syrup sandwich Unless your friends are the alphabet three letter agencies and you are sent on a classified intel gathering mission into North Korea because there’s no other way to gain certain kinds of intel but physically go there especially since there are no embassies /consulates or any US gov sites in that country , if he truly was a CIA agent he died a honorable death serving his country , still tragic and unnecessary
@@chegadesuade Not really. There are some places in the world that are very dangerous. For example, I would not travel to Syria in the middle of a civil war, even if rich mommy and daddy paid for it. Wise people do not go to just any country any time they want no matter how unsafe it can be. Just wait some years until it improves or go somewhere else.
@@blakes5827 There's a distinct group of travelers that considers the thrill of a dangerous country to be part of the experience. Hundreds of Americans visit North Korea every year without incident. I agree that I wouldn't travel to a country during a civil war, but there are many who do it safely by closely following their guides advice. This has nothing to do with being "rich", it's a matter of being responsible.
@Harald Harster I saw a video about a North Korean soldier who was shot because he was trying to go to South Korea and managed to stay alive. If even your own soldier tried to escape from your own country then there's really something wrong about it. I'm not a U.S American but is from the Philippines (lived there my whole life.) and I gotta say it's a lot better than my own country. I went to U.S couple years ago and wasn't really expecting anything, love their fast food restaurant but I don't really like things like Mac and Cheese. Also, I would rather be in the U.S than North Korea. U.S is literally a superpower country today because of immigrants and probably know how to handle stuff like that. Also, I would rather be in U.S because you don't get wired and observed by North Koreans just because you're a foreign (there was a guy who was a former CIA in North Korea and know hotels who put wires in their places and some actually have CIA people working there.) Imagine stealing a poster and getting to confess a crime without a lawyer!
@Harald Harster you also seem to not get my point. Why WOULD I spend my money on a government that would kill it's own soldier on broad daylight?! Also, you just said that there's "greater freedom domestically" so why WOULD I go to a country that's not? You mentioned countries in Africa yet there are also other countries that's doing the same thing as them but U.S took the spotlight. Also, I didn't just have a vacation in the U.S but have been living since then and about patrionism? It's EVEN worse in the Philippines than the U.S. All they teached in the Philippines is how Spain conquered the country and how bad it is but didn't teach us the bad things some people did in the Philippines. Yet the same year that I move from the Philippines to the U.S the history teacher immediately told us terrible things the people in the U.S did. If it's about patriotism then IT'S worse than even U.S.
Personally I don't find any problem in travelling to North Korea. It would definitely be interesting to feel by first hand the whole environment and discover what kind of culture it is. But for sure always following the rules and not doing such thing Otto did (knowing he was in a highly strict country as North Korea in which one mistake may put your life in risk)
Everyone thought I was insane to study in South Korea. It’s so sad how many people think South Korea is ANYTHING in any way like North Korea. South Korea is way safer than even America. But ya North Korea is dangerous obviously. But people need to educate themselves with real research.
@@deezee6190 They couldn't even see who it was on camera. It was not proven it was him, and they'd have made him say he did it even if he did not. If your life is threatened, you'll say u stole a poster, even if you did not.
@Danite Ghost In North Korea, it might as well be the same thing. You don't go into dictatorial regimes and impose your own free-wheeling sensibilities and expect them to bend to your way of thinking. It's mind-boggling the sheer arrogance (or is it naivete?) of people - usually young Christians brainwashed into thinking God will protect them no matter where they go - who travel to war-torn, dictatorial or just westerner-unfriendly countries and think they can bring their own agenda and the locals will accept them with open arms. Unbelievable!
haha me too and i thought i was the only one that was creeped out by the fake smile of kids, i have never seens a kids this young put on such an act, wow....
@@soom878 The family should reveal photos of what Otto looked like brain dead …I don’t think the American public understood the devastation of his injury & therefore weren’t enraged (as they should’ve been).
@@brandonstrickland8234 You are in anouther country and you have to be held accountable for your stupidity! I don't make the laws for that country so before you decide to be a thief in N. Korea use the mind God gave you! I don't agree he should have been tortured, but I would not have gone there in the first place. Also he is an adult and not a child. Have a nice day
He loved travelling, he travelled so much that he eventually lost respect for the countries he visited. Always have respect for the places you go and the people you see.
Who doesn't love travelling when it is totally free? I wish I had a rich mommy and daddy to pay for all my globe-trotting adventures to impoverished countries not allowed access to outside TV broadcasts or internet, lacking in enough food to eat, and headed by a delusional dictator who forces haircuts on the men and cannot afford to buy a plane that is capable of flying more than 2 hours from North Korea. Oh, wait. Actually I am glad my parents never allowed me to do dumb shit like that.
@@Ehyobillingsyo I think he meant to say is to respect the countries' laws and traditions that one would travel to, especially North Korea. You don't want to insult them or they'll insult you back big time.
@@Ehyobillingsyo what they meant to say is that if your gonna travel to a country, you should respect it. If you don't, than don't go there. I mean, no matter what my beliefs are, I'm not going to a country and disrespect them. That's just common sense.
@@Ehyobillingsyo dude that's beside the point. I too hate NKorea and how they treat their own people, however I will never go to that country for a visit. If I ever have to for some other reason like work etc, I will make sure to follow every single law of that country. Surely I wont go to a country I hate and be a dick to them. That's asking for trouble. Stay in your country to criticize, don't go abroad if you're not ready to respect their lawd unless you value your life, obviously.
A group of Korean Americans had gone to the same hotel and ventured into that floor to take photos. After they had gone back to the US, they bragged about it by posting their daring adventure on RUclips. This a challenge and provocation to the North Korean regime. So, this innocent guy was made a scapegoat to warn the Americans. The surveillance camera shows the guy stealing that picture was so much shorter than this American man.
I'm curious about the country and wish to go, but i don't think i ever would after this. i follow the rules and never act out of place, even being a Canadian i wouldn't feel safe. I want to travel to learn, not for flashy Instagram photos for people to be jealous of. I understand journalists going at the moment, but can't understand why someone would actually go just to tour for "fun" currently - they hold your passports, you can't travel freely, you're being watched and possibly listened to, you know everything you see is propaganda - the exact same tour is available all over youtube, and you're contributing to their economy, which you know is being used for nukes and not to help citizens.
I personally think Otto Wambier's brain damage was likely the result of a botched suicide attempt. If you think about it, the theory that the North Koreans tortured Wambier to the point of mortal brain damage does not really fit with the usual MO of the North Koreans when it comes to dealing with American prisoners. Past American detainees in North Korea (who have been released) report of rough treatment, but not systematic torture to the point of brain damage. After all, North Korea usually detains American tourists to use as bargaining chips for "free aid" (food, money etc). I personally think the North Koreans did just enough to keep Wambier "alive" long enough to ship him back to the USA so that he would not "die" on North Korean soil. I find it, at best, extremely strange that his parents refused to have his body autopsied before burial. As parents, wouldn't you want true answers instead of just living on the assumption that "Otto was tortured to death"?
From what I read about the personal accounts of prisoners is that it wouldn't be uncommon if one of the guards went too far. Perhaps taking liberties with his orders, this guard chose to really lay into Otto with all the brainwashed anger at the United States that filled his mind.
Wow that's actually pretty likely. Otto thought a lot and likely had an overactive imagination, as very smart people usually do. Being trapped like that and facing such horror and, likely, being tortured (the "hard labor" in itself likely is like torture), Otto probably imagined there was no way out. He was so terrified, grief-stricken, exhausted that he tried to hang himself and this cut off oxygen to the brain causing brain damage... wow. We still need war on those fuckers, their "rules" break all international rules and norms.
