I think she is right. There is not enough women working in the construction industry, the waste management industry, plumbing industry and coal industry etc etc. We should fire 50% of the men working in those fields and and replace them with women. The fired men should in turn get the jobs in hairsaloons, beauty stores, nurising homes, pharmacies and childcare facilities.
@Holy SaylorYou're right. Similarly a lot less women apply for positions in politics, high paying engineering jobs, etc yet feminism expects there to be equal representation. It's basically asking for the creme de la creme while ignoring everything else.
I think she's right too but what you suggest is a terrible idea. You would have a lot of people doing jobs that don't match their personality. If a guy chooses to be a construction worker, chances are that personality would not fit in a beauty store. Stop looking at 'males' and 'females' and start looking at individuals. The fact that most nurses are female is because the job description is what women are often good at. That being said, I'm a male nurse and I'm also good at it, so again, look at individuals and not only their gender.
its ya boi seb hey Mate, you went straight to insulting him because of his age and his content. He was simply making and joke, and your humorless self took the "feel old yet" part way too seriously. You. Are. An. Idiot.
I think one of the biggest problems in today's society is that a lot of people struggle to understand that Men and Women are DIFFERENT. Does that mean that one should get more respect than the other? No. We don't need to treat everybody the exact same, we need to treat everybody like individual beings. Everybody is respectable until proven unrespectable.
Ohh my godd this so basic...men and women are physiologically different sir......when we talk about equality we do not say that men should also get periods..or men should also get pregnant....we talk about a situation where there is no men or society commanding about of women should do....
@@pratibhakushwaha6491 you don't always need physiological advantage to work at a job exerting life and death situations. Even if it were the case, there are trained women who are much more stronger than an average man. Why dont they choose to work in such jobs, all women need is a sophistication. Jobs like CEO, prime minister, etc., Selectively fighting on topics. Talking of basics, crap !!
@@bhanuteja9798ok I live in india...( I don't know what's your nation) and I have seen women carrying bricks, working in construction sites, as agricultural labourers , rag pickers and what not... ( most of the times they are exploited) . Infact in india Rural women perform numerous labour intensive jobs such as weeding, hoeing, come out of your ac room gentleman
@@bvishal2kn The problem is the assumption that men should or have to care about women's complaining. Feminism is simply women who don't want husbands, exercising their inherent nature to be a nagging shrew. We owe women nothing.
@Freya & Audie stan?? It seems like you are a feminist that doesn't wanna see this comment. Maybe you should stop rage commenting on everything that offends you lmao. Good thing you didn't write a paragraph
@@Mr_Fortress777 Men who care for women in fair ways are not simps, but men who pander to toxic feminism are simps 100%. Men who agree with misandry comments such as "Women are superior" are simps to the highest degree. Men who allow women to disrespect them need to grow a backbone and stop being simps.
@@Mr_Fortress777 that's odd, why would i take letters? Regardless, why not answer my query? Why are men seen as inferior simply because women are fighting alongside them in the military?
@@Uksoapfan out of curiosity, as there have been multiple mass shootings by incels because they see women as lesser, has there been any done because feminists see men as lesser?
I’d like to see her try to explain why some women have a problem with feminism. As a woman, I find this modern feminism deeply problematic. In fact, i want nothing to do with it.
Same here. So much manipulation of data by feminist groups. I had to be in a feminism seminar at uni, and it was so hard to stand. Making us women feel like we are victims in system that treats us soooo bad when nothing could be further from the truth. I’m not a victim, I can make my life as good or as miserable as I want, just like everybody else. On the other hand, there are definitely countries that do need feminism and way more equality.
No wonder, since research has shown that women exhibit an in-group bias favouring their own sex while men do not have such a bias. To the contrary, men tend to favour women in many contexts, too (since men are seen as competitors in procreation, while there is way less sexual competition amongst women). In fact, it has been shown in experiments that people who do not show benevolent sexism towards women are judged to be anti-women!
Celebrities should never be taken seriously. Just because you appear on big screen, doesn't mean you're knowledgeable or rational. You could be Emma Watson
The fact that someone who was successful in one domain is treated like they know better than others in another domain. Just because you’re a good actor, doesn’t make you a good politician. Therefore, your opinion on some random political bs should be treated the same as any other random stranger you see on the street, yet they are given long interviews on the topic just because they were in some movie about spaghetti.
If it's about equality of the sexes, lets start by; 1. Giving fathers the same right as mothers in custody cases 2. Giving men and women the same parental rights; women CAN choose to opt out of parenthood, men CAN'T 3. Giving female criminals the same length of sentence as their male counterparts 4. Balancing the genders in dangerous jobs in order to balance work-related fatalities
+nimrodery I've seen that you're all over the place trying to sound intelligent... but the truth is that you haven't even reach the level of "smartass" yet.
Maybe the reason why a lot of women don't work at a specific job that much is because they don't want to? Ok. I admit I don't know anything about this subject. I shouldn't have stated my opinion. I apologize. I am sorry
@@Ich-Existiere-Nicht maybe its bcs men work hard ass jobs to support their families meanwhile feminists complain about the average pay gap being too high which it isn't. some feminists r just a joke.
Lol. Yep. The only thing I got out that whole video was that she wants more statistics and information on female genital mutilation and literacy rates.
Oh really? What country huh? Cause in North America we have something called LAWS these give people equal rights thats why things like "Racism" or "Sexism" are called not liking something for example I'm not attracted to black women, I dont dislike black women but I dont think the vast majority are pretty, for example I think Rihanna is attractive however I wouldn't talk to Ty'keisha who's morbidly obese has a nose that's wider than her eyes and cant speak proper English. So once again im going to restate my question. What country are you from, and give me an example of the "Sexist" "Misogynistic" men that are "Oppressing" you also make sure not to drop your 700 dollar phone miss oppression.
If a woman asks me, 'where did all the good men go?" I respond, "The good men are smart enough to stay away from women who have to ask that question." LOL. Works every time.
lmao the fact that you’re claiming a human female repeated an incel tagline to you in the form of a question is proof enough that “staying away from women” is something you’ve been able to do without a single ounce of effort since the age of 2 when your mum first turned away from you in disappointment upon realizing how ugly you are
Now that The Mad Hatter's Brigade have sabotaged the term "feminism".Those who want to genuinely readdress the imbalances that now exist in today's society need to recognise a degree of cooperation must be established amongst all parties concerned. The OP made an easy, grossly generalised jibe at what "EQUALITY" meant . Well it means what was described and much more. Equality of responsibility, accountability and opportunitiy. Re embrace the term Humanitarian and engage in collaborative action to resolve modern society's REAL injustices. Whatever happened to rationality, reasonability and basic common sense?
Well the most “feminist” things to believe in is being pro choice, supporting BLM, supporting LGBTQ+ rights, etc. as you can see feminism isn’t just about women needing equal rights it’s about everyone needing equal rights it just started out being mainly women because back then 100 of years ago being gay wasn’t a well known thing and many people were racist so those two things weren’t even in the topic but now humanity had grown to understand the struggles of everyone and everything and those two things and many more are now included in feminism.
If 1 in 5 women are being sexually assaulted in our current world, how is a problem non existent? If women all around the world are being denied of an education and healthcare because of their gender, how is there not a problem? If toxic masculinity is still existent in our society and men are looked down upon because they express their emotions, how is there no issue? If there is a current visible decline of women leadership and women stepping up to major roles, how is there no problem? You might have the privilege of living a problem-free life in the aspects of these, however don’t you dare say there is no problem to be solved when these problems are so apparent in our society today. Whether it is the lack of knowledge you possess in these topics or your utter disrespect, your ignorance is truly astounding.
@@zeynepunal3122 am I really being lectured on ignorance by someone who cites a poll that considered "an unwanted hug" as sexual assault? Feminist are more busy finding problems that don't exist than they are actually solving anything. There is no such thing as toxic masculinity. If toxic masculinity was such a huge problem, why do lesbians have the highest rate of domestic violence in the country. Good luck explaining the masculinity in that.
Crazed Scot In Holland, we don't take the UK seriously. Especially the feminists. And those are also fake. Cause we all know. A girl from the UK is one of the easiest beings to being able to fuck. Like they are just too easy about sex like come on! Even germany is more important to the world than the UK. Cause they have got their shit together and are verry serious about relationships. I don't dislike the UK. But they are FAR from the best. Do they win football? No. Did they destroy half of europe. Becouse of football? Yes! Does UK have the most fat people? Yes Does the UK have almost no knowledge. Yes. But don't worry. The US did fuck it up even more. Only thing making them interesting is well. Just don't fuck with someone able to wipe you out almost instantly, how stupid they even can be!
Melvin V Lol I went on a lads holiday in Amsterdam last year and we all got laid. So maybe being a foreigner gives u an advantage when trying to get lucky.
Crazed Scot Holland is more then just Amsterdam. Im not a foreigner. This is wrong with the UK and Holland. You all think it's just Rotterdam, Amsterdam and Utrecht. And that everything else is just farmland. No like how fcking stupid are you that's not true. Do your research or just don't say it if you are not sure about your 'facts'
@nazmi nazmi Well, men actually wanted women to vote. Roughly 60 percent of women didn't want the right to vote because of the draft and mandatory fire fighting service. So most men fought with the women to get their rights. However, the women didn't have those responsibilities that men did
nazmi nazmi yes some men are like that but let me to you this this day and age some woman are doing that too, but of course you are not saying anything about them...because you are one of those feminists thinking all men are evil..am I right?
nazmi nazmi ever heard of you can’t hit a woman? Oh yeah because that’s not fair is it? But gives a woman a right to hit men but they can’t hit us??????
Ask Emma Watson about hypergamy, and how things are never going to get better for men and for women, under the current gynocentric feminism western model.
@@regisglass5464Most world leaders are men because there are no woman leaders in the first place. Most women don't choose politics as a career. CEOs of what? A CEO isn't a specific kind of a job. You have to mention the CEOs of what kind of companies. Cosmetics and makeup brands always have female CEOs and founders because that is what they are interested in. Tech companies, investment banks, private equity firms, etc have male CEOs because they are capable and got through merit, not affirmative action. Why didn't any woman create Google, Amazon, Netflix, Apple, Nvidia, Facebook, RUclips, Tesla or SpaceX if you are cribbing about men being CEOs and founders all the time? Larry Page and Sergey Brin created Google because they were smart, not because they were men or oppressed women. And men are the head of most families because of evolution. Throughout history, women always preferred men who could lead and make good decisions for their families. Most women aren't attracted to men who can't lead and make decisions for themselves. If you want a man who can't lead, then sure go ahead. Find that guy and marry him. Go and lead him and your children. Victim complex isn't going to change anything. Use your brain, not your emotions to find answers. I'm a feminist and I stand for equal rights. But I don't stand for bigotry and man-hating in the name of feminism.
@@regisglass5464 Who has innate value in society? Which gender is it socially accepted to hit the opposite gender? Which gender literally has chivalry towards this gender? Who almost always wins in divorce courts? Who can make one false allegation and be believed instantly and put opposite gender in jail? Who gets 50% of someone's hard work during divorce, no matter how wealthy either are? Who have always been protected and valued throughout all of human history? Who have advocated for using sexist words such as "mansplaining", "manspreading", etc.? Who tried to de-gender a word like "mankind" to "humankind", but we still use one with a negative connotation, like "manslaughter", etc.?
Hi. Why would a man be arrested for defending himself? I mean, as long as I dont physically hurt anybody, I should be allowed to defend myself right? Is there a spesific situation or event you are referring to?
There are woman that are sexist too, I think people mighht have the same resons, are they not? You can't feel cramps though, no matter how you try, that's not the same situation.
