Jajajajaja esa chatarra antigua YA NO SIRVE,es muy lento y actualmente ya existen sistemas contra estos LENTOS misiles ANTIGUOS ,y ni siquiera llegarían al espacio aéreo ruso!.
By complete chance I drove past a famous aviation museum in the UK the other day. I decided to stop and go in. The first sight am greeted with is none other than an enormous (retired) Polaris nuclear missile - something hits you very hard, the pinacle of all mankind's science and technology in order to destroy mankind..
@@johnmayumbelo3121 as if China, Russia, Afghanistan, Iran, Iraq, and many other countries located all around the world don't want the same. Objectively, the west is the most fair and considerate. If you think otherwise, you have never been to china.
Дорогой мой друг, но вы уже использовали ядерное оружие против мирных японских городов, и по Белграду били урановым снарядом малой мощности... Так что от вас чего угодно можно ожидать, безумцы сидят в вашем правительстве
I am quite sure what the US can do to Russia, Russia can do the same in return too. The fact is the US population is more dense (3 times) than the Russia that means the death ratio is going to be three times as high compare to the Russia.
You'd be wrong because the US maintains its weapons and Russia doesn't. Explosives that cause the nukes to go off don't last forever. While putin qwells his many little rebellions he isn't maintaining his nukes.
You people need to stop talking your bull shit on both side. Don't need this shit talk again in any country. Stop playing so many war game videos and grow the F up.
@@454cassul9 Are you illiterate? I never suggested you’d be glad to see them them work. The implication of your question is clearly to suggest the missiles are old, therefor potentially outdated or not maintained properly and that is an incredibly dangerous insinuation.
@@frankdevo5715 well, you're seeing things (implications) that do not exist, since I'm aware the USA nuclear doctrine primary weapons are not those silo-deployed old minutemans (the silo sites are well known), but submarine-deployed Tridents, as well as air component of the triade, because they are much less vulnerable. I just ask a question, & now I see it was better to ask google, but not to waste my ( & others) time in futile comment-throwing.
Thank about it? 😮 If you press the button first and they don’t except this . The speed they travel 🧳 at ! By the time there close they won’t be able to react ✌️😂 Also ! You start off by knocking out there control and command center with regular conventional weapons
@@josephbatiste8809 Doesn't matter. It would take 12 minutes for a hypersonic missile to reach the us. It would take less than 3 minutes for the US to order a full scale nuclear attack.
I think the Trident II D5 is much deadlier. Minuteman III carries 3 warheads. Trident is limited to 8 W88 475 kiloton warheads by treaty but could carry 12. Flight time to the targets is much shorter too.
@No Name I think 3. Trident II D5 12 W88, 475 kilotons each. 24 per submarine All launched from below rge surface within 60 seconds. Reentry speed Mach 24. 2 Trident missiles more powerful than one Sarmat. Launch a Sarmat from Russia and the whole of Russia will be burned to the ground before Sarmats warheads detonate. Does the US have secret weapons in space that can track and destroy Sarmats? We don't know. If it exists it's a secret. Can the US track and stop Ppseidon? Probably. The oceans are filled with sound sensors for over 60 years. My father's company manufactured them in the 1960s. Their replacements are generations better. We don't use washing nachine chips either. Russia is effed.
@Mark Fischer nope, due to treaties, our land based icbms only can have 1 warhead. We have 450 missiles, 450 warheads. Looks up the start treaty and research on minuteman, it used to have 3 until years ago.
@No Name Sarmat and Trident missiles can only carry 8 warheads each. Russia has withdrawn from the treaty so technically there is no legal limit but I think both sides are sticking to the treaty for now. We could bankrupt Russia faster if we start to increase our arsenal with a few thousand more warheads, bombs, and missiles. A B52 bomber can carry 20 stealth cruise missiles. Each one has a W80 150 kiloton warhead.
@@minutemaniii7062 I think Your brain is rusty. Russia has the best hipersonic misseles Kinzhal Zircon. Already tested in 2016. USA has performed first test last year around July. Sarmat is hiperosnic ICBM with speed of 7 km pers second. And can be equiped with rv 10- 16 heads. And power 56 m tons of TNT. Exactly the power like Tsar bomb. This ICBM has so mamy advanced systems that US can track it. Also because of that US push this war in Ucraine hoping that Russia will be not able to implement RS 28 Sarmat and S500 and S550. But You have no knowledge about that. One week ago Russia just after the US has installed patriots in big cities od Ucraine has launched misseles attack. They have reach every target because this US crap is not capable to start before the target is reached. With cruise speed up to 10 mach. You are not educated You dont understand nothing. 4 Zircon missales equiped with nuclear war heads already can destroy half of Europe. And from launching till target 10-15 minutes to central Europe.
If these things ever see action, I'm afraid there might not be "further generations". I hope our world leaders stop thinking so selfishly and consider where their actions now will take us down the road. When they even put these on the table as an option it's like "ok bro you gotta get up outta here!"
