美(うつく)しき命(いのち)の艶麗(えんれい) In the dazzling beauty of life 紡(つむ)がれた調(しら)べ 生(う)まれゆく道(みち) The melodies then came together which led to the paths we were born with Believe me this is the right way. 灯(あか)りは何処(どこ)へ消(き)えた? 手繰(たぐ)り寄(よ)せるように Where has light gone? It’s as if I was getting dragged away 伸(の)ばす手(て)は何(なに)も掴(つか)めないまま As my stretched out hand remains unable to grab hold of anything 息継(いきつ)ぎも上手(うま)くできず I can’t even really take a breather 冷(ひ)えた唇(くちびる) 黙(だま)り込(こ)む And my cold lips fall silent Into (darkness… darkness…) I feel (loneliness… loneliness…) Your voice… 心(こころ)の裏(うら)側(がわ)に触(ふ)れた刹那(せつな) The instant it touched the back of my heart (Find a way… Find a way…) I know (loved one… loved one…) もう一度(いちど)繋(つな)ごう 手(て)を One more time, take my hand きっと悔(くや)しくって 情(なさ)けなくって Surely, you feel frustrated, pitiful 涙(なみだ)したって 此処(ここ)にいるよ And how much you'll cry, I'm here 扉(とびら)は開(あ)けておくから I’ll hold the door open
I hold you… Beautiful prouder So, Beautiful braver So, Beautiful brighter 誇(ほこ)り高(たか)く (奏(かな)でたい) With pride held high (I want to play) Ah… on stage Sing away! Sing away! 魅(み)せよう 新(あら)たな姿(すがた)を Let's enchant them with our new form 聴(き)こえないフリをして You pretended to not hearing me 振(ふ)り向(む)かずにいた And stayed there without turning 感情(かんじょう)に潰(つぶ)されないようにと As if trying to not be crushed by feelings 知(し)らず知(し)らずのうちに Without realizing it 飲(の)まれてく意志(いし) 薄(うす)れだす Your overwhelmed will gradually get consumed I will (go ahead… go ahead…) This is (destiny… destiny…) Your eyes… 瞳(ひとみ)の裏側(うらがわ)に灯(とも)る世界(せかい) behind your eyes there’s a lighted world (Find a way… Find a way…) You know (brightness… brightness…) もう一度(いちど) 始(はじ)めよう今(いま) Let’s start one more time, now
きっと辛(つら)くたって もどかしくって No matter how difficult, how frustrating 躓(つまづ)いたって 傍(そば)に居(い)るよ And how much you'll fail, I’m always right next to you 扉(とびら)は開(あ)けておくから I’ll hold the door open I got you… 夢(ゆめ)に沿(そ)って 言葉(ことば)に沿(そ)って Stay with your dreams, your words 想(おも)いに沿(そ)って 駆(か)け上(あ)がるわ (届(とど)けたい) Your emotions and start racing to the top (I want to send them) Ah… on stage Only one! Only one! 廻(めぐ)ろう 貴方(あなた)の気持(きも)ちと To return to your true feelings 音粒(おとつぶ)を一(ひと)つずつ 抱(だ)きしめるように歌(うた)うの I will sing as if embracing every single beat of this sound 存在(そんざい) Stay alive… Stay alive… Existence 瞬間(しゅんかん) Stay alive… Stay alive… Instants 強(つよ)く感(かん)じたいよ 貴方(あなた)たちを I want to feel strongly from everyone きっと悔(くや)しくって 情(なさ)けなくって Surely, you feel frustrated, pitiful 涙(なみだ)したって 此処(ここ)にいるよ And how much you'll cry, I'm here 扉(とびら)は開(ひら)けておくから I’ll hold the door open
I hold you… Beautiful prouder So, Beautiful braver So, Beautiful brighter 誇(ほこ)り高(たか)く(奏(かな)でたい) With pride held high (I want to play) Ah…on stage Sing away! Sing away! 歌(うた)え! Wo wo wow… More! Sing away! Sing away! 魅(み)せよう 新(あら)たな姿(すがた)を Let’s enchant them with our new form If you liked my lyrics, will greatly appreciate a coffee from you :) www.buymeacoffee.com/gabrielicesica
@@ChocoLa_Piano А почему у тебя начало было так себе а потом ты разогнался?
