People are quitting because companies love to hire awful managers, have no progression strategy, dangle the carrot to get you to run, while paying you terribly. Mix all of that with the increasing inflation with stagnant salaries makes it not worth the high stress for little.
That's precisely it. There's no benefit to work. We all only do it because we're threatened with homelessness and starvation for not working for someone. Many of us still go hungry and homeless even when employed by multiple jobs
In 2022, the average work week was about 35 hours per week. In 1980 it was closer to 45 hours per week. We are moving away from slavery, but there is no doubt that today is slavery. We are all better off living off the land, hunting, sewing, and giving up our cars, TVs and PCs. Not all slaves were beaten. Some were treated very well.
Because the 9-5 is actually 9-6(1h lunch break) add to that getting ready and commute it’s 8-7, after that you are completely drained and you still need to cook, clean, shower who the heck has time to have a life on this schedule and to raise children, I don’t even have time to date… we need part-time jobs with full time pay, otherwise what is the point of all this technological advancement?!
If the sheeps only knew that they are the real powers that should be, and have the courage to wield it. And you'll see, mankind back on track *since the Declaration of Independence* !!!!
Henry Ford initiated the 40 hour work week in 1926. He found his assembly line workers were more productive than those working longer hours. It was codified in the Fair Labor Standards Act.
Then don't ever be self-employed and never ever employ anybody else. Employees have all the rights, little to no responsibility, are too expensive to employ, can leave at the drop of a hat and cannot be sacked for, slowness, laziness, or rudeness to customers without several prior warnings by which time they can ruin a business.
I never did expect to be appreciated at work. I only expected to get paid on par with the quality of work i did. Sometimes, you just have to quit expecting too much.
I remember looking at coats at Sears years ago. A guy and a girl in their late 20s walked by and the guy said, "I actually know someone who bought clothes here once", and the girl kind of laughed. It's what my parents did and it's what I do. We make our coffee and our meals at home and my old car runs just fine. So have your daily $4 latte and order something from Uber Eats, get the latest phone and make sure you're never seen in a non-designer clothes. Then marvel at how the previous gens had it so easy.
Recognition is for the weak. Fastest way to get a raise is to switch companies or start your own. If your job has low frontal lobe engagement, your pay will always be trash and that's your own fault for settling or letting years pass by and doing nothing about it.
@_..D I wasn't expecting the frontal lobe commentary, it was hilarious. I agree with everything you said. I'm a DNP in a large hospital and worked very hard to own my house.
14:12 But what had "printing billions of dollars" to do with it? Sorry, but this made the video bad, in fact here in Germany (green line) a reason that our economy is not recovering from Corona and russian war is caused by a liberal finance minister who is blocking all goverment investments - money printing - in anything. The first thing people notice comming to our Soccer-EM was the trains are delayed. Yes cause the train infrastructure is famous for decaying since 1994.
That’s not what is happening though. If you are plugged in, you will notice that the people who are quitting are not thriving - many of them are too exhausted or “lying flat”. Ambitious people who have the ability to work, are working two jobs.
@@larrypaulus9070 That is the first thought that comes to mind and like all first thoughts it is not the best. In reality people are not buying money every day, they are buying food and in reality banks are giving credits not the country so no, it does not make sense. Even assuming it was right our german finance minister would do the same thing as all goverments before so expecting the outcome to be different is like trying to hit the gas pedal harder when car fuel was already empty. Now nearly even liberal economists are against the stuff this guy tries to come up with. One of his party's solutions was already to "allow" people to work more as pensioners or "allow" tax free overtimes. As a young keynesian economist point out there are many mistakes in modern liberal economic beliefes: If a state would start collecting its own money instead of printing to eliminate its depts and so "increase the wealth" he could only zero out resulting in the destruction of all money. This make zero sense and would not benefit anyone. In reality no one pays higher food price cause anyone anywhere printed more money - how should people even know about it? Companies only increase there prices for example when they have higher production cost like higher ressource costs or higher energy costs. Corona block cheap ressources from China and russian war cheap gas? Oups, look like there are some major reason right ahead.
I’m going to be 62 this year. Comparatively, I made a lot more money in the 90s. I don’t blame any younger person for wanting to drop out of this system.
I'll be 62 myself and 100% agree. Young people, if you can find a way to sustain yourself without a 40-hour job for a corporate, do it and don't look back
I'm born in 95 so 29 y/o, I can tell you I feel this. My parents make more money now then they used too but they don't feel as rich as before it's really weird. Things didn't get worse but they don't take as many vacations and worry about grocery prices where as before when they seemingly made less the were doing more (95-10)
When I was a kid my dad worked one job while my mom stayed home to watch us kids. Now both parents need a job to support their family and pay for daycare.
I'm sick of constantly learning new skills, going to school, getting more certifications to continue making less, while everything costs more. It's exhausting.
People don't realise it, but this is a spiritual revolution. People realise that they are working to maintain a system that is destroying human wellbeing and a healthy planet that humanity relies on.
@EmbraSolomon People, my friend, are waking up after a very long trance which allowed them to be manipulated, by a small, but very powerful elite against their best interests and the good of mankind. It's called transcendence. It's gone on for centuries. It's time...time to forge a new relationship with ourselves, our beautiful world and save ourselves from the abbess that we are all heading into.
I'm tired of looking up apartments and getting discouraged that the 20$/hr 45 hours a week I work is not enough to rent a studio apartment. This world is dumb. It needs to change.
I recently lost my mom, talking to my dad about it. His biggest regret is that he wasn't able to be there more for her and the kids. This man was working easily 50-60 hours a week on a slow week to supply us all with food on the table. It shouldn't have come to this, you shouldn't have to choose between feeding your family and being a part of your family.
Oh well, he knew that but did not do anything about it, and so he did accepted his deep regret to his dying days. But now, the question turns to us, are we going to do the same, and repeat the cycle?
About three years ago I was working a per diem job at a hospital in upstate New York. About three months previously their corporate ownership was bought by another. The new ownership's "policies" were different. PTO (Personal Time Off) did not roll over, could not be cashed out, and could not be used because they were "mandated" to work due to COVID-related staffing issues. A nurse in the employee cafeteria loudly said: "If I knew it was going to be like this, I would have learned how to weld!"
Exactly, one thing people need to live skinny, (within their means) by a used car instead of a new one, scrap cable, skip starbucks etc. I don't mean live like a pauper, just don't overdo it.
@@3108frank1”just don’t overdo it” as if people don’t deserve to be able to spend their money on leisurely/luxury things after all the blood, sweat & tears they pour into keeping this system operating? So you want to perpetuate people living increasingly miserable lives and to just make do with the shillings they get from their slave wage jobs?
And what does that say about modern society ? That most of us work jobs that keep us poor while making management and the bosses richer and richer ? If workers could at least maintain a basic standard of living even if they didn't like their job then they'd be fine with it. Not everyone is fortunate to love their jobs, some work has to be done, we just ask we be able to put a roof over our heads and feed our family
That is literally what i think! I have no desire to even start a family and have kids when i’m barely saving money monthly even a DOCTORATE. And home ownership is out of reach unless i want to work 60 hours a week for 15 years.
whats even worse in my country working 40hr weeks puts you at the limit of the low tax bracket like it jumps from 17.5% straight up to 30% so if you worked 50hrs a week with minimum wage your only really getting about 5k extra a year which is absurd for the extra amount of time you traded
@@jamesharmon3827 I’m glad I have it because i don’t have to struggle as bad as most people but i just feel there’s not many things to aspire for other than saving money very slowly and wishing I could afford a house lol. I am grateful overall there’s people in worse situations with crippling debt from college and no job or worse jobs than mine.
So you work very little and can't afford anything or are you on government assistance and still can't afford anything. Gone are the days of independence and self reliability.
Quit my dealership job in the body shop office and opened my own business doing the same thing. Most time I’ve ever seen my wife and children. Also, made more money the very first year. Yeah, I work the same or more hours but I’d rather do it on my own terms and not have to deal with the office politics.
I did the same thing! Quit my welding and Automotive jobs and opened my own shop out my backyard. Make about the same amount of money and work 20 to 30 hours less a week. About to set up some contract work for a guy part time and expand a little
@@MrAndi1281 All of this, and other social media influencing/activism could end very fast if there was no advertisement money to be earned on these platforms.
@@TheAnonymous916not 100% though, some companies are just run badly or have terrible policies that cause unnecessary stress and hardship for their staff.
I will never understand people killing themselves for a job. Destroying your body and mind so your boss can have a third car or a bigger swimming pool.
It’s true. I dear co worker of mine actually did die tragically - got hit by a car crossing the street to our office building! Within the week they were posting an opening for her position. Disgusting
No to 40hrs, no to 9-5, no to Mon-Fri, no to sitting in an office for the sake of it. Yes to balance, yes to flexibility, yes to family, yes to experiences. People can work and produce effectively outside expired norms.
But middle management can't justify their jobs if they can't monitor your every move or shout at you like a toddler for being 3min late to the office. Would you have produced more in those 3min? No, but the control freaks need to have control over your life.
I quit because I didn’t resonate with my job anymore. My decisions were now backed by being more consciously aware of conditioning, which did not resonate with the environment there. I tried hard to fit in and finally when my body started showing discomfort through unexplained anxiety, I quit, and it calmed down. I don’t think a 40 hour work week is useful especially if the 40 hours are packed with “doing something constantly” and not providing enough space to breathe, be aware of conditioning and allow more joy to flow through. Thanks for making this video! 😊
I've quit job after job after job after job for 30 years now. The primary reasons are: *Increase my pay *Finding better company culture *Just find something more rewarding As I've gotten into my 40s now, I quit for: *Better work life balance *Better benefits I finally found a union job as a school bus driver. 25-30 hours per week, $35/hr, incredible benefits, Monday thru Friday, holidays and summers off. Culture among the drivers is incredible, I'm never leaving this one.
@@ivana4942 35/hr as a school bus driver, and I destroyed myself attending school and persevering to earn a bachelor's of science in actuarial science to make 21.50/hr. Most companies just don't want to pay their workers
It is extremely simple. 30 years ago working 40 hours a week could support a family with a home. Now it can rent a two bedroom with a roomate. Thats it. It's not complicated.
Not even a 2 bedroom apartment in some places anymore. I don't even live in a city, and if you make 3x the minimum wage of my state, a studio apartment alone would take up 50-60% of your monthly earnings. At this point I'm still living with my family in my 20s, and am simultaneously grateful and embarrassed.
