Wild Arms 2 - Lord Blazer

  • Опубликовано: 28 дек 2024

Комментарии •

  • @frowningmirror8097
    @frowningmirror8097 3 года назад +5

    so cool to see people remember this fight across the ages

  • @hessiankyojin
    @hessiankyojin 3 месяца назад

    Ashley at the end all alone in space forever doing a sword pose in a cosplay no one else is seeing forever.

  • @GuiFlynn
    @GuiFlynn Месяц назад

    Yoshi was my whipper boy 1996~2000

  • @justindale7214
    @justindale7214 Год назад +1

    I love how you control just Ashley and it's still not a 1 on 1.
    It was never Ashley vs Lord Blazer.
    It actually has the world fighting alongside you.
    This is literally the whole world fighting Lord Blazer. And that is one of the greatest final boss songs ever in my opinion.

  • @elleCX01
    @elleCX01 5 лет назад +9

    This final battle in Wild Arms 2 is just so amazingly done. With each strike of his sword, Ashley uses the strength of the people he's met throughout his long, long journey throughout Filgaia -- each strike carrying the strength of the will of these people. Also, there's no real way to lose this fight so it's more of a cinematic battle than anything else.
    He also reiterates what Marina told him once: "This world doesn't need a hero if a hero is just a euphemism for sacrifice." He denies being a hero himself to the end yet still chooses to take up the hero's blade as a normal human carrying the will of an entire world to survive on his shoulders.

  • @fabriciofenryir397
    @fabriciofenryir397 2 года назад

    Friendship's power

  • @vinm.2987
    @vinm.2987 Год назад

    I miss this gameee ❤️

  • @AndrewTheTransformer
    @AndrewTheTransformer 8 лет назад +25

    The most epic final battle of all games

  • @hawkmanz1620
    @hawkmanz1620 4 года назад +8

    The concept that even the previous "hero" comes back and reaffirms everything that Ashley believed in at the start and says that it's about the power of EVERYONE wielding Argetlam, not just one, makes this fight legendary.

  • @Espiibutt
    @Espiibutt 14 лет назад +30

    The days when people know how to make video games.

  • @hawkmanz1620
    @hawkmanz1620 4 года назад +2

    It was never a weapon. It was the power of the Will To Live, something all humans will fight for.

  • @GoldenChocobo
    @GoldenChocobo 15 лет назад +32

    I love this battle so much. I actually cried watching this. Joyful tears were very much shed.
    The music . . . the hopes and prayers of your friends . . . the one-on-one battle between good and evil . . . the emotions racing through you . . .
    Together, the smile on my face widened as tears cascaded down my cheeks. I love this battle so much that I'll never get tired of this confrontation. The music for this final battle is extremely appropriate.
    Long live Wild ARMS 2!