Those who teach the people to lightly regard the commandments of God, sow disobedience, to reap disobedience. Let the restraint imposed by the divine law be wholly cast aside, and human laws would soon be disregarded. Because God forbids dishonest practices, coveting, lying, and defrauding, men are ready to trample upon his statutes as a hindrance to their worldly prosperity; but the results of banishing these precepts would be such as they do not anticipate. If the law were not binding, why should any fear to transgress? Property would no longer be safe. Men would obtain their neighbor’s possessions by violence; and the strongest would become richest. Life itself would not be respected. The marriage vow would no longer stand as a sacred bulwark to protect the family. He who had the power, would, if he desired, take his neighbor’s wife by violence. The fifth commandment would be set aside with the fourth. Children would not shrink from taking the life of their parents, if by so doing they could obtain the desire of their corrupt hearts. The civilized world would become a horde of robbers and assassins; and peace, rest, and happiness would be banished from the earth. GC88 585.1 Chapter 3-God Has Rules Too Our Unique Responsibility As the Supreme Ruler of the universe, God has ordained laws for the government not only of all living beings, but of all the operations of nature. Everything, whether great or small, animate or inanimate, is under fixed laws which cannot be disregarded. There are no exceptions to this rule; for nothing that the divine hand has made has been forgotten by the divine mind. But while everything in nature is governed by natural law, man alone, as an intelligent being, capable of understanding its requirements, is amenable to moral law. To man alone, the crowning work of His creation, God has given a conscience to realize the sacred claims of the divine law, and a heart capable of loving it as holy, just, and good; and of man prompt and perfect obedience is required. Yet God does not compel him to obey; he is left a free moral agent. NL 29.1 The subject of man’s personal responsibility is understood by but few; and yet it is a matter of the greatest importance. We may each obey and live, or we may transgress God’s law, defy His authority, and receive the punishment that is meet. Then to every soul the question comes home with force, Shall I obey the voice from heaven, the ten words spoken from Sinai, or shall I go with the multitude who trample on that fiery law? To those who love God it will be the highest delight to keep His commandments, and to do those things that are pleasing in His sight. But the natural heart hates the law of God, and wars against its holy claims. Men shut their souls from the divine light, refusing to walk in it as it shines upon them. They sacrifice purity of heart, the favor of God, and their hope of heaven, for selfish gratification or worldly gain. NL 29.2 Says the psalmist, “The law of the Lord is perfect” (Psalm 19:7). How wonderful in its simplicity, its comprehensiveness and perfection, is the law of Jehovah! It is so brief that we can easily commit every precept to memory, and yet so far-reaching as to express the whole will of God, and to take cognizance, not only of the outward actions, but of the thoughts and intents, the desires and emotions, of the heart. Human laws cannot do this. They can deal with the outward actions only. A man may be a transgressor, and yet conceal his misdeeds from human eyes; he may be a criminal-a thief, a murderer, or an adulterer-but so long as he is not discovered, the law cannot condemn him as guilty. The law of God takes note of the jealousy, envy, hatred, malignity, revenge, lust, and ambition that surge through the soul, but have not found expression in outward action, because the opportunity, not the will, has been wanting. And these sinful emotions will be brought into the account in the day when “God shall bring every work into judgment, with every secret thing, whether it be good, or whether it be evil” (Ecclesiastes 12:14). NL 30.1 Probation Closes When the Sealing Is Finished Just before we entered it [the time of trouble], we all received the seal of the living God. Then I saw the four angels cease to hold the four winds. And I saw famine, pestilence and sword, nation rose against nation, and the whole world was in confusion.-The S.D.A. Bible Commentary 7:968 (1846). LDE 228.4 The Nations in Conflict Four mighty angels hold back the powers of this earth till the servants of God are sealed in their foreheads. The nations of the world are eager for conflict, but they are held in check by the angels. When this restraining power is removed there will come a time of trouble and anguish. Deadly instruments of warfare will be invented. Vessels with their living cargo will be entombed in the great deep. All who have not the spirit of truth will unite under the leadership of Satanic agencies, but they are to be kept under control till the time shall come for the great battle of Armageddon.-The S.D.A. Bible Commentary 7:967 (1900). LDE 238.3 The Whole World Will Be Involved in Ruin Angels are now restraining the winds of strife that they may not blow until the world shall be warned of its coming doom, but a storm is gathering, ready to burst upon the earth, and when God shall bid His angels loose the winds there will be such a scene of strife as no pen can picture.-Education, 179, 180 (1903). LDE 239.1 I highly recommend 'Conflict of the Ages' series of five books by Christian Author Ellen G. White (Authentic Seer/Prophet of God)..... "Patriarchs and Prophets" "Prophets and Kings" "The Desire of Ages" " The Acts of the Apostles" "The Great Controversy between Christ and Satan" Ellen G.White, 1888, rev.1911 ⏳🌎🌍🌏⌛ Sixth Trumpet: Angels from the Euphrates... Then the sixth angel sounded: And I heard a voice from the four horns of the golden altar which is before God, saying to the sixth angel who had the trumpet, “Release the four angels who are bound at the great river Euphrates.” So the four angels, who had been prepared for the hour and day and month and year, were released to kill a third of mankind. Now the number of the army of the horsemen was two hundred million; I heard the number of them. And thus I saw the horses in the vision: those who sat on them had breastplates of fiery red, hyacinth blue, and sulfur yellow; and the heads of the horses were like the heads of lions; and out of their mouths came fire, smoke, and brimstone. By these three plagues a third of mankind was killed-by the fire and the smoke and the brimstone which came out of their mouths. For their power is in their mouth and in their tails; for their tails are like serpents, having heads; and with them they do harm. But the rest of mankind, who were not killed by these plagues, did not repent of the works of their hands, that they should not worship demons, and idols of gold, silver, brass, stone, and wood, which can neither see nor hear nor walk. And they did not repent of their murders or their sorceries or their sexual immorality or their thefts. Revelation 9:13-21 NKJV The nations were angry, and Your wrath has come, And the time of the dead, that they should be judged, And that You should reward Your servants the prophets and the saints, And those who fear Your name, small and great, And should destroy those who destroy the earth.” Revelation 11:18 NKJV
I’m pretty sure the best ICBM if we’re talking about is trident 2 that thing and hold 8 nuclear warheads and you could say the sarmat with the8 warheads to but it did just fail a test launch.
