The effort you put into these videos are incredibly admirable, I don't even care that much for classic or tbc content, but I still watch every single video you put out. Keep it up man, they're so well produced.
I guess im asking the wrong place but does any of you know a tool to log back into an instagram account? I was dumb forgot my password. I love any tricks you can give me.
Why do you click a 20 minute video of you don't want to invest the time to watch it? Why do you not value all the information you could be missing? Why not watch the fucking video while you're at it? I don't understand my own species anymore.
@@trader2137 With that assumptious attitude you're probably way younger than me. And you're also rude. Which is a pretty accurate display of your ignorance. Kid.
@iivo brilliant stuff. They make a joke about a mage cannon making all mage’s place of residence Alberta, Canada. I’m from there so that was really funny.
@All_lives_matter, reject fabricated racism by govt Oh god yes. World Buff Meta & Parse whoring made me bored of classic, along with Stress of being a GM & Manager of the server discord..
Does anyone remember exactly how the BG PvP gearing worked back then? I never did any arena in current TBC but I did do boatloads of battlegrounds, and I specifically sort of remember buying stuff like the Merciless set with honor but I know that Merciless was the arena set. Im sure it was a season behind, or was it just a lesser version of the current at the time arena Merciless or what?
At 7:52 he mentioned that spell power doesn't raise the dog cap but the screenshots of the article about it that was shown earlier in the video says that spell power does raise the damage cap.
The arcane/frost spec is not just x3 AB x1 FB. It is x3 AB, cast frostbolt until the debuff has the same duration as a cast of AB. Cast AB but time it just so that AB goes off at the same time the debuff falls off so that AB cast not only benefits from the increased damage multiplier but doesn't suffer the mana cost because the debuff fell off. It's a weird and extremely timing sensitive rotation but if you can do it just right then this spec does a butt ton of single target damage.
I played a mage throughout the original TBC. I was *always* ahead of the hunters and usually ahead of the warlocks. It seems like there's new meta and a belief things will be different this time, but we'll see. A fun story: a group of mages in my guild formed a 5-man arena team during season 2 to get weapons (because of weak tier 5 itemization). We were all terrible at pvp so we just played it for laughs: everyone Invisibility at the start, then pop trinkets + Arcane Power and got nuts with AOE. We usually lost of course but when we won it was *hilarious*...
I've played on Endless for a bit, and can say that Mages are among the most desired ranged dps in dungeons still. Sheep, Table and int buff, along with respectable damage makes them more desirable than say a hunter. A hunter can deal a bit more damage, sure, but he can't counterspell, sheep, and make godlike food. A warlock might too, but they just don't bring that much utility anymore. Fear is not a good substitute. And most dungeon dont have a lot of demons to be banished either.
Oh the Noone season 3 clips, nostalgia hits different. Still remember how blown away I was back when I saw that video for the first time. I know Vurtne was proly more popular overall, but Noone was the shit for me personally.
I'm picking up mage to level with some IRL friends who are joining for TBC (what prot pally doesn't want infinite water?). I'm really looking forward to it despite all the doomsaying.
Can't wait to to be blinded by nostalgia only to find yourself bitter and depressed about "duh gud ohl toimez", can you? Good God, I've never seen people so *blinded* by nostalgia than Classic andies. Well, go ahead and give me the inevitable reply like usual with you people. LMFAO!
@@jhornbaker311 Right on cue on giving me the inevitable reply like usual with you people. Couldn't resist having to respond, can you? Not to mention you've shown how stunted you are as well. LMFAO!
I played Arc/Frost during TBC. Loved the spec especially when geared properly. I actually geared like a Priest with MP/5 to the point where around the middle of T5 I could spam frostbolts and actually get mana back. Rotation was stack blast until maxed, pop CDs, blast until OOM, mana pot, blast until OOM, evocate, blast until OOM, frostbolt until mana pot was off CD, pot, blast, frostbolt, repeat until evocate was off CD, evocate, blast, and basically just keep this up until fight was over. Was top DPS in my guild through most of BT this way. Eventually our locks started beating me, but it took a lot longer than it should have.
Fire with spellstrike and spellfire wrecks on pservers, even without giving them proper support. If you slot them instead of a demo lock (yes demo outperforms destro up to and including BT), they hit really really hard
Shhh, let the noobs sleep man. And ye mage is more than fine lol. Played on endless and i was on par with WLs often. Then the huge utility open world and in dungeons.
