When I think “warlock” I think wizards , books and staffs. Shadebinder embraces this feel 100%. I definitely feel more like a warlock with this subclass
The staff looks abit small tbh should have some stasis crystals floating around it or not being an entire solid piece (think forerunner aesthetic with floating bits)
@@arkeinsingh4983 did they nerf it? It still seems very powerful to me. I think its just about as good as stormtrance but with homing range projectiles instead of lightning and also you can fly (pretty much)
Yeah, I was playing with one of my friends who doesn't have the DLC and he straight up got up, said this is pay to win and left for a bit With the meta changes comp feels really unfun now, I literally remember playing comp a couple days before the dlc and coming back when the dlc hit and it was crazy Without trials all the sweats play it like trials, picking a person either by sniping, shotgun rushing, shouldercharging or using the stasis subclasses then playing lives or bumrushing
its surprising this has made out of the testing . Pretty sure they have not even tested PVP with the subclasses. the 3 subclsses are broken in pvp and they should be completely disabled in PvP until bungie finds a solution. Alternatively changint the freez to slow only in PVP might work
@@AJ-tc9nr idk, that grenade seems to be better in terms of utility. Being able to cover allies, save yourself in jumping puzzles, and deny areas is too good to pass up
Can't wait for the nerf, that is obviously going to be a complete overkill and kills the whole subclass for both pve and pvp. Rip Nova Warp, Rip Bottom Dawnblade.
@@VAVORiAL The nerf will be handed to every stasis subclass in the game, I'm guessing that the succ nade will tick slower, and you won't be able to freeze guardians if you don't brake their shields. But that'll be down the line.
@@Saint_Wolf_ ooh the freezing only after breaking shield is actually a good idea. That will give it an aspect of risk for reward. Bungie better be taking notes.
Eh, i feel like they have some pretty outstanding points to fix tho, like the shatter going through bubbles and having a 25 meters. The projectiles alone can hardly ever kill. And of course... The duration. Those are major issues outside of its neutral game.
@@zethicc7557 i agree. Like pve, this super is completely fine. Pvp I made a comment above but I think giving super drain for Gandalf blasting and increase drain for spamming melee. And reduce duration. Just those few tweaks will have this super in check. Oh and double Gandalf blast supers for the kill after melee. One Gandalf blast for non-super kills
@@notsogoodgamer3115 Yea...same thing can be said about hunters with spectral blade, arc strider and golden gun......All dominant btw and also ez kills with no skill required. But warlocks getting something besides top tree dawnblade i guess we cant enjoy shit in this community filled with hunters.
@@invidia44 I play all 3 (fav is titan) and at the top end of play is dominated buy top tree dawn with snipers but you you played 3's last season you would see most warlocks are top tree dawn coz it gets you to the lanes fastest and all hunter supers are fairly easy to get away from unless they catch you slipping
Sadly its coming. Its like they didn't learn their lesson from nova warp and warlocks gonna be stuck with another crappy super. They don't know how to nerf stuff while still making it usable and fun. They gonna nerf it to the point where it gets no play like nova warp
I'm a warlock main and I'm so mad that they made the class this strong, it's obviously getting nerfed and I'm afraid it could reach Nova Warp levels of useless for both pve and pvp content.
@@MrJosh194 i feel the same way. Bungie don't know how to nerfe stuff where its still usable and fun and feel powerful like these new supers should feel. And then pve gonna catch a nerf too when I believe this super how it is in pve is completely fine. All supers in pve fine. Just need tweaks in pvp
I don't see how much they can nerf this super, only in the duration (and that's a big maybe because, like bottom tree dawn, this super has no mobility). Everyone that played it can tell that this is not broken as it looks. It's a class made to shut down high value targets and it does that really well. Let crayon eaters and jumpy hunters cry a little.
I tried a single match in the crucible and I swear I'm never going back until they nerf this shit. I spent most of the match locked down, frozen, or blocked. The entire enemy team were shadebinders and holy shit did I hate the experience.
i don’t get what’s the big deal on the new subclass i think that it’s super weak and really doesn’t do anything i have clips of people using it and they don’t get any kills and i will always out play them with any other subclass
I dont know how they can tune the melee down, minus maybe the AOE. The tracking really isn't that good (I've had my melee whiff by inches multiple times), and if you take away the freeze portion and make it slow, then its a useless melee ability (since hunters get 2 melee abilities that can slow multiple targets each). Or maybe the cooldown? And in regards to the aspect, Im not sure what they can do other than nerf the tracking.
I honestly think the super duration and super drain from spamming abilities will get nerfed. Also think it'll cost 2 Gandalf blast to kill a super. This super fosho will get nerfed and I bet one or all the things I mention will be in the nerf. Edit: Also they should allow us to shoot while frozen since you can shoot while tethered by a hunter. And allow us to break out of ice faster.
Thanks Fallout. I took a break a while back and this one of the first Destiny vids I’ve watched in a long time. New dlc looks fun, will likely pick it up.
Yeah the melee shpuld not freeze supers in one hit. And the super should take at least two blasts to freeze another super. Other than that i hope they leave it as it is. Don't want it to end up like nova warp.
@@josephwilliams5292 because nightstalker isn't a roaming super. It takes multiple hammers or dawnblade hits to take down a super, but only one nova bomb or nightstalker arrow. That's because shutdown supers such as nova bomb and nightstalker are supposed to counter roaming supers. But due to its instant freezing shadebinder is both a shutdown AND a roaming super at the same time, and that is NOT okay. Edit: and furthermore, no melee should be able to take down a super in one hit with that little risk. That's just not balanced.
@@outbreakperfected9374 can the stasis hunter not do the same thing if they hit both their shuriken? I was under the impression that hitting both was an instant freeze
You know Bungie is terrible at balancing subclasses when a subclass being good at launch is making this many people worried about an overcompensating nerf. Novawarp still hasn't been dug out of the grave.