Not only does America have better ICBMs, they have more of them. People who say Russia will nuke America and win the war is horribly wrong. We hope it never comes to that but I'm not counting on anyone winning a nuclear exchange
Just IMHO, I believe the Trident II SLBM packs more of a punch, plus less flight time. It has a hard-target capability with a small CEP, enabling it to be targeted against missile silos, deep underground C and C bunkers/etc.
Actually, the Peace Keeper was the U.S. most powerful ICBM. The Titan 3 has a longer range, better guidance, solid state fuel, and equipped a better decoy system.
@MostlyShorts Russia has a death end system installed, according to which if usa or Europe strikes russia with all their nukes, Russia death sys will be activated, and will launch nuclear missiles to each and Very country, finishing humanity, so no matter, where Americans live or where Russian every one would be dead
@@Like_Ike The best time is when it will cause the most devastation and life to be taken. That's the best time, and I agree we all need to be punished for sins, even if we haven't committed any our selves. Only selfish people don't share with others, so a sinner can be good for a change!
Кометы собьет Россия своими гиперзвуковыми ракетами. Все ведь помнят "как Россия не сбила комету над Челябинском"? Для России вы более выгодны живыми. Глупо отрицать очевидное: У вас большой запас ядерного оружия и будет очень плохо, если он расползется по другим странам. Так же, как вы всеми силами будете отдалять распад России, так же и Россия будет отдалять всеми средствами распад США. Мы плывем в одном корабле, что бы устраивать в нем пожар.
@@Mikhail_Utkin what about stop all this nonsense as the power is in our hands, normal humans and all this conflict was created by politicians…… just imagine tomorrow all the soldiers will put their guns down and shake hands what will Putin and Zelyn or Biden will be ?!?!? Nothing, powerless, they only try to make us to hate each other for their own interests trust me, no matter who will win they will still be filthy rich and us normal humans struggling day by day …. Just think, open your eyes
How are the warheads fired from the MIRV? some. Type of primer system similar to bullets? That and how does the MIRV’s aiming system work? Satellite or coordinates directed?
Or actually do something *useful* to make peace, prayer does absolutely NOTHING! as ‘god’ does not exist, it’s a man made fiction to control the gullible and mentally enfeebled.
That's actually the point. It's called mutually assured destruction. The repercussions would be so severe that the weapons never get used. In other words, it's just a giant dick measuring contest.
@@Pure4Pres do you really believe that? Remember, minuteman III, that is the most 'advanced' icbm US has is from 70's . The new sarmat was deployed and tested without nuke in 2016. And other modern weapons were still not used.
@@canalhonkventura440 It’s not like they have just been sitting there since the 70s lol. We keep them up to date and make sure they actually work. The Sarmat just had a failed launch 2 days ago. Sometimes old, true and tried things work better then new and hardly tested things.
Not doing this is more dangerous for the world. instead of speaking ignorant ignorant go read philosophy , read sociological theories . and read Karl Marx's game theory and you'll understand
There is a reason America doesn’t do atmospheric nuclear tests anymore. We were the first to realize the power and dangerous effects of nuclear weapons. Look up the Nyonoksa radiation accident or Lake Karachay. Russia has a much worse history of radiological accidents and pollution because of their negligence.
Missile defense systems are 80% success at best and you have to hit an icbm in the first half of the launching cycle. All those little cones it shoots out on reentry, most of them are decoys for missile defense. 😅
@MostlyShorts Russia has a death end system installed, according to which if usa or Europe strikes russia with all their nukes, Russia death sys will be activated, and will launch nuclear missiles to each and Very country, finishing humanity, so no matter, where Americans live or where Russian every one would be dead
Американцы вы реально доигратесь с войнами. Вас просто никогда не убивали на вашей земле. Мне кажется вы одумаетесь только тогда когда полетят сарматы на вашу землю. Жаль простых людей.
Minuteman can carry multiple reentry vehicles. We just signed a treaty saying we wouldn’t use them. All Nuclear ICBMs will have multiple reentry vehicles. Some are not real though. It increases the chances of the live one getting through since intercepter missiles will have to try and intercept them all.
Originally it was designed to carry three warheads, but was tested with up to seven small warheads prior to 1980. The large load was never fielded and with the Start 2 treaty the three warhead configuration was replaced by a single warhead. The original Minuteman III warhead was the Mk-12/W-62. This was replaced first by the heavier (higher yield) Mk-12A/W-78 and then by a single Mk-21/W-87.
Tsar bomba does exist. 1 operational and 2 pro type. But it can never be used cuz it's not made for use it's 2 big they only made that for tests and to scare USA during cold war...
@4den406 looks like the pantsir couldn't keep annexed kherson in russian hands, because bridges were still gettin blown up by himars. You sure I'm the one who's coping? You also got the video of su 34 being mistaken for himars and shot down?
