Michael Rosen describes World of Warcraft and its expansions (+Classic)

  • Опубликовано: 12 сен 2024
  • Yes.

Комментарии • 167

  • @webbediting7557
    @webbediting7557 2 года назад +225

    here before bald man reacts

  • @PlantTube.
    @PlantTube. 2 года назад +75

    The legion one was super acurate

  • @marcocassone5996
    @marcocassone5996 2 года назад +71

    Loved Legion. Only expansion I managed to play the whole way through. I have all sorts of issues, so that might have just been coincidence, but perhaps it was because it was good enough to keep me engaged the whole way through! (meanwhile BfA I barely lasted a month).

    • @yosho_sussy
      @yosho_sussy 2 года назад +1

      You missed the absolute best of BfA, Battle of Dazar'alor. That was peak af

    • @Galactis1
      @Galactis1 Год назад

      Wrath still better.

    • @ravenn1508
      @ravenn1508 Год назад

      @@Galactis1 wrath is dumb Legion was the best by far

  • @TheOneWhoReportsForDuty
    @TheOneWhoReportsForDuty 2 года назад +44

    As my first expansion, Legion was such a good first impression that BFA was such a bad follow up for me. Loving Wrath Prepatch though, being on a locked server is great.

    • @ranchmang
      @ranchmang 2 года назад +3

      If Legion was your first and it impressed you how's BFA so bad? It was basically the same.

    • @TheOneWhoReportsForDuty
      @TheOneWhoReportsForDuty 2 года назад +4

      @@ranchmang BFA was dramatically worse then Legion. While the Artifact Power and Azerite Power were similar at a base level, the Azerite Gear system was so much worse then what Artifacts had. Artifacts, while not perfect, you constantly had upgrades that you set and are good. Azerite Gear on the other hand sometimes weren’t even actually upgrades compared to what you had prior if you didn’t have the correct internal piece upgrades. Also, and this is purely in my opinion, the dungeons were all dramatically worse compared to Legion to the point that when I loved doing Keystones in Legion, I could almost never bring myself to do more then one for the chest.

    • @TheRifild
      @TheRifild 2 года назад +2

      @@ranchmang As someone who also started with Legion and hates Bfa here is my reasons:
      Story and characters (class stories especially)
      locations (yep class halls and Suramar + better mission table imo)
      Sets (as gear and as tmog)
      artifacts > neck + armor

    • @willprox440
      @willprox440 2 года назад

      @@TheOneWhoReportsForDuty But BFA dungeons are miles better than legion ones

    • @TheOneWhoReportsForDuty
      @TheOneWhoReportsForDuty 2 года назад

      @@willprox440 I disagree. Personally, the only dungeon that I hated out of Legion was Violet Hold and I'm pretty sure everyone expected to not be a fan of it given the original. For BFA I think the only one I liked was Tol'Dugor meanwhile everyone else hated it.

  • @Balnazzardi
    @Balnazzardi 2 года назад +68

    Cataclysm honestly doesnt deserve all that hate. Atleast for returning/new players its reshaped lvl 1-60 zones offered so much more entertaining leveling/questing experience than vanilla WoW did. Dont get me wrong vanilla/Classic WoW was great for its time but most of its design became quickly really aged for me atleast and to me all that stuff belongs into 2005-2006 and I dont miss it one bit.
    If It wasnt for Cataclysm and its renewed lvl 1-60 zones, I wouldnt ever have even considered returning to WoW and starting new character. Cataclysm made me fell in love with WoW again (for short time atleast) after I was completely fed up with Vanilla WoW experience so from me Cataclysm gets nothing but praise

    • @zizi4941
      @zizi4941 2 года назад +9

      True. While it might be a bit controversial, Cataclysm modernized the game for the better (at least in my opinion). Also, thank god for the revamped zones, most of them are so much better than before.
      Uldum and Mount Hyjal are fantastic zones in addition.

    • @Zigzf
      @Zigzf 2 года назад +1

      I hated it purely because it was then when Blizz decided to cut half the skill tree, and introduce those 'empty' levels, when you get nothing for lvl up.
      But then Pandaria dropped, and the whole thing suddenly didn't look so bad in comparison.

