In my spiritual journey I have passed through many teachers lamp posts who have guided me. And finally i have arrived at my final lamp post with your light sir. Thank you so much.
Before no-self: I am aware of the experience. During no-self: Experience is (me). Dongshan: "Just don’t seek from others, or you’ll be far estranged from self.
I now go on alone; everywhere I meet it.
It now is me; I now am not it. One must understand in this way to merge with suchness."
You really solved this mystery of creation and all confusion is out just experiencing my SELF in every moment by knowing my true nature thru relaxation of mind back to the original source and letting experiences come and pass. ... always glory is for God or pure consciousness
All praise and glory belongs to God, Who created the spirits and the soul and the demons and the celestials! He Hears all prayers and He is in all Gurus, and the birds and all creatures praise Him and glorify Him daily and constantly! You need experience to Realize God. Although it can be dismissed later, it’s needed in the beginning or somewhere. God is Love.
Thank you Rupert. The first time I watched one or your videos was in 2016. After that day I watch your videos and read your books almost at a daily basis. As you say the direct path is a path of recognition not a path of effort. You are my spiritual teacher even when you don’t know me. God bless you, Francis Lucille, Jean Klein and Atmananda Krishnamenon.
Wenn hier jemand DeutschSprachiges mitliest: Wie könnte man "Being is happiness and Being is shared" kurz und prägnant am besten übersetzen? And otherwise: thanks a lot for this fresh and beautiful reminder which helps to let "it" sink deeper one step further. THAT which had been forgotten, or overlooked, and now comes back in the light of awareness ❣️
🌅What lS Present lS ONLY The Living Reality of the lnfinite lntelligence Life and Divine L💖ve🌅and Anything ' 'E l s e ' Cannot Be Present , Except As the mental Illusion of the un-enlightened sense mind🙏Thank Y☺️u for sharing That Gift 🎁 of Intellgent Understanding Rupert🌅
so our possibilities for development, or transmutation of energies (into the fruits of the spirit, and states of being) is all in how we engage or direct our sensitivities. to realize our sensitivities are a way of perceiving or merging with our environment, experiencing this "impressionistic" state as fundamental means of "knowing", but not as an imposition, limiting, displacing, shaping/configuring an artificial, pretensive, preferential presence or psychology . this means of "knowing" is being itself acting in the same manner as other organic life acts. it is so easy to see the seasonal aspects of plants and animals, their development in the mediums of sea, land and air, but, to know our own experience as equally engaged or animated by the force(s) of the terrestrial world and beyond, is less obvious, not engaging it as "direct experience", as they do. it may be self deception to believe in "freedom of choice" when we do not understand the reality of what we belong to, or how it is we belong to it. ... the practice of coming to know or finding, meditating, developing the "view" , where ones energies/sensitivities are directed to an un-assuming, "neutral" (as in that which holds the ying/yang in balance or in dynamic equilibrium), the whole body being as a column or conduit, in which the energies driving awareness, sensitivities, are allowed to direct the sense of self, so as to know what is "pure", or "true", or of itself so, which become the nature of what is whole and healthy. i have also heard this experience expressed as "mind like a mirror", and "merging with the dust", "watching oneself", or "know thy Self". ... this is one of the most profound videos, it really rang a lot of bells for me, and brought into light the "view" on the relationship(s) between awareness, sensitivities, how to experience the "self". i will probably watch it 3 more times before letting it go tonight. "the movie is on the screen, but the screen is not in the movie". and we suffer because of what is lacking in our search, or because we can not accept what is there to begin with". those statements are really profound to me.
Yesterday it hit me , there is only ever one voice that I hear, and it seemed like the root of the many was revealed. While listening to this video the words are not heared the same way, they mingle with all that presents itself, the voice in my head feels lost in the vastness like a shrinking window to the world, even triggering a fear of never finding it again, never getting back, a fear of maybe never wanting to come back at all, but that too is lost in the vastness of silence. Maybe I am just tired.
"Simply allow the flow of experience to present itself to you." I'm literally eating popcorn. Talk about some kind of Zen-like in the moment, be here now kind of thing! lol!