@@alt1f4 Yes, I know. Though it's not the case of women talking about how men could feel when women CAN be in the same situation too. Believing or doing something is not particular to them (obviously, I mean xD) and, as she herself said, she's known men being huge feminists and women being sexist (because this is *no* women vs men, people believe it or not xD). I think we all have actually know cases of both genders in both positions, in fact. And she was trying to explain what she belives are the major causes for them (though she meant everyone) for not liking it. Also, there are studies about feminism, sexism and all of that, so this is not an "opinion" far from reality... but of course that's just yours to believe or decide, not trying to change your mind (as a woman, how could I?) xD No, seriously, jus explaining my point about this c:
@@sakura5sango6 the problem is that 99% of modern feminists do see feminism as an VS man. Everywhere they say all man rape. But when you start about locking up females for false accusations, non of them want that. False accusations destroy life's just as much as rape does. Yet false accusations are a tool for young woman to force guys to get what they want. Modern feminists are destroying 'feminism'. Back in the day they stood for important things like voting, getting jobs etc, now they just want free handouts.
Well then don’t let them? I stand by equality everything but on daily basis women feel more oppression. You’re thinking of the extreme situation which has as much chances of happening as getting struck by the lightning. ❤️
@@udhav423 ha then just all of us go like why only women and children put all the children on the life boat idk what it's called and leave half man and women behind problem solved
@@udhav423 theres no competition which gender oppressed more,maam.please grow up.every single life in this world feel pain everyday and maybe they feel pain that may you not seem.
I have a problem with it because feminism is a hateful ideology towards both males and females. It has a long history of that. A good place to start learning about it is Cassie Jaye's "the red pill" documentary and interviews. Also her "Meeting the Enemy" ted talk from 6 years ago. Its mind-blowing stuff to people who dont know about it!
I'm confused, why would Jaye interviewing men, eg, Paul Elam, who say women deserve to be raped mean feminism is a hateful ideology? Wouldn't that mean the opposite?
Capitalism> Consumerism> Individualism> Feminism After the industrial revolution Capitalists needed to get more consumer and production materials(Labour) at cheaper price and then this -ism was created.
Feminism is about equality between men and women, helping spread awareness about what both of them go through, how we can work to achieve better outcomes, and letting both men and women become equal with help society not push standards for both.
It is a woman explaining why men have problems with feminism, yes, and there's still a lot of people upset, calling her cancerous. Stop acting like gender would change so much about this situation, and actually read the comments section. (I already know you're all going to call me a bitch, but if I were a man, and the genders were swapped, you'd treat me the same, so I'm fine with that)
Pineappley Pineapples u stop acting like it wouldnt.its so hard to deal with these girls. U act like kids that why i said girls. There is no way to win, u just want everyone to be a looser just like yous. Its prob our fault for even listenin to yas to begin with. O and just 1 other point, if u where been treated the same as a man, u would get beat up....not called a bitch
As a man I am so happy to have Hermione Granger tell me why I have trouble with feminism.... it couldn't possibly be that "feminism" has gone more to the side of misandry rather than the rights of women.... I am so damn tired of celebrities pretending to be philosophers with the ultimate perspective on morality...
"I am so damn tired of celebrities pretending to be philosophers with the ultimate perspective on morality..." This is a golden statement. I agree with you whole heartedly. The unfortunate, and ironic truth is that whenever a celebrity has a camera in their face, they then seem to automatically from normal person but with money, to, person with money and influence. I mean, he/she's on T.V. for a reason right??? Right?! It's not necessarilly their fault, as this form of testimonial propaganda has been used on us commoners for several hundred years. I'm not kidding either. Propaganda was first coined in the early 1600's, and there's no telling how many years before the action was named that it was used either, so it could have been around for more than a thousand years against us (take for example the actions of the Demagogues of Athenian Democracy). Anyway, testimonial propaganda is the type where authority figures, or people dressed up as authority figures (such as all the actors in most of those drug ads lol) talk good or bad about a certain thing. Be it a politician talking about how bad those Democrats or Repulblicans are. Or person telling you that vitamins are actually bad for you, this ____ drug can solve it (which is then followed by a sped up "ask your doctor if you suffer from any of these few thousand side effects... including death."). Or it could even be a person heading a semi-popular civil rights movement? That's what they call themselves right? Anyway, the people in charge are all authority figures, and sometimes celebrities, which means they carry influence of some sort. So when you add all of those high status positions and influence into the same pot, and then throw all of it on TV, or the internet, the ideas and opinions of a certain respected few, become the ideas and opinions of several million people rather quickly. Weather it be based on the fact that someone takes these people's ideas as their own because they agree with the authority figures views, or just that they respect the person, the end result is the same. Testimonial propaganda is an easy way to sway hundreds of thousands, if not millions to your side, with the single drop of a sentence, on the TV or the Internet. Pretty damn powerful stuff. However, the only reason we are taking notice of it today, is because we are finally learning how to decipher bullshit from documented and researched truths. Even if these documented and researched truths are shown through the internet and TV in much the same format as testimonial propaganda. haha. Propaganda is a neutral tool afterall, though more often than not, for good or ill, is still used to manipulate the minds of the masses.
If you were famous and hade something you wanted to fight for, would you just shut up and let people who don't have a platforme take the whole fight? Being famous helps to get your word out there, and I don't understand why you are mad at her for using her resorces. I can agree that many selebretys may not know everything they are talking about, but in her case she do actually work with this and have probably spoken with more men about the subject than you have.
yea but when your an idiot....and the something you want to fight for destroys cultures and is selfish and hatefull by its base philosophy.......its kind of counter productive.....yes she should shut it untill she has enough brain cells to think critically
@@camfuinrules when you have a better way of arguing than calling an ivy league graduate stupid and that she has to little braincelles to think I will start to listen to you.
@y 7 well technically yes, because CNN is a brand that attracts certain people to it Only certain people watch CNN and people who disagree don't bother watching and disliking it so it mostly attracts an echo chamber of their views It's the same with fox News or any other news source really
This is a perfect example of why being famous for being cute (literally rich because of men) does not equate to a person knowing what they are talking about. She threw around the words misogyny and normalized in such a way that I'd be very surprised if she knew what those words meant. She is an actor that memorizes scripts and reads them back once a camera is on. Wonder if she knows she's not getting paid millions for this acting role.
I can say the same thing about you most of the feminists just complain about dumb sh*t also some females want to cancel super Mario Bros movie because it was childish even tho the movie was for kids so they are dumb
@@ALJ9000 that wasn't my point. my point was saying that misogyny is a problem that can't be solved because on a societal basis it doesn't exist anymore. So women can't solve misogyny because they don't have that problem. I'm agreeing basically.
You know you're right we need more gender equality in the workplace. We need more women in the mining industry, in coal mines, as construction workers, and we need more women soldiers who actually fight on the battlefield. We need equality
Feminism involves helping women and is focused on women because they are the ones suffering from inequality, systemic sexism, benevolent sexism... Feminism means equality for both genders, but in order to have that, you need to give more chances to women so they reach what men have. Obviously you're not gonna help men when they're not the ones being oppressed. But that doesn't mean that feminism is about giving preferential treatment to women, it means it's about helping them reach men's position in society. So yeah, it feels like feminism is about women, because you're a dude and used to privilege, but in reality it's all about giving equal chances to everyone. "When you're accustomed to privilege, equality feels like oppression"
+Julie Schwartz Objectively, they suffer from less sexism than men in the west. Everything you just said, I could say about you and triple about Emme. But the difference is objective facts. Nothing is stopping women from reaching positions except women's choices, women have MORE opportunity than men to reach higher positions. But women have more choices than men, and choose different, more fulfilling lifestyles. More importantly, if I'm wrong. Explain what systems or rules are keeping women down and give evidence. Simply asserting this may have worked in the past, but those days are over. Lack of parity does not automatically mean discrimination, as you are trying to imply. You need to stop for a moment and test your assumptions. "benevolent sexism" is just a method to try and make issues that men face, all about women. Maybe all sexism women (supposedly, but can't be demonstrated) face is just benevolent sexism against men. But privileged females can't see their privileges, even tho we can show it to them objectively and demonstrate it too them and HOW the system causes that.
Which feminists? Or are you one of those morons who think tumblr people are feminists and not sexists? You need to learn the meaning of words before you try to lecture someone who's clearly spent more time thinking about this issue than you have.
+Niamh how about the feminists that are passing laws that discriminate against men. The fact the your shitty movement had enough power to advertise is movement in the dictionary doesn't change what feminism it's. Typically, words follow use, but in this case they somehow made an exception. Feminism one a grassroots thing. It's the way the liberal governments (and sometimes even conservative) operate. Just look at the violence against women act (VAWA), when men suffer more violence. This is literally all you can do at this point, just assert you're right and think you win the debate without actually debating. It's you who is quite ignorant to the problems feminists and the movement had created. So how about pulling your head out of your echo chamber and listening.
Yep, feminist think that their opinion is the truth and therefore the norm. Quite a narcistic behaviour. Specialy when the opinion is not based on hard scientific data.
@@o_o-lj1ym Yep. That explains the dislikes. "Conservatives" sweat real hard to show their presence on liberal social networks🤣 It's so fun to watch them get destroyed by stupid liberals.
Omg just quit with this BS notion already. If this was the guy who thought he had to give up his spot for me then please step right up, save yourself and I’ll go down with the ship. 🙄 Also this was mostly not the case anyway and it was usually every person for themselves. www.google.ca/amp/s/www.history.com/.amp/news/women-and-children-first-on-sinking-ships-its-every-man-for-himself
yeah no THEN LET THE GAAAAAAAMES BEGIIIIIIIIIN!!!!!! Does this mean no more war? Cuz why are you sacrificing yourself for women and children anyway? Or maybe send women and children to war? So more women and children dying is good actually? Please explain? I have never heard of this before.
yeah no oooh ok I see you mean people should be responsible for saving themselves. I agree with that. So who’s idea was it for men to save women and children and go to war?
yeah no oh wait so women and children should die more? I’m confused. China actively kills girls and now there’s a gender imbalance. Are you saying that is good? And so men aren’t responsible? Didn’t they build the society we live in? Isn’t that what men are proud of? Forget the ‘feminist’ thinking for a second and give me the facts and the consequences of those events. I don’t care about the gender angle. If you think women should be responsible for their own lives then I think there’s a lot of feminists who would agree with you on that and thats why they fought for the right to work. Until this century, women were not allowed to work and take care of themselves or take responsibility for anything. Women WERE NOT ALLOWED to go to war, to vote, to go to school. What can we be responsible under such circumstances? We were nonentities in society. I’m not aware of what privileges and shirking of responsibilities I’m doing as a woman. If there are any, then I missed them. I work. I pay rent. I pay for my own meals on dates or take turns. I’m a single person working in a female dominated area. Even if I was in trouble, there are no men to call upon even if I wanted to. If a plane is going down these days I’m pretty sure no one is announcing women and children first. Also have been on a cruise and safety protocol mentioned nothing about women and children first either. By the way, I’m not blaming anyone. I’m saying the original claim about women and children first is not even true, but always used as a gotcha against feminists and that’s not right. Anyway there are injustices in this world that are gender based and I don’t see why it’s a problem to address them and just because some people make a movement look bad, it doesn’t justify throwing away decades of work past women have dedicated to win me the privileges of being able to go to school, vote, work, own a business if I wanted to, get a credit card, own property and basically choose my fate in life without having to get married and take care of myself. For me that’s more than enough to be a proud feminist.
yeah no i hope I’m right in saying most people don’t want innocent people to die period or expect others to sacrifice themselves for no good reason. It’s hard to feel for another group’s cause and i get that. I am angry when i hear of gender based injustices on both sides, but as a woman maybe I’m more interested in causes that affect me personally. I don’t think that’s wrong and I hope I don’t make others feel excluded because I agree we are all human and it’s impossible to care about everything, so maybe it’s best to concentrate our energy on what helps rather than hating. It’s harder, but in the end I think it’s worth it. I don’t blame men for being confused and angry about the issues they face. It’s not easy to feel like the bearer of history’s injustices and it’s not fair that it’s made to seem that way. That is a misrepresentation by angry, hurt people. At the core of feminism is not to hate anyone, but face and hopefully solve gender based inequalities. I’d have to do more research about feminists trying to correct this unfortunate problem, but it is recognized to a certain extent and hard to admit that it’s a mistake people often make.
