Thank you for sharing. Your instruction is quite clear, however re the Front armhole, when you go in 2 cm to draw the front armhole curve, what is the exact location of that 2 cm from the side seam? For the Back armhole, the 0,7cm point seems to be at the middle of the armhole curve. I love to make this top, hope you will answer, Thank you.
심플한 디자인이네요~
초보가 할수있는 패턴이네요~
올여름 도전해서 션한 여름 준비해야겠네요~~
Thank you for sharing. Your instruction is quite clear, however re the Front armhole, when you go in 2 cm to draw the front armhole curve, what is the exact location of that 2 cm from the side seam? For the Back armhole, the 0,7cm point seems to be at the middle of the armhole curve. I love to make this top, hope you will answer, Thank you.
시원한 여름 보내세요
이 옷 입으시고요~^^
Thank you very much for sharing. I have completed the blouse using your design. I loved it. I am from KL Malaysia.
Great job!
감사합니다. 간단하면서 예쁜 디자인이네요~^^
꼭 만들어보세요~^^
고민을 해결해 주는 블라우스 패턴 이네요.
찾아주셔서 감사해요~^^
만들어서 입어봐야겠어요
뱃살 ㅎ
예쁘게 입으세요~^^
찾아주셔서 감사합니다~^^
패턴올려줘서감사합니다 싸이즈는 프리인가보네요
그렇습니다 가슴둘레만 본인사이즈로 하심됩니다~
만들어서 입으면 예쁠것같아요
패턴,봉제 다 쉬우셔서 금방 만드실거에요~^^
감사합니다 ~^^