Taking a Break…

  • Опубликовано: 5 ноя 2023
  • Apologies for the lack of crap lately! Here's a little explanation about what's been going on and what the future has in store for PBO. An endless thank you to you all. Heart emoji.

Комментарии • 114

  • @harmoen
    @harmoen  +59

    Thank you Cole for being supporting and loving!

  • @MeganStoughton

    Cheers to another great year, y’all! Andrew - sending you so much good energy and support. We will be here when you are ready. Encouraging you to take time and heal. You are not falling behind, just moving at a different speed, and that’s life sometimes. PBO will be back and better than ever in time!!!❤

  • @johnnyc5851

    Of course this isn't the best news, but the most important thing is that you get back to feeling yourself, Andrew! Take the time that you need, and we'll be here whenever it is that you guys are able to come back!

  • @brettellison

    My favorite girl band is taking a break :/ take care, ladies!!!

  • @andrewsamuel368

    Glad you guys are being honest and open about it. So many are dealing with this right now.

  • @cda0
    @cda0  +16

    Take as much time as you want, your content and format is timeless. You can come back in a big way whenever you are ready

  • @ImmaSkram

    Enjoy this break, Andrew and Cole from The Show!

  • @hobie355
    @hobie355  +21

    ❤❤❤❤❤ we understand, get well soon Andrew! take all the time u need. Thank you guys for the amazing episodes!

  • @geeteejae

    its reasonable to be taking a break to focus on your health, we want you both around for a long time.

  • @Diamondspawner69

    Cole is gonna be SO buff when y'all return.... get better Andrew and also Cole and I love you boys see you next year <3

  • @krissy55066

    Not sure what youre dealing with exactly Andrew, but I'm in a similar boat with not being able to do everything I used to be able to do. I hope you feel better soon and get the answers you're looking for!

  • @danielduvana

    I had no idea you’re struggling with health Andrew. That sucks. You’re both amazing people! Get well, we’re all cheering you on and would much rather see you well than pushing out content when you’re sick.

  • @jojoisnastyboi

    i’m sorry to hear that Andrew :( hope things get better for you, take all the time you guys need <3

  • @knocks42

    Get well soon Andrew!!! We're rooting for you guys!!!!!!

  • @adorkable4eva

    Love from Montreal! Your show always bring me such joy - andrew as someone who had a 2-month long term covid issue, I can only imagine how hard a whole as year of this crap is! sending u love and energy

  • @morgandavies3987

    Love you both! Wishing you a speedy recovery and a wonderful rest of your year!

  • @blazehaze233

    Love you guys ❤❤ i love this podcast so much, I hope you get better soon Andrew

  • @om431
    @om431  +1

    hi andrew-- i wanted to say i'm sorry you're dealing with long covid! i've been going through similar issues myself (except after talking to my doctor, both of us are almost certain i have cfs instead of long covid) since the beginning of this year and it's been completely unmanageable for me since the summer started. i wouldn't even wish this on my worst enemy. i hope you're able to get better and get lots of rest during these upcoming months :")

  • @iannb2155

    Nothing but love and support to you guys!! ^^What a crazy year it has been and you guys have constantly poured so much great content and provided and continue to provide so much light and laughters in our days <33 Rest lots and we'll always be here for u guys! <3

  • @auxchamp

    All the love to you guys, nothing but well wishes and positive vibes