"More women need to work in STEM". "Do you work in STEM?" "No I don't want to work in STEM, but other women should want to work in STEM to make the statistics look better."
Yeah cause men NEVER talk about the feelings of women... Dont get me wrong, i kinda do get your point. But somehow, men never really talk about their feelings at all (in a serious way), so someone has to do it i guess?
@@jennesseee7069 my point is that she talks as if she experiences what men go through as if she is a man, her not being a man makes everything she says about men's feeling stupid
dark jonas from my point of view as a guy (who also believes in gender equality but isn’t a feminist), the reason I breathe loud is cause I can barely breathe most of the time.
That's the point. She's hipocrite. And false protector. At least she makes an impression like she want to help women and her money could be a true rescue for the girls from poor counties, where families don't send them to schools, because they have to work on tillage, to get any money. And she's talking about why people DON'T LIKE feminism. It's disgusting and she punches in face, by that, women who need serious help. And and she need to face the reality, women from counties where people can easily find a job in office, can handle problems by themselves.
this actually seems to be false. women being treated like men has led to anti feminists complaining that women are pushing some men out of the workforce
@@jennieatemyiphone9805 Ah a kpop "Stan", you might wanna watch this so that we could avoid long useless comments ruclips.net/video/QcDrE5YvqTs/видео.html
@@regisglass5464 men still do 90% of all dirty works, thats almost the same numbers of one century ago considering this feminist era, that’s incredible unfair and unhealthy for men and boys
Literally gone on to talk for about 3 minutes and didnt say a single word that was relevant to the argument, or mentioned any data, jeez what i'm doing here?
she thinks that feminism doesn't favour women over men yet when you bring up mens issues the majority of feminists say cry harder and treat it as a joke
or maybe it's because when a woman talks about her issues, you ignore it and mention men's issues? How about listening and trying to understand the perspective? Women have been listening to men's paid for centuries but were listened to in return. Why mention about men's pain when for once you can try and understand another gender's perspective of life? Isn't it supposed to be an eye-opening moment instead of taking it personally and turning into a who has it worse" that no one asked of?
How is this explaining, she literally said there’s not enough info and countered her own statements by saying, “It’s very hard to solve a problem you don’t have” Like... *WHAT?*
*Now,Feminism itself is Nonsense* *There is Egalitarianism, Equal Rights & Human Rights for Equality of Opportunities & Rights for all from Women's Rights, Men's Rights, Child's Right to all Rights for the surroundings* *Feminism is Never about Equality & EGALITARIANISM.* *The word Feminism comes from term "FEMININE". There's MASCULISM for Men's Rights.* *Their Concept of EQUITY is Nonsense as Equality of Opportunities is Attainable Not Equality of Outcome.* *Now, Feminists Just Claim themselves "Equality to all" is Media's products/ advertisement to gain Publicity.* *Masculism also by definition is elimination in sexism & equalizing their rights with women & others LGBTQ community.* Feminism never includes "Masculism/Masculinism". *They Both are defined by Feminist's & Masculinist's view/definition of movement respectively.* *Google headquarter's stated, changed multiple times & mentioned the definition of Feminism is "defined by Feminist's definition of Feminism.* *Modern day Feminism is Media's advertisement & products to gain publicity & "sometimes" a tool to spread "False claims of unequal pay, work rights & false discrimination in many ways" to divide the society.* *👉Egalitarianism, Equal rights, Human Rights & spreading Love can change the world👈*
Feminism is for those that wants to take the fight for women. The most credible ones to do that are women. Others can only encourage them to not give up the fight.
To be a feminist, the requirements to become one is simply having no logical sense, feeling are more important than logic, no brains, showing incredibly hate for man, being hypocritical, believing in everything a feminist says and feel victimized at all time
@@muchamazing7928 what part of this comment was rude? I stated my opinion which is that she didn't articulate her thoughts enough and that she said basically nothing of value. And to be honest, being rude more often than not requires less than what I wrote like calling her "stupid" or "braindead".
@@DjTechDJ I think she said a lot of important things. Men do need to realize that feminists aren’t trying to hurt them or throw them under the bus. They’re trying to fight the patriarchy, which hurts men in some ways too. Men also need to realize that they can be feminists. By looking at this video’s comments, it’s easy to see that what she is saying is not well understood and accepted. Which is sad because it’s so basic and fundamental. The toxicity and ignorance in this comment section shows why her words are important
@Get a life I never said about becoming rich I said about becoming smart. I am a collage student by myself. In collage you will meet like minded people to share ideas. You will have assignment, exam. You have to be punctual hardworking to complete them. All those together makes you smart. The comment section wouldn't be filled with angry comment if everyone went to university. Maybe you disagree with her but you can be respectful. Like you said something to me I might not agree with you doesn't mean I can call you stupid. Right. @CC L commented that thanks for showing collage degree doesn't make you smart. Really and commenting someone's smartness based on a video is feels smart for @CC L. So education os important you can live without it and that is fine but it is important if you can afford it.
Umm, no, there's a reason many men aren't feminists. You talk about equality, so, kindly talk about: 70% of suicides are men More than 70% of people attacked on streets are men 80-90% of cold custody cases lost by men The constant depiction of masculinity as toxic Oh lord there's so much more. But yeah, just sum up everyone that doesn't support feminism as just a hater rather than actually sitting back and critiquing your own ideology
@studythrough thealarm Oh, for sure, calling anyone who dares to question the anti-male dogma of feminism as "idiot anti-feminists"...that will win us men over to "true" feminism...oh, for sure. Idiot feminists. Feminism has a horrid public image problem they are afraid to face. Talk about being in denial. Imagine how tired we men are of feminists such as yourself. Again, idiot feminist.
You do realize every single example you gave is a problem also created by men, right? Feminists have been trying to get men more comfortable with therapy in order to lower their suicide rate (which is usually caused by bullies, who are also men a majority of the time), the men being attacked are being attacked by other men not women, and feminists have been trying to get judges to stop using gender to choose the parent of custody because that should be determined by their conduct and parenting skill not their gender. I know this comment was a long time ago and you may have learned more by now, but I wanted to make sure you know that the majority of feminists are trying to fix those things as well. The women that are just trying to claim they're "feminists" in order to excuse being fucking horrible to men are mysandrists, not feminists (believe me, feminists really fucking hate those kinds of women too).
@@boil2599 Again, all of those specific problems are CREATED by men, men came up with the idea that they will only be loved if they are providers (not true, my father is a stay at home dad and has no job), The "feminism" you are talking about is purely propaganda created by mysogynists in order to give men the chance to hate on women even more by purposely choosing the select few times that a woman did something bad (because most western media was created by, and is still being run by, racist mysogynistic men), the specific women you're talking about seeing are not feminists and real feminists tall them off for acting that way all the time, feminists have been trying to normalize stay at home fathers, and being able to provide for a child should be enforced for both genders but it isn't because MEN don't even trust other men to take care of children due to the stereotypes THEY CREATED that only women can take care of children. The types of women that are just hating on men are misandrists, not feminists, learn the difference. I will even leave you a link to a short but proper feminist compilation video from recently just so you can see that what YOU are talking about is NOT feminism. (I'll send it in a second comment, this one is already way too long)
@@boil2599 Okay I found the video I was looking for (the second girl even lists the exact same problems you mentioned as being something feminists need to fix): ruclips.net/video/3CEqMJiCf8U/видео.html This is very short but if you want I can find you a longer video.
How about this for the other side of the argument: - Men account for 93% of workplace fatalities - Men account for 97% of war fatalities - 80% of all homicide victims are men - Men lose 80% of all custody battles, yet more than 50% continue to pay child support - Men account for 80% of all suicides - Men account for 75% of the homeless population - More women graduate from university than men - 40% of all domestic violence cases are against men from women - 60% of women prefer men to pay on the first date. Men spend on average twice as much as women on dates. I'd like to see gender equality in these areas. That would be fair wouldn't it?
The feminist society is wrong I agree, but equality isn't and really everything you stated right here it's because man are stronger build and some of them are lazy to study? And the topic for homocides I won't go into I don't think it's an accurate data and even if it is it's not gender relatable. For the dates it's a choice it's not a must for a guy to pay anything. Also wars are just wrong stating this is like stating 100% of girls get pregnant... where's the equality in that..
@@kattylearnsgerman6962 If feminism was about equality, which they achieved a long time ago, this would be a non issue. Today society has turned into one that supports women and rejects men. For example, if you fight for men's rights, you will get shot down. That's what happened to the movie The Red Pill. They banned the movie and called it sexiest even though it wasn't at all. However, a feminist like Clementine Ford can say "All men should die" and she suffers no consequence. That's inequality. FYI, all the statistics come from credible and verified sources.
@@sodazman Yeah, can't speak of that cuz im not introduced into that topic so yeah... if thats feminism today then I want no part for but men and women should be equal which is not a fact if u look at eastern society and still needs to be fixed, also a guy's habit of calling woman a slut which a habit of many guys for sleeping with multiple man while they brag about sleeping with multiple women should as well be terminated. I rest my case there
@@sodazman btw would you mind giving links to sources. Not saying that your wrong or lying but I wanna use the statistics if its not to much trouble finding sources.
@@sodazman I think we all know women aren't merely fighting for equality in all aspects of society but rather in ways that enslave men to their benefit. There are some things that will never be equal between the sexes but idiots want to ignore that fact. Romance and dating is one area that is becoming stupidly unfair, and it's to the point that many men just don't want to deal with women anymore. Let them have their utopia while the men retreat into theirs. Because few men are going to be forced to serve a woman's every whim.
@@corrigan6188 well to put it simply, if a man explained how women feel about something then they're mansplaining and have no idea what women are thinking, just roles are reversed. I think she was pretty close but the point is still there
@@polidon1577 that may be because she has spent time actually listening and studying their behaviors to feminism. Usually men make assumptions about women without studying their behavior and the same for women about men but i dont think its the case with Emma here.
*_"It's VERY difficult to treat a problem that you don't have"_* - I think Emma accidentally stumbled over the fact that makes it hard to be a feminist... as hard as it is redundant.
I can't be bothered in the slightest of what nimrods want to call me, I'm a proud misogynist if that is because I don't buy into ideological bullshit no matter what sex it's spouted from. If it was eg Steve Shives (FYI, a man) that said the same thing I would have commented it in the same way (and will)... had that too been "misogynist"? You are sexist my friend. You seem to have taken an identity politic view on this... feminism isn't women - it's an idea, not a particular set of chromosomes. And the first dumb thing you farted: _"Women are easy to listen to..until they say things you dislike; then they're 'feminists'"_ - if a woman said something I dislike I call her out on that particular thing no matter her motivations. If she's a feminist I WILL call her a feminist and why I have a problem with some (or all) she have said within that framework. Don't assume so much. Is this hard to grasp you're probably a feminist.
Why is it OK to expect men to fulfill their gender specific roles, but not women? It seems the modern feminist wants to pick and choose what roles to protest to be equal in. Why aren't you crying for the right to be forcefully enlisted to defend your countries when they are invaded? Why aren't you protesting the right to be given longer prison sentences along with men. Why aren't you protesting the right to work the painful and difficult physical jobs like mining?
