Blood pressure, balloons and hot water bottles

  • Опубликовано: 4 июн 2024
  • The whole subject of blood pressure is poorly understood, poorly taught and poorly managed. Today I wanted to try and simplify the subject using the analogy of balloons and hot water bottles.
    What is high blood pressure?
    I was once upon a time giving a lecture and there were clinicians present from Europe as well as America and I asked the question ‘What is high blood pressure?’ - the Americans in the audience said anything higher than 120/80 is high. The europeans said anything above 140/90 is high. So my response was that why don’t we pay for all the American ‘hypertensives’ (ie who have BPs of upto 139/89) get a one way ticket to Europe and encourage them to settle there. This would cure their hypertension without subjecting them to a lifetime of medications! How ludicrous is it that a chronic condition could be ‘cured’ by simply moving a patient to a different continent.
    The definition of high blood pressure is not a number. The definition of high blood pressure should be ‘that blood pressure that does that individual some form of harm - if it is not doing you any harm then it is not high for you’ and if we think about it this way we can start to understand how ridiculous the whole notion of taking the whole population and calibrating them against a single set of numbers - which, ironically, changes every few years because the so called experts change their mind every few years.
    Another point to mention is that high blood pressure is important for 2 reasons:
    The high blood pressure is a symptoms of something else going on in the body in which case you want to treat and identify the thing that is underlying the high BP readings (in some way if you don’t do this you are doing the patient a disservice because you have simply silenced a scream for help)
    The blood pressure numbers themselves are causing you harm - in which case, treating and lowering the numbers does make sense. Most of modern day management of blood pressure concerns itself with simply lowering the number and not identifying and tackling the underlying causes and this is perhaps why despite all this emphasis on hitting the numbers hard with pills has not made a huge difference to the incidence of complications such as heart attacks, strokes and kidney failure.Whilst I am confident that some people do benefit from having their numbers reduced to the cut-offs defined by the ‘experts’, I am also very confident that a tonne of patients end up being overmedicated unnecessarily and have to endure the indignity of carrying an incorrect label of hypertension, suffer the extra costs of medications and insurance and worst of all put up with possible side effects of a shed-load of pills.
    This is perhaps why the Americans keep reducing the thresholds for treatment - because they are not identifying the root cause of the problem - such as sugar, obesity and stress. As it is too difficult and perhaps unprofitable to reduce sugar and stress, lets just hit the blood pressure more - that is actually profitable to do and the best thing is that if the patient doesnt have a heart attack or a stroke then we will say it is because of our excellent tablets and if they did then we would say that it was because they had hypertension and they need even more meds. Either way its a win for us!
    What is blood pressure?
    Ultimately the whole concept of blood pressure is that when the heart pumps blood out it has to generate enough pressure within our circulatory system to be able to perfuse our vital organs with oxygen rich blood.
    If the pressure is too low, the blood doesn’t get to our vital organs and this results in suffocation and death of important cells in our vital organs.
    If the pressure is too high, then there is a risk of damaging our most fragile blood vessels by causing them to burst. This then leads them to heal by clotting off which means that again that our vital organs are deprived of blood and get damaged. If your pressure is not doing you any damage then it is not high for you.
    Physiologically, the formula to calculate pressure is force/area.
    So if the force that is exerted over a constant area is doubled then the the pressure is doubled. If the force stays the same but the area is halved, the pressure will also double.
    When we measure the blood pressure, we usually measure two values. So typically we get a measurement of 130/80. 130 is the systolic pressure. 80 is the diastolic pressure.
    The Systolic blood pressure.
    This is when the heart is pumping and ejecting blood into the vascular system and therefore is the highest pressure that the circulation is exposed to
    And the diastolic blood pressure.
    This is when the heart is relaxing and filling with blood and therefore the lowest pressure within our circulation.
    I want to explain this by using a balloon

Комментарии • 512

  • @NicksHEAT1995
    @NicksHEAT1995 Год назад +184

    Love this doc. This guy is the most intelligent and caring doctor I've seen, bar none. He has explained this multiple times across multiple videos. People should be understanding this by now.

    • @CuchulainAD
      @CuchulainAD Год назад

      He's a coward and a shill.

    • @commonsense6967
      @commonsense6967 Год назад +3

      @@CuchulainAD Got any evidence?

    • @capyboppy
      @capyboppy Год назад +12

      @@CuchulainAD you don’t even know him. I have met him twice and attended 2 of his seminars plus a private consultation he gave for free. He is a caring genuine person.

    • @capyboppy
      @capyboppy Год назад +4

      @@CuchulainAD you don’t even know him. I have met him twice and attended 2 of his seminars plus a private consultation he gave for free. He is a caring genuine person.

