Holli + Huckleberry You should tint your windows and use all black curtains. Those multi color curtains are a dead give away that someone's sleeping in their car. Stealth is name of the game.
Holli + Huckleberry question what if you have a portable potty...where can you empty?? Some say wawa is good to use??which I've been doing every 4days but is there other places/public restroom??
Pro Tip-If you do want to use your phone just turn the brightness down. Since its dark you can turn it all the way down and still see what you're watching just fine and it wont cast a light that can be seen from outside.
A few years ago I had too sleep in my car in Cincinnati's Walmart parking lot. The were so nice it was unbelievable it got me thinking... I could totally do this full time. It changed my prespective.
I stayed in my VW station wagon for one month, fell on some hard times. I stayed in the suburbs of Los Angeles and always parked on the street. I did research before hand and if you park near apartments, no one will really notice your car, since there are so many different people coming and going. I also knew the area, so I parked in relatively safe areas. About the pee issue: There is no way I can make it through the night without having to go, so I purchased a large plastic pitcher with a good lid. I could actually go in the back seat floor behind the privacy curtain. I'm a girl, so this takes some work, lol. I closed it up and would take it to McDonald"s (in a bag) and dump it in the toilet. This might sound gross, but it worked for me. I had a gym membership for the rest of my needs. I hope this advise helps someone.
Laurie C I love hearing your experience!! That’s amazing. I also stealth camped once in LA and also felt very safe, I did have to pee so bad in the morning but I parked around the block from a. Starbucks and it worked out alright 👌
Hi Holli, I'm investigating the subject again, because I'm considering getting a van and traveling around the country. It might take a few years to get it all together, but I would love the adventure. Take care (:
I stealth camp/ live in my car. I have a small pee bucket. It’s hard because it is a sedan, but I def wake up needing to go and have worked on how to. I mostly sleep in neighborhoods, but I’m local so I feel pretty safe on where I can and cannot park to sleep.
Laurie Castro You saved yourself alot money making our lady urinal. They have them in the magazines like Dr Lenards. Their around 10.00. You have apitcher with a lid.for a couple of dollars. Thats actually really cleaver.You did what you had to go do until things got better for you.
If I don't see any RVs or obvious stealth campers, I look for trucks lined up for the night along the side of the parking lot. I figure, if the big rigs can spend the night there, I'm not going to have any trouble in my small, kinda stealthy, van. As a guy, it's easy enough for me to pee into an appropriate receptacle in my van, so I don't worry about dehydrating myself. In fact, I enjoy a night cap of scotch.
I'm a truck driver an not all ways I have learned that over time it's not the wal marts that dont allow over nite but the city an towns if you go in an ask they will say yes but the city or town police can come in an make you move
@phil mcrotch no but it gives you a reason and the right to be there lol. Walk your fat butt to the library and get yourself educated. I would say Google it but you look like you need the exercise 😂
There was a trailor fire and no insurance. My wife was doing 45 days in jail but I had a truck with a topper. I slept in back and worked and saved $1600 by time she was released. I have a PAYED off house now.
You saved 1600 in 45 days on single income. Theres no way in hell you have a paid off house. 1600 in over a month is barely enough to cover 1 months rent for one person. Who you trying to fool dude
I'm glad to see that I'm not the only one doing bathroom prep before the overnight. Just fyi: The restrooms in the back of the store are the most used by employees so they tend to be cleaner and usually between 10-1030pm is when the Walmart maintenance people clean the restrooms. They clean them once an hour but during 10-11 pm both the day and night management is there doing business meetings and so because of this, the restrooms are the cleanest at that hour.
We stayed in a Walmart parking lot once in our RV. I went in and asked the manager if it was ok and it was - no problem. Why not just ask and then no worries.
I do several long trips from Indy to Montana at least twice a year.... I use to work for a hotel chain. Hotel parking lots are way safer! Most properties have cameras on the lots. Hotel lobbies and onsite 24 restaurants provide bathrooms. Sometimes I just need a 6 hour nap... you might give hotel lots a try. 😉
Yea I call BS. Most hotels ask for your license plate so they can tow any unregistered vehicle. And the ones that dont are extremely ghetto and unsafe.
Transition Point who cares? Well, I definitely hope not her if she is not informed and ends up in jail for lack of information ^^ if you wanna risk it, enjoy yourself even in case of prison
If you find a public storage without owners living on site just get locked in after the gates are locked. Stay in your car dont get out till morning safest bet . I been there done that
I’ve lived in my Dodge Journey for four years now. I LOVE IT!! I’m always innovating to make life more comfortable. Save your money for the free hotel breakfasts. I’m a guy so I’ve found the purchasing of an Arizona Ice Tea bottle at dollar tree makes for a great piss bottle. You shouldn’t limit yourself, but continue to look for alternative ways to go about what u enjoy. Adapt Improvise and Overcome.
I’m old enough to be your Granny and I’m proud of you! I wish I had that courage when I was younger. Now my knee’s hurt to bad 🤪I’ll keep you in the light, translation, I’ll pray for you. You get it girl! I can’t wait to hear more about your adventures. Your new Auntie P
If I'm not old enough at 66 to be her granddad, I'm certainly more than old enough to be her dad (old enough to be her dad's much older brother, maybe?), and when I retire in about four or five years, I intend to get me a minivan or SUV and a few accessories and hit the road.
