Omg, I'm South African and I can understand what they are saying, my second language is Afrikaans. My Aunty just told me that we are from Javanese decent. Wow
I’m Indonesian.. i was living in Pretoria for 3years.. yes some of the words both in bahasa Indonesia and Afrikaans are similar… it’s the dutch influence i believe 💗 If you travel to Cape Town, the Cape Malays are Indonesian descendants… In fact, the 1st person that brought Islam to South Africa is from Indonesia… He is Syekh Yusuf “Tuan Guru” So that’s why there’s “Macassar” in Western Cape named after Makasar, a city in South Sulawesi, Indonesia where Syekh Yusuf comes from 😊 Sadly, as per my experience… many South African’s knowledge about Indonesia was relatively low.. they know Bali, but didn’t know that Bali is a part of Indonesia.. Funny things they keep mistaken us for Thai, as the Thai population in South Africa is quite large.. around 3.000 people 😂 Well, out of 273.800.000 Indonesian population, only 300ish Indonesians are in South Africa… That’s the story for today.. Thank you for reading 😂
The good thing is, while they can’t speak Javanese, they still preserve their Javanese family name. It’s not a custom here in Indonesia so a lot of Javanese do not have Javanese name.
Karena di luar negeri memang wajib pny nama keluarga termasuk suriname dan itu gabisa dihilangin krn sejak lahir mrk bakal ngewarisin nama keluarga dari pihak bapak
@@yogaandika3573 yang wajib itu nama belakang, dan nama belakang belum tentu nama keluarga. Dalam kasusnya Jawa Suriname itu nama belakangnya ya nama keluarga, diambil dari leluhur mereka yang ke Suriname dari Jawa
For indonesians watching this (especially javanese) how do u feel bout this, it's exactly like the chinese indonesian living in indonesia so if u guys feel your far away javanese brother in suriname u hope they will be treated well because us chinese indonesian is not just an immigrant here we are indonesian citizens just like your far away javanese brother they aren't indonesians they are suriname people just different ethnic. Point is if u treat us like outsiders remember your people (javanese) also is an outsider in their country so... spread love
I’m Chinese Indonesian, but I’ve never faced any discrimination, though I probably can’t say the same to my parents and grandparents. Greetings from the Netherlands 🇳🇱
@@anggitaputri3123 nah, now u know what the felling, same like Suriname Javanese, we Indonesia Chinese can't talk & speak Mandarin like our ancestor China.
Not only Chinese bruh, but we are here in Eastern Indonesian also got discrimination just cuz our skin is back and curly hair. This situation happened when we were in the Middle Indonesian like Java Island or other Islands
It's the same situation among people of Javanese descent in Malaysia and Singapore. Many of us are no longer able to speak Javanese bcz our parents never immerse us in the Javanese language environment. Our parents prefer to speak in Bahasa Melayu instead bcz of the need to speak the language fluently (and free of Javanese accent) at school, work and in social interaction with other ethnic groups.
Salam, yup mostly 3rd and 4th gen Javanese descent in Malaysia no longer able to speak Javanese, it because inter- married among other ethnic, assimilation also play biggest factor, but to me as 3rd gen. I' m still able to speak and understand at least 'Jowo Kasar' we call it or Jowo Ngoko, my late father and late mother always speaking Javanese at home, that' s why I understand a little bit, outside we speak Bahasa Melayu, but it sad though when thinking our children lost their mother tongue language, I still remember my late grandmother said to me ' Ojo Nganti Ilang Boso Jowone' 😢....
@@febrianeki6668 Ya betul memang banyak anak2 muda yg lahir di luar asal mereka, malu/tidak mau belajar berbicara bahasa ibu mereka. Tapi itu juga bukan sepenuhnya salah mereka, karena orang tua juga tidak mau mengajari sejak dini untuk berbicara "bahasa ibu" ketika di rumah. Contohnya banyak teman2 saya di Jakarta yg asal-usulnya orang tuanya Sunda, tapi mereka tidak bisa bahasa Sunda cuma bisa bahasa Indonesia dialek jakarta.
Appreciate Mantje Karso ❤.. im from Indonesia and I enjoy their performances.. its one of their way to remind Javanese language to Suriname young generations
Het is wel jammer dat de javaanse taal verloren gaat. Ik zelf kan niet zo goed javaans praten alhoewel ik het wel zo graag wilt leren praten. In huis praten wij meer nederlands en sranang tongo, is er mischien ergens in su waar er javaans word geleeerd? Want ik wil het wel zo graag willen vlot praten en het leren
Hey even me dja. Ik spreek javaans and im black Rede waar om ik ben van marienburg geboren and im proud to speak the language Anyone that from suriname javaan said they cant speak it are djobol
The sad thing also happens in Java island itself, most youngsters nowadays can't speak Kromo, only the simple version. Even some Javanese kids who were born and raised in the capital city (Jakarta) can't speak it at all, and Idk they seem to be ashamed when they speak Javanese in public.
