Why I'm Cautiously Optimistic About Final Fantasy 16

  • Опубликовано: 11 сен 2024

Комментарии • 43

  • @supremeoverlorde2109
    @supremeoverlorde2109 Год назад +5

    Everything I've seen so far looks really cool. The creators seem super confident about Clive's character, so I'm hoping for the best with him. A revenge arc as kind of the main arc of the story does give me some hesitation, because I think with such narratives there's always a risk of anger becoming the character's whole personality and making them hard to root for. I'm cool with exploring mature themes, but I don't particularly want to go through the whole game feeling miserable. So I hope there's enough personality in this game and its characters to keep things entertaining rather than just dark and morose all the time.

    • @Darkernorakeln
      @Darkernorakeln Год назад

      What character? Clive is as fucking boring as any of the 360/ps3 era white bald dudes on the covers of every fucking shooter of that era. His sotyr is super fucking predictable too, wow the revange chasing edgy boy has IFRIT in him? with being hunted by a visage of his own rage? LMAO 10/10, whats this? his only close friend is his childhood female friend who has SHIVA in her? GEEE I wonder if there is a scene where she will calm him down(cool him down LOL) and he may wound her and he will feel oh so sad. I am sorry but this is so far the most generic protag for the series, with such a story that lacks any fucking subtlety.

  • @eltoncdb
    @eltoncdb Год назад +2

    The one thing that give the confidence to XVI is how CBU3 craft their narrative and localization. Koji isn't the scenario writer but he has the input in it to make the world consistent, and he's also the pun master at putting some interesting flavor text on some of the tinny tiny stuff that would make you smile.

    • @thalwegg6535
      @thalwegg6535  Год назад +1

      Yeah it definitely has the feeling that this is a labor of love and that they put their hearts into this game. We actually just saw some of this with the sword text that referenced the southern continent which isn't even explorable in game. This game has so much potential it's crazy

  • @davesinsanestudio8072
    @davesinsanestudio8072 Год назад +5

    I dunno. After how good 7R was I'm more then confident this is gonna be a full, great game. I really don't think were gonna end up in the same situations as with 13, 15 or even early 14. Development side of things is well organized. They no longer work on awful console. No engine that's more trouble then it's worth. They are no longer rushed to just release stuff and have time to polish it out. I think 16 is gonna be one of the best in the series. Don't know how much it will draw in people outside of these types of games like Yoshi P wants, but other then that I'm really confident in this one.

    • @thalwegg6535
      @thalwegg6535  Год назад

      I would generally agree too. I think this game at a baseline will be a good game, and I have a decent amount of confidence that it will be great, or else I wouldn't be as invested as I am. But taking a step back really the game is mostly just full of potential that the devs have to capitalize on to really make it that great game I think it can be.

    • @lostvayne9146
      @lostvayne9146 Год назад

      @@thalwegg6535 "But taking a step back really the game is mostly just full of potential that the devs have to capitalize on to really make it that great game I think it can be."
      you mean like any other game or IP?

    • @thalwegg6535
      @thalwegg6535  Год назад

      @@lostvayne9146 I guess a little. But if we want to debate it I would say if I looked at a game like Starfield which is coming out later this year I would say it doesnt have nearly the same level of potential as 16 has. We all know what starfield will be. It is an open world bethesda game. It will be good, it will be fun. But it probably wont be earth shattering. The perception of the studio and the expectations set upon them determine how much potential I think a game can have and because of the history with single player ff i dont think many people have high hopes looking at 16 (and obviously I know that CBU3 is different but not everyone does). Then you have other games like in my opinion the RE4 remake. In that game they did a fantastic job remaking it and it's generally praised, however it also was being based off of an already great game. So the game already was proven to be good, it was more that they needed to not mess up the implementation of the remake, which they didn't. But the potential of that game was kind of capped and greatness was almost a given because of the original.
      Final Fantasy 16 is a new world with new character from a studio trying to claw its way back to glory and they have all of the ingredients, which not every game has. They just need to make a good meal out of it. They aren't remaking an old dish, and they arent making a dish similar to their previous dishes. There is a lot more risk here and in my opinion there is potentially a lot more reward.

    • @TonyStark-st2ev
      @TonyStark-st2ev Год назад

      ​@@thalwegg6535 I feel that only game that it compares with it Zelda Tears of the kingdom. I am sure the final GOTY will be between FF16 and Zelda.

    • @thalwegg6535
      @thalwegg6535  Год назад

      @@TonyStark-st2ev I think I would agree with you. Looking at the year ahead I know starfield will be on the list but it's a bethesda game so unless they do mix up the formula I dont think it will be GotY. Diablo 4 will also probably get nominated but again I don't think it will be innovative enough to generate the same amount of popularity as FF16 or zelda.
      My take is if they manage to hit all the right notes with ff16 then it will win. If not zelda is the default winner for the year.

