*If this video has helped you in the decision to become a part of the Melton family, please consider using driver code WIGL as a referral when applying. Thank you!*
I'm trying to get hired on got little over 2yrs all flatbed just got fired from my company broke a company policy my fault learned a hard lesson hopefully Melton will hire me on
Truly was like we had known each other for years! Loved the opportunity to meet all three of you! Especially Evo! Lol y’all be careful out there tomorrow and definitely will keep in touch! Good night
*If this video has helped you in the decision to become a part of the Melton family, please consider using driver code WIGL as a referral when applying. Thank you!*
I'm trying to get hired on got little over 2yrs all flatbed just got fired from my company broke a company policy my fault learned a hard lesson hopefully Melton will hire me on
Are you Gus still trucking ??! I’m with Melton too
Rocking it! Melton is a great place!
Truly was like we had known each other for years! Loved the opportunity to meet all three of you! Especially Evo! Lol y’all be careful out there tomorrow and definitely will keep in touch! Good night
Does Melton offer Automatic trucks?
Ronald Dorfeuille Yes! Melton currently has automatics and plans on eventually being an entire automatic fleet.