Being single and loving the outdoors (camping hiking). I just fell in love with the simplicity of van life. Great video. Thanks fir for the advice. Ill definitely invest in a taser and pepper spray. 😁
I never wake up in the middle of night needing to pee. I can even drink minutes before going to sleep. I sleep through the night...7-9 hours straight. I usually do go and use the restroom in the Walmart before going to sleep though. Just make sure they are not cleaning the parking lot....they'll do figure eights around your vehicle with the cleaner vehicle and you will never get to sleep.
I stayed at the same Walmart for 4 months in my dodge van. Never had a problem. I used a big buddy heater in sub zero temperatures. Was comfortable. Heating it cost like $100+ month.
I stayed at a Walmart and made friends with the security guard that drives around the lot at night. It was sort of funny, as he liked to talk a lot. I certainly felt extra secure. He did tell me that I was only supposed to stay no more than 3 nights. I went back a year later, he was gone, It wasn't a 24-hour store anymore and I don't think they were letting people stay there at night.
tom ruth Exactly. Once they know you, generally they are really cool. Just park in the back and don't disturb others. Of course, buying stuff there all the time also lets the other staff know you are not up to no good.
We started out in cold weather it was oki until ice storm came through. The trick is to park in full sun during daylight bc it will warm up inside...at night put up thick rugs over your windows but leave a crack...also invest in carbon and fire alarms. We gave up using propane heat bc of that reason had we not had the carbon alarm we probably wouldn't be here today. We layered up at night keeping hands feet and neck warmer its a must. Always keep them warm. I grew up dirt poor off the grid so i learned a few things but alot of people today have never had to deal with it or experience it. Do research don't be helpless especially with hard times ahead . This winter i plan on being in the south and having wood heat.
interesting! regarding peeing at night, you are better off drinking water than juice or caffeine and a peebottle with a tight fitting lid and a ladies urinary device can be very handy. I carcamp with the hubby and we actually have a diaper bucket(lid seals when closed) which we both use...a leakproof plastic bag lines it,sawdust for treating the contents and we tie the bag shut and put it in the bin when we find a suitable one. I used to think that was a bit strange but it is exaclty what dog walkers do with their dog poo bags . You can get biodegradable bags but dont buy them in bulk because they degrade quite quickly and become useless.
There's an app called roadbreakers.com,the app is on Google play. It tells you what places allow truckers and RVs to park overnight and the users are always adding places,and it tells you which places are quiet, clean, safe, and which ones will have you towed!
I know the feeling of getting busted although I wasn’t camping or living in my car when it happened. I was driving home from work one night and was so tired I just couldn’t go any further. I pulled into a hospital parking lot and went to sleep on the steering wheel. 2 hours later I had security beating on my window and a flashlight in my face. I wasn’t even aware of my surroundings but I remember he just kept saying “you can’t sleep here” until I left. Be safe.
Good tips! I have driven cross country 3 times, as a solo, once . Every night I stopped driving , I would call 5 people (mom, 2 sisters and 2 friends) to let them know where I was. I would love to take to the road again, you meet so many interesting people. Stay safe be happy.
A good alternative to pepper spray is the 20' wasp spray. You can accidentally spray yourself with pepper spray especially if its windy but the wasp spray shoots out a stream and goes a long distance. Hit someone in the face/eyes and it should blind them long enough to get away. The long range of the wasp spray lets you get to them before they get close enough to grab you.
Love you're video!! I'll be living in my car starting July 31st of this year I'm so excited for my lease to my apartment to be up! I have a SUV a 01 BMW x5 you should Tint your windows my windows are tinted on my car but I have blacked out curtains that I'm going to set up in my car for the time being. I'm doing to save money to buy me a completely new car pay off things on my credit report and just really save money before I decide to get another apartment im paying 880 a month in rent right now ugh! But yes im soooo excited to live in my SUV. I lived in my 05 ford taurus last time for 3months lol that back seat is so uncomfortable and walmarts are my fav and you are so right about checking the ratings. Good luck on your journey!
Great video! I'd definitely like to hear more about prepping your car for nighttime! Have you ever had trouble regarding the "curtains"? They are usually not very stealthy ;)
Always love your videos, they seem super thought out and planned and very informative! Currently thinking of living in my van this spring to save money, thanks for the info Holli!
Very tolerant in America but its a big country. In the UK if you tried to overnight stay in the equivalent, if you didn't get a parking ticket or the shop security bang on your windows to tell you to leave the police would tow you away to a police impound with a hefty fine. Or worse still if you picked the wrong area a group of youths would smash the van up & as a girl it doesn't bare thinking off what they would do. I personally think its great that you are able to freely and safely overnight park without any hassle. You can overnight park in the UK but have to be more particular about where.
Thanks Holli + Huckleberry! Love your energy and thanks for the tips about the Walmart rating for deciding about overnighting decisions! Never thought about this. Thanks :)
This was a very insperatiol video,ive seen other videos and iam working on my jeep to try it,and you have given me a few ideas,along with a beautiful smile,thank you✌
Try and get a portable pottie. Then that way you won't have to stop to find a bathroom. I wish you good luck in your travels. Thank you for sharing your videos and stay safe.
Those curtains look really thin and if you use a light source in the minivan, I can guarantee someone will see you from the outside. Better to tint your windows and use thicker or better cloth.
I've actually almost got towed by sleeping at a "no overnight parking" Walmart. A tow truck came and hooked up the guy next to me then the I saw them looking through my window so I got out of there as fast as I could! I usually go to Walmart for dinner, buy food then either eat or cook it in my car an I use my phone all the time when I'm parked here and have never had an issue with that but I never use my phone if I'm doing street parking or at a hotel or something.
