I'm having the same issue on my boat build. Applied a coat of epoxy yesterday afternoon, temp was 72 degrees. Over night it went to mid 50's. This morning I planned on sanding in preparation of applying another coat, but it had alot of Amine blush on it. Wiped down the hull with Acetone with no effect. Googled it and it recommended warm soapy water and a scrub pad. I've done this twice with only marginal results. Any thoughts?
Hi Randy, I simply used warm water and a Scotch Brit pad. I'd give this another try and make sure you give it a good scrub. I was advised that the Amine is water-soluble so don't use any soap.
@@tonyvaccarella5362 Thanks so much Tony for your response. Since the weather has cooled off here I've noticed a greater presence of Amine than during warmer temps. Seems there is always gremlin's out there to slow down progress! Best of luck on your build Tony.
I'm having the same issue on my boat build. Applied a coat of epoxy yesterday afternoon, temp was 72 degrees. Over night it went to mid 50's. This morning I planned on sanding in preparation of applying another coat, but it had alot of Amine blush on it. Wiped down the hull with Acetone with no effect. Googled it and it recommended warm soapy water and a scrub pad. I've done this twice with only marginal results. Any thoughts?
Hi Randy, I simply used warm water and a Scotch Brit pad. I'd give this another try and make sure you give it a good scrub. I was advised that the Amine is water-soluble so don't use any soap.
@@tonyvaccarella5362 Thanks so much Tony for your response. Since the weather has cooled off here I've noticed a greater presence of Amine than during warmer temps. Seems there is always gremlin's out there to slow down progress! Best of luck on your build Tony.
@@tonyvaccarella5362 Just finished scrubbing the hull and it came out perfect! So glad I watched your video Tony!
@@randyw6864 Randy - Im very happy that it helped.