Understanding the Trinity Part 2

  • Опубликовано: 16 окт 2024
  • Recorded in Reading 2016
    A free to download PDF booklet that accompanies this video called 'The Trinity' can be downloaded from www.explainingbiblicaltruth.global
    Free resources and a library of Davids teachings are available from www.davidpawson.org
    ©️David Pawson Ministry CIO 2016

Комментарии • 323

  • @jukes243
    @jukes243 Год назад +20

    Next week I turn 71 and have never heard the Trinity explained so clearly and beautifully before. My heart is full. Thank You, Abba Father, Lord Jesus, Holy Spirit and brother David Pawson.

    • @S.R.M.
      @S.R.M. Год назад

      Does a Christian need to believe in the Trinity to be saved? And if so, why did our Savior, nor the disciples, ever teach the doctrine of the Trinity? Why would Christians give credence to a council of men coming together to argue who God is (The Council of Nicaea in 325 CE), and thereby seek to define God? Can mankind define God? No, God reveals Himself to mankind. 1 John 5:7-8, The Johannine Comma is an interpolation according to Christian scholars (words added) to the Bible by over-zealous Trinitarians, who wanted some testimony to the Trinity, due to the fact that in the Bible there is none. Matthew 28:19 has come under suspicion, a commandment allegedly given by Christ to the disciples, but the disciples only baptized in the Savior’s name only, as demonstrated in the Book of Acts. The early church historian Eusebius, wrote (published circa 316 CE) in his book, Matthew 28:19, that Christ actually said, "Go and make disciples of all the nations in my name" (Eusebius, The History of the Church, p. 68, PENGU1N CLASSICS, 1965). The Trinity has only really existed since the 4th century. Historian H.G. Wells factually stated, "There is no evidence that the apostles of Jesus ever heard of the Trinity-at any rate from Him" (The Outline of History, Vol. 2, p. 499). Martin Luther is quoted in a sermon saying, "It is indeed true that the name 'Trinity' is nowhere to be found in the Holy Scriptures, but has been conceived and invented by man" (The Sermons of Martin Luther, Vol. 3, p. 406, 1988). It is time that the false Trinity Doctrine cease to exist in Christianity! Catholics and Protestants agree that “Whoever will be saved: before all things, it is necessary to keep the Catholic faith… unless he keeps this faith whole, he will perish everlastingly...And the Catholic faith is this: we worship one God in Trinity” (Catholicism, p. 69, 1961). Protestant professor of Theology James White, states, “The Trinity doctrine is misunderstood as well as ignored. It is so misunderstood that a majority of Christians when asked, give incorrect and at times downright heretical definitions of the Trinity” (James White, The Forgotten Trinity, p. 16). According to James White, around 75% of Christians, who think themselves to be Trinitarians, are actually Modalists. Modalism: One God who at different times represents Himself in three different modes of being: Father, Son, and Holy Ghost. If belief in the Trinity doctrine is so critical to our salvation, then why did Christ and the disciples not preach the Trinity, which historically developed over 300 years after Christ? To say that one must believe in the Trinity in order to be saved, when Christ never stipulated the doctrine as a prerequisite for salvation is the grossest form of legalism! The man-made Trinity Doctrine is so ingrained into the imagination of Christians for salvation when Christ and the apostles never ever taught it, that many will actually stand condemned for believing in the Trinity according to the Tradition of men, and not of God. Christ warned us about teaching doctrines without one thus says the LORD! And He...said to them, “Well did Isaiah prophesy of you hypocrites, as it is written: ‘This people honors Me with their lips, but their heart is far from Me. And in vain they worship Me, teaching as doctrines the commandments of men.’ For laying aside the commandment of God, you hold the tradition of men…” He said to them, “All too well you reject the commandment of God, that you may keep your tradition” (Mark 7:6-9). Christians do not need to believe in the Trinity in order to receive salvation and eternal life in the Kingdom of God! If Christians needed to believe in the Trinity in order to be saved, then it would be taught in the New Testament by our Lord and Savior, and it, the Trinity, was not taught in the New Testament. The Trinity is a useless Doctrine based solely on the misunderstanding of men. It is time for Christians to free themselves from the doctrines of men. The Son of God declared: “Most assuredly, I say to you, before Abraham was, I AM” (John 8:58). YAH is the meaning of I AM. By this statement, Christ told the Jews that He is their God, the very God of Israel. Not to take this statement as true in that He, the Son of God, is lesser than His Father and God is tantamount to calling Him a liar. Based on everything presented here, the statement by churches that one must believe in the Trinity in order to be saved is the highest form of legalism.

    • @florinbirsan2223
      @florinbirsan2223 3 месяца назад

      @@S.R.M.you are making FALSE STATEMENTS 👇🏾👇🏾👇🏾
      „You have heard Me say to you, ‘I am going away and coming back to you.’ If you loved Me, you would rejoice because I said, ‘I am going to the Father,’ for ➡️My Father is greater than I.”⬅️
      ‭‭John‬ ‭14‬:‭28‬ ‭

    • @S.R.M.
      @S.R.M. 3 месяца назад

      @@florinbirsan2223 I am not making false statements. I am speaking the Truth. “For ‘whoever calls on the name of the Lord shall be saved’”
      (Romans 10:13).
      What is “the name which is above every name”?
      The answer is given by the prophet Isaiah. “Behold, God is my salvation, I will trust and not be afraid; ‘For Yah, the Lord, is my strength and song; He also has become my salvation’” (Isaiah 12:2 NKJV). Where did the name YAH come from? First, did you know that the name Jesus has only existed since the 17th century? Therefore, God never revealed the name Jesus, nor did the apostles ever know Him by the name Jesus.
      But what of the name YAH? We look to Moses. “Then Moses said to God, ‘Indeed, when I come to the children of Israel and say to them, ‘The God of your fathers has sent me to you,’ and they say to me, ‘What is His name?’ what shall I say to them?’ And God said to Moses, “HaYAH Ashar HaYAH” [meaning: “I AM WHO I AM”]. And He said, ‘Thus you shall say to the children of Israel, ‘I AM {YAH} has sent me to you.’ Moreover, God said to Moses, ‘Thus you shall say to the children of Israel: ‘The Lord God of your fathers, the God of Abraham, the God of Isaac, and the God of Jacob, has sent me to you. This is My name forever, and this is My memorial to all generations’” (Exodus 3:13-15). “HaYAH” means “the I AM” YAH is “the name which is above every name.” YAH, I AM, in Hebrew is יָהּ Therefore, it is HaYAH, “The I AM.” Not Ehyeh. Yeh, or Jehovah are false names never revealed by God.
      Since the apostles never knew the name Jesus, which was placed by man into the New Testament, and not according to the revelation of God, we need to put back the revealed name of the Savior.
      Is this name YAH a part of the Savior’s name? The apostle Paul assures us of “the name which is above every name,” as part of Christ’s name. He testified, “While thus occupied, as I journeyed to Damascus with authority and commission from the chief priests, at midday, O king, along the road I saw a light from heaven, brighter than the sun, shining around me and those who journeyed with me. And when we all had fallen to the ground, I heard a voice speaking to me and saying in the Hebrew language, ‘Saul, Saul, why are you persecuting Me? It is hard for you to kick against the goads.’ So I said, ‘Who are You, Lord?’ And He said, ‘I am YAHSHUA, whom you are persecuting. But rise and stand on your feet; for I have appeared to you for this purpose, to make you a minister and a witness both of the things which you have seen and of the things which I will yet reveal to you. I will deliver you from the Jewish people, as well as from the Gentiles, to whom I now send you, to open their eyes, in order to turn them from darkness to light, and from the power of Satan to God, that they may receive forgiveness of sins and an inheritance among those who are sanctified by faith in Me’” (Acts 26:12-18). Christ told Paul His name in Hebrew. And this is what Paul wrote to the Philippians, “Therefore God also has highly exalted Him and given Him ‘the name which is above every name,’ that at the name of YAHSHUA, every knee should bow, of those in heaven, and of those on earth, and of those under the earth, and that every tongue should confess that YAHSHUA the Christ is LORD, to the glory of God the Father” (Philippians 2:9-11). Christ, Himself told the people that He is YAH, meaning “I AM.” Our Savior said, “Most assuredly, I say to you, before Abraham was, I AM {YAH}.” The expression “I AM”, means YAH. We praise our God and Savior with this expression: “Halleluyah, Praise YAH!”
      Shua means “my help,” as in “salvation.” YAHSHUA means, “I AM Salvation.” And the apostle Peter testified, “Nor is there salvation in any other, for there is no other name under heaven given among men by which we must be saved.” When the Sanhedrin (Jewish Court) heard the name YAHSHUA, as the name YAH is the very name given to Moses, and they recognized the very name YAH, that they sought to hide from the Gentiles, for fear that the Gentiles would profane the name, the Sanhedrin forbid the apostle from preaching in this name, “YAHSHUA” (Acts 4:17-18). However, when the apostles preached in the name of YAHSHUA, the people did not hear it, instead, they heard the name Yeshua (a common name among the Jews at that time), and unless one was part of the Way, the Nazareans, the name YAHSHUA was not well known. Yeshua, an Aramaic name, was a common name in the 1st century.
      Those who reject the name YAHSHUA need to take warning, “He who believes in Him is not condemned; but he who does not believe is condemned already, because he has not believed in the name of the only begotten Son of God” (John 3:18). Why is this important revealed name, YAHSHUA, not better known? The answer is given by YAHSHUA, He said, “Enter by the narrow gate; for wide is the gate and broad is the way that leads to destruction, and there are many who go in by it. Because narrow is the gate and difficult is the way which leads to life, and there are few who find it” (Matthew 7:13-14). “Few there be who find it.”

  • @oldies200
    @oldies200 7 месяцев назад +3

    Finally I understand the TRINITY, God bless you Pastor David Pawson, your memory is BLESSED

  • @savedbygrace5370
    @savedbygrace5370 5 лет назад +38

    Where is the love button? This has changed my life. God bless you brother Pawson!

  • @josephineteo1730
    @josephineteo1730 Год назад +3

    So grateful to have the opportunity to listen to this message.

  • @nnamdimbata8365
    @nnamdimbata8365 5 лет назад +17

    So grateful for this teaching. As an Anglican I have always desired to learn from a detailed teaching series like this on the trinity. thank you David Pawson, I pray to be a faithful teacher to my generation. I can explain it better to the children now, when I teach on the subject. God bless your generation and remain rapturable.