ありがとうございます…!( ´ ` *)
予想をはるかに超えるもので、すごすぎて言葉が出ません…(; ;)
リクエストありがとうございました!^ ^
In the dazzling beauty of life
紡(つむ)がれた調(しら)べ 生(う)まれゆく道(みち)
The melodies then came together which led to the paths we were born with
Believe me this is the right way.
灯(あか)りは何処(どこ)へ消(き)えた? 手繰(たぐ)り寄(よ)せるように
Where has light gone? It’s as if I was getting dragged away
As my stretched out hand remains unable to grab hold of anything
I can’t even really take a breather
冷(ひ)えた唇(くちびる) 黙(だま)り込(こ)む
And my cold lips fall silent
Into (darkness… darkness…)
I feel (loneliness… loneliness…)
Your voice… 心(こころ)の裏(うら)側(がわ)に触(ふ)れた刹那(せつな)
The instant it touched the back of my heart
(Find a way… Find a way…)
I know (loved one… loved one…)
もう一度(いちど)繋(つな)ごう 手(て)を
One more time, take my hand
きっと悔(くや)しくって 情(なさ)けなくって
Surely, you feel frustrated, pitiful
涙(なみだ)したって 此処(ここ)にいるよ
And how much you'll cry, I'm here
I’ll hold the door open
I hold you…
Beautiful prouder
So, Beautiful braver
So, Beautiful brighter
誇(ほこ)り高(たか)く (奏(かな)でたい)
With pride held high (I want to play)
Ah… on stage
Sing away! Sing away!
魅(み)せよう 新(あら)たな姿(すがた)を
Let's enchant them with our new form
You pretended to not hearing me
And stayed there without turning
As if trying to not be crushed by feelings
Without realizing it
飲(の)まれてく意志(いし) 薄(うす)れだす
Your overwhelmed will gradually get consumed
I will (go ahead… go ahead…)
This is (destiny… destiny…)
Your eyes… 瞳(ひとみ)の裏側(うらがわ)に灯(とも)る世界(せかい)
behind your eyes there’s a lighted world
(Find a way… Find a way…)
You know (brightness… brightness…)
もう一度(いちど) 始(はじ)めよう今(いま)
Let’s start one more time, now
きっと辛(つら)くたって もどかしくって
No matter how difficult, how frustrating
躓(つまづ)いたって 傍(そば)に居(い)るよ
And how much you'll fail, I’m always right next to you
I’ll hold the door open
I got you…
夢(ゆめ)に沿(そ)って 言葉(ことば)に沿(そ)って
Stay with your dreams, your words
想(おも)いに沿(そ)って 駆(か)け上(あ)がるわ (届(とど)けたい)
Your emotions and start racing to the top (I want to send them)
Ah… on stage
Only one! Only one!
廻(めぐ)ろう 貴方(あなた)の気持(きも)ちと
To return to your true feelings
音粒(おとつぶ)を一(ひと)つずつ 抱(だ)きしめるように歌(うた)うの
I will sing as if embracing every single beat of this sound
存在(そんざい) Stay alive… Stay alive…
瞬間(しゅんかん) Stay alive… Stay alive…
強(つよ)く感(かん)じたいよ 貴方(あなた)たちを
I want to feel strongly from everyone
きっと悔(くや)しくって 情(なさ)けなくって
Surely, you feel frustrated, pitiful
涙(なみだ)したって 此処(ここ)にいるよ
And how much you'll cry, I'm here
I’ll hold the door open
I hold you…
Beautiful prouder
So, Beautiful braver
So, Beautiful brighter
With pride held high (I want to play)
Ah…on stage
Sing away! Sing away! 歌(うた)え! Wo wo wow…
More! Sing away! Sing away!
魅(み)せよう 新(あら)たな姿(すがた)を
Let’s enchant them with our new form
If you liked my lyrics, will greatly appreciate a coffee from you :)
ありがとうございます!^ ^
It always shocks me how good bass in these songs is
Me encanta muchas gracias !!!
I'm speachless ☺️
これも凄く良い(T ^ T)
最終的な写真はどこにありますか? お願いします!
@@ChocoLa_Piano ありがとう