Curious Nomad nothing she sais is original. She regurgitates stats and rhetoric, which in itself I don’t mind but then she starts acting like she’s doing something new. There’s also the issue of her saying she understands why men might not want to feminist. The reasons she gives are broad, generalised and stereotypical. It’s actually quite demeaning the way she describes most non feminist men. It doubt she’s ever had an actual discussion with a man who has legitimate concerns with the feminist movement. She acts like all men do is play sport, drink, play games and be misogynistic, like we all think, act and feel the same way. This is stupid, insulting and dehumanising. Also I know a lot of people say this but as long as you believe in equality and fairness, it really doesn’t matter in the slightest what you call yourself.
I think the men that stayed on the Titanic would love the idea of feminism
Danilo Zaric 😂
I’m going through yet again another titanic obsession and I see the word titanic every day even tho I’m not trying to oml
@@shrek7964 Just doing my part
This the one right here! ✅🙏🏾
@Dope nyan Cat Lmao good joke
Imagine asking a woman about what men feel about feminism.
We need to nuke Japan again the human ashes taste yummy
@@whosj0e588 the food there is salty , too much kosher
Plot twist :- emma watson is a man
Feminist: You don't know what it's like to be a woman!
(a few seconds later) explains how men feel about feminism
Your comment should go viral.
According to Beavouir you do not born women you become a women... so how can she knows?
@@MrSpiritchild damn right it should!
@S GC so women can not talk about men issues?
@S GC no
I think she is right. There is not enough women working in the construction industry, the waste management industry, plumbing industry and coal industry etc etc. We should fire 50% of the men working in those fields and and replace them with women. The fired men should in turn get the jobs in hairsaloons, beauty stores, nurising homes, pharmacies and childcare facilities.
@Holy SaylorYou're right. Similarly a lot less women apply for positions in politics, high paying engineering jobs, etc yet feminism expects there to be equal representation. It's basically asking for the creme de la creme while ignoring everything else.
Man I wish some strange dude would watch over my daughter in nursery school. Said no man ever
I think she's right too but what you suggest is a terrible idea. You would have a lot of people doing jobs that don't match their personality. If a guy chooses to be a construction worker, chances are that personality would not fit in a beauty store. Stop looking at 'males' and 'females' and start looking at individuals. The fact that most nurses are female is because the job description is what women are often good at. That being said, I'm a male nurse and I'm also good at it, so again, look at individuals and not only their gender.
@@thebrightrider you are very clever, and a bright rider i am sure, but a bright reader not so much.
So when the next ship sinks all the men and children can leave on lifeboats while the women stay behind to die as gentlewomen
Underated comment
@Abe Benjamin
My fellow sister. I self identify as an omnisexual woman of color and every religion.
gentlewoman lol
@Abe Benjamin Lmao!😂
@@MegaDavyk and about men too dont you think
Remember when people were smart?
Feel old yet?
its ya boi seb hey well ur immature
@@helionzerx817 rlly mate it's called having a joke, you moron
its ya boi seb hey your channel name says it all dipshit
its ya boi seb hey Mate, you went straight to insulting him because of his age and his content. He was simply making and joke, and your humorless self took the "feel old yet" part way too seriously. You. Are. An. Idiot.
1,000 subscribers without a video ye ikr he’s a freaking idiot who can’t take a joke for what it is
I think one of the biggest problems in today's society is that a lot of people struggle to understand that Men and Women are DIFFERENT. Does that mean that one should get more respect than the other? No. We don't need to treat everybody the exact same, we need to treat everybody like individual beings. Everybody is respectable until proven unrespectable.
Everybody being different, but treated equally is so 90's paradigm.
That should be the motto of feminism but sadly now it's just basically hatred towards men's.
@@worldabominationorworldpea9310 not all of it just toxic femenists I think
@@elephant4053 I mean feminazi.
Then stop working
we need more women as front line soldiers, brick layers and oil rig workers. Lets go for equality
then do you agree with feminism legalizing women fighting in the military in 2016?
it sounds more like satire.
Ohh my godd this so basic...men and women are physiologically different sir......when we talk about equality we do not say that men should also get periods..or men should also get pregnant....we talk about a situation where there is no men or society commanding about of women should do....
@@pratibhakushwaha6491 you don't always need physiological advantage to work at a job exerting life and death situations. Even if it were the case, there are trained women who are much more stronger than an average man. Why dont they choose to work in such jobs, all women need is a sophistication. Jobs like CEO, prime minister, etc., Selectively fighting on topics. Talking of basics, crap !!
@@bhanuteja9798ok I live in india...( I don't know what's your nation) and I have seen women carrying bricks, working in construction sites, as agricultural labourers , rag pickers and what not... ( most of the times they are exploited) . Infact in india Rural women perform numerous labour intensive jobs such as weeding, hoeing, come out of your ac room gentleman
"60K dislikes"
**Runs straight to the comments**
Hello Thanos, Thor is better than you evil coward!
Mee too
@@moatasemkassab4517 this hits the heart....but not the head ;)
This was inevitable ☺
65K now.
Women: You can’t talk about how we feel
Also women: that’s how men feel
so many people are offended over this tame video.
@@bvishal2kn LMAO. I am neither offended nor is it a tame video...but, I respect your opinion.
Ok, what did you find offensive in this video?
you can use another word if "Offensive" bothers you.
@@bvishal2kn The problem is the assumption that men should or have to care about women's complaining. Feminism is simply women who don't want husbands, exercising their inherent nature to be a nagging shrew. We owe women nothing.
If they want to know what men think they should ask men.
Just because you're offended, doesn't mean you're right
Thabile Ntombela you’re not wrong my good sir
thats an example of most femenist.
Can i like this comment more than one time?
@@koshersenpaiii3293 TRUE👍
@Freya & Audie stan?? It seems like you are a feminist that doesn't wanna see this comment. Maybe you should stop rage commenting on everything that offends you lmao. Good thing you didn't write a paragraph
It’s not about equality it’s about advantaging women at the expense of men.
As feminism made it legal for women to fight in the military, why does that mean men are less advantaged than women?
@@regisglass5464wanna take another L?
@@Mr_Fortress777 Men who care for women in fair ways are not simps, but men who pander to toxic feminism are simps 100%. Men who agree with misandry comments such as "Women are superior" are simps to the highest degree. Men who allow women to disrespect them need to grow a backbone and stop being simps.
@@Mr_Fortress777 that's odd, why would i take letters? Regardless, why not answer my query? Why are men seen as inferior simply because women are fighting alongside them in the military?
@@Uksoapfan out of curiosity, as there have been multiple mass shootings by incels because they see women as lesser, has there been any done because feminists see men as lesser?
I’d like to see her try to explain why some women have a problem with feminism.
As a woman, I find this modern feminism deeply problematic. In fact, i want nothing to do with it.
I'm just asking cuz I'm curious why don't you want anything to do with it
Same here. So much manipulation of data by feminist groups. I had to be in a feminism seminar at uni, and it was so hard to stand. Making us women feel like we are victims in system that treats us soooo bad when nothing could be further from the truth. I’m not a victim, I can make my life as good or as miserable as I want, just like everybody else. On the other hand, there are definitely countries that do need feminism and way more equality.
@HonestlyTho1503 what's a pick me girl
@HonestlyTho1503 You are the true misogynist here. A woman has a different opinion than you and you go about attacking her calling her pick me.
@@lenkajf7816 thank goodness there are women like you, who don't blame men for literally anything wrong with their life. I stan u
I want Ben Shapiro and Emma Watson to debate
M’swamp had this thought too
Ben states facts that are in reality facts. Emmas facts are based on her emotions therfore Ben would have won.
And then *Milo joins the chat*
oh hell yes
A hahahah yess
I treat women the same as men and I have been called a misogynist. Cracks me up.
No wonder, since research has shown that women exhibit an in-group bias favouring their own sex while men do not have such a bias. To the contrary, men tend to favour women in many contexts, too (since men are seen as competitors in procreation, while there is way less sexual competition amongst women). In fact, it has been shown in experiments that people who do not show benevolent sexism towards women are judged to be anti-women!
Mgtow welcome you
@@rinsenpai5348 there is no such thing as fucking toxic masculinity if that’s the case then there is toxic femininity
@@rinsenpai5348 if there is a such thing as toxic masculinity then there is a such thing as toxic femininity sexist much
@@rinsenpai5348 no toxic femininity is caused by miserable ass bitches
Celebrities should never be taken seriously. Just because you appear on big screen, doesn't mean you're knowledgeable or rational. You could be Emma Watson
All Celebrities arent seripusly,bro.All manipulate you...
The fact that someone who was successful in one domain is treated like they know better than others in another domain.
Just because you’re a good actor, doesn’t make you a good politician. Therefore, your opinion on some random political bs should be treated the same as any other random stranger you see on the street, yet they are given long interviews on the topic just because they were in some movie about spaghetti.
It is the fortunate who get to make the decisions for the misfortunate, even when they have no business doing so.
So true...
Or you could be Greta man hating feminist Gerwig haahah
who else just searched "feminism"
Yep I did to
I just clicked out of my game to like and it crashed...
I did lol just randomly idk why
Magnificent SKYScrapers i was in a mad mood so i wanted to make my self more mad for some reason
If it's about equality of the sexes, lets start by;
1. Giving fathers the same right as mothers in custody cases
2. Giving men and women the same parental rights; women CAN choose to opt out of parenthood, men CAN'T
3. Giving female criminals the same length of sentence as their male counterparts
4. Balancing the genders in dangerous jobs in order to balance work-related fatalities
The last one would ill two birds with one stone as it would reduce the so-called "wage gap."
Sorry dude, that's not how feminism works, that's not equality to them.
Men can't wear condoms? Since when?
+nimrodery I've seen that you're all over the place trying to sound intelligent... but the truth is that you haven't even reach the level of "smartass" yet.
Condom doesn't work after the fact. After she is pregnant a woman still has many choices a man has no choices
Emma makes a good point. There are no women working at the local wastewater treatment plant. Let’s get more women signed up to treat sewer water!
As you write "more women", is that due to noting there are already a lot of women working there?
Get some women in parliament while you're at it
Maybe the reason why a lot of women don't work at a specific job that much is because they don't want to?
Ok. I admit I don't know anything about this subject. I shouldn't have stated my opinion. I apologize. I am sorry
@@Ich-Existiere-Nicht maybe its bcs men work hard ass jobs to support their families meanwhile feminists complain about the average pay gap being too high which it isn't. some feminists r just a joke.
@@regisglass5464 "More than 0" he wants to say
Yes... we need this young rich female to woman-splain how men are feeling.
How are you feeling
@@yoongles6435 Pretty good. My healing diet seems to be having good effects. 60% raw. Lot of I.Fasting.
She’s lived on a set until she was like 22.
”I first entered the real world at age 23. So now Im gonna tell you how it all works.”
Ley 4 yeah nice argument... Two emojis lol you’ve one me over I’m now a feminist XD
Jim Mason no words needed, this is just stupid
@@jimmason642 wow...that went straight over your head.
She talked for 3 minutes and said absolutely nothing.
This is the real reason why they don't want you to have kidsm.ruclips.net/video/SHU20hmPuvg/видео.html
Lol. Yep. The only thing I got out that whole video was that she wants more statistics and information on female genital mutilation and literacy rates.
SonicRising ............ I'm so glad you explained the situation because I thought my brain had suddenly stopped functioning
Hmmm... It's called being a woman... May be???
Russ Gurpa Shots fired lol
You cannot fight sexism with sexism. Terms like mansplaining are sexist.
Olecranon Rebellion that is 100% correct. There is no such thing as 'mansplaining'
Salm Aim Riiight. What country? go ahead.
Salt Aim exist for what just to tell the one sided story?