@@mars.unreal o_o not looking forward to that... I guess classic is carried by rotations being mega simple for the most part. Tbc adds a bit of complexity which would have your bad players fall behind a lot
I remember that lovely meta gem that had a chance to give 50% less casting time on spells. It had so great proc rate too, and procced from trinkets aswell. Playing arcane pretty much always guaranteed a proc just from popping CDs. Used to play pom pyro mage with a BM Hunter in 2v2 arena. Was fun that we nuked paladins before they even hade time to bubble
I have been so excited for arenas on my mage for a while now for TBC! but after learning about all the specs and gear come tbc i am really excited for raiding and a change of pace. Also im training the druids to innervate my like they do in phase 1 of KT :p
The reason beta mage had a lockpick spell was because, like many things in Classic WoW, it was based off of D&D and wizards could learn a spell called "Knock" back in 3.5e.
Mage is still a great class for 5 mans like you said in the vid. I will continue playing my little mage gnome because I won‘t see much 25 raids anyway. Portals, free food and fun in pvp is still given with mages. I for my part am hyped for tbc because I couldn‘t make farm runs work anyway
@@FirstLast-gk6lg I 100% accepted bribes when we did non-serious boss fights. Also, all our druids innervated our ret pally on Golemagg to boost his dps; it actually worked: infinite seal spam.
19:10 The arcane missiles would be slightly helpful if you could do full T2, fireball >missle> repeat till proc from T2 > insta Pyroblast... but you can't so.. oh well
Something you forgot to mention was how important the crafted gear is for mage. If you have all 6 crafted pieces, you don't really replace any of it until T6 simply because it has better effects than anything T4 and 5 can give you. Hunter is another example of not wanting to replace any major pieces until T6 because the dungeon 4-set is crazy strong and the crafted gear is also really strong when compared to T4 and 5 gear.
I'm gonna be switching from resto druid in classic to mage in TBC. So far I'm going to be the only mage left in my guild. Everyone else is rerolling to lock and druid.
"damn mages and their aoe farms" tbc launches: "I can't wait to make a prot paladin to aoe farm since no aoe cap" warlocks at max : "haha seed of corruption go brrrr, warlocks always best" I wonder if they would aoe cap flamestrike and consecrate or something with aoe farming for mage. They saw how Mages effected classic, TBC could be similar with paladins.
Looking back I think something should have been done, though changing consecration to have an aoe cap would huuuugely nerf prot palas. XP nerfs when grouped in instance with higher level players is probably the answer
@WillE I'd be interested in seeing if they do something. They probably won't since they haven't talked about it and they seem open to already talk about the big changes. it would be a huge change if they did something like reducing xp gain if there's a max level in the party or increasing the aoe cap for mages.
Arcanefire is gonna be lit. The extra crit damage from deep arcane along with actually reaching scorch means the SP scaling is nuts even as a solo mage. Stack crit, no need to drop ignite. Probably strongest spec for fights longer than a minute. Icy veins is better for shorter fights though.
Never played a Mage or cared about them, I prefer a class that can also at least Heal or Tank. But that was interesting to watch. It’s good to know about every class, even if you don’t play it :)
I recently played a Mage on a TBC Private Server and as soon as I had 2 T5 pieces I rerolled to Arcane and I was pretty much in the top 3 DPS Spots in almost every boss fight during SSC, TK, MH and BT Progression and I also dominated the dps logs in Zul Aman. Only in Sunwell Mages start to fall behind and cant really keep up with hunters anymore. We did have great support with Shadow Priests, Ele Shamans and from time to time Innervates tho and without these tools its gonna be hard to be on top of the dps meter. But if you do get supported like that you have the potential to outdps every other class even in longer bossfights.
Part of me wants to really play my Warrior in TBC but gear competition and uselessnes in pvp (Me being shit too) is putting me off. Its just very satisfying to smash and see big numbers as a warrior. But ill probably go with my mage however for some reason i can't stick with mage for long, i am so damn torn.
Usedtobefury made me genuinely laugh. I have been a warlock main through classic and seeing all these warriors in my guild swap to fury was just too relatable.
@ WillE Should have emphasized a little more on the effort required to play an Arcance Mage compared to the other specs. Their potential is truly unlocked depending on the player's willingness to go the extra mile. Arcane mages from the very beginning have an obstacle they need to overcome (mana issue) before even moving forward. They have a higher barrier of entry basically.
Best part of mages was ice lancing down a full S3 warrior while wearing blues & greens. All you had to do was walk backwards & jamm on an instant cast spell to take out the charge & blink from the intercept. Funniest thing ever.
I'm leveling one right now as an alt, so let's see what I have to look forward too and if I should just stick with my Pally (which clearly is happening anyways)
mages are still very good boosters, mages are very strong in begining to the end. And strongest in pvp. Support with fire for best dps casters warlocks is also super strong and very needed. You can literally sell your service to HC dungeons as frost mages are rarer then usual. Mages are still VERY strong just like in classic.
