Actually, in deleted footage, when Harry wakes up, Draco runs back to the rest of the students and passes Harry a wand. I'm so sad that the scene was cut out because we could've seen such character development from Draco and that he isn't a bad person at all, just wanted to protect his family :(
Becoz it doesn't exist in the books and it wud have been murder of the character Draco,he's been a douche bag throughout the series if one read the books the movies are vastly inaccurate character dynamics their motivation so much of it has been altered so PPL only watching the movies are sympathetic towards Snape and Draco
the thing is i don’t sympathise with snape cuz his whole obsession with lily was actually creepy and stalkerish. however draco was in a position where he was heavily controlled by his father and the death eaters which caused him to act the way he did towards harry. i also think draco had a crush on harry which is partly why he was so mean to him to try and cover up his feelings and is also why when bellatrix asked him to identify harry he pretended to not know
but like, they knew each other since they were 11. You can't wanting someones death when you litteraly saw each other grow, even if u hate the one person
Draco actually protecting Harry even though they hated each other, shows how much character growth he really had….deep down he was struggling between good and evil
@@lamoinette23 Draco was never evil. He grew up in a sinister household with a strict father who taught him all the wrong things. His hate towards Harry always has been that Lucius never allowed failure in anything and Draco sees Harry as the kid who was gifted fame and fortune but has no idea how Harry grew up in comparison to Draco and how his father never accepted less than perfection. Thats the main issue here, the miscommunication caused by Lucius passing on all the wrong things to Draco. Naturally, being in a Death Eater family also adds into it. On a written level, Draco just is Harry's counter. Like I said, Lucius never wanted less than perfection and in Harry you have that with the Dursleys where no matter what Harry does, nothing is ever right. Draco was never evil. He wasn't even spoiled cause Lucius was harsh and strict. It's that he was raised wrong in ideology and the whole thing with Draco hesitating shows his heart is at the right place but his entire environment is the problem. He's trapped to the point he can't even make his own choices. And if you look at how Draco evolved throughout the story, you can see very well how he has less and less freedom. He wants to fight alongside the Order and allies, he wants to resist but knows he cant do that due to the extreme threat on his family.
I couldn’t stop replaying it when it said “I didn’t drop him I swear” But it also makes me cry that they only saw dracos true colors at the end Edit: GAH UR LIKES ARE CURSED
I really love that Draco's redemption arc wasn't "I must do what's right" but "I musn't do any more harm that is already done". Its so subtle and fitting him. His redemption ain't about actively doing the right thing but sometimes not doing the bad thing. And that was amazing because it fit his character so well.
No he should have gotten a proper arc. This just half-assing it. There’s plenty of other “grey” characters. Would have been nice to have at least one to character do a full on 180 turn to the good side. Rowling proved she can’t do it though as she desperately with Snape, but he still came off as a self serving jerk in the end who was just horny for a dead lady. At least imo.
Dude you can tell that Draco wanted to be friends but he left off a bad impression and he felt pressured in the last few books to be what his parents wanted and that was to be bad but he really wanted to fight on Harry's side
I mean, even when they first met in the philosophers stone - in a scene that wasn't included in the film - they were getting along quite well and draco was obviously trying to be friends with Harry before even knowing who he was
@@lex-im7wj WHERE. IS. THIS. SCENE i need it *^* I love drarry in every way, shop, bros, adoption, besties etc any good draco harry interaction is goddamn satisfying!!! Now all of them with secret in front?? Hooooooo the plot thickens!!!!! Lol
Maybe in the films, but definitely not in the books. He was always ugly to Harry and always in a mood to kill mudbloods. Until the 6th book that attitude did not change a bit. He even talked bad about Harry behind his back all the time and always provocated him if possible. This theory is nonsense. PS: When they met for the first in London, Draco did not knew that the other one is Harry. So it pretty much does not matter, on top of that he was very arrogant and unfriendly in this scene.
Victor B Ik :P Harry didn’t know he knew dark magic good enough to learn a Patronus and half of the Cruciatus curse but Lucius knew so he forced Draco to become friends with Harry
His father was always treating him from high,forcing him to be an deatheater,forcing him to be an lil shit.theit familly wasnt that one where they sit down drinking hot chocolate ,Draco just wanted real friends,not 2 mindless gorillas his dad puted him with,but he didnt knew how make those since his familly never teached him how to be nice or patient,all he knew were demands and acting like their own shit dont stink
There's also a time in the books where the battle was getting intense in Hogwarts and Draco didn't know where to go. Then he was confronted by Death Eaters and they all raised their wands at him. Then Harry, Ron and Hermione under the Invisibility cloak, defeated the Death Eaters. When Draco turned around to see who saved him, Ron gave him a punch to the face saying "That's the second time we've saved you tonight, you two face bastard!"
I think the fact that they tried to save Draco shows how they were starting to mature and grow out of the old rivalry they had with him. I don’t they they ever become friends really after but I know they started to act more like equals towards each other.
@@canadianbeef1958 Harry is actually a half blood. His mom was a muggle born. Draco hated him because Harry in a way insulted him and refused his friendship since Draco insulted Ron. I think because Harry humiliated him, it struck a nerve and caused him to hate him. That and probably because Draco was young and immature.
Yeah, Voldemort threatened him that he'll kill Draco's family if Draco didn't bring Death Eaters into Hogwarts. Otherwise, I don't think Draco would ever do that on purpose or would actually wanted Harry dead or anything. Draco might be a git but he isn't evil to the point he wants to kill others.
I like how when he said "is it true you fainted?" the first time he looked concerned but only when his friend was mocking him Draco said it again like he was teasing him. :)
@Void they could have took out the part where he took it at the Malfoy manor and put in that scene. It doesn't matter if it's not in the books. JK doesn't like Draco. JK made them take it, not because it's not in the books but because she wants Draco to be a bully. Draco deserved redemption.
Fun Fact: In the 1st movie when Draco introduced himself to Harry, he pronounced Harry's surname correctly, but ever since Harry rejected his friendship, Draco always calls him POTTAH.
according to books Draco's friend did call him and his father useless and finished, and the fire was lit by his friend only ehi died at last in his own fire spell
2:51 I'm so sad they cut this part out of the movie :( It could've shown such a great character relationship development, I guess like friendly rivals that actually care for eachother in a way
@@isabelleisabella6603 in the 4th movie (I guess) Draco was transfigured into a ferret by mad eye moody( who was actually Barty crouch Jr.) So they are connecting this with Harry buying a ferret to his son..
the fact that when draco's mother and father were calling him to the dark side he looked around to see if anyone cared.. and no one did, no one told him to stay. that breaks me.