It still is east countered. It’s just as slow as nova warp is meaning you can get smacked by anyone that knows what they’re doing. Range is the best counter to it
@@canoncoriell9105 except the super’s main thing is a ranged attack that shoots 4 tracking projectiles. That’s like saying you should just out-range a golden gun.
@@josephwilliams5292 by that same token the projectiles are super slow. You pop an adored head shot off or the equivalent of that and even if you’re frozen so long as they don’t have someone trailing him you can outlast that freeze and leave
I was in the super during the final boss fight of beyond light. I fired some those stasis orbs and missed, they curved all the way around and froze Erimas. The tracking is no joke.
For everyone screaming OP. Bungie will be monitoring Stasis in pvp closely to tune it so have some paitence. PvE its fine and although idm it in pvp that much since im constantly moving i do think things will get adjusted and tuned. Loving Beyond Light so far. Post campaign story reminds me of Forsaken
Lol the company that left mountaintop untouched for months? Hate to burst your bubble but we got at least 3 months until they acknowledge its a problem
Bungie has a problem with nerfing things too hard AND doing it too late. What they need to do is stop the instant freeze and have a slow first then freeze, the wall should not fucking instant freeze and super should not instant freeze other supers(non supers sure) it should slow first than freeze.
You gotta be trolling with this top tree dawn has been the best for like 2 seasons now and they haven’t done anything they dgaf about the pvp community and not to mention the auto nerf wasn’t shit u still only see autos
You forget they literally changed their engine host so they could get in and tweek things alot faster and easier than before but yeah i agree with both your points 100%. I personally havent had any issues just yet but i know alot have
Bungie is straying away from PVP this is a PVE Expansion mainly and I honesly don’t think it needs a nerf I think they should really focus on content and bring us fun things because PVE was so dead last year and we finally have a good outlook at a better PVE game because that’s literally what destiny is all about
@@punani_slayer4209 Of couse nobody is. And I'm not asking for a pvp competitive environment. But this is just so broken, even the top players admit that. There is a difference between asking for exact balance or just tuning things because it literally has zero counterplay.
@@punani_slayer4209 D2 always had a stong pvp community becourse of the vertical gameplay your bashing is not nice the communty does not need plp like you you are the one who should stop playing
After fiddling a bit with all 3 gotta say Shadebinder is the strongest stasis class and it's kind of a sour point of mine. It's not really Warlocks fault either it's just that the warlock class lets Bungie go crazy designing their abilities because there is no limit to "space magic". So yeah they got another op subclass which doesn't really help anyone cause everyone will complain about it now and warlocks will complain when it gets nerfed. Everybody loses.
I cant even lie.... youre right as fuck!! I pretty much main crucible and all i could think while playing yesterday was... Theyve actually ruined it for real this time.
@@kobek8069 yeah I have to agree. I mainly a PvP player, but right now it’s not fun. I’ve been wanting to try out the hand cannons for a while now with other people, but it’s so damn hard trying to find a primary gunfight without being frozen.
Personally I'd like to see your take on the Titan stasis abilities. I've heard so many wildly divergent opinions, and I appreciate how grounded yours tend to be!
I think the learning curve is pretty severe (especially in comparison to this, yikes). Playmaking potential is pretty huge with the super, it also provides you cover for your melee based super. I think the main takeaway should be: Titans have a really good movement ability now! The Behemoth punch is incredible at moving you out of danger (slightly less effective at dealing damage). You really need to set yourself up. It’s a great surprise attack tool, especially with how the dash breaks through walls. If you pop it in the air, but touch down before the ability ends, it gives you aerial forward momentum and the ground based dash-and-punch. It feels pretty unwieldy initially but keep at it and it gets better. I’ve been loving it in pvp, and I don’t have any aspects or anything yet
People are just upset they can be frozen before being one shot rather then just being one shot. So many things can one shot you but the humiliation is so satisfying.
I think they can nerf the melee by making it slow when doing AOE, but keep the freezing only when direct hit lands. Also raise the cooldown higher. The super heavy attack should also get a decrease in range.
Arguably the only good idea I have seen. I can't believe some people think degrading it to a pure slow is fair. Because then it's literally less than half as good as the hunter melee. Which, given how angry people STILL get over top tree dawn being statistically worse than void hunter by only a single percent or so... I think its just safe to say that no one is even allowed to approach hunter levels of win rates in PvP or some people lose their mind.
Would making it that when you break out of being frozen you dont lose most of your health help? I feel it would. Like if your frozen and they dont finish you off and you break out i dont think it should tank most of your health
Thanks for the info, I was doing exactly what you said, spamming the freezing orbs and the Gandalf shock wave on the ult didn’t realize they went together 😂😂
Dude, same. Stasis has made me feel like a powerful Warlock again. Like, Destiny 1 Voidwalker levels of dangerous. What upsets me the most, is shelling out around $70 and experiencing the best subclass EVAR (I've always wanted an Ice subclass and it was literally the main reason I bought Beyond Light)...just to most likely have it nerfed into the ground before the new season hits the 1 week mark. If Stasis ends up like Nova Warp and I have to go back to playing top tree Dawnblade... I think I'll be done with Destiny. *To clarify, Dawnblade is not my favored warlock subclass; it was Voidwalker. However, Voidwalker just hasn't performed like it did in Destiny 1, and top tree Dawnblade has synergies that make it extremely competative in PVP.
I’ve gotten multiple double kills with the ice wall grenade in PvP and it’s a great tactical grenade too. Absolutely love it. Still have yet to get to my Warlock though
This sounds stupid but is there a chance a Golden Gun can destroy the projectiles? Like those little orbs that come from the staff? I know that when a warlock uses Nova Bomb, if the hunter is fast enough they can shoot the void orbs before they get touched
4:32 EXCUSE ME WHAT You can suck people into Witherhoard blights?! I smell shadebinder becoming the Saltbinder and getting dented with the nerf hammer. Probably the one in Zavala's office
@@mrblurryface749 Yeah but Shadebinder can do that on top of the melee projectile freeze. Giving it 2 options to force people to sit in it and die. Then again with the recent flying antics of Titans we may have more important things to worry about.