I really think people just hated mages for making boosting a thing in classic, so as soon as people started saying that mages will lose against warlocks and hunters in TBC .... everyone hyped it. like "eat that fucking mage! ur time is done!"... but they simply ignored the fact that right after the first and second place (WL/Hunter)... who was waiting there? ofc the mage! and with a bit of optimization ... arcane mage blow both, WL and hunter, out! I mean, I am playing fire mage since my guild doesn't provide the support needed for a arcane mage but most of the time I am the no1 dps in our raids... (we are casual)
A few things WillE: 1) I love you trying some scripted humor, I’d say just go in even deeper on it! Don’t dip your toe in, go for the cannon ball. Maybe take a shot of whiskey before recording the voice over😂 2) This series so far has rocked, you’re overall production is getting better and better, appreciate you putting in the time. 3) The thing everyone overlooks with Mages in TBC is the influx of Locks and Hunters; Sure, objectively speaking, Mages are still decent, but with removal of the dead zone, Hunters now along with Warlocks really fuck you up. Shadow priests and druids too. 😞
My account got hacked on wow today and I lost everything, a tier two mage that I was enjoying so much (started in January) and sadly all my work is gone:(
2.3 changed mana regen calculation to sqrt(int)*spirit*0.009327 so it scales off int and spirit. T5 and onwards mage gear has decent spirit but you'd never build for it specifically i think. Innervates are definitely worthwhile.
I wish my memory was better but Arcane missiles were a core part of the Arcane rotation before Arcane was nerfed in 2.2. This is one of those things you probably had to be around during retail to see as AFAIK all the private servers are 2.4.3 so well after it was nerfed down. Arcane Missiles was used to proc clearcasting to manage mana consumption and build charges for Arcane Blast from.. the 4 set? Shit I can't even remember. Can't find it on the talent tree, there was something that built charges which you could unleash. Pre-nerf Lightning Capacitor? Shit, I'm getting old. But the point is that pre-nerf Arcane Mages were doing around 20% more DPS than anyone else, they were the core DPS engine for Tier 5 content. The nerf brought Arcane down to being on par with Fire and it didn't scale as well (being tied to an eventually outclassed tier set bonus).
In retail TBC few people were aware of the extent of the PvP meta and huntards complained for buffs nonstop. Expect Sl/Sl warlocks and BM/MM hunters to constantly ruin your day.
As a long time fire mage in tbc pve, I often feel emasculated by arcane mages. Also, I basically end up looking like a warlock, because off-set raid items have better stats for fire than tier5. I don't mind this, but I feel like I will have to switch to arcane if I really want to be considered a good mage. Switching to arcane requires replacing my spell hit gear, though, and getting MORE intellect. So it's not a quick and easy spec swap.
You didn't even show the Arcane/fire spec, skip out on firepower and get mind mastery instead, 25% of your intellect converted to spell power having 550 intellect or so will be +125-150 sp. With this spec, with 0 points in frost your frostbolts even crit for 3.5k dmg. Arcane explosion crits for 1k-1.2k without arcane power even up, with arcane power/berserker buff 2k crit arcane explosions. you can do 8-9k POM Pyros with trinket/arcane power and clearcasting proc. players only have 10k-12k hp fully geared. you can also swap out the master of elements in fire for improved scorch on this build. Arcane fire is THE spec for pvp and pve, clearcasting will grant +30% spell crit chance which is basically the same thing as frost's shatter talent might as well be 100% chance, clearcasting procs off molten armor so if you're aoeing it will have 100% uptime nearly. legacy-wow. com/tbc-talents/mage-talents/?tal=2300052302210150330125051510201200300100000000000000000000000000000
You can still AoE farm with the aoe cap- it doesnt affect a lot of spells including flamestrike- Arleaus already made a video of doing Maraudon 500 pull with rank 1 blizzard and flamestrike. Mages will find a way to boost
You are wrong about arcane missiles. Stacking haste with those bad boys is amazing dps especially since LoS doesn't matter with them. If your target runs behind a wall your missiles will follow them.
Mages are top dps when they get arcane blast set bonus. And fire in Kara is honestly only slightly below destro locks. They only drop off in the last phase. Pvp still A tier throughout. That said the only S tier would be rogues, druids and sl sl locks The only real nerf is the aoe cap.
Mages owned classic and needed to be brought down in line with everyone else. They should be thankful though. Now they get food/water tables. Baseline ice block is gold for arcane/fire builds. Invisibility is a crazy skill.
Mages are top dps in T5 with the right setup as you've mentioned (SP+Shaman). You don't want more than two, but there are 1-2 innervates available a lot of the times. The feral is usually offtank during this phase and the restro simply doesn't need it. In our guild (private server) it's the mage, that is always on top of the dps chart. Also consider that arcane mages don't have threat issues just like warlocks and might even be able to drink during a boss fight with there invis (although I don't know it that is a private server thing).
