Sleep Apnoea - The Noisy Assassin

  • Опубликовано: 13 авг 2022
  • Sleep Apnoea - The noisy assassin
    Much of modern day medicine is about masking symptoms of nefarious underlying conditions rather than identifying and treating the root cause of the problem. I believe that ‘conditions’ such as hypertension, diabetes, fatty liver, and even cardiovascular disease are not conditions as such but rather outwardly manifesting symptoms of chronic low grade inflammation within the body which has been left unidentified and unchecked for several years. Much of this low grade inflammation could be attributed to modern day lifestyle choices. We eat the wrong stuff -and not because we choose the wrong stuff but because a lot of food is already adulterated before it is put in front of us, we have become more sedentary, we do not get enough rest and we are all more stressed now then we have ever been. Imagine buying a new car, putting in low quality fuel in it, overloading it daily and driving it excessively fast for prolonged periods of time without allowing the engine to cool down enough. Would it surprise anyone if that car started developing faults earlier than expected? Unfortunately by the time the car starts developing faults, two things are clear. Firstly the damage is done and therefore it is impossible to reverse the damage and secondly, more faults will start manifesting and they will start doing so with increasing frequency.The same can be said for our bodies. By the time these conditions are identified, you are already on a very slippery slope. It is therefore very important to be vigilant and identify faults in our lifestyles which could be causing inflammation before that inflammation manifests as a medical ‘condition’.
    Unfortunately we can not rely on health care professionals any more. Most healthcare professionals aren’t healthcare professionals. They are sickness care professionals. They are interested in your sickness - not in your health. If you look healthy, they are not interested. This is a shame because healthcare should be about preserving health rather than taking an interest in the patient only after they have lost their health. Unfortunately we live in a world where your sickness is a lot more profitable than your health.
    Today I wanted to talk about a condition that is rapidly becoming a global epidemic and yet remains remarkably under-recognised and under-diagnosed. Unfortunately many doctors don’t think about it and even when they do, they sometimes use the wrong tools to decide whether the patient may be suffering from the condition or not. This is a condition which can present with non-specific symptoms, but if left untreated will substantially increase the risk of virtually all chronic conditions including hypertension, diabetes, cardiovascular disease, strokes and dementia.
    Obstructive sleep apnoea is a potentially serious sleep disorder which causes breathing to repeatedly stop and start during sleep. It happens when the muscles and soft tissue in the throat relax and collapse sufficiently to cause a total blockage of the windpipe. People with sleep apnoea will experience repeated airway blockages throughout the night. During each episode the effort to breath in against the blocked airway lighten sleep or even causes awakening enabling the airway to open so breathing resumes. This can happen several times an hour and is exceptionally stressful for the body at a time when the body is meant to be relaxing. This stress will then start manifesting as headaches, irritability, a predeliction for sweet foods and caffeine and then with obesity, hypertension, diabetes, vascular disease, heart rhythm abnormalities and even sudden death
    Why is it important?
    Obstructive sleep apnoea can significantly shorten life-span and also impair quality of life.
    How common is it?
    15-30% of all males
    10-15% of all females
    Does sleep apnoea only affect the obese?
    It is a common misconception that sleep apnoea only affects the obese. Whilst it is true to say that it is more prevalent in the obese, it is also not uncommon in the non-obese. A recent research paper -Gray et al; 2017 in the journal of sleep medicine looked at the prevalence of sleep apnoea in the non-obese found that almost 5% of non-obese men and 1% of non-obese women between the ages of 30-49 years had sleep apnoea and more worryingly these figures rose to 14% and 5% respectively in non-obese patients aged 50-70 years. Generally speaking 20% of all patients with sleep apnoea are not obese.
    In another interesting study published in the American journal of cardiology Luyster et al; 2014- found that non-obese patients with sleep apnoea were found to have a 2.7 fold higher chance of having coronary artery disease compared to age-matched patients who did not have sleep apnoea.

Комментарии • 241

  • @greco37
    @greco37 Год назад +15

    “Healthcare should be about preserving health and not becoming interested in someone only after they’ve lost their health”
    Very well said!

  • @antoineduchamp4931
    @antoineduchamp4931 Год назад +38

    Doctor you are a very clever chap to mention Apnoea... I have it myself, totally controlled by CPAP. My road to discovery was awful. I went to a bevy of specialists (in the late 80's and early 90's) with my appalling tiredness, and none of them diagnosed it. Instead I was politely told I was a basket case since all test were clear. I was told to give up my City job and retire 15 years ahead of time. But fate was good to me... I had major sinus trouble and the ENT surgeon I went to swiftly diagnosed my Apnoea.... the day I saw him changed the whole of my life. I am now healthy and well on CPAP. Thank you so much for flagging this illness up! it is hugely prevalent. Bravo.

