة كاملة كما وردت في القرآن( ما شاء الله لا قوة إلا بالله )
والنقطة الثانية :
كنت أرجو أن تقول ( بارك الله فيك أو عليك أو لك ) ولكن حضرتك قولت اللهم بارك فيك أو عليك أو لك ... وكلمة اللهم تعني يا الله للدعاء ومخاطبة الله
ممكن نستخدمها ( اللهم بارك له أو عليه أو فيه )
لكن لو خاطبنا شخص نقول له ( بارك الله فيك أو عليك....)
بارك الله فيكم وجزاكم خيرا ونفع بكم وزادكم علما وفضلا
ويمكن أن نقول ( اللهم بارك ) فقط
لو قولنا اللهم بارك عليه هذا خاص لو نتكلم عن غائب
اللهم بارك فى علمك يا اخي
Very beautiful topic to discuss on keep up the good work May Allah subhana watala bless you
I was always in doubt about those 2 words. Thanks for the clarification.
Mashallah if you are impressed or like something you own.
Allahahuma barik if you like anything else about someone else.
The purpose of sending a text message is to convey a message. So, when someone uses one of the common abbreviations he wants to deliver the same message as when he had written it out.
Plus, since the latin alphabet cannot express the same pronunciation as the arabic one even if you write the words instead of the abbreviations it's actually not the same word as in arabic. So regarding common abbreviations it doesn't make a difference if you use them or the written version, because in both cases you convey the same message.
They aren't the same at all. Besides, scholars prohibit using abbreviations.
السلام عليكم ورحمة الله وبركاته!
جزاك الله خيرا ♡
بارك الله في عملك❤
Allahumma barik.
Assalamualaikum 'Arabic 101' Your videos are very important for learning about the Quran. But there is one problem, those who do not know English have to face problems. We Bengalis do not know much about the Quran. So, I have a special request to you, please provide the videos in Bengali as well.
Brother it might be difficult for him to teach it in each and every language, so he might go with a language most of us can comprehend. So I suggest if would be better if you (Bengalis) were to learn English and then come here and learn Quran. I'm having no intention to demotivate you, rather than I'm asking you to learning something that is beneficial for you.
Allahumma barik!
oooo i see some new editing like during the recitation of the quran, nice one!
JazakAllah khair
جزاك اللهُ خيراً
بارك الله فيك
اللّٰھُمَّ بَارِکْ
What about بارك الله فيك
Akhi please make your video on so called contradictions in qira'ah, you had said that you will make a detailed video on differences between the qira'ah in one of your previous videos.
Allahumma barik
What about SWT (subhanahuwataala), SAW (shalallahualaihiwasallam) and RA (radhiyAllahuanh)?
These are also abbreviations so the are the same as he said. Just type them all along brother 😊
Assalamualaikum wa Rahmatullahi wa Barakatuhu
Allahumma barik lak
Wa alaykum asalam
السلام عليكم ورحمة الله وبركاته
Can you do Videos explain how to do this in montage and thank you for this videos it is valuable
Isn’t it reaaally ocd to be pernickety/fussy about this? I’m sure lots of idle people will now be “educating” others about this now. Wonderful 🤯
2:33 what about ( بارك الله فيك/فيه )?
yeah you can say it
ustad what about barakAllahuFeek
Assalamu alaikum va rahmathullah, the highlighting of the letters during recitation is required please follow for coming videos, Jazakum allahu khair
Very good information and advice! Allahumma barik feek, wa jazaakum Allah khayr!
How is اللهم بارك فيك grammatically correct? Because اللهم is directed to Allah (O Allah).
Would it not be اللهم بارك لهم or اللهم بارك فيه?
In this case بارك الله فيك will be appropriate
I’m not Muslim but I am writing a historical story and a character retrieves her Qur’an after it was confiscated by her father (a crusader). The thing is, it was not originally her Qur’an, she found it after her father k1lled a Muslim man many years ago, and she “saved” the Qur’an to safekeep it so it wouldn’t be desecrated. So when she finally gets it back, I made her say “Allahumma barik” and not “MashAllah”. Would this be correct, or is the Qur’an technically hers now and she would say MashAllah? (She is Muslim too, a revert).
