I like this story coverage but definitely a challenging one. The discipline and the structure from top to bottom is definitely intense. It's all about getting the basics right and in whichever industry you are working in there are things that you can take from it and learn. I always appreciate the hard work that they've put in to make things happen. There is one little thing that I do not agree is that Ray quoted never say no, which I cannot agree to some extent. Yes, hospitality is all about making your customers happy but at the end of the day you can't say yes to all of the things that customers want which will be pointless.
Is it me, or... is HK actually collapsed or something ? Cos to me.. a company having a structure is very very normal ? Even a society, to have a structure is very very very normal. Even inside a family unit, you have parents and children and grand parents too. This is also very very very VERY normal. So why would you not have a similar structures as well ? In a mining company. In a white collar office. In a society. e.g. Teachers, public servants, cleaners.... lawyers... Sometimes even though there are books. It is to help us, know what to say, than to be doing the job. When some jobs, require around 10-15 years to full qualify, I don't understand how come, China, could produce SO many "qualified individuals" in a short space of time. Can they let the rest of the world know how this one works ? If people are not tied down to a job... then... how do they learn the small details, of the reason what and why they are doing what they are doing ?
@@MeiinUK What exactly is your point? The show is about a Michelin star restaurant in HK with a French chef adopting an old French army system to run the operation of the kitchen and two blogger's interning experience in this fine dining establishment. What has it got to do with HK collapsing and the rise of China?
@@jlouie8835 : A lot of people really love this brand and this company actually... and what Jardine reflected. The point is that, their comments, are stating points like..."don't work there, cos they pay peanuts". If you read the Hans Characters, then you would know that, this entire video does not reflect the organisation in a very good light. And this also deter why there could be less of an actual customer trying Mandarin Oriental as well. Considering that I am an overseas' Brit.. I do champion... what MO is doing. Albeit... they don't necessarily reflect and embrace the British way of doing things, since their intakes are individuals from all over the world... (And sometimes, where HK is concerned as well, they often would hire Indonesians... or "American Asians" above local HK Cantonese.... Which, I personally do not agree with, per se. Cos they never used to do that. It is of no concern of HK... if the population of Indonesia has grown. The company should still employ the local Cantonese as well. (And yes, their requirements are VERY high... however... they need a strong HR team on compensation etc.) I believe in "doing well by your community" to reap rewards back. What the mainland does.. has zero to do with HK as a region, and areas. So please don't confuse those two separate region who hold their own budgets. So don't try and drag one region's budgets'... into another region's.... and the various migrant workers from other regions entering into HK, does need to be checked.. of course... as they should.. and do... however, this does not imply that HK is lacking talents. Even if it means that training programmes has to exist for this location. MO existed even before their buy out.... And to damage this brand's reputation... (Well... you could see and read the comments below.) Mill Milk picked a VERY good company to talk about... And of course the Michelin Chef is indeed very dedicated to HK as well... which I know. And many of us, of that generation, do appreciate his dedication to HK as well... (It is also the new generation, that are raised with nannies and maids, to see such work, to be beneath them as well. Cos I certainly was not, as such. ) The elders raise the children... but at some point, the children has to hold the baton.. and to carry on the good standards.. and to feed another generation... To be fair, and frank. Sometimes we spoil these children, to make them not think about their own health standards, and such like... and post war period.. many areas were damaged beyond repair.. to rebuild with clean water, and clean farms... and to carry on.... This generation born in the "informational age" (the internet and social media) is way too spoilt to some extent ?
雖然我不是廚師,可是之前進過一家 startup (現在已經很成功了) under 一個英國和法國老闆. 英國老闆就好像餐廳的樓面,法國老闆就負責coding 廚房/技術部. 體驗到他們的分工,細節,說話,管理system, 流水式流程,精準,高要求,要快可是不能出錯的文化. 那種氣氛是蠻讓人壓力,也很有成就感. 影片說的是對的,一個人出大錯會耽誤全部人. Not everyone can take it, and you can't do it forever. 很多人最多2-3年都會離開,精神狀態需要補補.
