Why The Gameplay Of Final Fantasy XVI Is SO Important

  • Опубликовано: 11 сен 2024
  • Final Fantasy XVI is looking incredibly promising. However, if Square wants to deliver the goods and land a home run, they need to make sure the gameplay is done well. After all, the reason we play games is to have fun. Combining fun combat and missions with a powerful story and characters will help propel XVI to greatness, which is why the gameplay of Final Fantasy XVI is so important.
    #finalfantasy #finalfantasyxvi #squareenix

Комментарии • 43

  • @GeoMusic99
    @GeoMusic99 Год назад +2

    As long as it has RPG elements to it idk about the battles, but if it's also missing stats, complex item systems, different roles etc. It just changes the game's genre. It's an action game now. I'm not surprised some people aren't into that.

  • @mymyboy827
    @mymyboy827 Год назад +3

    If you watched the PAX trailers from last week they show some more eikon battles and they get much more complex. The Garuda fight is simple bc it’s supposed to serve almost like a tutorial for the eikon fights the devs said.

  • @kossemoore3342
    @kossemoore3342 Год назад +2

    I'm so confused by what your talking about specifically at @4:00. It's like you haven't watched the pax the demonstration. They covered this.

    • @installation7
      @installation7  Год назад +2

      For some context, this audio was recorded before the PAX event. Video got delayed due to life stuff, and I simply forgot to take it out.

    • @kossemoore3342
      @kossemoore3342 Год назад

      @@installation7ah that makes sense!

    • @fanmovie357
      @fanmovie357 Год назад +1

      @@installation7 Will you make a video about or are you willing to share your thoughts of it?

    • @installation7
      @installation7  Год назад

      @@fanmovie357 You mean the PAX showcase or the game itself when it releases?

    • @fanmovie357
      @fanmovie357 Год назад

      @@installation7 The PAX showcase.

  • @paulnewhouse5126
    @paulnewhouse5126 Год назад +1

    Again, your channel is criminally under rated.

  • @shin-oni4223
    @shin-oni4223 Год назад +1

    I'm looking forward to FFXVI, can't wait to play it, I'm hoping for a demo to come out early

  • @Dixie-Normus-True
    @Dixie-Normus-True Год назад +1

    So you want gameplay depth corect? well XVI is not just "mashing" from what ive seen but it's also not what i would call a strategic RPG in its systems however the mechanical depth is there
    there is depth in the sense of timed last minute dodges being more effective than regular dodges
    and with the titanic block skill wich is a precision block which takes less damage if timed correctly as opposed to just holding the button wichh is more like a guard
    there is also the Garuda skill Deadly Embrace i believe it was called that let's us pull enemies to the ground when their will bar is under half to punish them and this even works against giants like Eikon form Garuda and Ifrit
    there is also the Phoenix Shift an extra dodge/teleport skill that allows us to do multiple things such as closing the distance and perform mid air dodges by teleporting to the sides too (it seems to have pretty good I-Frames as well) hopefully we can dodge backwards as well since it does cover much more distance than the regular dodge
    And that's just 3 out of 9 Eikon skills we will have on us at all times since we can equip 3 Eikons and each Eikon has 3 different skills and by looking at menus we can tell that 2 of the skills on each Eikon will be skills we can change with other different Eikon abilities
    but that doesn't cover all we will have since that's just Phoenix Titan and Garuda out of 7 different confirmed Eikons we will get abilities from and some have shown more than 3 abilities already so there is a minimum of 22 Eikon skills in the game up to god knows how many and they're all different from each other although i presume many of the swappable abilities will be damage based from what we've seen
    I don't know for sure if we will have enemies with elemental weakness but considering that it's present in most other action based FF games like XV VII-Remake Crisis Core and Dirge of Cerberus XVI shouldn't be missing it and with each Eikon we have triangle tied to our elemental magic attacks so im definitely expecting it to have that too making some Eikons more effective in different areas and making swaping Eikons to fit the types of enemies we encounter and strategies like that more viable (the ranged elemental attacks also have stronger versions if the player holds the triangle button)
    there is also obviously the wil/stager bar wich we is what FFXIII and VII-Remake based their DPS strategy around (those games get criticized ofter but i never heard complaints with their combat other than the turn based purists not liking VII-Remake being action based)
    so i would say that with what it has shown so far mechanically XVI is much more complete than most other FFs since for like 90% of the experience were mostly pressing X to attack at least here we have a much welcomed variety of attacks and tools to help us mechanically since contrary to the "turn based" FFs and their variants in XVI we do have to dodge block and such while making space to damage enemies inside that interval
    were XVI does seem to be lacking in comparison to other FF games is in its systems when you compare it to the depths of some of the FFsystems such as the VII Materia System but then again what system in all of gaming even compares to what the Materia systems allow the people who master it who wiith specific strategies can defeat even the hardest superbosses without pressing one button ... that system is just that good and no other RPG even comes close to it so imo XVI not reaching those heights doesn't mean it's lacking
    so my question here is what exactly do you call combat depth? if we're talking mechanically FFXVI doesn't seem to not have as much as any other action game if we're talking the systems i don't feel like it will have as much as the deeper FF combat systems but also feel that it will not be one of the shallower ones either