    • @Balnazzardi
      @Balnazzardi 2 года назад +1

      @@Zigzf well I can understand that. But honestly I didn't mind it so much because how much more pleasant the questing/leveling experience otherwise was, especially for Warcraft lore/story nerd like me 😆
      I mean take Silverpine Forest or Azshara for example...absolutely massive difference between vanilla WoW and Cataclysm how those areas felt like to do quests. Azshara coast was in fact almost completely empty in vanilla WoW....
      So ye, to me it was such huge thing that wasnt it for Mists of Pandaria announcement and SW: The Old Republic release, I would have likely played WoW much more/longer back then, Cataclysm made me addicted to that world once again on whole new level

    • @do__ob
      @do__ob 2 года назад +1

      Agreed, the massive amount of work put in cataclysm is unreal, and it really shows. The new zones of 80-85 were also really good, Uldum is still probably my favorite zone to date. I would just say the the Firelands are visually a bit underwhelming, and that the last raid feels kinda rushed lorewise and pretty much anything-wise tbh, except for a few interesting fights. The beginning of the expansion is cool, the dungeons are amazing, and the first raid tier is pretty good too. Having only 5 levels was a mistake tho, but they only realized it when it was too late to go back. I was also sad that they cut most of the Naga content from the expansion, including the raid that was supposed to be in Vashj'ir. But it camed back with Legion and BFA so I guess it's fine.
      PVP became much more dynamic, at least for me as a warrior it was amazing, and they added RBGs.

    • @Justalilcyn
      @Justalilcyn 2 года назад +1

      I will always hate cata with a burning passion for destroying my favorite zones even to this day I go back those zones to level and just feel robbed of how great they used to be

  • @M4T30v2
    @M4T30v2 2 года назад +44

    Finally someone who recognise MoP as one of best expac. I loved class tuning in it like very mobile caster specs, challenge modes and visuals :D

    • @BunnyAce
      @BunnyAce 2 года назад +6

      Yes it's annoying when people follow the "mainstream" opinion that mop was bad because.. pandas like wtf...
      It's literally non arguably one of the best expansion and even wow "purists" recognize it now, best raids, very good storylines (with garrosh being a part of it I really appreciate), good characters, beautiful landscapes, good content all around (timeless isles etc...), very good pvp ...

    • @kibblevert
      @kibblevert 2 года назад

      Bring back my Shaman casting while elemental bolt :(

    • @sabero5668
      @sabero5668 2 года назад

      @@BunnyAce I somewhat understand the criticism it got, initially at least, you look at every other bit of content derived from the wow universe and get the typical fantasy stuff, dwarves, orcs, elves, dragons, with some old gods and 90s/00s Blizzard charm thrown on top, and then, as the first new playable race since the massive success of blood elves and draenei, we get pandas, so genuinely wtf Blizzard. On top of that the xpack didn't have the novelty or hype Vanilla did, and it didn't have the lore porn big baddies for followers of the Warcraft games like TBC and WotLK did. BUT what it did have is arguably the best overall experience of any mmo in the last 20 years, all of the upsides you mentioned plus class balance. The original 9 were all in a good spot relative to each other, DKs were as fun and powerful as they could be without invalidating the other classes, and the monk, while not as well received as DKs, was in an infinitely better spot in terms of balance than DKs were at release. The only real problems with MoP were the community's apparent disdain for pandas, SOME of the writing, and the introduction of paid boosts in the WoD prepatch if you want to count that, as it did tarnish the game's reputation quite badly. I don't think it will ever be thought of as highly as WotLK or Vanilla, Arthas is too iconic and Vanilla is Vanilla, but as a complete package, nostalgia aside, nothing holds a candle to it.

  • @zelda12346
    @zelda12346 2 года назад +9

    Vashjir is my favorite questing zone.