Jillian D omg that’s so scary! I’m glad you got away and told me your experience! Your last statement I agree on too, I got super comfortable in Walmarts throughout my last trip, other places you gotta be a NINJA
I've been car/van camping off and on for the last 3 years. Some advice I can pass along is: Almost all of your "coastal" states will take issue to you parking overnight at Walmarts. Especially Florida and California. I try to make it a point to go 20 or so miles inland away from Walmarts near the beaches. Unfortunately everybody gathering in one place tends to bring its own problems with local residents. I have spent many a night, at many a Walmart and so far have only had a knock on my door by a security officer informing me that, that Walmart closed at midnight. In general, if you make it a point to stay at Walmarts in the suburbs of cities and not the cities themselves, you never get bothered. Sorry to see you almost got towed.
I was sleeping in my truck at a local walmart a few nights ago. I have seen rv's and cars parked in the back where the semi trucks park and thought it safe. I went to sleep and was woken up at 5:30 am to a bump on my truck! My first thought was I'm getting towed! I quickly pulled my curtain down and saw a guy looking at the front of my truck so I got out with my sleepy hair and socks and said hi. The guy was just tired and bumped me while backing into the spot in front of me. Phew! Back to bed with a pounding heart in my chest, good luck sleeping after that.
I once got knock on my window. I was trying to spend the night in there while on vacation. The security said that this area is not safe and he would not recommend staying there😱😱😱It was scarry. And I left.
My dad does this in his truck and there’s a cover over his bed. He stays in Walmart’s half the time since the company contract allows it for majority of them. He also stays in National forests and I worry about him a lot but I’m glad there is a way for people to stay safe while being homeless
I can not believe i only just found your channel now! you are so positive and just fun to watch and learn from. I've been planning on traveling on the road for such a while, you are an inspiration !
The Walmart in my town actually has a separate parking lot for RV's and campers . It's further from the store but it'll hold at least 20-30 big RV's and more smaller campers and vans. It's used as a car show parking lot during the summer months during the daytime on the weekends. However there's a lot of travelers that come thru b/c we have a lot of parks, state parks, and boaters that come and go during spring and summer.
"Hola!" sweet Huckleberry...The simple things of living human on the road, loved it! so appreciative that you shared this knowledge...let's not be surprised that others do need this kind of assistance..you are love and loved by many :D
Good stuff! Sleeping at a walmart is weird at first, but I got use to it pretty quick. Most Walmarts don't bother you as long as you don't draw attention to yourself seems like
Hey, as someone who has slept in and lived in their vehicle, I can really appreciate your video. I do feel like you should maybe mention the direction in which you park. Living in the south, this can be very important, as it can get pretty hot.
Good info and video, thanks. I have been sleeping in my car for almost a year now locally and I agree you have to be considerate. If I use someone's bathroom I always make sure I buy a coffee or something off the shelf. It creates Good Karma. I use a down pillow, a down blanket which I fold in half with a wool blanket in the middle. Works very well in 10 degrees.
Good set up there... Good info before bed... I would make sure I had all dark out curtains and that they cover all windows good... maybe you do have but I did not see them shown...
Do you have a *bugout bag* and what's your *survival plan* if something should happen if the *SHTF* where you've been *separated* from your vehicle and or if your vehicle is *disabled* and there's no one to help? 💩⚠😨💥
Hi Holli! Nice video, besides you hit everything that Ive done when I became homeless! But I was at a truck stop and stayed there for a year but moved around before finding that I could stay there and worked besides! A lot to share though! Great job, be safe have fun!
I thought it was cute and I like her style of demonstrating with the voice over. I do appreciate her insights and hearing her preferences as far as how and where to park within the Walmart lot. Definitely useful. You have to watch many different videos to gain varied useful information so this was absolutely helpful. Not sure if I can do this in my altima. Would rather get a van. We shall see.
When one lives in the US all these things are possible. We can never dream to live "free" as I call it here in the Caribbean. You'll have so many options at your disposal!
Hello! You are my doppelganger! I am from MN also, and have spent lots of time and travels in my explorer doing the exact same things as You! I usually fly solo and that's becuase everyone thinks I'm crazy, lol. It would be awesome to grab a beer and socialize with a like minded person! So happy to have found your channel!
In Vancouver BC we can Black out all but the front door glass and windshield we can even do the top 8 inches. Most people still do 50 percent on the door glass.
A town where use to live in had a wall Mart that was super awesome about people parking for carpooling which I used a lot forwork so always saw people like you no hate keep on keeping on😀
I throw my keys and phone in the back too! And yes, I have woke up in the middle of the night to pee. Felt weird going in to pee at 5am. I would also here the guy collecting carts in the parking lot.
I notice that non of the VanLife peeps we watch ever stay at the highway rest stops. I used to take an 11 hour drive to SC every six weeks or so. I usually pulled into a rest stop intending on a 20 minute snooze. Always would up being a solid 4-5 hours. I never felt unsafe. Is there a reason you don't park at a rest stop?
@@justinfisher5175 very subtle tint plus night time made for inconspicuous curtains. During the day they are visible but not obvious because I’d take them down or move them to the corner
Several other vids say you should park by the garden area so that you can use the wifi. Have you tried that? I know you said you don't use lights at night, but even podcasts with the phone turned over so there is no light generally require a connection.
Watched you for the first time. I will be a pt van dweller soon in Arizona. I was wondering if you could tell me the name of your videi on how to stay cool in the heat. Thanks!
