Andy Woods - Preterism Debunked
- Опубликовано: 5 фев 2025
- Dr. Andy Woods joins dr. Mal Couch in a discussion concerning a peculiar view of eschatology called preterism. This view has a huge hermeneutical problem and twists scripture in every possible way to make it fit the preterist's preconceived ideas. Let's look at some of these irreconcilable problems, as there are so many.
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God gave us His Word, the way we approach and treat it reveals the srate of our heart and spiritual status/health. I believe what God says literally at face value because i love Him
Holy Spirit boldness is in all believers, we need to stop being afraid of what people may think of us ... think 'what does our Father in heaven think of us ' !
Dispensationalism is easily debunked. Only the dispensationalists need to insert a ridiculously huge period of time between the 69th and 70th week of Daniel to shore up their failed eschatology. It turns the period determined by God of 490 years into an inexact period with no end at all. It absolutely destroys the greatest prophecy in the bible. It makes a precise and exact prophecy into an indeterminate period with no end , an open ended lie and an abomination. It serves no one, except that false nation formed in 1948 by that age old antichrist religion still posing as the divine chosen ones.
@@BertGraef when was the 69th week (what years BC, or AD), and when was the 70th week?
@@williambrewer Mark 1:15
@@BertGraef so if Christ said that in 30AD (we'll suppose), then what year did the 69th week begin and what year did the seventieth week begin?
@@williambrewer First , you explain to me why only dispensationalists put a gap that is now longer than 2500 years between the 69th and 70th weeks of Daniels prophecy. Even the Talmudic Rabbis dont do such a horrendous thing, and they do some pretty vile and unbeleivable things to their own scriptures.
A partial preterist is a full preterist who is afraid of being called a heretic. Joking aside, the name calling as done in this video is really appaling and an easy way to avoid looking into or even debating with full preterism.
How can preterism is a heresy? When preterism is not about the gospel?
@@diegovalleperez3360 Yes, on the contrary preterism is confirming that the gospel is true and that Jesus' promises have been fulfilled as he said it would.
@Duke Nukem Well you have said it. Partial preterism teaches the Gospel as should be with most of the prophecies have been fulfilled. Nothing wrong. There is biblical and extra biblical evidence that supports the partial preterism view. The futuristic view is relatively new. To have a futuristic view you must believe some things that contradict the Bible. The futuristic view is not biblical.
@@diegovalleperez3360 You are missing the point my friend. Partial preterism = futurism. Since it claims that Jesus didn't keep all his promises. Full preterism is the only Biblical view in my opinion.
@@frikandelthaisaus full preterists simply refuse to see reality….NO ONE saw His return….no one sees Him now…His Revelation has NOT YET COME…..oh and “spiritual Israel “….no longer needed…we have the real one as God foretold a hundred times… maybe more
We do not care for the creeds and shame on you for caring about the creeds. Just read 2 Tim 3:16 creeds are not necessary for anything to do with godliness. Jesus said all things written would be fulfilled by the destruction of the temple in Luke 21:20-22
PRETERISTS, HISTORISTS are taking away from the worst horror the world will see (Matthew 24:21), when the earth shakes to and fro like a drunkard (Isaiah 24:20), as the pit is opened (Revelation 9:2) and the locusts are released (Joel 2:25).
John received the book of Revelation.
Yet, he was told that he would be coming back at the end.
Revelation 10:11 And he said unto me, Thou must prophesy AGAIN before many peoples, and nations, and tongues, and kings.
That revelation (given within the past 2 decades):
@@qwerty-so6mlat the end of days. We are near the end of time and the White Throne Judgement.
@@qwerty-so6ml no, all we are doing is opening the minds of the honest and revealing the mouths of the deceivers. Matt 24:21 is passed already, stop listening to ghost stories and fear tactics, and start listening to the Lord. He said all things written would be fulfilled within the generation He was in.
Rev 6:14-17 would be fulfilled on the people of Israel as Jesus declared in Luke 23:27-31
[27]And a great multitude of the people followed Him, and women who also mourned and lamented Him.
[28]But Jesus, turning to them, said, “Daughters of Jerusalem, do not weep for Me, but weep for yourselves and for your children.
[29]For indeed the days are coming in which they will say, ‘Blessed are the barren, wombs that never bore, and breasts which never nursed!’
[30]Then they will begin ‘to say to the mountains, “Fall on us!” and to the hills, “Cover us!” ’
[31]For if they do these things in the green wood, what will be done in the dry?”
Just study for yourself, you will see it.
You were probably taught that the thief coming of Christ would be on everyone, Christian and non Christian and yet Paul said that the thief coming of Christ would not come upon the Christians 1 Thessalonians 5:1-6
[1]But concerning the times and the seasons, brethren, you have no need that I should write to you.
[2]For you yourselves know perfectly that the day of the Lord so comes as a thief in the night.
[3]For when they say, “Peace and safety!” then sudden destruction comes upon them, as labor pains upon a pregnant woman. And they shall not escape.
[4]But you, brethren, are not in darkness, so that this Day should overtake you as a thief.
[5]You are all sons of light and sons of the day. We are not of the night nor of darkness.
[6]Therefore let us not sleep, as others do, but let us watch and be sober.
What I dont understand about dispensationalism, is why the clear bible terms and words have to be changed around or distorted to prop up their end time theory.
The 70 weeks or 490 year period determined upon the Jews is stretched out to a period now 2500 years long with no end in sight;and an artificial "gap" is placed between the last two weeks that has no biblical basis whatsoever thus making Gods exact period of time into a time period 5 times as long, with still no clear end in sight.
Then the word "generation" in Matthew 24:34 is used to apply it to some generation in the far distant future, completely making a mockery of Christ's warnings to his own disciples and that generation that He warned many times in the gospels would face the wrath of God . Or the word "generation"is turned into meaning the entire Jewish race, when it so obviously refers to Christs generation.
A futher absurdity and gross lie of the dispensationalists is to claim the "covenant" in Daniel is a political peace treaty of 7 years with some antichrist figure, where it clearly states the it is the Messiah himself that would break the Covenant in the midst of the week. This covenant was in place at the time and could only refer to the Old Covenant concerning Judaism, which Christ annulled by bringing in the New Coveant of his body and blood in an eternal atonment, abolishing forever the Old Mosaic system and Covenant.
And the new nation of God that was prophesied clearly by Isaiah to be the church, born in a day , on that great Day of Pentecost in Jerusalem , when the Holy spirit was poured out on beleivers in the temple: now it suddenly means not that at all, but a secular . antichristian nation born of war and strife in the middle east, by an antichristian cult still claiming to be the nation of the bible, even though God threw them out of there for thier unbelief in the first place!!
Bert Graef because it’s unbiblical
@@patricechappell8579 Wow, that's a really powerful argument .
The Jews in Israel now are not descended from the original 12 tribes.
It's based on the Jewish calendar, o the Georgian.
Remember there is a pause in the 70 weeks, that's the church age, then when the church is taken out of the way the clock starts ticking again to complete the last 7 years. Those years are the last 7 years (the tribulation years). There are some really good commentaries on this subject and if you want to know more that might be a good place to begin.
Interesting to note which biblical truths have particular mocking attached to them, even amongst christians: the rapture, flat earth, literal adam and eve, literal flood. I have been seriously mocked for holding to all these biblical truths. Enjoyed every second!
Why would you call flat earth a biblical truth? All those so called "flat earth" proof texts are easily debunked when shown in their respective context.
The rapture seems to be a bit off... everything else is seems like it is spot on.
@andywoodsunofficialchannel7421 yeah because water holding to a spinning ball that spins round a sun spinning through space moving at 66.6 million miles a minute makes sens!!! It's flat and stationary!! Period!!
When I look at Saturn 🪐 in my telescope at different times of the year, it appears to me to be a round ball. Do you believe the other planets in our solar system, like Saturn, are also flat? Not trying to argue! Just curious about your thoughts on this. ❤
@@Jpan4 that was to get the Saints that would rule for the millennium reign.
Even though I'm not a preterist, I tend to bop around in the supersessionist postmillennialist Calvinist community, a place where preterism has common currency. I've had so many negative encounters with preterists that I've lost count. I tried politely pointing out what I see as errors in their system, but I gave up on that long ago; preterists are like a gang because if you "attack" one of them, the rest of them pounce on you. (Never mind the fact that I'm a futurist-premillennialist Molinist-Arminian, which, needless to say, isn't well-received in the Calvinist community; as far as they're concerned, I'm a dispensationalist, semi-Pelagian, and heretic, even though I'm literally none of those things.)
My biggest pet peeve with preterism is its inconsistent hermeneutic. It interprets some things literally, such as creation week in the Book of Genesis and the prophecies in the Book of Isaiah describing the first coming of Christ, but other things it interprets allegorically or symbolically, such as the prophecies in the Book of Revelation and the Book of Daniel talking about future End Times events. Preterists have to change their interpretive method midstream - and they see nothing wrong with that!
It’s called dividing and discerning the word of God. Do you believe that _every thing_ in the Bible is literal or is it _all_ allegorical? Because that is essentially what you are saying - one or the other. Jesus didn’t speak in parables 100% of the time.
I believe that the sin that is blinding people who have a preterist view is pride.
I find that totally the opposite futurist have way more pride.
Those who debunk preterist do so because preterist take the literal meaning of a present tense sentence as it was meant to be. These dispensationalist or futurist love to convert present tense sentences into future tense and violate grammatical interpretation.
"because preterist take the literal meaning.."
The nerve.
What binds people to Preterism is the very words of Jesus taken literally:
Jesus told his first century disciples in Matthew 10:23 they wouldn't finish going through the cities of Israel till he came. In Matthew 16:27:28 Jesus told his disciples some of them would not die before they saw him coming in his kingdom in the glory of his father with angels to reward each man according to their deeds. In Matthew 26:57,64 Jesus told the high priest, the council and the elders that thereafter they would see the Son of Man seated in power coming on the clouds of heaven. Then in Revelation chapter 1 Jesus said he was coming soon / quickly to seven churches in Asia in the first century pre-70 AD. He was said he was coming so soon that even those who pierced him would see him. And then in Revelation 22 he again says he's coming quickly? Quickly enough that those who are unjust should remain unjust still.