  • @wizcatcheslightning
    @wizcatcheslightning Год назад +3

    Decent take 😎

  • @RRM25100
    @RRM25100 Год назад +2

    FFXV was definitely on the subpar end of action RPGs for square

    • @thalwegg6535
      @thalwegg6535  Год назад +1

      Yeah... it definitely left something to be desired. I recently tried replaying and couldnt get past it tbh. I know there is potential there it's just so... clunky. So rather than learn it I just spam buttons and potions lol.

  • @kenshin391
    @kenshin391 Год назад +4

    I'm afraid if this game doesn't do well the future for FF going forward because they already said they don't don't know what to do going forward. If this game does bad that's really gonna kill the franchise going forward.

    • @thalwegg6535
      @thalwegg6535  Год назад +2

      You know I had this exact same convo with some of my friends. I too think that if ff16 is a flop then the ff brand will basically turn into remakes and SE will start pulling money away from the IP. Maybe they make ff17 a pixel art game again or something. But I do think that ff would cease to be the crown jewel many see it as today.

    • @kenshin391
      @kenshin391 Год назад

      @@thalwegg6535 I completely agree

  • @Darkernorakeln
    @Darkernorakeln Год назад

    You should play more turn based games than just what I assume to be the popular ones you played if you actually think they are a safer lower reward system, lmao. So many people online making judgments about turn based systems when all they played is maybe FF games and at best persona.

    • @thalwegg6535
      @thalwegg6535  Год назад

      Hey man I'm glad you enjoy turn based games. I've played obviously ff and persona but recently beat octopath 2. I've played smt5 and bravely default as well and I'm sure there's other turn based games I'm forgetting. The reality is none of those game I listed are what I would personally call "hard". SMT is generally considered one of the harder turn based game series out there and while it was "hard" most of the difficulty revolved around rng like crits and then leveling and being smart enough to use null-fire on the big fire move. Are there maybe ways to exploit mechanics to break the game? I'm sure. But at that point it's not really good game design or really even what i would call strategy imo if there is some hidden mechanic that breaks the game once you know how it works. Don't get me wrong, it's hard, but for me it's not particularly engaging. It's good enough to get the job done but it won't carry the game by itself. Now with that said designing a turn based system that is okay is honestly really simple. It's like the default for my first video game. Balance is another thing entirely but honestly sometimes in turn based that doesn't matter either.
      Compare this to action games where if you screw up animations then the gameplay is suddenly garbage. Or maybe your animations feel alright but your moveset is samey and boring. The reality is its much simpler to develop a turn based game. That's an undeniable fact. And in my opinion action games give the same level of strategy of the round peg round hole problem that turn based line up games do, but tie in player reflexes and snap decision making, making it again for me a more engaging experience when done right.

  • @murkywaters5502
    @murkywaters5502 Год назад +1

    I sure hope FF16 is good because FF hasn't been that relevant in many years now. Even in Japan, other series like Monster Hunter are more popular these days.

    • @thalwegg6535
      @thalwegg6535  Год назад +1

      Yeah outside of XIV which is of course an MMO the series really hasnt performed well critically. I'm hoping too that this brings FF into the limelight, much like what the producer Yoshi P is hoping.

  • @RanceLewis
    @RanceLewis Год назад

    The problem isn’t the fact FF15 games have been story driven and most of all party based. IDK why they just don’t make a game like FF12 ZODIAC AGE which is by far the best innovation of a online game being played offline with action base combat keeping the party system and mmo feel but offline as well. FF16 falling hard trying to mimic others like devil may cry or some souls like game, just be final fantasy

    • @thalwegg6535
      @thalwegg6535  Год назад +2

      It's interesting you mention ff12 because a LOT of the creative team behind 16 actually worked on 12 as well. Personally I see ff more as a story and character driven rpg with elements that connect at the games rather than a turn based series

    • @RanceLewis
      @RanceLewis Год назад

      @@thalwegg6535 yes it being a story and character driven game from the beginning is why I’m curious to see why they chose to leave out the party aspect as well since all FF games are also driven by multiple characters through each FF game for fans to hate or live or tolerate. I do want change but I also believe change can also happen with tweaking not just ripping it apart IE pokemon for example should’ve stuck more with the ARCEUS gameplay mechanics and grinding and being attacked by Pokémon as a new adaptation but instead they kinda missed the buck on VIOLET AND SCARLET by leaving out the aspect of being attacked by Pokémon and also making it more immersive.

    • @someclevername8167
      @someclevername8167 Год назад

      @@RanceLewis I mean, it’s not like there’s not a core group of characters just because they’re not in a party together. As long as they deliver on these characters, what does it matter if they’re partied up or not?

  • @esperhunter7263
    @esperhunter7263 Год назад

    Stop getting your hopes up. Gaming industry is mostly cash grabs year after year for over a decade. Amazing epic games are a rare gem to be found now. Judge the games when you play it, no other way to know if it's shite or not

  • @unattain4773
    @unattain4773 Год назад +1

    The action gameplay element has me passing on this game on release.
    I'll buy the complete edition on sale when that comes out.
    The reason the gameplay has me turned off is Final Fantasy has always been a strategic, explorative, item/stat based combat system for the majority of its major titles. (Up Until FF15)
    Not to say that FF16 can't add some of those elements , I'm skeptical at the amount they devs can really add into a DMC type combat system.
    Who knows, i could be wrong and they may be able to really refine the action gameplay with a fair amount of those RPG elements i listed above.
    So far though this looks more like a single player action game.