While yes, he was selfish and mean a lot of the time, nobody gave Draco a reason to not be selfish and mean. Nobody ever gave him a reason to be good. Nobody ever cared. All Draco wanted was a bit of real love. Is that too much to ask?!?
@@MidRunner yeah, bummer, all people saw was draco being mean and all that. if they only see through him and how he didn't have even the faintest choice
From the book's standpoint, everyone was under Voldemort's Silencio spell so they couldn't speak. From the movie standpoint, even if they spoke up, they'd risk receiving the Killing curse...dude, Voldemort was a few feet away.
I REALLY wish they didn’t delete the scene where draco ran back and gave Harry his wand after finding out he lived like that would’ve been my favorite scene.Also what would’ve made the deleted scene of draco yelling PoTtAH more amazing is if he yelled HaRrY instead of calling him by his last name
no hate or anything but i’m pretty sure it was sarcasm like when he asks harry if he fainted and made a sarcastic face, he didn’t want him to be dead but he disliked him (sorry i’m not a big fan of this ship😔)
@@tavitum5127 Draco threw his wand at Harry. The scene where you see Harry catches a wand from midair was thrown by Draco. It was a must keep scene & needed only couple of seconds of screentime. They made a sin cutting it😫
Well, despite the fact that people ship them anyway, it would just make things REALLY awkward. One minute he hates Harry and the next he's running to his side like "HOLY SHIT, I JUST REALISED I LOVE HIM WHOOT"
@@chloe-roll idk if that's true. It's more the societal pressure of being a pure-blood and heir to two major wizarding families. I don't think either of Draco's parents are necessarily 'bad', just like Draco isn't 'bad'. They are just bigots really...
@@wrzski i get that, but im pretty sure draco and narcissa got abused (or thats from a story im reading, cant remember). but draco didnt want to do any of the things he did, he was forced into it all with death threats from his father (as im sure you are aware). and lucius also raised him to think muggle-born are disgusting and horrible, but he knows they're not. he also knows that if he became friends with a muggle-born, his father would punish him
@@chloe-roll Um I think that must be from a story. Sure Lucius is condescending and teaches Draco his bigotry, but he never hurts Draco. That's all Voldemort's doing. Draco's dad and mum pretty much go mad with the stress and guilt of him becoming a Death-Eater.
I'm a bit bummed they deleted the wand throwing scene also, but walking over to his parents still made sense. He really does love his parents and Draco's kind of a cowardly character. Not evil, but it wasn't out of character that he'd walk over to his parents
Parneet Singh no, because Voldemort had the elder wand and Harry won bc Voldemort wasn’t the true owner so it flew out of his hand and into Harry’s. But that could’ve just been the movie bc I can’t remember now what it was in the book
He waited to see if anyone would try to stop him, no one did, showing how much they “care” about him.. i learned this from another comment but something to think about
Rebecca Flood the way I saw it is Draco wanted to be Harry’s friend and Draco would probably be a good friend to but Harry doesn’t give him a chance but if Harry gave Draco a chance they probably would’ve been good friends Edit~ How does this have so many likes lol
@@Y0rs_v0ice_w0rk True, Draco wanted to befriend him at the beginning. But only because he was famous. He would have given Harry shit for being friends with Ron and Hermione. Or Harry wouldn't even have them as friends. Maybe Harry wouldn't have said no to going to Slytherin. Everything would have been so different. But Harry disliked Draco since they first met. And for good reason.
He took the elder wand from voldemort so harry could attack on him...I've watched that deleted scene in which they explained it....and it's sad that they removed the part where draco was on harry's side..I mean he helped him in front of everybody ...otherwise he always helped him or care for him secretly you know...
Draco : Pottah! you have something of mine, I’d like it back. Harry : what? Draco : my heart, give it back. Harry : for the last time Draco that’s not how it works.
I think everybody tends to forget draco wanted to be Harry’s friend in the first movie Edit: if people continue telling me “No draco wanted to kill him” I’m deleting. Read the replies and you’ll see that a bunch of people already said it. I have eyes you know...
well it would not have made sense because draco had hid mother's wand and it would not work properly for Harry plus Harry already had his wand and on top of that it is true that draco Malfoy was not wanting to truly be on the dark side but as his character bis he was not brave enough to do it .
“Why didn’t you tell her, Bellatrix, you knew it was me. You didn’t say anything” Draco didn’t say anything because he cares I find that line calming because Harry also kinda felt liek Draco cared
Really wish they'd left in the deleted scene of Draco running back and rejoining the Hogwarts side, would have made way more sense on why they looked at each other kindly at he end of the esries.
I KNEW IT WAS REAL OMFG. I remember that scene and since they cut it istg i thought it was my imagination... It would've definitely cleared Draco's name
Is it weird that since I started reading fanfics, i empathize with characters like Draco more than Dumbledore? We often turn a blind eye to Albus' manipulative ways and secret hogging ways while Draco was just a boy stuck in fear between two sides of the war.
Spike 32 If they added the part where Draco ran to Harry, since that didn’t happen in the books, how would they add on from it? They would have to make some new scene where Draco actually cares for Harry which never happened in the book and wouldn’t make sense.
Monica Baird nah, draco not turning them over made up for him being a little shit for the last seven years. in my opinion harry didnt owe him for that and harry only saved draco cause hes a good person.
I think those glimpses of goodness we are able to see in Draco's charater in the movie is because of what sweetheart is Tom Felton in real life, the guy is completely the opposite that the character he portrais, and the obvious development the character get. A really good character, one of my favorites
1:50 I never noticed how concerned draco looked in that scene Pretty interesting i always assumed he was mocking him right from the start but it really looks like he was just playing along..
I loved his character in the movies (I've never read the books, so I am not sure how different he is in the books) because he was basically conditioned into being evil by his psycho family, but when he became a death eater, he really didn't like being one. He felt uncomfortable around the other death eaters, clearly didn't like Voldemort, and was helping Harry defeat Voldemort. I know they cut the scene where he throws Harry his wand (which really makes no sense, because Harry was wandless at that point, he apparently pulled it out of his butt or something) but even without that scene he still clearly wanted to help Harry, which is why he refused to give Harry's identity to Bellatrix. Harry couldn't have beaten Voldemort without Draco's help. I really liked the whole dynamic of them helping each other in spite of not liking each other.
In the books it is quite the same. though one scene that i feel like was a lot more emotional and in depth was the bathroom fight scene in the half blood prince
The fact that two of our most hated characters snape & malfoy, actually turned out to be the most loved & understood. They were just victims of bad influences & loneliness is just heartbraking
Well, technically Draco was the only one because Snape was spying on behalf of Dumbledore and got killed because of it. And the weird part was that Dumbledore actually turned out to be slightly less caring for Harry. Even though, some people say that Dumbledore died for Harry. If I recall correctly, Dumbledore died less for Harry, more for his school. And Snape loved Harry more because he loved his mother, but James took Lily away from him. And because of that interrupted love Snape never found love again. And Harry only realized that after seeing Snape's past feeling and traumatizing life experiences.