Thank you so much for this:) A "quick" question to you or anyone in the chat. A few year ago I followed your videos on becoming aware of awareness. Spent hours contemplating this until it finally struck me like lightning while walking up the stairs to the kitchen that; "holy moly. I am aware. I am aware of being aware"! It sounds silly but it was like I had never actually seen it before. Anyways, I kinda floated around being keenly aware of being aware of everything for a few days until the amazement faded and I was back to my usual self. The sense of being aware of my own awareness never left but now I feel more like "so what" (actually stopped searching alltogether)? Yes I am aware og being aware but "so what" I was thinking? Pain still arise, sadness still arise, frustration still arise etc etc etc. Its clear that Im not my thoughts. But yet again so what? Thoughts still pushes on like never before. Im just fully aware of them but so what? Can anyone give som pointers on how to proceed? I feel lost to be honest. Or at least my thoughts are telling me that I am lost, lol...! Nothing really changed. Its just that I am aware of it. And now the seeking has started again... Pointers anyone?
I had a similar experience for a while, and still do occasionally. For me the key is asking "so what's aware of the so what?" And also thanking it for being there and seeing what else there is beyond that. And is the thought 'so what' helpful in the present moment'? Wait for an answer in silence Hope this helps 🙏 Blessings Thank you so much for your reply and for your advice. Its like Im switching between being absorbed in thoughts and observing thoughts. And its exhausting to some degree. But thank you for reminding me that the "so what" is just another thought. Mind identification feels sticky...
I'd say that the sense of seeking again is yet another thought going through and the empty feeling is perhaps the sense of loss of what or who, you thought you were, but what was in fact, a "false" identity.
@Henrik i found I was exhausted as well. Small reminders and clicks are needed every so often I find. Have a look at eckhart tolle and Philip wade as I find they work differently depending how I'm feeling
❤❤Vũ Sa Huỳnh❤❤ Một ông cha thầy sư đang đàn làm lễ,muốn sỏ ông sư,đọc luôn một vế câu đối: Sư ông đăng đàn,vãi ra kia,tiểu ra đấy. Vãi vừa có ý bà vãi,vừa có ý đại tiện,tiểu vừa có ý tiểu,vừa có ý tiện. Nhà sư cũng không vừa,chờ hôm chủ nhật thấy cha đang rửa tội mới vào nhà thờ đối lại: Cố cha rửa tội,tra đằng trước,sờ đằng sau. Câu đối lại cũng tài tình!cha có hai ý:ông cha,và"tra"vào,sờ cũng có hai ý:bà sơ(soeur)và sở mó. Cách chơi chữ của cả hai người đều hiểm cả!❤❤
To merge into the Transcendental Absolute (pure Consciousness-Without-An-Object), no problem. Just access Mahamritunjaya Mantra - Sacred Sounds Choir", and "Om Namah Shivaya - Shivananda Adi" and listen to each for 5 min per day for at least two weeks. Enjoy the Sat-Chit-Ananda, "The Self" of everybody and the entire multiverse. The length of time one abides in Self-Awarenessss may vary from a split second to permanently, depending on various factors.
Thank you for this meditation! Just curious how Being is happiness. Isn't happiness just part of duality with the other side being unhappiness, etc? Duality is an illusion so I am confused how Being would be happiness.
Let's be realistic it all happens how and when Consciousness,God in religious terms,the Source,the Universe etc... decides it,as a separate being or an ego body/mind surrender all to God is the only thing we can do,so that Grace can start to enter in us,until dissolve us back into Awarness,than as Awarness we realize there never was separation and the only thing there ever was,ever is,ever will, is Awarness (Consciousness,God,Source,etc..)
I love the simplicity though my habitual small self wants to complicate and obfuscate. I am very confused at the moment, “there is no sorrow there…” does this imply when we feel sorrow or other natural human emotions, we are not in “our being” “awareness”? We can step “away” or back from the emotion to the “I” that is aware of the sorrow….is it not, all one? Why step back or away, I get not getting identified. Hmmmmm. Please help. 🙏🏽
When I "feel sorrow or other natural human emotions", I know that my mind has lost sight of who I really am. My "awareness" (who I really am) is totally open to experiencing anything that appears upon the 'screens' of perception or conception. 'It' seems to have no preferences!! If my mind loses sight of its delusional thinking and feeling, and perceives my body/mind as the 'real me' then fear of loss and harm will cause both negative thoughts and/or emotions to erupt. Suffering and pain will result. Rupert is saying "let go of experiencing" and then 'awareness' is free to experience what it really is; that is, peace, happiness and all encompassing LOVE. I hope my pathetic efforts are of some help. All words are totally inadequate to describe the indescribable! Rupert does a much better job of it than most using words - moi included.