السلام عليكم ورحمة الله وبركاته
أخي الحبيب، هل يمكنك أن تشارك مصدراً لهذه المعلومة؟ أعني: من قال هذا من أهل العلم. لأني كنت دائماً أتساءل عن الفرق بين العبارتين.
أحسن الله اليك.
وجزاك الله خيرا
What about people, not stuff someone possesses? For example when i talk with a friend and he tell me that his brother learned how to pray. Should i say mashAllah or should i say allahumubarak?
Regarding shortening the phrases, just a question, could shortening or abbreviation be legitimate, as for example when in Arabic the words are written without harekes(which for non Arabic speakers may also look like a shortening)?
4:07 what if we spell it differently as in "jazakum Allahu khairan" --> "jazakAllahu khair"
"Ma shaa Allah" --> “MashaAllah"
"Asalamo Alaikom" --> "Assalamu Alaikum, Assalamu Alaikom, salam alaikum"
Does it change the meaning or is it just a difference in region
بل اللہ یمن علیکم ان ھداکم
Are there two Qirat for
یعنی ضمه او نصب
Please tell me
Bcz in one mashaf it is Nasab
In this particular ayat
🎉Yeah i asked myself thenlast days the difference to. Sry for bad englishbless sleep 😂😅
there is a belief that you may accidentally put the evil eye on someone if you don’t say maa shaa Allah. is this true? i’ve heard this many times.
what about alhamdulillah instead of mashaAllah
I am confused why you can't say Mashallah towards somebody else?
After all they only got their bounty of this life through Allah s.w.t, so in essence it is a correct statement or am I missing something here?
And towards what I have, can I not say ELHAMDULILLAH?
After all if I am impressed and want to say my thankfulness towards my creator, isn't he the one who enabled me such bliss not belonging of all Praise?
The reason for my question is it feels like such a pedantic thing in retrospect, when being shown like in this video.
I was under the impression it was such a huge difference in meaning but in the end.
Even if you say "you can't use them interchangeable" you have not provided a case for the why you shouldn't use them in these situations.
You provided a case for why you should use them in their specific cases but that's it.
So a reply by somebody here would be great....
yes, and even more than that the niyyah is anyway behind the duaa / zhikr (allahouma barik)(masha'Allah)
I mean, it seems like here there is some "restrictions" / "rules" that are put without any REAL evidence (I mean, saying "masha'Allah la quwwata illah billah", as told in the surah, to invoke blessing on something you have AS SAID in the hadith, it would then just mean that the sentence ""masha'Allah la quwwata illah billah" is in fact correct to use in all three situations of the hadith, since it is used in the surah for one of them... i'm not sure if i'm clear)
anyways, I understand what is the logic behind what the speaker is saying, but it just seems like complicating everything, when it have been made simple alhamdulillah
and astaghfirullah, i don't wanna mislead anyone, i'm just sharing my opinion since this video is made out of assumption (at least it is what it seems like to be honest)
TLDR : I would understand it more like : if in the Qur'an, "masha'Allah la quwwata illah billah"" is used to invoke blessing upon what the dude has (his wealth, gardens...), then it should be correct to use it for something someone else has (because the hadith talks about "your brother, YOURSELF or wealth" all together)
هل عندكم قناة عربية؟ آمل أن اسمعكم تتحدثون بها
What about something about the wife or own children? I would assume its mashAllah?
Alhamdulillaah! 💙
جزاك اللە خیرا
What about barakalllathu feek
This channel is very intelligent, but it couldn't answer my simple question. Why is the letter "h" in English not written at the end of the Arabic transliteration? "Fatha" instead of "Fathah", "Kasra" instead of "Kasrah", and "Aisha" instead of "Aishah"?