Hey there nice to see more women stealth / van camping! I have a question. What kind of bed do you use? Is it a mattress? I noticed it is the size I need for my minivan. Can you tell me where you got it or if you bought it somewhere? Did you make it? I put a baby crib bed in mine and it's working, but I fear it will wear out due to me weighing more than a baby. (00)
Pretty cool-curtains of course will always give you away. They are always always always watching. Its their policy. They are relying on that banana purchase and thats what its all about. Once the parking lot is paved it costs them nothing. Over a million people do what you do at walmarts in some sort of vehicle. The purchases that nomads either part time or fulltime make add up. Walmart is Smartmart. Id say u r good for 3 nights consecutively before the knock. Maybe 2 hours in key west. Some cities have low tolerence.And some as you mentioned throughout the south always have the welcome mat out. its part of what this country is all about......Land of the FREE
I feel the same way! I pee way too much even when i cut myself off like 2 hours before. But i found that cutting myself 4hours is better plus always keep an emergency cup or container in your car/van for those overnight peeing situations or even when you cant find a bathroom
Just a suggestion for those who need "to go" a lot (includes me since I take blood pressure meds daily.). For your vehicle choose a Dodge Grand Caravan with the Stow and Go seats. The middle row seats fold flat into the floor. Fold down the third row seats and you have a very large area for a bed plus a portapotty. It's also possible to remove the middle row seat(s) entirely and use the floor cavity they fold into as hidden storage bays.
Adriana Mont Amazon has a womens pee funel thing. Combine that with a Gatorade bottle or Laundry soap bottle. Combine that all with enough practice and you can even get good at peeing laying down into it all. I've seen it done lmao
Careful doing this RV and campers are no longer allowed to stay in Walmart parking lots after store closes. Else they get towed away or cops are called.
I use to be homeless in my car and I wish I had a van because of the legroom but, I would park as close as I could to the Walmart and I had a phone that was it connected or had any connection prior before and it would connect with the walmart wifi and I would watch RUclips videos and listen to music but, yes the restroom thing and keeping fresh during the winter and summer is a tough thing
Hey can you make a video about keeping warm/cool while traveling 😊 but anyways thank you for the awesome tips and amazing videos like all of the rest. Hope you habe a wonderful christmas and a great start for the new year😄
I have an rv that I use for my business, but this year I have been using my mini van a lot to save money, I still like casinos the best, if they are in the area, if not Walmart if allowed, also always watch for rest areas ( I had to do this in Boise since no over night at the Walmart’s in this area
A little confused by the video. If there are RV's there and the Walmart allows overnighting, then you do not need to be stealth. Also, it's not very stealth when you have obvious curtains and sunshades covering all your windows and you park in the lot far away.
If it gets too hot in ur car how do u stay cool. U can't run the AC all the time. Ur fan that u use either will run ur battery down or just blows out hot air. So how do u stay cool.
You don't have to be sneaky, most Walmart employees recognize campers because they see the vehicles all the time and they don't care unless you cause problems. I used to give people free coffee from the break room.
Hi Huckleberries! Be sure to ask me your follow up questions and I'll be sure to cover them in future vids. Thanks for watchin!
Would love to hear about what you do to stay warm and cool in a van during the different seasons. Thanks for sharing!
Holli + Huckleberry
You should tint your windows and use all black curtains. Those multi color curtains are a dead give away that someone's sleeping in their car. Stealth is name of the game.
Holli + Huckleberry How long did you do this?
6 months :)
Holli + Huckleberry question what if you have a portable potty...where can you empty?? Some say wawa is good to use??which I've been doing every 4days but is there other places/public restroom??
Pro Tip-If you do want to use your phone just turn the brightness down. Since its dark you can turn it all the way down and still see what you're watching just fine and it wont cast a light that can be seen from outside.
A few years ago I had too sleep in my car in Cincinnati's Walmart parking lot. The were so nice it was unbelievable it got me thinking... I could totally do this full time. It changed my prespective.
I stayed in my VW station wagon for one month, fell on some hard times. I stayed in the suburbs of Los Angeles and always parked on the street. I did research before hand and if you park near apartments, no one will really notice your car, since there are so many different people coming and going. I also knew the area, so I parked in relatively safe areas. About the pee issue: There is no way I can make it through the night without having to go, so I purchased a large plastic pitcher with a good lid. I could actually go in the back seat floor behind the privacy curtain. I'm a girl, so this takes some work, lol. I closed it up and would take it to McDonald"s (in a bag) and dump it in the toilet. This might sound gross, but it worked for me. I had a gym membership for the rest of my needs. I hope this advise helps someone.
Laurie C I love hearing your experience!! That’s amazing. I also stealth camped once in LA and also felt very safe, I did have to pee so bad in the morning but I parked around the block from a. Starbucks and it worked out alright 👌
Hi Holli, I'm investigating the subject again, because I'm considering getting a van and traveling around the country. It might take a few years to get it all together, but I would love the adventure. Take care (:
I stealth camp/ live in my car. I have a small pee bucket. It’s hard because it is a sedan, but I def wake up needing to go and have worked on how to. I mostly sleep in neighborhoods, but I’m local so I feel pretty safe on where I can and cannot park to sleep.
Laurie Castro You saved yourself alot money making our lady urinal. They have them in the magazines like Dr Lenards. Their around 10.00. You have apitcher with a lid.for a couple of dollars. Thats actually really cleaver.You did what you had to go do until things got better for you.
Gross....and I am a dude
If I don't see any RVs or obvious stealth campers, I look for trucks lined up for the night along the side of the parking lot. I figure, if the big rigs can spend the night there, I'm not going to have any trouble in my small, kinda stealthy, van. As a guy, it's easy enough for me to pee into an appropriate receptacle in my van, so I don't worry about dehydrating myself. In fact, I enjoy a night cap of scotch.