I haven’t formally committed to one view or the other as I am genuinely studying and trying to come to the Truth. Not one group or another’s truth. But God’s Truth. One thing that troubles me is the vitriol between the groups on both sides of this issue. All that said, after researching this issue many times over, I think I am leaning towards more of a futurist view. I have several reasons for this but honestly I think the only one that’s necessary is my belief that Revelation was written closer to AD95. I believe this date is most congruent internally with scripture and also with extra biblical sources placing the writing at that date (Irenaeus, Clement of Alexandria, Victorinus, and Jerome). If I’m not mistaken, much of the preterist view depends on an earlier writing of the book of Revelation, and the destruction of the temple in 70AD. I don’t believe taking a futurist standpoint is essentially declaring Jesus a false messiah. If a prophecy just hasn’t come true yet, does that make Jesus a liar? No. Many prophecies were not fulfilled for hundreds of years. I think preterists focusing on terms such as “soon, quickly, etc” and hinging their theology on the modern English understanding of these words is a contextual misunderstanding. For example, when God told Adam “on this day you will surely die”, Adam lived for yet 900 years. He did not die the same day he ate from the tree, but he was as good as dead on that day. On that day he committed himself to death. Anyway, I am beginning to ramble, but that is sort of a basic perspective of my viewpoint. Take it or leave it and God bless you all! May we all be careful not to cast stumbling blocks in front of fellow believers. I pray that we all come to know the Mercy and Hope and Life that is Jesus Christ.
Please explain this: - Matthew 16:27-28 (NKJV) 27 For the Son of Man will come in the glory of His Father with His angels, and then He will reward each according to his works. 28 Assuredly, I say to you, there are some standing here who shall not taste death till they see the Son of Man coming in His kingdom.”
Matthew 10:22-23 (NASB) 22 You will be hated by all because of My name, but it is the one who has endured to the end who will be saved. 23 “But whenever they persecute you in one city, flee to the next; for truly I say to you,
you will not finish going through the cities of Israel until the Son of Man comes.
Heres my opinion friend
"Please explain this: - Matthew 16:27-28 (NKJV) 27 For the Son of Man will come in the glory of His Father with His angels, and then He will reward each according to his works. 28 Assuredly, I say to you, there are some standing here who shall not taste death till they see the Son of Man coming in His kingdom.”
You need to split this.
1) For the Son of Man will come in the glory of His Father with His angels, and then He will reward each according to his works.
2) Assuredly, I say to you, there are some standing here who shall not taste death till they see the Son of Man coming in His kingdom.”
It does not necessarily have to be describing the same event. The first is speaking of the end of the age.
The second describes what only some apostles saw in the very next verse in Matthew 17, where Jesus was transfigured.
Matthew 10:22-23 (NASB) 22 You will be hated by all because of My name, but it is the one who has endured to the end who will be saved. 23 “But whenever they persecute you in one city, flee to the next; for truly I say to you,
you will not finish going through the cities of Israel until the Son of Man comes.
Here it says that before the apostles finish going through cities The Son of Man will come.
In matthew 11 Jesus departs from them and they go ministering in different cities. I dont know if every time its mentioned that Jesus comes somewhere, that its referring to THE second coming.
John saw the 2nd coming in a vision.
Jesus came back in the life time of some of his disciples. Simple.
@@royalpriest89 You fell to deception. Jesus is coming back. I hope you don’t believe this world will be molested by evil forever
@@royalpriest89 There is no historical evidence for that. I am presenting ways to understand these verses that some think were saying Christ would return in the first century.
The end of the age was not the end of time. Biblical the end of the age was the transition of the earthly old covenant kingdom to the Heavenly New Covenant Kingdom. These guys are the one with the hermeneutical problem and the simple Words of Jesus that some at His Mt Olives sermon would see Him return in the Glory of the Father and set up the New Heavenly Kingdom and judge the old apostate system.
Guessing you’re a preterist….can you tell me about the end of time….what does that look like in your theology
@Dakota Bledsoe oh I doubt that “hermeneutical” problems happened much later….when a man with a tiny johnson and an even tinier faith wanted to sound important…he even made up a big word to help the charade
NO disciples////AT HIS SERMON…..DID see Him…NO One mentioned it….why…easy..Revelation just hasn’t happened yet…but it is ….happening!!! Right before our eyes…
@@jamesstumpff7774 Can you show a verse that says. {end of time" if you are reading Revelation 10:6 where many translations wrongly translate this as time is "no longer", however in the Greek it says that "time is no longer delayed", so we need a verse or set of verses that teach this end of time if you can give some. You wont find any. Thanks
@@jamesstumpff7774I know where you're heart is!!!
The problem I have with preterism is, didn’t anybody notice these supposed prophetic events happening and then write about it? Where are these accounts?
The deadly jenga block in the preterist view is that Revelation must have been written BEFORE the events of A.D. 70. But…….it was written after. Most scholars put it at A.D. 95. It completely blows their theology away.
@@tomg6318 I know Josephus. But did any contemporary Christian witness of the event write something like “Don’t y’all remember last year when Jesus came back and the temple was destroyed?” Where are these writings in the church?
Several church writers wrote of the tribulation that occurred to Jerusalem then. But for those that think that the letters were written to the churches after they had been destroyed is ridiculous. Look at these excellent teachers, Don Preston, Bible Scribe and My Lunch Break add Shade Stone. They have sites everywhere and Jesus always wins!
If this information is so important, then why does it have to be interrupted by an ad every 5 minutes or so?
That is very unfortunate. I never gave RUclips permission for this. They must have reset it to "show ads" themselves. I'll try to sort this out. Thanks for reporting!
@@andywoodsunofficialchannel7421 you know futurism is a Jesuit doctrine, right? Do you know anything about the counter reformation? Doesn't bother you in the slightest? Your answer will be very telling.
@@JesusProtects How so? The burden of proof is on you.
@@JesusProtects I don't know what they believe or where these never ending labels come from like "futurism" or any label for that matter . I prefer just to be a follower of Christ and simply believe with one spirit , one mind , in Christ , teaching the same things , like scripture says . I do not care for labels , denominations or any of this other man made foolery but if you are correct and Jesuits believe this doctrine that the events are yet to come , the second coming has not happened , the fullness of God is ahead , well then so what? do you really think that cults or liars or wolves preach ALL lies? that would make them terrible liars but you yourself should know the bible says that they appear as ministers of righteousness and that the devil would try to deceive even the elect or do you think all that is impossible now , it already happened , no more deceptions to worry about .
just because the Jesuits teach this , means nothing , you know what else liars and Jesuits teach? Jesus died for sins , which is the truth , which is sound doctrine , is that now a false doctrine all of a sudden because Jesuits teach it? or any other cult teaches it? I am just trying to show you your logic here to reconsider .
I got zero ads , sorry to hear
“Hereafter shall the Son of man sit on the right hand of the power of God.”
Luke 22:69 KJV
“And Jesus came and spake unto them, saying, All power is given unto me in heaven and in earth.”
Matthew 28:18 KJV
“Therefore let all the house of Israel know assuredly, that God hath made that same Jesus, whom ye have crucified, both Lord and Christ.”
Acts 2:36 KJV
“And said, Behold, I see the heavens opened, and the Son of man standing on the right hand of God.”
Acts 7:56 KJV
Steven DID see Jesus…..UP THERE! Now keep reading and studying…..REVELATION….we will SOON SEE HIM….REIGNING…DOWN HERE! He WILL SOON…separate sheep from goats…Heaven from Hell…HE will soon….end sin FOREVER…..but it hasn’t happened yet! 2 Jews haven’t been butchered in Israel as the whole world watched with hatred….Live Video Stream…..not possible in 70 AD….NOW….Very easy….and at their death….people ALL AROUND THE WORLD SENDING GIFTS TO EACH OTHER???….ridiculous in 70 ad……and NOW….hmmmm? Can you say AMAZON???
Revelation is the single MOST PROPHETIC BOOK____that declares the TRUTH….of GOD’S WORD…through the ages! Genesis to Revelation…God’s Perfection = Law + Redemption
@@jamesstumpff7774 can you please post the verse from revelation that says Christ would be reigning on the physical earth for a thousand years?
He already put an end to sin, you are not under the law. You are under grace. There were 6 things daniel wrote the messiah was to acomplish when he came, if he didnt do it then Jesus wasnt the messiah. 70 weeks have past.
“Seventy weeks are determined upon thy people and upon thy holy city, to finish the transgression, and to make an end of sins, and to make reconciliation for iniquity, and to bring in everlasting righteousness, and to seal up the vision and prophecy, and to anoint the most Holy.”
Daniel 9:24 KJV
“for then must he often have suffered since the foundation of the world: but now once in the end of the world hath he appeared to put away sin by the sacrifice of himself.”
Hebrews 9:26 KJV
Its not the end of the world, but the end of the age, end of the old covenant/testament, now we are in the new
“One generation passeth away, and another generation cometh: but the earth abideth for ever.”
Ecclesiastes 1:4 KJV
“unto him be glory in the church by Christ Jesus throughout all ages, world without end. Amen.”
Ephesians 3:21 KJV
@@rodenranch6291 He already put an END….to SIN…??? Really? Hmmmmm? 65 MILLION abortions in usa……child porn….child sex trafficking…..transgendered government mandates…
Football porn?…Dallas CB pornleaders???…have you seen a tv in the last 20 years???…..removed God from schools in 60’s…..taught evilution….nationally…way before then…
Yeh…..your gawd….really…..ENDED UP WITH SIN…..amazing…..are you stupid….or just seriously sheltered???
@@rodenranch6291 you really missed …Lion…AND….Lamb! His first appearance….dies like Abrahams almost Son….ignominious…..SECOND COMING……THE LION…30 billion humans will SEE HIM…..EVERYONE WHO EVER LIVED….even those who pierced Him….No one will MISS IT…..your great great grandfather…saint or sinner….WILL SEE HIM….IN GLORY…EVERY KNEE WILL BOW….a tiny few in pleasure…the vast majority in EXTREME PAIN!!!
@@jamesstumpff7774 no verse for a 1000 year reign on earth?
Jesus was very clear the days of vengeance was 70ad, when you see Jerusalem surrounded by armies
“And when ye shall see Jerusalem compassed with armies, then know that the desolation thereof is nigh. Then let them which are in Judæa flee to the mountains; and let them which are in the midst of it depart out; and let not them that are in the countries enter thereinto. For these be the days of vengeance, that all things which are written may be fulfilled.”
Luke 21:20-22 KJV
The only system that properly corresponds to the prophecies and the sayings of Jesus and all of the New Testament writers is the preterist view. Fulfilled prophecy is now a reality. Dispensationalism is a curse on the modern Church that has left Her powerless and effeminate. Consistent full Preterism is the only eschatological view that agrees with all scripture and the NT writers.
What scriptures speak and give us hope for NOW? I don't have a glorified body? I don't see Moses and other saints in charge of governmental systems. If Satan was bound and is in hell, why are most people in government evil? Why is this world getting more evil and people are lovers of themselves, more wars, crypto currency, why is this more prevalent now? What about the 1000 year rule on earth. I'm not ruling the earth with Christ. Why don't I see Christ walking around right now? Why is He and all the saints still in Heaven?
