I think the tail screw was an original fixing, Kev, but there was a spare wheel-mount washer missing when in came apart. It does rather appear to be a bit of a scrapper, with 'restoration' being a bit overstated, given the casting damage, but you have made a pedigree out of a mongrel pup, nonetheless. You can see how bad it has been by the shiny paint on the outside and the rust on the inside. Shame. A helluva lot of work, Kevin, but an immensely satisfying result to take away with you: it might never be original, but it'll display proudly! I'd put that down as my first quarter "Restoration of the Year' so far! The single colour is superb
A night and day difference!! Lovely job Kev and as always, I thoroughly enjoyed watching! Cheers! 👍👍
Thanks Jeff 👍
Excellent restoration Kevin, good repair on the cab .nice paint finish
That's a lot of work in that restoration. But that's what these models deserve. Well done.
Many thanks!
Very interesting Kev. Picked up some nice tops watching this. 👍 great outcome 👍
Thanks Andy👍
Fantastic Kev..........❤
Beautiful restoration kev nice repair on the cab well done 👍
Thanks Adrian..
Great restoration, like.
I've been waiting for your new video. Great renovation. Congratulations on a job well done. Regards 🙂
Thanks, thought I would try a different format.
I think the tail screw was an original fixing, Kev, but there was a spare wheel-mount washer missing when in came apart. It does rather appear to be a bit of a scrapper, with 'restoration' being a bit overstated, given the casting damage, but you have made a pedigree out of a mongrel pup, nonetheless. You can see how bad it has been by the shiny paint on the outside and the rust on the inside. Shame.
A helluva lot of work, Kevin, but an immensely satisfying result to take away with you: it might never be original, but it'll display proudly! I'd put that down as my first quarter "Restoration of the Year' so far! The single colour is superb
Many thanks Fraser, I done my best with it, polishing a turd comes to mind.
That was a tough one, good job✌️😎
Thanks Don, I was expecting that casting to snap in two..
I bet, I've got a Dinky dump truck I'm getting ready to do and cracked at the cab