@@radhityaaji1160 geographically still a part java, and it's still dominant by javanese if you're willing to take a deeper look, even though they don't really show their javanese side
Yang terkenal dengan sebutan orang jawa adalah mereka orang yang berasal dari provinsi jawa tengah dan jawa timur,, walau kita masih satu pulau dengan jakarta dan jawa barat, tapi bahasa daerah kita sudah berbeda .. contohnya bahasa jawa dan bahasa sunda itu sangat jauh berbeda, walau kami masih di satu pulau jawa. .. Iki adalah keindahan dan keunikan Negata indonesia. ..
I am half java and banjar, I am 90s generation, daily indeed i speak Javanese but Suroboyo style, just ngoko, for the kromo inggil and madya I found the difficulty as well, so...yowes yok opo mane kepangan jaman, akeh arek enom nang jowo dewe seng kangelan kromo lak neng kuto, kecuali nang deso-deso ancen sek kuat ajaran bosone.
I hope they remember where they came from. Because basically we are really the same race and the same tribe, only separated by Dutch colonialism in the past
@@loetfiehakim4477 lol no, Javanese people in Suriname are forced to work by the Dutch, while the Chinese in Indonesia are due to the will of the Chinese themselves to come to Indonesia and settle here, Chinese were hated because they had helped the Dutch and Japanese colonization.
@@HudHarry it's hoax. In the fact Javanese came to Suriname because they have contract work with Dutch. After finished contract they can go back to Indonesia, but until Suriname independen from Dutch, they choose to stay in Suriname.
@@loetfiehakim4477 they were forced to sign contracts, and the Javanese at that time were illiterate because no one went to school (forbidden by the Dutch government). those who choose to stay are the second descendants, and think that Suriname is their hometown
sedulurku kabeh ning Suriname and holland, mugi diparingi sehat kabeh yo... Ojo lali, ndelo Yutubku yo... Kulo Inyong. Awaku cerito nang bumi jawa tengah kota cilacap, mugi iso dadi gambaran ndelo ndelo suasana nang tanah jawa, Indonesia. Matur suwun
Awak e Dewe podho wong jawane.....,kulit e ora isoh di colong, diapusi.... ,Eman² temen Yen wong Jawa kok ora isoh ngomong Jawa 😰😰....... Tulung..... Pak Dhe Bu Dhe ,Simbah sing isih bisa omong Jawa ,di ajari anak²e Wiwit saka omah e dewe²....🙏🏻🙏🏻 Supaya paseduluran wong Jawa Ning Endhi ae bisa langgeng.... Swuuun....🙏🏻🙏🏻
As a Javanese who live in Java. This video is actually quite sad to watch knowing that my language is disappearing among my own people in Suriname. There are some signs of this happening too here, in Java because the domination of Indonesian (Standardized Malay) but I hope it won't happen, not in the near future, or not at all. (Thanks to the rising of the Javanese music that is currently happening here in Indonesia)
Javanese has disapperared among the Cape Malays 14 0 years ago as a great percentage were Javanese but they spoke more Malay as the Bugis, Makassarese, Mel;aly,Mandar , Sumbawa, Balinese and Minangkabau, Maluku decendent malays were more and Melayu of Batavia was language of education and religion.
@@mrastazwanan8803 These people are part of a diaspora. You cant expect them to keep culture and traditions alive in a foreign country. Its a miracle that the javanese have kept the culture strong in surinam eventho having to survive in a place where javanese language does nothing for you.
aku wong jowo, urip neng jakarta, capitolcity ne indonesia, aku bangga njogo budoyo ku... salam kanggo dulur suriname in javanese.. living in jakarta, capitol city of indonesia... pround to keep the root my bro in Suriname.
Het in feite niemands schuld als de Javaanse taal verdwijnt onder de jongeren, want uiteindelijk moeten ze de Nederlandse taal ook machtig zijn ivm school en daarbij ook de Surinaamse taal, Sranan tango, die je via buren, vrienden of op straat leert, zodat je met andere bevolkingsgroepen kan communiceren en het is meegenomen als je de Javaanse taal nog machtig bent. ik heb het geleerd via ouders, mijn siwoh's en door veel te luisteren naar ouderen die Javaanse verhalen vertelden. ik vind de Javaanse taal nog steeds leuk, spreek het niet 100 %, maar kan me behelpen.Ik luister veel naar Javaanse muziek om het niet te vergeten.
Javanese ppl in surinam will never forget who they are nor where they came from. Just because newer generations dont grow up using the language doesnt mean they dont know the culture and traditions etc. The culture is preserved in surinam and in the Netherlands so there is no need for sadness lol
I speak some Ngoko, my love for Indonesia and Java in particular is only getting bigger as I become older. The Dutch have committed a big crime by luring uneducated Javanese to work in Suriname and exploiting us for decades on plantations. I feel displaced in away and I wished Indonesia had some sort of law to make it easier for diaspora to return or retire in Java.