    • @S.R.M.
      @S.R.M. Год назад

      Does a Christian need to believe in the Trinity to be saved? And if so, why did our Savior, nor the disciples, ever teach the doctrine of the Trinity? Why would Christians give credence to a council of men coming together to argue who God is (The Council of Nicaea in 325 CE), and thereby seek to define God? Can mankind define God? No, God reveals Himself to mankind. 1 John 5:7-8, The Johannine Comma is an interpolation according to Christian scholars (words added) to the Bible by over-zealous Trinitarians, who wanted some testimony to the Trinity, due to the fact that in the Bible there is none. Matthew 28:19 has come under suspicion, a commandment allegedly given by Christ to the disciples, but the disciples only baptized in the Savior’s name only, as demonstrated in the Book of Acts. The early church historian Eusebius, wrote (published circa 316 CE) in his book, Matthew 28:19, that Christ actually said, "Go and make disciples of all the nations in my name" (Eusebius, The History of the Church, p. 68, PENGU1N CLASSICS, 1965). The Trinity has only really existed since the 4th century. Historian H.G. Wells factually stated, "There is no evidence that the apostles of Jesus ever heard of the Trinity-at any rate from Him" (The Outline of History, Vol. 2, p. 499). Martin Luther is quoted in a sermon saying, "It is indeed true that the name 'Trinity' is nowhere to be found in the Holy Scriptures, but has been conceived and invented by man" (The Sermons of Martin Luther, Vol. 3, p. 406, 1988). It is time that the false Trinity Doctrine cease to exist in Christianity! Catholics and Protestants agree that “Whoever will be saved: before all things, it is necessary to keep the Catholic faith… unless he keeps this faith whole, he will perish everlastingly...And the Catholic faith is this: we worship one God in Trinity” (Catholicism, p. 69, 1961). Protestant professor of Theology James White, states, “The Trinity doctrine is misunderstood as well as ignored. It is so misunderstood that a majority of Christians when asked, give incorrect and at times downright heretical definitions of the Trinity” (James White, The Forgotten Trinity, p. 16). According to James White, around 75% of Christians, who think themselves to be Trinitarians, are actually Modalists. Modalism: One God who at different times represents Himself in three different modes of being: Father, Son, and Holy Ghost. If belief in the Trinity doctrine is so critical to our salvation, then why did Christ and the disciples not preach the Trinity, which historically developed over 300 years after Christ? To say that one must believe in the Trinity in order to be saved, when Christ never stipulated the doctrine as a prerequisite for salvation is the grossest form of legalism! The man-made Trinity Doctrine is so ingrained into the imagination of Christians for salvation when Christ and the apostles never ever taught it, that many will actually stand condemned for believing in the Trinity according to the Tradition of men, and not of God. Christ warned us about teaching doctrines without one thus says the LORD! And He...said to them, “Well did Isaiah prophesy of you hypocrites, as it is written: ‘This people honors Me with their lips, but their heart is far from Me. And in vain they worship Me, teaching as doctrines the commandments of men.’ For laying aside the commandment of God, you hold the tradition of men…” He said to them, “All too well you reject the commandment of God, that you may keep your tradition” (Mark 7:6-9). Christians do not need to believe in the Trinity in order to receive salvation and eternal life in the Kingdom of God! If Christians needed to believe in the Trinity in order to be saved, then it would be taught in the New Testament by our Lord and Savior, and it, the Trinity, was not taught in the New Testament. The Trinity is a useless Doctrine based solely on the misunderstanding of men. It is time for Christians to free themselves from the doctrines of men. The Son of God declared: “Most assuredly, I say to you, before Abraham was, I AM” (John 8:58). YAH is the meaning of I AM. By this statement, Christ told the Jews that He is their God, the very God of Israel. Not to take this statement as true in that He, the Son of God, is lesser than His Father and God is tantamount to calling Him a liar. Based on everything presented here, the statement by churches that one must believe in the Trinity in order to be saved is the highest form of legalism.

  • @mosesmanaka8109
    @mosesmanaka8109 3 года назад +13

    Beautiful production, well made and well presented to the Glory and Honour of our GOD.

    • @sue9151
      @sue9151 9 месяцев назад

      Thankyou to Jews for there stubborness now God the father has Grafted Gentiles on to the olive 🌲 tree as branches and Jews and Gentiles are now 1 ❤️ Ipray that Jewish community don't repeat history as when Jesus Christ was last on Earth.They didn't believe he was the son of man .And part of the Trinity of God.He is God and the. Only way underline Only way is Jesus Christ to the Father God.How much more proof do they need this time.We he comes to Earth and if Jews haven't accepted Jesus Christ as the Messiah just being Jewish isn't Going to save because a lot are not true Jewish.Alot are German.Your mother has to be Jewish and her mother Jewish.God the Father wishes his son Jesus Christ will be the King of the world.And God the father is in charge no man no Rabi God no one Advices or tells the Father God what to do .Jesus Christ deserves to be king he died for The world sins .And now has massive Following because he is not Reglion.Hes about having a loving Raltionship with him .And Jesus is real and so is the bible.💯Stop being so stubborn because your soul and life depends on it .💯❤️🎺🔑🙏

  • @yohanisdeppu6173
    @yohanisdeppu6173 2 года назад +11

    Dear Pastor. Thank you so much for preaching the Word of GOD.may GOD bless you and your family..

  • @anastasiamamis6441
    @anastasiamamis6441 2 года назад +2

    What an awesome teaching. I now be able to share this teaching with fellow believers and unbelievers who have doubt. RIP Mr Pawson.

  • @humbertoc.maldonado2792
    @humbertoc.maldonado2792 3 года назад +2

    Praise God for this legacy. What a great collection of wealth to enrich and empower us still here. Blessing to you in Heaven, brother.

  • @jimb3093
    @jimb3093 4 года назад +10

    And such a beautiful song at the end. I was in tears. Thank you Jesus

  • @reksubbn3961
    @reksubbn3961 6 лет назад +17

    I love this man and his understanding of the Bible. This 2 part series is one of his best. He has been a faithful teacher for so long. The teaching of the Trinity can be controversial and difficult to understand as is demonstrated by the many detailed comments. David's teaching explains things so clearly. I suspect the difference is having this personal relationship with the Holy Spirit. Father we adore you.

    • @TheCaledonianBoy
      @TheCaledonianBoy 6 лет назад

      reksubbn He certainly has a fine speaking voice and manner. However in his 1st video in this series he made two statements that are very misleading. His understanding of the Hebrew words "echad" meaning "one" and "elohim" meaning "God/s. It was disappointing to hear a man of his experience and knowledge of the bible language use this type of reasoning to promote a doctrine.

    • @reksubbn3961
      @reksubbn3961 6 лет назад +4

      TheCaledonianBoy Thanks for reading my comments. I have listened to David for many years and I trust him even if I don't understand or agree with everything. I do believe he has studied the Scriptures in the original languages. Something which few of us will ever have the opportunity or skill to do. As such we have to trust others sooner or later.I have read other preachers who agree with his interpretation even though they belong to other denominations. Then I read comments from yourself that have a different interpretation. Can you please tell me why you would understand the original better than David Pawson? I do appreciate that your comments were respectful even though you didnt agree. I am also asking respectfully.

    • @TheCaledonianBoy
      @TheCaledonianBoy 6 лет назад

      reksubbn Thank you to for appreciating that we do have different opinions and can still discuss our differences in a Christ like manner.
      I am not a Hebrew or Greek scholar by any means but I have been a bible believer for 30 years and posses many books written by experts in this field.
      I view these as aids in understanding Gods word in a deeper way. Are they necessary? No, valuable, but not necessary. I enjoy reading them and appreciate the work that is put into these volumes.
      However, they do not, to me, supersede the inspired word of God.
      I listened to part 1 again just so I got my facts right and was not misinterpreting what Mr. Pawson was saying. I am even more stunned than I was when I first listened.
      I am not trinitarian and honestly believe to prove the 3 person God from the bible is a hard task, never mind attempting to do so from the Hebrew scriptures of the Old Testament.
      David quotes the Jewish "shema" of Deut 6:4 "Hear, O Israel! The Lord is our God, the Lord is one! " NASB
      He goes on to say that the word "one" is important and that there are two Hebrew words for "one". "One means singular (alone), and the other "echad" means many but who are one in harmony". He went on "so it does not mean they (the Jews) believed in one single God, but that they believed in a harmonious God".
      I am stunned by this.
      If you are learning to count in Hebrew "echad" is one, the number one. It is used in the exact same way as the English word "one". By no stretch of the imagination does the number one "mean many but who are in harmony" as David said.
      The Jews, whose language this is, did not believe this.
      Most trinitarian scholars do not agree with this.
      He goes on to use the fact that God said of Adam and Eve that the two would become one. It is not uncommon for "one" to be used in this way, but in order to understand this meaning we must be told who or what that is to be one, and even then "one" is still "one" or it does not make sense.
      At Deut 6:4 we see no such qualification. If it said "and the many Gods, or three Gods or the three persons of God are one" that might be different, but it does not.
      David's interpretation of "echad" is based more in what he believes God is, as opposed to what God is telling us he is.
      "Elohim" is the Hebrew word most commonly used of God and it is literally "G/gods". David said that it means it is a plural word, he is right. All agree on this.
      What he said next is astounding. "el is the word for one God, aloha is the word for two and elohim is the word for three"
      The truth of the matter is that "elohim" is the word for God and it is plural but it is used with singular verbs.
      In the Hebrew language the words Heaven, water, face and many more are all plural words that can be used of a singular.
      At Ps 8:5 God said that the angels are "elohim" (same word used of Yahweh) meaning they are gods (powerful beings), plural.
      Interestingly this same word used of God, is also used of singular pagan gods such as Dagon Ashtoreth and Milcom. They are not plural nor are they "three".
      Most scholars trinitarian or otherwise agree that although the word is plural it is to be understood to be singular.
      Lastly. When the 70 Jewish scholars decided to translate the Hebrew scriptures into Greek, the valuable Septuagint, they chose to render "elohim" in the singular Greek word "theos" and not the plural "theois".
      Sorry the really last thing. It is worth remembering that Jesus said at John 4. "The Jews worship what they know". What did the Jews know? That God was one person, not three.
      Peace to you

    • @reksubbn3961
      @reksubbn3961 6 лет назад

      TheCaledonianBoy I notice that like me you are reading and commenting on other replies. I just read your comment that the Bible is a big book and hence the need for creeds and anologies. In one sense that is where i am at now. Obviously we won't agree on everything but what is essential to a saving faith? I believe the 'creed' of the Trinity comes from trying to understand what the New Testament teaches. Nothing more. As someone who grew up in the Lutheran church i learnt of 3 fundamental teachings. By Scripture alone, By Grace alone By Faith alone and also The Priesthood of all believers. Do you agree with these statements? I dont mean do you accept the Lutheran interpretation because i don't accept them. Just the statements themselves. My name is Neville btw.