How can that be if the Book of Revelation was written AFTER the events of 70 A.D.???
@@Apollyon83 Who says so?
@@makarov138 Irenaeus was a disciple of Polycarp, who was a direct disciple of the apostle John. He wrote in his work “Against Heresies” about Johns vision….”For that was seen not very long time since, but almost in our day, towards the end of Domitian’s reign.” Well, Domitians reign did not even begin until A.D. 81!!!
Some other church fathers who testify the Book of Revelation to a post A.D. 70 date.
Clement of Alexandria (A.D. 150-215) Mentions John was exiled to the island of Patmos until “after the death of the tyrant”. A reference to Domitian who died in A.D. 96
Victorious: Suffered martyrdom around A.D. 304. In his commentary on the book of Revelation he said John had his vision of the apocalypse while “he was in the island of Patmos, condemned to the mines by Caesar Domitian.”
Eusebius: Several times in his writings also dates the Book of Revelation to the reign of Domitian.
Jerome: Also stated that John was banished under Domitian and that is when he wrote the book of Revelation.
Our church Father’s would not agree with preterist on when the Book of Revelation was written. Preterist can have all the “arguments” they want, but without a pre A.D. 70 writing of the Book of Revelation, their whole theology goes up in smoke.
@@Apollyon83 And there it is. You choose to reject what the scriptures clearly reveal, and then turn to extra-biblical sources for your doctrine. And THAT right there is at least one of the reasons the modern Church is in such bad shape. You have left your first love; the scriptures first! They are true!
Preterism does not deny the return of the Lord. If futurists want to debunk Preterism, maybe they should stop building straw men.
So help me out with the understanding….so do they believe Christ has come the 2nd and final time? And what we have these last 2000 years is all there is? I guess the big question I would have is sin and sickness and death war perversion….this world seems very sick to me…and I find it hard to believe anyone would argue with that….I’m a scientist….and there are no mathematical scientists who don’t readily admit this world is dying….completely….as in universal heat death…now the humane genome will die long before that…again…indisputable
@Don Gentry, don't preterits believe Jesus already returned in 70AD?
@@Denise0752 yep…and what we see now…is all there is. I tried to help him out of his grotesque misunderstanding…using thermal heat death of the universe…I think preterists are a lot like flat earthers
@Tomas that’s easy to answer…sin…we love ourselves and we think so much of ourselves and of course all our lies…
Pathetic attempt of debunking a biblical doctrine. Maybe actually understand what it teaches first.
HAHAHAHA "you have to take the bible literally at all times" and then he says " I believe babylon could mean rome" wow. hypocrisy at its finest
Yeah. They can't see it.
A literal, grammatical, historical and contextual interpretation (which Woods holds) doesn´t exclude symbols. Thats a typical straw man argument.
@@fredriknasberg9476 he seems to ignore lots, if not all, hyperbolic language symbology that, if one was interpreting Scripture in a literal, grammatical, historical, contextual way as you say, one would see the validity for partial preterism, and also that Christ Would have been a false prophet if those things didn’t come to pass during the generation of the first century Jews
@@discipledesigned If you use the golden rule of interpretation (below) you will not end up in either partial or full preterism and not "ignore hyperbolic language".
"When the plain sense of Scripture makes common sense, seek no other sense; therefore, take every word at its primary, ordinary, usual, literal meaning unless the facts of the immediate context, studied in the light of related passages and axiomatic and fundamental truths, indicate clearly otherwise.”
@@fredriknasberg9476 interesting, so when Christ told the first century Jews that “some of YOU will not taste death until ALL these things take place” (these things being Matthew 24 with regards to the end of the age, including wars, rumors of wars etc.), and you don’t believe those things have happened yet, does that not make Christ a false messiah? According to a non preterist view? It seems you haven’t filled much research on the other side, maybe only the one you were taught traditionally in church?
I myself am returning to Dispensationalism. Been down all the so called main Roads, from Calvinism, Covenant Theology, Arminianism, to Pentecostalism, to the Charismatics, and that is just some of them. Been a re-born since 1974 Feb. the 6th. I have listen to Benny and Kenny, the TBN network, EWTN. The God Channel. And though it all there has nothing that can come close to learning Dispensationalism. The main reasons that i have traveled down so many spiritual roads was because i knew very little on how to divide the Word of God correctly. And more important then all of that is knowing when a teacher or preacher is going off the rails. Satan can get you all confused, and get you believing all sorts of mess. I have learn again so much from Dr. Andy Woods, and others, I was raised a Southern Baptist who was taught Dispensationalism and every Church person owned a Scofield Bible or you were not a Christian. But I had given all that up to live a hippy life. In 1974 while in The U.S. Army in Germany i got Saved and delivered and I do mean Saved have not been the same since. I wanted to do the Miracles the Apostles did so i went with the Charismatics. My Doctrines were compromised, and that is how it went for years, until just here recently, so I am now returning to my roots and can't get enough of Dispensationalism. I do pray for the many Churches today that excepts Apostate Doctrine as there rule and guide in there faith. If it's not according to the LAW or the TESTIMONY it is because there is no light in it. from Moses Gospel in the Old Testament. READ IT AND WEEP APOSTATES
A scofield bible in your closet….makes you a christian….dude …that’s not just stupid…it’s sick
Now your frustration with the vast apostasy going on today….perfectly said…Jesus told us THAT would be a huge sign in the end. So you clearly “see” satans work in catholicism or mormonism….or other “isms”…and that is good…so why oh why would you pick your current “ism”
You must realize….Actual Christians have been coming to Christ…sharing Chris…dying for Christ…for 2000 years without…ANY knowledge or even interest in Scofield. Dear brother, Jesus didn’t die on a cross so we could rip His church into a million pieces…as EVERY “ism” does.
I should feel sorry for you but I don't. Dispensationalism is the worst idea to ever come down the pike. To go down that road turns Revelation into a futurist lie. And the Olivet Discourse!!! Well, there is no Matt 24 generation in the 21st century. There is no jewish apocalypse rerun. Matt.24:21. !!!!!!!
yeah, dispensationalism allows you much more freedom to abuse the biblical texts - good to you
Really bad. I love the Bible framework / charlie Clough but disagree with his dispensationalism // eschatology.
poor, poor treatment of the issue. Obtuse exegesis and hamfisted conversation. I do realize that this isn't the Bible framework ministries, by the way. I'm still gagging through this gaudy hit piece
If you are crediting Hal Lindsay and Tim La Haye as credible sources, then there's no point in watching any more of this video.
Dr. Woods, my name is Don K. Preston, president of Preterist Research institute. I strongly differ with your assessment of preterism, and would like to extend an invitation for you to meet me in formal debate on the issue. Please respond and let's discuss! You can PM me if you like. I look forward to hearing from you.
BTW, I propose a two hour, moderated, RUclips debate.
@FireOfTheLord Mr Woods, very sorry for the delay. Busy, as I know you are. Your comments are truly presuppositional. You say if there is no literal lake of fire that the Christian faith is one of misery? How so? As a Christian I am assured that I will never die (clearly not a reference to biological death-- correct?). I am assured of going to heaven to be in the presence of my loving Father and his gracious Son. Tell me what is so faith destroying about that? Is my happiness in heaven dependent on knowing that souls are experiencing unending torment? Is this what you are saying?
I am still very much interested in a formal debate, but I see that you have ignored that invitation. Please do consider it.
Thanks Don for inviting him to debate. I guess it's settled. He knows he's wrong.
@@sophiar6493 - What ridiculous nonsense.
Thanks Don
@@MrDonPrestonDon, don’t hold your breath waiting on Mr Woods to accept your invitation to debate. If he’s so sure of his theology and its biblical backing, why not formally debate it? But it’s been 4 years and the silence is deafening.
If the Bible doesn’t mean what it says then who’s to say what it means?
Rest assured that the bible says what it means and it means what it says .
Roberta Gabor I’m glad someone has some common sense.
@@tonydardi332 It's just not that simple. There is a progressive revelation in scripture. The new testament interprets the old because the old testaments needs interpretation.
contemplate Examples please
@@tonydardi332 Read the prophecy in Hosea 2. Remember that Hosea is told to marry a harlot. This is a picture of God's relationship to Israel who consistently "played the harlot". In the prophecy, God scolds Israel, taking away her new moons and Sabbaths. Then He says that He'll make a covenant in the wilderness with beasts, fowls, and creeping things. If one didn't have the NT to interpret this, one would think this is regarding the ten scattered tribes being re-gathered. That is the setting and context of the book. Now read in acts about Peter's vision. As you know, it's a message from God about Gentiles getting saved. The sheet is let down by its four corners (meaning four corners of the Earth) and the animals inside the sheet are none other than the fowls, beasts, and creeping things found in the Hosea prophecy. Obviously, Peter's vision interprets Hosea 2.
Read Isaiah 10 22. There, the prophecy is that the remnant of Israel will return. If you didn't have the NT to interpret this, you would think that the ten tribes would eventually return to the land. However, Paul speaks nothing of a land promise. In Rom 9 27, he quotes the prophecy but literally changes it to "a remnant will be SAVED"
Read Isaiah 57 19. "Peace to those near and far and I will heal them". Dispensationalism teaches that the "church age" was unprophesied in the old covenant so this must be about Israel and the ten tribes that were far off being brought near right? No, read Eph 2 13, 14. There Paul tells the Gentile Christians in Ephesis that they were the ones who were far and brought near. Eph 2 13-14 But now in Christ Jesus you who once were far off have been brought near by the blood of Christ. For He Himself is our peace, who has made both one, and has broken down the middle wall of separation.
Are you beginning to see how there was a "mystery" in the old testament that needed revelation in the new? Paul tells you exactly what the mystery was because it wasn't even made plain in the gospels yet. What exactly is the mystery...
Eph 3:3-6 how that by revelation He made known to me the mystery (as I have briefly written already, by which, when you read, you may understand my knowledge in the mystery of Christ), which in other ages was not made known to the sons of men, as it has now been revealed by the Spirit to His holy apostles and prophets: that the Gentiles should be fellow heirs, of the same body, and partakers of His promise in Christ through the gospel
Gentiles were made "co-heirs" and "of the same body" as Israel. But the promise changed from land to eternal life. This is why Hebrews eight says that we now have a better covenant built on a better promise.
Is it outlandish to say that even in the gospels as we read about Jesus' Earthly ministry, further revelation would be necessary?
Jhn 16:12-13 "I still have many things to say to you, but you cannot bear them now. "However, when He, the Spirit of truth, has come, He will guide you into all truth; for He will not speak on His own authority, but whatever He hears He will speak; and He will tell you things to come.