Ti.gandon+eto.t voe. Flag.tak byded💤💤💤💤💤💤💤💤💤💤💤💤💤💤💤💤💤💤💤💤💤💤💤💤🌅
God bless USA with NK nukes😂
Jajajajaja esa chatarra antigua YA NO SIRVE,es muy lento y actualmente ya existen sistemas contra estos LENTOS misiles ANTIGUOS ,y ni siquiera llegarían al espacio aéreo ruso!.
Russia's more powerful ICMBs and more. what's up america😂
@yenidenrefah43 What's up? Russia's time is up. Time for Russia to die.
This missile can strike any target in the world😮
By complete chance I drove past a famous aviation museum in the UK the other day. I decided to stop and go in. The first sight am greeted with is none other than an enormous (retired) Polaris nuclear missile - something hits you very hard, the pinacle of all mankind's science and technology in order to destroy mankind..
West on quest to keep everyone poor.
east aswell. humanity is just ass.@@johnmayumbelo3121
@@johnmayumbelo3121 as if China, Russia, Afghanistan, Iran, Iraq, and many other countries located all around the world don't want the same. Objectively, the west is the most fair and considerate.
If you think otherwise, you have never been to china.
Whyvare you showing the MX? That was cancelled years ago! 😅😅
Let's hope that we never have to use it..
Let's hope we get to see it. i want to see what a billion dollar firework can do
Дорогой мой друг, но вы уже использовали ядерное оружие против мирных японских городов, и по Белграду били урановым снарядом малой мощности... Так что от вас чего угодно можно ожидать, безумцы сидят в вашем правительстве
@@bolobalaman get a bottle rocket and burn your ass with it then
@@milton1147 that’s not a billion dollar worth of firework
@@bolobalaman get a half stick then blow ur ass up lol.
Once you see that tell your family you love them.
It'll only get better , good ol juicy mirv tech
I am quite sure what the US can do to Russia, Russia can do the same in return too. The fact is the US population is more dense (3 times) than the Russia that means the death ratio is going to be three times as high compare to the Russia.
You'd be wrong because the US maintains its weapons and Russia doesn't. Explosives that cause the nukes to go off don't last forever. While putin qwells his many little rebellions he isn't maintaining his nukes.
But we wouldn't have to experience it if it wasn't for the United States destructive behavior against other countries.
You people need to stop talking your bull shit on both side. Don't need this shit talk again in any country. Stop playing so many war game videos and grow the F up.
@@awesomejob4209 the US is the world police with many Allies
@Awesome Job you mean Russia literally invading their neighbor country and slaughtering civilians right , please tell me you have even a small brain
Wish they had shown a bit of this in Oppenheimer.
Just one question. When the last Minuteman missile was build? 🤔
Are you willing to take the chance to see if they still work?
@@frankdevo5715 what makes you think I would be glad to see that?
@@454cassul9 Are you illiterate? I never suggested you’d be glad to see them them work.
The implication of your question is clearly to suggest the missiles are old, therefor potentially outdated or not maintained properly and that is an incredibly dangerous insinuation.
@@frankdevo5715 well, you're seeing things (implications) that do not exist, since I'm aware the USA nuclear doctrine primary weapons are not those silo-deployed old minutemans (the silo sites are well known), but submarine-deployed Tridents, as well as air component of the triade, because they are much less vulnerable. I just ask a question, & now I see it was better to ask google, but not to waste my ( & others) time in futile comment-throwing.
@@454cassul9 I figured you’d be a coward and play coy but your intention is clear with your snide little emojis.
nuclear ICBMs 🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥
Even the person who press the button will never be survived if there is a retaliation
Thank about it? 😮 If you press the button first and they don’t except this . The speed they travel 🧳 at ! By the time there close they won’t be able to react ✌️😂 Also ! You start off by knocking out there control and command center with regular conventional weapons
@@josephbatiste8809 Doesn't matter. It would take 12 minutes for a hypersonic missile to reach the us. It would take less than 3 minutes for the US to order a full scale nuclear attack.
Believe me with all the upgrades these things work greater then any missiles
Lol i noticed you nuked the kerbal space center.
God bless us All if any of these weapons are used.
they'll be used one day,we don't know when but Russia,China,Iran,North Korea,US,UK and Germany will one day have to use them
You’ll only be blessed if you’re going to heaven
serves as deterrence but would also be used for offensives that's why to acquire such is very dangerous because this urge to use it is always there
@@josiahmoila6401Germany has no nukes, but France does have
@@Galaxy-oy4nj French nukes are there for Germany's use and not their own. We all know they'd surrender before ever using them.
God bless America 🇺🇸
Death to America
With minutemen 3. #plural
telek koceng
God wants nothing to do with a bunch of sodomites
There is no ICBM better than Sarmat .. man we are talking about an hypersonic missile that have 10 nuclear warhead
"Сармат" несет 18 боеголовок, а не 10. 18 боеголовок по 750 килотонн. Апокалипсис для любой страны.
USA laughing 🤣😂😂
I really don't think the speed of the rocket and amount of warheads it carries will severely impact on the overall outcome on nuclear armageddon. 😂
The US Trident II is capable of carrying 12 warheads, and is also hypersonic. Every ICBM in history has been hypersonic.