    • @TheCaledonianBoy
      @TheCaledonianBoy 6 лет назад

      reksubbn Hi Neville. To be honest I have never given these three themes much thought. I understand 500 years ago why they became important in the Reformation.
      If you accept Sola Scriptura then "Faith Alone" does not match up. In the first two chapters of James he more than a few times said that "Faith without works is dead". Can it really be "Faith alone" if it must be accompanied by works?
      How can there be "Grace Alone", a kindness from God that is undeserved, if both faith and works are required?
      Jesus said in prayer to the Father at John 17:3 "this is eternal life that they may KNOW you, the only true God, and the one you sent forth Jesus Christ" .
      Why not the Father Only. Surely this is vital that we know God and Jesus.
      Knowing God is accomplished by reading His word. We find how to build our faith, appreciate His grace but also what kind works are pleasing to our Lord.
      What good is grace alone or faith alone if we read Jesus words at John 17:3 and contradict them by saying "the Father is not the only true God, there are two others that are also the only true God".
      The only person that Jesus placed in the category of "only true God" is the Father. He also said that knowing this is eternal life.
      "Scripture alone" Yes. As the only God breathed writings on earth. I do read other bible based books, they of course are not inspired

  • @madhavaraogideon3281
    @madhavaraogideon3281 5 лет назад +15

    I really Thank You Bro. David Pawson for the The Exposition of God who is in Three Persons. I never heard so clear
    teaching on Trinity. I am amazed .

  • @christinalynn8143
    @christinalynn8143 2 года назад +1

    Remarkable delivery.
    As for any experience had when a listener might doze off to a sound sleep listening, such the soft spoken, even flow of speaking and yet, most of the audience, alert, awake, awaiting, each and every word of teaching. A well studied bible teacher. Good such information, knowledge was passed on, recorded for others to also learn and share.

    • @anndempsey3281
      @anndempsey3281 11 месяцев назад

      I'm Blessed beyond measure, in listening to the teaching on the Holy Spirit. God Bless Brother David Pawson, and all his family. Thank you so much for Playing Mr Pawson R.I.P. teachings and I hope the recorders are richly blest by the Lord for your amazing good work. God Bless you, as I am deeply grateful for the wonderful teaching which you are providing. Blessings to you in Jesus name and to all who listens to the recordings. Thank you so much. Love and prayers to you all. My Faith and Love in God is being restored. Thank you. A dedicated listener.

  • @graceyow3392
    @graceyow3392 Год назад +2

    52:40 trinity the god who is above us, who is beside us and who within us. wow. bless you david.

  • @zoeinblen2661
    @zoeinblen2661 2 года назад +1

    I am so blessed with his teachings, thank you

    • @anndempsey3281
      @anndempsey3281 11 месяцев назад

      I am also so Blest with David Pawson, R.I.P. teachings. God Bless you for the Recordings. Thank you so so much. God Bless David's family, I'm looking forward to conversing with David in Heaven, Spirit to Spirit. God Bless his family for such an Inspirational Father.

  • @chaoticentity4532
    @chaoticentity4532 6 лет назад +10

    This makes Christianity a unique religion since it's beyond human logics unlike any other religions .

  • @uchechiugoji
    @uchechiugoji 2 года назад

    I love you David pawson. You make my beliefs in Christ realer than I can say. God bless

  • @isabs8616
    @isabs8616 6 лет назад +17

    So awesome 52:20 !!!! I never thought about God being above, beside, inside, this is so magnificent!

  • @treetoplake
    @treetoplake 2 года назад +3

    Wow such clear teaching thank you for posting

  • @emmanuel4590
    @emmanuel4590 Год назад +1

    I thank God for his wisdom upon you. I believe in the trinity now more than before. Amen

  • @Joshua-li1vn
    @Joshua-li1vn 2 года назад +2

    Amazing perfect explanation of the trinity! Thank you farther' Jesus' Holy spirit.

  • @Olyatzaneros
    @Olyatzaneros 6 лет назад +16

    Wonderful teacher. God bless you David Pawson.

  • @annakatona6091
    @annakatona6091 Год назад +1

    Magnificent teaching. Thank you God 🙏

  • @jeremiahtwo3969
    @jeremiahtwo3969 6 лет назад +8

    Reciting church creeds to support the idea of trinity is not such a wise thing to do. It is relying on the wisdom of humans and goes beyond the things written.

  • @alexisdaniel3313
    @alexisdaniel3313 3 года назад +4

    The water triple point means that the water is in the same time liquid, gas and solid at 273,16 Kelvin Temperature and 611 Pascal Pressure . This is a powerful exemple for Trinity explanation and God’s message because there is no life without water.

  • @franke7573
    @franke7573 3 года назад +7

    Just beautiful...Love you David R.I.P

  • @PeterGarofalo
    @PeterGarofalo 6 лет назад +10

    exciting isn't it, Hallelujah. I'd be stomping & shouting by now.

  • @berniemcevoy5143
    @berniemcevoy5143 3 года назад +4

    Wow this really blessed me. What a great teaching on the Trinity!

  • @ezkl9424
    @ezkl9424 2 года назад +2

    God is a spirit. The holy spirit is God's spirit.

  • @nenadvojinovic1672
    @nenadvojinovic1672 Месяц назад

    Fascinanting lecture.

  • @ursulajenni6521
    @ursulajenni6521 2 года назад

    What LOVE is expressed in this most accurate exposition of the Holy Trinity!!! THANK you Father, Son, Holy Spirit and David! I LOVEA AND ADORE YOU!! 💜

  • @Orthodox-bro
    @Orthodox-bro Год назад

    Orthodox Christians say the "Credo" (I belive) prayer at every Holy Liturgy we participate at. "Our Father" aswel along side other prayers that we say as a community. After all this we take the Holy Sacraments after fasting at least couple of days and whithout eating anything before the Holy Body and Blood of Jesus Christ.

  • @perrydonaldson3370
    @perrydonaldson3370 3 года назад

    Mr. Pawson is an excellent bible teacher. I have listened to just about all his teachings and I can say yes and Amen. I Have to say there is one teaching I disagree with. That is when the timing of the rapture of all true believers. I I dogmatically believe it will be a pre-tribulation rapture. With all the knowledge and insight David pawson I can not understand why he gets it wrong at the timing of the rapture

  • @gjeacocke
    @gjeacocke 7 лет назад +5

    Mr pawson, analogies are not meant to be taken literally. Like why pictures are used instead of words. "A picture can speak a thousand words".i like the egg analogy.

    • @PeterGarofalo
      @PeterGarofalo 6 лет назад

      Jesus used a lot of pictures in his stories, a brother explained how the greeks used pictures in their poetry , which is how it came to be remembered so well.

    • @TheCaledonianBoy
      @TheCaledonianBoy 6 лет назад

      Graham Jeacocke The thing is Graham why do we have these analogies, creeds, etc.?
      The bible is a big book in which God is the central character where He is mentioned thousands of times by name and title. The trinity is the central doctrine for most bible believers.
      Why then is there not one single passage or verse that clearly teaches that God is a three person God?
      Hence the reason for the analogies and creeds.

    • @greglance4335
      @greglance4335 3 года назад

      I like when Trinitarians use the father, son and uncle analogy.
      One person can be a father, a son and an uncle.

    • @gjeacocke
      @gjeacocke 3 года назад

      @@greglance4335 no, the CHARACTER of God is the Father, the other side of Gods character is the son, the other side of Gods character is the holy spirit. Be careful to take words literally without hebrew meaning which can be lost in translation.

  • @anastasiamamis6441
    @anastasiamamis6441 8 месяцев назад

    Because of that Catholic and Anglican still exist till today by Hid's grace

  • @Awios1
    @Awios1 4 года назад

    Jesus rose and sit on the right hand of God the Father. Praise God. Without the trinity there is no imidiater Jesus for us.

  • @jesusiscomingsoon977
    @jesusiscomingsoon977 6 лет назад +2

    amazing teaching amen

  • @GQPRO
    @GQPRO 3 года назад +1

    Question for you Pastor Pawson: at the about 51:00 minute mark, you said “God the Father became Immanuel”…but earlier in your triangle diagram you said that God the Father is not the Son…can you please clarify in scripture which if these conflicting statements are true to God’s word?

    • @DavidPawsonMinistry
      @DavidPawsonMinistry  3 года назад

      David is no longer with us to ask for his clarification but through knowing David over many years I don’t believe David means literally the Father becomes the Son - as you correctly point out
      The word Immanuel is a Hebrew word that comes from Isaiah chapt 7 and means “God (El) with us” - Isaiah quotes this as a sign / prophecy of what is to come
      Matthew Chapt 1 cites this sign/ prophecy that ‘God with us’ is the name by which Mary’s son will be called
      I believe what David means is that God, who often seems impersonal and distant in the Old Testament a person very few people had ever seen and you could not touch, who was known by the Jews as Father /ABBA …..came down and dwelt with us, fulfilling the prophecy of Isaiah He becoming Immanuel ie ‘God with us ‘ -through the birth of Jesus
      David did not believe the Father literally became the Son and perhaps could have expressed it differently
      ‘God’ the father as known by the Jews became ‘GOD with us’ , Immanuel, through the birth of his son Jesus
      Thank you for pointing this out

    • @lebiegubaton4159
      @lebiegubaton4159 2 года назад

      Jesus Christ represent the God the father in Flesh right? thats why Jesus said I and the father are one , when Jesus was born he was called immanuel mean God is with US..
      One of the diciple ask Lord show us the Father?
      John 14:8-10
      King James Version
      8 Philip saith unto him, Lord, show us the Father, and it sufficeth us.
      9 Jesus saith unto him, Have I been so long time with you, and yet hast thou not known me, Philip? he that hath seen me hath seen the Father; and how sayest thou then, Show us the Father?
      10 Believest thou not that I am in the Father, and the Father in me? the words that I speak unto you I speak not of myself: but the Father that dwelleth in me, he doeth the works.
      John 10:30.

  • @esluke1955
    @esluke1955 4 года назад +2

    Wonderful teaching, , Hallelujah.....Love from India.....

  • @mukeshscott3538
    @mukeshscott3538 3 года назад

    Excellent teaching.

  • @norulshahlamjohn1140
    @norulshahlamjohn1140 3 года назад +1

    such a long investigation looking into the hints and indications.. can i say the trinity is an interpretation of many verses in the bible? is there any one verse where jesus clearly and explicitly say "i am god" or "worship me"???

  • @juerbert1
    @juerbert1 5 лет назад +3

    John 1:14 says 'And the WORD *became flesh* and dwelt among us..'
    That means exactly 'HE became *incarnate* ' !!
    So that *is* definitely in the Most Noble Holy Bible !!

  • @grigorchristev1394
    @grigorchristev1394 9 дней назад

    There is a phenomenon called the "Triple point" where water is in all the three forms at the same time.

  • @holylohy
    @holylohy 6 лет назад +6

    How true...teaching from Heaven..

  • @isabs8616
    @isabs8616 6 лет назад +2

    The original word of Christ there was no mention about baptise in the name of rhe Father the Son and the Holy Spirit, this was written later, end of 2eme century. We have letters from Eusebe de Cesarée witch attest it, quoting the original formula.

