How to Get Huge with a Bro Split!

  • Опубликовано: 3 фев 2025

Комментарии • 82

  • @Vyshakh_Prince
    @Vyshakh_Prince 10 часов назад +48

    Bro said natural and showed Mike O tren 😂😂😂😂

    • @toddjohnson5176
      @toddjohnson5176 10 часов назад +2

      Lmao! I know right. That guy has been juiced to the gills since birth.😂

    • @Kaua-ev9ne
      @Kaua-ev9ne 10 часов назад +1

      We have a guy here in Brazil, Renato Ventura, that is a long time friend of Mike, and he has some photos with Mike in the 90s where he looked natural. And, if we think, that's like 30 year getting the job done. With the specimens of WNBF pro naturals we have today, I do think that Mike could've been natural for most of his career; maybe, with the age, in the recently years he is on something, but at least till the 2010s, it is really believable that he was natural, yes

    • @Moraalridder123
      @Moraalridder123 10 часов назад


    • @snooutdoors3028
      @snooutdoors3028 9 часов назад

      Okay I’m gonna go ahead and make this very clear. Mike o Hearn is CLEARLY not natural. He does have god given genetics that’s for sure. But no way would someone natural be able to diet down like that and still retain all that size. Just goes to show. Not to mention that he grew up with some of the most well known influential bodybuilders in the entire world that all used. Of course he’s gonna use. I think he got away with a lot less than what some of the pros used but he is absolutely not natural 100%

    • @beburs
      @beburs 2 часа назад +1

      that had to be a troll lol

  • @papaspaulding
    @papaspaulding 6 часов назад +5

    Am natural and have always made more gains on a bro split or a bro split variation (having tried near every combination of variables and splits there is over the decades)
    For myself personally in my own training Ive just found it the simplest way to hit the most volume with intensity on every muscle group per week without overly long workouts whilst also hitting every muscle at it's strongest with quality sets of varying rep ranges

  • @grantvlcek2998
    @grantvlcek2998 10 часов назад +3

    I'm starting to like these videos more and more. Thank you.

  • @punxsutawneyphil3944
    @punxsutawneyphil3944 8 часов назад +5

    Since the bro split works there's no need for a bro split 2.0.

    • @rackpull772
      @rackpull772 8 часов назад +6

      This. The biggest problem with influencers hating on bro splits is they tried it when they were new to the gym and didn't understand exercise selection and progressive overload. Then once they learn how to actually progress, they blame the split and not themselves. Bro split is literally one of the most proven splits of all time at this point.

  • @thunderkat5282
    @thunderkat5282 2 часа назад

    Thanks for making this video. I just commented about this last week. Good job!

  • @R1Garrett
    @R1Garrett 5 часов назад +1

    Great Vid. I currently do PPL 3 days on with a rest day and repeat. I work in biceps,side delts, and calves for more volume as they recover faster for me. Your arms are jacked bro! Appreciate the content!

  • @buddytrent1351
    @buddytrent1351 7 часов назад +1

    Thx Pete, great content as always

  • @fahimmuchivocalstudio
    @fahimmuchivocalstudio 2 часа назад +1

    I'm an old school guy, been on a bro's split routine that I've made on my own since August 2024 and I have gained a solid 18 inches flexed with pump arms from being in 16 inches. I'm a fan of high volume low frequency kinda guy and yes I'm aware that goes aways all the SCIENCE BASED RESEARCH papers and science-based influencers but guess what? IDGAF what they gotta say. I know my body well enough and have made pretty decent gains. I also don't like the whole concept of MAINGAINING like Greg Doucette preaches. I think cutting and bulking is the way to go especially if you are a lifetime natural like me and Peter Khatcherian! like 222

  • @ZackCollis
    @ZackCollis 10 часов назад +5

    theres a study that shows that as long as volume is compensated. the frequency does not really matter too much. E.g. 12 sets in a chest workout for the week vs 6sets x2 spread across the week. I saw this on house of hyperthrophys channel. Im natural and use a bro split, and as long as you focus on progressive overload and eating right. you will get amazing results as I have

    • @PeterKhatcherian
      @PeterKhatcherian  10 часов назад +10

      @@ZackCollis there’s a lot of reasons why that theory doesn’t make much sense. For example if you’re doing 20 sets in one session. How intense do you think set 18-19 or 20 is on that day. Compare that to if you did those sets on another day in the week. It’s almost impossible to accurately compare

    • @punxsutawneyphil3944
      @punxsutawneyphil3944 8 часов назад

      ​@@rackpull772 Correct.

    • @Hansgruber69
      @Hansgruber69 7 часов назад

      The whole point of doing higher frequency is to do more volume.