This is hilarious! Everyone was so worried about the Hunter and the Warlock busts through the wall like the Koolaid man "SURPRISE MF!!!" I play hunter exclusively but I'm actually ok with this. I hope they don't nerf it but rather bring the other classes up to meet it. I mean, Bungie tried to make PvP balanced and competitive before and the community hated it so they might as well embrace the zany space magic aspects of the game.
Ya, I'd like to see that happend rather than nerfs, subclasses are a key part of the game and I think they should feel powerfull. Otherwise it becomes stale.
Everyone's talking about the warlock melee but can we talk about hunter and Titan. Titans is just funny and Hunterdon is crazy at cleanups and getting damage around corners
@@OneMadCat Hunters honestly feel similar. Two charges on my melee but it takes 4 to kill at full health, the slow on them does nothing and doesn't freeze....have to rely on nades to freeze or do anything and my super is unpredictable....it's good for PvE...actually the whole class feels better for PvE but I don't play PvE. Feel like we got short straw my dude.
@@SpecOpsDoctor Yes ive played the others and hunters revenant really isnt that great, its good but shadebinder is the winner. The reason I say shadebinder is broken because its the only class that can freeze with a melee and shut down supers that well. It just needs a bit of tuning but not much.
We need to have an intervention with Bungie. It is time for test servers. They cant keep releasing unbelievably broken shit and then taking months to tune it.
This subclass isn't "unbelievably broken" at all. You can shit on the super. It's slow. It's super floaty. And the freeze bolts are inconsistent sometimes. A one or two tweaks to the super and the class is fine.
@@codywalker1041 lmao. it can literally 1v1 EASILY any super in the game. 2 direct hit dawnblades to kill it, and top tree dont track, vs one freeze bolt. I have never won against it in pvp. I can duel hammers, spectral, sentinel. This thing tho, it always wins. the only ONLY thing is it is kind of slow. And I wasnt reffering specifically to this subclass. The entire "freezing" people is cheesy af. this shit is broke af and it will get nerfed hard, so have fun with yo cheese while you can
@@jedsanford7879 the only change worth making is maybe making it take 2 shots from the super to freeze another super. Other than that it's fine. Stasis is annoying in quick play but in 3v3 it's nowhere near as potent. Theres still a skill gap to avoiding stasis in general.
@@jedsanford7879 I've already been spamming comp. Stasis is doing what it was supposed to do. Albeit maybe a bit too well. If they fixed the freeze duration and nerfed cold snap grenades then it's fine.
So in PvP this subclass is like what One Eyed Mask was to Titans. Designed to be OP to get the Warlock numbers higher. Meta is going to be frigid this winter
@@codywalker1041 yeah man. I see so many people bitch about the melee yet i find it so easy to move from its slow tracking. Just back pedal its range isnt that much
@@fishnutz5196 people are crying so hard about this class. It's not unbeatable at all. Its strong yes but maybe you shouldn't w key everything with your shotgun and super.
Lets see Hunters legit have the best supers in the game that's infuriating. All classes should have good supers not just hunters. Give warlock a good roaming super and give titans a buff. Tired of these hunters getting all the love and no nerfs for there supers and abilities its total bullshit.
@@invidia44 soooo...are we completely ignoring top tree dawn for the purposes of your comment? Oh and their new stasis roaming super which is somehow allowed to last half a minute. All hunter’s have is spectral and even that’s been nerfed since launch. Golden gun lasts no time at all and you get no damage resistance and arc strider is so easy to counter unless your right next to them when they pop it.
Seeing your POV freeze people. Be honest, does that seem fair? the AOE on the shade binder is ABSURD, you basically have an AOE Precision Knife with how free the kill is after Mêlée ability
Exactly my thoughts. Too easy to deny any counterplay. A reasonable nerf would be a slower projectile and reducing the aoe, maybe only slowing on missed shots.
They should make the freeze where it sticks you in the ground or on a wall; however, since you cannot run, slide, and jump, you can still look around and shoot. The break out time should be SIGNIFICANTLY reduced to around 1 second without a super and just under a second with a super. The break out time is by far the worse thing in the crucible! Keep everything the same in player versus enemy playing, though.
I’ll be ok with any nerf to my new wizard stick but the nerfs better be pvp only. I hate it when the pvp community cries like babies and the pve community suffers for it.
Yeah I hope bungie waits to nerf it. Yes its strong but everyone and their grandma is using the new subclass so of course it's the only thing your going to see
@@SquizmWizzerd I noticed that when playing pvp today being frozen made me really take a look around and think “wait a minute why aren’t the space Doritos here?” While playing on both the mercury maps
If there ever will be a newer version of the shade binder like what we have for the storm caller, it would be cool if the warlock change its tactics and become a melee super. Dawning a scythe, and can summon its fallen enemies to add in combat
Something tells me that there is probably quite a few op builds that we no nothing about. Can't wait to unlock stuff and get started on the build craft. Fingers crossed I'm not being too optimistic.
i havent bought beyond light yet but i returned to play because handcannons are good again n i´ve been enjoyed it alot so far. i got pretty bored with the AR meta "hold down the trigger in the general direction of the enemy n the game does the rest for you" got dull very, very quickly. Stasis overall feels very oppressive to play against and id honestly rather get oneshot so i can respawn than sit in that freeze. the whole "spam this button to break free" is taken straight out of a really, really REALLY old console game that we 90´s people used to play as kids and most of the time i find myself just afking intill i die rather than spamming. as a warlock main im frankly really glad that we´re given an alternative subclass that is viable in PvP outside of toptree dawnblade. I like toptree dawnblade for its neutral game but i find the super too hard to use ( no im not great at the game ) but while playing hunter or titan using a roaming super i can quite literarelly close my eyes and spam click n expect kills as a resault ( especially spectral blades ) simply due to the insane tracking where as dawnblade has to actually aim the shots. So a super that counters other supers sounds outstanding. im gonna wait with buying the expansion intill i´ve seen how they plan on nerfing it though. i wont pay for a dlc where my main class gets shafted again.
