extremely cool interpretation. what I enjoy the most is the lack of monsters trying to kill you. I've always felt like they're a bit cliché and I like that you've focused on the creepy and puzzling architecture of the neverending environment instead. I believe that's the best aspect of the backrooms
Thanks you very much for your feedback ! Yes I agree... I see the backrooms more as a hostile living structure with inside strange and unknown forms of life, glitches, aberrant architectures... than just a place with non-credible creatures juste here to say "BOOO" or play to hide and seek 😆
IDK, but for some reason these backroom videos are like Zen fuel. There's something peaceful and calming about huge empty rooms. Well, up until monsters pop out of no where.
The psychology behind why the backrooms makes us feel this way is probably very interesting. I understand it as re-learning what spaces are and going back to our very young days of encountering spaces for the first time. Pool rooms and office spaces were very weird to us when we were kids, so in a sense the backrooms creates a nostalgia and a new experience at the same time.
@@michaeljackson8002 Yes, I agree! During backrooms footage, I distinctly remember these seemingly endless echoing linoleum hallways at my parent's office building.
I like the eerie uniformity of the Kane Pixels backrooms, but like how the walls in yours is like the "reject" area... sort of how mass-produced bootleg toys will not have the plastic fill the mold out all the way lol.
Good one. I would have added the sound of footfalls. I wanted to look down from the walkway. I love the simple rooms which are wrong in one simple way, like a corridor that is too tall, or a ramp that is too wide.
I don't know why but I have strange Feelings about carpets in public place's like office buildings or even on a Station. And lowered roof sometimes both in combination
@@visioncorp5228 I figured it wasn't a game yet.. Considering I have played every backrooms mobile game I could find. I would happily be your first tester if you like😁😉😉 how exciting! I can't wait
Love the how the rooms in this video seem more.. bizarre in shape, with warping geometry. Also, the end vaguely reminded me of "Escape The Backrooms: Playrooms", with the hallway, the screams, the glitches, and the similar red colors. goode vidoe
It is Scary. Stuck inside a Videogame in Virtual Infinite maps, Where lots of these Brushes that made a Rooms or Meshes are competely glitched and there is some sort of the Holographic Thing that is ready to get you. Backrooms are still horrifying. My theory goes that Backrooms are some sort of Continuation of Jumanji, Maded by Tech Advanced Extraterrestrials to test people how they will handle being in virtual enviroment, What effects the Virtual Enviroment will have on them and How they will handle dangers, NPCs, Out of Bounds and Ect.
What i like about the backrooms if that it tends to take years to actually run into any other type of entity so the oversaturation of monsters gets annoying. I love these videos because they stick to the true stories... imo that's more cruel because imagine being alone for so long with such scarcity only to run into something that wants to hurt you...what's even more disturbing is that every now and then your surrounded by utter beauty just to eventually transition into complete dread and suffering, you think that maybe things will become okay somehow, you will seek movement with that hope of yours... but you never do cone across it other than leaky pipes and heavy machinery..... it's because it was never supposed to get any better... you will be tortured with glimpses of heaven as you descend further into Hell.
Most of these Kane Pixels copycat videos are cringy or too cliche, but this one was unique and properly captures the unsettling nature of the backrooms.
Nicely Done!… I like the range of different configurations especially the long hallway in the beginning and the large gray underground portion… creepy coolness!!! 🙋♀️💕🌻
Amazing Backrooms video, 👍👍, has a meditative quality to it, Gives a feeling as if the entire world population has suddenly disappeared and this guy is searching around
graphically , this looks fantastic , very well done. as a constructive criticism , the moments where the character snaps around in chapter one feel too robotic and smooth. since hes running and trying to record behind him, maybe you could add a bit more frantic shake, or even just have it done at kind of an angle as if hes recording over his shoulder? food for thought
This was cool in theory and certainly looked nice, but I I’ve to say, all do the constant jump cuts really pulls you out of the immersion. Much, much less of that would be ideal. The fear induced by these environments is enormously impacted by anticipation. If you’re constantly jumping around to new environments or rooms, lots of that is lost
Yes maybe... but I am a little bit forced to proceed like that, some pieces of video take so much time to render, sometimes just 30s can take 6-7h to render, with fans of my computer which blow very strong, and my PC doesn't like that so much 😬 So I have to find compromises and add a lot of cuts between short sequences 😔
Consider also that a wanderer carries a camera into this place with finite battery power. We should interpret the jump cuts as the character's decision to conserve power until anomalies worth recording are encountered, even if they occur as a necessity of technical limitations in render.