This is the first time that I have ever heard of anybody talks about that "differences between cultures"... As an ex-colleague said to me once.. "managers only manage".... Do you know that, you're expected to negotiate? You're not supposed to know everything. This is the point. But I can see how... this is not really a done thing... in chinese culture. Nobody was born to know everything... and this is why, we have to pass down everything... to show others.. when we leave the world.. so the next one knows.. and is mentally and emotionally prepared... So that they can work in an easier way. Whenever I have to train people.. I often tell them everything. I draw diagrams to show them everything. And then let them decide on the day.. and mistakes do happen.. if it was a good manager, then they have to be the "hand holder" and hold and hoover up the mistakes... and then you just repeat your tasks. That is a mentally and emotionally soothing working method. IMHO. This is why.. everybody should have a meeting... and goals, should not be too high. And it is good to reduce tasks etc. This is why many places now have "buffets". This. This. This. A. B. C. Done.
I remember this Michelin Chef. He's done very well to uphold the standards of French cuisine. 🙂 In a world where we now have so much pollution and lack of standards, I think they are upholding that banner, and that champion. To be fair. Checking the items to ensure that it's clean and keeping its temperatures is just very normal. It stops degradation, and serves the produce in its best way. People do forget how much we have advanced as a society.. but this style.. is going back to basics.. "The way things were just even in the 1960s".... Isn't it funny how.. we're... well.. I was raised with Home Economics in junior school as well. People should appreciate the standards.. and we should carry that onwards with us.
It's really.. I am so shocked, and even gobsmacked at the responses. Some people doesn't know that, once upon a time, if you climbed and worked your way up, you can not just get shares of an actual hotels.. or group.. but you would become the owner of that place ! As in.. profit level shares. And not shares of a company ! lol..... I am shocked, that they are shocked. Cos how else.. would you advance ??? If there is nothing in it for you ?.... HK people come on !!! lol....
拍到呢條片,真係要大大力感謝Amber、Chef Richard同置地文華Team咁大膽,允許我同阿朗入去落手落腳試,俾我地阻住佢哋地球轉😢今次拍攝背後嘅安排亦都相當複雜,再次要好多謝PR Team非常supportive嘅支援同配合💗亦要特別credit Michelle願意參與拍攝,食咗一餐咁chaotic嘅午餐🤣。
@@chrisf2189有阿Ray carry
Fine dining 真係唔止食材矜貴同烹飪技藝咁單簡單,係讓客人有一次完美的餐飲體驗,呢條片令大家明白,高級餐廳的價錢,並非胡亂劏客,而是創意加上精密管理和團隊合作的代價。影片帶觀眾走到fine dining的背後,令人大開眼界。
無奈呢個高收費落唔返付出既員工身上 ... 全部落老闆袋 ... 前線員工只係出返一份大家樂咁既糧 .. 好唔合理
無奈好多香港餐廳都係以fine dining之名劏客
@@aliceli9564 係多定少?😆
人工當然同做野唔成正比 做得Fine dining真係有心先做到
片中經理Ray演繹得好斯文,談吐溫柔對新人態度又好,好有禮貌咁指出做得不足既地方。但真實分享,飲食業既經理,冇鏡頭影住,返左幾十間高級/低級餐廳,我冇見過一個經理會對員工 (由其對新人)講野會咁客氣既。現實情況係,佢唔對住你講粗口就已經係好客氣,同片中Ray既示範完全係2個世界既事
因為pr team望到實,會影響餐廳甚至全間酒店、到集團的形象。可以肯定係,當日每位有出鏡的員工⋯⋯之前一定要「再培訓」,「被提醒」要做好形象。
真 酒店餐廳經理個個都仆街嚟 屌到人仆街
@@janeleong6873 以有要求既餐廳計,大佬一埋位佢個腦完全就只會有點先可以順利執行到佢要出菜順序,肉緊過打緊動作Game
Elaine 做得好好好好呀. 如果我係客人, 佢嘅笑容會令我全個用餐都會好開心, 自然啲, 就算有啲蝦碌都係開心嘅. Fine dinning 係要開心有質素, 而唔係要拘謹嚴肅.
thank you!