1:38 - grenades
5:41 - melee
7:41 - super
I think I'd like to see you talk about the Behemoth next. It's got some good movement for a titan, ngl
@@iviinttea I agree
1st 1v1 1111111111111111111111111111131111131311111111111131211111111111111111
#FalloutPlays Antaeus Wards versus Stasis?!? You know you want to see it, we know we want to see it!!👍👍😎
The sound design on this new subclass ESPECIALLY when casting super is so satisfying
They should make sound design from home only lol
VRRRRR Wub wub wub wub
the breast pump helps
The sound effects for Stasis in general is amazing.
IKR I'm having eargasms with all the new stasis sound effects
When I think “warlock” I think wizards , books and staffs. Shadebinder embraces this feel 100%. I definitely feel more like a warlock with this subclass
The staff looks abit small tbh should have some stasis crystals floating around it or not being an entire solid piece (think forerunner aesthetic with floating bits)
Get ready to feel like trash the hunters and titans are crying so the nerfs are coming so that staff will just be a frozen twig shooting turds.
@@invidia44 yep exactly what happened
@@arkeinsingh4983 did they nerf it? It still seems very powerful to me. I think its just about as good as stormtrance but with homing range projectiles instead of lightning and also you can fly (pretty much)
@@threeomgthree they nerfed it to shreds (compared to what it was for formerly) in PvP, but in PvE it is still strong.
Watching a middle titan fall out the air is the funniest thing I’ve ever seen
I've been that titan before. It was hilarious and sad at the same time
Titans are scary they say. 😂 This new class make titans look weak.
And my out of context quote of the day is...
"Get ready to get sucked" -Fallout Plays 😂
What timestamp is that at? I wanna make a voiceclip out of it
@@shayuraswrath1567 Your wish is my command. 4:15
the *S U C C* Factor
Still don't understand how Bungie couldn't see that freezing enemies would completely break PvP.
Bro. New classes are always busted. That's how they sell it.
@@marlonthomas2713 it's been annoying. Supers have been busted. But this is something else man. Freaking crazy
Yeah, I was playing with one of my friends who doesn't have the DLC and he straight up got up, said this is pay to win and left for a bit
With the meta changes comp feels really unfun now, I literally remember playing comp a couple days before the dlc and coming back when the dlc hit and it was crazy
Without trials all the sweats play it like trials, picking a person either by sniping, shotgun rushing, shouldercharging or using the stasis subclasses then playing lives or bumrushing
Lol. It didn't. It just made it harder than aping with a shotgun.
its surprising this has made out of the testing . Pretty sure they have not even tested PVP with the subclasses. the 3 subclsses are broken in pvp and they should be completely disabled in PvP until bungie finds a solution. Alternatively changint the freez to slow only in PVP might work
Most people: "OMG BROKEN FOR PVP"
Unfortunately, that grenade is kind of overshadowed by the lethality of the other 2.
@@AJ-tc9nr but additional platforms for jumping puzzles
@@AJ-tc9nr my shatterdive hunter build disagrees
@@AJ-tc9nr idk, that grenade seems to be better in terms of utility. Being able to cover allies, save yourself in jumping puzzles, and deny areas is too good to pass up
Are people really complaining already?
"Nobody wants to play with your Witherhoard Deadzone?"
Rip Witherhoard. Telesto-d in its prime
Fallout strikes again, one of the most complete and entertaining guide I have seen on the subclass. Gotta love that smooth voice!
Warlocks oppressive supers rise again.
Justice for Nova Warp.
I always though void was close to dark anyway
Can't wait for the nerf, that is obviously going to be a complete overkill and kills the whole subclass for both pve and pvp. Rip Nova Warp, Rip Bottom Dawnblade.
@@VAVORiAL The nerf will be handed to every stasis subclass in the game, I'm guessing that the succ nade will tick slower, and you won't be able to freeze guardians if you don't brake their shields. But that'll be down the line.
@@Saint_Wolf_ ooh the freezing only after breaking shield is actually a good idea. That will give it an aspect of risk for reward. Bungie better be taking notes.
A combo I found to be super deadly is using a wave form grenade launcher in combination with breaking the ice.
Or be a titan with the Cryoclasm Aspect and become the wave frame grenade launcher
@@filwilliamson9149 hunter shatterfall aspect is great too
@@Spartan-sz7km Haven't gotten Shatterfall yet but it looks good.
in b4 the incoming warlock nerf... it's like nova warp all over again
Eh, i feel like they have some pretty outstanding points to fix tho, like the shatter going through bubbles and having a 25 meters. The projectiles alone can hardly ever kill. And of course... The duration. Those are major issues outside of its neutral game.
But this one is too good, better than Dawnblade. They need learn how to nerf only for PvP side not both. God, even in pve nova warp is tresh
The fact that it goes through banner shield is very surprising, and I think the fact that we can one hit freeze other supers is busted
@@zethicc7557 i agree. Like pve, this super is completely fine. Pvp I made a comment above but I think giving super drain for Gandalf blasting and increase drain for spamming melee. And reduce duration. Just those few tweaks will have this super in check. Oh and double Gandalf blast supers for the kill after melee. One Gandalf blast for non-super kills
@@tacoblackmanofthegreatchor4282 great adjustments
Remember warlocks, we have like 2 weeks to abuse this in the crucible. Get out there and show the other classes whos boss!
I mean they didn't need it they had the.most dominant sub class this should not be in pvp
@@notsogoodgamer3115 Yea...same thing can be said about hunters with spectral blade, arc strider and golden gun......All dominant btw and also ez kills with no skill required. But warlocks getting something besides top tree dawnblade i guess we cant enjoy shit in this community filled with hunters.
@@invidia44 I play all 3 (fav is titan) and at the top end of play is dominated buy top tree dawn with snipers but you you played 3's last season you would see most warlocks are top tree dawn coz it gets you to the lanes fastest and all hunter supers are fairly easy to get away from unless they catch you slipping
Can’t wait for Bungie to nerf this into oblivion like Nova Warp.