    • @thomasnvsbrasilpe
      @thomasnvsbrasilpe 2 года назад

      Como é/funciona a Graça de Deus:
      Mas eu gostaria de dizer/esclarecer sobre a Salvação pela Graça que Deus tem por nós pra nossa vida eterna:
      O q nos torna cristãos ou filhos de Deus Verdadeiros/Genuínos DE FATO é entenderemos a Salvação que Deus nos propõe no Seu Filho Cristo Jesus, então com a Graça de Deus/Jesus, vou deixar explicado DE FATO, qual é e como como funciona esta/A Graça de Deus por nós, pra q a gente entenda definitivamente/de uma vez por todas sobre a Graça de Deus e nos LIBERTEMOS ou Melhor, SEJAMOS LIBERTOS POR DEUS das correntes do pecado/diabo q nos escravizam,
      1-Adão pecou/se subordinou ao pecado em vez de de Deus e fez agora o pecado ser o novo deus e e novo senhor da humanidade;
      2-Agora que Adão pertence ao pecado, o pecado impôs a condição q tudo o q venha de Adão seja gerado na mancha/corrupção/domínio/escravidão do pecado e da morte.
      3-Sendo nós todos escravos do pecado, como escravo ninguém é capaz de vencer o pecado pelos seus próprios esforços, quem tenta vencer pela sua força/esforço próprios só vai cair cada vez mais fundo no pecado, qto mais tentar se libertar, não consegue vencer NUNCA pq o pecado não irá deixar a pessoa se libertar (ex: tem uma frase q diz qto mais proibido melhor, essa frase existe justamente pq essa natureza do pecado em nós induz a isso) e tem outro porém, por mais boas obras/obediências q vc possua, NINGUÉM/nenhum pecador tem condições de cumprir a Obra que Deus considera como VERDADEIRAMENTE BOA/AGRADÁVEL/APROVADA - que é cumprir a Obra da OBEDIÊNCIA PERFEITA sem pecado durante toda a vida - do nascimento à morte.
      Por isso, por mais q eu tenha muitas obras, tenho um coração pecador e pecados q não deixam minhas boas obras serem suficientes pra se atingir o PLENO cumprimento da Obediência Perfeita exigida por Deus.
      4-Deus sabedor da nossa condição pecadora envia Seu Filho pra cumprir esta Obra da Obediência PERFEITA sem pecado - então Jesus nasceu-viveu-morreu sem pecado por essa causa.
      5-Agora q fez isto, Deus ordena que todos se convertam a Jesus e pela fé busquem a Deus para trocar o seu coração velho e pecador pelo Coração Novo e Obediente do Seu Filho.
      Então com isto será salvo e todas as boas obras serão agora reflexo deste coração novo e vc agirá terá o poder de vencer o pecado e aqueles pecados mais desejados e entranhados os quais somos escravos.
      Vc agora pode receber está Graça/Dádiva por meio de Jesus!!!
      Diante do q foi aprendido,
      agora assuma perante Deus/Jesus:
      que é pecador;
      Assuma que tem pecados;
      Assuma sua imperfeição;
      Esvazie-se de vc e
      Assuma que por suas obras/meios próprios realmente não tem como se obter a Salvação;
      Mostre seu Arrependimento dizendo que quer mudar de vida e sair deste estado pecador e que te dê um coração obediente a Deus;
      E peça que Deus tire/troque o seu coração velho e pecador/escravo do pecado e ponha O Novo Coração Salvo do Seu Filho em vc e te salve por meio da Obra de Obediência Perfeita Sem Pecado q Ele fez por mim, vc e nós!!!! 🙏🏻🙌🏻
      FORTE ABRAÇO e TUDO de BOM com Jesus!
      FAÇAMOS de Deus/Jesus o SENHOR SUPREMO de nossas vidas para Herdamos o Reino de Deus!!!!

  • @myjorney8626
    @myjorney8626 2 года назад +1

    This battle make me cry. It feel like i fought with all of them . I really love this game

  • @Runeless
    @Runeless 6 лет назад +5

    Oh JRPGS...taught me so much about the power of positive thinking and cooperation...I love how no one hero can ever do it alone, and everyone learns how precious life is, and struggle through together.

  • @TheKpa11
    @TheKpa11 Год назад

    Can’t say I like Lord Blazer’s design. He’s apparently some exiled Guardian, but the saucer thing he’s one, those head wings, and outfit and face, combined with the camera perspectives don’t really portray him as this menacing figure, he just looks like a typical Wild Arms boss
    He’d be much cooler assuming the Knight Blazer and OverKnight Blazer forms

  • @tmr3volver
    @tmr3volver 10 лет назад +9

    I like how they gave him his own special flaming letters for his intro

  • @RX995
    @RX995 15 лет назад +3


  • @adikkuchan
    @adikkuchan 9 лет назад +27

    Oh man, the moment the first vision was shown, I was starting to get teary-eyed

  • @sofianhady2685
    @sofianhady2685 3 года назад

    No game like this anymore nowdays, PS1 era was the golden era for JRPG, games nowdays mostly are only has a good graphic but no soul in it, a sad fact.