有呢個水準 都已經好屈機❤
都真係,唔係咁易ga 葉師傅
利申: 過來人
@@elainewow1754 講真易拎係學霸,學野記野唔會好難到佢
剪接又掂 成個現場打仗感覺做到出黎
片尾經理分享果句 “唔會趕客人走” 就係fine dinning同其他餐廳既分別;完全令我回想返,個客俾成5位數埋單,梗係乜service 都just say yes啦!但我地打工既,得果幾十蚊人工,你唔走飲到凌晨2點我仲要無限top up你杯酒冇得放工,你走左我仲要清埋張台set 埋張台先有得返屋企;真係諗起都惡夢既工!
客人比既錢再多 都回唔到打工既身上
@@KK-kn3sn tips唔會係做細果個waiter袋,一係入公數月尾全team人分,一係得經理送張bill過去時經理自己袋
@@billguys88 你説來聽聽
希望藉著此影片,讓一眾非本行觀眾知道,即使餐廳檔次高級如此,即使員工服務繁複如此;管理層給前線員工的待遇卻差得離譜,人工只是幾十蚊/hour, 員工用膳更是30 分鐘白飯青菜
@@funggo810 我上面其中一個留言打左千字文分享辛酸細節架 ... 相信有返過飲食既都一定認同,我冇亂吹水 T^T
啲剪接好好,現場感十足 ………… 心血少啲都嚇史
Fine Dining,食嗰個越歎,做嗰個越散
你搞到我諗番起個時做間,好似呢間既,又係係中環,員工飯一言難盡,我地冇所謂既員工飯堂,食飯得2張桌比到我地食飯,冇哂位就要去後樓梯同垃圾一齊食,食D員工野又係一言難盡,例如個期a la carte做三文,我地員工餐就係會變成改完三文既剩底既頭尾
@@lamf7950 做Fine Dining背後都真係有辣有唔辣 ~ 😅😅😅😅
我十幾年前做過文華兩個月,我做in room dining 就係員工飯堂隔離記憶中有啲同事得閒就會過去食野,佢過員工飯堂真係好正中西式任你揀。最有印象既係一日晚餐既甜品係朱古力甜品放題,7-8款甜品任你食,仲要款款都超好食😆😆
我睇到嘅… 唔係食物有幾離地,而係一間餐廳整個團隊有幾用心和專業。
謝謝影片透露高級餐廳對員工既要求絕不簡單,卻只係offer #幾十蚊個鐘既人工 ,飲食業嚴重壓榨前線員工,希望管理層正視
main point🙂
I like this story coverage but definitely a challenging one. The discipline and the structure from top to bottom is definitely intense. It's all about getting the basics right and in whichever industry you are working in there are things that you can take from it and learn. I always appreciate the hard work that they've put in to make things happen. There is one little thing that I do not agree is that Ray quoted never say no, which I cannot agree to some extent. Yes, hospitality is all about making your customers happy but at the end of the day you can't say yes to all of the things that customers want which will be pointless.
Is it me, or... is HK actually collapsed or something ? Cos to me.. a company having a structure is very very normal ? Even a society, to have a structure is very very very normal. Even inside a family unit, you have parents and children and grand parents too. This is also very very very VERY normal. So why would you not have a similar structures as well ? In a mining company. In a white collar office. In a society. e.g. Teachers, public servants, cleaners.... lawyers... Sometimes even though there are books. It is to help us, know what to say, than to be doing the job. When some jobs, require around 10-15 years to full qualify, I don't understand how come, China, could produce SO many "qualified individuals" in a short space of time. Can they let the rest of the world know how this one works ? If people are not tied down to a job... then... how do they learn the small details, of the reason what and why they are doing what they are doing ?