Sadly its coming. Its like they didn't learn their lesson from nova warp and warlocks gonna be stuck with another crappy super. They don't know how to nerf stuff while still making it usable and fun. They gonna nerf it to the point where it gets no play like nova warp
I'm a warlock main and I'm so mad that they made the class this strong, it's obviously getting nerfed and I'm afraid it could reach Nova Warp levels of useless for both pve and pvp content.
@@MrJosh194 i feel the same way. Bungie don't know how to nerfe stuff where its still usable and fun and feel powerful like these new supers should feel. And then pve gonna catch a nerf too when I believe this super how it is in pve is completely fine. All supers in pve fine. Just need tweaks in pvp
honestly, im gonna wait for the fat nerfs to stasis before even touching pvp
I don't see how much they can nerf this super, only in the duration (and that's a big maybe because, like bottom tree dawn, this super has no mobility). Everyone that played it can tell that this is not broken as it looks. It's a class made to shut down high value targets and it does that really well. Let crayon eaters and jumpy hunters cry a little.
I tried a single match in the crucible and I swear I'm never going back until they nerf this shit.
I spent most of the match locked down, frozen, or blocked.
The entire enemy team were shadebinders and holy shit did I hate the experience.
I’m so sorry that I main a warlock
It’ll get nerfed soon tho I can feel it
i don’t get what’s the big deal on the new subclass i think that it’s super weak and really doesn’t do anything i have clips of people using it and they don’t get any kills and i will always out play them with any other subclass
@@wecriptt you obviously suck at warlock
Now you know how it felt to be a warlock with spectral blades felt before it’s last nerf and/Or code of the juggernaut before it’s nerf.
Its free real estate. Hunters had their moment titans too. Now its warlock time
I'm not usually one to call for nerfs but that melee is not balanced
I dont know how they can tune the melee down, minus maybe the AOE. The tracking really isn't that good (I've had my melee whiff by inches multiple times), and if you take away the freeze portion and make it slow, then its a useless melee ability (since hunters get 2 melee abilities that can slow multiple targets each). Or maybe the cooldown? And in regards to the aspect, Im not sure what they can do other than nerf the tracking.
Agree. You should get slowed but not frozen. Also being frozen should not be a death sentence. Being able to break free faster would help.
Titans and their throw hammer, hunters and the tracking knife... no thanks, warlocks need something to use...
@@crossthreader No I think frozen is okay, but increase cooldown more and decrease the AOE effect. + The changes to being frozen too.
Stasis should be op
I honestly think the super duration and super drain from spamming abilities will get nerfed. Also think it'll cost 2 Gandalf blast to kill a super. This super fosho will get nerfed and I bet one or all the things I mention will be in the nerf.
Edit: Also they should allow us to shoot while frozen since you can shoot while tethered by a hunter. And allow us to break out of ice faster.
If you can shoot while Frozen you're not really Frozen
Super duration is needed for PvE. The ranged attack costs a ton of energy
Thanks Fallout. I took a break a while back and this one of the first Destiny vids I’ve watched in a long time. New dlc looks fun, will likely pick it up.
"Nah, Get sucked bro" is my new favorite phrase
i have a sneaky suspicion that shutdown aspect of this super is going to be nerfed in the near future.
Yeah the melee shpuld not freeze supers in one hit. And the super should take at least two blasts to freeze another super. Other than that i hope they leave it as it is.
Don't want it to end up like nova warp.
@@outbreakperfected9374 Either that, or it will only shutdown certain supers or something dumb, or just not shutdown supers at all.
@@outbreakperfected9374 it only takes one shot from a nightstalker’s bow to shut down a super, why should this be different?
@@josephwilliams5292 because nightstalker isn't a roaming super. It takes multiple hammers or dawnblade hits to take down a super, but only one nova bomb or nightstalker arrow. That's because shutdown supers such as nova bomb and nightstalker are supposed to counter roaming supers. But due to its instant freezing shadebinder is both a shutdown AND a roaming super at the same time, and that is NOT okay.
Edit: and furthermore, no melee should be able to take down a super in one hit with that little risk. That's just not balanced.
@@outbreakperfected9374 can the stasis hunter not do the same thing if they hit both their shuriken? I was under the impression that hitting both was an instant freeze
You know Bungie is terrible at balancing subclasses when a subclass being good at launch is making this many people worried about an overcompensating nerf. Novawarp still hasn't been dug out of the grave.
It still is east countered. It’s just as slow as nova warp is meaning you can get smacked by anyone that knows what they’re doing. Range is the best counter to it
@@canoncoriell9105 except the super’s main thing is a ranged attack that shoots 4 tracking projectiles. That’s like saying you should just out-range a golden gun.
@@josephwilliams5292 funny how you can actually caunter a goldie with Range becouse of it's drop off
@@josephwilliams5292 by that same token the projectiles are super slow. You pop an adored head shot off or the equivalent of that and even if you’re frozen so long as they don’t have someone trailing him you can outlast that freeze and leave
Bungie must REALLY love the Frozen movies. DJ probably sings under his breath "Do you wanna build a snowman? Do you wanna blow it uuuuup?"
it's nice for warlocks to have something other than top tree dawn that's good in PvP now
I’m a storm caller Main so I didn’t want the shadebinder but after you said “crowd control” I was like OH YES BABY
Will there be a Titan video coming ? Interested in thoughts, seems very sporadic as I launch off the map half through time in PVE
I was in the super during the final boss fight of beyond light. I fired some those stasis orbs and missed, they curved all the way around and froze Erimas. The tracking is no joke.
New PVP: "just for warlocks, and warlocks only"
Yeah, no kidding.