This is a great video. The atmosphere and sound is excellent, but the camera needs a bit of work. The person filming is clearly a person, but the way the camera moved and panned, it had a robotic movement to it. Like it was being controlled by a video game controller. About the only thing I can rightly criticize. Amazing job.
Interrupting styles of architecture situated within level 0, distortions to its own natural patterning, and an environmental hazard in pursuit of the wanderer as if an entity of its own, all of these give your video a unique take on the liminal. Red to black environments are typically alarm lit or profane places in the imagination. Here we find the architectural skin change is a predatory force, removing the aimless decision making between branched paths or egress through flaws in the maze. Instead forcible changes are made to the space currently occupied into one of inescapable / implied danger.
Very cool, but if your gonna show us all these cool shapes and corridors you have to at least point the camera down them. Thank you for the footage though 🙂
The camera was moving around too much in the first part but you solved that problem a couple of minutes in. Probably you should have cut that part out tbh. Otherwise pretty good, keep going!
Adding "levels" to the Backrooms is a headcannon that some people made up, not every Backrooms video has to be a level or specific to what other people have done
i cant stand how heavy they go on the static noise, it makes these clips unwatchable. vhs doesnt have that, unless its maybe damaged, so im confused as to why they would add so much static , its painful to listen to it, not great unless you dont want people to watch
This was a trap exit, looking in through the tear in the wall you can kind of see an iconic ! in the doorway which usually means going this way is a bad idea.
@@medusa0bscurae I couldn't tell because it looks so real, then I figured out the way it was made it was CGI I just wasn't sure. The detail looks so real!
The "lore" doesn't exist, the backrooms aint no one's property. It's a concept of horror & the people can play with it as they want Theres no such thing as an "oficial lore" or something like that
@@luishvargasss Exactly 🙏 This is a phenomenon build by internet community, which opens the door of an infinite interpretations, creative ideas... everyone can get inspiration with it, and offer his own vision of this... this is so cool in my opinion, and each individual vision add a piece to this famous """lore""" 😌
Esto si no lo responderé en español por mi inglés, pero si, estoy de acuerdo con que no hay un concepto concreto de lo que puede ser el lore o "el verdadero lore", pero, viendo que hay dos páginas, una para fans y otra donde no puedes editar lo que se te venga en gana porque siquiera desean mantener "un control creativo" me da la impresión que casi todos los youtubers no se esmeran en leer, analizar y tratar de recrear tooooodo lo que hay ya escrito, en cualquier de las páginas; sé que se puede editar o cambiar en cualquier momento, pero al menos habría una recreación de lo que yo y muchísimas personas que han leído esto lo puedan ver representado en un vídeo. Prefiero decir que no les interesa porque ya hay tantas interpretaciones de los mismos niveles, 0, poolrooms y todo lo relacionado a partygoers que ya aburre, y al menos a mí me desanima y decepciona porque se vuelve repetitivo. Ojo, no significa que tú trabajo haya sido malo o pésimo, crítico que habiendo tanta información de esas páginas, no se cree más contenido rico y diverso más allá del nivel 0 o los poolrooms que siquiera pueda ser creado al nivel en el que lo haces.