Mijn broeders en zusters in Suriname, wij zijn Javanen, en het is erg belangrijk om de taal van onze voorouders te spreken. Vergeet je Javaanse bloed niet! Kanggo dulur-dulurkoe ning Suriname, kene wong Jowo kudhu iso ngomong gawe basane mbah-mbahe kene. Ojo lali jowomu!
even in Java island, kids speaks bahasa Indonesia/Malay, because they are in school all day long, and in school the formal language is Bahasa Indonesia. some people in Big Cities like Jakarta, ashame to speak Java, because it is potraits as spoke by uneducated or low level status people compared to Jakarta/Betawi dialec/Language.
Ach joh. Mijn kinderen en ik zijn ook in NL geboren en ik kunnen ons goed verstaanbaar maken in het Javaans. Zo ook in het Surinaams. Oudere javanen waarderen dat. Tevens is het meegenomen als je het kan verstaan en spreken. De veel voorkomende opmerking die wij dan krijgen is 'Wasi kentangè pasi tog inter ngomong djowo'.
You all should keep the language. The British didn't allow us Hindustanis in trinidad to keep our language and a huge part of our culture was lost. There's nothing to be ashamed about keeping your ancestral tongue
@@barbs896 of course but not to every javanese people 😂 my both parents can fluently speak javanese.. but their children? Nope.. sadly Because a lot of us not living with javanese neighbor since kid and never taught by our parents (even thought they can speak fluently)
Maaf, mau tanya, kenapa ya orang jawa di suriname kulitnya lebih gelap daripada orang jawa di Indonesia? Itu memang beneran lebih gelap atau cuma faktor kamera saja?
Its simply because Javanese in surinam and holland are not afraid of the sun or to get brown. In fact we love the sun and we dont really prefer white skin like in Indonesia. Surinam is a brown country and even the white people are trying to get tanned here and in holland aswell.
@@Jacobsoetsrto3211 its not always mix marriage. You can tell who is ethnically fullblood javanese by looking at the facial structures. Has nothing to do with color. In Surinam everyone is brown or at least tanned. Sherefa father is african btw. Hes not from surinam im not mistaking
Bro I’m Indonesian mixed minang and balinese but for some goddamn reason I’m more fluent in English than Indonesian or any other Indonesian language, IM NOT EVEN LIVING IN A FOREIGN COUNTRY
@@polyness5962 apa kamu belajar sejarah ?, saya orang jawa dan tinggal di pulau jawa. Pulau dengan candi terbanyak dan bahkan candi terbesar di dunia, sampai sekarang nama orang jawa masih menggunakan nama sanskrit. Pengaruh india sangat kuat di jawa
@@Fj-xt2ug Tidak pernah ada yang menyebutkan adanya migrasi masif dari India ke pulau Jawa, Mas. Seperti halnya daerah dan negara indosphere lain, tentu saja Jawa memiliki banyak pengaruh dari India, terutama istilah-istilah Sansekerta. Walaupun ada percampuran darah, tidak semua masyarakat Jawa memiliki darah India, itu hanya terjadi di sekolompok orang saja. DNA statistik orang Jawa pun lebih dominan kepada Austronesia dan Austroasiatic. Sangat disayangkan RUclips tidak memiliki fitur pengiriman gambar. Maka dari itu genetik kita lebih dekat ke orang-orang Kamboja, Thailand, dan pribumi Taiwan (bukan etnis Han yang sering kamu jumpa di drama loh ya).
@@Fj-xt2ug Itu pengaruh budaya, bukan genetik. Orang Jawa terbukti genetik dominannya itu antara Austronesia atau Austroastiatik. Masak iya setiap muslim bernama Arab bakal punya muka Arab?
karena udah banyak keturunan dari native Suriname yg berkulit hitam ditambah lagi warna kulit asli orang Jawa atau indo putih kecoklatan atau sawo matang jadi dark gitu kulit mereka
Cah... Eling'o asal usul buyut mu seko tanah Jowo, di uri uri Budoyo Jowo mu, Sak adoh adoh'e kowe lungo kowe tetep getih Jowo, wong Jowo ojo sampe lali Jowo ne...
Wong Sinau basa kuwi merga butoh, ora kur merga nguri-nguri budaya. Ning Kono sing kanggo basane kur basa Londo karo basa daerah e Kono dhewe (mboh opo jenenge lali aku) karo basa enggres. Mulane aja dipekso nganggo basa Jawa merga ora kenek digawe omong-omongan karo wong sak ndunyo.
Omg, I'm South African and I can understand what they are saying, my second language is Afrikaans. My Aunty just told me that we are from Javanese decent. Wow
Woww really.. nice to know.. greetings from Jakarta, Indonesia. Im also Javanese
Im Javanese from east java
Afrikaans is basically dutch
I’m Indonesian.. i was living in Pretoria for 3years.. yes some of the words both in bahasa Indonesia and Afrikaans are similar… it’s the dutch influence i believe 💗
If you travel to Cape Town, the Cape Malays are Indonesian descendants…
In fact, the 1st person that brought Islam to South Africa is from Indonesia… He is Syekh Yusuf “Tuan Guru”
So that’s why there’s “Macassar” in Western Cape named after Makasar, a city in South Sulawesi, Indonesia where Syekh Yusuf comes from 😊
Sadly, as per my experience… many South African’s knowledge about Indonesia was relatively low.. they know Bali, but didn’t know that Bali is a part of Indonesia..