"Sexism was a long time ago"
Sexism against men especially. They was slave in factory or soldiers.
Oh really? What country huh? Cause in North America we have something called LAWS these give people equal rights thats why things like "Racism" or "Sexism" are called not liking something for example I'm not attracted to black women, I dont dislike black women but I dont think the vast majority are pretty, for example I think Rihanna is attractive however I wouldn't talk to Ty'keisha who's morbidly obese has a nose that's wider than her eyes and cant speak proper English. So once again im going to restate my question. What country are you from, and give me an example of the "Sexist" "Misogynistic" men that are "Oppressing" you also make sure not to drop your 700 dollar phone miss oppression.
If a woman asks me, 'where did all the good men go?" I respond, "The good men are smart enough to stay away from women who have to ask that question." LOL. Works every time.
Let them stay away. Good. Then women and girls won't have to worry about being raped or kidnapped or molested or sold in sex slave trade.
lmao the fact that you’re claiming a human female repeated an incel tagline to you in the form of a question is proof enough that “staying away from women” is something you’ve been able to do without a single ounce of effort since the age of 2 when your mum first turned away from you in disappointment upon realizing how ugly you are
Please tell me you’re a woman. That would cut 3x as deeply
Genius ²
I wasn't even listening to the video.
I was just reading the comments.
Same dude I just don't care
Tru dat
Same here buddy, same here.
@@victorybee3006 well hope is all you have.
@@victorybee3006 successfull?
People know her because of harry potter. that's all nothing more.
Men: Equal responsibility?
Women: *leaves chat*
more people should like this lol made me chuckle
@@rigdig4374 Thanks👍
Hmmm, what do we have here? Oh, a double-standard 😀
Now that The Mad Hatter's Brigade have sabotaged the term "feminism".Those who want to genuinely readdress the imbalances that now exist in today's society need to recognise a degree of cooperation must be established amongst all parties concerned.
The OP made an easy, grossly generalised jibe at what "EQUALITY" meant .
Well it means what was described and much more.
Equality of responsibility, accountability and opportunitiy.
Re embrace the term Humanitarian and engage in collaborative action to resolve modern society's REAL injustices.
Whatever happened to rationality, reasonability and basic common sense?
thats actually what theyre asking for...
Wait. Emma said "best feminists I know are men."
What does a "best feminist " mean, is there a scale to measure feminism?
Well the most “feminist” things to believe in is being pro choice, supporting BLM, supporting LGBTQ+ rights, etc. as you can see feminism isn’t just about women needing equal rights it’s about everyone needing equal rights it just started out being mainly women because back then 100 of years ago being gay wasn’t a well known thing and many people were racist so those two things weren’t even in the topic but now humanity had grown to understand the struggles of everyone and everything and those two things and many more are now included in feminism.
@@kyla1411well i dont feel mentioned in the word "feminism"
Um chile anyways so You mean all left wing b/s
It can be measured by how simp and mangina they can be
@@kyla1411 pro choice ends at the choice of condom or no condom. After that it is no longer your choice. (Unless rape then of course it is)
Pure womanaplanning and misandry is perfect definition of modern feminism
and this video proves it.
41k dislikes.
I love democracy
Me too😁
Soyboy alert
VortexMech 888 I love the republic
I gave it a like because it shows the duplicity of feminism. NOT because I agree with the video .
39k and is continuing to rise
Emma Watson-
If you’re homeless, just buy a house
*insert avengers theme*
Chapman Fitness yoooooo😂😂😂
*Harry Potter thot solves homeless problem worldwide*
People know her for acting in Harry Potter, that’s it
She's so entitled😂
The problem is that people like her think they have knowledge about everything because they played a role in a movie
WHne you bring facts out, truth hurts. Her and daniel redcliffe are so full of themshelves.
@@georgiapapadopoulou6651 no
I just realized that she was on beauty and the beast
Now I undersrand why Daniel Radcliffe needed a drink on-set
I agree with one thing Emma said: "it's very hard to try to treat a problem that you don't have."
Freudian slip. Lol.
Emma doesn't even realize that she said feminism is unneeded does she?
The director definitely got the wrong person to act for Granger.
Ironic... lol
"It's very difficult to treat a problem you don't have."
I think that is the quote of the century.
My man spittin fax
This made my day .....😂🔥
Thank you
If 1 in 5 women are being sexually assaulted in our current world, how is a problem non existent? If women all around the world are being denied of an education and healthcare because of their gender, how is there not a problem? If toxic masculinity is still existent in our society and men are looked down upon because they express their emotions, how is there no issue? If there is a current visible decline of women leadership and women stepping up to major roles, how is there no problem? You might have the privilege of living a problem-free life in the aspects of these, however don’t you dare say there is no problem to be solved when these problems are so apparent in our society today. Whether it is the lack of knowledge you possess in these topics or your utter disrespect, your ignorance is truly astounding.
@@zeynepunal3122 am I really being lectured on ignorance by someone who cites a poll that considered "an unwanted hug" as sexual assault? Feminist are more busy finding problems that don't exist than they are actually solving anything. There is no such thing as toxic masculinity. If toxic masculinity was such a huge problem, why do lesbians have the highest rate of domestic violence in the country. Good luck explaining the masculinity in that.
"You're a feminist Harry!"
"I'm a what??!!"
(gunpoint to head)
solid gold comment
Janko Please don’t joke about suicide
Yes 😂
A Goat Usually smart-asses are massive assholes. Please don’t be one
A Goat Just sayin’ 🤷🏻♂️
Notice how she didn't deny feminist men are not masculine.
A young woman explains men’s feelings
You missed the word 'privleged'
MGTOW Gopnik True dat.
Because I have to have my feelings explained to me
Athena X but if you’re fighting for equality then why you gotta be putting men down but then calling men out for making a woman cry?
@@Sophia-fh8bz i thought feminisn is equality,
SOME MEN ??? The majority of people have an issue with modern feminism.
Daraius Murrell : Ryt
Yup. 14% of UK women identify as feminist. An entitled virtue signalling person, like Watson, will never understand this.
Crazed Scot
In Holland, we don't take the UK seriously. Especially the feminists.
And those are also fake. Cause we all know. A girl from the UK is one of the easiest beings to being able to fuck. Like they are just too easy about sex like come on!
Even germany is more important to the world than the UK. Cause they have got their shit together and are verry serious about relationships.
I don't dislike the UK. But they are FAR from the best.
Do they win football? No.
Did they destroy half of europe. Becouse of football? Yes!
Does UK have the most fat people? Yes
Does the UK have almost no knowledge. Yes.
But don't worry. The US did fuck it up even more. Only thing making them interesting is well. Just don't fuck with someone able to wipe you out almost instantly, how stupid they even can be!
Melvin V
Lol I went on a lads holiday in Amsterdam last year and we all got laid. So maybe being a foreigner gives u an advantage when trying to get lucky.
Crazed Scot
Holland is more then just Amsterdam.
Im not a foreigner.
This is wrong with the UK and Holland.
You all think it's just Rotterdam, Amsterdam and Utrecht. And that everything else is just farmland.
No like how fcking stupid are you that's not true. Do your research or just don't say it if you are not sure about your 'facts'
A woman describing how men feel in this day and age is the same as a blind person describing what colors look like
@nazmi nazmi Well of course there are. There will always be people like that. It's just that not all of them, and not a lot of them are like that
@nazmi nazmi sticks and stones may break my bones,but there will always be something to offend a feminist.
@nazmi nazmi Well, men actually wanted women to vote. Roughly 60 percent of women didn't want the right to vote because of the draft and mandatory fire fighting service. So most men fought with the women to get their rights. However, the women didn't have those responsibilities that men did
nazmi nazmi yes some men are like that but let me to you this this day and age some woman are doing that too, but of course you are not saying anything about them...because you are one of those feminists thinking all men are evil..am I right?
nazmi nazmi ever heard of you can’t hit a woman? Oh yeah because that’s not fair is it? But gives a woman a right to hit men but they can’t hit us??????
Ask Emma Watson about hypergamy, and how things are never going to get better for men and for women, under the current gynocentric feminism western model.
That's strange. Why do you believe society is gynocentric? For example, aren't most world leaders, CEOs, head of families, etc all men?
@@regisglass5464Most world leaders are men because there are no woman leaders in the first place. Most women don't choose politics as a career. CEOs of what? A CEO isn't a specific kind of a job. You have to mention the CEOs of what kind of companies. Cosmetics and makeup brands always have female CEOs and founders because that is what they are interested in. Tech companies, investment banks, private equity firms, etc have male CEOs because they are capable and got through merit, not affirmative action. Why didn't any woman create Google, Amazon, Netflix, Apple, Nvidia, Facebook, RUclips, Tesla or SpaceX if you are cribbing about men being CEOs and founders all the time? Larry Page and Sergey Brin created Google because they were smart, not because they were men or oppressed women. And men are the head of most families because of evolution. Throughout history, women always preferred men who could lead and make good decisions for their families. Most women aren't attracted to men who can't lead and make decisions for themselves. If you want a man who can't lead, then sure go ahead. Find that guy and marry him. Go and lead him and your children. Victim complex isn't going to change anything. Use your brain, not your emotions to find answers. I'm a feminist and I stand for equal rights. But I don't stand for bigotry and man-hating in the name of feminism.
Who has innate value in society?
Which gender is it socially accepted to hit the opposite gender?
Which gender literally has chivalry towards this gender?
Who almost always wins in divorce courts?
Who can make one false allegation and be believed instantly and put opposite gender in jail?
Who gets 50% of someone's hard work during divorce, no matter how wealthy either are?
Who have always been protected and valued throughout all of human history?
Who have advocated for using sexist words such as "mansplaining", "manspreading", etc.?
Who tried to de-gender a word like "mankind" to "humankind", but we still use one with a negative connotation, like "manslaughter", etc.?
If it’s equal rights why do us men get arrested when we are defending ourselfs
Hi. Why would a man be arrested for defending himself? I mean, as long as I dont physically hurt anybody, I should be allowed to defend myself right? Is there a spesific situation or event you are referring to?
@@mofwaldmensch If a woman attacks you, even if she has a weapon and you hit her back you are most likely getting arrested
Sk Skr not at all did women fight in WW2 no the didn’t women were in the kitchen
Ivo Dimitrov umm no
Geoffrey Jones I’m laughing at how sexist that opinion is APPROXIMATELY 400 000 US WOMEN FOUGHT IN THE WAR
“Man explains what a period cramp feels like”
underrated comment
There are woman that are sexist too, I think people mighht have the same resons, are they not?
You can't feel cramps though, no matter how you try, that's not the same situation.
@@alt1f4 Yes, I know.
Though it's not the case of women talking about how men could feel when women CAN be in the same situation too.
Believing or doing something is not particular to them (obviously, I mean xD) and, as she herself said, she's known men being huge feminists and women being sexist (because this is *no* women vs men, people believe it or not xD).
I think we all have actually know cases of both genders in both positions, in fact.
And she was trying to explain what she belives are the major causes for them (though she meant everyone) for not liking it.
Also, there are studies about feminism, sexism and all of that, so this is not an "opinion" far from reality... but of course that's just yours to believe or decide, not trying to change your mind (as a woman, how could I?) xD
No, seriously, jus explaining my point about this c:
@@sakura5sango6 the problem is that 99% of modern feminists do see feminism as an VS man. Everywhere they say all man rape. But when you start about locking up females for false accusations, non of them want that. False accusations destroy life's just as much as rape does. Yet false accusations are a tool for young woman to force guys to get what they want. Modern feminists are destroying 'feminism'. Back in the day they stood for important things like voting, getting jobs etc, now they just want free handouts.
Everyone wants equality until they're in a hostage situation.
At least let the women and kids go.