    • @prabhanair2708
      @prabhanair2708 Год назад +14

      This is a very rude comment. If one does not like a person, one should just ignore that person or just not watch his videos. Posting rude comments speaks a lot about the writer himself.

  • @santsu8392
    @santsu8392 Год назад +36

    Every single time I'm worried about my number and pulse at home, I come back to his videos. Such positive words and energy from this bloke.

  • @Dianne911
    @Dianne911 Год назад +71

    Your words are gold. It's too bad here in America the numbers are being treated instead of the patient. It's double the stress when a retired medical person is trying to prove her once elevated BP has a kidney origin. We need you over here!

    • @lovesweet8500
      @lovesweet8500 Год назад

      Pls I need help too

    • @no834
      @no834 11 месяцев назад +1

      The numbers meaning pharmaceutical corporate control of our healthcare system.

    • @rosecaley5790
      @rosecaley5790 Месяц назад

      God bless you Dr Gupta. God has given you much wisdom. I have learned much from your video.

  • @silviastefan2818
    @silviastefan2818 Год назад +93

    Dr. Gupta, thank you for another wonderful video. I have struggled with hypertension since having my son 35 years ago. My blood pressure is always an issue when I go to the doctor. Then the doctor makes a big deal about it which intensifies the situation to the point I avoid going to the doctor. I leave the doctor's office questioning if I'm going to have a stroke because if my BP isn't 130/80 or lower its a big deal.
    I love that you are so calm and also realistic about how each individual will not have the same BP and it is foolish for physicians to expect this. This was a very reassuring and comforting video. Thank you.

    • @annelorewiens7688
      @annelorewiens7688 Год назад +4

      I thought I was the only one!! I have struggled with hypertension since I had my daughter 21 years ago. I had toxemia pregnancy and all I have heard is " you'll be on the meds for life now" The side effects are so bad 😔

    • @MrMelvinkennedy1
      @MrMelvinkennedy1 Год назад +11

      Same. My anxiety of doctors cause my blood pressure to raise but at home monitoring it im always good unless anxious over something.

    • @silviastefan2818
      @silviastefan2818 Год назад +7

      @@annelorewiens7688 I had toxima as well and that is what started this nightmare. I am on 3 meds and there are times I go to the doctor my bp will be 170/100 and the more I think about getting my BP taken the more anxious I get.

    • @silviastefan2818
      @silviastefan2818 Год назад +4

      @@MrMelvinkennedy1 I'm the same way, its terrible

    • @annelorewiens7688
      @annelorewiens7688 Год назад +3

      Get a monitor at home and take the readings in a relaxed state. It becomes habit and you’ll get a “true reading” My BP is much lower at home than in a doctor’s office. Hope we can find a solution to get off the meds soon. Good luck 🤞

  • @yossarianmnichols9641
    @yossarianmnichols9641 Год назад +64

    One club of American doctors did change the guidelines for systolic pressure up to 150 for people 65 and older. There was an uproar from the cardiologists. The drug company executives all of sudden had very high blood pressure.

    • @trentriver
      @trentriver Год назад +10

      You are correct. That was the result of a study that the American Association of Retired Persons commissioned and it was done by a university professor and reviewed by a 17 member panel. 12 people on the panel supported the conclusions and 7 did not - I wonder if the 7 had any special interests with the drug companies. In any event, I thought this was interesting because Dr. Gupta was asked the same question a few years ago and as recall, came up with pretty much the same answer as the AARP's study.

    • @kathleenseb8950
      @kathleenseb8950 Год назад


    • @bigboy1982
      @bigboy1982 Год назад +1

      It did them damage🤣

    • @violahamilton782
      @violahamilton782 Год назад +2

      @@trentriver Thank you for sharing this information, that's helpful!

    • @trentriver
      @trentriver Год назад

      @@violahamilton782 You are welcome.

  • @BayouChic
    @BayouChic Год назад +15

    Thank you for this. I was dx with htn after childbirth at the age of 19. I've tried to explain to my physician that its hereditary in my case. Despite my high numbers, I never feel poorly, no edema, no fluid overload, no headaches, excellent lab values but they tx me based on a number. I was even approved for weight loss surgery in my early twenties because the drs thought that would fix my htn. I lost over a 150lb and guess what, I still had hypertension. They would give me medication, sometimes three of them and it would bottom me out and then I felt as if I would pass out. I'm here to get a better understanding for myself because the drs have just been practicing on me.