    • @lostvayne9146
      @lostvayne9146 Год назад +1

      looks like your properly understanding the system. i would also refer to a channel called devil never cry who is an action game channel that did a deep dive into FF16 combat after playing it. Its probably the most nuanced breakdown I've seen for the game and will add to your already impressive breakdown.
      The comparison to the materia system isn't exactly right because that is an RPG system. Materia is spec/stats changing akin to world of warcraft. Being able to kit your character up in different ways with different properties. But that is more strategic depth than mechanical depth. Mechanical depth is the strength of character action games which FF16 absolutely is; This is defined as deliberate and methodical gameplay requiring timing and reactions. Positioning your character to cause enemies to whiff their attacks, Reading the telegraphed attacks of enemies, exploiting their openings and being creative with creating your combo routes.
      Its why souls games are so revered or why people stick to fighting games. That sort of mechanical depth of positioning, reactions, timings, finding openings, deliberate button presses is crack.
      I would also say they haven't actually talked about the RPG elements in depth yet. It was at the end of the recent pax presentation where they were addressing the concerns fans had. One being "why is it so dark", second being "why QTEs" and third being "where are the RPG elements". They responded to the first two, but are going to go into detail on the RPG elements in april I believe.

    • @Dixie-Normus-True
      @Dixie-Normus-True Год назад

      @@lostvayne9146 I have seen DNC content will check his video out he does pretty decent DMC content from what i remember
      as for what you mean by depth then i can't help you because that falls more into what the gameplay dynamic with enemies is and i can only list moves i have seen an analyzed and hypothesized about (the ones i mentioned are things i have either confirmed or seen RUclipsrs who played the game talk about)
      as for me having an understanding i have tried my best but until i know more i wouldn't call it understanding the game

  • @MrRedskin0007
    @MrRedskin0007 Год назад

    Gameplay is vital to its success, so is open-mindedness to users’ experiences. There has to be a compromise, a median between developers and consumers. Over here, change is welcome. The direction Square Enix is heading in seems promising.