Once the leaders of Israel rejected the Lord Jesus and blasphemed the Holy Spirit the Kingdom long promised to David was postponed with the Lord declaring... "You shall not see Me again until you say, Blessed is He who comes in the name of the Lord!" Which will happen 42 months after Antichrist defiles the third Temple and demands to be worshiped as God ... stay tuned preterists will all be fulfilled..... Shalom and Maranatha!!
the third temple is a lie invented to prop up dispensatinalist error.
@@BertGraef Please explain this along with verses cited I am very confused between which is right
@@Jaugarez study preterism. Revelation was fulfilled by 70AD and the desolation of the Jerusalem whore.
Bert Graef Would this mean Revelation would need to be written before 70AD? Do we have any sources to this being the case? I am new to Preterism view and want to be educated.
@@ricoparadiso no, revelation demands itself to have been fulfilled within the lifetime of the audience John wrote to regardless of whether it was pre/post-70AD.
• “what must soon [shortly] take place” (Rev 1:1; 22:6 kjv)
• “Blessed is the one who reads the words of this prophecy . . . who hear
it and take to heart [obey] what is written in it” (Rev 1:3; 22:7 kjv)
• “the time is near [at hand]” (Rev 1:3; 22:10 kjv)
• “Do not seal up the words of the prophecy of this book” (Rev 22:10; note:
Daniel was told to “close up and seal the words” of his book “until the time of the end” [Dan 12:4]; in Revelation, that time is now “near” or “at hand”)
• “Behold, I am coming soon!” (Rev 22:7, 12)
• “Yes, I am coming soon.” (Rev 22:20)
The only thing placing it post70AD achieves is making the letter meaningless to its original audience and therefore meaningless to anyone trying to understand what John intended to convey to his original audience (7 churches in Asia Minor). But you still have to answer (whether pre or post 70AD) what were the fulfillment’s that MUST SHORTLY TAKE PLACE which the whole letter was to convey?
The issue I have with preterism is that they can't give you a solid answer. If you ask a preterist of note "What do preterists or even just you, yourself believe will happen to Christians when they die?", they will dazzle you by quoting and then redefining one scripture after another and never answer your question. It's a simple question with only a few possible components. Either we will be conscious or cease to exist. If the former, where will we be? And lastly, will we have physical form or not? But they won't even theorize about it. They always want to turn the discussion to eschatology. Further, they claim no one is suffering. Seriously? So those Christians killed in Ethiopia in the last few years in Muslim raids didn't suffer? Christian children don't die young of SIDS or other causes? Christian people don't have pain or injuries or addictions? Don't suffer the loss of loved ones? Absolute nonsense. And then there are some commenters below decrying our "rational western perspective" as though it hasn't been a blessing to the overwhelming majority that encounter it. As though that same perspective hasn't lifted all boats and realized a more secure lifestyle with more abundance for most (and by "most", I mean literally anyone willing to lift a finger to help themselves). Is it perfect? No, but it sure beats hunger and communism (but then I've repeated myself). And they're not just hypocritically complaining perched behind their keyboards using electricity all made possible by the "rational western perspective" but doing so while simultaneously praising the "Eastern manner of thinking". Unlike these keyboard warriors, I've spent a lot of time in the far east and let me tell you, it's not a mecca of hygiene, much less forward thinking.
I’m a preterist and each of us will go to heaven or hell. Sadly many knowledgable preterists deny hell because they are not born of the Spirit.
The problem with futurists is they love to strawman semi-preterists, If you want to check out what preterists have to offer, check out Bruce Gore.
@@ptt3975 instead of telling me what the “spirit” told you about hell, how about you prove it with the word of God? I’ve yet to hear a convincing argument for the everlasting torture chamber. Only personal testimonies of people who come back with a brand-spanking new works-based Gospel in which they must now “pray for understanding” of the Bible that’s literally on every freakin street corner and store shelf.
@@danmannz they have nothing to offer. I’m still waiting on an answer on how the resurrection has happened. How death, sorrow, pain, night time, the seas, and other stuff is still here.
They will behave like Jehovah Witness where they have a pre-pre-programmed response for certain things, yet blatantly ignore stuff like my statements above. Death is now defeated, really? Jesus Christ so reigning right now? Hmm. Didn’t know the Lord wanted me to inject AIDS so I could maintain my job and schooling.
@@jacksonrelaxin3425 We just need the words of Jesus. Fear God because he has the power to throw you into hell. And hell is where the fire is not quenched and the worm dieth not. That means hell is bad and it doesn’t stop. If you have a way to discredit those verses, then you’re smarter than me.
This is a really bad discussion about preterism. Completely subjective and biased. So much left unsaid about the subject.
🔥🔥🔥The early church in Paul’s day also had to deal with a false theology similar to “preterism”. People saying future events “already happened.” It seems these people just won’t go away
2 Timothy 2:16-19
16”But shun profane and idle babblings, for they will increase to more ungodliness.
17 And their message will spread like cancer. Hymenaeus and Philetus are of this sort,
18 who have strayed concerning the truth, saying that the resurrection is already past; and they overthrow the faith of some.
19 Nevertheless the solid foundation of God stands, having this seal: ‘The Lord knows those who are his,’ and, ‘Let everyone who names the name of Christ depart from iniquity.’”
I love the way you guys talked about this subjuct you guys where kind and loving Great job .And A Big Thank You!GOD BLESS YOU GUYS
I’m not a preterist, but this video doesn’t help with discrediting preterism. It mocks and says that preterist can’t stand the idea of a return of Christ…what Christian would not want that?! Imo the best version of preterism is that we are in the door season where satan must be released to deceive the world again NOT that we are living in the millennial kingdom of Christ. They believe the dark ages is a cover up of the millennial kingdom. The dark ages, where in school we were taught were held back by Christian thought.. then they lie to you in this video that preterist believe Christ came back “invisibly “ during 70ad as in only spiritually in the form of Christian’s revolting.. when preterist do believe he came back in spiritual body, leading the new Christians against the world who was prosecuting him. The interviewer is mocking preterist the entire time and just throwing up straw man’s arguments to make people think it is ridiculous to believe in preterism. I do agree that full preterism can not be a Christian viewpoint because it tries to take the supernatural out of a supernatural book. But if you are watching this video it’s because you actually wonder why the world is the way it is today.. meaning ancient, gigantic and beautiful Christian cathedrals and castles existing all over the world… and confused people all over the world misled by Satan. Do yourself a favor and look for a more honest video refuting preterism. I’ll let you know when I find one
Aposticia! doctrines and commandments of men! poor people are so confused, when the truth of the Gospel is so easy to understand.
I was a futurist. But believe Jesus or believe narratives and theology of man. Luke clearly states " In the last days of vengeance all things written may be fulfilled" Some of them standing THERE did live, some died, hence there was a good 40 year period left when that was spoken. Plenty of time to die by persecution or old age. The law and the prophets were UNTIL John, Jesus was the last of the line to fulfill the prophets and the law, the messianic age. "He would appear once in the end of the age, Hebrews". The high priest was told the HE would see the son of man coming in His kingdom. The pharisees were told who are you to flee from the wrath because it was on them, that generation indeed. I could go on and on and let's do it. What did Peter say when all spoke in tongues and some said it was due to drunkenness? He said "This is that what the prophet Joel spoke of concerning THESE last days " How many last days are there in scripture? What would they living back then benefit from knowing stuff that would happen 2000y later? Makes NO sense. If it was to us NOW Jesus was lying to them back THEN. Jesus is NOT a liar. Can't have it both ways. Sin was taken away by Jesus Christ (not evil btw, God created good and evil and Jesus did not take away what God created). The divided kingdom mended. Yes both Jew and gentile was Israel. Brethren Paul said, "who are Israelite's" speaking to gentile brethren, offspring of the Norther kingdom Israelite's. Both natural and wild olive branches. Gentiles grafted back in , one stick , Jew and Gentile was "All Israel" , all Israel was saved , hope of Israel completed. Paul no longer bound for the hope of Israel. Written scriptures to Israel, all things written were fulfilled in these last days, God would not tarry in the last days as it was promised in the Old Testament , all Revelation is near, nigh, about to, quickly, at hand, i come quickly, just a little while ,days of distress in Corinthians so don't marry, live like you have no wives. Law was a ministry of death, Christ was the life, Christ was the new passover. The unbelievers that kept the old passover destroyed, trampled under foot, walls encompassed them millions from all nations under heaven. Pail said it twice all nations heard the gospel, Acts 2:5 all nations devout man, Jews from every nation under heaven. Those under the law were redeemed , untraceable riches to the sons of man , ages to come, world without end Paul said. It's a matter of faith now. Believe Christ or narratives of man. God bless
So much wrong with these statements, not sure where to begin
@@FullCounsel12 If they are all wrong it should be pretty easy no?
@@SonPowerSolar-jc1ovyes. Very easy
“If all prophecy in the past has been fulfilled literally, then why wouldn’t [. . .] they expect prophecy in the future to be fulfilled literally”? (at about 36:33)
Was that a serious question?
Yes, sorry it went over your head. Preterism is based on allegorizing the Bible’s prophetic content instead of taking it literally. Preterists view prophecies allegorically and then find literal “fulfillments” that only fit their allegorism but not the Bible’s literalism
I'm a Premil/Despi since birth not because I studied the Scriptures thoroughly but because it was handed down from those who have gone before us. But when I studied the different eschatological views I found out that the Preterists view is the only one that makes sense.
PRETERISTS, HISTORISTS are taking away from the worst horror the world will see (Matthew 24:21), when the earth shakes to and fro like a drunkard (Isaiah 24:20), as the pit is opened (Revelation 9:2) and the locusts are released (Joel 2:25).
John received the book of Revelation.
Yet, he was told that he would be coming back at the end.
Revelation 10:11 And he said unto me, Thou must prophesy AGAIN before many peoples, and nations, and tongues, and kings.
That revelation (given within the past 2 decades):
Wow! I love this discussion!
Amazing teachings ! We are so very blessed indeed. How wonderful to listen to a mighty and bold man of God who is willing to share the truth which is God's Word which is found in the only Book ... THE BIBLE ..GOD's only TRUTH
Revelation 1:1 and Matthew 24:34. A dispensationalists biggest nightmare.
Andy Woods thinks the restored Tabernacle of David is 1948 Zionism. Run from this lost teacher and his unbiblical nonsense.
Bert Graef if you don't like his teaching just stop listening ! I have listen to many of his teachings and found them to be a great help to my understanding . Think people like you should just listen to your own doctrine and stop trying to be an obstacle to those who are actually learning and finally understanding teachings ... Revelation , THE COMING KINGDOM, Daniel, Ezekiel War, The Rapture .. have you listen to all these teachings ?
@@susand.m3894 So what is the restored Tabernacle of David?