  • @raffaellavitiello1762
    @raffaellavitiello1762 Год назад +2

    I have ask the question to doctors for 20 years : why my diastolic is so low, with medications , some time under 60, and l never got an answer. I am 83 years old and l feel much better without med. But you cannot go to any doctor without they take your blood pressure . They give tablets that make me dizzy and sick , but they are happy so long the number is right . Thank you for the explanation, understand now why for 3 years l did not see any doctors and l was feeling wonderfully. We are trap in this slave to their system. We live in fears for nothing. That you again, l have my answer, very good explanation.

  • @jeanstohler
    @jeanstohler Год назад +14

    Thank you so much for this! You explain so patiently, and kindly. I have been worried about my higher diastolic pressure for years, which has only caused more stress. It has not disaffected kidney or other small blood vessel function but I continued to obsess over the number. Now I feel that I can put my worry to rest and enjoy life rather that be afraid that I am going to keel over any minute. You have no idea how freeing this is! God bless you!

  • @markgeezey1809
    @markgeezey1809 Год назад +16

    You are such a professional and a doctor that cares and understands. You are so right what you are saying and too many physicians take the easy step of medication and not understanding the underlying issues. The only two serious doctors I listen to on this subject which I suffer from is you and Ford Brewer MD, as both of you understand the underlying issues that cause this. Ford Brewer who is a big advocate of correcting insulin resistance that leads to so many issues in our body. Both of you are pushing life style changes and correct eating etc. thank you and keep up the excellent work.

  • @nikkion2140
    @nikkion2140 Год назад +10

    Well done: "Silence the scream for help" is best and most accurate description!!
    Just same is applicable to diabetes: we use metformin etc to remove glucose from circulation but we are not looking at why we have high glucose here in the first place.

  • @russbrown6453
    @russbrown6453 Год назад +5

    Brilliant video DOC... Nothing lowers my blood pressure more than eating the carnivore diet. Boy, I wish my Dr was as smart as you. He doesn't know any of this. He just knows how to prescribe meds...

  • @bethanykittok3903
    @bethanykittok3903 Год назад +10

    Oh my gosh this validates what I have suspected for awhile as a nurses aide and now a new nurse! This makes so much sense to me! I see the frustration in patients about how they feel and what was prescribed. Especially heart patients on low salt diets and fluid restrictions--no wonder all they crave is salt, maybe they are trying to perfuse their organs better! Maybe they would be better served by reducing medication!

  • @trentriver
    @trentriver Год назад +6

    You are one of the most sensible people I listen to on the internet. Thanks for what you do.

  • @dturner6611
    @dturner6611 Год назад +14

    Thank you from the bottom of my heart for helping to educate about coronary health. I wish there were more doctors like you here in the US.

  • @imgrateful1
    @imgrateful1 Год назад +9

    I forgot to mention I have been following this doc's channel for several years. I always enjoy learning!!! Thank you.

  • @jyotilalrana8375
    @jyotilalrana8375 Год назад +11

    Dr. Gupta is such a calm and informative person who always convey the positive message and I have coming on listening him since long time back. He is a legend in modern medical science.

  • @bambukouk
    @bambukouk Год назад +51

    one of the best lectures!👍
    I wish my GP was educated to the same standard
    I used to be on BP medication
    lost a fair bit of weight and took myself off the meds
    Thank you !!

    • @cityezere
      @cityezere Год назад

      Nice.... after taking off the medication, did the numbers normalize? How long were you on the medication?

    • @bambukouk
      @bambukouk Год назад +7

      @@cityezere the numbers have improved (what is "normal" 😛 )
      I was on meds for few years (while my BMI was about 30)
      I stopped taking medication when BMI got close to 25.
      Today I ignore BMI and go by waste to height ratio 👍

    • @Squats200
      @Squats200 Год назад +2

      No chance, youl not find another doctor who's this educated/interested!

    • @alexim.rodriguez5388
      @alexim.rodriguez5388 Год назад

      That's wonderful here i. México they tell me that it's more dangerous to leave the meds as it can cause my blood pressure to get even worst. How did you manage to get back to normal.?

    • @fatfrreddy1414
      @fatfrreddy1414 Год назад

      @@bambukouk waist to height...

  • @islandbreeze2102
    @islandbreeze2102 Год назад +13

    We love you Doc. No matter how many times you explain the stigmatic “Blood Pressure” conundrum, I always learn something new and it helps me so so much in dealing with my blood pressure. The use of the balloon and hot water bottle analogies made it so much easier to comprehend and follow along with your explanations. The “ Look for Harm” strategy is genius. Here in the US unfortunately we are instructed by our physicians to just be concerned with the numbers and to take medication, medication and medication. Because of your great kindness in guiding us I have been able to take charge of my blood pressure by taking magnesium supplements and feel so much better. I am going to take your advice and seek out an ophthalmologist to examine the state of my eyes. So grateful for you dear doctor. May you always be blessed.