  • @jessenone3708
    @jessenone3708 2 года назад

    I go to a trinitarian church, God is helping me deal with this false teaching so that I don't get angry and can be one with the congregation. oh Jesus just kissed me.

  • @DavidPawsonMinistry
    @DavidPawsonMinistry  9 дней назад


  • @pamelamyers9613
    @pamelamyers9613 4 года назад +3

    God, the Father; God, the Son; God, the Holy Ghost.

    • @WalkingbytheSpiritAlways
      @WalkingbytheSpiritAlways 4 года назад +1

      Amen. I see that you are here when I am too. There is even more attack on the Trinity in these apostate end days.

    • @jollyrancher521
      @jollyrancher521 4 месяца назад

      The phrase "God the Father" appears many times in the New Testament, but the phrase "God the Son" does not appear at all. If Jesus were part of a Godhead, the second person of the Trinity, you would think that this phrase would appear. Neither does the phrase "God the Holy Spirit". On the other hand, Jesus is referred to many times as "God's Son" or the "Son of God".

  • @snoopinng
    @snoopinng 2 года назад

    Full of flows. One of the biggest: Christ is beside us. CHRIST IS NOT BESIDE US, CHRIST IS INSIDE OF US, IN OUR HEARTS. Colossians .1:27: "Christ IN YOU, the hope of glory." 2 Korinthians 13:5: "Examine yourselves, whether ye be in the faith; prove your own selves. Know ye not your own selves, how that Jesus Christ is IN YOU, except ye be reprobates?" So is the Father, so is Holy Spirit. Luke 17:21: " Kingdom of God is WHITHIN YOU."

  • @omanghebreyesus5002
    @omanghebreyesus5002 2 года назад

    The analogy of water falls even shorter, as water actually has not three but four states: ice, liquid, vapour, and plasma.

  • @heidilecompte4198
    @heidilecompte4198 3 года назад

    John 14:8-10 Philip said to Jesus, “Lord, show us the Father, and it is sufficient for us.” Jesus said to him, “Have I been with you so long, and yet you have not known Me, Philip? He who has seen Me has seen the Father; so how can you say, ‘Show us the Father’?

  • @CherylArsenault123
    @CherylArsenault123 7 лет назад +1

    Apostle John once again showing who our Lord was and in Revelation 19 showing us who our Lord Jesus Christ will come as next time he comes.
    The only begotten Son of God.
    The worthy Lamb of God.
    1 John 5:7King James Version (KJV)
    7 For there are three that bear record in heaven, the Father, the Word, and the Holy Ghost: and these three are one.
    Revelation 19:12-13King James Version (KJV)
    12 His eyes were as a flame of fire, and on his head were many crowns; and he had a name written, that no man knew, but he himself.
    13 And he was clothed with a vesture dipped in blood: and his name is called The Word of God.

  • @danielvillarreal6551
    @danielvillarreal6551 3 года назад +1


  • @gloriarood1523
    @gloriarood1523 6 лет назад +8

    Wow, adore his teachings. the trinity reminds me of an atom. It's one as a whole, contains a proton, neutron & electron. within the atom is a neucleus. A a whole or one, the 3 parts equal the whole.

  • @HK-qn4rz
    @HK-qn4rz 3 года назад +2

    I explain it to Muslims that just like a human being is made of three : spirit body and soul 3=1 human also God is 3in one

  • @roberttoodie275
    @roberttoodie275 2 года назад

    nice....God is love !

  • @grneal26
    @grneal26 4 месяца назад

    Does Jesus still have his body in Heaven? and when we go to Heaven will we literally see Jesus with his body on the right hand of God the Father? Will we see both of them at the same time? Can we only hug Jesus because He has a body? Will we be able to talk to God the father?

    • @DavidPawsonMinistry
      @DavidPawsonMinistry  4 месяца назад

      Be patient ! What excitement ….to find out ……and have all these questions answered - truthfully!
      What if I said to you “ if you remain faithful to the end - there is a reward - a hug from The Son of God ?!? It’s worth persevering with a few issues down here !
      What we know is
      - Jesus is the Word of God so there is either writing or speech in Heavan and I’m not looking forward to more reading and writing thank you 🙂
      When God created the world Jesus “said “ we also know there will be singing and dancing - I had better learn to dance !
      Jesus talks about resurrected bodies - we certainly will have bodies …… I can wait to raise this old body in for a new one 😂…..
      I certainly am expecting him to welcome me into “his outstretched arms “
      What a wonderful day that will be - Oh happy day!

    @RALPHACLAO-c6t Год назад

    how many thrones are there in heaven? , who is seated? the father or the son?

  • @joelgarcia2642
    @joelgarcia2642 3 года назад

    I follow Jesus and the Disciples, which never believed or thought this false doctrine.

  • @ezkl9424
    @ezkl9424 2 года назад

    Paul tells us at 1 Corinthians 8:4-6 that the Father is the only true God for Christians!

  • @johneachus6667
    @johneachus6667 3 года назад

    Thank you

  • @biantinglim8118
    @biantinglim8118 3 года назад

    With due respect to your beliefs about the Doctrine of the Trinity which was formulated and approved only in 325 AD at the Council of Nacea presided by the Pagan Roman Emperor Constantin were unknown to the Early Church headed by St James, the Step Brother and True disciple of Jesus, who teaches that Jesus was just a Messenger of the ONE TRUE GOD. Please explain the Doctrine which is against the 1st Commandment, “ Thou Shall Not Have Other Gods Beside ME.” Also, the supposed mainstream or majority of Christians, the Roman Catholics violated the 2nd Commandment, “Thou Shall Not Worship Any Graven Images and Idols.” These TWO Commandments are so CLEAR, SIMPLE and Explicit to understand. Please reply.

    • @DavidPawsonMinistry
      @DavidPawsonMinistry  3 года назад

      You asked for a response
      Whether the Trinity it was formulated and approved in 325D does not make it right nor wrong. What matters is what The Bible says
      1. The OT is quite clear that here is but one GOD and his name is YHWH - do we agree ?
      So the 1st Commandment is still honoured as there is only one GOD .........I catholic
      2. There is no mention of the Father and the Son until the New Testament - do we agree on that ?
      In the Old Testament God is referred to as the Father of Israel and the Father of all nations but ''Father God'' nor ''God the Father'' are not names listed in the Bible
      3. OT prophecies ref to God sending a messenger like Elijah - and he did but messenger is not a name given to Jesus - the messenger sent by God is widely accepted to be John the Baptist
      4. So the issue seems to be Who is Jesus? and how much is he a Man - and how much is he GOD ?
      The trinity is not about three gods - its still one GOD and his name is YHWH
      - the Trinity is an inadequate way to explain or understand God in earthly terms and unless you are GOD ones understanding is inadequate
      Lets just look at Jesus and what the Bible says ....not what the Council of Nacea formulated
      John Chap1 says
      ''In the Beginning was the Word .and the Word was with God and the Word WAS God he was with God in the beginning''
      ''and the Word became flesh and made his dwelling amongst us''
      ....GOD became flesh and made his dwelling amongst us
      ''No one has seen God but the one and only Son, who is himself GOD
      ...written by John one of the 12 Apostles......... not the Catholic Church
      Lets just go back to the Prophecy in Isaiah 9.6
      ''For until us a child is born , to us a son is given and teh government will be on his Shoulders, and he will be called Wonderful Counselor, Mighty GOD , Everlasting Father .Prince of Peace
      - does this not say the Jesus is Mighty GOD?
      Jesus is not a god .........HE IS God
      I don't profess to understand it. I accept its what the word of God, the Bible, says

    • @DavidPawsonMinistry
      @DavidPawsonMinistry  2 года назад

      @@bourbon_sketcher There are many Hebrew adjectives used to describe GOD ...... firstly this reference is to GOD not 'a god'
      I am not a Hebrew scholar but I understand the word is the Hebrew word Gibbor which its translated strength, power, hero, worrier
      Isaiah is describing Jesus as El Gibbor...the God of Strength - Mighty one
      I do not believe personally this reference distinguishes between Jesus and the Almighty GOD ...... The continuation of this verse describes the Child :-
      - Wonderful Counselor
      - Mighty God
      - Everlasting Father..............(the child of GOD, Jesus, is also given the name Father )
      - Prince of Peace

  • @missasinenomine
    @missasinenomine 4 года назад +6

    1) God (FATHER), is speaking through Isaiah his prophet: "From the roots of the stump of Jesse a Branch (Messiah, SON), will bear fruit. The SPIRIT of the LORD (FATHER) will rest on Him (SON), the SPIRIT (-), the SPIRIT (-), the SPIRIT (-) of the fear of the LORD (FATHER) - & He (SON) will delight in the fear of the LORD, (FATHER)". Is 11/1-3
    2) God (FATHER) is speaking:
    "Here is my Servant (Messiah, SON), (-), my chosen One (SON), (-), I will put my SPIRIT on Him (SON), (-).
    Is 42/1
    3) "The SPIRIT of the Sovereign LORD (FATHER) is on Me (SON), (-),. Is 61/1.
    Father, Son, Spirit. The Trinity. In the OT.