I'm a truck driver an not all ways I have learned that over time it's not the wal marts that dont allow over nite but the city an towns if you go in an ask they will say yes but the city or town police can come in an make you move
be a customer in Walmart and keep receipts. I get all my medication at Walmart pharmacy and this way you legally are a customer not loitering.
@phil mcrotch its exactly how that works fatboy.
@phil mcrotch no but it gives you a reason and the right to be there lol. Walk your fat butt to the library and get yourself educated. I would say Google it but you look like you need the exercise 😂
I like to keep my keys up on a hook so I know exactly where they are in case of emergency, and they don't get knocked around or lost under my bedding.
There was a trailor fire and no insurance. My wife was doing 45 days in jail but I had a truck with a topper. I slept in back and worked and saved $1600 by time she was released. I have a PAYED off house now.
You saved 1600 in 45 days on single income. Theres no way in hell you have a paid off house. 1600 in over a month is barely enough to cover 1 months rent for one person. Who you trying to fool dude
Probably goes without saying, but before you scoot back into the crib, lock your doors! Just have to state it as it is a mistake many people overlook!
I'm glad to see that I'm not the only one doing bathroom prep before the overnight. Just fyi: The restrooms in the back of the store are the most used by employees so they tend to be cleaner and usually between 10-1030pm is when the Walmart maintenance people clean the restrooms. They clean them once an hour but during 10-11 pm both the day and night management is there doing business meetings and so because of this, the restrooms are the cleanest at that hour.
Grant D Travels they usually lock those at 10. Pm where I live.
And not as busy
management is at the toilets doing business meetings? :D
We stayed in a Walmart parking lot once in our RV. I went in and asked the manager if it was ok and it was - no problem. Why not just ask and then no worries.
I do several long trips from Indy to Montana at least twice a year.... I use to work for a hotel chain. Hotel parking lots are way safer! Most properties have cameras on the lots. Hotel lobbies and onsite 24 restaurants provide bathrooms. Sometimes I just need a 6 hour nap... you might give hotel lots a try. 😉
rrebelone0423 hotels will allow you to stay overnight in their lots? I’ve tried sleeping at a few and I’ve always been asked to leave
Yea I call BS. Most hotels ask for your license plate so they can tow any unregistered vehicle. And the ones that dont are extremely ghetto and unsafe.
Please be careful when traveling with a taser, in some states it’s considered a concealed weapon and carries a 2 to 5 year jail sentence.
S S Who cares? Personal safety is more important...
Transition Point who cares? Well, I definitely hope not her if she is not informed and ends up in jail for lack of information ^^ if you wanna risk it, enjoy yourself even in case of prison
Then don't conceal it.
I carry 2 pistols and and Ak-47. I have my CCL. No problems ever. AND I AM SAFE.
Same in canada
If you find a public storage without owners living on site just get locked in after the gates are locked. Stay in your car dont get out till morning safest bet . I been there done that
I’ve lived in my Dodge Journey for four years now. I LOVE IT!! I’m always innovating to make life more comfortable. Save your money for the free hotel breakfasts. I’m a guy so I’ve found the purchasing of an Arizona Ice Tea bottle at dollar tree makes for a great piss bottle. You shouldn’t limit yourself, but continue to look for alternative ways to go about what u enjoy. Adapt Improvise and Overcome.
I’m old enough to be your Granny and I’m proud of you! I wish I had that courage when I was younger. Now my knee’s hurt to bad 🤪I’ll keep you in the light, translation, I’ll pray for you. You get it girl! I can’t wait to hear more about your adventures. Your new Auntie P
If I'm not old enough at 66 to be her granddad, I'm certainly more than old enough to be her dad (old enough to be her dad's much older brother, maybe?), and when I retire in about four or five years, I intend to get me a minivan or SUV and a few accessories and hit the road.
I am a single lady in my van now for 7 yrs. It's a bit scary sometimes but you start to get a feel for it. Please pray for me too!
Being single and loving the outdoors (camping hiking). I just fell in love with the simplicity of van life. Great video. Thanks fir for the advice. Ill definitely invest in a taser and pepper spray. 😁
I never wake up in the middle of night needing to pee. I can even drink minutes before going to sleep. I sleep through the night...7-9 hours straight. I usually do go and use the restroom in the Walmart before going to sleep though. Just make sure they are not cleaning the parking lot....they'll do figure eights around your vehicle with the cleaner vehicle and you will never get to sleep.
Been there lol
@@85yotabrad yeah they're sadists
I stayed at the same Walmart for 4 months in my dodge van. Never had a problem. I used a big buddy heater in sub zero temperatures. Was comfortable. Heating it cost like $100+ month.
Bob Jones I hope you moved around the lot? Otherwise its people like you who will give us all a bad name. Not trying to be mean, just informative.
I stayed at a Walmart and made friends with the security guard that drives around the lot at night. It was sort of funny, as he liked to talk a lot. I certainly felt extra secure. He did tell me that I was only supposed to stay no more than 3 nights. I went back a year later, he was gone, It wasn't a 24-hour store anymore and I don't think they were letting people stay there at night.
tom ruth
Exactly. Once they know you, generally they are really cool. Just park in the back and don't disturb others. Of course, buying stuff there all the time also lets the other staff know you are not up to no good.