I have a question akhi. You pronounce the second a from "ma sha allah" like an e. I heard this a lot from turkish people because they don't have an a, rather they pronounce it like an e. For example they don't have Matin, they have Metin. Are you turkish? Or is it the right way? I would pronounce the first and second a in ma sha allah like an german a. And the last a from Allah like a mix between a and o. Like mishary rashid
What if i say assalamualaikum wrb?
جزاك ٱلله.
ٱللهم بارك فبك.
Mashaa Allah! 😍 ❤❤❤Jazak Allahu Khairun!
bro really didn’t pay attention ☠️
I also heard that you should be saying Maa shaa 'Allahu laa quwata illa billah instead of simply maa shaa 'Allah as the verse you recited mentions it, can you, if Allah wills, enlight me on this ? barakAllahu fik 👍🏻
Brother, please while reading Qur'anic Ayah do not squeeze voice, read with the same tone as you speak(heavy tone).
When I write to our imam with full salaam, he replies back with "wa" and nothing else.
This Translates to "and"
He hasn’t fulfilled your right in terms of returning the salaam, but the angles have. if he doesn’t want to greet you back properly, then that’s on his own.
@Ahlul-Hadiths Thanks, but the translation is not needed.
salām is sunnah, answering salām is mandatory (if possible)
@@AbdulRahmanAlMubaarak Shouldn't he know better as an imam.
Czn you say allahumma barin to a non muslim ?
I really needed this
Wouldn't this saying only apply to 'practicing ' Muslims? For example, wouldn't it be impermissible to say this to neighbors who are disbelievers ?
What about jazak allah khairan amd barak allah fik
ما شاء الله
If you have an iPhone, you can go to settings>General>Keyboard>text replacement.
Find a shortcut for these phrases, like jzk to mean جزاك الله خيرًا. So whenever you wanna type it out when texting, you just type your shortcut and the phone will fill it out for you.
Assalamualaikum !!
Just a few notes to add. To bless your things by saying mashallah is to attribute this to Allah because he gives and takes. To bless someone or something he or she has by saying Allahumma barik or barakallah...etc. is also done to block envy (hasad) . Thanks for reading.
جزاك الله خيرا broeder
Allahuma Barik somebody told the difference; I knew it and was sad when people didn't know the difference between Allahuma Barik and Ma Sha Allah
اللهم بارك
It's a great word in the world and we can't use the abbreviation of words.
Allahumma is not an Arabic word it is jewish origin means many gods,etc.keep your paganism at best.
Allahumma doesn't mean god, even allah doesn't mean god
السلام عليكم ورحمة الله وبركاته
Can you please explain how and why verse 3 and 5 of Surah Al kafiroon are translated differently even though the Arabic text looks identical.
Ayah 3 and 5 both say:
(وَلَآ أَنتُمۡ عَٰبِدُونَ مَآ أَعۡبُدُ)
But ayah 3 is translated as: "Nor are you worshippers of what I worship."
And ayah 5 is translated as:
"Nor will you be worshippers of what I worship."
جزاك لله خيرا
Here brother,he explains it(not Arabic 101,but another brother) in this video:видео.htmlsi=dsAtkkSPrT8UxLlX
@@NormalMuslim7 Thanks
@@Akhi_Zain no problem brother.
What about “Jazakallah Khair”
What about
بارك الله فيك ، بارك الله لك ، بارك الله عليك؟؟
Non Arabic here. I had no idea about this difference.
A native Arabic here. And I had no idea about this difference:)
Now you have, Alhamdulillaah. Baarakallaahu feekum.
the A.I. must've realized i use mashallah incorrectly and sent me this message. ❤ the people who taught me did not understand English enough maybe.. because they taught me exactly the opposite.. 😅😢
We want face reveal
What is this?