*sad titanic noises :(*
Well then don’t let them? I stand by equality everything but on daily basis women feel more oppression. You’re thinking of the extreme situation which has as much chances of happening as getting struck by the lightning. ❤️
@@udhav423 ha then just all of us go like why only women and children put all the children on the life boat idk what it's called and leave half man and women behind problem solved
@@udhav423 theres no competition which gender oppressed more,maam.please grow up.every single life in this world feel pain everyday and maybe they feel pain that may you not seem.
I have a problem with it because feminism is a hateful ideology towards both males and females. It has a long history of that. A good place to start learning about it is Cassie Jaye's "the red pill" documentary and interviews. Also her "Meeting the Enemy" ted talk from 6 years ago. Its mind-blowing stuff to people who dont know about it!
I'm confused, why would Jaye interviewing men, eg, Paul Elam, who say women deserve to be raped mean feminism is a hateful ideology? Wouldn't that mean the opposite?
don’t look into red pill stuff about feminism. look into women’s suffrage and read the feminine mystique or something
shut up
Your personal world ciews are not equivalent to facts.
"Feminism is about equality..."
Me: "... of responsibility!"
Love your comment
Yes JP
LMFAO yeah nah
Capitalism> Consumerism> Individualism> Feminism
After the industrial revolution Capitalists needed to get more consumer and production materials(Labour) at cheaper price and then this -ism was created.
Feminism is about equality between men and women, helping spread awareness about what both of them go through, how we can work to achieve better outcomes, and letting both men and women become equal with help society not push standards for both.
If it were a man explaining why women have problems with [insert here] , he’d likely be called a sexist or told not to mansplain 🙄
It is a woman explaining why men have problems with feminism, yes, and there's still a lot of people upset, calling her cancerous. Stop acting like gender would change so much about this situation, and actually read the comments section. (I already know you're all going to call me a bitch, but if I were a man, and the genders were swapped, you'd treat me the same, so I'm fine with that)
Pineappley Pineapples ok bitch
Pineappley Pineapples We don't wanna hear her propaganda, she's mad
ema watson is femsplaining
Pineappley Pineapples u stop acting like it wouldnt.its so hard to deal with these girls. U act like kids that why i said girls. There is no way to win, u just want everyone to be a looser just like yous. Its prob our fault for even listenin to yas to begin with.
O and just 1 other point, if u where been treated the same as a man, u would get beat up....not called a bitch
As a man I am so happy to have Hermione Granger tell me why I have trouble with feminism.... it couldn't possibly be that "feminism" has gone more to the side of misandry rather than the rights of women.... I am so damn tired of celebrities pretending to be philosophers with the ultimate perspective on morality...
"I am so damn tired of celebrities pretending to be philosophers with the ultimate perspective on morality..." This is a golden statement. I agree with you whole heartedly. The unfortunate, and ironic truth is that whenever a celebrity has a camera in their face, they then seem to automatically from normal person but with money, to, person with money and influence. I mean, he/she's on T.V. for a reason right??? Right?!
It's not necessarilly their fault, as this form of testimonial propaganda has been used on us commoners for several hundred years. I'm not kidding either. Propaganda was first coined in the early 1600's, and there's no telling how many years before the action was named that it was used either, so it could have been around for more than a thousand years against us (take for example the actions of the Demagogues of Athenian Democracy).
Anyway, testimonial propaganda is the type where authority figures, or people dressed up as authority figures (such as all the actors in most of those drug ads lol) talk good or bad about a certain thing. Be it a politician talking about how bad those Democrats or Repulblicans are. Or person telling you that vitamins are actually bad for you, this ____ drug can solve it (which is then followed by a sped up "ask your doctor if you suffer from any of these few thousand side effects... including death."). Or it could even be a person heading a semi-popular civil rights movement? That's what they call themselves right?
Anyway, the people in charge are all authority figures, and sometimes celebrities, which means they carry influence of some sort. So when you add all of those high status positions and influence into the same pot, and then throw all of it on TV, or the internet, the ideas and opinions of a certain respected few, become the ideas and opinions of several million people rather quickly. Weather it be based on the fact that someone takes these people's ideas as their own because they agree with the authority figures views, or just that they respect the person, the end result is the same. Testimonial propaganda is an easy way to sway hundreds of thousands, if not millions to your side, with the single drop of a sentence, on the TV or the Internet. Pretty damn powerful stuff.
However, the only reason we are taking notice of it today, is because we are finally learning how to decipher bullshit from documented and researched truths. Even if these documented and researched truths are shown through the internet and TV in much the same format as testimonial propaganda. haha.
Propaganda is a neutral tool afterall, though more often than not, for good or ill, is still used to manipulate the minds of the masses.
Well said! Well said!
If you were famous and hade something you wanted to fight for, would you just shut up and let people who don't have a platforme take the whole fight? Being famous helps to get your word out there, and I don't understand why you are mad at her for using her resorces. I can agree that many selebretys may not know everything they are talking about, but in her case she do actually work with this and have probably spoken with more men about the subject than you have.
yea but when your an idiot....and the something you want to fight for destroys cultures and is selfish and hatefull by its base philosophy.......its kind of counter productive.....yes she should shut it untill she has enough brain cells to think critically
@@camfuinrules when you have a better way of arguing than calling an ivy league graduate stupid and that she has to little braincelles to think I will start to listen to you.
It's quite simple: The definition of feminism it's not what we experience as feminism
And what about other 788 genders?
@@jooryalzahrani3278 I guess... They are special? 🤔
Kinder Grinder 788 pssh there’s so much more than that they’re all imaginary
What about people who invent a gender just because they want attention?
My question: Why should 'he' be for 'she' when 'she' hates men so much??
HeforSheforZeforThe ... it never ends
50 points deducted from Gryffindor
I am into slytherin because it stands for pure-blood white patriarch alpha wizards
More like 90000000000000
This is why Snape is the best teacher and most suited for Slytherin
Cash Nixon hohohoo
You made my morning dude
Gotta love that like ratio. Proves people aren’t as stupid as I thought.
Gabriel Sajjad exactly.
y 7 that’s because it’s being directly fed to the crazies. Lol.
@y 7 well technically yes, because CNN is a brand that attracts certain people to it
Only certain people watch CNN and people who disagree don't bother watching and disliking it so it mostly attracts an echo chamber of their views
It's the same with fox News or any other news source really
Lol. And you wonder why far right leaders are popping out here and there with a population like this.
@Anand Gupta ben shapiro and steven crowder... big OOF
This is a perfect example of why being famous for being cute (literally rich because of men) does not equate to a person knowing what they are talking about. She threw around the words misogyny and normalized in such a way that I'd be very surprised if she knew what those words meant. She is an actor that memorizes scripts and reads them back once a camera is on. Wonder if she knows she's not getting paid millions for this acting role.
I can say the same thing about you most of the feminists just complain about dumb sh*t also some females want to cancel super Mario Bros movie because it was childish even tho the movie was for kids so they are dumb
actually she's rich because a woman wrote the entire series and none of them would be anywhere without her
You should really educate yourself before throwing words around like that
You’ve got a great handle
She still makes more money than us + she won’t pick you bro
“It’s very difficult to treat a problem that you just don’t have.”
Funny how misogyny hasn't been dealt with
@@kadeerkhan9802 It has. Now it’s been replaced with misandry. You can’t be misogynistic nowadays, but you can s(it all over men all you want
@@ALJ9000 that wasn't my point. my point was saying that misogyny is a problem that can't be solved because on a societal basis it doesn't exist anymore. So women can't solve misogyny because they don't have that problem. I'm agreeing basically.
@@kadeerkhan9802 Sorry, misinterpreted that
You know you're right we need more gender equality in the workplace. We need more women in the mining industry, in coal mines, as construction workers, and we need more women soldiers who actually fight on the battlefield. We need equality
Wtf? Why tf? Women don’t want to kill people.
@@noname-bt9ky you know I am being sarcastic and looking on the double standards of feminism
It's a blessing that in their charitability women don't push men out of their last bastions of value.
@@saldownik yes
@@saldownik Charitability? More like cowardliness.
What's the difference between a baby and a feminist? Babies eventually stop crying and grow up.
No Emma, it's not the word, it's the actions of actual feminists that suggest that the movement seeks to give preferential treatment to women.
I think it is partially the word. It's an ego trip to many women and to many man it's a way to repent.
Feminism involves helping women and is focused on women because they are the ones suffering from inequality, systemic sexism, benevolent sexism... Feminism means equality for both genders, but in order to have that, you need to give more chances to women so they reach what men have. Obviously you're not gonna help men when they're not the ones being oppressed. But that doesn't mean that feminism is about giving preferential treatment to women, it means it's about helping them reach men's position in society. So yeah, it feels like feminism is about women, because you're a dude and used to privilege, but in reality it's all about giving equal chances to everyone. "When you're accustomed to privilege, equality feels like oppression"
+Julie Schwartz Objectively, they suffer from less sexism than men in the west. Everything you just said, I could say about you and triple about Emme. But the difference is objective facts.
Nothing is stopping women from reaching positions except women's choices, women have MORE opportunity than men to reach higher positions. But women have more choices than men, and choose different, more fulfilling lifestyles. More importantly, if I'm wrong. Explain what systems or rules are keeping women down and give evidence. Simply asserting this may have worked in the past, but those days are over.
Lack of parity does not automatically mean discrimination, as you are trying to imply. You need to stop for a moment and test your assumptions.
"benevolent sexism" is just a method to try and make issues that men face, all about women. Maybe all sexism women (supposedly, but can't be demonstrated) face is just benevolent sexism against men.
But privileged females can't see their privileges, even tho we can show it to them objectively and demonstrate it too them and HOW the system causes that.
Which feminists? Or are you one of those morons who think tumblr people are feminists and not sexists? You need to learn the meaning of words before you try to lecture someone who's clearly spent more time thinking about this issue than you have.
+Niamh how about the feminists that are passing laws that discriminate against men.
The fact the your shitty movement had enough power to advertise is movement in the dictionary doesn't change what feminism it's. Typically, words follow use, but in this case they somehow made an exception. Feminism one a grassroots thing. It's the way the liberal governments (and sometimes even conservative) operate. Just look at the violence against women act (VAWA), when men suffer more violence.
This is literally all you can do at this point, just assert you're right and think you win the debate without actually debating. It's you who is quite ignorant to the problems feminists and the movement had created. So how about pulling your head out of your echo chamber and listening.
A girl. Barely even a woman.
@Doppler However, those are not Emma's views. Stop the libel
@Doppler Agreed 👊🏻😤
@Franklin Roe could be...
Yep, feminist think that their opinion is the truth and therefore the norm. Quite a narcistic behaviour. Specialy when the opinion is not based on hard scientific data.
Ah yes, an out-of-this-world wealthy and famous woman giving her opinion on men's perspectives.
That's a good point🤔
She is an actor, but what's her name again....eh I'll forget it again anyway😂
@@animalkingdom2871 Emma Watson
You clearly don’t even know what HeForShe is even about. You’re probably just from another alt-right rabbit hole
@@o_o-lj1ym Yep. That explains the dislikes. "Conservatives" sweat real hard to show their presence on liberal social networks🤣 It's so fun to watch them get destroyed by stupid liberals.
Because she's rich means she can't give an opinion?
This is what that hogwarts education gets you
Every woman is a feminist..
Until the boat starts to sink.