    • @LTPottenger
      @LTPottenger Год назад +6

      Fasting will help a lot. Reduces inflammation and takes visceral fat out of the tongue and neck.

    • @debiwillis9045
      @debiwillis9045 Год назад

      @@LTPottenger nope doesnt

    • @songsofthecentury3909
      @songsofthecentury3909 Год назад +2

      @@debiwillis9045 It does. Also,
      Autophagy kicks in during fasting which heals the body(Nobel Prize 2016)

    • @Historian212
      @Historian212 8 месяцев назад

      The unasked-for prescribing for strangers here is not helpful.

  • @LettyK
    @LettyK Год назад +54

    You are a breath of fresh air to listen to. If only more medical professionals were similar in understanding how important it is to find the root cause of a dis-ease rather than treating only the symptoms.

    • @jmc8076
      @jmc8076 Год назад +1

      I hear you. FWIW I know some in Canada and US who are like him. Like any job or industry there’s bad ones but majority are good. As Dr G knows they work under layers of bureaucracy (rules and protocols) in broken systems. For too many now there’s threats to punish incl practicing rights or even jail if seen as danger to patients. We can only imagine how stressful that is to work in esp given what it takes to become an MD and grow a practice or role. Also draining to feel like you’re not (or can’t) make a diff. We all get angry or frustrated w/certain Drs but I do try to have patience and compassion esp now. Just my view. Billions more. Let’s hope it gets better for all. Peace and health.

  • @jeffsauceda
    @jeffsauceda 9 месяцев назад +3

    I have sleep apnea.. severe/extreme sleep apnea and my doctor was freaked out as he was telling me. I have always worked out but as I became obese (I'm a Chef with free food perks) my sleep got worse. For a time I stopped working out and got ectopic heartbeats. Then soon after I started cpap therapy, THANK GOD!! it has changed my life. Your vids have also brought me a lot of peace of mind and have helped me through my difficult days.. I still get ectopic heartbeats and have been seen by a intervention Cardiologist.. who says he's not concerned.. had an echo and monitor for a week.. normal heart, strong/healthy.. but gave me propranolol for anxiety.. doing better now, trying to lose the free food weight
    its been a trip..
    So grateful, Doc, for all our help.. GOD Bless You. :) Cheers

  • @CasaDelReySJ
    @CasaDelReySJ Год назад +10

    The best Dr that actually cares! You sir are saving lives!!!

  • @asdfghjkl12904
    @asdfghjkl12904 Год назад +37

    Thank you Doctor! You cannot imagine how much we appreciate your service and help! I wish you a long, happy and healthy life.

  • @poopsmcgee2k6
    @poopsmcgee2k6 Год назад +31

    I knew I needed CPAP for years but kept putting it off because I didn't think I'd be able to sleep with a bulky mask on my face. Eventually I was so tired that I got CPAP and my life is forever changed. The new masks are so small and lightweight that I don't even notice it. I wouldn't sleep one hour without my CPAP machine. I don't know how I went so long without it. Get tested and if you need it, get CPAP therapy. It really is life changing and potentially death delaying therapy.

    • @debiwillis9045
      @debiwillis9045 Год назад

      I know I have it, but to get tested will cost about 5000 dollars, that i don't have!

    • @robyncurtis8542
      @robyncurtis8542 Год назад +2

      Same here, though I had never heard of CPAP until I had a sleep study. Took a few weeks to get the right mask and pressure but would not be without it now.

  • @maria4karma
    @maria4karma Год назад +10

    If only we had a world full of doctors as knowledgeable and in tune with the workings of the human body as you.
    Most doctors I've been to are drug dealers not medical professionals looking for the most important root cause.
    Thank you!

  • @patriciacoello-paul8628
    @patriciacoello-paul8628 Год назад +2

    Dr York
    I just want you to know how much I love all of your videos. You are very Kind and Smart DR. Thank you for all your advices.

  • @sasanka207
    @sasanka207 Год назад +13

    Dr. Gupta, your expertise combined with such a balanced view of the role of medicine in a healthy life, and especially your impeccable integrity and character makes you one of a kind. You are the truly right person to be a medical doctor. If only all doctors were like you. Thank you for your wonderful and helpful videos and your work. I wish you a long, healthy and prosperous life.

