+Luis Galviz c Harder than the bomb defusing part is the room which u need to pass before getting into the bomb area.. that room with 3 guards with night vision goggles equipped
Only to get the presidential palace later ;). Seriously though, that level was rage inducing with the courtyard at the begining. I also hated the second half of the chinese embassy mission. First half was great.
@@stopthrm LOL yea I had to write a Word document containing the keypad codes for Chinese Embassy II. Since I play the Original Xbox version on the 360's backward-compatible emulator, the thermal vision on the keypads don't look too well.
@@stopthrm from what I remember the Chinese Embassy Part 1 was a lot harder than the second part because at least you can set off more than one alarm and kill people whereas in Part 1 you weren't allowed lethal force and were limited to one alarm at the very end of the mission that was rage inducing
+Tom Arrow It's actually possible to grab the first three guards that come in since they move in set patterns and won't shoot you unless you block them, even if you're completely visible. Their priority is to kill the prisoners. The toughest part are the two colonesl who appear in the opposite sides of the room in a short period of time. Even Grinko can be easily grabbed if you abuse his animations.
Splinter Cell (Masterpiece) : Presidential Palast Pandora Tomorrow (Piece of shit) : Not even worth to play the game Chaos Theory (Something between good and bad) : Bathhouse Double Agent Current Gen (Piece of shit) : Not even worth to play the game Double Agent Next Gen (Still good) : Okhotsk Conviction (Too stupid) : Causes pain in your brain Blacklist (Best of all sequels if played in professional mode) : Airstrip
God. I remember Sea of Ohotska level. I played it for 5 hours straight with contless resets to achieve perfect stealth score (I didn’t get caught once). And when i viewed the score at the end... *Stealth Score - 28%*
It's all because of the annoying nonsense with the bomb in the terrorist's camp. You must knock out or distract guards near the place of bomb placement, otherwise they will die and it's counts by the game. I recommend to knock out those guards one by one and then put the bodies into the water (yep, the game don't considers it as a murder).
ross smith Well Blacklist got that Perfectionist mode. I loved the action of combat which made me love the game. I never liked stealthing too much. But I loved invisible combat style. Chaos Theory was extremely good and first one I played. It allowed direct combat if things got ugly but I also found stealth fairly easy but fun. Body count wasn't any smaller though. But game lost some of nice features. In my opinion sabotage should be a thing. In Chaos Theory I could pop hole to generator. Now it's all EMP bombs. Not that I don't like it but I liked that one. But I like game as it is. I mean everyone can go as they want. Only exception being Conviction maybe but there never has been forced combat. I think, exceptions do exist.
I got through it first try without dying and I didn't even use thermal because I played it on PC and for some reason using thermal instantly crashes my game :p
I stopped believing you the second I read the 5th word and when you mentioned not using thermal I was DONE. It doesn't matter how good you are, you can't do that. But you didn't say that you did it without a walkthrough, so if that's true then I GUESS I believe you.
I would say Bathhouse is the hardest mission to do on a 100% Stealth Expert Difficulty due to how the entire gameplay changes dynamic in an instant. I've managed to do it at that rating and with the least possible time used. You have to REALLY plan out your loadout and believe me the Stealth Loadout is not the best option, Redding's Recommendation is the best due to the fact you have plenty of Sticky Cams and Smoke Grenades, This is key for success. I most often always go for Stealth Loadout but Bathhouse is the exception.
I gotta say the Site F mission (Blacklist: Denver) is quite easy when you know you're way around it. I finished it in perfectionist without any knockouts and only 1 retry and it was really really good.
The Abattoir mission was extra hard for me, my computer would crash when I had to switch to thermal vision. It would always crash, so in the refrigerator part I would see as much as the guards
Am i the only one who think that bathhouse was an easy map?I mean i took 100% on expert. But it took me 4 hours to do so...cause i wanted everything to be perfect.
***** With a LOT of work and a lot of saves.I remember that before i was gonna make any move i was thinking about it too many times.The most difficult part was the one with the 3 soldiers in one room who were alerted. The key to that part is smoke grenades and dont kill anyone!And try to avoid even touch them just wait learn their patrol paterns and then move pass through them.That takes too much time though.Good luck.
***** Ahah i see well there i conserved my sticky shockers and air foil rounds from earlier and i took them out. I think there was 3-4 of them.Then hide the bodies in between before the bomb goes off cause as soon as you start defusing the bomb the timer stops so you dont have a problem.At least that was what i did.
5 maps are harder than bathhouse 1) lax mission in SCPT, 2) presidential palace from sc1 3) abbatoir from sc1 4) kola cell 5) vselka submarine and 6) vselka infiltration , they are all all from sc1 and much harder, try it out
Chaos Theory drew me deeper into the Splinter Cell games. It's the only reason I played the others. Well, that was on PS2 then. I bought all of them on PC as of now! Will replay them all back to back. This video brings back memories.
Definitely agree with the #1 choice. Big reason was because it was the first game, where control is clumsy in comparison to the later games. It certainly did not help that the mine field was actually bugged and the guards could see you if you didn't stay out of sight and it really set the unforgiving tone for rest of the mission. The last fight scene was especially painful because Splinter Cell was not developed as a shooter. Aiming and shooting was really awkward and slow. Proximity mines became lifesavers and was the only way to clear all the bad guys, or at least get enough of them so you could shoot the rest, and even then it hit & miss. Without the mines, they would just take cover, circle from multiple directions and kill you.
originalKashman If you honestly found it easy on perfectionist, then it means you're a splinter cell god player! I mean, I was able to beat chaos theory on the hardest difficulty on 100% without saving even once (only at the beginning of the levels) with no problems, but it was REALLY HARD for me to beat perfectionist on ghost.
Chinese Embassy 1 was harder than Abbatoir imo. You cannot use lethal force, but the guards have automatic rifles and can gun you down at a moment's notice.
Splinter Cell 1 and Pandora Tomorrow was just the most difficult Splinter Cell games. I really hope Ubisoft goes back to their roots with Splinter Cell. Chaos Theory still being the best SC up to today 😌
*Cue eagle screech* Lambert: Sam!! Sam: What is it? Lambert: You forgot to synchronize before jumping. It's over, mission failed. Get out of there, you're finished.
I ended up breaking one of my controllers to the abbatoir and the palace. I was a good player,I just got a little impatient sometimes. I was also like eight
The hardest part for Presidential Palace was if you tried to play it properly instead of just running past the big fights in the library and the basement. Also, the big room where you first encounter the Georgian Elite is somewhat tricky.
I thought the final mission of Splinter Cell 1 was the hardest ever. First few minutes of the level, spotlights, guards with guard dogs. Then came infra-red lasers and then when you finally reach Nikoladz at the end you have to fight commando's with night vision goggles. I gave up at that point
This is the hardest mission in any of the splinter cell games. That ending was insane. I think I played the ending about 30 times until I didn't get spotted and took out the two or three guards that were on the roof.
A lot of people play Splinter Cell and attempt to achieve a perfect stealth score, but in the novels, Sam Fisher very rarely attains perfect stealth, and he does execute as well. I’ve always loathed how the Splinter Cell games will provide us all these cool weapons and then penalize us for using them. Upside down neck break, karambit, pull through the ice, etc., all worthless if you want perfect stealth.