For the price of one months heat you could purchase a quality sleeping bag and you no longer would needed the heat
We started out in cold weather it was oki until ice storm came through. The trick is to park in full sun during daylight bc it will warm up inside...at night put up thick rugs over your windows but leave a crack...also invest in carbon and fire alarms. We gave up using propane heat bc of that reason had we not had the carbon alarm we probably wouldn't be here today. We layered up at night keeping hands feet and neck warmer its a must. Always keep them warm. I grew up dirt poor off the grid so i learned a few things but alot of people today have never had to deal with it or experience it. Do research don't be helpless especially with hard times ahead . This winter i plan on being in the south and having wood heat.
interesting! regarding peeing at night, you are better off drinking water than juice or caffeine and a peebottle with a tight fitting lid and a ladies urinary device can be very handy. I carcamp with the hubby and we actually have a diaper bucket(lid seals when closed) which we both use...a leakproof plastic bag lines it,sawdust for treating the contents and we tie the bag shut and put it in the bin when we find a suitable one. I used to think that was a bit strange but it is exaclty what dog walkers do with their dog poo bags . You can get biodegradable bags but dont buy them in bulk because they degrade quite quickly and become useless.
Nope pee on those bedwetting diaper pads put it in the drivers side pee and throw pad out
Yes that would be nice about to know about heating and staying cool
There's an app called roadbreakers.com,the app is on Google play. It tells you what places allow truckers and RVs to park overnight and the users are always adding places,and it tells you which places are quiet, clean, safe, and which ones will have you towed!
I know the feeling of getting busted although I wasn’t camping or living in my car when it happened. I was driving home from work one night and was so tired I just couldn’t go any further. I pulled into a hospital parking lot and went to sleep on the steering wheel. 2 hours later I had security beating on my window and a flashlight in my face. I wasn’t even aware of my surroundings but I remember he just kept saying “you can’t sleep here” until I left.
Be safe.
Good tips! I have driven cross country 3 times, as a solo, once . Every night I stopped driving , I would call 5 people (mom, 2 sisters and 2 friends) to let them know where I was. I would love to take to the road again, you meet so many interesting people. Stay safe be happy.
A good alternative to pepper spray is the 20' wasp spray. You can accidentally spray yourself with pepper spray especially if its windy but the wasp spray shoots out a stream and goes a long distance. Hit someone in the face/eyes and it should blind them long enough to get away. The long range of the wasp spray lets you get to them before they get close enough to grab you.
Walmart sells black out curtains
Sarah Steadman 😂😂😂
Great job! Very nice. 🚐🚙🐟🌲🌸🎻🎸🚴🏈🏊🏄😷⛽📑📚🎶 vanlife baby
This video helped me so much on my solo road trip! I love your videos!
Love you're video!! I'll be living in my car starting July 31st of this year I'm so excited for my lease to my apartment to be up! I have a SUV a 01 BMW x5 you should Tint your windows my windows are tinted on my car but I have blacked out curtains that I'm going to set up in my car for the time being. I'm doing to save money to buy me a completely new car pay off things on my credit report and just really save money before I decide to get another apartment im paying 880 a month in rent right now ugh! But yes im soooo excited to live in my SUV. I lived in my 05 ford taurus last time for 3months lol that back seat is so uncomfortable and walmarts are my fav and you are so right about checking the ratings. Good luck on your journey!
Great video! I'd definitely like to hear more about prepping your car for nighttime! Have you ever had trouble regarding the "curtains"? They are usually not very stealthy ;)
Always love your videos, they seem super thought out and planned and very informative! Currently thinking of living in my van this spring to save money, thanks for the info Holli!
Very tolerant in America but its a big country. In the UK if you tried to overnight stay in the equivalent, if you didn't get a parking ticket or the shop security bang on your windows to tell you to leave the police would tow you away to a police impound with a hefty fine. Or worse still if you picked the wrong area a group of youths would smash the van up & as a girl it doesn't bare thinking off what they would do. I personally think its great that you are able to freely and safely overnight park without any hassle. You can overnight park in the UK but have to be more particular about where.
UK sounds dangerous
Thanks Holli + Huckleberry! Love your energy and thanks for the tips about the Walmart rating for deciding about overnighting decisions! Never thought about this. Thanks :)
My wife and I are new huckleberries. We love you and your energy. Come see us when you come to Oregon Coast...
This was a very insperatiol video,ive seen other videos and iam working on my jeep to try it,and you have given me a few ideas,along with a beautiful smile,thank you✌
Try and get a portable pottie. Then that way you won't have to stop to find a bathroom. I wish you good luck in your travels. Thank you for sharing your videos and stay safe.
Those curtains look really thin and if you use a light source in the minivan, I can guarantee someone will see you from the outside. Better to tint your windows and use thicker or better cloth.
Cardboard cutouts to fit the windows is easy peasy and works wonders.
I thought your profile pic was a hair on my phone I tried to blow it off lmao
Howard Johnson i
Lol I thought there was a hair on my screen
I got my black out curtians at goodwill for five dollars. They were made out of wool, so thick and they were black. Wool keeps out heat and cold.
I've actually almost got towed by sleeping at a "no overnight parking" Walmart. A tow truck came and hooked up the guy next to me then the I saw them looking through my window so I got out of there as fast as I could! I usually go to Walmart for dinner, buy food then either eat or cook it in my car an I use my phone all the time when I'm parked here and have never had an issue with that but I never use my phone if I'm doing street parking or at a hotel or something.