So this guy is supposed to be a genius yet he went to the 5th floor despite the warning saying "do NOT go to 5th floor", and not only did he go there but he also started tearing down propaganda posters and shit... He doesn't seem like a genius to me
The proof that he did it was a grainy security video from like 50 feet away that didn't even show his face, it was very possibly a set up, a scapegoat.
@@adventuresingamedevelopment I doubt that's the only evidence they had, they probably found posters in his luggage or something. North Korea is not stupid enough to make the US put even more sanctions on them just because they wanted to kill a student as a "scapegoat". Also thousands of people travel to NK every year and they don't get arrested; as long as you listen to your guide, absolutely nothing will happen to you
@@exeterra4825 What if he saw things in the 5th floor and they didnt want him to spread it arround the globe. Would also explain his brain damage to make sure he never speaks again, or even remembers.
Pythias It’s not our right to stop a sovereign nation. Perhaps if we hadn’t bombed the shit out of them things would be a lot different today. That and we kill way more people than they do, so it would be vile hypocrisy.
His "friends" were excited for Otto, going to North Korea??? If I had been his friend I would have tried talking some sense into him. What are they teaching in schools these days anyway.
Just like the Korean church people are excited for their pastors and some followers going to Afghanistan war zones to preach the gospels to tribes who are cut off from the outside world, "The Mighty Lord will be thy guide and He will send angels to protect you". When the pastor was beheaded and the rest was held as ransom, the Christians did not turn to their god but to their government who used the taxpayers' money (including Buddhists, Atheists, Gay people) to bail them out.
the liberal controlled school systems taut that everyone is good on the inside and that we all love each other and only the right is hateful.. so otto skipped off to a brutal 3rd world country on vacation and paid the price for his idiot parents and friends not chaining him to his bed. I work at the hospital where otto ended up in Ohio... His families refusal for an autopsy further illustrates his parents poor choices as now we can only speculate what actually happened.
And the North Korea they show you is not the real one but a fake showcase. Americans love to "Let's check it out". This is what I've understood from watching American horror movies. "Hey, did you here a noise in the basement?" Asians : "Yes. Let's get out of here immediately!". Americans : "Let's check it out".
@@harryk8696 your argument is complete bullshit. This is about politics. It has nothing to do with zoos. And BTW most of those animals in zoos would be with otto right now if they weren't in zoos. STFU.
He loved travelling. So he obviously knew that destroying a poster in North Korea is a big no no. It is sad to see the young man die . But you do not go to places that have no diplomatic relationship with your country. If you do and break the law you gace the consequences.
You could steal a ps5 in America in clear cctv 4K 60 FPS and still get off with nothing essentially if you plead guilty in nk you get 15 years for taking a piece and you get caught on a camera with such bad quality you’d think has been their since the Cold War era... truly a country stuck in time.
6:19 Otto: Hey I wanna go to malaria infested area Otto's friends: Go for it. Otto: dies of malaria Otto's friends: We were excited hes going to the craziest place. Its so Otto thing to do.
Angela Gomez I’m sure it was but either couldn’t control him or supported this stuff. The group was made up of future missionaries, journalists, aid supporters, etc. of course this group would be the ones to go!
Levi 123 I'm not sure that was true here. Seems like a set up and he may not even have done what they said he did. This guy was a political pawn. It's better not to visit countries that yours is at odds with period.
@@additionalsun What about that time stamp state otherwise? The time stamp would actually suggest that Otto was fully aware that even a photo could get him detained in NK. But he decided to risk it all for bragging rights to a poster. That he didn't even bother to capture evidence he indeed took it?
Anyone can go to North Korea just like you can go to Europe, It just very strict and as long as you follow the rules and stay with your tour guide your fine... I would love to visit North Korea, Its something I want to check off my bucket list
@@ShootLuckGaming Please don't. There are enough oppressive governments in the world, why the hell would you give your money to the worst one so they can buy more nuclear bombs
Peace and blessings to the family and friends of this young man. This a very sad story, but a lot of Americans ignorant and arrogant with their attitudes and behaviors in foriegn countries. I wish N Korea would have simply fined and sent him home. But North Korea is NOT America; and your United States State Department will tell you and warn you. The choices we make dictates the life we live and the end we meet.
@@annan7728 he was already very hurt before he came home, its impossible to put yourself in their position. Watching your child unresponsive and unable to do anything..I would have let him go too
@@lauratheexplora4936 But that's never acknowledged. When another country does something like this, everyone screams "Respect their culture"....if it happened to a tourist visiting America, everyone, including all of the Americans talking ish, it would be "America's evil".
@@rachelwood9438 but he was in coma and could wake up at any moment,his parents should not have done that!In whatever cirsumstances he was he was still alive!
Americans morn for this fool? What about the hundreds of thousands of Iraqis, Syrians, Libyans, Afghans, Yemenis, etc. killed which are caused by Americans?
@@ktkska8886 you cant mean disrespect to anyone dead, each life matters and losing it over chance or one mistake is horrific. The value of a life cannot be calculated, each death is a scar and shame should not be brought to a good person after death just because of one mistake, each death must be mourned.
Actually, there’s no proof that he took the picture. The video that the North Korean Government used as evidence against Otto is so poor in quality, you can’t make out the features of the perpetrator. The North Korean Government wanted to use Otto as a political bargaining chip, and that is the only reason he was convicted. They N.K dictator is an evil and cold-hearted human being, and Otto should’ve never been subjected to all the pain and fear and torture he went through.
wonshiin I wonder if you said the same if it was your father, your brother or your friend😉. We are all so “smart” when it comes to judging others. Prisons should not be torture, killing you slowly. North Corea is living in the medieval days; they are so cruel and closed minded, especially when it comes to the treatment of prisoners.
“He’s the smartest guy you’ll ever meet” Goes to a forbidden country & disobeys rules that had been specifically explained to him. Yeah, he’s a real genius that one
Very well said. Hundreds of comments on here about what an amazing, brilliant person he was, when the reality is what you stated - he was a moron who got caught up in an American backed conspiracy to commit a theft in North Korea.
weather he took the poster or not he did not deserve 15 years. 15 years for a poster is outrageous and barbaric. There's no excuse for what the north Koreans did to him. Put yourself in his place for a moment. How would you feel? He was a bright young man who had his life stolen from him by idiots. God bless him and his family.
XxZigiixX hi there. women are definitely not legal at 13 in ph. they are legal at 18. i do agree with your point though, i struggle to feel sympathy for the guy. sure his life was stolen from but once you go to a country with a different culture and a different set of rules, you follow them. The country and its custom does not adjust to a tourist's bidding. He has been fairly warned and its common etiquette once you go outside your own country.
misbelle smith please. Everything about NK is barbaric. Commit a crime and three generations are punished. They were told not to go to the fifth floor. They should have kept their asses off the fifth floor.
so accountability is for everyone else but not the critters u think are special ? they didn't make up laws for him. the laws were in place before he DECIDED to go there and do what he did.
For the people talking about different countries different rules, that is not the point here, seen from a more objective and humane point of view, just give a thought at how, and for what reason, should a person receive such a brutal 15 year long punishment for getting a piece of paper depicting a fat piece of shit - who is a megalomaniac tyrant opresssor who portrays himself as a friggin' god yet shouldn't deserve to live at all in the first place - ? It is a friggin' poster, against a human life! Rules don't have any reason to be there, they are utterly meaningless.
He didn't steal the poster. You really trust the North Korean government? A country that kills and enslaves its own people and has done this to Americans before? You're not too bright huh
FYI ---- The family says he was tortured yet they are refusing to release the post mortem.....Here's my plot twist: Otto tried killing himself over there, went into a coma and NK sent him back not wanting him to die over there.....I dunno if that's it or not but something isn't being told to us.
