You lucky! I went from "HORSES ARE MY LIFE!" (early teens) to not dare to come near to a horse... too many falls. As I never complained, teachers felt free to make me ride difficult horses nobody wanted to ride... I rode 20 years and didn't approach a horse these 15 last years. I don't even miss riding, but I like to watch equestrian videos sometimes. 😊
I was actually never scared to ride…I just wanted my teacher to actually TELL me something and not just walk beside me. She never really taught me anything, although I WAS still getting used to riding and teaching might have made it go too fast…wow. I really need to start riding lessons again.
that was the same with me i was so scared to get on the horse because they were so big and i was like taking big breaths cuz i was so scared now i just go "Okay im riding this horse" and jet on
No, because the best beginner riders are the younger ones, like really young, they don't say anything and just stare into your soul but they actually are interested in learning - even if their attention span only lasts for about 30 minutes and they grunt at you like little ogres.
It was always my dream to ride horses ever since I was a kid.. I loved horses so much. But I only got to take lessons when I was 19 years old because my parents were more financially stable. I definitely would have loved to start as a kid but I'm still happy I got to take lessons.
Oh such memories of the various riding students. I was way too polite to try arguing with the trainer about trotting lol. I was afraid I wouldn’t be allowed to be a barn helper if I argued. I think I learned more because of that 😂
My first instructor didn't actually let me get on a horse for the first 2 months. She taught me everything about caring for horses. How to lunge them. Feed and groom them, much stalls and gave me random quizzes about tack, supplements and such. She made my lessons either super early or super late, She said I wouldn't be able to handle a horse from the saddle if I didn't learn to handle it from the ground. in hindsight I think that was very good for me as a beginner rider. It definitely humbled me and showed me all the responsibility and knowledge that actually goes into horse riding. And the tests and lessons didn't stop once I eventually got on the saddle. Everytime I made a mistake she would make me get off the horse and jog the arena. I'm at a new stable now and I watch the beginners come to their lesson with the horse already tacked up. They do their lesson and leave without even taking the horse back to the stall. I find it sad. To them it's as if the horse is a furry bicycle. What's worse is that they show absolutely no interest in learning..
It's actually a really nice method. The more responsibility you give to a student, the more careful and independent they become. It's not for everyone, some just lose interest pretty fast.
SO MUCH YES! It's so sad that that's the exception, not the rule. NO ONE should be riding when they don't know how to work a horse safely on the ground before they get on its back. My former instructor always said that if you don't even know enough to tack up your own horse, you're not ready to ride. He never allowed anyone to get on a horse's back if until they could get it out of the stall, groom it, and tack it up properly. This is the kind of instruction I had as well, and it makes the education so much more complete.
No matter what I will ALWAYS offer too untack and rug up after lessons. I do stable management before hand so tack up and groom the horse anyways. It’s a good learning experience and also a way to help out the yard staff aswell as a time to further bond with the horse. I’m also applying to volunteer for further education for myself and to help the yard. I fell off and have been nervous for a bit since and also get nervous alone with horses in a stall sometimes. So this is a learning experience for me!
My instructor has me get the horse from the stall, groom, and tack it myself before we go to the arena. I also do the routine again after each lesson. I honestly look forward to it just as much as I do actually riding
Oh my goodness... lesson kids 😂 The most difficult are when siblings are in the lesson together and they're bickering the whole time.. This made me laugh!
That's valid tho. I'm not a trainer myself, but I had to help my trainer with a beginner lesson before. Holy crap, the two were sisters and were trying to outdo each other to the point where I had to get on one of the horses and do a full jumping course to "humble them," as my trainer said >0
What a sweet boy. Not everyone is meant to be a horse person. Honestly I don't have the patience for this. Kudos to the teachers that put up with this. You are saints.
I teach lessons. The second one you portrayed- the know it all… My worst nightmare. I am passive aggressive by nature. When they come knowing it all because they rode a pony at the fair, I want to hand them my large, strong, independent, delinquent Warmblood and tell them good luck. I don’t do that, but I won’t lie and say the thought never occurred to me. 😂
I don't teach riding lessons but, one time my little cousin came to were we keep ours horses and said "let go of me I already know how to ride" so I did it 🤣 I just let her alone riding the horse for 10 seconds and she was already begging me for help lol 😆 the horse was very calm and docile so she just didn't handled be alone for 10 sec and got scared lol
I have a horrible feeling that I was that know it all kid when I started lessons as a kid. I can't remember exactly how old I was, 8-9 I think? But I didn't believe I knew how to ride and act like I'd done it all, I'd just been a horse mad kid my entire life and read/watched/learned as much as I could about them, desperately wanted to ride/have a horse, and while parents were animal mad and we had a lot of animals, they'd never ridden/weren't horse people, so I was finally around people who also loved horses, and I'm sure I talked their ears off and asked a million and one questions! I know that I wanted to meet and ride every single horse there, and spent as many weekend days at the stables helping out as I could, even if it was just cleaning tack! While I wasn't able to afford to have a horse of my own, I'm still so grateful my parents paid for so many lessons and were so great about driving to and from the stables, knowing how much I loved it. I mostly remember the stable owner and staff being patient and kindly, with the odd snobby horse girl aside, and even having a great time leading beginners around in their first lessons.