Jillian D omg that’s so scary! I’m glad you got away and told me your experience! Your last statement I agree on too, I got super comfortable in Walmarts throughout my last trip, other places you gotta be a NINJA
I've been car/van camping off and on for the last 3 years. Some advice I can pass along is: Almost all of your "coastal" states will take issue to you parking overnight at Walmarts. Especially Florida and California. I try to make it a point to go 20 or so miles inland away from Walmarts near the beaches. Unfortunately everybody gathering in one place tends to bring its own problems with local residents. I have spent many a night, at many a Walmart and so far have only had a knock on my door by a security officer informing me that, that Walmart closed at midnight. In general, if you make it a point to stay at Walmarts in the suburbs of cities and not the cities themselves, you never get bothered. Sorry to see you almost got towed.
I was sleeping in my truck at a local walmart a few nights ago. I have seen rv's and cars parked in the back where the semi trucks park and thought it safe. I went to sleep and was woken up at 5:30 am to a bump on my truck! My first thought was I'm getting towed! I quickly pulled my curtain down and saw a guy looking at the front of my truck so I got out with my sleepy hair and socks and said hi. The guy was just tired and bumped me while backing into the spot in front of me. Phew! Back to bed with a pounding heart in my chest, good luck sleeping after that.
Why the stealth? I don't get it
I once got knock on my window. I was trying to spend the night in there while on vacation. The security said that this area is not safe and he would not recommend staying there😱😱😱It was scarry. And I left.
Holli, you are such a dear! Thanks for the real life experience you've shared. I love your artistic and creative narrating over filmage genious. A+!!!
And, so cute with the great, musically- thought -through accompaniment.Art.
Mari Larsen such kind words! Thank you
Been sleeping at walmarts about every 3rd night. I found truck stop travel centers are also a great place
I cant wait to start VANLIFE myself! :)
My dad does this in his truck and there’s a cover over his bed. He stays in Walmart’s half the time since the company contract allows it for majority of them. He also stays in National forests and I worry about him a lot but I’m glad there is a way for people to stay safe while being homeless
Thanks gor the entertsining tips. Be safe. Watch everything going around you all the time.
I can not believe i only just found your channel now! you are so positive and just fun to watch and learn from. I've been planning on traveling on the road for such a while, you are an inspiration !
Your videos are so professional and ADORABLE. I love your expression.
The Walmart in my town actually has a separate parking lot for RV's and campers . It's further from the store but it'll hold at least 20-30 big RV's and more smaller campers and vans. It's used as a car show parking lot during the summer months during the daytime on the weekends. However there's a lot of travelers that come thru b/c we have a lot of parks, state parks, and boaters that come and go during spring and summer.
When I lived in my van it was summer and in the southwest. I had so much trouble sleeping in the heat. Some tips would be fun to hear.
Good tip also parking in ths back look for white lines! Those are employee spots and you are less likly to get towed if you are there 4+ hours!
"Hola!" sweet Huckleberry...The simple things of living human on the road, loved it! so appreciative that you shared this knowledge...let's not be surprised that others do need this kind of assistance..you are love and loved by many :D
Good stuff! Sleeping at a walmart is weird at first, but I got use to it pretty quick. Most Walmarts don't bother you as long as you don't draw attention to yourself seems like
Thank God for Walmart God bless them
New subscriber. I also travel in my van. I love the way you film and then narrate. Haven't slept at Walmart yet, but I know I will one day soon. :)
Hey, as someone who has slept in and lived in their vehicle, I can really appreciate your video. I do feel like you should maybe mention the direction in which you park. Living in the south, this can be very important, as it can get pretty hot.
Good info and video, thanks. I have been sleeping in my car for almost a year now locally and I agree you have to be considerate. If I use someone's bathroom I always make sure I buy a coffee or something off the shelf. It creates Good Karma. I use a down pillow, a down blanket which I fold in half with a wool blanket in the middle. Works very well in 10 degrees.
Great tips. Stay safe and continue to enjoy ur travels.
Good set up there... Good info before bed... I would make sure I had all dark out curtains and that they cover all windows good... maybe you do have but I did not see them shown...
A spray can of wasp and hornet spray is better than pepper spray because wasp spray has a distant's of 21 feet
You are adorable!!!! Love your miming! Haha!!! :)
Do you have a *bugout bag* and what's your *survival plan* if something should happen if the *SHTF* where you've been *separated* from your vehicle and or if your vehicle is *disabled* and there's no one to help? 💩⚠😨💥
The King Of Waffles dude you sound insane 🤯
If it gets cold grab a sunshield that is silver and put it in your sleeping bag silver side up to help keep warm!
Hi Holli! Nice video, besides you hit everything that Ive done when I became homeless! But I was at a truck stop and stayed there for a year but moved around before finding that I could stay there and worked besides! A lot to share though! Great job, be safe have fun!
I thought it was cute and I like her style of demonstrating with the voice over. I do appreciate her insights and hearing her preferences as far as how and where to park within the Walmart lot. Definitely useful. You have to watch many different videos to gain varied useful information so this was absolutely helpful. Not sure if I can do this in my altima. Would rather get a van. We shall see.
When one lives in the US all these things are possible. We can never dream to live "free" as I call it here in the Caribbean. You'll have so many options at your disposal!
Hello! You are my doppelganger! I am from MN also, and have spent lots of time and travels in my explorer doing the exact same things as You! I usually fly solo and that's becuase everyone thinks I'm crazy, lol. It would be awesome to grab a beer and socialize with a like minded person! So happy to have found your channel!
In Vancouver BC we can Black out all but the front door glass and windshield we can even do the top 8 inches. Most people still do 50 percent on the door glass.
Very informative and a sense of connection with your viewers.
Oh and if possible i would live to travel with you. Just for the experience.