The only way for you to have a perfect vision of backrooms as you imagine when you read it, is to learn 3D if you don't know how to do, and create your own videos... then, if you are disappointed by everything made by youtube creators, maybe this is a format that you don't like as much, and no one, except you, can do something for that 🙄
@@medusa0bscurae estás equivocado, es obvio que esto es en 3D, no tengo que hacer mis propios vídeos para demostrarte que estoy en lo correcto porque no sé hacer vídeos como tú, no te estoy instruyendo en cómo debes hacerlo a mi manera, en ningún momento he expresado eso, y tercero, estoy haciendo una crítica, por eso expresé lo anterior porque hay varios, no todos, que hacen ya algo que es repetitivo, tampoco llega al punto en discutir cuál youtuber crea mejor contenido, porque sólo estoy haciendo una crítica de cómo es que el concepto que recreas ya me parece lo mismo que otros vídeos, te recuerdo que la crítica es aceptar todos los puntos de vista, te lo aclaro tal como tú lo hiciste con tu redundancia sobre cómo tus vídeos son 3D, lol
@@estebanrodriguez1456 Ouais... en gros, t'es juste là pour critiquer ce que les autres font, sans même chercher à proposer ou créer quelque chose derrière... déso mais bon, je dois t'avouer que ton avis ne m'intéresse pas franchement du coup 🙂
@@medusa0bscurae de hecho, la crítica no es raje, o sea que hable pésimamente de tu contenido, peor que creas que o no haya sugerido una alternativa o haya escrito algún sin sentido, lee de nuevo para que entiendas. Te lo resumo aquí para que lo entiendas mejor: - Estás bien con la calidad de vídeo que haces pero el contenido puede ser mejor porque yo al menos creo que el contenido se repite en una decena de vídeos, o sea se vuelve monótono. - Crees que crítico porque sí, cuando te puse al final que tú no vas por mal camino, sólo que creo que puedes mejorar si es que le dedicaras más tiempo a leer todo el contenido de los backrooms y a tal vez generar algo que nadie más a hecho con otros niveles, respetar lo que otros ya han escrito y plasmarlo a tus vídeos. Imagínate, si a ti después de esto no te interesa menos a mí, sólo te escribo esto porque creo que puedes hacer algo más genial, desde mi punto de vista, claro, si sigues sacando lo mismo de lo mismo mi opinión no cambiará sobre este y otros canales que hagan el mismo contenido con buena calidad
@@estebanrodriguez1456 Ok... and do you have specific backrooms levels in my mind you want to see in video, that you think are not so much exploited by creators ? It could be interesting to share it... After, for myself, I just start into video creation, this is very new for me, and I do it without thinking to much, I do it according to my inspiration, that's all
extremely cool interpretation. what I enjoy the most is the lack of monsters trying to kill you. I've always felt like they're a bit cliché and I like that you've focused on the creepy and puzzling architecture of the neverending environment instead. I believe that's the best aspect of the backrooms
Thanks you very much for your feedback ! Yes I agree... I see the backrooms more as a hostile living structure with inside strange and unknown forms of life, glitches, aberrant architectures... than just a place with non-credible creatures juste here to say "BOOO" or play to hide and seek 😆
@@medusa0bscurae Yes! And that is what's giving your art it's substance, the original spatial impressions! Very well made!
@@mr-pebble Thank you very much !! 😄
@@medusa0bscurae 💯💯💯💯💯💯💯
@@medusa0bscurae that's how i've always thought of it too. the space itself IS the monster. maybe i read House Of Leaves too many times
the stretched vertical toilet at the end is the most nightmarish thing
I agree
I hope that's delicious cherry Jell-O coming down from above! 😋
A very enjoyable visit - thank you!
IDK, but for some reason these backroom videos are like Zen fuel. There's something peaceful and calming about huge empty rooms. Well, up until monsters pop out of no where.
The psychology behind why the backrooms makes us feel this way is probably very interesting.
I understand it as re-learning what spaces are and going back to our very young days of encountering spaces for the first time. Pool rooms and office spaces were very weird to us when we were kids, so in a sense the backrooms creates a nostalgia and a new experience at the same time.
@@michaeljackson8002 Yes, I agree! During backrooms footage, I distinctly remember these seemingly endless echoing linoleum hallways at my parent's office building.
I like the eerie uniformity of the Kane Pixels backrooms, but like how the walls in yours is like the "reject" area... sort of how mass-produced bootleg toys will not have the plastic fill the mold out all the way lol.
Only a couple seconds in and I can say such good quality ! I love it when Backrooms content is so realistic looking and fluid 👍
Good one. I would have added the sound of footfalls. I wanted to look down from the walkway. I love the simple rooms which are wrong in one simple way, like a corridor that is too tall, or a ramp that is too wide.
I never expected to see you commenting on a backrooms video. I love your videos!
4:15 Check the kitchen.... Check the kitchen.... Wait wait? Nooooo.... Why everyone are avoiding the kitchen? Whyyyyyyyyyy
Ikr they don't explore the famous liminal space place
Exactly this I know this kitchen from somewhere
Well and thats, what makes such "famous" places so good: The ambiguity. As soon as there is more added, it loses a fraction of it's charme.
It's like they are afraid they might have to do the dishes or something.