  • @dailylifeoftran
    @dailylifeoftran 17 лет назад +2

    if you guys realized it, the song refers to the Japanese song (intro) Donna Toki De Mo which means in Japanese, You're Never Alone, so think about the friends that suppose Ashley, he is not alone, no matter what time it is

  • @Xenmaru00
    @Xenmaru00 9 лет назад +12

    tch...shit man. still cant watch this fight without wanting to cry from the beauty of it. i'm a sucker for "everyone puts aside their differences and combines their wishes to defeat the threat" stories.

    • @Unknown-ii8fw
      @Unknown-ii8fw 9 лет назад +1

      chaos rings 3 final battle same style like wild arms 2 you know

  • @Crystalgate
    @Crystalgate 17 лет назад

    Out of all possible sources, nothing makes you better at killing and maiming things than the power of love and friendship. Lord Blazer never stood a chance.

  • @itoramos6843
    @itoramos6843 4 года назад +1

    I love the theme to this battle!! - 2020

  • @MisterInevitable
    @MisterInevitable 6 лет назад +2

    Such a classic gem.

  • @jmoon33
    @jmoon33 17 лет назад +2

    The Power Of Love and Friendship, OMG

  • @crudackdarkbane
    @crudackdarkbane 13 лет назад +4

    The first time Lord Blazer faced off against this blade he got sealed. This time the people didn't give into dispair. This equal dead Blazer. Poor him.

  • @Razgriz4
    @Razgriz4 17 лет назад +1

    I have to agree, this song is amazing

  • @KuonilerariLoufanwald
    @KuonilerariLoufanwald 15 лет назад +6

    its over 99999!!

  • @BingBangPoe
    @BingBangPoe 13 лет назад +14

    The whole concept of this fight is awesome. It's like Goku charging the Genki-Dama, but way better. =D

    • @sebastianmartinez1843
      @sebastianmartinez1843 4 года назад +1

      And JoJo
      Jonatha Joestar Sword Pluck and Luck
      Use Final Battle we he Enemy

  • @Justforvisit
    @Justforvisit 13 лет назад +16

    THIS is how you make a final boss fight epic!

  • @spearsage
    @spearsage 4 года назад +3

    They did this amazing boss fight scene long before Persona made this kind of final boss battle cool again.

  • @CosmicCub
    @CosmicCub 8 лет назад +25

    Best. Final Battle. EVER.

    • @blackmanjrpg17
      @blackmanjrpg17 4 года назад +1

      I'm echoing your comment 👍

    • @bigslim6087
      @bigslim6087 4 года назад

      I'm also putting my hat in the ring on this comment. This boss fight was so much more amazing then any I've ever been a part of. Everyone united as one, every heart facing the threat from ages past to press forward, completing what couldn't be done alone. No matter what or how old I get this scene always moves me. No video game boss has ever touched or close to this fight.

    • @wfhf179
      @wfhf179 3 года назад


    • @talantus
      @talantus 3 года назад

      +1 my dude

  • @lens_hunter
    @lens_hunter 3 года назад +1

    This is still one of the best final battles of a game. All the emotions to shut down this thing we've been scared of for the whole game. I always felt bad for Anastasia.

    • @Skyliet
      @Skyliet Год назад

      I felt bad for Lord Blazer as well. Imagine using him most of the game just be ass-kicked in the endgame

  • @AndrewTheTransformer
    @AndrewTheTransformer 12 лет назад +9

    Epic last battle and music

  • @abdurrahman363
    @abdurrahman363 6 лет назад +3

    This really make me want to play it again

  • @Greshapa
    @Greshapa 15 лет назад +1

    Wild Arms 2 has some of my favorit VG music

  • @Runeless
    @Runeless 13 лет назад +6

    God I loved this battle. How epic. The legendary sword Argltham gives Ashley a heroic makeover, and he faces down the world's enemy by himself on the face of the Moon, while all of Filgaia sends their prayers to him. Sends shivers down my spine!!!!! XDDDD

    • @talantus
      @talantus 3 года назад

      Huge genkidama moment lol. Love it 😆

  • @ghostofrok3063
    @ghostofrok3063 3 года назад +1

    This is a fixed-win final boss battle right?