@@MeiinUK What exactly is your point? The show is about a Michelin star restaurant in HK with a French chef adopting an old French army system to run the operation of the kitchen and two blogger's interning experience in this fine dining establishment. What has it got to do with HK collapsing and the rise of China?
@@jlouie8835 : A lot of people really love this brand and this company actually... and what Jardine reflected. The point is that, their comments, are stating points like..."don't work there, cos they pay peanuts". If you read the Hans Characters, then you would know that, this entire video does not reflect the organisation in a very good light. And this also deter why there could be less of an actual customer trying Mandarin Oriental as well. Considering that I am an overseas' Brit.. I do champion... what MO is doing. Albeit... they don't necessarily reflect and embrace the British way of doing things, since their intakes are individuals from all over the world... (And sometimes, where HK is concerned as well, they often would hire Indonesians... or "American Asians" above local HK Cantonese.... Which, I personally do not agree with, per se. Cos they never used to do that. It is of no concern of HK... if the population of Indonesia has grown. The company should still employ the local Cantonese as well. (And yes, their requirements are VERY high... however... they need a strong HR team on compensation etc.) I believe in "doing well by your community" to reap rewards back.
What the mainland does.. has zero to do with HK as a region, and areas. So please don't confuse those two separate region who hold their own budgets. So don't try and drag one region's budgets'... into another region's.... and the various migrant workers from other regions entering into HK, does need to be checked.. of course... as they should.. and do... however, this does not imply that HK is lacking talents. Even if it means that training programmes has to exist for this location. MO existed even before their buy out.... And to damage this brand's reputation... (Well... you could see and read the comments below.) Mill Milk picked a VERY good company to talk about...