My first lessons in 1971 I was put on a pony in a school and the instructor stood in the center and when it came time to trot he would crack a stock whip at the pony and I would bounce around , then after ten minutes warm up I was put on a lead rope and taken out with the group for an out ride with the mounted instructor leading my pony, and when trotting I would bounce around like a sack of potatoes feeling that I was about to fall off. I never did fall off, until years later a green horse excitedly bucked and unbalanced me. I hit the dirt but held onto the reins as I didn't want to lose the horse as we were in the African bush and the homestead was a long walk away. So I am being dragged along on my belly when a rear unshod hoof struck my head ( no helmet ) that's when I let go the reins. Happy memories.
I was very much the eager beginner. I already knew how to mount, posture, etc. because I had studied it so much, but I was very apt to learn everything possible. I absorbed literally every word my trainer said 😂
i am really hoping to begin lessons soon and this is definitely what i'll be like lol. i've ridden a couple times before but mostly i've been watching lots of equestrian content and learning everything i can 😅
I love how you guys are so dedicated entertain us. I really love that about this channel. You always have someone with you to make your videos that much more amazing- but with or without your friends we will always love you Marina!
Me, a student: I've seen many different types of riders, (As of almost six years of riding...) And I can say that there are soooo many types of beginners. Working with my trainer at a horse camp made me remember I was once one of them, and nothing you do can change that. Note: The acting was STELLAR
Thiss is so funny especially the “Do I hAvE tO rIdE hIm cAn I JuSt pEt hIm” Or the “Hes gOnNa bItE mE” Or the “i WaNnA gEt off” Or the “YoUr a LitTlE tO bIg fOr that” I’m laughing so hard
I loved this video you and the project equestrian AKA Brita do such a good job on them I'm so impressed everytime, I can't wait for next Tuesday!! Your vids always put a smile and sometimes laughter in my day thx, have a good rest of your day.🙂🙂
The fearless newbie should be one. Open to learning Knows they don't know everything Has horrible luck and gets thrown off Just gets back on without the box Has the most fun out of everyone
not me trying not to cry for the 2nd one i speant the whole time going : "Pull his head up put your heels down and for godsakes sit up before you go straight over his head!"
I think I will always go into everything with the mindset of “This is easy. I’m literally ready for anything.” But I’ve been riding for about a year and I have made tremendous progress, from almost falling off trotting to helping train horses in just 9 months😳 There’s a new quarter horse with a beautiful grey roan coat that is learning to jump. She’s a sweet horse and we (me and my 2 sisters, who have also been riding for a year) are helping to train her, but it isn’t our first time. We helped with Honey-Bunny (who we just call Bunny) and she has made lots of progress. But horses never stop learning.
I am a beginner rider. I started maybe 3 months ago and I'm barely off the lunge. I am very glad that my teachers are patient with me and explain everything i don't understand or do wrong (which can be a lot at times)
@@casimir970 I believe it has changed, yes. I can't remember having learned to ride with anyone scared of horses in general, nor speed or jumping. In fact, I was probably far more intimidated by my (honestly fantastic and mostly very sweet) instructor than I ever was of falling off. I would do whatever I was told, and mostly, I would do it with the outmost confidence that if my instructor told me to do it, that was how it was. No worries involved.
I’ve only done five lessons so far but never once was I scared for any of it besides loping. I didnt grow up with horses but when I was 9 I took small lessons just about grooming, feeding, cleaning their stalls and a bit of walk riding. now all I’ve really done is posting and trotting, but I do know a bit. it was common knowledge to not walk behind the horse, and to keep good posture when riding, and how to use a curry comb and stuff. I dont think theres anything to be scared about when riding, especially on a first lesson when you’ll most likely just be walking.
I went to a camp for horse riding when I was 10 or 9 and in a few days I was put into the intermediate or amateur level with other horse riders, I want to do it again but it was super expensive for my family 😔
2:08 I started riding when I was 8 and I was the opposite when I got to the cantering level (like a year and a half later) I literally told my trainer “CAN I GO BACK TO TROTTING THIS IS TOO SPEEDY” and she went “your not even cantering yet right now your only extended trot why don’t you speed up” yeah that was a scary time lol
2:30 with me I’m always like “yeah that was my fault” even if it wasn’t 😂 one time I was riding with another girl and she was all the way across the arena and got bucked off and I told my trainer it was my fault and my trainer just went “Mona what- how? Ok….”
Who remembers the first time they fell off there horse and what was your reaction mine was a blank stare then I just got up and yelled “rude!” To my lesson horse😂 I was 8 at the time and it’s just so funny
When I fell off for the first time I was 12, and it was my 2 English lesson, I asked her to canter and she spooked at the crop. (I didn’t hit her too hard, I just wasn’t used to a crop so I waved it in front of her eye on accident) and I fell. I looked at the saddle, which was on the side of her, and I go, “Daisy what the hell was that?” And Carson (she’s amazing) was like, “OMG ARE YOU OKAY!??” I didn’t get hurt, but if I hadn’t have had safety stirrups I would’ve broken my ankle.