  • @lostvayne9146
    @lostvayne9146 Год назад +2

    some things I disagree with just observing the current trends of the industry. Firstly, as much as we would like to believe, gameplay isn't why people are playing games nowadays. At least this is not what the numbers are telling us.
    What the market wants and it shows in their sales is a cinematic interactive movie experience that is accessible to everyone. Where the gameplay is only there to immerse you into the story and for everyone to play through it once. This has been the majority of AAA games particularly by sony that have succeeded. Whether it'd be god of war/ragnarok, spiderman, the arkham series, uncharted, the last of us, assassin's creed... we have been getting all these titles that have very little meat in the gameplay/general design department as to be replayable. Take away the story, and these games become barebone. They are one-offs. People justify these kind of games because they have little time to play or not everyone can play games that have high skill ceilings involved. These are the games that hold your hand guiding you through the story. Its a concern I have for the gaming industry that it is turning into the gaming hollywood.
    A replayable game is something like monster hunter or any fromsoftware game or a fighting game or nintendo games or capcom games; Or most recently resident evil 4 remake filled to the brim with deliberate, methodical gameplay. A parry/dodge system. Smooth 3rd person action that synergizes gunplay with melee/parry/dodge that does not allow for mindless button presses. A ton of easter eggs. interconnected level design, enemy AI interactions that are nuanced and varied. Very high difficulty settings and high skill ceiling. Side content. That is what a replayable game is like.
    Next, FF7R gameplay being polarizing isn't something I have heard. You must be looking at reddit forums which are cesspools. FF7R probably has the best modernized version of a turn based system i've seen that is as palatable to a modern audience without getting rid of turn based. I can't see any way to do it better than that game and to be honest, the people who would complain about it really just want traditional turn based. But even if that is the case, FF15 still sold far more copies which indicates what the market wants. Something people do not really talk about is how tough it is for final fantasy to present such a grand cinematic narrative only for the player to be playing chess.
    As for gameplay. I do have a concern but it isn't about a lack of depth. Games that lack depth in gameplay/level design/AI are interactive movie experiences and quite obvious to pinpoint. An indicator of sifting out whether a game lacks depth or not is by seeing if the gameplay is restricted by the narrative. Is the fun being restricted by story.
    For example. Joel from last of us. Can he jump with a press of a button or is it automatic/transitional? Is the melee deliberate requiring positioning and good timing or is it just mashing a button and the character "magnetizes" to the enemy? Is the level design non linear and is there a multitude of ways to interact with the AI or is the level built to make sense to immerse you to the story rather than breaking conventions for the purpose of fun?
    the answer to all these questions concludes last of us being an interactive movie experience. Everything about that game is tailored to narrative immersion and restricts the potential for high replayability that comes from breaking gameplay away from narrative.
    Now lets look at FF16 and ask the question... is clive's gameplay restricted by the narrative. The less restricted, the more depth, the more fun. Clive can jump and teleport. He can air dash and jump cancel on top of enemies heads. He has a precision dodge with i frames. He can utilize all eikon abilities in front of his teammates. Enemy AI have telegraphed attacks that you have to exploit, react, time and counterattack. That is actually a hallmark of fromsoftware design. Clive can do things that does not need to be commented on within the narrative and are there for fun gameplay. When clive is exerting effort pushing a gate up with cid in the story, we do not ask ourselves why he is having trouble considering he can pull down garuda or ifrit in game. The gameplay is not limited by the narrative. You won't see clive doing 30 hit juggle combos switching between eikon abilities in cutscenes and have the characters needing to comment on it.
    Refer to devil never cry's gameplay breakdown of FF16. An action game channel who got invited to play the game and its the most nuanced breakdown video I've seen for the game. From his video, FF16 looks to be full on character action rather than "trying to be one" like FF15. Framerate is at a solid 60 and clives attacks are not delayed and act immediately to your buttons (sounds obvious but its one of the first indicators of a good character action game), the controls are deliberate. It requires timing to dodge and react. They were smart in hiring someone who has experience with action and the inability of doing so was a flaw of 15. The combat developer of capcom responsible for great meaty action gameplay (eg. DMC, MvC) is helming the gameplay and it shows. This does not mean people are going to like it obviously. But to that point... It is what it is. Your either going to take it or leave it for the purists. If the evolution of turn based from FF7R did not satisfy the purists, then nothing will other than regressing back to tradition. FF have been moving away from traditional turn based for years and they do not hide the fact that they do not want to limit the franchise to some rules of what it has to be.
    Finally to circle back, my only concern with the gameplay is that it seems like we do not have full access to every ability of the eikons. Clive can only shuffle through 3 eikons and 2 special abilities per eikon from what was shown. But we already know that we will have access to a whole lot more eikons and many, many more abilities to unlock. That I have no doubt will be the case given the combat directors pedigree. But are we restricted to 3 eikons and 2 abilities because that is where the "RPG" portion comes in and we have to reallocate skill points to different abilities and make builds. Kind of like the materia system in FF7R but in this case, the materia are eikon skills. Or will there be some accessory that breaks this limitation and allows clive to utilize everything at once? At the same time, I don't know how that would work either control wise having to juggle through more than 4 eikons.
    Its not a big concern though and I will get used to it so no biggie. Just a small preference with character action games is full utilization of the entire moveset of a character rather than going into menus are choosing different skills when I want to change it up. But given the way the system works with the eikon shuffling, it would make sense for us to reallocate skills. In Devil may cry, all combat attacks are centered around shuffling 4 different styles and that is intuitive. Difference is 16 provides more than just 4. So it makes sense for intuitive controls to have to choose your eikons and make builds.