I think people are going to be really shocked by how good mage is in T5, and also how little they actually do go backwards. They become better than warriors and rogues, while warlocks and hunters go past them, and for a good chunk of T5 they are the best. AoE cap kind of sucks, but they are still one of two kings of AoE in a raid setting. They're still amazing to farm with and there's every chance the power boost meta is still possible, even with the cap. You get a heap of quality of life bonuses like table and spell steal, and you can literally play all three specs. My opinion is that overall they actually improve... and the biggest thing is that they become WAY more fun. TBC is a great time to be a mage albeit (potentially) less raid spots. If raids are faster than expected don't be surprised if arcane blast becomes the new meta.
The effort you put into these videos are incredibly admirable, I don't even care that much for classic or tbc content, but I still watch every single video you put out. Keep it up man, they're so well produced.
You can really see his progression as a content creator over the years, it's actually pretty cool how every video is better and better
Yeah, same. Casual me is super fine just playing Retail but still loves his content.
Thank you! My favorite part of the game is the class system, so whenever I do these videos I want them to be extra special - hope it shows!
@@WillEmmo I don't even play classic wow I only play retail but I still watch all of your vids because they are very entertaining and wel informed
I guess im asking the wrong place but does any of you know a tool to log back into an instagram account?
I was dumb forgot my password. I love any tricks you can give me.
I know why you’re groupin with me, I know you wanna get some water outta me
Honestly that song inspired me to roll a mage in BC, fellow Graham
@@grahamleeper8015 holy fuck someone else named Graham
Hi grahams
Im not a vending machine im a fire ballin M A G E
I don't know why you're rolling a priest, shadow damage can't mange to top me.
I haven't played this game for over 12 years and yet i feel somehow inclined to watch these vids
Timestamps ayyy!
0:00 Intro
2:06 Mage Overview
3:16 What's New?
5:37 Leveling
8:30 PVE - Overview
10:14 PVE - Frost
12:02 PVE - Arcane
14:00 PVE - Fire
15:38 PVP - Overview
16:24 PVP - Frost
18:11 Tier Gear
19:20 Conclusion
i wonder why wille doesnt use YT chapters feature...
Why do you click a 20 minute video of you don't want to invest the time to watch it? Why do you not value all the information you could be missing? Why not watch the fucking video while you're at it? I don't understand my own species anymore.
@@793Force shut up kid, once you grow up youll learn how to value time and optimize your schedule
@@trader2137 With that assumptious attitude you're probably way younger than me. And you're also rude. Which is a pretty accurate display of your ignorance. Kid.
@@793Force lol, you complain about how others use their time, how about you just care about yourself?
Is that mage named Jimmy in reference to Jimmy: A WoW story? Lol
@iivo Omg I have never seen these before. Thank you for this gift!!!!!
@iivo brilliant stuff. They make a joke about a mage cannon making all mage’s place of residence Alberta, Canada. I’m from there so that was really funny.
The Pepitoz story is also pretty funny
Tbh I just thought Jimmy was a good name for a gnome mage.... or maybe it was all part of the plan...
WillE and MadSeason both drop?? ON THE SAME DAY??!!!
MadSeason talks so slowly, in fact you can fit every single WillE video ever made into one MadSeason video at x2 speed
WillE is in the new madseasonshow vid 😉
Coordinated strike!
@@WillEmmo big fan Hoss, thanks for all your hard work to bring us WoW degenerates joy
What a day, what a day bois
I never cared that other classes overshot my mage back in the day. It's still the only class I have enjoyed through every expansion.
I have been obsessively refreshing your channel all day.
No. I am not addicted.
These videos are fantastic WillE, keep up the great work man!
This brings back memories!! Unfortunately, i do not have time for WoW. It is a full time job!
Hooo boy,
More videos for an expansion I only might play but its still interesting to see how older classes played
Honestly, It's probably 100% Rose-tinted goggles. But. TBC was the peak of wow, to me.
@All_lives_matter, reject fabricated racism by govt Oh god yes. World Buff Meta & Parse whoring made me bored of classic, along with Stress of being a GM & Manager of the server discord..
wonderfully thorough videos as always. Do priest next! "mahnah battchuree"
people dont talk about invis alot, but for various quests you can invis inside a cave of mobs skipping lots of trash. its very nice
On long fights like Illidan I would invis to drop threat and drink back up to full mana also
Yes! More videos! :p When i see a notification from Willie, i click in a heartbeat ;p
Great video as always!!! I want to see Warlock next XD
"Usedtobefury" was not taken on Firemaw i was suprised :D
Damn that intro gnome was the sneakiest yet. But i found it!