@@susand.m3894The Kingdom came a along time ago. Jesus said it does not come by observation, but is rather within us. But you and Andy are just like the Pharisees, and know better than Jesus himself. Do you really listen to the voice of the shepherd, and follow Him, or do you listen to people who think they know more than Jesus himself?
Bert Graef that's your belief ! I'm sorry for you because if the Kingdom of God is within us ... what is our hope . My God is perfect in all His ways . It would be an unhappy world if what you say is true . Look just debate this with another . I will not reply to your erroneous belief.
Dr. Woods, did you read my invitation? I would surely love to have a discussion with you.
This channel is not Andy's personal channel. I'm also not sure he is into debates. I've never seen him do that. But you can always give it a try and mail to Chafer Theological Seminary or Sugar Land Bible Church. I believe he's also on Facebook, so maybe you can talk to him there :)
I have refuted Andy's strange claim here that the restored Tabernacle of David is 1948 Israel and is modern prophetic fulfillment in our day. I have yet to hear from him and any of his followers.
@@andywoodsunofficialchannel7421 Thanks for the information. I appreciate it.
You are a damnable heretic. No one needs to waste time with you, but expose you and shun you
@@BertGraef No you haven't, you just CLAIM you did. Hot air.
Audience relevance, and honesty...= All things fulfilled 2000 yrs ago
I think the Joseph story reminds us of the Jews' future recognition of Messiah; I think it is like the picture of the mourning of the tribes mentioned in the book of Zachariah. Isaiah has many passages that help us envision God's labors, zeal and movement toward kingdom physical realities on earth- people living long lives, the earth filled with the knowledge of the glory of God, great judgments on the earth before it passes away, and Revelation seems clear and majestic in the last chapters- a blessed resurrection before the thousand years, and a general resurrection before the Eternal State. And there are terraced things with people- "those who are worthy to attain to the resurrection'... 'If we died with Him, we will also live with Him; if we endure, we will also reign with Him; if we deny Him, He will deny us; if we are faithless, He will remain faithful, for He cannot deny Himself'... Thanks for helping me review these things in my mind. Bless you, brothers. I admit that the 'already' of preterist ideas has an appeal almost like a respite or drug, and I like R.C., sometimes, but the groaning of the 'not yet' and the tears of prayer keep that in check, too. "Thy Kingdom Come!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!""""""""""""""""" and all the suffering of history, and of the present, and of those descendants of that faithful man, and of that One Who came in the flesh....
If your a preterist, its probably because you either hate the Jews (8:35) or you hate LeHaye (10:27). I think this is not true.
Its dispensationalism that hates them and claims God blinded the "apple of his eye" for 2000 years. And relegated them to go through one more horror of Gods punishments in the future for something that over 50 generations of them had absolutely nothing to do with. When looked at closely, dispensationalism is antisemitic , and an absurdity. Dispensationalism actually keeps blaming generations of Jews for the death of Christ, saying thier punishment is still not over. ABSURD AND RIDICULOUS THEOLOGY OF THE WORST KIND.
Ridiculous thing to say. Just the opposite. Don't hate anybody. But LeHaye was wrong. The rapture is a new concept (200 yrs) and not held by Luther, Wycliff, Tinsdale and basically all the early church.
No I'm a Preterism because God revealed that truth to me and because I'm a preterist, I hate Jews - the enemies of God. If you are For alfalfa, you have to HATE weeds. Jews are Canaanites and weeds. They are God's CURSED people. Remember Noah said "Cursed be Canaan."
Sounds like the race card.
If one is a preterist it's probably because they take these words of Jesus literally:
Jesus told his first century disciples in Matthew 10:23 they wouldn't finish going through the cities of Israel till he came. In Matthew 16:27:28 Jesus told his disciples some of them would not die before they saw him coming in his kingdom in the glory of his father with angels to reward each man according to their deeds. In Matthew 26:57,64 Jesus told the high priest, the council and the elders that thereafter they would see the Son of Man seated in power coming on the clouds of heaven. Then in Revelation chapter 1 Jesus said he was coming soon / quickly to seven churches in Asia in the first century pre-70 AD. He was said he was coming so soon that even those who pierced him would see him. And then in Revelation 22 he again says he's coming quickly? Quickly enough that those who are unjust should remain unjust still.
If it's all past then there's no future. And they call us Futurist? Makes the whole Bible a lie?
I don't know where these discussions are taped but it is very hard for me to hear them. There is a lot of background noise and it is as if you both talk from a pit. (no fun intended) The recording of the teachings in the church are always very easy to hear. Just to let you know. Blessings for all you good teachings.
That isn't a pit, it's the ditch they've fallen into. Jesus told us that's where false teachers and their followers end up.
If futurism were comprehendible, why do futurists have so many thousands of denominations and myriad views of eschatology within those denominations?
Although Preterists may bat a few eschatological details about, their only real controversy is in soteriology, a field that futurists don’t even trod, let alone ever even consider. Preterists have moved on in their biblical studies because they understand the Bible.
Futurism debunks itself.
I believe the answer is that Preterists invented their version of Soteriology as some sort of academic exercise, in a lust for mental stimulation, and the natural progression from that is to move onto another subject to re-imagine. They are not satisfied with what Scripture actually says, such as the meaning of Romans 9 referring to Israel as being hardened instead of all of mankind.
both futurism and preterism shift focus to the extreme ends of the timeline, whiule the reformatory historicism points towars the vatican. the link of f and p with jesuits isnt a coincidence.
The fact that futurists like Andy Woods always create straw man arguments against preterists should be enough evidence that they are not lovers of the truth. A straw man argument isn't logical. It's a called a #logic fail
What strawman argument?
I've had difficulty with this whole futurist scenerio for years. They say everything in scripture should be taken literally and turn around and make declarations such as Babylon in Rev.18 is Rome. !!!!!; Also this John Nelson Darby thing hanging over their heads.. !!!!
@@davidwoods6015 its preterists who causes the whole literal/symbolic problem. Preterists say Revelation is symbolic, then they turn around and say "futurists" say its all literal. That's a strawman. The book of Revelation should be read as it is written. Just like the Gospels it has figurative parts, and interpretations of its figurative statements, as well as literal statements. In the first chapter we see the symbolism of the seven golden lampstands and the seven stars, then immediately the Lord himself interprets it.
So its the preterists who causes the issues. No preterism, no problems.
Btw. A typical example of a preterist problem is what you say about Babylon the great.
"Revelation should be read as it is written"
it is clearly a city that are figuratively (SECRET) called Babylon the great. Same as in the Gospels where John the Baptist are called Elijah, even though he isn't literally Elijah. But preterists with their false dichotomies are always messing things up.
I guess Jesus is a straw man then.
Let's take these statements literally:
Jesus told his first century disciples in Matthew 10:23 they wouldn't finish going through the cities of Israel till he came. In Matthew 16:27:28 Jesus told his disciples some of them would not die before they saw him coming in his kingdom in the glory of his father with angels to reward each man according to their deeds. In Matthew 26:57,64 Jesus told the high priest, the council and the elders that thereafter they would see the Son of Man seated in power coming on the clouds of heaven. Then in Revelation chapter 1 Jesus said he was coming soon / quickly to seven churches in Asia in the first century pre-70 AD. He was said he was coming so soon that even those who pierced him would see him. And then in Revelation 22 he again says he's coming quickly? Quickly enough that those who are unjust should remain unjust still.
It tend to take things literal concerning Christ's second coming unless it's clearly not because all the prophecies about Christ's first coming were literal. He WAS crucified, betrayed by a friend, rose the 3rd day, born in Bethlehem, etc.
I'm sure there were wise men back then discussing "I wonder what being born of a virgin REALLY means"
Oh good then you must be a preterist.
So how old is preterism? So lets say it started 200 years ago.
So prior to that , all the humans are lost? Unsaved because they are not on board with the preterist translation?
I heard it was only 100 years or so old , half that time . I do not know if they claim unbelievers of it are lost and unsaved unless they say so by way of heresy since this is a damnable sin . If that is the case , the same would go for them because I believe the doctrine is heretical and it denies the resurrection . I even heard a guy say in a debate that Jesus did not atone for sin on the cross , he did it by destroying the temple in 70 ad .
What troubles me is how they (both the Preterist and Dispensationalist) thinks they're the ONLY available source of prophetic interpretation. If the speakers of this video were honest, they would consider two monumental historical events of the reformation period, number 1 being that the reformation and those who lived in the very times (TIME, TIMES, HALF A TIME, 1260 DAYS, 42 MONTHS) of the Little Horn of Daniel 7:25, Revelation 12:6, 13:5, and they knew their tribulations, and from whom they were being worn out. Paul, our brother in tribulation, WARNED us that the coming of our blessed Lord and Saviour would not happen, except first there would be a falling away FIRST, and yet the school of ESCHATOLOGY from whence you teach says, a "RAPTURE (GATHERING UNTO CHRIST) WOULD BE FOLLOWED BY TRIBULATION OF 7 YEARS). Therefore what do we assume other than Paul's admonition was in vain. Number 2 Both camps heretofore mentioned are in historical fact, counter reformation ideas of Jesuits in Rome. You know this, yet you continue in debate. Time to abandon trying to make, rather, force SCRIPTURE to meet what Darbyism says. Remember that souls hang in the balance.
Well said…I can only surmise that pretrib rapture ideology is a very clever ploy of Satan to help church goers grow fat dumb lazy and happy…and of course terminally unprepared…and none argues the simple fact…pretribbers are ALL stupid Rich white folk…sleeping thru church waiting to watch some football porn as soon as they get home
souls do NOT hang in the balance. get serious.
@@michaelcarman4875 Oh they most certainly do. For the perhaps millions of those who follow the spurious teaching of a rapture - 7 year trib, will sadly find themselves in the time of trouble, going through and beholding the 7 bowl judgments, many being affected by them.
If the statement has some application to the term soul, remember Paul the Apostle numbered men aboard the ship he was in (including himself) traveling to Rome. Acts 27:37
“And we were in all in the ship two hundred threescore and sixteen SOULS.” 276 SOULS. If they were all souls then, we are also all souls now.
Revelation 13 v 8. It’s all past.
Jesus said it is Finished.
And you get that from “and all that dwell upon the earth SHALL worship Him . . .”? Sounds future tense to me.
@@ConceptsInHealth We are called to rightly divide the Word of Elohim (God). This would be wrongly dividing it. It seems you completely took that verse out of context. All who dwelt on the earth who were NOT written in the Book of Life worshipped him, the BEAST! - this is not speaking about the Messiah (Christ). Revelation 13 is about the Beast and the worship of him. He who has an ear, let him hear.
Hope this message blesses you. Shalom!