What about the attentive and fascinated kids? I was one of those. I love horses but I've always been scared of falling off since the saddles shift as they move. But my curiosity and love for horses has always pushed through
I’ve been riding 6-7 years. I wasn’t like this I was extremely enthusiastic. I ride 3days a week and I have been for about a month! I’m so exited bc my love for horses is gigantic. Doing more than three days a week is kinda like a dream of mine. I’m eleven and I take care of 3-4 horse in those 3 days but it’s so fun and I love it. The smallest horse are named Harriet and Mia! They are both grey horses. And the bigger ones are cinders and rowan! I love them all and rowan is the biggest. Bc I’m not used to BIG horses I canter and lunge for the time being so I don’t get scared or get put off and some time in the future (very soon) , Ill canter around fields and won’t need the lunge rope! If I do 3 days a week for a year , this time next year (now- 25th October 2023, then- 25th October 2024) me and my mum are going to talk about renting a horse for a year or 2! This is so exiting to me and I hope other people are able to experience the joy I have when I’m with or even near horse. Bc my joy and love for horse is unexplainable and can’t be put into words bc horses mean so much to me! Thank you for reading ! Writing this and sharing my thoughts and joy with others is so helpful and gets a lot of my mind! I really do hope people have an amazing life bc I do when around and with horses. Horses are my life,family,joy and love. Feel free to like or dislike, reply or don’t reply, whatever your happy with and I’m not forcing you to do anything! Your amazing and you deserve the world, don’t let anyone upset you bc your the only person that dictates if your upset or not, or who upsets you. (Your the only person that can upset you!)
My mom wasn’t having any of these attitudes from me 😂 I had to learn to stay on bareback before I could have a saddle. Fell off lots but got back on. Was a great life lesson!
For some reason, I wasn't scared when I had my first riding lesson (holiday program) on this massive thoroughbred who was around 28 years old and had quite a bit of a temper, I thought I would be scared but I mounted up and just sat there like it was perfectly normal 🤣Even though I had never ridden before, I was completely relaxed in the walk😄. Until my instructor told one of the helpers to take me for a short trot without teaching me anything... I was totally not ready and thought I was going to get bounced off😂
My mother in law says i'm gonna end up being known as the second crazy horse lady because i first rid when i moved to the island at age 23. A huge Gyspsy cob mare. I tried to gallop because it looked fun, i flew over her neck as i didn't have the core strength to balance myself with her powerful step. I hurt my ankle. From that day she knew we were gonna get along well, as she told me. Rid again as soon as my ankle didn't hurt anymore, was a little bit nervous at the idea of galloping again so i did things nice and proper this time and trainned. Fast forward a couple months of riding and i decide i'll jump that tank of a mare. Now that was a bit scary, the feeling of the horse taking off is not what i'd expected. I haven't fallen again... yet. My following project was learning how to train horses from the start and i trainned my first one year after. Fast forward a few years and she has now told every one she knows that i'm about as insane as her and that i'm afraid of nothing. Which is untrue, i am very afraid of spiders. Which isn't very good when you like being in farms with horses. My current big thing i want to do is ride her friend's gigantic trotter horse. He's young, dumb, explosive and i fell in love with him, what and adorable stupid giant boy. Said friend thinks i'm crazy. I might be. But now i've taken it as a personal challenge to ride this horse and i will die doing it if i have to.
I wish I had had an instructor when learning to ride. The closest I had was my grandpa plopping me in the saddle, handing me the reins, and going "Pull this one to go left, the other one to go right, pull both to stop, kick him to go." And then taking his hat off and swatting the pony's hindquarters and yelling after us for me to figure out the rest on my own. I was 7. And of course I had no helmet, because this was the early 90s. Lucky for me that pony was a far more patient teacher. I probably would have been the beginner wanting to step up way too quickly, because five minutes later I was confidently cantering across the field. But yeah, thank the stars for Henry, that patient little schoolmaster of a Welsh pony.
Man sometimes the beginners annoy me because there like ahh it's so hight or like the horse is walking they say ahhh it's to fast, this is a good vid 😄😄😄
I went to horse riding lessons for about a week and it was very awkward because everyone there were little girls and I was the only teenage male in the place. Also they had to keep adjusting the stirrups because my legs were so long.
As someone who wants to get back into riding lessons so badly (but can’t afford it plus life is busy, I’m at that age) the owner’s daughter part made me so angry lol
When I started riding and I took lessons, I just listened to what they said/told me to do, and they said I was really good at it...the first ever horse I rode was named Banjo and she was a quarter
I've started doing riding lessons again. I used to ride a lot when i was younger until high school came along then i had to stop and years after. Last year i started a few lessons and consider myself a beginner. I have been open about how i used to ride so I technically know everything, just now i want to be able to do what i used to be able to do. I'm open about not understanding something or needing help. I'm slowly getting back my groove
I use the term "groundie" for someone who's never "been upstairs". This is mostly because I have ridden a horse exactly once in my entire life, when I was 4, as part of a family custom, & I like to gloat over city folk who haven't even done that. As a matter of fact, I am coming up right now with how I will approach my second riding lesson. I think the key is confidence & patience; the first rider lacked confidence, the second patience. I'll be like "they say that one never forgets how to ride a bicycle, & in my experience that's true". If the horse bolts, I can be trusted to do something crazy that will probably get me hurt, but it'll be worth it just to see the look on the instructor's face.