I like the instrumental by the way
You know it’s already over , when they make Mutual annihilation a cool concept
mutual destruction ensures peace if russia or china were the only ones with nuclear weapons, we would of been sent back to the stone age 50 years ago
I think the Trident II D5 is much deadlier. Minuteman III carries 3 warheads. Trident is limited to 8 W88 475 kiloton warheads by treaty but could carry 12. Flight time to the targets is much shorter too.
Minuteman carry one single warhead
@No Name I think 3. Trident II D5 12 W88, 475 kilotons each. 24 per submarine All launched from below rge surface within 60 seconds. Reentry speed Mach 24. 2 Trident missiles more powerful than one Sarmat. Launch a Sarmat from Russia and the whole of Russia will be burned to the ground before Sarmats warheads detonate. Does the US have secret weapons in space that can track and destroy Sarmats? We don't know. If it exists it's a secret. Can the US track and stop Ppseidon? Probably. The oceans are filled with sound sensors for over 60 years. My father's company manufactured them in the 1960s. Their replacements are generations better. We don't use washing nachine chips either. Russia is effed.
@Mark Fischer nope, due to treaties, our land based icbms only can have 1 warhead. We have 450 missiles, 450 warheads. Looks up the start treaty and research on minuteman, it used to have 3 until years ago.
The posideon is stupid honestly, waste of resources
@No Name Sarmat and Trident missiles can only carry 8 warheads each. Russia has withdrawn from the treaty so technically there is no legal limit but I think both sides are sticking to the treaty for now. We could bankrupt Russia faster if we start to increase our arsenal with a few thousand more warheads, bombs, and missiles. A B52 bomber can carry 20 stealth cruise missiles. Each one has a W80 150 kiloton warhead.
Does anyone really want to see what all these things will do, not just America, all of them?
Not even remotely
Those who do have no concept of the consequences
Yer go in then, sounds like fun. 😂
The only winning move is not to play
War games has the right theory
Old type from years of 70 and Russia Sarmat 28 is 10 times more powerfull.
USA laughing again 🤣😂😂
russia missiles r rusty and dont even work. hahahaha jokes these ruskies , cant even defeat a 3rd world power😅
@@minutemaniii7062 I think Your brain is rusty. Russia has the best hipersonic misseles Kinzhal Zircon. Already tested in 2016. USA has performed first test last year around July. Sarmat is hiperosnic ICBM with speed of 7 km pers second. And can be equiped with rv 10- 16 heads. And power 56 m tons of TNT. Exactly the power like Tsar bomb. This ICBM has so mamy advanced systems that US can track it. Also because of that US push this war in Ucraine hoping that Russia will be not able to implement RS 28 Sarmat and S500 and S550. But You have no knowledge about that. One week ago Russia just after the US has installed patriots in big cities od Ucraine has launched misseles attack. They have reach every target because this US crap is not capable to start before the target is reached. With cruise speed up to 10 mach. You are not educated You dont understand nothing. 4 Zircon missales equiped with nuclear war heads already can destroy half of Europe. And from launching till target 10-15 minutes to central Europe.
Sarmat your own a$$$
Почему? Ты не хочешь сгореть в ядерном огне? А наши войска РХБЗ очень хотят посмотреть на ваши трупы))
Not in our lifetime
Go to Russia video and say it. Not here
Yoseph Brandon approved this message 👍🏻
Omg, first, Hiroshima second Nagasaki, and and hopefully Russia isn’t stupid , what’s the next Moscow?🇺🇸
lol you really think russia would use nuclear weapons? lets be honest putin isnt that stupid he knows what hes doing hes been in kgb
minuteman can carry only 3 warheads....
Says who?
No, it's peacekeeper head
Further far future generations gonna be so disappointed on our generation for starting ww3 eventhough consequences are brutal for all countries
If these things ever see action, I'm afraid there might not be "further generations". I hope our world leaders stop thinking so selfishly and consider where their actions now will take us down the road. When they even put these on the table as an option it's like "ok bro you gotta get up outta here!"
Blame it on Putin
I have become death, the destroyer of worlds, Robert Oppenheimer
You mean Shiva, Mahabharata?
India's agni missiles also have this😏😏
they prefer doing this instead of helping poor peoples.
i'm so disgusted being human sometimes
We should use that now!!
Send a message to Russia & North Korea
Before the attack us first.