Funny things they keep mistaken us for Thai, as the Thai population in South Africa is quite large.. around 3.000 people 😂
Well, out of 273.800.000 Indonesian population, only 300ish Indonesians are in South Africa…
That’s the story for today..
Thank you for reading 😂
In Madagascar also I believe
The good thing is, while they can’t speak Javanese, they still preserve their Javanese family name. It’s not a custom here in Indonesia so a lot of Javanese do not have Javanese name.
Karena di luar negeri memang wajib pny nama keluarga termasuk suriname dan itu gabisa dihilangin krn sejak lahir mrk bakal ngewarisin nama keluarga dari pihak bapak
It's such a shame, really. People really think that having native names are shameful and comedians kept on mocking people with native names.
Name is important.. when people heard about "NGUYEN" people know that's a Vietnamese, Vietnam, Pho, etc. Muhammad, ahmad = arab, murphy = irish.
Dont be like pakistan and the malay who totally lost their identity, especially in their name. Its 100% arabized/hebrews
@@yogaandika3573 yang wajib itu nama belakang, dan nama belakang belum tentu nama keluarga. Dalam kasusnya Jawa Suriname itu nama belakangnya ya nama keluarga, diambil dari leluhur mereka yang ke Suriname dari Jawa
Sedulur sedulur Suriname, salam seka Kêdhiri, Jawa Wetan, Indonesia.. 🙏🏻
For indonesians watching this (especially javanese) how do u feel bout this, it's exactly like the chinese indonesian living in indonesia so if u guys feel your far away javanese brother in suriname u hope they will be treated well because us chinese indonesian is not just an immigrant here we are indonesian citizens just like your far away javanese brother they aren't indonesians they are suriname people just different ethnic. Point is if u treat us like outsiders remember your people (javanese) also is an outsider in their country so... spread love
I’m Chinese Indonesian, but I’ve never faced any discrimination, though I probably can’t say the same to my parents and grandparents. Greetings from the Netherlands 🇳🇱
nah, I'm Chinese. I knew that fell
Exactly same condition with Singaporean Malays, most gen Z and Millenials cant speak Malay anymore in favor of english
@@anggitaputri3123 nah, now u know what the felling, same like Suriname Javanese, we Indonesia Chinese can't talk & speak Mandarin like our ancestor China.
Not only Chinese bruh, but we are here in Eastern Indonesian also got discrimination just cuz our skin is back and curly hair. This situation happened when we were in the Middle Indonesian like Java Island or other Islands
Wat een leuke docu over de Javaanse Cultuur. More please!
It's the same situation among people of Javanese descent in Malaysia and Singapore. Many of us are no longer able to speak Javanese bcz our parents never immerse us in the Javanese language environment. Our parents prefer to speak in Bahasa Melayu instead bcz of the need to speak the language fluently (and free of Javanese accent) at school, work and in social interaction with other ethnic groups.
Salam, yup mostly 3rd and 4th gen Javanese descent in Malaysia no longer able to speak Javanese, it because inter- married among other ethnic, assimilation also play biggest factor, but to me as 3rd gen. I' m still able to speak and understand at least 'Jowo Kasar' we call it or Jowo Ngoko, my late father and late mother always speaking Javanese at home, that' s why I understand a little bit, outside we speak Bahasa Melayu, but it sad though when thinking our children lost their mother tongue language, I still remember my late grandmother said to me ' Ojo Nganti Ilang Boso Jowone' 😢....
Berarti mentalnya beda dengan orang sunda. Orang sunda gak bakal malu atau bahkan lupa dengan darah/bahasa Sunda nya..
@@febrianeki6668 Ya betul memang banyak anak2 muda yg lahir di luar asal mereka, malu/tidak mau belajar berbicara bahasa ibu mereka. Tapi itu juga bukan sepenuhnya salah mereka, karena orang tua juga tidak mau mengajari sejak dini untuk berbicara "bahasa ibu" ketika di rumah. Contohnya banyak teman2 saya di Jakarta yg asal-usulnya orang tuanya Sunda, tapi mereka tidak bisa bahasa Sunda cuma bisa bahasa Indonesia dialek jakarta.
@@febrianeki6668 lah itu orang betawi literally orang2 sunda yang kawin campur terus mengadopsi bahasa Melayu gara2 Belanda
Appreciate Mantje Karso ❤.. im from Indonesia and I enjoy their performances.. its one of their way to remind Javanese language to Suriname young generations
Mugi2 sedaya sedulur ng suriname diparingi sehat..its amazing ono wong iso ngomong boso jowo ng eropa ..sehat kabeh yo dulurr
Koreksi lur, iki ndek Suriname, suriname iku neng amerika selatan
@@kaksoispistev5403 ohiyo ng amerika selatan ya,,matur suwun wes di elingne mas
How do Javanese Surinamese and Indigenous Surinamese treat each other? Are most Javanese from Indonesia aware about the Javanese from Suriname?