+Mitch Johnson Yeah.. the last part of Presidential Palace was an all out war... First u fight Nikoladze's men and then u take out Cristavi's men..Better level was definitely Presidential Palace but Abattoir was much harder overall..especially the land mine area and the deep freezer part
It's funny because two of the parts I remember being most frustrated at were the mines and the fight in the stables. I didn't realize they were the same level.
+European Pizza But on the other hand, it's probably the least lit and generally the darkest level in the game. After you get the SC-20K and be a little conservative with your Sticky Shockers and Ring Airfoils, the levels is a breeze. The most difficult part is the generator room which you have to carry Dougherty through before entering the final area outside but even that's doable when you memorize the patrol patterns.
I love the old splinter cell games where when you kill an enemy, he quickly has to turn on invincibility so he can warn all the other guards. Or maybe when I shoot an enemy in the head and he turns around and blows my brains out
In Blacklist he's great. He pushes Sam's irony and sarcasm to an (before) unknown level. I also like his story of redemption: he discovers that when he the things he does save innocent lives he likes it. And even though his criminal origins he strangely fits very well with the team.
I love cowardly characters who do anything to survive yet have an air of charisma and fake dignity to them. He's the moral/ethical compromised person, but he works so well within the team
I am glad to see I am not alone in my frustrations of some of the SC missions. I have regularly played the original SC trilogy since their inception and just finished going through them once again on my PS3 in HD. However ... I have a confession to make. I got so frustrated with the Bath house mission in Chaos Theory that I gave up every time! Here's the embarrassing part; I FINALLY beat it (yay) and found out there was a 10th mission (hang head in shame). I was certain that the Bath house HAD to be the last mission because it was so hard! Oh well, I enjoyed the 10th mission very much even though it was challenging.
Splinter Cell Double Agent is the hardest in series, mainly because of hypersensitive A.I. The mission in Iceland is the cause of many sleepless nights.
I liked the 3rd echelon mission from conviction it only took me 2 lives, but that ending where Sam goes to the reception area and says that he used to work here and then blows up the full building is FKing dope
I've been doing a stealthy, clean-handed playthrough of SC 1, and after completing Abattoir, I've been taking a much needed break after finding a way to get past those goddamn turrets both in the freezers and the stables. When I got to the final fight i was just like "fuck it" and killed everyone.
If you're going for 100% stealth on bathhouse especially if you played the HD version on ps3 with the glitch it was impossible to get because of a certain commando would see you when leaving in the middle of the cross fire There was a way to do it but you had to be quick Watch this guy centerstrain01 play it he plays with the least amount Ko's possible while getting 100% stealth
I really hated those annoyences in CT. You also can't get 100 % score in the second coop level and Ubisoft knew about that! What's funny is that even the monkey from the chemical bunker's lab can somehow spot you. CT coop is so tough.
originalKashman you think it was then noticing you? I have thoughts about distracting guards at the machine room while discharging Shetland's bombs. Guards start to shoot at camera if you got distracted them twice. So that's what I'm thinking why I always get that 97% rating
Bathhouse would be my #1. Everyone remembers the end and for good reason, but even everything before that was pretty hard. I don't think most of Chaos Theory is really that bad, especially if you play it on normal difficulty. Bathhouse on normal is harder than many missions on expert.
Yeah I total agree with number 1, it was brutal the first SC was unforgiving lol My list: Splinter cell: Chinese Embassy / Abbotair Pandora tomorrow: TV Station where you capture Sadono / Israel / Indonesia was also merciless Chaos Theory: Bath house / Seoul Double Agent (xbox original): Kinshasa Double Agent (2nd version): didn't finish it Conviction: was way too easy but I think Third Echelon was sort of hard Blacklist: the mission with 4 Iranian commandos, forgot the name
+Muhammad Abdur Rahman Thanks for the feedback. I got to agree with Kinshasa, it was a tough one for sure. Capturing Sadono was also a pain. The mine field part kind of took me back to the Abattoir mission. Not to mention the last part when you actually have to capture him. Israel wasn't that hard for me, until the last part,. It's hard if you are going nonlethal, but sniping the guards made it a piece of cake, at least for me. Not sure what mission you are talking about in Blacklist (with four Iranian commandos), maybe the Iran mission?
+Channel Hotmonkey yeah the mines were horrible, and yes I found out it was Tehran, Iran you know near the end where those commandos with Shields come into the room? The last mission was also like this full of heavy enemies
Muhammad Abdur Rahman Yeah, we're on the same page hehe. The Iran mission was hard, but I found that sticking to a certain path makes it that much easier. But finding the right path and timing took me forever.
I used to pass all the Blacklist game with the max difficult, the worst equipment and without KO / killing NOBODY. It's really satisfactory when you do that
#3 was a pain in the ass on both the 360/PC and Xbox/PS2 versions. Jerusalem ranks up high on my list too, though some of that is attributed to the quirky AI.
Was easy for me. Took some patience but only failed once in the entire level, at the very end because the guards killed the hostages. Tried again and finished the level. That was also the very first time I played that level.
This is a great list, when I was a kid my first splinter cell game was pandora tomorrow and my hardest missions were like you mentioned obviously LAX but also that Jerusalem level and submarine one aswell. Also I would like to point out that I played both versions of double agent on pc and ps2 (the older version) and the older version is EXTREMELY HARD!
You missed a mission that was really hard and I just can't remember which splinter cell it was but they had the same tools as you and you couldn't let those red lines spot you and you had to take out a guy on a roof top. I don't know if that is Conviction pandora tomorrow or the first splinter cell ending. I am trying to remember and I can't for the life of me. It was one if not the hardest mission in any of the games I played.
I agree with this list. I hated the Abattoir, Bathhouse, and Denver. LAX was somewhat difficult with those infected ND133 guards. The whole Sea Tanker in SCDA was difficult on both versions of DA. Third Echelon HQ was just a tearjerker towards the end when Sam plays Lambert’s message on the answering machine in his old office.
Andy the Bearman I’ve always been one to play Splinter Cell stealthily. In fact, I was convinced that Blacklist was just Conviction and Call of Duty blended together.
Blacklist was my first SC game, and while I can see how the precedent wasn't really set all that well for it, I thought it did an incredible job of giving the player options. It made you feel in complete control of your surroundings.
The key to getting past the last part of the bath house is to NOT break the lock on the gate. Pick the lock and make sure you close the door behind you. Then it’s actually easy. Hit the first guard with a shock round and hide his body near the first bomb (you have plenty of time). Then after defusing the second bomb, wait for the next guard to pass over you then climb the pipe and sneak up behind the trailing guard and shock him. Then you can shock the guard that passed over you earlier from across the room. Then after defusing the last bomb, hide in the far left corner and shock the guard coming out from the door. After that it’s just killing Doug, which is basically automatic. But the key to this part is not breaking the lock on the gate. Doing that causes the guards to investigate and change their patterns. I’ve gotten 100% on this level everytime by following those steps.
That god damn mine field in abbatoir. The spotlights see you behind corners, can't be shot out, and continue to move around even if you shoot the snipers near them. So they're camera-alarm-invincible robot lights. Then if you run on the gravel, the snipers see you. So you have to memorize some route even though you can't see where the mines are until you are close to them and can't stop to look without the invincible automatic alarm lights screwing you over. Such stealth action! What fun, the average player has to repeat it 15 times before they 1. give up on stealth and 2. find an appropriate combination of kill everything and jump on the boxes in the right spots. And if you don't quicksave it, you get to go through those 3 guys and Mr. shotgun every time.
Whenever I play the Abattoir level I can feel my regard for human life slowly fading away. I'd probably become a psychopath if I played for long enough.