    • @animealumni2601
      @animealumni2601 2 года назад

      You're either A- trolling, or B- need to be locked up in an Asylum

  • @pigbimpin4151
    @pigbimpin4151 2 года назад +38

    Cata is my favorite just for the questing content and also the undead, goblin, worgen starting questlines

    • @Balnazzardi
      @Balnazzardi 2 года назад +3

      Indeed Cata was my favorite simply due to the fact it completely changed the utterly boring vanilla WoW zoned into something that was so much more entertaining for new or returning players (like me) starting with new character.
      Honestly if it wasnt for Cataclysm, I would have never even considered returning to WoW and never would have to this day. Vanilla/Classic WoW was great for its time but its repetitive, boring quests aged very badly in just few years time
      If I would be forced to go through vanilla WoW content again, I would never, ever give single thought of returning to the game because I got more than enough of that between 2005-2007. Personally I honestly cant understand ppl drooling over vanilla WoW other than the original instances and raid dungeons perhaps and just pure nostalgia...but to me all of that belongs into 2005 and into the memories, vanilla WoW as pure PvE/questing experience in modern standards is boring as hell.
      Honestly I feel like the hate it gets is mostly because it failed to please the ones who played it only for new high level content

    • @yourdreams2440
      @yourdreams2440 2 года назад +1

      @@Balnazzardi Vanilla zones arent utterly boring. I think each of them are better than any zone blizz has created in years

    • @Balnazzardi
      @Balnazzardi 2 года назад +1

      @@yourdreams2440 in terms of boring repetitive quests they were. Im not saying the zones were boring in themselves without few exceptions that didn't even have that many quests to begin with but honestly after leveling up 3 characters to lvl 60 during vanilla WoW I dont miss experiencing vanilla WoW ever again due to those quests that were all so repetitive and dull without any proper storytelling
      It was enough to keep me hooked for almost 2 years straight in 2005-2007 but nowdays I would never go and start new characters in WoW Classic. All those lvl 1-60 zones turned to be much more entertaining in Cataclysm thanks to variety in the quests and the much more improved storytelling

    • @yourdreams2440
      @yourdreams2440 2 года назад +1

      @@Balnazzardi Actually, I think the storytelling in vanilla is fantastic. It's much more subtle than in other expansions but I think that makes it even more magical. The repetitiveness you speak of comes when you already know the story so you're just trying to breeze through the quest as fast as possible, but that goes for cata quests as well. Also, I like the stories from questing in vanilla much more than cata. Cata and onwards took kind of goofy, cartoonish approach in its stories which I think made the world feel cheaper and less immersive.

    • @Balnazzardi
      @Balnazzardi 2 года назад +2

      @@yourdreams2440 well to me vanilla WoW's quests for most parts were nothing but " these pigs are destroying my farm, kill 10 pigs, you get pants" type of repetitive shit that was enough in 2004-2006 but not anymore in 2010, especially when quests and storytelling vastly improved already in TBC and Wrath of the Lich King especially.
      I mean heck to me no one can come and claim with serious face that they think that for example Silverpine Forest or Azshara would have been more entertaining in vanilla than they were in Cata.
      Azshara was almost utterly and and completely barren of quests and content in vanilla WoW, in Cata it was filled with quests and was taken much better use of as one of Horde players earliest zones.
      And while Silverpine wasnt that bad/misused in vanilla, it was on whole other level in Cata when you have this bigger chain quest where Sylvanas were in present there almost through at chain quest storyline...and the same goes with pretty much EVERY zone in Cata, that there is almost was this bigger chain quest with proper storytelling that also took use of the "phasing system" used first in Wrath where you get to actually see things that are not visible to other players who are not in that same quest. So all of that vastly improved the questing experience and atleast in Cata I dont think the storytelling was goofy at all, though from what Ive seen from later expansions (not played them just seen cutscenes and such) I can understand that point, but in Cata I really enjoyed its storytelling.
      So ye I did love to play vanilla WoW back in 2005-2006, I was completely hooked into it during those 2 years but like said I dont miss its repetitive quests with little to no storytelling one bit. Honestly in hindsight if you ask me I would not have minded this minimalistic storytelling if there had been Warcraft IV to move forward the bigger storytelling in Warcraft universe but since that didnt ever happen, im glad that atleast Cata in my opinion offered that same magical feeling I had felt first playing Warcraft III and even for the first year vanilla WoW...but ye nowdays I wouldnt ever start new characters in WoW Classic but if I would return to play WoW and start new characters, I would do so playing the Cata lvl 1-60 content although I know these days you can play them in whatever the order you like since they removed any lvl zone restrictions and everything just scales according to your level which is stupid