Yes, I'm Javanese we know about Suriname and Javanese diaspora
Het is wel jammer dat de javaanse taal verloren gaat. Ik zelf kan niet zo goed javaans praten alhoewel ik het wel zo graag wilt leren praten. In huis praten wij meer nederlands en sranang tongo, is er mischien ergens in su waar er javaans word geleeerd? Want ik wil het wel zo graag willen vlot praten en het leren
Ik probeer mijn dochter ook Surinaams (sranagtongo) als Javaanse woorden mee te geven thuis.
Hey even me dja.
Ik spreek javaans and im black
Rede waar om ik ben van marienburg geboren and im proud to speak the language
Anyone that from suriname javaan said they cant speak it are djobol
I'm javanese and I can't speak javanese language. Ik ben tussen Aucaners opgegroeid op Moengo. Ga je me ook voor djobol uitmaken???
leuk hoor, dat je de Javaanse taal spreekt. het is altijd leuk om een andere taal te kunnen spreken.
Doe normaal jeetjes... typisch creool. Je komt dom en achtrlijk over. Het is niet je taal, is geen gewichtigheid dat je het kan spreken
what djobol means?
ja wtf is djobol 🤣
🙏 Sembah nuwun Tesih nguri-uri budaya jawa
Its cool vidio, keerreen, much knowlodge when see this channel, jkrta regency see this vidio, stay healty.. Ok thx (jimmy s)
The sad thing also happens in Java island itself, most youngsters nowadays can't speak Kromo, only the simple version.
Even some Javanese kids who were born and raised in the capital city (Jakarta) can't speak it at all, and Idk they seem to be ashamed when they speak Javanese in public.
Agreed, even the youngsters in my city (Malang) seems to reluctant to use Javanese in socmed..
sadly jakarta is not java at all.
@@radhityaaji1160 geographically still a part java, and it's still dominant by javanese if you're willing to take a deeper look, even though they don't really show their javanese side
bcuz people are jealous so they hate on javanese 🤣🤣
Yang terkenal dengan sebutan orang jawa adalah mereka orang yang berasal dari provinsi jawa tengah dan jawa timur,, walau kita masih satu pulau dengan jakarta dan jawa barat, tapi bahasa daerah kita sudah berbeda .. contohnya bahasa jawa dan bahasa sunda itu sangat jauh berbeda, walau kami masih di satu pulau jawa. ..
Iki adalah keindahan dan keunikan Negata indonesia. ..
I am half java and banjar, I am 90s generation, daily indeed i speak Javanese but Suroboyo style, just ngoko, for the kromo inggil and madya I found the difficulty as well, so...yowes yok opo mane kepangan jaman, akeh arek enom nang jowo dewe seng kangelan kromo lak neng kuto, kecuali nang deso-deso ancen sek kuat ajaran bosone.
Nice to meet Captain Does. We've met Mr. Salimin Ardjooetomo and his crew in 2008 in Surabaya.
I am a Javanese living in France. Maturnuwun sanget sampun ngedamelaken vidéo punika
I hope they remember where they came from. Because basically we are really the same race and the same tribe, only separated by Dutch colonialism in the past
what do you think about Chinese Indonesian who lossing their culture and language?
I think it's same Case,right?
@@loetfiehakim4477 lol no, Javanese people in Suriname are forced to work by the Dutch, while the Chinese in Indonesia are due to the will of the Chinese themselves to come to Indonesia and settle here, Chinese were hated because they had helped the Dutch and Japanese colonization.
@@HudHarry it's hoax. In the fact Javanese came to Suriname because they have contract work with Dutch. After finished contract they can go back to Indonesia, but until Suriname independen from Dutch, they choose to stay in Suriname.
@@loetfiehakim4477 they were forced to sign contracts, and the Javanese at that time were illiterate because no one went to school (forbidden by the Dutch government). those who choose to stay are the second descendants, and think that Suriname is their hometown
@@HudHarry Can you provide evidence that the Javanese were forced to sign contracts with the Dutch?
Mugi-mugi sedulur ning Suriname diberkati Gusti... 🥰
Orang Jawa di Suriname ya ini?
Jadi lucu ya Jawa di Suriname lain dari yang di Indonesia?
@@cargiewinata1963 iya, aku pikir karena sudah bercampur budaya ya... jadi unik... keren sih menurutku... jadi pengen ke sana
💋💋💋💋 be blessed too
sedulurku kabeh ning Suriname and holland, mugi diparingi sehat kabeh yo... Ojo lali, ndelo Yutubku yo... Kulo Inyong. Awaku cerito nang bumi jawa tengah kota cilacap, mugi iso dadi gambaran ndelo ndelo suasana nang tanah jawa, Indonesia. Matur suwun
Awak e Dewe podho wong jawane.....,kulit e ora isoh di colong, diapusi.... ,Eman² temen Yen wong Jawa kok ora isoh ngomong Jawa 😰😰.......