There is a very where they explore this kitchen, I think it's called "backrooms exploration" or something but I don't remember the channel.
One of the creepiest design schemes I've ever seen.. Everything is just so off and weird..I love it! I want to play this game
Thanks you very much for your feedback ! 😄
I don't know why but I have strange Feelings about carpets in public place's like office buildings or even on a Station. And lowered roof sometimes both in combination
It’s not a game, but I’m developing the best Backrooms game you’ll ever see coming in December on steam.
@@visioncorp5228 I figured it wasn't a game yet.. Considering I have played every backrooms mobile game I could find. I would happily be your first tester if you like😁😉😉 how exciting! I can't wait
@@Rebel_Angel420 I’d be happy to show you the current progress on DM and send you the game testing build!
Fantastic video, one of the absolute top exploration videos I have seen. I love when people make the backrooms seem almost like some acid trip.
Very glad you liked it !! 😄Thank you !!
nice, camera work is improving, more lifelike!
That whole walkway reminds me of those corridors that connect the airplane to the gate at an airport.
Props on making this look like a strange glitched environment!
The monsters aren’t near as scary as the thought of wonderingly endlessly while lost, terrible.
Love the how the rooms in this video seem more.. bizarre in shape, with warping geometry. Also, the end vaguely reminded me of "Escape The Backrooms: Playrooms", with the hallway, the screams, the glitches, and the similar red colors. goode vidoe
It is Scary. Stuck inside a Videogame in Virtual Infinite maps, Where lots of these Brushes that made a Rooms or Meshes are competely glitched and there is some sort of the Holographic Thing that is ready to get you. Backrooms are still horrifying. My theory goes that Backrooms are some sort of Continuation of Jumanji, Maded by Tech Advanced Extraterrestrials to test people how they will handle being in virtual enviroment, What effects the Virtual Enviroment will have on them and How they will handle dangers, NPCs, Out of Bounds and Ect.
What i like about the backrooms if that it tends to take years to actually run into any other type of entity so the oversaturation of monsters gets annoying. I love these videos because they stick to the true stories... imo that's more cruel because imagine being alone for so long with such scarcity only to run into something that wants to hurt you...what's even more disturbing is that every now and then your surrounded by utter beauty just to eventually transition into complete dread and suffering, you think that maybe things will become okay somehow, you will seek movement with that hope of yours... but you never do cone across it other than leaky pipes and heavy machinery..... it's because it was never supposed to get any better... you will be tortured with glimpses of heaven as you descend further into Hell.
Great job, especially the loud humming noice in the background creates a really scary atmosphere.
love your design work. Very creepy. also love the ambient electrical buzz.
Most of these Kane Pixels copycat videos are cringy or too cliche, but this one was unique and properly captures the unsettling nature of the backrooms.
Love the slow crawl under the lower opening in the wall.
One of my favorite backrooms exploration videos to date.
Nicely Done!… I like the range of different configurations especially the long hallway in the beginning and the large gray underground portion… creepy coolness!!! 🙋♀️💕🌻
Thank you very much !! 🙏
You gave this video atmosphere with the sound design and glitchy environment.
other than the camera movement this is really realistic
Amazing Backrooms video, 👍👍, has a meditative quality to it,
Gives a feeling as if the entire world population has suddenly disappeared and this guy is searching around
Thanks you very much !! ☺
graphically , this looks fantastic , very well done. as a constructive criticism , the moments where the character snaps around in chapter one feel too robotic and smooth. since hes running and trying to record behind him, maybe you could add a bit more frantic shake, or even just have it done at kind of an angle as if hes recording over his shoulder? food for thought
Have seen a lot of these and one of, if not, the best! Thank you.
Thanks you very much !! Very glad you liked it ! 😄
@@medusa0bscurae hey, I want MORE, please.
This was cool in theory and certainly looked nice, but I I’ve to say, all do the constant jump cuts really pulls you out of the immersion. Much, much less of that would be ideal. The fear induced by these environments is enormously impacted by anticipation. If you’re constantly jumping around to new environments or rooms, lots of that is lost
Yes maybe... but I am a little bit forced to proceed like that, some pieces of video take so much time to render, sometimes just 30s can take 6-7h to render, with fans of my computer which blow very strong, and my PC doesn't like that so much 😬 So I have to find compromises and add a lot of cuts between short sequences 😔
@@medusa0bscurae RTX4090 ftw! Just sell a kidney (or rather both) and you're good to go! 😬
@@zeropointzer0 Ahahah yes, I would like to have that stuff 😂 For the moment, my RTX 2070 does a great job but takes its time 🤭
Consider also that a wanderer carries a camera into this place with finite battery power. We should interpret the jump cuts as the character's decision to conserve power until anomalies worth recording are encountered, even if they occur as a necessity of technical limitations in render.