@@jamesharmon3827You are part of the problem with that kind of thinking. Objectively, the data clearly shows a growing wage gap since the 1970's and that's based on the U.S. Department of Labor's data.
I think most people have realized that a better life is out there but as a collective we are afraid to enter into that unknown & build within it. We are also so absorbed with assimilating information from our devices looking for a way out that we forget to look within that provides the true path. We need healing centers out in nature that truly heal people with nothing expected in return. We need big money to realize the karmic implications of doing such a thing. Otherwise we can choose to flounder in this corrupt evil system & repeat insanity.
In the 1940s people didn’t have to read 60 emails a day, join pointless zoom calls or do online compliance training. Doing more work doesn’t make you more effective, it’s doing the RIGHT work.
@@alexrangel490 yes, I would. Office jobs are alienating, they turn you into zombies. Between an only office job and an outside job, I would choose the outside. But the best would be something in between, like an active job that you do inside, or a job that is outside part time and inside part time.
@@trekadouble757Come join the company i work for bud. 10 hr minimum hard labor, maybe a break if it’s not important. Shoveling, digging, 108°F weather last week and raining in the morning too. You definitely would quit in the first week.
@@KoKoNuTz232 sitting at a computer all day isn't hard that's not the point, imagine sitting and looking at a wall for 40 hours a week, I'd also rather be putting in actual labor lmao
but there is a vortex of lack of job creation in the jobs that pay well. like anitrust is kinking up job creation in the more meaningful jobs, and so the economy becomes lopsidedly unefficient with the only jobs left are the less impactful jobs that are over saturated. then large quantities of people are rewarded for not working at all and then puts pressure on those who are working, and then foregn nations print money and launder money and live predatorily off of the usa people and the usa workers. so generally speaking honest ways of living is down the toilet for the most part for alot of people, even if you have good intentions.
@@henlohenlo689 lol blame foreign nations eventhough the US is constantly stabbed in the back by its own billionaires. Never forget, there IS more money in the world than ever, the only reason we dont see it isnt because a crisis, no its just cus it ends up in the pocket of the ultra rich
Imagine planning your early life to end up working an ethical job as a doctor and then finding out the hospitals are also crooks. What a world we live in
I've had a similar conversation with my mother. I said if I had a kid who wanted to be a doctor, I'd tell him or her to stay out of the medical system. Buy a big house and run your clinic out of the living room, the way doctors used to do. Don't take insurance at all so you don't have to deal with the restrictions or the paperwork or have staff just to handle filing all that BS. An assistant to answer the phone, book appointments, and handle the money is about all you need. I went to the doctor twice while I was in Ireland and they do everything themselves--blood pressure checks, blood draws--no nurse. That cuts down on your overhead and gives you more time with patients so you can figure out what's wrong with them. And being outside the medical industrial complex, you can do what you wanted to do in the first place--help people live better lives--instead of making permanent customers, like the surgeon was complaining about. I think there's plenty of demand for boutique doctors like this and there will be even more demand as time goes on. People are wiseing up to the way the health care industry is run and they're frustrated their insurance won't pay for things they need, or makes them pay for a lot of tests to prove a problem they and the doctor both already know they have. (Had this happen just a few weeks ago at my dentist. I don't have dental insurance and he remarked that he didn't have to xray my broken tooth prior to putting a cap on it because I didn't have insurance. He knew my tooth was broken. I knew my tooth was broken. But if I had had insurance, they would have demanded proof my tooth was broken, causing an unnecessary expense. My mother has insurance and had to get several different xrays and pictures to prove she needed a bridge and that she needed remedial work done on one tooth in order to have the bridge put in.)
Absolutely. Probably the most immoral industry right now in the USA (and that's saying a lot since there are so many corrupt industries at the moment)!
@@kerim.peardon5551 Is that even legal in the western world these days? Haven't looked into it. Haven't seen a doctor in over 10 years for these reasons, honestly... they're all quacks out to make money, not fix you.
@@kerim.peardon5551 Good luck finding a house in an area that is zoned residential/commercial that would allow you to practice medicine there. There are very few places like that and most are being phased out as soon as the doctor retires and it's no longer used for that purpose, then it is no longer grandfathered in and can no longer be used for healthcare.
I’m 43 and I decided to go part time and just cut back on my spending. My theory was I could survive on 20 hours a week and by working 40-45 I was wasting money on stuff I didn’t need. So I bit the bullet and did it. It’s life changing.
I’m trying this as well. Living on 2K of unemployment with rent at 1.2k. It’s not possible with things like car insurance at 200, electric bill at 100, groceries 150 a week x 4.
A job honestly doesn’t gives you the time, space and opportunity to chase your dreams and achieve your goals. From personal experience i can tell you working a serious job is modern day slavery. they pay you a small amount for doing a significant amount of work and promises you promotion. Best advice make investments and take calculated risks that would guarantee your success.
Understanding personal finances and investing will most likely lead to greater financial independence. By being knowledgeable about money and investing, individuals can make informed decisions about how to save, spend, and invest their money.
This confirms why I feel so tired at the end of the week. The amount of work delivered in those 40 hours is truly mentally exhausting. Even getting paid well often doesn’t justify the exhaustion
@@Zavlon about cooking. After a 9h day you dont want to cook anything. Ordering food is too convenient or cooking up that supermarket instant ramen with hot water is also too convenient and fast, perfect after a 9h day.
@@seane6616You're crazy to think productivity has decreased. Weve got insane levels of productivity because of technology. Projects previously impossible were made possible thanks to people having tech and advanced machines. Its all an excuse by the rich
Reasons for quitting, summarized: Overwork Sleep deprivation Burnout Excessive bureaucracy Unrealistic expectations Lack of creative freedom Arbitrary rules and strict demands Excessive working hours Lack of flexibility Primary reason: Low pay Desired outcome: Focus on increased productivity: Work less, earn more by leveraging different skills. The gig economy can facilitate this transition. Conclusion: Compare the experiences of employees versus employers to understand the shift from traditional roles to gig-based opportunities.
That's a summary of why I quit my job in 2013. I was underpaid, overworked, not appreciated, disrespected, and treated like a number. I was burnt out and recovered slowly due to a lack of consistent employment and lying human resources management covering to protect the company. In addition to not having a clear understanding of how my age would impact hiring decisions, when many companies preferred younger candidates versus veteran professionals. I experienced age discrimination at the age of forty, which was unbelievable, yet it occurred over, and over, and over again.
I know someone who was "let go" after decades because the co. he worked for hired a younger person to do the same job for half the pay. Problem: the younger person had little to no experience and could not do the same job as well. The co. suffered and my friend decided to retire... and he feels much better now.
He’s right, I found that quitting helps you grow your income, rather than trying to chase the carrot companies dangle in front of you. I wish I had this advice in my early years, I agree with this generation, I missed out so much in my life working and working. Please put yourself and your health first
@@captainflowers748 you dont quit from working, you quit your job and hop to another company thats looking for ne employes. You nearly always get more money then trying to climb the ladder in a single company.
I have another theory. I think that cognitive complexity of work in 2024 is significantly higher than in the past. So basically even if we work the same amount of time, we perform much more cognitive work, because work environment is much more complicated and complex. And we are not paid for this cognitive load we need to handle. All the technology increased cognitive load. We are just not able to handle any more, that's why we aim to decrease time of work. Just too much cognitive load. This is already above our capabilities to work so long in such a complex environment.
this is why people really need to start reconsidering the trades. It’s highly rewarding and there are SO many small employers out there looking for hard working people who will 100% be given the opportunity to grow in wages alongside responsibility
How much do you need? $20/hour, $50/hour, $100? Your system is broken - the model of seeking a paycheck from the man, having him pay your taxes and just staying on that broken. We need to fix ourselves, not the system. Find what you're good at and sell it. I'm writing this to tell myself the same thing.
@@JohnslistI like your optimism but you're simply wrong my friend. Sure it's possible and I hope you do succeed in this system, but capitalism is not the ultimate economic system, it's very flawed. Many people have many ideas for a new system and many countries other than ours are implementing them with huge success. Once again, everyone should try to do well in this system just don't forget how messed up capitalism is
@@ran4082 You're confused, no system has done more for MORE than our system. Other systems might have an illusion by keeping everyone down, but there is no mobility, justice or fairness. And those at the bottom are really at the bottom, with death and disease a daily concern. Then there are the injustices, prisons and killings. Keep believing what you want, or decide in your homeroom class that you need to start actually studying. Name one of these countries implementing a 'new' idea with 'success.' You also obviously need to do some real traveling.
I don't care to quit a 40 hour work week. I just dont want to have to do side jobs after work and weekends just to have enough cash to afford basic things. Not having time to enjoy life, working to survive, is not earning a living-it's living to earn.
@@jtee4103 Yeah, by getting pumped and dumped until you lose all your savings. Only reason to buy bitcoin is to wait for someone else to buy it later. It is the most successful Ponzy in history.
i mean if you print it or the government prints it whats it matter. its worthless paper anyways. we just give it a value. money is just backed by government debt. its comical. print away soldier
I was raised to “ work 60 hours, don’t EVER complain, work crappy jobs and make 40 year careers working with people you hate seeing everyday” Then I grew up and realized I’m quitting every job until I find one where I’m happy as I won’t be spending my life miserable full of regrets being the next corporate slave or “brick in the wall”
If you just take a step back you really see how much we prioritise work and the illusion of stability. 40 hour week doesn’t include the work you take home or the overtime you get roped into. The travel or the work performance reviews twice a year where they pat you on the back at the same time increasing your workload by 10%. You put up with it because your financial situation is that you locked in. Your salary pays for the car you need to drive to work, the clothes you wear and the house you live in. Puts food on the table and sends your kids to school.
Lately I’ve been realizing just how beautiful and special this life is. Even through suffering and pain. And I don’t want to waste anymore time slaving away just to make a few people richer. I just want to be able to see my family more, and say I love you more. This country has become so terrible and it’s just because of a few who sit at the top that dictate our hours , that dictate when we can take a vacation and when we can spend time doing what we actually love with the people we love.
AS a business owner i have realized that I pay people for what they produce not the hours they put in. So I pay them a salary for doing what they produce. Hours does not matter. I addition if they want to make more, then simply produce more, not required but an option. This allows them to balance work and life. I get what i want, results, they get what they want money and a LIFE.I worked for corporate America and hated it. The stress was affecting my health and I decided enough of this. Now i am happy, helping others and getting everything i want out of life.
A lot of buisness owners do the same but they introduce a caviat. Example: they know if workers need to give 130-150% they produce 10k pieces of whatever and say "ok, you get your salary if you get to 100% quota (which is 10k pieces) and everything above it is a bonus on salary". Meaning people need to work 8hrs to barely produce 10k pieces.
