The plastic snaps would be very hard to install without the tool. You could try a flat piece of wood and then a hammer, but you would have to be careful to not crush the flat part of the snap. Another alternative would be to get the metal sew in snaps but you wouldn't have anything on the outside or front of the diaper to hide the initial hole. But that would just be cosmetic at that point. However, a lot of these tools you can buy with a small set of snaps . I did find this set that snap together, but don't need a tool as well. So I hope one of these options help.
What is the coolest thing you have ever used plastic snaps for? My kids would say their custom stuffed animal pet collars.
Seeing how easy it is to replace them is just another reason for me to start adding snaps to things. 😅
I totally agree! I think the idea of breaking it is harder than actually doing it.
could you do the same thing without the pliers?
The plastic snaps would be very hard to install without the tool. You could try a flat piece of wood and then a hammer, but you would have to be careful to not crush the flat part of the snap. Another alternative would be to get the metal sew in snaps but you wouldn't have anything on the outside or front of the diaper to hide the initial hole. But that would just be cosmetic at that point. However, a lot of these tools you can buy with a small set of snaps . I did find this set that snap together, but don't need a tool as well. So I hope one of these options help.