    • @gamer2101
      @gamer2101 Год назад +2

      Absolutely!!! I want to like it. I love final fantasy but hate DMC. The DMC combat is not fun to me at all. It’s mindless button mashing with no thinking involved. I hate just mashing buttons and waiting for the fight to be over.

    • @Dixie-Normus-True
      @Dixie-Normus-True Год назад +3

      @@gamer2101 mashing buttons is a player choice a good player of DMC has to press a set of buttons ranging from 1 to the whole controller in fractions of seconds during the exact frame that this button is required
      mid gamers will call it "button masher" when in reality that's just them being unable to play that game properly so by saying that you're just telling me you have a low skill ceeling when it comes to being creative comboing and being actually fast while playing

    • @lostvayne9146
      @lostvayne9146 Год назад

      @@gamer2101 "It’s mindless button mashing with no thinking involved."
      character action or fighting game mechanics isn't everyone's cup of tea but do not BS. You do not even do a simple search on high level play for DMC before making this comment. These games require mechanical skill such as positioning, timing, reactions, creativity in juggle routes. You calling it button mashing simply means you have zero desire to learn anything else other than pressing a couple buttons. You'd rather stay in the low skill floor rather than dip your toes into the high skill ceiling.
      your the type the devs are tailoring the accessories in ff16 for. You would use auto combos that allows you to do combos with one button. Auto dodge because you do not want to time and react. Its for people who don't want to deal with mechanical depth.

    • @someclevername8167
      @someclevername8167 Год назад

      @@gamer2101 you haven’t played DMC at all. You could get away with button mashing on the easiest difficulty sure, but on anything higher than that that’s not gonna happen. You have to think about what you’re doing, and what your enemy is doing so you don’t get counter hit all the time. There’s plenty strategy involved, you’re just not staring at a menu to do it

    • @Dewkeeper
      @Dewkeeper Год назад +1

      Just wait and see. Everyone is so wound up trying to get people to make up their minds one way or another when the best course of action is to just see reviews from people who share your preferences or preferably playing it via a demo or something.

  • @arbe3661
    @arbe3661 Год назад

    I'm not convinced the 14 team can make a fun game to play. 14 has consistently got less fun over time. As we've seen you can only have a max of 6 abilities and 3 of the permanent eikon abilities

    • @thalwegg6535
      @thalwegg6535  Год назад +7

      I mean these are two very different systems with different objectives. Plus like I mention in the video yoshi p knew that they would struggle to make good action gameplay so they hired someone who could. So technically the 14 team really isn't making the gameplay. Plus this team only worked on HW not more recent stuff so if you don't like the 2 min meta that wasn't this team, besides like yoshi p.

    • @sirdamned9272
      @sirdamned9272 Год назад +6

      "14 has gotten consistently less fun over time" is the weirdest take I've ever heard. ARR and HSW were mind-numbingly easy and completely lacking complexity in terms of gameplay. Fight design & choreography was also lacking. Then Stormblood came out and the fun factor in 14's gameplay shot through the roof with every single patch that followed. I'd argue that ShB and EW gameplay is literally 500x more fun than ARR and HSW gameplay.
      If by less fun you for some reason meant "I played the game for 500 hours and started getting bored with it"... that's not exactly the game's fault. Everyone will eventually get bored at some point, there's only a finite amount of development that can be done within the limitations of time itself.
      If by less fun you were just talking about streamers like Zepla recently taking a sort of break from FFXIV... keep in mind these are people who put upwards of 5,000 hours into each expansion after Heavensward and played the game nonstop for years, right up until the very end of Endwalker, which is more or less the conclusion of the game's first major arc. It's normal, if not expected, that some of these people will start to get bored and take a break at this point.

    • @Storm1Trooper5
      @Storm1Trooper5 Год назад

      the abilities aren’t gonna be just the ones in cool-down there will be hella combos and stuff

    • @lostvayne9146
      @lostvayne9146 Год назад

      @@sirdamned9272 its because hes been listening to too much arthars and xenos and projecting what they are saying.

    • @Dewkeeper
      @Dewkeeper Год назад

      @@sirdamned9272 there's a case to be made the game got more boring (particularly for skilled players doing casual content) on a mechanical level when they pruned the complex ability systems of old, but they largely did this to shift difficulty to the boss mechanics themselves.
      I'd understand if someone found the overall simplification of jobs not to their taste, but that's not the game getting worse so much as it is becoming different. There are no solutions in life, only trade-offs
      But yeah, as someone who was around during ARR/HW, no, the game is absolutely fucking better than back then LMAO.