I'm not a very 'Hardcore Gamer' but I've completed a lot of games and completed all games of some 8-10 series, bur I've got to admit Splinter Cell is one of, if not, the hardest series I've played. Nice video, by the way.
You missed one: New York on Double Agent - original xbox or PS2 - the entire mission is crazy hard - especially the darkened offices section where its just room after room after room with guys with night vision. Then you have the fight with Emile Dufrense where you are practically unarmed for the whole fight.
+John Doe Thanks bro, glad you think so. What mission was the hardest for you. For me there was no dilemma, Abattoir was, and still remains the hardest, I cant recall ever beating the level without getting detected a couple of times, or having to snipe a dozen guards X'))
in the gamecube versions of SC and CT , Abattoir is rather.....challengingly fun to me. :P but the Bath House is utterly torture, they just place the ai and lighting in all the wrong places for the gamecube version, unlike the pc versions, its honestly my nightmare
+John Doe Yeah, I got to admit that I never played the GC version. But as for Bath House, I totally agree! It was always a smudge on my overall performance in Chaos Theory. I could rarely get it right, and that is after countless reloading, from the beginning that is! Loading from a save point never was satisfying for me. And what was most frustrating is the fact that I would usually screw up at the end, while defusing the bombs. But it is a classic, nevertheless! :)
a classic it is, that is, the first few parts are fine by SC standards, infiltrating the bathhouse,sneaking around the bathhouse,sneaking into the private area,but then after that, the game throws the AI into war, and demands you to keep prancing around like its totally fine -while getting shot at by enemies trying to shoot the enemy- ,and then theres *THOSE 3 GUYS BEFORE THE BOMBS* which...which...which in the gamecube version....ARE my nightmare, and if the infamous bomb sequence itself wast enough ...... there was this one time i defused the last bomb, and shetland was walking right besides me as he taunted me and ran to the door,but as Sam's animation to defuse the bomb was ending ,some random guard happened to walk by me,then he saw me and killed me on the spot, lovely. back to the very begining of the checkpoint which is before you defuse the previous bombs,take down those 3 cockheads ,sneak by a war,and even before you sit through the eavesdropping sequence between Doug and Otomo. but even then... the gamecube version may be botched so, its not SC's fault. however the mission's end is....arguably my only real memorable EPIC moment the series ever had, a cool standoff with a long time friend turned enemy, its rather fitting for such a nerve racking mission to end like that.......................................so any personal shenanigans you remember from your nightmarish memories of the Abattoir mission?
+John Doe Yeah, the scene between Sam and Doug at the end was pretty epic! I actually put the ''You wouldn't shoot an old friend'' scene at number three on my top 10 SC moments video. As for Abattoir, I really haven't played the level in quite a long time. But I remember that there was no easy part. Not one! Getting past the first few guards right at the beginning of the level, right before you jump over the wall to get to the mine field, was a challenge alone. And then the minefield. I actually never passed it perfectly until I watched a walkthrough online, and even then it was frustrating. Then the freaking roof. I know you have to move when the lights switch off, and you have to avoid the squeaky parts, but still, I almost never passed that part without the guard running out. And when I would sabotage the antenna, and enter the facility, there's a guard who walks up the stairs every time. Even thought I played the level so many times, I would always forget about him and just run into him. The refrigerator rooms were my biggest nightmare. Honestly, I never got them right, I don't think even once. There's a similar situation in the Bath House mission, when you enter the sauna. You can't see much because of the steam, but it doesn't come even close to the refrigerator room of Abattoir. Sea of Okhotsk is also similar during the snow storm, but in that level at least you have a lot of room to maneuver, as opposed to the refrigerator rooms in Abattoir, where you really have only a certain path to take. The final fight wasn't that horrible, but it kind of took away the overall stealth experience I enjoyed.
Honorable Mention: That damn Ghost Recon Wildlands mission. 1. Can't get detected. 2. Can't kill anyone until you meet Sam. 3. Drones are jammed, so you can't disable the generator. 4. Every microscopic micrometer of that place is covered. 5. And to top it all off...NO FUCKING CHECKPOINTS!!!
Very Great Lineup. I Would Like To Know Your Thoughts On The Regular Xbox Version Of Double Agent. That Game Is Seriously Overlooked To The 360 Version.
the last part of the transit yards and even when playing as Briggs in 1st person mode is considered difficult, meaning to get by stealthy without killing anyone silently and loudly as I mentioned, and also the Denver mission is considered to be hard as well.
Denver mission, I got by without being seen once and without knocking out a single enemy. I try to always play this way. This was however the hardest misson in the game because of the very end where you need to do the 3 objectives
I really want to play these on hard mode now. I bought the first 4 for the original Xbox 2 years ago but only played through Splinter Cell 1 (then bought it on steam during a sale a few months later) and over 10 years later I ended up having hard time with the abattoir's last level, AGAIN! Everything else was fine and dandy but I had to replay this part like 5 times before I managed to get the rhythm of rolling to set up a bomb, roll back, head shot head shot head shot, grenade, shoot, etc...
Kinshasa was a pain in the ass because the mission takes place during daytime and you have your sunglasses. The level is so hard and you get detected so much faster. The mines were a pain of an ass and I couldn't see where they are located, so I had to use my frag grenade launcher attachment on my SC-20K Assault Rifle to destroy them.
Hardest for me: 1. Bathhouse. There’s a glitch that makes it goddamn near impossible to 100% and as a completionist, this is the most dreaded mission of the series. 2. Abbatoir, for all the same reasons you listed. 3. Iceland. Again, there’s a glitch that makes it damn near impossible to 100%. The good news is once that first mission of double agent is over it’s smooth sailing from there on out. 4. LAX for the same reasons you listed. 5. Airstrip. The only loud mission in Blacklist. Damn near impossible to get golden ghost on. 6. White House. I didn’t find Conviction to be particularly hard at all but the White House mission really pisses me off.
that splinter cell blacklist mission where you're on a train if you are playing on realistic or perfectionist at the scene where you have to shoot the window and jump into the other part of the train as soon as you jump through you get 1 or 2 shotted instantly
A lot of people here don't even mention the CIA mission. What brought my piss to a boil was that you were unarmed the first held, and you're infiltrating a government agency with little to no strategy other than to grab someone, or use elbow to face combat. Eventually you get a weapon, but you still have to use non-lethal force.
For Blacklist, I think the hardest mission has to be Special Mission HQ. Site F is quite easy once you know the map well enough. The heat-vision guards only appear mid-way (and are easy to dodge), the last part (before the hide-n-seek with Sadiq) is simpler than I'd expected. They don't even bother putting more high level guards in this final section. Special Mission HQ on the other hand, gives you endless frustration, especially when you try to play it the classic way (0 KO). It is glitchy, and the guards' pattern and timing aren't very consistent. I have forgotten how many time I have restarted the server room section simply because a guard's timing is a bit lagged behind, or somebody acts out of routine. Even if you manage to sneak past everyone, the game sometimes doesn't even recognize that. All in all, that mission is simply a pain in the ass to play.
Nice list & video. Original SC: Abattoir level & I'm playing it right now (PS3 version of SC Trilogy) Pandora Tomorrow: LAX Chaos Theory: Bathhouse Double Agent (Xbox 360 version): JBA HQ
Great list! Preidential Palace and Chinese Embassy were definitely hard too. As far the most beautiful mission Id probably say Shanghai, especially when you are repelling down the building with the fireworks going off.