  • @jorgejimenez8985
    @jorgejimenez8985 Год назад +8

    Good to see someone really apreciate the good of every expansion, other than the mainstream idea of "wow is dead" that started after cataclysm launch

  • @peradomato
    @peradomato 2 года назад +14

    I started playing in WoD, and I loved playing through it, but than... Legion released... I was so hyped that I forced my sister to buy it, and when I finally played it after school... I still miss that sensation, the adventures in the broken isles with my pandaren monk, than I made my DH, and I never had so much fun with a dps class before, I was so sad when I wasn't able to buy more months to play during Shadows of Argus, and after 5 years... I'm finally going to Argus

  • @joshaklese4969
    @joshaklese4969 2 года назад +7

    I'm still in mourning. But all good things come to a fiery crumbley end.

  • @Ninjya44
    @Ninjya44 2 года назад +5

    That TBCC reaction was spot on. Not as good the second time around...

  • @Cyanoblades
    @Cyanoblades 2 года назад +24

    MoP was OK when we weren't doing SoO for an entire year.

    • @VegardLa
      @VegardLa 2 года назад +3

      14 months but yes :D

    • @plague6174
      @plague6174 2 года назад +4

      Was still great for PvP players having all that extra time on our hands to play alts, and was just overall the best PvP expansion.

    • @ChristianGarcia-kw9zx
      @ChristianGarcia-kw9zx 2 года назад +1

      I enjoyed solo tanking garosh with all the vengeance buff

    • @Fabriciod_Crv
      @Fabriciod_Crv Год назад +1

      Funny how people’s biggest criticism of MoP is an entire year of the last raid, but it’s not a problem with Wrath and 1 year of ICC

  • @tnvmark2173
    @tnvmark2173 2 года назад +30

    Really love the description of Mists of Pandaria being the cherry on top. Such a sweet expansion that was.

    • @BunnyAce
      @BunnyAce 2 года назад

      One of the best, one of the best !

    • @AtypicalAdventurer
      @AtypicalAdventurer Год назад

      There was (and is) such a hate train for MoP because of "hurrdurr pandas shouldn't be in WoW, hurrdurr appealing to Chinese demographic" but anyone who ignored these absolute braindead spastics and played during that xpac knows it was one of the best in all aspects of gameplay. Though the dailies were a bit overwhelming

    • @divinecomedian2
      @divinecomedian2 Год назад

      The pandas were pretty dumb though

  • @HittokiriBattousai17
    @HittokiriBattousai17 Год назад +1

    First time I hear someone saying something good about Pandaria.

  • @kaptenbear1395
    @kaptenbear1395 2 года назад +9

    That was the exact reaction I had to Dragonflight. "Wtf is this"

    • @yourdreams2440
      @yourdreams2440 2 года назад +1

      Definitive proof that blizzard has no idea what theyre doing anymore

  • @Visionary1002
    @Visionary1002 2 года назад +7

    Legion was spot freaking on

    • @SacredBlazeXxX
      @SacredBlazeXxX 2 года назад +6

      Now they trying to invent spaceships.. that drop bombs..
      I mean, hes not wrong.

  • @Frosty-kz4om
    @Frosty-kz4om Год назад +1

    Isn't it crazy that after all this time we look back at Wrath as a good expansion?

  • @Drizzle52693
    @Drizzle52693 2 года назад +1

    These videos haunt me in my dreams

  • @DrSoda.
    @DrSoda. 2 года назад +2

    Every one was spot on!

  • @plague6174
    @plague6174 2 года назад +38

    Cata wasn't even bad at least for pvp. To me it's up tied with MoP as the best pvp expansions. Yes, better than wrath.

    • @SH4D0WBattousai
      @SH4D0WBattousai 2 года назад

      it would be tied with mop if it wasnt for the damn legos lol

    • @plague6174
      @plague6174 2 года назад

      @@SH4D0WBattousai legendaries weren't even that big of a deal. Never had trouble vs people that had pve gear when I'm in full pvp resilience gear, idk why people are remembering it differently. Would kind of defeat the purpose of resilience if pve gear just ripped right through it which was actually how it was in Wrath and that was retarded.