@@risha-inactive6989 In the Book (Half-Blood Prince), it is mentioned that Draco, initially, was very proud of his status as a Death Eater and his mission to assassinate Dumbledore. This is primarily bcoz, Draco seeked to gain Voldemort's good grace for his family's safety and Draco himself saw Albus Dumbledore as an unfit Mudblood-lover. More imp Draco was determined to destroy Harry Potter and saw Dumbledore's assassination as the best way to achieve his goals. Draco even refuses Snape's repeated helps & offers for assistance, as he suspects of Snape's loyalties & assumes him to be after Draco's glory. But as days pass, Draco becomes increasingly paranoid and realises that he did not have the heart of killer. In the end, even as Draco corners a weakened, disarmed Dumbledore; he is simply just not capable of completing his task. As Dumbledore correctly remarks, Draco was still at his mercy. Finally Snape finishes off the task, thus saving Draco.
@@risha-inactive6989 okay that’s not completely the case, Dumbledore didn’t just die for the entire school but also for the world because remember, he did great things in his life protecting wizards, witches and Muggles. And Snape actually didn’t love Harry more than his mum, Lily was always the one Snape loved. When she died Snape took care of Harry because it was the right thing to do.
1:55 You can see the worry in his eyes. He did not want anyone to know that he cared for harry, so when someone mocked him he went along with it as he was afraid that if he did not h would get called out.
That actually wasn’t in the script. The actor playing Voldemort forgot his line so he just hugged Tom Felton. That’s in part why Tom looked so uncomfortable during the hug, because he wasn’t expecting it
Becca Gregory Very true! I wish they had left that scene in the Movie...they had so many little hints showing that Draco *might* be alright and with this one they could‘ve really proven that he‘s not a bad guy!
2:15 I like how all the students or professors DON'T hate Draco toward the end of story. It is more like a pity I guess. He bullied the mudblood and the half-blood, but being born to the Death Eater parents is also a terrible burden.
0:22 if they had paralized all of them and then check if it was Potter and call Voldemort, then Voldermort would have won. Victory had nothing to do who was right or not, but the execution.
draco is the best character and we all know it
The character that soldified J.K Rowling as the great writer she is.
@@ji-ho Hehe
his father will hear about this
bro ik he's so good....
mad respect for Draco for actually having to put up with voldie touching him and embracing him
iF yOu LoVe Me lEt Me GoOoOo omg it’s you again, I fuckin love you wtf
I don't get why they have Voldemort hug Draco, but they took out the scene where Draco ran to give Harry his wand.
Oh Hi its you again
Oh hey it's you! :D
I've seen you somewhere on youtube before. 🎵🎶🎤IF YOU LOVE ME LET ME GOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO🎵🎶
iF yOu LoVe Me lEt Me GoOoOo - Is your username a slipknot lyric??
Actually, in deleted footage, when Harry wakes up, Draco runs back to the rest of the students and passes Harry a wand. I'm so sad that the scene was cut out because we could've seen such character development from Draco and that he isn't a bad person at all, just wanted to protect his family :(
Yeah that really suck, in final version it looks like he just run away with his family like a cowards till the end, like they haven't learnt anything
It really doesn't suit the character of Draco though
Becoz it doesn't exist in the books and it wud have been murder of the character Draco,he's been a douche bag throughout the series if one read the books the movies are vastly inaccurate character dynamics their motivation so much of it has been altered so PPL only watching the movies are sympathetic towards Snape and Draco
the thing is i don’t sympathise with snape cuz his whole obsession with lily was actually creepy and stalkerish. however draco was in a position where he was heavily controlled by his father and the death eaters which caused him to act the way he did towards harry. i also think draco had a crush on harry which is partly why he was so mean to him to try and cover up his feelings and is also why when bellatrix asked him to identify harry he pretended to not know
As much as Draco and Harry couldn’t stand the other, neither one wanted the other dead.
but like, they knew each other since they were 11. You can't wanting someones death when you litteraly saw each other grow, even if u hate the one person
Thats why i love drarry so much, its because they were forced to hate each other (mostly Draco) probably,
Draco actually protecting Harry even though they hated each other, shows how much character growth he really had….deep down he was struggling between good and evil
I don't think he was really evil.. he was brought up in a pretty horrible family of death eaters.
@@lamoinette23 he kinda been forced by them
@@lamoinette23 that is exactly and it's mostly his dad because he's the "mean"one
Draco probably just acted this way to keep up appearances and impress his parents.
I mean, his father *is* a servant of Voldemort.
@@lamoinette23 Draco was never evil. He grew up in a sinister household with a strict father who taught him all the wrong things. His hate towards Harry always has been that Lucius never allowed failure in anything and Draco sees Harry as the kid who was gifted fame and fortune but has no idea how Harry grew up in comparison to Draco and how his father never accepted less than perfection.
Thats the main issue here, the miscommunication caused by Lucius passing on all the wrong things to Draco.
Naturally, being in a Death Eater family also adds into it.
On a written level, Draco just is Harry's counter. Like I said, Lucius never wanted less than perfection and in Harry you have that with the Dursleys where no matter what Harry does, nothing is ever right.
Draco was never evil. He wasn't even spoiled cause Lucius was harsh and strict. It's that he was raised wrong in ideology and the whole thing with Draco hesitating shows his heart is at the right place but his entire environment is the problem. He's trapped to the point he can't even make his own choices. And if you look at how Draco evolved throughout the story, you can see very well how he has less and less freedom.
He wants to fight alongside the Order and allies, he wants to resist but knows he cant do that due to the extreme threat on his family.
Harry: is alive
Draco: *P O T T A H* 🏃🏼
I will always cherish that scene
did hagrid hold “dead” harry?
onl movies
simply tutorials no he wasn’t. Voldemort killed the horcrux in Harry not Harry himself, so he was knocked out i guess?
@@_kittyctgamer_4571 okayy!! thank you!
To whoever deleted the scene with Draco throwing Harry his wand- sleep with one eye open, *I’m coming for u.*
J.K Rowling asked for the scene to be deleted, cause she didn’t think it “fit” or something like that 😔
Jaime Louisa *cries in drarry*
Why did they delete that scene though.. :(
It was so cute. :(
Crystal Wolfie count me in to
Yesss it was too frickin cute and they had to fking cut it
I completely lost it when it said 'I didn't drop him I swear'
I couldn’t stop replaying it when it said “I didn’t drop him I swear”
But it also makes me cry that they only saw dracos true colors at the end
wait where
sofia boza sorry for the late reply but 2:51
Bree Michelle i shouldn’t of told you that
I really love that Draco's redemption arc wasn't "I must do what's right" but "I musn't do any more harm that is already done". Its so subtle and fitting him. His redemption ain't about actively doing the right thing but sometimes not doing the bad thing. And that was amazing because it fit his character so well.