How do you reconcile this deeper knowing with the possibility of another person using deadly physical force against you? Do you resolve yourself to use force to the extent necessary to neutralize the threat whilst knowing the essence of your adversary is the same as your own?
It is already reconciled ("same as your own") so there is nothing to further reconcile. It doesn't matter in the material world what you do. Some would argue the self (not the Self) has no say in this matter. But whether it did or not, if two waves crash into each other, and two waves avoid each other, they both end up part of the ocean (whether it was done "intentionally" or not).
@@RamSamudrala Thanks for your reply. I don't know why I didn't see it a year ago, but better late than never. What you are saying is ultimately true from a non-dual perspective. But we must apply this wisdom to matters in the "real" world of dualistic manifest life. It may be true that the body/mind has no free will. Some suggest that decisions are made (somewhere) 7 seconds before we are consciously aware of them and that conscious awareness happens 0.5 seconds after the event. If that is true, then we may always be out of time with our conscious awareness. Regardless, my present day-to-day experience of this body/mind is one of freedom within a small circle of influence. And therefore to the extent that is true I am responsible for the actions of this body/mind and on some level it does matter what I do in the material world. I cannot walk up to a stranger and shoot him in the head because I feel like it and then tell the judge: "Your honor, it's okay because we are both waves of the same ocean." If we believe each body/mind is an instrument of God's divine love through which He uniquely knows Himself and His creation, then it is our duty as Witnesses to His glory to treat each body/mind with the respect and reverence due. The problem arises when a body/mind does not experience himself or other body/minds in that way. The conclusion I have come to is the instinct to survive is there because God put it there. Therefore, it is altogether fitting to protect the body/mind from harm to whatever extent that is necessary. The question is how? Folkways, norms, mores, taboos, etc. are time, place and context dependent. They change. Therefore, I have tried to piece together a morality for myself that is not dependent on time, place or context - a kind of universal morality that all peoples seeking to be moral seem to follow (loosely, at least). A morality that balances social order and individual rights, ultimately driven by the internal moral principles of the individual (conscience, intuition, etc.). I will share it here for anyone interested: 1. Do no harm unless it is in defense of your survival (life & limb) or high stakes well-being (e.g. threat to food/water and shelter, a consistent pattern of psycho-emotional or physical abuse, etc.). The force used should be proportional to the threat and no more. Once the threat is neutralized, or you can escape or retreat from the threat, then the force should stop. 2. Promote individual rights, freedom, equality, autonomy, cooperation, and reciprocity of helping. If someone in their ignorance and mental illness decides to harm me, then I will regrettably yet unhesitatingly protect myself and those I love according to the above morality with the full knowledge that we are one in Spirit. It would be nice to hear Rupert's take on this, something in depth, not just a few passing words, but I've never seen a comment from him under any of his videos.
@@nicetalkintoya I believe Spira's position would be that there is no free will for the separate self. Of course you can't tell the judge that because they believe there is free will. So unless everyone's on the same page, it won't work in the relative world. But Spira has said as much in other places (like the whole notion of evolution, etc. is all an illusion, never happened). Any sense of agency is coming from infinite consciousness but that is also operating non-deterministically. These interactions between awareness and illusion (a duality) give rise to what you're writing about. There may or may not be free will but there is definitely action and reaction, cause and effect.
@@RamSamudrala I suspect you are correct regarding Rupert's position. But as you said, "there is definitely action and reaction, cause and effect." If this wisdom/understanding cannot help us navigate those waters, then it's incomplete. Hence the Zen Buddhist koan, "... after enlightenment, mountains are once again mountains and waters once again waters.” I suppose a part of self-realization is formulating our own road map with an apperception of this Truth as the compass.
ان تواجه التجربة كأنك كنت في حلم وعندما تستيقظ لايهمك ماحدث بالحلم بالرغم انك كنت تعيش الحلم بكل معاناتها تتحمل الالم والجوع والقهر واصبر لان الحياة تجربة لكي تقوى روحنا
You don't have to tell yourself. You already are aware, obviously. You just have to recognize it and identify with your being aware rather than overlooking this and getting completely lost in thoughts, feelings, sensations; experience.