A lot of these videos do that. There is probably some logic to it....
This is really super clean, textures and lighting are very good too i love it
Thank you very much for the feedback ! Your channel seems very great and interesting too, I love your creatures !! 😄
@@medusa0bscurae Thank you
Best architecture slopes, wide areas familiar rooms etc.
This is a great video. The atmosphere and sound is excellent, but the camera needs a bit of work.
The person filming is clearly a person, but the way the camera moved and panned, it had a robotic movement to it. Like it was being controlled by a video game controller. About the only thing I can rightly criticize.
Amazing job.
So Awesome Man Nice Job ... !!!! :) :)
Interrupting styles of architecture situated within level 0, distortions to its own natural patterning, and an environmental hazard in pursuit of the wanderer as if an entity of its own, all of these give your video a unique take on the liminal.
Red to black environments are typically alarm lit or profane places in the imagination. Here we find the architectural skin change is a predatory force, removing the aimless decision making between branched paths or egress through flaws in the maze. Instead forcible changes are made to the space currently occupied into one of inescapable / implied danger.
Good work on the video medusa.
This would be a good custom map for one of the Call of Duty games to play on, just needs furniture and other props to add to it.
It always sounds like there's a box fan around the corner. The kind you use after shampooing a carpet
Bro why is it first 4 numbers of Pi. Also my Phone pincode is also 3141. So weird i got recommended this
Well done, nice video!
Awesome work. Subbed 🤙🏻
Intriguing yet very creepy...👍🏻
Very cool!
Very cool, but if your gonna show us all these cool shapes and corridors you have to at least point the camera down them.
Thank you for the footage though 🙂
really good video
Great work!
ah yes, the final boss of the backrooms, a comically tall urinal
Get a swab from a deep corner, have it analysed.
This place reminds of when the citizens of Springfield rebuilt Flanders house.
fast feeling / aiws territory love it love it love it
The backrooms are alive and forces you to go into different rooms sometimes by closing off walls etc..etc
The camera was moving around too much in the first part but you solved that problem a couple of minutes in. Probably you should have cut that part out tbh.
Otherwise pretty good, keep going!
ELI5 please what these videos are?
this is too good
Your body fills with [DETERMINATION]
What on earth happened to the spacial dimensions? Did Escher have a go at this? And what levels are these odd rooms?
Adding "levels" to the Backrooms is a headcannon that some people made up, not every Backrooms video has to be a level or specific to what other people have done
This is re-defining "forever",
An end to eternity
And an idea of what awaits us after the resurrection
Poor bastards
I'd a dream similitar to it.
very good but it be better if you make the character walk faster
But...what was chasing him? An entity...or the level itself...?
i cant stand how heavy they go on the static noise, it makes these clips unwatchable. vhs doesnt have that, unless its maybe damaged, so im confused as to why they would add so much static , its painful to listen to it, not great unless you dont want people to watch
Airport hallway of doom.
5:48 Is this a real exit?
I think is fake, and there's a lot of traps here.
This was a trap exit, looking in through the tear in the wall you can kind of see an iconic ! in the doorway which usually means going this way is a bad idea.
Wonkas funhouse
Is this building for real or is it cgi?
This is CGI !! 😄
@@medusa0bscurae I couldn't tell because it looks so real, then I figured out the way it was made it was CGI I just wasn't sure. The detail looks so real!
Just looking for the toilet ....
hella creepy
What is this?
i think that the backrooms are just buildings in ohio
And there is no furniture
Too strange. Trying to one up on the original.