    • @gregorydacosta2102
      @gregorydacosta2102 7 часов назад

      ​@PeterKhatcherian That was always my problem with high volume bro splits. I could hit 3 sets hard, and the rest was junk volume. I could have more productive sets that were all quality, splitting them up over multiple days. Even using different exercises that targeted the same muscles which helped because I wouldn't get overuse injuries. However, I have to be super-careful about training intensity. I like to train until failure - it's my default training intensity. On a high frequency training split, however, it can nuke my recovery.
      I believe that's why a many people like bro splits because they can recover better. My best strength gains have been on high frequency programs. My best muscular gains came from Bro splits. In my opinion, over time, it all balances out and the difference is negligible.

    • @corenko
      @corenko 6 часов назад +1

      Totally wrong. 4 sets in one workout will give you less gains than 1 sets twice a week.

  • @blazestation408
    @blazestation408 7 часов назад +1

    i have been saying this for a while to the gym bros, increasing frequency doesnt have to be doubling up your workout, you can take the bro split and touch it up to cover more frequency mixing up high and low volume
    this is my 2.0 bro split
    Monday - Legs
    do RDL to hit hams and lats or good morning to hit hams and spinal erectors
    optional add farmers walk hit grip strength and traps
    Wednesday - Chest
    add lat pull down at the start its great as a warm up before benching
    add 2 sets close grip bench 20 reps at end of benching
    add side delts traps superset at the end of workout
    Friday - Back
    at start add some leg extensions before deadlifting
    add 2 sets close reverse grip lat pull down 20 reps at end of doing lat pulldown
    optional replace standard deadlift with RDL to hit hamstring second time or do deadlift and add at the end some hyperextentions
    Sunday - shoulders Arms
    replace shoulder press with incline bench. if OHP is prioratised and done instead of incline bench then do some flys at the end of the workout 5 sets of 20 superset with reverse flys
    this split hit muscles twice a week, one session with high volume and a second time with very low volume for a mini stimulus or continue protein synthesis till the next major session for that muscle,
    the concept is add exercise that complements that bodypart for that day so you can design your own mix
    and keep bodypart that work together far from each other example back far from legs and shoulders arms far from chest
    this split can fit for a static weekly days as above mon wed fri sun
    take day off after shoulders arms which make it asynchronies split (my preference is this)
    extra day off after shoulders and arms can really maximise recovery and guarantees the supporting muscle groups are ully recovered for the next session

  • @BigTvProductions
    @BigTvProductions 9 часов назад +2

    Age has a big big bearing on recoverability. Returning to the gym after a 10 year lay off, I'm coming up 51 and need 4 days rest between body part sessions minimum. Typically will split my routine into 5 days MON > FRI with weekends off, training either Chest on MON & FRI, Back TUES, Legs WED, Shoulders THURS, switiching to Back MON & FRI, Chest TUES, Legs WED, Shoulders THURS. Repeat. I therefore get 3x 18 set sessions for heavy compound lifts/pushes for upper body per fortnight. Obvs do Biceps on Back Days and Triceps on Chest days to finish off. Every session is High Intensity and the DOMs kick in like clockwork the following morning each time. Always fresh to go after the weekend. 20 years ago I could have done every body part twice a week, but it's simply not possible nowadays as the years crack on. Still, using this method has, for me, added 2 stone to my frame in 18 months (I'm 6'7") and rendered my wardrobe from 2023 useless 😂 as I can't fit into anything I had bought prior to last summer. 100% Natty for the record.

  • @Sonic_1000
    @Sonic_1000 8 часов назад +5

    At 45 and natty the bro split makes the most sense. I need more recovery. PPL is garbage when you're benching 345. I'm not gonna bench again for AT least 72 hours. Same with squats.

    • @punxsutawneyphil3944
      @punxsutawneyphil3944 8 часов назад

      Why is PPL garbage then? You can do it with a once a week frequency. 4 days of recovery can be beneficial.

    • @Sonic_1000
      @Sonic_1000 8 часов назад +2

      @punxsutawneyphil3944 I've played with ppl and unless you wanna do light weight for one of your push days I'm not gonna do a 3x only and im not gonna skip my heavy OHP session because I benched heavy that week. I progressed and got stronger over the years with a bro split. If I was on the gas or new I'd maybe run a ppl.

    • @leehess-daily646
      @leehess-daily646 7 часов назад

      @@Sonic_1000how many years training do you have under your belt?

    • @Hansgruber69
      @Hansgruber69 6 часов назад

      I was in a similar boat. I like ppl because everything recovers together. I moved to a phat style ULPPL and moved the OHP to the start of upper day and made it more of a shoulder focused upper workout.

    • @corenko
      @corenko 6 часов назад +1

      Do upper lower 4 days a week. It's a gold standard for natties.

  • @rackpull772
    @rackpull772 8 часов назад +2

    If you group multiple body parts together, then your later exercises are still not as effective as if you did it first either. You will not barbell row as much as you could fresh if you did it after bench for example. So you're always performing "sub optimal sets" for something or another, no matter the split. Just do what you enjoy. The differences are minimal.