Um, I know I am late, but I disagree with the Conviction and Blacklist levels. Personally, I think that Conviction doesn't have a specific HARD level (I mean they all are kinda hard, not if you have experience with the Splinter Cell series, which I have and some levels are still hard lol) as for Blacklist, Denver was the easiest one for me...idk how...I passed it in 3-4 tries (in all the other levels I died at least like 10 times lol) I think the hardest level of Blacklist is Grim's second 4E Mission "Border Crossing" and if 4E Missions don't count then, I don't know which level is the hardest because they are all look easy if you pass "Border Crossing", which I did thanks to walkthroughs...XD But Splinter Cell Chaos Theory is the first Splinter Cell game I ever played and I loved it, but it was really hard, and I think the hardest Splinter Cell game on the series is Chaos Theory, I still haven't completed it. -__-
Border Crossing had one difficult section, and that was the objective inside the truck where the sniper is looking. There's a gap in the patrols that allows you to get close enough, and once every 2 minutes or so it aligns with the sniper's viewpath so that it's wide open to get in. Getting out works the same way, although you need to wait for a different patrol gap.
Yeah, the thing I did that made the mission harder is trying to complete it without hurting any guards/Ghost style, but I ended up doing it Panther style...lol
After playing all splinter cell games. I understand the love for the classic gameplay style of splinter CT, PT and DA. But blacklist invites users to play with the freedom of taking on the mission in so many ways. I love all splinter cell games and blacklist is one of my favs. Though i have to admit that conviction was a bit dissapointing. The only reason i played it was because of the voice actor for sam. It was his last contract to voice for sam. But all in all, the splinter cell game and story is one of the best!!!
Great video. I replayed Double Agent , Conviction, Blacklist last 2 months. Damn is Splinter cell GOOD. My favorite game of all times . And your top 5 list hardest mission. So totally agree with you and the missions you have chosen Don't know how many times one had to die and try again , swearing and almost thrown the hand unit. And yet one loved the game so much one didn't give up. Wish they made more SC games. Also wanna add. Double agent was a pain in the a.. because the buttons felt wrong. Misspressed so many times ruining the game. Don't also forget there is another version on Double Agent. That is almost better then the 360 version. It's on the original Xbox.
Good list, I personally though would switch out Double Agent- Sea of Okhotsk (PC/360) with Double Agent- New York (XBOX), it's pretty hard if you're trying to truly ghost it.
The second half of the Bathhouse was developed by a goddamn sadist.
Hell yeah. The last part, I mean the bombs section, was really hard. I finally got 100% after a looong time.
Yep. And I was very hurt when I got to the bomb section. One bullet meant death, so there was no room for error. Not to mention saves were glitching.
+Luis Galviz c Harder than the bomb defusing part is the room which u need to pass before getting into the bomb area.. that room with 3 guards with night vision goggles equipped
Well, it is hard, but with a couple of gas grenades you could easily sneak through.
I once managed to get 100% in Bathhouse thanks to a few cheats.
I knew from the beginning the Abbattoir Mission would be Number 1.. it cost me a precious Xbox- Controller 15 years ago..
Only to get the presidential palace later ;). Seriously though, that level was rage inducing with the courtyard at the begining. I also hated the second half of the chinese embassy mission. First half was great.
@@stopthrm Which Chinese Embassy mission? I or II?
@@marcohidalgo1101 II
@@stopthrm LOL yea I had to write a Word document containing the keypad codes for Chinese Embassy II. Since I play the Original Xbox version on the 360's backward-compatible emulator, the thermal vision on the keypads don't look too well.
@@stopthrm from what I remember the Chinese Embassy Part 1 was a lot harder than the second part because at least you can set off more than one alarm and kill people whereas in Part 1 you weren't allowed lethal force and were limited to one alarm at the very end of the mission that was rage inducing
Splinter Cell 1 was just freaking hard....
I love it
Yea especially that abbatoir misson. That was the hardest mission in splinter 1
The moment I even clicked this video, I JUST KNEW *Abbatoir* would be there!!
+Tom Arrow
It's actually possible to grab the first three guards that come in since they move in set patterns and won't shoot you unless you block them, even if you're completely visible. Their priority is to kill the prisoners. The toughest part are the two colonesl who appear in the opposite sides of the room in a short period of time. Even Grinko can be easily grabbed if you abuse his animations.
Splinter Cell (Masterpiece) : Presidential Palast
Pandora Tomorrow (Piece of shit) : Not even worth to play the game
Chaos Theory (Something between good and bad) : Bathhouse
Double Agent Current Gen (Piece of shit) : Not even worth to play the game
Double Agent Next Gen (Still good) : Okhotsk
Conviction (Too stupid) : Causes pain in your brain
Blacklist (Best of all sequels if played in professional mode) : Airstrip
TheFeezy777 and shittest Chinese Embassy 1 and 2 all the way.
God. I remember Sea of Ohotska level. I played it for 5 hours straight with contless resets to achieve perfect stealth score (I didn’t get caught once). And when i viewed the score at the end...
*Stealth Score - 28%*
LMFAO I know it sucks eh, I think it's all the kills you do to stay undetected
ye,but if you knocked them out(non lethal) instead of killing them you will get 100 %
It's all because of the annoying nonsense with the bomb in the terrorist's camp. You must knock out or distract guards near the place of bomb placement, otherwise they will die and it's counts by the game. I recommend to knock out those guards one by one and then put the bodies into the water (yep, the game don't considers it as a murder).
That level was by far the worst. Almost made me uninstall the game. Just the struggle to take out those first two guys...
Which version of Double agent is that?
Dude, Kinshasa was really hard too...
hostia! la armeria, jajaja que divertido verte por aquí, si la misión de Kinshasa era complicada
@@Mr_Karre Hey, bro!! De mis juegos favoritos.
Q demonios hace la Armería aquí 😝😂
Not at all
Wasnt the worst. No kill penalty for anyone except hamza
Trying to 100% Bathhouse on expert was incredibly frustrating and is easily my number 1 hardest mission.
this video made me want to replay all the splinter cells again, i wish they would keep the gameplay the same as chaos theory, they had it perfect
It's amazing to see comments like these, thank you for sharing :)
I've always wondered why they didn't keep it that way
the splinter cell games were extremely hard till they made conviction
Double agent was the one that was most similar to chaos thoery imo
ross smith Well Blacklist got that Perfectionist mode. I loved the action of combat which made me love the game. I never liked stealthing too much. But I loved invisible combat style. Chaos Theory was extremely good and first one I played. It allowed direct combat if things got ugly but I also found stealth fairly easy but fun. Body count wasn't any smaller though. But game lost some of nice features. In my opinion sabotage should be a thing. In Chaos Theory I could pop hole to generator. Now it's all EMP bombs. Not that I don't like it but I liked that one. But I like game as it is. I mean everyone can go as they want. Only exception being Conviction maybe but there never has been forced combat. I think, exceptions do exist.
You have to be crazy to want to replay abattoir. The first part with the mines made me wanna quit playing
I got through it first try without dying and I didn't even use thermal because I played it on PC and for some reason using thermal instantly crashes my game :p
U got lucky
***** I'm not even going to mention the mission in Double Agent where you had to decrypt the email
I stopped believing you the second I read the 5th word and when you mentioned not using thermal I was DONE. It doesn't matter how good you are, you can't do that.