Exactly! That wand pass was way out of line for Draco. He would never lay down his pride to help someone so openly.
I would like but its on 699 likes. oh well
No he should have gotten a proper arc. This just half-assing it. There’s plenty of other “grey” characters. Would have been nice to have at least one to character do a full on 180 turn to the good side. Rowling proved she can’t do it though as she desperately with Snape, but he still came off as a self serving jerk in the end who was just horny for a dead lady. At least imo.
@@Savannah_Simpson then write a better book series, go on.
Dude you can tell that Draco wanted to be friends but he left off a bad impression and he felt pressured in the last few books to be what his parents wanted and that was to be bad but he really wanted to fight on Harry's side
Is this honestly true? I never noticed any signs that he wanted to be friends...
Now i feel horrible.
I mean, even when they first met in the philosophers stone - in a scene that wasn't included in the film - they were getting along quite well and draco was obviously trying to be friends with Harry before even knowing who he was
@@lex-im7wj WHERE. IS. THIS. SCENE i need it *^*
I love drarry in every way, shop, bros, adoption, besties etc any good draco harry interaction is goddamn satisfying!!!
Now all of them with secret in front?? Hooooooo the plot thickens!!!!! Lol
I think he wanted to be more than just friends.
Maybe in the films, but definitely not in the books. He was always ugly to Harry and always in a mood to kill mudbloods. Until the 6th book that attitude did not change a bit. He even talked bad about Harry behind his back all the time and always provocated him if possible. This theory is nonsense.
PS: When they met for the first in London, Draco did not knew that the other one is Harry. So it pretty much does not matter, on top of that he was very arrogant and unfriendly in this scene.
Tanya Bhaskar I KNOW RIGHT!?
which one
Which bit was the deleted scene?
The part with draco running across the courtyard
@@onlyoncetbj what time
I would pay so much money to see “Harry Potter” but from Draco’s perspective
Draco Malfoy read the book dear Draco I haven’t read it but I’m pretty sure it’s from his perspective
Same here
“Give me her wand and, let’s see what her last spell was”
Huh, Hermione forgot to clear her wands browser history.
more likely she forgot to clear her wands cache and cookies
more likely she forgot to turn off guest mode
Dont worry guys, she was on incognito mode 👍🏼
But how they would see her last spell I mean how can you see it ?
It breaks my heart that they could've been friends from the beginning.
*if only Harry shook Draco’s hand in the beginning...*
You think that would've gone normal? Draco didn't want to be "friends" because he like him or so
Victor B Draco was forced to be friends with Harry because Harry knew well of dark magic, but Harry declined the request.
@@coralie9224 well of dark magic, he was only 11
Victor B Ik :P Harry didn’t know he knew dark magic good enough to learn a Patronus and half of the Cruciatus curse but Lucius knew so he forced Draco to become friends with Harry
"What's wrong with his face?.."
"Yes,what is wrong with his face?"
I am dying xD
Well , you r the one who said it , Malfoy ...
True tho
I did
Why are there two of you?
What did you do to my godson
Draco: **being mean to Harry**
Harry: *We can’t leave them*
Ron: He’s joking right?
LindeyWolf Lover MEEE!!!😂😂
what has he been through? he had a good life stop it he hasn't faced hard ship
His father was always treating him from high,forcing him to be an deatheater,forcing him to be an lil shit.theit familly wasnt that one where they sit down drinking hot chocolate ,Draco just wanted real friends,not 2 mindless gorillas his dad puted him with,but he didnt knew how make those since his familly never teached him how to be nice or patient,all he knew were demands and acting like their own shit dont stink
nothing... literally nothing
@@ji-ho No! You just wanted to save me.
There's also a time in the books where the battle was getting intense in Hogwarts and Draco didn't know where to go. Then he was confronted by Death Eaters and they all raised their wands at him. Then Harry, Ron and Hermione under the Invisibility cloak, defeated the Death Eaters. When Draco turned around to see who saved him, Ron gave him a punch to the face saying "That's the second time we've saved you tonight, you two face bastard!"
He was really not as evil as ppl think.
LOL what ron said
I think the fact that they tried to save Draco shows how they were starting to mature and grow out of the old rivalry they had with him. I don’t they they ever become friends really after but I know they started to act more like equals towards each other.
@@dontask9000 why did Draco always hate Harry? He's a pureblood like him.
@@canadianbeef1958 Harry is actually a half blood. His mom was a muggle born. Draco hated him because Harry in a way insulted him and refused his friendship since Draco insulted Ron. I think because Harry humiliated him, it struck a nerve and caused him to hate him. That and probably because Draco was young and immature.
Draco is one of the characters that you hate when you’re younger, but love and is your favorite when you’re older.
I hated him until he started he started crying in the bathroom thats when i learned he was my child
Same with Severus Snape.
@@blackberrycherry3 I love snape
Like Sharpay from high school musical
I was not worried for Harry.
Just merely worried and he happened to be there.
My father WILL hear about this
@@teavelichkovska4537 I don't think so 7w7 he really WAS concerned and worried😂😂
“mY fAtHeR wIlL hEaR aBoUt ThIs”
Are you sure Father
•Sakura Potter-Malfoy• I TOLD YOU TO WAIT OUTSIDE!
Sorry, I had to get my wand since Pansy lost her’s 😅
Draco is actually a good guy, he’s just being forced to become a death eater
@@whooooo_____4 They're the followers of Voldemort
@@Pharoah_Nines okay thanks
hairy legs periodt how are you a fan if you havent read the books or watched the movies at least
@@adambfdx I am watching the movies but I don't read the books because I don't understand what im reading so I don't read the books.
Yeah, Voldemort threatened him that he'll kill Draco's family if Draco didn't bring Death Eaters into Hogwarts. Otherwise, I don't think Draco would ever do that on purpose or would actually wanted Harry dead or anything. Draco might be a git but he isn't evil to the point he wants to kill others.
I like how when he said "is it true you fainted?" the first time he looked concerned but only when his friend was mocking him Draco said it again like he was teasing him. :)
Excellent acting fr
Omg yes I noticed this too
i’ll never get over what an absolute crime it was to rob us of that scene of draco running back and throwing harry his wand
@Void so?
@Void they could have took out the part where he took it at the Malfoy manor and put in that scene. It doesn't matter if it's not in the books. JK doesn't like Draco. JK made them take it, not because it's not in the books but because she wants Draco to be a bully. Draco deserved redemption.