  • @captaincc2735
    @captaincc2735 Год назад +5

    I had it diagnosed since late 20’s. 10 years in and it is still a drastic difference when I don’t use my cpap. It is so easy to listen to someone sleep and tell that they have it.

  • @connoroleary591
    @connoroleary591 Год назад +2

    Dr Sanjay is the Monty Don of Cardiac Care. His voice and presence is enough to lower blood pressure and see the world as a happier and kinder place.

  • @peggymicsky8607
    @peggymicsky8607 Год назад +9

    My husband had sleep apnea though it was never diagnosed or treated because it wasn't recognized as such in those days. It is miserable sleep and also very hard on a spouse. My husband was in business for himself and worked very hard. He was always tired and once he sat down during the day, he would fall asleep. Wish we had had this information and the option of treatment.

  • @smallhouseinthemeadow6131
    @smallhouseinthemeadow6131 Год назад +10

    I am a woman with mild to moderate sleep apnea. The CPAP helps me not feel so tired during the day.I used to sleep sitting up all of the time.The mask is so tiny and quiet, that you don't even realize it is on for the most part.

  • @pearl2910
    @pearl2910 Год назад +1

    Appreciate all these talks ! Thank you so much !!

  • @langgalyn
    @langgalyn 3 месяца назад

    You are awesome doctor. Thank you for caring so much. I just noted in my Gratitude journal how grateful I am to have come accross your channel.

  • @dorothybrown8859
    @dorothybrown8859 Год назад +11

    Good to see and hear you again, doctor. Thank you for sharing and for helping us become more knowledgeable in our own bodies. I have often felt and said to others that the doctors ignore me because I look good/ healthy. I take care of myself so the doctors ignore my complaints, even my oncologist (I have leukemia), in addition to CAD, NAFLD, diabetes, and hypothyroidism. They want me sick, but I refuse to be, but it is frustrating that the docs are uninterested in keeping me healthy. Your videos impart knowledge as well as encouragement. Thank you!

  • @jacobmarley2966
    @jacobmarley2966 Год назад +18

    I have severe sleep apnea my main symtoms were heart pounding out of my chest, terrible headache that disappeared minutes after waking and dreams of being attacked. I also have afib now. Sleeping completely upright helped a lot before i had a sleep study done and received a cpap.

  • @catherineadair5677
    @catherineadair5677 Год назад +5

    Thank you, once again, great information delivered in your loving and caring manner.

  • @NoLimitsNatty
    @NoLimitsNatty Год назад +5

    Thank you for all the information. 🙏🏽👍🏽

  • @susibul5320
    @susibul5320 Год назад +9

    I recorded my sleep on a sleep app on mob - loud snoring and breathing gaps, so l lightly taped my mouth closed with zink tape, the snoring and gaps have stopped completely.
    Also my high blood pressure has dropped lower which you previously mentioned will happen when you breathe through your nose, not mouth. And, at the start my nose was very stuffed up but this has cleared it. The tape has helped so much. Thank you Dr Sanjay Gupta.

    • @susibul5320
      @susibul5320 Год назад +1

      PS- Noisy Assassin good fun tittle, apt, deadly!

  • @janhensley3617
    @janhensley3617 Год назад +1

    How admirable is the information you provide in layman’s terms. For that I salute you. Thank you sir!
    Wishing you the best of everything. You are appreciated.

  • @a.kenneth3521
    @a.kenneth3521 Год назад +10

    I had to gently force my human to get a sleep study. Now he’s got a C-PAP, and I can sleep. Silly man. Cats always know best.

  • @efranco2268
    @efranco2268 Год назад +2

    Great car analogy! ❤️. Thank you doctor.

  • @spykerbotdotcom
    @spykerbotdotcom Год назад +3

    Thank you for caring, sharing and being a true Doctor, not a pawn of big pharma.

  • @robyncurtis8542
    @robyncurtis8542 Год назад +1

    All of the above, Dr Gupta ... all of the above (snoring, falling asleep a couple of hours after I had got up to and should have been starting the day) I have been on CPAP for 3 years now and only wish is that I had been able to watch your videos before then. I started off with high blood pressure because of a toxic work environment on top of snoring and undiagnosed sleep apnea. It all really went downhill with the burden of being 24/7 care for my sister who had to go on dialysis for ESRF and was then wheelchair bound from the effects of medications (spinal fractures, stoma) ... she died 9 months ago so I am now on my own and trying to reverse the damage to my own health (worsening Afib and heart failure) Thank you for you amazing videos ... you are an exceptional human being and a truly gifted doctor. Your parents must be so proud to have such a brilliant and caring son. May God bless you.