  • @vexhardt211
    @vexhardt211 Год назад

    While I think you correct when speaking about the majority of the audience about gameplay being the most important thing, I personally disagree.
    I will play a game with shitty gameplay for good story but not a game with a shitty story and great gameplay. An example would probably be 13 Sentinels, the gameplay is fine, nothing special and certainly not something I’d want to replay but I rank the story and characters of 13 Sentinels as one of the best games I’ve ever experienced.

  • @blkwng
    @blkwng Год назад +4

    Im very excited about the game, and I will give it a fair chance. But hear me out on why I think it may not be the best direction for FF to go in; it changes its identity too much. For me, my own personal tastes, I tie FF to everything that I like in rpg games: make a party of likable companions, think up great builds that help me win battles, and go through a great story that develops those likable characters. Im afraid that with action combat, its VERY difficult to tie players to many characters because, well, you dont actually USE them actively through the entire game. In FF7R, you had to switch between them, in FF15 the same, here you wont even get to switch over to them, theyre just there for flair fighting automatically. I really dont wanna lose that great experience of meeting up and sharing a new world with likable characters for good action gameplay. It just doesnt sits well with me. People who want action games, can just play ACTION ADVENTURE games. Thats what theyre there for. RPGs are there to be roleplayed. Hopefully we dont lose on companions for games.

    • @off-meta-michael
      @off-meta-michael Год назад +2

      FF15 had no character switch mechanic at launch. They added that later.
      In devil may cry for example, Vergil was usually added as DLC about 6 months to a year later on several of the titles and I think dmc 4 added like 3 playable characters to its roster for the special edition.
      The devs though basically said that for the pacing and action of this story they wanted 1 character. It still has lots of variety if you consider all the eikons you can get

    • @blkwng
      @blkwng Год назад

      @@off-meta-michael i didnt know, always thought it was how the game launched lol. But yeah, for me anyways, I like rpgs because of the fantasy that you go out in a group adventure and you get closer to your party as a whole. I can see someways AI partners could work, such as for example Dragon Dogma's combat where they are actually pretty active, but its still not the same as you using your friends in the group. So I dont know how to solve that while also going into the current gaming preferences, but I hope someone figures it out. Despite not liking the changes, I actually think ff7r did a pretty good job of giving us a hybrid.

    • @vexhardt211
      @vexhardt211 Год назад

      Your point in characters doesn’t really work when some game in the series, like FF6 have 14 playable characters. Most of which have a story that consists of two or three sentences. You can’t really play with all 14 evenly playing the game normally. I prefer smaller, more interactive parties with stronger individual stories. Other games in the series do take this approach, so it doesn’t make sense to me to say that the series “identity” is tied to any one method.
      It’s important not to confuse what you like and what you want from the series with what it actually is. And nailing down what Final Fantasy is when it’s never really been about any one thing is futile. Each person will have their own perspective based on whatever their favorite entires are.

    • @blkwng
      @blkwng Год назад

      @@vexhardt211 Its always had this dinamic. You can say whatever you want about having 14 character being too much for YOU, but the people that are fans of the franchise saw it as a good thing, and as even more content to use them all and level them up. Every single FF game HAS been about having a party of adventurers. All games, from FF1 to FF13, have them. And even 15 had a party on your side. So no, this isnt just my opinion, it is objectively what FF has been about.