But you didn't say that you did it without a walkthrough, so if that's true then I GUESS I believe you.
4ven8 I didn't use a walkthrough either. Keep in mind this is a game from my childhood that I've played through tons of times on my Original Xbox.
I would say Bathhouse is the hardest mission to do on a 100% Stealth Expert Difficulty due to how the entire gameplay changes dynamic in an instant. I've managed to do it at that rating and with the least possible time used. You have to REALLY plan out your loadout and believe me the Stealth Loadout is not the best option, Redding's Recommendation is the best due to the fact you have plenty of Sticky Cams and Smoke Grenades, This is key for success. I most often always go for Stealth Loadout but Bathhouse is the exception.
I was quite surprised when I saw parts of my videos from Chaos Theory and Double Agent here. ;)
I gotta say the Site F mission (Blacklist: Denver) is quite easy when you know you're way around it. I finished it in perfectionist without any knockouts and only 1 retry and it was really really good.
The Abattoir mission was extra hard for me, my computer would crash when I had to switch to thermal vision. It would always crash, so in the refrigerator part I would see as much as the guards
i find bathhouse the toughest mission I've ever played.....
Am i the only one who think that bathhouse was an easy map?I mean i took 100% on expert. But it took me 4 hours to do so...cause i wanted everything to be perfect.
***** With a LOT of work and a lot of saves.I remember that before i was gonna make any move i was thinking about it too many times.The most difficult part was the one with the 3 soldiers in one room who were alerted. The key to that part is smoke grenades and dont kill anyone!And try to avoid even touch them just wait learn their patrol paterns and then move pass through them.That takes too much time though.Good luck.
***** Ahah i see well there i conserved my sticky shockers and air foil rounds from earlier and i took them out. I think there was 3-4 of them.Then hide the bodies in between before the bomb goes off cause as soon as you start defusing the bomb the timer stops so you dont have a problem.At least that was what i did.
5 maps are harder than bathhouse 1) lax mission in SCPT, 2) presidential palace from sc1 3) abbatoir from sc1 4) kola cell 5) vselka submarine and 6) vselka infiltration , they are all all from sc1 and much harder, try it out
That mission in Africa in broad daylight through the warzone, in double agent. Never was able to not be seen
To think of that I managed to beat every SC game on consoles first, without quicksaves and sloppy gamepad aiming amazes me.
Chaos Theory drew me deeper into the Splinter Cell games. It's the only reason I played the others. Well, that was on PS2 then. I bought all of them on PC as of now! Will replay them all back to back. This video brings back memories.
Chaos Theory is overrated. Sadly not my favourite game game but it's a good game. Double Agent is by far my favourite Splinter Cell, and underrated
I started SC with Pandora Tomorrow and instantly loved it. But Chaos Theory made me a fan of this Series.
Definitely agree with the #1 choice. Big reason was because it was the first game, where control is clumsy in comparison to the later games. It certainly did not help that the mine field was actually bugged and the guards could see you if you didn't stay out of sight and it really set the unforgiving tone for rest of the mission.
The last fight scene was especially painful because Splinter Cell was not developed as a shooter. Aiming and shooting was really awkward and slow. Proximity mines became lifesavers and was the only way to clear all the bad guys, or at least get enough of them so you could shoot the rest, and even then it hit & miss. Without the mines, they would just take cover, circle from multiple directions and kill you.
Dude. In my opinion blacklist in its entirety was insanely easy
If you try to complete it on perfectionist it's fucking HARD AS FUCK
On perfectionist its the hardest one out there
+Ltukomikas Andrius I honestly had no problem with perfectionist I have almost every achievement in the game
If you honestly found it easy on perfectionist, then it means you're a splinter cell god player!
I mean, I was able to beat chaos theory on the hardest difficulty on 100% without saving even once (only at the beginning of the levels) with no problems, but it was REALLY HARD for me to beat perfectionist on ghost.
Chinese Embassy 1 was harder than Abbatoir imo. You cannot use lethal force, but the guards have automatic rifles and can gun you down at a moment's notice.
Splinter Cell 1 and Pandora Tomorrow was just the most difficult Splinter Cell games. I really hope Ubisoft goes back to their roots with Splinter Cell. Chaos Theory still being the best SC up to today 😌
5:03 did Sam just do a leap of faith?
+ShadowToast haha, looks like he did. Any one else catch that? :D
That's it, Sam's an Assassin.
*Cue eagle screech*
Lambert: Sam!!
Sam: What is it?
Lambert: You forgot to synchronize before jumping. It's over, mission failed. Get out of there, you're finished.
You just won control over the internet.
+qsqua haha
Splinter cell - Presidential palace was Extremely hard
Hell yeah
Noob. :)
One of the easiest for me, except the blind shot through the window.
+47Mortuus Not for me lol
I ended up breaking one of my controllers to the abbatoir and the palace. I was a good player,I just got a little impatient sometimes. I was also like eight
The hardest part for Presidential Palace was if you tried to play it properly instead of just running past the big fights in the library and the basement. Also, the big room where you first encounter the Georgian Elite is somewhat tricky.
Man fuck that Denver mission. It took me a week to figure out how to cut Sadiqs knee, god dammit
I thought the final mission of Splinter Cell 1 was the hardest ever. First few minutes of the level, spotlights, guards with guard dogs. Then came infra-red lasers and then when you finally reach Nikoladz at the end you have to fight commando's with night vision goggles. I gave up at that point
You gave up at the very end of the game? I sure wanted to, but I wanted to the whole freakin' game.
This is the hardest mission in any of the splinter cell games. That ending was insane. I think I played the ending about 30 times until I didn't get spotted and took out the two or three guards that were on the roof.
A lot of people play Splinter Cell and attempt to achieve a perfect stealth score, but in the novels, Sam Fisher very rarely attains perfect stealth, and he does execute as well. I’ve always loathed how the Splinter Cell games will provide us all these cool weapons and then penalize us for using them. Upside down neck break, karambit, pull through the ice, etc., all worthless if you want perfect stealth.
6. Presidential Palace (SC)
5. Bath house (SC CT)
4. Denver (SC BL)
3. Sea of Okhotsk (SC DA)
2. TV Station (SC PT)
1. Abattoir (SC)
Abattoir was tough, but I remember being more challenged by Presidential Palace. Maybe it's that the first part was tough for me.
+Mitch Johnson Yeah.. the last part of Presidential Palace was an all out war... First u fight Nikoladze's men and then u take out Cristavi's men..Better level was definitely Presidential Palace but Abattoir was much harder overall..especially the land mine area and the deep freezer part
It's funny because two of the parts I remember being most frustrated at were the mines and the fight in the stables. I didn't realize they were the same level.
I'm surprised CIA hq isn't on here tbh
ahmed kabbary You can't kill anybody, that makes it hard...
+European Pizza
But on the other hand, it's probably the least lit and generally the darkest level in the game. After you get the SC-20K and be a little conservative with your Sticky Shockers and Ring Airfoils, the levels is a breeze. The most difficult part is the generator room which you have to carry Dougherty through before entering the final area outside but even that's doable when you memorize the patrol patterns.
Oh, this level, very lenghty.