Being isn't happiness it's momentarily checking out from the self we need to do anything and it content is as far as I would say being goes but its impossible to hold this state or share it with the false self without experience pulling us away. Your full of shit Rupert. Talk to Jim Newman it's absolutely necessary. You also needed another talk with Sam he kinda had you and your truth claims at one point but we loyaly let it slide. Time to talk to Jim our master teacher you are loved Rupert we do.
In my spiritual journey I have passed through many teachers lamp posts who have guided me. And finally i have arrived at my final lamp post with your light sir. Thank you so much.
Being is hapiness and being is shared.
Before no-self: I am aware of the experience.
During no-self: Experience is (me).
"Just don’t seek from others, or you’ll be far estranged from self.
I now go on alone; everywhere I meet it.
It now is me; I now am not it.
One must understand in this way to merge with suchness."
Thank you Rupert for sharing your clear views of knowing true nature of our shared being.
سلام ومحبة لك من العراق
لروحك الطيبة نحن اخوة ومن نفس واحدة
One of the best short guided meditations ever 👍
The Eternal is in love with its productions in time
Thank you rupert . for me you are one of the best guide and love that i ever had.
Thank you dear Rupert for your continuous love and wisdom. I too think Francis Jean Klein and atmanandha krishnamenon for making this happen NOW 💕🌼
Thank you❤
i love your teachings, thanks
"Being is happiness and Being is shared" I have never heard the teaching expressed so simply.
Holy. Shit. This is what woke me up. Now I can't stop laughing and crying 😂😢
😂😂😂😂luv vis cm
Congrats 🥂 😂
I'm sure this didn't age well 🙄
@@Aldermus 😂😂😁😂😂😁let go of the judgement. you don't need it. ❤
You really solved this mystery of creation and all confusion is out just experiencing my SELF in every moment by knowing my true nature thru relaxation of mind back to the original source and letting experiences come and pass. ... always glory is for God or pure consciousness
All praise and glory belongs to God, Who created the spirits and the soul and the demons and the celestials! He Hears all prayers and He is in all Gurus, and the birds and all creatures praise Him and glorify Him daily and constantly!
You need experience to Realize God. Although it can be dismissed later, it’s needed in the beginning or somewhere.
God is Love.
Thank u Rupert. This meditation is a silver line to me... It simple and Reviving. Thanks a ton.
Thank you Rupert. The first time I watched one or your videos was in 2016. After that day I watch your videos and read your books almost at a daily basis. As you say the direct path is a path of recognition not a path of effort. You are my spiritual teacher even when you don’t know me. God bless you, Francis Lucille, Jean Klein and Atmananda Krishnamenon.
You are your spiritual teacher, “he” is just a reflection of what’s inside and outside of you. All is one ❤️
Muchísimas gracias!!!❤🙏😊
Being is Happiness. Being is Shared. Amen!!!
thank you , dear Rupert
Wenn hier jemand DeutschSprachiges mitliest:
Wie könnte man "Being is happiness and Being is shared" kurz und prägnant am besten übersetzen?
And otherwise: thanks a lot for this fresh and beautiful reminder which helps to let "it" sink deeper one step further. THAT which had been forgotten, or overlooked, and now comes back in the light of awareness ❣️
Thank you dear Rupert🙏♥️🙏
Be as Mother intended; pure infinite loving awareness ❤️🔥
Grazie per le tue parole ispiratrici. Un caro saluto.
Thankyou dear Rupert ❤🙏❤
Hello sir , feeling gratitude
Thankyouuuuuuuuu familyyyy of being❤️
Thank you.
Thank you sooo much. Regards ❤
Thank you so much..!!
Thank u
🌅What lS Present lS ONLY The Living Reality of the lnfinite lntelligence Life and Divine L💖ve🌅and Anything ' 'E l s e ' Cannot Be Present , Except As the mental Illusion of the un-enlightened sense mind🙏Thank Y☺️u for sharing That Gift 🎁 of Intellgent Understanding Rupert🌅
Thank you! 💜
Thank you . Rupert . I wish i coud have have a retreating with you
Thank you Sir🙏
Wonderful Meditation Video! You said it all in just 20 min. Thank you Rupert 🙏
I appreciate you and Bernardo. I have the same thoughts with different terms. I see now how it comes together. Thank you.