This is so funny…I don’t ride often…only on the rare occasions I meet someone who has a horse and is willing to let me ride it…but I am a natural…I recently rode a horse he was so sweet and well trained…I rode him on a road that was more of a highway (don’t recommend if you’re not used to horses and the horse is not used yo cars) But he was so amazing and beautiful, very calm and very responsive to my leadership one day I might get a horse of my own
I mean the owner's daughter isn't too bad- that just seems like a person who's being forced into something they don't want to do because of their parents
Brilliant. I think most general horse owners/riders, over estimate their ability, skills and knowledge, on the ground and in the saddle. Nobody is perfect and everybody makes mistakes. It is like passing your driving test. Just because you have passed, you will always still learning day to day. Riding the same horse everyday, is much different than riding different horses often.
i just had my best lesson! i took a level test and passed again! so now i either take one more test or i get into group lessons now! that appaloosa is adorable!!
@@kaleiah2800 yes they are! ive gotten to see some up close because my mom does group, and they are super fun because you basically do your own thing, and you get to canter arouund for like 5 mins straight!
"see one handed, ready for the olympics" absolutely killed me 🤣 when i was a beginner i was scared my very lazy pony was gonna take off or just canter instead of slow trot into the absolutely tiny jumps i was doing (after a few lessons) even tho i rode with ridiculously long reins anyway
Am I the only one who felt really sorry for Scaredy cat? 😄 Poor thing had probably been looking forward to her lesson for ages and now she hates herself. Aw.
I used to be the scaredy cat (I was actually sick and dizzy just sitting on an 18-hand, chilled draft horse) 😄 But the thing is, I was like that only because I was expected to mount a horse I didn't know well/didn't trust. I think with many scared riders, this is the issue- they have no bond with that horse and that's why they are scared. Now, I am a proud owner of a hyper intelligent mule which I love and trust (and he trusts me) and being around him is a completely different story.
@@jvnd2785 I'm the same! Though I fell off on my second lesson because the riding school I went to was crappy and that didn't help my nervousness. I'm much better now though lol
Theodore is such a solid little dude. i hope he got so many pets and praises (and probably a break, honestly) for being the best helper
I went from being to scared to get on a horse to “WOW I absolutely love horses!” In the span of about half and hour, the magic of riding.
You lucky! I went from "HORSES ARE MY LIFE!" (early teens) to not dare to come near to a horse... too many falls. As I never complained, teachers felt free to make me ride difficult horses nobody wanted to ride... I rode 20 years and didn't approach a horse these 15 last years. I don't even miss riding, but I like to watch equestrian videos sometimes. 😊
Same 😂
I was actually never scared to ride…I just wanted my teacher to actually TELL me something and not just walk beside me. She never really taught me anything, although I WAS still getting used to riding and teaching might have made it go too fast…wow. I really need to start riding lessons again.
that was the same with me i was so scared to get on the horse because they were so big and i was like taking big breaths cuz i was so scared now i just go "Okay im riding this horse" and jet on
No, because the best beginner riders are the younger ones, like really young, they don't say anything and just stare into your soul but they actually are interested in learning - even if their attention span only lasts for about 30 minutes and they grunt at you like little ogres.
That was me
It was always my dream to ride horses ever since I was a kid.. I loved horses so much. But I only got to take lessons when I was 19 years old because my parents were more financially stable. I definitely would have loved to start as a kid but I'm still happy I got to take lessons.
@@sacrilegioussasquatch That was also me, lol
It's a joke..
Oh such memories of the various riding students. I was way too polite to try arguing with the trainer about trotting lol. I was afraid I wouldn’t be allowed to be a barn helper if I argued. I think I learned more because of that 😂
I'm not a lesson instructor or advanced.. but I have to say, those heels hurt me.
same... I'm literally like 1 step above beginner I mean I literally just did my first trotting poles TODAY, but those heels... no
@@chaosqueen1703 Congrats on trotting poles!!
@@lunagamings9874 Thank you! Tbh they weren't even real trotting poles just logs layed out on the ground for me to trot over XD
My first instructor didn't actually let me get on a horse for the first 2 months. She taught me everything about caring for horses. How to lunge them. Feed and groom them, much stalls and gave me random quizzes about tack, supplements and such. She made my lessons either super early or super late, She said I wouldn't be able to handle a horse from the saddle if I didn't learn to handle it from the ground. in hindsight I think that was very good for me as a beginner rider. It definitely humbled me and showed me all the responsibility and knowledge that actually goes into horse riding. And the tests and lessons didn't stop once I eventually got on the saddle. Everytime I made a mistake she would make me get off the horse and jog the arena. I'm at a new stable now and I watch the beginners come to their lesson with the horse already tacked up. They do their lesson and leave without even taking the horse back to the stall. I find it sad. To them it's as if the horse is a furry bicycle. What's worse is that they show absolutely no interest in learning..
It's actually a really nice method. The more responsibility you give to a student, the more careful and independent they become.
It's not for everyone, some just lose interest pretty fast.
You're so right! You were taught really well.
SO MUCH YES! It's so sad that that's the exception, not the rule. NO ONE should be riding when they don't know how to work a horse safely on the ground before they get on its back. My former instructor always said that if you don't even know enough to tack up your own horse, you're not ready to ride. He never allowed anyone to get on a horse's back if until they could get it out of the stall, groom it, and tack it up properly. This is the kind of instruction I had as well, and it makes the education so much more complete.