    • @vexhardt211
      @vexhardt211 Год назад

      @@blkwng This is just plain false on several levels. But mainly, you cannot claim your position as that of all of the "fans of the franchise" as I myself am one of them. I love FF6, I like most of the characters in the game but they're fairly hollow. But some of that is it being a product of the time it came out. You've also somehow insinuated that they were "too much" when all I said is that they weren't utilized as well as I would have liked.
      And secondly, you do have a party of characters in FF16. They just aren't playable. It isn't necessary to play a character to understand them and connect with their motivations or story.
      You have your opinion, the rest of the fans have their own. I was pretty adamant that for 16 to be a "true" FF that it needed to have a party early on, but I've since realized that was just a preference on my part.

  • @mikaeo23
    @mikaeo23 Год назад +1

    dont even need to watch the video. the WHY is easy. its a video game, if the gameplay is trash, you might as well have made a movie, tv show, or book.

    • @installation7
      @installation7  Год назад +1

      You'd be surprised how many people need to be told the distinction. The industry has been chasing the prestige of the movies for years. More and more we see a focus on cinematic elements over actual interactive ones designed to give more control or variety to players.

    • @mikaeo23
      @mikaeo23 Год назад

      @@installation7 yup. a bunch of "games" are hardly games anymore. as interaction and though required behing decisions go down, ive had to play more and more indie games just to feel like *im actually playing* anymore

  • @combatgeek
    @combatgeek Год назад

    We share similary philosophy about games and its elements of gameplay.

  • @Drodz1030
    @Drodz1030 Год назад

    Turn based combat is mega lame unless they do something cool to shake it up. Like persona where you can keep up your momentum but usually I despise turn based combat. Pokémon is boring and dragon quest is boring but this looks awesome. It’s sooo flashy and badass

  • @paulnewhouse5126
    @paulnewhouse5126 Год назад +2

    I'm happy to give this game an honest chance, I mean FF16 is the reason I bought a PS5 last year, So of course day one purchase for me.
    Did you grab a PS5 or you plan on waiting for the eventual PC release?

    • @installation7
      @installation7  Год назад +1

      I have a PS5. So, I'm ready for launch.

  • @chibbiChibb
    @chibbiChibb Год назад

    Just hope the world feels a little more lively than 15, tho 15 wasn't bad at it, some areas felt somewhat empty while others were simply amazing

    • @off-meta-michael
      @off-meta-michael Год назад

      15 wasnt memorable for me. 16 looks better in literally every way. Cant wait to play it

    • @lostvayne9146
      @lostvayne9146 Год назад

      which is why I am happy they aren't doing an open world. Rather large regions so they can control the quality.

  • @Thial1000
    @Thial1000 Год назад

    You really need to watch PAX and remake this video the fact that you didn't do that and decided to push out this video with out of date information seems rather negligent to me, do that and I'll give you a like that time around.
    When making a FFXVI video the PAX presentation was too damn important to skip out on and it's rather upsetting that you did in the first place.

  • @Fatdog22
    @Fatdog22 Год назад

    I guess someone didn’t watch pax..

  • @eastbluedrew1664
    @eastbluedrew1664 Год назад

    Hasn't been turn based since 13

  • @Ukaran
    @Ukaran Год назад

    Where did you see mixed reactions to Remake's gameplay? I have only seen positive ones. 🤨

  • @AdversaryOne
    @AdversaryOne Год назад

    I was watching another channel that called it Devil May Clive 🤣 I agree. It's way too different. Should be called Final Fantasy Gaiden or something. Even the MMORPGS 11 and 14 imo shouldn't be numbered Final Fantasy titles. Why wasn't Tactics numbered if anything with a chocobo can be a numbered FF, no matter how different from the core titles they are?
    I'll still play it though... Looks good even if your whole squad is a boy and his dog.

  • @khayrinqistina1901
    @khayrinqistina1901 Год назад


  • @jrpgaddict7726
    @jrpgaddict7726 Год назад +1

    This looks and plays nothing like a FF game 🤡
    Devil May Cry fans are gonna be very happy though with this hack and slash game!

  • @somaliagainstpanafricanism4865