@Void JK Rowling did not wrotw the books what are you talking about? She doesn't deserve the credit.
hi I am kaitlyn jk rowling? who’s that? daniel radcliffe wrote the books, not whoever jk is!
@@bladetroject yeah, idk who that is. Daniel, Tom, Emma, all of the actors/actresses wrote the books
The only reason Draco and Harry aren’t friends is “I ain’t never see two pretty bests friends”
Lmaoo facts
No it's because Draco was a horrible supremacist when he was 11.
omg i can't escape it-
@@phoenix9921 yea we know but it was a joke
Fun Fact: In the 1st movie when Draco introduced himself to Harry, he pronounced Harry's surname correctly, but ever since Harry rejected his friendship, Draco always calls him POTTAH.
I didnt notice that-
In the later films, Draco becomes more British.
Or maybe he's too bwi-iss
@@ruturajshiralkar5566 lol
Finally someone has managed to use the words Harry, Draco and straight in a single sentence.
“My father will hear about this” is to the wizarding world as
“I’m going to speak to your manager” is to the muggle world.
oh god no my son’s a Karen help
thatgirlkelly1 And it's the "I'm telling mother" to a fantasy medieval world with magic and political intrigue
She took the kids
So your saying Draco is a Karen in the muggle world?
harry : *the boy who lived*
draco : *the boy who had no choice*
Owwwww 🥺🥺🥺😭😭😭
Ow. This is some double depresso espresso right there. I love him😍
*literally just watched one of his friends die* Draco: “oh gawsh”
OoOoh wAt a ShaYmE
Oh no one's gonna help him wow some world we live in
Friends? No. Influencers, yes.
according to books Draco's friend did call him and his father useless and finished, and the fire was lit by his friend only ehi died at last in his own fire spell
“Ana oop-“
2:51 I'm so sad they cut this part out of the movie :( It could've shown such a great character relationship development, I guess like friendly rivals that actually care for eachother in a way
Well it wasn't in the book.
It was a mistake .
@@Iamsus_dude oh okay
well the thing is that wasn't the Draco J.K.Rowling wrote and that's why it was cut off
@@i_ate_ink_again understandable lmfao
The fact that Harry got a ferret for his son. 💀
what a twist
Finally im not the only one who noticed that
Help i dont get it
@@isabelleisabella6603 in the 4th movie (I guess) Draco was transfigured into a ferret by mad eye moody( who was actually Barty crouch Jr.) So they are connecting this with Harry buying a ferret to his son..
just a little boy trying to make his father proud.
Wait that hit hard-
that sounds so miserable when paired with HOW the little boy tried to make his father proud.
the fact that when draco's mother and father were calling him to the dark side he looked around to see if anyone cared.. and no one did, no one told him to stay. that breaks me.
ikr, if only someone stepped up to stop draco :(( he wouldve stayed on his own will
While yes, he was selfish and mean a lot of the time, nobody gave Draco a reason to not be selfish and mean. Nobody ever gave him a reason to be good. Nobody ever cared. All Draco wanted was a bit of real love. Is that too much to ask?!?
@@MidRunner yeah, bummer, all people saw was draco being mean and all that. if they only see through him and how he didn't have even the faintest choice
From the book's standpoint, everyone was under Voldemort's Silencio spell so they couldn't speak. From the movie standpoint, even if they spoke up, they'd risk receiving the Killing curse...dude, Voldemort was a few feet away.
2:52 brings a smile to my face everytime i see it- i just find it so sweet how he runs to Harry’s side- 😭
This scene was deleted I think??
He was Naruto running
I. HAD. NO FREAKING IDEA HE SAID POTTAH- I like draco now I didnt like him in the start dont hate on me
@@audreylou4677 It's the fact that they deleted that scene for me ✋🏻
@@Strangestormcloud WHAT.
I REALLY wish they didn’t delete the scene where draco ran back and gave Harry his wand after finding out he lived like that would’ve been my favorite scene.Also what would’ve made the deleted scene of draco yelling PoTtAH more amazing is if he yelled HaRrY instead of calling him by his last name
Anna Lillebo draco litterly is my favorite character. I ship it so hard man. draco never stopped caring for harry. IT WILL RAIN
Well smtg got to be wrong if Malfoy called him Harry instead of Potter.
i wholeheartedly agree
Time stamp?
I would literally CRY and DIE if that happened
The dislikes were from all the people who hate Draco being nice
DiaGlitch indeed
So....Lucius Malfoy?
I am the 666th like!
VoLdEmOrT aNd LuCiUs¡
We all knew Draco cared so much for Harry, he just couldn't show it..
no hate or anything but i’m pretty sure it was sarcasm like when he asks harry if he fainted and made a sarcastic face, he didn’t want him to be dead but he disliked him (sorry i’m not a big fan of this ship😔)
No offense, then why did you click this video?
@@tune-iw9qo The first time he was worried for him, the second time he said that because he didnt want his friends to know he cares for Harry
@@tune-iw9qo Yeah, why did you click then?
• P U R P L E S N O W C O N E • i don’t ship them but i thought this was fun to watch.
That "POTTAH" will always be iconic😩
Literally the biggest mistake was cutting out the scene of draco running to Harry 😕
Why did he run to Harry?
@@tavitum5127 cuz he LoVeS him😄
@@tavitum5127 Draco threw his wand at Harry. The scene where you see Harry catches a wand from midair was thrown by Draco.
It was a must keep scene & needed only couple of seconds of screentime. They made a sin cutting it😫
Well, despite the fact that people ship them anyway, it would just make things REALLY awkward. One minute he hates Harry and the next he's running to his side like "HOLY SHIT, I JUST REALISED I LOVE HIM WHOOT"
The drarry shippers would have gone crazy
Draco: Gay, pottah?
Harry: You wish.
Draco in the slytherin common room: *sobs* pansy he’s straight!
Yas the ship sailed-
Harry Potter ahh u weren’t meant to see that close ur eyes!!
Drarry 👀
@@gollum507 oop-
JK Rowling: deletes draco's redemption scene
Me: *so you have chosen DEATH*
JK Rowling did not delete the scene. the producers of the movie did
"so what you gonna say at my funeral now that you've killed me" 😫
Emma Aaboe yea i didn’t do my research before i responded but now ik she took out that scene because she doesn’t believe Draco should have redemption
@Sarah Fernandez JaramilloJK Rowling is the author of Harry Potter. Harry Potter is a fictional character
@Sarah Fernandez Jaramillo lol she is not
the fact that Albus and Scorpius were such good friends makes we want to cry and scream and hug all of them
They are what Harry and Draco could have been
not canon .