    • @Balnazzardi
      @Balnazzardi 2 года назад +7

      Honestly Cata also was absolutely amazing experience for returning players like me who wanted to start new character but who was completely fed up with boring and repetitive quests of vanilla WoW. If it wasnt for changes that Cataclysm made for lvl 1-60 zones and reshaped they quests completely, I would have never even considered to return to WoW. Cataclysm made the impossible, it made me fell in love with WoW again (atleast for short while) after being completely fed up with it

    • @jimbology7617
      @jimbology7617 2 года назад

      cata pvp was amazing, the raiding was pretty good up until dragon soul and lfr as well, like people still love firelands. it wasn't a bad expansion by any means, it was just "back to the same old" for most, so its novelty ran out pretty quickly. It was also the first expansion where the in-game story wasn't directly tied in with campaigns from the warcraft games (excluding vanilla) so that played a part as well. It also suffers from TOC syndrome, in that it's seen as worse because of what came before it. It was pretty good overall, but it didn't knock my socks off. Wrath remains #1 for me, I'd say Wrath > Cata > MoP > Legion > Vanilla (I only got to play classic, so i missed the "magic" of it, i guess) > TBC > Slands > BFA > WoD.

    • @music4meh
      @music4meh 2 года назад +1

      In terms of pvp (this entire comment is about pvp), 4.3 and 5.3 were ridiculous. So were the opening patches, but they didn't last as long. In other words, Cata and MoP pvp were a lot of fun for certain comps. Memory might fail be, but WoD was better in terms of balancing, especially with scaling gear and abilities. I do agree it's better than Wrath where certain classes reign, and gear matters more than your ability to play. I like to add that Legion was a shitshow as well, I find it difficult to accept that it is remembered so well. Being forced to raid, farm AP, do M+, besides doing pvp content was insane. Farming AP rendering alts impossible (or sometimes necessary, because of leggos) was a terrible design choice, especially because your farming was rendered useless with every next content patch. Again, this entire comment is written from a PvP pov, and to add to where Legion fell short in this regard, having no standardized way to farm gear is terrible. The grinds in Legion were bad enough, having to farm M+ and heroic raids while trying to grind rating made multiple pvpers quit.
      Cata and MoP had great PvP, it was amazing in terms of gearing and balancing, some of the best we ever got, but still had glaring flaws even in some of the best aspects of pvp

  • @AmorXcatalunya7
    @AmorXcatalunya7 2 года назад +1

    when i played pandarian no fucking body liked it, now everty body loves it, what the heck

  • @ignacioleiva8427
    @ignacioleiva8427 2 года назад +4

    Legión was perfect.

  • @fathersimon3787
    @fathersimon3787 2 года назад +8

    For me Cataclysm will always be the best expansion

  • @snapdag
    @snapdag 2 года назад +6

    Finally accurate legion reaction, ppl got the biggest rose tinted goggles when it comes to that xpac. it had some good qualities but not enough overall to excuse a lot of the stupid shit. I’ll never forgive how alt unfriendly legion was on launch. The AP grind, rando leggos, suramar, fuuck that shiet. Quit after the first raid tier and didnt come back til the last. Ironically enough it was the most alt friendly ever when it came to pvp tho, gotta give credit where it’s due.

    • @y060795
      @y060795 2 года назад

      What’s so bad about Suramar? Except it’s being heavily timegated?
      I really enjoyed it. It’s somewhat satisfying to see that your actions have consequences. And there was SO much content and so much quests that I’m sure I couldn’t do it all during one game session.

    • @y060795
      @y060795 2 года назад

      And about AP and legendary random drop - I gave up the idea to grind soon after I got to level cap.
      Instead I played casually, sometimes did heroic raids, sometimes played arenas. Didn’t care about minmaxing and… I had a lot of fun.
      Plus my main had all legendaries in season 6-7. They just kept dropping because of stacking chances, I didn’t even set a goal to collect everything.