Nothing wrong with going to North Korea. It's just stupid to forget you're there when you're there. Otto dug his grave when he tried to take that poster.
I don't think that's an example of irony, which makes your attempt to insult someone's intelligence quite amusing.
6 лет назад+2
he was taunting death by visiting countries like cuba (communist), israel (always being bombed), ecuador (gang violence). Finally he went to the one that would end up sealing his fate... North Fucken Korea.
Honestly if the country you want to go to doesn’t even have a U.S. embassy or one of your country, you may want to change your mind and find another country. Especially if you are American because there are some countries that hate the U.S. and North Korea is one of them. Definitely feel so terrible for what happened to Otto and his parents.
This is a great example of what happens when you mess around in countries that are not the United States. I do not agree with what happened to him but plenty of people go to North Korea and do not steal things and don't get arrested and eventually end up dead.
They seem like the biggest vanilla country club people on Earth in some ways, almost like 19th century English aristocrats at moments. Wealthy Aryan German-descent man and his possibly Jewish (?) wife. The emotional detachment is yucky, but grief does vary from person to person and changes from week to week. All that being said, I hate that they lost their child. Bless their hearts. What an awful way to see your child's life end.
So many fake ass people anymore. "They" won't associate with you unless it benefits them somehow. Something seems off, like most of these people hated this guy and the chicks thought he was a creep. But the chance to be on shitty ass abc? *SIGN ME UP!! "OTTO WAS AN ANGEL AND THE PINNACLE OF AMERICANS!"*
I pray that our fellowmen living in North Korea will one day learn the beauty of the world God has given us. I wish they'll be free like any other citizen of the universe.🙏
As painful as it is to re-call the horror and injustice of Otto's fate, this must never be forgotten. It's nice to hear his friends recalling their memories.
Always a good idea, if your Government says 'don't go there, if you do, get your affairs in order (see Dept of State advisories)' You need to heed that advice.
I feel so sorry for Warmbier's family and for Otto... What a tragic loss... He seems like a great young guy who likes to adventure and what he faced was just out of imagination.
Actually he wasn't in the hotel when the poster incident happened. They said it was 1:57AM when that happened. But his travel partners said they just returned to hotel at about 3:00AM
Insane laws made by insane people. This is north Korea and he's a American citizen, you don't think it's possible that he stole nothing and was used to make example.
Otto is one of those kids who was not raised to think about the realities of the wider world. He thought he would be safe on tour, but he was not. I am certain that he wasn't THINKING and wasn't taught that the rest of the world does not operate according to Western ways of life.
Several thousand westerners travel to North Korea every year, and it’s been said about 20-25 percent are Americans… well, Americans can’t go since the tragedy with Otto. I agree, it is insane to travel there. Otto, like those on his tour, were young adults taken in by the advertisement from the tour company and were unfamiliar with how potentially dangerous travel there is.
Baby Gyeom1 did he deserve to get tortured and killed over a poster that was degrading his own country? No. Should you criticize the country behavior instead of the victim? Yes
gurl please, like you can talk about anyone's looks. Your forehead is too big, your nose needs done, your eyebrows could use some thinning, and fix your teeth. Ans just think, ladies age faster than men, love to see you in 5 years ( barf )
And even if it was him!! He deserved to live!!! Be a bit compassionate for the suffering he went through!! It is very unfair and sad. All my love to his family. I wish he would have had the chance to survive..
I hate how everyone says "false flag" about everything now, but I kinda agree with you on this one....I think he tried killing himself over there, went into a coma as a result, and the Koreans sent him back not wanting him to die over there. His family won't even release the post mortem, that's the biggest piece of evidence.
little carrey with what? There was oxygen deprivation that caused the brain damage and that's quite hard to do yourself. Plus there were no scars on his body
Christina u kno that type of oxy dep could be caused by anything from botulism, heavy hit, overdose, anything that leave him lights out no oxy enough for brain damage. Why Otto was goin to all communist countries anyway? Ain't nobody go to North Korea cz we too poor leave states.
Can anyone explain why he was detained at the airport instead of the hotel?What day of the trip did he do it on and why did it take them that long to find out, he was damn near out of the country..
Tay Davies I saw on a different documentary that he was actually in his hotel when they asked for him to step out. His roommate shared the story and actually made a joke to otto saying "nice knowing ya" and Otto laughed and walked out. From there he was never returned.
I feel bad for his family, and I feel bad that he died so young... but what a stupid decision. I'm partially angry at him for making such uneducated decision (for a guy they claim is was so intelligent) and making his friends and family suffer now.
Man that's horrible I also traveled so much in my time, I also was in China and knew of those tours but dam I cant even imagine what he must have felt. My deepest condolences
He had planned to take the flag, come back to USA and boast about it on social media. Talk about your all time backfires. He broke the law in foreign land that he knew was hostile. He is not a victim.
You guys should see the vice video where they went to an actual NK labor camp in Siberia. That shit is 100x crazier than Otto, and the vice crew all survived
The book 'Traitor's guide to North Korea' says that usually European and American prisoners were released much earlier than the sentence said. The author assumes that Otto might have been too scared of serving that long in North Korea, so he attempted to commit suicide, but failed. Koreans tried to save him, as they don't really need a conflict, so after trying to bring him back to normal they decided to transport him while he was still alive. As they finally did, he died home, which helped them to avoid accusation of murdering him. Ta-da. P.S. Not following the rules in such a country is a one-way ticket to Darwin's award list.
It’s shocking to me that his mother says he’s a 21-year-old college student, and you know, insinuating that it’s ok that college kids do stupid things.....well, if you know they do dumb things, maybe that should’ve been her first thought when he said “can I go to North Korea,?” and then she could’ve said “no because you still do stupid things”
Y’all his friends and family could very well be reading these comments. Human decency, kindness and condolences are a rarity these days. Keyboard warriors 🙄 would love to see y’all try to this stuff to his families face. Big tough words behind the screen while you’re safe in your home.
This is so sad!! Poor Otto and poor family! He was so young and for sure wasn't aware about the real risk of the country! There are a lot of theories out there that says he was not the one who took the poster off, that he wasn't even in the hotel that hour, anyway, one thing he did: he went to the 5th floor, who was prohibited and it was a big risk to take in a coutry like that by itself. I hope that his soul rest in peace.
Everyone is like, "Otto was a good boy! He didn't deserved this. North Korea is bad!" People... don't forget that US and NK are still in war, okay? And saying that, just for a poster.. he gets 15 years hard labour (most likely working in North Korean Gulag). To some of you, it's just a picture of a man but to those people in NK. To them, that guy is the Lord Savior. Father of the nation. Well, simple term, dictator! Point is, rather you are in Canada, Mexico, United States or North Korea. If you came to that country as a tourist.., follow the directions and laws dedicated to that country. If you want to fuck around and get maybe 3~5 months prison time or 6000 community service hours than go to a country that isn't fucked up as North Korea. Or just use basic common sense. Remember.. life ain't rocket science.
I’m horrified by the amount of victim blamers we have in the comment section. People DO travel to extreme locations every year, not because they’re stupid, but because they want to explore. Otto Warmbier was just a curious college student who was brutally tortured for such a simple “crime” he maybe didn’t even commit. The video of “him” is impossible to make out. His roommate from the tribe believes he didn’t do it. Instead of picking on this young man gone too soon, let’s show some sympathy.
When you have friends that are excited that you’re going to North Korea it’s time for you to get new friends.
syrup sandwich Unless your friends are the alphabet three letter agencies and you are sent on a classified intel gathering mission into North Korea because there’s no other way to gain certain kinds of intel but physically go there especially since there are no embassies /consulates or any US gov sites in that country , if he truly was a CIA agent he died a honorable death serving his country , still tragic and unnecessary
@@MrDonboston Nothing is honorable in espionage you kool aid drinker.