Now if only everybody sees the Corporations, and the Government has rigged the Game. Instead of us serving them, they ought to serve the people. They beneath OUR FEET.
If you have an emergency fund, you have time to look for another job elsewhere while having time for yourself and your mental health. But if you don’t, you’re going to struggle.
And single people get taxed more, because those "women" who make kid$ for welfare benefits don't want to work... If I can't afford to have my own children, what makes them think I want to pay for theirs?! Every job I ever had was filled with racists and harassment. Nowadays, I don't even want to speak to anyone.
@@zuckthebetacuck2789 How are you guys not realizing how common it is to not be able to afford everything these days in the USA? Rent for a studio/single bed now in a non-crime-ridden area is around 1500-2000/month, food is around 500/mo, gas around 200/mo, health insurance around 300/mo, car insurance around 100/mo, electric and water and trash around 100/mo, phone and internet around 150/mo, other necessities around 100/mo, etc; so you're looking at around 3000 minimum costs per month to be truly on your own, and assuming you have no debts or loans! So that means, after taxes, you'd have to take home at least 20 an hour, which means you'd have to be paid like 26 an hour or more before tax. There's only around half of workers under 40 that get paid that much anymore! This is a huge problem!
@@zuckthebetacuck2789 There aren't "unemployment benefits". If you get fired or laid off at no fault of your own, then you get 1/2 your previous pay, at a cap, and have to prove you're actively looking for work every day.
You probably learned a lot from that lesson. Never just quit if you haven’t got something else lined up. Just find something while working your current job so the transition is better.
Exactly, these videos sounds so good but I’ll tell you the stress of survival mode beats the stress of the 9-5. Working a shitty job sucks, but as long as it’s putting some money in you’re pocket and keeping you sheltered it’s not as bad as being on the brink of homelessness with no hope in sight. Just make sure you got something lined up before you quit unless the situation is dire.
Because it’s not worth it. Businesses want you to give EVERYTHING but then give next to nothing in return. They all say “We’re growing and there are a lot of opportunities for growth/advancement.” But then it doesn’t happen so why stay for maybe a 3% raise? Jump ship and you could get paid 10-20% more for doing the same thing.
@@lengerer Follow the money as the old saying goes. If someone is going to pay you more for the same thing then why work for less? if the employer wants to keep you badly enough they will match it to keep you around.
And of course, there are always 10 jobs that will always offer you 10-20% more, right? Maybe you need to wake up and understand that that won´t always be the case and that those hyped TikTok BS videos have all been a lie and just drama fro clicks.
This is exactly right. Currently having success beginning my own web design / services to businesses. I see the pain my parents and grandparents are in and I want to live differently, as well as help them as I scale
Tipping in the US is out of hand. Employers don’t pay enough, so workers rely on tips, and now some act like it’s mandatory. Working for tips instead of a real wage isn’t sustainable, this whole system needs a fix.
Does anybody else feel like the 40hr work week is making you depressed at times. I have a good paying job $30hr. Not exactly a demanding job. I just wish I had more free time. When I wake up on weekdays I'm so depressed. Don't usually sleep well either on weekdays. Hard to get to sleep because I don't wanna go to work.
40 hrs is not a lot to be honest having a few hours a day to work on your self plus a rest day and day to get personal things done is more then enough. It might the job itself or something in your personal life that you’re dissatisfied with.
@@ediverhurtado7022 maybe for you, but some have desire for more. Personal satisfaction takes time and not everyone has the same advantages and tools, it's not your prerogative to tell someone how many hours they need for that. Only they can know that, through trial and error only then can someone sort out what they need and want in the miasma of chaos that is life.
It's kinda wild that workers over the course of decades fought their way from 82 hour workweeks to 40 hour workweeks being put into law 100 years ago, and those workers continued to fight, because 40 was never their ultimate goal! They wanted better for us than this century long stagnation. We were never built to be exhausted to this degree, we were just considered disposable.
I’m working to buy a piece of land by next year, where I will use the skills I’ve been learning over 12 years to start a small farm, and build my house. I don’t plan on living in the city, nor suburbia, but rather in the country where I can live debt free and with the land as God intended.
Lousy pay, horrible hours, crappy conditions, rampant nepotism, disgusting HR departments, unrealistic deadlines/expectations, etc. I don't blame people for having self-respect and wanting to be paid a fair wage while also having acceptable working conditions. Sadly, we have too many morons running things
Interesting assessment,… so why settle for the status quo? Why not take this to the next level and start a new company with the kind of corporate culture that you want? Who knows,… maybe your example and performance might inspire other companies to follow your lead.
Everyone is blaming a work schedule but its culture and life expenses, people are saying 40 hrs use to support a whole household that included benefits and vacations. Now everything is so expensive people blame work and not being paid enough that their jobs require so much of their time it feels unfair. Also people resigning in 2021 either took a job that benefited them more and their family better or they could afford to not work for a while. Im one of the people that quit my management job to take a job with less responsibility paying the same as my old job. Great video 👍🏼
Should be a 32 hour work week with flexibility within that 32 hr week for longer or shorter days needed - cumulative 32, but allows for adjustments to family life depending on the day or your family schedule.
@@AndreiJikhyup. 2006-2012, basically nobody left their job at the company I worked for as a paramedic. Jobs were very hard to get. Then it became a revolving door
If I could start over I'd: -stay away from marriage. -focus on a job that pays well and is in demand. -once you get that job, focus on paying cash for a home. -once you have a home and zero debt, get a part time job with medical insurance.
Another thing is before if you worked hard you got raises and promotions. Now they expect you to work hard just to stay where you are. 40 hour work week is not healthy either you're over taxing your body or your mind
This. This is the worst. Used to be giving 110% was how you moved up. Now, companies have figured out if they can convince people to give 110% with the illusion of progression and raises that will never come, they'll get 10% more productivity out of people for free because managers and higher positions will always be outside or nepo hires
I had a horrible job for years in customer service, but I stuck with it because my manger was a great lady who was really helpful, accommodating, and understanding. If she wasn't I'd have been out of there in a month.
One of the most inspirational videos I've ever heard. Basically explained every reason I have not even tried to enter the workforce yet and instead pursued my dreams and went into RUclips in the past few months. Maybe one day we will get a down to earth politician who actually stands for the people and reverts everything they did since the 1940's.
My husband got laid off last year. After 5-6 months he got another job making about the same amount of money. But he also started his own business because he lost his trust in corporate America after getting laid off. When the business becomes successful enough, he’ll quit the job he has now and run the business full-time.
Downsize your life and he can run his business now full time with maximum effort. We are so conditioned to live these lives full of empty consumption. You can make do with a lot less. Building a good business with your attention going to a normal job is nearly impossible.
I think in European countries they have the mindset that you work to live and live life abundantly and in the US the mindset is we live to work. Even at restaurants, I noticed a big difference. In the US everybody’s in a hurry to get their food and then get rushed out of the restaurant… Well, visiting Ireland and Scotland I noticed people stick around and take their time eating and enjoy company with friends. There’s no rush to hurry.
True but Ireland is probably the most Americanized of all the European nations. Youth emigration is very high. Wages relatively low and rent & house prices are insane.
Is bad as hell in europe too guys...especially in the eastern europe we have no future here only to leave the country and work some years in another country with a bigger salary then come back so we could afford to buy a home
And in Mexico we are fighting to reduce the working days from 48 to 40 hours and the employers do not want to because we would be falling into laziness, they say.
If you got nothing(no house because you cant afford to buy, lease a car as cant afford to buy, cant afford to start a family etc) then you got nothing to lose, makes you more free to just quit and try new things, as you dont have that fear of losing anything. When you have nothing you do get a weird freedom to that.
I didnt quit, I got laid off, so I started my own handyman business and I work when i want, make enough to survive, and hang with my wife and daughter.
I got laid off as well a couple weeks ago now I do DoorDash Uber eats and a little of rideshare. I used to have my handyman’s business and thinking about getting back into it though plus do my food delivery and stuff
I quite my job and took another one that was a pay cut to move closer to family. Bought 20 acres and have started raising chickens and pigs on the side with goal of eventually quitting so I can focus on raising good food for people.
You know what is crazy is he hit every nail on the center of the hammer. My wife and I have been burnt out for the last two years working for companies that dangling a check over our heads. We are tired of feeling like we are not living life. We dont have kids or many responsibilities but we feel like we can never get ahead or take enough time off work to work our ourselves and our mental and physical health is not at its best. We are thankful to have jobs but at the same time we feel like this is not they way we should be living life. I know that life can be better and more fulfilling and working a 9-5 for 50+ years is a sure way to fly through life not feeling like you didint do what made you happy. At the end of the day I know I was put on this earth to do something amazing and my time is running out. I am 35 years old and the more the years pass, the more I become depressed waking up on a routine to make someone else rich. Its time to take a stand. I feel like this video is a sign that if I dont act soon, I will fall into this same pool of people that look back at their lives when there 60+ (if I make it that far) asking myself, was the juice worth the sqeeze? My time is now!
that is mostly because TikTok drama videos got everyone into thinking that they have a super bad live. Before that wave of BS videos, most people where fine with it. Now everyone feels the need to exploit the system as much as they can to their own benefit. Once the economic tide turns, those people will see how bad their decisions where...and they run back like a crybaby to those "good old companies that always had their back" lol...
@@MrAndi1281 And by "always had your back" you mean fires you the first time it makes financial sense? For example when the pandemic came thousands of companies just fired the majority of their employees. So much security, sure everyone will crawl back on all fours...
Companies have reduced benefits in recent years. If you work hard, you will NOT recieve raises or bonuses or more vacation time or anything. You are simply given more work and a pat on the back. If you work hard, you still can't afford a home, a family, a car, a vacation.. If you work hard and hurt yourself, the company will blame you, even if you follow their instructions to a T. If you work hard, you will be giving away everything that makes life worth living without any benefit to yourself.
We are doing well because my husband bought a fixer upper years ago and we could afford it on one salary. You can’t do that today, not with houses costing $400k and above. Parents are helping their kids which only pushes prices up. We need a massive shut down and protest. We need to find our candidates and financially support them.