Harry: pot
Draco: pot
Harry: ter
Draco: ter
Harry: potter
Basically how bri'ish sounds to Americans
Draco: Oh, I think I get it, POTTAH
Whoever deleted that scene is getting a lot of Howlers tomorrow during breakfast
Don't Call Me Angel bye bye now Jk. Rolling
Don't Call Me Angel which one was the deleted scene
@@madisonhope2789 2:50
I would say a cool few million for all the potter heads out there
im your 1000th like
If draco didn’t have such bad parents (mostly his father) he wouldn’t be so bad!
Narcissa isn't really "bad." Certainly not "good" but not "bad."
@@johnroscoe2406 his father is mainly the problem. Narcissa just followed Lucius' instructions because she knew there would be some sorta punishment
@@chloe-roll idk if that's true. It's more the societal pressure of being a pure-blood and heir to two major wizarding families. I don't think either of Draco's parents are necessarily 'bad', just like Draco isn't 'bad'. They are just bigots really...
@@wrzski i get that, but im pretty sure draco and narcissa got abused (or thats from a story im reading, cant remember). but draco didnt want to do any of the things he did, he was forced into it all with death threats from his father (as im sure you are aware). and lucius also raised him to think muggle-born are disgusting and horrible, but he knows they're not. he also knows that if he became friends with a muggle-born, his father would punish him
@@chloe-roll Um I think that must be from a story. Sure Lucius is condescending and teaches Draco his bigotry, but he never hurts Draco. That's all Voldemort's doing. Draco's dad and mum pretty much go mad with the stress and guilt of him becoming a Death-Eater.
You can see the look of concern on Draco’s face when he’s asking if Harry fainted
I wish they gave draco a better ending. I wish he didn’t walk over to his mother and father at the end :(
In my mind he stayed over 🙂
@@Toocoolforschool573 aww 💛👍
In the end he apears on the train station scene
Nikola Tesla yeah but that wasn’t enough for me.
I'm a bit bummed they deleted the wand throwing scene also, but walking over to his parents still made sense. He really does love his parents and Draco's kind of a cowardly character. Not evil, but it wasn't out of character that he'd walk over to his parents
*deep down we all know that Draco cared for Harry but was too scared to admit it*
Draco: "Scared Pottah?"
Harry: "You wish"
Damn right
Yup we all know
I would literally pay to see a scene where draco confesses to harry that he cares for him
@Chua Qi Qi drarry is my favorite ship ✨✨💜💖💞💞💞😆😍😍😍😍💋💋💋💋💋💋💋💋💜💜💖💞💞💞💞❤️💕💕💕
it was actually the elder wand
Parneet Singh no, because Voldemort had the elder wand and Harry won bc Voldemort wasn’t the true owner so it flew out of his hand and into Harry’s. But that could’ve just been the movie bc I can’t remember now what it was in the book
He didn't he used the elder wand it wouldve been dracos wand but the scene was cut out so it was the elders instead
Larray DA best PERODT well that’s confusing?
@@evenfinnyknows Voldemort had the elders wand so harry used draco's
Is it just me or does dean look like he’s going to laugh 😂
omg I didn't even see him
had me laughing haha
you are not the only one 😂
I did NAAAAUGGT. Oh, hi Draco.
@@Cheremil AHAHAHAH
Movie: *Deletes Draco's redemption scene*
Does the scene exist in the book?
@@nuhamekk5914 nope
It does not make any sense bruh
@@muddledlion9593 well, each one has their own opinion right?
Harry: is alive
Editor: deletes Draco's running scene
Draco: My father will hear about this
lol no reply le' me fix this
I dunno why this comment keeps getting likes lol.. Lot of Malfoy fans huh
@@lavanya_m01 mhmm one of em 😌
@@gilbeyarancillo2147 You're not alone ;)
Ha ha omg so good
I’ve never noticed that first one. Draco’s face when she slaps Harry is amazing 😂
draco hesitating for more than 10 seconds before actually going to the other side really speaks a lot about his character.
He waited to see if anyone would try to stop him, no one did, showing how much they “care” about him.. i learned this from another comment but something to think about
@@ech0_thirteen 🥺😔 if only he had once put down his pride and talked to someone
@@i12koo ikr.. the whole thing would’ve ended so different
@@i12koo he did with Harry in the beginning but got rejected 🤷🏽♀️
@@miavika1074 😢
I love how Draco is always like “pOtTaH??”
only movies tho
@@territ7859 movies makes the books better then:)
@@kaetana_reed they make them much worser
@@territ7859 not in this case
@@kaetana_reed actually the darry part in the movies is the cherry on top for how bad the movies are
I honestly can see draco and harry being friends in another time and place
Rebecca Flood the way I saw it is Draco wanted to be Harry’s friend and Draco would probably be a good friend to but Harry doesn’t give him a chance but if Harry gave Draco a chance they probably would’ve been good friends
Edit~ How does this have so many likes lol
@@Y0rs_v0ice_w0rk True, Draco wanted to befriend him at the beginning. But only because he was famous. He would have given Harry shit for being friends with Ron and Hermione. Or Harry wouldn't even have them as friends. Maybe Harry wouldn't have said no to going to Slytherin. Everything would have been so different. But Harry disliked Draco since they first met. And for good reason.
JIKitty that’s true Draco gave off a bad first impression
Yeah! In this real world they are 🙈❤
If it wasn't for his incessant racism and downright awful personality, maybe.
Havent watched or read harry potter, but this draco dude seems like a nice guy
I really wish they kept the scene where Draco runs while yelling “Potter” after he finds out that Harry isn’t dead
Yes. Looks like he handed a wand to him
He took the elder wand from voldemort so harry could attack on him...I've watched that deleted scene in which they explained it....and it's sad that they removed the part where draco was on harry's side..I mean he helped him in front of everybody ...otherwise he always helped him or care for him secretly you know...
@@PrintsofShivangi thats true
Shivangi Singh I agree!! TvT
Oh they didn't keep it?
Well, there goes one drarry scene *FILM MAKERS*
Draco is a good person he’s just broken inside because of his parents
x.aeshetic vibes.x 😂😂
I agree:(
his mother cared for him tho
"If we die for them Harry, I'm gonna kill you"
- Ron Weasley
Ron needs to work on common sense ✊
Logik 👍🏽🧐
- Ron not Wisely
@@effiemars_ LMAOO
Voldemort: How do you propose to do that?
Draco felt so uncomfortable with the dark lord hugging him . He actually gave a damn about Harry and his friends
Draco : Pottah! you have something of mine, I’d like it back.
Harry : what?
Draco : my heart, give it back.