Good one never thought if it that way... Have a nice day
s t f u
Tip to travelers... don’t go to very dangerous places. And if you do be very careful and follow the rules and customs 🛃
Only the second part of your statement is necessary. You can travel anywhere in the world as long as you follow their laws and respect their culture.
@@chegadesuade Not really. There are some places in the world that are very dangerous. For example, I would not travel to Syria in the middle of a civil war, even if rich mommy and daddy paid for it. Wise people do not go to just any country any time they want no matter how unsafe it can be. Just wait some years until it improves or go somewhere else.
@@blakes5827 There's a distinct group of travelers that considers the thrill of a dangerous country to be part of the experience. Hundreds of Americans visit North Korea every year without incident. I agree that I wouldn't travel to a country during a civil war, but there are many who do it safely by closely following their guides advice. This has nothing to do with being "rich", it's a matter of being responsible.
@@chegadesuade but I still wouldn't want to risk my life by going into a country that I know would be very dangerous to go to.
Stop supporting this cruel government by giving them your money.
@Harald Harster I saw a video about a North Korean soldier who was shot because he was trying to go to South Korea and managed to stay alive. If even your own soldier tried to escape from your own country then there's really something wrong about it. I'm not a U.S American but is from the Philippines (lived there my whole life.) and I gotta say it's a lot better than my own country. I went to U.S couple years ago and wasn't really expecting anything, love their fast food restaurant but I don't really like things like Mac and Cheese.
Also, I would rather be in the U.S than North Korea. U.S is literally a superpower country today because of immigrants and probably know how to handle stuff like that. Also, I would rather be in U.S because you don't get wired and observed by North Koreans just because you're a foreign (there was a guy who was a former CIA in North Korea and know hotels who put wires in their places and some actually have CIA people working there.)
Imagine stealing a poster and getting to confess a crime without a lawyer!
@Harald Harster you also seem to not get my point. Why WOULD I spend my money on a government that would kill it's own soldier on broad daylight?! Also, you just said that there's "greater freedom domestically" so why WOULD I go to a country that's not? You mentioned countries in Africa yet there are also other countries that's doing the same thing as them but U.S took the spotlight.
Also, I didn't just have a vacation in the U.S but have been living since then and about patrionism? It's EVEN worse in the Philippines than the U.S. All they teached in the Philippines is how Spain conquered the country and how bad it is but didn't teach us the bad things some people did in the Philippines. Yet the same year that I move from the Philippines to the U.S the history teacher immediately told us terrible things the people in the U.S did. If it's about patriotism then IT'S worse than even U.S.
And North Korea too.
@@ringofdreal1374and all of his family and there children and grandchildren was put in camps after he escaped
His friends were all for him going to North Korea? They were excited? Holy crap! If I were one of his friends, I'd be like, "Are you INSANE?"
I do agreed with you. I guess that they never learned about North Korean history. If they do then get he should have not listen to them
His friends are just like him, privileged kids who had everything since they were born and seriously out of touch with reality.
Personally I don't find any problem in travelling to North Korea. It would definitely be interesting to feel by first hand the whole environment and discover what kind of culture it is. But for sure always following the rules and not doing such thing Otto did (knowing he was in a highly strict country as North Korea in which one mistake may put your life in risk)
Everyone thought I was insane to study in South Korea. It’s so sad how many people think South Korea is ANYTHING in any way like North Korea. South Korea is way safer than even America. But ya North Korea is dangerous obviously. But people need to educate themselves with real research.
of course I feel awful for him, but you NEVER go to another country..... especially north korea and disrespect their culture and lifestyle
Learning manners and respect apparently crimps too many people's style nowadays.
Dee Zee there is zero evidence that he stole anything, confession is clearly fabricated
Him ripping down korean military propaganda was caught on camera....... tf you talking about lol
@@deezee6190 They couldn't even see who it was on camera. It was not proven it was him, and they'd have made him say he did it even if he did not. If your life is threatened, you'll say u stole a poster, even if you did not.
@Danite Ghost In North Korea, it might as well be the same thing. You don't go into dictatorial regimes and impose your own free-wheeling sensibilities and expect them to bend to your way of thinking. It's mind-boggling the sheer arrogance (or is it naivete?) of people - usually young Christians brainwashed into thinking God will protect them no matter where they go - who travel to war-torn, dictatorial or just westerner-unfriendly countries and think they can bring their own agenda and the locals will accept them with open arms. Unbelievable!
Those little kids moving around like robots really freak me out.
R.I.P Otto
lmaooo they’re so cute tho
u freak me out
haha me too and i thought i was the only one that was creeped out by the fake smile of kids, i have never seens a kids this young put on such an act, wow....
@@soom878 The family should reveal photos of what Otto looked like brain dead …I don’t think the American public understood the devastation of his injury & therefore weren’t enraged (as they should’ve been).
@@kiorapakenham1239 What the hell leave them alone
So he goes to N. Korea and decides to steal what the hell were you thinking?
In situations like that, just pay your way out with money!
Did it occur to you that the North Koreans may have lied about the theft ?
probably drunk, probably thought 'Nah, they will understand'.
So according to his crime of taking a propaganda poster, he deserved to be tortured, maimed?
@@brandonstrickland8234 You are in anouther country and you have to be held accountable for your stupidity! I don't make the laws for that country so before you decide to be a thief in N. Korea use the mind God gave you! I don't agree he should have been tortured, but I would not have gone there in the first place. Also he is an adult and not a child. Have a nice day
He loved travelling, he travelled so much that he eventually lost respect for the countries he visited. Always have respect for the places you go and the people you see.
Who doesn't love travelling when it is totally free?
I wish I had a rich mommy and daddy to pay for all my globe-trotting adventures to impoverished countries not allowed access to outside TV broadcasts or internet, lacking in enough food to eat, and headed by a delusional dictator who forces haircuts on the men and cannot afford to buy a plane that is capable of flying more than 2 hours from North Korea. Oh, wait. Actually I am glad my parents never allowed me to do dumb shit like that.
If you choose to travel there. Then I guess respect your choice of destination.
@@Ehyobillingsyo I think he meant to say is to respect the countries' laws and traditions that one would travel to, especially North Korea. You don't want to insult them or they'll insult you back big time.
@@Ehyobillingsyo what they meant to say is that if your gonna travel to a country, you should respect it. If you don't, than don't go there. I mean, no matter what my beliefs are, I'm not going to a country and disrespect them. That's just common sense.
@@Ehyobillingsyo dude that's beside the point. I too hate NKorea and how they treat their own people, however I will never go to that country for a visit. If I ever have to for some other reason like work etc, I will make sure to follow every single law of that country. Surely I wont go to a country I hate and be a dick to them. That's asking for trouble. Stay in your country to criticize, don't go abroad if you're not ready to respect their lawd unless you value your life, obviously.
2:45 “he was never afraid… Of anything “ 👀
There in lies the problem
suddendee : That’s exactly what I thought, he would’ve been better off if he was afraid of the right things
Precisely. Fear has a purpose.
A group of Korean Americans had gone to the same hotel and ventured into that floor to take photos. After they had gone back to the US, they bragged about it by posting their daring adventure on RUclips. This a challenge and provocation to the North Korean regime. So, this innocent guy was made a scapegoat to warn the Americans. The surveillance camera shows the guy stealing that picture was so much shorter than this American man.
There is a reason fear exists
@suddendee Yeah people often demonize the concept of fear but there's a reason why fear exists and why being scared may just save your life.
It's sad what happened to Otto but I gotta ask why would you go to hell on earth?