Take that Hunters
Lol *Gandalf* "YOU SHALL NOT PASS" me being forced to read the hobbit by my ELA teacher
For everyone screaming OP. Bungie will be monitoring Stasis in pvp closely to tune it so have some paitence. PvE its fine and although idm it in pvp that much since im constantly moving i do think things will get adjusted and tuned. Loving Beyond Light so far. Post campaign story reminds me of Forsaken
Lol the company that left mountaintop untouched for months? Hate to burst your bubble but we got at least 3 months until they acknowledge its a problem
Bungie has a problem with nerfing things too hard AND doing it too late. What they need to do is stop the instant freeze and have a slow first then freeze, the wall should not fucking instant freeze and super should not instant freeze other supers(non supers sure) it should slow first than freeze.
You gotta be trolling with this top tree dawn has been the best for like 2 seasons now and they haven’t done anything they dgaf about the pvp community and not to mention the auto nerf wasn’t shit u still only see autos
You forget they literally changed their engine host so they could get in and tweek things alot faster and easier than before but yeah i agree with both your points 100%. I personally havent had any issues just yet but i know alot have
Love the Gandalf reference. Good job on the video guide.
Just imagine the 1st week of Mayhem. Pretty sure Elsa is gonna show up to sing
Dude on stream (great stream btw) the laughter of you and Ano with chat saying wtf is was hilarious.
I can't take this subclass seriously. This is gonna be nerf so hard that the darkness is gonna be like "DAAAMMNNN WHAT HIT US?"
Bungie is straying away from PVP this is a PVE Expansion mainly and I honesly don’t think it needs a nerf I think they should really focus on content and bring us fun things because PVE was so dead last year and we finally have a good outlook at a better PVE game because that’s literally what destiny is all about
@@isaiah9569 Lol. You don't think it needs a nerf.
@@TheSeppppp just go play call of duty if you want a pvp shooter. Nobody is forcing you to play this garbage
@@punani_slayer4209 Of couse nobody is. And I'm not asking for a pvp competitive environment. But this is just so broken, even the top players admit that. There is a difference between asking for exact balance or just tuning things because
it literally has zero counterplay.
@@punani_slayer4209 D2 always had a stong pvp community becourse of the vertical gameplay your bashing is not nice the communty does not need plp like you you are the one who should stop playing
After fiddling a bit with all 3 gotta say Shadebinder is the strongest stasis class and it's kind of a sour point of mine. It's not really Warlocks fault either it's just that the warlock class lets Bungie go crazy designing their abilities because there is no limit to "space magic". So yeah they got another op subclass which doesn't really help anyone cause everyone will complain about it now and warlocks will complain when it gets nerfed. Everybody loses.
Hunter's melee - throw small shuriken two times, to freeze one enemy
Warlock's melee - throw explosive rocket to freeze enemies in AOE range
Titan melee - funny yeet punch
Don’t worry, warlocks still have to rely on their regular melee after that
this is ridiculous! i just switched from titan main to warlock main last season and im stoked to try this out in pvp now
I'm glad Warlock supers break an already unbalanced PvP. Justice to the locks.
Sadly it will go to hell together with nova warp when it gets nerfed. Bungie doesn't know how to nerf subclasses.
10:40 that is so sick the way each orb splits off and tracks an enemy!
It's already extremely difficult to find Gunfights as it is, this will be the most annoying PVP experience to date.
Yup because freezing shit is the new meta.
I cant even lie.... youre right as fuck!! I pretty much main crucible and all i could think while playing yesterday was...
Theyve actually ruined it for real this time.
worst state cruicible has ever been in
@@kobek8069 yeah I have to agree. I mainly a PvP player, but right now it’s not fun. I’ve been wanting to try out the hand cannons for a while now with other people, but it’s so damn hard trying to find a primary gunfight without being frozen.
Just lost a comp game because I'm poor AF
ive always mained warlock, its about time warlocks have come back to dominate, i love this stasis
Prep for a nerf, you know how it goes.
Damn, it feels good to be a warlock main.
its not often we can say this..
@@vinniecatalano6280 it is often did you forget about pre nerf handheld supernova and and top tree dawn
Thanks for the video. I'll try all of this out. Great info. Please do Titan next.
4:17 Thats how vortex nades should work lore wise, I- 🥴
away at home for college currently, but now I cannot wait to get back and play shade binder!!!
Finally, warlocks have a way to inflict status effects and even suppress supers! :D
This class is everything I love.
Control and Denial. It's an ice Scorch and I absolutely love it
Fallout: *Explains Stasis*
Everyone: “What have you unleashed upon this world?”
Personally I'd like to see your take on the Titan stasis abilities. I've heard so many wildly divergent opinions, and I appreciate how grounded yours tend to be!
I think the learning curve is pretty severe (especially in comparison to this, yikes). Playmaking potential is pretty huge with the super, it also provides you cover for your melee based super. I think the main takeaway should be: Titans have a really good movement ability now! The Behemoth punch is incredible at moving you out of danger (slightly less effective at dealing damage). You really need to set yourself up. It’s a great surprise attack tool, especially with how the dash breaks through walls. If you pop it in the air, but touch down before the ability ends, it gives you aerial forward momentum and the ground based dash-and-punch. It feels pretty unwieldy initially but keep at it and it gets better. I’ve been loving it in pvp, and I don’t have any aspects or anything yet
People are just upset they can be frozen before being one shot rather then just being one shot. So many things can one shot you but the humiliation is so satisfying.
EXACTLY the hypocrisy the other classes are showing is frustrating
i just love using this class for sliding shot gunners and shoulder bass titans
I think they can nerf the melee by making it slow when doing AOE, but keep the freezing only when direct hit lands. Also raise the cooldown higher. The super heavy attack should also get a decrease in range.
Arguably the only good idea I have seen. I can't believe some people think degrading it to a pure slow is fair. Because then it's literally less than half as good as the hunter melee. Which, given how angry people STILL get over top tree dawn being statistically worse than void hunter by only a single percent or so... I think its just safe to say that no one is even allowed to approach hunter levels of win rates in PvP or some people lose their mind.
hey how about be quiet and let warlocks have something nice for once yeah?
I do love the AOE freeze, but if it came down to Bungie nerfing it I hope they’d go with this fix.