No matter what I will ALWAYS offer too untack and rug up after lessons. I do stable management before hand so tack up and groom the horse anyways. It’s a good learning experience and also a way to help out the yard staff aswell as a time to further bond with the horse.
I’m also applying to volunteer for further education for myself and to help the yard. I fell off and have been nervous for a bit since and also get nervous alone with horses in a stall sometimes. So this is a learning experience for me!
My instructor has me get the horse from the stall, groom, and tack it myself before we go to the arena. I also do the routine again after each lesson. I honestly look forward to it just as much as I do actually riding
i just finished riding my ✨worst lesson ✨ of the year and i looked like a fool ✨i ride for 7 years ✨
I'm sure ur amazing 😍😍lessons like that r such a bummer but thankfully not every lessons like that 😅😅🤣
@@Thatholygal i had to read that twice to understand what you were trying to say-
Sorry 🤣if u can't already tell english isn't my strong point
@@Thatholygal You’re okay! I understood it the first time I read it, I don’t understand how they didn’t tbh, no offense to them
Haha relatable
"He's BOLTing....MOMMMMM!!!!" as the horse lazily inches forward a couple of steps 😅
Oh my goodness... lesson kids 😂 The most difficult are when siblings are in the lesson together and they're bickering the whole time..
This made me laugh!
Haha, that was my older sister and I when we were younger. That was until our Trainer threatened to make us ride double. 😅
@@kelseycarlson9696 😂 Thats a brilliant tactic!! 🤣
That's valid tho. I'm not a trainer myself, but I had to help my trainer with a beginner lesson before. Holy crap, the two were sisters and were trying to outdo each other to the point where I had to get on one of the horses and do a full jumping course to "humble them," as my trainer said >0
@@wingsofatlantis Haha!! Seriously, it's wild out there 😂
@@bethanys-herd frfr LOL
I'm just amazed at the patience of the horses used in these videos..
The horse I usually ride would get super annoyed if I did these things, not just walk around all chill lol
What a sweet boy.
Not everyone is meant to be a horse person.
Honestly I don't have the patience for this. Kudos to the teachers that put up with this. You are saints.
I teach lessons. The second one you portrayed- the know it all… My worst nightmare. I am passive aggressive by nature. When they come knowing it all because they rode a pony at the fair, I want to hand them my large, strong, independent, delinquent Warmblood and tell them good luck. I don’t do that, but I won’t lie and say the thought never occurred to me. 😂
I don't teach riding lessons but, one time my little cousin came to were we keep ours horses and said "let go of me I already know how to ride" so I did it 🤣 I just let her alone riding the horse for 10 seconds and she was already begging me for help lol 😆 the horse was very calm and docile so she just didn't handled be alone for 10 sec and got scared lol
They are just kids.
I have a horrible feeling that I was that know it all kid when I started lessons as a kid. I can't remember exactly how old I was, 8-9 I think? But I didn't believe I knew how to ride and act like I'd done it all, I'd just been a horse mad kid my entire life and read/watched/learned as much as I could about them, desperately wanted to ride/have a horse, and while parents were animal mad and we had a lot of animals, they'd never ridden/weren't horse people, so I was finally around people who also loved horses, and I'm sure I talked their ears off and asked a million and one questions! I know that I wanted to meet and ride every single horse there, and spent as many weekend days at the stables helping out as I could, even if it was just cleaning tack!
While I wasn't able to afford to have a horse of my own, I'm still so grateful my parents paid for so many lessons and were so great about driving to and from the stables, knowing how much I loved it. I mostly remember the stable owner and staff being patient and kindly, with the odd snobby horse girl aside, and even having a great time leading beginners around in their first lessons.
My first lessons in 1971 I was put on a pony in a school and the instructor stood in the center and when it came time to trot he would crack a stock whip at the pony and I would bounce around , then after ten minutes warm up I was put on a lead rope and taken out with the group for an out ride with the mounted instructor leading my pony, and when trotting I would bounce around like a sack of potatoes feeling that I was about to fall off. I never did fall off, until years later a green horse excitedly bucked and unbalanced me. I hit the dirt but held onto the reins as I didn't want to lose the horse as we were in the African bush and the homestead was a long walk away. So I am being dragged along on my belly when a rear unshod hoof struck my head ( no helmet ) that's when I let go the reins. Happy memories.
I was very much the eager beginner. I already knew how to mount, posture, etc. because I had studied it so much, but I was very apt to learn everything possible. I absorbed literally every word my trainer said 😂
I was too! 😊😂
i am really hoping to begin lessons soon and this is definitely what i'll be like lol. i've ridden a couple times before but mostly i've been watching lots of equestrian content and learning everything i can 😅
@@navareeves8976 aww, that’s awesome!! i really hope that dream comes true for you!!
@@BlueberryMuffinBesties thank you so much!
@@navareeves8976 ofc!!
What a beautiful leopard horse!
All your lesson horses are soo patient.
I love how you guys are so dedicated entertain us. I really love that about this channel. You always have someone with you to make your videos that much more amazing- but with or without your friends we will always love you Marina!
Me, a student:
I've seen many different types of riders, (As of almost six years of riding...) And I can say that there are soooo many types of beginners. Working with my trainer at a horse camp made me remember I was once one of them, and nothing you do can change that.