Tom DeVito I suppose since it's nicknamed "The hermit kingdom" that sparks curiosity
Curiosity, many people go there to see how it looks there
I've been to DPRK and I'll go again.. but I won't steal anything. Nor will I here in the USA.
I'm curious about the country and wish to go, but i don't think i ever would after this. i follow the rules and never act out of place, even being a Canadian i wouldn't feel safe. I want to travel to learn, not for flashy Instagram photos for people to be jealous of. I understand journalists going at the moment, but can't understand why someone would actually go just to tour for "fun" currently - they hold your passports, you can't travel freely, you're being watched and possibly listened to, you know everything you see is propaganda - the exact same tour is available all over youtube, and you're contributing to their economy, which you know is being used for nukes and not to help citizens.
Tom DeVito Amerikkka is just as hellish
Logan Paul should have gone to north korea
Ivan Ho ..👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏🙂
Both of the brothers, how about that
takis stfu u 9 year old loganger
I would be overjoyed
Ivan Ho fuck you and no I don’t like him, it mean to say that that shit is in the past and irelivant now
When has anyone ever heard the words “North Korea” and “fun” in the same sentence?! You’d be absolutely crazy to go there. Period.
The kid obviously was born in an upper class family, even his mates sounded out of touch with reality.
Matt T I would at least go to a war zone Afgan..yeah I could get killed left and right b at least I could run wherever I want without restriction
Kellie Marie that would be Dennis Rodman lol..
I personally think Otto Wambier's brain damage was likely the result of a botched suicide attempt. If you think about it, the theory that the North Koreans tortured Wambier to the point of mortal brain damage does not really fit with the usual MO of the North Koreans when it comes to dealing with American prisoners. Past American detainees in North Korea (who have been released) report of rough treatment, but not systematic torture to the point of brain damage. After all, North Korea usually detains American tourists to use as bargaining chips for "free aid" (food, money etc). I personally think the North Koreans did just enough to keep Wambier "alive" long enough to ship him back to the USA so that he would not "die" on North Korean soil.
I find it, at best, extremely strange that his parents refused to have his body autopsied before burial. As parents, wouldn't you want true answers instead of just living on the assumption that "Otto was tortured to death"?
cobracurse ikr it's just strange
Even if he tried to commit suicide it's ultimately North Koreas fault.
From what I read about the personal accounts of prisoners is that it wouldn't be uncommon if one of the guards went too far. Perhaps taking liberties with his orders, this guard chose to really lay into Otto with all the brainwashed anger at the United States that filled his mind.
Wow that's actually pretty likely. Otto thought a lot and likely had an overactive imagination, as very smart people usually do. Being trapped like that and facing such horror and, likely, being tortured (the "hard labor" in itself likely is like torture), Otto probably imagined there was no way out. He was so terrified, grief-stricken, exhausted that he tried to hang himself and this cut off oxygen to the brain causing brain damage... wow. We still need war on those fuckers, their "rules" break all international rules and norms.
Ok go sign up and only whites should fight!
there going to make a movie out of this... mark my words
they already have, you're just watching it.
movie name : souvenir
Made movie for this bloody stupid Otto? You need a chill pill to cool down your brain
Kim played by Kim. Secretary of state Dennis rodman
versacee yes
So this guy is supposed to be a genius yet he went to the 5th floor despite the warning saying "do NOT go to 5th floor", and not only did he go there but he also started tearing down propaganda posters and shit... He doesn't seem like a genius to me
The proof that he did it was a grainy security video from like 50 feet away that didn't even show his face, it was very possibly a set up, a scapegoat.
@@adventuresingamedevelopment I doubt that's the only evidence they had, they probably found posters in his luggage or something. North Korea is not stupid enough to make the US put even more sanctions on them just because they wanted to kill a student as a "scapegoat". Also thousands of people travel to NK every year and they don't get arrested; as long as you listen to your guide, absolutely nothing will happen to you
@@exeterra4825 I guess your right, north Korea is strange but they are cautious with the U.S. for now
@@adventuresingamedevelopment why bother falsely detaining a young boy who has no vital information or political value.
@@exeterra4825 What if he saw things in the 5th floor and they didnt want him to spread it arround the globe. Would also explain his brain damage to make sure he never speaks again, or even remembers.
It seems he felt so comfortable that he forgot he was in N.K.
I have learned my lesson too. I am not going to repeat this mistake again.
Patrick what happened to you?
mmgz1000 not being mean but white privilege
Tommy Akbar explain how that has anything to do with white privilege. Thankyou lol.
Tommy Akbar
Me: Hey could I have a big mac with fries and diet coke?
Why are Americans still so determined to travel to North Korea and then everyone is shocked when it goes so wrong?
chnalvr they think they are superior
chnalvr I know a few Americans who have gone to North Korea, one more than once, and have been fine.
Pythias It’s not our right to stop a sovereign nation. Perhaps if we hadn’t bombed the shit out of them things would be a lot different today. That and we kill way more people than they do, so it would be vile hypocrisy.
Sounds like you're planning to give it a try. Go ahead.
Go to south Korea instead of north
8:00 “you can check out anytime you like , but you can never leave” that’s a whole lyric from Hotel California
@@Gwalen Lol what do you do? Type comments on the internet HAHAHA I cant 😂😂😂😂😂🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣
His "friends" were excited for Otto, going to North Korea??? If I had been his friend I would have tried talking some sense into him. What are they teaching in schools these days anyway.
Just like the Korean church people are excited for their pastors and some followers going to Afghanistan war zones to preach the gospels to tribes who are cut off from the outside world, "The Mighty Lord will be thy guide and He will send angels to protect you". When the pastor was beheaded and the rest was held as ransom, the Christians did not turn to their god but to their government who used the taxpayers' money (including Buddhists, Atheists, Gay people) to bail them out.
@@ktkska8886 Good read. And corroborated:
Its the same reason why so many young people are on drugs, everything is about enabling and acceptance
the liberal controlled school systems taut that everyone is good on the inside and that we all love each other and only the right is hateful.. so otto skipped off to a brutal 3rd world country on vacation and paid the price for his idiot parents and friends not chaining him to his bed. I work at the hospital where otto ended up in Ohio... His families refusal for an autopsy further illustrates his parents poor choices as now we can only speculate what actually happened.
That's because his friends probably never heard of North Korea its typical american all they know is their stupid states
Why the hell would you visit North Korea? People want to get out not get in.
And the North Korea they show you is not the real one but a fake showcase. Americans love to "Let's check it out". This is what I've understood from watching American horror movies. "Hey, did you here a noise in the basement?" Asians : "Yes. Let's get out of here immediately!". Americans : "Let's check it out".
why would you visit a zoo and watch animals who don't want to be there? we are selfish beings, looking for a thrill.
The Super Psycho Killer rich white American kid need I say more ?
@@harryk8696 your argument is complete bullshit. This is about politics. It has nothing to do with zoos. And BTW most of those animals in zoos would be with otto right now if they weren't in zoos. STFU.
Harry K that's y'all white ppl who are looking for a thrill and his thrill cost him
My God, I hope this young man & his family get the closure they need.
This should be a lesson for anyone who wants to visit a dictatorship and thinks he can get away with breaking the law.
Well said, but not just dictatorships, the rule applies in every country. You don't travel to a country with strict laws and break those laws.
bisquitnspanky yes, I wish we had more law abiding citizens in America. Does that make me jealous?
@Danite Ghost I would never go there.
@Mark Gibson what do you mean?
Mark Gibson do tell, what laws did Trump break?
He loved travelling. So he obviously knew that destroying a poster in North Korea is a big no no. It is sad to see the young man die . But you do not go to places that have no diplomatic relationship with your country. If you do and break the law you gace the consequences.