  • @thunderkat5282
    @thunderkat5282 2 часа назад

    I think the bigger the muscle gets, the more per session volume is needed and the longer to recover. That makes sense if you look at the extreme ends of the spectrum. Skinny guy needs more frequency while an ifbb pro needs a high per session volume bro split. Put the mr. Olympia on a high frequency and see what happens. Probably lose muscle and mess up their joints.

  • @thunderkat5282
    @thunderkat5282 2 часа назад

    I think the bigger the muscle gets, the more per session volume is needed and the longer to recover. That makes sense if you look at the extreme ends of the spectrum. Skinny guy needs more frequency while an ifbb pro needs a high per session volume bro split. Put the mr. Olympia on a high frequency and see what happens. Probably lose muscle and mess up their joints. Again, be splits are on one end of the spectrum. Doesn’t have to be a full on 1/7 day bro split. Could be 1/5 or 1/4 or 1/3

  • @adammac4960
    @adammac4960 10 часов назад +4

    They’ve done studies proving that the average joe can achieve there full muscle potential by doing only 4 hard sets a week per muscle.

  • @Roofless11
    @Roofless11 6 часов назад

    As an old natty ive been trying Full Body 3 times a week, is working well as i always struggle with recovery.

  • @emobunny1477
    @emobunny1477 9 часов назад +1

    I would add side&rear delts with chest day and back day and on leg day

  • @thunderkat5282
    @thunderkat5282 3 часа назад

    This is where I’m at now also

  • @Hansgruber69
    @Hansgruber69 7 часов назад

    I got big on a bro split. I got even bigger on phat and upper lowers…

  • @matthewcarbone2108
    @matthewcarbone2108 9 часов назад

    I am really impressed with that video clip of you straight bar curling 135lbs. How many reps and how old were you then? Did you prefer the straight olympic bar over the ez curl bars?

  • @Moraalridder123
    @Moraalridder123 8 часов назад

    What about the antagonistic split (Arnold split)

    • @Hansgruber69
      @Hansgruber69 7 часов назад +1

      @@Moraalridder123 that’s not a bro split. Frequency is twice per week.

    • @Moraalridder123
      @Moraalridder123 5 часов назад

      @ i know that lol, but i’m only seeing comparisons between ppl and bro splits, hence the question

    • @Hansgruber69
      @Hansgruber69 4 часа назад

      @@Moraalridder123 oppps my bad lol. Shoulder girdle might get overtrained.

  • @DrAJ_LatinAmerica
    @DrAJ_LatinAmerica 4 часа назад


  • @Champ19898
    @Champ19898 10 часов назад

    Was the Mike O’Hearn pic satire?

    • @787Speedbrakes
      @787Speedbrakes 8 часов назад +2

      Having watched Pete’s videos for a few years now, I’m gonna say 💯 satire or rather, sarcasm!

    • @nasbukhari696
      @nasbukhari696 7 часов назад

      Is that not obvious

  • @rridafitness2340
    @rridafitness2340 7 часов назад


  • @danielkantor5693
    @danielkantor5693 3 часа назад

    This guy is on hella drugs. What he says has little meaning for us naturals..💯

  • @BryanK-y5y
    @BryanK-y5y 6 часов назад +1

    Dam this guy has aged soo extremely looks 60

    • @MasterDChief
      @MasterDChief 5 часов назад +1

      Lol no he does not

    • @BryanK-y5y
      @BryanK-y5y 5 часов назад

      @MasterDChief maybe 61 or 62 definitely more than 50 I'm 40 and this guy looks like he's my dad

    • @joshuapeek9555
      @joshuapeek9555 5 часов назад +1

      @BryanK-y5y HUH lmao you need to look at what the average 60 yr old looks like

    • @BryanK-y5y
      @BryanK-y5y 5 часов назад

      @@joshuapeek9555 my dad is 65 and looks younger than this guy

    • @joshuapeek9555
      @joshuapeek9555 4 часа назад +1

      @BryanK-y5y i said "average", not your dad

  • @DekorSerb
    @DekorSerb 9 часов назад

    Bro split sucks for naturals, only 4 chest trening per month 😂

    • @Hansgruber69
      @Hansgruber69 7 часов назад +1

      I always thought it was ridiculous. Even if you ran it 2 on 1 off you’d be hitting everything about every 5 days.

    • @joshuapeek9555
      @joshuapeek9555 5 часов назад

      MAX - OT enters the chat

    • @GregM225
      @GregM225 4 часа назад

      @@joshuapeek9555great routine. Did a few bouts of that in the early 2k’s.

    • @danielkantor5693
      @danielkantor5693 3 часа назад

      @@Hansgruber69 What about hitting each muscle group every 4-5 days? I do this and incorporate down workouts (each set goes down by 1 rep) and I have been sore for like 2-3 days afterwards sometimes. I am getting stronger though.

    • @Hansgruber69
      @Hansgruber69 3 часа назад

      @@danielkantor5693 I think it’s much better than only hitting everything once every 7 days for sure.