Note: The acting was STELLAR
“Woah he’s bolting, OH MY GOSH!!” Lol
Thiss is so funny especially the
“Do I hAvE tO rIdE hIm cAn I JuSt pEt hIm”
Or the “Hes gOnNa bItE mE”
Or the “i WaNnA gEt off”
Or the “YoUr a LitTlE tO bIg fOr that”
I’m laughing so hard
😂I love those lines!❤
My gosh I love your horse, my guy is just sitting there like “We done yet? *itch itch itch* how much longer? *yawn*”
The beginner who thinks they aren't I HAVE MET SO MANY PEOPLE LIKE THIS ITS NOT FUNNY! great job soooo funny good job Britta!
Awesome video as always! Glad you seem to be doing better! And I want Jaegar! Haha! He is a trooper for a green horse!
I love how she said “this I kind of scary , what if I fall off” 😂😂😂 welcome to equestrianism 😂😂😂😂😂
3:50 cutenes overload! awwwwwwww ♥
I loved this video you and the project equestrian AKA Brita do such a good job on them I'm so impressed everytime, I can't wait for next Tuesday!! Your vids always put a smile and sometimes laughter in my day thx, have a good rest of your day.🙂🙂
The fearless newbie should be one.
Open to learning
Knows they don't know everything
Has horrible luck and gets thrown off
Just gets back on without the box
Has the most fun out of everyone
I was totally the kid who thought they knew everything 😂
That appaloosa was gorgeous!
Man, I wish my first riding teacher was that patient. She yelled at me during my first lesson because I was confused about how I should hold the reins
not me trying not to cry for the 2nd one i speant the whole time going : "Pull his head up put your heels down and for godsakes sit up before you go straight over his head!"
3:07 the trainer literally checks the watch that isn’t there
The owners daughter was spot on lol
When I started, I was the quiet one that just listened.
I think I will always go into everything with the mindset of “This is easy. I’m literally ready for anything.” But I’ve been riding for about a year and I have made tremendous progress, from almost falling off trotting to helping train horses in just 9 months😳
There’s a new quarter horse with a beautiful grey roan coat that is learning to jump. She’s a sweet horse and we (me and my 2 sisters, who have also been riding for a year) are helping to train her, but it isn’t our first time. We helped with Honey-Bunny (who we just call Bunny) and she has made lots of progress.
But horses never stop learning.
Haha love it, when people freak out and say '' HES MOVING AHHH!!!!'' I say well we would have a bigger problem if he wasn't 🤣
I am a beginner rider. I started maybe 3 months ago and I'm barely off the lunge. I am very glad that my teachers are patient with me and explain everything i don't understand or do wrong (which can be a lot at times)
This is so accurate! xD
Why is the scaredy cat like over 50% of all kids nowadays, though? (:
Because kids are snowflakes these days. They need to toughen up a bit.
Nowadays? Was it different before? But yeah can confirm I was the scaredy cat for a bit 😭
@@casimir970 I believe it has changed, yes. I can't remember having learned to ride with anyone scared of horses in general, nor speed or jumping. In fact, I was probably far more intimidated by my (honestly fantastic and mostly very sweet) instructor than I ever was of falling off. I would do whatever I was told, and mostly, I would do it with the outmost confidence that if my instructor told me to do it, that was how it was. No worries involved.
@@hannebryhn6404 ohh, I wish I could relate to that. :')
I’ve only done five lessons so far but never once was I scared for any of it besides loping. I didnt grow up with horses but when I was 9 I took small lessons just about grooming, feeding, cleaning their stalls and a bit of walk riding. now all I’ve really done is posting and trotting, but I do know a bit. it was common knowledge to not walk behind the horse, and to keep good posture when riding, and how to use a curry comb and stuff. I dont think theres anything to be scared about when riding, especially on a first lesson when you’ll most likely just be walking.
I went to a camp for horse riding when I was 10 or 9 and in a few days I was put into the intermediate or amateur level with other horse riders, I want to do it again but it was super expensive for my family 😔
2:08 I started riding when I was 8 and I was the opposite when I got to the cantering level (like a year and a half later) I literally told my trainer “CAN I GO BACK TO TROTTING THIS IS TOO SPEEDY” and she went “your not even cantering yet right now your only extended trot why don’t you speed up” yeah that was a scary time lol
2:30 with me I’m always like “yeah that was my fault” even if it wasn’t 😂 one time I was riding with another girl and she was all the way across the arena and got bucked off and I told my trainer it was my fault and my trainer just went “Mona what- how? Ok….”
Beginners are a whole different breed-
The scaredy cat is the most accurate😂
A hoot!! Love both your channels! 😂❤❤
Who remembers the first time they fell off there horse and what was your reaction mine was a blank stare then I just got up and yelled “rude!” To my lesson horse😂 I was 8 at the time and it’s just so funny
I fell of cried and then got a
Rosette 🏵️ and laughing
When I fell off for the first time I was 12, and it was my 2 English lesson, I asked her to canter and she spooked at the crop. (I didn’t hit her too hard, I just wasn’t used to a crop so I waved it in front of her eye on accident) and I fell. I looked at the saddle, which was on the side of her, and I go, “Daisy what the hell was that?” And Carson (she’s amazing) was like, “OMG ARE YOU OKAY!??” I didn’t get hurt, but if I hadn’t have had safety stirrups I would’ve broken my ankle.