Tulung..... Pak Dhe Bu Dhe ,Simbah sing isih bisa omong Jawa ,di ajari anak²e Wiwit saka omah e dewe²....🙏🏻🙏🏻
Supaya paseduluran wong Jawa Ning Endhi ae bisa langgeng....
As a Javanese who live in Java. This video is actually quite sad to watch knowing that my language is disappearing among my own people in Suriname.
There are some signs of this happening too here, in Java because the domination of Indonesian (Standardized Malay) but I hope it won't happen, not in the near future, or not at all. (Thanks to the rising of the Javanese music that is currently happening here in Indonesia)
Javanese has disapperared among the Cape Malays 14 0 years ago as a great percentage were Javanese but they spoke more Malay as the Bugis, Makassarese, Mel;aly,Mandar , Sumbawa, Balinese and Minangkabau, Maluku decendent malays were more and Melayu of Batavia was language of education and religion.
@@mrastazwanan8803 These people are part of a diaspora. You cant expect them to keep culture and traditions alive in a foreign country. Its a miracle that the javanese have kept the culture strong in surinam eventho having to survive in a place where javanese language does nothing for you.
@@mrastazwanan8803 lol Javanese are not native in cape, either they adopt malay custom or go away simple.
Javanese never should disappear, however its importante to Java be a free land and nation to maintain your culture alive and strong.
nahh.. as long as Kraton Surakarta lan Jogja still exist, the Javanese hierarchy (Kromo-Ngoko) language would be still highly preserved i think.
Ketarane lagu pop Jowo mantep neng Kono 👍
Kulo saking magelang, central java...salam kenal kalian sedoyo mawon wonten suriname...🇮🇩🇸🇷
wong Jowo Suriname iku kebanyakan seko daerah magelang lho
aku wong jowo, urip neng jakarta, capitolcity ne indonesia, aku bangga njogo budoyo ku... salam kanggo dulur suriname
in javanese.. living in jakarta, capitol city of indonesia... pround to keep the root my bro in Suriname.
Ra takok
Ora penting 😂
It is understandable for them that cannot fully speak Javanese.
The old lady just killed it 😅
Het in feite niemands schuld als de Javaanse taal verdwijnt onder de jongeren, want uiteindelijk moeten ze de Nederlandse taal ook machtig zijn ivm school en daarbij ook de Surinaamse taal, Sranan tango, die je via buren, vrienden of op straat leert, zodat je met andere bevolkingsgroepen kan communiceren en het is meegenomen als je de Javaanse taal nog machtig bent. ik heb het geleerd via ouders, mijn siwoh's en door veel te luisteren naar ouderen die Javaanse verhalen vertelden. ik vind de Javaanse taal nog steeds leuk, spreek het niet 100 %, maar kan me behelpen.Ik luister veel naar Javaanse muziek om het niet te vergeten.
Sad to see our distant relatives losing their ethnolinguistic identity.
kenapa bersedih? di saat orang chindo kehilangan etnilinguistik, orang china daratan tak bersedih...
Javanese ppl in surinam will never forget who they are nor where they came from. Just because newer generations dont grow up using the language doesnt mean they dont know the culture and traditions etc.
The culture is preserved in surinam and in the Netherlands so there is no need for sadness lol
@@Jblah ...I fully agree with you.
Jangankan suriname, saya keturunan jawa solo magelang dari ayah ibu aja ga bisa bahasa jawa sama sekali, karena lahir dan besar di jakarta
@@jungookookie413 harusnya kalo sama ayah-ibu pake bahasa Jawa
very good content about javanese culture, btw does anyone here speak javanese? I'm Javanese, Indonesian. nice to meet you all
I speak some Ngoko, my love for Indonesia and Java in particular is only getting bigger as I become older. The Dutch have committed a big crime by luring uneducated Javanese to work in Suriname and exploiting us for decades on plantations. I feel displaced in away and I wished Indonesia had some sort of law to make it easier for diaspora to return or retire in Java.
Mijn broeders en zusters in Suriname, wij zijn Javanen, en het is erg belangrijk om de taal van onze voorouders te spreken. Vergeet je Javaanse bloed niet!
Kanggo dulur-dulurkoe ning Suriname, kene wong Jowo kudhu iso ngomong gawe basane mbah-mbahe kene. Ojo lali jowomu!
Uwong tuwo sing kudu ngajari ngenalke basa jawa neng anak-anake.
Salam teko Suroboyo jawa timur Lor
even in Java island, kids speaks bahasa Indonesia/Malay, because they are in school all day long, and in school the formal language is Bahasa Indonesia.
some people in Big Cities like Jakarta, ashame to speak Java, because it is potraits as spoke by uneducated or low level status people compared to Jakarta/Betawi dialec/Language.