  • @imgrateful1
    @imgrateful1 Год назад +13

    How wonderful. A great lesson on blood pressure. For anyone who would choose to "believe" GOD'S definition of a physician is to be a TEACHER. If a person is willing to LEARN, you only have to listen and learn the truth about what health is. For this video of course we know what blood pressure is. Thank you! Thank you Dr. Sanjay. You are brilliant and a very GOOD teacher. To be a good teacher is to be a real doctor who really cares for his patients.

  • @Chirutruetv
    @Chirutruetv Год назад +6

    Thank you doctor. You are unique in your explanation. We need more doctors like you.

  • @jamebrow
    @jamebrow Год назад +8

    This is a huge help. I'm a sportsman (a regular rower and runner all my life), heathy weight, healthy diet (quite low in sodium), very little alcohol intake, no family history of heart trouble but I have a lot of stress from work. I was diagnosed by the GP with hypertension and regularly read about 145/95, but sometimes drop to 120/80. This video has given me some useful things to check and I will look into an ambulatory blood pressure monitor.

  • @robertsnapp7204
    @robertsnapp7204 Год назад +3

    Thank you so much for your insightful explanation of blood pressure conditions. I am 74 years old and eat a strict Vegan diet. Recently my BP readings have spiked to 170 / 110. Very worrisome to me, I have an appointment with my internist next week. Your videos has relieved much of my stress, thank you. I am from the metro Detroit area.

  • @im1dc
    @im1dc Год назад +14

    Another fabulously instructive BP lecture from the best cardiologist around. Thank you.

    • @momienmohamed7752
      @momienmohamed7752 Год назад

      Hi doc u really make people feel much fearless by u making ud unstand. .thanks .God bressed u .

    • @momienmohamed7752
      @momienmohamed7752 Год назад

      Doctor sometimes I feel opening your video s to my GP.really they put u on just unstanding.

  • @jzoe7382
    @jzoe7382 Год назад +4

    Thank you, you explained beautifully why older people tend to have a high systolic pressure but low diastolic pressure (a wide pulse pressure) is due to the stiffness of the blood vessels

  • @annieblake4199
    @annieblake4199 Год назад +3

    Thank you Sanjay for clarifying and explaining hypertension. I am a retired clinician and your lecture was a lightbulb moment in the blindingly obvious! I will most certainly be following your excellent lectures

  • @92foxcarguy21
    @92foxcarguy21 Год назад +1

    I would imagine that decreasing news intake to only a necessary amount to be aware of what's going on, but not over satuating in it would help... They say having a Dog, or a pet is good for BP also... Healthy support system of people who share issues of life, and work though them together has been very helpful to me... I am very blessed by your videos thank you!

  • @stephenoakden7585
    @stephenoakden7585 Год назад +12

    Hi Doc. This is BRILLIANT!. I have followed you for some years now. I am Steve, a metabolically healthy, active 68 year old RN still working a little in Sydney Australia. I continue to share your views on BP measurement and other matters cardiac, with my younger nursing colleagues, my friends and loved ones, the young docs I work with on the wards and indeed my own (young) GP. Not a lot of acceptance yet within the medical orthodoxy or nursing teaching here in Aus I have to say. Anyway much power to you and please keep going! You are an inspiration to me as a health worker with an 17:36 interest in human physiology. I’ll keep giving your name to my medical and nursing colleagues. Best wishes and Marry Christmas from down under!

    • @FMGogs46
      @FMGogs46 Год назад +1

      Hi Stephen, like you I think this cardiologist hits the nail nicely for all levels. A fit?? Kiwi aged 76...retired RN and Midwife.

  • @susanwoodward7485
    @susanwoodward7485 Год назад +5

    Brilliant! As a person with long-term drug-resistant hypertension and associated kidney failure, I have been so frustrated with the lack of any understanding of the underlying causes of my problem. Have had so many adverse drug reactions over the years, with absolutely no benefits from any of the medicines. I am not diabetic, quite thin, very active until recently (covid and end-stage kidney disease combined). Even though my kidneys have now been destroyed, I continue to search for the underlying cause of my problems. You are an amazing doctor, and I love your channels.

  • @mindseye4914
    @mindseye4914 Год назад +3

    As always, you are god sent. How shamelessly doctor after doctor in the USA scares you shitless about your BP numbers and starts throwing pills at you without going into the heart of the matter and treating you from the ground up. You are the only one who talks sense in a calm and pleasant and comforting manner. And for that I sincerely thank you!

  • @pabloblanco2656
    @pabloblanco2656 Год назад +10

    I truly appreciate you taking time to make these videos. You are the best Cardiologist hands down. I wish you were in the united states because all we have here in Ft Worthless texas is uneducated skilled incompetence.