    • @S.R.M.
      @S.R.M. Год назад

      Does a Christian need to believe in the Trinity to be saved? And if so, why did our Savior, nor the disciples, ever teach the doctrine of the Trinity? Why would Christians give credence to a council of men coming together to argue who God is (The Council of Nicaea in 325 CE), and thereby seek to define God? Can mankind define God? No, God reveals Himself to mankind. 1 John 5:7-8, The Johannine Comma is an interpolation according to Christian scholars (words added) to the Bible by over-zealous Trinitarians, who wanted some testimony to the Trinity, due to the fact that in the Bible there is none. Matthew 28:19 has come under suspicion, a commandment allegedly given by Christ to the disciples, but the disciples only baptized in the Savior’s name only, as demonstrated in the Book of Acts. The early church historian Eusebius, wrote (published circa 316 CE) in his book, Matthew 28:19, that Christ actually said, "Go and make disciples of all the nations in my name" (Eusebius, The History of the Church, p. 68, PENGU1N CLASSICS, 1965). The Trinity has only really existed since the 4th century. Historian H.G. Wells factually stated, "There is no evidence that the apostles of Jesus ever heard of the Trinity-at any rate from Him" (The Outline of History, Vol. 2, p. 499). Martin Luther is quoted in a sermon saying, "It is indeed true that the name 'Trinity' is nowhere to be found in the Holy Scriptures, but has been conceived and invented by man" (The Sermons of Martin Luther, Vol. 3, p. 406, 1988). It is time that the false Trinity Doctrine cease to exist in Christianity! Catholics and Protestants agree that “Whoever will be saved: before all things, it is necessary to keep the Catholic faith… unless he keeps this faith whole, he will perish everlastingly...And the Catholic faith is this: we worship one God in Trinity” (Catholicism, p. 69, 1961). Protestant professor of Theology James White, states, “The Trinity doctrine is misunderstood as well as ignored. It is so misunderstood that a majority of Christians when asked, give incorrect and at times downright heretical definitions of the Trinity” (James White, The Forgotten Trinity, p. 16). According to James White, around 75% of Christians, who think themselves to be Trinitarians, are actually Modalists. Modalism: One God who at different times represents Himself in three different modes of being: Father, Son, and Holy Ghost. If belief in the Trinity doctrine is so critical to our salvation, then why did Christ and the disciples not preach the Trinity, which historically developed over 300 years after Christ? To say that one must believe in the Trinity in order to be saved, when Christ never stipulated the doctrine as a prerequisite for salvation is the grossest form of legalism! The man-made Trinity Doctrine is so ingrained into the imagination of Christians for salvation when Christ and the apostles never ever taught it, that many will actually stand condemned for believing in the Trinity according to the Tradition of men, and not of God. Christ warned us about teaching doctrines without one thus says the LORD! And He...said to them, “Well did Isaiah prophesy of you hypocrites, as it is written: ‘This people honors Me with their lips, but their heart is far from Me. And in vain they worship Me, teaching as doctrines the commandments of men.’ For laying aside the commandment of God, you hold the tradition of men…” He said to them, “All too well you reject the commandment of God, that you may keep your tradition” (Mark 7:6-9). Christians do not need to believe in the Trinity in order to receive salvation and eternal life in the Kingdom of God! If Christians needed to believe in the Trinity in order to be saved, then it would be taught in the New Testament by our Lord and Savior, and it, the Trinity, was not taught in the New Testament. The Trinity is a useless Doctrine based solely on the misunderstanding of men. It is time for Christians to free themselves from the doctrines of men. The Son of God declared: “Most assuredly, I say to you, before Abraham was, I AM” (John 8:58). YAH is the meaning of I AM. By this statement, Christ told the Jews that He is their God, the very God of Israel. Not to take this statement as true in that He, the Son of God, is lesser than His Father and God is tantamount to calling Him a liar. Based on everything presented here, the statement by churches that one must believe in the Trinity in order to be saved is the highest form of legalism.

    • @missasinenomine
      @missasinenomine Год назад

      @@S.R.M. Wow. Did you type all that out? Or C&P it? Whatever, I read every word.
      " Not to take this statement as true in that He, the Son of God, is lesser than His Father and God is tantamount to calling Him a liar. "
      Who's saying this? Not me! I'll tell you what I read this morning, (Sept 21 2023): Matt 10.
      Jesus (the Son) is speaking: "At that time you (the disciples) will be given what to say, for it will not be you speaking, but the Spirit of your Father speaking through you." 19,20.
      I wasn't thinking about the doctrine of the Trinity at all. But what did I read about?
      1) Jesus. 2) The Spirit. (The Holy Spirit of God). 3) The Father. (Jahweh, or Jah, as you correctly say).
      Father, Son, Holy Spirit. 3 Persons, or manifestations, of the One God. Call it what you like.
      I call it the Trinity. Martin Luther was a theologian. He had to be. He was arguing with the Roman Church.
      I'm not, & don't need to be. I see the "Trinity" (for want of a better name) everywhere in the NT. It is impossible for me to read the NT without seeing it almost on every page. There are at least 84 references to the Spirit in the OT. (I only quoted one in my comment). Father-God, & Holy Spirit. Psalm 2 speaks about the Son.
      Father, Son, & Spirit. The Triune God. Does God Father dwell in me? Yes, by His Spirit. Does Jesus the Son dwell in me? Yes, by His Spirit, the Spirit of Jesus. Have I seen God? No. Have I seen Jesus? No.
      Do I quench the Spirit? Yes. 3 aspects of the One God - Jah.
      I'm not a theologian & am not interested in theological arguments. Jews can argue black is white & vice versa, atheist theologians (Karl Barth) can argue God doesn't exist, & Church Councils (Nicea) have to come up with terminology. As for James White; The Trinity is modalism; what's the difference?
      Modalism, manifestation, Personage? It's all semantics. Was God-Father crucified. Or the Son? Or the Holy Spirit? Who raised Jesus from the dead? The Spirit? The Son? Who did Jesus send as a Paracletos?
      Himself? The Father? You can debate & argue if you wish. I'll read my Bible. About the Father, Son, & Holy Spirit. In short, the Trinity.

  • @glenfrazer753
    @glenfrazer753 4 года назад +2

    Really nice guy but very disappointed in the lack of biblical references and lack of explaining all the texts that are a struggle for Trinitarians like "the Father is greater than I", "I by myself can do nothing", "to your God and my God", how does a dead person raise himself (I don't believe he did, I believe God raised him - I have the power to take it up again the word "take" in Greek is more often translated as receive but take in this verse?? where everywhere else it says God raised him), how can God die, why Jesus never explained that he had (as claimed) a dual nature (hypostasis), to the apostles, surely he would have, if such a crucial aspect of his existence for us to understand, not just hints, nor did the apostles explain it to the crowds in Acts, wouldn't this be such a crucial part of Christianity to explain? I cannot see anywhere that this is taught in the early church in Acts. And then most of the video being explanations of creeds - creeds written by who? the apostles? no. I wanted to hear biblical analysis - not church creeds. I expected a robust di-section of proof texts as this is what is needed to rebut Muslim teaching. A counter of the texts above-mentioned if he had any is what I would be looking for. And don't give me "it's a mystery" God is not a God who is meant to be a mystery, He has shown us many times He wants to reveal himself, He has in Jesus. Mystery doesn't cut it when talking to schooled people. I think the audience were getting more and more lost as it went on. Said Mary was not the mother of God, yet he said just prior to that , that Mary was the mother of Jesus and then that Jesus was God?? How can you say those things back to back and not lose people? He lost me. And I think the audience were probably thinking, "but you just said...." And for me, looking for truth, this left me not persuaded at all, in fact the opposite. And for the record, the Father did not abandon Jesus, when he said "My God, my God, why have you abandoned me".It appears to be a clear reference to Psalm 22 where David forsees this day, and in a later part of that text it goes onto trust in the delivery by God. Jesus was just quoting this IMO for those around so that they would believe who he was by the marvel of it being pre-told in the Psalm - for them to think about it. Knowledgeable Jews would have known the text he quoted and gone "look at that, while he's in agony dying he is quoting scripture, and that scripture being that this was foretold and that he will trust in his God." Hard work is how you get to the bottom of this issue. Please everybody search for the truth.

    • @greglance4335
      @greglance4335 3 года назад

      Hi Glen,
      What do you think the answer is?

    • @glenfrazer753
      @glenfrazer753 3 года назад

      @@greglance4335 Hi Greg, I am of the belief that Jesus is man, he is the mediator between God and man, and that in his essence, his spirit, his non-flesh "part" he is the perfect reflection of the essence of God. Perfect love, perfect righteousness, perfect obedience, in terms of him wanting to do, and in fact doing God's will. Perfect internal oneness with God, like we are invited to share in btw. I find it hard to believe that Jesus is very God, or that God has three essences or existences. John 1, 1 The "word" was God. Our word reflects who we are. God's word reflects who he is, and if God spoke, it happened. Jesus is the perfect representation of what God wanted to say to us, that he loves us, and help us understand who God is, love. But is he the glass in which God dwells or is he the water as well? I think for me it's best to look at all of this with spiritual eyes rather than get all caught up in fleshy thoughts like was a human, begat by God, God himself. Did he raise himself when he was dead. How can you "do" anything if you're truly dead? People say in his flesh he was dead but in his spirit he was still alive. What does that mean, did he die or didn't he, you can't have both...When I try to understand it all in a flesh sense I start to struggle. When I try to see it all in a spiritual way, non-flesh, I feel I get closer to the truth. I just don't get why if Jesus was both God and man, dual natured, that he would not have just come out and said it to his disciples "look, I know its' hard to understand, but you have to get your heads around this...I am both God and man". Some say perhaps he left it for them, and us, to work out in our own time. That if he said it during his time on Earth, he would have been arrested earlier, and his ministry may have been cut short, like in other instances where he healed but told those healed not to tell everyone but instead go the priest and tell them. But would he have really left the apostles leading the early church without a clear understanding of this "dual nature". Was it alluded to in the old testament with types and signs. No where do the apostles mention in their evangelization in Acts that I know of. Some say he wanted the revelation of who he was, to come to people later, but I find this hard to accept or understand. I just want to know the truth. I have soooo much to try and understand.

  • @paulcliford5846
    @paulcliford5846 3 года назад +3

    TRUE Christians are those that believe what Jesus said in John 17 : 3. They have always believed that the heavenly father of Jesus is the only true God. Everyone can understand the father-son relationship. Is there is any reason to go beyond that into the realms of nonsensical, mysterious, confusing fantasy? What Jesus said in John 17 : 3 may not be something that needs to be wonderfully and lovingly explained but it is something we can all understand.

  • @617ram
    @617ram 7 лет назад +6

    Always remember that theology begins where the simplicity of Christ ends!!

    • @freightshayker
      @freightshayker 5 лет назад

      Are you born-again of water and Spirit?