5:38 subtitle / translations arent correct… but who cares, her voice is a good vibe anyway :).
Groeten uit Solo, Midden-Jawa - ID 🙏🏻🤘🏻
Ach joh. Mijn kinderen en ik zijn ook in NL geboren en ik kunnen ons goed verstaanbaar maken in het Javaans. Zo ook in het Surinaams.
Oudere javanen waarderen dat. Tevens is het meegenomen als je het kan verstaan en spreken. De veel voorkomende opmerking die wij dan krijgen is 'Wasi kentangè pasi tog inter ngomong djowo'.
Sedulur sedulur Suriname, salam Kulo saka Jepara, Jawa tengah, Indonesia 🙏🏻
Itu bahasa utama yang digunakan bahasa apa ya? Apakah bahasa lokal? Kok seperti bahasa belanda
You all should keep the language. The British didn't allow us Hindustanis in trinidad to keep our language and a huge part of our culture was lost. There's nothing to be ashamed about keeping your ancestral tongue
Nopek Novian, Denny Caknan need to have concert and stand up here! Good to know there’s Javanese root in other country!
Sam in indonesia Some Javanese kids in the big city to speak with parents with english language study in international school or indonesian
Cakep merdu...
Niki saking pundi njih, mboten saget ngendika basa jawi.
Suriname,wong jowo ing suriname isone mung gawe boso belanda
is any ngabers or jamet exist in there ?
Pada biasa jawa ngapak ora ya? Hehehehe
Knp gak cover lagu jawa kyk deni atau ndarboy...pasti beliau beliau itu senang hati mengijinkan ...
Greetings from Java-Indonesia🇮🇩
Greetings from Suriname
@@svenresosemito1824 i'm from jawa jember
My new after retirement activity plan: teach javanese around the world
1st word=jancook 😂😂😂
Aku pengen ketemu = I want to meet you☑️
Aku pengen ketemu = I want to see you ❎
And people from Jakarta and west java called people from Central and East Java, “Are you from Java?”
Dude, Jakarta and West Java are located in Java
Djeneng ku ...
Umor ku...
..😀😀jowo gampang....
Hello my nusantara people
nek semisal aku sing nang posisi cah nom suriname, aku wes kepo parah pengen delok asal usulku sih
Gawe opo? Melok wong-wong Londo penak'e ra kaprah koq kape mbalik menyang simbah buyut terus 🤣.
praene wong² jowo nemen. salam teko jawa timur
I am Indonesian Javanese although my parents are Javanese but actually, i can't speak Javanese as well😁
So it's true, "Javanese people are no longer Javanese".
@@barbs896 if the people near them doesn't know Javanese of course they don't know
Aku orang Jawa Lampung,masih fasih bahasa Jawa walaupun Jawa Ngoko ,kalau Jawa yg halus tau dikit
@@barbs896 of course but not to every javanese people 😂 my both parents can fluently speak javanese.. but their children? Nope.. sadly
Because a lot of us not living with javanese neighbor since kid and never taught by our parents (even thought they can speak fluently)
Ik ben een hindoestaan en ik kan niet eens hindoestaans prnt maar ik verta ett well
Wow javanese in suriname are my dulur javanese.
ojo nganti lali yo lurr marang jati diri dadi wong jowo....
Maaf, mau tanya, kenapa ya orang jawa di suriname kulitnya lebih gelap daripada orang jawa di Indonesia? Itu memang beneran lebih gelap atau cuma faktor kamera saja?
nah gua Juga penasaran, kok bisa beda gitu ya...? wkwk
@@loetfiehakim4477 mix marriage. Cause in Suriname so many race also. U can see sherefa father are black surinamean.
Its simply because Javanese in surinam and holland are not afraid of the sun or to get brown. In fact we love the sun and we dont really prefer white skin like in Indonesia. Surinam is a brown country and even the white people are trying to get tanned here and in holland aswell.
@@Jacobsoetsrto3211 its not always mix marriage. You can tell who is ethnically fullblood javanese by looking at the facial structures. Has nothing to do with color. In Surinam everyone is brown or at least tanned. Sherefa father is african btw. Hes not from surinam im not mistaking
@@Jblah where are u from
the same is also happening here in mainland java
Piye kabare dulur Jawa Suriname
dulur2 salam kenal dari yogyakarta
Semoga ojo lali bahasa jawane.
Sing enom wes podo ga iso omong jowo,isone omong boso belanda
ngapain harus takut? chindo di Indonesia juga nggak bisa bahasa cina, orang cina dari negara China juga nggak peduli akan hal itu...