  • @harryteh16
    @harryteh16 Год назад +1

    U r a beautiful doctor with a passion for patients wellbeing! A True Champion In Health Care.

  • @Fuku94
    @Fuku94 Год назад +4

    Thank you uploading this useful information

  • @radharcanna
    @radharcanna Год назад +1

    That’s tremendously useful. You’re a great communicator.

  • @blacksea723
    @blacksea723 Год назад +3

    Your a amazing human being. God bless you Dr and I really wish you and your family a best of luck in your lives. I take my hat for you

  • @hazelisted7710
    @hazelisted7710 Год назад +4

    Very useful Sanjay , my Daughter has a mask for Sleep Apnea , she has been so much better health wise since she has had it. You are so kind sharing all your knowledge with us. God Bless you. X

  • @sparczzz
    @sparczzz Год назад +2

    another amazing video Sanjay, a great and caring guy please keep it up

  • @ericgilbert994
    @ericgilbert994 Год назад +1

    Dear Dr. Gupta, Im elated , just viewed you Post on Magnesium importance and Sleep apnea that My Son has been dealing with successfully for Years. Insightful to say the least. I am recommending your posts to everyone important to Me. Thank you so much for the insight I have never received from My Physician who is a Cardiologist.

  • @jennygibbons1258
    @jennygibbons1258 Год назад +1

    Thank you 🙏🏽

  • @zingsalerno
    @zingsalerno Год назад +1

    Thank you doc-great info ‼️ Elaina

  • @ducksnutsrissen2656
    @ducksnutsrissen2656 Год назад +3

    I have sleep apnea and have a CPAP. It took years to be tested as I was not over weight. Finally a sleep study .

  • @altairtheeagle
    @altairtheeagle Год назад

    You are such a beautiful person, I hope life is returning all its treasures as you deserve my dear sir 🙏🏼

  • @EspeFam
    @EspeFam Год назад

    Thank you as always Dr , from Canada

  • @illuminatedgalaxies7777.
    @illuminatedgalaxies7777. Год назад +3

    Omg this is me constantly stressed with everything health money worries family worries jeeze life is hard you make perfect sense as you always do wish you were my Dr 🧡

  • @stephensellers1875
    @stephensellers1875 Год назад

    Well done, one of your best!

  • @MH7919
    @MH7919 Год назад

    Just thank you DR !!

  • @pfv1247
    @pfv1247 Год назад

    You're simply the best! And wise too!

  • @MChipsTV
    @MChipsTV Год назад +5

    Hi Dr Gupta. Your videos have been so helpful for me over the past couple of years. You are an amazingly talented professional and I can tell you really have a passion for this.
    I was wondering if you would perhaps make a video about ADHD Medication like Ritalin, Adderall, or Modafinil and their long term effects on the cardiovascular system. I have recently been diagnosed with ADHD and am scared of taking any medication with amphetamines or amphetamine like action because I worry about the effect on my heart.
    Thank you for all your work!

  • @alicedent8864
    @alicedent8864 Год назад

    Thank you for this information.

  • @heidifranklyn8510
    @heidifranklyn8510 Год назад +1

    Thanks for this information

  • @adoracionmerjilla7071
    @adoracionmerjilla7071 Год назад

    Thanks for helping to saves our life from getting sleep apnea!your really gifted above all things,god bless you always!

  • @mac2658
    @mac2658 Год назад

    I love this doc,

  • @heatherh3457
    @heatherh3457 Год назад +3

    I have lived in the land of the living dead. It is a journey through hell. So tired that I had difficulty remembering my name. When you are that tired you carb load trying to get more energy. More carbs = weight gain. Then it became my fault because I am over weight. Roused 69 times per hour and require level 13 pressure. It was difficult adjusting to the CPAP. Took me about a year but I knew it was my lifeline. 10 years later and my mind is sharp and active again, I have lost weight and am reversing my type two. Take heart zombie clan and preserver. There is life after death.

  • @drjcwardjr
    @drjcwardjr Год назад

    Great message! 👍

  • @norafox4789
    @norafox4789 Год назад

    Love you bunches!Nora from Florida!thank u for the lesson!!