And of course the Michelin Chef is indeed very dedicated to HK as well... which I know. And many of us, of that generation, do appreciate his dedication to HK as well... (It is also the new generation, that are raised with nannies and maids, to see such work, to be beneath them as well. Cos I certainly was not, as such. ) The elders raise the children... but at some point, the children has to hold the baton.. and to carry on the good standards.. and to feed another generation... To be fair, and frank. Sometimes we spoil these children, to make them not think about their own health standards, and such like... and post war period.. many areas were damaged beyond repair.. to rebuild with clean water, and clean farms... and to carry on.... This generation born in the "informational age" (the internet and social media) is way too spoilt to some extent ?
@@MeiinUK I see. Thank you!
I suppose he couldn't have said otherwise in front of the camera.
Amber係我其中一間好鐘意嘅餐廳,屋企人生日第一時間一定諗起佢❤ Richard Ekkebus 係一個天才級嘅大廚,難得喺香港可以食到佢哋嘅嘢🥰🥰
真真係超級好睇 完全無飛到 呢次題材真係拍得好好!!🥰
只想講,我做左十幾年餅,fine dining都番過,總括嚟講,fine dining最惡做,工時長(番工啲舖頭未開放工差啲車都無得搭),壓力大(片入面大約show左一成俾大家睇),人工底(佢哋會話你係黎學野),打死都唔會再做
做餐飲辛苦,做高級既餐飲係仲辛苦,公司又要set d唔係正常既policy出黎 ,睇反每4個鐘換一次消毒水,仲要有酒店既衛生經理黎捉你,睇下你有無換 ,真係做到心都淡,食飯食到一個鐘要還神,d客唔走又要留係到培佢,仲要個個都係vip ,d大既一定唔會吹佢走,已經返左十幾個鐘,仲要無得走,真係俾埋條命佢返工
同意到不得了呀!台台客成皮野埋單,員工餐得白飯炒菜俾我地食!仲要得30 分鐘!返高級餐廳完全係痴L線架!同樣收幾十蚊人工,真係返街邊小舖好過
早幾年做過依間酒店嘅intern,自己部門(唔自爆)啲人真係閪到一個點,雙面人嚟人前人後二個樣。廚房,Amber,布草房同事都幾nice😊有見過Amber同事係Canteen 食飯嘅時間睇notes,都覺得佢哋好辛苦好多野記。Canteen 啲野食唔差,放飯都比足時間你,亦都準時收工。總括然而:返依間酒店辛苦就一定,無限嘅standard,越嚟越高嘅要求。要識讀心術知個客諗乜需要啲乜+你嘅主動性。關於Tips,如果客人係擺係bill上面就冇得入自己袋,比人發現左就大檸樂,會去返自己部門月後大家分左佢,當然intern冇份,但如果係客人塞落你手到就可以收。
好鍾意Ray教: 如果想elegant, 趷起隻手指尾就得😂😂😂😂學到嘢學到嘢
這不是因為有時它們更美味. 但通常是因為他們的運費很貴,而且他們要為此付費. 而且,種植者……也非常小心地種植這種成分. 即使在過去,就在世界大戰之後. 人死了嗎 ? 他們沒有死,因為人們保持了良好的耕作習慣。 即使在今天,這也應該是正確的……但現在缺乏教育和清潔標準.
歐洲人為什麼喝葡萄酒? 它也是發酵酒嗎 ? 那是因為,它也能殺死你肚子裡的細菌. 這就是過去人們喝它的原因. 因為它幾乎和 “中藥湯” 一樣 “藥用”. 吃飯是為了維持生命. 正確的 ?
有時不是因為西式更好。 這是因為,孩子不幫父母做飯。 在歐洲國家。 孩子和媽媽一起幫忙做飯是很正常的。 香港之所以沒有父母帶孩子做飯,是因為有外勞。 從事出口工作。 但是現在已經減少了,那怎麼會……父母不嘗試兩者兼顧呢? 因為工作少。 應該發生的是減少機器的使用,這樣它就需要更長的時間等等。進入香港的一切都是預製的物品。 而實際上不是原材料。 也許如果它稍微倒退一點,只使用更多的原材料……那麼這就是香港的內部市場 ?我不知道為什麼......或者可能是由於香港的營銷。 為什麼我覺得,西方的孩子要自律得多。 也就是說,他們自己做飯的次數更多? 而在香港,人們外出就餐。
@@laitaumou1043 學你老母,你會比幾千吃茶餐廳?
試過係amber做炒散 d server 真係大部分都要好專業 表面功夫好足
1:18 咁要小心唔好倒瀉水落客人身上😂
恭喜MM🎉 估唔到Amber願意俾你哋入佢廚房,感覺mm依家都好高級啦😂
@@AWvAvWA 🙌
對amber黎講都係一個好唔錯嘅marketing... 因為呢個video,下次特別節日我就應該會去呢度試下
@@kingLam-dz9hz 記好多野😢
Thank you Mimi!
希望下次可以再用 respect 的心態,再食一次 Amber!😍
一黎就打大佬😂 Amber俾你地咁拍都好夠膽
@@大波占士哥 咁 Amber 嘅名氣又唔太需要再做廣告,肯畀佢哋試一次,MM其實都幾勁 😁
@@verdon2221 你咁講又錯。想問下你 Amber 而家既入座率有幾多?
@@roycheers 可能真係唔高,但我只覺得呢條片,會幫到佢增加入座率嘅機會係微乎其微 😅
佢係法國餐加FINE DIN 做到2星咁講究好合理
但其他FINE DIN 係都好多細節..
做過一間 放落檯所有野 的確有面向同位置..