@@shadowban581 Maybe he should've read them before going there. For pete's sake, i don't even go to the bar without knowing what kind of place it is.
It's ok to gace the consequences. But it's not ok to be killed
Ok fine then take his poster, but don't kill him.
You could steal a ps5 in America in clear cctv 4K 60 FPS and still get off with nothing essentially if you plead guilty in nk you get 15 years for taking a piece and you get caught on a camera with such bad quality you’d think has been their since the Cold War era... truly a country stuck in time.
@@antamanta9584 - tested his white privilege and fail. Dumb move
6:19 Otto: Hey I wanna go to malaria infested area
Otto's friends: Go for it.
Otto: dies of malaria
Otto's friends: We were excited hes going to the craziest place. Its so Otto thing to do.
His “travel” locations were to some pretty dangerous locations.
Angela Gomez I’m sure it was but either couldn’t control him or supported this stuff. The group was made up of future missionaries, journalists, aid supporters, etc. of course this group would be the ones to go!
Imagine you're a N.Korea inspector viewing his passport....what would you automatically think? U.S. operative.
And it was no coincidence that it did not end well.
Ecuador, Cuba and Israel are pretty popular tourist destinations
Lol Cuba and Ecuador are pretty safe, especially for an american.
Lesson to be learned: DO NOT GO TO NORTH KOREA.
Tanith Jackson that was the first thing that i thought
Tanith Jackson ever
And if you go keep your hands off their shit. It’s best to just stay away.
no,...the lesson is don't go there and get caught stealing shhh. especially posters.
Tanith Jackson no the lesson is not to steal shit and follow their instructions
Going there would NOT be relaxing. A good night of sleep? Doubtful.
Don't break the law when you are in a foreign place. Just follow the rules and you will be ok.
Levi 123 I'm not sure that was true here. Seems like a set up and he may not even have done what they said he did. This guy was a political pawn. It's better not to visit countries that yours is at odds with period.
6:43 and 7:47 state otherwise. Did you even watch the video? Instead of saying "Hurr durr its all a conspiracy, illuminati" actually watch the video
Im taking to briarrose29
@@additionalsun What about that time stamp state otherwise? The time stamp would actually suggest that Otto was fully aware that even a photo could get him detained in NK. But he decided to risk it all for bragging rights to a poster. That he didn't even bother to capture evidence he indeed took it?
briarrose29 sure
Not a very bright decision....What was his second choice? Somalia?
Why not Syria or Yemen if you're gonna be that dumb.
Iran, maybe!
@@BeAreYou Good idea. Nothing bad has ever happened to an American in Iran over the past 40 years.
"See the sights of gorgeous downtown Mogadishu!"
he planned to go to Saudi arabia and open a beer.
Gets straight As but decides to go to NK. Genius
That is what we call academic smarts but no street smarts.
Anyone can go to North Korea just like you can go to Europe, It just very strict and as long as you follow the rules and stay with your tour guide your fine...
I would love to visit North Korea, Its something I want to check off my bucket list
@@ShootLuckGaming Please don't. There are enough oppressive governments in the world, why the hell would you give your money to the worst one so they can buy more nuclear bombs
I think these two things are unrelated.
@@turtletail313 💯 true.
Peace and blessings to the family and friends of this young man.
This a very sad story, but a lot of Americans ignorant and arrogant with their attitudes and behaviors in foriegn countries. I wish N Korea would have simply fined and sent him home. But North Korea is NOT America; and your United States State Department will tell you and warn you.
The choices we make dictates the life we live and the end we meet.
It’s not just Americans tho
@@annan7728 he was already very hurt before he came home, its impossible to put yourself in their position. Watching your child unresponsive and unable to do anything..I would have let him go too
@@lauratheexplora4936 But that's never acknowledged. When another country does something like this, everyone screams "Respect their culture"....if it happened to a tourist visiting America, everyone, including all of the Americans talking ish, it would be "America's evil".
@@rachelwood9438 but he was in coma and could wake up at any moment,his parents should not have done that!In whatever cirsumstances he was he was still alive!
@@wildheartxxx135 there wasn't any brain activity anymore, the poor guy was already dead at that time
"he was never afriad of anything" well and this is a result
You were so close....
Evil known dictatorship: DO NOT GO FIFTH FLOOR OR DIE
Otto: Aight Imma head there
He was soooooooo smart
To be fair, I’d be tempted to go there as well
Americans morn for this fool? What about the hundreds of thousands of Iraqis, Syrians, Libyans, Afghans, Yemenis, etc. killed which are caused by Americans?
There is a large possiblity that Otto wasn't actually there.
@@ktkska8886 you cant mean disrespect to anyone dead, each life matters and losing it over chance or one mistake is horrific. The value of a life cannot be calculated, each death is a scar and shame should not be brought to a good person after death just because of one mistake, each death must be mourned.
2:45 "He was never afraid of anything."
He sure wasn't afraid to steal that poster.
That's why he went to North America
+Dark Tronics north Korea
Justin Thao He should have BEEN !
Justin Thao LMAO
Actually, there’s no proof that he took the picture. The video that the North Korean Government used as evidence against Otto is so poor in quality, you can’t make out the features of the perpetrator. The North Korean Government wanted to use Otto as a political bargaining chip, and that is the only reason he was convicted. They N.K dictator is an evil and cold-hearted human being, and Otto should’ve never been subjected to all the pain and fear and torture he went through.
He was not a hero. He should have known better.
ohh stfu its not like they just took him @Danite Ghost
What exactly are you saying Kalle………..your words have no meaning. Its not just like who took who?
He still didn't deserve such harsh treatment.
wonshiin I wonder if you said the same if it was your father, your brother or your friend😉. We are all so “smart” when it comes to judging others. Prisons should not be torture, killing you slowly. North Corea is living in the medieval days; they are so cruel and closed minded, especially when it comes to the treatment of prisoners.
@@bluntie52 I understand it. Perhaps you should work on your English, moron
“He’s the smartest guy you’ll ever meet”
Goes to a forbidden country & disobeys rules that had been specifically explained to him.
Yeah, he’s a real genius that one
Why are you red, Mitch?
Yes, he broke Darwin's laws.
Very well said. Hundreds of comments on here about what an amazing, brilliant person he was, when the reality is what you stated - he was a moron who got caught up in an American backed conspiracy to commit a theft in North Korea.
Is anyone perfect? Do you think you are? Don't answer that.
Same he's dumb lol.
I so sorry for the pain this family has to go through 😭 My heart goes out to you, God bless 🙏🏻
They should have taught their son better. He got what he deserved
weather he took the poster or not he did not deserve 15 years. 15 years for a poster is outrageous and barbaric. There's no excuse for what the north Koreans did to him. Put yourself in his place for a moment. How would you feel? He was a bright young man who had his life stolen from him by idiots. God bless him and his family.
XxZigiixX hi there. women are definitely not legal at 13 in ph. they are legal at 18. i do agree with your point though, i struggle to feel sympathy for the guy. sure his life was stolen from but once you go to a country with a different culture and a different set of rules, you follow them. The country and its custom does not adjust to a tourist's bidding. He has been fairly warned and its common etiquette once you go outside your own country.
misbelle smith please. Everything about NK is barbaric. Commit a crime and three generations are punished. They were told not to go to the fifth floor. They should have kept their asses off the fifth floor.
so accountability is for everyone else but not the critters u think are special ? they didn't make up laws for him. the laws were in place before he DECIDED to go there and do what he did.
Yet we're still alive. So no, definitely not dumber than his decision. Thanks.
