Very true aunt Mami. Hide just go and tell her family. If go tell her family iwewe pachezvako you will feel at peace. Inga iya nyaya yaRebbeca akaenda kumalawi akasvika wani. Don't be afraid it is well just go Hide I support you
There is no need yekuti urege kuenda kunovaudza The spirit will always haunt you And paunoenda that spirit inenge itori newe Inga mweya wati ndaona iwe wakakodzera i dont see any harm just go and tell them and you will have peace
Pliz my sister hudza family yakho ànd enda ikoko achakubatsira after that uchaona uchibudhirira chipoko icho chichakubetsera pa hamà dzacho enda kubridge kuuya ushedze chipoko chiya chikuperekedze
Just go sis and do exactly what you were instructed. This woman wants to rest in peace and i know and understand its scary, but just do it. If the spirit wanted to harm you ungadai wakakuvadzwa pabridge that night mumota woitawo accident woomerapo as well. Please just be obedient so this spirit finds rest and trust me, once you obey, zvinhu zvako zvichatanga kukufambira.
don't think twice about it, pray for a safe tripn to wherever you have been sent, tell the spirit you are going and keep ur promise.allwill be well after waenda.It is a spiritual opening for you if you go.
I don't think so, iwe enda unoita zvawakaudzwa. She will protect you, hauna kutswa here yaRebecca, from Tete Tilda, star fm. Kupera kwazvo hunge waenda. Guguru tete Tilda zvinoera zvinotyisa Rebecca. Unozviorera wenga uchizvinzwira.
I don't see any harm yekuenda Kuhama dzemunhu uyu .hausati watanga kushupwa zvaoma chaiko uchakwira bus woenda kumusha kwomkadzi uyu .hazvina kana problem kunonoudza hama dzake
Mainini endai mungotosvitsa message, handifunge kuti pane any issue. Pane akamboita problem iyoyo wani and mhuri yakazvinzwisisa check nyaya yaRebecca. Akatozotraveller to Malawi and all was well.
Tete maMoyo encourage her to go also tell her family .Also anogona kukupai zita rearea yacho nebridge moisa pachannel ino maybe the family of the deceased if they follow your channel they can connect naye .What do you reckon?
Taura Nate Tilda vanokubatsira padambudziko rako ndovakabatsira Mai Tino kt nyaya yemukadzi uya wekuMalawi saka vaphonere zvinhu zvako zvinovhurika nekuti achataura zvaanoda through you saka sununguka mwanasikana ndiMwari unemoyo wetsitsi
If it’s not a demon n why is it not in heaven. Go and get deliverance from a church. Munoti the spirit is not harming her iwo uchimukonzera munyama. If a spirit is roaming around it means it’s being tormented.
Ko why kana muchitaura chokwadi ndizvo zvakaitika ingoendai because zviriko saka ne hama dzake mukavaudza vanonzwisisa why mune mwoyo wakasindimira hapana kana harm because hazvina kutangira pauri ende hazviperere pauri mweya unoda kuzorora ubatsirewo
Please baby go and help this dead person because you are the chosen one ,there is no harm to you help her it is happening to other people God is in you If you don’t do what she is asking you she will haunt you forever
For all i know vakawaanda vakazopiwa mibairo mushure mukuva intermediater between the spirit and the living. There is a well known guy from Harare akazopiwa mombe 6 kana ndisinganyebi akwanisa kuita zvaakakumbiraa nemweya iwoyo uye paakasanganira nemweya uyu paitova pamastands ekuRiver side and that land aas given untò him till now akavaka akazoiza garden cz the land is too big
My sister there is no harm to pass the message, tell your family they will accompany you there,you will see blessing after they have managed to get her spirit
Mwana wamai vangu hapana kana chinokuwana or vhinokurwisa enda mweya iwoyo uchakutungamira GOOOOOOOOO
Kupera kwakaita hondo zvigutswa zvaitaura wani pachibuda izwi kuti ndakauraiwa nehondo mapfupa angu aripano enda unoudxa hama dzangu kwakati veritable rekuti mubhuku rasabhuku ngana wavawana wouya navo pano vatore mapfupa angu vanoviga zvakanaka. Ndiwane zororo ,zvinoitika zviya sister musatya zvenyu zviriko mukurarama zvakasikwa zvakadaro hapana kana dambudziko ipapo, mukatorega kuenda ndipo pamunoita dambudziko nokuti anoti ndakauudza ukaramba anenge otoda kupedzera shungu dzake pamuri saka imi itai zvamakaudzwa zvichida mwari vakatozvisika zvakadaro nokuti mweya uyo uri kuda kudzoserwa kumusha kwawo aneta kugara musango
Hazvina kana dambudziko mwari vanokutungamirirai nokuti ndivo vakasika zvose zvamunoona nhasi kusanganisira nezvamakasangana nazvo izvozvo saka musatya zvenyu arikuda kubetserwa uyo mubetserei akwanise kusvika kudzidza rake kwaakaberekwa .