    • @S.R.M.
      @S.R.M. Год назад

      @@freightshayker Does a Christian need to believe in the Trinity to be saved? And if so, why did our Savior, nor the disciples, ever teach the doctrine of the Trinity? Why would Christians give credence to a council of men coming together to argue who God is (The Council of Nicaea in 325 CE), and thereby seek to define God? Can mankind define God? No, God reveals Himself to mankind. 1 John 5:7-8, The Johannine Comma is an interpolation according to Christian scholars (words added) to the Bible by over-zealous Trinitarians, who wanted some testimony to the Trinity, due to the fact that in the Bible there is none. Matthew 28:19 has come under suspicion, a commandment allegedly given by Christ to the disciples, but the disciples only baptized in the Savior’s name only, as demonstrated in the Book of Acts. The early church historian Eusebius, wrote (published circa 316 CE) in his book, Matthew 28:19, that Christ actually said, "Go and make disciples of all the nations in my name" (Eusebius, The History of the Church, p. 68, PENGU1N CLASSICS, 1965). The Trinity has only really existed since the 4th century. Historian H.G. Wells factually stated, "There is no evidence that the apostles of Jesus ever heard of the Trinity-at any rate from Him" (The Outline of History, Vol. 2, p. 499). Martin Luther is quoted in a sermon saying, "It is indeed true that the name 'Trinity' is nowhere to be found in the Holy Scriptures, but has been conceived and invented by man" (The Sermons of Martin Luther, Vol. 3, p. 406, 1988). It is time that the false Trinity Doctrine cease to exist in Christianity! Catholics and Protestants agree that “Whoever will be saved: before all things, it is necessary to keep the Catholic faith… unless he keeps this faith whole, he will perish everlastingly...And the Catholic faith is this: we worship one God in Trinity” (Catholicism, p. 69, 1961). Protestant professor of Theology James White, states, “The Trinity doctrine is misunderstood as well as ignored. It is so misunderstood that a majority of Christians when asked, give incorrect and at times downright heretical definitions of the Trinity” (James White, The Forgotten Trinity, p. 16). According to James White, around 75% of Christians, who think themselves to be Trinitarians, are actually Modalists. Modalism: One God who at different times represents Himself in three different modes of being: Father, Son, and Holy Ghost. If belief in the Trinity doctrine is so critical to our salvation, then why did Christ and the disciples not preach the Trinity, which historically developed over 300 years after Christ? To say that one must believe in the Trinity in order to be saved, when Christ never stipulated the doctrine as a prerequisite for salvation is the grossest form of legalism! The man-made Trinity Doctrine is so ingrained into the imagination of Christians for salvation when Christ and the apostles never ever taught it, that many will actually stand condemned for believing in the Trinity according to the Tradition of men, and not of God. Christ warned us about teaching doctrines without one thus says the LORD! And He...said to them, “Well did Isaiah prophesy of you hypocrites, as it is written: ‘This people honors Me with their lips, but their heart is far from Me. And in vain they worship Me, teaching as doctrines the commandments of men.’ For laying aside the commandment of God, you hold the tradition of men…” He said to them, “All too well you reject the commandment of God, that you may keep your tradition” (Mark 7:6-9). Christians do not need to believe in the Trinity in order to receive salvation and eternal life in the Kingdom of God! If Christians needed to believe in the Trinity in order to be saved, then it would be taught in the New Testament by our Lord and Savior, and it, the Trinity, was not taught in the New Testament. The Trinity is a useless Doctrine based solely on the misunderstanding of men. It is time for Christians to free themselves from the doctrines of men. The Son of God declared: “Most assuredly, I say to you, before Abraham was, I AM” (John 8:58). YAH is the meaning of I AM. By this statement, Christ told the Jews that He is their God, the very God of Israel. Not to take this statement as true in that He, the Son of God, is lesser than His Father and God is tantamount to calling Him a liar. Based on everything presented here, the statement by churches that one must believe in the Trinity in order to be saved is the highest form of legalism.

  • @anastasiamamis6441
    @anastasiamamis6441 2 года назад

    Three persons in one being.

  • @rogerboyd7185
    @rogerboyd7185 5 лет назад +1

    All biblical recorded baptisms were performed in the name of JESUS. I don't believe the disciples misunderstood Christ Words.

  • @ezkl9424
    @ezkl9424 2 года назад +1

    You contradict Jesus, whom you call Lord but, you don't do what he says!!! John 17:1-3
    The Father is the only true God!!!

  • @YeshuaIsTruth33
    @YeshuaIsTruth33 15 дней назад

    Why didn't any of the new testament writers take time to explain the idea of thw trinity in scripture 🤷🏾‍♂️

    • @DavidPawsonMinistry
      @DavidPawsonMinistry  14 дней назад

      There are some reasons for this - The major focus in the New Testament is about Jesus what he said and what he did, yes with some focus on the Holy Spirit - the Advocate/Comforter
      The Apostle John needed to bring clarity to Gentile believers
      - Jesus was with God and was God , Jesus was both the GOD and GOD incarnate
      There is a little known version 1 John 5:7-8 which is present in KJV and a foot note in NIV but missing from many other versions ........ it's known as the "Johannine Comma" missing in copies/fragments of Johns epistle but known by and quoted by Christian Scholars as early as 150 AD, less than 100 years after it was written by John
      The writers do not address specifically the Trinity but they teach of a Father , they teach of a Son/Word and they Teach of an Advocate - its all there for those of us who read Gods Word

    • @YeshuaIsTruth33
      @YeshuaIsTruth33 14 дней назад

      @@DavidPawsonMinistry Lovely reply thank you, I follow the late David Pawson and so thankful for all the YT content - ive learn a great deal.
      Moses was made as god to pharaoh, satan is the god of this world. God is a title meaning of authority/power. Jesus is God as has glory, authority and power.
      I do feel Paul takes the time to go over the transition from law to grace at great length, Jesus being greater than angels explained in hebrews, love is explained at length however never the trinity. The topic that has been in debate for the longest time among Christians.
      Sadly I do find the number 1 reason Christians sadly turn to Islam is because of the poor presentation causing confusion of the Trinity in terms of the Father, Son and Holy Spirit being co equal. I am familiar with the verse in 1 John 5 and the differences across the versions.
      For there are three that bear record in heaven, the Father, the Word, and the Holy Ghost: and these three are one. And there are three that bear witness in earth, the Spirit, and the water, and the blood: and these three agree in one.
      What do we take the one to mean here?
      John 17 that all of them may be one, Father, just as you are in me and I am in you. May they also be in us so that the world may believe that you have sent me. I have given them the glory that you gave me, that they may be one as we are one 23 I in them and you in me so that they may be brought to complete unity.
      Jesus prayer seems to suggest we are all one also in the Trinity also.
      I really struggled with the co equal part, only as prior to Jesus earthly ministry, during and then after Jesus states he has a God (authority/power) above him.

  • @ccorm3350
    @ccorm3350 6 лет назад

    Woman can be a daughter, mother, and wife.
    Man can be son, Father, and husband.

    • @greglance4335
      @greglance4335 5 лет назад


    • @timothy6828
      @timothy6828 3 года назад +2

      Hey C Corm! As Greg pointed out, this metaphor is pretty much modalism, which isn’t the biblical understanding of the trinity. Father son and Holy Spirit are different persons with different roles, not one person with different roles. The statement you made is true, but neither Jesus, nor the Holy Spirit are our father, God the Father is ;) and the Holy Spirit is not the Son of God, he is the Spirit and so on...

  • @stevenwebb6253
    @stevenwebb6253 2 года назад

    Found this just doing a google search.
    Did you know that in John 1:1-3, there are different Greek words for both Gods mentioned?
    The Word, Jesus, (Λόγος or Logos), was with God (Θεόν, or Theon).
    The Word was God (Θεὸς, or Theos).
    He, Jesus, was in the beginning with God (Θεόν, Theon).
    Satan was also called θεὸς, or Theos at 2 Corinthians 4:4.
    Is Satan also God?

    • @DavidPawsonMinistry
      @DavidPawsonMinistry  2 года назад

      You are correct and yes in 2 Cor Theos is a Greek word used for Satan
      Theos Is also used throughout the New Testament for all false gods
      “Indeed, even though there may be so-called gods [theos] in heaven or on earth - as in fact there are many gods and many lords” (1 Corinthians 8:5)
      but in Old Testament Hebrew, whilst God has many names - there is but one true God
      The full explanation for non Greek scholars - Theos is the common word for God in the Greek New Testament.
      It normally refers to the true God. However it can also refer to false gods and even humans. The context must determine how it is to be understood.
      So in answer to your question - No Satan is not the True God

    • @jollyrancher521
      @jollyrancher521 4 месяца назад

      In John 1:1, there are two occurrences of the Greek noun "theos" (god). The first theos is preceded by the definite article "ho". When the noun has a definite article, it points to a distinct identity, in this case Almighty God. However, the second "theos", referring to the Word, is different. It does not have a definite article. Many scholars agree that the fact that the second theos does not have a definite article points to a characteristic or quality of the Word, that he was "divine", "a god", but not Almighty God himself. Note also that John 1:1 says that "the Word was with God [ho theos]". Someone who is with another person is not the same as that other person.

  • @dorismbila2928
    @dorismbila2928 4 года назад

    Praise God... How can a person Love God and fear Him.
    Did Jesus fear His Father?

    • @Kase5883
      @Kase5883 4 года назад

      "Perfect love casts out fear." Jesus did not fear God the Father because they had perfect love between them. We fall short of perfect love in our mortal form so we fear the condemnation and wrath of almighty God which is only taken away by the sacrifice of God the Son.

    • @timothy6828
      @timothy6828 3 года назад

      Yes he did fear God, see Isaiah 11,2-3. And of course he also loved the father because that is the first commandment. And I would argue that biblically there is no real difference between loving God and fearing God. Let me explain that first and then go on to explain a little bit more about the fear of God which most people misunderstand as being afraid of God or afraid of his judgement. As the other comment said that’s not what we should do because perfect love casts out all fear and if you look at the context it’s about the fear of God’s judgment. Also you probably know that “fear not!” is one of the most repeated statements in the Bible, very often used by God himself or one of his angels. So, Jesus said he who loves me keeps my commandments (John 14,15) - so Jesus defines living him by keeping his commandments - and now Proverbs says that fearing God is equivalent to hating evil (Prov 8,13) and calling it a fountain of life (14,27) and the beginning of wisdom. And maybe you start thinking oh that’s Old Testament stuff, no, the fear of God is in the New Testament, too (Tit 1,1; 2,11-12; 1 Pet 1,17) The fear of God is first and foremost the recognition of who he really is, his greatness, his holiness, his majesty and power. If your heart gets a grip on that, you will see your life change, at least that’s my experience. It will enable us to live a holy life and therefore a life with which we express our love and thankfulness to God who saved us from our sin and wickedness. I encourage you to look up all the references to the fear of God in your (online) concordance and see how God will speak to your heart! It is a glorious thing to find that place in your heart of the reverend fear of God! If you have any questions to what I wrote, don’t hesitate to ask! God bless you richly!

  • @astrialindah2773
    @astrialindah2773 3 года назад

    Listen to a few of these videos now, and it took until this one to figure out that this guy's a Catholic.

    • @DavidPawsonMinistry
      @DavidPawsonMinistry  3 года назад

      HI David followed his father and grandfather into the Methodist Ministry before becoming a Baptist Pastor through his beliefs concerning Adult Baptism . David was not a Catholic

    • @astrialindah2773
      @astrialindah2773 3 года назад

      @@DavidPawsonMinistry oh, well thank you for the information. I guess it just seems he has quite the veneration for Mary ...Made me think he was Catholic

  • @juerbert1
    @juerbert1 5 лет назад

    16:50 onward !
    David says that a certain word is not in the Holy Bible, like 'incarnate', or 'incarnation' !
    That's like saying
    'The TRINITY'
    is not found in the Scriptures !!!

    • @ernestomaldonado5057
      @ernestomaldonado5057 3 года назад

      1 Timothy 3:16 does it say incarnation or God was manifested in Flesh..?..You trinitarians dont understand the word One... Deuteronomy 6:4..