  • @Justforvisit
    @Justforvisit 14 лет назад +4

    Filgaia may be a rotting planet, but it's our home! And together WE STAND! IIIIMPUUULSEEEEE! :>

  • @Justforvisit
    @Justforvisit 15 лет назад +2

    I just finished WA2 today and THIS really is how a final Fight should be, despite the Game is 10 Years old, the Music, the Battle Mechanics altered only in this battle (Impulse), and Ashleys altered looks, this all make it outstanding & shining as a finla Battle, THIS is a perfect definition of what a Final Fight should look alike and feel alike!
    It's really an epic final battle!
    BIG THANX Media Vision!

  • @tcaudilllg
    @tcaudilllg 15 лет назад

    Not cheesy, actually quite instructive. The imagery is especially informative.

  • @GuiFlynn
    @GuiFlynn Месяц назад

    More ''hate'' I made.

  • @fernandofantasy
    @fernandofantasy 8 лет назад +6

    i love this battle

  • @DreamGoddessLindsey
    @DreamGoddessLindsey 16 лет назад +1

    Yes, this battle was easy, but it's just a story battle. In the late 90s, it became popular for RPGs to have easy "final boss" battles for a story finish after a difficult "true" final boss. Sephiroth after Safer Sephiroth in Final Fantasy VII for example. In this game, the "true" final boss was the Kuiper Belt Core, which was a very difficult battle, and this was the "final boss" for the story finish. Final Fantasy X did this as well with Yu Yevon being very easy after Braska's Final Aeon.

  • @Justforvisit
    @Justforvisit 15 лет назад +1

    Hell, I LOVE that Riding beat!

  • @davedetrick
    @davedetrick 17 лет назад

    Yeah, and his attacks harness the power of the whole world just about. Even Blazer is taken aback by this turn of events.

  • @CrStO5
    @CrStO5 17 лет назад

    Its over 9000!!!!

  • @SairoKun
    @SairoKun 15 лет назад +1

    LOL I this is my first time seeing this battle. I broke the second disk by accident when I was a kid (9 years old) now im 15 LOL I loved this game even though it was ps 1 graphics O:
    Wild arms series FOREVER >:D

    • @takeshiair
      @takeshiair 7 лет назад

      i wish they continued the series after 5

    • @olgaramos7702
      @olgaramos7702 6 лет назад

      @sairokun ..have you bought it now? its been 8 years..

  • @Fata59
    @Fata59 16 лет назад

    God this makes me miss being younger.

  • @wesdraslinkFF9
    @wesdraslinkFF9 17 лет назад +1

    I love this song bofere bosses its little scary ^^

  • @MWE1013
    @MWE1013 13 лет назад +2

    This fight in itself almost put me to tears. Really it did.

  • @NoticTheSheriff
    @NoticTheSheriff 14 лет назад

    @yamiblade The fanfair at the end is called "The New Sunset" It's Disk 1 track 72 of the Wild Arms 2 OST.
    That OST really needed to be 4 disks, it just didn't do Michiko's music justice.

  • @dracodude1300
    @dracodude1300 14 лет назад +3

    amazing game, the best ever

  • @Runeless
    @Runeless 17 лет назад +1

    This was one of my fave final battles too...The music, the way everyone bands together...oh and Ashley gets cool long hair and white armor. Can't get better than that.

  • @DGneoseeker1
    @DGneoseeker1 8 лет назад +7

    Everyone was born on this STAR?
    Wtf? Thermodynamics called, it wants its burn victims back.

  • @slitheryjuggler94
    @slitheryjuggler94 14 лет назад +1

    god, i love that victory music. whats the name of the song?