  • @zapspiders92
    @zapspiders92 Год назад +1

    lol at legion "inventing spaceships to drop bombs"

  • @zizi4941
    @zizi4941 2 года назад +7

    finally, a based opinion on pandaria

  • @gefilte86
    @gefilte86 Год назад

    Can't wait for Cataclysm classic.

  • @FreddyB41
    @FreddyB41 2 года назад +5

    The "cherry on top" in MoP was 5.4 - Siege of Orgrimmar. Otherwise, I wasn't a fan of MoP

    • @MrChoffe93
      @MrChoffe93 Год назад +2

      @fumikumi 🤣🤣🤣 your comment makes no sense at all honestly. People have their own opinions. What's wrong with people like you.

  • @gentrelane
    @gentrelane 2 года назад

    I just don't know what he could be talking about if not world of warcraft expansions

  • @jorgedanielrodriguez8384
    @jorgedanielrodriguez8384 2 года назад +10

    i´m actually excited and scared for dragonflight

  • @happyfacce101
    @happyfacce101 Год назад +1

    doing cataclysm dirty just because raid finder and dragon soul

  • @wiiagent
    @wiiagent Год назад


  • @cianbroderick4145
    @cianbroderick4145 2 года назад

    Wait so burning crusade classic does exist? Where was the fan fair?

  • @HidinRebel
    @HidinRebel Год назад

    Lost me a pandas, have a nice life.

  • @1Atheeleyah
    @1Atheeleyah Год назад

    the bald man is going to laugh at this one

  • @BaconMaken
    @BaconMaken Год назад

    Finally someone who acknowledges that MoP was good. The whole "DURR PANDAS!" argument is so lame. PvP was never better.

    • @divinecomedian2
      @divinecomedian2 Год назад

      Pandas were lame. Game was already broken by Cataclysm though so it couldn't be saved.

  • @TheSimplePerson
    @TheSimplePerson 2 года назад +2


  • @CronicasDeGisthia
    @CronicasDeGisthia Год назад +1

    great, another vanilla stan blinded by nostalgia. I sleep.

  • @leroibabar
    @leroibabar 2 года назад

    Wod for Ashran ❤

  • @josephverbosky6734
    @josephverbosky6734 Год назад

    The Cata disrespect continues I see

  • @navrotron22
    @navrotron22 2 года назад

    Cata wasnt THAT bad it was alright

  • @burkhardt7694
    @burkhardt7694 Год назад

    Nailed it

  • @netherlim
    @netherlim 2 года назад

    least classic copium enjoyer

  • @edwardtan7283
    @edwardtan7283 Год назад

    So accurate

  • @darrenthesleepybird3355
    @darrenthesleepybird3355 Год назад

    Spaceships that drop bombs just feels like the DH Order Hall summed up

  • @5hourenergy580
    @5hourenergy580 Год назад

    I think I found the pvp'er

  • @ranchmang
    @ranchmang 2 года назад

    Dunno why people hate cataclysm, peak pvp and PvE era. Most fun I've ever had in the game.

  • @Dezomm
    @Dezomm Год назад

    Cataclysm was better than WotLK. Change my mind.

  • @archdruidbookwalter951
    @archdruidbookwalter951 2 года назад +2

    With what we've seen from the beta, I feel like that Dragonflight clip is not gonna age well...

    • @bayard6954
      @bayard6954 2 года назад +1

      Looks like it'll be a big improvement from Shadowlands in terms of gameplay, worldbuilding and plot at the very least. I don't know why he thought it deserved that look

    • @CrypticElements
      @CrypticElements 2 года назад +1

      @Crimson Outdoors Co. good one

    • @divinecomedian2
      @divinecomedian2 Год назад

      How people still have faith in Blizz is beyond me

  • @jabronijackpot
    @jabronijackpot 2 года назад +1

    tbc classic > vanilla classic any day for me. Class balance too doodoo in vanilla.

    • @kaydens6964
      @kaydens6964 2 года назад

      I was out dpsing my 70 rogue with 60 holy priest in outland starter gear, I dont know about balance... But the rogue is super fun in world pvp.