  • @romanphoto1196
    @romanphoto1196 4 года назад

    I have question please what is the single name for the singel person's of Trinity , what is the name of Father and the name of son we Know is Jesus and what is the name of Holy Spirit . Thank you

    • @HK-qn4rz
      @HK-qn4rz 3 года назад

      18And the angel of the LORD said unto him, Why askest thou thus after my name, seeing it is secret?( Jud 13)
      In heaven you’ll know

    • @romanphoto1196
      @romanphoto1196 3 года назад

      @@HK-qn4rz It's intreting that you worship somebody and you dont know Him so sad 😪 , i will write here for you the Revelation Name of the Father Son and Holy Spirit , is the Lord Jesus Christ , Holy Spirit letting us know throu Peter in Acts 2:38 baptise in the name Jesus Christ , hiw Jesus ser to apostole to baptise in the name of father son a holy spirit and next 10 days Perer has not repeat this but he baptise in the name of Lord Jesus Christ , i believe that Peter has not forget Jesus words but Hoky Spirit talk throu Peter and revealed us the 1 Name not name's but name for the Father , Son and Holy Spirit , and we kniw it's Lord Jesus Christ , what Christian is now they dont see this , and they believe Romans Catolik ,,Church'' teaching so sad to me to see like this New Born Christian's 😢

    • @paulcliford5846
      @paulcliford5846 3 года назад

      The name of the Father of Jesus in English is Jehovah. The Holy Spirit does not have a name.

    • @spiritguided655
      @spiritguided655 7 месяцев назад

      The answer is. God the Father. God the Son and God the Holy Spirit.

  • @Scripture-Man
    @Scripture-Man 7 лет назад +3

    An excellent sermon. :) I love Mr Pawson and thank God for his good and godly teaching. Indeed, we certainly need all three of the Father, Son and Spirit. More than this, we need to have been *born* of the Holy Spirit, and changed into spiritual people. Sadly though, I do not think that is true of most Christians, and I'm afraid that when I listen to Mr Pawson's audience here, I do not hear the Holy Spirit in them.
    For one thing I hear noisy women. Perhaps this is being done in innocence? But I remind you of what the Lord commanded: that ladies should be silent in meetings, since it is shameful for them to speak in church (1 Cor 14:34, 1 Tim 2:11). I cannot help but wonder about such ladies, and especially the men responsible for leading them. Have they ever truly repented, feared God, and humbled themselves under God, forsaking their lives and obeying Him alone for salvation?
    Those who have been born of the Spirit, we have the spirit of joy and peace and love! :) Was this a room full of joyful men who are filled with peace and the goodness of God in their hearts? Or are they no different to the world? It is by a man's spirit that we shall know him, and can test him. Those with the fruit of the Spirit are the children of the Spirit. If a branch bears no fruit, they will be chopped down and thrown into the fire. I write this in love for my Lord's Body, God bless. :)

    • @bensonongoma1504
      @bensonongoma1504 7 лет назад

      You mean in the video congregation or elsewhere? I can't seem to here ladies making noice.

    • @TheCaledonianBoy
      @TheCaledonianBoy 6 лет назад

      Lee Bee That is a rather harsh judgment that seemed to lack the joy of the spirit

  • @elmerw.b.2697
    @elmerw.b.2697 6 лет назад +3

    Its not addition when the question is, “what God is”. It is multiplication 1x1x1=1.
    What the Father is, the Son and the Holy Spirit is. What the Son is, the Father and Holy Spirit is. What the Holy Spirit is, the Father and Son is. Hence, one God. Its mathematical expression is
    1x1x1=1 not 1+1+1=3.
    If the Father already possesses what the Son and Holy Spirit is, clearly you are not going to add them to what the Father is.
    If the Son already possesses what the What the Father and Holy Spirit is, them you are not going to add them to what the Son is.
    If the Holy Spirit already possesses what the Father and Son is, we need not add them to what the Holy Spirit is.
    So addition is not proper when we talk about what God is. It is multiplication. 1x1x1=1
    As to who God is. Then we have the Father Son and Holy Spirit. 1 +1+1 = 3
    So in short
    As to what God is 1x1x1= 1 God
    As to who God is 1+1+1= 3 persons, Father Son and Holy Spirit

    • @TheCaledonianBoy
      @TheCaledonianBoy 6 лет назад

      Elmer W. B. The only clear number given to us concerning God in the bible is the number one. Anything else is a contradiction of Gods inspired word.
      Only the Father is God

    • @TheCaledonianBoy
      @TheCaledonianBoy 6 лет назад

      Antwan Habersham Lets consider this:
      At John 5 and 10 at what point did Jesus claim equality with God , or that he was God?
      Also at John 5. At what point did Jesus break the Sabbath Law, any Law?
      You reference Paul's words at Phil 2. How is it you understand that Jesus thought to be equal with God?
      Jesus existed before Abraham is not a claim to be God.
      There was no mad rush to stone Jesus when he said a few verses back
      "That is why I told you that you will die in your sins. For if you do not believe that I am you will die in your sins.” John 8:24
      Using the most common pronoun verb combination in any language (I am), is not a claim to be God.
      As you can see none of the points you made are "clear" nor did Jesus say at anytime he was God.

    • @TheCaledonianBoy
      @TheCaledonianBoy 6 лет назад

      Antwan Habersham You said " you clearly don't adhere to the apostles doctrine. Lol.....Revelation 1-3?" I will ignore the "lol" and assume you are simply young or inexperienced in talking about God.
      I see no scripture rebuttal to the verse and reasoning I used to support my position.
      Saying I am wrong does not prove I am wrong.
      Could you please explain if you can your statement " Jesus referring to himself as, "I Am," is a direct reference to the "I Am" in Exodus 3. "
      You also said " I could go on showing you Jesus is God from the very word of God.".
      You have not done this yet.
      The bible is a large book in which God is mentioned over10,000 times by name and title so if God is triune then you should have no problem locating one single verse or passage that unambiguously tells us that God is a 3 person God.
      Be gentle now, remember I am "asinine"

    • @greglance4335
      @greglance4335 5 лет назад +1

      3 x 1 = 3

  • @solomonmachado2078
    @solomonmachado2078 2 года назад

    I just want to know where Jesus talked about his bowels moving! Haha

  • @brianfernandez3107
    @brianfernandez3107 2 года назад

    A simple understanding of the Trinity would be to say that 1x1x1= 1.

  • @andrewsmith3344
    @andrewsmith3344 6 месяцев назад

    What about the Christadelphians?

    • @DavidPawsonMinistry
      @DavidPawsonMinistry  6 месяцев назад

      What about them? - Christadelphians believe Jesus was the Son of God but Jesus not divine ie he was not God
      What is amazing about the crucification - if you accept Jesus is God, then God did not send someone else - God in Human form paid the price for our sins

    • @andrewsmith3344
      @andrewsmith3344 6 месяцев назад

      That is exactly why I don't believe in the Trinity...Jesus was HUMAN just like you and me He suffered in the cross, just like you and I would. If he was God he COULD NOT suffer, in fact he could not EVEN DIE!!

    • @thewould2677
      @thewould2677 6 месяцев назад

      ⁠​⁠@@andrewsmith3344you can think this way.
      If he is not God, his sacrifice cannot cover for the whole world, for only god is infinite, and therefore he can die for many.
      If he is not human, then it’s is not a sacrifice, like you said, how can an all powerful god be suffered.
      Well, the only solution is that he must be both 100% god and man. Which means, An all powerful god must humble himself to become flesh and die for our sin.

  • @celiamaria6751
    @celiamaria6751 2 года назад

    If Jesus is God and Mary is his mother, how is it that she is not God's Mother.?

    • @DavidPawsonMinistry
      @DavidPawsonMinistry  2 года назад

      Its a very good question - let me say I personally don't believe its possible for us to understand God fully - only God could understand - our understanding is very much a simplification - a simplifications to enable Humans to understanding something far more Devine and complex than we could imaging
      The key question is was Jesus created when Mary gave birth or did he exist before becoming flesh?
      John 1 says In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God and the Word was God....and the Word became flesh and chose to make his dwelling amongst us
      - so Jesus , The Word was there at the beginning He was not created when Mary gave birth, He already exited, Mary gave birth to a baby which was Jesus/God becoming flesh. Mary was the mother of Jesus in his earthly form but Jesus in his heavenly form existed before Mary
      The thing I dont understand but accept is that Jesus is 100% GOD .......yet he was also 100% Human
      - how can that be possible? ...... yet if he was not Fully God and Fully Human His dying in our place and taking on our sins would be meaningless
      - he came to become the sacrificial lamb
      In Genesis 1 we learn God name is Elohim - El - God singular - Elohim - plural ...Then GOD/Elohim said ''Let us make man in our image '' how can this be plural ?
      Later God reviles his personal name as YHWH - yet there is but one God and his name s YHWH
      I believe Jesus was there in the beginning with His Father and as John 1 says - Through Him all things were made and without Him noting was made that has been made - my understanding of this is when God said ''let there be light and there was light'' - it was Jesus, the Word who said - ''Let there be ......'' and there was!
      Many challenge the Trinity and its not a word you will find in the Bible, its just mans simple way of saying God is one yet he is plural /three
      There is no Father and Son in the Old Testament - just God and He is not God the Father - he is GOD, he is the Father of Israel but there is no Father and Son until the New Testament when Jesus is born - that only comes through God becoming Flesh and choosing to dwell amongst us .
      So Im sorry but Mary is not the mother of GOD - God existed before Mary - God was there at the very beginning - Mary was one of His creations - yet I take nothing away forth fact she was Gods chosen one

  • @billyhw5492
    @billyhw5492 5 лет назад

    So was she the God-bearer, or the Son-bearer?

    • @greglance4335
      @greglance4335 5 лет назад

      And if the the holy thing begotten in Mary was a result of the Holy Spirit who is a third co-equal co-eternal God person, why is another God person Jesus' father?

    • @juerbert1
      @juerbert1 4 года назад

      @@greglance4335 ,
      GOD, the FATHER, begot the SON [Yeshua], by (or through) the HOLY SPIRIT in the womb of the virgin Mary, thereby the Incarnation (John1:14.) of the WORD [GOD] came to pass !!

    @SOFIANSHAFIE 3 года назад

    Where in the bible Jesus teaching of Trinity. WHERE..... WHERE....

    • @waynehampson9569
      @waynehampson9569 3 года назад

      Where is the word "Bible" in the Bible?

    • @lebiegubaton4159
      @lebiegubaton4159 2 года назад

      When you are born again in Spirit sealed by The lord Jesus you will surely understnd how the trinity work.
      When you become son of God becuase of Jesus .you will worship the Father greater than you think. You becuase son of the living God becuase you beleive Jesus as lord (Jesus the man) and the holy spirit sealed you and guide you.