    • @dianeboyd4655
      @dianeboyd4655 Год назад

      I can’t thank you enough for your common sense advice. Newly diagnosed and popped on amlopidine, as I am tablet averse especially if I can avoid them they clearly have a place but how I wish medicine wouldn’t jump to the prescribing pad instantly. I am hoping to come off these tablets asap 🤞 Thank you

  • @raycoxon5991
    @raycoxon5991 Год назад +2

    A voice of reason, sanity and logic in a medical world of corruption, ignorance and misinformation. More power to you Sangjay - your talks are so logical and clear.

  • @cathrenezelaya4390
    @cathrenezelaya4390 Год назад +3

    Thank you so very much, Dr. Gupta. You are indeed a gem. I wish I had found you earlier in my life. Your guidance is invaluable. I've reluctantly been on BP medications since 2001. Now that I am older (66 years old) I've accepted that I may have to continue taking them for the rest of my life. I wish I was nearby to be able to be your patient. Thanks for all you do to advise us on these health matters.

  • @janicecroft2304
    @janicecroft2304 Год назад +3

    Thank you I've been saying this for years first diagnosed at 15 on pills by 25. Im now 63 with AF and highish readings even on medication. Now they are telling me my kidneys are struggling, go figure.

  • @isobelcarson6096
    @isobelcarson6096 11 месяцев назад +1

    Best Doc ever. Can't find one like you.

  • @chuksnwuba5195
    @chuksnwuba5195 Год назад +2

    Thanks so much doctor for your informative videos. Your presentations are fantastic. Your calm disposition and careful explanations will even calm blood pressure and address anxiety over it.
    I'm 65 years old. A few years ago my doctors started getting BP numbers they considered high and recommended medication which I turned down. I use exercise, diet, stress control, and faith to manage my health. I battled with my GP and their referral cardiologists and physicians over medication. In four years, they did blood and urine tests and ECG twice for me and all were good. Recently, I had the 24 hour ambulatory BP monitoring. The results were normal in all cases - 24 hour was 120/63; daytime 122/65, and night 112/58. They called the issue 'white coat hypertension'
    Please keep up your enlightenment program.

  • @DevonDandy
    @DevonDandy Год назад +2

    The most intersting take on BP I have come across and I have studied the subject widely. And the significance of 'pulse pressure' - the difference between the systolic and diastolic numbers - is rarely considered by clinicians.

  • @sherylritchie3639
    @sherylritchie3639 Год назад +8

    Thank you so much. Very informative as always. I wish I had this information before taking medication.

    @MAGNUM2F Месяц назад +1

    Brilliant, easy to understand analogy. Common sense. Nice 1 sir.

  • @SnazzyStephs
    @SnazzyStephs Год назад +2

    Thank you. I've had pre eclampsia with pregnancy and all your videos have helped me in pregnancy. My baby is now day 52 that she's in the Nicu and growing and my BP has come right after pregnancy and with Nifedipine XL30 🤗🥰🥰

  • @MrBigkebabman2
    @MrBigkebabman2 Год назад +8

    Thank you so much for taking the time to explain how blood pressure works. It often makes me concerned when I check my blood pressure and the figures are not within the so called expected levels. After watching this and many of your other videos you put my mind at rest. Once again thank you.

  • @kolapoiyabo1068
    @kolapoiyabo1068 Год назад +3

    Honestly you are simply the best from the analysis.

  • @brunocarbone2161
    @brunocarbone2161 Год назад +2

    Thank you Dr. Finally a video that answers the questions I've had for so long.

  • @marvenjeannis5914
    @marvenjeannis5914 Год назад +1

    I ❤️this Dr sooo much , we can’t thank you enough, you’re an angel,God bless you, l developed high BP after l had Covid last year, they put me on Med , ok ,dealing with so much stress, my husband passed away, some day my blood pressure can be 98/73 , they still refuse to change the dose , keep saying, oh yeah , it’s the Med which make it that way, tire , dealing with more frustrations. But l know my is just stress.

  • @aidaalegado3479
    @aidaalegado3479 Год назад +2

    Thank you Doctor. I love listening to your posts.

  • @sulekhasureshnair7004
    @sulekhasureshnair7004 Год назад +3

    I have been listening to your clips for more more than a year now. The information and knowledge you share have been most helpful on my “ongoing”understanding of BP. Your explanation is comprehended by “layman” people like me. I can see the passion you have as a Medical Professional to truly “help”.