Ko madii kungoita zvakataurwa. Udzai hama dzenyu first
Matononoka maenda amanhanha. Simbi inorohwa ichapisa. Remember nyaya yamai Tino vakatozongopedzisira vaenda kumalawi wani.
Gooooo goooo ipapa akauya muudze kuti ndoda kuripwa enda kwawakaudzwa
Urikuto nonoka enda unovaudza zvotopera
Very true aunt Mami. Hide just go and tell her family. If go tell her family iwewe pachezvako you will feel at peace. Inga iya nyaya yaRebbeca akaenda kumalawi akasvika wani. Don't be afraid it is well just go Hide I support you
Haiwavo mukunyanya nhema
Mainin, if you know what is good for you, enda kumusha uku…. Iwe ndiwe wakutopenga zvako nekuomesa musoro. Enda kwawakaidzwa simple
U must go so she can Rest In Peace ☮️ there’s nothing to fear here she’s not even threatening you
Enda unotaura zvawakaudzwa hide. Hpna kana chinombonetsa, MaiTino vekwaTete Tilda vkaenda wani kuMalawi
Kutoenda ndokusunungurwa munyama haungaperi sekutaurakwe Spirit.murikutononoka
chii chikunetsa sis ingoendai zvipere
Mainini munofanira kuenda kuti hupenyu hwenyu hureruke and hapana chinomboitika kwamuri munotozoripwa kana masvika mumusha umu musatambe nenguva mainini kuti muzodemba mangwana endai munosvitsa shoko kumusha kwake anf vekumusha kwake vanoziva zvekuita and iye achakubatsirai kuti vanhu vekumusha kwake vanzwisise ndiyo solution chete iyoyo
There is no need yekuti urege kuenda kunovaudza
The spirit will always haunt you
And paunoenda that spirit inenge itori newe
Inga mweya wati ndaona iwe wakakodzera i dont see any harm just go and tell them and you will have peace
Pliz my sister hudza family yakho ànd enda ikoko achakubatsira after that uchaona uchibudhirira chipoko icho chichakubetsera pa hamà dzacho enda kubridge kuuya ushedze chipoko chiya chikuperekedze
Kana Uchida kufa uchitambura rega unobvei kungobatsira mufi auya zvakanaka kwauri Kuti wanzi senga mutumbi here Enda zvakonndokuti zvifambe
Just go sis and do exactly what you were instructed. This woman wants to rest in peace and i know and understand its scary, but just do it. If the spirit wanted to harm you ungadai wakakuvadzwa pabridge that night mumota woitawo accident woomerapo as well. Please just be obedient so this spirit finds rest and trust me, once you obey, zvinhu zvako zvichatanga kukufambira.
Ngaaudze hama dzake awane 1or2 vanomuperekedza ayende kunoita zvaakaudzwa ndokutoti mweya uyo umurege
Main endai plz hapana kna chinonetsa mukaendako
Ngaande havakupandukiri coz une unesprit iyi Ivo vanogona kutozokutenda nesomething pliz batsira mweya uyu ukamubatsira uchaona mablessings akawanda uchiuya
Tell your family and go to free her spirit. You are the chosen one
Enda kwasekuru tasvu vanokubatsira hama
Wakazoenda here
Remember nyaya Rebecca in Tete Tilda .mai Tino vakatumwa and she went and come back .mweya unokuchengeta zvese zvawuri kuchema unongona kusunhugurwa
That's true endevakafamba zvakanakisa
Enda ukumusha kwemushakabvu uyu havambokufungira ita hupenyu hwako huvhurike
And unotozoita upenyu hwakanakisa
Mainini endai munoita zvamakaudzwa nemufi
Sure yaRerbeca
Huya ndikuperekedze
Spirit yake yakafarira iwe usatye hide enda zvako hausungwe coz akafa neaccident haana kupondwa
Usatinyaudze iwe zvekuita wakaudzwa,,kana wanyatsorwadziwa uchaziva zvekuita unless kana paine zvaunoziva
Ndendai henyu musatya
Ko nhai sis WY are u taking time go and tell them. Hazvidi munamato u are a chosen angel goooo please
Enda kuhama dzake,hapana kana problem,anoda kuti mweya wake uzorore,,you must go
Endai hamuna zvamunoitwa munotambura shuwa
Enda achakumiririra
Uchazoinda hako kana watambura munoinda nekwa sabhuku ndovanokusvitsa inga unenge wakadzidza sei usingafungi
Endai mainini munoudza hama dzake uye udzai vakuru mumusha menyu, pane mumwe akaenda kuMalawi wani endai mainini
Ini ndinovona sekuti zvirinani kuyenda sezvakataurwa hapana chinomboitika kwauri vanosvoko zvigamuchira nekuti munyama haukupereri
don't think twice about it, pray for a safe tripn to wherever you have been sent, tell the spirit you are going and keep ur promise.allwill be well after waenda.It is a spiritual opening for you if you go.