The thread reduction of the arcane tree is what everyone sleeps on, it helps you pump out dps early without pulling agro.
But I thought it just requires way too much mana
Great video Wille, love your content !
You definitely have the best informational videos on WoW. Stuff I once knew inside out now long pushed out of my puny brain.
Does anyone remember exactly how the BG PvP gearing worked back then? I never did any arena in current TBC but I did do boatloads of battlegrounds, and I specifically sort of remember buying stuff like the Merciless set with honor but I know that Merciless was the arena set. Im sure it was a season behind, or was it just a lesser version of the current at the time arena Merciless or what?
You described my first invite to Gruuls in that first part
Honestly mages should have a pick lock, it makes sense. They can manipulate items with magic make stuff move and float.
At 7:52 he mentioned that spell power doesn't raise the dog cap but the screenshots of the article about it that was shown earlier in the video says that spell power does raise the damage cap.
The arcane/frost spec is not just x3 AB x1 FB.
It is x3 AB, cast frostbolt until the debuff has the same duration as a cast of AB. Cast AB but time it just so that AB goes off at the same time the debuff falls off so that AB cast not only benefits from the increased damage multiplier but doesn't suffer the mana cost because the debuff fell off. It's a weird and extremely timing sensitive rotation but if you can do it just right then this spec does a butt ton of single target damage.
I played a mage throughout the original TBC. I was *always* ahead of the hunters and usually ahead of the warlocks. It seems like there's new meta and a belief things will be different this time, but we'll see.
A fun story: a group of mages in my guild formed a 5-man arena team during season 2 to get weapons (because of weak tier 5 itemization). We were all terrible at pvp so we just played it for laughs: everyone Invisibility at the start, then pop trinkets + Arcane Power and got nuts with AOE. We usually lost of course but when we won it was *hilarious*...
Good video as usual!
I've played on Endless for a bit, and can say that Mages are among the most desired ranged dps in dungeons still.
Sheep, Table and int buff, along with respectable damage makes them more desirable than say a hunter. A hunter can deal a bit more damage, sure, but he can't counterspell, sheep, and make godlike food. A warlock might too, but they just don't bring that much utility anymore. Fear is not a good substitute. And most dungeon dont have a lot of demons to be banished either.
Oh the Noone season 3 clips, nostalgia hits different. Still remember how blown away I was back when I saw that video for the first time. I know Vurtne was proly more popular overall, but Noone was the shit for me personally.
The prediction of mages in raids did not age well.
I'm picking up mage to level with some IRL friends who are joining for TBC (what prot pally doesn't want infinite water?). I'm really looking forward to it despite all the doomsaying.
Man, that Blood Elf starting area music... such nostalgia. I can't wait!!!!
Can't wait to to be blinded by nostalgia only to find yourself bitter and depressed about "duh gud ohl toimez", can you? Good God, I've never seen people so *blinded* by nostalgia than Classic andies. Well, go ahead and give me the inevitable reply like usual with you people. LMFAO!
@@robrulez4532 i highly doubt playing a game will make me bitter and depressed.
@@jhornbaker311 Right on cue on giving me the inevitable reply like usual with you people. Couldn't resist having to respond, can you? Not to mention you've shown how stunted you are as well. LMFAO!
I played Arc/Frost during TBC. Loved the spec especially when geared properly. I actually geared like a Priest with MP/5 to the point where around the middle of T5 I could spam frostbolts and actually get mana back. Rotation was stack blast until maxed, pop CDs, blast until OOM, mana pot, blast until OOM, evocate, blast until OOM, frostbolt until mana pot was off CD, pot, blast, frostbolt, repeat until evocate was off CD, evocate, blast, and basically just keep this up until fight was over. Was top DPS in my guild through most of BT this way. Eventually our locks started beating me, but it took a lot longer than it should have.
Fire with spellstrike and spellfire wrecks on pservers, even without giving them proper support. If you slot them instead of a demo lock (yes demo outperforms destro up to and including BT), they hit really really hard
Shhh, let the noobs sleep man. And ye mage is more than fine lol. Played on endless and i was on par with WLs often. Then the huge utility open world and in dungeons.
@@mars.unreal my experience on endless is that players are bad. Awfully bad. Especially warlocks.
@@Kalisparo Well classic isnt different unless u r in a good guild. Its even worse than endless haha.
@@mars.unreal o_o not looking forward to that... I guess classic is carried by rotations being mega simple for the most part. Tbc adds a bit of complexity which would have your bad players fall behind a lot
@@Kalisparo imagine hunter macro not working LOL
Hey hey hey. Nice video! :D
just found your channel. love all the tbc vids!