In older videos there is
No, we don’t. Why would u want that?
thats not a gamer/streamer channel we care about the content brother
أحْنْا اخْوْاتْكْ تْمْرْ ايْامْنْا وْلْيْالْيْنْا وْاحْنْا لْانْمْلْكْ شْيْ ايْنْ الْقْلْوْبْ الْرْاحْمْهّْ ضْااااقْ حْالْنْا وْضْااااااقْ بْنْا الْحْالْ وْالْلْهّْ مْا كْتْبْتْ هّْذْا الْكْلْامْ الْا مْنْ الْضْيْقْ وْقْسْوْتْ الْضْرْوْفْ انْيْ طْالْبْهّْ مْنْ الْلْهّْ ثْمْ مْنْكْ لْاتْرْدْنْيْ خْايْبْهّْ يْا اخْيْ احْنْا نْسْاء مْا نْقْدْرْ نْخْرْجْ نْشْتْغلْ مْثْلْ الْرْجْالْ رْبْيْ اكْرْمْكْمْ انْكْمْ رْجْالْ احْنْا نْسْاء مْا بْنْقْدْرْ نْخْرْجْ وْلْا نْشْتْغلْ مْثْلْكْمْ اخْيْ وْيْنْ الْانْسْانْيْهّْ ايْنْ الْاخْوْهّْ الْايْمْانْيْهّْ فْيْ قْلْوْبْكْمْ''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''' انا داخله على الله ثم عليكم يااهل الخير تقفوا معنا يا عالم حسوا فينا يا اهل الخير وين النخوة وين الاخوة وين الرحمه الى اوصى عليه النبي محمد بجاه النبي محمد تحسوا فينا انا بطلب منكم لو تساعدونى لو بثمن اكل مش طالبه شي غير انه نسد جوعنا ارجوكم من غير تجريح وكلام بكسر الخاطر انا يا خوان العيشة والله ما . عيشة فيكم تتاكدو يا اهل الخير انا توسل لكم ابوس على ايدكم تساعدونى ارجوكم امانه عليكم انا اعتبرونى اختكم عرضكم ساعدونى والله لول الضيق والفقر ما مديت ايدي اشحد من الناس استرونى يستر عرضكم وربنا يفرحكم في اطفالكم واهلكم ويبعد عنكم الضيق والحزن وربنا يجعل هذا المساعده في ميزان حسناتكم ساعدونى لو بثمن الاكل او بثمن اجار البيت ارجوكم يا اخواني يا اصحاب الضمير الحي يا اهل الخنوة واهل الكرم ارجوكم ساعدوني لو بشي قليل امانه عليكم والي حاب يساهم معي ربي يجزيه كل خير هذا رقمي 𝟵𝟲𝟳،712414748+ الوتساب اللي يستطيع يساعدنا يتوصل واتساب معنا نعطيه الاسم الكامل العنوان ويحول لنا بما يستطيع وانا وسرتي نسالك بالله لولك مقدره على مساعدتنا لاتتاخر علينا و جزاك الله خير الجزاπ~π÷π🎉....😥😥..،.،.،.،.،.😢😢😢😢😢😢😢😢😢@@😢@😢@😢@\\~♡♡♡-♡♤♤
This is a bot, it's a scam. Don't listen to it
هذا رد آلي مزيف، هذولي نصابين
These bots are annoying.
What if I say بارك الله or بارك الله فيك can it be said for others in stead of saying الهم بارك?? @arabic101
Just a few notes to add. To bless your things by saying mashallah is to attribute this to Allah because he gives and takes. To bless someone or something he or she has by saying Allahumma barik or barakallah...etc. is also done to block envy (hasad) . Thanks for reading.
Allahumma barik
Just a few notes to add. To bless your things by saying mashallah is to attribute this to Allah because he gives and takes. To bless someone or something he or she has by saying Allahumma barik or barakallah...etc. is also done to block envy (hasad) . Thanks for reading.
Just a few notes to add. To bless your things by saying mashallah is to attribute this to Allah because he gives and takes. To bless someone or something he or she has by saying Allahumma barik or barakallah...etc. is also done to block envy (hasad) . Thanks for reading.
Thanks for writing