  • @ushakanal3313
    @ushakanal3313 Год назад +2


  • @ZRZR1972
    @ZRZR1972 Год назад +1

    I like your sense of that shirt is rockin'!😃

  • @Oreo_lita
    @Oreo_lita Год назад

    LOVE your videos. I know you have tons of videos on ectopics but I’d love for you to one specifically on bigeminy. I’ve had it off and on since 2005 but recently I’m noticing longer and more frequent episodes. I’ve had a cardiac work up but it still causes me lots of anxiety.

  • @frappelover6213
    @frappelover6213 Год назад +1

    I have to thank my then 10 y.o. son for alerting me to the fact that I may have sleep apnea; that was 14 years ago. It still mystifies me why when I forget to put my mask on or winds up next to me in the night that I have to use the bathroom more often.

  • @irenenavarrette1918
    @irenenavarrette1918 Год назад

    Lol, funny! But true, just got a pcp & dumped him at the 4th visit. You are so gracious with your knowledge. My dr. Was all over the place. I've seen your videos and it makes sense what's going on. Thanks so much! If I was close to you, I would request an appointment. God bless, take care.

  • @mballer
    @mballer Год назад +18

    Use your phone or camera and record yourself sleeping overnight, faster and cheaper than some fancy medical device.

    • @DebbieMason
      @DebbieMason Год назад +3

      That doesn't help you get a prescription for the devices, though. :)

  • @lindabuckley7548
    @lindabuckley7548 Год назад +3

    I have server sleep apnea. 53 episodes in one hour. I have a CPAP machine. I needed a hospital bed cause I had to sleep upright. Would wake up during the night not being able to breathe. I lost 125 lbs and the sleep apnea is gone. No more CPAP machine, no more hospital bed, I sleep through the night now. My diabetes went away, the high cholesterol went away. Everything now gone but I do still have CHF, AFib and a pacemaker. I never snored with the sleep apnea, My only symptoms were stopping breathing during the night and waking up. I still experience shortness of breath during the day. My cardiologist said it's my lungs and my pulmonologist said it's my heart. One of them is missing something. I'm on metoprolol 75mg three times a day, diltiazem120mg twice a day, eliquis 5mg twice a day, furosemide 40mg once a day and klor-con 20mg once a day also vascepa 1mg once a day. Can't get rid of the shortness of breath. My only symptom. I also have a pacemaker set at 60

  • @maxineadderley5378
    @maxineadderley5378 Год назад +4

    I was diagnosed with sleep apnea but the only symptoms that I am aware of is frequency in urination, but I am a diabetic patient and I realize that the frequency is also due to the incompletion of emptying of the bladder. After nothing that, I now make sure to emptying my bladder and that is helping

  • @gybx4094
    @gybx4094 Год назад +5

    I have 2 old snore guards that work for me after I lost weight when I retired.
    Now at a normal BMI, the apnea only occurs periodically while sleeping on my back.
    We really need some type of mattress system for side sleeping without all the auxiliary pillows.
    Side sleeping is a solution for many apnea sufferers, but there isn't a fully-integrated mattress.

  • @cayocah5958
    @cayocah5958 Год назад

    Keep the videos coming!!!!

  • @quycindaleress
    @quycindaleress Год назад +17

    I couldn’t use the cpap because I still couldn’t sleep with it on. I tried the mouth guard for over a year and it didn’t work afterwhile. My husband noticed I would still hold my breath with it on. It also made my jaw sore. I now use a tongue sleeve which has helped most. I don’t have the headaches anymore and feel rested. But they really need to keep searching for something better to treat it.

    • @AlecMuller
      @AlecMuller Год назад +3

      You might try taping your mouth shut (kinesiology tape is comfortable, cheap, and leaves little or no residue; my wife can't use it due to adhesive alergies, though). It's been working for me.

    • @ceeell5772
      @ceeell5772 Год назад +1

      I use Nexcare paper tape for the last 7 years. Totally changed my life. CPAP not an option. My BP went to normal levels, more energy, in general I just feel better! Worth a try for you. Paper tape does not react my skin. Other tapes do. Good luck!

    • @quycindaleress
      @quycindaleress Год назад

      @@ceeell5772 Thanks for that tip!

  • @jibreilumaru80
    @jibreilumaru80 Год назад


  • @vineetagogia2050
    @vineetagogia2050 Год назад

    Awesome video

  • @nooriejhan9330
    @nooriejhan9330 Год назад

    Ton of information👏

  • @brandtl1486
    @brandtl1486 Год назад +2

    If you are resisting getting a CPAP machine after finding out you have apnea, and the mask just turns you off please know there are nasal pillows instead of large masks that can be very effective for many and are comfortable to wear and while you will need to take some time to get used to the nasal pillows just the same, they are well tolerated … the benefits from CPAP therapy will give you so much energy and vitality to your life and will improve your health dramatically.