Shikantaza. The best.
simply the most beautiful peaceful meditation for recognition of the pure omnipresent self that is one with all🙏
so our possibilities for development, or transmutation of energies (into the fruits of the spirit, and states of being) is all in how we engage or direct our sensitivities. to realize our sensitivities are a way of perceiving or merging with our environment, experiencing this "impressionistic" state as fundamental means of "knowing", but not as an imposition, limiting, displacing, shaping/configuring an artificial, pretensive, preferential presence or psychology . this means of "knowing" is being itself acting in the same manner as other organic life acts. it is so easy to see the seasonal aspects of plants and animals, their development in the mediums of sea, land and air, but, to know our own experience as equally engaged or animated by the force(s) of the terrestrial world and beyond, is less obvious, not engaging it as "direct experience", as they do. it may be self deception to believe in "freedom of choice" when we do not understand the reality of what we belong to, or how it is we belong to it. ... the practice of coming to know or finding, meditating, developing the "view" , where ones energies/sensitivities are directed to an un-assuming, "neutral" (as in that which holds the ying/yang in balance or in dynamic equilibrium), the whole body being as a column or conduit, in which the energies driving awareness, sensitivities, are allowed to direct the sense of self, so as to know what is "pure", or "true", or of itself so, which become the nature of what is whole and healthy. i have also heard this experience expressed as "mind like a mirror", and "merging with the dust", "watching oneself", or "know thy Self". ... this is one of the most profound videos, it really rang a lot of bells for me, and brought into light the "view" on the relationship(s) between awareness, sensitivities, how to experience the "self". i will probably watch it 3 more times before letting it go tonight. "the movie is on the screen, but the screen is not in the movie". and we suffer because of what is lacking in our search, or because we can not accept what is there to begin with". those statements are really profound to me.
Thank you
I'm wondering if a reminder of our perfect & sacred balance - pure being dancing with a human-experience perspective, is helpful here. ❤
Yesterday it hit me , there is only ever one voice that I hear, and it seemed like the root of the many was revealed. While listening to this video the words are not heared the same way, they mingle with all that presents itself, the voice in my head feels lost in the vastness like a shrinking window to the world, even triggering a fear of never finding it again, never getting back, a fear of maybe never wanting to come back at all, but that too is lost in the vastness of silence. Maybe I am just tired.
So beautiful and I understand non duality more fully. Thank you so much!!!
So Beautiful...
Boundaries are made purely out of thought 👍
How beautiful
Thank you Rupert for sharing the beautiful moment of being
God is, the Great "I AM"
I’m glad I came across this. Suffering from somatic ocd. Thank you
The whole essence is embedded in one word. NON DUALITY.
Newton's Cradles, yes I am Adonai. God's man.🙏
"Simply allow the flow of experience to present itself to you." I'm literally eating popcorn. Talk about some kind of Zen-like in the moment, be here now kind of thing! lol!
Rupert and Mooji have a lot in common!
Thank you so much for this:) A "quick" question to you or anyone in the chat. A few year ago I followed your videos on becoming aware of awareness. Spent hours contemplating this until it finally struck me like lightning while walking up the stairs to the kitchen that; "holy moly. I am aware. I am aware of being aware"! It sounds silly but it was like I had never actually seen it before. Anyways, I kinda floated around being keenly aware of being aware of everything for a few days until the amazement faded and I was back to my usual self. The sense of being aware of my own awareness never left but now I feel more like "so what" (actually stopped searching alltogether)? Yes I am aware og being aware but "so what" I was thinking? Pain still arise, sadness still arise, frustration still arise etc etc etc. Its clear that Im not my thoughts. But yet again so what? Thoughts still pushes on like never before. Im just fully aware of them but so what? Can anyone give som pointers on how to proceed? I feel lost to be honest. Or at least my thoughts are telling me that I am lost, lol...! Nothing really changed. Its just that I am aware of it. And now the seeking has started again... Pointers anyone?
I had a similar experience for a while, and still do occasionally. For me the key is asking "so what's aware of the so what?" And also thanking it for being there and seeing what else there is beyond that. And is the thought 'so what' helpful in the present moment'? Wait for an answer in silence
Hope this helps 🙏 Blessings
@Nele Thank you so much for your reply:) I guess we are all in this together in some wierd sense. Trying to find peace. Thank you so much for your reply and for your advice. Its like Im switching between being absorbed in thoughts and observing thoughts. And its exhausting to some degree. But thank you for reminding me that the "so what" is just another thought. Mind identification feels sticky...