We canno't stop a nuclear response, that's why MAD exists
Exactly 100%
I wander how shit would be with no nukes ….. petty simple
Those who teach the people to lightly regard the commandments of God, sow disobedience, to reap disobedience. Let the restraint imposed by the divine law be wholly cast aside, and human laws would soon be disregarded. Because God forbids dishonest practices, coveting, lying, and defrauding, men are ready to trample upon his statutes as a hindrance to their worldly prosperity; but the results of banishing these precepts would be such as they do not anticipate. If the law were not binding, why should any fear to transgress? Property would no longer be safe. Men would obtain their neighbor’s possessions by violence; and the strongest would become richest. Life itself would not be respected. The marriage vow would no longer stand as a sacred bulwark to protect the family. He who had the power, would, if he desired, take his neighbor’s wife by violence. The fifth commandment would be set aside with the fourth. Children would not shrink from taking the life of their parents, if by so doing they could obtain the desire of their corrupt hearts. The civilized world would become a horde of robbers and assassins; and peace, rest, and happiness would be banished from the earth. GC88 585.1
Chapter 3-God Has Rules Too
Our Unique Responsibility
As the Supreme Ruler of the universe, God has ordained laws for the government not only of all living beings, but of all the operations of nature. Everything, whether great or small, animate or inanimate, is under fixed laws which cannot be disregarded. There are no exceptions to this rule; for nothing that the divine hand has made has been forgotten by the divine mind. But while everything in nature is governed by natural law, man alone, as an intelligent being, capable of understanding its requirements, is amenable to moral law. To man alone, the crowning work of His creation, God has given a conscience to realize the sacred claims of the divine law, and a heart capable of loving it as holy, just, and good; and of man prompt and perfect obedience is required. Yet God does not compel him to obey; he is left a free moral agent. NL 29.1
The subject of man’s personal responsibility is understood by but few; and yet it is a matter of the greatest importance. We may each obey and live, or we may transgress God’s law, defy His authority, and receive the punishment that is meet. Then to every soul the question comes home with force, Shall I obey the voice from heaven, the ten words spoken from Sinai, or shall I go with the multitude who trample on that fiery law? To those who love God it will be the highest delight to keep His commandments, and to do those things that are pleasing in His sight. But the natural heart hates the law of God, and wars against its holy claims. Men shut their souls from the divine light, refusing to walk in it as it shines upon them. They sacrifice purity of heart, the favor of God, and their hope of heaven, for selfish gratification or worldly gain. NL 29.2
Says the psalmist, “The law of the Lord is perfect” (Psalm 19:7). How wonderful in its simplicity, its comprehensiveness and perfection, is the law of Jehovah! It is so brief that we can easily commit every precept to memory, and yet so far-reaching as to express the whole will of God, and to take cognizance, not only of the outward actions, but of the thoughts and intents, the desires and emotions, of the heart. Human laws cannot do this. They can deal with the outward actions only. A man may be a transgressor, and yet conceal his misdeeds from human eyes; he may be a criminal-a thief, a murderer, or an adulterer-but so long as he is not discovered, the law cannot condemn him as guilty. The law of God takes note of the jealousy, envy, hatred, malignity, revenge, lust, and ambition that surge through the soul, but have not found expression in outward action, because the opportunity, not the will, has been wanting. And these sinful emotions will be brought into the account in the day when “God shall bring every work into judgment, with every secret thing, whether it be good, or whether it be evil” (Ecclesiastes 12:14). NL 30.1
Probation Closes When the Sealing Is Finished
Just before we entered it [the time of trouble], we all received the seal of the living God. Then I saw the four angels cease to hold the four winds. And I saw famine, pestilence and sword, nation rose against nation, and the whole world was in confusion.-The S.D.A. Bible Commentary 7:968 (1846). LDE 228.4
The Nations in Conflict
Four mighty angels hold back the powers of this earth till the servants of God are sealed in their foreheads. The nations of the world are eager for conflict, but they are held in check by the angels. When this restraining power is removed there will come a time of trouble and anguish. Deadly instruments of warfare will be invented. Vessels with their living cargo will be entombed in the great deep. All who have not the spirit of truth will unite under the leadership of Satanic agencies, but they are to be kept under control till the time shall come for the great battle of Armageddon.-The S.D.A. Bible Commentary 7:967 (1900). LDE 238.3
The Whole World Will Be Involved in Ruin
Angels are now restraining the winds of strife that they may not blow until the world shall be warned of its coming doom, but a storm is gathering, ready to burst upon the earth, and when God shall bid His angels loose the winds there will be such a scene of strife as no pen can picture.-Education, 179, 180 (1903). LDE 239.1
I highly recommend 'Conflict of the Ages' series of five books by Christian Author Ellen G. White
(Authentic Seer/Prophet of God).....
"Patriarchs and Prophets"
"Prophets and Kings"
"The Desire of Ages"
" The Acts of the Apostles"
"The Great Controversy between Christ and Satan" Ellen G.White, 1888, rev.1911
Sixth Trumpet: Angels from the Euphrates...
Then the sixth angel sounded: And I heard a voice from the four horns of the golden altar which is before God, saying to the sixth angel who had the trumpet, “Release the four angels who are bound at the great river Euphrates.” So the four angels, who had been prepared for the hour and day and month and year, were released to kill a third of mankind. Now the number of the army of the horsemen was two hundred million; I heard the number of them. And thus I saw the horses in the vision: those who sat on them had breastplates of fiery red, hyacinth blue, and sulfur yellow; and the heads of the horses were like the heads of lions; and out of their mouths came fire, smoke, and brimstone. By these three plagues a third of mankind was killed-by the fire and the smoke and the brimstone which came out of their mouths. For their power is in their mouth and in their tails; for their tails are like serpents, having heads; and with them they do harm. But the rest of mankind, who were not killed by these plagues, did not repent of the works of their hands, that they should not worship demons, and idols of gold, silver, brass, stone, and wood, which can neither see nor hear nor walk. And they did not repent of their murders or their sorceries or their sexual immorality or their thefts.
Revelation 9:13-21 NKJV
The nations were angry, and Your wrath has come, And the time of the dead, that they should be judged, And that You should reward Your servants the prophets and the saints, And those who fear Your name, small and great, And should destroy those who destroy the earth.”
Revelation 11:18 NKJV
I’m pretty sure the best ICBM if we’re talking about is trident 2 that thing and hold 8 nuclear warheads and you could say the sarmat with the8 warheads to but it did
just fail a test launch.