Conclusion, no one cares about the lore...well
What do you mean ? 🤔
The "lore" doesn't exist, the backrooms aint no one's property. It's a concept of horror & the people can play with it as they want
Theres no such thing as an "oficial lore" or something like that
@@luishvargasss Exactly 🙏 This is a phenomenon build by internet community, which opens the door of an infinite interpretations, creative ideas... everyone can get inspiration with it, and offer his own vision of this... this is so cool in my opinion, and each individual vision add a piece to this famous """lore""" 😌
Esto si no lo responderé en español por mi inglés, pero si, estoy de acuerdo con que no hay un concepto concreto de lo que puede ser el lore o "el verdadero lore", pero, viendo que hay dos páginas, una para fans y otra donde no puedes editar lo que se te venga en gana porque siquiera desean mantener "un control creativo" me da la impresión que casi todos los youtubers no se esmeran en leer, analizar y tratar de recrear tooooodo lo que hay ya escrito, en cualquier de las páginas; sé que se puede editar o cambiar en cualquier momento, pero al menos habría una recreación de lo que yo y muchísimas personas que han leído esto lo puedan ver representado en un vídeo. Prefiero decir que no les interesa porque ya hay tantas interpretaciones de los mismos niveles, 0, poolrooms y todo lo relacionado a partygoers que ya aburre, y al menos a mí me desanima y decepciona porque se vuelve repetitivo. Ojo, no significa que tú trabajo haya sido malo o pésimo, crítico que habiendo tanta información de esas páginas, no se cree más contenido rico y diverso más allá del nivel 0 o los poolrooms que siquiera pueda ser creado al nivel en el que lo haces.
The only way for you to have a perfect vision of backrooms as you imagine when you read it, is to learn 3D if you don't know how to do, and create your own videos... then, if you are disappointed by everything made by youtube creators, maybe this is a format that you don't like as much, and no one, except you, can do something for that 🙄
@@medusa0bscurae estás equivocado, es obvio que esto es en 3D, no tengo que hacer mis propios vídeos para demostrarte que estoy en lo correcto porque no sé hacer vídeos como tú, no te estoy instruyendo en cómo debes hacerlo a mi manera, en ningún momento he expresado eso, y tercero, estoy haciendo una crítica, por eso expresé lo anterior porque hay varios, no todos, que hacen ya algo que es repetitivo, tampoco llega al punto en discutir cuál youtuber crea mejor contenido, porque sólo estoy haciendo una crítica de cómo es que el concepto que recreas ya me parece lo mismo que otros vídeos, te recuerdo que la crítica es aceptar todos los puntos de vista, te lo aclaro tal como tú lo hiciste con tu redundancia sobre cómo tus vídeos son 3D, lol
@@estebanrodriguez1456 Ouais... en gros, t'es juste là pour critiquer ce que les autres font, sans même chercher à proposer ou créer quelque chose derrière... déso mais bon, je dois t'avouer que ton avis ne m'intéresse pas franchement du coup 🙂
@@medusa0bscurae de hecho, la crítica no es raje, o sea que hable pésimamente de tu contenido, peor que creas que o no haya sugerido una alternativa o haya escrito algún sin sentido, lee de nuevo para que entiendas. Te lo resumo aquí para que lo entiendas mejor:
- Estás bien con la calidad de vídeo que haces pero el contenido puede ser mejor porque yo al menos creo que el contenido se repite en una decena de vídeos, o sea se vuelve monótono.
- Crees que crítico porque sí, cuando te puse al final que tú no vas por mal camino, sólo que creo que puedes mejorar si es que le dedicaras más tiempo a leer todo el contenido de los backrooms y a tal vez generar algo que nadie más a hecho con otros niveles, respetar lo que otros ya han escrito y plasmarlo a tus vídeos.
Imagínate, si a ti después de esto no te interesa menos a mí, sólo te escribo esto porque creo que puedes hacer algo más genial, desde mi punto de vista, claro, si sigues sacando lo mismo de lo mismo mi opinión no cambiará sobre este y otros canales que hagan el mismo contenido con buena calidad
@@estebanrodriguez1456 Ok... and do you have specific backrooms levels in my mind you want to see in video, that you think are not so much exploited by creators ? It could be interesting to share it... After, for myself, I just start into video creation, this is very new for me, and I do it without thinking to much, I do it according to my inspiration, that's all
Everybody and their brother are making “back room” videos now 🙄
So? People like the Backrooms
Instead of showing more from this huge location we go back to the yellow walls? 😔
3:00 too sad that you Don't swing more around so we can se more of this structure here
How can it be found footage , if no one can escape ? Just saying is all .
4:41 Wallgina
Exactly 😂
@@medusa0bscurae 🤣🤣🤣
Школа ремонта бля , норм .