  • @rakeshkrishnan6571
    @rakeshkrishnan6571 Год назад +4

    Thank you for clearing up the mess. I've eliminated sugar, processed foods and takeaways from my diet, and I'm doing a lot of workout, which have together made my blood pressure drop. The healthcare system is solely focused on pills and bills.

    • @mayrichards3574
      @mayrichards3574 Год назад

      Hi, how long it it take for your lifestyle changes to take effect.

    • @rakeshkrishnan6571
      @rakeshkrishnan6571 Год назад +1

      @@mayrichards3574 not sure if the question was addressed to me but here goes. Don't expect a quick fix, like days or weeks. My BP was quite high 160/100 or so. I didn't want to it to increase further by measuring it daily. So once I did the lifestyle changes I measured it after 8 months. It was down to 135/85 or so. But I'd consult with the doctor first. I was on medication initially because it was so high. In my case it was genetic also because my mother and both her parents had BP. While different people will experience different results, it is undeniable that giving up sugar, processed foods and restaurant food, and exercising daily will bring down BP. 30 minutes of daily meditation and yoga will bring it down another 5-6 points but somehow I can never do more than 30 minutes a week.

    • @mayrichards3574
      @mayrichards3574 Год назад +1

      @Rajesh Krishnan
      Thanks for your reply.
      Whenever I visit Dr the reading is c 140/84. He suggested home monitoring for a while.
      My readings were near perfect at home for the first two weeks then I got a higher reading and every subsequent reading now is higher than I would like. I have come to realise I am fixating and worrying about these numbers too much.
      I don't want pills but I do want better BP.
      I don't mind if it takes a while while I implement a few lifestyle changes. I already have a relatively healthy lifestyle but there are some changes I can make...and not measure every day.

  • @mjohnson7325
    @mjohnson7325 Год назад

    I do admire your great advice; you have saved millions of people

  • @rodneycooperLMSCoach
    @rodneycooperLMSCoach Год назад +4

    Thankyou once again for a most informative video and a great relief I must say. I have been taking my blood pressures monthly with a monitor for 8 years now and the variation is quite considerable and I always aim at 135/85 but often it is above this figure(I am 77 years old) sometimes even lower but the last one was higher and when I checked back at my records I had an identical reading 5 years ago. What you have said in this video explains a lot, thankyou.

  • @tomjay5471
    @tomjay5471 Год назад +1

    All the way from Canada, what a beautiful human being you are! May almighty God continue to bless you!

  • @musicariasportsmedia1371
    @musicariasportsmedia1371 Год назад +1

    Love this consultant. You have given me a really good understanding of Blood Pressure etc. Having nursed i would of loved to have sat in on of your lectures. So calmly executed, thank you for all your videos. Keep them coming. Wish all GP’s we’re able to give this advice, instead of going along with the easier method of medication, fuelling Pharma! life style before big pockets’.
    By the way not advocating stopping medications.

  • @seanoconnor1731
    @seanoconnor1731 Год назад

    Such a kind and generous specialist..thanks for you sharing of wisdom and knowledge and commonsense.

  • @pepsnex
    @pepsnex Год назад +4

    WOW! This is a great video and I'm happy that I've come across your video today. I'm 46 years old and was "diagnosed" with high blood pressure 10 years ago during a stressful time in my life. I've always felt like I may have been misdiagnosed because the the root or cause of my HBP was my lifestyle. I exercise a lot now and I'm very active and I'm 30lbs lighter but my BP medication hasn't really changed a lot. In the US I feel doctors don't have the time to focus on root causes (nutrition, lifestyle, stress, etc.) and prescribe the medication that's in their current rotation. I will definitely look into doing the Ambulatory Blood Pressure Monitoring even if I have to come out of pocket. I will try and share my experience and results. Thanks again for your content Dr. Gupta.

  • @redrose1402
    @redrose1402 Год назад

    Oh I do wish all Doctors were like you! You are amazing!❤

  • @MeMe-nj4lh
    @MeMe-nj4lh Год назад

    So refreshing to see a dr who cares and is so logical and intelligent. If I could afford it I’d fly to the UK to be treated by him.

  • @Moridin69
    @Moridin69 Год назад +3

    Doc you've got such an amazing teaching style, calm demeanor, and flow to your lecture. Excellent video. I shall look further into what you have advised for my patients in the future.

  • @patsys.9421
    @patsys.9421 Год назад +7

    What a wise approach you have to the complexities the material you cover. Thanks so much for your clarity and balance. I wonder if you would speak about pulse pressure and its relation to arterial stiffness. Also the effects and pitfalls of medication on an already permanently low leaning diastolic. Many thanks

  • @mariorodriguez7598
    @mariorodriguez7598 Год назад +1

    Thanks doctor I watched all your videos and you don’t have and idea how much you have helped me god bless your work , from El Salvador

  • @richardfadle5921
    @richardfadle5921 Год назад +1

    THANK YOU DOCTOR!!!! Very logical and inlighting! Instead of the usual stuff about blood pressure!!!!