CIA HQ is one of the easiest missions of the first game, tho
My favourite, tho
That level is awesome! one of my favorites to this day. :)
Me: Watching the hardest missions in splinter cell games
Also Me: Struggling to finish the first mission of chaos theory
Lol that mission is for kids 😂 ez pz all you need is sleeping gas for the last guy
I love the old splinter cell games where when you kill an enemy, he quickly has to turn on invincibility so he can warn all the other guards. Or maybe when I shoot an enemy in the head and he turns around and blows my brains out
Who here loves Andriy Kobin from Conviction and Blacklist?
ahmed kabbary Yup
in conviction i was disappointed when i saw what he did to archer/kestrel
Man I liked that. It was cool how they developers made it look
In Blacklist he's great. He pushes Sam's irony and sarcasm to an (before) unknown level. I also like his story of redemption: he discovers that when he the things he does save innocent lives he likes it. And even though his criminal origins he strangely fits very well with the team.
I love cowardly characters who do anything to survive yet have an air of charisma and fake dignity to them. He's the moral/ethical compromised person, but he works so well within the team
I am glad to see I am not alone in my frustrations of some of the SC missions. I have regularly played the original SC trilogy since their inception and just finished going through them once again on my PS3 in HD. However ... I have a confession to make. I got so frustrated with the Bath house mission in Chaos Theory that I gave up every time! Here's the embarrassing part; I FINALLY beat it (yay) and found out there was a 10th mission (hang head in shame). I was certain that the Bath house HAD to be the last mission because it was so hard! Oh well, I enjoyed the 10th mission very much even though it was challenging.
my hardest splinter cell pandora tomorrow missions are the Jakarta, the very last part of the Jerusalem mission and the LAX mission.
Yeah that was hard
Brother In my opinion , in double agent Kinshasa mission and the last one proved to be harder than the rest.
Splinter Cell Double Agent is the hardest in series, mainly because of hypersensitive A.I. The mission in Iceland is the cause of many sleepless nights.
Double agent is my favorite by far. Wasn't too hard for me, granted I died a lot in it but I never wanted to give up. Just an amazing game.
@@ilovebirds3157 true
I liked the 3rd echelon mission from conviction it only took me 2 lives, but that ending where Sam goes to the reception area and says that he used to work here and then blows up the full building is FKing dope
I've been doing a stealthy, clean-handed playthrough of SC 1, and after completing Abattoir, I've been taking a much needed break after finding a way to get past those goddamn turrets both in the freezers and the stables. When I got to the final fight i was just like "fuck it" and killed everyone.
If you're going for 100% stealth on bathhouse especially if you played the HD version on ps3 with the glitch it was impossible to get because of a certain commando would see you when leaving in the middle of the cross fire
There was a way to do it but you had to be quick
Watch this guy centerstrain01 play it he plays with the least amount Ko's possible while getting 100% stealth
I really hated those annoyences in CT. You also can't get 100 % score in the second coop level and Ubisoft knew about that! What's funny is that even the monkey from the chemical bunker's lab can somehow spot you. CT coop is so tough.
originalKashman you think it was then noticing you? I have thoughts about distracting guards at the machine room while discharging Shetland's bombs. Guards start to shoot at camera if you got distracted them twice. So that's what I'm thinking why I always get that 97% rating
prenatual is better
that was in pc version too
Bathhouse would be my #1. Everyone remembers the end and for good reason, but even everything before that was pretty hard. I don't think most of Chaos Theory is really that bad, especially if you play it on normal difficulty. Bathhouse on normal is harder than many missions on expert.
Bathhouse wasnt too hard. Just super hard when trying to get 100%
They should make a new splinter cell for xb1 and ps4 or make the first 4 games remastered.
jason lejuan
Don't know why they haven't done it yet
Chaos theory remastered would be BRUTAL
I wanna play so much splinter cell Blacklist again but I have a ps4 😭
Boy do I have some good news for you ! :)
Wait... What? :0
Yeah I total agree with number 1, it was brutal the first SC was unforgiving lol
My list:
Splinter cell: Chinese Embassy / Abbotair
Pandora tomorrow: TV Station where you capture Sadono / Israel / Indonesia was also merciless
Chaos Theory: Bath house / Seoul
Double Agent (xbox original): Kinshasa
Double Agent (2nd version): didn't finish it
Conviction: was way too easy but I think Third Echelon was sort of hard
Blacklist: the mission with 4 Iranian commandos, forgot the name
+Muhammad Abdur Rahman Thanks for the feedback. I got to agree with Kinshasa, it was a tough one for sure. Capturing Sadono was also a pain. The mine field part kind of took me back to the Abattoir mission. Not to mention the last part when you actually have to capture him. Israel wasn't that hard for me, until the last part,. It's hard if you are going nonlethal, but sniping the guards made it a piece of cake, at least for me. Not sure what mission you are talking about in Blacklist (with four Iranian commandos), maybe the Iran mission?
+Channel Hotmonkey yeah the mines were horrible, and yes I found out it was Tehran, Iran you know near the end where those commandos with Shields come into the room? The last mission was also like this full of heavy enemies
Muhammad Abdur Rahman Yeah, we're on the same page hehe. The Iran mission was hard, but I found that sticking to a certain path makes it that much easier. But finding the right path and timing took me forever.
agree with alot of yours, TV station though difficult was awesome as are alot of the difficult missions like the CIA headquarters. I love them.
wait what indonesia
my hardest splinter cell stealth action redefined missions are Abbatoir and presidential palace.
Headquarters level of third echelon in conviction was actually easy. lol I played it in realistic mode as well
Hardest mission by a long way is Indonesia, in Pandora Tomorrow; where you have to get Sodono at the TV station during the lightening storm.
I used to pass all the Blacklist game with the max difficult, the worst equipment and without KO / killing NOBODY. It's really satisfactory when you do that
I agree with that, I always hated abattoir, especially the end of the level
#3 was a pain in the ass on both the 360/PC and Xbox/PS2 versions.
Jerusalem ranks up high on my list too, though some of that is attributed to the quirky AI.
Abattoir is the most cancerous mission I’ve ever played in any game. I was in rage 90% of the time I played it.
Was easy for me. Took some patience but only failed once in the entire level, at the very end because the guards killed the hostages. Tried again and finished the level. That was also the very first time I played that level.
This is a great list, when I was a kid my first splinter cell game was pandora tomorrow and my hardest missions were like you mentioned obviously LAX but also that Jerusalem level and submarine one aswell. Also I would like to point out that I played both versions of double agent on pc and ps2 (the older version) and the older version is EXTREMELY HARD!
im really glad to see a big youtuber giving splinter cell some time in the spotlight, subbed.
+Alex A Hehe I wouldn't really call my channel big, but thanks for the support. Great to have you on board!
men y'all should centerstrain01 he can show you how splinter cell was meant to be played
slidenerd can you send me the link can't find the video
sure the guy isnt playing hardcore stealth but just look at how he does each map in 5 mins its crazy!!! ruclips.net/video/QdC1cNt8Wso/видео.html
slidenerd damn he speed runs through all the splinter cell games
too bad he's using cheats and getting spotted 100 times per level setting off alarms every 2 minutes.
That's really how you think it should be played?
my hardest splinter missions are the bathhouse and Seoul from chaos theory.
You missed a mission that was really hard and I just can't remember which splinter cell it was but they had the same tools as you and you couldn't let those red lines spot you and you had to take out a guy on a roof top. I don't know if that is Conviction pandora tomorrow or the first splinter cell ending. I am trying to remember and I can't for the life of me. It was one if not the hardest mission in any of the games I played.
Another great list! Abattoir is no doubt the hardest Splinter Cell mission ever.
Still can’t believe I beat that mission with like 35% health.