Omg just quit with this BS notion already. If this was the guy who thought he had to give up his spot for me then please step right up, save yourself and I’ll go down with the ship. 🙄 Also this was mostly not the case anyway and it was usually every person for themselves. www.google.ca/amp/s/www.history.com/.amp/news/women-and-children-first-on-sinking-ships-its-every-man-for-himself
yeah no THEN LET THE GAAAAAAAMES BEGIIIIIIIIIN!!!!!! Does this mean no more war? Cuz why are you sacrificing yourself for women and children anyway? Or maybe send women and children to war? So more women and children dying is good actually? Please explain? I have never heard of this before.
yeah no oooh ok I see you mean people should be responsible for saving themselves. I agree with that. So who’s idea was it for men to save women and children and go to war?
yeah no oh wait so women and children should die more? I’m confused. China actively kills girls and now there’s a gender imbalance. Are you saying that is good? And so men aren’t responsible? Didn’t they build the society we live in? Isn’t that what men are proud of? Forget the ‘feminist’ thinking for a second and give me the facts and the consequences of those events. I don’t care about the gender angle. If you think women should be responsible for their own lives then I think there’s a lot of feminists who would agree with you on that and thats why they fought for the right to work. Until this century, women were not allowed to work and take care of themselves or take responsibility for anything. Women WERE NOT ALLOWED to go to war, to vote, to go to school. What can we be responsible under such circumstances? We were nonentities in society. I’m not aware of what privileges and shirking of responsibilities I’m doing as a woman. If there are any, then I missed them. I work. I pay rent. I pay for my own meals on dates or take turns. I’m a single person working in a female dominated area. Even if I was in trouble, there are no men to call upon even if I wanted to. If a plane is going down these days I’m pretty sure no one is announcing women and children first. Also have been on a cruise and safety protocol mentioned nothing about women and children first either. By the way, I’m not blaming anyone. I’m saying the original claim about women and children first is not even true, but always used as a gotcha against feminists and that’s not right. Anyway there are injustices in this world that are gender based and I don’t see why it’s a problem to address them and just because some people make a movement look bad, it doesn’t justify throwing away decades of work past women have dedicated to win me the privileges of being able to go to school, vote, work, own a business if I wanted to, get a credit card, own property and basically choose my fate in life without having to get married and take care of myself. For me that’s more than enough to be a proud feminist.
yeah no i hope I’m right in saying most people don’t want innocent people to die period or expect others to sacrifice themselves for no good reason. It’s hard to feel for another group’s cause and i get that. I am angry when i hear of gender based injustices on both sides, but as a woman maybe I’m more interested in causes that affect me personally. I don’t think that’s wrong and I hope I don’t make others feel excluded because I agree we are all human and it’s impossible to care about everything, so maybe it’s best to concentrate our energy on what helps rather than hating. It’s harder, but in the end I think it’s worth it. I don’t blame men for being confused and angry about the issues they face. It’s not easy to feel like the bearer of history’s injustices and it’s not fair that it’s made to seem that way. That is a misrepresentation by angry, hurt people. At the core of feminism is not to hate anyone, but face and hopefully solve gender based inequalities. I’d have to do more research about feminists trying to correct this unfortunate problem, but it is recognized to a certain extent and hard to admit that it’s a mistake people often make.
After watching this video. Dumbledore took 50 points from Gryffindor
Whaaa?? 😆 lol.
🤣🤣 oh man
*she’s a slytherin
More like minus infinity
Bill Burr Paraphrased, "You'll never find a feminist on a sinking ship, in a burning building or in a hostage situation."
he sounds like a disgusting guy
just coz you can quote him doesn’t make him a saint
ZiplineShazam you’re quoting a comedian?
@@ryananderson969 what's wrong with that ?
3 1 / 0 3 naw. Sounds like a guy who knows exactly what he is talking about.
Feminist ≠ woman
"More women need to work in STEM". "Do you work in STEM?" "No I don't want to work in STEM, but other women should want to work in STEM to make the statistics look better."
Funny how a woman talks about men's feelings
Yeah cause men NEVER talk about the feelings of women...
Dont get me wrong, i kinda do get your point. But somehow, men never really talk about their feelings at all (in a serious way), so someone has to do it i guess?
@@jennesseee7069 my point is that she talks as if she experiences what men go through as if she is a man, her not being a man makes everything she says about men's feeling stupid
shes womansplaining hardcore
@@jaimefanjoy6855 - bullshit lies ...
@ - men INVENTED communication you ignorant piece of shit
When men breathe way too loudly
dark jonas feminist just coined this 🤣👏🏽
Manexisting When a man exists.
dark jonas from my point of view as a guy (who also believes in gender equality but isn’t a feminist), the reason I breathe loud is cause I can barely breathe most of the time.
Her net worth is 80 million dollars. The patriarchy really held her back.
and i bet she has used 0% of that fortune to help women.
That's the point. She's hipocrite. And false protector.
At least she makes an impression like she want to help women and her money could be a true rescue for the girls from poor counties, where families don't send them to schools, because they have to work on tillage, to get any money.
And she's talking about why people DON'T LIKE feminism. It's disgusting and she punches in face, by that, women who need serious help. And and she need to face the reality, women from counties where people can easily find a job in office, can handle problems by themselves.
@@eevve9894 I completely agree with you. Feminism is all about movement and action. Not just giving random speeches or illogical explanations.
that doesn't mean she can not help other people that are suffering?
If women are treated like men I don't think women will like it. As men have to struggle a lot in life. But many women don't understand it.
this actually seems to be false. women being treated like men has led to anti feminists complaining that women are pushing some men out of the workforce
A man is deemed worthless if he is not able to find work, a woman is not, is that equality ?🤔🤨
they only want take advantage , they dont want to be in equality with men , its make women mad to be equal in duty way ...
@@jennieatemyiphone9805 oh yea but women can hit men and get away with it and can’t hit back what are you going to say about that
@@jennieatemyiphone9805 Do not go into gender studies and go into a STEM field and you will get equal pay its not hard to understand
@@mr.reliable7385 For real man I am ashamed to say it sometimes but my gf abuses me I cannot even vent to the boys because they might laugh at me
@@jennieatemyiphone9805 Ah a kpop "Stan", you might wanna watch this so that we could avoid long useless comments
Reporter: how do you view lesbian relationships?
Me: in 1080p HD
You sir are an icon
I would say in 4k😂
I still laugh every time I see this comment on random feminist videos.
@@michaeljohnmagistrado1166 same here brother
60 fps 4K
I love that women can explain men, but if men explain women it's sexism.
Because it is.
@@mindfulnessonmondays8484 does it mean women explaining men is sexist?
@@mindfulnessonmondays8484 your sexist
@@mindfulnessonmondays8484 clown alert!
Why were women evacuated and men forced to fight in Ukraine.
That's odd, you mean it is still illegal for women to fight in the military? Or did feminism change this in 2016?
@@regisglass5464 men still do 90% of all dirty works, thats almost the same numbers of one century ago considering this feminist era, that’s incredible unfair and unhealthy for men and boys
Next it’s gonna be ‘men tell what pregnancy feels like’
how bout women tell what it feels like getting hit in the balls
@@akevomsahungyo9299 how about feminists tell what having a brain feels like
@@VIZion910 savage 😂
@@VIZion910 that one there was a violation
@@VIZion910 the violation continues 😭😭😭😭😭
Literally gone on to talk for about 3 minutes and didnt say a single word that was relevant to the argument, or mentioned any data, jeez what i'm doing here?
Absolute word salad. She's real good at the words, it's just using them in a coherent sentence that gives her trouble.
@@oakeye980 lol who told you that she is dumb 😂 50 points deducted from Griffindor
Just seeing for yourself how peabrained Watson truly is in real life... Absolutely PATHETIC...
And teaches us that and they said it's a key to success have PROOF not just opinions
That’s women for you. They can say a lot by saying nothing
Glad they got a WOMAN on there to explain how a MAN feels. Womansplaining?
I'd call it femsplaining
@J G man I ain't a feminist I'm a man but I think you meant America cause I live In ireland so not trouble here
@J G I know that's the point I was mentioning
Rather call it a idiotic statement
I prefer to call it Womanbitching
she thinks that feminism doesn't favour women over men yet when you bring up mens issues the majority of feminists say cry harder and treat it as a joke
or maybe it's because when a woman talks about her issues, you ignore it and mention men's issues? How about listening and trying to understand the perspective? Women have been listening to men's paid for centuries but were listened to in return. Why mention about men's pain when for once you can try and understand another gender's perspective of life? Isn't it supposed to be an eye-opening moment instead of taking it personally and turning into a who has it worse" that no one asked of?
How is this explaining, she literally said there’s not enough info and countered her own statements by saying, “It’s very hard to solve a problem you don’t have” Like... *WHAT?*
*Now,Feminism itself is Nonsense*
*There is Egalitarianism, Equal Rights & Human Rights for Equality of Opportunities & Rights for all from Women's Rights, Men's Rights, Child's Right to all Rights for the surroundings*
*Feminism is Never about Equality & EGALITARIANISM.*
*The word Feminism comes from term "FEMININE". There's MASCULISM for Men's Rights.*
*Their Concept of EQUITY is Nonsense as Equality of Opportunities is Attainable Not Equality of Outcome.*
*Now, Feminists Just Claim themselves "Equality to all" is Media's products/ advertisement to gain Publicity.*
*Masculism also by definition is elimination in sexism & equalizing their rights with women & others LGBTQ community.* Feminism never includes "Masculism/Masculinism".
*They Both are defined by Feminist's & Masculinist's view/definition of movement respectively.*
*Google headquarter's stated, changed multiple times & mentioned the definition of Feminism is "defined by Feminist's definition of Feminism.*
*Modern day Feminism is Media's advertisement & products to gain publicity & "sometimes" a tool to spread "False claims of unequal pay, work rights & false discrimination in many ways" to divide the society.*
*👉Egalitarianism, Equal rights, Human Rights & spreading Love can change the world👈*
Feminists possess an average iq of 14. That’s also the average iq of a tree.
@@Anas-io3zf LOL
@@arkjustdoit890 that is some long useful sentence of info I have a final to do tmr remind me to read it later
@@johnl2376 notification
Feminism is for both genders.
*proceeds to only talk about women
Feminism is for those that wants to take the fight for women. The most credible ones to do that are women. Others can only encourage them to not give up the fight.
Anders Lindén Fight for what you, have equality.
Feminists do talk about men... when they bash men.
Femine word :)))
Omg... Did she just WOMANSPLAIN to me?!
Pass me the atomic green hair dye. I need to make a bold and brave statement.
She is womansplaining here!!
Feminism is gay
You go guy
@Squish_the_left_cheek you know how shitty that sounds?
Everyone's a feminist until the captain/Pilot says "Children and women first"
Underrated comment
Sadly, misandry is common even among men.
What’s the difference between a feminist and a 6yr old boy
When the 6yr old boy falls over, he gets up and deals with it
Steve Parker Feminists would blame the man who made the sidewalk.
When the feminist falls she says the floor raped her
really? i would just stand and go forward, laying on the ground it is not comfortable ;)
Really when I was 6 and I fell I got back up and I am a women
Mind blown
He said feminist lmao
How can someone say so much, but actually say nothing at the same time.
To be a feminist, the requirements to become one is simply having no logical sense, feeling are more important than logic, no brains, showing incredibly hate for man, being hypocritical, believing in everything a feminist says and feel victimized at all time
Ikr?She said just so less. She didnt even highlight every other points, like she should,,thanks to all the creepy clueless leftists.
How can a commenter say so little but still be rude at the same time?
@@muchamazing7928 what part of this comment was rude? I stated my opinion which is that she didn't articulate her thoughts enough and that she said basically nothing of value. And to be honest, being rude more often than not requires less than what I wrote like calling her "stupid" or "braindead".
@@DjTechDJ I think she said a lot of important things. Men do need to realize that feminists aren’t trying to hurt them or throw them under the bus. They’re trying to fight the patriarchy, which hurts men in some ways too. Men also need to realize that they can be feminists.