I remember that lovely meta gem that had a chance to give 50% less casting time on spells. It had so great proc rate too, and procced from trinkets aswell. Playing arcane pretty much always guaranteed a proc just from popping CDs. Used to play pom pyro mage with a BM Hunter in 2v2 arena. Was fun that we nuked paladins before they even hade time to bubble
I appreciate you taking the time to do your due diligence on smite priest before you make that video.
...that IS the reason it's not out yet right?
I have been so excited for arenas on my mage for a while now for TBC! but after learning about all the specs and gear come tbc i am really excited for raiding and a change of pace. Also im training the druids to innervate my like they do in phase 1 of KT :p
Hey Wille, Madseason gave you a shout-out.
The reason beta mage had a lockpick spell was because, like many things in Classic WoW, it was based off of D&D and wizards could learn a spell called "Knock" back in 3.5e.
Also lockpicking is not the most broken thing. Casting pyro while beeing invisible is the deal.
Mage is still a great class for 5 mans like you said in the vid. I will continue playing my little mage gnome because I won‘t see much 25 raids anyway. Portals, free food and fun in pvp is still given with mages. I for my part am hyped for tbc because I couldn‘t make farm runs work anyway
If you expect me, a balance druid, to give up my innervate... oh sure. no problem buddy.
Ya gimma dat mana drood!
@@FirstLast-gk6lg I 100% accepted bribes when we did non-serious boss fights. Also, all our druids innervated our ret pally on Golemagg to boost his dps; it actually worked: infinite seal spam.
the best arcane mage gets it usually or not?
Please do WL, Hunter or Shamy next, thats what everyone is waiting for :D
Man. TBC I was a 3-min fire mage with sextant of unstable currents. My crit chance was in the 40% range.
I was a god of DPS in my guild.
Great vid.
I had huge success raiding in TBC as a frost mage . Ice Lance is awesome. Instant cast no cooldown and tons of crit damage.
19:10 The arcane missiles would be slightly helpful if you could do full T2, fireball >missle> repeat till proc from T2 > insta Pyroblast... but you can't so.. oh well
Something you forgot to mention was how important the crafted gear is for mage. If you have all 6 crafted pieces, you don't really replace any of it until T6 simply because it has better effects than anything T4 and 5 can give you. Hunter is another example of not wanting to replace any major pieces until T6 because the dungeon 4-set is crazy strong and the crafted gear is also really strong when compared to T4 and 5 gear.
Hunter drops dungeon set with SSK/TK tier. Its strong but like most classes T5 and on is better than the dungeon sets.
Not necessarily true withthe great difference in stats between the crafted gear and tier pieces.
A willie vid? Instant like!!!
I'm gonna be switching from resto druid in classic to mage in TBC. So far I'm going to be the only mage left in my guild. Everyone else is rerolling to lock and druid.
"Whats my purpose ..."
"You make bread"
"Oh god ..."
"damn mages and their aoe farms"
tbc launches: "I can't wait to make a prot paladin to aoe farm since no aoe cap"
warlocks at max : "haha seed of corruption go brrrr, warlocks always best"
I wonder if they would aoe cap flamestrike and consecrate or something with aoe farming for mage. They saw how Mages effected classic, TBC could be similar with paladins.
Looking back I think something should have been done, though changing consecration to have an aoe cap would huuuugely nerf prot palas. XP nerfs when grouped in instance with higher level players is probably the answer
@WillE I'd be interested in seeing if they do something. They probably won't since they haven't talked about it and they seem open to already talk about the big changes. it would be a huge change if they did something like reducing xp gain if there's a max level in the party or increasing the aoe cap for mages.
Arcanefire is gonna be lit. The extra crit damage from deep arcane along with actually reaching scorch means the SP scaling is nuts even as a solo mage. Stack crit, no need to drop ignite. Probably strongest spec for fights longer than a minute. Icy veins is better for shorter fights though.
2/48/11 was king for T6 IIRC. Icy veins was too strong
Never played a Mage or cared about them, I prefer a class that can also at least Heal or Tank. But that was interesting to watch. It’s good to know about every class, even if you don’t play it :)
I recently played a Mage on a TBC Private Server and as soon as I had 2 T5 pieces I rerolled to Arcane and I was pretty much in the top 3 DPS Spots in almost every boss fight during SSC, TK, MH and BT Progression and I also dominated the dps logs in Zul Aman. Only in Sunwell Mages start to fall behind and cant really keep up with hunters anymore. We did have great support with Shadow Priests, Ele Shamans and from time to time Innervates tho and without these tools its gonna be hard to be on top of the dps meter. But if you do get supported like that you have the potential to outdps every other class even in longer bossfights.