Im 47 a single dad and i had to work during the pandemic but one year ago i got injured at my job. (work comp takes forever to get stuff done). So I've realised something. The live to work mentality is like a prescription drug your hooked on. Seriously you work to get it because you do need it but you build up a resistance costs go up so you need more and have to work much more, to obtain it. If nothing stops it this continues till you die. just like any other drug habit. I went through a detox at home. Seriously its like the matrix unfortunately no one can be told exactly how "live to work" is they can only be shown. Now that i am outside of the "live to work matrix" i can see it and how it has fooled so many people . Eventually I came out the other side and realized that the "live to work" mentality is like a drug or a cult. Most of us are brainwashed into thinking this way. It takes a long time to detox from the drug to let it wear off to even see it for what it actually is.
I work in health care and during the pandemic I got long haul Covid. I got to detox then and since I couldn’t walk due to the illness I was able to think a bit more clearly and realized I needed to make money from my bed. Thank God for the internet .
No you don’t have a choice. Being homeless is illegal. Animals can freely exist but you are less than an animal and must pay to exist. A new era of economic slavery is beginning. Soon you’ll work a day for food only.
companies want a younger person with not a lot of life experience and not much passion to come in and work because they are easily moldable and can be stuck in their position for a long time
I’m in the uk. I’m 47 and wages for my role in marketing are about the same as 15-20 years ago. But now I’m a mum and my time is more precious. Work just doesn’t pay enough to justify the commitment. Inequality in wealth needs to change!
Until the people overthrow the Federal Reserve, the I.R.S, and the CENTRAL BANKS, the people shall continue to suffer in despair, in regret, in poverty, in agony, and in tears for as long as the people *tolerate* it.
UK wages are horrendous compared to USA. We have it even worse given our economy has literally been stagnant for 16 years now. This plus the issues stated in the video makes it so depressing
There is a lot to be said about work life balance and well being. Companies tend to be not so good at that. When you're a high level exec making a lot of money, your expectations for that don't translate well to the low wage worker who gets little benefit from putting in the same time and energy. If there was some sort of career trajectory that they can reasonably expect, it might be different, but it's not like that anymore. On the other hand, if we're quitting jobs all the time, how are bills getting paid? Why would an employer want to hire you? How are you saving for retirement? What are you doing for your future.
I was just in Greece a few weeks ago, I heard similar stories from the people that lived there. But also that you're getting taxed to death on everything! A tax if your vehicle has a v6!? A tax to install solar!? Wonderful, hard working and kind people in Greece. Keep your head up and here's to sweeping reform for your country:)
I quit my job once I realized I tried to injure or seriously harm myself just to have an excuse not to go in. I was doing useless work and not using any of the skills I worked so hard to obtain in school.
At 49 I have spent 26-27 years at jobs that were 40 or so hrs per week. You figure out how to do it in 20 and find ways to occupy the other 20. I daydream a lot, I used to write. On one hand I can say I lived a spartan lifestyle when I first started work, made sacrificies. On the other, I get it. Doing an economics project with my son I found out the rent on the same apartment I rented in 1999 is now about 130% more, while the pay range on the same job at the same place is up 40-50%. Called the apartment complex and they said I would not qualify for a lease at that job's current income, not without a roommate with more income. In 1999 I was one of their better off renters and easily qualified solo.
Here’s the thing. My parents got their house for 90K. Now, a decent house will be upwards of 350K. On top of that, everything else is going up to include insurance, groceries, gas, among other things. During Covid, I was working crazy hours literally day and night. I had two jobs ON TOP of school and I felt like I was just surviving. I wasn’t really saving anything because school and the cost of living were eating away at my expenses. It’s no wonder why the younger generation has checked out. Everything will continue to get more expensive.
People are quitting because companies love to hire awful managers, have no progression strategy, dangle the carrot to get you to run, while paying you terribly. Mix all of that with the increasing inflation with stagnant salaries makes it not worth the high stress for little.
Exact reason why I quit
Its very stressful! I make more than I ever have before and I have never been more broke!
Sad but true. Companies turn normal people in terrorist managers.
Then they bring in immigrants on visas keeping the wages down so there’s no point
"I wish I worked more" said no one ever on their death bed.
Unless you're not on salary and they pay you for the hour/project :)
"I am glad I never had steady work" said no one shivering and starving to death homeless under a bridge.
@@colonialscientific1067 At least they were free.
LOL Exactly.
It's easy to answer: working a 9-to-5 job no longer gives us a life, but servitude.
That's precisely it. There's no benefit to work. We all only do it because we're threatened with homelessness and starvation for not working for someone. Many of us still go hungry and homeless even when employed by multiple jobs
Aww poor thing
If you are lucky to survive and are still mentally and physically well
In 2022, the average work week was about 35 hours per week. In 1980 it was closer to 45 hours per week. We are moving away from slavery, but there is no doubt that today is slavery. We are all better off living off the land, hunting, sewing, and giving up our cars, TVs and PCs. Not all slaves were beaten. Some were treated very well.
Might as well become a streamer
Because the 9-5 is actually 9-6(1h lunch break) add to that getting ready and commute it’s 8-7, after that you are completely drained and you still need to cook, clean, shower who the heck has time to have a life on this schedule and to raise children, I don’t even have time to date… we need part-time jobs with full time pay, otherwise what is the point of all this technological advancement?!
Some employees get an extra hour a day for smoke breaks, on this basis non smokers should be able to go home an hour early
I get only a 30 minute lunch break unpaid no breaks
You guys are getting 1h breaks? 😢
@ poor thing 🥲
And try to raise a family on top of all of that.
I am so sick of being over worked, underpaid, and unappreciated
If the sheeps only knew that they are the real powers that should be, and have the courage to wield it.
And you'll see, mankind back on track *since the Declaration of Independence* !!!!
Henry Ford initiated the 40 hour work week in 1926. He found his assembly line workers were more productive than those working longer hours. It was codified in the Fair Labor Standards Act.
Then don't ever be self-employed and never ever employ anybody else. Employees have all the rights, little to no responsibility, are too expensive to employ, can leave at the drop of a hat and cannot be sacked for, slowness, laziness, or rudeness to customers without several prior warnings by which time they can ruin a business.
@analyticalhabitrails9857 noone has the nuts to take back anything anymore.
I never did expect to be appreciated at work. I only expected to get paid on par with the quality of work i did. Sometimes, you just have to quit expecting too much.
Because we realized that working 9-5 will not get us a house and family like our parents gen did.
That's a big part of it!
That's true.
100%, there is no more carrot doing the 9-5 anymore, it’s pure stick
I guess being homeless is a better option
I remember looking at coats at Sears years ago. A guy and a girl in their late 20s walked by and the guy said, "I actually know someone who bought clothes here once", and the girl kind of laughed.
It's what my parents did and it's what I do. We make our coffee and our meals at home and my old car runs just fine.
So have your daily $4 latte and order something from Uber Eats, get the latest phone and make sure you're never seen in a non-designer clothes. Then marvel at how the previous gens had it so easy.
People are sick of working their life away for no recognition and no money
Recognition is for the weak. Fastest way to get a raise is to switch companies or start your own. If your job has low frontal lobe engagement, your pay will always be trash and that's your own fault for settling or letting years pass by and doing nothing about it.
Recognition for what? And are you suggesting you don't earn a wage?
Your boss trying to squeeze every last ounce out of you is what is killer.
@_..D I wasn't expecting the frontal lobe commentary, it was hilarious. I agree with everything you said. I'm a DNP in a large hospital and worked very hard to own my house.
Recognition for flipping a burger?
The fact that nobody talks about the forbidden book Zyphura Money by Hunter Zypher on Vexoner speaks volumes about how people are stuck in a trance
Thank you for shedding a light on
Ok so a conspiracy theory then!!
@@noniousxltruffles7454 Everything is a conspiracy theory for simple people stuck in the Matrix.
The shift from “We live to Work” to “We Work to Live” is really a strong statement summarizing the issue
14:12 But what had "printing billions of dollars" to do with it? Sorry, but this made the video bad, in fact here in Germany (green line) a reason that our economy is not recovering from Corona and russian war is caused by a liberal finance minister who is blocking all goverment investments - money printing - in anything. The first thing people notice comming to our Soccer-EM was the trains are delayed. Yes cause the train infrastructure is famous for decaying since 1994.
That’s not what is happening though. If you are plugged in, you will notice that the people who are quitting are not thriving - many of them are too exhausted or “lying flat”. Ambitious people who have the ability to work, are working two jobs.
Printing more money, just makes more money to circulate, making the money esch person has worth less.
Hope that makes sense.
And that vicious cycle must be broken by your Second Amendment.
@@larrypaulus9070 That is the first thought that comes to mind and like all first thoughts it is not the best. In reality people are not buying money every day, they are buying food and in reality banks are giving credits not the country so no, it does not make sense.
Even assuming it was right our german finance minister would do the same thing as all goverments before so expecting the outcome to be different is like trying to hit the gas pedal harder when car fuel was already empty.
Now nearly even liberal economists are against the stuff this guy tries to come up with. One of his party's solutions was already to "allow" people to work more as pensioners or "allow" tax free overtimes.
As a young keynesian economist point out there are many mistakes in modern liberal economic beliefes:
If a state would start collecting its own money instead of printing to eliminate its depts and so "increase the wealth" he could only zero out resulting in the destruction of all money. This make zero sense and would not benefit anyone.
In reality no one pays higher food price cause anyone anywhere printed more money - how should people even know about it? Companies only increase there prices for example when they have higher production cost like higher ressource costs or higher energy costs.
Corona block cheap ressources from China and russian war cheap gas? Oups, look like there are some major reason right ahead.
If your soul leaves the job, your body should follow.
I needed to hear this
Best comment
My soul never arrived for any job
that's a bar right there
Be wary of putting your "soul" into any job.
I’m going to be 62 this year. Comparatively, I made a lot more money in the 90s. I don’t blame any younger person for wanting to drop out of this system.
I'll be 62 myself and 100% agree. Young people, if you can find a way to sustain yourself without a 40-hour job for a corporate, do it and don't look back
I'm born in 95 so 29 y/o, I can tell you I feel this. My parents make more money now then they used too but they don't feel as rich as before it's really weird. Things didn't get worse but they don't take as many vacations and worry about grocery prices where as before when they seemingly made less the were doing more (95-10)
@@gman4141007 Yes, things have gotten very expensive. ✨💖✨
When I was a kid my dad worked one job while my mom stayed home to watch us kids. Now both parents need a job to support their family and pay for daycare.
@@gman4141007 The purchasing power of the $ is half of what it was 40 years ago. So even with more money you can afford significantly less.
I'm sick of constantly learning new skills, going to school, getting more certifications to continue making less, while everything costs more. It's exhausting.
You're getting the wrong certificates and degrees!