Not only does America have better ICBMs, they have more of them. People who say Russia will nuke America and win the war is horribly wrong. We hope it never comes to that but I'm not counting on anyone winning a nuclear exchange
Holy fuck that’s my old battalion commander
And the aftermath…. Doomsday for everyone…. Start diggin now
Why one should dig? To die tired? 🤔
I am glad America has nukes...But...DAMN! The thought of having to deploy them is maddening.
Truly Maddening!
5 warheads is just pure evil
Just IMHO, I believe the Trident II SLBM packs more of a punch, plus less flight time. It has a hard-target capability with a small CEP, enabling it to be targeted against missile silos, deep underground C and C bunkers/etc.
Actually, the Peace Keeper was the U.S. most powerful ICBM. The Titan 3 has a longer range, better guidance, solid state fuel, and equipped a better decoy system.
Time to use these. I hate seeing them just sit around.
@MostlyShorts Russia has a death end system installed, according to which if usa or Europe strikes russia with all their nukes, Russia death sys will be activated, and will launch nuclear missiles to each and Very country, finishing humanity, so no matter, where Americans live or where Russian every one would be dead
No. There is never a time to use nuclear weapons against anyone, them or us.
The best time is when it will cause the most devastation and life to be taken. That's the best time, and I agree we all need to be punished for sins, even if we haven't committed any our selves. Only selfish people don't share with others, so a sinner can be good for a change!
I agree. Unleash all the nukes right now. They should do what they are designed to do. They are not meant to sit around.
Are we killing comets with this thing?!?
No, just ourselves, silly beings that we are.
Кометы собьет Россия своими гиперзвуковыми ракетами. Все ведь помнят "как Россия не сбила комету над Челябинском"? Для России вы более выгодны живыми. Глупо отрицать очевидное: У вас большой запас ядерного оружия и будет очень плохо, если он расползется по другим странам. Так же, как вы всеми силами будете отдалять распад России, так же и Россия будет отдалять всеми средствами распад США. Мы плывем в одном корабле, что бы устраивать в нем пожар.
@@Mikhail_Utkin what about stop all this nonsense as the power is in our hands, normal humans and all this conflict was created by politicians…… just imagine tomorrow all the soldiers will put their guns down and shake hands what will Putin and Zelyn or Biden will be ?!?!? Nothing, powerless, they only try to make us to hate each other for their own interests trust me, no matter who will win they will still be filthy rich and us normal humans struggling day by day …. Just think, open your eyes
How are the warheads fired from the MIRV? some. Type of primer system similar to bullets? That and how does the MIRV’s aiming system work? Satellite or coordinates directed?
Of course it is the most destructive, it's the only one landed base icbm
Why the mirv is sw Dennis's KSP video?
These days, the best job is working at nuclear submarine! Agreed?
Such an inspiring great video about the end of mankind.
Stop this end crazy war
Let’s pray for peace
Or actually do something *useful* to make peace, prayer does absolutely NOTHING! as ‘god’ does not exist, it’s a man made fiction to control the gullible and mentally enfeebled.
Bro this is a short about a missile stop being so religious
Peace is a lie.
How many warhead it carry ?
14 warhead per missile
What's the point of a bomb so big and destructive? Everybody will lose if the whole earth is contaminated.
That's actually the point. It's called mutually assured destruction. The repercussions would be so severe that the weapons never get used. In other words, it's just a giant dick measuring contest.
We on go out with a BLAST
So don't bother learning english
Yes.. You just forgot to mention sarmat, avangard and poseidon will backfire at US territory
Nuclear triad
If they are anything like the last launch, Russia has to worry more about their own nukes being used against them 😅😅😅😅😅
@@Pure4Pres do you really believe that?
Remember, minuteman III, that is the most 'advanced' icbm US has is from 70's . The new sarmat was deployed and tested without nuke in 2016. And other modern weapons were still not used.
@@canalhonkventura440 It’s not like they have just been sitting there since the 70s lol. We keep them up to date and make sure they actually work. The Sarmat just had a failed launch 2 days ago. Sometimes old, true and tried things work better then new and hardly tested things.
US has new ICBM coming soon...Its name is SENTINEL🚀
And that's the end of pretty much all life in the Northern hemisphere
1054 nuclear tests, 260 of them atmospheric, severely polluted homeland.
Not doing this is more dangerous for the world. instead of speaking ignorant ignorant go read philosophy , read sociological theories . and read Karl Marx's game theory and you'll understand
There is a reason America doesn’t do atmospheric nuclear tests anymore. We were the first to realize the power and dangerous effects of nuclear weapons.
Look up the Nyonoksa radiation accident or Lake Karachay. Russia has a much worse history of radiological accidents and pollution because of their negligence.
Blame it on vodka.
We are destroyed Rusia with that for sure
Периметр тебе очко порвет
All countries involved, everybody will be shooting them out the sky but even in that , things will never be the same 😔
Missile defense systems are 80% success at best and you have to hit an icbm in the first half of the launching cycle.
All those little cones it shoots out on reentry, most of them are decoys for missile defense. 😅
American here..., just wondering..., uh, when did we become the United State...? As far as I know, we're the United States.
Dope video
Other than accuracy the minute man 3 is a shitty ICBM . I wish we would make our American equivalent of a Russian sarmat 2 aka Satan 2 missile .