  • @francesb571
    @francesb571 Год назад +12

    I love your channel Dr'
    You do great work, thank you!

    • @YorkCardiology
      @YorkCardiology  Год назад

      So nice of you

    • @rozanarosenthal6186
      @rozanarosenthal6186 Год назад

      @@YorkCardiology you are such an amazing human being. Very happy I found you. Is 130/67 or 125/69 or 134/70 considered high ? Iam 54 and need to loose weight so I believe it is a bit high because of that

  • @everpresentchurch
    @everpresentchurch Год назад +1

    My name is jason norton and I wanted to say thank you for your videos I have been causing my own high blood pressure with anxiety over my blood pressure. I know that sounds ridiculous but it’s a real thing. Your videos were so enlightening helping me to understand exactly what high blood pressure is. I’ve always believed that I’m supposed to be a little higher. I’m 51 years old I don’t smoke I recently have changed my whole diet lost 30 pounds and exercise by walking and sporadic jogging every day except Sunday and I’ve had numerous tests on all kinds of organs and everything is fine. But sometimes that spirit of fear can get the better of you mess with your head so thank you for all the clarity that you have brought!

  • @shanashay1399
    @shanashay1399 Год назад +1

    I love this channel and sincerely appreciate you sharing your knowledge.

  • @dipbanerjey9068
    @dipbanerjey9068 Год назад +3

    Thank you Dr Gupta. Another brilliant and most informative video.

  • @pearl2910
    @pearl2910 Год назад

    An Exceptional Man! I love his far seeing Vision and intellect a true ‘Gift’ ! 💫

  • @massiepro8392
    @massiepro8392 Год назад +1

    Wow I love this!! This totally makes sense, never understand it better. Thank you Doc, appreciate your videos and new subs. God Bless you!

  • @flower7341
    @flower7341 Год назад +2

    Thanks for helping us and to understand better our body systems. You are such a knowledgeable and true doctor who doesn't recommend only medication. I wish my doctor be like that because they always put on medication for small things.keep posting these valuable video. My mother just diagnosed with congestive heart failure and I am watching all your videos to learn and help my mom to get better.

  • @rickesping1586
    @rickesping1586 Год назад +1

    Thank you for this video. It really helped me understand BP and how it affects the heart and vessels. How the heart works and the difference between systolic and diastolic pressure. I don't think I'll get them confused anymore.

  • @worthit4493
    @worthit4493 Год назад +1

    what a brilliant explanation. Makes it so much easier to understand the various symptoms.
    I will now seek to find more blogs of this exceptional doctor...

  • @aliuqaily5238
    @aliuqaily5238 Год назад

    Hello, belatedly. I can't find, in my lexicon, the most expressive words to use in thanking you. I have learned from you more than I have from all the doctors that I have met. I thank you from the depths of my heart. May God bless you.

  • @EpiqMusiq
    @EpiqMusiq Год назад +1

    This is the most informative medical video on the internet. Share this message everywhere. Thank-you Dr. Gupta. Thank you.

  • @robyncurtis8542
    @robyncurtis8542 Год назад

    Dr Gupta is brilliant and explains everything so well. Certainly puts your minds at rest

  • @vase6287
    @vase6287 Год назад

    Thank you doctor!! Now it makes a lot more sense and gives a clear idea 💡 on when its actually a issue.

  • @paulkennedy5953
    @paulkennedy5953 Год назад +1

    Yes, this knowledge and information is invaluable, which creates more awareness concerning heart disease. It also widens the scope of cardiology. Appreciated.

  • @sharletbenson4723
    @sharletbenson4723 Год назад +1

    I love the way you explain things and use diet and lifestyle as the first treatment of choice.I dont know how many times doctors have sternly try to force my husband to take heart meds when his numbers where barley over the recommendation.

  • @irenenavarrette1918
    @irenenavarrette1918 Год назад

    I finally found a pcp. He put me on bp medication. My bp is higher. Still dealing with pain in my side. Pulled muscle. Well almost five months and I get a muscle relaxant. Will see. Thank you for your knowledge. Really appreciate you Doctor Gupta.

  • @ikraatahir6208
    @ikraatahir6208 Год назад +1

    i was worried & was in stress due to my high diasystolic reading but your video has reduced my stress now Thank you so much doctor for educating us

  • @violahamilton782
    @violahamilton782 Год назад

    Thank you so much! After watching this more than once, I am not anxious due to ignorance of the processes.