For the people talking about different countries different rules, that is not the point here, seen from a more objective and humane point of view, just give a thought at how, and for what reason, should a person receive such a brutal 15 year long punishment for getting a piece of paper depicting a fat piece of shit - who is a megalomaniac tyrant opresssor who portrays himself as a friggin' god yet shouldn't deserve to live at all in the first place - ? It is a friggin' poster, against a human life! Rules don't have any reason to be there, they are utterly meaningless.
“He was a thinker” Otto: Steals Korean poster
Guess he wasn't thinking about the consequences or if he would be caught.
He didn't steal the poster. You really trust the North Korean government? A country that kills and enslaves its own people and has done this to Americans before? You're not too bright huh
@@Rl082992 What makes you think he actually stole it? You really trust North Korea to tell you the truth?
Unreal lack of sympathy for a situation with little or no evidence.
@@jeremywhittier5356 THANKYOUU U HAVE COMMON SENSE ♥️
FYI ---- The family says he was tortured yet they are refusing to release the post mortem.....Here's my plot twist: Otto tried killing himself over there, went into a coma and NK sent him back not wanting him to die over there.....I dunno if that's it or not but something isn't being told to us.
alexa he's referring to the autopsy not the actually body....obviously
shineeteentop24 at least shes not bixby AHEM
Hey Alexa want to talk with grown ups? Then learn how to fucking type like one....Moron.
Otto Warmbier most likely tried to kill himself, that's a reasonable theory.
also i believe that out of all the students. nk did a background check and found out he worked for the cia. or perhaps a cia intern. seems probable.
3:42 so tell us about your friend Otto. ""He was so intelligent" Oh the irony.
Skeleton lol. Yeah, he's clearly not intelligent and going to North Korea shows that.
Nothing wrong with going to North Korea. It's just stupid to forget you're there when you're there. Otto dug his grave when he tried to take that poster.
I don't think that's an example of irony, which makes your attempt to insult someone's intelligence quite amusing.
he was taunting death by visiting countries like cuba (communist), israel (always being bombed), ecuador (gang violence). Finally he went to the one that would end up sealing his fate... North Fucken Korea.
Intelligence is not the avoidance of danger or thrill, dumbass.
Honestly if the country you want to go to doesn’t even have a U.S. embassy or one of your country, you may want to change your mind and find another country. Especially if you are American because there are some countries that hate the U.S. and North Korea is one of them. Definitely feel so terrible for what happened to Otto and his parents.
I saw the parents interview it was one of the oddest things I've ever seen they never even had an autopsy done
his fake ass friends only in it for the clout: it’s Otto hahaha... nice person ... hahah super smart haha
What is wrong with you
You say that because you have no friends
his friends most be super dumb if they calling him smart.
I know right😂
hahahaha nice...very nice
That poor baby. No matter what anyone says, I will never forget him.
"Do not go to the 5th floor!!!!"
Otto: hold my warmbier.
Dont go anywhere the United States government tells you not to go. Simple
hold my warm beer
But cold beer is better
@@annadraper6 fun fact: everyone featured with otto was executed
@@b7tt7fl7 what is wrong with you? No they were not. Where did you come up with that lie?
This is a great example of what happens when you mess around in countries that are not the United States. I do not agree with what happened to him but plenty of people go to North Korea and do not steal things and don't get arrested and eventually end up dead.
Don’t go to a country who has beef with your home
People should not automatically believe that he stole a poster. Or that the torture that he got was justified.
why do they reply to everything with “that’s otto” “such an otto thing to do”
It's a college yuppie thing. Kind of like everything is "best ever" & " Epic" these days, very millennial things to say :)
Yea His friends sound so brain dead too🤦🏼♂️
Why these guys laughing, their best friend died and they joking around😂😂
and why are *you* joking around why would you use these emojis?
Even his friend is a bunch of weirdo
@@nazrinshah6644 true.
This poor kid, he was so young, too young. My heart goes out to his family. We will always remember Otto.
I actually forgot about the muppet until recently when for some reason it was suggested to me
He was a grown ass man, not a child. He knew he was doing wrong when he committed the crime. Actions have consequences.
@@chad3232132 So you condone murder? You want one of your kids to suffer what he suffered?
@@SinisterScoundrel6562 He wasn't murdered. What a dumb comment.
Damn could not watch but 3 minutes of these fake people.
They seem like the biggest vanilla country club people on Earth in some ways, almost like 19th century English aristocrats at moments. Wealthy Aryan German-descent man and his possibly Jewish (?) wife. The emotional detachment is yucky, but grief does vary from person to person and changes from week to week. All that being said, I hate that they lost their child. Bless their hearts. What an awful way to see your child's life end.
IKR "mourners?" my ass
So many fake ass people anymore. "They" won't associate with you unless it benefits them somehow.
Something seems off, like most of these people hated this guy and the chicks thought he was a creep. But the chance to be on shitty ass abc?
What a beautiful family god help them I can't imagine the sadness they're going thru .
I pray that our fellowmen living in North Korea will one day learn the beauty of the world God has given us. I wish they'll be free like any other citizen of the universe.🙏
As painful as it is to re-call the horror and injustice of Otto's fate, this must never be forgotten. It's nice to hear his friends recalling their memories.
This is so sad! It's hard to imagine such horrible things like this is happening today. My condolences to Otto's family and friends.
Always a good idea, if your Government says 'don't go there, if you do, get your affairs in order (see Dept of State advisories)' You need to heed that advice.
Otto was a free spirited with good intentions. It was just expressed in the wrong place at the wrong time. Condolences to his family.
I feel so sorry for Warmbier's family and for Otto... What a tragic loss... He seems like a great young guy who likes to adventure and what he faced was just out of imagination.
Those children are so absolutely precious
north korea is a scary place for sure.
Funny, I wasn't scared at all when I was there.
Only if you act like an idiot in that country..
Otto was an idiot who broke the rules there...
Yeah,break 1 rule and you'll get tortured
So painful i feel sorry for him, May his soul rest in peace.
You voluntarily travel to NK
You’re well aware of their harsh policies
You BREAK those policies
You’re sent to a NK prison
What a hero 😒
Actually he wasn't in the hotel when the poster incident happened. They said it was 1:57AM when that happened. But his travel partners said they just returned to hotel at about 3:00AM
His own actions got him killed. As a tourist you are a GUEST in that other country. NK was not at fault , they were upholding their laws.
Insane laws made by insane people. This is north Korea and he's a American citizen, you don't think it's possible that he stole nothing and was used to make example.
This breaks my heart. God bless his family.
I had friends like Otto in school. He is probably missed beyond comprehension.
Why the hell would you go to North Korea anyway?
Otto is one of those kids who was not raised to think about the realities of the wider world. He thought he would be safe on tour, but he was not. I am certain that he wasn't THINKING and wasn't taught that the rest of the world does not operate according to Western ways of life.
the tours are safe unless you do something stupid
Several thousand westerners travel to North Korea every year, and it’s been said about 20-25 percent are Americans… well, Americans can’t go since the tragedy with Otto. I agree, it is insane to travel there. Otto, like those on his tour, were young adults taken in by the advertisement from the tour company and were unfamiliar with how potentially dangerous travel there is.
People with itchy backsides. Don't you see in all American horror movies the stupid characters always "Let's check it out"
Sounded like a death wish to me
If I was Otto’s friend I would have done my best to talk him out of it!
Clearly his friends were not very friendly or helpful 😹
Baby Gyeom1 did he deserve to get tortured and killed over a poster that was degrading his own country? No. Should you criticize the country behavior instead of the victim? Yes
Why did it have to be him
Why couldn’t it have been the paul brothers
thats disgusting
It seems to be that the PAUL brothers are a tad bit smarter and have better counsel. Lol.😊
This kid had brass balls!!!