Chokwadi enda kumusha kwake iye anewe
There's no harm about going to her family my sister vazhinji vakapindana nazvo hapana chawakasangana nacho
U must go . Akasvikira pauri pane reason .. pane chipo chauinacho ucachiona waita zvakataurwa . Usatye
Go my sister unotaura zvawasangana nazvo hapana zvazvinokukanganisa ,vanotozokuripa hama dzemufi uyu according chivanhu chedu,they suppose to pay you coz ndiwe watove sahwira wavo mhuri iyoyo
I don't think so, iwe enda unoita zvawakaudzwa. She will protect you, hauna kutswa here yaRebecca, from Tete Tilda, star fm. Kupera kwazvo hunge waenda. Guguru tete Tilda zvinoera zvinotyisa Rebecca. Unozviorera wenga uchizvinzwira.
Haaaa wangu baya nhai chii newe.
Mufi anotungamira hwambofungi zvakadaro
There no problem uneed to go sisi
Ini ndiri kuti enda unotaurira vabereki vake nekuti mweya uyu uchangoramba uchikunetsa batsira hapana chaunopomerwa mweya wacho unokutungamira
Enda unoudza hama.dzake dea..nothing will harm.u...remember nyaya yaRebecca yekwa tete Tilder iya...akasvikira pana maiTino asi mutorwa wani...juss go
Kutoenda ndiko kupedza zvese hapana chinombonetsa iye anotoziva saka akakuudza zvekutaura plus vanofanira kuzotenda cause hausi hama yavo
Whats difficult ipapa nhai. You said wani arikutoti vanhu varikufamba kutotsvaga kuti vogadzirisa sei obvious kuenda kwako uchatonovayamura. Hona wakuzviomesera life yako
I don't see any harm yekuenda Kuhama dzemunhu uyu .hausati watanga kushupwa zvaoma chaiko uchakwira bus woenda kumusha kwomkadzi uyu .hazvina kana problem kunonoudza hama dzake
Une mushonga iwe lucky
Hie mukadzi wekuti akasangana necgipoko ngaite zvaarikudzwa ne spiti iyo acharopafadzwa naye wekufa iteye
Mainn please go kumusha kwamakaudzwa mukasaenda motogadzira problem mu life mako
Hide put yourself in the situation iri spirit iyi toti ndeyako how do you feel wawa taura naye achiramba kuita unonzwasei, just go
Kana usingade vanoudza mweya iwowo uende wega ukusiye kana uchida iwe unomuperekedza chokwadi kana usina kumubatsira Pana chaunoita muhupenyu zviriko
But hide enda nemweya wemufi hapana chinomboitika kwauri uye vanhu vanotoziva chivanhu or enda kwaTete Tilder unotaura nyaya yenyu hidey
U need to go my sister ther is nothing wrong with that and she will reward after u do wht she says
Bvumiranai kuti changu kusvitsa shoko chete kuhama dzako nyaya yedu yobvayapera
Mainini endai mungotosvitsa message, handifunge kuti pane any issue. Pane akamboita problem iyoyo wani and mhuri yakazvinzwisisa check nyaya yaRebecca. Akatozotraveller to Malawi and all was well.
Just go she lead u
Tete maMoyo encourage her to go also tell her family .Also anogona kukupai zita rearea yacho nebridge moisa pachannel ino maybe the family of the deceased if they follow your channel they can connect naye .What do you reckon?