By looking at this video’s comments, it’s easy to see that what she is saying is not well understood and accepted. Which is sad because it’s so basic and fundamental. The toxicity and ignorance in this comment section shows why her words are important
1000 points deducted from gryffindor.
Actually 100,000
oops we're at -97,673
There's a reason why Beletrix tortured Hermione
Adi 😂😂😂😂😂😂
She made more sense when she was force-fed lines by an anti-feminist woman, in a fantasy movie about wizards & magicians.
A woman dictating how men should feel. Classic feminist
At what part was she dictating? Maybe I missed it
@@48403 me too, I don't get y ppl say she dictated anything
@@giftedvoices533 did you just assume the gender of Emma Watson. How racist, homophobic you are😆😆
She wadnt dictating
@@xtylishb4377 loooool, i profusely apologise 😆
Thank you Emma Watson for showing the world that a college degree doesn't necessarily make you smarter.
@@saifalam2030 college makes people dumb and angry these days. Schools have gotten far too political.
@@trevorthornley8835 Then why people spend so much money on collage.
@Get a life I never said about becoming rich I said about becoming smart. I am a collage student by myself. In collage you will meet like minded people to share ideas. You will have assignment, exam. You have to be punctual hardworking to complete them. All those together makes you smart. The comment section wouldn't be filled with angry comment if everyone went to university. Maybe you disagree with her but you can be respectful. Like you said something to me I might not agree with you doesn't mean I can call you stupid. Right. @CC L commented that thanks for showing collage degree doesn't make you smart.
Really and commenting someone's smartness based on a video is feels smart for @CC L. So education os important you can live without it and that is fine but it is important if you can afford it.
Got a life … now?
@Get a life Congratulations. What was major subject
She talks for men, now let me as a man talk for a women...
Alex Eyge that would go down well !!! NOT
Whoa that’s not socially correct ima pull up in my white night suit and stop you
cloudyyo yup, you did miss something: the point. Whether it’s white men or men of any other skin colour, the key word here is ‘men’.
@@anoukvanotterloo3400 But aren't white men the people who gave you privilege?
**becomes a registered sex offender later**
Most reasonable men agree with the basic ideals of feminism. Most men feel unappreciated in general and live lives of silent pain.
Look up Janice Fiamengo she has great deal to talk about it. You will like her I guarantee it.
Umm, no, there's a reason many men aren't feminists. You talk about equality, so, kindly talk about:
70% of suicides are men
More than 70% of people attacked on streets are men
80-90% of cold custody cases lost by men
The constant depiction of masculinity as toxic
Oh lord there's so much more. But yeah, just sum up everyone that doesn't support feminism as just a hater rather than actually sitting back and critiquing your own ideology
@studythrough thealarm Oh, for sure, calling anyone who dares to question the anti-male dogma of feminism as "idiot anti-feminists"...that will win us men over to "true" feminism...oh, for sure. Idiot feminists. Feminism has a horrid public image problem they are afraid to face. Talk about being in denial. Imagine how tired we men are of feminists such as yourself. Again, idiot feminist.
@studythrough thealarm Why do you support modern feminism in the United States? This movement sucks
You do realize every single example you gave is a problem also created by men, right? Feminists have been trying to get men more comfortable with therapy in order to lower their suicide rate (which is usually caused by bullies, who are also men a majority of the time), the men being attacked are being attacked by other men not women, and feminists have been trying to get judges to stop using gender to choose the parent of custody because that should be determined by their conduct and parenting skill not their gender.
I know this comment was a long time ago and you may have learned more by now, but I wanted to make sure you know that the majority of feminists are trying to fix those things as well. The women that are just trying to claim they're "feminists" in order to excuse being fucking horrible to men are mysandrists, not feminists (believe me, feminists really fucking hate those kinds of women too).
@@boil2599 Again, all of those specific problems are CREATED by men, men came up with the idea that they will only be loved if they are providers (not true, my father is a stay at home dad and has no job), The "feminism" you are talking about is purely propaganda created by mysogynists in order to give men the chance to hate on women even more by purposely choosing the select few times that a woman did something bad (because most western media was created by, and is still being run by, racist mysogynistic men), the specific women you're talking about seeing are not feminists and real feminists tall them off for acting that way all the time, feminists have been trying to normalize stay at home fathers, and being able to provide for a child should be enforced for both genders but it isn't because MEN don't even trust other men to take care of children due to the stereotypes THEY CREATED that only women can take care of children. The types of women that are just hating on men are misandrists, not feminists, learn the difference. I will even leave you a link to a short but proper feminist compilation video from recently just so you can see that what YOU are talking about is NOT feminism. (I'll send it in a second comment, this one is already way too long)
@@boil2599 Okay I found the video I was looking for (the second girl even lists the exact same problems you mentioned as being something feminists need to fix): ruclips.net/video/3CEqMJiCf8U/видео.html
This is very short but if you want I can find you a longer video.
How about this for the other side of the argument:
- Men account for 93% of workplace fatalities
- Men account for 97% of war fatalities
- 80% of all homicide victims are men
- Men lose 80% of all custody battles, yet more than 50% continue to pay child support
- Men account for 80% of all suicides
- Men account for 75% of the homeless population
- More women graduate from university than men
- 40% of all domestic violence cases are against men from women
- 60% of women prefer men to pay on the first date. Men spend on average twice as much as women on dates.
I'd like to see gender equality in these areas. That would be fair wouldn't it?
The feminist society is wrong I agree, but equality isn't and really everything you stated right here it's because man are stronger build and some of them are lazy to study? And the topic for homocides I won't go into I don't think it's an accurate data and even if it is it's not gender relatable. For the dates it's a choice it's not a must for a guy to pay anything. Also wars are just wrong stating this is like stating 100% of girls get pregnant... where's the equality in that..
@@kattylearnsgerman6962 If feminism was about equality, which they achieved a long time ago, this would be a non issue. Today society has turned into one that supports
women and rejects men. For example, if you fight for men's rights, you will get shot down. That's what happened to the movie The Red Pill. They banned the movie and called it sexiest even though it wasn't at all. However, a feminist like Clementine Ford can say "All men should die" and she suffers no consequence. That's inequality.
FYI, all the statistics come from credible and verified sources.
@@sodazman Yeah, can't speak of that cuz im not introduced into that topic so yeah... if thats feminism today then I want no part for but men and women should be equal which is not a fact if u look at eastern society and still needs to be fixed, also a guy's habit of calling woman a slut which a habit of many guys for sleeping with multiple man while they brag about sleeping with multiple women should as well be terminated. I rest my case there
@@sodazman btw would you mind giving links to sources. Not saying that your wrong or lying but I wanna use the statistics if its not to much trouble finding sources.
@@sodazman I think we all know women aren't merely fighting for equality in all aspects of society but rather in ways that enslave men to their benefit. There are some things that will never be equal between the sexes but idiots want to ignore that fact. Romance and dating is one area that is becoming stupidly unfair, and it's to the point that many men just don't want to deal with women anymore. Let them have their utopia while the men retreat into theirs. Because few men are going to be forced to serve a woman's every whim.
In Argentina you can't be feminist as a man because acording to feminist
Is not our fight
they are right
But if you don't let any man join into a fight for womans
It means your fight is against all men
Joaquin Lopez well that’s horribly wrong.
lmao and then you say we don't need feminism.. go and fix a car dumbass
Wait, what?!
Alternative title: woman explains how men feel about feminism, while leaving men completely out of the equation
Jesus. She has NO CLUE why Men “feel” the way we feel. She’s SO clueless.
She’s stupid, simple as that
Brainwashed and entitled
yes feminism has ruined the world.
Care to enlighten ?
@@corrigan6188 well to put it simply, if a man explained how women feel about something then they're mansplaining and have no idea what women are thinking, just roles are reversed. I think she was pretty close but the point is still there
@@polidon1577 that may be because she has spent time actually listening and studying their behaviors to feminism. Usually men make assumptions about women without studying their behavior and the same for women about men but i dont think its the case with Emma here.
30k dislikes
Im so proud of this community
katherine stirling I actually want feminism to exist because without them, what will we watch for entertainment
@@yurikatsuki5130 true dat..
Boomers or SJW's are a good alternative
RUclips remains a decent meritocracy
33k now. we have come so far as a society. I'm proud
We don't deserve this community 😭♥️
To the future generations
This has more dislikes than Likes
WAYYYYYYYYY more dislikes.
Like a 20K to 60K ratio
It's having 82k dislikes
Edit-now it's 84k
Edit-now 85k
@@spikyballs4407 Let's take it to a million dislikes. 🤟
@@Cruz-yt6sd hell yeah
Toxic feminism is the real problem.
Look up Janice Fiamengo she has great deal to talk about it. You will like her I guarantee it.
just like misogyny
Men are brave
@@Daisy118G it's not real
@@Kilallfemalesof course you're Indian 🤣🤣🤣 stay maidenless lol
Feminism in a nutshell: Running a newspaper ad that says "1 in 4 homeless people are Women".
which means 3 in 4 homeless are Men
@@nekoplaysescanor7930 that's the joke
@@NartaQNC I know, just wanted to point that out. They wanted 0 homeless women. They don't care about the latter
man you didnt you got r/whooshed hard haha
Wait did someone actually do this
*_"It's VERY difficult to treat a problem that you don't have"_* - I think Emma accidentally stumbled over the fact that makes it hard to be a feminist... as hard as it is redundant.
You should put a period after "have" so it doesn't look like you paused the video mid-sentence.
Since it is Emma maybe a question mark would be best.
Yeah, listening when a woman is talking is hard.
Women are easy to listen to... feminists on the other hand.
I can't be bothered in the slightest of what nimrods want to call me, I'm a proud misogynist if that is because I don't buy into ideological bullshit no matter what sex it's spouted from.
If it was eg Steve Shives (FYI, a man) that said the same thing I would have commented it in the same way (and will)... had that too been "misogynist"?
You are sexist my friend. You seem to have taken an identity politic view on this... feminism isn't women - it's an idea, not a particular set of chromosomes.
And the first dumb thing you farted: _"Women are easy to listen to..until they say things you dislike; then they're 'feminists'"_ - if a woman said something I dislike I call her out on that particular thing no matter her motivations. If she's a feminist I WILL call her a feminist and why I have a problem with some (or all) she have said within that framework. Don't assume so much.
Is this hard to grasp you're probably a feminist.
is this womansplaining?
Femsplaining sounds better but yes
Vagasplaining works as well.
I think a good synonym for "womansplaining" is nagging.
Feminists be like, "Is this hate speech?" Truth be told.
Femsplaining exists and they need to acknowledge that
Why is it OK to expect men to fulfill their gender specific roles, but not women? It seems the modern feminist wants to pick and choose what roles to protest to be equal in.
Why aren't you crying for the right to be forcefully enlisted to defend your countries when they are invaded? Why aren't you protesting the right to be given longer prison sentences along with men. Why aren't you protesting the right to work the painful and difficult physical jobs like mining?
Emma Watson still in the imaginary world of Harry Potter, she never grown up
wizarding world of hermione granger
Feminists have a huge ego too
She is great. She has grown up while you remained a little boy.
Curious Nomad nothing she sais is original. She regurgitates stats and rhetoric, which in itself I don’t mind but then she starts acting like she’s doing something new.
There’s also the issue of her saying she understands why men might not want to feminist. The reasons she gives are broad, generalised and stereotypical. It’s actually quite demeaning the way she describes most non feminist men. It doubt she’s ever had an actual discussion with a man who has legitimate concerns with the feminist movement. She acts like all men do is play sport, drink, play games and be misogynistic, like we all think, act and feel the same way. This is stupid, insulting and dehumanising.
Also I know a lot of people say this but as long as you believe in equality and fairness, it really doesn’t matter in the slightest what you call yourself.