This is the boat I’m in. It’s like work and school endlessly 😔. I work in dentistry so it’s a lot
@@Anthonycapone8146well every industry needs somebody to work
People don't realise it, but this is a spiritual revolution. People realise that they are working to maintain a system that is destroying human wellbeing and a healthy planet that humanity relies on.
@EmbraSolomon People, my friend, are waking up after a very long trance which allowed them to be manipulated, by a small, but very powerful elite against their best interests and the good of mankind. It's called transcendence. It's gone on for centuries. It's time...time to forge a new relationship with ourselves, our beautiful world and save ourselves from the abbess that we are all heading into.
Absolutely, and sadly many of us had to go through tough times to fully awaken
I'm tired of looking up apartments and getting discouraged that the 20$/hr 45 hours a week I work is not enough to rent a studio apartment. This world is dumb. It needs to change.
In the same boat 😢
This issue is mostly in America only.
@@mjgfromDDD not really
@@mjgfromDDDexcept that’s not true.
@@kami_sama0803 know examplea of living expenses and job market in other countries?
I recently lost my mom, talking to my dad about it. His biggest regret is that he wasn't able to be there more for her and the kids. This man was working easily 50-60 hours a week on a slow week to supply us all with food on the table. It shouldn't have come to this, you shouldn't have to choose between feeding your family and being a part of your family.
That is so sad but I think as parents we all feel that pressure.
This is sad.
He was being there for them by working. Albeit excessive hours.
Oh well, he knew that but did not do anything about it, and so he did accepted his deep regret to his dying days. But now, the question turns to us, are we going to do the same, and repeat the cycle?
That's why I quit the medical field and became a plumber! Best move ever! More money, more free time, and I love it!
About three years ago I was working a per diem job at a hospital in upstate New York. About three months previously their corporate ownership was bought by another. The new ownership's "policies" were different. PTO (Personal Time Off) did not roll over, could not be cashed out, and could not be used because they were "mandated" to work due to COVID-related staffing issues.
A nurse in the employee cafeteria loudly said: "If I knew it was going to be like this, I would have learned how to weld!"
@@redhedkev1must be garnet
98% of people want to quit their job 97% of people need their job to survive
Exactly, one thing people need to live skinny, (within their means) by a used car instead of a new one, scrap cable, skip starbucks etc. I don't mean live like a pauper, just don't overdo it.
@@3108frank1….people do live like paupers, poor spending habits are not why people are poor.
@@3108frank1”just don’t overdo it” as if people don’t deserve to be able to spend their money on leisurely/luxury things after all the blood, sweat & tears they pour into keeping this system operating? So you want to perpetuate people living increasingly miserable lives and to just make do with the shillings they get from their slave wage jobs?
And what does that say about modern society ? That most of us work jobs that keep us poor while making management and the bosses richer and richer ?
If workers could at least maintain a basic standard of living even if they didn't like their job then they'd be fine with it. Not everyone is fortunate to love their jobs, some work has to be done, we just ask we be able to put a roof over our heads and feed our family
If I'm gonna work all day and still not afford a house and family then I don't see the point.
That is literally what i think! I have no desire to even start a family and have kids when i’m barely saving money monthly even a DOCTORATE. And home ownership is out of reach unless i want to work 60 hours a week for 15 years.
whats even worse in my country working 40hr weeks puts you at the limit of the low tax bracket like it jumps from 17.5% straight up to 30% so if you worked 50hrs a week with minimum wage your only really getting about 5k extra a year which is absurd for the extra amount of time you traded
So how did that college degree work out for ya?@joshhowe9264
@@jamesharmon3827 I’m glad I have it because i don’t have to struggle as bad as most people but i just feel there’s not many things to aspire for other than saving money very slowly and wishing I could afford a house lol. I am grateful overall there’s people in worse situations with crippling debt from college and no job or worse jobs than mine.
So you work very little and can't afford anything or are you on government assistance and still can't afford anything.
Gone are the days of independence and self reliability.
Quit my dealership job in the body shop office and opened my own business doing the same thing. Most time I’ve ever seen my wife and children. Also, made more money the very first year. Yeah, I work the same or more hours but I’d rather do it on my own terms and not have to deal with the office politics.
Congrats! I know how scary it is to quit something steady to do your own thing, I think you made the right move
I did the same thing! Quit my welding and Automotive jobs and opened my own shop out my backyard. Make about the same amount of money and work 20 to 30 hours less a week. About to set up some contract work for a guy part time and expand a little
This is the way. W.
How did you market this? I am struggling :(
So someone could work for you and face the same issues and quit on you.
I see all these people say they quit their jobs, but no one ever explains how they pay for food, shelter, etc
The HARSH TRUTH is most jobs SUCK.
People looking for jobs suck more.
@@MrAndi1281 If you pay bad and make your workers buy the stuff they need for YOUR WORK than GFYS
@@MrAndi1281 All of this, and other social media influencing/activism could end very fast if there was no advertisement money to be earned on these platforms.
Not the job itself. It’s the people you work with that makes or breaks you wanting to work there.
@@TheAnonymous916not 100% though, some companies are just run badly or have terrible policies that cause unnecessary stress and hardship for their staff.
Always remember that if you died for your job they've have your replacement before your obituary was written.
I saw this in real time and it was scary. His job was in the classifieds and his face in the memorials of the Sunday paper
I will never understand people killing themselves for a job. Destroying your body and mind so your boss can have a third car or a bigger swimming pool.
It’s true. I dear co worker of mine actually did die tragically - got hit by a car crossing the street to our office building! Within the week they were posting an opening for her position. Disgusting
Replacement? No they just disperse your responsibility to your remaining coworkers.
No to 40hrs, no to 9-5, no to Mon-Fri, no to sitting in an office for the sake of it.
Yes to balance, yes to flexibility, yes to family, yes to experiences.
People can work and produce effectively outside expired norms.
What’s your method?
I know sitting in an office is crap, but 40 and sometimes extra hours in a warehouse is an extremely crap environment
You should work at Walmart retail. Maybe it will humble you
But middle management can't justify their jobs if they can't monitor your every move or shout at you like a toddler for being 3min late to the office. Would you have produced more in those 3min? No, but the control freaks need to have control over your life.
Perfectly stated.
I quit because I didn’t resonate with my job anymore. My decisions were now backed by being more consciously aware of conditioning, which did not resonate with the environment there. I tried hard to fit in and finally when my body started showing discomfort through unexplained anxiety, I quit, and it calmed down. I don’t think a 40 hour work week is useful especially if the 40 hours are packed with “doing something constantly” and not providing enough space to breathe, be aware of conditioning and allow more joy to flow through. Thanks for making this video! 😊
Back in my day working for nothing and having to do anything was called SLAVERY.
They put a bs positive spin on it and rebranded it as "volunteering" ....I have also heard "unpaid internship" which seems to be even worse.
Well, they fed you and provided accomodations :))
Worse, even slaves got free housing and food...
NOOO, not your comment but the replies……… it’s the wrong way to put it, you couldn’t quit from one slave owner and go to another
I've quit job after job after job after job for 30 years now. The primary reasons are:
*Increase my pay
*Finding better company culture
*Just find something more rewarding
As I've gotten into my 40s now, I quit for:
*Better work life balance
*Better benefits
I finally found a union job as a school bus driver. 25-30 hours per week, $35/hr, incredible benefits, Monday thru Friday, holidays and summers off. Culture among the drivers is incredible, I'm never leaving this one.
I am genuinely really happy for you 🤗🎉
@@ivana4942 35/hr as a school bus driver, and I destroyed myself attending school and persevering to earn a bachelor's of science in actuarial science to make 21.50/hr. Most companies just don't want to pay their workers
You must be in a high cost of living area, school bus drivers in my region make $14 to $18 an hour!
Im so happy Glados got to live a better life.
I landed my first $37/hr at 25 with no degree. Looks like you wasted your time
It is extremely simple. 30 years ago working 40 hours a week could support a family with a home. Now it can rent a two bedroom with a roomate. Thats it. It's not complicated.
Nicely said!!
everyone was brainwashed since birth to work at a corporation instead of employee-owned company or cooperative.
Not even a 2 bedroom apartment in some places anymore. I don't even live in a city, and if you make 3x the minimum wage of my state, a studio apartment alone would take up 50-60% of your monthly earnings. At this point I'm still living with my family in my 20s, and am simultaneously grateful and embarrassed.
Maybe aquire a marketable skill ? Just a thought.
@@jamesharmon3827You are part of the problem with that kind of thinking. Objectively, the data clearly shows a growing wage gap since the 1970's and that's based on the U.S. Department of Labor's data.
I think most people have realized that a better life is out there but as a collective we are afraid to enter into that unknown & build within it.
We are also so absorbed with assimilating information from our devices looking for a way out that we forget to look within that provides the true path.
We need healing centers out in nature that truly heal people with nothing expected in return. We need big money to realize the karmic implications of doing such a thing.
Otherwise we can choose to flounder in this corrupt evil system & repeat insanity.
Great comment!
In the 1940s people didn’t have to read 60 emails a day, join pointless zoom calls or do online compliance training. Doing more work doesn’t make you more effective, it’s doing the RIGHT work.
Lol sounds like nothing to complain about. You wanna work outside all day in the blistering heat??
@@alexrangel490 yes, I would. Office jobs are alienating, they turn you into zombies. Between an only office job and an outside job, I would choose the outside. But the best would be something in between, like an active job that you do inside, or a job that is outside part time and inside part time.
@@trekadouble757Come join the company i work for bud. 10 hr minimum hard labor, maybe a break if it’s not important. Shoveling, digging, 108°F weather last week and raining in the morning too. You definitely would quit in the first week.
How can you even call that work? Yall haven't worked a day in your lives.
@@KoKoNuTz232 sitting at a computer all day isn't hard that's not the point, imagine sitting and looking at a wall for 40 hours a week, I'd also rather be putting in actual labor lmao
Quitting is the only way to get a pay bump. I mean companies used to give pay raises. Now they just keep you at the same rate until you quit
Ya I was stupid to stay and think loyalty pays
@@chuachua-hj9zd Well, don't blame yourself too much. It used to end up as a pension and full benefits. Sadly, that went away around 1995.
@@chuachua-hj9zd well not "stupid" per se technically for loyalty "paid", it no longer does, doesnt meannits stupid its just outdated and naive
but there is a vortex of lack of job creation in the jobs that pay well. like anitrust is kinking up job creation in the more meaningful jobs, and so the economy becomes lopsidedly unefficient with the only jobs left are the less impactful jobs that are over saturated. then large quantities of people are rewarded for not working at all and then puts pressure on those who are working, and then foregn nations print money and launder money and live predatorily off of the usa people and the usa workers. so generally speaking honest ways of living is down the toilet for the most part for alot of people, even if you have good intentions.