I love the first Splinter Cell game! It was one of the first games I ever brought for the Xbox. For me a very hard mission was the last level.
I agree with this list. I hated the Abattoir, Bathhouse, and Denver. LAX was somewhat difficult with those infected ND133 guards. The whole Sea Tanker in SCDA was difficult on both versions of DA. Third Echelon HQ was just a tearjerker towards the end when Sam plays Lambert’s message on the answering machine in his old office.
Denver was only remotely bad if you were trying to do perfect stealth, and even then it wasn't horrendous unless you were on Perfectionist
Andy the Bearman I’ve always been one to play Splinter Cell stealthily. In fact, I was convinced that Blacklist was just Conviction and Call of Duty blended together.
Blacklist was my first SC game, and while I can see how the precedent wasn't really set all that well for it, I thought it did an incredible job of giving the player options. It made you feel in complete control of your surroundings.
I couldn't figure out how to read the thermal residue on the keypads in the Chinese Embassy mission when I was a kid!
The key to getting past the last part of the bath house is to NOT break the lock on the gate. Pick the lock and make sure you close the door behind you. Then it’s actually easy. Hit the first guard with a shock round and hide his body near the first bomb (you have plenty of time). Then after defusing the second bomb, wait for the next guard to pass over you then climb the pipe and sneak up behind the trailing guard and shock him. Then you can shock the guard that passed over you earlier from across the room. Then after defusing the last bomb, hide in the far left corner and shock the guard coming out from the door. After that it’s just killing Doug, which is basically automatic. But the key to this part is not breaking the lock on the gate. Doing that causes the guards to investigate and change their patterns. I’ve gotten 100% on this level everytime by following those steps.
Solid video, man. I haven't played Splinter Cell in a while and this made me want to play again.
Thanks bro, means a lot coming from you. I've been a subscriber for quite a while :)
+Channel Hotmonkey It's no problem man. Your videos are really good. Thanks for the support too.
Pretty accurate. Except for sea of ohtosk. I always found that one easy. Good vid
Dammit, I wish they'd just make Pandora Tomorrow available on Steam or Uplay. Such a great game.
That god damn mine field in abbatoir. The spotlights see you behind corners, can't be shot out, and continue to move around even if you shoot the snipers near them. So they're camera-alarm-invincible robot lights. Then if you run on the gravel, the snipers see you.
So you have to memorize some route even though you can't see where the mines are until you are close to them and can't stop to look without the invincible automatic alarm lights screwing you over. Such stealth action!
What fun, the average player has to repeat it 15 times before they 1. give up on stealth and 2. find an appropriate combination of kill everything and jump on the boxes in the right spots. And if you don't quicksave it, you get to go through those 3 guys and Mr. shotgun every time.
RIP to Original Xbox players
I totally agree with your list! Especially on the 1015 times you played the first game. I’m there with you too. Love it!
Whenever I play the Abattoir level I can feel my regard for human life slowly fading away. I'd probably become a psychopath if I played for long enough.
I'm not a very 'Hardcore Gamer' but I've completed a lot of games and completed all games of some 8-10 series, bur I've got to admit Splinter Cell is one of, if not, the hardest series I've played. Nice video, by the way.
For me the original Splinter Cell was the most challenging. but I have to say chaos theory was one of the best
I love the series, and I would love a new game introducted at E3 2016...
@Sam Fisher 2 years later... pls kill me! 😂
I find it amazing that I beat all of these. Even the SC1 mission despite the fact that I never finished SC1.
You missed one: New York on Double Agent - original xbox or PS2 - the entire mission is crazy hard - especially the darkened offices section where its just room after room after room with guys with night vision. Then you have the fight with Emile Dufrense where you are practically unarmed for the whole fight.
awesome awesome SC video , glad most of your choices are relatable
+John Doe Thanks bro, glad you think so. What mission was the hardest for you. For me there was no dilemma, Abattoir was, and still remains the hardest, I cant recall ever beating the level without getting detected a couple of times, or having to snipe a dozen guards X'))
in the gamecube versions of SC and CT , Abattoir is rather.....challengingly fun to me. :P
but the Bath House is utterly torture, they just place the ai and lighting in all the wrong places for the gamecube version, unlike the pc versions, its honestly my nightmare
+John Doe Yeah, I got to admit that I never played the GC version. But as for Bath House, I totally agree! It was always a smudge on my overall performance in Chaos Theory. I could rarely get it right, and that is after countless reloading, from the beginning that is! Loading from a save point never was satisfying for me. And what was most frustrating is the fact that I would usually screw up at the end, while defusing the bombs. But it is a classic, nevertheless! :)
a classic it is, that is,
the first few parts are fine by SC standards, infiltrating the bathhouse,sneaking around the bathhouse,sneaking into the private area,but then after that, the game throws the AI into war, and demands you to keep prancing around like its totally fine -while getting shot at by enemies trying to shoot the enemy- ,and then theres *THOSE 3 GUYS BEFORE THE BOMBS* which...which...which in the gamecube version....ARE my nightmare, and if the infamous bomb sequence itself wast enough ...... there was this one time i defused the last bomb, and shetland was walking right besides me as he taunted me and ran to the door,but as Sam's animation to defuse the bomb was ending ,some random guard happened to walk by me,then he saw me and killed me on the spot, lovely. back to the very begining of the checkpoint which is before you defuse the previous bombs,take down those 3 cockheads ,sneak by a war,and even before you sit through the eavesdropping sequence between Doug and Otomo.
but even then... the gamecube version may be botched so, its not SC's fault.
however the mission's end is....arguably my only real memorable EPIC moment the series ever had, a cool standoff with a long time friend turned enemy, its rather fitting for such a nerve racking mission to end like that.......................................so
any personal shenanigans you remember from your nightmarish memories of the Abattoir mission?
+John Doe Yeah, the scene between Sam and Doug at the end was pretty epic! I actually put the ''You wouldn't shoot an old friend'' scene at number three on my top 10 SC moments video.
As for Abattoir, I really haven't played the level in quite a long time. But I remember that there was no easy part. Not one! Getting past the first few guards right at the beginning of the level, right before you jump over the wall to get to the mine field, was a challenge alone. And then the minefield. I actually never passed it perfectly until I watched a walkthrough online, and even then it was frustrating. Then the freaking roof. I know you have to move when the lights switch off, and you have to avoid the squeaky parts, but still, I almost never passed that part without the guard running out. And when I would sabotage the antenna, and enter the facility, there's a guard who walks up the stairs every time. Even thought I played the level so many times, I would always forget about him and just run into him. The refrigerator rooms were my biggest nightmare. Honestly, I never got them right, I don't think even once.
There's a similar situation in the Bath House mission, when you enter the sauna. You can't see much because of the steam, but it doesn't come even close to the refrigerator room of Abattoir. Sea of Okhotsk is also similar during the snow storm, but in that level at least you have a lot of room to maneuver, as opposed to the refrigerator rooms in Abattoir, where you really have only a certain path to take.
The final fight wasn't that horrible, but it kind of took away the overall stealth experience I enjoyed.
Honorable Mention: That damn Ghost Recon Wildlands mission.
1. Can't get detected.
2. Can't kill anyone until you meet Sam.
3. Drones are jammed, so you can't disable the generator.
4. Every microscopic micrometer of that place is covered.
5. And to top it all off...NO FUCKING CHECKPOINTS!!!
Even before I saw the first position, it was the one I was thinking about. You're so right about it !