I'd say that the sense of seeking again is yet another thought going through and the empty feeling is perhaps the sense of loss of what or who, you thought you were, but what was in fact, a "false" identity.
@Henrik i found I was exhausted as well. Small reminders and clicks are needed every so often I find. Have a look at eckhart tolle and Philip wade as I find they work differently depending how I'm feeling
Love ya Rupert..thank you good sir 🙏
❤❤Vũ Sa Huỳnh❤❤
Một ông cha thầy sư đang đàn làm lễ,muốn sỏ ông sư,đọc luôn một vế câu đối:
Sư ông đăng đàn,vãi ra kia,tiểu ra đấy.
Vãi vừa có ý bà vãi,vừa có ý đại tiện,tiểu vừa có ý tiểu,vừa có ý tiện.
Nhà sư cũng không vừa,chờ hôm chủ nhật thấy cha đang rửa tội mới vào nhà thờ đối lại:
Cố cha rửa tội,tra đằng trước,sờ đằng sau.
Câu đối lại cũng tài tình!cha có hai ý:ông cha,và"tra"vào,sờ cũng có hai ý:bà sơ(soeur)và sở mó.
Cách chơi chữ của cả hai người đều hiểm cả!❤❤
Ireqst ❤
To merge into the Transcendental Absolute (pure Consciousness-Without-An-Object), no problem. Just access Mahamritunjaya Mantra - Sacred Sounds Choir", and "Om Namah Shivaya - Shivananda Adi" and listen to each for 5 min per day for at least two weeks. Enjoy the Sat-Chit-Ananda, "The Self" of everybody and the entire multiverse. The length of time one abides in Self-Awarenessss may vary from a split second to permanently, depending on various factors.
Thank you for this meditation! Just curious how Being is happiness. Isn't happiness just part of duality with the other side being unhappiness, etc? Duality is an illusion so I am confused how Being would be happiness.
He’s a mad man … highly repressed. Skilled in bypassing. You are… a human. Enjoy your humanness.
Resistance is also an activity of consciousness. The illusory self is also an activity of consciousness.
الانجليزيه والله يا الله شكل العرب احسن
Let's be realistic it all happens how and when Consciousness,God in religious terms,the Source,the Universe etc... decides it,as a separate being or an ego body/mind surrender all to God is the only thing we can do,so that Grace can start to enter in us,until dissolve us back into Awarness,than as Awarness we realize there never was separation and the only thing there ever was,ever is,ever will, is Awarness (Consciousness,God,Source,etc..)
I love the simplicity though my habitual small self wants to complicate and obfuscate. I am very confused at the moment, “there is no sorrow there…” does this imply when we feel sorrow or other natural human emotions, we are not in “our being” “awareness”? We can step “away” or back from the emotion to the “I” that is aware of the sorrow….is it not, all one? Why step back or away, I get not getting identified. Hmmmmm. Please help. 🙏🏽
When I "feel sorrow or other natural human emotions", I know that my mind has lost sight of who I really am. My "awareness" (who I really am) is totally open to experiencing anything that appears upon the 'screens' of perception or conception. 'It' seems to have no preferences!! If my mind loses sight of its delusional thinking and feeling, and perceives my body/mind as the 'real me' then fear of loss and harm will cause both negative thoughts and/or emotions to erupt. Suffering and pain will result. Rupert is saying "let go of experiencing" and then 'awareness' is free to experience what it really is; that is, peace, happiness and all encompassing LOVE. I hope my pathetic efforts are of some help. All words are totally inadequate to describe the indescribable! Rupert does a much better job of it than most using words - moi included.
How do you reconcile this deeper knowing with the possibility of another person using deadly physical force against you? Do you resolve yourself to use force to the extent necessary to neutralize the threat whilst knowing the essence of your adversary is the same as your own?
It is already reconciled ("same as your own") so there is nothing to further reconcile. It doesn't matter in the material world what you do. Some would argue the self (not the Self) has no say in this matter. But whether it did or not, if two waves crash into each other, and two waves avoid each other, they both end up part of the ocean (whether it was done "intentionally" or not).
@@RamSamudrala Thanks for your reply. I don't know why I didn't see it a year ago, but better late than never.