"The beast was given a mouth uttering great boasts and blasphemies. It was given authority to act for forty-two months. Then he opened his mouth with blasphemies against God, to slander His name and His tabernacle-that is, those dwelling in heaven. He was also permitted to make war against the kedoshim and overcome them, and he was given authority over every tribe and people and tongue and nation. All who dwell on the earth shall worship him (THE BEAST) -everyone whose name has not been written from the foundation of the world in the Book of Life of the Lamb who was slain." Revelation 13:5-8
@@praisethemosthigh8047 You missed the point of my reply to “PH.” I agree with you!
know I am a more partial preterist than ever. Weak - "hate Jews" "hate Hal Lindsay"? approaching motivation is something you great scholars should know not to cross that line.
That’s what they do. They act like leftists. They ignore facts and go straight to the insults and labels.
Futurism is losing its adherents day by day. Evangelicals seem to be unaware that Atheists and Muslims mock them because Jesus clearly said he would come back within 30 to 50 years from the time he spoke. And evangelicals sheepishly say well yeah he said he would but we didn’t see it with our eyes so it didn’t happen. Jesus said my kingdom comes not with observation. But evangelicals, like the Jews they worship, demand a physical kingdom on this earth.
They also lose people when it comes to the trinity.
If you want people to come around to Preterism, seems to me, name calling and calling out people who love Jesus and believe differently than you does not seem Christ-like.
@@valeriesmith5820 The only one name-calling is you
It's because the kingdom of God is not the sane as kingdom of heaven. (Luke 17:20 KJV) And when he was demanded of the Pharisees, when the kingdom of God should come, he answered them and said, The kingdom of God cometh not with observation:
Spiritual kingdom
(Luke 17:24 KJV) For as the lightning, that lighteneth out of the one part under heaven, shineth unto the other part under heaven; so shall also the Son of man be in his day. Physical kingdom
Everyone i know in full preterism loves Jesus and knows their Bible better than most premill dispensational folks. I think the real heresy is premill dispensationalism lol. I know no full preterists that hate jews... that's ridiculous
So sad that our western, rationalist perspective has so tainted our ability to exegete the scriptures properly, and futurism is the laughable result. Folks like these two can't exegete their way out of a paper bag...ignoring covenantal context, eastern manner of thinking and communicating, and the Old Testament scriptures that shed light on many of these images that we have misinterpreted for so long. Let scripture interpret scripture, and things become much clearer.
I would like to see you debate Don K Preston. He would absolutely bury you with scripture. It is clear that you have no grasp on the OT influence or “well” from which flows the writings of Revelation. All the prophetic themes of Revelation are in the OT
Wendy, you are right. Andy Woods should least to a written debate with Don Preston if he has no experience with oral debate.
Andy Woods shouldn't claim to be DEBUNKING PRETERISM and not willing to defend his claims. No offense but he and the other guy are very ignorant of the topic of Preterism.
wendy we call him '' big don'' for short. ha ha ha smash em good
This isn't supposed to be a fight. The devil wants nothing more than for us to bicker with one another. I hang my head in sadness with these divisions. I personally will live my life in a way that allows me to walk with Jesus daily, loving Him with all my heart, mind and soul, and loving others as much as I love myself. I will set my heart on overcoming by the blood of the lamb and the word of my testimony unto my earthly death.
Andy does not understand the book of Revelation, he is forcing the language of the Greek to be way out of its context.
Preterism makes so much sense. All of the confusion and endless sign watching and speculation about end times goes away and scripture makes sense and you learn to read scripture honestly and you pick up basic things you used to skip over or dismiss.
I know peeterists can be nasty. It turned me off yesrs ago but then the obvious time statements all through the NT brought me back.
No one takes all scripture literally. The issue is using fair and reasonable hermeneutics to determine which scriptures are literal and which are metaphor or hyperbole.
Its not heretical to be preterist. We do not deny the second coming. Only the time frame. And when Revelation starts and ends, "I am coming soon", we are going by what scripture says.
Scripture makes it clear who true Israel is. All people regardless of race or gender or status in Christ are family. Zionist Christians have driven so much suffering and racism in the last 150 years that it is fair to doubt their salvation. Because scripture says those who deny the Son is anti Christ. And Zionists bless and support Jews, who's religion specifically denies and hates Christ.
PRETERISTS, HISTORISTS are taking away from the worst horror the world will see (Matthew 24:21), when the earth shakes to and fro like a drunkard (Isaiah 24:20), as the pit is opened (Revelation 9:2) and the locusts are released (Joel 2:25).
John received the book of Revelation.
Yet, he was told that he would be coming back at the end.
Revelation 10:11 And he said unto me, Thou must prophesy AGAIN before many peoples, and nations, and tongues, and kings.
That revelation (given within the past 2 decades):
Is it possible to get the transcript of this?
Yes. You can find it on this website (as are all of his other video's, with transcripts):
bro is this David woods brother?they have the Same last name and same face
Why there are so many denominations? People don't agree in their translations.
I truly believe, when some die and get into heaven , they're going to argue with Almighty God about their interpretations of HIS WORD!!!
1 John 3:23 And this is his commandment, That we should believe on the name of his Son Jesus Christ, and love one another, as he gave us commandment.
Revelations is not about 2023 and beyond. Preterism is the most logical and plausible interpretation.
Well, let's start with pronouncing the book the right way. Revelation. Not Revelations.
Now what is it you wanted me to lecture about again?
@@andywoodsunofficialchannel7421 funny, heretics now want to be "orthodox" dudes....revelations or revelation is not the issue, they issue is that evangelicalfish are so dumbed in their own man made religion
Typically pathetic response from someone who can’t address the subject at hand.
I went to a church and the pastor switch to a preterist or partial preterist faith.
How could anyone in their right mind think that this world is getting better and better.
The idea that Jesus came back in AD 70 is something straight out of a cult.
Let's take these statements literally:
Jesus told his first century disciples in Matthew 10:23 they wouldn't finish going through the cities of Israel till he came. In Matthew 16:27:28 Jesus told his disciples some of them would not die before they saw him coming in his kingdom in the glory of his father with angels to reward each man according to their deeds. In Matthew 26:57,64 Jesus told the high priest, the council and the elders that thereafter they would see the Son of Man seated in power coming on the clouds of heaven. Then in Revelation chapter 1 Jesus said he was coming soon / quickly to seven churches in Asia in the first century pre-70 AD. He was said he was coming so soon that even those who pierced him would see him. And then in Revelation 22 he again says he's coming quickly? Quickly enough that those who are unjust should remain unjust still.
I cannot agree with Babylon being The original City (I case you don’t understand, I am talking about the Babylon in Revelation and saying that it is not talking about the original Babylon) because that would put things way off into the future and current world events would discount that as a possibility and you cannot sail past ancient Babylon because it is too far inland. Unless you can see 85 kilometres in from the sea how can you sail past and look upon her smouldering ruins.
Sadly, Andy has an archaic view of partial preterism…..
The other gentleman is disgraceful in his demeaning remarks and comments and snickering.
Just like Paul had to constantly deal with ignorant brethren => same is transpiring here.
Thanks for the explanation.
The majority of believers agree with you about sola scriptura. The problem with that is that God gives us a warning. "The letter kills but the spirit gives life." I also believed the same as you and then I read: •(Proverbs 3:4-6)" be still and know God. Stand-alone and let Him alone make the path straight." I realized that I didn't even know, like the masses, how to even read the Bible. I just went along with the masses and trusted what I heard from the pulpit. When they would say "heaven and earth will pass away" I wouldn't even ask what that meant. I feel foolish now that I didn't heed Jesus' warning to Satan in the wilderness, when He said "it is written." The quote "heaven and earth will pass away" is just the tip of the iceberg, and the masses don't even have a clue what that really means. Be careful with your judgments of others because as you search the scriptures earnestly and stand-alone you may come to another conclusion as the Spirit leads.
2Pet. 3. [8] But, beloved, be not ignorant of this one thing, that one day is with the Lord as a thousand years, and a thousand years as one day.
"Trans- millennialist" .... The name says it all.
Preterism is Definitely not replacement theology, if you try to include yourself in the blood of Christ, YOU are the replacement theologist, including yourself instead of the intended audience. House of Israel was the only ones in the first testament, broke it and needed a new one, they are the only ones to enter the new covenant. Not you, you were never under the old
I can follow the line of thinking. I agree, the scriptures are about and too the houses of Israel. However, we can not limit the work of Christ. It was revealed to the sons of humanity, Ephesians 3:5. Why just reveal that the two houses are one and both inherit the kingdom if it means nothing for us. We can speculate at the very least, it's in the unsearchable riches of Christ. He did clear the way to the father, we enter when God sees a believer in Christ. Not to say we won't be chastised for the evil in our hearts. My view at least. God bless.
@@SonPowerSolar-jc1ov “And for this cause he is the mediator of the new testament, that by means of death, for the redemption of the transgressions that were under the first testament, they which are called might receive the promise of eternal inheritance.”
Hebrews 9:15 KJV
“(but sin is not imputed when there is no law.”
Romans 5:13 KJV
“because the law worketh wrath: for where no law is, there is no transgression.”
Romans 4:15 KJV
@@rodenranch6291 Yes the law was added later to the covenant of circumcision to reveal transgression and to be a schoolmaster to Christ. Just like it can be in our age when studying scripture. Likewise Christ work can save us the same way. Don't limit the work of the cross to just Israel. Yes he came for that reason in the storyline, but the fact that we have the words and can know about it means we can be saved the same manner. God was in Christ reconciling the world to himself. World there is cosmos, all of creation. World without end, ages to come Paul said, it still applies.
It is interesting how freely you refer to people who don't believe according to council X as "heretics," when you also don't believe in accordance with various early councils.
Perhaps it would be prudent to not throw stones from a glass house.
I would agree councils , early writers or any scholars or anything is meaningless but if someone goes against clear and simple teachings of scripture like preterists do , that is the definition of heresy unless I misunderstand the term .