雖然我不是廚師,可是之前進過一家 startup (現在已經很成功了) under 一個英國和法國老闆. 英國老闆就好像餐廳的樓面,法國老闆就負責coding 廚房/技術部. 體驗到他們的分工,細節,說話,管理system, 流水式流程,精準,高要求,要快可是不能出錯的文化. 那種氣氛是蠻讓人壓力,也很有成就感. 影片說的是對的,一個人出大錯會耽誤全部人. Not everyone can take it, and you can't do it forever. 很多人最多2-3年都會離開,精神狀態需要補補.
This is the first time that I have ever heard of anybody talks about that "differences between cultures"... As an ex-colleague said to me once.. "managers only manage".... Do you know that, you're expected to negotiate? You're not supposed to know everything. This is the point. But I can see how... this is not really a done thing... in chinese culture. Nobody was born to know everything... and this is why, we have to pass down everything... to show others.. when we leave the world.. so the next one knows.. and is mentally and emotionally prepared... So that they can work in an easier way. Whenever I have to train people.. I often tell them everything. I draw diagrams to show them everything. And then let them decide on the day.. and mistakes do happen.. if it was a good manager, then they have to be the "hand holder" and hold and hoover up the mistakes... and then you just repeat your tasks. That is a mentally and emotionally soothing working method. IMHO. This is why.. everybody should have a meeting... and goals, should not be too high. And it is good to reduce tasks etc.
This is why many places now have "buffets". This. This. This. A. B. C. Done.
@@ddwong7366 咁都好d,否則長期係度做野真係會令人痴線,壓力太大啦
@@ddwong7366 事實上fine dinning 餐廳真係咁嚴謹 我番過間一星廚房同呢條片既情況大同小異😟
@@WTF16838 番得既都係啲對餐飲真係好有熱誠既人 我係過一星廚房番工 佢地個個都好有heart同番工態度認真 壓力真係非一般嘅大
@@ddwong7366 錯 ,真正既fine dinning 真正既廚師就係咁
@@ddwong7366 呢個世界好彩仲有d傻仔 唔係淨得奸仔 淨識搵著數 搵人笨7
今集有eater/Bon Appétit 嘅感覺
希望可以影多啲哩裏題材 ❤
Ah! I miss Amber 🥺 Thank you MM for doing this feature and thank you Amber giving us a glimpse of their mise en place 😆
我自己都喺酒店做緊 但完全係兩回事黎🤣
fine dinning 難做既位係所有野你要好熟 對客要轉數好快 以質交貨 普通貴價餐廳service/人手通常都唔夠 但接客量大 呢個係幾大分別既賺錢方式 唯一相同既係員工既人工一樣咁少 錢全部入老細袋 但個個要求你交到10萬一個月既態度XD
Elaine 著套suit 正到呢
娛樂知識並重的影片. Thumbs up! 呢條片好好睇,最初以為條片好長,但不覺間就睇完, 因為好好睇.
比一般普羅大眾體驗fine Dining
舉例 食客當晚穿著的衣服餐巾定會盡量配合顏色
總厨Richard 冇見佢嘅風采已經有六年以上.
I remember this Michelin Chef. He's done very well to uphold the standards of French cuisine. 🙂 In a world where we now have so much pollution and lack of standards, I think they are upholding that banner, and that champion. To be fair. Checking the items to ensure that it's clean and keeping its temperatures is just very normal. It stops degradation, and serves the produce in its best way. People do forget how much we have advanced as a society.. but this style.. is going back to basics.. "The way things were just even in the 1960s".... Isn't it funny how.. we're... well.. I was raised with Home Economics in junior school as well. People should appreciate the standards.. and we should carry that onwards with us.