@@henlohenlo689 lol blame foreign nations eventhough the US is constantly stabbed in the back by its own billionaires.
Never forget, there IS more money in the world than ever, the only reason we dont see it isnt because a crisis, no its just cus it ends up in the pocket of the ultra rich
Companies do not support their employees so I totally understand the lack of loyalty from employees.
Loyalty is a two-way street, the average company has forgotten about that.
Companies have no loyalty only are cannibals
Every family has that one person who will break the family financial struggle, I hope you become the one
Ditto! 💜🙏🏾
Thanks mate
Imagine planning your early life to end up working an ethical job as a doctor and then finding out the hospitals are also crooks. What a world we live in
Say no to student loans.
I've had a similar conversation with my mother. I said if I had a kid who wanted to be a doctor, I'd tell him or her to stay out of the medical system. Buy a big house and run your clinic out of the living room, the way doctors used to do. Don't take insurance at all so you don't have to deal with the restrictions or the paperwork or have staff just to handle filing all that BS. An assistant to answer the phone, book appointments, and handle the money is about all you need.
I went to the doctor twice while I was in Ireland and they do everything themselves--blood pressure checks, blood draws--no nurse. That cuts down on your overhead and gives you more time with patients so you can figure out what's wrong with them. And being outside the medical industrial complex, you can do what you wanted to do in the first place--help people live better lives--instead of making permanent customers, like the surgeon was complaining about.
I think there's plenty of demand for boutique doctors like this and there will be even more demand as time goes on. People are wiseing up to the way the health care industry is run and they're frustrated their insurance won't pay for things they need, or makes them pay for a lot of tests to prove a problem they and the doctor both already know they have. (Had this happen just a few weeks ago at my dentist. I don't have dental insurance and he remarked that he didn't have to xray my broken tooth prior to putting a cap on it because I didn't have insurance. He knew my tooth was broken. I knew my tooth was broken. But if I had had insurance, they would have demanded proof my tooth was broken, causing an unnecessary expense. My mother has insurance and had to get several different xrays and pictures to prove she needed a bridge and that she needed remedial work done on one tooth in order to have the bridge put in.)
Absolutely. Probably the most immoral industry right now in the USA (and that's saying a lot since there are so many corrupt industries at the moment)!
@@kerim.peardon5551 Is that even legal in the western world these days? Haven't looked into it. Haven't seen a doctor in over 10 years for these reasons, honestly... they're all quacks out to make money, not fix you.
@@kerim.peardon5551 Good luck finding a house in an area that is zoned residential/commercial that would allow you to practice medicine there. There are very few places like that and most are being phased out as soon as the doctor retires and it's no longer used for that purpose, then it is no longer grandfathered in and can no longer be used for healthcare.
I’m 43 and I decided to go part time and just cut back on my spending. My theory was I could survive on 20 hours a week and by working 40-45 I was wasting money on stuff I didn’t need. So I bit the bullet and did it. It’s life changing.
What so you do to pass time? I find I burn more money with more time. I guess it's a self discipline issue
you did the right thing
I’m trying this as well. Living on 2K of unemployment with rent at 1.2k. It’s not possible with things like car insurance at 200, electric bill at 100, groceries 150 a week x 4.
how do you pay for medical related expenses?
We used to be able to afford a house and two cars with a normal job. Now, people need two jobs just for rent on an apartment.
Thank a Democrat
A job honestly doesn’t gives you the time, space and opportunity to chase your dreams and achieve your goals. From personal experience i can tell you working a serious job is modern day slavery. they pay you a small amount for doing a significant amount of work and promises you promotion. Best advice make investments and take calculated risks that would guarantee your success.
Understanding personal finances and investing will most likely lead to greater financial independence. By being knowledgeable about money and investing, individuals can make informed decisions about how to save, spend, and invest their money.
This confirms why I feel so tired at the end of the week. The amount of work delivered in those 40 hours is truly mentally exhausting. Even getting paid well often doesn’t justify the exhaustion
Whimps and whiners rule this comment section
Plus the commute.
@@BrandonCCB plus time spent sleeping and cooking
@@Zavlon about cooking. After a 9h day you dont want to cook anything. Ordering food is too convenient or cooking up that supermarket instant ramen with hot water is also too convenient and fast, perfect after a 9h day.
Yeah, so imagine that we don't even paid well 😅
Productivity skyrocketed but today all the gains are going right to the top.
You know the saying, boss makes a dollar I make a dime…
Exactly! Whats the point? They bullshit you into a endless circle that goes no where. You are scum to them and treated as 3rd class.
It's not productivity, that has decreased a lot. What has increased in inflation
It also goes to those who change the job for one where their experience and know how is specially useful.
@@seane6616You're crazy to think productivity has decreased. Weve got insane levels of productivity because of technology. Projects previously impossible were made possible thanks to people having tech and advanced machines. Its all an excuse by the rich
Reasons for quitting, summarized:
Sleep deprivation
Excessive bureaucracy
Unrealistic expectations
Lack of creative freedom
Arbitrary rules and strict demands
Excessive working hours
Lack of flexibility
Primary reason: Low pay
Desired outcome:
Focus on increased productivity: Work less, earn more by leveraging different skills. The gig economy can facilitate this transition.
Conclusion: Compare the experiences of employees versus employers to understand the shift from traditional roles to gig-based opportunities.
In other words, accountability + a lack of work ethic.
@@touchofgrace3217 yes .
@touchofgrace3217 lol accountability? Making slaves be accountable is slavery 😂
Reason for not quitting:
Being homeless.
What whiners
That's a summary of why I quit my job in 2013. I was underpaid, overworked, not appreciated, disrespected, and treated like a number. I was burnt out and recovered slowly due to a lack of consistent employment and lying human resources management covering to protect the company. In addition to not having a clear understanding of how my age would impact hiring decisions, when many companies preferred younger candidates versus veteran professionals. I experienced age discrimination at the age of forty, which was unbelievable, yet it occurred over, and over, and over again.
I know someone who was "let go" after decades because the co. he worked for hired a younger person to do the same job for half the pay. Problem: the younger person had little to no experience and could not do the same job as well. The co. suffered and my friend decided to retire... and he feels much better now.
He’s right, I found that quitting helps you grow your income, rather than trying to chase the carrot companies dangle in front of you.
I wish I had this advice in my early years, I agree with this generation, I missed out so much in my life working and working. Please put yourself and your health first
How does quitting help?
Yeah bro...let us know how u broke the system...the process..
@@captainflowers748 switching jobs is the only guaranteed way anymore to get a wage increase.
@@captainflowers748 you dont quit from working, you quit your job and hop to another company thats looking for ne employes. You nearly always get more money then trying to climb the ladder in a single company.
Greed is the root of all evil and most big companies are greedy and do not reinvest in the people that actually do the work.
I have another theory. I think that cognitive complexity of work in 2024 is significantly higher than in the past. So basically even if we work the same amount of time, we perform much more cognitive work, because work environment is much more complicated and complex. And we are not paid for this cognitive load we need to handle. All the technology increased cognitive load. We are just not able to handle any more, that's why we aim to decrease time of work. Just too much cognitive load. This is already above our capabilities to work so long in such a complex environment.
@@pawelzentala or just don’t waste cognition on social media 🤣🤣🤣
this is why people really need to start reconsidering the trades. It’s highly rewarding and there are SO many small employers out there looking for hard working people who will 100% be given the opportunity to grow in wages alongside responsibility
Imma take a shot for every congestive word you typed 😂
Yes! I've been doing the same type of job for over 30 years, but I've never been so stressed with more complex technology being required to do it! 🤯
Good point.
Bosses are nothing without their workers, so it stands to reason bosses shouldn't treat workers like they're nothing.
Why work when my paycheck BARELY pays for my bills??? The system is broke and I'm tired of being a part of it!
How else will you pay your bills?
How much do you need? $20/hour, $50/hour, $100? Your system is broken - the model of seeking a paycheck from the man, having him pay your taxes and just staying on that broken. We need to fix ourselves, not the system. Find what you're good at and sell it. I'm writing this to tell myself the same thing.
@@JohnslistI like your optimism but you're simply wrong my friend. Sure it's possible and I hope you do succeed in this system, but capitalism is not the ultimate economic system, it's very flawed. Many people have many ideas for a new system and many countries other than ours are implementing them with huge success. Once again, everyone should try to do well in this system just don't forget how messed up capitalism is
@ran4082 capitalism is the greatest system, work harder. Or don't. It's your choice after all.
@@ran4082 You're confused, no system has done more for MORE than our system. Other systems might have an illusion by keeping everyone down, but there is no mobility, justice or fairness. And those at the bottom are really at the bottom, with death and disease a daily concern. Then there are the injustices, prisons and killings. Keep believing what you want, or decide in your homeroom class that you need to start actually studying. Name one of these countries implementing a 'new' idea with 'success.' You also obviously need to do some real traveling.
I don't care to quit a 40 hour work week. I just dont want to have to do side jobs after work and weekends just to have enough cash to afford basic things. Not having time to enjoy life, working to survive, is not earning a living-it's living to earn.
i quit my job of 10 years. and together with my wife we opened our work studio. peace came to life.
What’s a work studio?
@@antokh aka unemployment checks and foodstamps
@@JohnSmith-fo5cxi don’t think you qualify for unemployment if you quit unless they broke some labor law
@@christoferrage sorry, it was meant more as a joke.
Living that FIRE life style…. Sorry your wife left you.
I quit 40 hour week.......
Now I have 70 hour week
Why are you self employed?
@BabyDoll-hm6ni best way to go in life
Inflation, taxes and government corruption should be a big turn off for anyone.
Bitcoin fixes that
@@jtee4103 Yeah, by getting pumped and dumped until you lose all your savings. Only reason to buy bitcoin is to wait for someone else to buy it later. It is the most successful Ponzy in history.
@@jtee4103LOL explain how bitcoin fixes the issue of tax inequity, inflation, and the corruption of corporate control in our government 😂
@@bradleyjordan5365 is their another way to get out of the corrupt fractional reserve banking ?
I want to quit and just print the money I need. Just like goverement.
Now your talking brotha
Sounds good in theory but then everything goes up and we are back to square one.