  • @studley
    @studley Год назад

    Best explanation I have ever heard. Thank you so much. My wife just had a stroke 10/15

  • @lcolon5606
    @lcolon5606 Год назад

    This was so great. Thank you for the information and easier to follow explanations. Saving this.

  • @WillCarrot
    @WillCarrot Год назад

    You are the best! I’ve had a high diastolic pressure with very bad anxiety and panic disorder which has my nerves a wreck. That leads to not drinking water and eating junk food WHEN I can eat. I so wish you were in the states. God bless you for ask you do. You are truly an angel to those of us who are blessed with your knowledge and skill of explaining things in a way which is priceless. -Will from Tennessee ❤️

  • @PP-rm6oe
    @PP-rm6oe Год назад

    Greetings from Kuala Lumpur. Doc, thank you for your extreme clarity of speech. You are definitely a master communicator! Have a splendid day!

  • @rajkumarnanukuttan1698
    @rajkumarnanukuttan1698 Год назад +2

    Thank you for educating us with that clear professional explanation. Sadly professionalism has been thrown out of the window and replaced by commercialism. Appreciate your effort very much.

  • @barshagogoi1882
    @barshagogoi1882 Год назад +1

    Thank you, Doc!!! Very interesting talk!! I learnt a lot of new things. Thanks again!!!!

  • @joseabraham777
    @joseabraham777 Год назад

    Thank you, this video was very helpful for me, I recently was diagnosed with high blood pressure, my cardiologist didn’t believe me until I showed him a RX image of my chest, then he noted that my heart was a “high blood pressure heart” and after taking medicines and making exercise my health is far better, i have had headaches frequently and I didn’t knew the origin

  • @zorinaganpaul1598
    @zorinaganpaul1598 Год назад

    so very informative, best explanation I've heard ever! Thank you Doc 💟

  • @user-wx9xr8rl8g
    @user-wx9xr8rl8g Год назад

    Dr Gupta,
    Thank you for your LIFE SAVING/LIFE CHANGING video. God bless and protect you and your family.

  • @visionarylifecoaching
    @visionarylifecoaching Год назад +4

    I work for the Northwest Ambulance Service as an EMT2 and take a lot of my information from you when trying to simplify things for patients.
    Keep up the good work, your good works will reap good things for you

  • @kevinhill135
    @kevinhill135 Год назад +1

    You are the best. Thank you for your videos and information.

  • @Roycocup
    @Roycocup Год назад +1

    Wow. Thank you. After being medicated for over 15 years, I now will include in my list of todo's to actually find the cause for my high blood pressure. (Diastolic Hypertension by the way)Thank you!

  • @debbieallen7585
    @debbieallen7585 Год назад

    Absolutely love your videos. They are intelligent and reassuring.

  • @franceshemery5095
    @franceshemery5095 Год назад +1

    Thank you,beautiful soul.

  • @vadillo1
    @vadillo1 6 месяцев назад

    Best video on HBP ever! Thank you for the great advice and clear explanations!!!

  • @rickstockton6382
    @rickstockton6382 Год назад

    This was such a great presentation, like an outline of the diagnosis process.

  • @edithokeke
    @edithokeke Год назад

    God has used this doctor to give me peace of mind. God bless you real good 🎉

  • @RichArtLove
    @RichArtLove Год назад

    This is genuinely useful guidance. Just brilliant! Sending big thanks from LA...!

  • @alexandrastevens8892
    @alexandrastevens8892 Год назад +2

    OMGOODNESS that's so true, my partner has been on enalapril since 50 because his numbers were extreme 200 plus over 100 plus.
    Why do they treat the numbers not the underlying cause, same as all diseases, they treat the symptom they see and not the reason we have the symptoms 🤔 not sure my explanation is clear but I love yours.
    Moving to be closer to a good cardiologist 😃

  • @delphinepeyton6060
    @delphinepeyton6060 7 месяцев назад

    You're wonderful doctor. Thank you so much for You're most intelligent explanation that makes sense

  • @CandysFavorites
    @CandysFavorites Год назад +3

    Congratulations on subscribers! I just noticed how many you zoomed up to! Wonderful!

  • @dr.ghayas2666
    @dr.ghayas2666 Год назад +3

    Very nice. Conceptual lecture is fruitful

  • @josephineweddy2398
    @josephineweddy2398 Год назад

    Thank you for sharing your knowledge and wisdom. I found this teaching very helpful

  • @Speedrv
    @Speedrv Год назад +1

    That’s what my Doctor say’s here in California he’s giving me pills for my BP to stabilize the number. With so many internal organs and so many patients hard to identify the source. Thanks Doc for the simple and very articulate lecture you shared. I do understand more my problem.