What you are saying is ultimately true from a non-dual perspective. But we must apply this wisdom to matters in the "real" world of dualistic manifest life. It may be true that the body/mind has no free will. Some suggest that decisions are made (somewhere) 7 seconds before we are consciously aware of them and that conscious awareness happens 0.5 seconds after the event. If that is true, then we may always be out of time with our conscious awareness. Regardless, my present day-to-day experience of this body/mind is one of freedom within a small circle of influence. And therefore to the extent that is true I am responsible for the actions of this body/mind and on some level it does matter what I do in the material world. I cannot walk up to a stranger and shoot him in the head because I feel like it and then tell the judge: "Your honor, it's okay because we are both waves of the same ocean." If we believe each body/mind is an instrument of God's divine love through which He uniquely knows Himself and His creation, then it is our duty as Witnesses to His glory to treat each body/mind with the respect and reverence due. The problem arises when a body/mind does not experience himself or other body/minds in that way.
The conclusion I have come to is the instinct to survive is there because God put it there. Therefore, it is altogether fitting to protect the body/mind from harm to whatever extent that is necessary. The question is how? Folkways, norms, mores, taboos, etc. are time, place and context dependent. They change. Therefore, I have tried to piece together a morality for myself that is not dependent on time, place or context - a kind of universal morality that all peoples seeking to be moral seem to follow (loosely, at least). A morality that balances social order and individual rights, ultimately driven by the internal moral principles of the individual (conscience, intuition, etc.). I will share it here for anyone interested:
1. Do no harm unless it is in defense of your survival (life & limb) or high stakes well-being (e.g. threat to food/water and shelter, a consistent pattern of psycho-emotional or physical abuse, etc.). The force used should be proportional to the threat and no more. Once the threat is neutralized, or you can escape or retreat from the threat, then the force should stop.
2. Promote individual rights, freedom, equality, autonomy, cooperation, and reciprocity of helping.
If someone in their ignorance and mental illness decides to harm me, then I will regrettably yet unhesitatingly protect myself and those I love according to the above morality with the full knowledge that we are one in Spirit. It would be nice to hear Rupert's take on this, something in depth, not just a few passing words, but I've never seen a comment from him under any of his videos.
@@nicetalkintoya I believe Spira's position would be that there is no free will for the separate self. Of course you can't tell the judge that because they believe there is free will. So unless everyone's on the same page, it won't work in the relative world. But Spira has said as much in other places (like the whole notion of evolution, etc. is all an illusion, never happened).
Any sense of agency is coming from infinite consciousness but that is also operating non-deterministically. These interactions between awareness and illusion (a duality) give rise to what you're writing about. There may or may not be free will but there is definitely action and reaction, cause and effect.
@@RamSamudrala I suspect you are correct regarding Rupert's position. But as you said, "there is definitely action and reaction, cause and effect." If this wisdom/understanding cannot help us navigate those waters, then it's incomplete. Hence the Zen Buddhist koan, "... after enlightenment, mountains are once again mountains and waters once again waters.” I suppose a part of self-realization is formulating our own road map with an apperception of this Truth as the compass.
Self must abstain from telling itself lies about itself being subject and objects and stop living those lies.
Please,answer my question?
To be aware is to tell myself that I am aware of seeing or hearing or whatever I am faced with any experience?
ان تواجه التجربة كأنك كنت في حلم وعندما
تستيقظ لايهمك ماحدث بالحلم بالرغم انك
كنت تعيش الحلم بكل معاناتها تتحمل الالم
والجوع والقهر واصبر لان الحياة تجربة لكي
تقوى روحنا
Thanks ,I don't understand Arabic more
You don't have to tell yourself. You already are aware, obviously. You just have to recognize it and identify with your being aware rather than overlooking this and getting completely lost in thoughts, feelings, sensations; experience.
Thanks so much 🙏
@@halimehmadani8412 thank too much
Am srew
Has anyone else thought about dissosiation when Spira describes awarness?
2- Love is demonic.
Being isn't happiness it's momentarily checking out from the self we need to do anything and it content is as far as I would say being goes but its impossible to hold this state or share it with the false self without experience pulling us away. Your full of shit Rupert. Talk to Jim Newman it's absolutely necessary. You also needed another talk with Sam he kinda had you and your truth claims at one point but we loyaly let it slide. Time to talk to Jim our master teacher you are loved Rupert we do.
Don't even meditate. Just Be,
Thank you 🙏✨