  • @Historian212
    @Historian212 8 месяцев назад +1

    Wow. I had dreams of being attacked for years, on and off; no one ever suggested it might be connected to sleep apnea. Thank you for mentioning this.

  • @kalihitino
    @kalihitino Год назад +4

    Sleep apnea did some major damage to my heart, my ejection fraction went down to 25% until I used a cpap machine along with meds. It has since improved to 45% in 1.5 years. Get a sleep test!

  • @wadehampton1737
    @wadehampton1737 Год назад

    I am a stable heart failure patient and all of your video's have helped me by becoming well informed and more confident. I can honestly say that you have done more to make me an educated heart patient than any Dr I have come across. Thank you. PS, I also have sleep apnoea and use CPAP. My specialists ask me these questions before each yearly visit. I am a huge believer and benefactor of CPAP.

  • @laszloczovek3056
    @laszloczovek3056 Год назад

    You have TOTALLY helped me, so much! THANK YOU; and your love for what you do is plainly obvious- but by vocalizing the truth about the medical system, doesn't that make you a pariah, an outlier, maybe even disdain among your fellows?

  • @davidlamb7524
    @davidlamb7524 Год назад +1

    Always excellent approach and clear information. I wish he answered some of the queries below though.

    • @laszloczovek3056
      @laszloczovek3056 Год назад

      I read a lot of the questions also, and my first inclination was to agree with you; but my common sense tells me it's most likely humanly impossible for him to engage in all these conversations- since there are no quick and easy answers!

    • @davidlamb7524
      @davidlamb7524 Год назад

      @@laszloczovek3056 Perhaps you are right.
      Do you know how to find the "community page" btw ?

  • @AlecMuller
    @AlecMuller Год назад +3

    I've had sleep apnea for years and only recently found a treatment that worked for me. I had awful experiences with CPAPs (we never found a pressure setting that worked, and they'd fill my stomach with air, so I'd wake up with horrible belching). For me at least, taping my mouth shut with kinesiology tape (about $0.20/night) to force me to breath through my nose is far more comfortable, and I haven't once woken up gasping since starting. If you do use a CPAP, getting the right mask & pressure setting is critical.

  • @mitaganguly3948
    @mitaganguly3948 Год назад +1

    Delicious talk (like the ice lolly shirt...maybe once a week...on cheat days..😋). Listened learnt and subscribed. Thank you.

  • @amramiscal56
    @amramiscal56 Год назад

    Thank you for infos

  • @gracegirl3
    @gracegirl3 Год назад +1

    Dr Gupta, thank you for this video. I'm so happy I recently found your channel. I've worn a 5-day at home heart monitor. Would that detect apnea? I failed to ask my cardiologist this, but he didn't bring it up either! Thank you!

    • @peggymicsky8607
      @peggymicsky8607 Год назад +1

      Doctors rarely bring up anything except the bare basics to talk about. They want to keep to schedule and get their "quota" in and out! I believe that's the reason there are so many people with health and heart problems.

  • @bellesativa
    @bellesativa Год назад +4

    I wish you would talk about aerophagia associated with CPAP/BIPAP. When pressure is increased to recommended levels I wake up with so much air in my stomach and my whole upper body, face and neck swollen which only makes OSA worse. It's time for sleep medicine to move away from the CPAP/BIPAP route especially when not caused by obesity but more from aging. Also, loss of molars or throat nodules can also affect AHI. I have been through 3 pulmonologist and they all are stuck in the same CPAP as only real tool mode. I've heard of dental devices but that's rarely reliable for severe apnea. Even on a 2 liters oxygen bleed in to my BIPAP, my saturation drops to 70% and my throat has lost the function of keeping out the air from my stomach even when I'm not on the machine during the day.

  • @bronbronz
    @bronbronz Год назад +2

    I was diagnosed with OSA 10 years ago. I also have periodontal disease. I am also diabetic. I am also overweight. Guess what I had 3 years ago? Nearly didn't phone for help. In fact only dialled 111 as being from Yorkshire I didn't want to cause a fuss, but fortunately I said the right words in the same sentence ie "chest" and "pain". I agree OSA is massively underdiagnosed. I also believe it was hereditary as my Mother was a chronic snorer but was never diagnosed. Mine was moderate to severe OSA. In my initial 2 nights of monitoring I stopped breathing every 2 mins. I have been using c-pap since diagnosis. I am near normal now apart from looking right bonny at night.