Taura Nate Tilda vanokubatsira padambudziko rako ndovakabatsira Mai Tino kt nyaya yemukadzi uya wekuMalawi saka vaphonere zvinhu zvako zvinovhurika nekuti achataura zvaanoda through you saka sununguka mwanasikana ndiMwari unemoyo wetsitsi
Endai hama dzake hadzina zvadzinoita. Vachato kuripa don't panic dear
muudze auye hake kwandiri ndimubatsire
Handiti vanoziva kut hama yavo yakafa neaccident here so vanoti vakakonzeresa chirudziii
Rebuke the spirit of the dead.
Use the word of God not zvaunofunga iwe.
Mmm mwana wamai vangu enda ikoko nokuti uchapenga ndiwe mweya mweya
If it’s not a demon n why is it not in heaven. Go and get deliverance from a church. Munoti the spirit is not harming her iwo uchimukonzera munyama. If a spirit is roaming around it means it’s being tormented.
Like she said uchafa uchi tambura that’s a curse yaunenge watora so help her ngangwe mwari vanofara
Anomuti uchafa uchitambura kuti ihama yake here. Musapembedze mweya yetsvina.
Kkk kutya zvinhu zvisin kn BSA ini ndakaenda Mozambique. Koudza hama dze mufi and mufi anomira newe ndakatopiwa 3 mombe nemari
I agree with you that she must go the family and tell them please please.
Endaka nhai zvekuti vaku believer kana kuti Havana hazvineii newe iwe chero wasvitsa shoko racho kuitira kuti spirit iyi isiyane newe
Endaka unoudza hama dzake chikowo newe iwe
Endai kwamakanzi muende mainini
Ko why kana muchitaura chokwadi ndizvo zvakaitika ingoendai because zviriko saka ne hama dzake mukavaudza vanonzwisisa why mune mwoyo wakasindimira hapana kana harm because hazvina kutangira pauri ende hazviperere pauri mweya unoda kuzorora ubatsirewo
Enda unosvika zvakanaka hide
Endai please
Kana uchitya kuzonzi ndiwe wakaura go kupolice first wonopa report then wosimuka woenda nenyaya kuhama dzake
Hy auntie mamoe
Aunt Mmamo,u nid to pray fr her spirit.
Please baby go and help this dead person because you are the chosen one ,there is no harm to you help her it is happening to other people God is in you If you don’t do what she is asking you she will haunt you forever
Ko kungoenda nhai mainini
Huya tiende tese ndikubatsire
Endai sisi hapana kana chinonetsa Inga..mwiya vakati is not there to harm you
Hide Enda unotaura usunungurwe chipoko chikusiye
It's batter for to go she will lead you other wise your life will never rest
Anokutungamirira umwe akaenda kuMalawi zvingafamba zvakanaka
Solution unoiziva go to the family simple hapana help yaunowanayakapfuura ipapo
Just do as the spirit asked you to do. There is no harm at all, you are wasting time.
For all i know vakawaanda vakazopiwa mibairo mushure mukuva intermediater between the spirit and the living.
There is a well known guy from Harare akazopiwa mombe 6 kana ndisinganyebi akwanisa kuita zvaakakumbiraa nemweya iwoyo uye paakasanganira nemweya uyu paitova pamastands ekuRiver side and that land aas given untò him till now akavaka akazoiza garden cz the land is too big
Enda zvake vanokuripa
Batsirai amainini kut mukwanise kuenderera mberi nehupenyu
Chinoenda unosvitsa message hapana chinokuwana iwe.
Enda after that unozotendwa
Munyoro enda kwa Tete Tildah ne nhau yako vanokubatsira asi chinodiwa kutongoenda ne nyaya yako Ku musha kwo mufo ndokutii zvitopera mushe
Mainini enda ndokt zvitopera uchatungamirirwa naye mufu uyu hapana chinombokuwana kusvika wakaenda nemauziro acho
My sister there is no harm to pass the message, tell your family they will accompany you there,you will see blessing after they have managed to get her spirit
Chingoenda kumusha kwake unongonotaura semaudziro awakaitwa
Ngaangoteedzera zvaakaudzwa coz anongonzi ane zvaakaita sei idzo hama dzacho dzichiziva kut akafa neAccident vakatomutora on the spot
Enda unosvika shoko rawakatumwa unoona zvinhu zvichikufambira