Ahhh yes. Just another toy they are actually letting us see. Imagine the destructive power of what they don’t let us see.
Russia :started the last mission to nuke whole earth
@MostlyShorts Russia has a death end system installed, according to which if usa or Europe strikes russia with all their nukes, Russia death sys will be activated, and will launch nuclear missiles to each and Very country, finishing humanity, so no matter, where Americans live or where Russian every one would be dead
These gone local, ultrasonic missiles😅
Ultrasonic? What the hell are you on about there's subsonic supersonic and hypersonic in the terms of velocity of matter like a missile
Was ist mit UK und Frankreich?
What about titan ll
Американцы вы реально доигратесь с войнами. Вас просто никогда не убивали на вашей земле. Мне кажется вы одумаетесь только тогда когда полетят сарматы на вашу землю. Жаль простых людей.
Can the US be reminded that it's not invincible to nuclear attack
We are 😂 cope
I like this powerful weapons
The launch just failed this week 😂😂😂
What instrumental is this
inaccurate. the minuteman 3 icbm carries a single warhead
Correct. It is the Titan ll that carries MIRVs that are just as powerful the single WH on the M3. Around 20 each on a single USA submarine
Minuteman can carry multiple reentry vehicles. We just signed a treaty saying we wouldn’t use them. All Nuclear ICBMs will have multiple reentry vehicles. Some are not real though. It increases the chances of the live one getting through since intercepter missiles will have to try and intercept them all.
Pleas sent to sarmat satan pesoidon Tsar Bomba avargard 😱😱😱😱😱😱😱😱😱😱😱😱😱😱😱😱
Originally it was designed to carry three warheads, but was tested with up to seven small warheads prior to 1980. The large load was never fielded and with the Start 2 treaty the three warhead configuration was replaced by a single warhead.
The original Minuteman III warhead was the Mk-12/W-62. This was replaced first by the heavier (higher yield) Mk-12A/W-78 and then by a single Mk-21/W-87.
3 and approximately 300-475 kt each.
That very much looked like Kerbal Space Program video featuring a minuteman 3 mod.
I don't want to ever see it launch full armed..... spooky....
Ksp footage?
Forget sarmat satan pesoidon Tsar Bomba avargard 😱😱😱😱😱😱😱
Putler just proved they don’t work 2 days ago 😅😅😅😅
@@Pure4Pres чубатый молись что бы он на вас не испробовал хотя бы одну из них)) тогда точно киев за 20 секунд наш будет😁
Trash, they don't have enough of them.
the Tsar Bomba is not even in use since it was tested, only one remains in a museum in some town in Russia
Tsar bomba does exist.
1 operational and 2 pro type.
But it can never be used cuz it's not made for use it's 2 big they only made that for tests and to scare USA during cold war...
A Rússia tem mais armas no cleaes
Viva a mãe Rússia
Might have more nukes in general but quality of nukes and power of the nuke itself for Russia is nothing compared to the U.S
More weapons? But do they work?
@@mostlyshorts7462 kid 🤣
@@thicucnguyen8150 Orc 🤣💀
@@thicucnguyen8150 why you mad by the truth. Russia's equipment is outdated. Why they are getting their Nazis asses kicked in Ukraine
Pretty sure that last picture would be the same for the US just with an American flag instead
the most destructive is trident 2 though, when it comes to actual explosive power
im dumb, trident 2 is a SLBM
That's my mom's calico cat if you breathe incorrectly or pet her one too many times.
What happen if one day both of them decide to press the button?
There is no button,just a single code
Minuteman is not the strongest US missile, Titan II is. But Minuteman is the strongest US missile in service.
What's Jim Carrey doin here? 😅😅
Actually not that destructive compared to Trident II.
Drop that on the Kremlin😊
!!!??? Do you not know the blast radius of thermonuclear warheads like that! That would kill thousands of innocent civilians!!
@@vmga-guy9182 who cares?
Yes swiftly.
@@vmga-guy9182Russians are despicable creatures.
Yeah but sometimes when you have people who wants genocide what do you expect
The USA's only ICBM*
I should build some of those my own
They should design a system that redirects an enemy missle back onto themselves when launched like North Korea 😂🤷
Impossible concept and not even a funny joke
I thought the same idea it would be sweet
Isnt Trident II the most powerful?
And the Russians think the hypersonic missile the answer against this?? Pfft
Before I have Internet I used to buy military books. Especially the britannica book. And I love reading those.
God help us all of it comes down to this. Both sides will suffer catastrophic losses.
The world would suffer catastrophic loses. America has about 600 ICBMs and Russia has about 450. It only takes 100 to destroy the world.
Keep poking the bear and the dragon
Keep puking the bear.
I wonder why humans take pride in being able to cause destruction....🤔🙏🤔🙏🙏
I’m even afraid to imagine how I’ll fight with gays and fat men from the US Army 😂
Che bello el militare 😘🤗
Cool video but always see these minute man videos with like 8 mirv and it only holds 3 mirv
Praying God that Russia don't use nuke with U.S.
S550 defence
If defense itself
They don't have enough
@4den406 🧢
@4den406 don't have too. Russia stuff is usually trash. And they don't have enough of the good stuff for it to mean anything.
@4den406 looks like the pantsir couldn't keep annexed kherson in russian hands, because bridges were still gettin blown up by himars. You sure I'm the one who's coping? You also got the video of su 34 being mistaken for himars and shot down?