What about the attentive and fascinated kids? I was one of those. I love horses but I've always been scared of falling off since the saddles shift as they move. But my curiosity and love for horses has always pushed through
Can u plz!!! Post a update on u and the horses gypsy been here since u got zinny!!!
Gurl he just is walking chill 0:38
I’ve been riding 6-7 years. I wasn’t like this I was extremely enthusiastic. I ride 3days a week and I have been for about a month! I’m so exited bc my love for horses is gigantic. Doing more than three days a week is kinda like a dream of mine. I’m eleven and I take care of 3-4 horse in those 3 days but it’s so fun and I love it. The smallest horse are named Harriet and Mia! They are both grey horses. And the bigger ones are cinders and rowan! I love them all and rowan is the biggest. Bc I’m not used to BIG horses I canter and lunge for the time being so I don’t get scared or get put off and some time in the future (very soon) , Ill canter around fields and won’t need the lunge rope! If I do 3 days a week for a year , this time next year (now- 25th October 2023, then- 25th October 2024) me and my mum are going to talk about renting a horse for a year or 2! This is so exiting to me and I hope other people are able to experience the joy I have when I’m with or even near horse. Bc my joy and love for horse is unexplainable and can’t be put into words bc horses mean so much to me! Thank you for reading ! Writing this and sharing my thoughts and joy with others is so helpful and gets a lot of my mind! I really do hope people have an amazing life bc I do when around and with horses. Horses are my life,family,joy and love. Feel free to like or dislike, reply or don’t reply, whatever your happy with and I’m not forcing you to do anything! Your amazing and you deserve the world, don’t let anyone upset you bc your the only person that dictates if your upset or not, or who upsets you. (Your the only person that can upset you!)
My mom wasn’t having any of these attitudes from me 😂 I had to learn to stay on bareback before I could have a saddle. Fell off lots but got back on. Was a great life lesson!
i wish i was taught bare back first, it seems so cool!
“I think I broke my toe” 😂
Begginers:do u have a pony, I think horses are to big for me
Equestrians: the smaller the more devilish
For some reason, I wasn't scared when I had my first riding lesson (holiday program) on this massive thoroughbred who was around 28 years old and had quite a bit of a temper, I thought I would be scared but I mounted up and just sat there like it was perfectly normal 🤣Even though I had never ridden before, I was completely relaxed in the walk😄. Until my instructor told one of the helpers to take me for a short trot without teaching me anything... I was totally not ready and thought I was going to get bounced off😂
can you do one of the perfect lesson student? i need to make sure that i can be that one lol.
Pay attention and do what you're told, and you're probably good xD
@@hannebryhn6404 hehe i try lol
“HeLp HeS bUlTiNg”😂
My mother in law says i'm gonna end up being known as the second crazy horse lady because i first rid when i moved to the island at age 23. A huge Gyspsy cob mare. I tried to gallop because it looked fun, i flew over her neck as i didn't have the core strength to balance myself with her powerful step. I hurt my ankle. From that day she knew we were gonna get along well, as she told me.
Rid again as soon as my ankle didn't hurt anymore, was a little bit nervous at the idea of galloping again so i did things nice and proper this time and trainned. Fast forward a couple months of riding and i decide i'll jump that tank of a mare. Now that was a bit scary, the feeling of the horse taking off is not what i'd expected.
I haven't fallen again... yet. My following project was learning how to train horses from the start and i trainned my first one year after.
Fast forward a few years and she has now told every one she knows that i'm about as insane as her and that i'm afraid of nothing.
Which is untrue, i am very afraid of spiders. Which isn't very good when you like being in farms with horses.
My current big thing i want to do is ride her friend's gigantic trotter horse. He's young, dumb, explosive and i fell in love with him, what and adorable stupid giant boy. Said friend thinks i'm crazy. I might be. But now i've taken it as a personal challenge to ride this horse and i will die doing it if i have to.
I wish I had had an instructor when learning to ride. The closest I had was my grandpa plopping me in the saddle, handing me the reins, and going "Pull this one to go left, the other one to go right, pull both to stop, kick him to go." And then taking his hat off and swatting the pony's hindquarters and yelling after us for me to figure out the rest on my own.
I was 7. And of course I had no helmet, because this was the early 90s.
Lucky for me that pony was a far more patient teacher. I probably would have been the beginner wanting to step up way too quickly, because five minutes later I was confidently cantering across the field.
But yeah, thank the stars for Henry, that patient little schoolmaster of a Welsh pony.
Personally i think Theodore is adorable and a perfect name
He’s a great horse!! Britta has done such a good job with his training
It’s a honor to see my friends comment get replied by u
Man sometimes the beginners annoy me because there like ahh it's so hight or like the horse is walking they say ahhh it's to fast, this is a good vid 😄😄😄
You both have amazing hair!!!:o
Can we pleaseeeeee have a update on the mustangs and the big trial ride???? Btw I love your videos and they r sooooo relatable
This is so funny lol!! So true!
It's like the old video you made about
Different girls at a horse camp😂
You guys are so funny I love your channel so much and you have gorgeous horses 😍😍😍
I went to horse riding lessons for about a week and it was very awkward because everyone there were little girls and I was the only teenage male in the place. Also they had to keep adjusting the stirrups because my legs were so long.