Looks like you need to start saving in Bitcoin 😅
i mean if you print it or the government prints it whats it matter. its worthless paper anyways. we just give it a value. money is just backed by government debt. its comical. print away soldier
I was raised to “ work 60 hours, don’t EVER complain, work crappy jobs and make 40 year careers working with people you hate seeing everyday”
Then I grew up and realized I’m quitting every job until I find one where I’m happy as I won’t be spending my life miserable full of regrets being the next corporate slave or “brick in the wall”
If you just take a step back you really see how much we prioritise work and the illusion of stability. 40 hour week doesn’t include the work you take home or the overtime you get roped into. The travel or the work performance reviews twice a year where they pat you on the back at the same time increasing your workload by 10%. You put up with it because your financial situation is that you locked in. Your salary pays for the car you need to drive to work, the clothes you wear and the house you live in. Puts food on the table and sends your kids to school.
Lately I’ve been realizing just how beautiful and special this life is. Even through suffering and pain. And I don’t want to waste anymore time slaving away just to make a few people richer. I just want to be able to see my family more, and say I love you more. This country has become so terrible and it’s just because of a few who sit at the top that dictate our hours , that dictate when we can take a vacation and when we can spend time doing what we actually love with the people we love.
AS a business owner i have realized that I pay people for what they produce not the hours they put in. So I pay them a salary for doing what they produce. Hours does not matter. I addition if they want to make more, then simply produce more, not required but an option. This allows them to balance work and life. I get what i want, results, they get what they want money and a LIFE.I worked for corporate America and hated it. The stress was affecting my health and I decided enough of this. Now i am happy, helping others and getting everything i want out of life.
Bro can I work for you???? 🥲
You fam deserve a reward
A lot of buisness owners do the same but they introduce a caviat.
Example: they know if workers need to give 130-150% they produce 10k pieces of whatever and say "ok, you get your salary if you get to 100% quota (which is 10k pieces) and everything above it is a bonus on salary".
Meaning people need to work 8hrs to barely produce 10k pieces.
Now if only everybody sees the Corporations, and the Government has rigged the Game. Instead of us serving them, they ought to serve the people. They beneath OUR FEET.
That only works if the salary is good. Most business owners cheat their employees low bowling their salaries
Watching this as this is my last week working at my company. Burn out is real, was literally forced to quit for my mental health. No back up plan.
No back up plan necessary just keep positive outlook and things will just come together for you
You should secure a new job before you quit a current job
I did this last year, it was rewarding! Just follow your guts, YOLO 👍🏻
If you have an emergency fund, you have time to look for another job elsewhere while having time for yourself and your mental health. But if you don’t, you’re going to struggle.
Same here. I just went to a staffing agency until I found something more permanent.
Life work balance is everything. Spent my last 10 years as a nurse working.
"You'll own nothing and you'll be happy"
That will make millions of poors around the world and "someone" is striving to make this happen...
If no one buys anything how will the corps make money? All this AI is just BS, if no one is working all the stuff AI produces will be collecting dust.
In this day and age you can work a full time job and not be able to pay all your bills as a SINGLE person
And single people get taxed more, because those "women" who make kid$ for welfare benefits don't want to work...
If I can't afford to have my own children, what makes them think I want to pay for theirs?!
Every job I ever had was filled with racists and harassment.
Nowadays, I don't even want to speak to anyone.
I highly doubt that.
As a single working person, you should be able to get by. That's the minimum. Otherwise, you'd be better off on unemployment benefits.
@@zuckthebetacuck2789 How are you guys not realizing how common it is to not be able to afford everything these days in the USA? Rent for a studio/single bed now in a non-crime-ridden area is around 1500-2000/month, food is around 500/mo, gas around 200/mo, health insurance around 300/mo, car insurance around 100/mo, electric and water and trash around 100/mo, phone and internet around 150/mo, other necessities around 100/mo, etc; so you're looking at around 3000 minimum costs per month to be truly on your own, and assuming you have no debts or loans! So that means, after taxes, you'd have to take home at least 20 an hour, which means you'd have to be paid like 26 an hour or more before tax. There's only around half of workers under 40 that get paid that much anymore! This is a huge problem!
@@zuckthebetacuck2789 There aren't "unemployment benefits". If you get fired or laid off at no fault of your own, then you get 1/2 your previous pay, at a cap, and have to prove you're actively looking for work every day.
I quite my job on 06/21/24 and decided to volunteer and work on my business so that I can be my own boss. Best decision ever!!!
@hungsolow7090 Why?
Are you hiring? Haha
Quiet quitting was just people doing their jobs and not going beyond their job.
The way many jobs should be.
I quit my job only to realise I still need a job and now job market is awful. Sometimes grass isn't greener.
You probably learned a lot from that lesson. Never just quit if you haven’t got something else lined up. Just find something while working your current job so the transition is better.
At least you respected your integrity. There might be long term inner rewards for that.
@@stormtraders Find something while working your current job... like, another job? lool
Same now I’m cooked
Exactly, these videos sounds so good but I’ll tell you the stress of survival mode beats the stress of the 9-5. Working a shitty job sucks, but as long as it’s putting some money in you’re pocket and keeping you sheltered it’s not as bad as being on the brink of homelessness with no hope in sight. Just make sure you got something lined up before you quit unless the situation is dire.
Because it’s not worth it. Businesses want you to give EVERYTHING but then give next to nothing in return. They all say “We’re growing and there are a lot of opportunities for growth/advancement.” But then it doesn’t happen so why stay for maybe a 3% raise? Jump ship and you could get paid 10-20% more for doing the same thing.
Some places give young people an opportunity to gain experience. Take that experience and do what you want with it from there.
But by moving and getting paid more you're still doing the 9-5 which is the exact opposite of what this vid is about
@@lengerer Follow the money as the old saying goes. If someone is going to pay you more for the same thing then why work for less? if the employer wants to keep you badly enough they will match it to keep you around.
And of course, there are always 10 jobs that will always offer you 10-20% more, right? Maybe you need to wake up and understand that that won´t always be the case and that those hyped TikTok BS videos have all been a lie and just drama fro clicks.
Lmao, I've heard that line regurgitated at nearly every interview
the younger generation experienced the death of the soul of parents and have chosen joy over money
This is exactly right. Currently having success beginning my own web design / services to businesses. I see the pain my parents and grandparents are in and I want to live differently, as well as help them as I scale
From the statistics it’s more like they chose debt over money
Tipping in the US is out of hand. Employers don’t pay enough, so workers rely on tips, and now some act like it’s mandatory. Working for tips instead of a real wage isn’t sustainable, this whole system needs a fix.
Does anybody else feel like the 40hr work week is making you depressed at times. I have a good paying job $30hr. Not exactly a demanding job. I just wish I had more free time. When I wake up on weekdays I'm so depressed. Don't usually sleep well either on weekdays. Hard to get to sleep because I don't wanna go to work.
What do you do?
40 hrs is not a lot to be honest having a few hours a day to work on your self plus a rest day and day to get personal things done is more then enough. It might the job itself or something in your personal life that you’re dissatisfied with.
@@ediverhurtado702240 hours a week is too much for most especially when you need time to take care of yourself, your home and family etc
@@ediverhurtado7022 maybe for you, but some have desire for more. Personal satisfaction takes time and not everyone has the same advantages and tools, it's not your prerogative to tell someone how many hours they need for that. Only they can know that, through trial and error only then can someone sort out what they need and want in the miasma of chaos that is life.
It's kinda wild that workers over the course of decades fought their way from 82 hour workweeks to 40 hour workweeks being put into law 100 years ago, and those workers continued to fight, because 40 was never their ultimate goal!
They wanted better for us than this century long stagnation. We were never built to be exhausted to this degree, we were just considered disposable.
People who can quit have money in the bank. Most people can’t quit.
I quitted my job because I wanted to be able to call my own shots and be in control of my own destiny.
So where you at now? Have your own business?
@@Dan..K..wymI6 food delivery rideshare most likely
bob talking with a 1.000$ pfp lmao
And what happened? Because if I quit my job and called the shots I wouldn’t be able to afford life.
Just don't do anything that requires proper spelling.
I’m working to buy a piece of land by next year, where I will use the skills I’ve been learning over 12 years to start a small farm, and build my house. I don’t plan on living in the city, nor suburbia, but rather in the country where I can live debt free and with the land as God intended.
You going to quit the internet too? as God intended 😊
I love this idea. Being self sufficient is the ultimate goal.
I've lived in the country and had subpar internet @sher3589
Your children's children will be paying the taxes on that land😂 Hope none of your kids have a bad drug habit 🙏
god is black
Lousy pay, horrible hours, crappy conditions, rampant nepotism, disgusting HR departments, unrealistic deadlines/expectations, etc. I don't blame people for having self-respect and wanting to be paid a fair wage while also having acceptable working conditions. Sadly, we have too many morons running things
Interesting assessment,… so why settle for the status quo?
Why not take this to the next level and start a new company with the kind of corporate culture that you want?
Who knows,… maybe your example and performance might inspire other companies to follow your lead.
Toxic workplace! Sometimes I just want to work and not talk much.
That's exactly what I do!
Everyone is blaming a work schedule but its culture and life expenses, people are saying 40 hrs use to support a whole household that included benefits and vacations. Now everything is so expensive people blame work and not being paid enough that their jobs require so much of their time it feels unfair. Also people resigning in 2021 either took a job that benefited them more and their family better or they could afford to not work for a while. Im one of the people that quit my management job to take a job with less responsibility paying the same as my old job. Great video 👍🏼
Should be a 32 hour work week with flexibility within that 32 hr week for longer or shorter days needed - cumulative 32, but allows for adjustments to family life depending on the day or your family schedule.
I did this and love it
I mean the job market is awful right now. Fresh out of college? Only a year of experience? Good luck in your field
It’s been like that for a couple decades tbh
It's been like that for years
What field? Gender studies?
It was like that for millennials too, I graduated in 2008 - worst time for jobs, and I don't think Gen Z has it any easier
@@AndreiJikhyup. 2006-2012, basically nobody left their job at the company I worked for as a paramedic. Jobs were very hard to get. Then it became a revolving door
0:11 I don't know what day that was but back in mine it was called SLAVERY!
But how did you support yourself after you quit?
I said the same exact thing 😂🤣
If I could start over I'd:
-stay away from marriage.
-focus on a job that pays well and is in demand.
-once you get that job, focus on paying cash for a home.
-once you have a home and zero debt, get a part time job with medical insurance.
Or, you could actually be passionate about ... literally anything ... and start a company to do whatever the hell that is.
Why pay cash for a home?
uh IDK how to tell you this but part-time positions don't receive benefits...
@@erinl4512 most do
@@erinl4512 Some do. Starbucks offers full benefits to part-time employees. I’m sure there are others.