    @FATALFURYKID 17 лет назад +2

    The Power of Love & Friendship always seems to defeat the last bosses of RPG's. But it's cool. 5 STARS*****

  • @admarshall617
    @admarshall617 16 лет назад +1

    When one is battling these "final bosses" , is it even possible to die?? When battling yu yevon, I have purposefully tried to die and it just wouldn't happen

  • @Railrunner
    @Railrunner 17 лет назад +1

    Wow! Heym an english version of this battle finally made its way onto RUclips, thanks to you! XD
    Thanks for uploading this.
    ...Even if Ashley's victory pose bothers me.

  • @wphanoo
    @wphanoo 15 лет назад

    stupid, this song is so emotional !! i love it

  • @DreamGoddessLindsey
    @DreamGoddessLindsey 16 лет назад

    Well, it's impossible to die against Sephiroth as a fatal Omnislash is unleashed whenever he hits you whether you have it or not. Also, it's impossible to die to Yu Yevon as all characters have Auto-Life on all the time during the battle. Lord Blazer, however, you can die during I do believe,but you have to basically ignore healing and Impulse completely.

  • @mifpazeh
    @mifpazeh 15 лет назад

    Not the lotion! IT BUUUURNS!!!!

  • @PAYBACKaiw
    @PAYBACKaiw 12 лет назад +1

    Well, time to download this.

  • @yamiblade
    @yamiblade 14 лет назад

    wish I could get the name of the fanfare played at the end

  • @GahaldMills
    @GahaldMills 15 лет назад

    done...time to find the CD....ehehe...

  • @tcaudilllg
    @tcaudilllg 15 лет назад

    How many here have not fought this "battle"? Do you know what this battle is a reference to? It's Campbellian.

  • @BlightHyaki
    @BlightHyaki 16 лет назад

    I thought Anastacia was his sister?

    • @takeshiair
      @takeshiair 7 лет назад +1

      nope that was the first sword magess

  • @D8379
    @D8379 6 лет назад +1

    I recently defeated Lord Blazer. When I recover HP it's never that much, so I hade to use the rest of my Mega Berries & an Ambrosia. I still think WA3 is the best WA game. If u ask me who was the hardest final boss in The Wild Arms series. I'm currently playing The 1st one, I haven't finished it yet. I would have to say WA4 final boss Hausler because of his 2nd & 3rd Form. I've played all The Wild Arms game's, WA is my favorite RPG, I even watch The Anime Twilight Venom it was awesome.

  • @seanobrien276
    @seanobrien276 2 года назад

    22 years later and the symbolism in this final boss fight is more important than ever. I think it's time humans asked themselves what kind of world they want to live in, and how hard they'll fight for it.

  • @rs1fifteen
    @rs1fifteen 16 лет назад

    I like the fighting music i saved it at the door before fighting the core of the muti boss's.

  • @InvokeZero
    @InvokeZero 15 лет назад

    Of any RPG I have played, this is the only one I feel had that true 'final epic battle' feel to it and really felt EPIC to deserve being called such. The only other final boss I have ever played that had this kind of feel was Duke from Tales of Vesperia in his 2nd and 3rd forms, because that had to be the hardest legitimate boss battle I have ever fought.

    @FATALFURYKID 14 лет назад +2

    @MegaSnakeEater how is wild arms a rip off of final fantasy they are not even remotely simliar other then the fact that there both turn based rpgs

  • @Socran
    @Socran 15 лет назад

    Wow, I don't remember this game having this much Engrish... Doesn't stop it from being awesome, though. I love it when game's follow up the "real" final battle with a one-sided ass-kicking delivered by the protagonist. And when the final boss theme is an orchestrated remix of the game's main theme song. And when your ultimate attack is fueled by the innate heroism of everyone on the planet.

  • @boitahaki
    @boitahaki 14 лет назад

    I love the WA series, they are so fresh and fun

  • @Roxaszu
    @Roxaszu 16 лет назад +1

    I still play it sometime, xD
    It's was so cooolllll xD
    If only I have my Ps again T.T

  • @quillpen1867
    @quillpen1867 8 лет назад +3

    the F i cried

  • @mifpazeh
    @mifpazeh 15 лет назад

    Try going to isohunt mah boi.