As someone who wants to get back into riding lessons so badly (but can’t afford it plus life is busy, I’m at that age) the owner’s daughter part made me so angry lol
When even the mic can’t handle beginner rider
Great video! But why no wide eyed, super excited kid who's just bursting with questions? Because that was me 😅... I must've been so annoying.
I was nervous but very excited for my first time. I’m working on trotting and moving up to loping now! :3
love your videos! please do an update of your accident!
Yes, please do an update!
I was scared and had to switch ponies to a smaller one vs now I ride a mare thats still learning so there has been big improvement over the last 2 yrs
When I started riding and I took lessons, I just listened to what they said/told me to do, and they said I was really good at it...the first ever horse I rode was named Banjo and she was a quarter
love it marina!!!!
Love all your videos!!!
today is my first horse riding class and i think i will be like that
I've started doing riding lessons again. I used to ride a lot when i was younger until high school came along then i had to stop and years after. Last year i started a few lessons and consider myself a beginner. I have been open about how i used to ride so I technically know everything, just now i want to be able to do what i used to be able to do. I'm open about not understanding something or needing help.
I'm slowly getting back my groove
I use the term "groundie" for someone who's never "been upstairs".
This is mostly because I have ridden a horse exactly once in my entire life, when I was 4, as part of a family custom, & I like to gloat over city folk who haven't even done that.
As a matter of fact, I am coming up right now with how I will approach my second riding lesson. I think the key is confidence & patience; the first rider lacked confidence, the second patience. I'll be like "they say that one never forgets how to ride a bicycle, & in my experience that's true". If the horse bolts, I can be trusted to do something crazy that will probably get me hurt, but it'll be worth it just to see the look on the instructor's face.
You nailed my 11yo daughter in the second one!! Spot on! Well done.
Please do a part 2!!!!
I was so excited to start taking lessons because I've always loved horses
the first time I rode I horse I realized how strong they actually were xd. it scared the crap outta me when it got spooked by somethin
I love ur vids 😂 your making my day better every time
This is so funny…I don’t ride often…only on the rare occasions I meet someone who has a horse and is willing to let me ride it…but I am a natural…I recently rode a horse he was so sweet and well trained…I rode him on a road that was more of a highway
(don’t recommend if you’re not used to horses and the horse is not used yo cars)
But he was so amazing and beautiful, very calm and very responsive to my leadership
one day I might get a horse of my own
I mean the owner's daughter isn't too bad- that just seems like a person who's being forced into something they don't want to do because of their parents
i love horses
Brilliant. I think most general horse owners/riders, over estimate their ability, skills and knowledge, on the ground and in the saddle. Nobody is perfect and everybody makes mistakes. It is like passing your driving test. Just because you have passed, you will always still learning day to day.
Riding the same horse everyday, is much different than riding different horses often.
So cute!! I love Appaloosas!!
the scaredy cat one is honestly so funny i didnt even do that when i first rode lol!
i just had my best lesson! i took a level test and passed again! so now i either take one more test or i get into group lessons now! that appaloosa is adorable!!
group lessons seem incredibly fun, I cant wait to do it someday
@@kaleiah2800 yes they are! ive gotten to see some up close because my mom does group, and they are super fun because you basically do your own thing, and you get to canter arouund for like 5 mins straight!
I wanna see a part two for sure
I love the videos! I actually just got back from riding when this was posted😋
The fact the words are on says instead of “don’t let him eat the grass” if said “don’t let him eat your ass” 😂😂
I thought I was gonna be a scardey cat… but I wouldnt be THAT bad 😂
Same lol. I wasn't screaming or anything but I was definitely really nervous lol
This was so funny 😂
Hi, its my birthday today and you made it 1000% better thank you!
what kind is that horse Im looking for a horse and that horse is like so pretty and looks go for me
I´m the type of beginner who can´t stop talking to the horse like how handsome, amazing, cute, incredible the horse is hahahaha
"see one handed, ready for the olympics" absolutely killed me 🤣
when i was a beginner i was scared my very lazy pony was gonna take off or just canter instead of slow trot into the absolutely tiny jumps i was doing (after a few lessons) even tho i rode with ridiculously long reins anyway
Am I the only one who felt really sorry for Scaredy cat? 😄 Poor thing had probably been looking forward to her lesson for ages and now she hates herself. Aw.
Actually, I felt sorry for the poor horse who she probably annoyed the poop out of.
@@janc8199 Me too, but he seemed fairly resigned to his fate!
I used to be the scaredy cat (I was actually sick and dizzy just sitting on an 18-hand, chilled draft horse) 😄 But the thing is, I was like that only because I was expected to mount a horse I didn't know well/didn't trust. I think with many scared riders, this is the issue- they have no bond with that horse and that's why they are scared. Now, I am a proud owner of a hyper intelligent mule which I love and trust (and he trusts me) and being around him is a completely different story.
@@jvnd2785 I'm the same! Though I fell off on my second lesson because the riding school I went to was crappy and that didn't help my nervousness. I'm much better now though lol
@@casimir970, good to hear that.
I think we need a part 2❤
What breed is the one that has spots I am really interested in knowing