What? Mages were top of DPS in Sunwell too. Guess that was private servers not having everything precise lol
MAGE in Burning Crusade Classic: Can It Get Any Better Now? I fixed the title for you o7
So I gotta ask. Was that the spongebob voice you can type and have it say whatever you want? (I’m blanking on what it’s called)
Mage Slow spell is OP. not only u reduce their movement speed but also attack speed. insanely good spell against warriors and rogues and even hunters
I was literally looking for this video on your channel like 5 minutes ago, this is absolutely a sign I should roll a mage
Part of me wants to really play my Warrior in TBC but gear competition and uselessnes in pvp (Me being shit too) is putting me off.
Its just very satisfying to smash and see big numbers as a warrior.
But ill probably go with my mage however for some reason i can't stick with mage for long, i am so damn torn.
Warriors are beasts in arena
I am rolling blood elf mage for sure. Thanks for the video
Gonna have to lvl from 1 then, you cant boost belf or drae
Usedtobefury made me genuinely laugh. I have been a warlock main through classic and seeing all these warriors in my guild swap to fury was just too relatable.
Always love your videos well I
@ WillE Should have emphasized a little more on the effort required to play an Arcance Mage compared to the other specs. Their potential is truly unlocked depending on the player's willingness to go the extra mile. Arcane mages from the very beginning have an obstacle they need to overcome (mana issue) before even moving forward. They have a higher barrier of entry basically.
Best part of mages was ice lancing down a full S3 warrior while wearing blues & greens. All you had to do was walk backwards & jamm on an instant cast spell to take out the charge & blink from the intercept. Funniest thing ever.
I'm leveling one right now as an alt, so let's see what I have to look forward too and if I should just stick with my Pally (which clearly is happening anyways)
That intro was not promising
mages are still very good boosters, mages are very strong in begining to the end. And strongest in pvp. Support with fire for best dps casters warlocks is also super strong and very needed. You can literally sell your service to HC dungeons as frost mages are rarer then usual. Mages are still VERY strong just like in classic.
I really think people just hated mages for making boosting a thing in classic, so as soon as people started saying that mages will lose against warlocks and hunters in TBC .... everyone hyped it. like "eat that fucking mage! ur time is done!"...
but they simply ignored the fact that right after the first and second place (WL/Hunter)... who was waiting there? ofc the mage! and with a bit of optimization ... arcane mage blow both, WL and hunter, out!
I mean, I am playing fire mage since my guild doesn't provide the support needed for a arcane mage but most of the time I am the no1 dps in our raids... (we are casual)
Awesome vid, whens the hunter one coming tho>??
Hello, thank you for the great vids. will you do a warlock one?
A few things WillE:
1) I love you trying some scripted humor, I’d say just go in even deeper on it! Don’t dip your toe in, go for the cannon ball. Maybe take a shot of whiskey before recording the voice over😂
2) This series so far has rocked, you’re overall production is getting better and better, appreciate you putting in the time.
3) The thing everyone overlooks with Mages in TBC is the influx of Locks and Hunters; Sure, objectively speaking, Mages are still decent, but with removal of the dead zone, Hunters now along with Warlocks really fuck you up. Shadow priests and druids too. 😞
Hey Willie, you're in Madseason's new vid :)
(near the end)
Good spot 😁
Dat Spongebob ai voice. Must have been a while in the making this one, the website has been down lately :/
No kidding, I was waiting on doing this for ages because I wanted to use the voice lol. Checked it yesterday and it's back off again too :(
My account got hacked on wow today and I lost everything, a tier two mage that I was enjoying so much (started in January) and sadly all my work is gone:(
Dont buy gold mate, this is what happens
@@markxv2267 I didn’t buy gold
@@jakemacfitness2849 hm sumbit a ticket i got my account back that way.
I think you would want a couple of mages just for the CC if nothing else. Trash is hard in TBC.
This is the video I've really been waiting for, since if you include all of my characters regardless of level, I have 5 Mages right now. :P
You keep mentioning innervate.
But in BC, doesn't it base it's regen on spirit, still?
Do mages build spirit in BC? (never played one before)
2.3 changed mana regen calculation to sqrt(int)*spirit*0.009327 so it scales off int and spirit. T5 and onwards mage gear has decent spirit but you'd never build for it specifically i think. Innervates are definitely worthwhile.
@@RC-gw1sx Really? That's good to know.
Back in the day, I always used it the priest and/or myself
For ab builds spirit is solid stat, assuming 2t5 and patch 2.4
It's a very elaborate way to say: "no, play a warlock'
Or rogue?
Mage is on par for a long time (until t6 iirc).
I wish my memory was better but Arcane missiles were a core part of the Arcane rotation before Arcane was nerfed in 2.2. This is one of those things you probably had to be around during retail to see as AFAIK all the private servers are 2.4.3 so well after it was nerfed down.