A town where use to live in had a wall Mart that was super awesome about people parking for carpooling which I used a lot forwork so always saw people like you no hate keep on keeping on😀
I throw my keys and phone in the back too! And yes, I have woke up in the middle of the night to pee. Felt weird going in to pee at 5am. I would also here the guy collecting carts in the parking lot.
I notice that non of the VanLife peeps we watch ever stay at the highway rest stops. I used to take an 11 hour drive to SC every six weeks or so. I usually pulled into a rest stop intending on a 20 minute snooze. Always would up being a solid 4-5 hours. I never felt unsafe. Is there a reason you don't park at a rest stop?
NyLashLady I have the same question. I have slept at rest stops many times and felt safe.
You can also stay in busy apartment complexes and car dealerships. If you can find one that sells your kind of car, bonus!
Do u think people notice all the blankets hanging? Honest question
The tint on my windows makes it pretty noticeable but having a sub shade on the dashboard at night is more telling imo
@@windyventure I’m sorry did you mean the tint on your window Keeps it from being noticeable? I didn’t realize you had tint it’s hard to see
@@justinfisher5175 very subtle tint plus night time made for inconspicuous curtains. During the day they are visible but not obvious because I’d take them down or move them to the corner
@@windyventure cool I can’t wait to try a night in my car lol
Several other vids say you should park by the garden area so that you can use the wifi. Have you tried that? I know you said you don't use lights at night, but even podcasts with the phone turned over so there is no light generally require a connection.
The parking positions you enjoy the most.....yeah that's a new one
Watched you for the first time. I will be a pt van dweller soon in Arizona. I was wondering if you could tell me the name of your videi on how to stay cool in the heat. Thanks!
This is pretty chill
Hey there nice to see more women stealth / van camping! I have a question. What kind of bed do you use? Is it a mattress? I noticed it is the size I need for my minivan. Can you tell me where you got it or if you bought it somewhere? Did you make it? I put a baby crib bed in mine and it's working, but I fear it will wear out due to me weighing more than a baby. (00)
Pretty cool-curtains of course will always give you away. They are always always always watching. Its their policy. They are relying on that banana purchase and thats what its all about. Once the parking lot is paved it costs them nothing. Over a million people do what you do at walmarts in some sort of vehicle. The purchases that nomads either part time or fulltime make add up. Walmart is Smartmart. Id say u r good for 3 nights consecutively before the knock. Maybe 2 hours in key west. Some cities have low tolerence.And some as you mentioned throughout the south always have the welcome mat out. its part of what this country is all about......Land of the FREE
Great information!
I would never survive! I get up to use the bathroom during the night!
I find these videos pretty interesting. Please do more 🖒
I feel the same way! I pee way too much even when i cut myself off like 2 hours before. But i found that cutting myself 4hours is better plus always keep an emergency cup or container in your car/van for those overnight peeing situations or even when you cant find a bathroom
Just a suggestion for those who need "to go" a lot (includes me since I take blood pressure meds daily.). For your vehicle choose a Dodge Grand Caravan with the Stow and Go seats. The middle row seats fold flat into the floor. Fold down the third row seats and you have a very large area for a bed plus a portapotty.
It's also possible to remove the middle row seat(s) entirely and use the floor cavity they fold into as hidden storage bays.
Adriana Mont Amazon has a womens pee funel thing. Combine that with a Gatorade bottle or Laundry soap bottle. Combine that all with enough practice and you can even get good at peeing laying down into it all. I've seen it done lmao
How do you use the bathroom I would love to live in a van but I go to the bathroom so many times at night cause I drink a lot of water
I love how you narrated yourself
Careful doing this RV and campers are no longer allowed to stay in Walmart parking lots after store closes. Else they get towed away or cops are called.
Walmarts are good but I prefer apartment complexs they've always been the best for me.
I use to be homeless in my car and I wish I had a van because of the legroom but, I would park as close as I could to the Walmart and I had a phone that was it connected or had any connection prior before and it would connect with the walmart wifi and I would watch RUclips videos and listen to music but, yes the restroom thing and keeping fresh during the winter and summer is a tough thing
I LOVE your scarf. Where did you get it?
What kind of problems did you find in California/Colorado?
Hey can you make a video about keeping warm/cool while traveling 😊 but anyways thank you for the awesome tips and amazing videos like all of the rest. Hope you habe a wonderful christmas and a great start for the new year😄
Yes, Walmart can be great but for several reasons more and more are not allowing overnight sleeping even if they are 24hr stores.
we need better housing choices in the US, ones that are inexpensive like Rooming houses.
I have an rv that I use for my business, but this year I have been using my mini van a lot to save money, I still like casinos the best, if they are in the area, if not Walmart if allowed, also always watch for rest areas ( I had to do this in Boise since no over night at the Walmart’s in this area
A little confused by the video. If there are RV's there and the Walmart allows overnighting, then you do not need to be stealth. Also, it's not very stealth when you have obvious curtains and sunshades covering all your windows and you park in the lot far away.
Why Walmart parking lot only
Nice i love sleep my van even i have place to stay i don't even use my car anymore i just start it once a week..
Prettiest thing you’ll ever find in a Walmart parking lot
If it gets too hot in ur car how do u stay cool. U can't run the AC all the time. Ur fan that u use either will run ur battery down or just blows out hot air. So how do u stay cool.
Tasers have to be registered... once fired the probes can be traced back to the registered owner.... wouldn't a stun gun be better?
I agree, always keep protection handy, I keep condoms in my glove compartment.
You don't have to be sneaky, most Walmart employees recognize campers because they see the vehicles all the time and they don't care unless you cause problems. I used to give people free coffee from the break room.
Cute, animated, fun & informative ! Thumbs Up !