Would making it that when you break out of being frozen you dont lose most of your health help? I feel it would. Like if your frozen and they dont finish you off and you break out i dont think it should tank most of your health
@@fishnutz5196 I think that should also be a change they make.
Thanks for the info, I was doing exactly what you said, spamming the freezing orbs and the Gandalf shock wave on the ult didn’t realize they went together 😂😂
As a warlock main just waiting for the inevitable nerf lol
Yeah cause all the hunter have been complaining literally since the first hour of launch
@@Sixdawg06 but they are right thing is hopefully It doesn't get nova warped
Dude, same. Stasis has made me feel like a powerful Warlock again. Like, Destiny 1 Voidwalker levels of dangerous. What upsets me the most, is shelling out around $70 and experiencing the best subclass EVAR (I've always wanted an Ice subclass and it was literally the main reason I bought Beyond Light)...just to most likely have it nerfed into the ground before the new season hits the 1 week mark. If Stasis ends up like Nova Warp and I have to go back to playing top tree Dawnblade... I think I'll be done with Destiny.
*To clarify, Dawnblade is not my favored warlock subclass; it was Voidwalker. However, Voidwalker just hasn't performed like it did in Destiny 1, and top tree Dawnblade has synergies that make it extremely competative in PVP.
Something you didnt say, right clicking DOES NOT consume your superbar. So you can spam it while you wait for spinny arc staff to run out
If you thought you hated crucible before the arrival of stasis subclasses... youre about to learn what real hate is
I’ve gotten multiple double kills with the ice wall grenade in PvP and it’s a great tactical grenade too. Absolutely love it. Still have yet to get to my Warlock though
I wonder if you can one-two with that nade and a grenade launcher like fighting lion... The detonation damage can do some mess ya know?
This sounds stupid but is there a chance a Golden Gun can destroy the projectiles? Like those little orbs that come from the staff? I know that when a warlock uses Nova Bomb, if the hunter is fast enough they can shoot the void orbs before they get touched
Please do a video on the titan Behemoth Subclass. I would really like to hear your opinion on the subclass
1:04 nova bomb users really punching the air rn
Tip the cold snap grenade for warlock is pretty useless since if you get your first aspect the bolts work the same as the cold snap
You can suck people into Witherhoard blights?!
I smell shadebinder becoming the Saltbinder and getting dented with the nerf hammer. Probably the one in Zavala's office
Every stasis subclass has that
@@mrblurryface749 Yeah but Shadebinder can do that on top of the melee projectile freeze. Giving it 2 options to force people to sit in it and die.
Then again with the recent flying antics of Titans we may have more important things to worry about.
@@yugijak that’s fair lol
I’m happy there’s gonna be a way to piss off people who just rush with shotguns
This is hilarious! Everyone was so worried about the Hunter and the Warlock busts through the wall like the Koolaid man "SURPRISE MF!!!"
I play hunter exclusively but I'm actually ok with this. I hope they don't nerf it but rather bring the other classes up to meet it. I mean, Bungie tried to make PvP balanced and competitive before and the community hated it so they might as well embrace the zany space magic aspects of the game.
IKR! Current PVP is so toxic I avoid it because Im not having fun playing it. I only do it for the weeklies and thats about it.
Let’s have a space magic pvp party lmao
Ya, I'd like to see that happend rather than nerfs, subclasses are a key part of the game and I think they should feel powerfull. Otherwise it becomes stale.
@@akmaru Same. I come from a Halo background and can't for the life of me enjoy PvP in Destiny. (Don't tell anyone but I loved D2 Vanilla PvP 🤫)
Whelp I think Titan drew the short straw when it comes to stasis
Everyone's talking about the warlock melee but can we talk about hunter and Titan. Titans is just funny and Hunterdon is crazy at cleanups and getting damage around corners
Behemoth Titan in pvp is not funny.. literally everything else can outplay you, unless you use mainly grenades for slow/freeze
@@OneMadCat Hunters honestly feel similar. Two charges on my melee but it takes 4 to kill at full health, the slow on them does nothing and doesn't freeze....have to rely on nades to freeze or do anything and my super is unpredictable....it's good for PvE...actually the whole class feels better for PvE but I don't play PvE. Feel like we got short straw my dude.
As a warlock I can confirm this is broken
Broken how? Have you played the other classes? Hunter super is much faster and lethal.
@@SpecOpsDoctor Yes ive played the others and hunters revenant really isnt that great, its good but shadebinder is the winner. The reason I say shadebinder is broken because its the only class that can freeze with a melee and shut down supers that well. It just needs a bit of tuning but not much.
@@Slimerror it’s fine as it is, it’s not that it can be spammed every 9 seconds or be picked up and thrown again.
@@SpecOpsDoctor ur on a power trip bud this shits broken. Classic warlocks tbh literally all the best abilities in the game
@@SpecOpsDoctor yeah but its still broken just a splash damage range nerf would balance it thats all.
I laughed a LOT when the missile titan froze mid air.
I really wish this community would attempt to learn the counter play before they start calling for nerfs.
This video helped I was thinking this stasis path was the worst lol still bad in my hands since I just got it
Adding a ridiculous crowd control subclass to a FPS that has pvp, does not seem like a good idea.
Please do the next guide on hunter class. This is so good.
We need to have an intervention with Bungie. It is time for test servers. They cant keep releasing unbelievably broken shit and then taking months to tune it.
This subclass isn't "unbelievably broken" at all. You can shit on the super. It's slow. It's super floaty. And the freeze bolts are inconsistent sometimes. A one or two tweaks to the super and the class is fine.
@@codywalker1041 lmao. it can literally 1v1 EASILY any super in the game. 2 direct hit dawnblades to kill it, and top tree dont track, vs one freeze bolt. I have never won against it in pvp. I can duel hammers, spectral, sentinel. This thing tho, it always wins. the only ONLY thing is it is kind of slow. And I wasnt reffering specifically to this subclass. The entire "freezing" people is cheesy af. this shit is broke af and it will get nerfed hard, so have fun with yo cheese while you can
@@jedsanford7879 the only change worth making is maybe making it take 2 shots from the super to freeze another super. Other than that it's fine. Stasis is annoying in quick play but in 3v3 it's nowhere near as potent. Theres still a skill gap to avoiding stasis in general.
get back to me after a few weekends of trials and tell me how you feel lol
@@jedsanford7879 I've already been spamming comp. Stasis is doing what it was supposed to do. Albeit maybe a bit too well. If they fixed the freeze duration and nerfed cold snap grenades then it's fine.