Harry : for the last time Draco that’s not how it works.
it’s 4AM and this made me burst out laughing
Omg 😂
Nah It's a reference to Harry stealing Draco's heart LMAO 😂 I think
im *u n c o m f y*
@@alsamabdi3899 me too
I think everybody tends to forget draco wanted to be Harry’s friend in the first movie
Edit: if people continue telling me “No draco wanted to kill him” I’m deleting. Read the replies and you’ll see that a bunch of people already said it. I have eyes you know...
He wanted harry to be his friend, not the other way around
Harry to be his friend as in join his gang
yes, because his dad told him to do so in a plot to kill him
@@apo911 nah i think they tried to coax him into joining the dark side
Like voldemort did several times
😂 omg I couldnt stop laughing
Me at school
@Emma Cervantes 😂😂😂❤💚
@@badassbenchtrio2304 sAmE tHo
Hey >:(
@@luciusabraxasmalfoy-snape1031 Omg- 😂
The fact that he yelled “Potter!” When Harry jumped out of Hagrid‘s arms…
Draco: **mocks Harry Potter*
Also Draco: **Runs to Harry and yells his name in secret gay**
You have done a mistake its HARRY POTTAH🤣
Harry Potter and the Secret Gay
Still can’t believe they cut the scene out of Draco running to Harry would have literally been the best redemption
well it would not have made sense because draco had hid mother's wand and it would not work properly for Harry plus Harry already had his wand and on top of that it is true that draco Malfoy was not wanting to truly be on the dark side but as his character bis he was not brave enough to do it .
I’m pretty sure it’s cause Daniel couldn’t catch the wand when Tom threw it lol
He didn’t needed any redemption, on multiple occasions he showed that he is not dark … multiple occasions !!!
It wasn't in the book. I'm sure JK would've had a problem with it.
@@juliemiller5196 Theres lots of shit that was in the movies that wasn’t in the books.
Biggest mistake: deleting the scene where Draco yells “Pottah!” And throughs a wand to Harry just as he wakes up after being “killed” from Voldemort.
Did that happen in the book?
Gis MG nope
@@gismg1910 no, it was just in a film
It was the best 'Pottah' for me
“Why didn’t you tell her, Bellatrix, you knew it was me. You didn’t say anything”
Draco didn’t say anything because he cares I find that line calming because Harry also kinda felt liek Draco cared
Really wish they'd left in the deleted scene of Draco running back and rejoining the Hogwarts side, would have made way more sense on why they looked at each other kindly at he end of the esries.
I KNEW IT WAS REAL OMFG. I remember that scene and since they cut it istg i thought it was my imagination... It would've definitely cleared Draco's name
@@anonymous99923 Doesn't matter, still would've made the scene better
@@thezoinksguy no it wouldn't because nothing even close to that happened in the books 💀💀💀
Title: Draco caring for 5 minutes straight
Hermione: actually it’s 5 minutes and 6 seconds
I doubt it's even straight.
It's pronounced"it's" noot iiiiitttt
Draco and Ron at the same time: *shut up hermione/Mudblood!*
@@vaclav_fejt I doubt Draco’s even straight
@@edielaufeyson1106 i guess draco is bi
Draco : "POTTAH"
So sad and cute at the same time @~@
HAGRIDDDDDDD!!!! WHY U DROP HARRY!!!! and it was emotianol when harry fell out of hagrids hands and draco said 'POTTER' j was crying
I found it funny because you just see a figure just running in front of the camera yelling “POTTER!” 😂😂
@@grey-tm3qi that Malfoy for ya! also Draco went I AM SPEED!
Ikr!! I was literally crying
I’m sorry but when u said “I didn’t drop him I swear” for Hagrid I died 😂😂
I'll never get over how they deleted that scene that would of made the movie life changing.
It would be the most heart warming moment.
I will still imagine and pretend as if that scene didn't get deleted
The scene always gives me chills 🥺
Katrina Loughran yes😔
what scene? qwq
Which scene???
Who ever deleted that scene when malfoy gives Harry the wand has a cell waiting in askaban
It was jk but I totally agree we should give her a cell there
They on their way don't worry
...with their name on it 😒
Is it weird that since I started reading fanfics, i empathize with characters like Draco more than Dumbledore? We often turn a blind eye to Albus' manipulative ways and secret hogging ways while Draco was just a boy stuck in fear between two sides of the war.
The person who deleted THAT scene : **deletes scene**
Everyone: so you choose death
Tru do
what scene-
@@skibidiohiogatitokasa draco's redemption scene :(
So You've chosen ✨death✨
Can someone explain the scene to me? How is he helping harry there?
It’s upsetting they got rid of the parts where Draco was actually helping Harry
• Cūrīoūs Tūbēr • this never happened in the book
@@Flashbek87 The part with Voldemort awkwardly hugging Malfoy also wasn't in the books. What's your point?
Spike 32 If they added the part where Draco ran to Harry, since that didn’t happen in the books, how would they add on from it? They would have to make some new scene where Draco actually cares for Harry which never happened in the book and wouldn’t make sense.
It's good that Harry saved Draco. He owed him for Malfoy Manor
Yeah, and it rather annoyed me how Ron wanted for them to just leave Draco there. Had he forgotten??
Spike 32 its not only Ron both him and Hermione in the books
Monica Baird nah, draco not turning them over made up for him being a little shit for the last seven years. in my opinion harry didnt owe him for that and harry only saved draco cause hes a good person.
@@abbyrose6660 Agree
Monica Baird in the books malfoy wasn't sure that it was Harry and did not save him deliberately
0:45 I love how he just yells in his ear 😂😂😂
Harry: It’s P o t t *e r*
Draco: P o t t a h ?
Harry: No- P o t t ERR
Draco: Pottah :D
Harry: *Sighh*
Draco: Pottahhhhhhh ;)
hahaha 1
To good to good
it’s the wink for me lol
I’m what-
Derpy Chickadee AAHAHAHA
“I didn’t drop him I swear”
Harry *Malfoy* 😏
Imran Maschukow can I like this a million times?
C.E. Martin idk 😂
"You have something of mine...I'd like it back."
He's talking about his heart isn't he
Oh 👏 my 👏 god 👏 YESSSSS 🥺😍
I thought for a second you meant his virginity
THIS 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂
@@imanewborn519 omg lol 🤣😂
No not hos heart. His virginity 🤭
I think those glimpses of goodness we are able to see in Draco's charater in the movie is because of what sweetheart is Tom Felton in real life, the guy is completely the opposite that the character he portrais, and the obvious development the character get. A really good character, one of my favorites
That's totally tru
1:50 I never noticed how concerned draco looked in that scene
Pretty interesting i always assumed he was mocking him right from the start but it really looks like he was just playing along..