建議Mill Milk拍下高級餐廳Sevva幾咁地獄,我返過兩日咁大把都唔想再返果度,佢果度女人都當男人咁用拎大銀手盤勁重,一路拎一路搖仲叫我行快啲,仲有個甜品出餐位個師姐都痴線佢自己當自己係男人都將其他女人同佢一樣咁,叫我搬一箱12支梳打水(每支800ml仲要係玻璃樽),返兩日都要去拎一箱呢啲水拎到我死下死下咁,拎果條路又長,出餐同收返野入返廚房條路遠到你完全係做大量運動,仲成日開口埋口講散工無工傷,咁你仲叫人行快啲,個廚房咁濕如果人地跌親係咪你賠工傷俾人先,員工伙食食到啲員工食飯時間自己煮麵或加料煎蛋,仲有俾生果員工食,得果十呢個,我2日都拎唔到生果食,真係唔知呢間野個女老闆點解可以咁刻薄員工(我炒過十幾個場未見過有一間野職員食飯要自己加料),仲有食飯時間得30分鐘完全係食到倒水咁,夜晚十點有消夜炒麵食,啲長工永遠唔會叫散工食(刻薄到一個點)全日返10個鐘以上淨係得30分鐘食飯,仲有食飯果個位有一個好似韓國街邊啲食檔帳篷熱氣充天,如果夏天係果度勁辛苦又熱又焗,你地應該去體驗呢啲地獄場先知道做呢間野有幾咁地獄。返酒店會所都無返呢間野咁地獄。
@@Karenn_1018 Sevva鐵盤剩係個盤就好重, 不過通常有客就用細膠盤
太好了終於有飲食業同事發聲 :) 餐廳越高級對員工黎講越地獄!幾十蚊個鐘做到真係成隻狗!諗起得果30 分鐘meal break, 我當時真係去個廁所洗個手,倒晒D野食入口咁就完左,係完全唔覺自己break左;真係好癲
@@GEVIL123456 做出餐位有得客想用咩Size盤出餐咁奇特?我極度懷疑你係果度啲長工,所以幫口講大話,果度出餐啲盤全部都係銀盤嚟,個客入得係廚房同媽咪講?我都想拎細銀盤,但我大部分時間係被老點拎個大銀盤仲要加三大個西餐厚碟囉。
今集好好睇😊希望以後多啲類似的深入介紹。good job🎉
Elaine 嘅故仔就係高質
好好睇~~剪同拍都好正,得咁少時間去prepare 唔易呀~
Eye opening for many people especially average Hongkongers who can’t afford. MM keep up with your great work❤
經理ray好有耐性 好溫柔 好靚仔
20:23 那國人拎包紅塔山出嚟食,點算呀?🤣🤣
呢個頻道好好 今次睇完呢集真係對米之蓮既餐廳大開眼界 加油~
04:00 魚子醬在廚房被金屬器皿處理 10:00 魚子醬用金屬器皿接觸會產生化學反應, 所以要用貝殼類餐具 😅
@@MrLkL520 合理,感謝指教。
為了保持食物原味,金制或貝殼類器皿仍是首選,不鏽鋼其次,最差是銀器。處理高級食材, never take risk.
@@MrLkL520 其實想問下真係接觸到銀其實會有點既反應?🤣
12:27 個臺面咁多露荀 跟住係隔離倒漂水洗地?
呢集真係好 jeng 呀, 大開眼界, KEEP GOING 👍👍👍MM 👍👍👍👍👍
好informative及interesting 的一條片. 短時間能了解到米芝蓮餐廳廚房的運作及流程, 廚師及員工工作態度認真及尊業, 要讚一下. 條片好睇
I can't agree more to the statement Richard made, "People come for the food, but come back for the hospitality."
是這樣......在這個部門......經濟學家將這類工作領域歸類為 “服務部門”. 正是基於此,您的收入和小費以及任何衍生的東西. 因為你做事情的時間這麼短,原料又那麼貴. 從頭到尾,只有大約 30 分鐘的機會窗口可以將所有工作集中起來. 這就是為什麼“炒”是大餅東唯一的“快速烹飪方法”. 但他正在使用另一種風格和方法. 保存或預煮。 或醃料或時間管理。 所以食物的感覺既有 “硬的也有軟的”. 或“極熱和極冷”. 你吃的感覺也是如此.