The best Destiny youtuber
So in PvP this subclass is like what One Eyed Mask was to Titans. Designed to be OP to get the Warlock numbers higher. Meta is going to be frigid this winter
Not anywhere near as fundamentally broken as one eyed mask tho. The super just needs one or 2 tweaks at most.
@@codywalker1041 yeah man. I see so many people bitch about the melee yet i find it so easy to move from its slow tracking. Just back pedal its range isnt that much
@@fishnutz5196 people are crying so hard about this class. It's not unbeatable at all. Its strong yes but maybe you shouldn't w key everything with your shotgun and super.
Void warp is the counter as well as using blink
As someone who doesn’t play warlock, this infuriates me beyond words...
Titans got shit on by Stasis
Lets see Hunters legit have the best supers in the game that's infuriating. All classes should have good supers not just hunters. Give warlock a good roaming super and give titans a buff. Tired of these hunters getting all the love and no nerfs for there supers and abilities its total bullshit.
@@invidia44 soooo...are we completely ignoring top tree dawn for the purposes of your comment? Oh and their new stasis roaming super which is somehow allowed to last half a minute. All hunter’s have is spectral and even that’s been nerfed since launch. Golden gun lasts no time at all and you get no damage resistance and arc strider is so easy to counter unless your right next to them when they pop it.
i just realised a lot of the big destiny boyz chose warlock as the first subclass, that's so cool for me as a warlock main
Seeing your POV freeze people. Be honest, does that seem fair? the AOE on the shade binder is ABSURD, you basically have an AOE Precision Knife with how free the kill is after Mêlée ability
Exactly my thoughts. Too easy to deny any counterplay. A reasonable nerf would be a slower projectile and reducing the aoe, maybe only slowing on missed shots.
Awesome! Thanks for taking the time to make this!
Do you wanna build a snowman?
They should make the freeze where it sticks you in the ground or on a wall; however, since you cannot run, slide, and jump, you can still look around and shoot. The break out time should be SIGNIFICANTLY reduced to around 1 second without a super and just under a second with a super. The break out time is by far the worse thing in the crucible! Keep everything the same in player versus enemy playing, though.
Then they should simply remove break out of time if its less than a second to break
I’ll be ok with any nerf to my new wizard stick but the nerfs better be pvp only. I hate it when the pvp community cries like babies and the pve community suffers for it.
this....i like this
9:34 the way he fell to the ground killed me
I loved that! I'm tired of dying to Titans over and over again.
Yes, this subclass is broken, but im really adreaid that if bungie nerfs it, it will be the new nova warp and become shit
Yeah I hope bungie waits to nerf it. Yes its strong but everyone and their grandma is using the new subclass so of course it's the only thing your going to see
Among the many supers in this game. Shade binder has got to have the LARGEST range I've ever seen.
Sniff sniff
What's that i smell?
I like how the traveler is still broken in the background of this map
And titan, mercury, io, and mars maps are still playable despite them having **completely vanished** lorewise.
@@SquizmWizzerd I noticed that when playing pvp today being frozen made me really take a look around and think “wait a minute why aren’t the space Doritos here?” While playing on both the mercury maps
This is nova warp all over again, its gonna get nerfed asap
Yay another overpowered warlock subclass who would have thought
Yay they are useful again
no longer relevant.. the nerf hammer came down hard on primarily Warlocks. So this video doesn't relate to updated changes.
If there ever will be a newer version of the shade binder like what we have for the storm caller, it would be cool if the warlock change its tactics and become a melee super. Dawning a scythe, and can summon its fallen enemies to add in combat
Hunter can't dodge out of Warlock Nade. Warlock can Icarus dash out of Nade.
*tImE tO cOmPlAiN aBoUt DaWnBlAdE oN tHe FoRuMs!!!*
Something tells me that there is probably quite a few op builds that we no nothing about. Can't wait to unlock stuff and get started on the build craft. Fingers crossed I'm not being too optimistic.
The melee is actually so annoying to play against in PvP. I hate not being able to fight back and instantly being frozen. Bungie plz nerf.
Finally someone gets it
It’s funny everyone thought that the hunter was going to be op but from the looks of it it looks like this and the behemoth take the cake
This was informative and funny please do more
Bottom tree dawn if you can get off two swings in the general direction before being frozen is your only hope
i havent bought beyond light yet but i returned to play because handcannons are good again n i´ve been enjoyed it alot so far. i got pretty bored with the AR meta "hold down the trigger in the general direction of the enemy n the game does the rest for you" got dull very, very quickly. Stasis overall feels very oppressive to play against and id honestly rather get oneshot so i can respawn than sit in that freeze. the whole "spam this button to break free" is taken straight out of a really, really REALLY old console game that we 90´s people used to play as kids and most of the time i find myself just afking intill i die rather than spamming.
as a warlock main im frankly really glad that we´re given an alternative subclass that is viable in PvP outside of toptree dawnblade. I like toptree dawnblade for its neutral game but i find the super too hard to use ( no im not great at the game ) but while playing hunter or titan using a roaming super i can quite literarelly close my eyes and spam click n expect kills as a resault ( especially spectral blades ) simply due to the insane tracking where as dawnblade has to actually aim the shots. So a super that counters other supers sounds outstanding. im gonna wait with buying the expansion intill i´ve seen how they plan on nerfing it though. i wont pay for a dlc where my main class gets shafted again.
New guide on the the usual massively overpowered warlock super out of all classes
I can see warlocks with Claws of Ahamkara being really good at shotgun apes
I’ve been using Karnstein Gauntlets on my shadebinder, really good for PVE.