    • @jabronijackpot
      @jabronijackpot 2 года назад

      @@kaydens6964 Thing is, entire classes can't even dps viably in vanilla raiding (sham, pala, druid, spriest). In tbc every class gets at least one solid spec for raiding. Its not perfect, but its a huge step up.

    • @kaydens6964
      @kaydens6964 2 года назад

      @@jabronijackpot They could heal tho, rogue in TBC I genuinely felt like a liability in dungeon and raids, I also put a lot more effort into the rogue than my other classes in order to make him work, its a pure dps class that cant do dps till end game. Not complaining tho, rogue pvp in tbc is way too fun, I guess thats the balance, but then theres always the mage whos good at everything.

    • @jabronijackpot
      @jabronijackpot 2 года назад

      @@kaydens6964 were you assa/sub? Combat was pretty strong in pve, especially later on.

    • @kaydens6964
      @kaydens6964 2 года назад +2

      @@jabronijackpot I tested all the talent builds and rotations, combat deal more damage in cleave situation when cds up, but at the end of the day it’s not a big difference given my gear, so later on I largely just ran with sub since I more or less gave up on pve, sometimes I ran into another combat rogue and we do similar dps, which is not good, haha. It sucks when you time all your cds, combo points and energy but lose to something like holy fire smite smite smite.

  • @thiccdaddy749
    @thiccdaddy749 2 года назад

    Wotlk ending was lame. They shouldn't have messed around with key characters from the rts games.

  • @fabianmcgrane3238
    @fabianmcgrane3238 Год назад +1

    Shadowland wasnt bad :)

  • @danielengel4593
    @danielengel4593 2 года назад

    Lets hope Dragonflight can hold up to Vanilla and Wrath.

    • @yourdreams2440
      @yourdreams2440 2 года назад +4

      no way

    • @szencziboldizsar6532
      @szencziboldizsar6532 Год назад +1

      to wrath most likely, it doesnt take much for an expansion to outshine such a pile of hot garbage as wrath

    • @yourdreams2440
      @yourdreams2440 Год назад +1

      @@szencziboldizsar6532 No way you think the expansion that changed gender into body type is better than wrath

  • @ivanbenkovic610
    @ivanbenkovic610 2 года назад +4

    Cata was best, classic andys quit because the game became too hard for their boomer brains.

  • @joshaklese4969
    @joshaklese4969 2 года назад


  • @W-exe_com
    @W-exe_com Год назад


  • @witchbvrner
    @witchbvrner 2 года назад

    Man, am I the only one who loved Cataclysm? Was everyone soft from Wrath raiding and they couldn't handle a challenge?

  • @BesttBi
    @BesttBi Год назад

    asmongold lmfao!!! 😆😆😆😆

    @DIGGERNICK69 2 года назад +2

    mop was trash. the decline started there

  • @joncoish
    @joncoish 2 года назад


  • @TheRocker3011
    @TheRocker3011 Год назад

    To me from.best to worst
    - wotlk
    - burning crusade
    - vanilla wow
    - legion
    - mop
    - cata
    All the rest i dont give a fuck they are ultra garbage

  • @LordKamos777
    @LordKamos777 2 года назад

    Legion > WOTLK

  • @blandiir4599
    @blandiir4599 Год назад

    Unpopular opinion: Wrath of the Lich King was pretty good, but was the origin of a lot the mechanics that made WoW suck in later stages.

  • @mattieonutube273
    @mattieonutube273 2 года назад +3

    Pandaland 🤢 🤮

  • @user-fz9uf5jf5v
    @user-fz9uf5jf5v 2 года назад

    Your opinion doesn't match my opinion, so I'm disliking this video and hiding your channel from my RUclips home page forever.

  • @syedie7283
    @syedie7283 2 года назад

    BFA was best expansion ever, just casuals and old boomers dont like it, because it was hard to farm all the things.

    • @mason894
      @mason894 2 года назад +1

      The last patch was quite ok. Everything before was utter dogshit

  • @xxtardelixxable
    @xxtardelixxable 2 года назад

    Legion was absolute shit lol

  • @thequestbro
    @thequestbro Год назад

    WOTLK was shit.