➡ Here is the list of Top 5 Best Sewing Machines we listed in this video. ► 1. Singer 4423 Heavy Duty bit.ly/3DfqCt0 ► 2. Brother Sewing Machines bit.ly/4gtn3hv ► 3. Brother XM2701 Sewing Machine bit.ly/3ZqjdP6 ► 4. SINGER M3500 Sewing Machine bit.ly/4gts1uB ► 5. JUKI Sewing and Quilting Machine bit.ly/4gts35H
I'm really happy to see my heavy duty singer at number 1 and in the thumbnail 😊 On reddit, they say that this is not heavy duty at all, but is made of good enough parts to last much longer than regular machines offered by singer. I tried to use my heavy duty on marine vinyl, and it could barely make it through 2 layers 😬 I used leather needles. My boyfriend's boat cushions had to go without the piping. Came out fine enough. But I bought special piping and I could not use it.
People think I'm being pretentious when I use the word "sewist". Now that AI is here to stay, "sewist" is mandatory. I sew. I am not a plumbing system used to remove human excrement!😳
➡ Here is the list of Top 5 Best Sewing Machines we listed in this video.
► 1. Singer 4423 Heavy Duty
► 2. Brother Sewing Machines
► 3. Brother XM2701 Sewing Machine
► 4. SINGER M3500 Sewing Machine
► 5. JUKI Sewing and Quilting Machine
I'm really happy to see my heavy duty singer at number 1 and in the thumbnail 😊 On reddit, they say that this is not heavy duty at all, but is made of good enough parts to last much longer than regular machines offered by singer. I tried to use my heavy duty on marine vinyl, and it could barely make it through 2 layers 😬 I used leather needles. My boyfriend's boat cushions had to go without the piping. Came out fine enough. But I bought special piping and I could not use it.
People think I'm being pretentious when I use the word "sewist". Now that AI is here to stay, "sewist" is mandatory. I sew. I am not a plumbing system used to remove human excrement!😳
Get your robot voice to say sewers and not sooers.