Damn didn’t realize that either lmao
Think he was just mocking him tbh youre clutching at straws a bit there
Boden56 it’s just a movie we shouldn’t look too deep anyway lmao 😂
@@boo1290 thats what Im trying to say it clearly aint that deep bro
Honestly the hug between him and Voldemort is how most British hugs go
@@philothemell yep. Its real creepy and one of us don't want it
That doesn’t even make sense?
Lil Roelyn my source is that I lived in England for 12 years, I experienced those hugs. I know them back to front. The English are not a touchy people
I wish the deleted scene was a real scene. My drarry heart burst with joy when I saw him run to Harry.
PLease kill me. I will spell this out in acrostic
i heard there another super secret deleted scene where they made out
@Allana Swinson no he just switched sides again knowing harry was still alife and theres was a chance for him to win
@@mattis1389 OH MY GOD
I loved his character in the movies (I've never read the books, so I am not sure how different he is in the books) because he was basically conditioned into being evil by his psycho family, but when he became a death eater, he really didn't like being one. He felt uncomfortable around the other death eaters, clearly didn't like Voldemort, and was helping Harry defeat Voldemort. I know they cut the scene where he throws Harry his wand (which really makes no sense, because Harry was wandless at that point, he apparently pulled it out of his butt or something) but even without that scene he still clearly wanted to help Harry, which is why he refused to give Harry's identity to Bellatrix. Harry couldn't have beaten Voldemort without Draco's help. I really liked the whole dynamic of them helping each other in spite of not liking each other.
In the books it is quite the same. though one scene that i feel like was a lot more emotional and in depth was the bathroom fight scene in the half blood prince
@@crow1461 that scene messed me up back in the day ...
The fact that two of our most hated characters snape & malfoy, actually turned out to be the most loved & understood. They were just victims of bad influences & loneliness is just heartbraking
Well, technically Draco was the only one because Snape was spying on behalf of Dumbledore and got killed because of it. And the weird part was that Dumbledore actually turned out to be slightly less caring for Harry. Even though, some people say that Dumbledore died for Harry. If I recall correctly, Dumbledore died less for Harry, more for his school. And Snape loved Harry more because he loved his mother, but James took Lily away from him. And because of that interrupted love Snape never found love again. And Harry only realized that after seeing Snape's past feeling and traumatizing life experiences.
@@risha-inactive6989 right i was so upset with dumbledor
@@hexacle6155 sO SAD
@@risha-inactive6989 In the Book (Half-Blood Prince), it is mentioned that Draco, initially, was very proud of his status as a Death Eater and his mission to assassinate Dumbledore. This is primarily bcoz, Draco seeked to gain Voldemort's good grace for his family's safety and Draco himself saw Albus Dumbledore as an unfit Mudblood-lover. More imp Draco was determined to destroy Harry Potter and saw Dumbledore's assassination as the best way to achieve his goals. Draco even refuses Snape's repeated helps & offers for assistance, as he suspects of Snape's loyalties & assumes him to be after Draco's glory. But as days pass, Draco becomes increasingly paranoid and realises that he did not have the heart of killer. In the end, even as Draco corners a weakened, disarmed Dumbledore; he is simply just not capable of completing his task. As Dumbledore correctly remarks, Draco was still at his mercy. Finally Snape finishes off the task, thus saving Draco.
@@risha-inactive6989 okay that’s not completely the case, Dumbledore didn’t just die for the entire school but also for the world because remember, he did great things in his life protecting wizards, witches and Muggles. And Snape actually didn’t love Harry more than his mum, Lily was always the one Snape loved. When she died Snape took care of Harry because it was the right thing to do.
Draco isn't a bad person, he's just coward sometimes, he even wanted to be friend with Harry at the first year
but he said somfing rude ab ron bc his father talks ab people that way, basically THROW THE WHOLE FATHER AWAY
The boy who didn’t have a choice :(
His dad actually forced him to do that, to get Harry on their side
no its cuz harry was famous he even mocked ron
@@romyprincipe4178 cus ron laughed at his name he's only mean if someone does even the smallest thing to him
draco:you have something of mine..
draco:my heart cuz i have fallen for you...
wow didnt think i would get so many likes!ThanksXD
@@notsoawesomesauce-6551 McGonagall- wt- DID YOU SHIP THEM ALL THIS TIME
( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
1:55 You can see the worry in his eyes. He did not want anyone to know that he cared for harry, so when someone mocked him he went along with it as he was afraid that if he did not h would get called out.
The text makes these scenes way funnier than they should be
I couldn’t stop laughing
I know right
Those emotions in Draco's voice when he said, "Potter!" while running to him...
The only time draco said "Potter" in a good way THEY DELETED IT 😭😭
@@pluto2069 disrespect for the directors went 📈
I Didn’t Notice It, I Was Too Busy Thinking About The Fact That Hagrid Just Threw Him Like-
Can We Just Talk About How Disappointed Voldemort Looked xD
They take out the one of the only scenes that shows Draco as a good guy, so they can add that awkward hug...if that's what you wanna call it
Becca Gregory that hug makes me cringe. In the books Draco is so fucking scared of voldy, there’s noooo way he’d ever touch him much less embrace him.
That actually wasn’t in the script. The actor playing Voldemort forgot his line so he just hugged Tom Felton. That’s in part why Tom looked so uncomfortable during the hug, because he wasn’t expecting it
@@fangirloverleo494 makes sense
Becca Gregory Very true! I wish they had left that scene in the Movie...they had so many little hints showing that Draco *might* be alright and with this one they could‘ve really proven that he‘s not a bad guy!
imhappyвидео.html here’s proof lmao
Im still so upset they didnt keep the scene with Draco running and giving the wand to Harry. It wouldve shone that they care for eachother❤❤
1:53 Draco actually looks worried the first time he asks Harry. He looks concerned
man, after you pointed this out i may or may not gone back and watched it 15 times...
he was worried and forgot he's supposed to hate him until the other dude mocked harry
Great acting. He really was worried but when he saw his friend laughing he has to play mocking. I mean look how he looked at his friend and changed
The first time I watched that scene I thought that Draco was trying to be concerned about Harry until his friend started mocking him
Omg your right
I like how all the students or professors DON'T hate Draco toward the end of story. It is more like a pity I guess. He bullied the mudblood and the half-blood, but being born to the Death Eater parents is also a terrible burden.
Not to mention being the nephew of Bellatrix. Like imagine having an Auntie like her. Yikes
At least he has Harry as a distant relaive who isnt mad. ^^
@@Matagu1 except for the fact pretty much everyone wants to kill him or put him in grave danger 😂😂😂😂
@@sharnim2254 not good.
@@Matagu1 yeah.l
0:22 if they had paralized all of them and then check if it was Potter and call Voldemort, then Voldermort would have won. Victory had nothing to do who was right or not, but the execution.
The writing got really mid after the 5th movie. For some maybe even earlier