@@vinawong3838 一個full course知唔知收緊人幾錢,同埋每間餐廳都有自己餐廳既規矩
@@vinawong3838 咁大公司同大集團就係要將利潤最大化,唔係點會出現咁多階級同制度
Outstanding video, excellent presentation and highly interesting to watch. Thank you very much and take care. 😊
thank you so much!!
第一日做算係咁!fine dining 係真係學到好多嘢就好似片中提及到閱讀人既身體語言!這個真的終生受用
Really enjoy watching this, very fun and informative. Thank you for making this episode MM! 👍👍
有時放工返屋企都攰到連飯都唔食就瞓咗, 當時仲瘦咗㖭!
不過真係一個唔錯嘅工作經驗 ~~
睇完呢集完全係remind左我呢3年因疫情轉去做飲食業時既辛酸,餐廳越高級,工序同service details就越多;但人工就同最平價既茶記/粉麵店一樣得果幾十蚊粒鐘;係fine dinning場所返工完全係搵笨,係做客人先爽
雖然唔係做餐食業,但都知飲食業辛苦,講多d 辛酸聽下好嗎? for example, e d 高級餐廳人工都係好低?
呢間野長期係招聘網站請人, 人工仲低過做酒店, 客人味走都唔可以開始清潔, 客人終於走啦, 清潔完就想收工? 諗下好啦, 繼續番去備貨, 餅房朝11晚2 得半個鐘食飯係基本, 唔排除有D老師傳做到更夜先走.
@@L23901 哇那么恐怖,那楼面那么专业的,不应该时薪更高???不然如何维持~。让我联想到日本社畜。。。
@@L23901 咁照理入面該無人做野
有Elaine 要爆like!!!❤
間中會食FINE DINING, 睇呢條片先知原來咁難, 好好睇!
法國菜fine dining 真係好講究
Thanks for taking this video. I am eye opened now to see how a top restaurant runs👍🏻
個 signature dish 係真係好好食。
要連攞咁多年二星一啲都唔易,多謝MM 拍到成間餐廳由準備,食物安排到服務的認真😊
好正, 仲好刺激!!
做過steakhouse, 真係好多野記,所以好尊重做餐廳嘅人
It's really.. I am so shocked, and even gobsmacked at the responses. Some people doesn't know that, once upon a time, if you climbed and worked your way up, you can not just get shares of an actual hotels.. or group.. but you would become the owner of that place ! As in.. profit level shares. And not shares of a company ! lol..... I am shocked, that they are shocked. Cos how else.. would you advance ??? If there is nothing in it for you ?....
HK people come on !!! lol....
Elaine 做得唔錯了,你要記住佢SERVE 果時係全世界望住做架,係未做過既情況下真係會有壓力
我會話, 係得呢一行度做, 每一個step其實都應該要對自己有一定既要求, 你地眼中既壓力係我眼中係一D想做好件事既小細節
初初做唔慣, 一定會覺得辛苦覺得無奈, 但係完成工作見到客人食得開心又真係會好滿足
好多街檔師兄成日都覺得個客唔識食就求其掉D野出去就算數, 係我眼中從來都唔應該係咁
我明係節奏急, 但唔等於要出垃圾, 唔等得唔該去老麥
利申: 我係一個冇打算做fine dining但係我煮個福食炒個飯都會要求自己炒到乾濕適中粒粒分明既西餐廚師
15:30 隻手指好入🤣🤣
stupid question,條片話魚子醬不能用金屬器皿因為會有化學反應。但系呢,整個波波的時候用的就系金屬器皿波。邊個可以幫手解釋下
Elaine d 故仔真係特別meaningful d👍🏻
同埋大家都講野好細聲 個場都幾靜
突然廚房傳黎勁大聲 好似鬧人聲咁
CLS, Elaine靚到一個點