    • @user-mz6sh2xr7f
      @user-mz6sh2xr7f Месяц назад

      Thanks for sharing your experience . Glad to hear that you are better.
      Sleep well.

  • @sesolar5854
    @sesolar5854 5 месяцев назад

    Healthcare is an oxymoron.
    Ive been sleeping with a CPAP/BIPAP since 1999 and would not be alive today without it. Was it hard to get used to...of course but considering the option i learned to grin and bear it. Some nights it is still aggravating but its the only way i can get a full nights sleep without waking up while choking for air.
    Great video doc!

  • @tatheerjumani4044
    @tatheerjumani4044 Год назад

    Thanks Dr you are right you just diagnosed me with sleep apnea I have to ask my doctor for the test you are suggesting.I have the symptoms you are mentioning.God bless you

  • @SB12_
    @SB12_ Год назад +5

    I was diagnosed with severe sleep apnea 7 months ago. Since treatment, my blood pressure is much lower and I'm not always tired. Best thing I've done in years!

    • @tennaj1367
      @tennaj1367 Год назад +1

      Amen! A lot of people (including myself) have gotten much better after being treated for sleep apnea! 😊

    • @ZephaniahL
      @ZephaniahL Год назад +1

      May we ask what your treatment has consisted of? I am dealing with a horrendously incompetent company that handles CPAP machines locally -- and it has led me to be content for the moment with nasal strips.

  • @mareejones6281
    @mareejones6281 10 месяцев назад

    So important to get tested. My sister aged 63 just died. Cause - undiagnosed sleep apnoea complicated by pneumonia and subsequent heart failure. I have sleep apnoea and use a CPAP and at 70 am very fit and active and not tired during the day and am a a slight build. I have no other medical conditions and can walk at pace others don’t keep up with. I think there must be a genetic component to OSA. I’m sure my brother and other sister also have OSA. They are now being tested. Looking back I can see all the signs in my mother who died of heart failure 25 years ago. Please get an at home oximeter test from a sleep clinic if you snore and get sleepy during the day.

  • @annehaughton3968
    @annehaughton3968 Год назад

    Excellent as always Sanjay.the latest worry is “evidence “ fish oils cause arrhythmia? Can you advise in a presentation soon xx

  • @franksam6818
    @franksam6818 Год назад +1

    As far as those cpac machines, to watch out for mold build up

  • @jmc8076
    @jmc8076 Год назад +1

    Such a good video and serious problem. It can split couples or min force diff rooms for sleep. My husb is healthy incl weight but lived his life w/neg effects. After first sleep test many yrs ago he had a tonsillectomy (calcified.) He still snored but told all was fine. New sleep test still showed SA. He just saw new ENT and booked to finally fix a deviated septum. Relief. Cortisone spray now helping chronic non allergic rhinitis. I share this to say maybe diff issues for snoring/SA. Laser avail to help some (not all) snoring. Pls use CPAP if needed even if just until surgery. Thx again Dr Gupta. 🙏

  • @conradswadling8495
    @conradswadling8495 Год назад

    good work. i drove a total of 250 miles to confirm i had 'mild' apnoea. was told to lose a little weight.

  • @ShivamPandey-uy9uo
    @ShivamPandey-uy9uo Год назад

    Dear Sir 🙏🙏 I listened and enjoyed a lot your lecture in Hindi . kindly Make another channel for Hindi viewers too.

  • @willieg7024
    @willieg7024 Год назад

    Your shirt sure looks yummy :) My question concerns high ferritin iron (storage molecules) in the body and it's possible relationship with heart failure. Thank you for your unbiased informative videos.

  • @LTPottenger
    @LTPottenger Год назад +2

    The best thing you can do for it is fasting

  • @carol137
    @carol137 Год назад +1

    Dr Gupta please can you discuss the new afib procedure called Pulsed Field ablation. Thank you.

  • @frehatipu9187
    @frehatipu9187 Год назад

    Food for thought! Quality of sleep has a huge affect on health. If I don't sleep well I go for caffeine and sugar for sure!