I’m not a preterist, but this video doesn’t help with discrediting preterism. It mocks and says that preterist can’t stand the idea of a return of Christ…what Christian would not want that?! Imo the best version of preterism is that we are in the door season where satan must be released to deceive the world again NOT that we are living in the millennial kingdom of Christ. They believe the dark ages is a cover up of the millennial kingdom. The dark ages, where in school we were taught were held back by Christian thought.. then they lie to you in this video that preterist believe Christ came back “invisibly “ during 70ad as in only spiritually in the form of Christian’s revolting.. when preterist do believe he came back in spiritual body, leading the new Christians against the world who was prosecuting him. The interviewer is mocking preterist the entire time and just throwing up straw man’s arguments to make people think it is ridiculous to believe in preterism. I do agree that full preterism can not be a Christian viewpoint because it tries to take the supernatural out of a supernatural book. But if you are watching this video it’s because you actually wonder why the world is the way it is today.. meaning ancient, gigantic and beautiful Christian cathedrals and castles existing all over the world… and confused people all over the world misled by Satan. Do yourself a favor and look for a more honest video refuting preterism. I’ll let you know when I find one
And also, I am not pro or anti Israel.. non-political. “It is silly to believe these things have happened” I think the dream of the statue where Daniel translates the dream of Nebuchadnezzar.. it stands as the biggest pro and antagonist in this debate. Because they argue that revelation says this wasn’t a local event… and preterist don’t believe it was just local as in just Jerusalem. Rome controlled so much of the world… and that’s why it was represented as the iron legs. So even the book of Daniel refers to the ONE EMPIRE of Rome as the focus. But what now is the feet? Because to the non-preterist, we are in the feet now. But to the preterist, what is the feet? Is it still now? The time after the short season of satan? That is my biggest question to preterist…. Just because preterist can explain most of revelation with proof that many things seen in history and the real world can be used as evidence for preterism doesn’t mean we can forget Daniel. So PRETERIST, what do the feet of clay and iron represent? Because it had to happen BEFORE THE STONE.
@@volleyblogSOCALso do you think we are in the little season or about to be? Also saying that Christ came back already and the kingdom has already come, when did that happen? Are you one that believes in the mud flood stuff? Christ kingdom has not come yet and it's future, it hasn't happened yet.
@@robcrobert I don’t know, honestly. The only thing I can say is I believe the Bible and that Jesus sounded like he meant he was coming soon. Don’t get married and start a family cause He is coming.. you can flee from City to city and He will become before there is nowhere to go. A reference in the earliest Bible (I don’t remember what version it is) has a cliff note that says which He came within 50 years. But did He come to establish a kingdom here on earth or just spiritually?.. the mud flood and all the ancient buildings they find under 30 ft of soil is interesting but doesn’t necessarily point to his reign.
I have more questions than answers. And I’m not saying I doubt what God said, I just am not clear on what He meant. But I am leaning towards the idea of Him coming and ESTABLISHING His kingdom on earth that will eventually allow for Satan to come in and deceive the nations which leads us to a choice of faith. Without a choice there is no love..
I can point to more verses that sound like He was coming soon rather than 2000 years later. Just look at the beginning of Daniel and Revelation.
In Daniel, God says to seal the book for a later generation, just like in the book of Enoch. But in the first chapter of revelation God says to not seal this book for the time is nigh… that says a lot right there.
What do you believe?
@@volleyblogSOCAL I believe in a pretribulational rapture and that we are in the church age
@@robcrobert what are the best verses supporting a pre-Trib rapture?
1 thess 4:17? We who are still alive will be caught up
And a couple times in this chapter he says “we who are still alive” and doesn’t say “those”
Not so much dispensationalism but Zionism is the political problem.
Dispensationalism comes from Zionism. Both are evil.
Many have not heard about preterism because the church has been sold a one alternative to s rupture interpretation as factual that much be accepted by faith. However,when you realize there are many interpretations to the evangelical dispensational theology, you see how confusing and difficult to understand is your theology. Preterist is an alternative that makes most sense of scripture but because they only heard of dispensational theology, they fear even hearing it because the evangelical church will call them heretics. Upon studying preterism and dispensationalism, you quickly realize how heretical dispensationalism is, above preterism. Do your research and don’t take theology by faith but prove it yo be true. Faith and the gospel is taken by faith not doctrine not theology. Don’t fear to question it
Luke 21 20-24. All was fulfilled in 70 ad.matt 16 28.matt 23 when 24 where
Dispensationalism and the futuristic view of eschatology is not base on biblical evidence. Partial preterism is the best way to describe eschatology.
And without the shot passport you cannot buy or sell... are you living under a rock? We are living in the book of Revelation RIGHT NOW...
I hold to pre-millenialism, but also to a pre wrath rapture, rather than a pre trib rapture. Also, it is not true that America has largely stood with Israel. We have treated Israel with duplicity, condescension, and high handedness since at least, the presidency of George H. W. Bush. The pretrib rapture has the Christians enjoying the marriage supper of the lamb while Israel goes through her greatest trouble here on earth. Please read the rapture passages carefully. Jesus, Himself said "after the tribulation of those days, the elect would be gathered." Indeed the preterists are way off. But, so is the pretrib rapture position.
Yes and the elect, was Israel. As Peter said 1:1 Peter, an apostle of Jesus Christ, To the elect who are exiles of the Dispersion throughout Pontus, Galatia, Cappadocia, Asia, and Bithynia, chosen. Sometimes translated elect. Paul same "but as touching the election, they are beloved for the fathers' sakes." God's people: Israel. Brethren Pail said, addressing the gentiles "Who are Israelite's". And doesn't Isaiah 11:12 talk about Israel concerning the gathering? " He will raise a banner for the nations and gather the exiles of Israel; he will assemble the scattered people of Judah from the four quarters of the earth." Israel again. And doesn't Luke read "In the last days of vengeance all that is written fulfilled" ? The two kingdoms, Judah, Israel. It happened. They were gathered when Jesus returned waaaay at the end, 70AD, with His saints. Who are the saints in scripture? Israel. Preterists and not way off, they believe Jesus. God bless as you search and see.
Jesus told his first century disciples in Matthew 10:23 they wouldn't finish going through the cities of Israel till he came. In Matthew 16:27:28 Jesus told his disciples some of them would not die before they saw him coming in his kingdom in the glory of his father with angels to reward each man according to their deeds. In Matthew 26:57,64 Jesus told the high priest, the council and the elders that thereafter they would see the Son of Man seated in power coming on the clouds of heaven. Then in Revelation chapter 1 Jesus said he was coming soon / quickly to seven churches in Asia in the first century pre-70 AD. He was said he was coming so soon that even those who pierced him would see him. And then in Revelation 22 he again says he's coming quickly? Quickly enough that those who are unjust should remain unjust still.
Is that why God told Adam that he would die the same day that he ate of the tree, and then adam died 900 years later? Or Isaiah describing the Day of The Lord as being at the door, 700 years before Jesus was born?
Were on Gods time. Read 2 peter.
@@tomg6318 Yes you’re right i will. I always elaborate further when people reply. But you’re right
This all debate is very frustrating to the satan is so happy with preterism as well as dispensationalism...both are just two sides of the same coin missing the point and fixated with their extremes...both are blinded by political agendas same as in Christ Jesus times and close after....same political games without understanding of wonder Christianity is weak, devided million pieces and lip service wonder ppl look somewhere else... it's tragedy,
I wont go here to debate, it's pointless, sick of arguments from both sides, Christ coming will embarrassed all those groups....
The Babylon future doesn’t describe the Babylon of old and would have to be far off into the future, I think it is America.
Mystery Babylon was Jerusalem. This is easy to prove scripturally
these are days of vengeance.
Major premise #1: Three times this Babylon is called “O great city” (Rev 18:9, 16, 19)
Minor premise #1: “The great city” is “where also their Lord was crucified” (Rev 11:8)
Conclusion: Jerusalem is Revelation’s Babylon
Major premise #2: Babylon was guilty of “the blood of the prophets” (Rev 17:6; 18:24)
Minor premise #2: According to Jesus and Paul, only Jerusalem killed the prophets (Matt 23:34-35; Luke 13:33; 1 Thess 2:15-16)
Conclusion: Jerusalem is Revelation’s Babylon
Major premise #3: John’s people are commanded, “Come out of her, my people, so that you will not share in her sins, so that you will not receive any of her plagues” (Rev 18:4)
Minor premise #3: The only city Jesus ever commanded his followers to flee from is Jerusalem-when they saw two specific signs (Matt 24:15- 16; Luke 21:20-21). [Eusebius recorded that this departure happened and no Christians were trapped and destroyed in the siege and destruction of Jerusalem in ad 70]
Conclusion: Jerusalem is Revelation’s Babylon
Major premise #4: This Babylon would be destroyed (Rev 18:2, 8, 10, 11, 17, 19-23)
Minor premise #4: The only city Jesus said would be destroyed was Jerusalem-it would be “left to you desolate” (Matt 23:38) with “not one stone . . . left on another” (Matt 24:2)
Conclusion: Jerusalem is Revelation’s Babylon
@@therealjakedean3317 Cherry picking verses as proof for an assertion is not proper interpretation but private interpretation. Preferred is to first seek a scriptural definition whenever possible. In the case of Mystery Babylon, we have that definition in Revelation 17:18. "And the woman which thou sawest is that great city, which reigneth over the kings of the earth." At no point in Jerusalem's history, present or past, does either the city itself or a Jewish nation reign over kings of the earth and definitely not at the time prior to and leading to the destruction of the 1st century. Secondly, using the word 'great' in regard to Mystery Babylon and Jerusalem to determine similitude is a specious argument. Looking down a page of scripture of a Bible I see the word 'great' used to define 'heat', 'river', 'day', 'voice', "earthquake' (2x), 'city' (Jerusalem), 'Babylon', 'hail' and the 'plague thereof' (2x), 'whore', 'Babylon the Great', and 'admiration'. However, Jerusalem is described as both 'holy' (Rev 11:2) and 'great' but Mystery Babylon is never called 'holy' but "the habitation of devils".
@@mcgeorgerl you have only “cherry picked” verses here. Nowhere have you provided rebuttal to any one of the above arguments.
Andy Woods is apparently an amillennialist, based on his position that the kingdom of God is a present spiritual reality. So, at least he got that one point right. Were he to be exegetically consistent he'd become a full preterist.
Preterism is wrong, but so is dispensationalism
Who is Israel?
Is Israel determined by DNA alone, or by character & behavior shaped by the LORD’s statutes & judgments?
“Not as though the word of God hath taken none effect. For they are not all Israel, which are of Israel:” (Romans 9.6, KJV)
“Jesus saith unto them, Did ye never read in the scriptures, The stone which the builders rejected, the same is become the head of the corner: this is the Lord's doing, and it is marvellous in our eyes? Therefore say I unto you, The kingdom of God shall be taken from you, and given to a nation bringing forth the fruits thereof. And whosoever shall fall on this stone shall be broken: but on whomsoever it shall fall, it will grind him to powder.” (Matthew 21.42-44, KJV)
“Beware of false prophets, which come to you in sheep's clothing, but inwardly they are ravening wolves. Ye shall know them by their fruits. Do men gather grapes of thorns, or figs of thistles? Even so every good tree bringeth forth good fruit; but a corrupt tree bringeth forth evil fruit. A good tree cannot bring forth evil fruit, neither can a corrupt tree bring forth good fruit. Every tree that bringeth not forth good fruit is hewn down, and cast into the fire. Wherefore by their fruits ye shall know them.” (Matthew 7:15-20, KJV)
“(22.20) And a stranger shalt thou not wrong, neither shalt thou oppress him; for ye were strangers in the land of Egypt.” (Exodus 22.21, JPS)
“(23.8) Thou shalt not abhor an Edomite, for he is thy brother; thou shalt not abhor an Egyptian, because thou wast a stranger in his land. (23.9) The children of the third generation that are born unto them may enter into the assembly of the LORD.” (Deuteronomy 23.7-8, JPS)
“Thou shalt not covetᴴ²⁵³⁰ thy neighbour's house, thou shalt not covetᴴ²⁵³⁰ thy neighbour's wife, nor his manservant, nor his maidservant, nor his ox, nor his ass, nor any thing that is thy neighbour's.” (Exodus 20.17, KJV)
H2530 (Strong)
A primitive root; to delight in: - beauty, greatly beloved, covet, delectable thing, ( X great) delight, desire, goodly, lust, (be) pleasant (thing), precious (thing).