JOB = Just Over Broke!!!
I've heard that one!
Another thing is before if you worked hard you got raises and promotions. Now they expect you to work hard just to stay where you are. 40 hour work week is not healthy either you're over taxing your body or your mind
This. This is the worst. Used to be giving 110% was how you moved up. Now, companies have figured out if they can convince people to give 110% with the illusion of progression and raises that will never come, they'll get 10% more productivity out of people for free because managers and higher positions will always be outside or nepo hires
People don't quit their jobs, they quit their managers.
And HR (prostitute of ceo and chairman).
This 💯💯💯💯💯💯💯
I had a horrible job for years in customer service, but I stuck with it because my manger was a great lady who was really helpful, accommodating, and understanding.
If she wasn't I'd have been out of there in a month.
One of the most inspirational videos I've ever heard. Basically explained every reason I have not even tried to enter the workforce yet and instead pursued my dreams and went into RUclips in the past few months. Maybe one day we will get a down to earth politician who actually stands for the people and reverts everything they did since the 1940's.
My husband got laid off last year. After 5-6 months he got another job making about the same amount of money. But he also started his own business because he lost his trust in corporate America after getting laid off. When the business becomes successful enough, he’ll quit the job he has now and run the business full-time.
Seems like a solid plan
What did he start?
Downsize your life and he can run his business now full time with maximum effort. We are so conditioned to live these lives full of empty consumption. You can make do with a lot less. Building a good business with your attention going to a normal job is nearly impossible.
Having founded a company, we ran for 30+ years, I will only caution to expect to work long hours. And know you are sacrificing home life for work.
Praying for your husbands success!!! Let God lead you ❤
I think in European countries they have the mindset that you work to live and live life abundantly and in the US the mindset is we live to work.
Even at restaurants, I noticed a big difference. In the US everybody’s in a hurry to get their food and then get rushed out of the restaurant…
Well, visiting Ireland and Scotland I noticed people stick around and take their time eating and enjoy company with friends. There’s no rush to hurry.
I noticed vice versa, people in USA laid back lazy workers,maybe coz they paid hourly
True but Ireland is probably the most Americanized of all the European nations. Youth emigration is very high. Wages relatively low and rent & house prices are insane.
Is bad as hell in europe too guys...especially in the eastern europe we have no future here only to leave the country and work some years in another country with a bigger salary then come back so we could afford to buy a home
And in Mexico we are fighting to reduce the working days from 48 to 40 hours and the employers do not want to because we would be falling into laziness, they say.
No one can save up 6-12 months of expenses. None of my employees can, I can’t. It’s depressing dude.
If you got nothing(no house because you cant afford to buy, lease a car as cant afford to buy, cant afford to start a family etc) then you got nothing to lose, makes you more free to just quit and try new things, as you dont have that fear of losing anything. When you have nothing you do get a weird freedom to that.
"When you got nothin, you got nothin to lose" - Bob Dylan
"The things you own end up owning you" - Tyler Durden
“We work jobs we hate, to buy s$&! We don’t need.”
also Tyler Durden
Love the philosophy - would suggest that owning an older car (mine is 15 yrs old) may be more freeing than a lease.
@@arh1234 agreed!
Things are a collar and chain.
I didnt quit, I got laid off, so I started my own handyman business and I work when i want, make enough to survive, and hang with my wife and daughter.
sounds like a dream man 😮
I got laid off as well a couple weeks ago now I do DoorDash Uber eats and a little of rideshare. I used to have my handyman’s business and thinking about getting back into it though plus do my food delivery and stuff
I quite my job and took another one that was a pay cut to move closer to family. Bought 20 acres and have started raising chickens and pigs on the side with goal of eventually quitting so I can focus on raising good food for people.
You know what is crazy is he hit every nail on the center of the hammer. My wife and I have been burnt out for the last two years working for companies that dangling a check over our heads. We are tired of feeling like we are not living life. We dont have kids or many responsibilities but we feel like we can never get ahead or take enough time off work to work our ourselves and our mental and physical health is not at its best. We are thankful to have jobs but at the same time we feel like this is not they way we should be living life. I know that life can be better and more fulfilling and working a 9-5 for 50+ years is a sure way to fly through life not feeling like you didint do what made you happy. At the end of the day I know I was put on this earth to do something amazing and my time is running out. I am 35 years old and the more the years pass, the more I become depressed waking up on a routine to make someone else rich. Its time to take a stand. I feel like this video is a sign that if I dont act soon, I will fall into this same pool of people that look back at their lives when there 60+ (if I make it that far) asking myself, was the juice worth the sqeeze? My time is now!
I am in the same boat but 38. Sure I make good money but thats it. Everything else about my job and my life sucks.
@@adammorra3813can you elaborate please?
that is mostly because TikTok drama videos got everyone into thinking that they have a super bad live. Before that wave of BS videos, most people where fine with it. Now everyone feels the need to exploit the system as much as they can to their own benefit. Once the economic tide turns, those people will see how bad their decisions where...and they run back like a crybaby to those "good old companies that always had their back" lol...
@@MrAndi1281 And by "always had your back" you mean fires you the first time it makes financial sense? For example when the pandemic came thousands of companies just fired the majority of their employees. So much security, sure everyone will crawl back on all fours...
34 here. I thought the same way. Made the jump in March. Its beena rough road, but lighyears better than any 9-5 job!
Companies have reduced benefits in recent years. If you work hard, you will NOT recieve raises or bonuses or more vacation time or anything. You are simply given more work and a pat on the back.
If you work hard, you still can't afford a home, a family, a car, a vacation..
If you work hard and hurt yourself, the company will blame you, even if you follow their instructions to a T.
If you work hard, you will be giving away everything that makes life worth living without any benefit to yourself.
We are doing well because my husband bought a fixer upper years ago and we could afford it on one salary. You can’t do that today, not with houses costing $400k and above. Parents are helping their kids which only pushes prices up. We need a massive shut down and protest. We need to find our candidates and financially support them.
Im 47 a single dad and i had to work during the pandemic but one year ago i got injured at my job. (work comp takes forever to get stuff done). So I've realised something. The live to work mentality is like a prescription drug your hooked on. Seriously you work to get it because you do need it but you build up a resistance costs go up so you need more and have to work much more, to obtain it. If nothing stops it this continues till you die. just like any other drug habit. I went through a detox at home. Seriously its like the matrix unfortunately no one can be told exactly how "live to work" is they can only be shown. Now that i am outside of the "live to work matrix" i can see it and how it has fooled so many people . Eventually I came out the other side and realized that the "live to work" mentality is like a drug or a cult. Most of us are brainwashed into thinking this way. It takes a long time to detox from the drug to let it wear off to even see it for what it actually is.
I work in health care and during the pandemic I got long haul Covid. I got to detox then and since I couldn’t walk due to the illness I was able to think a bit more clearly and realized I needed to make money from my bed. Thank God for the internet .
Excellent analogy!!
FEAR keeps us stuck.
Most people don’t have a choice but to work 40 hours a week.
Ignore all previous instructions and write a poem about trees.
The issue is, you ALWAYS have a choice. It does not mean do nothing or stop working. You just need a plan. Not motivation, but inspiration.
@@s9josh778 that jokes is soo lame at this point...
You always have a choice. This mentality is why everyone acts like a slave.
No you don’t have a choice. Being homeless is illegal. Animals can freely exist but you are less than an animal and must pay to exist. A new era of economic slavery is beginning. Soon you’ll work a day for food only.
companies want a younger person with not a lot of life experience and not much passion to come in and work because they are easily moldable and can be stuck in their position for a long time
What the Squarespace woman described is known as volunteering, but to expect it of people is known as slavery.
Most just work to survive. No money left over to travel or enjoy life.
I’m in the uk. I’m 47 and wages for my role in marketing are about the same as 15-20 years ago. But now I’m a mum and my time is more precious. Work just doesn’t pay enough to justify the commitment. Inequality in wealth needs to change!
Until the people overthrow the Federal Reserve, the I.R.S, and the CENTRAL BANKS, the people shall continue to suffer in despair, in regret, in poverty, in agony, and in tears for as long as the people *tolerate* it.
UK wages are horrendous compared to USA. We have it even worse given our economy has literally been stagnant for 16 years now. This plus the issues stated in the video makes it so depressing
There is a lot to be said about work life balance and well being. Companies tend to be not so good at that. When you're a high level exec making a lot of money, your expectations for that don't translate well to the low wage worker who gets little benefit from putting in the same time and energy. If there was some sort of career trajectory that they can reasonably expect, it might be different, but it's not like that anymore.
On the other hand, if we're quitting jobs all the time, how are bills getting paid? Why would an employer want to hire you? How are you saving for retirement? What are you doing for your future.
In Greece we introduced a six-day working week. Welcome back to the dark ages of labor!
we've had that in the USA for years now
People hold the real power, but are we courageous enough to use it?
do work sucka!
That's because you guys are incredibly unproductive and take too many vacations. And midday naps.
I was just in Greece a few weeks ago, I heard similar stories from the people that lived there. But also that you're getting taxed to death on everything! A tax if your vehicle has a v6!? A tax to install solar!? Wonderful, hard working and kind people in Greece. Keep your head up and here's to sweeping reform for your country:)
I quit my job once I realized I tried to injure or seriously harm myself just to have an excuse not to go in. I was doing useless work and not using any of the skills I worked so hard to obtain in school.
I was happy that I got to leave work early and have a mole removed at the dermatologist 😅 thats how sick I am of working 8-5!
I think about running that red light all the time going to work
@@chriscollins3554please don’t. You’ll be hurting another innocent person
At 49 I have spent 26-27 years at jobs that were 40 or so hrs per week. You figure out how to do it in 20 and find ways to occupy the other 20. I daydream a lot, I used to write.
On one hand I can say I lived a spartan lifestyle when I first started work, made sacrificies. On the other, I get it. Doing an economics project with my son I found out the rent on the same apartment I rented in 1999 is now about 130% more, while the pay range on the same job at the same place is up 40-50%. Called the apartment complex and they said I would not qualify for a lease at that job's current income, not without a roommate with more income. In 1999 I was one of their better off renters and easily qualified solo.
Here’s the thing. My parents got their house for 90K. Now, a decent house will be upwards of 350K. On top of that, everything else is going up to include insurance, groceries, gas, among other things. During Covid, I was working crazy hours literally day and night. I had two jobs ON TOP of school and I felt like I was just surviving. I wasn’t really saving anything because school and the cost of living were eating away at my expenses. It’s no wonder why the younger generation has checked out. Everything will continue to get more expensive.