@@loetfiehakim4477 apasih lu, cindag cindog
pop java haha, you must try "denny caknan"
Mbak Sherefa cantik dan manis sekali wajahnya
Ik hou van jou ❤
Bro I’m Indonesian mixed minang and balinese but for some goddamn reason I’m more fluent in English than Indonesian or any other Indonesian language, IM NOT EVEN LIVING IN A FOREIGN COUNTRY
Hahaha shit happens bro
Alhamdulillah aku jek neng jowo. Tapi mbah canggah ku wong londo 😭
Ternyata enek kene akeh keturunan Jawa. Dalam dari Indonesia 🇮🇩
Jangan tinggalkan bahasa budaya leluhur kita saya campuran Jawa Amerika juga bangga dengan bahasa leluhur kita cinta buat Suriname ❤
Salam seko jowo dulurrr
Lha kui rupane jowo banget 🤣
Mugi Mugi sedulur suriname iso bahasa Java(Jawa)
The javanese descendants in suriname or holland seen have more dark skin, than in javanese island
Karena di pulau jawa sendiri sudah banyak kawin campur jadi sedikit hilang pengaruh indianya,
@@Fj-xt2ug since when Javanese have Indian blood? They're mix of Austronesian, Austro-Asiatic, and a little bit Melanesian.
@@polyness5962 apa kamu belajar sejarah ?, saya orang jawa dan tinggal di pulau jawa. Pulau dengan candi terbanyak dan bahkan candi terbesar di dunia, sampai sekarang nama orang jawa masih menggunakan nama sanskrit. Pengaruh india sangat kuat di jawa
@@Fj-xt2ug Tidak pernah ada yang menyebutkan adanya migrasi masif dari India ke pulau Jawa, Mas. Seperti halnya daerah dan negara indosphere lain, tentu saja Jawa memiliki banyak pengaruh dari India, terutama istilah-istilah Sansekerta.
Walaupun ada percampuran darah, tidak semua masyarakat Jawa memiliki darah India, itu hanya terjadi di sekolompok orang saja. DNA statistik orang Jawa pun lebih dominan kepada Austronesia dan Austroasiatic. Sangat disayangkan RUclips tidak memiliki fitur pengiriman gambar.
Maka dari itu genetik kita lebih dekat ke orang-orang Kamboja, Thailand, dan pribumi Taiwan (bukan etnis Han yang sering kamu jumpa di drama loh ya).
@@Fj-xt2ug Itu pengaruh budaya, bukan genetik. Orang Jawa terbukti genetik dominannya itu antara Austronesia atau Austroastiatik. Masak iya setiap muslim bernama Arab bakal punya muka Arab?
Jek Ono to seng basa Jawa wong caledonia
its ok my brothers and sisters.. even i am pure javanese. i ahrdly speak krama inggil in daily too TT^TT that so shame of me.but i am proud javanese
why Javanese surinamese mostly have dark skinned? I'm Javanese from indonesian btw
Wow, a germany. I never thought he has Javanese blood.
@@barbs896 what do you mean?
karena udah banyak keturunan dari native Suriname yg berkulit hitam ditambah lagi warna kulit asli orang Jawa atau indo putih kecoklatan atau sawo matang jadi dark gitu kulit mereka
Sangar lek.
Cah... Eling'o asal usul buyut mu seko tanah Jowo, di uri uri Budoyo Jowo mu, Sak adoh adoh'e kowe lungo kowe tetep getih Jowo, wong Jowo ojo sampe lali Jowo ne...
Wong Sinau basa kuwi merga butoh, ora kur merga nguri-nguri budaya. Ning Kono sing kanggo basane kur basa Londo karo basa daerah e Kono dhewe (mboh opo jenenge lali aku) karo basa enggres. Mulane aja dipekso nganggo basa Jawa merga ora kenek digawe omong-omongan karo wong sak ndunyo.
Sampean pancen sae
Jawa Sumatra hadir
paleng enek seng tunggal buyut yo
Hello Sabbatical viewers
Wong jowo sing manggon ing Kaledonia Baru
Ze jokken gewoon dat ze geen javaans kunn praten.ze maken hunzelf belachelyk.aan hun accent hoor je dat ze wel javaans kunn praten.
Ojo lali ngopi lurrr☕😊
Sayang gk ada internet
Ayo jangan malu muda2, coba ngobrol boso jowo lah! 💪👌
Lah malah nganngo boso indo, pie mas e iki.
sampeyan wae malah nggo boso melayu udu boso jowo🥴
Wong jowo ilang jowone. Kudu ono guru boso jowo neng suriname
Java dibaca pake ejaan belanda jadi Yava.. rada aneh dengernya
This is a Dutch colonialism debt..
They need KOPLO. they will understand faster
arek nom2 e ilang jowone
Berapa banyak anak muda keturunan jawa yang tidak bisa berbahasa jawa , bahkan di negara mereka sendiri ,indonesia ,
Harus ada guru bahasa jawa disuriname
The problem is whether the teachers can speak Javanese or not
@@herman6539 many teacher from indonesia who can speak java...
Suriname bang. Di Amerika Selatan
@@sugami5029 MANTAP
Sudah luntur bahasa Jawa ...akan hilang ditelan waktu
Theirs face are like me😂, im javanese
Language is what you are.
looks so weird.. 😶
they looked like my people.. but they speak dutch