“Thou shalt not bear falseᴴ⁸²⁶⁷ witness against thy neighbour.” (Exodus 20.16, KJV)
H8267 (Strong)
From H8266; an untruth; by implication a sham (often adverbially): - without a cause, deceit (-ful), false (-hood, -ly), feignedly, liar, + lie, lying, vain (thing), wrongfully.
“Thou shalt not stealᴴ¹⁵⁸⁹ (get by stealth.)” (Exodus 20.15, KJV)
H1589 (Strong)
A primitive root; to thieve (literally or figuratively); by implication to deceive: - carry away, X indeed, secretly bring, steal (away), get by stealth.
“Thou shalt not kill.ᴴ⁷⁵²³” (Exodus 20.13, KJV+)
H7523 (Strong)
A primitive root; properly to dash in pieces, that is, kill (a human being), especially to murder: - put to death, kill, (man-) slay (-er), murder (-er).
Total KJV occurrences: 47
“And the officers shall speak unto the people, saying, What man is there that hath built a new house, and hath not dedicated it? let him go and return to his house, lest he die in the battle, and another man dedicate it. And what man is he that hath planted a vineyard, and hath not yet eaten of it? let him also go and return unto his house, lest he die in the battle, and another man eat of it. And what man is there that hath betrothed a wife, and hath not taken her? let him go and return unto his house, lest he die in the battle, and another man take her. And the officers shall speak further unto the people, and they shall say, What man is there that is fearful and fainthearted? let him go and return unto his house, lest his brethren's heart faint as well as his heart.” (Deuteronomy 20.5-8, KJV)
“When thou shalt besiege a city a long time, in making war against it to take it, thou shalt not destroy the trees thereof by forcing an axe against them: for thou mayest eat of them, and thou shalt not cut them down (for the tree of the field is man's life) to employ them in the siege: Only the trees which thou knowest that they be not trees for meat, thou shalt destroy and cut them down; and thou shalt build bulwarks against the city that maketh war with thee, until it be subdued.” (Deuteronomy 20.19-20, KJV)
“Cursed be he that removeth his neighbour's landmark. And all the people shall say: Amen.” (Deuteronomy 27.17, JPS)
¶ “Cursed be anyone who strikes down a neighbor in secret.” All the people shall say, “Amen!”
¶ “Cursed be anyone who takes a bribe to shed innocent blood.” All the people shall say, “Amen!”
¶ “Cursed be anyone who does not uphold the words of this law by observing them.” All the people shall say, “Amen!”
(Deuteronomy 27.24-26 NRSV)
Zionist ≠ Israel
Poor futurists are so blind. They're pride is too large to allow them to see truth. Partial Preterism is the only consistent and Biblical-mode of prophetic interpretation.
"If you don't believe in any future comming your not a Christian "
According to whom what standard the creeds !
Hold your horses
Sola scriptura is a Christian theological doctrine held by most Protestant Christian denominations, in particular the Lutheran and Reformed traditions, that posits the Bible as the sole infallible source of authority for Christian faith and practice😅😅😅
Before this starts, i hope he does better than brian denlinger and his hogwash nonsense!
The Bible is the story of Yahweh's fulfilled plan of redemption given exclusively to ancient Israelites cursed with the Old Covenant Law of sin and death and pertains to no one alive today, soteriologically nor eschatologically speaking.
8:00 - We don't attach a fulfilled sense to Revelation 20:7-15 because it plainly says when the thousand years are ended. We are in the millennial kingdom now in a Partial Preterist Postmillennial view.
This is the millennial kingdom?? With murder and violence, abortion, and persecution??
Ahhh, good ol millennial kingdom.
@@AOMartialArts the kingdom grows like a mustard seed through time. Its growing but not full grown yet, it could be thousands more years noone knows.
@Rob Hodge exactly my thoughts! We have satanic churches popping up all over the place. Are they seriously thinking things are improving?? They will get a huge shock when the Antichrist comes...
@@timdco Can you show me where in the Bible it says there is a millennial (thousand year) period of time where it goes from a murderous, corrupt, sin-filled land and develops into perfection??
Because I can show you where the Bible says Jesus touches down on the mount of olives and a great earthquake splits Jerusalem and then HE(Jesus) reigns a perfect land where there is no war or turmoil and an 80 year old man will be like a child.... That description is quite clearly outlined in Revelation.
Where is your version found in the Bible???
That would imply that things could get worse.
Por video in showing how and why preterism is heretical…. All I hear is opinions and accusations.. hope people realize your poor approach
They don’t need the poor approach.
Just him saying that
“ the preterist take soon, near and quickly literial “ then chuckle. 😂
Nothing else needed to hear.
@@TRUMP-2024-STF yes that is quite them "soon, quickly , in our generation, when you hear" are all things to come over 2000 later and not meant for the recipient's life time. That make no sense. They take all present tense sentences and convert them to future tense......what grammar class did they take?
And when these people pass.. like all the others who have said SOON.. they will do the same thing.
It’s like talking to the left about gender. It’s brainwashing without reason or logoc.
Men can get pregnant lol can’t talk to that person.. lol
Well you have certainly destroyed partial Preterism and that leaves the truth of Preterism. Dispensationalism can’t be supported biblically
The Pretribulation rapture has been taught for more than 3000 years, which can be authenticated and documented from The Bible and then non canon, non inspired books such as, The Book of Enoch, The Book of Jasher, and The Book of Gad the Seer; we have 2 sermons from King David in Gad the Seer, and in them is a prophecy outlining the rapture, THEN a 7 year tribulation, and the Millennial reign of Christ. Early Church Fathers also believed in pretrib/premillennial (who also wrote books on the subject!)
Irenaeus outline:видео.html
Hippolytus outline:видео.html
Ephrem's outline:видео.html
p.s. Even St. Augustine was dispensational/premillennial for his 1st 25years:
You have not supported anything with scripture. Preterism is the only biblical eschatology and makes more sense than anything you preach.
Scripture up:видео.html
@@seana1190 Sean I looked it up and it was more nonsense.
@Patrice Chappell - When did you listen? Preterism is made up nonsense, not in accordance with reality.
This destroys Woods' comical take on the time textsвидео.html
This is a horrible audio and video making preterism seem like a cult which is not…dispensationalism is much more heretical than preterism
This is too funny..
he said Peter said in the last days scoffers will come.
And then says there are scoffers today.. and thinks that’s a sign..
But fails to recognize that the scoffers were in Peters day.. so how can he see scoffers in his day as a sign of the end. When scoffers were in peters day..??
Jesus said to the disciples that when you hear of wars and rumors of wars.
So from the time of Jesus day there want any wars and rumors of wars..? But now there is wars .. new wars. It’s a sign..!!😂😂
They are too funny..
@@TRUMP-2024-STF glad you pointed that out. they take all present tense sentences and convert them to future tense. that is literally changing scripture.
@@trevino37 yes it is.. and why they don’t want to believe that Jesus came back like He said He would is behold me..
I have this one friend and I was going through my studies to come out to where I am today. I know that verse of the last chapter of John were Jesus tells Peter that he’s going to die with his arm stretched out. And then Peter looked over to john and asked Jesus what about him. Well, what was Jesus‘s response if he remain alive until I come will see you just go about your business. And the next verse says, and this saying one out among all the brother in not that John would not die. That’s the key one right there. But that he would remain alive until Jesus comes. I showed that friend of mine that and he literally stared at that for 20 minutes. No lie 20 minutes. Look up at me and said well. I guess john is still alive. That is to the extent that they will go to not give up this in the world physical resurrection, new immortal bodies doctrine. It literally boggles my mind. Like I’ve wrote another comments on other videos, I have given up talking to today’s indoctrinated. I talk to the New Christians or the Christians that don’t do much studying they just go to church on Sunday. And I love going to the Jews because the Jews know that Jesus said that he be back before his generation past. Well, since I believe that he did come back, it makes her excellent conversation.
@@TRUMP-2024-STF Seem we have a lot in common Alex. I find myself in the same situation with other Christians who dont like to hold discussions nor read the bible. They simply have learned their doctrine from passive listening during their church attendance. I told and wrote that if the school system would teach our children in the same method of learning thru passive listening with no active participation, our parent community will be in an uproar. If this is not good teaching for our children in school, why would it be accepted in our church as a teaching ,method? The disciples learned with active participation, questioning and getting answers. Today, churches have gotten rid of Sunday school and have only kept pulpit preaching where no one can ask and challenge what is being taught. Its ridiculous.
They call preterist a cult while ignoring that their future eschatology is heretical in denying Jesus as King today and indirectly saying that the apostles were wrong in their belief that Jesus was to return in their life time.
Today Christians are like the Jews. Jews deny CHRIST because He did not come as they expected Christians today Deny the coming of Christ because He did not return as they also expected. No difference.
On top of that, scripture teaches for us to fellowship and gather. What fellowship is there in attending Sunday service only with passive listening? People just say hello and good bye after service, that is not fellowship.
Futurist: "Shortly" means thousands of years. Maybe 2,000. But, maybe 10,000 years. But it doesn't mean what it says.
Tachos in Greek can mean both "shortly" and "hastily". With haste, i.e. describing the speed of the act itself.
The first meaning would imply a near 2nd coming, the latter would mean that when Jesus comes, events would follow each other rather quickly, which is exactly what we see when we read on after Rev. 1:1 :)
Ah, the mocking... We were informed concerning you by the apostle Peter.
@@andywoodsunofficialchannel7421 May I have your thoughts on Matthew 16:28, please?
Well I don't believe in the pre-tribulation rapture Matthew 24 and Revelation chapter 6 and a few others just doesn't demonstrate that. But as far as preterism goes I think the destruction of the temple and 70 AD may have been part of it but they're coming of Christ is yet to come
Check out Alex’s points in this video:видео.html