Arcane Missiles was used to proc clearcasting to manage mana consumption and build charges for Arcane Blast from.. the 4 set? Shit I can't even remember. Can't find it on the talent tree, there was something that built charges which you could unleash. Pre-nerf Lightning Capacitor? Shit, I'm getting old.
But the point is that pre-nerf Arcane Mages were doing around 20% more DPS than anyone else, they were the core DPS engine for Tier 5 content.
The nerf brought Arcane down to being on par with Fire and it didn't scale as well (being tied to an eventually outclassed tier set bonus).
What about covering PVP bonuses like with PVE tier?
In retail TBC few people were aware of the extent of the PvP meta and huntards complained for buffs nonstop. Expect Sl/Sl warlocks and BM/MM hunters to constantly ruin your day.
As a long time fire mage in tbc pve, I often feel emasculated by arcane mages.
Also, I basically end up looking like a warlock, because off-set raid items have better stats for fire than tier5. I don't mind this, but I feel like I will have to switch to arcane if I really want to be considered a good mage. Switching to arcane requires replacing my spell hit gear, though, and getting MORE intellect. So it's not a quick and easy spec swap.
And that’s the story of me and my best friend Jimmy.
You didn't even show the Arcane/fire spec, skip out on firepower and get mind mastery instead, 25% of your intellect converted to spell power having 550 intellect or so will be +125-150 sp. With this spec, with 0 points in frost your frostbolts even crit for 3.5k dmg. Arcane explosion crits for 1k-1.2k without arcane power even up, with arcane power/berserker buff 2k crit arcane explosions. you can do 8-9k POM Pyros with trinket/arcane power and clearcasting proc. players only have 10k-12k hp fully geared.
you can also swap out the master of elements in fire for improved scorch on this build. Arcane fire is THE spec for pvp and pve, clearcasting will grant +30% spell crit chance which is basically the same thing as frost's shatter talent might as well be 100% chance, clearcasting procs off molten armor so if you're aoeing it will have 100% uptime nearly.
legacy-wow. com/tbc-talents/mage-talents/?tal=2300052302210150330125051510201200300100000000000000000000000000000
All the RMP comps i destroyed with ret-enh-priest.
They probably sucked
You can still AoE farm with the aoe cap- it doesnt affect a lot of spells including flamestrike- Arleaus already made a video of doing Maraudon 500 pull with rank 1 blizzard and flamestrike. Mages will find a way to boost
Remember when ZF pulls were all the fuss in phase 1 and considered broken ? and now we got mara 500. You dont think that will happen in TBC ?
You are wrong about arcane missiles. Stacking haste with those bad boys is amazing dps especially since LoS doesn't matter with them. If your target runs behind a wall your missiles will follow them.
Mages are top dps when they get arcane blast set bonus. And fire in Kara is honestly only slightly below destro locks. They only drop off in the last phase.
Pvp still A tier throughout. That said the only S tier would be rogues, druids and sl sl locks
The only real nerf is the aoe cap.
Mages owned classic and needed to be brought down in line with everyone else. They should be thankful though. Now they get food/water tables. Baseline ice block is gold for arcane/fire builds. Invisibility is a crazy skill.
Which spec is the best at lvling TBC (Dungeons)
For dungeon leveling take a tank no one ever plays tank dungeons
@33 le gnome appears :)
keeping those algorithms happy...
Mages are top dps in T5 with the right setup as you've mentioned (SP+Shaman). You don't want more than two, but there are 1-2 innervates available a lot of the times. The feral is usually offtank during this phase and the restro simply doesn't need it. In our guild (private server) it's the mage, that is always on top of the dps chart. Also consider that arcane mages don't have threat issues just like warlocks and might even be able to drink during a boss fight with there invis (although I don't know it that is a private server thing).
i wanted to main a mage in tbc. but we just have way too many mages in the guild already, so i have to switch :(
If my main focus is going to be Arenas, do I still need to go tailoring as a mage?
You don't need tailoring for arena, you'll only be using the PvP gear.
How did you get spongebob for this video?
Arcane frost is soooo fucking powerful damn I'm forgot about that
I think people are going to be really shocked by how good mage is in T5, and also how little they actually do go backwards. They become better than warriors and rogues, while warlocks and hunters go past them, and for a good chunk of T5 they are the best. AoE cap kind of sucks, but they are still one of two kings of AoE in a raid setting. They're still amazing to farm with and there's every chance the power boost meta is still possible, even with the cap. You get a heap of quality of life bonuses like table and spell steal, and you can literally play all three specs. My opinion is that overall they actually improve... and the biggest thing is that they become WAY more fun. TBC is a great time to be a mage albeit (potentially) less raid spots. If raids are faster than expected don't be surprised if arcane blast becomes the new meta.
Jimmy is charging his fire ball