  • @geraldlindgren4173
    @geraldlindgren4173 4 года назад +1

    Lets say for example instead of eternal life you want a new ford pickup truck. You need someone to mine the iron ore, you need someone to convert that iron ore into steel and you need someone working at the ford plant to make the steel into a new Ford pickup truck. Can you get a new truck if one of these people does not exist ? ? ? ME : I am going for eternal life.:):):):):)

  • @marinamagluyan6566
    @marinamagluyan6566 5 лет назад +2

    True, Love can only be true with a TRI-PERSONAL GODkind or TRINITY or TRIUNE LORD GOD. The works of the TRINITY are only based on the Biblical principle of love. A Unitarian God is a loveless God. With the TRINITY, we have God the FATHER as the Lover of His Only Begotten, our Lord God JESUS CHRIST and the SON as the BELOVED/DELIGHT of God the Father and the HOLY SPIRIT as the LOBE BOND of the Father and the Son. LOVE is infinitely demonstrated by the eternal kinship-relationship of the FATHER and the Only Eternally Begotten SON, JESUS, the pre-cosmic and pre-incarnate CHRIST, and the HOLY SPIRIT, John, 17:24; 3:34-35.

    • @paulcliford5846
      @paulcliford5846 3 года назад

      Love is not confusing. It does not treat people as simpletons who need gurus to help them understand confusion. Love is the parent-child relationship, the father-son relationship. God has provided this analogy to help us understand. It is simple, clear and we can relate to it. Anything more is from the father of the lie - Satan.

  • @QuallsKen
    @QuallsKen 5 лет назад

    Cerinthus was a contemporary and opponent
    of John. He denied that the
    Supreme God made the physical world. He that the Christ descended upon Jesus at
    baptism and guided him in ministry and the performing of miracles, then left
    him at the crucifixion. He claimed that Jesus was not born of a virgin, but
    was a mere man, the biological son of Mary and Joseph.

    • @juerbert1
      @juerbert1 4 года назад

      Cerinthus was an early heretic !

  • @ezkl9424
    @ezkl9424 2 года назад +1

    You claim non- trinitarians will "tie you up in knots" but it is trinitarians who have a history of tying up and torturing and burning at the stake non- trinitarians!!!

  • @MSA6001
    @MSA6001 2 года назад +1

    Is this the real truth or deception?
    Be not fooled.

    • @DavidPawsonMinistry
      @DavidPawsonMinistry  2 года назад

      Well that is the question we all need to ask ourselves - some accept and believe in faith - others reject it as untrue
      What is certain - one day we will all need to make our own choice

  • @ezkl9424
    @ezkl9424 2 года назад +1

    Exodus 4:16
    God made Moses God to Aaron.
    Exodus 7:1
    God made Moses God to pharaoh.
    Psalm 82
    God declared the divine judges to be gods.
    John 10:30-36
    Jesus claims to be in unity with God, and claims to be God's son, not a Trinity or the second person of a Trinity.
    John 4:21-24
    Jesus says worship the FATHER, never the son!
    John 17:1-3
    Jesus says eternal life depends on recognizing the FATHER as the only true God!
    Joshua 22:22
    God is the God of gods.

  • @waysoehtoo6101
    @waysoehtoo6101 6 лет назад +1

    One thing I disagree with him here. The credo says “God from God light from light. True God from true God. Begotten, not made. One being with the Father.” Because of that, calling Mary the mother of God is not incorrect.

    • @DavidPawsonMinistry
      @DavidPawsonMinistry  6 лет назад +1

      Hi This is Steve on behalf of David. This could easily become a longer discussion but may I say that whilst some use that title for Mary, David does call Mary is ''the Mother of God''. Forgive me for not getting into more detail at this time but let David speak for himself through his teaching.

    • @waysoehtoo6101
      @waysoehtoo6101 6 лет назад

      Thank you sir. I really enjoy all of his teachings. He’s very clear because he deeply in love with our Loving God.

    • @juerbert1
      @juerbert1 4 года назад

      @@DavidPawsonMinistry ,
      Mary is always only ever called the Mother of JESUS, but never otherwise in the Holy Scriptures !!

  • @S.R.M.
    @S.R.M. Год назад

    Does a Christian need to believe in the Trinity to be saved? And if so, why did our Savior, nor the disciples, ever teach the doctrine of the Trinity? Why would Christians give credence to a council of men coming together to argue who God is (The Council of Nicaea in 325 CE), and thereby seek to define God? Can mankind define God? No, God reveals Himself to mankind. 1 John 5:7-8, The Johannine Comma is an interpolation according to Christian scholars (words added) to the Bible by over-zealous Trinitarians, who wanted some testimony to the Trinity, due to the fact that in the Bible there is none. Matthew 28:19 has come under suspicion, a commandment allegedly given by Christ to the disciples, but the disciples only baptized in the Savior’s name only, as demonstrated in the Book of Acts. The early church historian Eusebius, wrote (published circa 316 CE) in his book, Matthew 28:19, that Christ actually said, "Go and make disciples of all the nations in my name" (Eusebius, The History of the Church, p. 68, PENGU1N CLASSICS, 1965). The Trinity has only really existed since the 4th century. Historian H.G. Wells factually stated, "There is no evidence that the apostles of Jesus ever heard of the Trinity-at any rate from Him" (The Outline of History, Vol. 2, p. 499). Martin Luther is quoted in a sermon saying, "It is indeed true that the name 'Trinity' is nowhere to be found in the Holy Scriptures, but has been conceived and invented by man" (The Sermons of Martin Luther, Vol. 3, p. 406, 1988). It is time that the false Trinity Doctrine cease to exist in Christianity! Catholics and Protestants agree that “Whoever will be saved: before all things, it is necessary to keep the Catholic faith… unless he keeps this faith whole, he will perish everlastingly...And the Catholic faith is this: we worship one God in Trinity” (Catholicism, p. 69, 1961). Protestant professor of Theology James White, states, “The Trinity doctrine is misunderstood as well as ignored. It is so misunderstood that a majority of Christians when asked, give incorrect and at times downright heretical definitions of the Trinity” (James White, The Forgotten Trinity, p. 16). According to James White, around 75% of Christians, who think themselves to be Trinitarians, are actually Modalists. Modalism: One God who at different times represents Himself in three different modes of being: Father, Son, and Holy Ghost. If belief in the Trinity doctrine is so critical to our salvation, then why did Christ and the disciples not preach the Trinity, which historically developed over 300 years after Christ? To say that one must believe in the Trinity in order to be saved, when Christ never stipulated the doctrine as a prerequisite for salvation is the grossest form of legalism! The man-made Trinity Doctrine is so ingrained into the imagination of Christians for salvation when Christ and the apostles never ever taught it, that many will actually stand condemned for believing in the Trinity according to the Tradition of men, and not of God. Christ warned us about teaching doctrines without one thus says the LORD! And He...said to them, “Well did Isaiah prophesy of you hypocrites, as it is written: ‘This people honors Me with their lips, but their heart is far from Me. And in vain they worship Me, teaching as doctrines the commandments of men.’ For laying aside the commandment of God, you hold the tradition of men…” He said to them, “All too well you reject the commandment of God, that you may keep your tradition” (Mark 7:6-9). Christians do not need to believe in the Trinity in order to receive salvation and eternal life in the Kingdom of God! If Christians needed to believe in the Trinity in order to be saved, then it would be taught in the New Testament by our Lord and Savior, and it, the Trinity, was not taught in the New Testament. The Trinity is a useless Doctrine based solely on the misunderstanding of men. It is time for Christians to free themselves from the doctrines of men. The Son of God declared: “Most assuredly, I say to you, before Abraham was, I AM” (John 8:58). YAH is the meaning of I AM. By this statement, Christ told the Jews that He is their God, the very God of Israel. Not to take this statement as true in that He, the Son of God, is lesser than His Father and God is tantamount to calling Him a liar. Based on everything presented here, the statement by churches that one must believe in the Trinity in order to be saved is the highest form of legalism.

  • @graceyow3392
    @graceyow3392 Год назад

    :50 the whole world is ALLOWED by god to be in the grip of the evil one.

  • @yvonnemlawton7176
    @yvonnemlawton7176 3 года назад

    1st When John wrote the book of John in 94 CE, Jesus had been dead and departed back to heaven 60 some years. Why did not John not write ; In the beginning was the Word and the Word is God. Over 500 years has pounded this lie thru many venues, until it is thought to be the Gospel.
    Secondly: Jesus gave at John 1:1 a revelation, but even here he doesn’t include a third person; Why not if he is
    describing the trinity

  • @Cotronixco
    @Cotronixco Год назад

    There is no trinity to understand. Drop all myths and trust the Word of God without adding to it. It's critical for your salvation.
    Remember, there are many more tares than wheat. Both groups are believers.

  • @nekomancer9157
    @nekomancer9157 5 лет назад

    ~36:25 absolutely. jesus christ, emmanuel, went to john and was baptised so he could show us the way to be joined with the holy spirit so that we could be connected with christ in this life although christ had ascended to heaven. we need the holy spirit in order for christ to be in our lives and through christ the father. remember that god created 3 heavens. the air/sky.... space beyond the sky... and his kingdom of heaven which was veiled from us because adam and eve separated themselves and us from god in sin. yes they separated us god did not separate us. because someone that does not have god, who has become separated in sin/rejection cannot then bring their children or themselves back to god because they cant find him. someone with only mortal life cannot pass on immortal life to the progeny.

  • @avaleneallen9579
    @avaleneallen9579 7 лет назад


  • @sacmarcela1973
    @sacmarcela1973 4 года назад


    • @timothy6828
      @timothy6828 3 года назад

      What is your question exactly?

    • @warrenjoseph76
      @warrenjoseph76 3 года назад +1

      Read the entire chapter John 5 and then you will find taking 5:20 out of context has little value

    • @jollyrancher521
      @jollyrancher521 3 месяца назад

      1 John 5:20 says: “And we know that the Son of God has come and has given us understanding, so that we may know _him who is true;_ and we are in him who is true, in _his Son Jesus Christ._ He is the _true God_ and eternal life” (ESV). “Him who is true” is referring to God. At the end of the verse the phrase “He is the true God” refers to “Him who is true” mentioned previously. It isn’t referring to Jesus. This is in line with John 17:3, where Jesus calls his Father “the only true God.” We are able to know the Father because Jesus has come to give us a greater understanding of God. John 1:18 says: “No one has ever seen God; the only Son, who is in the bosom of the Father, he has made him known” (RSV).

  • @Awios1
    @Awios1 4 года назад

    Bornagain is the biggest MISSING LINK in the preaching of churches today. Rom 8:9 is verry very important. A preacher without the Holy Spirit within is dead and have no salvation message. John 1:12-13 is a must.!!!!!!!!

  • @ezkl9424
    @ezkl9424 2 года назад

    Stop, in the name of the law!!!! The Law includes policemen and lawyers, and judges working together for justice! They are not equal in power or authority, but they work in unity for the same goal. Likewise, baptizing in the Name of the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit, they work in unity for a common goal! They don't have equal power or authority in this unity but, they accomplish justice and mercy!