Meghan Markel.......
he doesn't look 21 ... more like 30 or late 20s..😐
what the fuck is your point
@@judgedbytime lied about his age. thuis whole story is yankee imperialist propaganda. his real name was geoff snodworthy, age 29, from nebraska.
gurl please, like you can talk about anyone's looks. Your forehead is too big, your nose needs done, your eyebrows could use some thinning, and fix your teeth. Ans just think, ladies age faster than men, love to see you in 5 years ( barf )
@@mj.l LOL! biggest rubbish ive heard in my life, im sure you just made that up off the spot
And even if it was him!! He deserved to live!!! Be a bit compassionate for the suffering he went through!! It is very unfair and sad. All my love to his family. I wish he would have had the chance to survive..
this looks staged too...
I hate how everyone says "false flag" about everything now, but I kinda agree with you on this one....I think he tried killing himself over there, went into a coma as a result, and the Koreans sent him back not wanting him to die over there. His family won't even release the post mortem, that's the biggest piece of evidence.
little carrey with what? There was oxygen deprivation that caused the brain damage and that's quite hard to do yourself. Plus there were no scars on his body
That's absolute post mortem was released so you're going off info that can't be verified....
Yea cuz at first his peers said he was odd unique bout accounting or sum crap. Now they all kissin a$$- pathetic.
Christina u kno that type of oxy dep could be caused by anything from botulism, heavy hit, overdose, anything that leave him lights out no oxy enough for brain damage. Why Otto was goin to all communist countries anyway? Ain't nobody go to North Korea cz we too poor leave states.
Can anyone explain why he was detained at the airport instead of the hotel?What day of the trip did he do it on and why did it take them that long to find out, he was damn near out of the country..
Tay Davies I saw on a different documentary that he was actually in his hotel when they asked for him to step out. His roommate shared the story and actually made a joke to otto saying "nice knowing ya" and Otto laughed and walked out. From there he was never returned.
Their friend just f***ing died and they're all being cheerful and smiling... This is disturbing.
They want their 15 minutes of fame. Shameful.
I feel bad for his family, and I feel bad that he died so young... but what a stupid decision. I'm partially angry at him for making such uneducated decision (for a guy they claim is was so intelligent) and making his friends and family suffer now.
Book smarts intelligence has NOTHING to do with having common sense.
Parents with some cow sense will never allow their kids to go to North Korea, let alone sponsoring the expensive trip.
He drank too much warmbeer 😉
all he had to do was avoid the 5th floor
"he was never afraid of anything..." well that is when you will get in trouble... Feeling afraid is suppose to work as self defense...
I'm sorry for What happened to him, I'm sorry for the pain the family is going through. He broke their laws.
“You can check out anytime but you can never leave”
Man that's horrible I also traveled so much in my time, I also was in China and knew of those tours but dam I cant even imagine what he must have felt. My deepest condolences
Felt? Was it before he though it was cool to steal?
He had planned to take the flag, come back to USA and boast about it on social media. Talk about your all time backfires. He broke the law in foreign land that he knew was hostile. He is not a victim.
1) You don't know what happened. 2) Laws do not define what is right.
@@judgedbytime It shows him on camera stealing the flag.
@@lilvexeno1289 It shows him on camera stealing the flag.
@@braedon1986 its blurry and it could be someone else
@@lilvexeno1289 I will never underestimate the power of your denial.
We were given full reign of the hotel except for the fifth floor.....
So we went to the fifth floor
You guys should see the vice video where they went to an actual NK labor camp in Siberia. That shit is 100x crazier than Otto, and the vice crew all survived
The book 'Traitor's guide to North Korea' says that usually European and American prisoners were released much earlier than the sentence said. The author assumes that Otto might have been too scared of serving that long in North Korea, so he attempted to commit suicide, but failed. Koreans tried to save him, as they don't really need a conflict, so after trying to bring him back to normal they decided to transport him while he was still alive. As they finally did, he died home, which helped them to avoid accusation of murdering him.
P.S. Not following the rules in such a country is a one-way ticket to Darwin's award list.
I just wanna help those little kids who were singing 😭😭
The WORST Nightmare:
Waking up in North Korea, and getting arrested or death panalty for one mistake
That's not a good decision to make...
Don’t blame the tour company. Sadly Otto brought this on himself. RIP.
You just passed the North Korean citizenship test.
well yea but the tour is also partly to blame how does someone go missing 2 hours and no one goes to check whats going on?
judged by time Don’t call me a communist because I don’t stick my finger in a lions ass and expect it to be happy.
@@critter2 how is it the tour's fault? otto's decision got him in trouble. the tour finding him in 2 hours wouldn't have saved him.
One thing is for sure that wasn't Otto stealing that poster in the video he was set up
Stealth74u STFU
jdh22 no he wasent, how????
jdh22 ...ithink there will be spy ...for foreigners for Americans..
and was otto going to the 5th floor also a setup?
He went to Cuba Ecuador and Israel. Then to China and Korea. A very adventurous young man.
"Bro, like how awesome would it be to go to North Korea?" "Like totally bro"
I love how his family is like, "its unacceptable, its unbelievable"
talk about a first world attitude
His family should be like, "Maybe we should have taught Otto that stealing is wrong."
It’s shocking to me that his mother says he’s a 21-year-old college student, and you know, insinuating that it’s ok that college kids do stupid things.....well, if you know they do dumb things, maybe that should’ve been her first thought when he said “can I go to North Korea,?” and then she could’ve said “no because you still do stupid things”
@@gabriellakp88 he should not been on the 5th floor at all
Y’all his friends and family could very well be reading these comments. Human decency, kindness and condolences are a rarity these days. Keyboard warriors 🙄 would love to see y’all try to this stuff to his families face. Big tough words behind the screen while you’re safe in your home.
Hey I want to go to N Korea. Friend says "I am excited for you" .... Really friend ?
This is so sad!! Poor Otto and poor family! He was so young and for sure wasn't aware about the real risk of the country! There are a lot of theories out there that says he was not the one who took the poster off, that he wasn't even in the hotel that hour, anyway, one thing he did: he went to the 5th floor, who was prohibited and it was a big risk to take in a coutry like that by itself. I hope that his soul rest in peace.
Awe he seemed so full of light the way he spoke in the microphone 🙏❤️ rip I hope he’s in a wonderful place
Idk, I’m having a hard time feeling bad for this guy. There is no way he was unaware of the risks
Everyone is like, "Otto was a good boy! He didn't deserved this. North Korea is bad!" People... don't forget that US and NK are still in war, okay? And saying that, just for a poster.. he gets 15 years hard labour (most likely working in North Korean Gulag). To some of you, it's just a picture of a man but to those people in NK. To them, that guy is the Lord Savior. Father of the nation. Well, simple term, dictator! Point is, rather you are in Canada, Mexico, United States or North Korea. If you came to that country as a tourist.., follow the directions and laws dedicated to that country. If you want to fuck around and get maybe 3~5 months prison time or 6000 community service hours than go to a country that isn't fucked up as North Korea. Or just use basic common sense. Remember.. life ain't rocket science.
I’m horrified by the amount of victim blamers we have in the comment section. People DO travel to extreme locations every year, not because they’re stupid, but because they want to explore. Otto Warmbier was just a curious college student who was brutally tortured for such a simple “crime” he maybe didn’t even commit. The video of “him” is impossible to make out. His roommate from the tribe believes he didn’t do it. Instead of picking on this young man gone too soon, let’s show some sympathy.
My dad who fought in the Korean war said "do not trust them ever"
So he fought allied with the japanese fascist and the USA terrorist against a legitimate elected government
@@datzdarkozdatzdarkoz7079 found the korean
@@datzdarkozdatzdarkoz7079 Well, looks like we have a North Korean here.