Very Great Lineup. I Would Like To Know Your Thoughts On The Regular Xbox Version Of Double Agent. That Game Is Seriously Overlooked To The 360 Version.
the last part of the transit yards and even when playing as Briggs in 1st person mode is considered difficult, meaning to get by stealthy without killing anyone silently and loudly as I mentioned, and also the Denver mission is considered to be hard as well.
I died five times at the end of Abattor, till I had a really good and clean strategy.
Presidential palace and abattoir made me want to slit my wrists. That shooting part in the stables, bloody hell.
You forgot the beautiful NY Snow Storm for ps2. Thats a level!
Complete it on elite mode and then we can chitchat.
I found the Tv Station in Pandora Tomorrow harder than LA X just because of the lighting flashes, absolute nightmare of a level
Denver mission, I got by without being seen once and without knocking out a single enemy. I try to always play this way. This was however the hardest misson in the game because of the very end where you need to do the 3 objectives
I'm replaying all of them now..... As soon as I had to play Abbattior I immediately said, "I hate this damn mission". Such a pain in the ass!
Double agent is my favorit to be honest. I really liked the story and the gameplay was really nice
Site F Denver was actually realy easy for me, the hardest ones in Blacklist in my opinion are Grims 4E Missions and Charlie's Survival missions
I really want to play these on hard mode now. I bought the first 4 for the original Xbox 2 years ago but only played through Splinter Cell 1 (then bought it on steam during a sale a few months later) and over 10 years later I ended up having hard time with the abattoir's last level, AGAIN! Everything else was fine and dandy but I had to replay this part like 5 times before I managed to get the rhythm of rolling to set up a bomb, roll back, head shot head shot head shot, grenade, shoot, etc...
Kinshasa was a pain in the ass because the mission takes place during daytime and you have your sunglasses. The level is so hard and you get detected so much faster. The mines were a pain of an ass and I couldn't see where they are located, so I had to use my frag grenade launcher attachment on my SC-20K Assault Rifle to destroy them.
Third echelon, has to be a top 3. Got through it stealthy, but boy did it take me very long.
Hardest for me:
1. Bathhouse. There’s a glitch that makes it goddamn near impossible to 100% and as a completionist, this is the most dreaded mission of the series.
2. Abbatoir, for all the same reasons you listed.
3. Iceland. Again, there’s a glitch that makes it damn near impossible to 100%. The good news is once that first mission of double agent is over it’s smooth sailing from there on out.
4. LAX for the same reasons you listed.
5. Airstrip. The only loud mission in Blacklist. Damn near impossible to get golden ghost on.
6. White House. I didn’t find Conviction to be particularly hard at all but the White House mission really pisses me off.
We need a 2019 splinter cell
that splinter cell blacklist mission where you're on a train
if you are playing on realistic or perfectionist
at the scene where you have to shoot the window and jump into the other part of the train
as soon as you jump through you get 1 or 2 shotted instantly
Agreed abbatoir and bathouse are very hard but Korean war mission was different and tough too.i hope new splinter cell game be like chaos theory.
A lot of people here don't even mention the CIA mission. What brought my piss to a boil was that you were unarmed the first held, and you're infiltrating a government agency with little to no strategy other than to grab someone, or use elbow to face combat. Eventually you get a weapon, but you still have to use non-lethal force.
For Blacklist, I think the hardest mission has to be Special Mission HQ. Site F is quite easy once you know the map well enough. The heat-vision guards only appear mid-way (and are easy to dodge), the last part (before the hide-n-seek with Sadiq) is simpler than I'd expected. They don't even bother putting more high level guards in this final section. Special Mission HQ on the other hand, gives you endless frustration, especially when you try to play it the classic way (0 KO). It is glitchy, and the guards' pattern and timing aren't very consistent. I have forgotten how many time I have restarted the server room section simply because a guard's timing is a bit lagged behind, or somebody acts out of routine. Even if you manage to sneak past everyone, the game sometimes doesn't even recognize that. All in all, that mission is simply a pain in the ass to play.
The first game is literally just freaking hard lol I still to this day haven’t finished it because I just rage quit
Nice list & video.
Original SC: Abattoir level & I'm playing it right now (PS3 version of SC Trilogy)
Pandora Tomorrow: LAX
Chaos Theory: Bathhouse
Double Agent (Xbox 360 version): JBA HQ
my hardest splinter cell double agent xbox 360 version of the missions were the sea of okhotsk, Kinshasa, and the JBA headquarters part 4.
Third Echelon HQ was a piece of cake compared to the final White House level. Beating that was the hardest part of my Realistic playthrough.
Great list! Preidential Palace and Chinese Embassy were definitely hard too. As far the most beautiful mission Id probably say Shanghai, especially when you are repelling down the building with the fireworks going off.
Um, I know I am late, but I disagree with the Conviction and Blacklist levels. Personally, I think that Conviction doesn't have a specific HARD level (I mean they all are kinda hard, not if you have experience with the Splinter Cell series, which I have and some levels are still hard lol) as for Blacklist, Denver was the easiest one for me...idk how...I passed it in 3-4 tries (in all the other levels I died at least like 10 times lol) I think the hardest level of Blacklist is Grim's second 4E Mission "Border Crossing" and if 4E Missions don't count then, I don't know which level is the hardest because they are all look easy if you pass "Border Crossing", which I did thanks to walkthroughs...XD But Splinter Cell Chaos Theory is the first Splinter Cell game I ever played and I loved it, but it was really hard, and I think the hardest Splinter Cell game on the series is Chaos Theory, I still haven't completed it. -__-
Border Crossing had one difficult section, and that was the objective inside the truck where the sniper is looking. There's a gap in the patrols that allows you to get close enough, and once every 2 minutes or so it aligns with the sniper's viewpath so that it's wide open to get in. Getting out works the same way, although you need to wait for a different patrol gap.
Yeah, the thing I did that made the mission harder is trying to complete it without hurting any guards/Ghost style, but I ended up doing it Panther style...lol
Regardless, there's still some massive patrol gaps you can exploit
After playing all splinter cell games. I understand the love for the classic gameplay style of splinter CT, PT and DA. But blacklist invites users to play with the freedom of taking on the mission in so many ways. I love all splinter cell games and blacklist is one of my favs. Though i have to admit that conviction was a bit dissapointing. The only reason i played it was because of the voice actor for sam. It was his last contract to voice for sam. But all in all, the splinter cell game and story is one of the best!!!
Great video. I replayed Double Agent , Conviction, Blacklist last 2 months. Damn is Splinter cell GOOD. My favorite game of all times . And your top 5 list hardest mission. So totally agree with you and the missions you have chosen Don't know how many times one had to die and try again , swearing and almost thrown the hand unit. And yet one loved the game so much one didn't give up. Wish they made more SC games.
Also wanna add. Double agent was a pain in the a.. because the buttons felt wrong. Misspressed so many times ruining the game. Don't also forget there is another version on Double Agent. That is almost better then the 360 version. It's on the original Xbox.
Before watching I knew Abaitor was number one
The abattoir level was brutal. Especially the shootout at the very end. I never liked when they added those kinds of parts into a stealth game.
Good list, I personally though would switch out Double Agent- Sea of Okhotsk (PC/360) with Double Agent- New York (XBOX), it's pretty hard if you're trying to truly ghost it.
that last mission on splinter cell on Pandora tomorrow was hard asf
O nvm it's on here LAX is the lvl
Yeah my dad finished the whole game but couldn't ever finish LAX