  • @deckire
    @deckire 14 лет назад +2

    @FATALFURYKID Well storyline wise no, but character design is almost the same to Final Fantasy 7. Examples is Ashley and Cloud, both are part of a military group (ARMS and Soldier (sorta)) . If Cloud's Sword had a gun connected to it it would be Ashley's bayonet. Other example is Barret and Brad; Tim and Aerith; and Kanon and Tifa.

    • @traduccionespecializada9349
      @traduccionespecializada9349 7 лет назад


    • @sebastianmartinez1843
      @sebastianmartinez1843 4 года назад

      Ashley no Have False Memory (and the True Gentlemen) the no have Emo Aspect
      Brad is Old Heroe turn into Criminal (And is More Bad Ass Barret)
      Kanon is Have a good Character development (and the No Have Big Boobs like Tifa) and have feling Friendship we Ash (not Force Relationship we the Protagonist)
      And Tim is more like Koichi for JoJo Part 4
      Why The People what Compare Wild Arms 2 we FF 7

  • @dragon__blades
    @dragon__blades 15 лет назад

    thuis game is the best i have 1and 2 black labled and 5 getting 3 and 4

  • @prudentrio
    @prudentrio 15 лет назад

    If you have a ps3 you can buy it off the playstation network store for about i think 15$

    • @takeshiair
      @takeshiair 7 лет назад

      i got it for... $10 i think

  • @tcaudilllg
    @tcaudilllg 15 лет назад

    I'll bet you're joking.

  • @BingBangPoe
    @BingBangPoe 16 лет назад

    This battle is cool a lot... To bad it's too easy... XP

  • @wfhf179
    @wfhf179 3 года назад


  • @BlightHyaki
    @BlightHyaki 15 лет назад

    True I pretty much the only good rpgs now and days are from Nis or Atlus. XSeed somewhat I guess. Square lost its skills when they merged with Enix.

  • @tcaudilllg
    @tcaudilllg 15 лет назад

    @Socran I don't think it's Engrish. I think it's just a very complex concept -- an entire philosophy -- that can't be expressed in a few words.

  • @Jahan917
    @Jahan917 16 лет назад

    Yeah me too :C

  • @boitahaki
    @boitahaki 14 лет назад

    @reggae1188 I dont care if graphics are realist, but I like when the game is beautiful or pretty

  • @GahaldMills
    @GahaldMills 15 лет назад

    AAARRRRRGGGGHHH!!!!.....I realy want to play wild arms 2 again...my PS1 has been sold by my parents...T__T

  • @PJenkinss
    @PJenkinss 14 лет назад

    It would have been so much better if the battles were still in 2D.. I mean, awesome 2D vs not so good looking 3D graphics (i love psx graphics but I mean, compare this to FF8 or 9..)

  • @Luxai
    @Luxai 15 лет назад

    Wark :P
    LOL 99999 at last hit... Overkill and over NINTYNINETHOSAAAAND!!!!

  • @Socran
    @Socran 15 лет назад +1

    Um... No, I know what they're trying to say here, and I'm fairly certain it can be worded much better. Among other things, not using the word "it" until after the proper term for the subject in question is used in the same conversation. Anyway, I double-checked, and the localization team for this game is the same as several others that are known for mild Engrish (including Final Fantasy VII and VIII).

  • @Wintersverd
    @Wintersverd 15 лет назад

    Ure a fucking genious!

  • @valky456rie
    @valky456rie 16 лет назад

    that lord blazer guy is so noob

  • @PJenkinss
    @PJenkinss 15 лет назад

    Yeah well i tried to wait too to see what he'll do , he did me like 7000 dmg ahah but I didn't died :P

  • @mifpazeh
    @mifpazeh 15 лет назад

    Get an emulator mah boi.

  • @lendial
    @lendial 16 лет назад

    lolz 99 999