    • @ainahaga
      @ainahaga 6 месяцев назад +1

      Me too! I take alot of magnesium from all sources! My heart beats so perfect with magnesium from magnesium citrate, malate, glycinate, etc

  • @lindareed6262
    @lindareed6262 Год назад +3

    Hello Dr. Sanjay. I have Long Haul COVID for 7 months now. My blood pressure is still erratic and now having vertigo. I had a pacemaker on 2018. Still bedridden most of the time. I take Ososorbide Din 5 mg twice a day plus all the vitamins recommended, Zyrtec and Pepcid twice a day. Would love to see another video of your thoughts on LHC. Thank you for all your videos. I also have sleep apnea and have been on the CPAP for years. It does help with my sleeping .

    • @txmess20
      @txmess20 Год назад

      Linda!, is your vertigo related to Long Covid?

    • @lindareed6262
      @lindareed6262 Год назад +1

      @@txmess20 I believe it is, I’ve had vertigo before COVID and it was different. When I sit up or lay down my head starts spinning and issues with keeping my balance.

    • @Catlily5
      @Catlily5 Год назад +1

      Look into POTS. It is similar to Long Covid. This Dr. has videos on it and he has a video talking about why he thinks that POTS and Long Covid are linked.

    • @lindareed6262
      @lindareed6262 Год назад

      @@Catlily5 Went to the doctor about my vertigo. I had fluid in one of my ears. Got a cortisone shot & steroids to take. I’ve finished my meds and still having vertigo.

  • @kerriclarke9366
    @kerriclarke9366 Год назад +6

    We need to clone you 😊. Living on my own I didn't know that I was snoring. Developed high BP, always tired, started microsleeps when driving, etc but potential sleep apnea was never mentioned by my GP. I heard about sleep monitoring apps and discovered the horrendous noise I was making. I was since diagnosed with moderate sleep apnea and tried CPAP but I couldn't use it - started getting anxiety with not being able to get the pressure right or sleep when it leaked. I was wondering if there were throat strengthening exercises but haven't found anything yet. Maybe singing lessons would help. If you know of alternative therapies I would love to hear more.

    • @chetanrs
      @chetanrs Год назад

      Could you please paste a link to the sleep monitering app ?

  • @christineoneill316
    @christineoneill316 Год назад

    I was diagnosed with mild apnea but was offered sleeping tablets in 2011. Tried to access apnea support group but they told me as I was not obese I didn't have it? In fact, they were quite rude. I have in the last couple of months requested to see Dr Vik Veer (also has good videos) as I have a blocked nose which I have had since I was 12yrs.

  • @lisabriggs2981
    @lisabriggs2981 Год назад

    Yes Dr Gupta sleep is very necessary. I have sleep apnea and l use to be on a cpac machine. But it has been recalled. And than my pulmonagist left and than l was taken off of insurance that my husband had me on. So l been without my cpac for 3yrs and it's affecting my health.

  • @dannice155
    @dannice155 Год назад +1

    Hi Dr Gupta - I came to your page because of your content on POTs/Dysautonomia. You had a video on sleep issues in POTs. Is sleep apnea common in POTs/dysautonomia?

    • @Catlily5
      @Catlily5 Год назад

      Me too. I came for POTS info and am getting a home sleep test this week. They suspect that I might have sleep apnea but I wonder if it is from POTS.
      I only score a 2 on the StopBang test.

  • @justjeanne1458
    @justjeanne1458 Год назад +5

    Thank you for another wonderfully informative video. After 38 years of marriage, my husband was finally diagnosed with severe sleep apnea after his heart attack in 2019. He currently has 7 stents because he wasn't a candidate for bypass ("not enough viable tissue"). He is now on a CPAP & he no longer snores but, he still has most all of the sleepiness habits that you mentioned. Would you have any thoughts or suggestions on this?

  • @jameskantor0459
    @jameskantor0459 Год назад

    I do have sleep apnea , I do use a CPAP machine . Yes it helps a lot. It is not perfect, but helps a lot.

  • @tomdalton4016
    @tomdalton4016 Год назад +1

    Woke up gasping for air ! I knew I had it

  • @mikesiew7875
    @mikesiew7875 Год назад

    I have done a sleep study recently on the recommendation of an ENT Specialist and was surprised that it's actually very affordable costing MYR350.00 only.

  • @sidstovell2177
    @sidstovell2177 Год назад

    My 55 year old daughter was diagnosed with sleep apnea caused by an underdeveloped jaw, inherited from her British father. So she has to use a CPAP. What a drag, but it's a help.

  • @FarmanF.O
    @FarmanF.O Год назад

    Soooo true *****